Basic Concepts of Fluid and Electrolyte Therapy

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Dileep N.

Andrew J. P. Lewington
Simon P. Allison

Basic Concepts
of Fluid and
Electrolyte Therapy

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Basic Concepts of Fluid and

Electrolyte Therapy
Dileep N. Lobo, MS, DM, FRCS, FACS
Professor of Gastrointestinal Surgery
University of Nottingham
Queens Medical Centre
Andrew J. P. Lewington, BSc, MD, MEd, FRCP, FRCPE
Consultant Renal Physician /Honorary Senior Lecturer
Leeds Teaching Hospitals
Simon P. Allison, MD, FRCP
Formerly Consultant Physician /Professor in Clinical Nutrition
Nottingham University Hospitals
Queens Medical Centre

Despite the fact that fluid and electrolyte preparations are the most
commonly prescribed medications in hospitals, a number of studies
have shown that the knowledge and practice of fluid and electrolyte
balance among young doctors is suboptimal, possibly due to inadequate teaching. This is responsible for errors in management, which
continue to cause avoidable morbidity and even mortality. It is not the
intention of the authors of this book to write a comprehensive textbook dealing with complex problems, but to provide a pocket book for
students, nurses and young doctors to help them to understand and
solve some of the most common practical problems they face in dayto-day hospital practice. The authors hope that it will also stimulate
them to pursue the subject in greater detail with further reading and
practical experience. In difficult cases, the young doctor should never
hesitate to ask for advice from senior and experienced colleagues.
Dileep N. Lobo
Andrew J. P. Lewington
Simon P. Allison

This book, Basic Concepts of Fluid and Electrolyte Therapy, fills a long
felt need for an up to date pocket guide to the subject. Water and
electrolyte balance is crucial for body homeostasis and is one of the
most protected physiological mechanisms in the body. While we can
survive for months without food, without water intake we die very
quickly. Similarly the body has very strong mechanisms to control salt
and water balance, an understanding of which has major implications
in clinical practice.
Despite salt and water balance being so fundamental for homeostatic
control, knowledge and practice of fluid and electrolyte therapy has
been shown to be appallingly poor among many health care professionals. The results of such knowledge surveys have been reported by
the authors and were surely the reason why they felt the urge to write
this book.
Dileep Lobo, Andrew Lewington and Simon Allison are all well
renowned experts in this field covering different aspects of the topic:
surgery, renal medicine and clinical nutrition. This allows for a broad
approach to the concepts of fluid and electrolyte management and
gives the book sufficient depth to fulfil the basic needs of all medical
The book covers the basics in physiology and pathophysiology, how to
assess fluid and electrolyte status, a clear overview of fluids used in
clinical practice and how to prescribe them, and then moves on to
describe and discuss some of the most common clinical problems.
The book is rich in tables and figures that help the reader grasp the
fundamentals, both physiological and pathophysiological. It contains
examples of how to address clinical situations and to monitor treatment, often with the help of simple cartoons and figures. The authors

have also done a fine job in explaining some of the more complex
issues involved, making this book a very useful read for everyone
involved in patient care, as well as for students in training for any
higher qualifications in the medical professions.
Whether you are a professional in medicine or a student, enjoy this
very interesting read, and make use of it in your practice!

Olle Ljungqvist MD, PhD

Professor of Surgery
rebro University and Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
President International Association of Surgical Metabolism and
Nutrition (IASMEN)
Chairman Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) Society

Table of Contents
1. Normal Physiology and Anatomy of the Body Fluids

2. Definitions


3. Assessment, Measurement and Monitoring


4. Properties of Crystalloids and Colloids


5. Prescription and Administration


6. Methods of Fluid Administration


7. Acid-Base Balance


8. Oliguria


9. Acute Kidney Injury


10. The Patient with Diabetes Mellitus


11. Disorders of Sodium, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium

and Phosphate


12. Refeeding Syndrome


13. Fluid Therapy and Outcome


Selected References




1. Normal Physiology and Anatomy

of the Body Fluids
When primitive marine unicellular organisms evolved into multicellular organisms and emerged onto land, they faced several physiological
challenges including the maintenance of water and salt balance in an
environment low in both. Rather than being surrounded by an external sea, they carried with them their own internal sea or extracellular
fluid (ECF), in which their cells could bathe in a constant chemical
environment, which the great French physiologist Claude Bernard
called the milieu interieur. In this environment the cells retain their
energy consuming and primeval capacity to pump sodium out and to
retain potassium in order to neutralise the negative charges of proteins and other ions.
While fluid balance is usually considered as that between the body
and its environment, i.e. external balance, disease also affects the
internal balance between the various body fluid compartments, e.g.
between the intravascular and interstitial components of the ECF,
between the intracellular fluid (ICF) and the ECF, and between the ECF
and the gut and other internal spaces.

Normal anatomy and physiology

Water comprises 60% of the body weight of an average adult,
although the percentage is lower in obesity, since adipose tissue contains less water than lean tissue. As shown in Fig. 1, the total body
water is divided functionally into the extracellular (ECF = 20% of
body weight) and the intracellular fluid spaces (ICF = 40% of body
weight) separated by the cell membrane with its active sodium pump,
which ensures that sodium remains largely in the ECF. The cell, how9

ever, contains large anions such as protein and glycogen, which cannot escape and, therefore, draw in K+ ions to maintain electrical neutrality (Gibbs-Donnan equilibrium). These mechanisms ensure that
Na+ and its balancing anions, Cl and HCO3, are the mainstay of ECF
osmolality, and K+ has the corresponding function in the ICF.

Interstitial space
(14% body weight)
Na+ 140 mmol/l
K+ 4 mmol/l

Cell membrane

Extracellular fluid (20% body weight)

Total body water (60% body weight)

Intracellular space
(40% body weight)
Na+ 8 mmol/l
K+ 151 mmol/l

Capillary membrane
Intravascular space (6% body weight)
Na+ 140 mmol/l
K+ 4 mmol/l (Plasma) Red blood cells

Figure 1: Body fluid compartments with approximate electrolyte concentrations.

Red blood cells (haematocrit) account for approximately 45% of total
intravascular volume.

The ECF is further divided into the intravascular (within the circulation) and the interstitial (extravascular fluid surrounding the cells)
fluid spaces. The intravascular space (blood volume = 5-7% of body
weight) has its own intracellular component in the form of red
(haematocrit = 40-45%) and white cells and an extracellular element
in the form of plasma (55-60% of total blood volume).

The intravascular and extravascular components of the ECF are separated by the capillary membrane, with its micropores, which allow
only a slow escape rate of albumin (5%/hr), which is then returned to
the circulation via the lymphatics at the same rate, thereby maintaining a steady state of equilibrium (Fig. 2). While the hydrostatic pressure within the circulation tends to drive fluid out, the oncotic pressure of the plasma proteins, e.g. albumin, draws fluid in and maintains
the relative constancy of the plasma volume as a proportion of the
ECF (Starling effect).


escape rate
of Albumin
4-5% per hour



Flux 10x the rate of

Albumin synthesis

40 g/l

ISS Albumin exceeds the

IVS Albumin by 30%
ISS = Interstitial space
IVS = Intravascular space

Albumin 35 g/l


Figure 2: Transcapillary escape of albumin in health.

There is also a clinically important flux of fluid and electrolytes

between the ECF and the gastrointestinal (GI) tract involving active
secretion and reabsorption of digestive juices (Fig. 3). In health there
is a constant flux between these various spaces and important physiological mechanisms ensure a constant relationship between them,
which we may term the internal fluid balance.


Oral intake 1.5-2 L

Saliva 1.5 L

Gastric juice
1.5 L

1.5-2 L


8 L enter

1.5 L cross

0.15 L
excreted in

3 L cross
jejunum and

Figure 3: Flux of fluid across the gastrointestinal tract.


The external fluid and electrolyte balance between the body and its
environment is defined by the intake of fluid and electrolytes versus
the output from the kidneys, the gastrointestinal tract, and the skin
and lungs (insensible loss). Since the external and internal balances
may be disturbed by disease, it is important to understand normal
physiology in order to appreciate the disorders, which may occur in

External balance
Values for the normal daily intake and output of fluid and electrolytes
are shown in Tables 1 and 2. These are only an approximate guide and
may have to be modified in the presence of excessive losses, e.g. of
water and salt through increased sweating and insensible loss in hot
climates. They may also need to be modified in the presence of disease, e.g. gastroenteritis, which causes abnormal losses of fluid and
electrolyte from the GI tract (Fig. 3 and Table 3).

Table 1: Approximate daily water balance in health

Intake (ml)

Output (ml)

Water from beverages



Water from solid food


Insensible losses from skin

and lungs




Metabolic water from oxidation




Table 2: Normal maintenance requirements


25-35 ml/kg/day


0.9-1.2 mmol/kg/day


1 mmol/kg/day

Table 3: Approximate electrolyte content of gastrointestinal and skin secretions

Na+ (mmol/l)

K+ (mmol/l)

Cl (mmol/l)










Pancreatic juice*













Gastric juice

Small intestine
Diarrhoea (adult)

* Pancreatic juice has a bicarbonate content of 50-70 mmol/l

Under normal circumstances most of our fluid intake is oral, but
remember that all food contains some water and electrolytes and also
that water and CO2 are end products of the oxidation of foodstuffs to
produce energy. This metabolic water is a small but significant contribution to net intake. Our drinking behaviour is governed by the
sensation of thirst, which is triggered whenever our water balance is

negative through insufficient intake or increased loss. It may also be

triggered by a high salt intake, which necessitates the intake and
retention of extra water in order to maintain the ECF sodium concentration and osmolality in the normal range.
Although, in the elderly, the thirst mechanism becomes blunted, it
ensures, on the whole, that our intake matches the needs of bodily
functions, maintaining a zero balance in which intake and output are
equal and physiological osmolality (280-290 mOsm/kg) is maintained.
More than a century ago Claude Bernard coined the term volume
obligatoire to describe the minimum volume of urine needed to
excrete waste products, e.g. urea, in order to prevent them accumulating in the blood. This concept implies that, if sufficient fluid has
been drunk or administered to balance insensible or other losses and
to meet the kidneys needs, there is no advantage in giving additional
or excessive volumes. Indeed, excessive intakes of fluid and electrolytes may be hazardous under certain circumstances (see below)
and overwhelm the kidneys capacity to excrete the excess and maintain normal balance. Salt and water retention becomes clinically
apparent in the form of oedema when the ECF has been expanded by
at least 2-3 litres.
Insensible loss: evaporation of water from the lungs and skin
occurs all the time without us being aware of it. In our temperate
climate the amount so lost is 0.5-1 litre/day. In a warm environment, during fever, or with exertion, we produce additional sweat
containing up to 50 mmol/l of salt.
GI losses: normally, the intestine absorbs water and electrolytes
very efficiently so that fluid loss in the stool is as little as 100150 ml/day, although, in the presence of disease this may be greatly increased (Table 3 and Fig. 3).

Kidney: this is the main organ for regulating fluid and electrolyte
balance as well as excreting the waste products of metabolism, e.g.
urea. In this function, its activity is controlled by pressure and
osmotic sensors and the resulting changes in the secretion of hormones. The modest daily fluctuations in water and salt intake
cause small changes in plasma osmolality which trigger osmoreceptors. This in turn causes changes in thirst and also in renal
excretion of water and salt. If blood or ECF volumes are threatened
by abnormal losses, volume receptors are triggered (see below) and
override the osmoreceptors. In the presence of large volume
changes, therefore, the kidney is less able to adjust osmolality,
which can be important in some clinical situations.
Organs, which sense the changes in osmolality of plasma
(osmoreceptors), are located in the hypothalamus and signal
the posterior pituitary gland to increase or decrease its secretion of vasopressin or antidiuretic hormone (ADH). Dilution of
the ECF, including plasma, by intake of water or fluid of osmolality lower than plasma, causes ADH secretion to fall, so that
the distal tubules of the renal glomeruli excrete more water and
produce a dilute urine (this dilution requires the permissive
effect of glucocorticoid upon the distal tubules and is, therefore, lost in adrenal insufficiency - one of the reasons for the
hyponatraemia of Addisons Disease). Conversely, dehydration
causes the ECF to become more concentrated, ADH secretion
rises and the renal tubules reabsorb more water, producing a
concentrated urine. In response to dehydration, the normal
kidney can concentrate urea in the urine up to a hundred-fold,
so that the normal daily production of urea during protein
metabolism can be excreted in as little as 500 ml of urine.


In the presence of water lack, the urine to plasma urea or osmolality ratio is, therefore, a measure of the kidneys concentrating
capacity. Age and disease can impair the renal concentrating
capacity so that a larger volume of urine is required in order to
excrete the same amount of waste products. Also if protein
catabolism increases due to a high protein intake or increased
catabolism, a larger volume of urine is needed to clear the
resulting increase in urea production.
To assess renal function, therefore, measurement of both urinary volume and concentration (osmolality) are important, and
the underlying metabolic circumstances taken into account. If
serum urea and creatinine concentrations are unchanged and
normal, then, urinary output over the previous 24 hours has
been sufficient, fluid intake has been adequate, and the urinary
volume obligatoire has been achieved.
Since the integrity of the ECF volume and its proportion of the
total body water are largely dependent on the osmotic effect of
Na+ and its accompanying anions, it is important that the kidneys maintain Na+ balance within narrow limits. If salt depletion occurs, then the ECF, and with it the plasma volume, falls.
Pressure sensors in the circulation are then stimulated and
these excite renin secretion by the kidney. This, in turn, stimulates aldosterone secretion by the adrenal gland, which acts on
the renal tubules, causing them to reabsorb and conserve Na+.


Conversely, if the intake of Na+ is excessive, the renin-aldosterone system switches off, allowing more Na+ to be excreted,
until normal balance is restored. The mechanism for salt conservation is extremely efficient and the kidney can reduce the
concentration of Na+ in the urine to < 5 mmol/l. On the other
hand, even in health, we are slow to excrete an excess salt load,
possibly because our physiology has evolved in the context of a
low salt environment and not until modern times been exposed
to excessive salt intake. The response of atrial natriuretic peptide to fluid infusions seems to be related more to volume
(stretching of the right atrium) than sodium load per se.
The mechanism for maintaining sodium balance may become
disturbed in disease, leading to Na+ deficiency or, more commonly, to excessive sodium retention, with consequent oedema
and adverse clinical outcome.
Potassium (K+)
Although only a small proportion of the bodys K+ is in the
extracellular space, its concentration has to be maintained
within narrow limits (3.5-5.3 mmol/l) to avoid the risk of muscular dysfunction or potentially fatal cardiac events. This is
achieved by exchange of K+ in the renal tubules for Na+ or H+,
allowing more or less K+ to be excreted. In the presence of K+
deficiency, H+ ion reabsorption is impaired, leading to
hypokalaemic alkalosis.


Diseases such as gastroenteritis, diabetic ketoacidosis or Addisons
disease cause their own specific changes in fluid and electrolyte balance, but there are non-specific changes which occur in response to
any form of injury or inflammation, which have important implications for management, particularly of surgical patients.
Response to injury
In the 1930s, Cuthbertson described the metabolic changes, which
occur in response to injury (including surgery and sepsis), as an
increase in metabolic rate and protein breakdown to meet the
requirements for healing. These changes were later shown to be due
to neuroendocrine and cytokine changes and to occur in three phases.
The ebb or shock phase is brief and is modified by resuscitation. This
gives way to the flow or catabolic phase, the length and intensity of
which depends on the severity of injury and its complications. As
inflammation subsides, the convalescent anabolic phase of rehabilitation begins. In parallel with these metabolic changes there are
changes in water and electrolyte physiology. During the flow phase,
there is an increase in ADH and aldosterone secretion leading to
retention of salt and water with loss of potassium. These changes are
exacerbated by any reduction in blood or ECF volume.
The normal, if somewhat sluggish, ability to excrete an excess salt and
water load is further diminished , leading to ECF expansion and oedema. The response to injury also implies that oliguria is a normal
response to surgery, and does not necessarily indicate the need to
increase the administration of salt and water or plasma expanders
unless there are also indications of intravascular volume deficit, e.g.
from postoperative bleeding. Salt and water retention after injury can
be seen as natures way of trying to protect the ECF and circulating


volume at all costs. It also explains why sick patients can be so easily
overloaded with excessive salt and water administration during the
flow phase. Since water as well as salt is retained, it is also easy to
cause hyponatraemia by giving excess water or hypotonic fluid. It is
important, therefore, to administer crystalloids, not only in the correct
volume but also in the appropriate concentration. In the presence of
the response to injury, the kidneys are unable to correct for errors in
The convalescent phase of injury is not only characterised by the
return of anabolism but also by a returning capacity to excrete any
excess salt and water load that has been accumulated. These periods
have been termed the sodium retention phase and the sodium diuresis phase of injury.
Transcapillary escape rate of albumin
The response to injury, stress and sepsis also results in an increase in
the size of the pores in the capillary membrane and the transcapillary
escape rate of albumin increases from about 5%/h in health to 1315%/h. This phenomenon can last from several hours to days. Albumin
leaks out from the intravascular compartment into the interstitial
space and along with it, water and sodium are also drawn into the
interstitial space. This results in a net contraction of the intravascular
compartment and expansion of the interstitial space (Fig. 4). As the
return of albumin to the circulation via the lymphatics is unchanged,
the net result is an intravascular hypovolaemia with oedema.




escape rate


<40 g/l

Water and Salt
ISS = Interstitial space
IVS = Intravascular space

Figure 4: Effects of an increase in the transcapillary escape rate of albumin.

