Settlement of Estate

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7TH Judicial Region
Cebu City, Branch ____



SP. PROC. CASE NO. _____

Petitioner, through the undersigned counsel, and unto this Honorable
Court, most respectfully states that:
1. Petitioner is of legal age, widow, and a resident of 244D Rosello
Drive, Brgy. Nasipit, Talamban, Cebu City, where she may be served
with the notices of the Honorable Court. Notices and other processes
of the Honorable Court may also be served through Counsel of
Petitioner at Unit 3, 2nd floor, Sampaguita Building, Gorordo Avenue,
Cebu City.
2. Petitioner is the surviving spouse of the deceased SEVERINO
GABINETE, a certified true copy of their marriage certificate is
hereto attached as Annex A and made an integral part of this
3. The deceased SEVERINO GABINETE, died intestate in the City of
Cebu, Philippines on November 12, 2014, a certified true copy of his
death certificate is hereto attached as Annex B and made an integral
part of this petition;

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4. The deceased, during his lifetime, resided at Brgy. Nasipit, Talamban,

Cebu City, Philippines, his community tax certificate is hereto
attached as Annex C and made and integral part of this Petition;
5. The deceased SEVERINO GABINETE left the following legal heirs,
to wit:
Lucas Gabinete, brother, of legal age and a resident of Mambaling,
Cebu City.
6. The following are known creditors of the deceased SEVERINO
GABINETE, to wit:
Monica Morales, of legal age, and a resident of Mandaue City, Cebu.
7. The deceased, at the time of his death, left real properties with an
aggregate assessed value of Two Million Nine Hundred Thousand
Pesos (P2,900,000.00), Philippine currency, particularly described as
a) Residential lot in Carcar City, Cebu covered by TCT No. T-12835,
herein attached as Annex D with an area of 290 sq. m. with assessed
value of P300,000.00, as shown in the corresponding Tax Declaration
of said property, herein attached as Annex D-1;
b) Residential lot in Carcar City, Cebu covered by TCT No. T-12834,
herein attached as Annex E with an area of 323 sq.m with assessed
value of P400,000.00 , as shown in the corresponding Tax Declaration
of said property, herein attached as Annex E-1;

c) Residential lot in Cebu City, covered by TCT No. 35813 herein

attached as Annex F with a house constructed thereon with assessed
value of P1, 000,000.00, as shown in the corresponding Tax
Declaration of said property, herein attached as Annex F-1;

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d) Residential lot in Cebu City, covered by TCT No. 35814 herein

attached as Annex G with a house constructed thereon, with
assessed value of P1,200,000.00, as shown in the corresponding Tax
Declaration of said property, herein attached as Annex G-1;
8. Since the death of the late SEVERINO GABINETE, no settlement,
judicial or extrajudicial, of his property has been made;
9. Petitioner is competent, able and willing to act as administrator of the
estate of the deceased;
10.Petitioner has all the qualifications of a judicial administrator and
none of the disqualifications and is ready and willing to post a bond as
may be required by this Honorable Court.
WHEREFORE, in view of all the foregoing, it is respectfully prayed:
(a) That after due notice and hearing, letters of administration be issued to
the herein Petitioner for the administration of the estate of the
deceased SEVERINO GABINETE upon the giving of a bond in such
reasonable sum as this Honorable Court may fix;
(b) That after all the properties of the deceased SEVERINO GABINETE
have been inventoried and expenses and just debts, if any, have been
paid and the legal heirs of the deceased fully determined, that the said
estate of SEVERINO GABINETE be settled and distributed among
his legal heirs, in accordance with law;
(c) Such other relied and remedies just and equitable under the premises
are likewise prayed for.
Cebu City, Philippines, March 2, 2015.


Counsel for Petitioner
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Unit 3, 2nd floor, Sampaguita Bldg,

Gorordo Avenue, Cebu City.
Roll No. 54842
IBP No. 823408, 1/3/2015, Cebu City
PTR No. 146924, 1/8/2015, Cebu City
MCLE Compliance No. IV-0008665

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I, CESLEEN GABINETE, Filipino, of legal age, widow and a
resident of Brgy. Nasipit, Talamban, Cebu City, after having been duly
sworn to in accordance with law, do hereby depose and say that:
1.) I am the Petitioner in this case and I have caused the preparation and
filing of the foregoing Petition for Letters of Administration;
2.) I have read and understood the contents thereof and the same are true
and correct to the best of my personal knowledge and based on authentic
documents in my possession;
3.) I have not heretofore commenced any other action, suit or proceeding
involving the same issues and parties before any other court, tribunal, office
or agency, judicial or quasi-judicial, and to the best of my knowledge, no
such action or proceeding has been filed or is pending before any other
court, tribunal, office or agency, judicial or quasi-judicial.
4.) Should I learn any similar action or proceeding has been filed or is
pending before any court, tribunal office or agency, judicial or quasi-judicial,
I hereby undertake to inform the Honorable Court of such fact within a
period of five (5) days from actual notice.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand on 2nd day of
March, 2015 at the City of Cebu, Philippines.

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this 2nd day of March 2015 at
the City of Cebu, Affiant having shown to me her PRC License No. 8927645
bearing her true and genuine photograph and signature.

Doc. No. 418;

Page No. 84;
Book No. IV;
Series of 2015.


Commission Serial No. 1234567
Until December 31, 2016
Roll of Attorneys 79835068
IBP No. 65253, 10/5/14/Cebu City
PTR No. 42403, 1/5/15/Cebu City

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