Practical Sadhana

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From the teachings of

Sri Ramana Maharshi

Practical Sadhana
Swami Sadasivananda Giri
Practical Sadhana 2

May  all  of  the  effort  and  any  merit  that  
may  accrue  from  this  work  be  dedicated  
to  those  who  seek  to  find  and  love  the  
Lord  Who  dwells  within  the  Heart  –  that  
very  Bhagavan  Ramana  whose  
compassion  for  all  is  the  embodiment  of  
Pure  Unselfish  Love  
Copyright  ©  2008  Spiritual-­‐  
Enquiry  at:  [email protected]  
From the Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi 3

A  Few  Words  About  This  Book  and  its  Author  

By  Swami  Shantananda  Puri  

                   OM  NAMO  BHAGAVATE  SRI  RAMANAYA  

  Just  like  the  Bhagavad  Gita,  which  has  lent  itself  to  several  interpretations  by  great  savants  
and  Saints,  Bhagavan  Ramana’s  teachings  also  can  give  newer  and  newer  meanings  to  each  person  
who  reads  them.  Every  time  a  person  reads  these  teachings,  one  gives  emphasis  to  certain  aspects  
based  on  the  conditioning,  level  of  sadhana  etc.  of  the  seeker.  According  to  the  qualifications  of  the  
seeker,  the  interpretation  which  appeals  to  him  may  help  him,  so  long  as  he  endeavors  to  keep  the  
goal  alive  before  him.  
  The  author  of  this  book  has  placed  all  his  emphasis,  very  rightly  too,  on  practise  (abhyasa).  
He  has  warned  the  reader  of  the  error  of  complacence  which  says  that  everything  will  be  done  by  
the  grace  of  the  Lord.  
  In   some   University   Examinations,   when   somebody   gets   one   or   two   marks   less   than   the  
minimum   pass   mark,   a   grace   mark   is   given   for   the   small   gap   of   two   marks   and   he   is   made   to   pass.   If  
the  candidate  has  given  an  empty  answer  paper  or  gets  only  ten  marks  out  of  a  hundred  (40%  being  
the   pass   mark),   nobody   will   give   him   the   balance   as   grace   marks.   As   the   author   has   pointed   out,  
Bhagavan  has  said  that  a  seeker  has  to  do  sadhana  to  the  maximum  of  his  ability  and  the  rest  will  be  
done   by   the   Lord.   1   The   author   has   profusely   quoted   chapter   and   verse   from   the   writings   about  
Bhagavan’s  talks  as  also  from  other  renowned  Saints  in  order  that  the  reader  may  not  consider  the  
author’s   views   as   his   obeiter   dictum.   The   authenticity   of   a   book   is   very   much   dependant   on   the  
authenticity  of  the  author.  Let  me,  therefore,  tell  you  a  few  words  about  the  author  too.  
  The  author,  Swami  Sadasivananda  was  born  to  American  parents  in  Florida  in  1950.  In  1971,  
while  yet  a  young  man  of  twenty-­‐one  years,  he  was  pursuing  a  career  in  Comparative  Religion  at  a  
University   in   Colorado   when   he   suddenly   realized   that   what   all   he   had   learned   of   religion   in   his  
academic   career   was   meant   for   practice   and   to   attain   God   in   this   very   birth.   He   had   instinctively   felt  
that   in   previous   births   he   had   come   to   this   same   conclusion,   but   he   had   failed   to   do   what   was  
needful  to  attain  the  Goal  of  those  lives.  This  time,  however,  he  acutely  felt  the  urgent  need  of  full  
surrender   to   the   call   of   God.   He,   like   all   of   us,   was   stubborn.   Fortunately   God   was   more   stubborn!  
Therefore  he  left  all  that  he  had  for  years  striven  to  achieve  and  came  to  India.    
  His  first  visit  was  to  Sri  Ramanashramam  in  late  1971.  From  that  first  darshan  of  Bhagavan  
and  Arunachala  he  became  aware  that  his  life  was  irrevocably  changed,  and  he  was  “somehow”  to  
return  to  America  and  become  a  monk.  As  he  had  learnt  that  the  best  of  the  living  Saints  at  that  time  
was   Ma   Anandamayee,   he   endeavored   to   seek   Her   grace   and   guidance.   After   surmounting   a  
mountain  of  obstacles,  both  physical  and  mental,  his  heart  and  soul  finally  found  shelter  at  the  feet  
of  this  manifestation  of  the  Divine  Mother.  He  entered  an  Ashram  in  the  U.S.A.  under  the  guidance  of  
Ma   Anandamayee   and   one   of   Her   chief   disciples.   He,   having   received   the   golden   touch   of   this   Joy-­‐
Permeated   Mother,   lived   as   a   Brahmachari   and   Pujari   in   Sri   Anandamayee   Ma’s   Ashram.   At   the  
bidding   of   his   Guru,   in   1974   he   received   full   initiation   as   a   monk   from   a   Swamiji   in   the   disciple-­‐
lineage  of  Puri  Sankaracharya.    

See footnote #6 on page 11.
Practical Sadhana 4

  For  the  next  thirty  years  he  remained  in  the  Ashram  doing  a  lot  of  collective  and  individual  
sadhana,  strictly  as  per  the  instructions  from  Ma,  and  the  guidance  of  Her  close  disciple.  
  Although   he   had   visited   India   several   times   over   the   intervening   years,   in   2003   he   again  
returned  to  India  to  live  there  permanently.  Since  then  he  has  been  living  in  an  austere  manner  in  a  
separate  dwelling  not  very  far  from  Sri  Ramanashramam  at  Tiruvannamalai  (Arunachala   Kshetra).  
He   has   made   a   thorough   study   of   the   teachings   of   Bhagavan   Ramana   and   also   of   Sri   Ramakrishna.  
For  years  he  has  been  given  to  long  hours  of  meditation  as  I  have  personally  witnessed  while  in  his  
company  during  various  travels  throughout  India  from  time  to  time.    
  In   this   book,   the   author   has   tried   to   give   the   quintessence   of   the   teachings   of   Bhagavan  
Ramana  in  the  light  of  his  own  spiritual  experience  gained  in  the  last  thirty-­‐four  years  of  his  life  of  
practice   as   a   true   sannyasin   (monk).   He   has   brought   out   the   universality   of   Bhagavan’s   teachings  
which   cover   all   the   essential   aspects   needed   by   a   seeker   –   the   need   for   a   Guru,   vichara   (enquiry),  
abhyasa   (practice),   japa   and   meditation,   prayers   and   Grace   etc.   The   author   has   also   quoted  
substantially   from   the   Yoga   Sutras   of   Patanjali.   He   has   specially   limelighted   the   view   of   Bhagavan  
that   the   breath   control   through   pranayama   is   subject   to   pitfalls   while   the   same   can   be   achieved  
safely  and  with  equal  effectiveness  by  watching  the  breath.  
   The   holistic   approach   adopted   by   the   Swamiji   towards   the   teachings   of   Bhagavan   is   really  
commendable.  I  am  sure  that  this  book,  where  a  lot  of  clarifications  have  been  given  by  the  author  in  
Bhagavan’s   own   words   (as   collected   from   various   talks),   will   be   of   immense   help   to   a   number   of  
seekers   including   those   who   have   not   specifically   adopted   Bhagavan’s   teachings   in   their   life   of  
                   Shantananda      7/6/08  
                       [Swami  Shantananda  Puri  of  Vasishta  Guha  (Himalayas)]  

       Swami  Sadasivananda  Giri  (left)  with  Swami  Shantananda  Puri  
From the Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi 5

The  One  Thing  Needful  

“The  Self  manifests  externally  as  Guru  when  occasion  arises;  otherwise  He  is  always  within,  doing  
the  needful.”  
                                                             Sri  Ramana  Maharshi  in  Talks  
“When  the  goal  is  ever  before  one  as  a  living  reality,  all  that  is  needful    
   will  come  of  its  own  accord.”                          
                                                                                                       Sri  Anandamayi  Ma  in  Sad  Vani  
From   the   most   ancient   times   of   spiritual   endeavor   and   attainment   in   all   of   the   major  
religions  of  this  world,  the  truths  that  inspired  mankind  were  conveyed  from  Master  to  disciple  in  
the   tradition   of   oral   transmission.   One   became   fit   for   discipleship   with   the   developed   skill   of  
appropriate   attention   to   the   teachings,   invoked   by   a   keenly   alert   questioning   and   a   willing  
receptivity  to  the  course  of  effort  charted  by  the  Master.    
The   Sage   Vasistha   (the   guru   of   the   Lord   Rama)   proclaimed   that   this   form   of   teaching  
through   satsanga   (keeping   close   company   and   a   living   relationship   with   the   Holy)   2   would   not   only  
produce  perfection  in  practice,  but  would  convey  the  highest  Liberation.  Therefore  he  revealed  that  
of  the  four  gatekeepers  to  the  Palace  of  Liberation,  satsanga  is  included.    
To  find  true  satsanga  that  can  transform  is  an  act  of  grace;  to  be  receptive  to  it,  and  thus  to  
spiritually   progress,   is   an   act   of   effort.   In   keeping   with   the   traditions   of   old,   the   contents   of   this  
book  are  presented  in  the  form  of  satsanga  containing  questions  and  answers  concerning  practical  
instruction   regarding   the   teachings   prescribed   by   Bhagavan   Sri   Ramana   Maharshi.   The   inspiring  
truths  conveyed  concerning  spiritual  pursuit  are  of  great  practical  value  to  all  who  seek  to  find  the  
‘pearl  of  great  price’,  which  has  come  to  be  known  in  theory  as  religion,  but  in  practice  as  the  path  
leading  to  a  life  of  the  Spirit.    
Though   the   ancient   form   of   instruction   is   maintained,   the   answers   reflect   what   has  
evolved   in   our   modern   times   as   a   uniquely   universal   spiritual   teaching   that   can   be   taken   up   by  
anyone   the   world   over   without   adopting   the   limiting   constraints   of   any   one   religious   tradition.   It  
has  been  said  that  these  teachings  were  indeed  God-­‐given,  for  they  began  with  the  words  of  grace  
flowing  from  Sri  Ramakrishna  and  continued  with  the  blessing  of  perfection  that  was  embodied  as  
Sri  Ramana  Maharshi.    

A complete definition of satsanga is: The company of Sages, Saints and seekers after Truth, either the
actual physical company or, in an applied sense, by reading Holy Scriptures or the lives of the Saints.
Also, a religious gathering or meeting. In the widest sense the practice of the presence of God.
Practical Sadhana 6

As   did   his   predecessor,   Bhagavan   Sri   Ramana   Maharshi   stressed   practice   that   produces  
purification  (removal  of  that  fog  of  ignorance,  the  obstacles  and  habits  of  the  mercurial  mind  which  
diminish   our   pure   vision)   as   well   as   the   grace   of   the   knowledge   of   the   Self   as   the   eternal  
companions  of  those  who  would  be  led:                                                                  
From  the  unreal  to  the  Real,  
From  darkness  to  Light  
From  death  to  Immortality!  
The  Practice  That  Makes  Perfect  
Why   has   satsanga   been   deemed   to   be   essential   for   the   spiritual   progress   that   leads   to  
Realization?  What  is  the  task  of  the  guru  (qualified  teacher),  if  not  to  show  us  the  way  and  patiently  
lead  us  towards  it?    
During   the   blessed   years   of   Sri   Bhagavan’s   physical   sojourn   amongst   us,   those   who   took  
shelter   at   his   feet   were   daily   inspired   to   continue   in   the   ‘practice   that   makes   perfect’.   This   was   a  
true   example   how   history   repeats   itself   since   the   ancient   times   of   Sanatana   Dharma,   the   religion  
where  men  have  eternally  sought  God,  their  effort  only  to  be  outdone  by  God’s  longing  to  become  
manifest  within  man.    
  When  Lord  Rama  sojourned  on  earth,  he  once  asked  his  guru  Sri  Vasistha  why  it  was  that  
when   they   were   together   his   knowledge   and   experience   of   the   Self   was   undiminished,   but   when  
they   were   apart   forgetfulness   obstructed   the   vision   of   his   divinity?   Sri   Vasisthadeva   simply,   but  
with  great  profundity,  declared  that  the  reason  for  forgetfulness  was:  
      “Lack  of  abhyasa  (repeated  spiritual  practice).”    
Bhagavan   Sri   Ramana   Maharshi   echoed   the   same   Truth   when   answering   a   devotee’s  
comment  that:    
“Bhagavan’s  Grace  is  needed  in  order  that  meditation  (and  thus  remembrance)  should  
become  effortless.”    
Bhagavan  replied:  “Practice  is  necessary,  there  is  Grace.”  3  
The  Winds  of  Change    
  Though  God  and  His  Truths  never  change,  we  seem  to  have  wandered  astray,  being  led  by  
the   whimsical   desires   of   infantile   habits.   Assuredly,   this   child   by   adoption   (our   ego)   is   habitually  
perverse  and  dangerously  errant,  and  deserves  disownment.  In  fact,  our  very  liberation  demands  it!  
A  great  scholar  of  Vedanta,  and  devotee  of  Sri  Ramakrishna,  Swami  Yatiswarananda,  has  stated  this  
condition  with  crystal  clarity:  
 “We  all  know  that  the  ego  is  perverse  and  how  it  is  constantly  changing  its  center  of  
gravity.   It   is   now   identified   with   outside   things,   next   moment   with   the   body,   then   with   the  
senses   or   the   mind.   It   is   mad   and   runs   the   risk   of   tumbling   down   any   moment.  How   at   times  

Guru Ramana, S.S. Cohen, Sri Ramanashramam 2006, p. 76.
From the Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi 7

it   becomes   too   much   one-­‐pointed,   centered   on   itself!   We   forget   that   our   individual  
consciousness   is   part   of   an   infinite   consciousness;   we   forget   that   the   welfare   of   our   fellow  
beings   is   inseparable   from   our   own;   we   become   egocentric,   selfish   and   mean   -­‐   a   danger   to  
ourselves,  to  our  family  and  society.”  4    
The  complete  eradication  of  this  habit,  and  the  state  of  perfection  that  we  must  strive  for  is  
exemplified  completely  with  every  detail  of  the  life  of  Sri  Ramana  Maharshi.  He  has  made  the  mold,  
now  we  must  cast  the  image  in  his  likeness.        
  In  our  own  era  the  winds  of  change  blow  with  gale  force  intensity,  they  toss  the  externalized  
mind  about  like  a  boat  on  a  stormy  sea.  With  even  greater  force  our  heedless  impatience  impels  us  
to   seek   the   easy   road   to   Realization,   a   way   that   avoids   and   even   denies   the   need   for   a   path   that  
skillfully  trains  one  to  overcome  the  mind  by  turning  within.  
  Calming  the  Storm  
  Bhagavan  emphasized  this  clearly  when  He  stated:    
“How  to  transcend  the  mind?”  The  Master  answers:  “Mind  is  by  nature  restless.  Begin  
liberating  it  from  restlessness:  give  it  peace;  make  it  free  from  distractions;  train  it  to  look  
inward;   make   this   a   habit.   This   is   done   by   ignoring   the   external   world   and   removing   all  
obstacles  to  peace  of  mind.”  5    
  These   words   of   Bhagavan   are   in   perfect   keeping   with   the   tradition   of   the   eternal   religion   of  
India.  He  declares  the  goal,  and  then  proceeds  to  show  the  way  to  get  there.  He  reveals  to  us  that  we  
habitually   live   in   the   shadowy   awareness   of   a   distracted   externalized   mind,   and   that   training   is  
needed  to  remove  these  ingrained  obstacles.    
We   must   begin   our   sadhana   (spiritual   practice)   with   an   unshakable   understanding   that   for  
the  vast  majority  of  us  this  condition,  though  only  a  superimposition  on  our  real  nature,  is  exactly  
where  we  stand.  We  must  recognize  as  Sri  Ramana’s  predecessor,  Sri  Krishna,  exemplified  to  Arjuna  
in  the  Bhagavad  Gita;  there  are  enemies  (obstacles),  and  the  training  of  a  skillful  warrior  is  needed  
for  victory  (liberation  from  restlessness).  
  So  the  first  question  for  us  is  “Where  do  we  stand?”  Perhaps  the  magnitude  of  the  grace  and  
compassion   of   Bhagavan   Sri   Ramana   is   demonstrated   by   the   fact   that   although   his   incarnation  
focused  on  revealing  to  us  the  answer  to  the  enquiry  “Who  am  I?”,  it  was  said  that  he  seemed  to  like  
nothing  better  than  helping  to  deal  with  the  obstacles  and  clearing  the  doubts  of  those  who  came  
before   Him.   Perhaps   the   hidden   efficacy   of   this   fact   is   borne   out   by   one   of   the   truly   essential  
statements  of  Bhagavan  recorded  by  his  close  disciple  Sri  Muruganar:  
 “If   we   perform   sadhana   to   the   limit   of   our   abilities,   the   Lord   will   accomplish   for   us  
that   which   is   beyond   our   capabilities.   If   we   fail   to   do   even   that   which   is   within   our  
capabilities,  there  is  not  the  slightest  fault  in  the  grace  of  the  Lord.”  6  

Meditation and Spiritual Life, Swami Yatiswarananda, Ramakrishna Math Bangalore 2001, p. 241.
Reflections on Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi, S.S. Cohen, Sri Ramanashramam 2006, Talk 26 p.
Padamalai, Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi Recorded by Muruganar, p. 186.
(Reference is to Sri Ramana Jnana Bodham, vol. 8, verse 192).
Practical Sadhana 8

The  Virtue  of  Patience  
  Though  Bhagavan  began  walking  amongst  men  now  over  a  century  past,  he  was  very  much  
in   our   modern   times.   Thus   one   of   his   close   disciples   wrote,   for   us   to   consider   while   we   analyze  
where  we  stand,  words  that  give  a  clear  description  of  what  we  all  face:  
“This   is   the   age   of   shortcuts.   Time   has   shrunk   and   space   more   so,   and   the   dual  
inconvenience  has  affected  men’s  moods  and  temper.  Even  the  supreme  Knowledge  has  
nowadays   to   be   given   in   massive   doses   and   has   to   produce   quick   results   too,   or   they   will  
have   none   of   it…The   result   is   that   we   return   from   the   guru   and   his   Ashram   with   our  
doubts   still   in   our   heads   uncleared,   and   our   minds,   about   truth   and   untruth,   still  
befogged.”  7  

Advaitic Sadhana The Yoga of Direct Liberation, S.S. Cohen, Sri Ramanashramam 2007, p. 1-2.
From the Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi 9

Bhagavan  Sri  Ramana  Maharshi  
All  of  those  who  beheld  the  glance  of  Sri  Ramana  Maharshi  
Universally  agreed  that  His  eyes  were  floodgates  of  an  
“Ocean  of  Compassion  Without  Reason”,  for  
“Who  could  deserve  such  Grace?”  Even  today,  many  testify  to  the  enduring  transformative  
power  of  his  Presence.  For  he  said  in  the  final  days  of  his  physical  sojourn  amongst  us:  
“They  say  that  I  am  dying  but  I  am  not  going  away.  
Where  could  I  go?  I  am  here.”  
Practical Sadhana 10

   One                Preparation  for  Spiritual  Ascent  .      .      .      .      .        .      .      .        13  
   Two              Meditation  and  the  Mind        .      .      .      .      .      .      .        .      .      .          16    
   Three      The  Method  and  What  Hinders  It      .      .      .      .      .      .      .    .        25  
   Four          The  Need  for  a  Guru    .      .      .      .      .      .      .      .      .        .        .      .      .        34  
   Five              Which  Way  Within  .      .      .      .      .      .      .      .      .      .      .      .      .        .        43        
   Six                  The  Ultimate  Secret        .      .      .      .      .      .      .      .      .      .      .      .      .        51    
   Seven      Samadhi’s  Goal:  “Turn  Your  Back  on  Heaven”.      .        .      57  
   Eight        Blessed  be  the  Name  of  the  Lord    .      .      .      .      .      .    .      .          63        
   NINE        Prayerfully  Seek:  “Whence  am  I”  .      .      .      .      .      .      .    .      .    73  
   TEN            Conquering  the  Ego’s  Fort  .      .      .      .      .      .      .      .      .      .        .      80  
   ELEVEN  Water  for  Survival    .        .      .      .      .      .      .      .      .      .      .      .      .      .    85  
   TWELVE  Know  the  Secret  of  Your  Own  Heart    .      .      .      .      .      .      92    
   Appendix  I  –  “Surrender”  .      .      .      .      .      .      .      .      .      .      .      .      .      .      .    99  
From the Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi 11

Preparation  for  Spiritual  Ascent  
Question:  Why  is  it  that  the  wise  say  that  hearing  alone  can  create  a  distorted  understanding  
of   any   profound   Truth?   Why   are   we   told   to   first   hear,   then   reflect   and   assimilate   so   that   knowledge  
can  become  experienced?        
 What  we  hear  must  be  heard  then  digested  within,  and  then  it  becomes  distilled  wisdom.  Like  
the  cow  eating  grass,  first  in  a  hurry  and  then  meditatively  sitting  in  the  shade  and  only  then  does  
she  convert  it  into  milk.    
So  how  man  extracts  wisdom  out  of  all  talk  and  reading  is  to  profoundly  think  about  it  and  
then  dive  deeply  within  in  meditation.  In  that  way  he  really  digests  what  he  has  heard  or  read  and  
then  it  flows  into  him  as  an  experience  and  becomes  a  storehouse  of  knowledge.      
Question:   Is   it   the   real   experience   as   anubhava   (direct   spiritual   experience;   intuitive  
consciousness)  that  is  difficult  to  achieve?  
Yes,   for   the   experience   one   gets   by   reading   is   only   theoretical.   Anubhava   is   living   every  
movement  of  your  life  with  what  may  come  and  to  face  it  and  act  accordingly  with  what  you  have  
actually  heard  and  read  or  seen  in  the  lives  of  great  Gurus  and  Saints.  All  these  things  put  you  to  the  
test,   moment   by   moment,   in   your   own   life.   Nothing   in   life   goes   by   a   pattern,   nothing   is   a   copy,   each  
one   of   us   is   given   experience   in   his   own   individual   way,   and   to   the   limit   of   his   own   endurance.  
There  is  no  similarity,  absolutely  no  similarity.    
What  may  happen  to  somebody,  a  lesson  through  some  incident  that  may  seem  insignificant  
to   others,   will   be   to   him   a   lesson   by   which   a   tremendous   insight   is   comprehended.   The   insight   may  
have  an  impact  that  causes  real  spiritual  growth.  To  him  a  real  experience  ensued,  to  the  onlooker  
nothing   at   all   occurred.   There   is   no   way   to   know   when   and   where   such   insight   will   occur;   one  
should   only   at   all   times   maintain   and   preserve   a   keen   lively   awareness   and   receptivity   to   become   a  
worthy  vessel  for  the  touch  of  the  divine.  For  it  is  the  divine  alone  who  knows  where  to  kindle  and  
light  up  the  explosion  that  brings  about  real  change  and  transformation.    
The   impact   of   the   divine   in   our   lives   is   irrefutable;   the   consequence   of   it,   the   degree   of  
absorption  and  transformation  depends  on  the  intensity  of  our  sadhana  and  meditation.  God  never  
denies  us,  we  deny  Him!  