K+ losses after surgery, sepsis and trauma are not only secondary to
increased excretion, but also to protein and glycogen catabolism. As
intracellular protein is broken down and its constituent amino acids
are released from cells, so intracellular negative charges are lost and
K+, with its balancing positive charges, passes out into the ECF to be
excreted. In situations where catabolism is extreme and renal function is impaired, the outflow of K+ from the cells may exceed the
kidneys capacity to excrete it, causing dangerous hyperkalaemia.
Conversely, in the convalescent phase, as net intracellular protein and
glycogen anabolism is restored, the cells take up K+ again and the
patients potassium intake has to be increased or else hypokalaemia
will develop.

Appropriate fluid therapy depends on an understanding of the underlying physiology and pathophysiology and a consideration not only of
external but internal fluid balance.


2. Definitions
Much confusion in the diagnosis and treatment of fluid and electrolyte disorders is caused by loose and ambiguous terminology. The
term dehydration, for example, meaning lack of water, is often used
carelessly and imprecisely to include salt and water lack or, even more
confusingly, intravascular fluid depletion. We therefore make a plea
for the use of precise diagnostic terms, which indicate clearly the
deficit or excess and the treatment required.
Anabolism the synthesis of large molecules from small ones, e.g.
protein from amino acids or glycogen from glucose.
Catabolism the breakdown of large molecules into small ones, e.g.
protein to amino acids or glycogen to glucose.
Total body water (TBW) percentage of body composition consisting
of water, approximately 60% of body weight, less in obesity and more
in infants.
Intracellular fluid (ICF) volume that part of the TBW contained within the cells, approximately 40% of body weight and 2/3rds of TBW.
Muscle cells contain 75% water and fat cells have <5% water.
Extracellular fluid (ECF) volume that portion of the TBW outside the
cells, approximately 20% of body weight and 1/3rd of TBW, sustained
osmotically mainly by sodium.
Interstitial fluid volume that portion of the ECF outside the circulation and surrounding the cells.


Intravascular fluid volume

the total blood volume consisting of red and white cells and plasma. May be estimated at approximately 5-7% of the body weight.
the plasma volume is that part of the ECF contained within the circulation and supported oncotically by the plasma proteins, separated from the interstitial fluid by the capillary membrane. Comprises approximately 3-4% of the body weight.
the effective circulatory volume refers to that part of the ECF that
is in the arterial system (normally 700 ml in a 70 kg man 10% of
body weight) and is effectively perfusing the tissues.
Salt in chemistry this is used to describe a whole family of compounds such as MgSO4, FeSO4, CaCl2, etc. but colloquially and in clinical practice it has come to mean NaCl, and that usage will be followed in this book.
Electrolyte a substance whose components dissociate in solution
into positively (cation) and negatively (anion) charged ions. For example, sodium chloride in solution (saline), dissociates into Na+ and Cl.
Other electrolytes of physiological importance include Ca2+, Mg2+, K+,
PO42-, etc. Glucose is not an electrolyte since it does not dissociate in
solution. At all times the total number of positive charges balances
the number of negative charges to achieve electrical neutrality.
Dehydration the term dehydration strictly means lack of water, yet
it is also used colloquially to mean lack of salt and water or even more
loosely to describe intravascular volume depletion. The terms wet
and dry are applied to patients with similarly imprecise meaning. We
make a plea for confining the use of dehydration to mean water lack
and for using unambiguous terms such as salt and water depletion,
blood loss, plasma deficit, and so forth, since these are clear diagnoses indicating logical treatments. It may, however, be used legiti24

mately to describe fluid deficit from sweating, remembering that a

litre of sweat contains up to 50 mmol Na+. This may require salt as
well as water replacement under tropical conditions.
Salt and water depletion this is one of the commonest problems in
hospital practice, arising from such conditions as diarrhoea and vomiting, ketotic and non ketotic diabetic decompensation, and diuretic
excess. The relative proportion of salt or water lack depends on the
source of the loss and the amount of water, which the patient has
consumed in order to assuage thirst: it is reflected in the serum concentrations of sodium and chloride.
Intravascular volume depletion this signifies a deficit in plasma or
total blood volume, as in burns or haemorrhage, or a reduction in circulating volume secondary to salt and water loss. The terms plasma
volume depletion or blood volume deficit are even more specific.
Salt and water excess this is most commonly iatrogenic, resulting
from excessive administration of saline, but is, of course, a feature of
congestive heart failure and other oedema producing conditions. It
takes 2-3 litres of salt and water excess before the extracellular fluid
is expanded sufficiently for oedema to become clinically apparent.
Again, the relative proportions of salt and of water overload, but not
the absolute amount of either, are reflected by the serum sodium and
chloride concentrations.
Solution fluid consisting of a solvent, e.g. water, in which a soluble
substance or solute, e.g. sugar or salt, is dissolved.
Crystalloid a term used commonly to describe all clear glucose
and/or salt containing fluids for intravenous use (e.g. 0.9% saline,
Hartmanns solution, 5% dextrose, etc.).

Colloid a fluid consisting of microscopic particles (e.g. starch or protein) suspended in a crystalloid and used for intravascular volume
expansion (e.g. 6% hydroxyethyl starch, 4% succinylated gelatin, 20%
albumin, etc.).
Balanced crystalloid a crystalloid containing electrolytes in a concentration as close to plasma as possible (e.g. Ringers lactate, Hartmanns solution, Plasmalyte 148, Sterofundin, etc.).
Osmosis this describes the process by which water moves across a
semi-permeable membrane (permeable to water but not to the substances in solution) from a weaker to a stronger solution until the
concentration of solutes are equal on the two sides.
This force is termed osmotic pressure or, in the case of colloids e.g.
albumin, oncotic pressure. It is proportional to the number of atoms/
ions/molecules in solution and is expressed as mOsm/litre (osmolarity)
or mOsm/kg (osmolality) of solution. In clinical chemistry the term
osmolality is the one most often used. For example, out of approximately 280-290 mOsm/kg in extracellular fluid the largest single contributor is sodium chloride. This dissociates in solution and therefore
its component parts Na+ and Cl exert osmotic pressure independently
i.e. Na+ (140 mmol/kg), contributes 140 mOsm/kg, and Cl (100 mmol/
kg) contributes 100 mOsm/kg. Additional balancing negative charges
come from bicarbonate (HCO3) and other anions. In the intracellular
space K+ is the predominant cation (see below).
Because glucose does not dissociate in solution, each molecule,
although much larger than salt, behaves as a single entity in solution
and at a concentration of 5 mmol/kg, contributes only 5 mOsm/kg to
the total osmolality of plasma.
The cell membrane and the capillary membrane are both partially permeable membranes although not strictly semi permeable in the
chemical sense (see below). They act, however, as partial barriers

dividing the extracellular (ECF) from the intracellular fluid (ICF) space,
and the intravascular from the interstitial space. Osmotic or oncotic
shifts occur across these membranes, modified by physiological as
well as pathological mechanisms.
Anion gap the difference between the plasma concentration of the
major cation Na+ (135-145 mmol/l) and the major anions Cl (95-105
mmol/l) and HCO3 (22-30 mmol/l), giving a normal anion gap of 5-11
It is enlarged in metabolic acidosis due to organic acids as in diabetic
ketoacidosis, lactic acidosis, renal failure, and ingested drugs and toxins.
Anion gap (mmol/l) = [Na+] ([Cl] + [HCO3])
The anion gap is normal in hyperchloraemic acidosis (e.g. after excess
0.9% saline administration). It is, therefore, useful in the differential
diagnosis of metabolic acidosis, although specific measurement of
organic acids such as -hydroxy butyrate or lactate may also be necessary to define the problem.
Strong ion difference (SID) Stewart has described a mathematical
approach to acid-base balance in which the strong ion difference
([Na+]+[K+]-[Cl]) in the body is the major determinant of the H+ ion
concentration. A decrease in the strong ion difference is associated
with a metabolic acidosis, and an increase with a metabolic alkalosis.
A change in the chloride concentration is the major anionic contributor to the change in H+ homoeostasis. Hyperchloraemia caused by a
saline infusion, therefore, will decrease the strong ion difference and
result in a metabolic acidosis.
Strong ion difference (mmol/l) = [Na+] + [K+] [Cl]
e.g. If Na+ is 140 mmol/l, K+ is 4 mmol/l and Cl is 100 mmol/l, the SID
is 44 mmol/l. The normal range is 38-46 mmol/l.

Base excess - Base excess is defined as the amount of strong acid that
must be added to each litre of fully oxygenated blood to return the pH
to 7.40 at a temperature of 37C and a pCO2 of 40 mmHg
(5.3 kPa). A base deficit (i.e., a negative base excess) can be correspondingly defined in terms of the amount of strong base that must
be added.
Acidaemia and Alkalaemia An increase in the H+ ion concentration
or a decrease in the pH is called acidaemia; a decrease in the H+ ion
concentration or an increase in the pH is called alkalaemia.
Acidosis and Alkalosis Processes that tend to raise or lower the H+
ion concentration are called acidosis and alkalosis respectively. These
may be respiratory, metabolic or a combination of both. CO2 retention
causing a rise in pCO2 in respiratory failure leads to respiratory acidosis and hyperventilation with a consequent lowering of pCO2 leads to
respiratory alkalosis. Accumulation of organic acids such as lactate or
-hydroxybutyrate or of mineral acidic ions such as chloride cause a
metabolic acidosis in which arterial pH falls below 7.4, bicarbonate is
reduced and pCO2 falls as the lungs attempt to compensate by blowing off more CO2. This is called a compensated metabolic acidosis.
Similarly, ingestion of alkalis such as bicarbonate or loss of gastric
acid cause a rise in pH and a metabolic alkalosis.
Maintenance - Provide daily physiological fluid and electrolyte
Replacement - Provide maintenance requirements and add like for
like replacement for on going fluid and electrolyte losses (e.g. intestinal fistulae).
Resuscitation - Administration of fluid and electrolytes to restore
intravascular volume.


3. Assessment, Measurement and Monitoring

As in all clinical conditions, assessment begins with a careful history
and examination, followed by bedside and laboratory tests. The key
features of assessment and monitoring of fluid balance are summarised in Table 4.
Table 4: Assessment and monitoring of fluid balance



Alerts to likelihood of fluid deficit (e. g. vomiting/diarrhoea/

haemorrhage) or excess (e. g. from intraoperative fluids)


Pallor and sweating, particularly when combined with tachycardia, hypotension and oliguria are suggestive of intravascular
volume deficit, but can also be caused by other complications,
e.g. pulmonary embolus or myocardial infarction.

Capillary refill

Slow refill compatible with, but not diagnostic of volume deficit.

Can be influenced by temperature and peripheral vascular disease.

Blood pressure

Cuff measurements may not always correlate with intraarterial monitoring.

Does not necessarily correlate with flow.
Affected by drugs (important to review medication charts).
Nonetheless, a fall is compatible with intravascular hypovolaemia, particularly when it correlates with other parameters
such as pulse rate, urine output, etc.
Systolic pressure does not usually fall until 30% of blood
volume has been lost.

Skin turgor

Diminished in salt and water depletion, but this can also be

caused by ageing, cold and cachexia.

Sunken facies

May be due to starvation or wasting from disease, although

compatible with salt and water depletion.

Dry mouth

A poor indicator. Compatible with salt and water depletion, but

usually due to mouth breathing.


The presence of pulmonary oedema should temporise further

fluid administration. Peripheral oedema (pedal and/or sacral)
occurs in volume overload but can occur in patients with
hypoalbuminaemia who are intravascularly deplete (check
serum albumin)



Urine output

<30 ml/h (<0.5 ml/kg/h) is commonly used as indication for

fluid infusion, but in the absence of other features of intravascular hypovolaemia suggesting a pathological cause, it is
usually due to the physiological oliguric response to surgery.
Urine quality (e.g. concentration, urine:plasma urea or osmolality ratio) is just as important, particularly in the complicated


24-h change in weight (performed under similar conditions)

best measure of change in water balance.
Takes account of insensible loss.
Simple to carry out by bedside.
May be difficult to measure in the critically ill.

Fluid balance

Inherently inaccurate in measurement and recording.

They do not measure insensible loss.
Large cumulative error over several days.
Good measure of changes in urine output, fistula loss, gastric
aspirate, etc.


Indicates ratio of electrolytes to water in the extracellular fluid.

A poor indicator of whole body sodium status.
Hyponatraemia most commonly caused by water excess. If
change in water balance over 24 h is known, then change in
serum sodium concentration can guide sodium balance.
Hypokalaemia, on the other hand, nearly always indicates the
need for potassium supplementation.
Blood bicarbonate and chloride concentrations measured on
point of care blood gas machines are useful in patients with
acid-base problems including iatrogenic hyperchloraemia.
Serum creatinine reflects both muscle mass and renal function.
Blood urea reflects renal function and protein catabolism.


Urinary sodium concentration may reflect renal perfusion and

a low value (< 20 mmol/l) is compatible with renal hypoperfusion (pre renal acute kidney injury), although it is also a
feature of the response to injury or sodium depletion.
Urinary potassium measurement is helpful in assessing the
cause of refractory hypokalaemia.
Urinary urea excretion increases several fold in catabolic states
(e.g. sepsis) and is an indication for provision of additional free
water to avoid hypernatraemia and uraemia.
Urinary and blood creatinine are combined to measure creatine
clearance to assess renal function.


This gives the initial clue to the likely abnormality and the type and
degree of deficit, e.g. a background of poorly controlled diabetes, a
story of vomiting and/or diarrhoea, diuretics in an elderly patient who
is confused, blood loss, burn injury etc.
Physical signs of fluid deficit are indicative but not specific, and no
conclusion should be drawn from any single feature (Table 4). The first
indication of a falling intravascular volume is a decrease in central
venous pressure (JVP/CVP). With progressive severity, pulse rate
increases (Fig. 5), followed by a fall in blood pressure with pallor and
sweating. The full-blown picture is called shock. In contrast, pink
warm peripheries, with rapid capillary refill after pressure, are usually
suggestive of an adequate circulation. Serial measurements of
JVP/CVP, pulse, blood pressure and urine output are sufficient to monitor most patients, but in complex cases or critical illness, such bedside examination may need to be supported by invasive techniques for
assessing cardiovascular function.
It should also be remembered that shock states due to volume depletion, cardiac causes, or sepsis share many similar features which
require expert assessment to distinguish.


Figure 5: Example of a vital signs chart showing a rising pulse rate and a falling
blood pressure, indicating progressive intravascular hypovolaemia secondary to haemorrhage.

Examination of the jugular filling with the patient reclining at 45

should be routine. If the level is elevated above the clavicle, this may
signify intravascular over-expansion by administered fluids, congestive heart failure, or both. If, however, no jugular filling is observed,
then lower the patient slowly until filling is observed. If filling is still
not seen or only seen with the patient nearly horizontal, then this may
signify an intravascular volume deficit.
This manoeuvre is particularly valuable in assessing patients still
receiving intravenous fluids some days after the acute phase of their
illness has subsided and recovery is slow or accompanied by complications. Such patients may have an expanded extracellular fluid (ECF)
with oedema due to excess crystalloid administration, but a diminished blood or plasma volume due to continuing leak of blood, protein
or serous fluid into wounds or inflamed areas. These findings indicate

the need for colloid to expand the intravascular volume, improve renal
blood flow and allow the excretion of the salt and water overload. If,
on the other hand, the jugular venous pressure (JVP) is elevated, then
immediate cessation of crystalloid administration, with or without
diuretics, will correct the underlying imbalance.

Measurements and Investigations

As described above, the volume and concentration of urine are important indicators of renal function. Oliguria may be physiological postoperatively, or indicative of intravascular or ECF deficit. If this is
accompanied by a concentrated urine and a rising blood urea, it is
termed pre-renal acute kidney injury (AKI), correctable by appropriate
fluid replacement. A persisting low volume and concentration combined with a rising blood urea and creatinine suggest AKI due to
intrinsic damage has now developed, necessitating some form of renal
replacement therapy (e.g. haemofiltration or haemodialysis). Changes
in urine volume must, therefore, be interpreted in the light of accompanying features and circumstances.
Nurses are often instructed to call junior doctors if the postoperative
urine output falls below 30 ml/h. As a consequence, the doctor often
prescribes extra saline just to be on the safe side. This commonly
results in salt and water overload. In fact, such oliguria is usually a
physiological response to surgery. While it is important to identify the
patient who has become hypovolaemic and to resuscitate adequately,
it is unlikely that a patient who appears well with warm pink peripheries and no tachycardia or tachypnoea has need of volume expansion. Urine output in such patients should be averaged over four hours
and interpreted in combination with serial trends in vital signs of circulatory adequacy.


