United States Environmental Protection Agency Washington, D.C.

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Dear Registrant:

This is to inform you that the Environmental Protection Agency (hereafter referred to as
EPA or the Agency) has completed its review of the available data for the antimicrobials
propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol. The Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED) was
approved in the form of a decision memorandum which summarized the regulatory decision for
propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol on September 30, 2004.

Based on its review, EPA is now publishing its Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED)
for propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol and its associated human health and environmental
risks. A Notice of Availability will be published in the Federal Register announcing the
publication of the RED.

The RED and supporting documents for propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol will be
available to the public in EPA’s Pesticide Docket EPA-HQ-OPP-2006-0831 at:

Please note that the attached RED document pertains only to propylene glycol and
dipropylene glycol. This RED presents the Agency’s conclusions on the dietary, drinking water,
occupational and ecological risks posed by exposure to propylene glycol or dipropylene glycol
alone. This document also contains product-specific data that the Agency intends to require in
Data Call-Ins (DCIs). Note that DCIs, with all pertinent instructions, will be sent to registrants
at a later date. Currently, there are no generic data requirements. Additionally, for product-
specific DCIs, the first set of required responses will be due 90 days from the receipt of the DCI
letter. The second set of required responses will be due eight months from the receipt of the DCI

As part of the RED, the Agency has determined that propylene glycol and dipropylene
glycol are eligible for reregistration. Sections IV and V of this RED document describe product-
specific data requirements.

Propylene Glycol and Dipropylene Glycol Reregistration Team…….…………………………...i

Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations ……………………………………………………………ii


I. Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………….2
II. Chemical Overview…………………………………………………………………………….4
A. Regulatory History…………………………………………………………………….4
B. Chemical Identification………………………………………………………………..4

C. Use Profile……………………………………………………………………………..6

III. Summary of Propylene Glycol and Dipropylene Glycol


A. Human Health Assessment…………………………………………………….............9

1. Toxicity……….………………………………………………………………...9

2. FQPA Safety Factor………………………………………………………..…...11

3. Population Adjusted Dose (PAD) ………………………………………………11

4. Dietary and Residential Exposure………………………………………………11
5. Aggregate Exposure……………………………………………………..……..11

6. Occupational Exposure…………………………………………………….…..12

7. Human Incident Data……………………………………………………………12

B. Environmental Assessment……………………………………………………………12
1. Environmental Fate and Transport……………………………………………..12

2. Ecological Risk…………………………………………………………………13
a. Toxicity (Hazard) Assessment……………………………………….....13

b. Risk to Listed Species…………………………………………………..14

IV. Risk Management, Reregistration and Tolerance Reassessment

Decision…………………..15 A. Determination of Reregistration
B. Comments and Responses…………………………………………………………….15
C. Regulatory Position…………………………………………………………………...15

1. Food Quality Protection Act Findings…………………………………………15

a. "Risk Cup" Determination……………………………………………..15

b. Determination of Safety to U.S. Population……………………………16

c. Determination of Safety to Infants and Children……………………....16

d. Endocrine Disruptor Effects……………………………………………16

e. Cumulative Risks……………………………………………………....16

2. Tolerance Exemptions and Summary………………………………………….17

a. Codex Harmonization………………………………………………….18
D. Regulatory Rationale……………………………………………………………..….18

1. Listed Species Considerations……………………….......................................18

a. The Endangered Species


b. General Risk Mitigation……………………………………………….19

V. What Registrants Need to Do……………………………………………………………….....20

A. Manufacturing-Use Products……………………………………………………...…..20

1. Additional Generic Data Requirements………………………………… …....20

B. End-Use Products…………………………………………………………………......20

1. Additional Product-Specific and Efficacy Data Requirements……………......20

VI. Appendices…………………………………………………………………………………....22

A. Table of Use Patterns Eligible for Reregistration………………………………………23

B. Table of Generic Data Requirements and Studies Used to Make the

Reregistration Decision…………………………………………… …………………..47

C. Technical Support Documents…………………………………………………………54

D. Bibliography Citations…………………………………………………………………55
E. Generic Data Call-In……………………………………………………………………59
F. Product Specific Data Call-In…………………………………………………………..60

G. Batching of End-Use Products…………………………………………………………61

H. List of All Registrants Sent the Data Call-In………………………………………….64
I. List of Available Forms………………………………………………………………..65

Propylene Glycol and Dipropylene Glycol Reregistration Team

Health Effects Risk Assessment

Michelle Centra
SanYvette Williams-Foy
Najm Shamim
Jonathan Chen
Timothy Leighton
Tim McMahon

Environmental Fate and Ecological Risk Assessment

Kathryn Montague
Najm Shamim

Use and Usage Analysis

Michelle Centra

Registration Support
Marshall Swindell

Risk Management
Michelle Centra
Diane Isbell

a.i. Active Ingredient
aPAD Acute Population Adjusted Dose
APHIS Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
ARTF Agricultural Re-entry Task Force
BCF Bioconcentration Factor
CDC Centers for Disease Control
CDPR California Department of Pesticide Regulation
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
ChEI Cholinesterase Inhibition
CMBS Carbamate Market Basket Survey
cPAD Chronic Population Adjusted Dose
CSFII USDA Continuing Surveys for Food Intake by Individuals
CWS Community Water System
DCI Data Call-In
DEEM Dietary Exposure Evaluation Model
DL Double layer clothing {i.e., coveralls over SL}
DWLOC Drinking Water Level of Comparison
EC Emulsifiable Concentrate Formulation
EDSP Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program
EDSTAC Endocrine Disruptor Screening and Testing Advisory Committee
EEC Estimated Environmental Concentration. The estimated pesticide concentration in an
environment, such as a terrestrial ecosystem.
EP End-Use Product
EPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
EXAMS Tier II Surface Water Computer Model
FDA Food and Drug Administration
FFDCA Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act
FIFRA Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act
FOB Functional Observation Battery
FQPA Food Quality Protection Act
FR Federal Register
GL With gloves
GPS Global Positioning System
HIARC Hazard Identification Assessment Review Committee
IDFS Incident Data System
IGR Insect Growth Regulator
IPM Integrated Pest Management
RED Reregistration Eligibility Decision
LADD Lifetime Average Daily Dose
LC50 Median Lethal Concentration. Statistically derived concentration of a substance expected to cause
death in 50% of test animals, usually expressed as the weight of substance per weight or volume of
water, air or feed, e.g., mg/l, mg/kg or ppm.
LCO Lawn Care Operator
LD50 Median Lethal Dose. Statistically derived single dose causing death in 50% of the test animals
when administered by the route indicated (oral, dermal, inhalation), expressed as a weight of
substance per unit weight of animal, e.g., mg/kg.
LOAEC Lowest Observed Adverse Effect Concentration
LOAEL Lowest Observed Adverse Effect Level
LOC Level of Concern
LOEC Lowest Observed Effect Concentration
mg/kg/day Milligram Per Kilogram Per Day
MOE Margin of Exposure

MP Manufacturing-Use Product
MRID Master Record Identification (number). EPA’s system of recording and tracking studies
MRL Maximum Residue Level
N/A Not Applicable
NASS National Agricultural Statistical Service
NAWQA USGS National Water Quality Assessment
NG No Gloves
NMFS National Marine Fisheries Service
NOAEC No Observed Adverse Effect Concentration
NOAEL No Observed Adverse Effect Level
NPIC National Pesticide Information Center
NR No respirator
OP Organophosphorus
OPP EPA Office of Pesticide Programs
ORETF Outdoor Residential Exposure Task Force
PAD Population Adjusted Dose
PCA Percent Crop Area
PDCI Product Specific Data Call-In
PDP USDA Pesticide Data Program
PF10 Protection factor 10 respirator
PF5 Protection factor 5 respirator
PHED Pesticide Handler’s Exposure Data
PHI Pre-harvest Interval
ppb Parts Per Billion
PPE Personal Protective Equipment
PRZM Pesticide Root Zone Model
RBC Red Blood Cell
RED Reregistration Eligibility Decision
REI Restricted Entry Interval
RfD Reference Dose
RPA Reasonable and Prudent Alternatives
RPM Reasonable and Prudent Measures
RQ Risk Quotient
RTU (Ready-to-use)
RUP Restricted Use Pesticide
SCI-GROW Tier I Ground Water Computer Model
SF Safety Factor
SL Single layer clothing
SLN Special Local Need (Registrations Under Section 24C of FIFRA)
STORET Storage and Retrieval
TEP Typical End-Use Product
TGAI Technical Grade Active Ingredient
TRAC Tolerance Reassessment Advisory Committee
TTRS Transferable Turf Residues
UF Uncertainty Factor
USDA United States Department of Agriculture
USFWS United States Fish and Wildlife Service
USGS United States Geological Survey
WPS Worker Protection Standard


The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA or the Agency) has completed the human
health and environmental risk assessments for propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol and is
issuing its risk management decision and tolerance reassessment. The risk assessments, which
are summarized below, are based on the review of the required target database supporting the use
patterns of currently registered products. As a result of this review, EPA has determined that
products containing propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol alone are eligible for reregistration.
Products containing propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol in combination with other active
ingredients will be reregistered only when all of the active ingredients have been determined to
be eligible for reregistration. That decision is discussed fully in this document.


The Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) was amended in 1988 to
accelerate the reregistration of products with active ingredients registered prior to November 1,
1984 and amended again by the Pesticide Registration Improvement Act of 2003 to set time
frames for the issuance of Reregistration Eligibility Decisions. The amended Act calls for the
development and submission of data to support the reregistration of an active ingredient, as well
as a review of all submitted data by the Agency. Reregistration involves a thorough review of
the scientific database underlying a pesticide’s registration. The purpose of the Agency’s review
is to reassess the potential hazards arising from the currently registered uses of the pesticide; to
determine the need for additional data on health and environmental effects; and to determine
whether the pesticide meets the ”no unreasonable adverse effects” criteria of FIFRA.

On August 3, 1996, the Food Quality Protection Act of 1996 (FQPA) was signed into law. This
Act amends FIFRA to require a tolerance reassessment. The Agency has decided that, for those
chemicals that have tolerances and are undergoing reregistration, the tolerance reassessment will
be initiated through this reregistration process. The Act also required that by 2006, EPA must
review all tolerances in effect on the day before the date of the enactment of the FQPA. FQPA
also amends the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA) to require a safety finding in
the tolerance reassessment based on factors including consideration of cumulative effects of
chemicals with a common mechanism of toxicity. This document presents the Agency’s human
health and ecological review and the Reregistration Eligibility Decision for propylene and
dipropylene glycol.

As active ingredients, propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol are formulated primarily as
pressurized liquids and ready-to-use solutions. Propylene glycol is used in air sanitization and
hard surface disinfection and dipropylene glycol is used in air sanitization. Pest (fleas, mites, red
lice, and various bacteria and viruses) control for pets (cats, dogs, and birds) is also a major
active use for propylene glycol. As an inert ingredient, propylene glycol is formulated into end-
use agricultural and antimicrobial pesticide products whereas dipropylene glycol is formulated
into pesticide products for use in agricultural settings. Products containing propylene glycol and
dipropylene glycol in combination with other active ingredients will be reregistered only when
all of the active ingredients have been determined to be eligible for reregistration. This
document addresses the exposures and risks from the use of these pesticides as both active and
inert ingredients in pesticide products.

The Agency has concluded that the FQPA Safety Factor for propylene glycol and dipropylene
glycol should be removed (equivalent to 1X) because there is no pre- or post-natal evidence of
increased susceptibility for infants and children following exposure to either propylene or
dipropylene glycol.

The Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA) requires that the Agency consider available
information concerning the cumulative effects of a particular pesticide’s residues and other
substances that have a common mechanism of toxicity. The reason for consideration of other
substances is due to the possibility that low-level exposures to multiple chemical substances that

cause a common toxic effect by a common toxic mechanism could lead to the same adverse
health effect that would occur at a higher level of exposure to any of the substances individually.
Unlike other pesticides for which EPA has followed a cumulative risk approach based on a
common mechanism of toxicity, EPA has not made a common mechanism of toxicity finding for
propylene or dipropylene glycol and any other substances. Neither propylene nor dipropylene
glycol appear to produce a toxic metabolite produced by other substances. For the purposes of
this action, therefore, EPA has not assumed that propylene or dipropylene glycol have a common
mechanism of toxicity with other substances. For information regarding EPA’s efforts to
determine which chemicals have a common mechanism of toxicity and to evaluate the
cumulative effects of such chemicals, see the policy statements released by the EPA’s Office of
Pesticide Programs concerning common mechanism determinations and procedures for
cumulating effects from substances found to have a common mechanism on EPA’s website at

This document presents the Agency’s decision regarding the reregistration eligibility of the
registered uses of propylene and dipropylene glycol. In an effort to simplify the RED, the
information presented herein is summarized from more detailed information which can be found
in the technical supporting documents for these pesticides referenced in this RED. Related
documents will be available in the Public Docket at www.regulations.gov.