Practical Sadhana 12


                               “Practice  is  Necessary,  there  is  Grace.”  
From the Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi 13

                             Meditation  and  the  Mind  
Question:   You   mention   meditation;   is   meditation   very   important   to  
control  the  mind  or  purify  the  heart?  
   The   answer   must   be   addressed   step-­‐by-­‐step.   So   long   as   you   are  
struggling  to  control  the  mind,  it  is  not  deep  transformative  meditation.  It  is,  
however,  an  essential  mental  exercise,  for  it  is  a  purifying  process  and  thus  an  
important   first   step   towards   one-­‐pointedness   of   mind.   Initially,   the   grossest  
tamasic   impurities   must   be   held   in   check   and   eventually   sublimated.   This   is  
not   simply   a   curbing   of   negative   traits;   rather   it   is   their   elimination   by   will  
power   and   self-­‐effort,   which   is   achieved   by   observing   the   negative  
consequences   of   our   habits   and   changing   them.   The   great   master  
Paramahansa   Yogananda   once   said:   “If   sufficient   will   power   is   lacking,  
develop   ‘won’t’   power.”   One   simply   says:   “The   reaction   to   that   action   was  
harmful  to  me  spiritually,  so  I  won’t  do  that  again.”  At  first  we  must  exercise  
willing  introspection  and  right  perception,  and  then  foremost  is  the  honesty  to  
acknowledge  the  consequences  of  our  behavior  without  any  sort  of  denial  or  
cover-­‐up.   Although   in   reality   our   divine   nature   is   immutable,   eternally  
unchanging   and   free   of   all   taint,   our   consciousness   depends   solely   upon   our  
perception   and   the   ensuing   thought   fabrications   that   manifest   and   literally  
create  our  awareness.  The  Buddha  thus  declared:    
“Mind   precedes   all   mental   states,   mind   is   their   chief;   they   are   all  
mind  wrought.”  8    
This  perception  can  be,  and  is,  daily  affected  by  our  skillful  or  unskillful  
actions.   Actions   enlighten   or   darken   our   perception;   their   consequences  
determine  the  degree  of  influence  that  grace  has  in  our  lives.    
Again,  this  is  why  Bhagavan  Sri  Ramana  declared:  
“Practice  is  necessary,  there  is  Grace.”  9  

Dhamapada, translated by Ven. Acharaya Buddharakkita, Buddha Vachana
Trust, p. 7, verse 1.
Practical Sadhana 14

Quality  of  Mind    

 When   our   mind   is   too   gross,   tamas   or   dullness   and   rajas   which   is  
activity,  govern  it.  When  one  is  in  this  condition,  the  sattva  or  quietude  is  not  
predominant.  In  the  absence  of  sattva,  the  qualities  of  tamas  and  rajas  become  
the  reigning  powers.  Being  thus  overwhelmed,  such  a  one  becomes  very  dull.  
So   the   real   work   is   how   to   bring   such   a   person   into   spirituality.   In   the  
beginning   he   should   be   given   a   purifying   activity,   for   he   cannot   be   made   to   sit  
Bhagavan   Sri   Ramana   Maharshi   would   often   use   the   Tamil   word   kadavul  
in   reference   to   God.   It   literally   means   the   divine   and   eternal   Self   that   abides  
within   in   stillness   and   silence.     This   supreme   quietude,   which   is   the  
manifestation   of   Wisdom,   is   unquestionably   our   own   very   Self   and   our  
greatest  friend.  However,  because  of  the  governance  through  an  externalized  
mind  deluded  by  the  distracting  and  veiling  powers  of  rajas  and  tamas,  we  are  
seeing,  feeling  and  ‘living’  life  in  the  death  grip  of  the  devouring  ego,  our  worst  
enemy.  10  
 So   in   Sanatana   Dharma,   which   has   come   to   be   known   as   Hinduism   of  
India,   what   is   done   in   the   beginning   is   to   give   such   a   person   some   action  
which  has  by  its  very  nature  a  purifying  effect.  
 Even   though   a   person   may   have   a   sincere   longing   for   spiritual  
attainment,   he   is   not   always   able   to   perceive   the   dullness   of   his   mind.   The  
scriptures  say  that  the  ego  has  mainly  two  powers  in  its  arsenal:  vikshepa  or  
distraction,  and  avarana,  which  is  a  veiling  of  the  truth.    
If   a   person   remains   unskillful   throughout   his   life,   and   maintains   an  
indifferent  regard  towards  spiritual  growth  then  a  third  power  is  available  to  
the   ego.   This   third   power   is   mala   or   gross   impurities.   Of   course   this   third  
power   must   be   removed,   but   in   truth   the   very   first   step   is   to   become   aware   of  
its  existence.    

Guru Ramana, S.S. Cohen, Sri Ramanashramam, 2006, p. 76.
See Srimad Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 6, verse 6.
From the Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi 15

Purification  through  Action  

Placing   a   person   in   an   environment   where   sattva   (a   pure   condition)   is  
active   and   assigning   work   such   as   in   a   Temple   or   an   Ashram   affects   one  
through   mere   association   with   the   qualities   inherent   in   doing   work   for   God,  
even  if  it  is  only  something  like  cleaning  the  place  of  worship  or  the  pots  and  
pans   or   picking   flowers.   The   first   phase   of   transformation   away   from   the  
dullness  of  the  tamasic  mind  can  begin  with  these  actions.  When  working  for  
the  benefit  of  a  place  that  promotes  higher  life,  one  becomes  acutely  aware  of  
one’s   own   disinterest,   negligence,   laziness,   and   disregard   for   the   work,   and  
through  grace  a  sense  of  shame  emerges.    
By   placing   someone   in   a   Godly   environment   and   having   them   do   work  
solely  for  God,  the  higher  power  takes  away  the  ego’s  power  of  avarana.  The  
veil  is  removed  and  now  the  dull,  distasteful  and  shameful  qualities  of  tamas  
are  seen  face  to  face.  Also  through  this  divine  association,  this  powerful  form  
of  satsanga,  the  mind  and  heart  are  invested  with  a  determined  desire  to  rise  
out  of  heedlessness.    
An   awareness   and   recognition   of   the   intoxicating   addiction   to  
heedlessness  is  also  brought  to  light  together  with  a  resolve  to  strive  for  true  
spiritual  growth.  Thus  the  all-­‐knowing  God  begins  by  infusing  into  us  the  will  
to  change  and  seek  a  pure  life.  
 “The  quality  of  soul  that  makes  it  possible  for  man  to  rise  to  spirit  
life   is   purity…that   which   one   wills   to   do,   he   has   the   power   to   do.  
Knowledge  of  that  power  is  faith;  and  when  faith  moves,  the  soul  begins  
its  flight.”  11    
The  Path  of  Ascent  
We  have  begun;  we  have  made  a  start.  In  the  truest  sense  we  have  now  
set   our   hands   to   the   plough.   In   the   entire   Srimad   Bhagavatam   Sri   Krishna  
reveals  the  quintessence  of  His  teaching  in  one  statement:    
“Shake  free  of  sloth,  and  merge  your  mind  within  Me.”  12  

Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ, by Levi, DeVorss & Company 2001, p. 87.
Practical Sadhana 16

 Though   we   might   believe   that   only   a   simple   start   has   been   made,   the  
shaking  free  of  slothful  heedlessness  is  declared  by  God  to  be  half  the  battle.    
We   have   recognized   that   there   is   a   fog   that   clouds   our   vision,   and  
obstacles   (restlessness   and   slothfulness),   that   literally   obscure   the  
manifestation  of  the  light  of  the  Self  in  our  consciousness.    
 Regardless  of  whatever  label  we  choose  to  call  this  effort,  whether  it  be  
deemed   purification,   removal   of   defilement,   awakening,   being   in   oneness   or  
even   becoming   still,   it   should   be   known   that   Bhagavan   said   it   is   “effort   that  
instills   purity”   and   stressed   that   without   it   the   goal   of   vichara   (enquiry)   will  
not  be  reached.    
 In  direct  reference  to  this  Sri  Muruganar  heard  the  following  profound  
statement  from  Bhagavan  and  recorded  it  that  our  doubts  might  be  cleared:  
 “Know   that   the   wondrous   jnana   vichara   is   only   for   those   who   have  
attained   purity   of   mind   by   softening   and   melting   within.   Without   this  
softening  and  melting  away  of  the  mind,  brought  about  by  thinking  of  the  
feet  of  the  Lord,  the  attachment  to  the  “I”  that  adheres  to  the  body  will  
not  cease  to  be.”  13  
Focusing  on  the  Goal  
 Having   arisen   out   of   a   body   full   of   tamasic   habits,   we   must   now   set   to  
work   to   focus   the   mind   by   gaining   a   depth   of   concentration   needed   for  
merging   with   and   realizing   our   divine   nature.   This   is   essential,   for  
concentration   on   one   object   effectively   reduces   the   onslaught   of   thoughts  
habitual   to   our   mercurial   minds.   Bhagavan   has   said   that   the   degree   of   effort  
required  to  secure  and  maintain  the  needed  depth  in  meditation  results  from  
“long   and   protracted”   sadhana.   This   one–pointedness   of   mind   cannot   be  
imagined  or  conjured  up.  Bhagavan  repeatedly  stressed  avoidance  of  what  can  
be  rightly  referred  to  as  an  effortless  cover-­‐up.    

Srimad Bhagavata, S.S. Cohen, Sri Ramanashramam 2007, Book Eleven,
Uddhava Gita.
Padamalai, Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi Recorded by Muruganar,
Avadhuta Foundation 2004, p. 186. (Reference to Sri Ramana Jnana Bodham, vol.
7, verse 340).
From the Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi 17

  “Protracted   practice   ripens   into   an   intuitive   approximation   of   the  

Self,   otherwise   the   Self   remains   but   an   imaginary   conception   even   for  
sadhakas.”    14  
Bhagavan’s  declaration  of  the  essential  “softening  and  melting  within”  is  
brought  about  primarily  during  the  practice  of  meditation.  The  attainment  of  
concentration   that   results   in   the   purity   Bhagavan   describes   is   most   easily  
achieved   by   adopting   a   meditative   practice   that   naturally   suits   one’s  
temperament  and  nature.    
 Bhagavan   often   seemed   to   stress   for   most   of   us   that   Knowledge   of   the  
Self   is   attained   by   an   integrated   practice   of   jnana   (path   of   Knowledge)   and  
bhakti  (path  of  Devotion).  In  this  regard  the  master  reveals:  
       Bhagavan:   “Any   kind   of   meditation   is   good.   But   if   the   sense   of  
separateness   is   lost   and   the   object   of   meditation   or   the   subject   who  
meditates   is   alone   left   behind   without   anything   else   to   know,   it   is   jnana.  
Jnana   is   said   to   be   ekabhakti.   The   jnani   is   the   finality   because   he   has  
become  the  Self  and  there  is  nothing  more  to  do.  He  is  also  so  fearless  
‘Dwitiyat  vai  bhayam  bhavati’-­‐  only  the  existence  of  a  second  gives  rise  
to  fear.  This  is  mukti.  It  is  also  bhakti.”  
Devotee:  “Will  bhakti  lead  to  mukti?”  
Bhagavan:  “Bhakti  is  not  different  from  mukti.  Bhakti  is  being  as  the  
Self  (swarupa).  One  is  always  that.  He  realizes  it  by  the  means  he  adopts.  
What  is  bhakti?  To  think  of  God.  That  means:  only  one  thought  prevails  
to  the  exclusion  of  all  other  thoughts.  That  thought  is  of  God,  which  is  the  
Self,   or   it   is   the   self   surrendered   unto   God.   When   He   has   taken   you   up  
nothing  will  assail  you.  The  absence  of  thoughts  is  bhakti.  It  is  also  mukti.  
The   jnana   method   is   said   to   be   vichara   (enquiry).   That   is   nothing  
but  ‘supreme  devotion’  (parabhakti).  The  difference  is  in  words  only.”  15    
It  is  essential  to  understand  that  Bhagavan  is  declaring  both  the  goal  and  
alluding  to  the  path  that  leads  toward  its  attainment.  Thus  he  is  describing  the  

Reflections on Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi, S.S. Cohen, Sri
Ramanashramam 2006, p. 156.
Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi, recorded by Sri Munagala Venkataramiah, Sri
Ramanashramam 2006, Talk 650, p. 635.
Practical Sadhana 18

path  to  be,  “the  means  one  adopts  which  excludes  all  thoughts  other  than  the  
thought  of  God.”  Bhagavan  has  also  emphasized  that  it  is  the  effort  of  “the  ‘I’  
thought   (ego),   which   is   carrying   out   a   progressive   and   protracted   sadhana  
that   culminates   with   the   awakening   (remembrance)   of   the   immaculate   nature  
of  a  Pure  Mind.”   16  In  fact,  when  Bhagavan  was  once  asked  to  define  yoga,  He  
         “Effort  itself  is  yoga.”  17    
“Dhyana   (meditation)   means   fight.   As   soon   as   you   begin  
meditation   other   thoughts   will   crowd   together,   gather   force   and   try   to  
sink   the   single   thought   to   which   you   try   to   hold.   The   good   thought   must  
gradually  gain  strength  by  repeated  practice.  After  it  has  grown  strong  
the   other   thoughts   will   be   put   to   flight.   This   is   the   battle   royal   always  
taking   place   in   meditation.   One   wants   to   rid   oneself   of   misery.   It  
requires  peace  of  mind,  which  means  absence  of  perturbation  owing  to  
all  kinds  of  thoughts.  Peace  of  mind  is  brought  about  by  dhyana  alone."18  
In   regards   to   sadhana   that   is   based   on   “remembrance”,   Bhagavan  
“Grace   is   the   Self.   I   have   already   said,   ‘If   you   remember   Bhagavan,  
you   are   prompted   to   do   so   by   the   Self.’   Is   not   Grace   already   there?   Is  
there  a  moment  when  Grace  is  not  operating  in  you?  Your  remembrance  
is  the  forerunner  of  Grace.  That  is  the  response,  that  is  the  stimulus,  that  
is  the  Self  and  that  is  Grace.”19      
How   can   this   statement   be   true   when   standing   alongside   the  
propounded  emphasis  by  some  that  we  need  only  ‘be  as  we  are’,  for  the  Self  is  
the   only   Reality,   and   ever   shining   within?   Simply   speaking,   this   position   is  
putting   the   cart   before   the   horse.   Bhagavan’s   own   words   bring   to   light   the  
Truth   that   long   practice   from   past   sadhana   and   then   further   effort   alone  
makes  permanent  the  effortless  state.  

See footnote #58, p. 62.
Guru Ramana, S.S. Cohen, Sri Ramanashramam, 2006, p. 74.
Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi, recorded by Sri Munagala Venkataramiah, Sri
Ramanashramam 2006, Talk 371.
Ibid, Talk 251.
From the Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi 19

 The   difficulty   in   dealing   solely   with   dry   theory   is   put   to   rest   by   the  
experience   of   That,   the   samadhi   (meditative   absorption)   referred   to   in   the  
Kaivalya   Upanishad   called   vijnana   vedanta,   which   the   theory   only   implies.  
When  the  question  was  put  before  Bhagavan  of  the  need  for  practice  and  then  
further   practice   being   required   to   attain   the   final   state   of   the   highest   and  
permanent  samadhi,  He  declared:    
“People  have  all  sorts  of  notions  about  nirvikalpa…  All  this  is  due  to  
their   viewing   it   intellectually.   Nirvikalpa   is   Chit   -­‐   effortless,   formless  
Consciousness…   To   some   whose   minds   have   become   ripe   from   a   long  
practice  in  the  past,  nirvikalpa  comes  suddenly  as  a  flood,  but  to  others  it  
comes   in   the   course   of   their   sadhana,   which   slowly   wears   down   the  
obstructing   thoughts   and   reveals   the   screen   of   Pure   Awareness   ‘I’-­‐‘I’.  
Further   practice   renders   the   screen   permanently   exposed.   This   is   Self-­‐
realization,  Mukti,  or  Sahaja  Samadhi,  the  natural,  effortless  State.”  20    
             Bhagavan  frequently  used  the  “motion  picture  screen”  simile  to  describe  
the   essential   nature   and   relationship   between   the   world   perceived   by   the  
senses,  the  mind  and  the  Self.    
 Bhagavan:  “To  illustrate  it:  The  pictures  move  on  the  screen  in  a  cinema  
show;  but  does  the  screen  itself  move?  No.  The  Presence  is  the  screen:  
you,  I  and  others  are  the  pictures.  The  individuals  may  move  but  not  the  
Self.”  21    
             Although   the   theoretical   meanings   of   the   “screen”   simile,   and   the   above  
illustration,  are  vast  as  well  as  somewhat  difficult  to  grasp,  Bhagavan  is  clearly  
directing   us   to   “wear   down   the   obstructing   thoughts   to   reveal   the   screen   of  
Pure   Awareness   ‘I’-­‐‘I’.”   One   of   the   most   direct   and   endearing   practices  
prescribed  by  the  Maharshi   that   accomplishes   this   aspect   of  sadhana   involves  
Giri  Pradakshina  (circumambulation)  of  the  sacred  hill  Arunachala.  
“The   Maharshi   explained   it   in   detail,   saying   that   the   universe   is   like   a  
painting   on   a   screen   -­‐   the   screen   being   the   Red   Hill,   Arunachala.   That  
which  rises  and  sinks  is  made  up  of  what  it  rises  from.  The  finality  of  the  
universe   is   the   God   Arunachala.   Meditating   on   Him   or   on   the   seer,   the  
Self,  there  is  a  mental  vibration  ‘I’  to  which  all  are  reduced.  Tracing  the  

Guru Ramana, S.S. Cohen, Sri Ramanashramam 2006, p. 88-89.
Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi, recorded by Sri Munagala Venkataramiah, Sri
Ramanashramam 2006, Talk 470, p. 459.
Practical Sadhana 20

source  of  ‘I’,  the  primal  ‘I-­‐I’  alone  remains  over,  and  it  is  inexpressible.  
The   seat   of   Realisation   is   within   and   the   seeker   cannot   find   it   as   an  
object  outside  him.  That  seat  is  bliss  and  is  the  core  of  all  beings.  Hence  
it  is  called  the  Heart.  The  only  useful  purpose  of  the  present  birth  is  to  
turn  within  and  realise  it.  There  is  nothing  else  to  do.”  22  
  Regarding   the   efficacy   of   Giri   Pradakshina   as   a   most   effective   practice   of  
“turning   within   and   making   the   mind   bear   on   God”,   Bhagavan   told   the  
following  story:    
“The  greatness  of  this  Giri  Pradakshina  has  been  described  at  length  in  
Arunachala  Puranam.  Lord  Nandikesa  asked  Sadasiva  a  similar  question  
and   Sadasiva   narrated   as   follows:   ‘To   go   round   this   hill   is   good.   The  
word   ‘Pradakshina’   has   a   typical   meaning.   The   letter   ‘Pra’   stands   for  
removal   of   all   kinds   of   sins;   ‘da’   stands   for   fulfilling   the   desires;   ‘kshi’  
stands   for   freedom   from   future   births;   ‘na’   stands   for   giving   deliverance  
through   jnana.   If   by   way   of   Pradakshina   you   walk   one   step   it   gives  
happiness   in   this   world,   two   steps,   it   gives   happiness   in   heaven,   three  
steps,   it   gives   bliss   of   Satyaloka   which   can   be   attained.   One   should   go  
round   either   in   mouna   (silence)   or   dhyana   (meditation)   or   japa  
(repetition  of  Lord’s  name)  or  sankeertana  (bhajan  or  singing  the  Lord’s  
name   and   glories)   and   thereby   think   of   God   all   the   time.   One   should  
walk  slowly  like  a  woman  who  is  in  the  ninth  month  of  pregnancy.”  23  
 Let  us,  therefore,  walk  slowly  but  surely  towards  God.  Let  us  heed  one  of  
Bhagavan’s   final   instructions,   “to   put   His   teaching   into   practice”   and   never  
become   foolish   enough   to   allow   our   prideful   and   ignorant   ego   to   tell   us   we  
have   arrived   at   the   goal   without   putting   forth   an   ounce   of   effort   along   the  
path.   It   does   not   work   in   practical   worldly   endeavor   and   likewise   it   will   not  
work  in  the  ‘life  of  the  Spirit’.  

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi, recorded by Sri Munagala Venkataramiah, Sri
Ramanashramam 2006, Talk 219, p.189.
Letters from Sri Ramanashramam, Suri Nagamma, Sri Ramanashramam 2006,
Letter #251 June 1949, p. 600.
From the Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi 21

     “The  Obstacles  are  the  Habits  of  the  Mind”  
Practical Sadhana 22

                     The  Method  and  What  Hinders  It  
Question:    I  know  Bhagavan  has  said:  
 “The   obstacles   that   hinder   realization   are   habits   of   the   mind  
(vasanas),  and  the  aids  to  realization  are  the  teachings  of  the  scriptures  
and  of  realized  souls.”  24    
What   is   difficult   to   grasp,   and   therefore   needs   clarification   are   the  
methods   of   the   teachings,   especially   in   regard   to   Bhagavan’s   method   of  
“Reflection   (enquiry)   is   said   to   be   one   of   the   most   effective   and  
advanced   techniques   of   spiritual   attainment,   for   it   leads   to   Self-­‐
realization.   Reflection   in   Sanskrit   is   vichara,   also   sometimes   called  
manana.  Its  foundation  is  based  upon  the  quality  of  intellect.  When  the  
intellect  is  pure  and  subtle  one  begins  to  reflect  upon  “Who  am  I?”,  what  
is   the   nature   of   this   world,   and   what   is   my   goal   in   this   life   and   how   am   I  
going   to   attain   it.   These   are   all   questions   pertaining   to   an   inward  
movement  of  the  mind.  But  when  the  intellect  is  externalized  it  becomes  
tainted  through  attachment  to  the  things  of  the  world.  This  attachment  
will   in   time   render   the   intellect   impure.   The   nature   of   reflection  
common  to  this  impure  intellect  asks  not  questions  vital  to  man’s  inner  
search,   but   rather   ones   essential   to   the   survival   of   the   ego.   This  
externalized   mind   is   day   and   night   occupied   with   acquiring   wealth,  
sensual  pleasures,  name  and  fame.  Then  after  acquisition  of  these,  equal  
time   is   spent   warding   off   troubles   that   might   jeopardize   their  
maintenance.   We   are   consumed   with   brooding   over   these   objects   of   the  
senses.   Our   attachment   produces   desire,   from   which   sprouts   anger  
when   the   desire   is   thwarted.   From   anger   proceeds   delusion   and  
forgetfulness.”  25    

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi, recorded by Sri Munagala Venkataramiah,
Sri Ramanashramam 2006, Talk 13, p. 5.
From the Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi 23

Results  of  Actions  

 Thus   we   do   not   feel   any   of   the   consequences   of   indifference,   inattention  
and   procrastination   concerning   what   in   the   beginning   was   merely   a   habit   of  
bad   choice,   but   now   has   matured   into   pramada   (defined   in   the   Vedantic  
scriptures  as  death).26  Such  reflection  is  never  directed  to  our  own  Self,  but  is  
only  associated  with  the  temporary  body  it  is  dwelling  within.    
Our   mental   processes   do   not   focus   themselves   on   the   central   problem,  
which  surround  the  essential  purpose  of  life,  the  revelation  of  the  Truth  of  our  
nature.  Our  attempts  to  settle  matters  in  the  external  world  of  maya  literally  
blind  us  to  the  subtle  and  real  problem  of  “Who  am  I?”.  This  blindness  alone  
constitutes   our   impurity.   The   fruitless   but   nevertheless   endless   and   all-­‐
consuming   effort   put   into   an   attempt   to   secure   happiness   from   the   outside  
world   compounds   our   problem.   The   neon   lights   advertising   worldly  
happiness  initially  cause  us  to  postpone  our  inner  search  on  the  path  to  Life.  If  
we   remain   distracted   by   the   glamour   of   the   world   long   enough,   we   will  
completely  forget  the  goal  of  Higher  Life.  Thus  sadly,  the  result  will  be  that  we  
have  succumbed  to  the  goal  of  the  lower  egotistic  self  -­‐  forgetfulness  of  God.  
  The   vast   majority   of   people   have   this   externalized   intellect   in   various  
degrees.  Simply,  they  are  not  interested  in  the  essential  problem  of  “Who  am  
I?”,   and   are   unconcerned   with   its   resolution.   Inattention   to   spiritual   practice  
at  first  only  obscures  the  Light  of  God.  By  graded  degrees  inattention  spawns  
indifference,  which  results  in  blindness.    
The  Art  of  Reflection  
The  practicing  aspirant,  on  the  other  hand,  learns  the  art  and  application  
of   reflection   on   “Who   am   I?”.   He   allows   the   mental   energy   of   a   purified  
intellect  to  focus  and  concentrate  with  depth  and  regularity.  The  ego  thrives  in  
an   individual   in   the   absence   of   reflection.   Thus,   the   whole   world-­‐process  
exists  due  to  the  absence  of  reflection.  If  we  reflect  skillfully  and  long  enough  
the   obstructing   thoughts   of   the   world   will   be   worn   down,   our   problems   will  
dissolve  and  our  purified  intellect  will  merge  into  the  experience  of  our  unity  
with  God  (samadhi).  Bhagavan  assures  us  of  this  by  saying:  

This section includes quotes and paraphrases from talks by Swami
Jyotirmayananda, Yoga Research Foundation, Miami Florida, USA.
See Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2, verses 62-63.
Practical Sadhana 24

 "We   are   ever   in   sushupti   (absolute   Being,   in   the   dreamless   deep  
sleep  state).  Becoming  aware  of  it  in  jagrat  (the  waking  state)  is  samadhi.  
The   ajnani   (one   ignorant   of   his   true   Being)   cannot   remain   long   in  
sushupti  because  his  ego  pushes  him  out  of  it.  The  jnani  (Knower  of  the  
Self),   although   he   has   scorched   the   ego,   it   continues   to   rise   again   and  
again   due   to   prarabdha   (past   life   habitual   tendencies).   So,   for   both   the  
jnani  and  the  ajnani  the  ego  springs  up,  but  with  this  difference:  whereas  
the  jnani  enjoys  the  transcendental  experience,  keeping  its  lakshya  (aim,  
attention  resulting  in  transformation)  always  fixed  on  its  source,  that  of  
the  ajnani  is  completely  ignorant  of  it.  The  former  is  not  harmful,  being  a  
mere  skeleton  of  its  normal  self,  like  a  burnt  up  rope.  By  constantly  fixing  
its   attention   on   the   Source,   the   Heart,   the   ego   gets   dissolved   into   it   like   a  
salt  doll  which  has  fallen  into  the  ocean."  27  
The  Higher  and  Lower  Self  
   It  is  essential  to  understand  the  difference  here  in  Bhagavan’s  affirming  
that   the   “absolute   Being   that   we   really   are”   (with   a   capital   “B”   denoting   our  
higher  divine  Self),  without  the  process  of  transformation  enjoined,  could  very  
well  be  a  long  time  (lifetimes)  away  from  our  present  state  of  ‘being  as  we  are’  
(with  a  small  “b”  denoting  our  lower  egotistic  self).  This  is  because  though  the  
ego   seems   to   be   ever   concerned   with   our   well   being,   it   comes   between   our  
practical  personality  in  this  world  and  the  spiritual  personality  of  our  higher  
 It   comes   in-­‐between   and   lies;   and   our   belief   in   the   lie   deludes   us   with  
the  idea  that  we  are  only  the  body,  without  spiritual  basis.  Perhaps  even  a  lie  
that   declares   that   we   can   be   pure   Being   without   the   spiritual   basis   created   by  
the   process   of   transformation,   which   Bhagavan   declared   as   essential.   Led   by  
the   ego’s   lies,   the   individual   experiences   fleeting   joys   mixed   with   lasting  
frustrations  and  sorrows,  which  drag  him  from  one  embodiment  to  another.    
  When   we   practice   reflection   we   begin   to   understand   the   illusory   nature  
of  the  ego.  The  purpose  of  atma  vichara  is  to  remove  this  illusion.  In  essence  
we  melt  the  ego  itself,  or  transcend  the  ego  through  submission  to  God.    

