HSE - Guide To Controlling Noise at Work For Employers

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Health and Safety


Noise at work
Guidance for employers on the Control of Noise at Work
Regulations 2005

Noise at work: Guidance for employers


What is this leaflet about?

The Regulations require you as an employer to:

Loud noise at work can damage your hearing. This

leaflet is to help you as an employer understand what
you need to do under the Control of Noise at Work
Regulations 2005 (the Noise Regulations 2005) and
how you can protect your employees from noise. It
will also be useful to employees and safety

This leaflet tells you about:

how loud noise can damage hearing;

what you have to do under the Noise Regulations
2005 to protect the hearing of your workers;
how to assess and control noise at work;
choosing quieter equipment and machinery;
different types of hearing protection;
when to inform and consult your workers;
health surveillance.

The Regulations do not apply to:

The Control of Noise at Work

Regulations 2005
The Noise Regulations 2005 require employers to
prevent or reduce risks to health and safety from
exposure to noise at work. Employees have duties
under the Regulations too.

assess the risks to your employees from noise at

take action to reduce the noise exposure that
produces those risks;
provide your employees with hearing protection
if you cannot reduce the noise exposure enough
by using other methods;
make sure the legal limits on noise exposure are
not exceeded;
provide your employees with information,
instruction and training;
carry out health surveillance where there is a
risk to health.

members of the public exposed to noise from

their non-work activities, or making an informed
choice to go to noisy places;
low-level noise which is a nuisance but causes
no risk of hearing damage.

Employers in the music and entertainment sectors

have until 6 April 2008 to comply with the Noise
Regulations 2005. Meanwhile they must continue to
comply with the Noise at Work Regulations 1989,
which the 2005 Regulations replace for all other

Noise at work: Guidance for employers

Do you have a noise problem at work?

This will depend on how loud the noise is and how
long people are exposed to it. As a simple guide you
will probably need to do something about the noise if
any of the following apply:

Is the noise intrusive like a busy street, a

vacuum cleaner or a crowded restaurant for
most of the working day?
Do your employees have to raise their voices to
carry out a normal conversation when about 2 m
apart for at least part of the day?
Do your employees use noisy powered tools or
machinery for more than half an hour each day?
Do you work in a noisy industry, eg construction,
demolition or road repair; woodworking; plastics
processing; engineering; textile manufacture; general
fabrication; forging, pressing or stamping; paper or
board making; canning or bottling; foundries?
Are there noises due to impacts (such as
hammering, drop forging, pneumatic impact
tools etc), explosive sources such as cartridgeoperated tools or detonators, or guns?

Figure 1 Examples of typical noise levels


Noise can also be a safety hazard at work, interfering with

communication and making warnings harder to hear.

How is noise measured?

Noise is measured in decibels (dB). An
A-weighting sometimes written as dB(A), is
used to measure average noise levels, and a
C-weighting or dB(C), to measure peak, impact
or explosive noises.
You might just notice a 3 dB change in noise
level, because of the way our ears work. Yet every
3 dB doubles the noise, so what might seem like
small differences in the numbers can be quite

Some examples of typical noise levels are shown

in Figure 1. This shows that a quiet office may
range from 40-50 dB, while a road drill can
produce 100-110 dB.

Noise at work: Guidance for employers

The health effects of noise at work

Hearing loss
Noise at work can cause hearing loss which can be
temporary or permanent. People often experience
temporary deafness after leaving a noisy place.
Although hearing recovers within a few hours, this
should not be ignored. It is a sign that if you continue
to be exposed to the noise your hearing could be
permanently damaged. Permanent hearing damage
can be caused immediately by sudden, extremely
loud, explosive noises, eg from guns or cartridgeoperated machines.
But hearing loss is usually gradual because of
prolonged exposure to noise. It may only be when
damage caused by noise over the years combines
with hearing loss due to ageing that people realise
how deaf they have become. This may mean their
family complains about the television being too loud,
they cannot keep up with conversations in a group, or
they have trouble using the telephone. Eventually
everything becomes muffled and people find it
difficult to catch sounds like t, d and s, so they
confuse similar words.
Hearing loss is not the only problem. People may
develop tinnitus (ringing, whistling, buzzing or
humming in the ears), a distressing condition which
can lead to disturbed sleep.
Remember: Young people can be damaged as
easily as the old

Noise at work: Guidance for employers

Noise levels

What are the action levels and limit

The Noise Regulations require you to take specific
action at certain action values. These relate to:

the levels of exposure to noise of your

employees averaged over a working day or
week; and
the maximum noise (peak sound pressure) to
which employees are exposed in a working day.