Fluid balance charts

These provide useful information about changes in urine output and
abnormal losses, e.g. gastric aspirate, but they have inherent inaccuracies. With great care in measurement and recording, they may be
helpful in assessing balance over 24 hours. However, an assumption
has to be made concerning insensible loss, and errors in measurement
and recording are common. The cumulative error over several days
can, therefore, be considerable.
There is no substitute for daily weighing in order to monitor external
water balance accurately, yet outside renal units, it is seldom practised. As it is a major safeguard against clinically important errors in
fluid volume administration, it is well worth the extra effort and
resources required, particularly in complex post-operative cases. It
does, of course, only measure external balance, which may conceal
significant changes in internal balance between fluid compartments.
For example, in the presence of ileus or intestinal obstruction, large
volumes of extracellular fluid may be pooled in the gut and therefore
be functionally inert. Weight is, therefore, unchanged despite this
clinically important fluid shift, which reduces effective ECF volume
and necessitates salt and water replacement. Valuable as weighing is,
therefore, it cannot be followed blindly. Like any other parameter, it
requires intelligent interpretation in its clinical context and in the
light of all the other information available.
Invasive monitoring
Invasive techniques such as insertion of central venous catheters,
arterial lines and catheters to measure pulmonary artery wedge pressure are useful to help direct fluid therapy in more complex patients.


Laboratory tests
Changes in fluid balance cause increase or decrease in the concentration of red cells, e.g. in the acute phase of burn injury, plasma loss
may be monitored by frequent haematocrit measurements, which
therefore help to guide fluid replacement. Loss of ECF due to gastroenteritis or other causes similarly increases haematocrit. Conversely
fluid overload causes a fall in haematocrit due to dilution.
The albumin concentration behaves similarly to the haematocrit in
response to fluid deficit or excess. Indeed, dilution by infused crystalloids is one of the main causes of hypoalbuminaemia in surgical
patients. Another major cause is the increased albumin escape rate
from the circulation in response to proinflammatory cytokines
(Chapter 1).
With renal impairment due to either fluid deficit (pre-renal AKI) or
intrinsic AKI, blood urea concentration rises, the rate of increase being
greater in the presence of post injury catabolism. Urine output measurements are important but are subject to misinterpretation unless
other parameters are also considered. It is useful to combine measurement of urine volume with plasma and urine urea or osmolality
(mOsm/kg) to assess renal function. The urine to plasma urea ratio has
been used in the past to measure renal concentrating function and in
normal health can be as high as 100 in the presence of dehydration.
With a rising blood urea and creatinine, accompanied by oliguria,
urine to plasma urea ratio of <15 can be helpful in defining the transition to intrinsic from pre-renal AKI.


In the presence of AKI, a urine osmolality of >500 mOsm/kg is indicative
of a pre-renal cause (e.g. fluid deficit), whereas one <350 mOsm/kg
suggests that intrinsic renal damage has developed. Urinary and
serum osmolalities are also used in the diagnosis and monitoring of
diabetes insipidus and in the monitoring of hyper- and hypo-osmolar
states, to ensure that treatment is carefully controlled in order to
avoid too rapid changes in serum osmolality with consequent risks of
central nervous system damage.
Serum creatinine is a product of muscle metabolism and reflects muscle mass. Normally, therefore, it is higher in a 100 kg muscular man
than in a 40 kg elderly woman. For any individual, however, changes
in serum creatinine reflect renal function, although this has to fall by
more than 50% before the serum creatinine starts to rise. A more
sensitive measure of changes in renal function is creatinine clearance,
measured as: Creatinine clearance = (4 or 24 hr) urine creatinine concentration times urine volume divided by plasma creatinine concentration.
This is expressed as a concentration, i.e. the proportion of sodium to
water in the ECF. It is not a measure of the absolute amount of sodium in the body or the need for a higher or lower intake. In fact, the
commonest cause of hyponatraemia is dilution by overenthusiastic
administration of hypotonic fluids. If, however, water balance is
known from daily weighing, then changes in plasma sodium can usually be interpreted in terms of sodium balance. For example, if weight
is unchanged, a fall in plasma sodium usually implies that sodium
balance is negative and that intake should be increased in the next
prescription. On the other hand, if weight has increased by 2 kg and

the plasma sodium has fallen, the balance of water is positive and
hyponatraemia is dilutional. The next prescription should include less
water and the same sodium intake as before.
An alternative approach to sodium balance is to measure intake and
the sodium content of all fluids lost. This however, is difficult to do
accurately as well as being more demanding in staff time and
A falsely low serum sodium may be caused by hypertriglyceridaemia,
since triglycerides expand the plasma volume but contain no sodium.
Similarly hyponatraemia occurs in the presence of hyperglycaemia as
in decompensated diabetes, since glucose also acts as an osmotic
agent holding water in the ECF. This effect disappears as soon insulin
treatment causes cellular uptake of glucose and lowering of its concentration in the blood.
The normal serum potassium concentration lies between 3.5 and
5.3 mmol/l. Concentrations rising above 5.5 mmol/l progressively
increase the risk of death from cardiac arrest and require urgent
treatment which may include extra fluids, intravenous glucose and
insulin, bicarbonate, calcium gluconate (to stabilise the myocardium),
intrarectal calcium resonium and even renal replacement therapy.
Conversely, concentrations below 3.0 mmol/l increase the risk of
arrhythmias and indicate the need for potassium supplementation by
the oral or intravenous route.


Despite the fact that serum chloride measurements do not increase
the cost of biochemical screening, many laboratories no longer report
serum Cl. However, in the differential diagnosis of acidosis, particularly in patients receiving 0.9% saline (with its high chloride content
in relation to plasma) intravenously, it may be an important parameter to detect the development of hyperchloraemic acidosis in which
the plasma chloride is elevated and bicarbonate reduced.
Venous or arterial bicarbonate concentrations indicate acid-base
status as described above.
Serial data charts
The sticking of individual reports in the back of notes makes it difficult to detect clinically important trends. The only satisfactory way of
monitoring patients with fluid and electrolyte problems is the use of
serial data charts on which, each day, important data are recorded, so
that changes and trends can be seen at a glance. Our own practice is
to record daily weight, serum biochemistry and haematology, etc., on
charts, which are kept by the patients bedside. Although transferring
data to such charts is time consuming, it reduces time taken in clinical decision making as well as improving the accuracy of prescribing.
It also compels one to look at reports and think carefully about their


Table 5: Reference laboratory values for some commonly measured parameters

Haemoglobin (g/dl)
Haematocrit (%)

13.0-18.0 (men)
11.5-16.5 (women)
40-54 (men)
37-47 (women)

Na+ (mmol/l)





[Na+]:[Cl] ratio





HCO3 (mmol/l)






Ionised Ca2+ (mmol/l)





Glucose (mmol/l)


Urea (mmol/l)


Creatinine (mol/l)




PaO2 (kPa)


PaCO2 (kPa)


Lactate (mmol/l)


Albumin (g/l)


Osmolality (mOsm/kg)




4. Properties of Intravenous Crystalloids

and Colloids
A variety of crystalloids containing salt and/or glucose and of artificial
colloids is currently available for intravenous fluid therapy.
A combination of salt containing crystalloids and colloids is currently
used during resuscitation to expand the intravascular volume. The properties of some commonly used crystalloids are summarised in Table 9
and must be borne in mind before prescribing intravenous fluids.
The ability of a solution to expand the plasma volume is dependent on
its volume of distribution and the metabolic fate of the solute, so that
while colloids are mainly distributed in the intravascular compartment,
once the dextrose is metabolised, dextrose containing solutions are
distributed through the total body water and hence have a limited and
transient blood volume expanding capacity (Table 6). Solutions like 5%
dextrose and dextrose saline are not meant for resuscitation, but are a
means of providing free water when this is appropriate.
Table 6: Volume of infusion required to expand the plasma volume by 1 L
Infused volume

Change in
interstitial fluid
volume (ml)

5% albumin



25% albumin



6% hydroxyethyl






Hartmanns solution or 0.9% saline





5% dextrose

Change in
intracellular fluid
volume (ml)


* Fluid is drawn into the intravascular compartment from the interstitial compartment

Isotonic sodium-containing crystalloids are distributed throughout

the ECF (including the plasma) and textbook teaching classically suggests that such infusions expand the blood volume by 1/3rd the volume of crystalloid infused. In practice, however the efficiency of these
solutions to expand the plasma volume is only 20-25%, the remainder
being sequestered in the interstitial space. Although these solutions
are used successfully for this purpose the price paid for adequate
intravascular filling is overexpansion of the interstitial space and tissue oedema, which has to be excreted once the acute phase of illness
is passed. Solutions of dextrose or of hypotonic saline can cause significant hyponatraemia (Na+ <130 mmol/l), and care should be taken
to avoid this potentially harmful effect, particularly in children and
the elderly. Compared to balanced crystalloids, 0.9% saline produces a
hyperchloraemic acidosis because its high chloride content compared
with plasma (Table 9) causes a reduction in the strong ion difference
([Na+] + [K+] [Cl]). Hyperchloraemia also causes a reduction in
renal blood flow and glomerular filtration, gastrointestinal mucosal
acidosis and ileus, cellular dysfunction, impairment in mitochondrial
function and worse outcome. Excessive administration of sodiumcontaining crystalloids causes oedema, which also impacts adversely
on outcome. These effects are described in more detail in Chapter 13.
For these reasons, in most instances, balanced electrolyte solutions
are preferred to 0.9% saline.
Colloids are homogenous non-crystalline large molecules or ultramicroscopic particles dispersed through a fluid, usually a crystalloid.
Colloidal particles are large enough to be retained within the circulation and, therefore, to exert an oncotic pressure across the capillary
membrane. The ideal colloid should be readily available, have a long
shelf life, have no special infusion or storage requirements and be relatively inexpensive. It should be suspended in an isotonic solution,
have a low viscosity, be isooncotic with plasma and be distributed
exclusively in the intravascular compartment, with a half-life of

6-12 h. The colloid should be metabolised or excreted and should not

accumulate in the body. It should not be toxic, pyrogenic, allergenic or
antigenic and should not interfere with organ function (e.g. renal or
coagulation) or with acid base balance. There is no ideal colloid, that
completely fulfils all these criteria, and the colloids used for volume
replacement are either naturally occurring (human albumin solution,
plasma protein fraction, fresh frozen plasma, and immunoglobulin
solutions) or semisynthetic (gelatins, starches and dextrans). In the
UK, commonly used colloids include hydroxyethyl starch, succinylated
gelatin (Gelofusine), urea-linked gelatin (Haemaccel) and albumin (for
selected indications). Dextrans and high molecular weight starches
are used seldom or not at all. Older preparations of hydroxyethyl
starch are suspended in 0.9% saline while the newer preparations
(Volulyte, PVR, Tetraspan) and gelatins (Gelofusine and Haemaccel)
are suspended in balanced solutions, making them more physiological.
All currently available semisynthetic colloids contain 140-154 mmol
Na+ and therefore, contribute to the positive sodium balance seen in
surgical patients. Although studies on healthy volunteer and on
patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy suggest that the
plasma volume expanding capacity of 4% succinylated gelatin and
6% hydroxyethyl starch are similar, studies on patients with burns
and those undergoing major surgery suggest that outcomes may be
better with hydroxyethyl starch than gelatin.
Albumin solutions are monodisperse as they contain particles of uniform molecular weight (69 kD) while synthetic colloids contain particles of varying sizes and molecular weights in an attempt to optimise
the half life (which is directly proportional to particle size) and plasma
volume expanding capacity (which is proportional to the number of
particles suspended) of the solutions.
There are no indications for using albumin in acute resuscitation.
However, concentrated (20-25%) salt poor albumin may be useful in
patients in the post-acute phase of illness who are oedematous due

to salt and water overload, but who still have a plasma volume deficit,
as it helps draw fluid from the interstitial space into the intravascular
space and improves renal perfusion allowing excretion of excess salt
and water. Albumin is also used in patients with hepatic failure and
ascites. However, the prescription of this expensive preparation
should be confined to senior clinicians.
Although, in theory, colloids that are isooncotic with plasma should
expand the blood volume by the volume infused, in practice, the volume expanding capacity of these colloids is only 60-80%. Nevertheless, a given volume of colloid results in greater volume expansion
and less interstitial oedema than an equivalent volume of crystalloid.
Although, in practice in the UK, we use a combination of crystalloids
and colloids for resuscitation, there is, in fact, no firm evidence that
the use of colloids rather than crystalloids in the acute phase of injury
results in better outcome.
Table 7: Volume effects of some colloids
Colloidal solution

Duration of action

Initial plasma
expanding effect (%)

24-36 h
5-6 h


Medium acting
6% HES 200/0.5
10% HES 200/0.5
6% HES 130/0.40-0.42
4% Gelatin

3-4 h
3-4 h
4-6 h
3-4 h


Short acting
3% Gelatin
5% Albumin

2-3 h
2-4 h


Long acting
6% HES 450/0.7
6% HES 200/0.62

HES = hydroxyethyl starch. Properties are dependent on concentration, the weightaveraged mean molecular weight (Mw), the number-averaged molecular
weight (Mn), the molar substitution (MS) and the degree of substitution.

Table 8: Advantages and disadvantages of colloids



Smaller volumes than crystalloids are

needed for plasma volume expansion

Allergic reactions/anaphylaxis
[<0.4% - least for albumin (0.1%) and
hydroxyethyl starch (0.06%)]

Less oedema produced than with


Renal toxicity

Potential free radical scavenging effect Coagulation disturbance

May interfere with cross-match

There are good theoretical grounds for using colloids for plasma volume expansion as they cause less salt and water overload and oedema
than crystalloids. In practice, we tend to use a combination of the two
in varying proportion according to the circumstances. There are very
few indications for using 0.9% saline (e.g. chloride deficit from vomiting) and balanced crystalloids are preferred in most circumstances.


Table 9: Properties of commonly prescribed crystalloids















































HCO3 /


* Normal laboratory range from Queens Medical Centre, Nottingham


PlasmaLyte 148


NaCl / 4%


























(40 g)

(50 g)

(50 g)















5. Prescription and Administration

Appropriate fluid and electrolyte prescriptions may be administered
orally, enterally, subcutaneously, or intravenously, depending on the
clinical situation. Before any prescription is written it is important to
ask a number of questions:
(1) Does the patient need any prescription at all today?
(2) If so, does the patient need this for
a. resuscitation,
b. replacement of losses, or
c. merely for maintenance?
(3) What is the patients current fluid and electrolyte status and
what is the best estimate of any current abnormality?
(4) Which is the simplest, safest, and most effective route of
(5) What is the most appropriate fluid to use and how is that
fluid distributed in the body?
(1) If the patient is eating and drinking, the answer is usually no. In
the case of a post-operative patient, for example, any intravenous
fluids should be discontinued as soon as possible. Intravenous fluids are often continued unnecessarily, leading to fluid overload as
well as increased risk of cannula-site sepsis. Nasogastric tubes are
only indicated for drainage in the presence of true ileus or gastric
dysfunction (e.g. delayed gastric emptying after pancreatic surgery). In the majority of cases, morbity from nasogastric tubes
exceeds any benefit. Gastrointestinal function returns more rapidly post-operatively than previously assumed. The absence of
bowel sounds per se does not mean that food and drink will not be
tolerated. In the past, a combination of naso-gastric tubes and
excess intravenous fluids has frequently caused unnecessary delay
in reestablishing oral intake, thereby prolonging the length of stay.

Patients receiving artificial nutrition (parenteral or enteral) usually

receive an adequate amount of water and electrolytes via the feed
and most do not require additional intravenous fluids. It is a common mistake to prescribe intravenous maintenance requirements
in addition to the water and electrolyte content of the feed, leading to avoidable fluid overload.
(2) This question is crucial. Many patients are fluid overloaded
because prescriptions based on resuscitation are continued
thoughtlessly when maintenance fluids are all that is required.
Tables 1 and 2 in Chapter 1 show how low such maintenance
requirements are. For example 1 litre of 0.9% saline contains
enough salt to meet 2 days normal maintenance requirements.
Intravenous fluid therapy may be needed for resuscitation,
replacement or maintenance, depending on the stage of the illness (Fig. 6).

es ge
ss a
lo rrh
w o
Ne ae
sc es
su ss
re lo
ly g
te oin
ua ng
eq o
Ad no

bu at
t o el
ng re
oi su
ng sc
lo ita
ss te
es d,


Adequate replacement,
no ongoing losses


Inadequate maintenance/
ongoing losses

no longer

Figure 6: The relationship between resuscitation, replacement and maintenance.

a. Resuscitation: In the event of blood loss from injury or surgery,

plasma loss e.g. from burns or acute pancreatitis, or gastrointestinal
or renal losses of salt and water, a resuscitation regimen is needed
to restore and maintain the circulation and the function of vital
organs. In this situation, the recommendation is to infuse 500 ml
(250 ml if cardiac failure) of a balanced crystalloid stat (e.g. Hartmanns solution or Ringers lactate) rapidly. If hyperkalaemia is
present (K+ >5.5 mmol/l) or suspected oliguric AKI or rhabdomyolysis 0.9% saline is preferred initially (no potassium in crystalloid).
However, there is no evidence that administration of crystalloids
containing 3-5 mmol/l of K+ worsen the hyperkalaemia. The clinical response should be assessed immediately following administration of the fluid bolus in terms of improved peripheral perfusion,
decreased pulse rate, rise in blood pressure, rise in JVP and increase
in urine output. Further administration will depend on response
(Fig. 7). If 0.9% saline has been used initially conversion to a balanced crystalloid can be considered once potassium concentrations are known and good urine output established.
In the case of intravascular fluid losses, colloids or a combination
of colloids and crystalloids are appropriate to avoid causing excessive rises in oncotic pressure and potential osmotic nephrosis
(renal tubular injury).
Large volumes of 0.9% saline are best avoided, except after gastric
losses, because of the risk of producing hyperchloraemic metabolic
acidosis and its undesirable sequelae. In the case of major blood
loss it is also necessary to cross match and to give packed cells.
Early and adequate treatment of the underlying cause of fluid loss,
e.g. control of bleeding, is vital. In the severely injured patient,
resuscitation of blood loss with packed cells, fresh frozen plasma
and platelets in a ratio of 1:1:1 has been shown to be more beneficial than packed cells alone, as this helps correct the associated
coagulation defects.