Guru Ramana, S.S. Cohen, Sri Ramanashramam 2006, p. 56.
From the Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi 25

  Gradually   through   either   path,   God   becomes   the   dominating   factor   in  

our   lives.   The   verification   of   this   achievement,   without   the   taint   of   human  
imagination,  is  actual  experience  of  the  grace  and  bliss  of  stillness  and  peace,  
which  Bhagavan  promised  is  our  higher  Nature  by  inheritance.  
Engaging  the  Enemy  with  Meditation  
Before   this   revelation,   there   must   come   a   confrontation   and   a  
conquering,   then   finally   sublimation   through   the   rising   of   our   self   by   our   own  
self-­‐effort  (svakriya).    
“One  should  uplift  oneself  by  one’s  own  Self  and  not  lower  oneself.  
Truly,  it  is  the  Self  which  is  one’s  friend,  and  it  is  the  self  which  is  one’s  
enemy.”  28        
  Bhagavan  gives  us  a  choice  of  two  means  of  practice.  He  frequently  said:    
“There   are   two   ways:   ‘Ask   yourself-­‐   Who   am   I?’   or   ‘Submit   and   I  
will  strike  down  the  ego’.”  29  
 For  those  who  have  set  their  hands  to  the  plough  of:    
                 “Effort,  which  is  itself  yoga,”  30    
it   seems   safe   to   assume   that   both   of   the   means   employ   similar   methods.  
Bhagavan’s   statements   concerning   the   success   of   either   path   exemplify   this.
  A  devotee  who  received  direct  instruction  for  a  long  period  of  time  from  
Bhagavan  asks:    
  “Although  I  have  listened  to  the  explanation  of  the  characteristics  
of   enquiry   in   such   great   detail,   my   mind   has   not   gained   even   a   little  
peace.  What  is  the  reason  for  this?”  
  Bhagavan  replied:  “The  reason  is  the  absence  of  strength  or  one-­‐
pointedness  of  mind.”  

Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 6, verse 5.
Be Still, It Is The Wind That Sings, Arthur Osborne, Sri Ramanashramam 2000,
p. 64.
Guru Ramana, S.S. Cohen, Sri Ramanashramam 2006, p. 74.
Practical Sadhana 26

  Devotee:  “What  is  the  reason  for  the  absence  of  mental  strength?”    
  Bhagavan:   “The   means   that   make   one   qualified   for   enquiry   are  
meditation,   yoga,   etc.   One   should   gain   proficiency   in   these   through  
graded   practice,   and   thus   secure   a   stream   of   mental   modes   that   is  
natural  and  helpful.  When  the  mind  that  has  in  this  manner  become  ripe,  
listens  to  the  present  enquiry,  it  will  at  once  realize  its  true  nature,  which  
is  the  Self,  and  remain  in  perfect  peace,  without  deviating  from  that  state.  
To  a  mind  that  has  not  become  ripe,  immediate  realization  and  peace  are  
hard   to   gain   through   listening   to   enquiry.   Yet,   if   one   practices   the   means  
for   mind-­‐control   for   some   time,   peace   of   mind   can   be   obtained  
eventually.”  31  
  Once  a  devotee  of  Bhagavan  asked:  
D.:  “What  is  the  meaning  of  the  strength  of  the  mind?”    
Maharshi:   “Its   ability   to   concentrate   on   one   thought   without   being  
D.:  “How  is  that  achieved?”    
M.:  “By  practice.  A  devotee  concentrates  on  God;  a  seeker,  follower  of  the  
jnana-­marga,  seeks  the  Self.  The  practice  is  equally  difficult  for  both.”  32  
D.:  “What  are  the  steps  in  practical  sadhana?”    
M.:   “They   depend   on   the   qualifications   and   the   nature   of   the   seeker.   If  
you  are  doing  idol  worship,  you  should  go  on  with  it;  it  will  lead  you  to  
concentration.  Get  one-­‐pointed,  and  all  will  come  out  right.  People  think  
that  Liberation  is  far  away  and  should  be  sought  out.  They  are  wrong.  It  
is   only   knowing   (by   direct   experience)   the   Self   within   oneself.  
Concentrate   and   you   will   get   it.   The   mind   is   the   cycle   of   births   and  
deaths.  Go  on  practicing  and  concentration  will  be  as  easy  as  breathing.  
That  will  be  the  crown  of  your  achievements.”  33  

Self-Enquiry (Vichara Sangraham) of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi,
translated by Dr. T.M.P. Mahadevan, Sri Ramanashramam 2005, p. 16-17.
Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi, recorded by Sri Munagala Venkataramiah, Sri
Ramanashramam 2006, Talk 91. p. 90.
Reflections on Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi, S.S. Cohen, Sri
Ramanashramam 2006, p. 134-135.
From the Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi 27

Constancy  and  Ardency  

  Here   Bhagavan   is   stressing   the   graded   practice   of   concentration   that  
ultimately   produces   a   one-­‐pointed   intellect.   Every   learned   devotee   of  
Bhagavan   knows   that   this   takes   time   because   of   the   very   fact   that   it   is   not  
theory.   For   God   is   not   a   theory,   and   thus   it   takes   effort   to   think   of   Him   with  
concentration  at  least  equal  to  the  effort  we  put  forth  in  forgetting  Him.      
Though   we   forget   God   with   apparent   ease,   the   devotion   required   to  
attract   the   grace   of   remembrance   of   Him   develops   slowly,   and   deepens   only  
with   our   ardent   perseverance   in   concentration,   meditation   and   prayer.  
Bhagavan  affirmed  this  by  saying:  
 "If   bhakti   is   sufficiently   developed,   vairagya   (dispassion   for   objects  
of  the  senses)  and  concentration  follow  as  a  matter  of  course.  If  devotion  
to   an   Ideal   (commonly   an   Ishta   Devata)   is   also   lacking,   the   seeker   may  
resort   to   japa   (repetition   of   the   Name   of   God)   or   pranayama   (awareness  
and   control   of   breath)   to   arrest   the   restlessness   of   the   mind.   All   these  
practices   specifically   aim   at   stopping   the   vritti,   the   ceaseless  
modification,   the   wanderings   of   the   mind,   so   that   the   latter   may   be  
nailed   to   itself   and   may   eventually   cognize   its   own   native   state.   Mental  
diffusiveness   resembles   a   mixture   of   gold   dust   with   sand,   earth,   ashes  
and   dirt   of   all   sorts.   Concentration   (dharana)   and   meditation   (dhyana)  
are  the  sieve,  which  sifts  the  gold  dust  from  the  others.  They  churn  the  
nadis   (nerves)   along   which   consciousness   flows   to   the   whole   body   and  
tracks   them   down   to   their   source,   the   Heart.   Relaxation   of   the   nervous  
system  then  takes  place,  denoting  the  ebbing  of  the  consciousness  from  
the   nadis   back   to   the   Heart.   The   ebbs   and   flows   of   the   consciousness,  
which   constant   practice   renders   increasingly   perceptible   to   the  
meditator,   gradually   loosen   the   consciousness   from   the   body   and   end   by  
separating  them  in  samadhi,  so  that  the  sadhaka  (spiritual  practitioner)  
is  enabled  to  perceive  the  consciousness  alone  and  pure.  This  is  the  Self,  
God  the  Absolute.”  34  
Our   constancy   in   sadhana   involves   both   a   persistent   development   of  
focus  and  a  deepening  of  devotion.  The  Lord  is  attracted  not  by  the  thoughts  

Reflections on Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi, S.S. Cohen, Sri
Ramanashramam 2006, notes on Talk 27, p. 133.
Practical Sadhana 28

of  the  mind,  but  rather  by  the  movement  of  our  heart.    We  are  reminded  that  
we  also  have  a  skillful  part  to  play  in  this  act  of  grace  when  Bhagavan  said:  
 "Grace   is   always   there,   it   is   only   you   who   have   to   make   yourself  
receptive  to  it."  35  
Effort  and  Grace  
  Bhagavan's   close   disciple,   Arthur   Osborne,   clarified   the   meaning   and  
tradition  of  this  statement  saying:  
 "To   do   this   constitutes   the   effort   of   which   the   teachers   and  
scriptures  speak.  The  mind  has  created  the  obstruction;  the  mind  has  to  
remove  it.  But  merely  to  recognize  this,  to  recognize,  that  is  to  say,  that  
the   ego   is   (according   to   the   Advaitin   or   non-­‐dualist)   an   illusory   self   or  
(according   to   the   dualist)   a   creation   of   the   Spirit,   to   which   it   should   be  
totally   submissive   and   passive,   is   far   from   constituting   the   full   effort  
required.  Indeed,  it  increases  the  obligation  for  total  effort  and  therefore,  
so  to  speak,  the  guilt  in  not  making  effort."  36  
 Though  grace  is  always  there,  it  is  natural  and  simply  human  to  pray  to  
Bhagavan   for   a   physical   support   of   grace.   We   know   that   in   Bhagavan's  
physical  presence  a  glance  was  enough.  Though  many  have  come  to  love  him,  
there   are   those   who   feel   “born   out   of   time”,   lacking   that   heartfelt   devotion  
produced  by  the  power  of  his  presence  even  though  he  assured  us  that:  
 "They  say  that  I  am  dying  but  I  am  not  going  away.  Where  could  I  
go?  I  am  here."  37    
  Through   our   abhyasa,   vichara   (enquiry   into   one’s   true   Nature)   and  
devotion   we   will   experience   him   and   thus   know   that   he   is   eternally   with   us.  
He   is   for   all   a   jagat   guru   (world   teacher)   who   even   today   for   many,   through  
their  love  of  him,  is  still  a  physical  support  of  grace.  He  declared  that  if  we  "put  
his   teaching   into   practice"   our   qualifing   ripeness   would   be   even   his   very  

Be Still, It Is The Wind That Sings, Arthur Osborne, Sri Ramanashramam 2000,
p. 74.
Ibid. p. 73.
Ramana Maharshi and the Path of Self-Knowledge, Arthur Osborne, Sri
Ramanashramam 2006, p. 222.
From the Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi 29

embrace!  For  those  of  us  whose  love  for  him  is  still  ripening  we  live  with  the  
assurance  he  gave:  
 "Mount  Kailas  is  the  abode  of  Siva  but  Arunachala  is  Siva  Himself."  
"He  saw  the  sacred  hill  as  the  form  assumed  by  pure  Spirit  for  the  support  
and  guidance  of  men.  Now  that  the  physical  body  of  Bhagavan  -­‐  the  most  
precious   of   all   supports   of   Grace   has   been   withdrawn   from   us,   the   Hill  
emits  power  and  Grace  for  his  devotees  even  more  than  before."  38    
Following  in  His  Footsteps  
  Perhaps   even   more   assuring   will   be   that   through   "the   crown   of   our  
achievement"   Bhagavan   will   declare   to   us   when   we   come   away   from   his  
Ashram   and   Arunachala   the   very   same   words   he   spoke   to   Arthur   Osborne  
when  he  once  left  for  Madras:  
                           "He  is  taking  the  Swami  with  him."  39  
  For   through   our   seeking   with   patient   perseverance   in   transformative  
abhyasa   and   vichara   and   our   heeding   Bhagavan's   call   to   “think   of   the   feet   of  
the   Lord”,   we   will   discover   the   abode   of   those   divine   feet.   Even   though  
physically  for  us  there  is:  
"No   more   the   beloved   face,   no   more   the   sound   of   his   voice;   (but)  
henceforth   the   lingam   of   polished   black   stone,   the   symbol   of   Siva,   over  
the  samadhi  (as  our)  outer  sign;  inwardly  (there  will  be)  his  footprints  in  
the  heart."  40  

Be Still, It Is The Wind That Sings, Arthur Osborne, Sri Ramanashramam 2000,
p. 78-79.
Ramana Maharshi and the Path of Self-Knowledge, Arthur Osborne, Sri
Ramanashramam 2006, p. 225.
Practical Sadhana 30

                                                                 GURU  RAMANA  SIVA  
                       (Sri  Muruganar  often  referred  to  Bhagavan  by  this  name)  
From the Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi 31

                                   The  Need  for  a  Guru  

Question:   I   now   understand   the   need   for   abhyasa   and   vichara.   But   a  
larger   question   has   now   arisen   which   is   the   need   for   a   guru   to   guide   my  
efforts   towards   attainment.   Is   a   guru   necessary,   what   does   a   guru   really   do,  
and  where  can  I  find  one  whom  I  can  whole-­‐heartedly  believe  and  trust?          

The   heart   and   soul  of  Sanatana   Dharma,  or  the  eternal  religion,  found  its  
origination   and   essence   in   the   oral   transmission   of   its   Truths.   Since   the  
abiding  nature  of  this  dharma  is  Eternal,  the  foundation  for  those  who  today  
seek   to   cultivate   these   Truths   must   rely   primarily   on   the   oral   tradition  
transmitted  through  the  guru-­disciple  relationship,  or  through  satsanga,  which  
will  lead  one  toward  that  relationship.  

 These   traditions   that   were   a   Truth   of   old,   remain   Truth   today.   The  
primary  difficulty  universally  faced  by  all  who  seek  to  cultivate  the  inner  Life  
of  the  Spirit  is  the  question  of  authenticity.    

The   primary   choice   to   make   in   the   beginning   of   spiritual   pursuit   is  

whether   to   seek   the   outward   guidance   of   a   guru,   or   find   the   path   to   the  
Eternal  through  the  prompting  of  the  inner  intuitive  voice  of  the  Self.  

Regardless   of   the   chosen   path,   the   uncertainty   facing   all   who   seek   a  
practice   of   meditation   that   can   produce   purification   is   the   question   of   the  
authenticity   of   the   teachers   and   their   teachings,   or   the   reliability   of   one’s   own  
inner   voice.   The   question   of   whether   or   not   to   trust   this   voice   of   the  
conscience  depends  solely  on  the  quality  of  sattva  (purity  of  vision  and  habits)  
of  the  intellect.    

The   essential   quality   of   intellect,   in   regard   to   the   need   for   a   guru,   rests  
primarily  upon  a  clear  vision  and  understanding  of  exactly  what  a  guru  does.  
Therefore  Bhagavan,  who  left  no  stone  unturned  in  the  ongoing  guidance  of  all  
who   came   before   Him,   gave   precise   clarification   on   this   essential   aspect   of  
Practical Sadhana 32

spiritual   life   to   one   of   His   close   disciples,   Arthur   Osborne,   who   summarized  
Bhagavan’s  teaching  in  his  collected  essays:  

“The  guru  is  the  Spirit  of  Guidance.  Ultimately  this  is  to  be  found  within  
oneself.   Whatever   awakens   it   is   acting   as   guru.   “The   purpose   of   the   outer  
guru,”  the  Maharshi  said,  “is  to  turn  you  inwards  to  the  inner  guru.”  And  yet  in  
this  regard  there  is  no  easy  formula,  no  guarantee  against  error,  for  just  as  the  
aspirant   may   be   misled   by   false   outer   gurus   reflecting   undesirable   qualities   in  
himself,   so   he   may   dignify   various   inner   urges   with   the   same   name   “guru”.  
Constant  vigilance  and  intelligent  purity  are  necessary.”  41  

The   authenticity   of   spiritual   teachers   is   now   a   decades   old   problem,   as  

was  noted  by  one  of  the  close  disciples  living  with  Sri  Ramana  Maharshi:  

 “The   rise   of   a   new   political   ideology   in   the   West   after   the   first  
World   War   made   men   intolerant   of   all   authority.   The   forces   it   released  
and   the   spirit   of   rebellion   it   disseminated   everywhere   had   such  
extremely  wide  repercussions  that  its  influence  stamped  itself  on  most  of  
the   new   world   literature.   It   invaded   even   the   spiritual   sphere   and  
colored  the  views  of  the  preachers,  who  became  the  Messiahs  of  the  new  
age.  The  truly-­‐seeking  minds  were  thus  caught  between  the  spirit  of  the  
new  age  and  that  of  the  venerable  traditions  and  scriptures,  which  had,  
throughout   the   centuries   produced   spiritual   giants   who   led   millions  
“from  the  unreal  to  the  Real  and  from  death  to  Immortality.”  It  is  small  
wonder   then   that   bewildered,   earnest,   truth-­‐hungry   men   should  
anxiously   visit   Ramana   Maharshi   and   seek   his   advice   on   the   need   or  
otherwise  of  a  guru.”  42  

Trusted  Guidance  

 Historically,   the   guidance   of   a   Master   and   the   discipline   of   the   disciple  

were  to  all  religions  essentially  fundamental.  Sri  Ramana  Maharshi  could  not  
have   more   clearly   emphasized   this   truth   when   he   was   once   asked:   “Is   it  

Be Still, It Is The Wind That Sings, Arthur Osborne, Sri Ramanashramam 2000.
p. 62.
Guru Ramana, S.S. Cohen, Sri Ramanashramam 2006, p. 68.
From the Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi 33

necessary  to  have  a  physical  guru?”  The  Master  replied:  “Is  it  necessary  for  a  
new  born  child  to  have  a  mother?”  

 Nevertheless,  in  our  modern  age  our  moods  and  suspicions  concerning  
the   authenticity   of   a   guru’s   teachings   automatically   come   into   question.   In  
order  to  correctly  resolve  this  question,  the  seeker  must  possess  the  valuable  
quality   of   discrimination,   strengthened   by   vigilant   prayer   for   guidance.     The  
spiritual   marketplace   has   for   decades   been   overstocked   with   self-­‐made  
masters   who   seek   worldly   benefits   for   themselves   rather   than   spiritual  
benefits   for   their   followers.   Therefore,   sincere   seekers   the   world   over   ‘casting  
their   cares   upon   the   Lord’   have   given   the   reins   of   power   and   practice   to   an  
inner  guide.  Though  many  take  direction  from  their  now  so-­‐called  inner  guru  
with   faith,   hope   and   reliance,   they   are   simply   unaware   of   a   great   danger   -­‐   a  
powerful   and   destructive   enemy   within.   Lord   Krishna   warns   Arjuna   of   this  
great   foe   to   the   realization   of   the   Self   in   the   beginning   chapters   of   the  
Bhagavad  Gita:  Arjuna  said:  

 “By  what  is  a  man  impelled  to  commit  evil,  Varshneya  [an  epithet  of  
Lord   Krishna],   seemingly   against   his   own   will,   as   if   urged   thereunto   by  
force?”  The  Holy  Lord  said,  “It  is  desire,  it  is  anger,  that’s  born  of  the  rajo-­
guna:  of  great  craving,  and  of  great  sin;  know  that  to  be  the  enemy…The  
senses,   mind   and   intellect   are   said   to   here   be   its   abode…thus   restraining  
the   self   (here   the   use   of   ‘atman’   denotes   the   mind)   by   the   Self,   then  
destroy  that  enemy  so  hard  to  conquer:  desire.”  43    

Sri   Krishna   is   revealing   not   only   the   identity   and   nature   of   the   enemy  
within;  He  is  showing  us   the  location  of  its  fortress.  Without  the  guidance  of  
an   experienced   Master,   one’s   own   intellect   might   intuit   inimical   desire   to   be  
simply  another  thought.  The  enemy  is  the  ages-­‐old  ego;  the  desire  emanating  
from  it  is  its  very  life-­‐blood.  Its  abode  is  three-­‐fold,  and  its  powers  cannot  be  
imagined  away.  Not  only  is  the  ego  living  within  the  senses  and  the  mind,  but  
also  within  the  higher  faculty  of  our  intellect.  

The  Abode  of  Truth  

Technically  we  are  speaking  of  the  vijnanamaya  kosha,  which  is  also  the  
abode  of  our  intuitional  intellect.  The  scriptures  speak  of  this  kosha  as  being  

Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 3, sections of verses 36-43.
Practical Sadhana 34

the   dwelling   place   of   the   Goddess   Saraswati,   the   Deity   of   our   consciousness.  
This  fact  is  for  us  the  wonder  of  wonders  and  at  once  our  very  dilemma.  

                 For   though   the   Goddess   is   our   very   own   Divine   Mother   and   greatest  
friend,   caring   only   for   Her   children’s   upliftment   and   highest   Realization,   we  
have   permitted   our   greatest   enemy   to   co-­‐exist   in   Her   dwelling   place   -­‐   and  
these  two  are  not  friends.    

               Though   our   Divine   Mother   directs   us   upon   a   seemingly   rugged   path   of  

discipline,   vigilance   and   patient   endurance,   Her   promised   reward   is   eternal  
happiness   and   pure   unselfish   love.   The   ego,   on   the   other   hand,   impels   us  
toward   the   instant   (though   fleeting   and   illusory)   satisfaction   of   craving.   The  
choice  between  these  two  is  not  up  to  fate,  but  rather  ours  to  decide.    

               Sri   Krishna   further   declares   in   the   Gita   that   the   odds   of   victory   for   right  
discernment  and  effort  by  Arjuna  (symbolizing  each  one  of  us),  even  with  such  
a   one   as   Sri   Krishna   Himself   as   mentor   and   guide,   were   against   Arjuna   by   a  
ratio   of   eleven   to   seven.   The   foot   soldiers   of   the   ego   simply   outnumber   our  
virtuous  tendencies.                                            

As  we  are  against  bad  odds  and  are  creatures  of  bad  habit,  our  ego   can  
impel  us,  even  against  our  own  will,  to  make  bad  choices.  In  all  honesty,  such  
bad  choices  cause  us  critical  damage,  resulting  in  lives  of  sorrow  and  misery.  
All   our   suffering   comes   from   vainly   seeking   to   appease   the   ego,   an   enemy  
whose  appetite  is  insatiable.  

The  Voice  of  Truth  

For  Lord  Krishna  has  said:  
 “O   Son   of   Kunti   (Arjuna),   wisdom   is   clouded   by   desire.   This  
constant  enemy  of  the  wise  is  as  insatiable  as  fire.”  44    
Admittedly,  there  is  an  entire  school  of  religious  thought  that  refutes  this  
position   as   being   of   the   less   mature   path   of   bhakti.   They   have   voluminous  
advaitic   (non-­‐dual   theism)   scriptures   of   the   jnana   marga   (way)   that   can   be  
Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 3, verse 39.
From the Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi 35

interpreted   to   support   their   claims.     Regardless   of   this,   there   is   universal  

agreement   amongst   all   sects   that   due   to   adharma   (unrighteousness   of  
civilization)  and  the  spiritual  blindness  ensuing  from  it,  an  embodiment  of  the  
divine   state   of   perfection   appears   amongst   humankind   from   time   to   time   to  
establish  dharma  in  the  world.  

 In  our  times  Sri  Ramana  Maharshi  came  forth  as  an  embodiment  of  that  
Perfection.   His   teaching   is   recognized   and   accepted   as   the   mahayoga     (great  
path  to  union  with  God)  through  primarily  the  jnana  marga.  Although,  he  did  
say   that   to   be   a   true   jnani   one   would   simultaneously   become   a   true   bhakta,  
and  vice  versa.    

To   know   the   truth   regarding   the   need   for   a   guru   to   lead   one   through   the  
perils  of  engagement  with  an  enemy  that  roams  freely  in  a  world  ablaze  with  
its  desire  of  unappeasable  fire,  let  us  listen  to  the  voice  of  the  Maharshi,  and  
the  comments  of  one  who  lived  by  his  side.  Bhagavan  said:    

“The   guru   is   the   formless   Self   within   each   one   of   us.   He   may   appear  
as   a   body   to   guide   us,   but   that   is   only   his   disguise…the   function   of   the  
outer   guru   is   to   awaken   the   inner   guru   in   the   heart.”   45   The   guru   realizes  
the  ultimate  truth  that:  “There  is  no  being  of  the  unreal  and  no  not-­‐being  
of   the   Real.”   46…   “And   yet,   paradoxically,   it   is   also   an   impediment   to  
assert   that   no   effort   need   be   made,   on   the   pretext   that,   as   ‘there   is   no  
being   of   the   unreal   and   no   not-­‐being   of   the   Real’   one   is   that   now   and   has  
therefore  no  need  to  strive  to  become  That.    It  sounds  plausible,  but  it  is  
an   impediment   because   it   is   the   pseudo-­‐self,   the   illusory   unreal,   that   is  
saying  it.  The  Master  can  say  that  there  is  nothing  to  achieve  because  one  
is   That   already;   the   disciple   can’t…Bhagavan   expected   the   devotee   to  
make  effort,  even  while  appreciating  the  paradox  that  there  is  no  effort  
to  make.  In  the  same  way  he  would  say  that  for  the  Realized  Man  there  is  

Be Still, It is The Wind That Sings, Arthur Osborne, Sri Ramanashramam 2000,
p. 80.
Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 2, verse 16.
Practical Sadhana 36

no   guru-­disciple   relationship   but   added   that   for   the   disciple   the  

relationship  is  a  reality  and  is  of  importance.”  47  

The  Enemy  Within  

We   cannot   manoeuvre   and   progress   towards   victory   over   an   enemy   that  

outnumbers  us,  in  such  an  inimical  battlefield  called  the  human  mind,  without  
soliciting  real  help.  Without  an  experienced  guide  as  the  General  of  our  forces,  
we  may  even  court  a  fatal  consequence.  By  legitimizing  and  even  deifying  our  
ego’s   habitual   heedless   indifference   to   God,   and   by   labeling   its   urges   as   the  
‘inner   guru’   or   ‘voice   of   our   spirit’,   we   inevitably   fall   into   the   death   grip   of  

In   the   Udyoga   Parva   of   the   Mahabharata   epic,   the   blind   King  

Dhritarashtra,   who   symbolizes   the   blindness   of   the   ego,   cynically   asks   the  
Sage   Sanat   Sujata:   “What   is   death?”   The   Sage   replies,   “Pramada   is   death!”   It  
should   be   understood   that   the   definitions   of   Sanskrit   words   are   subject   to  
philosophical   intention,   and   thus   are   prey   to   individual   bias.   Therefore  
disagreement   and   even   argument   concerning   proper   meaning   and   usage   are  
commonplace.  Nevertheless,  the  most  learned  scholars  agree  that  the  ancient  
definition  of  the  word   pramada  comes  from  its  usage  in  this  scripture.   “Mada”  
means  intoxication,  when  prefixed  by  “pra”  it  becomes  intense  intoxication  to  
the  degree  of  madness.    