This document consists of six sections. Section I is the introduction. Section II provides a
chemical overview, a profile of the use and usage of propylene and dipropylene glycol, and their
regulatory history. Section III gives an overview of the revised human health and environmental
assessments based on the data available to the Agency. Section IV presents the reregistration
eligibility and risk management decisions. Section V summarizes procedures for the product-
specific data call-in (PDCI). Finally, the Appendices contain all use patterns eligible for
reregistration, bibliographic information, generic data requirements and studies used to make the
reregistration decision, related documents and how to access them, and Data Call-In (DCI)


A. Regulatory History

Propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol were first registered in 1950 and 1959, respectively, by
the FDA for use in hospitals as air disinfectants. At one point, there were approximately 190
pesticide chemical companies having active propylene or dipropylene glycol registrations. Many
of these registrations were canceled over the years and more recently, the majority of the
remaining producers of propylene and dipropylene glycol formulated pesticide products are
being represented by a consortium called the CSPA (Consumer Specialty Products Association)
Glycols Joint Venture. The member companies currently represented by this consortium are:
Amrep, Inc., Beaumont Products, Inc., Chase Products, MEDO/SOPUS Products, Reckitt
Benkiser, Inc., S.C. Johnson & Son, Inc., Wellmark International, and Waterbury Companies,

B. Chemical Identification

1. Propylene Glycol:

Common Name: Propylene Glycol

Chemical Name: 1, 2-Propanediol or 1,2-hydroxypropane

Chemical family: None

Case number: 3126

CAS registry number: 57-55-6

OPP chemical code: 068603

Empirical formula: C3H8O2

Molecular weight: 76.00 g/mol

Trade and other names: Propylene glycol

Manufacturers: CSPA Glycols Joint Venture (Amrep, Beaumont

Products, Inc., Chase Products, MEDO/SOPUS
Products, Reckitt Benkiser, Inc., S.C. Johnson &
Son, Inc., and Waterbury Companies, Inc.

Specific Gravity: 1.038

Solubility: Highly miscible in water

Boiling Point: 188 oC at 760 mm Hg

Melting Point: N/A

Vapor Pressure: 0.04 – 0.08 mm Hg at 20 oC

Structure: OH-CH2-CH(OH)-CH3

2. Dipropylene Glycol:

Common Name: Dipropylene Glycol

Chemical Name: Oxybispropanol

Chemical family: None

Case number: 3126

CAS registry number: 25265-71-8

OPP chemical code: 068604

Empirical formula: C6H14O3

Molecular weight: 134.00 g/mol

Trade and other names: Dipropylene glycol

Manufacturers: CSPA Glycols Joint Venture (Waterbury

Companies, Inc., and Beaumont Products, Inc.)

Specific Gravity: 1.038

Solubility: Highly miscible in water

Boiling Point: 188 oC at 760 mm Hg

Melting Point: N/A

Vapor Pressure: 0.04 – 0.08 mm Hg at 20 oC

Structure: OH-CH2-CH(OH)-CH3

C. Use Profile

1. Propylene Glycol
The following is information on the currently registered uses of propylene glycol products and
an overview of use sites and application methods. A detailed table of the uses of propylene
glycol eligible for reregistration is contained in Appendix A.

Type of Pesticide: Bacteriostat, Fungistat

Summary of Use Sites:

Indoor Non-Food: Propylene glycol is used on the following use sites: air treatment (eating
establishments, hospital, commercial, institutional, household, bathroom,
transportational facilities); medical premises and equipment, commercial,
institutional and industrial premises and equipment; laundry equipment;
hard non-porous surface treatments (bathroom facilities); automobiles; air
conditioning filters; pet treatment, including cats, dogs, and caged birds;
environmental inanimate hard surfaces; garbage containers/storage.

Target Pests: Odor-causing bacteria, Fleas, Mites, Red lice, Animal pathogenic bacteria
(G- and G+ vegetative), Shigella bacteria, Pasteurella bacteria, Listeria
bacteria, Herpes Simplex I and II, Animal viruses, Influenza Virus A2,
Aspergillus Niger Fungus, Mold/Mildew, Pseudomonas SPP., Shigella
Flexneri, Shigella Sonnei.

Inert Uses: As an inert ingredient, propylene glycol facilitates delivery of formulated

pesticide chemical products that are used as herbicides, fungicides,
insecticides, growth regulators and attractants on various commodities. It
is also used in the formulation and repackaging of wood preservatives.

Formulation Types: Pressurized liquid, ready-to-use

Method and Rates of Application

Pet Treatment
For dogs, puppies, cats, kittens; hold spray container 4-6 inches away from animal and direct
spray into fur, starting from tail. Rub spray down into fur so that skin is treated. For birds, hold
spray bottle three feet from bird and spray lightly - one burst every two or three seconds. Apply
no more that two times per week.

Air Sanitizer
Read the directions included with the automatic dispenser for proper installation of unit and
refill. Remove cap from aerosol can and place in a sequential aerosol dispenser which

automatically releases a metered amount every 15 minutes. One unit should treat 6000 ft3 of
closed air space. Dispenser should be located at a height of eight feet and at a point where wind
flow will carry the particles throughout the area. Each spray dose is 100 mg and the median
particle size is 30 microns. For regular, non-metered applications, spray room until a light fog
forms. To sanitize the air, spray 6 to 8 seconds in an average size room (10' x10').

Hard, Non-Porous Surface Disinfectant

Spray surface until thoroughly wet and let stand 10 minutes, then wipe with a dry paper towel.
On non-porous surfaces, rinse surface with water. To sanitize non-porous surfaces, spray until
wet. Let stand one minute, then wipe. To prevent mold and mildew on pre-cleaned non-porous
surfaces, spray surface until wet. Allow to air dry. Repeat application on pre-cleaned surface at
weekly intervals.

Table 1 lists the registrant and the respective EPA registration numbers for products containing
propylene glycol.
Table 1. EPA Registration Numbers for Propylene Glycol Products
Use Category Formulation Registrant EPA Registration Numbers

Air Sanitizer/ Pressurized S. C. Johnson & Son, Inc.* 4822-491

Disinfectant Liquid

Air Sanitizer Pressurized Amrep, Inc.* 10807-24, 10807-37, 10807-43

Air Sanitizer Pressurized MEDO/SOPUS Industries, 51838-1, 51838-2
Liquid Inc.*
Mite, flea, Pressurized Wellmark International *,** 2724-514, 2724-618,
and Lice Liquid 2724-763, 2724-764
* Member companies of the GSPA Glycols Joint Venture.

** The insecticidal products containing propylene glycol in addition to other active ingredients

will be reregistered only when all of the active ingredients have been determined to be eligible

for reregistration.

Use Classification: General use.

2. Dipropylene Glycol
The following is information on the currently registered uses of dipropylene glycol products and
an overview of use sites and application methods. A detailed table of the uses of dipropylene
glycol eligible for reregistration is contained in Appendix A.

Type of Pesticide: Bacteriostat, Fungistat

Summary of Use Sites:

Indoor Non-Food: Dipropylene glycol is used on the following use sites: air treatment (eating
establishments, hospital, commercial, institutional, household, bathroom)

Target Pests: Odor-causing bacteria, Animal pathogenic bacteria (G- and G+

vegetative), Animal viruses

Inert Uses: As an inert ingredient, dipropylene glycol facilitates delivery of

formulated pesticide chemical products that are used as herbicides,
fungicides, insecticides, growth regulators and attractants on various

Formulation Types: Pressurized liquid, ready-to-use

Method and Rates of Application

Air Sanitizer
As an air sanitizer, remove cap from aerosol can and place in a sequential aerosol dispenser
which automatically releases a metered amount every 15 minutes. One unit should treat 6000 ft3
of closed air space. Dispenser should be located at a height of eight feet and at a point where
wind flow will carry the particles throughout the area. Each spray dose is 100 mg and the median
particle size is 30 microns. Table 2 lists the registrant and the respective EPA registration
numbers for products containing dipropylene glycol.

Use Classification: General use.

Table 2 lists the registrant and the respective EPA registration numbers for products containing
dipropylene glycol.
Table 2. EPA Registration Numbers for Dipropylene Glycol Products
Use Category Formulation Registrant EPA Registration Numbers
Air SanitizerPressurized Waterbury Companies, Inc.* 9444-19, 9444-136
* Member companies of the GSPA Glycols Joint Venture.



A. Human Health Assessment

The Agency’s use of human studies in the propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol assessment is
in accordance with the Agency's Final Rule promulgated on January 26, 2006, related to
Protections for Subjects in Human Research, which is codified in 40 CFR Part 26.

1. Toxicity of Propylene Glycol and Dipropylene Glycol

A brief overview of the toxicity of propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol is presented below.
Further details on the toxicity of propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol can be found in the
supporting documentation for this RED. The Antimicrobials Division Toxicology Endpoint
Selection Committee (ADTC) memorandum and the toxicology chapter for the are available in
EPA’s Pesticide Docket, EPA-HQ-OPP-2006-0831 at www.regulations.gov.

The toxicological database for propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol is currently comprised of
published and unpublished studies either submitted to the Agency or obtained directly from the
open literature. Although the available studies do not meet the requirements of the Agency’s
OPPTS harmonized test guidelines published in 1998, it was determined that these studies
contain useful information that is adequate for hazard characterization of propylene glycol and
dipropylene glycol. These acceptable non-guideline studies include acute, subchronic, chronic,
developmental, and reproductive toxicity, carcinogenicity, mutagenicity,
metabolism/pharmacokinetics and dermal absorption studies. Therefore, the Agency has
determined that the toxicological database is complete and sufficient for reregistration.

Major features of the acute toxicology profile for propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol are
presented below in Table 3. Propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol are shown to be of low
acute toxicity (Toxicity Category IV).

Table 3. Acute Toxicity of Propylene Glycol and Dipropylene Glycol Technical

Table 3. Acute Toxicity Profile of Propylene/Dipropylene Glycol

Guideline Study Type Results Toxicity


Propylene Glycol

870.1100 Acute Oral - Rat LD50 range = 8000 - 46000 mg/kg IV

870.1100 Acute Oral - Mouse LD50 range = 23000 - 24900 mg/kg IV

870.1100 Acute Oral - Rabbit, Guinea pig LD50 range = 18000 - 20000 mg/kg IV

870.2400 Acute Eye Irritation - Rabbit non irritant IV

870.2500 Acute Skin Irritation - Rabbit IV

Table 3. Acute Toxicity Profile of Propylene/Dipropylene Glycol

non irritant

870.2600 Skin Sensitization non sensitizer N/A

Dipropylene Glycol

870.1100 Acute Oral - Rat LD50 > 5010 mg/kg IV

870.1100 Acute Oral - Rat LD50 range > 5000 to >15000 mg/kg IV

870.1200 Acute Dermal - Rabbit LD50 > 5010 mg/kg IV

870.1200 Acute Dermal - Rabbit LD50 > 2000 mg/kg IV

870.1300 Acute Inhalation - Rat IV

LC50 > 2.34 mg/L

870.2400 Acute Eye Irritation - Rabbit IV

slight irritant

870.2400 Acute Eye Irritation - Rabbit IV

slight irritant

870.2500 Acute Skin Irritation - Rabbit non irritant IV

870.2600 Skin Sensitization - Guinea Pig N/A

non sensitizer
N/A = not applicable

General Toxicity Observations

Upon reviewing the available toxicity information, the Agency has concluded that there are no
endpoints of concern for oral, dermal, or inhalation exposure to propylene glycol and
dipropylene glycol. This conclusion is based on the results of toxicity testing of propylene
glycol and dipropylene glycol in which dose levels near or above testing limits (as established in
the OPPTS 870 series harmonized test guidelines) were employed in experimental animal studies
and no significant toxicity observed.

Carcinogenicity Classification

A review of the available data has shown propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol to be negative
for carcinogenicity in studies conducted up to the testing limit doses established by the Agency;
therefore, no further carcinogenic analysis is required.

Mutagenicity Potential

Propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol were tested for mutagenic or genotoxic potential and
found to be negative in a battery of studies: a bacterial gene mutation assay using Salmonella


typhimurium, and in vitro Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) mutation assay, an in vitro Chinese
hamster ovary (CHO) chromosomal aberration assay and an in vitro sister chromatid exchange
2. FQPA Safety Factor

The FQPA Safety Factor (as required by the Food Quality Protection Act of 1996) is intended to
provide an additional 10-fold safety factor (10X), to protect for special sensitivity in infants and
children to specific pesticide residues in food, drinking water, or residential exposures, or to
compensate for an incomplete database. The FQPA Safety Factor has been removed (i.e.,
reduced to 1X) for propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol because there is no pre- or post-natal
evidence for increased susceptibility following exposure. Further, the Agency has concluded
that there are no endpoints of concern for oral, dermal, or inhalation exposure to propylene
glycol and dipropylene glycol based on the low toxicity observed in studies conducted near or
above testing limit doses as established in the OPPTS 870 series harmonized test guidelines.
Therefore, a quantitative risk assessment was not conducted for propylene glycol and
dipropylene glycol.