Once resuscitation has been achieved as judged by normalisation

of vital signs and urine output or of parameters from more invasive
measurements, the prescriber should switch to a maintenance regimen with accurate replacement of any on-going losses. Exceeding
such requirements, on the unwarranted assumption that the
patient will excrete any excess, is deleterious to outcome and
delays recovery.
b. Replacement: any fluid prescription should incorporate not only
daily maintenance requirements, but replacement of any ongoing
abnormal losses. In the case of a patient with losses from the gastrointestinal tract, e.g. from a fistula or from nasogastric aspiration, the fluid prescription should include the daily maintenance
requirements plus like-for-like water and electrolyte replacement
of any losses. In order to achieve this, the prescriber should be
aware of the approximate electrolyte content of fluid from various
parts of the gastrointestinal tract (Chapter 1, Table 3).
c. Maintenance: Maintenance prescriptions should aim to restore
insensible loss (500-1000 ml), provide sufficient water and electrolytes to maintain normal status of body fluid compartments,
and sufficient water to enable the kidney to excrete waste products 500-1500 ml (Chapter 1, Tables 2 and 3). The average person
requires 25-35 ml/kg water, 1 mmol/kg Na and 1 mmol/kg K+ per
day. Examples of how to provide this maintenance requirement are
summarised in Table 10.


Table 10: Examples of maintenance fluid regimens (2-2.5 l/day) suitable for a 70 kg
0.45% Plasmalyte
saline in saline maintenance
(1-1.5 l)
+ 5%
(2-2.5 l) dextrose
(2-2.5 l)
(1 l)

(1 l) + 5%
(1-1.5 l)

(1 l) + 5%
(1-1.5 l)

(1 l) + 5%
(1-1.5 l)





























(Additional (Additional (Additional
K should
K should
K should
be added
be added
be added
to the 5% to the 5% to the 5%














(3) The answer to this question is summarised in Chapter 3. Decision

making should be informed by all the information available,
including history, examination, vital signs, measurements and
tests including urine output and concentration and serum biochemistry, fluid balance charts, weight changes, and an understanding of the likely patho-physiological changes. It should not
be based just on casual bedside assessment of unreliable and nonspecific signs such as dry mouth or diminished skin turgor.
Remember, serial weighing is the most accurate measure of external water balance.
(4) The most appropriate method of administration should be the
simplest and safest that is effective (Chapter 6). The oral route
should be used whenever possible. In acute situations and in the
presence of gastrointestinal dysfunction or large deficits, the
intravenous route is the most appropriate. This, however, should
be discontinued at the earliest opportunity. Enteral tube administration may be appropriate where swallowing is the major problem. Subcutaneous infusions should be considered, particularly in
the elderly, for the management of chronic or recurrent problems.
(5) The most appropriate fluid to use is that which most closely
matches any previous or ongoing losses (Chapter 4). Recent published data favours the use of balanced electrolyte solutions
rather than 0.9% saline to replace salt and water deficits, except
in the case of losses of gastric juice with its high chloride content.
Following intravascular fluid losses, current thinking favours a
combination of artificial colloid and balanced electrolyte solutions, supported by packed cells after significant blood loss.



500 ml fluid bolus stat

(250 ml if in
cardiac failure)

Clinical response


Continue IV fluids
guided by assessment
of volume status


500 ml fluid bolus stat

(250 ml if in
cardiac failure)

Clinical response



500 ml fluid bolus stat

(250 ml if in cardiac failure)
Senior Medical Review

Figure 7: Suggested algorithm for resuscitation of non-haemorrhagic shock.



6. Methods of Fluid Administration

Oral or enteral
The use of oral rehydration solutions to treat diarrhoeal disease in
both children and adults is one of the most commonly used treatments worldwide, particularly in developing countries. They can also
be useful in the management of short bowel or inflammatory bowel
disease in hospital or at home.
These preparations are based on the principle that salt absorption in
the small bowel is linked to that of carbohydrate and is, therefore,
enhanced by glucose, glucose polymers and starch (e.g. rice water).
Some preparations also contain K+ and an alkalising agent to counter
acidosis. In developing countries, they can be made using locally
available materials, with simple measuring devices to ensure the correct proportions of salt, sugar or rice starch, and boiled water. In the
UK commercial preparations are available (see British National Formulary), 5 sachets of Dioralyte, for example, reconstituted in 1 litre of
water, give Na+ 50 mmol, K+ 20 mmol, Cl 50 mmol, citrate 10 mmol,
and glucose 99 mmol. The WHO formula contains 75 mmol Na+. These
are suitable for diarrhoeal diseases in children and most adults,
although, in short bowel syndrome or inflammatory bowel disease in
adults, a more concentrated solution may be required and can be
obtained mixing more sachets per litre.
These solutions may also be administered via enteral tubes where oral
administration is difficult. Monitoring of oral or enteral fluid treatment follows the same general principles as outlined in Chapter 3.
One of the advantages of oral and enteral administration is that it is
difficult to give excess fluid owing to limited tolerance. With intravenous fluids it is only too easy to give excess salt and water with


deleterious consequences. On the other hand when fluid losses are

very great, the intravenous route may be necessary for resuscitation,
replacement and to maintain balance.
Most fluids are infused via a peripheral venous cannula. Such cannulae should be inserted and maintained using meticulous care, technique and protocols, since their potential for causing morbidity and
even mortality from infection is often underestimated. Each hospital
should have clear guidelines, as part of clinical governance, to ensure
optimal care of peripheral cannulae (Fig. 8). Insertion sites should be
inspected daily and cannulae removed or resited at the earliest sign of
any inflammation. In any case, it is good policy to resite cannulae at
least every 72 h.

Figure 8: Example of a sticker used for peripheral cannula insertion.


Modern single or multi lumen polyurethane or silastic cannulae
inserted via the internal jugular or subclavian vein have even greater
potential than peripheral cannulae to cause morbidity and mortality
unless inserted and maintained by skilled staff observing strict protocols.
Sub-cutaneous route (Hypodermoclysis)
This method has been used in paediatrics and geriatrics for many
years, but it is so effective for replacing small or medium fluid and
electrolyte losses in patients unable to maintain balance by the oral
route, that it deserves wider use. One of its virtues is that patients or
their carers can be taught to manage it at home. We have found it
particularly useful for domiciliary use in adult and elderly patients
with salt and water losses from gastrointestinal diseases.
0.9% saline (500-2000 ml daily) or 5% dextrose (500 ml) containing
up to 20 mmol K+ and/or 4 mmol Mg2+ per litre may be infused over
3-4 hours via a fine butterfly cannula inserted into the subcutaneous
fat, usually over the torso.
Infusion pumps
When fluid is delivered by either the enteral or parenteral route, what
is prescribed is not necessarily what is delivered and patients may
receive either too much or too little as a result of inaccuracies in
delivery rates. It is now recommended that fluids should be delivered
with infusion pumps at predetermined rates, which can be up to
999 ml/h. This increases the accuracy of fluid delivery. Nevertheless,
delays in changing fluid bags once they are empty may still lead to


Table 11: Setting rates of infusions on pumps

Rate of infusion

Duration for delivery of 1 litre

41.7 ml/h

24 h

55.6 ml/h

18 h

83.3 ml/h

12 h

100 ml/h

10 h

125 ml/h


166.7 ml/h


250 ml/h


500 ml/h


999 ml/h


In planning fluid replacement it is important to select the safest, simplest and most appropriate route and to monitor this carefully to
avoid over- or under-treatment and any potential complications of
the method. The aphorism, if the gut works, use it is as appropriate in
fluid therapy as it is in nutritional care.


7. Acid-Base Balance
Maintenance within narrow limits of the normal acid base composition of the milieu interieur is essential for the optimal function of
tissues. The kidneys together with the lungs and liver play an essential
role in the maintenance of normal acid-base balance and arterial
blood pH (Table 12). The kidneys remove acid and regenerate bicarbonate, the lungs can regulate the removal of acid (CO2) by varying
respiratory rate and the liver removes and recycles lactate. Therefore,
patients with advanced chronic kidney disease (eGFR < 30 ml/min/
1.73 m2), liver disease or underlying respiratory disease are at
increased risk of developing acid-base abnormalities at times of acute
Table 12: Normal arterial blood acid-base measurements


7.35 - 7.45

PaO2 (kPa)


PaCO2 (kPa)


HCO3 (mmol/l)

22 - 26

Base excess (mmol/l)

2 - +2

Anion gap (mmol/l)

5 - 11

A normal blood pH of 7.35-7.45 is maintained by different buffering



The blood buffering system, which is dependent upon

the relative proportions of carbonic acid from carbon dioxide (CO2)
and of bicarbonate (HCO3) defined by the Henderson-Hasselbach
equation. Note that the pH is determined by the ratio of HCO3 to
pH = 6.10 + log

[ HCO3 ]
0.03 pCO2

phosphate (organic and inorganic)
bone and its calcium salts
The kidney buffering system which
controls hydrogen (H+) and bicarbonate (HCO3) excretion or reabsorption as well as the conversion of ammonia (NH3) to ammonium
(NH4+) in the urine.
The lung buffering system which controls
the carbon dioxide (CO2) in the blood, increasing expired CO2 when
more is produced or to compensate for metabolic acidosis.
The liver buffering system which
removes and recycles the large amounts of lactate produced by
anaerobic respiration (the Cori cycle).
Disease states can disrupt this finely balanced system resulting in a
dangerously low (pH <7.1) or dangerously high pH (pH >7.6). Specific
patient management will depend upon the clinical status of the
patient and correction of the underlying cause. This chapter will pro62

vide a simple description of the most common forms of the simple

acid-base disorders. Expert advice should be sought if it is suspected
that the patient has a more complex form of acid-base disorder.
Approaches to acid-base balance
There are essentially two different ways to approach acid-base disorders.
The traditional Schwartz-Bartter approach which accepts the
Bronsted-Lowry definition of acids as proton donors and bases as
proton acceptors. The hydrogen ion concentration is a function of
the ratio between the PCO2 and the serum bicarbonate (as above).
The traditional approach utilises the anion gap calculation to classify acid-base disturbances and is the method used in this chapter.
The Stewart approach, termed the Strong Ion Difference (SID), is
based on the principle that the serum bicarbonate concentration
does not alter blood pH. This approach is favoured by intensivists
and anaesthetists and is described separately towards the end of
this chapter.
Clinical presentation
It is important in every acutely ill patients to consider whether there
may be an underlying acid-base disturbance. Serum bicarbonate and
chloride are not standard components of all U&E reports and,
therefore, may have to be specifically requested. Severe acidaemia
(pH <7.1) results in impaired cardiac function and vascular tone.
Severe alkalaemia (pH > 7.6) results in irritability of cardiac and skeletal muscle.


Conditions commonly associated with acid-base disorders include:

acute kidney injury
respiratory failure
altered neurological status
decompensated diabetes
hypo- or hyperkalaemia
potassium metabolism is intimately linked with acid-base
prolonged and excessive infusions of saline
If an acid-base disturbance is suspected from clinical features the following investigations should be performed initially:
Urea, creatinine and electrolytes
Arterial blood gases (including lactate)
Step-by-step pathway to identify underlying cause
pH to determine whether acidaemia or alkalaemia
change in bicarbonate and base excess = metabolic process

change in Pco2 = respiratory process

determine whether
simple disorder i.e. either metabolic or respiratory process alone
mixed disorder i.e. a combination of a metabolic and respiratory process occurring together. There will be evidence of compensatory changes in either bicarbonate or Pco2
calculate the anion gap
determined primarily by negative charge on serum proteins,
particularly albumin
serum anion gap = unmeasured anions unmeasured cations
anion gap = [Na+] ([HCO3] + [Cl])
normal anion gap = 5-11 mmol/l
in hypoalbuminaemia the normal anion gap is adjusted downward by 2.5 mmol/l for every 10 g/l reduction in serum albumin
an increase in anion gap indicates a tendency towards acidosis
and a decrease a tendency towards alkalosis.
measure blood sugar, serum lactate and/or -hydroxybutyrate
concentrations to determine cause of metabolic acidosis
identify and treat the underlying cause
Simple acid-base disorders
Table 13 demonstrates simple acid-base disorders in terms of the primary change in bicarbonate or carbon dioxide, the compensatory
changes that occur and the effect on pH. By a simple rule of thumb in
simple acid-base disorders the acid-base buffer pair change in the
same direction. If they change in the opposite direction the disorder
must be mixed.


Table 13: Simple acid-base disorders

Primary change Compensation

Effect on pH

Metabolic acidosis




Metabolic alkalosis




Respiratory acidosis




Respiratory alkalosis




Causes of simple acid-base disorders

The cause of an acid-base disorder is often apparent from the clinical
presentation. Metabolic acidosis is best considered as associated with
a high anion gap (Table 14) or a normal anion gap (Table 15).
Table 14: Causes of a metabolic acidosis with a high anion gap

Lactic acidosis
tissue hypoxia
liver failure
Drug toxicity
ethylene glycol
Kidney disease
chronic kidney disease
acute kidney injury


Table 15: Causes of metabolic acidosis (hyperchloraemic) with a normal anion gap

Gastrointestinal HCO3 loss

Renal HCO3 loss
renal tubular acidosis
Infusion of 0.9% saline
Metabolic acidosis with a high anion gap - can be caused by four
broad categories of disorders including ketoacidosis, lactic acidosis,
poisonings or advanced acute or chronic kidney disease.
Ketosis occurs when there is a lack of insulin or glucose depletion. To
compensate fatty acids are oxidised to produce energy which results
in the production of ketoacids as a by-product.
Severe diabetic ketoacidosis occurs secondary to insulin deficiency
(Chapter 10)
Ketosis may also occur with prolonged starvation or in alcoholics
Lactic acidosis is subdivided into
Type A lactic acidosis - secondary to insufficient oxygen delivery to
the tissues
hypovolaemic shock
cardiogenic shock
septic shock
Type B lactic acidosis impaired gluconeogenesis causing inability
to clear lactate
liver failure

Drug toxicity can be subdivided into

ethylene glycol/methanol
metabolism generates glycolate (ethylene glycol) and formate
elevated osmolal gap (difference between the measured serum
osmolality and calculated osmolality)
calculated osmolality = 2 [Na+] + glucose + urea
intoxication is likely if the difference between measured and
calculated osmolality is greater than 25 mOsm/kg
calcium oxalate crystals in the urine suggests ethylene glycol
may result in a metabolic acidosis, respiratory alkalosis or a
mixed acid-base disorder
Kidney disease
chronic kidney disease and acute kidney injury result in reduced
excretion of the daily acid load (sulphates, phosphates and
organic anions)
regeneration of bicarbonate
Metabolic acidosis (hyperchloraemic) with a normal anion gap the
commonest cause is excess 0.9% saline infusion. It can also be caused
by gastrointestinal or renal HCO3 loss. Rarer causes include inorganic acid intake.
Gastrointestinal HCO3 loss results from
diarrhoea and external fistulae from the pancreas and small bowel
increased chloride absorption occurs as a compensatory mechanism resulting in a hyperchloraemic metabolic acidosis with a
normal anion gap

Renal HCO3 loss results from

renal tubular acidosis (RTA), conditions that are caused by
failure to reabsorb HCO3 from the proximal tubule (type II RTA)
HCO3 loss from the distal tubule (type I RTA)
acetazolamide (carbonic anhydrase inhibitor) which inhibits HCO3
Metabolic alkalosis can occur in association with fluid depletion or
mineralocorticoid excess (Table 16). In metabolic alkalosis associated
with fluid depletion there is loss of fluid rich in H+ or Cl from the
bowel, kidneys or skin. Metabolic alkalosis may occur in hyperaldosteronism, in the absence of fluid depletion, as a result of enhanced
renal H+ secretion.

Table 16: Causes of metabolic alkalosis

Fluid depletion
gastric suction
Cushings syndrome

Respiratory acidosis - may occur acutely due to respiratory depression

secondary to drugs or neurological damage, respiratory muscle weakness, chest injury or acute airways obstruction. In some cases of
chronic obstructive airways disease Pco2 may also be permanently
elevated, when it may be partially compensated for by an increase in
plasma HCO3.

