Fatigue Failures in Industry - Case Studies: Ž. Domazet and T. Piršic

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Dubrovnik, May 14 17, 2002






. Domazet and T. Piric

Keywords: Fatigue cracks and failures, repair welding, FEM

1. Introduction
In spite of numerous and expensive researches in the field of fatigue, cracks and failures caused by
fatigue occur every day in all fields of human activity. The paper presents some typical fatigue
damages in industry and transport. Fatigue failure of the main engine lateral support (at bulk carrier),
fatigue cracks at large portal crane, and the fatigue cracks and failures in large gear wheel of cement
mill are described.

2. Fatigue failures on the main engine lateral supports

Fatigue failures of main engine lateral supports, appeared on the series of new bulk carrier ships
(38100 DWT, main engine power 7150 kW). These failures caused significant financial impact to their
owner, too. On all of these sister ships, supports had cracked after approximately the same period of
few months of use.
2.1 Failure description:
Consequence of the cracking of the supports, figure 1, is obligatory stopping of the main engine. After
this had happened, the crew usually had attached additional reinforcements until new supports have
been finished. Therefore crack surfaces were not examined and only crack locations were known.
Supports have been cracked or failured on the location marked on figure 1.

Figure 1. Lateral engine support with observed failures



Also it was not known whether crack started from the middle of the beam and spread towards edges or
vice versa. After cracking one of the supports, loads were probably redistributed, each time in a
different manner. According to the description of cracks and failures, it was obviously that fatigue of
material took a place again, and its causes should be detected by detailed stress analysis.
2.2 Stress analysis
Due to complicated shape of crack area stress analysis was preformed by means of strain gages. Strain
gages were installed on all four beams (figure 2), in order to obtain operational loads (axial forces and
bending moments).

Figure 2. Setup of the measurements for nominal stresses determination

The measurements took place during the sea trial
of the new ship from the series. Measurement of
local stresses was done at the locations of crack
initiation spots, i.e. at the spot of the maximal
stresses. As the observed bending moments were
negligible, attention was put on the middle of the
joint. In order to obtain maximal stress, three
strain gages were applied (15-17), figure 3. As all
geometrically identical, on the other side of
support 3, strain gage 18 is applied as well as
gages 21, 22, 23 on supports 1, 2, 4, respectively.
The significant difference of measured axial
forces between supports was discovered. One of
Figure 3. Strain gauges for local stres
the beams was loaded with approx. 50% lower
load. However, maximal axial force F = 20 kN
(calculated from the nominal stresses) was within
the range of design load values. Measurements gave no significant bending moments. The results of
nominal stresses ( = 1015 MPa) could not be the reason for fatigue cracks, in spite of observed
differences from one support to others. Stresses at the crack initiation points were measured to
evaluate the quality of design. Three strain gages (15, 16 and 17) were used for extrapolation of
maximal stresses. Maximal stresses at the welds toe are extrapolated. Their amplitudes vary depending
on weld design but measured values of 70 or even 80 MPa could easily cause the initiation and
propagation of fatigue cracks.



2.3 The first case study discussion

According to existing S-N curves for such weldments and determined maximal stresses, it is possible
to predict the fatigue life of approx. 5 x 106 cycles, or a few weeks of service. This service life is too
short, compared with expected 20 years. This prediction is in good agreement with the time to failure
observed on former ships. Failures are mainly caused by inadequate joint design, of the support and
ship (hull) structure from one side, and insufficient weld quality. Namely, stress concentration factor
at critical area loc/nom 5 is quite unacceptable. It should be not more than 2 2.5, and
reconstruction of this important detail was necessary.