3. Population Adjusted Dose (PAD)

Dietary risk is characterized in terms of the Population Adjusted Dose (PAD), which reflects the
reference dose (RfD), either acute or chronic, that has been adjusted to account for the FQPA
Safety Factor (SF). This calculation is performed for each population subgroup. A risk estimate
that is less than 100% of the acute or chronic PAD is not of concern. Since toxicological
endpoints for risk assessment were not identified based on the available data, RfDs and PADs
have not been calculated for propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol.

4. Dietary and Residential Exposure

Dietary exposure (food and drinking water) could potentially occur from the use of propylene
glycol and dipropylene glycol as a preservative in food packaging adhesives and from its use as
an inert ingredient in agricultural pesticide formulations. Residential exposure could also
potentially occur as a result of the use of propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol in and around
the home as a sanitizer, disinfectant and pet treatment. However, risk estimates have not been
calculated for potential exposures to propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol on food, in
drinking water, or as a result of use in residential settings because there are no toxicological
endpoints of concern according to a review of the available toxicity data.

5. Aggregate Exposure

The Food Quality Protection Act amendments to the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act
(FFDCA, Section 408(b)(2)(A)(ii)) require “that there is a reasonable certainty that no harm will
result from aggregate exposure to pesticide chemical residue, including all anticipated dietary
exposures and other exposures for which there are reliable information.” Aggregate exposure
will typically include exposures from food, drinking water, residential uses of a pesticide and
other non-occupational sources of exposure.


Since toxicological endpoints for risk assessment were not identified based on the available data,
an aggregate risk assessment was not conducted for propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol.

6. Occupational Exposure

The occupational exposure assessment for propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol addresses
potential exposures and risks to humans who may be exposed in occupational settings. An
occupational risk assessment is required for an active ingredient if: 1) certain toxicological
criteria are triggered; and 2) there is potential exposure to handlers (mixers, loaders, applicators,
etc.) during use or to persons entering treated sites after application is complete. For propylene
glycol and dipropylene glycol, there is potential for exposure, however, there are no
toxicological endpoints of concern, according to a review of the available toxicity data.

7. Human Incident Data

The Agency reviewed available sources of human incident data for incidents relevant to
propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol. EPA consulted the following sources of information
for human poisoning incidents related to propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol use: (1) OPP
Incident Data System (IDS) - The Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP) Incident Data System
contains reports of incidents from various sources, including registrants, other federal and state
health and environmental agencies and individual consumers, submitted to OPP since 1992; (2)
California Department of Pesticide Regulation (1982-2004) – The California Department of
Pesticide Regulation pesticide poisoning surveillance program consists of reports from
physicians of illness suspected of being related to pesticide exposure since 1982. (3) National
Pesticide Information Center (NPIC) - NPIC is a toll-free information service supported by
OPP that provides a ranking of the top 200 active ingredients for which telephone calls were
received during calendar years 1984-1991. (4) National Poison Control Centers (PCC)
(1993 – 1996).

Although there are incidents that have been reported associated with propylene glycol or
dipropylene glycol, there is no one reported incident involving propylene glycol or dipropylene
glycol as an individual chemical exposure. Either no effects or minor effects (nasal irritation and
sensitization) involved in these reported incidents. Since propylene glycol and dipropylene
glycol are often formulated with other active ingredients, reported symptoms may result from
reactions to the other active ingredients or the combination of propylene glycol and dipropylene
glycol with other ingredients.

B. Environmental Assessment

A summary of the Agency’s environmental review is presented below. For detailed discussions
of all aspects of the environmental review, see the Product Chemistry, Environmental Fate,
Ecotoxicology, and Toxicology chapters available in EPA’s Pesticide Docket, EPA-HQ-OPP­
2006-0831 at www.regulations.gov.


1. Environmental Fate and Transport

Propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol are aliphatic trihydroxy chemicals that do not contain
any hydrolyzable hydrogen. For this reason, the Agency granted a waiver from the aquatic
hydrolysis study. However, the Agency has relied on data and fate properties of propylene
glycol and dipropylene glycol obtained from published literature to assess environmental health

These data suggest that propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol are miscible in water, mobile in
soils, low absorptivity to soil, and stable to abiotic hydrolytic degradation as well as soil and
aquatic photolysis. In aerobic soils, propylene glycol degrades to CO2 in 4 days, whereas
biodegradation of dipropylene glycol may be a slower process according to biological screening
tests. However, this process may still be an important mechanism for removal of dipropylene
glycol from aerobic soil. The low KOW indicates that propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol
are not likely to bioaccumulate in aquatic organisms. With a vapor pressure of 0.129 mm Hg at
25 oC, propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol exist almost entirely in the vapor phase in the
atmosphere and degrade rapidly (half-life approximately 13-32 hours) by reaction with
photochemically produced hydroxyl radicals. Therefore, the presence of propylene glycol and
dipropylene glycol in the environment, including the atmosphere, do not pose a concern.

2. Ecological Risk

a. Toxicity (Hazard) Assessment

As a result of the Phase IV review of propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol for reregistration
under FIFRA, ecological effects data requirements were waived due to its high volatility, known
low toxicity, and available data. Data obtained from published studies provide additional
confirmation of the low toxicity of the compound to fish and aquatic invertebrates (Table 4). As
mentioned earlier in this document, no toxicological endpoints were selected for risk assessment
based on the available mammalian database.

Table 4. Ecotoxicity of Propylene Glycol and Dipropylene Glycol

Species Percent Test Type Toxicity Reference
Mysid 99.9 96-hour static LC50 = 11,000 MRID
(Mysidopsis acute ppm #40228401
bahia) (Mayer, 1986)
Sheepshead 99.9 96-hour static LC50 = 48,000 MRID
minnow acute ppm #40228401
(Cyprinodon (Mayer, 1986)
Bluegill sunfish unknown 96 hour static LC50 > 10,000 Verschuren, 1983
(Lepomis acute ppm


Species Percent Test Type Toxicity Reference

Menidia unknown 96 hour static LC50 > 10,000 Verschuren, 1983
beryllina ppm
Fathead minnow unknown 96 hour flow- LC 50 59,900 - Geiger et al.,
(Pimephales through 77,400 ppm 1988

Adverse effects to nontarget organisms are not anticipated from the indoor use of propylene
glycol and dipropylene glycol due to the low likelihood of exposure. The very low toxicity of
the compound to aquatic organisms, as indicated by the high LC50 values in the table above,
further supports the unlikelihood of adverse effects to fish and aquatic invertebrates.

b. Risk to Listed Species

Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act, 16 U.S.C. Section 1536(a)(2), requires all federal
agencies to consult with the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) for marine and
anadromous listed species, or the United States Fish and Wildlife Services (FWS) for listed
wildlife and freshwater organisms, if they are proposing an "action" that may affect listed species
or their designated habitat. Each federal agency is required under the Act to ensure that any
action they authorize, fund, or carry out is not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of a
listed species or result in the destruction or adverse modification of designated critical habitat.
To jeopardize the continued existence of a listed species means "to engage in an action that
reasonably would be expected, directly or indirectly, to reduce appreciably the likelihood of both
the survival and recovery of a listed species in the wild by reducing the reproduction, numbers,
or distribution of the species." 50 C.F.R. § 402.02.

To facilitate compliance with the requirements of the Endangered Species Act subsection (a)(2)
the Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Pesticide Programs has established procedures
to evaluate whether a proposed registration action may directly or indirectly reduce appreciably
the likelihood of both the survival and recovery of a listed species in the wild by reducing the
reproduction, numbers, or distribution of any listed species (U.S. EPA 2004). After the
Agency’s screening-level risk assessment is performed, if any of the Agency’s Listed Species
LOC Criteria are exceeded for either direct or indirect effects, a determination is made to
identify if any listed or candidate species may co-occur in the area of the proposed pesticide use.
If determined that listed or candidate species may be present in the proposed use areas, further
biological assessment is undertaken. The extent to which listed species may be at risk then
determines the need for the development of a more comprehensive consultation package as
required by the Endangered Species Act.

For certain use categories, the Agency assumes there will be minimal environmental exposure,
and only a minimal toxicity data set is required (Overview of the Ecological Risk Assessment
Process in the Office of Pesticide Programs U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - Endangered


and Threatened Species Effects Determinations, 1/23/04, Appendix A, Section IIB, pg.81).
Chemicals in these categories therefore do not undergo a full screening-level risk assessment,
and are considered to fall under a “no effect” determination. Due to the low likelihood of
exposure and low toxicity of propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol, the Agency expects no
effects to listed species or critical habitats and therefore makes a "No Effect" determination for
this chemical.



A. Determination of Reregistration Eligibility

Section 4(g)(2)(A) of FIFRA calls for the Agency to determine, after submission of relevant data
concerning an active ingredient, whether products containing the active ingredient are eligible
for reregistration. The Agency has previously identified and required the submission of the
generic (i.e. active ingredient-specific) data to support reregistration of products containing
propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol. The Agency has completed its review of these generic
data, and has determined that the data are sufficient to support reregistration of all supported
products containing propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol.

The Agency has completed its assessment of the dietary, drinking water, residential, ecological
and occupational risks associated with the use of pesticide products containing the active
ingredients propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol. Based on a review of these data, the
Agency has sufficient information on the human health and ecological effects of propylene
glycol and dipropylene glycol to make a decision as part of the tolerance reassessment process
under FFDCA and reregistration under FIFRA, as amended by FQPA. The Agency has
determined that propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol containing products are eligible for
reregistration. Appendix A summarizes the uses of propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol that
are eligible for reregistration. Appendix B identifies the generic data requirements that the
Agency reviewed as part of its determination of reregistration eligibility of propylene glycol and
dipropylene glycol, and lists the submitted studies that the Agency found acceptable.

B. Comments and Responses

Supporting documents for propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol were not issued for public
comment per the Agency’s public participation process because no toxicological endpoints were
identified and, as such, a quantitative risk assessment was not conducted. To ensure that
opportunity is presented to the public to comment on the risk management decisions and
supporting documents for propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol, the Agency will implement a
60-day public comment period on this RED document.


C. Regulatory Position

1. Food Quality Protection Act Findings

a. “Risk Cup” Determination

Upon reviewing the available toxicity information, the Agency has concluded that there are no
endpoints of concern for oral, dermal, or inhalation exposure to propylene glycol and
dipropylene glycol. This conclusion is based on the results of toxicity testing of propylene
glycol and dipropylene glycol in which dose levels near or above testing limits (as established in
the OPPTS 870 series harmonized test guidelines) were employed in experimental animal studies
and no significant toxicity observed. The Agency has concluded that the exemption from the
requirement for a tolerance is appropriate and is considered reassessed as required by FQPA. An
aggregate assessment was not conducted for exposures through food, drinking water and
residential exposure since toxicological endpoints for risk assessment were not identified based
on the available data. In reaching this determination, EPA has considered the available
information on the special sensitivity of infants and children, as well as aggregate exposure.

b. Determination of Safety to U.S. Population

As part of the FQPA tolerance reassessment process, EPA has concluded that there are no
endpoints of concern for oral, dermal, or inhalation exposure to propylene glycol and
dipropylene glycol. This conclusion is based on the results of toxicity testing of propylene
glycol and dipropylene glycol in which dose levels near or above testing limits (as established in
the OPPTS 870 series harmonized test guidelines) were employed in experimental animal studies
and no significant toxicity observed. The Agency has determined that the established exemption
from the requirement for a tolerance for propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol meets the
safety standards under the FQPA amendments to section 408(b)(2)(D) of the FFDCA, and that
there is a reasonable certainty no harm will result to the general population or any subgroup from
the use of propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol. In reaching this conclusion, the Agency has
considered all available information on the toxicity, use practices and exposure scenarios, and
the environmental behavior of propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol.

Because no toxicological endpoints were identified for propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol,
the Agency has determined that exposure to it does not result in human health effects of concern.
Therefore, a quantitative risk assessment was not necessary for this pesticide.

c. Determination of Safety to Infants and Children

EPA has determined that the established exemption from a requirement for a tolerance for
propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol, meet the safety standards under the FQPA amendments
to section 408(b)(2)(C) of the FFDCA, that there is a reasonable certainty of no harm for infants
and children. The safety determination for infants and children considers factors of the toxicity,
use practices, and environmental behavior noted above for the general population, but also takes
into account the possibility of increased dietary exposure due to the specific consumption
patterns of infants and children, as well as the possibility of increased susceptibility to the toxic
effects of propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol residues in this population subgroup.

In determining whether or not infants and children are particularly susceptible to toxic effects
from propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol residues, the Agency considered the completeness
of the database for developmental and reproductive effects, the nature of the effects observed,
and other information. The FQPA Safety Factor has been removed (i.e., reduced to 1X) for
propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol because there is no pre- or post-natal evidence for
increased susceptibility following exposure.

d. Endocrine Disruptor Effects

EPA is required under the FFDCA, as amended by FQPA, to develop a screening program to
determine whether certain substances (including all pesticide active and other ingredients) “may
have an effect in humans that is similar to an effect produced by a naturally occurring estrogen,
or other endocrine effects as the Administrator may designate.” Following recommendations of
its Endocrine Disruptor Screening and Testing Advisory Committee (EDSTAC), EPA
determined that there was a scientific basis for including, as part of the program, the androgen
and thyroid hormone systems, in addition to the estrogen hormone system. EPA also adopted
EDSTAC’s recommendation that EPA include evaluations of potential effects in wildlife. For
pesticides, EPA will use FIFRA and, to the extent that effects in wildlife may help determine
whether a substance may have an effect in humans, FFDCA authority to require the wildlife
evaluations. As the science develops and resources allow, screening of additional hormone
systems may be added to the Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program (EDSP).