The   ancient   Saintly   King   Bartruhari,   who   became   an   enlightened   Sage,  

used   the   word   pramada   in   the   correct   spiritual   sense   indicated   by   the   Sage  
Sunat  Sujata.  He  proclaimed:    

“Peetva  mohamayeem  pramada  madiram  unmatta  bhootam  jagat”    

“This  world  (its  inhabitants  therein)  has  become  mad  after  having  
drunk   the   wine   of   negligence   (pramada:   laxity   towards   the   spiritual  

Be Still, It is The Wind That Sings, Arthur Osborne, Sri Ramanashramam 2000,
p. 76.
From the Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi 37

goal),   which   being   of   the   form   of   moha   (delusion),   has   overwhelming  

power  to  delude  you.”    

The  Sage  Sanat  Sujata  is  indicating  that  the  presence  of  pramada  brings  
about   a   spiritual   death.   Thus   the   spiritual   madness   that   at   first   manifests   as  
indifference,  inattention  and  negligence  becomes  deadly  because  it  is  directed  
towards  God.  This  is  not  to  be  defined  as  forgetfulness  of  the  Self,  unless  one  
admits  to  a  willful  and  belligerent  forgetfulness.    

 The   secondary   meaning   of   pramada   is   procrastination   and   laziness,   it  

means   not   taking   any   immediate   action   to   rectify   this   most   soul-­‐stripping  
heedlessness.  One  may  say:  “God’s  grace  is  always  there,  so  somehow  I  will  get  
back   on   my   spiritual   feet.”   But   the   fatality   of   staying   “dead   level”   without  
motivation   to   rise   up   comes   upon   us   as   pramada   gives   birth   to   its   only-­‐
begotten   son.   This   offspring   of   pramada   is   known   in   Sanskrit   as   duragraha.  
Duragraha  means  the  adamant  determination  to  do  that  which  you  know  you  
should  never  do.    

The   compound   spiritual   fracture   of   being   indifferent   to   God   and  

habitually   partaking   in   negative   action   with   utter   disregard   for   the   negative  
consequences   creates   a   karmic   bloodletting   fatal   even   to   the   strongest  

Seek  and  You  Shall  Find  

We  can  believe  the  Saints  when  they  say:  “Our  fate  is  simply  a  bundle  of  
habits;  if  you  want  to  change  your  fate  -­‐  change  your  habits.”  48    

We   now   understand   that   a   guru   is   necessary.   But   for   so   many   sincere  

people   longing   for   spiritual   attainment,   the   dilemma   of   “Where   is   my   guru,  
amongst   so   many   who   are   not?”   still   remains   looming   before   them.   Sri  
Ramana  Maharshi  spoke  precisely  to  them  by  declaring  that  one  should  first  

Quoted from the talks of Swami Sivananda, of the Divine Life Society,
Rishikesh, India.
Practical Sadhana 38

 “What  is  a  guru?  Guru  is  God  or  the  Self.  First  man  prays  to  God  to  
fulfill   his   desires.   A   time   comes   when   he   will   no   more   pray   for   the  
fulfillment  of  material  desires  but  for  God  Himself.  God  then  appears  to  
him   in   some   form   or   another,   human   or   non-­‐human,   to   guide   him   to  
Himself  in  answer  to  his  prayer  and  according  to  his  needs.”  49  

 A   devotee   inquired   of   Bhagavan:   “Is   there   any   way   to   meet   the  

appointed  guru  for  each?”    

Maharshi:  “Intense  meditation  brings  it  about.”    50  

Therefore  the  search  for  a  guru  is  only  the  search  for  God.  We  need  not  
search   in   vain   for   the   place   to   knock,   for   it   is   within.   Sri   Krishna   said:   “My  
glory  is  within”,  Jesus  also  assures  us  of  the  direction  to  find  the  guru  as  the  
“pearl  of  great  price”  saying:  “Seek  ye  first  the  Kingdom  of  Heaven  and  all  else  
shall  be  added  unto  you.”  

This   kingdom   within   is   our   very   Heart,   and   Bhagavan   offers   two   ways   of  
approach,  and  then  clearly  instructs  us  how  to  unite  with  it:  

“There   are   two   ways:   ‘Ask   yourself   -­‐   Who   am   I?’   or   ‘Submit  
and   I   will   strike   down   the   ego’.”   51   “Seeking   my   true   nature   in   your  
Heart,  discovering  it  and  rejoicing  in  it  by  bathing  in  the  bliss  of  my  
jnana   swarupa   –   this   is   union.”   “Only   bhakti   sadhana   performed  
continuously   with   love   will   facilitate   easily,   in   a   gradual   way,   this  
union.”  “Enter  with  love  the  temple  that  is  in  your  own  Heart  and  
experience   the   bliss   of   being   absorbed   in   my   swarupa,   becoming  
one   with   it.”   “I   myself   will   command   and   control   a   mind   that   has  
died  by  the  sacrifice  of  the  ego.”  52  

Guru Ramana, S.S. Cohen, Sri Ramanashramam 2006, p. 70.
Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi, recorded by Sri Munagala Venkataramiah, Sri
Ramanashramam 2006, Talk 135. p. 125.
Be Still, It Is The Wind That Sings, Arthur Osborne, Sri Ramanashramam, p. 64.
Padamalai, Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi Recorded by Muruganar,
Avadhuta Foundation 2004, p. 29, verses 27-30.
From the Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi 39

                                 “The  Kingdom  of  Heaven  is  Within  You”  53  

Bhagavan is quoting from the Bible in: Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi,
recorded by Sri Munagala Venkataramiah, Sri Ramanashramam 2006, Talk 311.
Practical Sadhana 40

                                                   Which  Way  Within  
Question:   Without   doubt,   God   and   His   scriptures,   and   those   who   take   up  
a  serious  spiritual  practice  agree  that  the  ultimate  goal  is  within.  But  when  the  
mind   of   man   goes   within,   there   is   found   an   unimaginable   variety   of   species,  
living  in  worlds  within  worlds  of  thought.  What  is  the  method  of  first  locating,  
then  concentrating  on  and  then  attaining  the  One  thing  needful?  
  Unquestionably,   the   human   mind   is   a   well-­‐seasoned   traveler,   with   a  
photographic  memory,  through  untold  lifetimes  of  worlds  of  experience.  
 The  Buddha  once  directed  his  followers  to  consider  the  vast  number  of  
different   species   existing   in   our   creation.   His   followers   were   perplexed   at  
failing   to   bring   to   mind   the   vastness   of   the   types,   shapes   and   colors   of  
seemingly  millions  of  life  forms.  He  then  declared:    
“The  human  mind  is  more  variegated  than  this  variety  of  known  life.”    
Yet   we   are   told   to   turn   within   and   seek   the   source   that   gave   birth   to  
these  vast  worlds.  It  is  no  wonder  that  many,  due  to  memories  of  past  painful  
struggles   and   failures,   simply   declare:   “I   am   not   going   there   and   destroy   the  
little   peace   I   have.”   Their   steadfast   stance   of   holding   on   to   even   a   fleeting  
refuge  from  an  apparently  uncontrollable  world  on  fire  seems  to  be  supported  
even   by   the   statements   of   Arjuna   and   Lord   Krishna   in   the   Bhagavad   Gita.  
Arjuna  said:  
 “O  Madhusudana,  I  do  not  see  how  it  is  possible  to  maintain  the  steady  
state  of  Yogic  equanimity  which  you  have  taught.  The  mind  is  ever  so  restless!  
Verily,   O   Krishna,   the   mind   is   fickle,   impetuous,   powerful   and   turbulent.   To  
me,  it  seems  as  difficult  to  control  the  mind  as  it  is  to  control  the  wind”.  Lord  
Krishna  said:  “Indeed,  the  mind  is  restless  and  difficult  to  control,  but  it  can  be  
brought  under  control  by  the  practice  of  abhyasa  and  vairagya,  O  son  of  Kunti.  
It   is   my   opinion   that   Yoga   is   difficult   for   anyone   who   is   lacking   self-­‐control,  
From the Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi 41

but  it  can  be  attained  by  one  who  has  mastered  the  lower  self,  if  he  adopts  the  
proper  means.”  54    
Our  Infallible  Weapon  
  Common   sense   shows   us   that   to   combat   and   conquer   a   foe   that   is   so  
powerful   and   turbulent   we   must   develop   our   own   powers   and   stability.  
Meditation  is  the  means  to  this  end.  The  methods  to  adopt  depend  on  “where  
we   stand”.   But   first   we   must   firmly   rise   to   our   feet   before   turning   inwards.  
Practically,   we   must   first   decide   to   invest   the   time   for   repeated   effort,   and  
then  develop  strength  and  perseverance  to  develop  the  right  discernment  and  
ensuing   virtues   that   will   strengthen   us.   Spiritual   life   improves   much   like  
worldly  life;  gradually  step-­‐by-­‐step.  
  When   we   were   babies   crawling   on   the   floor   but   wanting   to   be   in   the  
arms   of   our   mother,   we   leaped   forward   only   to   come   down   with   a   crash.  
Innately  we  learned  to  concentrate  on  standing  with  balance  and  then  moving  
towards   our   goal.   Through   our   repeated   efforts,   and   failures,   at   gaining  
concentration,  we  achieved  success.  
   Likewise,  in  the  beginning  of  spiritual  movement  the  first  task  before  us  
is   to   develop   the   skill   of   concentration   within   meditation.   In   fact,   in   the   Pali  
Canons  containing  the  words  of  the  Buddha  (whom  the  spiritual  world  reveres  
as   the   Master   of   meditation),   the   word   in   Pali   used   for   meditation     (jhana)  
means  exactly  “development”.  55  
The   Buddha   (also   being   the   Master   of   metaphor)   likened   this  
development   to   building   a   bridge   over   a   swiftly   running   river.   The  
foundations  of  this  bridge  on  either  shore  were  virtue  and  discernment.  The  
most   important   foundation   in   the   middle   of   the   most   dangerously   turbulent  
currents   is   concentration.   If   our   concentration   rests   on   a   weak   foundation,  
then   it   is   only   a   matter   of   time   before   our   virtue   and   discernment   are   washed  

Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 6, verses 33-36. (Translation By Swami
Jyotirmayananda, Yoga Research Foundation,
Gunaratna,, "It burns up opposing states, thus it is
jhana" (Vin. A. i, 116). The purport being that jhana "burns up" or destroys the
mental defilements, thus the development (bhavana) of serenity and insight is
Practical Sadhana 42

away.   Therefore   to   properly   address   your   question,   the   first   step   is   not   a  
matter  of  location  but  rather  of  “How  to  develop  concentration?”  
Concentration  and  Vigilance  
  We   have   heard   from   Lord   Krishna   and   his   beloved   disciple   the  
description   of   the   nature   of   the   mind.   We   know   from   science   that   the   vital  
nature  of  all  life  is  in  the  blood.  The  life-­‐blood  of  the  mind  is  movement!    To  
concentrate   means   to   steady   and   ultimately   control   this   movement   that  
produces   distraction   (restlessness).   Therefore,   to   establish   concentration   in  
meditation   means   control   of   the   mind.   Yes,   now   must   come   the   Ultimate  
Question;  “How  to  control  the  mind?”    
  During   the   years   that   Sri   Ramana   Maharshi   was   living   on   the   sacred   hill  
of   Arunachala   in   the   Virupaksha   cave,   a   devotee   whose   most   urgent   concern  
was  this  very  question  was  visiting  him  daily.    
The   devotee   asked   Bhagavan:   “Of   the   means   for   mind-­‐control,  
which  is  the  most  important?”    
The   Master   replied   not   just   to   the   devotee,   rather   his   answer   was  
framed  to  all  universally:    
“Breath  control  is  the  means  for  mind  control.”  56  
 The   devotee,   being   a   bhakta   (follower   and   friend)   of   Lord   Rama,   was  
well  aware  of  the  fact  that  this  answer  was  a  well-­‐established  practice  in  the  
ancient   religions   of   the   world.   He   no   doubt   was   aware   that   what   was   being  
referred  to  was  not  the  complicated,  misused,  and  the  sometimes  destructive  
practice   of   yogic   pranayama,   but   rather   a   practice   also   known   as   “watching  
the   breath”.   Nevertheless,   after   Bhagavan   briefly   discussed   the   textual  
definitions   of   breath   retention   and   regulation,   the   devotee   restated   his  
 “How  is  breath-­‐control  the  means  for  mind-­‐control?”    

Self-Enquiry (Vichara Sangraham) of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi, trans.
By Dr. T.M.P. Mahadevan, Sri Ramanashramam 2005, p. 17.
From the Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi 43

Bhagavan   replied:   “There   is   no   doubt   that   breath-­‐control   is   the  

means   for   mind-­‐control,   because   the   mind,   like   breath,   is   a   part   of   air,  
because  the  nature  of  mobility  is  common  to  both,  because  the  place  of  
origin   is   common   to   both,   and   because   when   one   of   them   is   controlled  
the  other  gets  controlled.”  57  
Bhagavan’s  teaching  regarding  breath-­‐control  is  clearly  given  in  Chapter  
Six  of  the  Sri  Ramana  Gita:  
  “One  should  control  the  fickle  mind  by  controlling  the  breath  and  then  
it,  like  a  tethered  animal,  ceases  to  stray.”  
  “With  the  control  of  breath,  control  of  thoughts  also  is  achieved.  When  
thoughts  are  controlled  one  stands  established  at  their  source.”  
    “Control   of   breath   means   merely   watching   with   the   mind   the   flow   of  
breath.  Through  such  constant  watching  kumbhaka  does  come  about.”  58  
Deception  of  the  Mind  
  Forty-­‐four  years  later  Bhagavan  was  again  requested  to  expand  on  this  
essential  means  for  controlling  the  mind.  But  prior  to  that  revelation,  the  need  
arises  to  address  those  who  flatly,  and  paradoxically  with  an  angry  boldness,  
declare  that  the  mind  and  this  so-­‐called  ego  are  all  an  illusion.    
  They   retort   that   what   is   being   asked   to   be   controlled   simply   does   not  
exist,   and   absolutely   no   effort   need   be   exercised   to   attain   this   Divine   state  
referred  to  as  the  “One  thing  needful”.  They  refer  to  the  Master  saying  that  this  
‘One   thing’   is   absolute   Knowledge   of   the   Self,   and   it   is   always   there.  
Furthermore,  they  emphatically  propound  that  Bhagavan’s  essential  teaching  
proclaims,  “We  are  That”,  and  the  guru’s  work  is  solely  to  reveal  this  Truth.    
Undoubtedly,   Bhagavan’s   teaching   emphasized   that   the   Self   (God)   is  
within  us.  His  essential  teaching,  however,  as  a  jagat  guru,  was  the  revelation  
of   atma   vichara   as   the   path   of   enquiry,   which   effectively   removes   the  
ignorance   of   identification   with   the   false   “I”,   and   inevitably   leads   one   to   the  
direct   experience   (aparoksha   anubhava)   of   Self-­‐realization.   Bhagavan  
definitively  clarifies  this  Truth,  and  that  of  the  guru’s  role,  when  He  declared:    

Ibid. p. 18.
Sri Ramana Gita, Sri Ramanashramam 2004, p. 25, verses 3-5.
Practical Sadhana 44

“If   ignorance   is   wiped   out   the   confusion   will   end   and   true  
knowledge   unfolded.   By   remaining   in   contact   with   realized   sages   one  
gradually  loses  his  ignorance  till  it  disappears  totally.  The  eternal  Self  is  
thus   revealed.   Without   understanding   it   aright   people   think   that   the  
Guru   teaches   something   like   “TATVAMASI”   and   immediately   the   disciple  
realizes  “I  am  Brahman”.  In  their  ignorance  they  conceive  Brahman  to  be  
something  much  bigger  and  far  more  powerful  than  anything  else.  With  a  
limited   ‘I’   man   is   so   stuck   up   and   wild.   What   will   he   be   if   the   same   ‘I’  
increased   enormously?   He   will   certainly   be   proportionately   more  
ignorant   and   more   foolish.   This   false   ‘I’   must   perish.   Its   annihilation   is  
the  fruit  of  service  to  the  Guru.  Realization  is  eternal  and  is  not  granted  
by  the  Guru.  The  Guru  helps  only  the  removal  of  ignorance;  that  is  all.”    59  
 Bhagavan,   in   answer   to   questions,   has   said   that  Patanjali’s   Yoga   Sutras  
were   the   quintessence   of   asthanga   yoga   (the   eight-­‐limbed   yoga   followed   by  
millions   and   respected   by   all).   Let   us   apply   this   Sage’s   wisdom   to   decide  
whether   we   possess   the   obstacles   to   knowledge   he   describes   and   therefore  
must  use  all  of  our  powers  to  remove  them,  or  whether  for  us  it  is  simply  all  
an  illusion.    
Patanjali   declares:   “Sickness,   mental   laziness,   doubt,   lack   of  
enthusiasm,   sloth,   craving   for   sense-­‐pleasure,   false   perception,   despair  
caused   by   failure   to   concentrate   and   unsteadiness   in   concentration;  
these   distractions   are   the   obstacles   to   knowledge.   These   distractions   are  
accompanied  by  grief,  despondency,  trembling  of  the  body  and  irregular  
breathing.”  60  
 To   those   who   assert   that   they   do   not   believe   these   human   traits   are  
anything  other  than  illusion,  all  that  can  be  possibly  said  is:  “Try  wishing  them  
away,  and  good  luck!”  

Reflections on Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi, S.S. Cohen, Sri
Ramanashramam 2006, Talk 350 p. 172.
Patanjali Yoga Sutras, Swami Prabhavananda, Sri Ramakrishna Math 2005,
Sutras 30-31, p. 38.
From the Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi 45

Strength  of  Breath  

  In   the   year   1945,   Bhagavan   was   again   requested   to   expand   on   how  
breath-­‐control  or  watching  the  breath  was  an  essential  means  for  controlling  
the  mind.  The  conversation  between  Master  and  disciple  was:    
“In   continuation   of   an   old   question   of   his   with   reference   to   a  
certain   passage   in   Maha   Yoga,   the   disciple   asked   Bhagavan   whether   it  
was   necessary   and   a   condition   precedent   for   a   man   to   watch   his  
breathing  before  beginning  the  mental  quest  ‘Who  am  I?’  ”  
  Bhagavan:   “All   depends   on   a   man’s   pakva   (his   maturity   and  
fitness).   Those   who   do   not   have   the   mental   strength   [another  
translation  of  ‘mental  strength’  is  preparedness  gained  through  repeated  
practice]   61   to   concentrate   or   control   their   mind   and   direct   it   on   the  
quest   are   advised   to   watch   the   breathing,   since   such   watching   will  
naturally   and   as   a   matter   of   course   lead   to   cessation   of   thought   and  
bring   the   mind   under   control.   Breath   and   mind   arise   from   the   same  
place  and  when  one  of  them  is  controlled,  the  other  is  also  controlled.  As  
a  matter  of  fact,  in  the  quest  method,  which  is  more  correctly  ‘Whence  
am  I?’  and  not  merely  ‘Who  am  I?’-­‐  we  are  not  simply  trying  to  eliminate  
saying   ‘we   are   not   the   body,   not   the   senses   and   so   on,’   to   reach   what  
remains  as  the  ultimate  reality,  but  we  are  trying  to  find  whence  the  ‘I’  
thought   for   the   ego   within   us   arises.   The   method   contains   within   it,  
though   implicitly   and   not   expressly,   the   watching   of   the   breath.   When  
we  watch  wherefrom  the  ‘I’  thought,  the  root  of  all  thoughts,  springs,  we  
are   necessarily   watching   the   source   of   the   breath   also,   as   the   ‘I’   thought  
and  the  breath  arise  from  the  same  source.”    
The  disciple  again  asked  whether,  for  controlling  the  breath,  the  
regular  pranayama  (of  regulated  inhalation,  retention  and  exhalation  i.e.  
1:4:2)  is  not  better?  
Bhagavan   replied:   “All   those   proportions,   sometimes   regulated  
not  by  counting  but  by  uttering  mantras,  etc.,  are  aids  for  controlling  the  
mind.   That   is   all.   Watching   the   breath   is   also   one   form   of   pranayama.  

The word pakva comes from the root “pak” which means fully cooked.
Bhagavan used the derivative “pakwigal” which, by implication, means one who
has become mature through the “cooking” process of sadhana (spiritual practice).
Practical Sadhana 46

Retaining   breath,   etc.,   is   more   violent   and   may   be   harmful   in   some  

cases,   e.g.   where   there   is   no   proper   guru   to   guide   the   sadhak   (the   one  
performing   the   spiritual   practice)   at   every   step   and   stage.   But   merely  
watching  the  breath  is  easy  and  involves  no  risk.”  62  
Watch  and  Pray  
  This   method   is   indeed   easy,   and   can   be   joined   to   any   form   of   sadhana  
(spiritual   practice)   that   one   is   engaged   in.   The   breath   is   not   controlled   but  
merely  watched  with  acute  attention.  Its  movement  should  at  all  times  remain  
natural  and  comfortable.  It  is  helpful  at  first  to  center  one’s  attention  without  
stress  on  any  area  where  the  movement  of  the  breath  is  physically  palpable  or  
The  attention  of  the  mind  with  alert  awareness  on  the  movement  of  the  
breath  satisfies  the  mind’s  life-­‐sustaining  urge  to  circulate  through  movement.    
  Thus  we  watch  and  pray  with  calm  but  steady  concentration.  The  place  
of  our  origin,  that  forgotten  abode  of  the  Self,  is  Self-­‐revealing.  Becoming  truly  
still,   and   calling   on   God   with   patient   perseverance,   we   will   enter   and  
  “The  Way,  the  Truth  and  the  Life.”  