Existing respiratory disease may be exacerbated perioperatively by

atelectasis, respiratory infection, retained sputum, abdominal distension, splinting of the diaphragm, pain from the wound or high doses
of opiates. Epidural analgesia may be advantageous in these respects.
In severe cases, particularly those with prior lung disease, bronchial
suction and mechanical ventilation may be necessary. Chest physiotherapy is also vital in many cases.
Respiratory alkalosis is due to hyperventilation, causing a low Pco2
and in chronic cases, some compensatory reduction in HCO3. It may
be iatrogenic due to deliberate or mistakenly overenthusiastic artificial ventilation, or secondary to anxiety or distress. It may be associated with paraesthesiae, tetany and chest pain.
The principles of management involve correcting any abnormalities of
fluid and electrolyte balance (e.g. hypovolaemia, salt and water
deficit). The underlying cause for the acid-base disorder (e.g. ketoacidosis, acute kidney injury, sepsis) must be diagnosed and managed
promptly. In general, specific therapy to correct the HCO3 or Pco2
should only be contemplated if the acid-base disorder is affecting
organ function or if the pH is < 7.1 or > 7.6.
Patients identified as having a metabolic acidosis secondary to ethylene glycol or methanol intoxication need immediate referral to the
renal team for consideration for intermittent haemodialysis to remove
the toxin. Additional management should be guided by advice from a
poisons centre, but will include the intravenous infusion of alcohol to
prevent the breakdown of ethylene glycol and methanol to their toxic
metabolites by alcohol dehydrogenase. If available fomepizole, an
alcohol dehydrogenase inhibitor is the preferred first line therapy.


Mixed acid-base disorders

These are defined as the presence of more than one acid-base disorder. The patients history or a lesser or greater than predicted compensatory respiratory or renal response may raise suspicions of mixed
acid-base disorder.
A normal pH in the setting of substantial changes in both serum
HCO3 or arterial Pco2 indicates a mixed-acid base disorder is present.
Stewart approach to acid-base disorders
The Stewart approach, termed the Strong Ion Difference (SID), is
based upon the central tenet that serum bicarbonate does not alter
blood pH. Stewart defined acids as ions that shift the dissociation
equilibrium of water to a higher concentration of H+ and a lower concentration of OH-.
The SID is the difference between the completely dissociated cations
and anions in the plasma. It is defined as the difference between the
sum of the strong cations, Na+ , K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+ and the sum of the
net charge of the major strong cations, Cl and lactate.
SID = (Na+ + K+ + Ca2+ + Mg2+) (Cl + lactate) = 38-46 mmol/l
An increase in the SID is associated with an increase in blood pH, an
alkalosis, e.g. vomiting leads to a loss of chloride and a decrease in
serum chloride levels resulting in an increase in SID and alkalosis. The
Stewart approach therefore explains the alkalosis associated with
vomiting as excessive loss of chloride.
A decrease in SID is associated with a decrease in blood pH, an acidosis, e.g. the excessive infusion of saline results in an increase in chloride levels and therefore a decrease in SID and an acidosis. The Stewart approach therefore explains the hyperchloraemic metabolic
acidosis associated with excessive saline infusion by the gain of chloride.


8. Oliguria
Oliguria is defined as a urine output < 0.5 ml/kg/h. It may be physiological (a normal response to surgery/injury) or pathological (secondary to acute kidney injury (AKI). It is important to establish the
cause of AKI with the most common cause being hypovolaemia and/or
sepsis resulting in hypoperfusion of the kidneys (Chapter 9). There are
other causes of renal hypoperfusion (e.g. cardiac causes), but this
chapter will focus on that caused by hypovolaemia.
Physiological oliguria
Oliguria occurring soon after uncomplicated surgery is usually part of
the normal physiological response to injury, conserving salt and water
in an attempt to maintain intravascular volume. Isolated oliguria in
the first 48 hours after uncomplicated surgery does not necessarily
therefore reflect hypovolaemia, although it may do so if confirmatory
features of intravascular hypovolaemia are present, e.g. tachycardia,
hypotension, low central venous pressure (CVP/JVP), decreased capillary refill, etc. (Table 17).
The key clinical question is whether or not the oliguria is secondary to
significant intravascular hypovolaemia requiring treatment. It is,
therefore, essential that the patients volume status is assessed carefully (Table 17). Remember that serial changes give more information
than single observations. Also remember the importance of charting
data in a serial manner and in a way that is easily accessible to the
clinician. In difficult cases, particularly intra-operatively, invasive
monitoring may be required additionally to guide optimal treatment.


Urine output should be interpreted in the light of these clinical signs

and measurements before giving fluid treatment, which may not only
be unnecessary, but also deleterious. Unnecessary fluid therapy not
only expands the blood volume excessively but also over-expands the
interstitial fluid volume, causing oedema and weight gain. The metabolic response to surgery impairs the patients ability to excrete the
additional saline load, making interstitial oedema worse, compromising organ function and increasing the risk of morbidity and mortality.
Other consequences are dilution of the haematocrit and serum albumin concentration.

Table 17: Assessment of volume status

Capillary refill time

Pulse rate
Beta blockers/diltiazem (prevent tachycardia)
Blood pressure
Lying and standing
Jugular venous pressure
Skin turgor (over clavicle)
Lungs (pulmonary oedema)
Heart sounds (gallop rhythm - hypervolaemia)
Urine output
Weight change to assess water balance


Oliguria secondary to AKI

Although it is important not to give excess fluid, failure to recognize
and treat hypovolaemia (and pre-renal AKI) adequately may compromise organ perfusion and result in intrinsic AKI. There is evidence that
patients with oliguric AKI have more severe tubular damage and a
worse outcome.
Once a diagnosis of AKI has been made the underlying cause must be
established (Chapter 9). The most common causes are hypovolaemia
and/or sepsis leading to hypoperfusion of the kidneys. Clinical examination must be performed to establish the patient's volume status and
the source of sepsis must be identified and treated promptly. If the
patient is hypovolaemic then appropriate fluid therapy must be given
according to a documented management plan, which requires regular
review and defined endpoints (Fig. 9).
In a patient with hypovolaemia and oliguric AKI
consider insertion of a central venous pressure (CVP) line and urinary catheter (not mandatory and could introduce infection) to aid
with the assessment of volume status
resuscitate with IV fluids (fluid challenge)
stat fluid bolus of 500 ml (250 ml if cardiac failure) of a balanced crystalloid (e.g. Hartmanns solution or Ringers lactate)
rapidly. If hyperkalaemia is present (K+ >5.5 mmol/l) or suspected oliguric AKI or rhabdomyolysis 0.9% saline is preferred initially (no potassium in crystalloid). However, there is no evidence that administration of crystalloids containing 3-5 mmol/l
of K+ worsen the hyperkalaemia.


assess clinical response to fluid in terms of

capillary refill time
pulse (reduction in pulse if tachycardic)
jugular venous pressure (rise in JVP)
blood pressure (rise in BP)
pulmonary oedema (if present stop iv fluid)
urine output
if there is a clinical response to fluid bolus continue with replacement fluids and discuss further fluid therapy management plan
with senior member of team.
if there is no clinical response and no pulmonary oedema administer further 500 ml of crystalloid, reassess clinically and discuss
with senior member of team. Remember to consider postoperative
bleeding as a cause for the hypovolaemia and failure to respond to
a fluid challenge.
if the patient has volume unresponsive oliguric AKI continue with
iv fluids cautiously, matching urine output and monitoring for
signs of respiratory distress (rising respiratory rate, pulmonary
oedema or falling oxygen saturations). Refer to the renal team.
Oliguric AKI secondary to hypovolaemia is either volume responsive or
unresponsive. In some cases, despite apparently adequate intravascular volume replacement the patient remains oliguric and unresponsive
to any further fluid challenge. At this point, to avoid precipitating pulmonary oedema, no further intravenous fluid should be administered
and the patient should be referred to the renal team. In patients who
are fluid responsive, further fluid replacement can be prescribed as
hourly fluid input equal to the previous hours output plus 30 ml, with
continuous monitoring and frequent review.


A common clinical question with oliguric AKI is whether the administration of loop diuretics (furosemide, bumetanide) improves renal
recovery by increasing urine output. Studies have demonstrated that
the use of high-dose loop diuretic to increase urine output in patients
with established AKI does not decrease the need for renal replacement therapy or improve survival.
Loop diuretics may have a short-term role in managing fluid overload
and pulmonary oedema. In these patients intravenous loop diuretics
may be used cautiously to try and establish a diuresis and treat the
pulmonary oedema. If the patient fails to respond, referral to the renal
team is recommended. It must be remembered that high-dose loop
diuretics are not without side-effects and may cause permanent hearing loss.


Oliguria following surgery

< 0.5 ml/kg/h

Assesses patients volume status

Capillary refill
Pulse rate
BP (lying /standing)
Odema (pulmonary/peripheral)
Weights/Fluid balance charts




IV fluids to correct

Exclude obstructed
urinary tract

Oliguria is fluid

Continue with
maintenance fluids



Continue with
maintenance fluids

Stop iv fluids
Consider iv loop diuretics if
fluid overloaded

Regular review of
volume status
Monitor electrolytes

Regular review of
volume status
Monitor electrolytes

Oliguria persists > 48 h

rising serum creatinine

Oliguria persists and /or

No response to loop diuretics

Continue with usual post

operative management

Refer to renal team

Continue with usual post
operative management

Figure 9: Flow chart for the management of the oliguric surgical patient.



9. Acute Kidney Injury

Acute kidney injury (AKI) has replaced the term acute renal failure. It
can develop as a consequence of a number of conditions including
acute illness, trauma, sepsis or following major surgery. Patients with
risk factors are particularly vulnerable to developing the disease
(Table 18).
Acute kidney injury is associated with worse patient outcomes and is
an antecedent for chronic kidney disease (CKD). It is a medical emergency and should not be regarded as an epiphenomenon without clinical significance.
Table 18: Risk factors for acute kidney injury.

Age > 75 years

Chronic kidney disease (eGFR < 60 mls/min/1.73m2)
Cardiac failure
Peripheral vascular disease
Liver disease
Diabetes mellitus
Sepsis (hypotension and inflammatory response)
(e.g. medications, poisons, iodinated-contrast media)


AKI is a result of a rapid fall in glomerular filtration rate occurring
over hours or days. The consequences include a failure to regulate
fluid and electrolyte balance and a failure to excrete metabolic waste
products and drugs.
AKI is defined when one of the following criteria is met;
Serum creatinine rises by 26 mol/l within 48 hours or
Serum creatinine rises 1.5 fold from a baseline value measured
within the previous week or
Urine output is < 0.5 ml/kg/h for > 6 consecutive hours
If serum creatinine concentration has not been measured in the previous week, use the most recent creatinine concentration measured
within the last three months. AKI can be staged according to the
criteria in Table 19.
Table 19: Stages of acute kidney injury
Stage Serum creatinine (SCr) criteria


Urine output criteria

increase 26 mol/l within 48 h or

increase 1.5-1.9 baseline SCr

<0.5 ml/kg/h for >6 consecutive h

increase 2-2.9 baseline SCr

<0.5 ml/kg/h for >12 h

increase 3 baseline SCr or

increase 354 mol/l

< 0.3 ml/kg/h for > 24 h

or anuria for 12 h

Any patient who meets the criteria for AKI should have a thorough
clinical evaluation, which includes an assessment of volume status,
fluid balance and medication chart in order to identify any potential
causes for the AKI. In the majority of cases, AKI may be reversible if
the cause is identified and appropriate management implemented.
Aetiology of Acute Kidney Injury
If the criteria for diagnosing AKI have been satisfied, it is important to
identify its underlying aetiology as this will determine the most
appropriate therapy and influence whether early referral to nephrology is necessary. AKI can be considered as pre-renal, intrinsic and
post-renal (Fig. 10). Pre-renal and post-renal can both be considered
as functional processes that may progress to damage to the
parenchyma if not treated promptly.
Figure 10: Classification of AKI


PRERENAL (functional) INTRINSIC (damage) POSTRENAL (functional)







AKI is most commonly secondary to a combination of sepsis and

hypovolaemia, which results in hypoperfusion of the kidneys and prerenal AKI. Failure to correct the hypoperfusion may result in the
development of acute tubular injury and intrinsic AKI, classically
referred to as acute tubular necrosis (ATN). However it is important to
exclude other possible causes so that a rarer aetiology, e.g. vasculitis,
is not overlooked (Table 20).
Table 20: Classification and causes of AKI
Pre-renal AKI
intravascular volume
shock (vasodilatation
and hypoperfusion)
cardiogenic shock
septic shock
anaphylactic shock
decreased renal
perfusion pressure
renal artery stenosis/thrombosis
congestive cardiac
liver failure/cirrhosis
nephrotic syndrome
angiotensinconverting enzyme
receptor blockers

Intrinsic AKI

Post-renal AKI

tubular injury
reperfusion injury
contrast media
myeloma light

blocked urinary

interstitial nephritis

retro peritoneal
kidney stones
prostatic disease
pelvic tumour
renal vein
iatrogenic injury
to both ureters

Clinical Features
There should be a high index of suspicion for AKI, particularly in an
acutely ill patient with risk factors. Information about the patients
previous kidney function (e.g. serum creatinine), particularly over the
preceding 3 months, is a vital part of the evaluation. As in every other
clinical condition, diagnosis is achieved by weighing all the evidence
derived from a full history, examination and appropriate investigations. Serial changes in clinical features are often more revealing than
single measurements taken at any one time. AKI should be considered
as part of the differential diagnosis in patients presenting with the
following clinical features (Table 21).
Table 21: Clinical features of patients with suspected AKI and recommended baseline investigations



risk factors (Table 18)

skin turgor (over
mucous membranes
(misleading if
mouth breathing)
skin rash (vasculitis)
joint swelling
uveitis (vasculitis)

full blood count (FBC)

predisposing to
poor oral intake
blood/plasma loss
symptoms suspicious
of vasculitis
skin rash
joint pains

urea and electrolytes

(U&Es), including
chloride and
acid-base status
(from arterial or
venous blood
gas analysis)
liver function tests
calcium and phosphate
urinalysis (prior to
urinary catheter)

ultrasound of renal
tract within 24 hours
if obstruction




urinary symptoms
frequent dribbling
or passage of small
volumes of urine

volume status
capillary refill
pulse rate
jugular venous
BP (lying and
heart sounds
(gallop rhythm)
lungs (pulmonary
peripheral oedema

full medication
history including
herbal remedies


bladder distension
rectal or pelvic
examination if

AKI can be oliguric (<0.5 ml/kg/h) or non-oliguric. Pre-renal AKI

(functional process) is associated with oliguria by virtue of the fact
that there is reduced renal perfusion and intact renal tubules which
endeavour to preserve salt and water. Patients with pre-renal AKI that
evolves to intrinsic AKI (damage) or who experience direct tubular
toxicity (e.g. gentamicin, iodinated contrast) may lose the ability to
reabsorb fluid and, therefore, are not oliguric maintaining a relatively
normal urine output. These patients will require ongoing fluid therapy
to maintain an optimal volume status. However, failure to establish
adequate renal perfusion in those who are evolving from a pre-renal
to intrinsic AKI will ultimately result in oliguria. Therefore, careful
continued monitoring is recommended.


Urinary electrolytes
The measurement of urinary electrolytes and osmolality can be used
to distinguish pre-renal AKI from intrinsic AKI (Table 22). The measurements of urinary sodium are not accurate if loop diuretics have
been administered within the previous 12 hours or there is pre-existing chronic kidney disease.