When the appropriate screening and/or testing protocols being considered under the EDSP have
been developed, propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol may be subject to additional screening
and/or testing to better characterize effects related to endocrine disruption.

e. Cumulative Risks

Any risks summarized in this document are those that result only from the use of propylene
glycol and dipropylene glycol. The Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA) requires that the
Agency consider “available information” concerning the cumulative effects of a particular
pesticide’s residues and “other substances that have a common mechanism of toxicity.” The
reason for consideration of other substances is due to the possibility that low-level exposures to
multiple chemical substances that cause a common toxic effect by a common toxic mechanism
could lead to the same adverse health effect as would a higher level of exposure to any of the
substances individually. Unlike other pesticides for which EPA has followed a cumulative risk
approach based on a common mechanism of toxicity, EPA has not made a common mechanism
of toxicity finding for propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol. For information regarding
EPA’s efforts to determine which chemicals have a common mechanism of toxicity and to
evaluate the cumulative effects of such chemicals, see the policy statements released by EPA’s
Office of Pesticide Programs concerning common mechanism determinations and procedures for
cumulating effects from substances found to have a common mechanism on EPA’s website at


2. Tolerance Exemptions and Summary

Propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol are exempted from the requirement of a tolerance when
used as a diluent (solvent, cosolvent). The following tolerance exemptions for propylene glycol
and dipropylene glycol are listed in 40 CFR 180.910 [formerly 180.1001(c)] and only for
propylene glycol in 180.930 [formerly 180.1001 (e)]:

180.910. Propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol are exempted from the requirement of
a tolerance when used as a diluent (solvent, cosolvent) in accordance with good
agricultural practice as inert (or occasionally active) ingredients in pesticide formulations
when applied to growing crops or to raw agricultural commodities after harvest.

180.930. Propylene glycol is exempted from the requirement of a tolerance when used as
a defoaming agent (solvent, cosolvent) in accordance with good agricultural practice as
inert (or occasionally active) ingredients in pesticide formulations applied to animals.

In addition to the above, propylene glycol is approved by the Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) as a preservative in food products as listed in 21 CFR, Part 184-Direct Food Substances
Affirmed as Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS):

184.1666(d). The ingredient is used in foods at levels not to exceed current good
manufacturing practice in accordance with Sec. 184.1(b)(1). Current good manufacturing
practice results in maximum levels, as served, of 5 percent for alcoholic beverages, as
defined in Sec. 170.3(n)(2) of this chapter; 24 percent for confections and frostings as
defined in Sec. 170.3(n)(9) of this chapter; 2.5 percent for frozen dairy products as
defined in Sec. 170.3(n)(20) of this chapter; 97 percent for seasonings and flavorings as
defined in Sec. 170.3(n)(26) of this chapter; 5 percent for nuts and nut products as
defined in Sec. 170.3(n)(32) of this chapter; and 2.0 percent for all other food categories.

a. Codex Harmonization

Currently there are no Codex MRLs established for propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol.

D. Regulatory Rationale

The Agency has determined propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol are eligible for
reregistration. Based on the available data, the Agency has concluded that propylene glycol and
dipropylene glycol exhibit low toxicity and exposure to propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol
used as both an active or inert ingredient do not present risks of concern to the Agency.
Therefore, no mitigation measures are necessary at this time.


1. Listed Species Considerations

a. The Endangered Species Act

Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act, 16 U.S.C. Section 1536(a)(2), requires all federal
agencies to consult with the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) for marine and
anadromous listed species, or the United States Fish and Wildlife Services (FWS) for listed
wildlife and freshwater organisms, if they are proposing an "action" that may affect listed species
or their designated habitat. Each federal agency is required under the Act to insure that any
action they authorize, fund, or carry out is not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of a
listed species or result in the destruction or adverse modification of designated critical habitat.
To jeopardize the continued existence of a listed species means "to engage in an action that
reasonably would be expected, directly or indirectly, to reduce appreciably the likelihood of both
the survival and recovery of a listed species in the wild by reducing the reproduction, numbers,
or distribution of the species." 50 C.F.R. § 402.02.

To facilitate compliance with the requirements of the Endangered Species Act subsection (a)(2)
the Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Pesticide Programs has established procedures
to evaluate whether a proposed registration action may directly or indirectly reduce appreciably
the likelihood of both the survival and recovery of a listed species in the wild by reducing the
reproduction, numbers, or distribution of any listed species (U.S. EPA 2004). After the
Agency’s screening-level risk assessment is performed, if any of the Agency’s Listed Species
LOC Criteria are exceeded for either direct or indirect effects, a determination is made to
identify if any listed or candidate species may co-occur in the area of the proposed pesticide use.
If determined that listed or candidate species may be present in the proposed use areas, further
biological assessment is undertaken. The extent to which listed species may be at risk then
determines the need for the development of a more comprehensive consultation package as
required by the Endangered Species Act.

For certain use categories, the Agency assumes there will be minimal environmental exposure,
and only a minimal toxicity data set is required (Overview of the Ecological Risk Assessment
Process in the Office of Pesticide Programs U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - Endangered
and Threatened Species Effects Determinations, 1/23/04, Appendix A, Section IIB, pg.81).
Chemicals in these categories therefore do not undergo a full screening-level risk assessment,
and are considered to fall under a “no effect” determination. Due to the low likelihood of
exposure and low toxicity of propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol, the Agency expects no
effects to listed species or critical habitats and therefore makes a "No Effect" determination for
this chemical.

b. General Risk Mitigation

Propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol end-use products (EPs) may also contain other
registered pesticides. Although the Agency is not proposing any mitigation measures for
products containing propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol specific to federally listed species,
the Agency needs to address potential risks from other end-use products. Therefore, the Agency
requires that users adopt all listed species risk mitigation measures for all active ingredients in


the product. If a product contains multiple active ingredients with conflicting listed species risk
mitigation measures, the more stringent measure(s) should be adopted.


The Agency has determined that propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol are eligible for
reregistration. No additional generic data are required at this time to support this decision.

For end use products containing the active ingredient propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol,
the registrant needs to submit the following items for each product.

Within 90 days from the receipt of the product-specific data call-in (PDCI):

1. completed response forms to the PDCI (i.e., PDCI response form and requirements
status and registrant’s response form); and

2. submit any time extension or waiver requests with a full written justification.

Within eight months from the receipt of the PDCI:

1. two copies of the confidential statement of formula (EPA Form 8570-4);

2. a completed original application for reregistration (EPA Form 8570-1). Indicate on

the form that it is an “application for reregistration”;

3. a completed form certifying compliance with data compensation requirements (EPA

Form 8570-34);

4. if applicable, a completed form certifying compliance with cost share offer

requirements (EPA Form 8570-32); and

5. the product-specific data responding to the PDCI.

Please contact Marshall Swindell at (703) 308-6341 with questions regarding product

reregistration and/or the PDCI. All materials submitted in response to the PDCI should be

addressed as follows:

By US mail: By express or courier service:

Document Processing Desk (PDCI) Document Processing Desk (PDCI)

Marshall Swindell Marshall Swindell

US EPA (7504P) Office of Pesticide Programs (7504P)

1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW Room S-4900, One Potomac Yard

Washington, DC 20460 2777 South Crystal Drive

Arlington, VA 22202


A. Manufacturing-Use Products

There are no currently registered propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol manufacturing-use

1. Additional Generic Data Requirements

The generic data base supporting the reregistration of propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol
for the above eligible uses has been reviewed and determined to be substantially complete.
Therefore at this time, there are no generic data requirements.

B. End-Use Products

1. Additional Product-Specific and Efficacy Data Requirements

Section 4(g)(2)(B) of FIFRA calls for the Agency to obtain any needed product-specific data
regarding the pesticide after a determination of eligibility has been made. Registrants must
review previous data submissions to ensure that they meet current EPA acceptance criteria and if
not, commit to conduct new studies. If a registrant believes that previously submitted data meet
current testing standards, then the study MRID numbers should be cited according to the
instructions in the Requirement Status and Registrants Response Form provided for each

The Agency considers the terms "sanitizer" and "sanitization" to be public health claims,
regardless of the use site or whether the specific organisms for which the product is efficacious
against are identified or not. This policy was reiterated in the proposed Part 152/156
Antimicrobial Registration Requirements, 64 FR 50672-50730, September 17, 1999. Upon
finalization of this proposed rulemaking, efficacy data will be required to support the continued
use of the term "air sanitizer" on the product label.

Until the proposed Product Performance Guidelines for proposed Part 152/15 are finalized,
testing requirements are being deferred for products of this type. Currently, efficacy
requirements are satisfied by the chemical formula statement showing appropriate glycol
content. For products containing at least 5% glycols (propylene glycol and dipropylene,
dipropylene, and/or propylene glycols), quantitative chemical determinations must be performed,
using an air sampling device, to show the concentration of glycol vapor achieved with the
product in an enclosed experimental room or chamber when used as directed.

A product-specific data call-in, outlining specific data requirements, will be issued shortly. In
the interim, no additional public health claims can be made unless supported by the appropriate
efficacy data. A list of product-specific efficacy data requirements is listed in Table 5 below.


Table 5. Product-specific Efficacy Data Requirements

Guideline Number Study Title
810.2100 (c,d,e) Products for use on hard surfaces – AOAC use
dilution/germicidal spray/carrier.
810.2100 (g) Products for use on hard surfaces – virucidal activity method.
810.2100 (f) Products for use on hard surfaces – fungicidal test.
810.2100 (l) Products for use on hard surfaces – hard inanimate surface non­
810.2400 (b,l) Chemical analysis.
830.7050 UV/Visible absorption.



Appendix A: Use Patterns Eligible for Reregistration

Use Categories:
(1) Agricultural premises and equipment
(2) Food handling/ storage establishments premises and equipment
(3) Commercial, institutional and industrial premises and equipment
(4) Residential and public access premises
(5) Medical premises and equipment
(6) Human water systems
(7) Materials preservatives
(8) Industrial processes and water systems
(9) Antifouling coatings
(10) Wood preservatives
(11) Swimming pools
(12) Aquatic areas

Use Site Formulation Application Rate (Range) No. of Applications Use Limitations

2. Food Handling/Storage Establishments Premises and Equipment

Air Treatment (Eating 1. 10807-43 - 1. 7 ounce product 1. information not 1. do not use in
Establishments) pressurized contains 3400 controlled given on label nurseries or rooms
liquid - sprays that will last for 30 where infants, ill or aged
automatic days when used on a 24 patients are confined;
dispenser hour basis or 60 days if food, food contact
used 12 hours per day surfaces and utensils
when set to dispense every should be protected from
15 minutes (room size not exposure to the spray or
specified) rinsed with potable
water before use

2. 10807-37 & 2. spray the room until a 2. spray several times 2. food, food contact
10807-24 - light fog forms - spray 6 to per day surfaces and utensils
pressurized 8 seconds in an average should be protected from
liquid - manual room (10 X 10) exposure to the spray or
spray rinsed with potable
water before use
Use Site Formulation Application Rate (Range) No. of Applications Use Limitations
3. Commercial, Institutional and Industrial Premises and Equipment

Commercial Premises & 44446-20 ­ spray surface until information not given wash hands before
equipment pressurized completely wet and allow on label eating, drinking,
liquid - manual to remain wet for 10 chewing gum, using
spray minutes; for air tobacco, or using the
sanitization spray for three toilet

Shower Room Premises 44446-20 ­ spray surface until information not given wash hands before
pressurized completely wet and allow on label eating, drinking,
liquid - manual to remain wet for 10 chewing gum, using
spray minutes; for air tobacco, or using the
sanitization spray for three toilet

Air Treatment (Unspecified) 1. 9444-136- 1. metered valve actuates 1. information not 1. do not contaminate
pressurized every fifteen minutes - 7 given on label water, food or feed by
liquid - ounce product treats a storage or disposal
automatic room up to 30 X 20 X 10

2. 4822-293- 2. spray upward in center 2. information not 2. avoid contact with

pressurized of room for 10 seconds in given on label food and food utensils
liquid - manual average room of 12 X 12
spray X 9)

Laundry Equipment 44446-20 ­ spray surface until information not given wash hands before
pressurized completely wet and allow on label eating, drinking,
liquid - manual to remain wet for 10 chewing gum, using
spray minutes tobacco, or using the
Use Site Formulation Application Rate (Range) No. of Applications Use Limitations

Air Treatment (Locker Room) 1. 10807-43­ 1. 7 ounces of product 1. information not 1. do not use in
pressurized contains 3400 controlled given on label nurseries or rooms
liquid - sprays that will last for 30 where infants, ill or aged
automatic days when used on a 24 patients are confined;
dispenser hour basis or 60 days if food, food contact
used 12 hours per day surfaces and utensils
when set to dispense every should be protected from
15 minutes (room size not exposure to the spray or
specified) rinsed with potable
water before use

2. 9444-19- 2. 6.2 ounces treats 6,000 2. sprayed at intervals 2. do not contaminate

pressurized cubic feet of closed air water, food or feed
liquid - space.