Day by Day With Bhagavan, A. Devaraja Mudaliar, Sri Ramanashramam 2002,
p. 55-56.
From the Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi 47

“Control  the  mind  and  direct  it  on  the  Quest.”  
Practical Sadhana 48


                                     The  Ultimate  Secret  

Question:  The  Ancient  Ones  (Sages  and  Rishis)  say  that  japa  (continuous  
repetition   of   OM   or   the   Name   of   God)   leads   to   concentration,   and  
concentration   leads   to   meditation,   and   meditation   to   samadhi,   and   when  
samadhi   is   steady   one   is   established   in   yoga.   But   if   the   Wisdom   of   the   Self  
arises  only  from  the  heart,  how  can  I  come  to  understand  that  states  of  mind,  
even   exalted   states   like   yogic   samadhi,   will   lead   me   to   the   discovery   of   the  
ultimate  secret  which  is  an  awakened  realization  of  the  Self?  And  finally,  how  
will   I   know   outside   of   meditation,   in   my   normal   daily   life,   that   such   a  
permanent  transformation  of  consciousness  has  occurred?      
  When  we  normally  speak  of  going  into  a  state  of  samadhi,  we  are  rightly  
referring   to   its   lower   stages   that   are   not   close   to   complete   absorption   in   the  
Self.   It   is   a   great   step   forward,   but   in   relation   to   the   final   goal   it   is   just   another  
achievement  of  progressive  steps,  though  at  higher  levels.    
An   advanced   and   skillful   Buddhist   will   propound   an   understanding   of  
this   that   refers   to   eight   separate   stages   of   jnana   or   samadhi,   four   material   and  
four   non-­‐material.   These   are   simply   seen   as   high   states   of   mind   that   can  
ultimately  lead  one  to  the  thoughtless  (mindless)  state,  therefore  not  the  Self  
that   dwells   exclusively   in   the   heart.   Nevertheless,   the   uniqueness   of   these  
mind   states   is   that   their   movement   develops   concentration,   which   takes   you  
within,   directly   to   the   door   of   the   heart.   The   metaphysics   of   Hindu   dharma  
agrees,  differing  mainly  with  reference  to  the  description  of  separate  stages.  
    The   Yoga   Sutras   of   Patanjali,   which   Bhagavan   has   referred   to,   propound  
the  Hindu  view  of  the  essential  need  for  progressive  stages  of  mental  strength  
and  development  of  acute  awareness  that  in  time  lead  one  towards  and  finally  
into  Samadhi.    
  According   to   the   various   interpretations   of   Patanjali’s   Sutras,   there  
range  from  between  six  to  twelve  separate  progressive  stages,  all  referred  to  
as  samadhi  (absorption  in  meditation).  
From the Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi 49

Focusing  on  That  which  can  be  Seen  

Bhagavan’s   teaching   is   in   harmony   with   Patanjali   in   that   the   effort   to  
“know   the   Self”   is   an   actual   experience   that   involves   a   progressive   and  
protracted  sadhana  that  culminates  with  the  awakening  (remembrance)  of  the  
immaculate  nature  of  a  Pure  Mind.  In  this  regard  a  devotee  asked  Bhagavan:    
“What  is  that  Self  in  actual  experience?”    
Sri  Bhagavan  tells  us:  “It  is  the  Light  which  ever  shines  in  the  Cave  of  the  
Heart   as   the   flame   of   the   Consciousness   ‘I’   ‘I’   –   the   eternal   and   blissful  
Sat-­chit-­ananda.  This  is  the  answer  to  the  vichara  and  its  fulfillment.  The  
‘I’,   which   has   carried   out   a   determined   and   protracted   search   into   its  
own   nature,   has   at   long   last   found   itself   to   be   not   other   than   the   Pure  
Mind,   the   immaculate   Being,   which   is   eternally   wrapped   in   blissful  
stillness.  This  is  Turiya,  the  Fourth,  or  Samadhi  (the  highest  stage).”  63  
This  statement  reveals  an  essential  aspect  of  Bhagavan’s  teaching  that  is  
often  misconstrued.  Some  adherents  to  the  Ramana  Way  flatly  proclaim  that  
vichara   (reflective   enquiry)   is   effortless.   They   adhere   to   a   mistaken  
interpretation   of   Bhagavan’s   method   of   enquiry   that   denies   the   need   for   an  
active   and   acute   awareness   within   the   mind.   They   firmly   proclaim   that  
vichara,   even   in   it’s   preliminary   stage,   is   not   an   intellectual   process.  
Bhagavan’s  use  of  the  word  determined  in  the  above  quote  clearly  contradicts  
this  belief.  Determination  in  this  instance  is  the  unwavering  resolve  of  the  ‘I’  
thought,  which  originated  from  and  is  residing  within  the  intellectual  mind,  to  
seek  the  source  of  its  own  nature.    
Therefore   all   effort   motivated   by   this   resolve   takes   place   as   an   intellectual  
process,   until   in   the   end   of   enquiry   the   final   goal   is   achieved   and   the   “I’  
transcends  the  mind.  
  Patanjali  also  clarifies  this  error,  for  he  declares  that  achievement  of  the  
lower   stages   of   samadhi   are   essential.   For   in   them   there   is   a   witness   who  
experiences   first   the   lower   plane   where   there   distinctly   exists   the   knower,   the  
object   as   the   known   and   the   knowledge.   Ultimately   the   highest   stage   is  
reached   when   the   many   dissolves   into   the   One,   which   connects   them.  
Bhagavan   concurred   with   this   when   in   conversation   with   Mr.   Cohen   it   was  

Guru Ramana, S.S. Cohen, Sri Ramanashramam 2006, p. 73.
Practical Sadhana 50

Mr.  Cohen:  “There  seems  to  be  nothing  but  awareness,  for  to  know  
anything  there  must  be  knowledge  –  we  cannot  get  over  that.”  
Bhagavan:   “Certainly.   Subjective   knowledge   –   knowledge   knowing  
itself  is  jnana.  It  is  then  the  subject  as  the  knower,  the  object  as  the  
known  and  the  knowledge  which  connects  them.”  
Mr.  Cohen:  “This  last  is  not  clear  to  me  in  this  case.”  
Bhagavan:   “Why   so?   Knowledge   is   the   light   which   links   the   seer   to  
the   seen.   Suppose   you   go   in   search   of   a   book   in   a   library   in   pitch  
darkness.   Can   you   find   it   without   light,   although   you,   the   subject,  
and  the  book,  the  object,  are  both  present?  Light  has  to  be  present  to  
unite   you.   This   link   between   the   subject   and   the   object   in   every  
experience  is  chit,  consciousness.  It  is  both  the  substratum  as  well  as  
the  witness  of  the  experience,  the  seer  of  Patanjali.”  64  
First  Things  First  
  Patanjali’s   Yoga   Sutras   present   a   progressive   advancement   of   effective  
methods   for   controlling   the   thought   waves   (vritti)   of   the   mind,   which   will  
result  in  the  focusing  and  strengthening  of  awareness.    
  Questions   were   often   placed   before   Bhagavan   regarding   the   need   for  
the   establishment   of   progressive   effort   that   leads   to   a   fully   aware   and  
controlled  mind:    
“Mr.   Cohen   relates   how   the   reading   of   Patanjali   Sutras   in   1926   had  
greatly   impressed   him.   The   first   few   sutras   had   convinced   him   of   the  
truth   of   the   teaching,   but   unfortunately   there   was   no   one   to   give   him  
proper  guidance  until  he  met  Sri  Bhagavan  early  in  1936.”    
Bhagavan:  “Patanjali’s  first   sutras  are  indeed  the  climax  of  all  systems  
of  yoga.  All  yogas  aim  at  the  cessation  of  the  vritti  (modification  of  the  
mind).  This  can  be  brought  about  in  the  variety  of  ways  mentioned  in  
the   scriptures   through   mind   control,   which   frees   consciousness   from  

Guru Ramana, S.S. Cohen, Sri Ramanashramam 2006, p. 75.
From the Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi 51

all  thoughts  and  keeps  it  pure.  Effort  is  necessary.  In  fact  effort  is  itself  
Mr.   C:   “I   suppose   efforts   have   to   be   made   in   the   waking   state,   which  
implies  that  moksha  can  be  gained  only  in  jagrat?”    
Bhagavan:   “Quite   so,   awareness   is   necessary   for   mind   control;  
otherwise   who   is   to   make   the   effort?   You   cannot   make   it   in   sleep   or  
under   the   influence   of   drugs.   Also   mukti   has   to   be   gained   in   full  
awareness,  because  the  Reality  itself  is  pure  awareness.”  65  
  The  testimony  of  practically  all  of  the  disciples  who  lived  with  Bhagavan  
proclaims   that   the   achievement   of   “freeing   consciousness   from   all   thoughts  
and   keeping   it   pure,”   involves   constant   spiritual   practice   and   real   non-­‐
dependence  (vairagya)  on  the  objects  of  the  world.  In  rare  instances,  though  
some   people   seem   to   have   achieved   the   state   of   thoughtless   purity   without  
effort,  it  may,  as  Sri  Ramana  himself  said,  be  due  to  effort  done  in  the  past.  
   They   were   right,   for   they   were   perfectly   guided   to   this   understanding  
by   the   Guru   Sri   Ramana   whose   life   was   a   living   demonstration   of   supreme  
control  and  vairagya.  
  There   are   two   aspects   of   controlling   the   mind,   abhyasa   and   vairagya.  
Abhyasa   is   adopting   any   particular   spiritual   discipline   and   repeating   it  
continuously.   Vairagya   is   developing   detachment   and   dispassion   towards  
objects  of  the  world  that  degrade  your  mind.    
  As   one   conquers   one’s   desires   one   gets   a   sense   of   mastery   over   the  
objects  of  the  world.  Objects  of  the  world  have  no  real  bearing  upon  the  mind,  
but  they  become  important  and  impinge  upon  the  mind  because  of  the  desires  
towards   them.   As   we   advance   in   our   sadhana   we   begin   to   discover   that   the  
innermost  Self  is  an  ocean  of  bliss.  The  realization  of  that  Self  puts  an  end  to  
all  desires.    
  However,   this   process   is   progressive.   As   one   gains   insight   into   the  
transient   nature   of   the   things   of   the   world,   one   comes   to   realize   that   the  

Guru Ramana, S.S. Cohen, Sri Ramanashramam 2006, p. 74.
Practical Sadhana 52

seeking  of  happiness  from  the  objects  of  the  world  has  effectively  reduced  one  
into  a  beggar.    
  The   mind’s   nature   is   to   be   constantly   feeding   on   the   objects   of   the  
senses.  Inwardly,  the  mind  never  loses  its  attraction  for  more  happiness  than  
already   has   been   gained   and   is   forever   on   the   prowl   in   the   world   for   fresh  
pleasure.   Unfortunately   for   most,   the   strongest   vasanas   (latent   tendencies)  
direct  the  mind  towards  the  lower  realms  of  sensual  attraction.  Thus  we  end  
up  searching,  as  it  were,  in  the  garbage  cans  of  other  people  for  the  things  to  
feed   on.   The   mind   has   left   its   own   home,   and   moves   about   in   the   streets   of  
worldly  pleasure  feeding  on  that  which  will  momentarily  satisfy  its  craving.  
   The   greatest   burden   of   these   irresponsible   actions   comes   from   the  
certainty   that   there   is   alongside   the   craving   a   complete   disregard   for   the  
suffering   that   is   produced   both   within   oneself   and   within   those   who   are   the  
objects  of  desire.  
  How   can   we   secure   our   happiness   on   the   basis   of   a   world   that   is  
constantly   shifting?   If   you   have   illusion   about   the   world   and   become   its  
beggar,  the  world  will  always  be  there  to  dominate  you.  To  the  extent  that  this  
illusion   breaks,   you   become   the   ruler   of   that   which   had   previously   conquered  
you.   If   you   have   no   desire   for   the   objects   of   the   senses,   your   rulership   is  
known   as   vairagya.   Vairagya   is   not   the   development   of   disgust   for   the   objects  
of  the  senses,  but  rather  the  discovery  of  the  majesty  of  the  power  of  rulership  
over  them.  Your  revelation  is  that  the  objects  are  dependent  on  you;  you  are  
not  dependent  on  the  objects.  
From the Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi 53

“Discover  the  Majesty  of  a  Pure  Mind”  
Practical Sadhana 54

                                                         Samadhi’s  Goal:    
                               “Turn  Your  Back  on  Heaven”  
Question:   Some   say   that   to   break   the   illusion   of   dependence   on   the   world   and  
gain   the   happiness   of   heaven   one   only   needs   to   think   he   is   free.   Is   the  
achievement  of  happiness  and  freedom  from  the  ego’s  dominance  the  heaven  
we   seek?   If   not,   can   you   please   clearly   explain   the   method   and   means   to  
achieve  what  Bhagavan  states  as  the  Goal  of  realization  of  the  Self!  
“The  strong  Gods  pine  for  my  abode,  
And  pine  in  vain  the  sacred  Seven;  
But  thou,  meek  lover  of  the  good!  
 Find  Me,  and  turn  thy  back  on  heaven!”  
    We   are   now   embarking   into   realms   in   which   the   normal   human   being  
has  little  or  no  experience.  Thus  we  must,  with  faith  and  assurance,  adhere  to  
the  guidance  and  teachings  of  God,  the  gurus  and  their  scriptures.    
  We  have  seen  that  the  Lord  in  His  Gita  lays  before  us  two  separate  paths  
of   devotion,   one   with   form   (commonly   known   as   bhakti)   and   one   without  
form   (known   as   jnana).   Sri   Krishna   directs   us   to   make   both   paths   our  
beloved.  Thus  at  the  final  achievement  of  the  highest  yoga  our  lower  nature  
(ego)  will  be  completely  consumed  with:    
“Loving   God   with   our   whole   mind   and   with   our   whole   heart,   and   our  
neighbor  as  our  Self.”  66  
  Bhagavan  echoes  this  same  Truth  in  the  second  subsequent  verse  added  
to   the   Five   Stanzas   on   Sri   Arunachala   (Arunachala   Pancharatnam)   that   were  
composed  by  his  own  hand:  

The use here of the word “whole” by Jesus is exactly the same as the use of
“purna” in Sanskrit. The true meaning in both cases is “perfect”. The Lord restated
this truth saying: “Be ye perfect, as your Father in heaven is Perfect.”
From the Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi 55

“In   the   recesses   of   the   lotus-­‐shaped   heart   of   all,   from   Vishnu  

downwards,  there  shines  as  Absolute  Consciousness,  the   Paramatman  
(Supreme  Spirit)  who  is  the  same  as  Arunachala  or  Ramana.  When  the  
mind   melts   with   love   of   him   and   reaches   the   inmost   recess   of   the   heart  
wherein   he   abides   as   the   Beloved,   the   subtle   eye   of   Absolute  
Consciousness  opens  and  He  reveals  Himself  as  pure  Knowledge.”  
  For   one   who   is   following   the   path   of   devotion   to   God,   the   passage  
through   different   stages   of   samadhi   will   not   only   be   experienced   as   deeper  
levels  of  consciousness,  but  also  as  deeper  degrees  of  sincerity  and  the  longing  
of   devotion.   Acceptance   of   the   wonder   of   this   accomplishment   is   also  
acceptance  of  the  task  of  persistence;  for  the  goal  is  glorious.  
The  Beauty  of  Seeking  the  Beloved  
  As  one  develops  abhyasa  and  vairagya,  and  as  the  mind  gradually  comes  
under   control   through   vichara   (reflection),   there   ensues   a   peace   that   is  
inconceivable.   This   control   of   the   mind   has   three   stages.   They   are   dharana,  
dhyana  and  samadhi.  Each  stage  has  its  own  beauty  to  behold.  
  Dharana   is   focusing   the   mind,   gaining   a   focused   attention.   Dhyana   is   a  
continuity  of  the  focused  attention.  Maintaining  this  state  of  continued  focus  is  
called   meditation.   When,   in   meditation,   all   the   thoughts   are   gathered   into   one  
place  and  steady  focus  deepens  into  absorption  it  is  called  samadhi.  Samadhi  
is  stepping  beyond  the  normal  limits  of  consciousness,  going  beyond  the  ego’s  
domination.  This  newfound  freedom  is  a  wonder  to  behold.  
    In   the   first   stage   of   concentration   you   are   gathering   the   mind,   for   the  
mind  is  distracted.  It  is  essential  that  we  let  the  mind  be  focused.     Then,  in  the  
second   stage,   let   the   focus   continue   as   steadily   and   naturally   as   possible.  
When   you   are   attempting   meditation   and   you   succeed   in   focusing   the   mind,  
subtle   impressions   are   created   within   the   subconscious   that   will   make   the  
process  easier  in  the  future.  Therefore  sustained  effort  is  needed.  
  In  the  third  stage,  when  this  process  becomes  natural  and  requires  less  
effort,   your   consciousness   expands   and   steps   beyond   your   ego.   This   heralds  
an  awareness  of  a  profound  depth,  which  has  never  been  seen  before.  It  is  an  
expansion  that  holds  within  itself  all  that  is  good  and  beautiful  and  wondrous.  
This  experience  is  called  samadhi.    
Practical Sadhana 56

  These   three   states   are   fused   together.   Where   dharana   ends,   dhyana  
begins.   Where   dhyana   (meditation)   ends,   samadhi   begins.   It   is   a   natural  
progression.  Due  to  a  lack  of  perseverance  few  reach  samadhi.  And  though  still  
fewer   reach   the   higher   stages   of   samadhi,   the   persistence   in   curbing  
distractions   produces   a   profound   effect   on   the   personality.   When   successful  
achievement  of  samadhi  does  come,  it  becomes  miraculous.    
A  Firm  Resolve  and  a  Growing  Faith  
   All   who   set   their   hands   to   the   plough   of   inner   spiritual   life   achieve   a  
growth  of  faith.  Perhaps  this  faith  was  in  the  beginning  simply  a  seed  of  mere  
interest  in  self-­‐improvement.  
“True   faith   is   not   like   a   picture   frame,   a   permanently   limited   area   of  
acceptance.   It   is   like   a   plant   that   keeps   on   throwing   forth   shoots   and  
growing.  All  we  require,  at  the  beginning,  is  a  seed.  And  the  seed  need  
be   nothing   more   than   a   feeling   of   interest   in   spiritual   life.   Perhaps   we  
read   a   passage   in   a   book   that   moves   us.   Perhaps   we   meet   someone   who  
seems  to  have  reached  some  degree  of  wisdom  and  tranquility  through  
the   practice   of   meditation   and   spiritual   disciplines.   We   become  
interested  and  intrigued.”  67  
  It   is   natural   to   assume   that   the   deep   levels   of   yogic   absorption   require   a  
development   of   mental   strength   that   is   beyond   our   capacity.   For   many,   the  
enormity   of   the   difficulties   in   normal   life   seems   to   demand   all   of   the   energy  
they  possess.  They  conclude  that  to  delve  into  the  realms  of   samadhi  requires  
superhuman  strength,  and  therefore  any  attempt  would  be  futile  and  a  waste  
of  precious  time.  Nevertheless,  we  innately  possess  an  inner  impulse  that  tells  
us   that   if   we   seek   even   the   slightest   inner   growth   with   faith   and   devotion,  
some   degree   of   success   will   come.   After   all,   those   whom   we   admire   who  
possess  spiritual  stature  are  human  and  so  are  we.  Maybe  even  the  simplest  
practice   of   meditation   would   be   the   solution   to   our   problems.   We   cannot   be  
certain,   but   we   do   have   faith   and   energy   and   perhaps   just   enough   devotion  
that  will  set  us  on  a  path  to  success.  

Patanjali Yoga Sutras, Swami Prabhavananda, Sri Ramakrishna Math,
p. 27.
From the Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi 57

  Patanjali  affirms  this  assumption  as  true  in  his  Yoga  Sutras:  
  “The   concentration   of   the   true   spiritual   aspirant   is   attained  
through  faith,  energy,  recollectedness,  absorption  and  illumination.”  68  
   Earlier  Patanjali  stated  that  success  in  yoga  comes  gradually  through  a  
step-­‐by-­‐step  progression  from  the  beginning  stages  towards  the  final  highest  
attainment.  His  wisdom  directs  us  to  possess  faith,  energy  and  devotion  as  the  
foundation  upon  which  the  illumination  of  Life  is  achieved:  
  “Success  in  yoga  comes  quickly  to  those  who  are     intensely  
  “Concentration   may   also   be   attained   through   surrender   to  
Ishwara  (God  within  Prakriti,  manifested).”  
  “In  Him  (God)  knowledge  is  infinite;  in  others  it  is  only  a  germ.”  
  “The  word  which  expresses  Him  is  Om.”  
  “This  word  must  be  repeated  with  meditation  upon  its  meaning.”  
  “Hence   comes   knowledge   of   the   Atman   and   destruction   of   the  
obstacles  to  that  knowledge.”  69    
    What  Patanjali  describes,  is  in  Truth  confirmed  by  Sri  Ramana  Maharshi  
in   His   declaration   of   Arunachala   as   the   living   embodiment   of   Divinity.   Thus  
with  the  deepest  devotion  Bhagavan  declared:  
  “Significance   of   Om,   unrivalled,   unsurpassed!   Who   can  
comprehend  Thee,  O  Arunachala?”  70  

Ibid, p. 26, sutra 20.
Patanjali Yoga Sutras, Swami Prabhavananda, Sri Ramakrishna Math, Section I
selected sutras between # 21-29.
Marital Garland of Letters (Sri Arunachala Akshara Mana Malai), Sri
Ramanashramam, verse 13.
Practical Sadhana 58

                    “You  are  beyond  the  knowledge  of  all  tattvas,  all  philosophies.  You  
are   only   this,   the   Truth   at   once   transcendent   and   immanent,   you   are   my  
Arunachala.”  71  

Ibid, verse 42.
From the Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi 59

“In  Him  Knowledge  is  Infinite”  
Practical Sadhana 60

Blessed  Be  the  Name  of  the  Lord  
Question:   “Experience   shows   me   that   the   practice   of   mantra   japa   is   a  
central   aspect   of   sadhana,   at   one   time   or   another,   for   the   majority   of  
those   following   Sanatana   Dharma.   Further   understanding   of   Bhagavan  
affirms   that   his   teaching   accentuated   the   foundations   of   this   eternal  
religion.   However,   I   have   been   lead   to   believe   that   the   teachings   of  
Bhagavan  regarding  japa  state  that  this  practice  was  prescribed  only  for  
those  of  weak  (lacking  maturity)  minds.  Is  this  assumption  true?”  
  A   common   misunderstanding   regarding   the   teachings   of   Sri   Ramana  
Maharshi  is  the  belief  that  he  never  advised  his  disciples  to  take  up  a  practice  
that   involved   mantra   japa   (continuous   repetition   of   one   of   many   sound  
formulas   representing   a   Name   of   God).   The   truth   is   that   such   advice   was  
given,  though  rarely,  and  even  given  to  some  of  those  in  the  innermost  circle.  
In   the   memoirs   of   one   of   Bhagavan’s   close   disciples   such   an   occurrence   is  
  “Though   Bhagavan   rarely   gave   out   mantras,   when   he   did,   he   generally  
recommended  “Siva,  Siva’.  Muruganar  himself  was  given  this  mantra  by  
Bhagavan,  as  were  several  other  devotees  including  Annamalai  Swami,  
the  brother  of  Rangan  (who  was  one  of  Bhagavan’s  childhood  friends),  
and  an  unknown  harijan.”  72  
  Muruganar   continues,   making   special   note   of   Bhagavan’s   teachings  
regarding  the  use  of  mantras:  
  “Through   grace,   Padam   (Muruganar’s   epithet   for   Bhagavan)   ensures  
that   there   is   never   any   danger   to   those   who   remain   in   their   heart,  
meditating  ‘Sivaya  Nama’.”  
  “The   mantra   ‘Sivaya   Nama”   on   which   you   meditate   will   reveal   itself  
within  your  heart  to  be  your  father  and  mother.”  

Padamalai, Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi Recorded by Muruganar,
Avadhuta Foundation 2004, p. 224 - 225.
From the Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi 61

                 (In   this   verse   the   father   implies   Siva,   who   is   Sat   [being],   while   the   mother  
denotes  Sakti,  who  is  Chit  [consciousness].)  
  “The  mind  that  does  japa,  ‘Siva,  Siva,’  will  later  automatically  lose  itself  
in  ajapa  (samadhi).”  73  
  The  Joy  of  Perseverance  
  “When  it  is  said  that  this  practice  of  meditation  (with  or  without  
the  use  of  japa)  and  samadhi  is  persistent,  it  is  of  two  types,  disciplinary  
and   pervasive.   Disciplinary   means   that   you   have   chosen   a   time   in   the  
morning   or   evening   to   do   the   practice.   The   morning   hours   are  
considered   best   because   you   are   rested   from   sleep,   and   the   world  
around   you   is   also   at   rest.   In   meditation   we   are   leading   ourselves   to   a  
state  of  quietude  by  conscious  movement.  In  sleep  we  are  being  led  by  
the   unconscious.   Sleep   can   give   a   feeling   of   refreshment,   but   it   cannot  
give   our   thought   vitality.   Philosophically,   the   stages   toward  
enlightenment   are   the   progressive   movement   toward   the   stage   where  
the   ego   is   not   dominating   you.   The   final   enlightenment   is   the   burning  
down  of  the  ego  entirely.    
   “The   pervasive   type   of   practice   is   the   most   important.   The  
revelations   of   yoga   that   are   achieved   while   practicing   privately   in   the  
recesses   of   your   heart   must   be   applied   in   your   daily   life.   The   strength,  
beauty   and   rapture   of   focused   attention   that   one   experiences   in  
meditation   becomes   even   more   wondrous   when   applied   to   everything  
one  does.  
  “A  sense  of  joy  will  pervade  the  life  of  one  who  applies  this  yogic  
concentration   in   the   actions   of   everyday   life.   Others   will   not   only  
perceive   this   joy,   it   will   uplift   them.   This   uplifting   of   humanity   is   the  
prime   characteristic   of   one   whose   life   is   one   of   service   to   God.  
Maintaining   this   mental   focus   within   during   outward   activities   also  
produces   a   stream   of   unimaginable   peace.   This   profound   peace   is  

Padamalai, Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi Recorded by Muruganar,
Avadhuta Foundation 2004, p. 224 - 225.
Practical Sadhana 62

undreamt   of   for   it   is   the   peace   wherein   the   ego   is   transcended,   even  

though  one  remains  active  in  daily  life.  
  “How  will  you  know  it?  Even  when  you  are  insulted,  you  will  not  
feel  at  a  loss,  because  you  are  not  dominated  by  the  ego  personality.  You  
are   never   shaken   when   put   into   difficult   circumstances.   You   have  
experienced  dhyana  and  samadhi  at  a  deeper  level  of  your  personality.  
The   goal   is   that   by   practicing   meditative   absorption   in   a   disciplinary  
way  you  direct  that  experience  to  permeate  your  life.”  74  
  According   to   Patanjali,   the   lowest   stages   of   samadhi   rest   upon   the  
support  of  the  control  of  the  senses.  One  must  remember  that  the  definition  of  
samadhi   comes   from   the   root   ‘dha’   which   is   prefixed   by   ‘sam’   and   ‘a’.   The  
meaning   is   to   gather   together   and   keep   in   one   place,   in   a   very   skillful,  
controlled   and   thorough   way.   This   deep   level   of   absorption   suggests   that   a  
transformation   is   occurring   in   which   there   is   unfolding   within   the   mind  
complete   unification.   This   transformation   is   progressive,   as   our   concentration  
and   ‘experience   of   unity’   becomes   prolonged   and   more   natural.   Internally,   we  
are   accomplishing   the   “purification   through   softening   and   melting   within”  
which  Bhagavan  maintains  as  essential.  It  is  the  ego  that  is  melting,  and  due  to  
its   strength,   it’s   powers   wane   slowly.   Our   perseverance   in   the   sadhana   of  
steady  meditation  will  ensure  the  final  attainment.    
  This   final   achievement   is   the   burning   down   of   the   externalized   mind  
that   has   become   impure   (egotistic)   through   lifetimes   of   identification   with   a  
world  founded  upon  and  maintained  by  multiplicity.    
  When   concentration   is   directed,   focused   and   absorbed   in   one   place,   and  
remains  there  for  a  prolonged  period  of  time,  the  simplest  state  of  samadhi  is  
said  to  occur.  Although  this  is  of  the  lowest  type  of  samadhi,  it  is  a  significant  
achievement.  At  this  stage  the  disturbances  within  the  physical  body,  though  
active,   are   being   overcome   even   though   body-­‐consciousness   has   not   been  
transcended.  It  is  like  the  state  of  molecules  of  water  that  are  passing  between  
the   stages   of   liquid   into   gaseous   form.   The   freedom   of   the   gaseous   stage   is  

