Aura Tranformcbir

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Signal & Image Processing : An International Journal (SIPIJ) Vol.3, No.

1, February 2012

Investigations of the MRI Images using Aura

Parveen Lehana1, Swapna Devi2, Satnam Singh3, Pawanesh Abrol4, Saleem
Khan1, Sandeep Arya1*

Dept. of Physics & Electronics, University of Jammu, Jammu

Dept. of Electronics & Communication, NITTTR Chandigarh
Dept. of Electronics & Communication, SSCET, Badhani, Pathankot
Dept. of Computer Science, University of Jammu, Jammu

[email protected]

The quality of biomedical images can be enhanced by using several transformations reported in the
literature. The enhanced images may be useful to extract the exact information from these scans. In recent
times, researchers exploited various mathematical models to smoothen and enhance the quality of the
biomedical images with an objective to extract maximum useful medical information related to functioning
or malfunctioning of the brain. Both real and non-real time based techniques have been explored and
reported for this purpose. In this proposed work, aura based technique has been investigated for enhancing
the quality of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans of the human brain. The aura transformation based
algorithm with some modifications has been developed and the performance of the algorithm is evaluated
on a series of defected, diseased, and normal MRI brain images.

Keywords : MRI, image segmentation, brain tumor, aura transition, image processing.

Image processing is a significant technique in several areas such as video coding, computer
vision, and medical imaging [1] [2]. In medical imaging, for the successful treatment of lesions,
tumors and vascular malformations in brain, MRI scans are vital. For further investigations, the
deformable model images and projection of structures from brain onto MRI image is a commonly
used [3]. These scans help in the diagnosis of injury for improving the results of surgical, radiosurgical, or radio-therapeutic treatment [4]. Converting an image into homogeneous regions is an
area of research from a decade, especially when the image is made up of complex textures. A
number of techniques have been proposed for this task, including spatial frequency techniques [5]
[6]. Image processing techniques have been used widely depending on the specific application
and image modalities. Computer based detection of abnormal growth of tissues in a human brain
are preferred to manual processing methods in the medical investigations because of accuracy and
satisfactory results. In MRI scans, the important task is to label the voxels according to their
tissue type which includes white matter (WM), gray matter (GM), cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), and
sometimes pathological tissues like tumor [7] [8]. Several methods for processing the MRI scans
DOI : 10.5121/sipij.2012.3109


Signal & Image Processing : An International Journal (SIPIJ) Vol.3, No.1, February 2012

have been developed. The different methods of analyzing the scans can be classified under five
broad categories. These are methods based on statistics (clustering methods) [9], fuzzy sets theory
[10], mathematical morphology [11], edge detection [12], and region growing [13]. Image
processing of a brain image allows extracting the lesions from the brain data and provides
information for further stages of the quantitative assessment. A lot of techniques have been
proposed for processing MRI scans for the purpose of effective diagnosis [14-16]. However, there
is still scope for improvement in terms of quality of the processed images. As a lot of information
is embedded in the texture of the MRI scans, the analysis of the texture of MRI scan may be quite
significant for predicting the brain related problems.
Recently, a technique called aura introduced by Rosalind W. Picard and Ibrahim Elfadel [17-19]
has been reported and applied for the analysis of the textures, restoration of the distorted images
and segmentation of geometrical patterns [20-25]. Even though many techniques have been used
for analysis of MRI images, the extensive use of aura based techniques for enhancing the content
of the scans has not been carried out.
In this research work, an aura based technique is investigated for enhancing the quality of an MRI
scans for better medical diagnosis. Extensive investigations have been carried out with the MRI
scans of several subjects involving different types of brain related problems. The analysis of the
processed images indicates the enhancement of the important regions of the brain in the MRI scan
responsible for the abnormalities in the functioning of the brain. For employing the standard
model reported by Rosalind W. Picard and Ibrahim Elfadel [17-19], to cover gray scale images
efficiently, few modifications have also been incorporated. The details of MRI have been
presented in the next section. In the subsequent sections, Aura transformation, mathematical
background of aura, methodology, and results are discussed.


Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a significant technique of examining the human body. MRI
helps to explain and characterize the neural architecture of the human brain. It is a non-invasive
method of obtaining images corresponding to the sections of the specific structure in the human
body. MRI scanner employs a magnetic field and radio waves to generate exhaustive images of
the human brain [26]. MRI data is most relevant in the studies of a head, specifically, for tracking
the size of brain tumor and other brain related problems. MRI helps for early detection of
intracranial tumors and precise estimation of tumor boundaries, which are significant when
planning radiotherapy. Analytical imaging of MRI scan has also been used to assess the maturity
of the central nervous system and diagnose malformations. The resonance is also indispensable
for imaging of vascular changes. Using this method of diagnostic, imaging allows obtaining
information about aneurysms and accompanying symptoms. MRI also helps in showing seditious
changes of the central nervous system and gives accurate assessment of the degree of brain
atrophy [27]. The automatic classification of brain MRI may be used for identifying regions
having various brain diseases like cerebro-vascular, alzheimer, brain tumor, inflammatory, etc.
Although automatic classification is a challenging process and a lot of research is being carried
out in this direction involving different techniques. These techniques may be broadly classified in
two categories supervised and unsupervised. Some of the techniques in supervised classification
are artificial neural networks, support vector machine (SVM), and k nearest neighbor (k-NN). In
unsupervised classification self-organization map (SOM) and fuzzy c-means are included [2830]. The MRI images provide necessary information about the soft tissue anatomy that is very