3. 10807-37 & 3. spray the room until a 3. spray several times 3. food, food contact
10807-24­ light fog forms - spray 6 to per day surfaces and utensils
pressurized 8 seconds in an average should be protected from
liquid - manual room (10 X 10) exposure to the spray or
spray rinsed with potable
water before use

Locker Room Premises 44446-20 ­ spray surface until information not given wash hands before
pressurized completely wet and allow on label eating, drinking,
liquid - manual to remain wet for 10 chewing gum, using
spray minutes or for air tobacco, or using the
sanitization spray for three toilet
Use Site Formulation Application Rate (Range) No. of Applications Use Limitations

Air Treatment (Institutional) 1. 51838-1 - 1. 7 ounce product for 1. product sprayed at 1. avoid contamination
ready to use each 6,000 cubic feet of intervals of food
solution- closed air space

2. 51838-1- 2. fill average size room 2. repeat application 2. avoid contamination

pressurized with mist (approximately several times daily of food
liquid - for 15 sprays)

3. 10807-37 & 3. spray the room until a 3. spray several times 3. food, food contact
10807-24- light fog forms - spray 6 to per day surfaces and utensils
pressurized 8 seconds in an average should be protected from
liquid- manual room (10 X 10) exposure to the spray or
spray rinsed with potable
water before use

4. 4822-293­ 4. spray upward in center 4. information not 4. avoid contact with

pressurized of room for 10 seconds in given on label food and food utensils
liquid - manual average room of 12 X 12
spray X 9)

5. 4822-531­ 5. one second spray for a 5. information not 5. do not position near
pressurized 9.5 X 9 X 7 room given on label heat or electrical
liquid - wall sources; do not spray
mounted unit in directly onto surfaces; in
continuous case of contact with
action aerosol surfaces, wipe
can immediately with damp
Use Site Formulation Application Rate (Range) No. of Applications Use Limitations

6. 44446-20­ 6. spray for three seconds 6. information not 6. wash hands before
pressurized given on label eating, drinking, chew-
liquid - manual ing gum, using tobacco,
spray or using the toilet

7. 4822-531­ 7. using a 120 μl valve 7. information not 7. do not position near

wall mounted with .22 ounces of given on label heat or electrical
unit in metered product: sources; do not spray
dose aerosol -1 time for 2.5 X 2.5 X 7 directly onto surfaces; in
can or room case of contact with
pressurized -2 times for 4 X 3 X 7 surfaces, wipe
liquid - hand room immediately with damp
held unit -3 times for 4.5 X 4 X 7 cloth.
-4 times for 5 X 5 X 7

using a 185 μl valve-

-1 time for 3 X 3 X 7
-2 times for 4.5 X 4 X 7
-3 times for a 5.5 X 5 X 7
4 times for a 6 X 6 X 7
Use Site Formulation Application Rate (Range) No. of Applications Use Limitations

8. 10807-43­ 8. 7 ounce product 8. information not 8. do not use in

pressurized contains 3400 controlled given on label nurseries or rooms
liquid - sprays that will last for 30 where infants, ill or aged
automatic days when used on a 24 patients are confined;
dispenser hour basis or 60 days if food, food contact
used 12 hours per day surfaces and utensils
when set to dispense every should be protected from
15 minutes (room size not exposure to the spray or
specified) rinsed with potable
water before use

Air Treatment (Commercial) 1. 51838-1- 1. 7 ounce product for 1. product sprayed at 1. avoid contamination
ready to use each 6,000 cubic feet of intervals of food
solution - for closed air space

2. 51838-1- 2. fill average size room 2. repeat application 2. avoid contamination

ready to use with mist (approximately several times daily of food
solution - for 15 sprays)

3. 10807-43 ­ 3. 7 ounce product 3. information not 3. do not use in

pressurized contains 3400 controlled given on label nurseries or rooms
liquid- sprays that will last for 30 where infants, ill or aged
automatic days when used on a 24 patients are confined;
dispenser hour basis or 60 days if food, food contact
used 12 hours per day surfaces and utensils
when set to dispense every should be protected from
15 minutes (room size not exposure to the spray or
specified) rinsed with potable
water before use
Use Site Formulation Application Rate (Range) No. of Applications Use Limitations

4. 10807-37 & 4. spray the room until a 4. spray several times 4. food, food contact
10807-24­ light fog forms - spray 6 to per day surfaces and utensils
pressurized 8 seconds in an average should be protected from
liquid - manual room (10 X 10) exposure to the spray or
spray rinsed with potable
water before use

5. 9444-19 - 5. 6.2 ounces of product 5. sprayed at intervals 5. do not contaminate

Pressurized treats 6,000 cubic feet of water, food or feed
liquid - closed air space.

6. 4822-293 - 6. spray upward in center 6. information not 6. avoid contact with

pressurized of room for 10 seconds in given on label food and food utensils
liquid - manual average room of 12 X 12
spray X 9)

7. 44446-20- 7. spray for three seconds 7. information not 7. wash hands before
pressurized given on label eating, drinking,
liquid - manual chewing gum, using
spray tobacco, or using the

8. 51838-2 ­ 8. spray for one second 8. repeat application 8. spray away from
pressurized toward center of average several times daily drapes, walls, plastic,
liquid - size room (10 X 14 X 8) vinyl, painted or
automatic varnished surfaces
Air Treatment (Transp Facilities) 1. 51838-1­ 1. 7 ounces of product for 1. product sprayed at 1. avoid contamination
ready to use each 6,000 cubic feet of intervals of food
solution - for closed air space

2. 4822-293­ 2. spray upward in center 2. information not 2. avoid contact with

pressurized of room for 10 seconds in given on label food and food utensils
liquid - manual average room of 12 X 12
spray X9

3. 10807-37 & 3. spray the room until a 3. spray several times 3. food, food contact
10807-24 ­ light fog forms - spray 6 to per day surfaces and utensils
pressurized 8 seconds in an average should be protected from
liquid - manual room (10 X 10) exposure to the spray or
spray rinsed with potable
water before use

4. 51838-1- 4. fill average size room 4. repeat application 4. avoid contamination

ready to use with mist (approximately several times daily of food
solution - for 15 sprays)
Air Treatment (Industrial) 1. 51838-1- 1. 7 ounces of product for 1. product sprayed at 1. avoid contamination
ready to use each 6, 000 cubic feet of intervals of food
solution - closed air space

2. 51838-1­ 2. fill average size room 2. repeat application 2. avoid contamination

ready to use with mist (approximately several times daily of food
solution - for 15 sprays)

3. 10807-37 & 3. spray the room until a 3. spray several times 3. food, food contact
10807-24- light fog forms - spray 6 to per day surfaces and utensils
pressurized 8 seconds in an average should be protected from
liquid - manual room (10 X 10) exposure to the spray or
spray rinsed with potable
water before use

4. 10807-43­ 4. 7 ounces of product 4. information not 4. do not use in

pressurized contains 3400 controlled given on label nurseries or rooms
liquid - sprays that will last for 30 where infants, ill or aged
automatic days when used on a 24 patients are confined;
dispenser hour basis or 60 days if food, food contact
used 12 hours per day surfaces and utensils
when set to dispense every should be protected from
15 minutes (room size not exposure to the spray or
specified) rinsed with potable
water before use
4. Residential and Public Access Premises

Air Treatment (Unspecified) 1. 9444-136- 1. metered valve actuates 1. information not 1. do not contaminate
pressurized every fifteen minutes - 7 given on label water, food or feed by
liquid - ounce product treats a storage or disposal
automatic room up to 30 X 20 X 10

2. 4822-293- 2. spray upward in center 2. information not 2. avoid contact with

pressurized of room for 10 seconds in given on label food and food utensils
liquid - manual average room of 12 X 12
spray X 9)

Household (Premises & Contents) 44446-20- spray surface until information not given wash hands before
pressurized completely wet and allow on label eating, drinking,
liquid - manual to remain wet for 10 chewing gum, using
spray minutes or for air tobacco, or using the
sanitization spray for three toilet
Air treatments 4822-531­ using a 120 μl valve with information not given do not position near heat
(commercial/household) pressurized .22 ounces of product: on label or electrical sources; do
liquid - wall -1 time for 2.5 X 2.5 X 7 not spray directly onto
mounted unit in room surfaces; in case of
metered dose -2 times for 4 X 3 X 7 contact with surfaces,
aerosol can or room wipe immediately with
hand held unit -3 times for 4.5 X 4 X 7 damp cloth.
-4 times for 5 X 5 X 7

using a 185 μl valve-

-1 time for 3 X 3 X 7
-2 times for 4.5 X 4 X 7
-3 times for a 5.5 X 5 X 7
4 times for a 6 X 6 X 7

Laundry Equipment 44446-20 ­ spray surface until information not given wash hands before
pressurized completely wet and allow on label eating, drinking,
liquid - manual to remain wet for 10 chewing gum, using
spray minutes tobacco, or using the

Automobiles 44446-20 ­ spray into air conditioning information not given shut off air conditioner
pressurized system and spray for four on label after applying the
liquid - manual to six seconds product; wash hands
spray before eating, drinking,
chewing gum, using
tobacco, or using the
Shower Room Premises 44446-20 ­ spray surface until information not given wash hands before
pressurized completely wet and allow on label eating, drinking,
liquid - manual to remain wet for 10 chewing gum, using
spray minutes or for air tobacco, or using the
sanitization spray for three toilet

Hard Nonporous Surface 44446-20 ­ spray surface until information not given wash hands before
pressurized completely wet and allow on label eating, drinking,
liquid - manual to remain wet for 10 chewing gum, using
spray minutes tobacco, or using the

Environmental Inanimate Hard 44446-20 ­ spray surface until information not given wash hands before
Surfaces pressurized completely wet and allow on label eating, drinking,
liquid - manual to remain wet for 10 chewing gum, using
spray minutes tobacco, or using the

Garbage Storage Premises & 44446-20 ­ spray surface until information not given wash hands before
Containers pressurized completely wet and allow on label eating, drinking,
liquid - manual to remain wet for 10 chewing gum, using
spray minutes or for air tobacco, or using the
sanitization spray for three toilet

Bathroom Premises 44446-20 ­ spray surface until information not given wash hands before
pressurized completely wet and allow on label eating, drinking,
liquid - manual to remain wet for 10 chewing gum, using
spray minutes or for air tobacco, or using the
sanitization spray for three toilet
Air Treatment (Bathroom) 1. 10807-43­ 1. 7 ounces of product 1. information not 1. do not use in
pressurized contains 3400 controlled given on label nurseries or rooms
liquid - sprays that will last for 30 where infants, ill or aged
automatic days when used on a 24 patients are confined;
dispenser hour basis or 60 days if food, food contact
used 12 hours per day surfaces and utensils
when set to dispense every should be protected from
15 minutes (room size not exposure to the spray or
specified) rinsed with potable
water before use

2. 9444-19- 2. 6.2 ounce of product 2. sprayed at intervals 2. do not contaminate

pressurized treats 6,000 cubic feet of water, food or feed
liquid - closed air space.

3. 44446-20- 3. spray for three seconds 3. information not 3. wash hands before
pressurized given on label eating, drinking,
liquid - manual chewing gum, using
spray tobacco, or using the

4. 10807-37- 4. spray the room until a 4. spray several times 4. food, food contact
pressurized light fog forms - spray 6 to per day surfaces and utensils
liquid - manual 8 seconds in an average should be protected from
spray room (10 X 10) exposure to the spray or
rinsed with potable
water before use
5. 51838-1­ 5. fill average size room 5. repeat application 5. avoid contamination
pressurized with mist (approximately several times daily of food
liquid - manual 15 sprays)

6. 4822-293 ­ 6. spray upward in center 6. information not 6. avoid contact with

pressurized of room for 10 seconds in given on label food and food utensils
liquid - manual average room of 12 X 12
spray X9

7. 4822-531- 7. one second spray for a 7. information not 7. information not given
pressurized 9.5 X 9 X 7 room given on label on label
liquid - wall
mounted unit in
action aerosol

8. 10807-24 - 8. spray the room until a 8. spray several times 8. food, food contact
pressurized light fog forms - spray 6 to per day surfaces and utensils
liquid- manual 8 seconds in an average should be protected from
spray room (10 X 10) exposure to the spray or
rinsed with potable
water before use
9. 4822-531­ 9. using a 120 μl valve 9. information not 9. information not given
wall mounted with .22 ounces of given on label on label
unit in metered product:
dose aerosol -1 time for 2.5 X 2.5 X 7
can or room
pressurized -2 times for 4 X 3 X 7
liquid - hand room
held unit -3 times for 4.5 X 4 X 7
-4 times for 5 X 5 X 7

using a 185 μl valve-

-1 time for 3 X 3 X 7
-2 times for 4.5 X 4 X 7
-3 times for a 5.5 X 5 X 7
4 times for a 6 X 6 X 7

Locker Room Premises 44446-20 ­ spray surface until information not given wash hands before
pressurized completely wet and allow on label eating, drinking,
liquid - manual to remain wet for 10 chewing gum, using
spray minutes or for air tobacco, or using the
sanitization spray for three toilet
Air Treatment (Locker Room) 1. 10807-43­ 1. 7 ounces of product 1. information not 1. do not use in
pressurized contains 3400 controlled given on label nurseries or rooms
liquid - sprays that will last for 30 where infants, ill or aged
automatic days when used on a 24 patients are confined;
dispenser hour basis or 60 days if food, food contact
used 12 hours per day surfaces and utensils
when set to dispense every should be protected from
15 minutes (room size not exposure to the spray or
specified) rinsed with potable
water before use

2. 9444-19­ 2. 6.2 ounces treats 6,000 2. sprayed at intervals 2. do not contaminate

pressurized cubic feet of closed air water, food or feed
liquid - space.