3. Fatigue cracks at large portal crane

This case study presents fatigue damage analysis and repair procedure that was carried out after the
cracks at 250 kN portal crane were detected. After few years of crane service, fatigue cracks occurred
at several critical points bottom of the tower and both legs of portal. Previous attempts of repair by
simple welding of cracks were not successful, because new cracks were detected soon after the repair.
When cracks reached the critical length, the exploitation of the crane was stopped and detailed
analysis was carried out.
3.1 Failure description
The cracks occurred at transition areas from vertical to horizontal supports on both legs, growing from
the corners and bringing into danger the whole construction, figure 4. First cracks were detected soon
after the crane was placed in the shipyard, so the allowed carrying capacity was reduced from 250
kN to 50 kN, but the cracks continued to grow. In order to find the source of crack initiation and
growth, the complete documentation
and calculations were checked. It
was found that calculations were
performed by using the simple beam
elements, without taking into account
the stress concentration, and the
influences of inertial forces and wind
were underestimated. Those facts led
us to perform the complete static and
fatigue analysis, to measure the real
Figure 4. Detected cracks
manoeuvres and to redesign the
critical places of the crane.
3.2 Measurement of stresses, COD and acceleration
To determine the dynamic behaviour of the construction strain gauges, two induction transducers for
displacement and capacitive transducer for acceleration were applied. Test load was 50 kN, and there
were no wind during the measurement. All data were recorded during the typical working cycles of the
crane and results were presented by great number of diagrams. Based on the analysis of these
diagrams, some general conclusions can be set:
the highest measure stress amplitude were about 150 MPa, but in practice stresses can be
higher, because of several reasons: - strain gauges were not attached at the places of highest
stress concentration (access is not possible because of cracks)
stress concentration factor k is about 2, what is not theoretical maximum
crack opening displacements reached 1.5 mm, what according to the Fracture Mechanics COD
concept indicates the stress of about 200-300 MPa
measured values of acceleration were up to 0.2 m/s2, what is acceptable, but during the test
the crane was driven very carefully in every days use, with the influence of wind, these
values can be higher.



it is interesting to notice that the stresses were mostly caused by the manoeuvres of the crane
stresses caused by the loads were not significant.

3.3 FEM Analysis

Finite Elements Method was used to determine the global stress distribution and to find out the weak
points of construction. Linear elastic model and 3D- Plate elements with four or three nodes and six
degrees of freedom was used. The geometry of the lower part of the crane was defined by 2191
elements (2327 elements in variants with stiffeners). Boundary conditions were defined as follows:
- all six degrees of freedom on the nodes at
the bottom contour of model were
- concentrated forces and bending moments
are distributed along the nodes on the top
of the model, representing the own weight
of upper part of the crane and particular
load case. The complete analysis included
17 variants, with various loads, with or
orientation of crane branch and including
the weight of construction. Typical results
of FEM analysis are shown on figure 5.

Figure 5. Typical stress distribution

3.4 Repair procedure

Strain gauge measurement and FEM analysis
showed the source of crack initiation high
stress concentration in the transition areas from
vertical to horizontal part of the supports. At
critical points those stresses exceeded the fatigue
strength of material and caused the crack
initiation and growth. Variable loads cannot be
avoided, so the only solution was to redesign the
critical areas in order to redistribute the local
stresses. FEM analysis also showed the best way
for redistribution of high stresses: application of
triangle stiffeners that fit the existing
construction (figure 5). Those stiffeners were
welded by using MAG process. The heat
treatment was used to minimize the residual
stresses and fatigue limit of welds was increased
by grinding the weld toes and roots. After the
Figure 6. Positions of attached strain gauges
repair was completed, stresses at critical points
were measured once again and compared to the
values predicted by FEM. Places where strain gauges were attached are shown on figure 6, and the
results are shown in Table 1. Presented results are approximate, because the strain gauges cannot be
attached perfectly at the same positions. According to data from Table 1., it is clear that the stresses at
critical points are significantly lowered, especially in critical areas. All the stresses are under the
fatigue limit, so the main source for crack growth is removed.



Table 1. Comparison of stresses before and after repair










Max. stress without stiffeners (MPa)

Not measured
Max. stress with stiffeners (MPa)









3.5 The second case study discussion

Sharp transition from vertical to horizontal plates at crane leg caused the initiation and growth of
fatigue cracks that brought into danger the whole construction. By replacing the plates that contained
cracks and applying the stiffeners at the places of cracks initiation, the sources of fatigue damages are
removed and the maximum stresses at redesigned construction are lowered to approximately one half
of previous values. Later examinations of the crane construction approved the success of this repair
two years after repair no new cracks were detected.