The actions you need to take are described in the rest

of this leaflet. Figure 2 will also help you decide what
you need to do.
There are also levels of noise exposure which must
not be exceeded:

The values are:

lower exposure action values:

daily or weekly exposure of 80 dB;

peak sound pressure of 135 dB;

upper exposure action values:

daily or weekly exposure of 85 dB;

peak sound pressure of 137 dB.

exposure limit values:

daily or weekly exposure of 87 dB;

peak sound pressure of 140 dB.

These exposure limit values take account of any

reduction in exposure provided by hearing protection.

Noise at work: Guidance for employers

Risk assessment

How do I get started?

If you answered yes to any of the questions in the
section Do you have a noise problem, you will need
to assess the risks to decide whether any further
action is needed, and plan how you will do it.
The aim of the risk assessment is to help you decide
what you need to do to ensure the health and safety of
your employees who are exposed to noise. It is more
than just taking measurements of noise sometimes
measurements may not even be necessary. Your risk
assessment should:

identify where there may be a risk from noise

and who is likely to be affected;
contain a reliable estimate of your employees
exposures, and compare the exposure with the
exposure action values and limit values;
identify what you need to do to comply with the
law, eg whether noise-control measures or
hearing protection are needed, and, if so, where
and what type; and
identify any employees who need to be provided
with health surveillance and whether any are at
particular risk.

It is essential that you can show that your estimate of

employees exposure is representative of the work
that they do. It needs to take account of:

the work they do or are likely to do;

the ways in which they do the work; and
how it might vary from one day to the next.

Your estimate must be based on reliable information,

eg measurements in your own workplace, information
from other workplaces similar to yours, or data from
suppliers of machinery.
You must record the findings of your risk assessment.
You need to record in an action plan anything you
identify as being necessary to comply with the law,
setting out what you have done and what you are
going to do, with a timetable and saying who will be
responsible for the work.
Review your risk assessment if circumstances in your
workplace change and affect noise exposures. Also
review it regularly to make sure that you continue to do
all that is reasonably practicable to control the noise
risks. Even if it appears that nothing has changed, you
should not leave it for more than about two years
without checking whether a review is needed.

You need to make sure that your risk assessment:

has been drawn up by someone who is

competent to carry out the task; and
is based on advice and information from
people who are competent to provide it.

You, or people within your company, may well be

competent in some or all areas. You may, however,
choose or need to go to external consultants.

Noise at work: Guidance for employers

Control the risks

How do I control the risks from noise?

The purpose of the Noise Regulations 2005 is to make

sure that people do not suffer damage to their hearing
so controlling noise risks and noise exposure should
be where you concentrate your efforts.

Wherever there is noise at work you should be

looking for alternative processes, equipment and/or
working methods which would make the work quieter
or mean people are exposed for shorter times. You
should also be keeping up with what is good practice
or the standard for noise control within your industry.

Where there are things you can do to reduce risks from

noise, that are reasonably practicable, they should be
done. However, where noise exposures are below the
lower exposure action values, risks are low and so you
would only be expected to take actions which are
relatively inexpensive and simple to carry out.
Where your assessment shows that your employees
are likely to be exposed at or above the upper
exposure action values, you must put in place a
planned programme of noise control.

How do I use the information from my

risk assessment?
Your risk assessment will have produced information
on the risks and an action plan for controlling noise.
Use this information to:

tackle the immediate risk, eg by providing

hearing protection;
identify what is possible to control noise, how
much reduction could be achieved and what is
reasonably practicable;
establish priorities for action and a timetable (eg
consider where there could be immediate
benefits, what changes may need to be phased
in over a longer period of time and the number
of people exposed to the noise in each case);
assign responsibilities to people to deliver the
various parts of the plan;
ensure the work on noise control is carried out;
check that what you have done has worked.