This section includes quotes and paraphrases from a talk by Swami
Jyotirmayananda, Yoga Research Foundation, Miami Florida, USA,
From the Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi 63

being  experienced  while  still  within  the  presence  of  the  liquid  state.  The  key  is  
that  the  mental  focus  is  directed  to  the  gaseous  presence,  and  only  that.  
  “The   distinctive   feature   of   samadhi   is   that   it   is   a   movement   of  
higher  consciousness  centered  in  one  or  another  mental  state  beginning  
with   the   lower   mental   realm,   where   there   are   active   disturbances  
present,   from   both   within   and   without,   and   ending   with   the   Atma  
(essence  of  Being  or  soul).  This  is  a  permanent  state  of  purity  free  from  
all   disturbance   or   thought.   In   every   case   the   mind   is   cut   off   from   the  
physical   world   and   thus   consciousness   is   free   from   the   burden   and  
interference   of   the   physical   brain.   In   the   lower   stages   of   samadhi   the  
mind,  though  cut  off  from  the  world,  is  completely  concentrated  and  still  
under  the  control  of  the  will.”  75  
The  Limitations  of  Words  
  Some   say   that   Bhagavan   never   spoke   about   any   of   the   lower   stages   of  
samadhi  which  Patanjali  states  as  those  preliminary  to  the  seedless  (without  
any   possibility   of   disturbance)   nirvikalpa   state.   Though   this   belief   is  
fundamentally   untrue,   there   are   grounds   that   would   seem   to   give   this  
statement  validity.    
  Throughout  the  more  than  50  years  of  Bhagavan’s  active  guidance  of  the  
hearts   and   souls   of   the   thousands   who   came   before   him,   he   never   postured  
himself  as  a  philosopher.  He  never  philosophized  or  preached  to  the  masses.  
His   very   life   demonstrated   his   attainment.   His   silent   abidance   in   Truth   and  
Purity  was  his  most  eloquent  doctrine.  When  devotees  came  to  Bhagavan  with  
doubts   and   questions,   he   revealed   the   highest   Truth   regarding   the   subject  
placed  before  him.  A  close  study  of  the  core  teachings  that  were  recorded  both  
during   and   after   his   physical   lifetime   would   reveal   that   he   directed   his  
questioners   towards   the   method   of   attainment   that   suited   their  
temperaments  and  natures.  
  The  majority  of  the  recorded  teachings  of  Bhagavan  regarding  samadhi  
that   have   come   into   print   were   invoked   by   questions   from   learned   pundits  
and   devotees   of   attainment.   It   is   mainly   due   to   this   fact   that   the   majority   of  
discussions   regarding   samadhi   centered   on   the   highest   states   of   meditative  
absorption.   Regardless   of   this   fact,   Bhagavan   never   veered   away   from   the  

The Science of Yoga, I. K. Taimni, The Theosophical Publishing House 1961.
Practical Sadhana 64

traditional   scriptural   teachings   of   the   Rishis   and   Sages   of   India’s   eternal  

religion.   Rather,   his   teaching   accentuated   them!   Quite   simply,   the  
misunderstanding   mentioned   has   come   into   being   from   the   terminology  
Bhagavan  used.  
   Patanjali   refers   to   samadhi   with   differentiation   (disturbances)   between  
the   subject,   object   and   knowledge   as   the   lower   stages   that   lead   up   to   the   very  
highest   states   of   savikalpa,   nirvikalpa   and   finally   sahaja   samadhi.   Bhagavan  
spoke   in   the   same   vein,   though   using   a   different   method   of   description.   When  
Patanjali   refers   to   meditative   absorption   with   disturbances   as   the   lower  
samadhi,  Bhagavan’s  terminology  differed  only  by  not  using  the  word  ‘lower’  
but  rather  stated  that  the  samadhi  with  disturbances  was  the  savikalpa  state.  
This   is   merely   a   matter   of   semantic   preference,   and   not   a   differentiation   of  
definition.   A   clear   example   of   this   is   seen   as   Mr.   Cohen   is   questioning  
  Mr.   C.:   “May   I   have   a   clear   idea,   Bhagavan,   of   the   difference   between  
Savikalpa  and  Nirvikalpa?”  
  Bhagavan:  “Holding  on  to  the  Supreme  State  is  samadhi.  When  it  is  with  
effort   due   to   mental   disturbances,   it   is   Savikalpa,   when   the  
disturbances   are   absent,   it   is   Nirvikalpa.   Remaining   permanently   in   the  
primal   state   is   Sahaja.   Like   Nirvikalpa,   there   is   an   internal   as   well   as   an  
external  Savikalpa,  depending  on  whether  the  disturbing  thoughts  are  
from  the  outside  or  from  inside.”  76  
  The  aspirant  after  spiritual  truth  should  always  adhere  to  the  essential  
tenet   of   the   practice,   which   is   to   never   only   seek   a   description   of   what   any  
attainment  is,  rather  always  strive  for  the  experience  of  what  the  attainment  
  The  significant  effects  of  this  process  of  mental  absorption  that  actually  
produce   the   needed   transformation   occur   in   the   subtle   realms   of   the  
unconscious   mind.   The   impressions   created   from   concentrated   absorption  
(samadhi)  work  to  cleanse  the  subtle  impurities  and  vasanas  (latent  habitual  
tendencies   from   the   one’s   early   life,   or   past   lives)   of   these   realms   that   lay  
beyond  our  normal  perception  

Guru Ramana, S.S. Cohen, Sri Ramanashramam 2006, p. 91.
From the Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi 65

               “The   achievement   of   successful   eradication   of   subtle   impurities   rests  

on  the  foundation  of  the  three-­fold  process  of  concentration,  meditation  
and  absorption  (samadhi).  
 Thus,  Patanjali  states:    
   “When   these   three   -­‐   concentration,   meditation   and   absorption-­‐  
are  brought  to  bear  upon  one  subject,  they  are  called  samyama.”    
  Samyama   is   simply   a   convenient   technical   term   that   describes   the  
three-­fold  process  by  which  the  true  nature  of  an  object  is  known.”  
  “Through   the   mastery   of   samyama   comes   the   light   of      
   “It   must   be   applied   stage   by   stage,   for   the   practice   of   samyama  
leads  to  the  lower  samadhi.”  
  “When,   in   meditation,   the   true   nature   of   the   object   shines   forth,  
not   disturbed   by   the   mind   of   the   perceiver,   that   is   absorption  
“Patanjali   warns   us   not   to   go   too   fast.   It   is   no   use   attempting  
meditation   before   we   have   mastered   concentration.   It   is   no   use   trying   to  
concentrate   upon   subtle   objects   until   we   are   able   to   concentrate   upon  
gross   ones.   Any   attempt   to   take   short   cuts   to   knowledge   of   this   kind   is  
exceedingly   dangerous.   For   experience   through   these   short   cuts,   so  
obtained,   can   bring   no   lasting   spiritual   benefits.   On   the   contrary,   they  
are   generally   followed   by   a   relapse   into   complete   agnosticism   and  
“These  kinds  of  samadhi  are  said  to  be  ‘with  seed’.”    
  “That  is,  seeds  of  desires  and  attachment  may  still  remain  within  the  
mind,  even  though  perfect  concentration  has  been  achieved.  These  seeds  
of   desire   are   dangerous,   for   they   will   lead   one   towards   attachment   and  
impurity.”  77  

Patanjali Yoga Sutras, Swami Prabhavananda, Sri Ramakrishna Math, Section
III sutras 3-6, (quotes include his commentary in italics.)
Practical Sadhana 66

At  all  times  we  must  remain  vigilantly  aware  that  the  nature  of  seeds  is  
to   sprout.   The   seeds   of   desire   are   of   the   most   resilient   type,   for   they   can  
remain  viable  even  in  ground  (the  mind)  laid  fallow  through  meditation  that  
successfully  developed  aversion  to  the  lower  life  of  the  senses.  They  can  come  
to  life,  even  after  years  of  dormancy,  from  the  watering  of  our  subconscious  
tendencies   that   remain   intact.   Though   consciously   we   may   feel   real  
dispassion  (vairagya)  for  desires  that  degrade  our  minds,  subconsciously  we  
can   be   driven   to   seek   satisfaction   of   harmful   desires   even   against   our  
conscious  will.  Shakespeare  spoke  in  a  famous  sonnet  of  this  human  tendency  
to   oscillate   between   worldly   attraction   and   aversion   which   propels   us  
through  lifetimes  of  “spiritual  madness”:  
“Enjoy’d  no  sooner  but  despised  straight;  
Past  reason  hunted;  and  no  sooner  had,  
Past  reason  hated,  as  a  swallowed  bait  
On  purpose  laid  to  make  the  taker  mad…”  
    The   strength   of   the   foundation   of   samyama   comes   from   our   abhyasa  
(repeated   practice),   vairagya   (non-­‐attachment   and   dispassion)   and   vichara  
(reflective  enquiry),  which  were  paramount  during  our  ascent  towards  these  
lower   states   of   samadhi.   If   our   concentration   and   meditation   were   not  
accompanied   by   vairagya,   our   ignorance   would   remain   and   prevent   us   from  
achieving  the  goal  of  higher  samadhi.  
The  Stability  of  Sobriety  
  Though   our   persistent   practice   may   have   brought   us   to   the   threshold   of  
liberation,  the  aspirant  must  never  feel  he  has  risen  to  such  heights  that  it  is  
unlikely   he   can   fall   back   into   bondage.   The   high   state   of   seedless   samadhi  
(nirvikalpa)  demands  a  further  and  even  more  intense  spiritual  effort.  
“Admittedly,   it   is   impossible   to   have   a   concrete   idea   of   these   higher  
planes   without   their   description   being   in   the   most   general   and   vague  
manner.   It   must   be   understood   that   at   no   time   can   one   attempt   to  
describe   the   experiences   of   these   stages   of   samadhi.   An   attempt   is  
merely  made  to  give  a  very  simple  ‘road  map’  showing  only  that  these  
realms  exist.  If  one  wants  to  know  what  these  higher  planes  are  like,  one  
must   go   there   and   see   it   for   oneself.   In   reality   concerning   spiritual  
progress   and   purification,   what   these   stages   are   like   is   not   at   all   the  
issue.  The  achievement  involves  what  these  experiences  produce.  They  
From the Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi 67

effectively  create  impressions  within  the  unconscious  levels  of  the  mind  
that   first   diminish   and   then   dissolve   the   vasanas   that   obstruct   our  
ascent   to   higher   life.   Simply   speaking,   we   are   changing   our   fate   by  
changing   habits   of   both   our   external   as   well   as   our   internal   life.   By  
decreasing  and  then  hopefully  dismantling  the  habits  that  disperse  our  
minds,   we   lessen   the   burden   of   the   samskaras   (latent   tendencies   from  
the   past)   that   produce   them.   As   these   burdens   of   ‘karma’   are   reduced  
we  begin  to  experience  the  ananda  (joy)  of  freedom  from  the  slavery  of  
the  ego.  
   The  greater  is  skill  of  effort,  the  greater  the  degree  of  the  freedom  
(peace).  It  must  be  thoroughly  understood  that  if  the  ordinary  desires  of  
the   mind   have   not   been   eliminated   by   sublimation,   but   only   curbed   or  
suppressed,  it  is  impossible  to  practice  samadhi.”  78  
  A   famous   Buddhist   monk,   Ajahn   Chah,   of   the   Thai   Forest   Tradition   once  
    “If  you  let  go  a  little,  you  get  a  little  peace.  If  you  let  go  a  lot,  you  
get  a  lot  of  peace.  If  you  let  go  completely,  you  get  complete  peace  (samadhi).”      

The Science of Yoga, I.K.Taimni, The Theosophical Publishing House 1961.
Practical Sadhana 68

           D.:  “Are  we  to  keep  anything  against  a  rainy  day;  or  to  live  a  precarious  life  for      
spiritual  attainments?”  
                     Maharshi:    “God  looks  after  everything.”  79  

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi, recorded by Sri Munagala Venkataramiah, Sri
Ramanashramam 2006, Talk 377, p 358.
From the Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi 69

                           “Love  and  devotion  to  Him  are  a  bridge  
                       across  the  abyss  to  Salvation.”  
Practical Sadhana 70

Prayerfully  Seek:  “Whence  am  I”  
Question:   What   exactly   is   the   way   to   conquer   the   desires   that   obscure  
my  vision  of  the  Truth  and  the  Light?  
   The   way   to   Realization   is   a   step-­‐by-­‐step   methodical   and   gradual  
progression   which   begins   long   before   the   samadhi,   and   ends   far   beyond   the  
levels   of   samadhi   normally   reached   by   most   spiritual   aspirants.   In   the  
beginning   we   work   to   develop   the   skill   called   pratyahara,   which   is   the   reining  
in  of  the  movement  of  the  senses  and  turning  it  inward.  This  is  greatly  aided  
by  prayer.  In  fact,  experience  shows  that  without  prayer  to  God  for  assistance,  
we  are  fooling  ourselves  into  thinking  that  we  are  successful  when  an  honest  
account   would   reveal,   as   the   Lord   said   to   Arjuna,   that   our   turbulent   senses  
 “Forcibly  carry  away  the  mind  of  even  a  wise  man  who  is  striving  
to  control  them.”  80  
   So   we   watch   and   pray,   as   Jesus   exhorted   us   to   do.   As   we   watch   with  
constant  effort  our  attainment  brings  us  to  the  next  step,  a  focused  mind.  By  
repeated  effort  this  inward  focus  deepens  and  remains  steady  for  a  prolonged  
period  of  time.  The  wind  of  uncontrolled  thought  is  still  blowing,  but  we  have  
found   a   shelter   from   its   brutal   treatment.   This   shelter   is   known   as   the  
steadiness  of  concentration.  Sri  Krishna  refers  to  this  when  He  says:    
“The   wise   one   is   of   steady   mind,   an   enlightened   person   is   one  
whose  mind  is  established,  unmoving  and  always  steady.  His  mind  never  
wavers   from   either   sorrow   or   joy;   he   is   free   from   attachment,   fear   and  
anger.”  81    
 In   Chapter   2   of   the   Gita,   the   verses   from   54th   onwards   are   called   the  
qualities   of   sthita   prajna,   steady   unwavering   Enlightenment.   This   is   also  
exactly   what   Bhagavan   meant   when   he   would   refer   to   God   in   Tamil   as  
“kadavul”,   meaning   the   transcendental   Divine   Self   abiding   within   in   Stillness  

Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 2, verse 60.
Ibid, verse 56.
From the Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi 71

and   Silence.   Words   of   spiritual   content   in   the   Tamil   Language,   much   like  
Sanskrit,  convey  definitions  that  describe  deep  meanings  as  well  as  secrets  to  
attainment.   In   this   instance,   ‘kada’   means   to   transcend,   the   root   ‘ul’   means  
within;  the  implication  is  that  which  is  transcendental  is  also  immanent.    
Going  Forward  
  For  us,  working  towards  purity  of  mind,  we  are  talking  of  the  experience  
of  being  at  the  very  door  of  the  heart.  But  where  is  the  key?  In  fact,  where  is  
the   keyhole?   The   key   turns   out   to   be   the   next   stage,   which   needs   further  
skillful   development.   Yes,   we   must   slog   on!   The   key   has   been   gifted   to   us.  
Remember   that   with   each   and   every   meditation   we   are   praying   for   the   Lord’s  
embrace,  for  the  Divine  to  “take  my  hand,  and  lead  me  on”.  The  attainment  of  
purity   comes   from   the   mutual   interaction   of   our   effort   and   God’s   grace.  
Without   the   hand   of   the   Lord   upon   us,   our   effort   will   yield   little.   Bhagavan  
echoed  this  profound  Truth  in  His  “Marital  Garland  of  Letters”  by  declaring:  
  “Unless  Thou  extendest  Thy  hand  of  grace  in  mercy  and  embrace  
me,  I  am  lost,  O  Arunachala.”  82  
  “Unless   Thou   dost   embrace   me,   I   shall   melt   away   in   tears   of  
anguish,  O  Arunachala!”  83  
  “Sri   Bhagavan   spoke   and   wrote   most   about   the   vichara   or   Self-­‐
enquiry,   and   therefore   the   opinion   arose   that   He   prescribed   only   jnana-­
marga,  the  Path  of  Knowledge,  which  most  people  find  too  sheer  in  this  
age.   But   in   fact   He   was   universal   and   provided   guidance   for   every  
temperament,  by  the  path  of  Devotion  no  less  than  of  Knowledge.  Love  
and  devotion  to  Him  are  a  bridge  across  the  abyss  to  salvation.  He  had  
many  devotees  for  whom  he  prescribed  no  other  path.”  84  
  Though   it   is   true   that   the   path   of   bhakti   (devotion)   does   not   suit   the  
temperament   of   all   spiritual   aspirants,   it   is   undeniable   that   thinking   of   God,  
thinking  of  the  “feet  of  the  Lord”,  does  attract  His  grace.  Whether  devotion  is  

Marital Garland of Letters (Sri Arunachala Akshara Mana Malai). Sri
Ramanashramam, verse 51.
Ibid, verse 34.
Ramana Maharshi and the Path of Self-Knowledge, Arthur Osborne, Sri
Ramanashramam 2002, p. 174.
Practical Sadhana 72

achieved  through  bhakti  or  jnana,  when  the  grace  of  God  dawns  upon  us,  our  
devotion  deepens  into  love  of  Him.  The  love  of  God  is  the  key  that  opens  for  us  
all  knowledge,  peace  and  purity.    
This   key   is   the   keen   and   lively   awareness   and   our   patient   endurance,  
while   waiting   on   the   Lord,   which   we   have   developed   by   persistently  
weathering  out  the  storms  of  thought  that  mercilessly  attempted  to  turn  our  
attention  outwards.    
Beyond  Samadhi  
  So  we  can  see  that  to  be  in  the  lower  states  of  samadhi  is  really  not  a  big  
deal  when  compared  to  the  goal.  Paradoxically  however,  to  be  fully  aware  and  
alert  within  those  states  is  a  very  big  deal.  For  this  alertness  is  in  reality  true  
manana,  watching  with  reflection.  
   By   watching   this   condition   with   reflection,   we   begin   to   awaken   to   its  
source  with  the  posing  of  the  question  “Who  am  I?”.  Or  as  Bhagavan  said,  it  is  
more  correctly  a  query  of  “Whence  am  I?”.  (See  quote  from  footnote  #41)    
 Bhagavan  often  directed  many  before  him  to  reflect  on  “Whence  am  I?”.  
Two  clear  examples  of  this  are  as  follows:  
  “A   young   man,   Mr.   Knowles,   came   for   darshan.   He   had   read   Paul  
Brunton’s   two   books.   He   asked:   “The   Buddhists   say   that   ‘I’   is   unreal,  
whereas   Paul   Brunton   in   the   Secret   Path   tells   us   to   get   over   the   ‘I-­‐  
thought’  and  reach  the  state  of  ‘I’.  Which  is  true?”    
  Maharshi:  “There  are  supposed  to  be  two  ‘I’s;  the  one  is  lower  and  
unreal,   of   which   all   are   aware;   and   the   other,   the   higher   and   the   real,  
which   is   to   be   realized…   the   idea   of   diversity   has   arisen   along   with   the  
body-­‐consciousness;   this   body-­‐consciousness   arose   at   some   particular  
moment;  it  has  origin  and  end.  What  originates  must  be  something.  What  
is  that  something?  It  is  the  ‘I’-­‐consciousness.  Who  am  I?  Whence  am  I?  On  
finding  the  source,  you  realize  the  state  of  Absolute  Consciousness.”  85  

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi, recorded by Sri Munagala Venkataramiah, Sri
Ramanashramam 2006, Talk 53.
From the Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi 73

On   another   occasion,   Bhagavan   was   more   succinct   and   thus,   as   was   his  
way,  more  direct:    
Devotee:  “I  want  to  get  rid  of  pain.  To  be  rid  of  it  is  said  to  be  liberation.”    
Maharshi:  “That  is  what  all  religions  teach.”    
D.:  “But  what  is  the  method?”    
M.:  “To  retrace  your  way  back.”      
D.:  “Whence  have  I  come?”    
 M.:  “That  is  just  what  you  should  know.”  86  
  Thus   our   reflection   is   transformed   into   a   state   of   awareness.   Now   our  
job  is  to  make  this  state  steady  and  continuous.  Steadily  following  the  thread  
inward   toward   whence   we   came.   This   entire   process   is   what   the   Saints,   and  
Bhagavan,  rightly  call  purification  of  the  mind  by  softening  and  melting  away  
of  the  obstacles  that  have  for  lifetimes  barred  our  way  to  the  door  of  the  heart.  
It  is  also  important  to  understand,  as  has  been  understood  by  experience  and  
seen   in   the   upadesha   (spiritual   instruction)   of   these   very   same   Saints   and  
Sages,  that  this  process  can  be  accelerated  and  the  sublimation  of  the  mind  of  
man  can  be  quickened  by  the  use  of  japa  (constant  repetition)  usually  of  the  
Name  of  the  Lord  or  OM  (the  single-­‐syllable  Pranava  mantra).    
A  Firm  and  Glorious  Support  
  The   keyhole   to   life   Divine   is   what   we   rely   on   as   a   support   to   maintain  
physical  life  -­‐  our  own  breath.  For  when  the  storms  of  thought  worlds  crash  in  
upon   us,   we   keep   within   the   shelter   of   the   breath,   constantly   pulling   the  
outward   tendency   of   movement   back,   ever   back   to   the   movement   of   the  
breath.   The   Buddha,   Sri   Krishna,   Sri   Ramana   Maharshi   and   the   scriptures   of  
all  major  religions  declare  that  by  pulling  the  externalized  mind  always  back  
to   the   breath   we   will   be   taken   inward   towards   its   source,   all   the   way   to  

Ibid, Talk 479, p. 473
Practical Sadhana 74

  So   now   one   can   see   that   the   early   stages   called  samadhi,  though  exalted  
in  their  own  right,  have  become  a  platform  on  which  so  much  more  attentive  
practice  needs  to  be  accomplished.  Yes,  the  enormity  of  all  this  seems  to  take  
one’s   breath   away.   But   that   is   why   we   have   been   praying,   and   our   prayers  
have  been  answered,  for  our  breath  is  always  very  much  with  us   -­‐  all  the  way  
The  Buddha  said  that  the  key  to  all  of  this  is  para  mukha,  which  literally  
means  ‘before  the  face’.  Simply  speaking,  right  under  our  noses,  the  dwelling  
place  of  our  physical  breath.    
It   is   the   simplicity   of   this   that   mystifies   us.   God   has   made   the   way  
straight.   Though   we   have   created   lifetimes   of   detours   through   our   pramada  
(indifference,   inattention,   and   willful   procrastination),   our   way   may   at   times  
seem   hopeless,   but   it   is   never   helpless.   Prayer   will   straighten   our   way   back   to  
God.  For  the  Lord  is  “Glorious  in  His  Saints”,  and  if  we  seek  their  aid  through  
prayer,  they  will  help  us  find  in  this  life  the  key  to  heaven.    
Question:   Is   it   correct   to   say   that   we   are   not   trying   to   annihilate   the  
mind,  but  rather  be  non-­‐cooperative  with  its  outward  moving  tendency?  
  Yes,   this   is   exactly   correct.   We   firmly,   though   very   respectfully,   do   not  
tag  along  with  the  mind’s  endless  adventures  into  the  innumerable  worlds  of  
thought.   If   the   mind   demands   an   excuse   for   our   satyagraha   (peaceful   non-­‐
cooperation  with  untruth),  we  simply  respond:  “No,  Sir  or  No,  Madam”.  If  the  
mind  gets  belligerent,  we  should  then  respond  with:  “No  thank  you;  not  now!”  
We   will   conquer   the   mind   by   ignoring   thoughts   that   embellish   the   past,   and  
those  of  imagination  regarding  the  future.  Victory  over  the  mind  is  achieved  as  
we  strive  to  remain  focused  within  the  present  moment.    
At   all   times   we   must   remember   that   we   are   engaged   in   the   art   of   vichara  
(reflection  on  the  source  of  the  ‘I’  thought  which  is  the  goal).  The  Maharshi  has  
repeatedly  said  that  the  ‘I’  thought  and  the  breath  arise  from  the  same  source.  
Our  yoga  is  to  practice  what  He  taught.  This  is  done  by  focusing  our  attention  
on  the  movement  of  the  breath  that  is  occurring  only  in  the  present  moment.    
This  is  never  accomplished  by  attempting  to  apply  a  stranglehold  on  the  mind,  
for   this   form   of   engagement   only   strengthens   the   mind’s   excited   desire   to  
travel  outwards.    
From the Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi 75