3. 10807-37 & 3. spray the room until a 3. spray several times 3. food, food contact
10807-24­ light fog forms - spray 6 to per day surfaces and utensils
pressurized 8 seconds in an average should be protected from
liquid - manual room (10 X 10) exposure to the spray or
spray rinsed with potable
water before use

Birds (Caged) (Animal Treatment) 11715-20 ­ spray lightly with one no more than 2 times information not given on
pressurized burst of 2 or 3 seconds per week label
liquid- manual

Pet Bird Cages (Enclosed Premise 11715-20 ­ thoroughly spray perches regular intervals information not given on
Treatment) pressurized and cage label
Air Treatment (Pet Kennels & 1. 4822-531­ 1. using a 120 μl valve 1. information not 1. do not position near
Enclosed Premise Treatment) pressurized with .22 ounces of given on label heat or electrical
liquid - wall product: sources; do not spray
mounted unit in -1 time for 2.5 X 2.5 X 7 directly onto surfaces; in
metered dose room case of contact with
aerosol can or -2 times for 4 X 3 X 7 surfaces, wipe
hand held unit room immediately with damp
-3 times for 4.5 X 4 X 7 cloth.
-4 times for 5 X 5 X 7

using a 185 μl valve-

-1 time for 3 X 3 X 7
-2 times for 4.5 X 4 X 7
-3 times for a 5.5 X 5 X 7
4 times for a 6 X 6 X 7

2. 4822-531- 2. one second spray for a 2. information not 2. information not given
pressurized 9.5 X 9 X 7 room given on label on label
liquid - wall
mounted unit in
action aerosol

3. 4822-293­ 3. spray upward in center 3. information not 3. avoid contact with

pressurized of room for 10 seconds in given on label food and food utensils
liquid - manual average room of 12 X 12
spray X9
5. Medical premises and equipment

Air treatments (sickroom) 1. 4822-531- 1. using a 120 μl valve 1. information not 1. do not position near
pressurized with .22 ounces of given on label heat or electrical
liquid - wall product: sources; do not spray
mounted unit in directly onto surfaces; in
metered dose -1 time for 2.5 X 2.5 X 7 case of contact with
aerosol can or room surfaces, wipe
hand held unit -2 times for 4 X 3 X 7 immediately with damp
room cloth.
-3 times for 4.5 X 4 X 7
-4 times for 5 X 5 X 7

using a 185 μl valve-

-1 time for 3 X 3 X 7
-2 times for 4.5 X 4 X 7
-3 times for a 5.5 X 5 X 7
4 times for a 6 X 6 X 7

2. 4822-531- 2. one second spray for a 2. information not 2. information not given
pressurized 9.5 X 9 X 7 room given on label on label
liquid - wall
mounted unit in
action aerosol
Air treatment (hospital) 1. 51838-2 - 1. spray for one second 1. repeat application 1. spray away from
pressurized toward center of average several times daily drapes, walls, plastic,
liquid- manual size room (10 X 14 X 8) vinyl, painted or
spray varnished surfaces

2. 51838-1- 2. 7 ounces of product for 2. product sprayed at 2. avoid contamination

ready to use each 6, 000 cubic feet of intervals of food
solution - closed air space

3. 51838-1- 3. fill average size room 3. repeat application 3. avoid contamination

ready to use with mist (approximately several times daily of food
solution - for 15 sprays)

4. 10807-37 & 4. spray the room until a 4. spray several times 4. food, food contact
10807-24 - light fog forms - spray 6 to per day surfaces and utensils
pressurized 8 seconds in an average should be protected from
liquid - manual room (10 X 10) exposure to the spray or
spray rinsed with potable
water before use

5. 4822-293 - 5. spray upward in center 5. information not 5. avoid contact with

pressurized of room for 10 seconds in given on label food and food utensils
liquid - manual average room of 12 X 12
spray X9

6. 44446-20- 6. spray for three seconds 6. information not 6. wash hands before
pressurized given on label eating, drinking,
liquid - manual chewing gum, using
spray tobacco, or using the
7. 9444-19 - 7. 6.2 ounces of product 7. sprayed at intervals 7. do not contaminate
pressurized treats 6,000 cubic feet of water, food or feed
liquid - closed air space

Hospital (Premises and Materials) 44446-20­ decontamination against information not given dispose of infectious
pressurized HIV-1 of surfaces/objects on label materials according to
liquid -manual soiled with blood/body federal, state and local
spray fluids - 1800 ppm of active regulations
quaternary water for a
contact time of 10 minutes
at room temperature - use
a 10 minute contact time
for disinfection against all
other bacteria and fungi
Appendix B: Table of Generic Data Requirements and Studies Used to Make the Reregistration Decision

Guide To Appendix B
Appendix B lists the generic (not product specific) data requirements which support the re-registration of propylene glycol and
dipropylene glycol. These requirements apply to propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol in all products, including data
requirements for which a technical grade active ingredient is the test substance. The data table is organized in the following

1. Requirement (Columns 1 and 2). The data requirements are listed by Guideline Number. The first column lists the
new Part 158 Guideline numbers, and the second column lists the old Part 158 Guideline numbers. Each Guideline Number
has an associated test protocol set forth in the Pesticide Assessment Guidance, which are available on the EPA website.

2. Guideline Description (Column 3). Identifies the guideline type.

Use Pattern (Column 4). This column indicates the standard Antimicrobial Division use patterns categories for which the
generic (not product specific) data requirements apply. The number designations are used in Appendix B.

3. (1) Agricultural premises and equipment

(2) Food handling/ storage establishments premises and equipment
(3) Commercial, institutional and industrial premises and equipment
(4) Residential and public access premises
(5) Medical premises and equipment
(6) Human water systems
Materials preservatives
(8) Industrial processes and water systems
Antifouling coatings
Wood preservatives
Swimming pools
(7) Aquatic areas

(9) 4. Bibliographic Citation (Column 5). If the Agency has data in its files to support a specific generic Guideline requirement,
(10) this column will identify each study by a “Master Record Identification (MRID) number. The listed studies are considered
(11) “valid” and acceptable for satisfying the Guideline requirement. Refer to the Bibliography appendix for a complete citation of
(12) each study.
New Old Study Title Use Pattern MRID Number
Guideline Guideline
Number Number
830.1550 61-1 Product Identity and Composition 2,3,4,5 43178601, 43179501
830.1600 61-2A Starting Materials and Manufacturing Process 2,3,4,5 43178601, 43179501
830.1670 61-2B Formation of Impurities 2,3,4,5 43178601, 43179501
830.1700 62-1 Preliminary Analysis 2,3,4,5 43178601, 43179502,
830.1750 62-2 Certification of Limits 2,3,4,5 43178601, 43179502
830.1800 62-3 Analytical Method 2,3,4,5 43178602, 43179502
830.6302 63-2 Color 2,3,4,5 43178603, 43179503
830.6303 63-3 Physical State 2,3,4,5 43178603, 43179503
830.6304 63-4 Odor 2,3,4,5 43178603, 43179503
830.7200 63-5 Melting Point 2,3,4,5 Not required
830.7220 63-6 Boiling Point 2,3,4,5 43178603
830.7300 63-7 Density 2,3,4,5 43178603
830.7840 63-8 Solubility 2,3,4,5 43178603, 43179503
830.7950 63-9 Vapor Pressure 2,3,4,5 43178603, 43179503
830.7370 63-10 Dissociation Constant in Water 2,3,4,5 Not required
New Old Study Title Use Pattern MRID Number
Guideline Guideline
Number Number
830.7550 63-11 Partition Coefficient (Octanol/Water) 2,3,4,5 43178603, 43179503
830.7000 63-12 pH 2,3,4,5 43178603, 43179503
830.6313 63-13 Stability 2,3,4,5 43178603, 43179503
830.6314 63-14 Oxidizing/Reducing Action 2,3,4,5 Not required
830.6315 63-15 Flammability 2,3,4,5 43178603, 43179503
830.6316 63-16 Explodability 2,3,4,5 Not required
830.6317 63-17 Storage Stability 2,3,4,5 43178603, 43179503
830.7100 63-18 Viscosity 2,3,4,5 43178603, 43179503
830.6319 63-19 Miscibility 2,3,4,5 43178603, 43179503
830.6320 63-20 Corrosion Characteristics 2,3,4,5 43178603, 43179503
830.6321 63-21 Dielectric breakdown voltage 2,3,4,5 Not required
850.2100 71-1 Avian Acute Oral Toxicity Test - Quail/duck 2,3,4,5 43762301, 43888002
850.1075 72-1 c Fish Acute Toxicity - Rainbow Trout 2,3,4,5 Open literature
850.1075 72-1 c Fish Acute Toxicity - Fathead Minnow 2,3,4,5 Open Literature
850.1010 72-2 a Acute Aquatic Invertebrate Toxicity 2,3,4,5 43762302, 43888003,
New Old Study Title Use Pattern MRID Number
Guideline Guideline
Number Number
850.1300 72-4 a Fish Early Life Stage 2,3,4,5 Not required
850.1400 72-4 b Aquatic Invertebrate Life Cycle 2,3,4,5 Not required
Non- Non- Acute Aquatic Invertebrate Toxicity - Waterflea N/A Not required; Open
guideline guideline (Ceriodaphnia dubia) literature
Acute Aquatic Invertebrate Toxicity - Waterflea (Daphnia
Non- Non- N/A Not required; Open
guideline guideline literature
Acute Aquatic Invertebrate Toxicity – Brine Shrimp
Non- Non- N/A Not required; Open
(Artemia salina)
guideline Guideline literature
870.1100 81-1 Acute Oral - Rat 2,3,4,5 43760801, Open literature
870.1200 81-2 Acute Dermal - Rabbit 2,3,4,5 43760802, Open literature
870.1300 81-3 Acute Inhalation – Rat 2,3,4,5 43760803, Open literature
870.2400 81-4 Acute Eye Irritation - Rabbit 2,3,4,5 43760804, Open literature
870.2500 81-5 Acute Skin Irritation - Rabbit 2,3,4,5 43760805, Open literature
870.2600 81-6 Dermal Sensitization 2,3,4,5 43760806, Open literature
870.3100 82-1a Subchronic (Oral) Toxicity –Rodent 2,3,4,5 46892504, 46892208,
Open literature
870.3465 82-4 90-Day (Inhalation) Subchronic Toxicity 2,3,4,5 46892103
870.4100 83-1a Chronic (Oral) Toxicity - Rodent 2,3,4,5 46892509, Open literature
870.4100 83-1a Chronic (Inhalation) Toxicity - Rodent 2,3,4,5 Open literature
New Old Study Title Use Pattern MRID Number
Guideline Guideline
Number Number
870.4300 83-5 Combined Chronic (Oral) Toxicity/Carcinogenicity - Rodent 2,3,4,5 46892504,46892101, Open
870.4300 83-5 Combined Chronic (Dermal) Toxicity/Carcinogenicity - 2,3,4,5 46892301
870.3700 83-3a Prenatal Developmental Toxicity - Rodent 2,3,4,5 46892202, 46892203,
46892206, 46892207,
46892508, Open literature
870.3700 83-3b Prenatal Developmental Toxicity – Non Rodent 2,3,4,5 46892205, Open literature
870.3800 83-4 Reproduction and Fertility Effects - Rat 2,3,4,5 46892204, Open literature
870.5100 84-2 Bacterial Reverse GeneMutation Assay Test 2,3,4,5 Open literature
870.5300 84-2 In Vitro Mammalian Cell Gene Mutation Test 2,3,4,5 Open literature
870.5375 84-2 Cytogenetics: In Vitro Mammalian Chromosome Aberration 2,3,4,5 Open Literature
870.5395 84-2 Cytogenetics: In Vivo Mouse Erythrocyte Micronucleus 2,3,4,5 Open Literature
870.5450 84-2 Other Mechanisms: Rodent Dominant Lethal Assay 2,3,4,5 46892506, Open literature
870.6200 81-8 Neurotoxicity Screening Battery 2,3,4,5 Open literature
870.7485 85-1 Metabolism and Pharmocokinetics - Rodent 2,3,4,5 46892202, 46892201,
46893505, Open literature
870.7600 85-2 Dermal Penetration - Rodent 2,3,4,5 46892301
New Old Study Title Use Pattern MRID Number
Guideline Guideline
Number Number
835.2120 161-1 Hydrolysis of Parent and Degradates 2,3,4,5 Not required

Please Note: Although the Open Literature studies do not satisfy any of the Agency's testing guideline requirements, this information
is considered adequate for characterizing the potential hazard from exposure to propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol. Therefore, no
additional mammalian toxicity data will be required at this time.