Table 22: Distinguishing pre-renal from intrinsic AKI




Urine sodium (mmol/l)



Urine osmolarity (mOsm/l)



Urine/plasma urea



Urine/plasma creatinine ratio (index)



Fractional sodium excretion (%)




Any patient admitted to hospital who is acutely ill or undergoing
major surgery who has been identified as at risk of developing AKI
(Table 18) should

have a daily clinical volume status assessment

have a daily assessment of the fluid prescription
have a daily fluid balance chart
have daily weights
avoid nephrotoxic agents [e.g. non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs (NSAIDs), aminoglycosides]
have other drugs (e.g. antihypertensive medications such as angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers) reviewed especially if they develop hypotension and/or sepsis
have urea, creatinine and electrolytes checked daily until they
regain health
Any acutely ill patient with AKI or at high risk for AKI (Table 18)
undergoing an iodinated contrast study should
be discussed with the radiologists with respect to the risk factors
and alternative imaging
have nephrotoxic medication stopped
have a daily clinical volume status assessment
have a daily fluid balance chart
have daily weights
receive intravenous fluid at 1 ml/kg/hour 12 hours prior to and 12 hours
following the procedure (caution if cardiac failure) selecting either
0.9% saline or
isotonic (1.4%) sodium bicarbonate solution
have urea, creatinine and electrolytes monitored for 3-5 days

Once a patient has developed AKI, treatment is initially supportive but
ultimately dependent upon the underlying cause. Treatment involves
the following:
Identify and treat the underlying cause (not all AKI will be secondary to hypovolaemia and/or sepsis)
Volume status assessment
If hypovolaemic
consider insertion of a central venous pressure (CVP) line and
urinary catheter (not mandatory and could introduce infection) to aid with the assessment of volume status
resuscitate with IV fluids
stat 500 ml bolus (250 ml if cardiac failure) of a balanced
crystalloid (e.g. Hartmanns solution or Ringers lactate)
rapidly. If hyperkalaemia is present (K+ >5.5 mmol/l) or
suspected oliguric AKI or rhabdomyolysis 0.9% saline is
preferred initially (no potassium in crystalloid). However,
there is no evidence that administration of crystalloids
containing 3-5 mmol/l of K+ worsen the hyperkalaemia.
assess clinical response to fluid in terms of
capillary refill time
pulse (reduction in pulse if tachycardic)
jugular venous pressure (rise in JVP)
blood pressure (rise in BP)
pulmonary oedema
urine output (increasing if oliguric)


if no clinical response and no pulmonary oedema administer

further 500 ml of crystalloid, reassess clinically and discuss
with senior member of team
if clinical response to fluid bolus continue with further fluids
and discuss further fluid therapy management plan with
senior member of team
If the patient develops oliguric AKI (< 0.5 ml/kg/24 hrs) despite
adequate volume resuscitation consider the patient as having
volume unresponsive AKI. Further excessive fluid resuscitation
may result in pulmonary oedema.
If the patient has volume unresponsive AKI continue with iv
fluids cautiously, matching urine output and monitoring for
signs of respiratory distress (rising respiratory rate, pulmonary
oedema or falling oxygen saturations).
Specific treatment of complications of AKI
Hyperkalaemia may be associated with
muscle weakness, palpitations, paraesthesia
ECG changes-loss of P-waves, wide QRS complexes, peaked
T waves
It must be remembered that unless the cause of the AKI is
treated the measures described are only temporary. The potassium will need to be monitored closely until recovery of sufficient
kidney function to excrete potassium or RRT.
Immediate treatment required if
K+ > 6.0 mmol/l with ECG changes or
K+ > 6.5 mmol/l with or without ECG changes


Immediate treatment
iv 10 ml 10% calcium gluconate over 2-5 minutes (cautiously, as extravasation can cause tissue damage). This stabilises
the myocardium rapidly, but has no effect on serum potassium concentration. Further doses may be required until
reduction in plasma potassium concentration is achieved.
Onset of action 2-4 minutes. Duration of action 30-60 minutes.
Further treatment
10 u fast acting insulin (actrapid) added to 50 ml of 50%
dextrose infused iv over 20 minutes to increase cellular
potassium uptake. Blood glucose must be monitored closely.
Onset of action 15-30 minutes. Duration of action 4-6
5 mg salbutamol nebuliser (up to a maximum of 10-15 mg
back to back) to stimulate cellular potassium uptake. Avoid
in patients on beta blockers and/or who have a history of
cardiac arrhythmias. Onset of action 30 minutes. Duration of
action 2-4 hours.
Medication review - stop any drugs that contain potassium
or interfere with renal excretion of potassium (ACE inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers, beta-blockers, potassium sparing diuretics)
Review potassium intake including intravenous fluids and
enteral or parenteral feeds


pH 7.2-7.4 there is very little evidence to support correction with bicarbonate.
pH < 7.2 isotonic sodium bicarbonate 1.4% solution can be
used in stable patients not imminently requiring RRT. Bicarbonate therapy may worsen intracellular acidosis and deliver
excessive sodium load. In presence of hypocalcaemia bicarbonate can cause a further reduction in calcium and provoke
convulsions. Bicarbonate should only been used when calcium is known, and near normal, and following senior advice.
Renal replacement therapy will be required if the patient is
hypervolaemic and /or refractory to medical treatment
pulmonary oedema
sit the patient up and provide supplementary oxygen (up to
60%) via venturi face mask. A non-rebreathing (reservoir)
mask (15 l/min O2) may be required if severe pulmonary
oedema is present.
buccal glyceryl trinitrate 2-5 mg works rapidly and can be
repeated as frequently as required. If intolerable headache or
hypotension develops, this resolves rapidly after removing
the tablet from the mouth.
iv glyceryl trinitrate 50 mg in 50 ml 0.9% saline. Commence
at 2 ml/hr and titrate up to 20 ml/hr maintaining systolic
BP > 95 mmHg.
iv furosemide can be tried if the patient is haemodynamically stable and adequately intravascularly filled. The dose is
dependent on the severity of AKI. Furosemide 160 mg (slow
infusion over 1 hour) may be required for severe AKI
(stage 3) (Table 19).
renal replacement therapy if the patient is in extremis
being ventilated

uraemic encephalopathy
renal replacement therapy
uraemic pericarditis
renal replacement therapy
Medication management
In patients with AKI it is important to identify medications that are
normally metabolised and/or excreted by the kidneys, and either avoid
or make appropriate dose adjustments. Common examples include:
morphine (metabolites will accumulate)
low molecular weight heparin
If the patient is hypotensive there should be a low threshold for withholding antihypertensive therapy which will only exacerbate renal
hypoperfusion. Common examples include:
angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors
angiotensin receptor blockers
Nephrotoxic medications should be avoided if possible (unless lifesaving) and include:
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)


Referral to nephrologist
NOT all patients diagnosed with AKI need to be referred
Prior to referral the following should be performed
a thorough clinical history and examination (including fluid
balance/volume status assessment)
initial investigations (as recommended above)
initial supportive management (as recommended above)
Early renal referral is recommended in the following patients
AKI stage 3 (SCr 3 baseline value) (Table 19)
persistent oliguria and/or rising serum creatinine despite supportive therapy
complications refractory to medical treatment

hyperkalaemia (K > 6 mmo/l)

pulmonary oedema
acidosis (pH < 7.15)
uraemic encephalopathy
uraemic pericarditis

suspicion for primary renal disease

absence of defined cause , e.g. sepsis, hypovolaemia
systemic features eg rash, uveitis, joint pains, blood and protein on urinalysis
bloody diarrhoea, haemolysis and low platelets
poisoning suspected
ethylene glycol

The first signs of recovery from oliguric AKI may be an increase in
urine output. Alternatively recovery may be heralded by a reduction in
the rise in the daily serum creatinine followed by a plateau in its value
prior to a fall. Recovery from AKI can result in a polyuric state in some
patients with the production of large urine volumes until the capacity
of the renal tubule to concentrate urine returns. There must therefore
be careful attention to the patients volume status and fluid requirements.
Patients can be at risk of developing a free water deficit which manifests as hypernatraemia and requires an increased intake of water
(intravenous 5% dextrose if unable to take water orally). Failure to
address the free water deficit promptly will not only slow renal recovery but will also put the patient at risk of neurological complications.
Another potential complication is the development of hypokalaemia,
which requires appropriate therapy due to the risk of cardiac arrythmias and ileus. A balanced crystalloid containing potassium is recommended in this clinical context. If further potassium is required consider infusing dextrose saline (4%/0.18%) with added potassium


Follow up
Acute kidney injury is a recognized antecedent for chronic kidney disease and patients require follow up.
The discharge summary to primary care should summarise:
the cause of AKI
risk factors for AKI
medications stopped and started
blood pressure (longer term monitoring required)
kidney function
Refer patients to nephrology left with an estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) < 30 ml/min/1.73 m2.


10. The Patient with Diabetes Mellitus

Although, with better management of diabetes in recent years,
admissions due to loss of control with or without ketosis are less frequent than in former times, nonetheless cases of decompensated diabetes with keto-acidosis (DKA) or hyperosmolar non-ketotic (HONK)
syndrome form an important part of every doctors experience of
acute medicine. Similarly, with the rising prevalence of diabetes, particularly type 2, the perioperative fluid and metabolic management of
diabetic patients has become increasingly important.
Decompensated Diabetes
Type 1 diabetes: insulin secretion is impaired in most cases by >90%.
This means that, with reduced or absent administration of insulin or
with increased insulin demand due to intercurrent illness, not only
does the blood glucose rise but control over fat and protein metabolism is lost, leading to keto-acidosis (-hydroxybutyrate being the
main keto-acid) and protein catabolism.
Type 2 diabetes: This is associated initially with insulin resistance but
only partial loss of secretion. At this stage, there is sufficient circulating insulin to prevent ketosis but not to control the blood glucose.
Decompensation is usually associated with HONK in which the blood
glucose rises to higher levels than those seen in DKA (it only takes a
fraction of the amount of insulin to control ketosis as it does to control blood glucose). With loss of insulin secretion over the years and
with severe intercurrent illness type 2 diabetics can develop ketoacidosis, requiring insulin, even though they may be able to revert to
tablet treatment afterwards .


DKA and HONK represent the two extremes of the spectrum of

decompensated diabetes (Table 23), although intermediate cases are
not infrequent, depending on the precipitating cause and the percentage loss of insulin secretion. In both situations, hyperglycaemia causes an osmotic diuresis with excessive urinary losses of salt, water, and
potassium, leading to ECF and intravascular volume depletion and the
risk of prerenal acute kidney injury (AKI).
With both types of decompensation, potassium is lost from cells and
excreted in the urine causing a deficit, which only becomes apparent
as hypokalaemia once the anabolic effect of insulin treatment is felt.
In severe cases the rate of K+ loss from cells, combined with pre-renal
AKI, can cause hyperkalaemia (> 5.5 mmol/l) with the risk of cardiac
The presence of acidosis may present diagnostic problems. Although
most cases with ketonuria and features of metabolic acidosis are suffering from ketoacidosis, this cannot always be assumed, particularly
where there are other potential causes of acidosis, e.g. renal or circulatory failure. For this reason it is important to measure blood concentrations of lactate and of ketones, particularly -hydroxybutyrate
and chloride, including the anion gap and strong ion difference in
order to establish the diagnosis beyond doubt.


Table 23: Features of DKA and HONK compared (approximate values only)






Blood glucose


> 14


> 14

> 30

Arterial pH






HCO3 mmol/l





Normal to

Urine ketones















Anion gap (mmol/l)

Serum osmolality
Average total losses
Water (litres)





Sodium (mmol)



> 350


Potassium (mmol)



> 350

> 350

These are similar in both DKA and HONK, although with differences of
Restore the circulation and the ECF deficit by initially rapid fluid
infusion. This also has a beneficial metabolic effect reducing the
blood glucose, addresses circulatory failure and prerenal AKI,
reducing both acidosis and serum K+.
Seek the underlying cause of the diabetic decompensation (e.g.
sepsis) and treat it.


Fluids and insulin

In the absence of shock or oliguria, give 1-2 l of crystalloid (see
below) in the first 2 hours, the 1 l over the next 4 hours and 4 l
over the next 24 hours. In severe cases, administration should be
faster initially, aiming to correct half the fluid deficit within the
first 6 hours and the remainder over the ensuing 24 hours. With
HONK the fluid deficits are larger (Table 23)
After the first litre of fluid add KCl 20-40 mmol to each subsequent litre of fluid infused, depending on the changes in serum
K+ with treatment.
To avoid precipitating cerebral oedema, the effective serum osmolality shoud not be reduced at a rate greater than 3 mOsm/kg/h.
This is particularly important in cases involving children and the
elderly and in the treatment of HONK.
When the blood glucose has fallen to 14 mmol/l, change to a
hypotonic glucose-containing preparation adjusted according to
the insulin-induced changes in blood glucose and the serum sodium and osmolality.
Treat hyperkalaemia and acidosis with fluid infusion, insulin, and,
in severe cases (pH< 7.0), with bicarbonate.
Reduce blood glucose and ketones with insulin infusion. It may
take up to 48 hours to clear ketones if DKA is severe. Add 50 U soluble short-acting insulin to 50 ml 0.9% saline in a syringe driver
and administer intravenously at 6 U/h i.v., adjusting subsequently
to lower the blood glucose at a rate no faster than 4 mmol/l/h.


Monitor blood glucose, urinary ketones, acid-base status, serum
potassium, sodium, chloride and, if appropriate, osmolality, every
hour or two initially. Watch particularly for a fall in serum potassium and correct this with increased potassium input to maintain
serum K+ in the range of 3.3-4.5 mmol/l. Monitor clinical status,
vital signs, kidney function and urine output.
Fluid prescription
Traditionally, 0.9% saline has been used for resuscitation, followed by
0.45% saline with 5% dextrose and KCl as the volume deficit nears
restoration. Recent studies suggest that using a balanced electrolyte
solution avoids the hyperchloraemic acidosis associated with administration of 0.9% saline.
Hypotonic solutions pose a risk of too rapid a fall in osmolality unless
the plasma sodium and osmolality are monitored carefully and the
infusion rate controlled accordingly. It should be remembered that
glucose acts like Na+ as an ECF osmotic agent, so that as the blood
glucose falls with insulin treatment, water passes from the ECF to the
ICF, thereby concentrating the ECF sodium by 1.6 mmol/l for every
5.6 mmol/l fall in blood glucose. It is common, therefore, particularly
in HONK, to see the plasma Na+ rise with treatment necessitating a
switch to a more hypotonic solution. It is at this point that switching
from 0.9% to 0.45% saline may be useful gradually to reduce the
plasma Na+ to normal.
Although there is a phosphate deficit in decompensated diabetes, and
phosphate levels fall with treatment, phosphate supplementation has
not been shown to be beneficial.


Surgery in the patient with diabetes:

(based on NHS Diabetes recommendations)
Peri-operative glucose control
For short procedures, involving missing no more than one meal, particularly in type 2 diabetes, the normal treatment may be delayed
until post-operatively, with hourly monitoring of blood glucose and
treatment with insulin if blood glucose rises above 12.0 mmol/l.
Those expected to miss more than 1 meal, particularly Type 1 patients
should receive variable rate insulin infusion (VRII) to maintain blood
glucose within the range 4-12 mmol/l as shown by hourly monitoring.
Insulin should be administered in 0.45% saline with 5% glucose and
0.15-0.3% KCl via a syringe pump, starting approximately 6 hours
preoperatively and continuing post-operatively until normal oral
intake is established.
Perioperative fluid and electrolyte management
The principles are the same as those we have outlined for the nondiabetic. In the type 1 diabetic, however, in order to avoid ketosis, it is
useful to have a constant rate of infusion of a crystalloid containing
5% glucose with appropriate VRII cover. This can be achieved using
0.45% saline with 5% dextrose and 0.15-0.3% KCl. Alternatively, if a
balanced electrolyte solution is preferred, use Plasmalyte Maintenance (Chapter 5).


11. Disorders of Sodium, Potassium, Calcium,

Magnesium and Phosphate
It is impossible to give a detailed account of all aspects of these electrolytes in a brief chapter such as this. The authors have therefore
confined themselves to a short summary of some common aspects.
For more detailed treatment the reader is referred to the easily available review articles and books listed under Further Reading.
Sodium (Na+)
The total body sodium is 3000-4000 mmol, of which only 60% is
exchangeable, the remainder being locked mainly in bone. Short-term
changes in the serum sodium concentration are usually due to
changes in water balance, although, in some cases, salt balance may
contribute. This reflects the fact that salt balance is about maintenance of volume, whereas water balance is more concerned with
osmolality. Hyponatraemia and hypernatraemia may therefore occur
in the presence of positive, negative or zero salt balance. The serum
Na concentration on its own, therefore, cannot be used to diagnose
the state of Na balance, although if change in water balance is known
from serial weighing, then the day to day balance of Na can be
inferred from the change in serum Na concentration over the same
period (Chapter 3). The principle is best illustrated by some examples:
In severe cases with serum Na+ < 120 mmol/l, there is a risk of developing cerebral oedema and brain damage, particularly in children and
the elderly. Conversely, too rapid correction of severe hyponatraemia
may also cause neurological damage (osmotic demyelination). It is
advised that hyponatraemia be corrected at a rate not exceeding


10 mmol/l/day. In the differential diagnosis of hyponatraemia, false

hyponatraemia should be excluded. In the presence of severe hyperlipidaemia causing milky serum, the serum Na+ may be falsely low as
the lipid expands the ECF but contains no Na+.
Similarly hyperglycaemia expands the ECF by its osmotic action and,
as the blood glucose falls with treatment, water passes from the
ECF to the ICF and the Na+ concentration rises. Serum Na+ falls by
1.6 mmol/l for every 5.6 mmol/l increase in plasma glucose. In cases of
hyperglycaemia, therefore, the serum Na+ should be corrected
upwards appropriately. It is the corrected value that should guide fluid
With positive water and salt balance: This often occurs as a result
of infusions of hypotonic fluids post-operatively, following trauma,
or during acute illness, when the metabolic response to injury is
causing retention of both salt and water, inhibiting the kidneys
ability to correct osmolality by increasing free water clearance. In
this situation there is usually a positive sodium balance but, in
relation to plasma, a proportionally greater positive water balance.
Urinary sodium concentrations are usually low, since with the
response to injury the normal physiological relationship between
sodium balance and urinary sodium is lost. Treatment consists
mainly of stopping intravenous fluids.
With positive water and normal or slightly negative salt balance.
This occurs with inappropriate ADH secretion, classically associated with oat cell carcinoma of the lung, but also caused by a number of other conditions. With the consequent water retention, the
serum sodium is diluted, but the urinary sodium is normal or high,
as the kidneys respond to the slight hypervolaemia. This condition
is often over-diagnosed and should not be confused with the far
more common response to injury described above.