A   true   story   that   demonstrates   this   truth   concerns   the   liberator   of  

modern   India.   A   devotee   of   Mahatma   Gandhi   once   inquired   of   the   Mahatma  
how   manonasa   (destruction   of   the   mind)   is   achieved.   Though   Gandhiji   knew  
well   the   correct   path   to   this   achievement,   he   instructed   the   disciple   to   seek  
the   answer   from   a   great   Saint   living   in   the   foothills   of   the   Himalayas.   The  
implication  was  that  usually  when  a  disciple  is  living  day  in  and  day  out  with  
his  Master,  he  becomes  complacent  and  therefore  might  not  take  an  utterance  
of  profound  Truth  to  heart.  
The  disciple  traveled  the  long  and  hard  road  northwards  with  a  heart  full  
of   anticipation   for   a   revelation   that   would   change   his   life.   Upon   reaching   his  
destination,   he   fell   at   the   feet   of   the   Saint   and   introduced   himself   as   a   devotee  
of  the  great  Mahatma  Gandhi.    
The  Saint,  following  the  mystic  tradition  of  the  Himalayan  Masters  flatly  
said:   “Tell   me!   What   do   you   want?”   The   now   weak-­‐kneed   devotee   arose   and  
said:  “How  is  the  mind  to  be  destroyed?”  The  Saint,  much  aghast,  proclaimed:  
“O   my   God,   you   come   from   Gandhiji   with   ‘destruction’   upon   your   lips!   Your  
Master’s  very  life  proclaims  the  answer.  Satyagraha,  non-­‐cooperation  with  the  
mind,   is   the   way!   Remaining   still,   and   therefore   not   cooperating   with   the  
mind’s   egotistic   intentions   to   move   into   the   external   world   achieves   your  
victory  over  distractions.  Your  efforts  to  conquer  the  mind  should  be  two-­‐fold.  
When   the   mind   says,   ‘Come   out   with   me   and   play’,   you   first   ignore   the  
invitation,   and   then   turn   your   awareness   inwards   upon   the   breath   and   thus  
stay   at   home   with   God.   Your   inevitable   victory   proceeds   gradually,   one  
success  at  a  time.”    
Practical Sadhana 76

“He  Who  Conquered  and  Never  Compromised”  
From the Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi 77

                       Conquering  the  Ego’s  Fort  
   Question:   This   practice   appears   to   be   right   at   the   heart   of   the   issue.  
Therefore,   can   you   be   more   specific,   especially   regarding   “How   to   and   how  
long”  one  should  continue  in  this  spiritual  satyagraha?  
  Yes,  of  course,  and  the  heart  of  the  issue  demands  clarification  from  He  
who  is  in  full  possession  of  the  Heart!  
             “He  who  conquered  and  never  compromised.”  87    
Therefore,  Bhagavan  explains  to  all:    
Devotee:  “I  do  not  yet  understand  how  it  is  to  be  done.”    
Maharshi:   “You   are   practising   breath-­‐control.   Mechanical   breath-­‐
control   will   not   lead   one   to   the   goal.   It   is   only   an   aid.   While   doing   it  
mechanically  take  care  to  be  alert  in  mind  and  remember  the  ‘I’  thought  
and   seek   its   source.   Then   you   will   find   that   where   breath   sinks,   the   ‘I-­‐
thought’  arises.  They  sink  and  rise  together.  The  ‘I-­‐thought’  also  will  sink  
along  with  breath.  Simultaneously,  another  luminous  and  infinite  ‘I-­‐I’  will  
become   manifest,   which   will   be   continuous   and   unbroken.   That   is   the  
goal.   It   goes   by   different   names   -­‐   God,   Self,   Kundalini   Sakti,  
Consciousness,  Yoga,  Bhakti,  Jnana,  etc.”  88  
Devotee:  “How  long  is  the  practice  to  continue?”    
Maharshi:   “Till   success   is   achieved   and   until   yoga-­‐liberation  
becomes   permanent.   Success   begets   success.   If   one   distraction   is  
conquered   the   next   is   conquered   and   so   on,   until   all   are   finally  

Ramana Maharshi and the Path of Self-Knowledge, Arthur Osborne, Sri
Ramanashramam 2002, p. 143, paragraph 3.
Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi, recorded by Sri Munagala Venkataramiah, Sri
Ramanashramam 2006, Talk 195, p. 166.
Practical Sadhana 78

conquered.   The   process   is   like   reducing   an   enemy’s   fort   by   slaying   its  

manpower  -­‐  one  by  one,  as  each  issues  out.”  89  
Being  Still  
         It  is  our  level  of  concentration  that  conditions,  or  rather  reconditions,  
the  mind  so  that  it  may  stay  focused  within  and  eventually  slow  down.  When  
our  concentration  is  skillful  and  the  mind  becomes  still  it  enters  the  samadhi  
state.   When   we   sustain   this   state   by   remaining   very   alert   and   in   full  
possession  of  a  reflective  observance  we  know  that  the  entire  mind-­‐stuff  has  
been  sublimated  into  the  bhava  (experience)  of  the  breath,  and  the  sound  of  
the   Nama   (God’s   Name)   alone.   We   have   full   awareness   of   the   truth   that,   “In  
the  beginning  God  breathed  upon  the  waters”   90  (waters  mean  the  mind),  and  
for   us   what   needs   to   be   known   is,   “Be   still   and   Know   that   I   am   God”.   91And  
then,  of  course,  we  must  do  it  over  and  over  and  over  again.  Bhagavan  spoke  
clearly  on  this  point  when  once  asked  by  a  devotee:    
                   “What  is  Moksha  (liberation)?”  
                   Bhagavan:  “Moksha  is  to  know  that  you  were  not  born.  ‘Be  still  and  
know  that  I  am  God.’  To  be  still  is  not  to  think.  Know,  and  not  think,  is  
the  word.”  92  
 When   the   mind   distracts   us   away   from   inward   stillness,   it   does   so   by  
luring   us   through   imagination   into   the   future   or   making   us   emotional   and  
reactive  to  things  from  the  past.  Its  effort  is  concerned  solely  with  pulling  us  
out  of  the  present  moment.  
 Constant  abidance  in  the  present  moment  is  the  death  knell  for  the  ego.  
Therefore  our  sole  concern  as  meditators  is  to  develop  and  deepen  the  skill  of  
abidance  in  the  present  moment,  permitting  the  movement  of  the  breath  to  be  
the  doorway  to  the  source  of  our  existence,  to  life  Divine.  If  one’s  practice  is  to  
use   the   Nama   Japa   as   a   further   aid   towards   the   goal,   then   this   japa   is  

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi, recorded by Sri Munagala Venkataramiah, Sri
Ramanashramam 2006, Talk 28, p. 29.
The Holy Bible, Genesis 1, 2.
The Holy Bible, Psalms 46, 10.
Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi, recorded by Sri Munagala Venkataramiah, Sri
Ramanashramam 2006, Talk 130, p. 119
From the Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi 79

synchronized   with   the   breath   naturally   and   without   strain.   The   repetition   of  
the   japa   is   always   set   to   the   rhythmic   movement   of   the   breath.   One   should  
never  try  to  squeeze  or  expand  the  breath  into  the  matric  length  of  the  japa.    
God’s  Grace,  His  Gift  
         Specifically,  we  have  literally  invoked  the  Presence  of  God  through  the  
remembrance   of   His   Name.   This   is   not   at   all   an   empty   state   of   mind;   we   are  
not  stone-­‐like  in  a  state  of  laya.  We  have  become  utterly  still  within  and  in  our  
stillness  we  become  aware  of  the  movement  of  God  from  within  our  heart.  We  
perceive   that   this   movement   is   with   form   and   has   a   beautiful   personality.   In  
reality,  God  is  perfectly  human  in  the  sense  of  possessing  a  Pure  Mind.  We  are  
made   in   this   likeness   of   God,   though   habitually   forgetful   of   it.   His   Grace   is   that  
this  Purity  is  offered  to  us  as  an  inheritance.  If  only  we  would  not  attempt  to  
disown  Him  by  our  actions.  
         It   is   so   touching   how   very   human   God   really   is.   It   is   touching   in   the  
sense  that  our  hearts  are  consumed  with  attraction  towards  His  ananda  (pure  
happiness,   joyful   unselfish   love).   His   presence   is   the   door;   the   key   is   our  
reflection   upon   this   physical   (very   palpable)   perception   of   that   Divine  
presence.  Our  focus  remains  steady  while  intent  on  the  breath.    
Our   revelation   is   that   we   can   and   should   perceive,   not   ‘Who’   we   are   at  
first,   but   ‘Who   He   is’.   This   act   of   reflection   within,   which   is   also   an   act   of  
surrender,   reveals   that   He   is   our   very   own.   Thus   our   Awakening   is   the  
realization   that   from   “Whence   we   came”   is   from   God,   and   in   the   end,   our  
sadhana  will  be  the  most  natural  union  by  going  back  the  Way  we  came.    
Question:  Is  it  the  same  experience  for  all?  
         No,  because  God  manifests  in  the  precise  way  that  is  attractive  to  each  
individual.   There   is   really   no   similarity   or   duplication   of   the   experience   of  
God’s  Presence.  Even  amongst  people  who  are  developed  bhaktas  (practicing  
mainly   devotional   aspects   of   yoga),   certain   aspects   of   God   will   be   attractive   to  
one   and   another   will   not   become   lured   within.   God   knows   exactly   what   will  
catch  us.  He  puts  out  the  very  best  bait.  He  is  the  fisher  of  men.  He  knows  that  
certain  of  the  fish  He  is  out  to  catch  like  a  particular  sound,  and  a  certain  form.  
He  becomes  that  which  we  find  most  adorable.    
Practical Sadhana 80

The  Beauty  of  Maya  

  Another   aspect   of   this   secret   of   God   and  maya   (cosmic   illusion)   is   that  
we   are   caught   up   by   the   form   of   God   that   is   most   physically   adorable   and  
joyful.   Again,   this   is   the   most   natural   thing   because   we   are   human,   with   a  
human   heart.   The   truth   is   that   the   human   heart,   in   its   pure   state,   is   the   bait  
that   God   finds   irresistible.   He   loves   us   purely   and   without   motive,   and   far  
more  than  we  love  Him!  Our  sadhana  and  prayers,  our  remembrance  of  Him,  
are  a  confession  of  this.  With  sincerity  and  longing  we  ultimately  pray  that  in  
spite  of  this  He  will  awaken  us  and  save  us.    The  true  jnani  also  comes  to  this  
realization.  After  all,  Sri  Ramakrishna  said  that  since  we  came  into  this  world  
to   eat   mangoes,   we   should   definitely   eat   them   and   be   happy   at   it.   The  
implication  here  is  that  mangoes  represent  the  sweetest  and  purest  offering  of  
creation.  We  came  forth  into  such  a  creation  to  enjoy  its  fruits  and  be  thankful  
to   its   creator.   All   of   the   trouble   and   pain   that   we   experience   in   material   life  
come   from   freely   partaking   of   the   fruits   of   life   without   gratefully  
acknowledging  the  Master  of  the  orchard.      
  We   relentlessly   labor   at   it   to   the   best   of   our   ability,   knowing   from   the  
testimony   of   the   Saints   and   Sages   that   the   goal   is   beyond   our   reach.   We  
persevere   with   vigilance   supported   by   the   assurance   often   stated   by  
“If   we   perform   our   sadhana   to   the   best   of   our   ability,   the   Lord   will  
accomplish  for  us  that  which  is  beyond  our  capability.”    93  

Padamalai, Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi Recorded by Muruganar, p.
186. (Reference is to Sri Ramana Jnana Bodham, vol. 8, verse 192).
From the Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi 81

                               “Fountain  of  Living  Waters”  
“The  Bible  and  the  Gita  are  the  same…In  the  Bhagavad  Gita  it  is  said  that  it  is  the  
nature  of  the  mind  to  wander.  One  must  bring  one’s  thoughts  to  bear  on  God.  
By  long  practice  the  mind  is  controlled  and  made  steady.”  94  

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi, recorded by Sri Munagala Venkataramiah, Sri
Ramanashramam 2006, Talk 164 p. 144 & 91 p. 89.
Practical Sadhana 82

                                         Water  for  Survival  
Question:   What   exactly   is   beyond   our   capability?   What   does   bhakti  
achieve  that  jnana  does  not  accomplish?  
  Vinoba,  a  saintly  devotee  of  Mahatma  Gandhi,  reveals  in  his  book  Talks  
on   the   Gita   a   most   important   point   regarding   this   question   that   frequently  
arises  during  spiritual  pursuit.  He  definitively  proclaims  that  bhakti  will  lead  
one  to  the  revelation  of  jnana.  In  the  same  breath  he  says  that:  “the  branch  of  
jnana  is  nourished  by  the  waters  of  bhakti.”    
  One   should   then   ask,   “How   can   this   be?”   The   answer   is   known   by   the  
understanding  that  when  all  of  our  abhyasa  and  vichara  are  distilled  down  to  
the  fundamental  motive,  we  are  primarily  in  pursuit  of  a  Pure  Mind.    
  We   are   in   pursuit   of   pure   happiness,   the   foundation   of   which   resides  
exclusively   within   the   heart.   This   is   diametrically   opposed   to   the   pursuit   of  
pure   pleasure   which   is   the   dominating   factor   motivating   the   ego.   All   the  
trouble   in   the   world   comes   from   the   pursuit   of   happiness   being   misdirected  
towards  the  pursuit  of  pleasure.    
    It  is  human  nature  that  even  in  the  pursuit  of  something  as  pure  
and  enduring  as  spiritual  awakening  we  tend  to  use  a  scientific  approach.  We  
analyze   the   endeavor   and   equip   ourselves   with   tools   that   suit   the   task.   This  
approach  is  indeed  fraught  with  great  risk  when  the  work  at  hand  is  nothing  
short  of  the  ‘experiment  of  life’  and  we  somehow  feel  up  to  the  task  without  
divine  guidance.    
Which  Way  First  
  In   the   Bhagavad   Gita,   the   Lord   places   before   us   the   most   appropriate  
tools  for  us  to  utilize  in  solving  the  riddle  of  life.  They  show  us  how  to  awaken  
and   purify   the   mind   and   thus   remove   the   veil   of   ignorance   and   delusion.   Sri  
Krishna   places   before   us   two   separate   toolkits   to   choose   from   according   to  
our   temperament   and   nature.   Unfortunately,   we   misread   the   instructions  
From the Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi 83

from  the  very  onset.  We  contemplate  the  path  of  jnana  and  conjure  up  a  belief  
that   being   only   conceptual   it   is   achievable   with   relative   ease.   The   path   of  
bhakti   is   immediately   shied   away   from   for   it   is   seen   as   nothing   short   of   a  
lifetime  of  work,  constantly  trying  to  deepen  the  sincerity  of  one’s  devotion.  
   God,  in  His  infinite  wisdom,  incarnates  as  an  Avatara  again  and  again  to  
show   us   that   the   choice   is   not   which   tools   to   use   but   rather   which   tools   to   use  
first.  Each  path  is  designed  to  effect  unique  results  that  taken  all  together  are  
essential   for   ultimate   success.   One   path   leads   to   the   next,   and   they   mutually  
nourish  each  other  along  the  way.    
  To  the  dismay  of  some,  the  Lord  refers  to  these  two  paths  not  as  one  of  
knowledge   and   the   other   of   devotion   but   rather   as   two   separate   forms   of  
devotion;   nirguna   (formless)   bhakti   and   saguna   (with   form)   bhakti.   Chapter  
Twelve  of  the  Bhagavad  Gita  is  devoted  solely  to  the  meaning  and  method  of  
employment  of  these  yogas.  The  Lord  reveals  to  us  that  the  life-­‐long  effort  of  
saguna  bhakti  is  easier  then  the  path  of  nirguna.  
Devoted  Knowledge  
  It   is   concerning   this   truth   uttered   by   the   Lord   Krishna   that   Vinoba  
comments  with  beautiful  clarity:  
 “Apart   from   the   point   of   easiness,   there   is   one   more   point.   Nirguna  
worship   is   fraught   with   some   risk.   Nirguna   is   full   of   knowledge   and  
wisdom  (jnana)  only.  In  saguna  there  is  love  and  tenderness  and  warmth  
of   feelings.   A   devotee   is   more   secure   therein.   There   was   a   time   when   I  
relied  much  on  knowledge,  but  experience  has  taught  me  that  knowledge  
alone   is   not   enough.   It   does   burn   down   gross   impurities   in   the   mind,   but  
it  is  powerless  to  wash  away  the  subtler  impurities.      
“Self-­‐reliance,   enquiry,   abhyasa,   and   vairagya   -­   all   these   means  
taken   together   are   of   little   avail   here.   The   subtle   impurities   can   be  
washed  away  only  by  the  waters  of  bhakti.  Only  bhakti  has  the  efficacy  to  
do   it.   You   may   call   it   dependence;   but   it   is   dependence   on   nobody   else  
but  the  Lord.  The  mind  cannot  be  completely  cleansed  without  His  help.  
  “Some   may   say:   ‘You   are   giving   a   narrow   meaning   to   the   word  
“knowledge”   (jnana).   To   hold   that   knowledge   cannot   cleanse   the   mind  
completely   is   to   undervalue   it.’   This   objection   is   certainly   valid.   But   my  
point  is  that  it  is  hard  to  attain  pure  knowledge  while  living  in  a  mortal  
body.  The  knowledge  that  we  can  have  while  we  are  encased  in  this  body  
Practical Sadhana 84

is  bound  to  be  somewhat  imperfect  and  incomplete;  its  power  is  bound  
to   be   limited.   Pure   knowledge   will   undoubtedly   burn   to   ashes   all   the  
impurities  of  the  mind;  and  along  with  it,  it  will  burn  down  the  mind  too.  
But   when   associated   with   the   weak   flesh,   its   power   proves   to   be  
inadequate.  It  cannot  therefore  wash  away  subtle  impurities.  One  has  to  
take   recourse   to   bhakti   for   this   purpose.   A   man   is   therefore   more   secure  
in   bhakti.   This   is   my   personal   assessment.   Saguna   bhakti   is   easier,   as  
there   is   reliance   on   the   Lord   whereas   in   nirguna   bhakti   there   is   self-­‐
reliance.   But,   after   all,   what   does   ‘self’   in   ‘self-­‐reliance’   mean?   It   means  
reliance   on   the   Lord   Who   dwells   within   us.   You   cannot   find   anyone  
purified   solely   through   reason.   Through   Self-­‐reliance,   that   is,   through  
knowledge  of  the  Self  within,  we  shall  have  pure  Knowledge.  Thus,  even  
in  nirguna  bhakti,  reliance  is  on  the  Self  
  “Saguna   needs   help   from   nirguna.   One   must   eventually   learn   to  
free  oneself  from  attachment  to  and  preoccupation  from  individuals  and  
outer  forms.  Saguna  is  indeed  the  source  of  inspiration,  but  the  ultimate  
culmination   must   be   in   nirguna,   in   commitment   to   principles.   Self-­‐
knowledge   must   ultimately   emerge   from   the   womb   of   devotion.   The  
plant  of  bhakti  must  blossom  into  the  flower  of  Self-­‐knowledge.”  95    
Strength  and  Beauty  of  Experience  
Question:   How   is   one   to   know   when   the   plant   of  bhakti  has  matured  into  
the  flowering  stage  of  Self-­‐knowledge?  
   It   must   be   understood   that   we   are   trying   to   put   an   experience   of   the  
heart  into  words  from  the  mind.  Our  efforts  are  in  vain  due  to  the  limitations  
of   the   words,   which   present   an   insurmountable   obstacle   to   right  
understanding.   Rather   than   attempting   to   describe   what   the   experience   is,   we  
will  succeed  in  depicting  what  this  experience  does.    
  The   dawning   of   knowledge   of   the   Self   is   the   most   attractive   thing   in  
creation.   It   pulls   you   inward,   creating   one   irresistible   desire.   You   want   that  
and   only   that!   Inherently   you   know   that   if   effort   is   slackened   and   you   turn  
away  from  the  pursuit  of  it  through  the  slightest  indifference,  you  will  lose  it.  

Talks on the Gita, Vinoba, Paramdham & Sarva Seva Prakashan 2005, p. 171-
From the Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi 85

 This  loss  will  happen  quickly  because  we  are  in  the  subtle  realms  of  the  
heart.  This  region  of  the  heart,  though  most  near  and  dear  to  our  true  Self,  is  
paradoxically  an  area  that  we  know  the  least  about.  If  we  have  not  developed  
through  a  skillful  and  nimble  power  of  concentration  the  subtle  strength  and  
agility   of   awareness,   the   slightest   distraction   will   cause   us   to   lose   the  
perception  of  that  which  we  strove  with  such  vigilance  to  acquire.    
A  Friend  You  Can  Trust  
  The  foundation  of  concentration  that  we  laid  in  the  early  stages  of  our  
meditation  will  serve  as  our  strength  and  support  during  our  final  ascent.  This  
bedrock   of   firm   and   focused   concentration   is   essential   because   the   subtle  
regions  of  the  heart  are  not  limited  within  time  and  space.  Within  meditation  
the  perception  of  this  limitlessness  is  so  profound  and  relieving  that  we  want  
to   simply   float   away   and   bask   within   it.   Our   skillful   habits   developed   within  
meditation  will  catch  this  desire  ‘in  the  act’  and  pull  us  back  to  the  safe  shelter  
through   awareness   of   the   breath.   Bhagavan   Sri   Ramana   assures   us   that,   in  
addition  to  satsanga,  our  awareness  on  the  breath  is  the  most  reliable  thread  
leading  us  to  true  awakening:    
“A   visitor   asked   how   to   realize   oneself   in   accordance   with  
Maharshi’s  instructions,  contained  in  his  text  of  Truth  Revealed,  verse  9,  
supplement.  The  difficulty  was  in  controlling  the  mind.”  
Maharshi:   “It   is   to   be   done   by   controlling   the   breath.   If   you   practise  
it  by  yourself  without  other  help,  then  the  mind  is  controlled.  Otherwise  
the   mind   comes   under   control   spontaneously   in   the   presence   of   a  
superior   power.   Such   is   the   greatness   of   association   with   the   wise  
(satsanga).”  96  
Bhagavan   has   assured   us   that:   “I   am   not   going   away.   Where   can   I   go?   I  
am   here.”   97   With   this   assurance,   we   can   follow   his   teachings   and   his   now  
invisible   presence   as   our   satsanga.   Thus   we   can   avoid   the   danger   of   falling  
prey  to  self-­‐made  Messiahs  that  are  everything  but  the  “superior  power”  that  
Bhagavan   refers   to.   Therefore   we   can   embrace   His   teachings   by   befriending  

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi, recorded by Sri Munagala Venkataramiah, Sri
Ramanashramam 2006, Talk 10. p. 3.
Ramana Maharshi and the Path of Self-Knowledge, Arthur Osborne, Sri
Ramanashramam 2006, p. 222.
Practical Sadhana 86

and  controlling  (watching  with  awareness)  the  breath,  for  that  is  what  pulls  us  
inward  away  from  the  vagaries  of  the  mind,  and  moves  us  toward  the  sublime  
abode  of  God.  
  The  ancient  Biblical  text  of  the  Hebrews  declares  that:  “In  the  beginning,  
God   breathed   upon   the   waters.”   Symbolically   this   means   that   God   took   on   our  
humanity  by  breathing  Immortality  into  our  Higher  Mind.  The  catch  is  the  role  
of   maya   in   this   divine   action;   She   put   the   immortal   Mind   into   a   very   mortal  
Regardless   of   the   great   possibility   that   all   of   this   is   also   Her   moha,   we  
have  no  choice  but  to  deal  with  it.  Meditation  is  the  means  to  this  end.  
  Another   aspect   of   the   humanity   of   God   is   His   methodical   nature.   He  
pulls   us   back   to   Himself   along   the   same   path   from   which   we   came   out   from  
Him.  He  is  steady  in  His  patience  and  relentless  in  His  effort.    His  love  for  us  is  
without  limit  or  motive;  it  is  pure  unselfish  love.  The  simple  truth  is  that  we  
are   always   within   the   power   of   His   Presence.   The   discovery   of   this   is   found   in  
becoming  receptive  to  His  transformative  power.    
  The   Grace   of   God   is   literally   confined   by   our   choice   to   receive   it.   Its  
effect   is   limited   by   the   intensity   of   our   efforts   to   absorb   it.   Sri   Ramana  
Maharshi  verified  this  truth  with  certainty  to  all  who  came  to  him.  The  most  
profound  example  of  this  is  seen  when  in  the  presence  of  Bhagavan:    
“The   conversation   turned   upon   the   question   as   to   whether   Iswara  
Prasad   (Divine   Grace)   is   necessary   for   the   attaining   of   samrajya  
(universal   dominion)   or   whether   a   jiva’s   (individual’s)   honest   and  
strenuous   efforts   to   attain   it   cannot   of   themselves   lead   him   to   That   from  
whence  is  no  return  to  life  and  death.    
“The   Maharshi   with   an   ineffable   smile   which   lit   up   His   Holy   Face  
and   which   was   all-­‐pervasive,   shining   upon   the   coterie   around   him,  
replied  in  tones  of  certainty  and  with  the  ring  of  truth:  “Divine  Grace  is  
essential  for  Realization.  It  leads  one  to  God-­‐realization.  But  such  Grace  
is   vouchsafed   only   to   him   who   is   a   true   devotee   or   a   yogin,   who   has  
striven  hard  and  ceaselessly  on  the  path  towards  freedom.”  98  

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi, recorded by Sri Munagala Venkataramiah, Sri
Ramanashramam 2006, Talk 29.
From the Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi 87

Accepting  God’s  Grace?  