Appendix C: Technical Support Documents

Additional documentation in support of this RED is maintained in the OPP docket, located in
Room 119, Crystal Mall #2, 1801 South Bell Street, Arlington, VA 22202. It is open Monday
through Friday, excluding legal holidays, from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm.

All documents, in hard copy form, may be viewed in the OPP docket room or downloaded or
viewed via the Internet at the following site: http://www.epa.gov/edocket

These documents include:

1. Propylene Glycol/Dipropylene Glycol - Report of the Antimicrobials Division Toxicology

Endpoint Selection Committee. (Memorandum: T. McMahon, Ph.D., Chair, July 20, 2004.


Support of issuance of the Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED) Document. PC Code for
Propylene Glycol: 068603. PC Code for Dipropylene Glycol: 068604. CAS Registry
Number for Propylene Glycol: 57-55-6: CAS Registry Number for Dipropylene Glycol:
25265-71-8. Reregistration Case Number: 3126, DP #: 327061. (Memorandum: M. Centra,
Pharmacologist, February 5, 2007).

3. Data Evaluation Records (DER) for the Product Chemistry of Propylene Glycol.
(Memorandum: N. Shamim, Chemist, December 10, 2003).

4. Data Evaluation Records (DER) for the Product Chemistry of Dipropylene Glycol.
(Memorandum: N. Shamim, Chemist, December 10, 2003).

5. Science Chapter: Revised Environmental Fate Studies and Environmental Fate

Assessment of Propylene Glycol (Memorandum: N. Shamim, Chemist, February 5, 2007).

6. Science Chapter: Revised Environmental Fate Studies and Environmental Fate

Assessment of Dipropylene Glycol (Memorandum: N. Shamim, Chemist,
February 5, 2007).


Concentrations (Memorandum: N. Shamim, Chemist, July 2, 2004).

8. AD’s Revised Occupational and Residential Exposure Chapter for the Propylene and
Dipropylene Glycol Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED) Document. Case No. 3126. PC
Codes 068603, 068604. (Memorandum: T. Leighton, Environmental Scientist, February 5,

9. Propylene/Dipropylene Glycol Revised Ecological Hazard and Environmental Risk

Characterization Chapter for the Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED) Document,
Case 3126. (Memorandum: K. Montague, M.S., Biologist, February 14, 2006).


10. PROPYLENE GLYCOL/DIPROPYLENE GLYCOL: AD’s Risk Assessment for Issuance of

the Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED) Document. Reregistration Case No.: 3126. PC
Codes: 068603, 068604. CAS Registry No.: Propylene Glycol, 57-55-6; Dipropylene Glycol,
25265-71-8. (Memorandum: M. Centra, Pharmacologist/Risk Assessor, February 5, 2007).


Appendix D: Bibliography Citations

MRID Number Citation

43176202 Davis, K. (1994). Product Chemistry Data of Propylene Glycol.

Unpublished report prepared by RegWest Company, Greeley, CO. 21
p. Guideline Series 62/OPPTS 830.1760 and 830.1800

43176203 Davis, K. (1994). Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Propylene

Glycol. Unpublished report prepared by RegWest Company, Greeley,
CO. 68 p. Guideline Series 63/OPPTS 830.6302. – 830.7950.

43178601 Davis, K. (1994). Product Chemistry Data of Propylene Glycol.

Unpublished report prepared by RegWest Company, Greeley, CO. 11
p. Guideline Series 61/OPPTS 830.1550, 830.1600, 830.1620,
830.1650,830.1670 and 830.1700.

43178602 Davis, K. (1994). Product Chemistry Data of Propylene Glycol:Lab

Project Number:PG62. Unpublished Study prepared by RegWest Co.
21 p.

43178603 Davis, K. (1994). Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Propylene

Glycol:Lab Project Number:PG63. Unpublished Study Prepared
RegWest Co. 76 p.

43179501 Davis, K. (1994). Product Chemistry Data of Dipropylene Glycol.

Unpublished report prepared by RegWest Company, Greeley, CO. 11
p. Guideline Series 61/OPPTS 830.1550, 830.1600, 830.1620,
830.1650 and 830.1670.

43179502 Davis, K. (1994). Product Chemistry Data of Dipropylene Glycol.

Unpublished report prepared by RegWest Company, Greeley, CO. 21
p. Guideline Series 62/OPPTS 830.1700, 830.1760 and 830.1800.

43179503 Davis, K. (1994). Physical and Chemical Characteristics of

Dipropylene Glycol: Lab Project Number: DPG63. Unpublished Study
prepared by RegWest Co. 68 p.


43760801 Robbins, G. (1995) Dipropylene Glycol: Acute Oral Toxicity in Rats:

Lab Project Number: A3435. Unpublished study prepared by
Cosmopolitan Safety Evaluation, Inc. 21 p. The CSPA Glycols Joint
Venture Project ID A3435. Work Assignment No. 2-28A.

43760802 Robbins, G. (1995) Dipropylene Glycol: Acute Dermal Toxicity on

Rabbits: Lab Project Number: B3435. Unpublished study prepared by
Cosmopolitan Safety Evaluation, Inc. 23 p. The CSPA Glycols Joint
Venture Project ID B3435. Work Assignment No. 2-28B.

43760803 Robbins, G. (1995) Dipropylene Glycol: Acute Inhalation Study in

Rats: Lab Project Number: C3435. Unpublished study prepared by
Cosmopolitan Safety Evaluation, Inc. 35 p. The CSPA Glycols Joint
Venture Project ID C3435. Work Assignment No. 2-28C.

43760804 Robbins, G. (1995) Dipropylene Glycol: Primary Eye Irritation in

Rabbits: Lab Project Number: D3435. Unpublished study prepared by
Cosmopolitan Safety Evaluation, Inc. 22 p. The CSPA Glycols Joint
Venture Project ID D3435. Work Assignment No. 2-28D.

43760805 Robbins, G. (1995) Dipropylene Glycol: Primary Dermal Irritation on

Rabbits: Lab Project Number: E3435. Unpublished study prepared by
Cosmopolitan Safety Evaluation, Inc. 18 p. The CSPA Glycols Joint
Venture Project ID E3435. Work Assignment No. 2-28E.

43760806 Robbins, G. (1995) Dipropylene Glycol: Dermal Sensitization

(Buehler) on Guinea Pigs: Lab Project Number: F3435. Unpublished
study prepared by Cosmopolitan Safety Evaluation, Inc. 45 p. The
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43760807 Campbell and Beavers, 1995. Acute oral toxicity of dipropylene glycol
to Northern bobwhite. Unpublished data.

43760808 Graves and Swigert, 1995. Acute toxicity of dipropylene glycol to the
waterflea (Daphnia magna).

43762301 Campbell and Beavers, 1995. Acute oral toxicity of propylene glycol
to Northern bobwhite. Unpublished data.

43762302 Graves and Swigert, 1995. Acute toxicity of propylene glycol to the
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43858501 Davis, K. (1995). Peliminary Analysis Data for Dipropylene Glycol.

Unpublished report prepared by RegWest Company, Greeley, CO. 5
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43888002 Pederson, 1995. Acute oral toxicity of propylene glycol to Northern

bobwhite. Unpublished data.

43888003 Collins, 1995. Acute toxicity of propylene glycol to the waterflea

(Daphnia magna). Unpublished data.

46892101 NTP. (accessed 2003). Toxicology and Carcinogenesis Studies of

Dipropylene Glycol (CAS No. 25265-71-8) in F344/N Rats and
B6C3F1 Mice (Drinking Water Studies). NTP Report # TR-511,
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46892102 Pfeiffer, EA and Dunkelberg. (1979). Mutagenicity of Ethylene

Oxide and Propylene Oxide and of the Glycols and Halohydrins
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Cosmetics Toxicology 18:115-118.

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Propylene Glycol in Sprague-Dawley Rats. Food Chemistry and
Toxicology 27.9:573-584.

46892104 Weil, C.S. and R.A. Scala. (1971). Study of Intra- and Interlaboratory
Variability in the Results of Rabbit Eye and Skin irritation
Tests. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 19:276.

46892201 Morrissey, R.E., et al. (1989). Results and Evaluations of 48

Continuous Breeding Reproduction Studies Conducted in Mice.
Fundamentals of Applied Toxicology 13:747-777.

46892202 Morshed, K.M., J.P. Nagpaul, et al. (1988). Kinetics of Propylene

Glycol Elimination and Metabolism in the Rat. Biochem Med Metab
Biol 39:90-97.

46892203 Nomura, T. (1977). Similarity of the Mechanism of Chemical

Carcinogen-initiated Teratogenesis and Carcinogenesis in Mice.
Cancer Research 37:969-973.

46892204 NTP. (1985). Propylene Glycol (CAS No. 57-55-6): Reproduction

and Fertility Assessment in CD-1 Mice When Administered in
Drinking Water. NTP Report # RACB84068, Draft Abstract.


46892205 NTP. (1992). Developmental Toxicity of Dipropylene Glycol (CAS

No. 25265-71-8) in New Zealand White Rabbits. NTP Report #

46892206 NTP. (1992). Final Report on the Developmental Toxicity of

Dipropylene Glycol (CASNo. 25265-71-8) in Sprague-Dawley CD7
Rats. NTP Report # TER91013.

46892207 NTP. (2003). NTP-CERHR Expert Panel Report on the Reproductive

and Developmental Toxicity of Propylene Glycol. NTP-CERHR-
PG-03. National Toxicology Program Center for the Evaluation of
Risks to Human Reproduction. U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services. pp 82.

46892208 NTP. (accessed 2003). Toxicology and Carcinogenesis Studies of

Dipropylene Glycol (CAS No. 25265-71-8) in F344/N Rats and
B6C3F1 Mice (Drinking Water Studies). NTP Report # TR-511,
Draft Abstract. 3-Month Study in Mice.

46892301 Stenback, F. and P. Shubik. (1974). Lack of Toxicity and

Carcinogenicity of Some Commonly Used Cutaneous Agents.
Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 30:7-13.

46892501 Amdur, M.O., J. Doull, et al. (1991). Casarett and Doull's

Toxicology: The Basic Science of Poisons pp 705.

46892502 Conquet, P., et al. (1977). Evaluation of Ocular Irritation in the

Rabbit: Objective versus Subjective Assessment. Toxicology and
Applied Pharmacology 39:129-139.

46892503 Florin, I., L. Rutberg, et al. (1980). Screening of Tobacco Smoke

Constituents for Mutagenicity Using the Ames' Test. Toxicology

46892504 Gaunt, I.F., F.M.B. Carpanini, et al. (1972). Long-Term Toxicity of

Propylene Glycol in Rats. Food Cosmetics and Toxicology 10:151-

46892505 Gulati, D.K., et al. (1986). Reproductive Toxicity of 7 Glycol Ethers

and Oxalic Acid. The Toxicologist 6:294.

46892506 Hayashi, M., et al. (1988). Micronucleus Tests in Mice on 39 Food

Additives and Eight Miscellaneous Chemicals. Food Chemistry and
Toxicology 26:487-500.
46892507 Jacobs, G.A. (1992). OECD Eye Irritation Tests on Propylene Glycol
and Solketal. Journal of Am. Coll. Toxicology 11:739.

46892508 Kavlock, R.J., et al. (1987). Further Evaluation of an In Vivo

Teratology Screen. Teratogenesis Carcinog Mutagen 7:7-16.

46892509 LaKind, J.S., E.A. McKenna, et al. (1999). A Review of the

Comparative Mammalian Toxicity of Propylene Glycol. Critical
Reviews in Toxicology 29.4:331-365.

46892510 Layton, D.W., B.J. Mallon, et al. (1987). Deriving Allowable Daily
Intakes for Systemic Toxicants Lacking Chronic Toxicity Data.
Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 7:96-112.

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Supporting Documentation

Consumer Exposure Model (CEM) Component of the Exposure and Fate Assessment
Screening Tool: http://www.epa.gov/oppintr/exposure/docs/efast.html.

National Institute of Health’s Household Products Database:


Environmental Fate Database: A Database of the Syracuse Research Corporation (SRC).


National Institute For Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). (1981). Toxic
Substances List. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.

NIH. 2003. NIH’s Hazard Substances Databank (HSDB), A Database of the National
Library of Medicine’s TOXNET System. http://www.nih.gov/TOXNET

Exposure and Fate Assessment Screening Tool (EFAST Version 1.0):


USEPA. 1998. PHED Surrogate Exposure Guide. Estimates of Worker Exposure from
Pesticide Handler Exposure Database Version 1.1. Washington, DC: U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency.

USEPA. 1999. Evaluation of Chemical Manufacturers Association Antimicrobial

Exposure Assessment Study. Memorandum from Siroos Mostaghimi, Ph.D., to
Julie Fairfax; dated November 4, 1999. DP Barcode: D247642.