With normal water balance and negative salt balance. This classically occurs in Addisons disease with its loss of both mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid secretion and clinical features of weakness, weight loss, pigmentation and hypotension. Hyponatraemia
occurs not only due to renal salt loss, but also due to the kidneys
impaired ability to correct osmolality; firstly because salt loss
causes ECF hypovolaemia, which excites ADH secretion and secondly because hydrocortisone has a permissive role in the distal
tubule, allowing urinary dilution. In its absence, free water clearance is impaired, the basis for the old Kepler water load test for the
condition. Nowadays diagnosis is made simply by measuring serum
cortisol levels and their response to Synacthen.
With water excess and negative sodium balance. This occurs when
excess salt losses from the GI tract or the kidneys (diuretics or
tubular disease) are combined with excess water or hypotonic fluid
intake by mouth or other routes. The sodium depletion causes
hypovolaemia, which, in turn, stimulates not only the renin
angiotensin aldosterone system but also ADH secretion, thereby
impairing free water clearance and any osmolar correction.
In critical illness
In severe catabolic illness e.g. burns, septicaemia etc., cell membrane function may be impaired and the sodium pump affected so
that intracellular Na+ levels rise and those in the ECF fall despite
considerable positive Na+ balance. This has been called the sick
cell syndrome. With improved tissue perfusion and oxygenation
and correction of underlying sepsis this may resolve. In the past,
insulin, glucose and potassium have also been used with effect.
The most common cause is net loss of hypotonic fluid from the GI
tract e.g. vomiting and diarrhoea, so that in relation to plasma, pro103

portionately more water is lost than sodium, even though sodium balance is also negative. The same occurs with renal losses due to the
osmotic diuresis associated with uncontrolled diabetes. Large fluid
losses from sweat, e.g. in the tropics, may also produce the same
effect. The rare primary hyperaldosteronism also causes mild hypernatraemia.
Treatment is with hypotonic fluids orally, enterally or intravenously
with frequent monitoring of serum biochemistry. Oral water may be
sufficient in mild cases. In the presence of diarrhoea oral rehydration
solutions may be appropriate. Severe cases should be treated cautiously with hypotonic intravenous fluids (e.g. 5% dextrose, 0.18%
saline in 4% dextrose) taking care to avoid too rapid reduction in
plasma sodium or osmolality. Correction should be achieved during
48 hours at a rate no greater than 2 mmol/l/h to avoid cerebral oedema.
Chloride (Cl)
This is the main anion of the ECF at a concentration of 95105 mmol/l. Unfortunately, because most clinical chemistry laboratories gave up reporting the serum chloride as part of routine screening,
abnormal states such as hyperchloraemic acidosis have sometimes
gone undetected. As a consequence, metabolic acidosis due to chloride has not infrequently been mistaken for other causes of acidosis
and inappropriate treatment given. We, therefore, advise that serum
chloride should always be measured in the presence of a metabolic
acidosis or whenever large volumes of saline have been administered.
It is important to remember that while the concentration of Na+ in
0.9% saline is 10% higher than that in plasma, the concentration of
Cl is 50% higher. This solution also has a pH of 5.5.
The main cause of hypochloraemic alkalosis is loss of gastric juice
(with its high HCl content) by vomiting or gastric aspiration. This is
the main indication for giving 0.9% saline.

Potassium (K+)
The total body K+ lies between 3000 and 3500 mmol and is contained
largely in the intracellular space at a concentration of 120145 mmol/l, where it is the chief cation, balancing the negative
charges on proteins and other non-diffusible anions. Only a very small
proportion is in the ECF, where its concentration lies crucially in the
narrow range 3.5-5.2 mmol/l. The balance of K+ across the cell membrane is maintained by the sodium pump combined with the GibbsDonnan equilibrium as described in Chapter 1. The normal daily
requirements are 1 mmol/kg body weight. The following points are of
clinical importance:
Hyperkalaemia: the serum K+ rises with renal failure and catabolic
states, e.g. the response to injury. During the flow phase of injury, as
glycogen and protein are broken down, K+ linked to them is released
from the cells into the ECF. Conversely, during the convalescent or
anabolic phase of injury, the cells take up K+ again as glycogen and
protein are resynthesised, causing a fall in ECF levels. Serum K+ levels
also rise in response to internal haemorrhage or tissue damage, e.g.
muscle necrosis, as K+ is released from dead cells. If acute kidney
injury (AKI) and a catabolic state are combined, serum K+ levels rise
rapidly to dangerous levels, usually accompanied by a metabolic acidosis.
A rise above 6.0 mmol/l risks cardiac arrest and necessitates urgent
treatment. With fluid depletion and pre-renal AKI, intravenous fluids
may be sufficient, but additional treatment includes bicarbonate as
well as insulin and glucose, both of which drive K+ back into the cells,
but only temporarily (4-6 hours). This is a useful emergency measure
which may need repeating. Calcium gluconate also helps to stabilize
the heart. If these measures fail or oliguria persists, then calcium
resonium rectally or renal replacement therapy should be carried out
without delay (Chapter 9).

Hypokalaemia: a fall in serum concentrations below 3.5 mmol/l nearly always reflects K+ deficiency and is usually accompanied by alkalosis because of the interchange of K+, Na+, and H+ in the distal tubule,
although, with renal tubular defects and laxative abuse, acidosis may
be present. Although the relationship between the degree of
hypokalaemia and the total K+ deficit is not a precise one, in general
it takes a loss of 200-400 mmol to reduce the serum K+ from 4.0 to
3.0 mmol/l and a further loss of the same amount to reduce serum K+
to 2.0 mmol/l.
Symptoms include muscle weakness and, in more severe cases, as
serum K+ falls below 2.5 mmol/l, paralysis and cardiac arrhythmias.
The most common causes of hypokalaemia are GI fluid loss and
diuretic therapy. It should also be remembered that patients with diabetic keto-acidosis may have a deficit in excess of 400 mmol even
though at presentation the serum K+ may be high due to acidosis and
pre- renal AKI from fluid loss. As the acidosis is corrected and insulin
is given, K+ moves rapidly back into the cells and serum K+ concentrations plunge to dangerous levels unless adequate K+ replacement is
given (Chapter 9). A similar phenomenon is seen with the refeeding
syndrome (Chapter 12).
Immediate treatment should be aimed at raising the serum K+ to a
safe level above 3.0 mmol/l rather than correcting the whole deficit,
which can then be done more slowly over the next few days. With
mild hypokalaemia (3-3.5 mmol/l), oral supplements at an initial dose
of 60-80 mmol/day should be tried, although many patients find oral
supplements difficult to tolerate. KCl is preferred to provide Cl to
correct any accompanying alkalosis. The more easily tolerated effervescent K+ preparations provide undesirable bicarbonate.
In the presence of alkalosis, the distal tubules continue to excrete K+
in exchange for H+ even in the face of a K+ deficit. In long-term
diuretic therapy, a K+ sparing diuretic or spironolactone should be

added to prevent recurrence. In more severe cases i.e. serum K+

< 3.0 mmol/l, it is usually necessary to give KCl in saline intravenously. This also provides extra Cl to correct alkalosis. The use of dextrose
as a vehicle risks lowering serum K+ still further as it excites insulin
secretion and a combination of insulin and glucose drives potassium
into the cell. In general, intravenous KCl should not be given faster
than 10-20 mmol/h, although higher rates may need to be given to
patients with severe hypokalaemia causing paralysis and arrhythmias.
Rates as high as 40-100 mmol/h have been given under these circumstances but this should only be done via a central line under high
dependency supervision with ECG and biochemical monitoring.
Calcium (Ca2+)
There are 1300 g (33,000 mmol) in the body, 99% being in bone and
only 1% being freely exchangeable. The normal serum concentration
is 2.2-2.5 mmol/l, all except 0.8-1.24 mmol/l being bound to protein,
chiefly albumin. With falls in serum albumin due to illness and dilution with intravenous fluids, the measured serum Ca2+ should be corrected upwards by 0.02 mmol/l for every 1 g/l fall in serum albumin
between 40 and 25 g/l. Ca2+ plays a vital role, not only in bone, but
also in neural conductivity, muscular conduction and many other
physiological and metabolic processes.
Ca2+ absorption, excretion and serum concentration are governed by
parathyroid hormone, calcitonin, and Vitamin D. Under normal circumstances 240 mmol/day of Ca2+ are filtered by the kidney, with all
but 2-10 mmol being reabsorbed. Although some vitamin D is derived
from food, most is formed in the skin under the influence of sunlight.
It is then hydroxylated in the liver and subsequently the kidney to its
most active form 1,25(OH)2D3.


Four common aspects of Ca2+ disorders deserve a mention here:

Osteomalacia (Rickets in children)
This is due to Vitamin D deficiency caused by lack of exposure to sunlight, malnutrition, some gastrointestinal diseases which cause fat
malabsorption, and renal disease causing reduced levels of
1,25(OH)2D3. It is characterized by typical radiological changes in
bone, low serum Ca2+, raised serum PO42, elevated alkaline phosphatase and PTH, and low blood Vit D levels. Treatment is with 0.251 mg of 1 -hydroxycholecalciferol daily and, in some cases, calcium
This involves not only thinning of bone calcium but also of its protein
matrix. Its causes are multifactorial but include ageing, the
menopause, immobility, calcium deficiency, hypogonadism, etc. It is
diagnosed radiologically and by bone density measurement. It may be
reduced by sex hormone supplements, Ca2+ and vitamin D, and exercise, and treated by bisphosphonates.
Any elevation of serum Ca2+ should be investigated thoroughly.
Although, in severe cases it may be important to reduce very high levels of Ca2+ as soon as possible, the main challenge to the doctor is to
distinguish early between malignant causes e.g. secondary malignancy in bone or PTH secreting tumours, and more easily curable benign
causes such as hyperparathyroidism, vitamin D intoxication, sarcoid,
etc. Primary hyperparathyroidism is associated with elevated PTH
levels whereas these are suppressed in secondary malignancy from
non PTH secreting tumours.


Mild hypercalcaemia i.e. < 3.0 mmol/l is usually asymptomatic, often

due to hyperparathyroidism, and may require no active intervention
other than monitoring. More severe hypercalcaemia, i.e. > 3.0 mmol/l
is usually symptomatic in proportion to the magnitude and rapidity of
rise of the serum Ca2+. Symptoms include polyuria (due to inhibition
of ADH action on the renal tubule), weakness, depression, drowsiness,
lethargy, and even coma. It also causes constipation, nausea, vomiting, anorexia and peptic ulcer. Prolonged hypercalcaemia may also
cause renal stones and nephrocalcinosis causing chronic kidney
disease (CKD). Fluid loss from polyuria may cause prerenal AKI and a
further rise in serum Ca2+.
Treatment depends on the severity of the condition, but consists firstly of intravenous saline, which may of itself be sufficient to reduce
the serum Ca2+. A loop diuretic may be added and, in severe cases, a
bisphosphonate given in at least 500 ml of fluid over 4 hours to avoid
nephrotoxicity. Etidronate, 7.5 mg/kg can be given daily in this fashion for 3-7 days with careful monitoring of the serum Ca2+ to avoid
overshoot hypocalcaemia. Description of the use of other drugs, longterm treatment, and the indications for surgery may be found in
appropriate reference works.
This is usually caused by vitamin D deficiency or hypoparathyroidism,
but there are other causes such as chronic kidney disease and acute
pancreatitis. It can also be secondary to hypomagnesaemia, which
inhibits PTH secretion; so in all cases of hypocalcaemia, the serum
Mg2+ should also be measured. Falsely low concentrations of total
serum Ca2+ due to hypoalbuminaemia should be excluded (see above).
Symptoms include neuromuscular irritability causing paraesthesiae,
tetany and convulsions. A prolonged QT interval on the ECG may
progress to ventricular fibrillation or heart block.

Treatment depends on severity and cause, but may involve vitamin D

replacement in the form of 1- cholecalciferol and/or calcium supplements by the oral or intravenous routes.
Magnesium (Mg2+)
This is distributed mainly in bone (500-600mmol) and the ICF (500850 mmol). Only 12-20 mmol are in the ECF at any given time, at a
concentration of 0.7-1.2 mmol/l. It is an important component of
many enzyme systems and helps maintain cell membrane stability.
The following facts are important to remember.
Mg2+ like Ca2+ is bound to albumin and a low serum level should
be interpreted in the light of the prevailing albumin concentration
Mg2+ concentration in gastrointestinal fluid varies according to
the distance along the intestine. In upper small bowel fluid it is
only present at 1 mmol/l, whereas in the distal small bowel it rises
to higher concentrations. Significant hypomagnesaemia is therefore more likely to occur from chronic diarrhoea or from distal
stomas or fistulae rather than from more proximal GI losses. GI
losses are the most common cause of hypomagnesaemia in clinical
Hypomagnesaemia causes blood PTH levels to fall, with secondary
hypocalcaemia. In all cases of hypocalcaemia therefore, the serum
Mg2+ should be measured. Replacement of Mg2+ deficits restores
PTH and hence Ca2+ levels to normal.
Overt symptoms of hypomagnesaemia, with neuromuscular irritability, convulsions, and arrhythmias are not usually apparent
until the serum Mg2+ falls below 0.4 mmol/l, although with milder
degrees of hypomagnesaemia patients may experience improved
well-being with adequate replacement, suggesting that even mild
hypomagnesaemia may cause sub-clinical symptoms.


In mild cases of hypomagnesaemia, oral replacement may be sufficient, using magnesium oxide or glycerophosphate. However Mg2+
salts are not well absorbed, and in more severe cases it may be
necessary to give as much as 160 mmol of MgSO4 intravenously in
saline over 48 hours to restore normal concentrations. In patients
undergoing intravenous feeding for gastrointestinal failure, daily
requirements are 8-12 mmol. An alternative method of replacement, which we have found extremely effective in restoring and
maintaining Mg2+ levels, as well as replacing salt and water losses,
is to give MgSO4 in 0.9% saline subcutaneously (hypodermoclysis)
at a concentration of 6-12 mmol/l in up to 2 litres over 4-6 hours
every day. This is particularly useful in short bowel syndrome or
inflammatory bowel disease and can readily be administered at
home by patients or their carers.
Phosphate (PO42)
This is an important constituent of food, the normal intake being
800-1400 mg/day. Most is in the ICF, and the normal serum concentration lies between 0.89 and 1.44 mmol/l. Severe hypophosphataemia (< 0.32 mmol/l) such as may occur acutely in the refeeding
syndrome (Chapter 12) or chronically in diseases of bone and mineral
metabolism, risks symptoms of myopathy, dysphagia, ileus, respiratory
failure, impaired cardiac contractility and encephalopathy. Severe
cases may necessitate cautious intravenous administration of 300500 ml of Phosphate Polyfusor (Fresenius Kabi, 100 mmol PO42, 19
mmol K+ and 162 mmol Na+/l) or 30-50 mmol of PO42 in 1 litre 0.9%
saline over 6-12 hours with frequent monitoring of serum PO42 and
other electrolytes. Excessive or too rapid intravenous administration
risks precipitating acute hypocalcaemia and deposition of Ca2+ in soft
tissues. Less severe cases can be treated orally with 1 g/day phosphate
(e.g. Phosphate-Sandoz) replacement.



12. Refeeding Syndrome

This is an important condition of insidious onset, which may be lethal
or cause serious morbidity. All patients suffering from weight loss or a
period of starvation are potentially liable to develop this condition if
given large amounts of nutrients, particularly carbohydrate, too rapidly by any route be it oral, enteral or intravenous. The greater the
degree of malnutrition or length of starvation, the greater the risk.
Even dextrose containing solutions may precipitate it, if administered
in large amounts over long periods.
The condition has several components, which may occur separately or
in combination. These are hypokalaemia, hypophosphataemia, oedema, hypomagnesaemia, and acute thiamine deficiency causing irreversible brain damage from Wernickes encephalopathy. It is important to identify patients at risk and take prophylactic measures, rather
than waiting until the condition has developed and then treating it.
Hypokalaemia < 3.5 mmol/l: (K normal range 3.5-5.2 mmol/l)
Potassium reserves may be already reduced in patients suffering from
malnutrition, but carbohydrate administration in any patient excites
insulin secretion and drives K+ from the ECF to the ICF. Particularly in
those with diminished K+ reserves, this may precipitate a sufficient
degree of hypokalaemia to cause muscle weakness and/or cardiac
arrhythmias. Any patient at risk or who is receiving dextrose containing solutions for prolonged periods should be receiving K+ supplements and having their serum K+ measured at the outset and regularly monitored.


Hypophosphataemia < 0.7 mmol/l: (normal range 0.74-1.55 mmol/l)

Exactly the same considerations apply as for hypokalaemia. Since glucose taken up by cells requires phosphorylation, carbohydrate administration may precipitate hypophosphataemia. This has been reported
in patients receiving intravenous dextrose solutions for several days
and can result in decreased respiratory, cardiovascular and neuromuscular function. Symptoms include paraesthesiae, muscular weakness
and confusion, sometimes progressing to convulsions and coma. The
daily requirement for phosphate is about 20 mmol daily and prevention of hypophosphataemia can usually be achieved by giving
10 mmol of phosphate for every 1000 kcal that the patient receives.
Remember 1 litre of 5% dextrose contains 50 g of carbohydrate with
an approximate energy value of 200 kcal.
Oedema due to salt and water retention
Malnutrition, like the response to injury, is associated with a reduced
capacity to excrete a salt and water load: hence famine oedema.
Intake of salt and water in such patients should therefore be restricted to that which maintains zero balance. This should be monitored by
daily weighing and serum biochemistry. In a small thin patient for
example, fluid intake for maintenance may be as little as 1 litre per


Thiamine deficiency
Alcoholic and severely malnourished patients are particularly liable to
this complication as they already have low thiamine reserves. Since
this is consumed as a cofactor in carbohydrate metabolism, refeeding
particularly with carbohydrate may precipitate symptoms of thiamine
deficiency including confusion, cerebellar signs with nystagmus, and
peripheral neuropathy. These are irreversible once established so that
identification of patients at risk and the giving of prophylactic treatment are vital. This latter may be achieved by giving 200 mg of thiamine intravenously at the start, followed by 300 mg daily by mouth
or 100 mg intravenously. Thiamine deficiency may also present as wet
beri-beri with heart failure.
Hypomagnesaemia, mild 0.5-0.7 mmol/l, severe < 0.4 mmol/l:
(normal range 0.7-1.0 mmol/l)
Magnesium, being involved in the formation of ATP is taken up by
cells during refeeding. Deficiency leads to muscle weakness, may
cause cardiac arrhythmias, and may cause hypocalcaemia by reducing
parathormone levels. It is not necessary in most cases to give prophylaxis except in those cases with prior Mg2+ deficiency such as those
with short bowel syndrome. Monitoring Mg2+ concentrations in
patients at risk and giving supplements if levels fall below 0.7 mmol/l
is usually sufficient. Daily requirements are 0.2 mmol/kg/d intravenously or 0.4 mmol/kg/d orally. If Mg2+ concentrations fall below
0.5 mmol/l then give 24 mmol MgSO4 iv over 24 hours.