4. Fatigue cracks at cement mill gear

After 20 years in service, the great gear wheel of cement mill failed due to fatigue. When the whole
mill plant was stopped and inspected, additional seventeen fatigue cracks have been found at the tooth
fillets. The gear wheel was fabricated from cast steel and mounted in two ring parts at the front side of
the cement mill, figure 7.
4.1 Failure description
At several positions, very close to the
surface, a lots of casting errors (pores, slag
inclusions, etc.) have been found, figure 7.
Joint efforts of alternating stresses, casting
errors (sized several millimetres to several
centimetres) and most likely existence of
tensile residual stresses caused fatigue cracks
initiation and propagation at the critical
The cross section of the gear rim where
complete fatigue failure occurred (fatigue
crack No. 2), was additionally weakened by
decreasing the rim thickness due to
connecting bolts. The position of the cracks
is showed on figure 7. The surface crack
length varied from 20 mm to 600 mm (total
failure). Position and size (surface length) of
each discovered crack were estimated by
of non-destructive testing (magnetoFigure 7. Detected cracks on cement mill
flux method). In order to determine the
complete data on crack shape and size
(depth), and to perform repair welding, voluminous work (cracks removal by arc-air grooving has
been undertaken.
4.2 Stress analysis and fatigue cracks repair
During every revolution of cement mill and large gear, every tooth has been loaded twice (two small
gears) by tooth force alternating from zero to the maximum value. Numerical method (FEM) was used



to determine the stress distribution at the gear rim. Calculated maximum stress amplitudes have been
found at the tooth fillet, approximately 50 - 115 MPa, depending on their positions at the surface.
Stress intensity decreases very fast in the depth of the gear rim. These stress values could not be the
only reason for cracks initiation and propagation. In spite of great number of cracks and one complete
failure of gear ring, repair welding was performed. All necessary steps for the best quality insurance
(best welders, best welding rods, pre-heating, very slow cooling conditions, NDT inspection following
every layer, hammering of all layers, etc.) have been respected and documented. All described
activities took two months and cost approx. $50 000, instead of $300 000 for new gear ring and four
months for its delivery and montage. Three years after repair and frequent controls during the service,
no further cracks have been reported.

5. Conclusion
The case studies presented in this paper illustrate the circumstances of inappropriate design, from
fatigue point of view. It is obvious that in the case of variable loads, special attention should be paid to
fatigue crack avoidance and fatigue crack repairs as well. A lucky circumstance with many fatigue
failures is a relatively long crack propagation period from its origin to the final failure and crack can
be discovered easily. What to do with discovered fatigue cracks is a well known question in such
situations. The usual answer is one of the following actions:
instantaneous unloading of the entire system and replacing the cracked component
reducing the external loads and continuing careful crack growth control, and
retarding, stopping or even eliminating the crack (crack repair) in a very short time.
As the complete replacement can be time consuming and expensive, and reduction of service loads
with existing fatigue crack is very dangerous and mostly unacceptable, fatigue crack repairs seem to
be best solution. The necessary steps for a successful repair of fatigue cracked component should be
[Domazet 1996]:
a) Damage analysis: the first step with any damage and its possible repair should be damage analysis.
It should give answers to some important questions, such as: what is the reason for the fatigue
crack, how dangerous is the existing fatigue crack, how long is the remaining component life, etc.
b) Damage repair: the most frequent fatigue crack repair methods are: repair welding, metal
reinforcements, CFRP patches, arrest holes, etc. The final choice of adequate method and its
parameters depends on all data obtained by damage analysis and knowledge of repair methods.
The role of experience and case studies from literature should not be avoided either.
c) Reliability of repaired component: reliability of repaired components estimation of components
remaining life in accordance with new stress distribution and possible improvements of fatigue
strength. For this reason, the S-N curve of base component should be known. In this stage control
interval and control type (some of non-destructive testing methods) should be defined.
d) Documentation: correct and complete documentation of all undertaken activities, as well as quality
insurance, represents evidence of good work and valuable source for future repair jobs.
Domazet, ., Engineering Failure Analysis, Vol. 3, No. 2, 1996., pp. 137-147.
Domazet, ., Lozina, Z., Piric, T., Miina, N., ukic, P., FESB Report No. 01/99, Split, 1999.
Domazet, ., Barl, J., ukic, P., FESB Report No. 14/01, Split, 2001.
Prof. dr. eljko Domazet
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
and Naval Architecture, University of Split
Mechanical Engineering Department
R. Bokovica bb, 21000 Split, Croatia
Telephone (021) 305-770, Telefax (021) 463-877
Email: [email protected]



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