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MFL - KS3 Level Descriptors

When listening students:

When speaking students:

When reading students:

When writing students:

Understand instructions, questions and short

phrases with the help of repetition, mime or

Use single words or short phrases.

Need repetition for correct pronunciation.

Understand written single words.

Copy single words correctly.

Label pictures and choose the right word to fill in gaps.

Understand a range of phrases, sentences &

instructions with some repetition and respond
using words or actions.

Use short set phrases or sentences.

Pronounce things clearly but still need support.

Understand short phrases that they have seen

before. They are able to read aloud familiar words
& phrases.

Copy short phrases correctly.

Spell words from memory.

Understand, with repetition, a series of

Take part in a short conversation of 2-3 exchanges with
phrases at near normal speed and can note the prompts.
main points and details.

Understand short printed texts containing familiar

language and note main points.

Write 2-3 sentences with support.

Express likes/dislikes.
Write short phrases from memory.

Understand longer passages from one topic

with some repetition needed.

Take part in a conversation of 3-4 exchanges with prompts

and use grammar to adapt what they say.

Understand short printed and handwritten texts

and note main points & details.

Write a paragraph containing 3-4 sentences.

Use grammar to change words / phrases.
Use a dictionary to check words/phrases.

Understand language from several topics.

Students will understand when present and
past or future events are described.

Take part in a conversation using present and past or future

Give and ask for information & opinions.

Understand a variety of texts with present and

past or future events in them on their own.

Write a short text.

Refer to past or future events as well as things they do every

Understand language in new situations.

Students will understand when present, past
and future events are described.

Use the present, past and future tenses.

Use grammar to build their own phrases in new contexts

Students can use the present, past and future

tenses. They will use grammar to build their own
phrases in new contexts.

Refer to the present, past and future. They can make up

new sentences.

Understand longer passages and recognise

peoples points of view. The passages cover a
range of material that contains some complex
sentences and unfamiliar language. They
understand language spoken at near normal
speed, and need little repetition.

Answer unprepared questions. They initiate and develop

conversations and discuss matters of personal or topical
interest. They improvise and paraphrase. Their
pronunciation and intonation are good, and their language is
usually accurate.

Understand longer texts and recognise peoples

points of view. These texts cover a range of
imaginative and factual material that contains
some complex sentences and unfamiliar language.
Pupils use new vocabulary and structures found in
their reading to respond in speech or writing. They
use reference materials when these are helpful.

Write articles or stories of varying lengths, conveying

opinions and points of view. They write about real and
imaginary subjects and use an appropriate register. They link
sentences and paragraphs, structure ideas and adapt
previously learnt language for their own purposes. They edit
and redraft their work, using reference sources to improve
their accuracy, precision and variety of expression.

Understand passages including some unfamiliar

material and recognise attitudes and emotions.
These passages include different types of
spoken material from a range of sources. When
listening to familiar and less familiar material,
they draw inferences, and need little repetition

Narrate events, tell a story or relate the plot of a book or film

and give their opinions. They justify their opinions and
discuss facts, ideas and experiences. They use a range of
vocabulary, structures and time references. They adapt
language to deal with unprepared situations. They speak
confidently, with good pronunciation and intonation. Their
language is largely accurate, with few mistakes of any

Understand texts including some unfamiliar

material and recognise attitudes and emotions.
These texts cover a wide variety of types of written
material, including unfamiliar topics and more
complex language. When reading for personal
interest and for information, pupils consult a range
of reference sources where appropriate.

Produce formal and informal texts in an appropriate style on

familiar topics. They express and justify ideas, opinions or
personal points of view and seek the views of others. They
develop the content of what they have read, seen or heard.
Their spelling and grammar are generally accurate. They use
reference materials to extend their range of language and
improve their accuracy.

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