13. Fluid Therapy and Outcome

Intravenous fluid therapy is an integral component of perioperative
care, but its practice has often been based on dogma rather than evidence, and patients have frequently received either too much or too
little fluid. There is a relatively narrow margin of safety for perioperative fluid therapy and either too much or too little fluid and electrolyte (particularly sodium chloride) can have a negative effect on
physiological processes, and be detrimental to outcome (Fig. 11). The
goal of perioperative intravenous fluid therapy is, therefore, to maintain tissue perfusion and cellular oxygen delivery, while at the same
time keeping the patient in a state of as near zero fluid and electrolyte balance as possible.

Postoperative morbildity

Figure 11: The dose-response curve for fluid therapy showing the ill effects of
imbalance. (With permission from: Varadhan KK, Lobo DN. Perioperative
fluid management in enhanced recovery. In: Francis N, et al (eds) Manual of Fast Track Recovery for Colorectal Surgery. Springer, London, 2012)
Reduced circulating
blood volume
Decreased renal
Altered coagulation
Release of reactive
oxygen species
Multiple organ

Fluid deficit


Hyperchloraemic acidosis
Pulmonary oedema and
decreased gas exchange
Splanchnic oedema
Raised intra-abdominal
Decreased mesenteric and
renal blood flow
Decreased tissue oxygenation
Intramucosal acidosis
Impaired wound healing
Anastomotic dehiscence
Decreased mobility
Altered coagulation
Microcirculatory compromise
Reactive oxygen species
Mitochondrial dysfunction
Endothelial dysfunction
Multiple organ failure

Fluid overload

Prolonged periods of preoperative fasting cause patients to reach the

anaesthetic room in a state of fluid depletion, which may be further
compounded by indiscriminate bowel preparation, another practice
that has not been shown to have a positive effect on surgical outcome. Current anaesthetic recommendations that allow patients to
drink clear fluids up to 2 h prior to the induction of anaesthesia prevents preoperative fluid depletion and do not increase aspirationrelated complications. On the other hand, the practice of prescribing
large amounts of salt containing fluids in the perioperative period
causes salt and water overload with adverse effects on surgical outcome.
Although the daily maintenance requirements for sodium and water
are estimated at 1 mmol/kg and 25-35 ml/kg to support the integrity
of the extracellular fluid volume, it has not been unusual for patients
to receive in excess of 5 L water and 700 mmol sodium (and chloride)/day in the early postoperative period. In evolutionary terms, the
metabolic response to trauma involves salt and water retention in
order to preserve intravascular volume. However, when large volumes
of salt containing fluids are administered, most of the excess accumulates in the extravascular compartment and causes oedema, which is
detrimental to surgical outcome.
Most of the retained fluid after such infusions accumulates in the
interstitial compartment, leading to manifest oedema if overload
exceeds 2-3 L. In the face of acute illness, injury, or surgery, and also
of severe malnutrition, the capacity to excrete a salt and water load is
further impaired, only returning to normal during convalescence. An
overload of 0.9% saline in such cases can cause hyperosmolar states,
hyperchloraemic acidosis, decreased renal blood flow and glomerular
filtration rate, which in turn exacerbates sodium retention. Oedema
impairs pulmonary gas exchange and tissue oxygenation, and leads to
an increase in tissue pressure in organs such as the kidney which are
surrounded by a non-expansible capsule, thereby compromising

microvascular perfusion, increasing arterio-venous shunting and

reducing lymphatic drainage, all of which facilitate further oedema
formation. Fluid accumulation in the lungs also increases the risk of
pneumonia. Removal of excess alveolar fluid is achieved by active
sodium transport and the gradient between the hydrostatic and colloid osmotic pressures. Active sodium transport is affected by fluid
administration and by the release of proinflammatory cytokines, both
of which occur perioperatively. Acidosis impairs cardiac contractility,
reduces responsiveness to inotropes, decreases renal perfusion and
can be lethal in combination with hypothermia and coagulopathy.
Hyperchloraemic acidosis, as a result of saline infusions has been
shown to reduce gastric blood flow and decrease gastric intramucosal pH in elderly surgical patients, and both respiratory and metabolic
acidosis have been associated with impaired gastric motility. Just as
fluid overload causes peripheral oedema, it may also cause splanchnic
oedema resulting in increased abdominal pressure, ascites and even
the abdominal compartment syndrome. Consequently, this may lead
to a decrease in mesenteric blood flow and a further exacerbation of
the process, leading to ileus, delayed recovery of gastrointestinal
function, increased gut permeability, intestinal failure and even anastomotic dehiscence. Fluid excess may also impair postoperative
mobility and increase the risk of deep vein thrombosis, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, hyperventilation, headaches, thirst, confusion
and diplopia. The literature suggests that, for most purposes, a balanced electrolyte solution is superior to 0.9% saline and a comprehensive review of the use of 0.9% saline for resuscitation has recommended that its routine use in massive fluid resuscitation should be
On the other hand, true fluid restriction resulting in underhydration
can be equally detrimental by causing decreased venous return and
cardiac output, diminished tissue perfusion and oxygen delivery,
increased blood viscosity, decreased saliva production with a predis119

position to postoperative parotitis, and an increase in viscosity of pulmonary mucus resulting in mucous plug formation and ateletactasis.
Induction of anaesthesia in patients with a fluid deficit further
reduces the effective circulatory volume by decreasing sympathetic
tone. Inadequate fluid resuscitation and decreased tissue perfusion
can lead to gastrointestinal mucosal acidosis and poorer outcome.
A recent meta-analysis of patients undergoing major abdominal surgery has shown that patients managed in a state of fluid and electrolyte balance had a 59% reduction in risk of developing complications when compared with patients managed in a state of fluid
imbalance (deficit or excess). There was also a 3.4 day reduction in
hospital stay in the fluid balance group. Moreover, maximum weight
gain was seen in the studies in which the standard group received an
excessive amount of fluid. It appears that patients need to gain at
least 2.5-3 kg in weight, as a result of salt and water overload, in the
postoperative period in order to have a worse outcome than those
maintained in a state of zero fluid balance. Avoidance of fluid overload, rather than fluid restriction seems to be the key to better postoperative outcome.
Moore and Shires wrote in 1967, The objective of care is restoration
to normal physiology and normal function of organs, with a normal
blood volume, functional body water and electrolytes. This can never
be achieved by inundation. This recommendation has never been bettered.


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0.9% saline


25, 27, 38, 41, 42, 43

45, 50, 51, 54, 59, 67
68, 86, 90, 98, 99, 104
111, 118, 119
70, 84, 117, 119, 120


46, 53

acute kidney injury

acute phase

anaphylactic shock

blood flow
blood glucose

capillary membrane

10, 11, 20
21, 24, 26, 42
57, 113, 114, 115

cardiac arrest

37, 96, 105

32, 35, 42, 43, 44

cardiac arrhythmias 89, 106, 113, 115

cardiac contractility

111, 119

cardiac failure

51, 55, 75
79, 82, 86, 87


cardiac output




31, 114

7, 9

cell membrane

9, 10, 26
103, 105, 110

24, 28, 29, 34, 38

61, 64, 71, 83, 97

central nervous system

19, 51, 76

central venous catheters

central venous pressure

89, 95, 97, 98, 99

100, 102
24, 31, 51, 54
29, 31, 32, 51
74, 75, 87, 94

blood viscosity

10, 24, 25, 29
41, 42, 44, 74
117, 120
7, 9, 10, 52

cerebral oedema


31, 34, 73, 75, 87

33, 42, 117

118, 119

blood pressure

body fluid

101, 113


blood loss

blood volume

49, 57, 68, 69, 110

111, 115, 118

brain damage

central venous

9, 10, 23, 24, 105


7, 30, 33, 64, 66,

68, 70, 73, 79,
80, 81, 94, 96

11, 20, 21, 26, 29

35, 39, 41, 43, 44, 45
65, 74, 107, 110


body weight

31, 73
75, 87
98, 101, 104


24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30

38, 42, 45, 54, 63, 64
68, 71, 83, 96, 99
104, 117, 118


10, 11, 17, 20, 23, 24

31, 35, 42, 51, 97


43, 45, 51, 117


7, 26, 41, 42, 43

44, 45, 51


65, 68, 70, 71

continuous monitoring

creatinine concentrations


crystalloid administration

32, 33

7, 20, 35, 41, 42

44, 45, 46, 51

daily maintenance



16, 23, 24, 35




25, 41, 42, 46, 53, 59

89, 93, 99, 100, 104
107, 113, 114


10, 11, 118



fluid administration
fluid balance

7, 29, 57, 119

9, 11, 22, 29, 30
34, 35, 54, 78, 81
86, 92, 120

fluid depletion

23, 69, 105, 118

fluid infusion

30, 97, 98

fluid replacement

33, 35, 60, 76


fluid resuscitation

88, 119, 120

fluid spaces

9, 10

fluid therapy

7, 22, 34, 41, 50

60, 74, 75, 76, 84
87, 117

fresh frozen plasma

43, 51

20, 77, 96, 104


31, 33, 69, 76, 78

85, 89, 91, 103


27, 29, 69, 80, 82

86, 89, 91, 109
11, 13, 14, 15, 24, 26
28, 30, 50, 52, 64, 78
83, 85, 86, 101, 111, 120

endothelial dysfunction

90, 92, 111, 113

gas exchange


external fluid balance


49, 119


26, 41, 43, 44


23, 24, 25, 26, 37, 39

41, 46, 57, 67, 68, 89
95, 97, 98, 99, 100, 102
103, 105, 107, 114



117, 118
3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 42
49, 51, 52, 54, 59
67, 68, 108, 110, 111
119, 120

gastrointestinal function

9, 14, 67, 114

epidural analgesia



52, 118

daily weights


9, 10, 23, 25, 26

30, 32, 34, 118


17, 30, 33, 35, 36

39, 64, 78, 80, 83
85, 86, 92, 93


extracellular fluid


10, 21, 23, 105


10, 35, 39, 74

Hartmanns solution


29, 35, 65
109, 123




heart failure
heart sounds

25, 32, 74, 84

105, 109, 115


25, 32, 115


74, 84





high anion gap

66, 67




62, 63

hydrostatic pressure



28, 65, 95, 96

hydroxyethyl starch


69, 104




16, 20, 30, 36, 37

42, 101, 102, 103


30, 73, 75, 82, 91

hypotonic fluid

20, 36, 102, 103, 104

hypotonic saline



20, 29, 30, 32, 55

70, 73, 75, 76, 78, 79
82, 83, 87, 92, 103


33, 64, 67, 75, 87

26, 43, 45


59, 111
21, 30, 87, 93, 96
106, 107, 113, 114

27, 30, 42

hyperchloraemic acidosis

27, 38, 42
99, 104, 117
118, 119




19, 43, 45, 109

hyperchloraemic metabolic acidosis

51, 68, 71


19, 58



57, 79, 86, 91, 111


37, 96, 102

21, 51, 64, 88, 92
96, 98, 105


75, 87
30, 93, 101
103, 104
108, 109
79, 84
28, 70, 119
74, 102


37, 67, 89, 95, 96

98, 99, 100, 103, 105
106, 107, 113

insulin infusion

98, 100

insulin resistance
insulin secretion

95, 96, 107, 113

insulin treatment
intracellular component
intracellular fluid
intracellular protein

37, 96, 99
9, 23, 27, 41

intravascular compartment 20, 41, 42


4, 58, 59, 74, 113

intravascular space

10, 11, 21, 44


4, 58, 59, 74, 127

10, 19, 24, 25

26, 28, 29, 31
32, 33, 41, 73
76, 82, 96, 118


18, 36, 107, 114

intravascular volume

myocardial infarction



37, 88


86, 91

intravascular volume deficit 19, 29, 32

intravenous fluid therapy

41, 50, 117

invasive monitoring

34, 73

invasive techniques

31, 34

iodinated contrast

84, 86


63, 109, 110


42, 86, 89




15, 18, 19, 20, 25, 29

32, 42, 44, 45, 74, 75, 76
77, 84, 87, 88, 90, 92, 98
101, 104, 113, 114, 117, 118, 119

oncotic pressure
laboratory tests

29, 35



10, 15, 16, 17, 26, 30, 35

36, 39, 68, 85, 97, 98, 99
101, 102, 103, 104

26, 27, 28, 39, 46

51, 53, 61, 62, 64
65, 67, 71, 96



osmotic effect



osmotic sensors


liver function tests

11, 20
108, 113, 114, 118

mechanical ventilation
metabolic acidosis


27, 28, 51, 62

65, 66, 67, 68, 70
71, 96, 104, 105, 119

metabolic alkalosis

27, 28, 66, 69

metabolic water

microcirculatory compromise


microvascular perfusion



oxygenated blood

13, 14
6, 16, 36, 64, 68
95, 111, 115


oxygen saturations
oxygen species


11, 26, 42, 51

76, 88
103, 117, 118
5, 19, 22

30, 44, 51, 75, 82, 84

103, 117, 119, 120

perioperative fluid

95, 100, 117, 121


5, 7, 9, 13, 18, 19
22, 120

plasma proteins

11, 24

plasma sodium

36, 37, 99, 104

plasma urea
plasma volume

renal tubules

16, 17, 18, 84

17, 30, 35, 85

respiratory acidosis

28, 66, 69

11, 17, 24, 25, 32, 37

41, 42, 43, 44, 45

respiratory alkalosis

28, 66, 68, 70

respiratory disease

61, 70

plasma volume expanding capacity 43

respiratory failure

28, 64, 111


respiratory process




positive charges

21, 24


33, 49, 100, 102


81, 82

postoperative bleeding

19, 76

postoperative morbildity
postoperative period

35, 75, 82, 84, 85

96, 105

preoperative fluid

11, 16, 17, 26, 29, 31

32, 33, 34, 42, 51, 73
74, 75, 82, 84, 87, 94
117, 118, 119
17, 30, 95



pulmonary oedema

29, 74, 75, 76, 77

84, 87, 88, 90
92, 117

pulse rate

29, 31, 32, 51

74, 78, 84

rehydration solutions
renal function
renal perfusion

57, 104
27, 79, 105

119, 120


19, 28, 41, 43, 44, 49

50, 51, 52, 55, 58, 88
99, 119, 120

Ringers lactate

26, 46, 51, 53

risk factors

79, 83, 86, 94

saline infusion

27, 68, 71, 119

19, 20, 21, 30, 31, 49, 70
73, 75, 79, 81, 82, 86, 87
92, 97, 103

septic shock

67, 82
19, 31, 55, 64, 67, 82
98, 122, 123, 127

sodium balance
sodium bicarbonate

18, 30, 36, 37, 43

102, 103, 104
86, 89

sodium chloride

24, 26, 117

sodium concentration

15, 30, 101

sodium depletion

30, 103

sodium pump

9, 103, 105

sodium retention

18, 20, 118

sodium transport



17, 21, 30, 33, 35, 36

30, 44, 84, 117, 119

61, 76, 88



protein catabolism

renal failure

118, 120

33, 35, 36, 75, 81, 82

84, 85, 96, 105

pre-renal AKI



respiratory rate


Starling effect

26, 41, 43
44, 45, 57

Stewart approach

63, 71

sympathetic tone



29, 90


33, 73, 74




28, 29, 83

tissue damage

88, 105

tissue hypoxia


tissue oedema


tissue perfusion
total blood volume
total body sodium
total body water
transcapillary escape

103, 117, 119

10, 24, 25





venous catheters


venous pressure

31, 33, 73, 74

75, 87

volume deficit

19, 25, 29, 32

44, 99

volume expanding capacity 41, 43, 44

volume expansion

26, 33, 44, 45

volume of colloid


volume of crystalloid
volume replacement

43, 76

volume status

55, 73, 74, 75

78, 81, 84, 86, 87
92, 93

water and salt

9, 13, 16, 21, 102

water balance

5, 13, 14, 30
34, 36, 54, 74
101, 102, 103

9, 10, 17, 23, 41
11, 20, 21
21, 79, 102, 118



42, 44

9, 10, 23, 24, 30, 34, 36

38, 43, 44, 54, 74, 83, 91
103, 105, 113, 120


Dileep N. Lobo
Andrew J. P. Lewington Simon P. Allison

Basic Concepts
of Fluid and
Electrolyte Therapy

H05.01.13/1 Nr 606 6669

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