Signal & Image Processing : An International Journal (SIPIJ) Vol.3, No.1, February 2012

useful for the diagnosis and treatment in brain pathology. MRI techniques are still in the
development stage, and most of the research is concentrated around the improvement of the
quality and speed of acquisition of MRI signal. Several processes involved in the interpretation of
MRI signals are manual. Therefore, even in the laboratories having the state of art technologies
there is a necessity for automated image processing technique for MRI based medical diagnosis.


The concept of aura set, aura measure and aura matrix was introduced by Rosalind W. Picard and
Ibrahim Elfadel for analysis and synthesis of textures [17] [18]. Aura is defined as the relative
distribution of pixels intensities with respect to a predefined structuring element. The matrix
computed from the local distribution of pixel intensities of the given texture is called aura matrix.
Aura set and aura measure are the basic components of the aura based texture analysis. Aura Set
describes the relative presence of one gray level in the neighborhood of another gray level in a
texture and its quantitative measure called aura measure. Xuejie Qin and Yee Hong Yang also
used the aura based framework and showed that basic gray level aura matrices (BGLAM) can
uniquely represent the given texture [19]. A neighborhood element is used to calculate the
relative presence of one gray level with respect to another. The concept of Aura has also been
applied to 3D textures to generate the solid textures from the input samples automatically without
user intervention. The results computed using weighted-aura matrix distance, outperform Wei and
Levoys method and are comparable to that proposed by Jagnow, et. al [31].
While considering several approaches, we studied previous methodologies that have been
developed and improved upon by various authors to computationally analyze images [19] [21-23]
[32-34]. Present work is based on recently proposed BGLAM (Basic Gray-Level Aura Matrices)
mathematical framework [19], which is developed based on the aura concepts (i.e., aura sets, aura
measures, and aura matrices) [35]. The aura based transformation for texture analysis and
synthesis may have many advantages. The main advantage is that the input texture image is not
needed once the aura matrix has been calculated. This reduces the storage and computational
complexity. The other advantage is that aura matrix of any texture is independent of its
orientation. Hence each texture can be uniquely represented. In addition, this technique may
further be used for constructing aura based distance measures for comparing the textures. The
concept of aura can also be explored for implementing different types of digital filters to estimate
the boundary of different components in images of solids and fluids [27].
The output texture can be generated by the concatenation of the input texture sample that
introduces a very serious problem of propagating the distortions present in the input sample to the
synthesized texture. The sources of distortion may be due to the presence of random noise,
wrinkles, foldings, cracks, rusting etc. Further, the problem is inflated if these distortions are
present near the edges. The net result of these distortions may be the unpleasing and distracting
effects developed in the synthesized output texture [27].


As discussed earlier, aura is a significant technique for analysis and synthesis of textures. The
mathematical framework of aura is defined in [17-19] [21-24]. The input texture is represented as
an ordered set of pixel intensity values. It is denoted by S and has the size N x M. The structuring
element is a collection of pixel intensities taken from site where it is placed on the input texture

Signal & Image Processing : An International Journal (SIPIJ) Vol.3, No.1, February 2012

image. After placing this element at a particular site, the intensity values taken from two sets
called Set A and Set B are matched with the pattern of the pixel values of the image just below
the structuring element. The choice of the shape of the structuring element depends upon the
nature of analysis and the input given image. The values of the intensities used for A and B
depend upon the input texture image and the nature of the analysis. Various schemes for allotting
the intensity values to set A and B lead to different aura patterns. In general, the structuring
element is denoted by N = { Ns, s S }, where, Ns is one of the elements (single pixel intensity)
taken from the set S or its subset A or subset B. The elements around which the aura is to be
determined are taken from the set A. The intensity values of the surrounding elements are taken
from the set B. The set of matching patterns in the given texture image as per the structuring
element is called aura matrix. In another words, the aura of A w.r.t. B is given by

The total number of aura patterns obtained for a combination of pixel intensity values taken from
set A and set B according to the structuring element is called the aura measure for that
combination and is given by

Fig. 1. Example of an aura on a binary lattice with four nearest neighbors system. (a) A sample
binary lattice S, where the subset A is the set of all 1s and B the set of all 0s. (b)The structuring
element of the neighborhood system (c) The set of shaded sites is the aura set of A with respect to