USEPA. 2004. Overview of the Ecological Risk Assessment Process in the Office of
Pesticide Programs U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - Endangered and
Threatened Species Effects Determinations, January 24, 04, Appendix A, Section
IIB, pg.81. http://www.epa.gov/oppfead1/endanger/consultation/ecorisk­


Appendix E: Generic Data Call-In

The Agency intends to issue a Generic Data Call-In at a later date.


Appendix F: Product Specific Data Call-In

The Agency intends to issue a Product Specific Data Call-In at a later date.


Appendix G: Batching of End-Use Products

Antimicrobial Division's Batching of Products Containing Propylene glycol and

Dipropylene Glycol as the Active Ingredient for Meeting Acute Toxicity Data
Requirements for Reregistration

In an effort to reduce the time, resources and number of animals needed to fulfill the acute
toxicity data requirements for reregistration of products containing the active ingredient
propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol, the Agency has batched products which can be
considered similar in terms of acute toxicity. (The PC Code of propylene glycol is 068603; the
CAS Registry Number is 57-55-6; The PC Code of propylene glycol is 068604; the CAS
Registry Number is 25265-71-8). Factors considered in the sorting process include each
product's active and inert ingredients (identity, percent composition and biological activity),
product form (liquid, paste, solid, etc.), labeling (e.g., signal word, precautionary labeling, etc.)
and acute toxicity data.

Using available information, batching has been accomplished by the process described in the
preceding paragraph. Notwithstanding the batching process, the Agency reserves the right to
require, at any time, acute toxicity data for an individual product should the need arise.

Registrants of products within a batch may choose to cooperatively generate, submit or cite a
single set of six acute toxicity studies to represent all the products within that batch. Registrants
have the option of participating with all or some other registrants of products in their product’s
batch, to deal only their own products within a batch, or to generate all the required acute
toxicological studies for each of their own products. If a registrant chooses to generate the data
for a batch, he or she must use one of the products within the batch as the test material. If a
registrant chooses to rely upon previously submitted acute toxicity data, he or she may do so
provided that the data base is complete and valid by today's standards (see the attached
acceptance criteria), the formulation tested is considered by EPA to be similar in terms of acute
toxicity, and the formulation has not been significantly altered since submission and acceptance
of the acute toxicity data. Registrants may not support their product using data conducted on a
product from a different batch, unless this batching appendix specifically states so. The
Antimicrobials Division must approve any new or canceled formulations (that were presented to
the Agency after the publication of the RED) before data derived from them can be used to cover
other products in a batch. Regardless of whether new data is generated or existing data is
referenced, registrants must clearly identify the test material by EPA Registration Number. If
more than one confidential statement of formula (CSF) exists for a product, the registrant must
indicate the formulation actually tested by identifying the corresponding CSF.

In deciding how to meet the product specific data requirements, registrants must follow the
directions given in the Data Call-In (DCI) Notice and its attachments appended to the RED. The
DCI Notice contains two response forms which are to be completed and submitted to the Agency
within 90 days of receipt. The first form, "Data Call-In Response," asks whether the registrant
will meet the data requirements for each product. The second form, "Requirements Status and
Registrant's Response," lists the product specific data required for each product, including the
standard six acute toxicity tests. A registrant who wishes to participate in a batch must decide
whether he or she will provide the data or depend on someone else to do so. If a registrant

supplies the data to support a batch of products, he or she must select one of the following
options: Developing New Data (Option 1), Submitting an Existing Study (Option 4), Upgrading
an Existing Study (Option 5) or Citing an Existing Study (Option 6). If a registrant depends on
another's data, he or she must choose among: Cost Sharing (Option 2), Offers to Cost Share
(Option 3) or Citing an Existing Study (Option 6). If a registrant does not want to participate in
a batch, the choices are Options 1, 4, 5 or 6. However, a registrant should know that choosing
not to participate in a batch does not preclude other registrants in the batch from citing his or her
studies and offering to cost share (Option 3) those studies.

If a registrant would like to have the batching status of a product reconsidered, they need to
submit detailed information on their product, including a detailed rationale for the inclusion of
their product into a batch. An MSDS for each “inert” ingredient should be included where
possible. However, registrants and manufacturers should realize that the more unique their
formulation is, the less likely it is to be able to batch that product. AD/PSB notes that there were
no registered Technical Grade Active Ingredient (TGAI) products to be reviewed in this batching

Table 1 displays the batch for the active ingredient Propylene glycol and dipropylene Glycol.

Table 1.

Batch Registration Percent Active Ingredient


1 51838-1 Propylene glycol and dipropylene Glycol ... 4.4%

Propylene Glycol ... 4.4%

51838-2 Propylene glycol and dipropylene Glycol ... 4.4%

Propylene Glycol ... 4.4%

2 4822-293 Propylene glycol and dipropylene Glycol ... 6.0%

4822-531 Propylene glycol and dipropylene Glycol ... 6.0%


Table 2 lists the products in the “No Batch” group. These products can not be batched because they
were not considered to be similar to other the products in terms of acute toxicity or because there
was insufficient information available to assist in making the decision.

Table 2. The “No Batch Group” of Products Containing Propylene glycol and dipropylene
Glycol as an Active Ingredient

Registration Percent Active Ingredient


9444-19 Propylene glycol and dipropylene Glycol ... 6.000%

Dipropylene Glycol ... 4.000%
n-Alkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride ... 0.20%

9444-136 Propylene glycol and dipropylene Glycol ... 9.15%

Dipropylene Glycol ... 3.43%
n-Alkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride ... 0.17%

10807-24 Propylene glycol and dipropylene Glycol ... 4.5%

Propylene Glycol ... 3.0%
n-Alkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride ... 0.10%

10807-37 Propylene glycol and dipropylene Glycol ... 3.00%

Dipropylene Glycol ... 3.00%
n-Alkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride ... 0.10%
n-Alkyl dimethyl ethylbenzyl ammonium chloride ... 0.10%

10807-43 Propylene glycol and dipropylene Glycol ... 7.7%

Propylene Glycol ... 5.13%
n-Alkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride ... 0.17%

11715-20 Propylene glycol and dipropylene Glycol ... 0.10%

Propylene Glycol ... 0.10%
Pyrethrins ... 0.09%
Piperonyl butoxide ... 0.18%
n-Octyl bicycloheptene dicarboximide ... 0.30%

44446-20 Propylene glycol and dipropylene Glycol ... 6.00%

n-Alkyl dimethyl ammonium chloride ... 0.10%
n-Alkyl dimethyl ethylbenzyl ammonium chloride ... 0.10%
Isopropanol ... 50.20%


Appendix H: List of All Registrants Sent the Data Call-In

A list of registrants sent the data call-in will be posted at a later date.


Appendix I: List of Available Forms

Pesticide Registration Forms are available at the following EPA internet site:


Pesticide Registration Forms (These forms are in PDF format and require the Acrobat reader)


1. Print out and complete the forms. (Note: Form numbers that are bolded can be filled
out on your computer then printed.)

2. The completed form(s) should be submitted in hardcopy in accord with the existing

3. Mail the forms, along with any additional documents necessary to comply with EPA
regulations covering your request, to the address below for the Document Processing

DO NOT fax or e-mail any form containing 'Confidential Business Information' or 'Sensitive

If you have any problems accessing these forms, please contact Nicole Williams at (703) 308-5551
or by e-mail at [email protected].

The following Agency Pesticide Registration Forms are currently available via the internet at the
following locations:

8570-1 Application for Pesticide http://www.epa.gov/opprd001/for

Registration/Amendment ms/8570-1.pdf

8570-4 Confidential Statement of Formula http://www.epa.gov/opprd001/for


8570-5 Notice of Supplemental Registration of http://www.epa.gov/opprd001/for

Distribution of a Registered Pesticide ms/8570-5.pdf

8570-17 Application for an Experimental Use http://www.epa.gov/opprd001/for

Permit ms/8570-17.pdf

8570-25 Application for/Notification of State http://www.epa.gov/opprd001/for

Registration of a Pesticide To Meet a ms/8570-25.pdf
Special Local Need

8570-27 Formulator's Exemption Statement http://www.epa.gov/opprd001/for


8570-28 Certification of Compliance with Data http://www.epa.gov/opprd001/for

Gap Procedures ms/8570-28.pdf

8570-30 Pesticide Registration Maintenance Fee http://www.epa.gov/opprd001/for

Filing ms/8570-30.pdf

8570-32 Certification of Attempt to Enter into an http://www.epa.gov/opprd001/for

Agreement with other Registrants for ms/8570-32.pdf
Development of Data

8570-34 Certification with Respect to Citations of http://www.epa.gov/opppmsd1/P

Data (PR Notice 98-5) R_Notices/pr98-5.pdf

8570-35 Data Matrix (PR Notice 98-5) http://www.epa.gov/opppmsd1/P


8570-36 Summary of the Physical/Chemical http://www.epa.gov/opppmsd1/P

Properties (PR Notice 98-1) R_Notices/pr98-1.pdf

8570-37 Self-Certification Statement for the http://www.epa.gov/opppmsd1/P

Physical/Chemical Properties (PR Notice R_Notices/pr98-1.pdf

Pesticide Registration Kit www.epa.gov/pesticides/registrationkit/


Dear Registrant:

For your convenience, we have assembled an online registration kit which contains the following
pertinent forms and information needed to register a pesticide product with the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency's Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP):

1. The Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) and the Federal Food,
Drug and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA) as Amended by the Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA)
of 1996.

2. Pesticide Registration (PR) Notices

a. 83-3 Label Improvement Program--Storage and Disposal Statements

b. 84-1 Clarification of Label Improvement Program
c. 86-5 Standard Format for Data Submitted under FIFRA
d. 87-1 Label Improvement Program for Pesticides Applied through Irrigation
Systems (Chemigation)
e. 87-6 Inert Ingredients in Pesticide Products Policy Statement
f. 90-1 Inert Ingredients in Pesticide Products; Revised Policy Statement
g. 95-2 Notifications, Non-notifications, and Minor Formulation Amendments
h. 98-1 Self Certification of Product Chemistry Data with Attachments (This
document is in PDF format and requires the Acrobat reader.)

Other PR Notices can be found at http://www.epa.gov/opppmsd1/PR_Notices

3. Pesticide Product Registration Application Forms (These forms are in PDF format and
will require the Acrobat reader).

a. EPA Form No. 8570-1, Application for Pesticide Registration/Amendment

b. EPA Form No. 8570-4, Confidential Statement of Formula
c. EPA Form No. 8570-27, Formulator's Exemption Statement
d. EPA Form No. 8570-34, Certification with Respect to Citations of Data
e. EPA Form No. 8570-35, Data Matrix

4. General Pesticide Information (Some of these forms are in PDF format and will require
the Acrobat reader).

a. Registration Division Personnel Contact List

b. Biopesticides and Pollution Prevention Division (BPPD) Contacts
c. Antimicrobials Division Organizational Structure/Contact List
d. 53 F.R. 15952, Pesticide Registration Procedures; Pesticide Data Requirements
(PDF format)
e. 40 CFR Part 156, Labeling Requirements for Pesticides and Devices (PDF format)
f. 40 CFR Part 158, Data Requirements for Registration (PDF format)
g. 50 F.R. 48833, Disclosure of Reviews of Pesticide Data (November 27, 1985)


Before submitting your application for registration, you may wish to consult some additional
sources of information. These include:

1. The Office of Pesticide Programs' website.

2. The booklet "General Information on Applying for Registration of Pesticides in the

United States", PB92-221811, available through the National Technical Information Service
(NTIS) at the following address:

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

5285 Port Royal Road

Springfield, VA 22161

The telephone number for NTIS is (703) 605-6000.

3. The National Pesticide Information Retrieval System (NPIRS) of Purdue University's

Center for Environmental and Regulatory Information Systems. This service does charge a
fee for subscriptions and custom searches. You can contact NPIRS by telephone at (765)
494-6614 or through their website.

4. The National Pesticide Information Center (NPIC) can provide information on active
ingredients, uses, toxicology, and chemistry of pesticides. You can contact NPIC by
telephone at (800) 858-7378 or through their website: http://npic.orst.edu/.

The Agency will return a notice of receipt of an application for registration or amended
registration, experimental use permit, or amendment to a petition if the applicant or petitioner
encloses with his submission a stamped, self-addressed postcard. The postcard must contain the
following entries to be completed by OPP:

1. Date of receipt;
2. EPA identifying number; and
3. Product Manager assignment.

Other identifying information may be included by the applicant to link the acknowledgment of
receipt to the specific application submitted. EPA will stamp the date of receipt and provide the
EPA identifying file symbol or petition number for the new submission. The identifying number
should be used whenever you contact the Agency concerning an application for registration,
experimental use permit, or tolerance petition.

To assist us in ensuring that all data you have submitted for the chemical are properly coded and
assigned to your company, please include a list of all synonyms, common and trade names,
company experimental codes, and other names which identify the chemical (including "blind" codes
used when a sample was submitted for testing by commercial or academic facilities). Please provide
a chemical abstract system (CAS) number if one has been assigned.


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