How do I reduce noise?

There are many ways of reducing noise and noise
exposure often a combination of methods works
best. First think about how to remove the loud noise
altogether. If that is not possible, do all you can to
control the noise at source, consider redesigning the
workplace and reorganising working patterns. Take
measures to protect individual workers if you need to.
Consider the following:

Use a different, quieter process or quieter

equipment, eg:
can you do the work in some other quieter
can you replace whatever is causing the
noise with something that is less noisy?

Noise at work: Guidance for employers

introduce a low-noise purchasing policy for

machinery and equipment.
Introduce engineering controls:
avoid metal-on-metal impacts, eg line
chutes with abrasion-resistant rubber, and
reduce drop heights;
vibrating machine panels can be a source
of noise add material to reduce vibration
isolate vibrating machinery or components
from their surroundings, eg with antivibration mounts or flexible couplings;
fit silencers to air exhausts and blowing
Modify the paths by which the noise travels
through the air to the people exposed, eg:
erect enclosures around machines to
reduce the amount of noise emitted into
the workplace or environment;
use barriers and screens to block the direct
path of sound;
position noise sources further away from
Design and lay out the workplace for low noise
emission, eg:
use absorptive materials within the building
to reduce reflected sound, eg open cell
foam or mineral wool;
keep noisy machinery and processes away
from quieter areas;
design the workflow to keep noisy
machinery out of areas where people
spend most of their time.

Limit the time spent in noisy areas every

halving of the time spent in a noisy area will
reduce noise exposure by 3 dB.

Proper and regular maintenance of machinery

and equipment is essential as it will deteriorate
with age and can become noisier. Listen out for
changes in noise levels it may be time to
replace worn or faulty parts.

Noise at work: Guidance for employers


Figure 2 Managing noise risks

Assess the risks

Identify noise hazards
Estimate likely exposure to noise
Identify measures required to eliminate or reduce risks,
control exposures and protect employees
Make a record of what you will do in an action plan

Protect your employees

Eliminate or control noise risks
Eliminate or reduce risks using good practice and
known control and management solutions
For the higher-risk cases, plan and put in place
technical and organisational noise-control measures

Worker information and training

Consult workers and allow their
Give employees information, instruction
and training about the risks, control
measures, hearing protection and safe
working practices

Make sure the legal limits on noise exposure are not

And provide hearing protection

Health surveillance

Protect your employees with hearing protection

Provide health surveillance (hearing

checks) for those at risk

Make its use mandatory for the high-risk cases (keep

working on technical and organisational control


Use the results to review controls and

further protect individuals

Manage the use of hearing protection with zones,

instruction and supervision

Employees co-operate and attend for

hearing checks

Maintain and use the equipment

Maintain any noise-control equipment and hearing protection
Ensure that anything supplied is fully and properly used
Employees use the controls provided and report any defects
Employees use hearing protection where its use is mandatory

Review what you are doing

Review as things change:
Changes in work practices
Changes in noise exposures

Employer actions
Employee actions


Noise at work: Guidance for employers

New ways to reduce risks

Noise at work: Guidance for employers

A low-noise purchasing policy

How can I choose quieter equipment

and machinery?

Remember to ask your supplier about:

Introducing a positive purchasing and hire policy can

be the most cost-effective long-term measure you
take to reduce noise at work. Choosing quieter
equipment and machinery, whether it is bought or
hired, from the start can save you the cost of
introducing noise-reduction measures once it is
installed or in use. You could do the following:


Consider at an early stage how new or replacement

machinery could reduce noise levels in the
workplace set a target to reduce the noise levels if
Ensure you specify a realistic noise output level for
all new machinery, and check that tenderers and
suppliers are aware of their legal duties.
Ask the suppliers about the likely noise levels under
the particular conditions in which you will operate
the machinery, as well as under standard test
conditions. If you ask the same question to all
suppliers you can compare information. Noise output
data will only ever be a guide as many factors affect
the noise levels experienced by employees, but it will
help you to buy quieter machines.
Try to purchase or hire only from suppliers who can
demonstrate a low-noise design, with noise control
as a standard part of the machine, not as a costly
optional extra.
Keep a record of your decision process, to help
show that you have met your legal duties to reduce
workplace noise.

installation arrangements, eg methods of

mounting and location, to ensure machinery
operates as quietly as possible;
anything about how the machine operates which
could affect the noise it produces;
maintenance arrangements to ensure the
machine continues to operate properly and does
not get louder over time.