Signal & Image Processing : An International Journal (SIPIJ) Vol.3, No.1, February 2012

PA and PB are the patterns formed by taking elements from set A and set B, respectively according
to the structuring element. Pt is the pattern formed in the input texture at the position where the
structuring element is currently placed. PAB is the pattern formed from the elements set A and set
B. Hence the aura measure for a combination of PA and PB at a particular site in the input texture
is equal to total number of matchings of all possible patterns formed from set A & set B with
respect to the pattern formed below the current position of the structuring element. It should be
noted that the matching of patterns is to be computed only at the sites where the intensity values
in the input texture are identical to the elements in set A.
The matrix of all the patterns which can be formed for different combinations of the intensity
values taken from set A and B with respect to the given structuring element is called aura matrix.
For simplicity the image textures are analyzed using their gray level representations. GLAM
(Gray-Level Aura Matrix) defines the aura measure for a typical the structuring element and the
texture image shown in Fig. 1 between Si and Sj using the relation

Where Si and Sj are the ith and jth gray levels in the range {0 i , j 1}
The standard mathematical formulation of aura described in this section is limited in application
because of the need of exact matching of the gray values of structuring elements in with the
image under processing. We have slightly relaxed some of the constraints of the standard aura
and the modified algorithm is explained in the next section.

It is clear from the literature survey that limited work has been carried out using the standard
concepts of aura based transformation. Our previous investigations have shown that the power of
aura transformation may be enhanced by modifying some of the concepts of aura technique [2125]. In the present research work, the basic concepts of aura are further modified to widen its
application area. Here, modified aura concept has been used for investigating and enhancing the
quality of MRI scans for better medical diagnosis. The modified aura based algorithm is shown in
Fig. 2 in the form of a flow chart.
In preprocessing, the input MRI scan is converted to gray scale and its size is modified to reduce
the number of computations. The reduction depends upon the expected size and texture of the
abnormal region in the scan.
Different types of abnormalities are introduced in the preprocessed scans for investigating the
effect of aura on these abnormalities and the neighborhood structures of the brain.The
abnormalities like Alzheimer, calcium migraine and other growth of tissues called tumor were
manually introduced. A neighborhood element is defined in the form of a 3x3 matrix.
The values of the elements of this matrix are estimated on the basis of gray scale values of the
given MRI scan. The input image is processed using this structuring element by traversing it pixel
by pixel on the whole image. At every placement, the differences of the gray scale values of the
neighborhood elements and the corresponding pixels below it are computed. Depending upon the
difference threshold Td, the 3x3 matrix of the differences is converted to zeros and ones. If the
difference is less than Td, the corresponding element is mar ked as one otherwise, zero in the

Signal & Image Processing : An International Journal (SIPIJ) Vol.3, No.1, February 2012

difference matrix. If the total number of ones in the difference matrix is more than a threshold
called matching threshold Tm, the pixel corresponding to the central element of the neighborhood
element is marked as black, otherwise left unchanged. This process is repeated for the entire input
image. The investigations have been carried out with different values of both the thresholds and
input MRI scan involving various abnormalities. The evaluation of the enhancement in the
processed MRI scan with respect to the input image was carried out using the visual inspection.


The investigations were carried out using two sets of MRI scans. The first set included the images
where the abnormality was introduced manually with varying sizes, shapes, positions and
textures. The second set included the scans having actual abnormalities corresponding to different
subjects and diseases.

Signal & Image Processing : An International Journal (SIPIJ) Vol.3, No.1, February 2012

Fig. 3. Input and the corresponding processed MRI scans with different types of abnormalities
and threshold values.
The images in these two sets were processed as per the modified aura methodology described in
the previous section. The results were obtained by modifying the values of the thresholds Td and
Tm. Some of the processed images are shown in Fig. 3. The input images are shown in the column
I. The value of Td for these images was fixed at 30% of the maximum intensity value in the image
under consideration. The corresponding processed images for values of Tm as 3, 7, and 9 are
shown in columns II-IV, respectively.
The visual analysis of the processed images with respect to the input images shows that the
enhancement is better for the moderate values of the matching threshold i.e. around Tm = 7. As
the value of Tm increased beyond 7, the quality of the processed images started deteriorating.
Similarly, it was also observed that when the value of difference threshold Td was fixed in the
range 25 -30 percent of the maximum intensity, better enhancement was achieved.


Signal & Image Processing : An International Journal (SIPIJ) Vol.3, No.1, February 2012

In this study, investigations were carried out to enhance the quality of the MRI scans involving
different types of abnormalities using modified aura based framework. It was observed that
modified framework with some constrains relaxed, is relatively less computationally expensive,
simple, and promising. The investigations further showed that the processed MRI scans were
enhanced in quality. The enhanced images may be used for predicting the abnormalities in brain
more effectively and accurately. The investigations involving the images obtained from other
medical imaging techniques are in our future plan.


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