Noise at work: Guidance for employers

Under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 and
the Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations 1992 (as
amended) a supplier of machinery must do the

Provide equipment that is safe and without risk to

health, with the necessary information to ensure
it will be used to meet those aims.
Design and construct machinery so that the noise
produced is as low as possible.
Provide information about the noise the machine
produces under actual working conditions.

New machinery must be provided with:

a Declaration of Conformity to show that it meets

essential health and safety requirements;
a CE mark;
instructions for safe installation, use and
information on the risks from noise at
workstations, including:
A-weighted sound pressure level, where this
exceeds 70 dB;
maximum C-weighted instantaneous sound
pressure level, where this exceeds 130 dB;
sound power (a measure of the total sound
energy) emitted by the machinery, where
the A-weighted sound pressure level
exceeds 85 dB;
a description of the operating conditions under
which the noise tests were carried out.


Noise at work: Guidance for employers

Hearing protection

When should hearing protection be used?

Hearing protection should be issued to employees:

where extra protection is needed above what

can been achieved using noise control;
as a short-term measure while other methods of
controlling noise are being developed.

How can hearing protection be used


You should not use hearing protection as an

alternative to controlling noise by technical and
organisational means.


Give HSE's pocket card Protect your hearing or lose

it! to your employees to remind them to wear their
hearing protection.

What does the law require employers

to do?

You are required to:


provide your employees with hearing protectors

if they ask for it and their noise exposure is
between the lower and upper exposure action
provide your employees with hearing protectors
and make sure they use them properly when
their noise exposure exceeds the upper
exposure action values;
identify hearing protection zones, ie areas where
the use of hearing protection is compulsory, and
mark them with signs if possible;

provide your employees with training and

information on how to use and care for the
hearing protectors;
ensure that the hearing protectors are properly
used and maintained.

make sure the protectors give enough protection

aim at least to get below 85 dB at the ear;
target the use of protectors to the noisy tasks
and jobs in a working day;
select protectors which are suitable for the
working environment consider how
comfortable and hygienic they are;
think about how they will be worn with other
protective equipment (eg hard hats, dust masks
and eye protection);
provide a range of protectors so that employees
can choose ones which suit them.


provide protectors which cut out too much noise

this can cause isolation, or lead to an
unwillingness to wear them;
make the use of hearing protectors compulsory
where the law doesnt require it;
have a blanket approach to hearing protection
better to target its use and only encourage
people to wear it when they need to.

Noise at work: Guidance for employers

What about maintenance?

You will need to make sure that hearing protection
works effectively and check that:

it remains in good, clean condition;

earmuff seals are undamaged;
the tension of the headbands is not reduced;
there are no unofficial modifications;
compressible earplugs are soft, pliable and

What checks do I have to make?

The problems of
fitting earmuffs (eg
with long hair, safety
glasses or jewellery)

You need to make sure that employees use hearing

protection when required to. You may want to:

include the need to wear hearing protection in

your safety policy. Put someone in authority in
overall charge of issuing them and making sure
replacements are readily available;
carry out spot checks to see that the rules are
being followed and that hearing protection is
being used properly. If employees carry on not
using it properly you should follow your normal
company disciplinary procedures;
ensure all managers and supervisors set a good
example and wear hearing protection at all times
when in hearing protection zones;
ensure only people who need to be there enter
hearing protection zones and do not stay longer
than they need to.


The correct and

incorrect fitting of



Noise at work: Guidance for employers

Information, instruction and training

What do I need to tell my employees?

Employee and safety representatives

It is important that employees understand the risks

they may be exposed to. Where they are exposed
above the lower exposure action values you should at
least tell them:

Consulting with trade union-appointed safety

representatives or other employee representatives is a
legal requirement. Working with safety representatives
and employees representatives is a very useful
means of communicating about health and safety
matters in your workplace. For example, discuss with
them your risk assessment and action plan, including
any proposal to average exposure over a week,
selection of hearing protection, any hearing protection
zones and your health surveillance programme.

the likely noise exposure and the risk to hearing

this noise creates;
what you are doing to control risks and
where and how people can obtain hearing
how to report defects in hearing protection and
noise-control equipment;
what their duties are under the Noise
Regulations 2005;
what they should do to minimise the risk, such
as the proper way to use hearing protection and
other noise-control equipment, how to look after
it and store it, and where to use it;
your health surveillance systems.

Make sure you give information in a way the

employee can be expected to understand (for
example you might need to make special
arrangements if the employee does not understand
English or cannot read).


Remember: Involving your employees in decisions

can help improve working relationships, make
your employees more receptive to new ideas and
help you control exposure to noise.

Noise at work: Guidance for employers

Health surveillance

Providing health surveillance

You must provide health surveillance (hearing checks)
for all your employees who are likely to be regularly
exposed above the upper exposure action values, or
are at risk for any reason, eg they already suffer from
hearing loss or are particularly sensitive to damage.
The purpose of health surveillance is to:

warn you when employees might be suffering

from early signs of hearing damage;
give you an opportunity to do something to
prevent the damage getting worse;
check that control measures are working.

Consult your trade union safety representative, or

employee representative and the employees
concerned before introducing health surveillance. It is
important that your employees understand that the
aim of health surveillance is to protect their hearing.
You will need their understanding and co-operation if
health surveillance is to be effective.

ensuring employees are examined by a doctor

where hearing damage is identified.

Ideally you would start the health surveillance before

people are exposed to noise (ie for new starters or
those changing jobs), to give a baseline. It can, however,
be introduced at any time for employees already
exposed to noise. This would be followed by a regular
series of checks, usually annually for the first two years
of employment and then at three-yearly intervals
(although this may need to be more frequent if any
problem with hearing is detected or where the risk of
hearing damage is high).
The hearing checks need to be carried out by someone
who has the appropriate training. The whole health
surveillance programme needs to be under the control of
an occupational health professional (for example a doctor
or a nurse with appropriate training and experience). You,
as the employer, have the responsibility for making sure
the health surveillance is carried out properly.

How can I arrange health surveillance?

What is health surveillance?
Health surveillance for hearing damage usually means:

regular hearing checks in controlled conditions;

telling employees about the results of their
hearing checks;
keeping health records;

Larger companies may have access to in-house

occupational health services who may be able to
carry out the programme. Where there are no
facilities in-house you will need to use an external
contractor. You may be able to find out about
occupational health services through your trade
association, or through local business support

Noise at work: Guidance for employers

What should I expect from an

occupational health service provider?
A suitable occupational health service provider will be
able to show you that they have the training and
experience needed. They should be able to:

advise you on a suitable programme for your

set up the programme;
provide suitably qualified and experienced staff
to carry out the work;
provide you with reports on your employees
fitness to continue work with noise exposure.

What do I have to do with the results of

health surveillance?
Use the results to make sure your employees hearing
is being protected. You will need to:

Analysing the results of your health surveillance for

groups of workers can give you an insight into how
well your programme to control noise risks is working.
Use the results to target your noise reduction,
education and compliance practices more accurately.
Make this information available to employee or safety

By law, as an employer, you must assess and
identify measures to eliminate or reduce risks
from exposure to noise so that you can protect
the hearing of your employees.
Where the risks are low, the actions you take
may be simple and inexpensive, but where the
risks are high, you should manage them using a
prioritised noise-control action plan.
Where required, ensure that:


keep records of the health surveillance and

fitness-for-work advice provided for each
employee (but not the confidential medical
records which are kept by the doctor). A health
and safety inspector can ask to see the health
records as part of their checks that you are
complying with the Regulations;
make employees records available to them;
act upon any recommendations made by the
occupational health service provider about
employees continued exposure to noise;
use the results to review and, if necessary,
revise your risk assessment and your plans to
control risks.

hearing protection is provided and used;

any other controls are properly used; and
you provide information, training and
health surveillance.

Review what you are doing if anything changes

that may affect the noise exposures where you

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