  Our  choice  is  whether  we  will  remain  creatures  of  free  will  or  accept  our  
inheritance   as   beings   of   Divinely   inspired   freeing-­‐will,   in   possession   of   an  
Awakening   that   transforms   us   and   purifies   those   in   the   world   around   us.   This  
freeing-­‐will   is   the   Will   of   God.   For   from   the   very   beginning   it   was   only   God,   in  
the  disguise  of  our  sadhana  who  came  out  of  His  heart-­‐  dwelling  within  us  and  
into   our   minds,   into   the   world   of   forgetfulness   that   we   chose   to   live   in.   We  
may   also   choose   to   call   it   the   Divine   Mother’s   sport   of   maya,   but   certainly   this  
creation   has   appeared   by   Supreme   intent.   God   fully   intends   to   lure   us   inward,  
back  to  the  realization  that  He  is  our  very  own.  
Bhagavan   freely   divulged   the   relentless   intention   of   His   grace   and  
compassion  to  all  who  came  to  Him  with  sincere  hearts.  Thus,  he  declared  to  
those  before  Him  as  if  proclaiming  to  all:      
“Even  if  you  let  go  of  Bhagavan,  Bhagavan  will  never  let  go  of  you.”  99  
 Even  so,  when  a  devotee  grew  despondent  at  seeing  no  progress  in  
himself  saying:  
               “I  am  afraid  if  I  continue  like  this  I  shall  go  to  hell.”  
Bhagavan,  the  Ocean  of  Compassion  without  Reason,  tenderly  replied:  
“If  you  do  Bhagavan  will  go  after  you  and  bring  you  back.”  100    

Ramana Maharshi and the Path of Self-Knowledge, Arthur Osborne, Sri
Ramanashramam 2006, p. 172
Ibid. p. 172
Practical Sadhana 88

                                     “The  Look  that  Pierced”   101                        
Be Still, It Is The Wind That Sings, Arthur Osborne, Sri Ramanashramam 2000. Chapter
1, p. 27.
From the Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi 89

Know  the  Secret  of  Your  Own  
Question:   From   the   most   ancient   times   the   teaching   methods   of   gurus  
were   to   describe   the   goal,   clarify   the   methods   and   practices   for   attainment  
and   finally   to   fully   disclose   the   hindrances   to   that   attainment.   Since   we   are  
learning  the  means  toward  the  highest  Realization,  one  must  assume  that  the  
obstacles  to  attainment  are  real  and  formidable.  What  are  the  obstacles  to  our  
achievement  of  the  ultimate  goal  of  life?    
  Let  us  address  this  question  first  with  a  profound  answer  according  to  
the  religions  of  the  world,  and  then  with  the  ultimate  answer.    
  The  Saints  and  Sages  unanimously  agree  that  regardless  of  any  chosen  
path,   it   is   practice   that   makes   us   perfect.   For   it   is   through   practice   that   we  
attract  the  ever-­‐present  Grace  of  God.    
The   greatest   obstacle   to   practice   is   not   only   formidable   but   completely  
beyond   the   realm   of   our   control.   This   hindrance   and   greatest   foe   to  
Enlightenment   is   all-­‐consuming   and   devouring   Time.   The   servants   of   this  
enemy  of  the  evolution  of  man  are  called  the  devadutas  (divine  messengers).    
There   are   five   separate   devadutas,   of   which   three   are   for   us   of   major  
concern.   When   these   visit   us   we   become   fully   aware   of   the   transitory   and  
limited  nature  of  our  physical  existence.  These  three,  that  for  practically  every  
living  being  are  the  ultimate  obstacles  to  the  achievement  of  immortality,  are  
Ageing,  Illness  and  Death.      
Practical Sadhana 90

The  Wonder  of  Wonders  

   When   time   is   on   our   side   we   fritter   it   away   seeking   what   comes  
naturally  to  us,  which  are  the  enjoyments  and  the  love  of  material  life.  When  
the  day  of  the  eventual,  inevitable,  and  unpredictable  arrival  of  the  devadutas  
dawns,   we   become   consumed   with   resentment   and   dread.   Our   resentment  
seems  legitimate  for  we  find  ourselves  unable  to  further  enjoy  the  possessions  
that   we   strove   a   lifetime   for.     We   dread   that   many   of   those   who   have   loved   us  
for  the  wrong  reasons  might  lose  their  attraction  to  us.  In  this  condition,  the  
very   last   thing   that   we   turn   to   is   the   arduous   and   grueling   practice   of  
meditation.   And   even   if,   by   God’s   grace   or   sheer   desperation,   we   somehow  
seek   solace   with   interior   spiritual   practice,   we   find   that   the   mental   faculties  
and  physical  endurance  needed  for  the  task  have  long  ago  departed  from  us.  
This   is,   simply   speaking,   the   human   condition.   None   are   exempt!   It   is   a  
wonder  to  behold.    
  In   the   Mahabharata   epic   this   human   condition   is   portrayed   with   the  
encounter   of   the   Pandava   brothers   meeting   Dharma   (the   eternal   rhythm  
manifesting   by   grace   within   time),   disguised   in   the   form   of   a   yaksha   (demi-­‐
god),   by   the   shore   of   the   cooling   waters   of   a   lake.   Each   of   the   five   brothers,  
suffering  greatly  from  thirst,  were  in  turn  approached  and  warned  by  Dharma  
not   to   quench   their   thirst   before   answering   certain   questions.   Each   as   they  
approached  the  lake,  disregarded  the  warning  and  drank  and  immediately  fell  
  Finally   the   eldest,   Yudhisthira   came   and   seeing   the   corpses   began   to  
lament.  Dharma  spoke  bidding  him  to  first  answer  his  questions  and  then  he  
would  cure  the  thirst  and  grief  of  Yudhisthira.  
The  most  significant  of  the  questions  asked  and  correctly  answered  was:  
“Of  all  the  world’s  wonders,  which  is  the  greatest  wonder?”    
“That   every   man,   though   he   sees   others   dying   all   around   him,  
believes   that   he   himself   will   remain   forever.   What   can   be   a   greater  
wonder  than  this?”  
  The   profundity   of   this   might   be   argued   but   ultimately   this   truth   can  
never   be   denied.   The   problem   facing   practically   all   is   that   when   this   truth   is  
finally  seen,  it  is  too  late  to  do  anything  about  it.  
From the Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi 91

Give  Peace  of  Mind  a  Chance  

 All  of  the  Saints  and  Sages,  who  have  propounded  practice  as  essential  
and   Time   as   its   hindrance,   ultimately   agree   that   the   perfection   from   the  
practice  is  a  Pure  Mind.  And  further  that  the  mind  is  everything  and  precedes  
all   states   and   conditions.   A   genuine   understanding   of   this   reveals   the   secret  
behind   the   problem   of   birth,   ageing,   illness   and   death.   Religion,   if   practiced  
correctly,   does   not   guide   man   towards   a   spiritual   preparation   for   death,   but  
rather  towards  a  transformation  into  eternal  life  before  death.    
  It  is  not  the  ravages  of  Time’s  “rough  handling”  that  are  at  the  heart  of  
the  problem  of  the  cycle  of  life  and  death;  it  is  our  mental  reaction  to  it.  Time  
has   been   ordained   to   have   dominion   over   our   physical   condition.   Its  
dominance  over  our  mental  condition  is  a  matter  of  our  own  choice.  The  peace  
and   purity   of   mind   that   can   be   achieved   through   abhyasa   and   vichara   is  
founded  on  solid  experience  within  the  depth  of  meditation.  
   The   state   of   samadhi   in   deep   meditation   gives   us   experience   in   a  
timeless   world.   The   constancy   of   this   experience   solidifies   our   ability   to  
remain  merely  a  witness  to  the  movement  of  ageing  and  illness.  In  reality,  we  
are   now   experiencing   a   very   vivid   timeless   state,   and   our   spiritual   heart,  
wherein   our   divine   Self   resides,   is   supremely   attracted   to   it.   We   know   by  
experience   and   the   promptings   of   God’s   grace   that   if   we   cultivate   this,   if   we  
befriend  this,  it  will  draw  us  into  Itself.  By  further  practice  we  will  make  this  
our  best  friend,  one  who  never  betrays.  
 Therefore  we  will  carry  this  keen  and  lively  awareness  and  experience  
of  stillness  and  peace  right  to  the  door  of  death.  At  that  moment  we  are  steady  
in  wisdom  (sthita  prajna).    
We   will   not   be   ravaged   and   overcome   by   death.   We   will   calmly  
understand  that  the  body  is  no  longer  habitable,  and  we  will  consciously  step  
out  of  it  as  if  we  were  stepping  out  of  one  room  into  another.  The  body  will  go  
the  way  it  came,  unto  dust.  We  will  go  the  way  we  came,  unto  God.  
Practical Sadhana 92

Salvation  from  Fear  

  This   is   known   as   the   deliverance   of   the   Enlightened   Ones.   Our  
deliverance  is  the  deliverance  from  the  fear  of  death.  Death  loses  its  sting.  The  
sting  of  death  is  the  belief,  and  for  most  the  mistaken  experience,  that  the  loss  
of  the  body  will  cause  the  loss  of  conscious  existence.  The  lives  of  the  Saints,  
and  those  who  through  effort  and  grace  have  entered  the  stream  of  timeless  
existence,   prove   this   utterly   false.   Many   of   these   Enlightened   Ones   have  
further   proved   their   divinity   to   those   around   them   who   remain   embodied.  
Their   transforming   process   of   divination   was   perfectly   complete,   transmuting  
every   cell   in   their   bodies.   Thus   their   physical   body,   which   at   birth   was  
destined  to  return  unto  dust,  was  rendered  incorrupt  after  death.  Their  minds  
became   transformed   and   sublimated   by   their   cultivation   of   the   timeless   Spirit  
within  the  Heart.  Their  physical  vehicle,  which  was  used  skillfully  during  this  
transformation,   also   became   thoroughly   steeped   in   incorruptible   immortality.  
They  reached  that  which  we  must  strive  for  and  achieve,  what  in  Christianity  
is   called   the   purity   of   the   “fullness   and   perfection   of   the   stature   of   the  
Consciousness  of  Christ”.  Which  in  the  East  is  sought  for  and  known  to  be  the  
ultimate   goal   of   Self-­‐realization,   wherein   the   self   of   man   is   reunited   and  
absorbed  within  the  purity  and  perfection  of  God.  
“When  all  the  essences  of  carnal  things  have  been  transmuted  into  
soul,   and   all   essences   of   soul   have   been   returned   to   Holy   Breath,   and  
man   is   made   a   perfect   God,   the   drama   of   creation   will   conclude.   And   this  
is  All.”  102  
To  know  of  that  which  is  deemed  “All”,  one  must  surely  surrender  to  It  
with  devotion  as  well  as  with  knowledge.  These  two  are  in  essence  one,  for  the  
secret   of   Enlightenment   is   the   Love   of   God!   Though   many   of   Bhagavan’s  
disciples   flowered   in   the   fullness   of   jnana,   what   strikes   us   most   in   them   is  
their  total  love  and  bhakti  to  Bhagavan.  
Thus  the  Maharshi,  the  embodiment  of  Love,  enticed  us  with  His  words,  
with  His  glance,  with  His  life  that  shone  upon  us  as  a  brilliant  sun  to  know:    
“The   eternal,   unbroken,   natural   state   of   abiding   in   the   Self   is   jnana.  
To   abide   in   the   Self   you   must   love   the   Self.   Since   God   is   verily   the   Self,  

The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ, by Levi, Devorss & Company 2001,
p. 88.
From the Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi 93

love   of   the   Self   is   love   of   God;   and   that   is   bhakti.   Jnana   and   bhakti   are  
thus   one   and   the   same….   their   purpose   is   to   lead   you   to   dhyana,   to  
meditation,  which  ends  in  Self-­‐realization.”  103  
And  all  the  Sages  of  all  the  worlds  will  say:    
“Amen.  Om.”  
“Amen.  Om.”

                           For  further  teachings  from  Sri  Ramana  Maharshi    
                                 and  the  Masters  from  the  East  and  West  visit:  

Maharshi’s Gospel I, The Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi. Sri
Ramanashramam 2007, p. 17-18.
Practical Sadhana 94

   If  oneself  (the  ego)  rises,  all  will  rise;  if  oneself  subsides,  all  will  subside.  
         To  the  extent  to  which  we  behave  humbly,  to  that  extent    
(and  to  that  extent  only)  will  good  result.  If  one  can  remain  controlling  the  mind  
(keeping  the  mind  subsided),  one  can  live  anywhere.          
Sri  Ramana  Maharshi  in  Who  am  I?  
From the Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi 95


Abandoning  the  outer  world,  
With  mind  and  breath  controlled,  
To  meditate  on  Thee  within,  the  yogi  sees  Thy  light,  
O  Arunachala,  and  finds  his  delight  in  Thee.  
           Five  Stanzas  on  Sri  Arunachala  –  Stanza  4  
Practical Sadhana 96

                                                     Appendix  I  
It’s true meaning and Method of Practice
If there is one term describing an essential aspect needed for success that can
be found in all schools of spiritual practice, regardless of the methods prescribed
and their scriptural foundation; one single aspect of approach or revelation of the
Divine, the Self, the Eternal, the Perennial Ground of which all humans claim
inheritance- it is “surrender”.

If there is one thing that can be universally said concerning this fundamental
cornerstone upon which is built a life of what is deemed Spiritual and Real, it is
undeniably that from it’s very definition onwards – practically everyone has it
wrong. Of course, this statement is bold and presumptuous, even arrogant. But
before such judgment is passed, let us analyze the proper Sanskrit dictionary
etymology and meaning of the word ‘saranagati’, which is commonly translated
into English as ‘surrender’.

The meaning of saranagati is derived from two root words. First is the word
‘saranam’, and finally from the word ‘agati’. ‘Saranam’ is defined with a list of
synonyms including refuge, shelter, protection, succor, and interestingly, a place of
rest. ‘Agati’ means to come to, to go to, even to go to quickly as an arrow released
from a bow.

In the 18th chapter of the Bhagavad Gita, the Hindu Bible, Lord Krishna uses
this word twice in His final summation to Arjuna. The Lord is revealing in verses
62 and 66 the highest and most profound secret regarding how to “surrender” and
what is its result.

Verse 62

tam eva saranam gaccha

sarvabhavena bharata
tatprasadat param santim
sthanam prapsyasi sasvatam
From the Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi 97

Fly unto Him alone for refuge

With your whole being, Arjuna.
From His grace, you shall attain
Supreme peace and the eternal abode.

Verse 66

sarvadharman parityajya
mam ekam saranam vraja
aham tva sarvapapebhyo
moksayisyami ma sucah

Abandoning all duties,

Take refuge in Me alone.
I shall liberate you
From all evils; do not grieve.

It is essential to note the words the Lord uses to imperatively modify

‘saranam’ in both verses. In verse 62 the use of the word “gaccha” signifies the
exclamatory imperative act “to go!” In verse 66 the word “vraja”, coming from the
root ‘vraj’, implies a command “take, vow!“ Grammatically both usages are to be
defined with extreme emphasis, for they are both 2nd singular imperative acts. The
implication that Sanskrit scholars derive from this is that the Lord is revealing the
act of surrender as a process of determined and totally concentrated effort
(prapatti, an often used synonym for “saranagati” meaning total surrender to God
through devotion and adoration combined with a life of purity and virtue).

Sri Ramana Maharshi clarifies the application of this secret revelation in the
Gita when answering questions of devotees from both the Jnana and Bhakti Marga

“The ‘I’ casts off the illusion of ‘I’ and yet remains as ‘I’. Such is the
paradox of Self-Realisation. The realised do not see any contradiction in it.
Take the case of bhakti - I approach Iswara and pray to be absorbed in Him.
I then surrender myself in faith and by concentration. What remains
afterwards? In place of the original ‘I’, perfect self-surrender leaves a
residuum of God in which the ‘I’ is lost. This is the highest form of devotion
(parabhakti), prapatti, surrender or the height of vairagya…You give up this
and that of ‘my’ possessions. If you give up ‘I’ and ‘Mine’ instead, all are
given up at a stroke. The very seed of possession is lost. Thus the evil is
Practical Sadhana 98

nipped in the bud or crushed in the germ itself. Dispassion (vairagya) must
be very strong to do this. Eagerness to do it must be equal to that of a man
kept under water trying to rise up to the surface for his life.” 104

The Jnani “casts off”, the Bhakta “approaches, prays and becomes
absorbed”. Both are an active effort requiring “strong dispassion and concentrated
eagerness” to avoid being drowned in the waters of samsara (an ocean of sorrows).

Can we now pass judgment that to believe “surrender” a whimsical act of

“letting go”, “giving up the effort”, or casually and shyly “going with the flow” is
an erroneous and mistaken understanding?

Mistaken! For Bhagavan and the Bhagavad Gita are declaring that
“surrender” means flying like an arrow to a shelter, a refuge and a place of rest in

And if we try and try again to attain this most Blessed state, but find no help,
our prayers will at least give us “ears to hear” the proclamation from the Jagat
Guru, the Spirit of Guidance:

Devotee: “ We surrender; but still there is no help.“

Maharshi: “Yes. If you have surrendered, you must be able to abide by the
will of God and not make a grievance of what may not please you. Things
may turn out differently from what they look apparently. Distress often leads
men to faith in God.”

Devotee: “But we are worldly. There is the wife, there are the children,
friends and relatives. We cannot ignore their existence and resign ourselves
to Divine Will, without retaining some little of the personality in us.”

Maharshi: “That means you have not surrendered as professed by you. You
must only trust God.” 105

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi, recorded by Sri Munagala Venkataramiah, Sri
Ramanashramam 2006, Talk 28.
Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi, recorded by Sri Munagala Venkataramiah, Sri
Ramanashramam 2006, Talk 43.
From the Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi 99

Part II
“In order to annihilate what is undesirable and harmful
(anishta), the mind has to be steeped in the adoration of
the Beloved (Ishta).”
Sri Anandamayi Ma

The first presentation on “Saranagati” concluded with an understanding of the

nature of surrender as being a concentrated and definitive movement of the mind
and heart towards God. Sri Krishna extolled us to “Fly unto Him, and take refuge
in Him alone”. Sri Ramana Maharshi’s guidance gave us the conviction to “abide
by the will of God and not make a grievance of what may not please you, for
distress often leads men to faith in God. Therefore you must only trust God. 106
Without doubt, these words are full of Truth and inspiration. But, as is often
said in the scriptures of both East and West: “Inspiration is one thing, the effect it
has on our life and sadhana is quite another.” Soothing words do soften the sorrow
of the human heart, but too often their effect fails to translate into lasting
progressive movement towards God. Even if we are truly motivated to “Take
wings and fly to the shelter of the bosom of our heavenly Father”, we remain
human by inheritance, and thus a sybarite by nature. One may be really very
zealous in his austerities and vows in the beginning, but if one is not on a very
proper guard, slowly the vigor will be relaxed, comforts will creep in the mind and
man will be caught very miserably. For this very reason, an understanding of the
nature of “surrender” pales in significance when compared with an exact
knowledge of “What “saranagati” practically is, and more importantly, how it is

For clarification of this most essential question let us now rely further on
Bhagavan and the Bhagavad Gita as our Guru, as our “Spirit of guidance.” Taking
their hands of Guidance and Blessing, may we proceed onwards to the “further

“Blessings on your journey to the further shore beyond


Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi, recorded by Sri Munagala Venkataramiah, Sri
Ramanashramam 2006, Talk 43.
Practical Sadhana 100

(Mundaka Upanishad 2.2.6)

A visitor once asked of Bhagavan: “What is self-surrender?”

Bhagavan replied: “It is the same as mind-control. The ego submits

when it recognizes the higher authority of the Atman. This is the beginning
of surrender… 107 “Complete surrender to God means giving up all thoughts
and concentrating the mind on Him. If we can concentrate on Him, other
thoughts disappear. If mano-vak-kaya karmas, i.e., the actions of the mind,
speech and body, are merged with God, all the burdens of our life will be on
Him.” Bhagavan continued with a quote from the Gita: “Lord Krishna told
Arjuna in the Gita,

ananyas cintayanto mam

ye janah paryupasate
tesam nityabhiyutanam
yogaksemam vahamy aham

Those men who worship, directing their thoughts to Me,

Whose minds do not go elsewhere;
For them, who are constantly steadfast,
I secure what they lack and preserve what they already possess.
(Bhagavad Gita IX, verse 22)

Bhagavan continues and explains: “Arjuna had to do the fighting. So Sri

Krishna said, ‘Place all the burden on Me, do your duty; you are merely an
instrument. I will see to everything. Nothing will bother you.’ But then, before
one surrenders to God, one should know who it is that surrenders. Unless all
thoughts are given up there can’t be surrender. When there are no thoughts at
all, what remains is only the Self. So surrender will only be to one’s Self. If
surrender is in terms of bhakti, the burden should be thrown on God, and if it
is in terms of karma, karma should be performed until one knows one’s own
Self. The result is the same in either case. Surrender means to enquire and
know about one’s own Self and then remain in the Self. What is there apart
from the Self?” 108

Here, very definitely, Bhagavan is guiding us towards a practice of what will

culminate within an effective meditative process of Atma Vichara. Many of the

Guru Ramana, S.S. Cohen, Sri Ramanashramam 2006, p. 56.
Letters from Sri Ramanashramam, Suri Nagamma, p. 225-227.
From the Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi 101

most learned Sanskrit scholars define “vichara” as a process primarily of

“reflection” and secondarily as “enquiry”. We can see the efficacy of this within
the guiding words of Bhagavan above in relation to “surrender”.

In order to, “Place all the burden on God, and do our duty merely as an
instrument, for God will see to everything”, we surely must ‘somehow’ invoke and
perceive THAT VERY PRESENCE. Otherwise, how in heaven or on earth are we
to “throw our burden on the Lord” if we do not know the place where to drop off
the delivery!

The followers of all religions uniformly face the same dilemma; how is God
to be found? All who seek to solve this ‘mystery of life’ find guidance in the saints.
It is not essential to become a saint in order to find God, nor is it necessary. What
is essential is that someone did it, and through their compassion they shed ‘light on
the path’ that we may follow as we proceed onwards toward attainment.

In India, one who sought and found, one who struggled and came through
victorious, one which beheld the Face of God, was Swami Ramdas of
Anandashram in Kerala.

“Swami Ramdas gave great emphasis to constant chanting of God’s Name,

His ceaseless remembrance and absolute surrender to His will. He even adds
that these three are synonymous with God-realization. This means he who
chants God’s Name constantly, has ceaseless remembrance of God and his
surrender to God is absolute. He is as good as having realized God.

“Surrender” is a word that appears in Beloved Papa’s (Swami Ramdas)

utterances very often, because it is a magic word for him. He is very fond of it
and extols it whenever he gets the opportunity. He assures, the moment we
surrender to His will, we are flooded with peace.

“But, for the common man, , the term “surrender”, means a sense of
defeat and disappointment. When two persons or countries are engaged in a
fight, one who feels too weak to defeat the opponent decides to admit defeat
and face the serious consequences of humility and ignominy. He raises his
hands in surrender. The fight ends with one in deep dejection because of the
defeat and the other boisterous in his victory. To a devotee, however,
“surrender” has an entirely different meaning. There is no fight. There is no
defeat. There is no humiliation. There is only victory and the consequent joy.
If at all we call it a fight, it is a fight with the ego, the individuality, for its
Practical Sadhana 102

survival. The ego, which is apparently fighting for its survival, does not really
exist. It is only a product of the illusory veil put on by the Atman, on Himself,
just for play – Lila - as the devotees say. “Surrender” here is the process of
tearing off the illusory veil, which caused a sense of separation between the
devotee and God. The result is the realization of the devotee’s oneness with
Him. So “surrender” here denotes the vanishing of the non-existent ego and
therefore a victory of the devotee.” 109

Death of the ego is swallowed up, through liberating surrender, in the victory
of the devotee’s love of God. For the illusory veil being rent a sundered, the tune
of the sweet “Song of the Spirit” touches the human heart.

“ The touch of Love Divine

Transmutes thee into purest light
A very mould of Truth
In which the Spirit Immortal
Sings to ageless tune;
The sweet strain fills limitless space
Love be thy God –only Love—
The liberating Mother Supreme.”

- Swami Ramdas
To conclude this segment on “surrender”, and to continue onwards with future
segments, various methods of how to “invoke and perceive” the object of our
reflection and enquiry for which we attempt to achieve true “saranagati” will be
presented by the most renown and authoritative Jagat Gurus (world teachers).
Though various methods of sadhana will be presented, they all will lead, if
correctly practiced with patient endurance, to the same goal. As Swami
Vivekananda exclaimed to his Master, Sri Ramakrishna (who was delighted at the
hearing): “God is infinite, and infinite are the ways to find Him!” All great Gurus
and Masters universally agree that to control the mind and reflect upon its true
Nature, a quietening of thoughts is an essential prerequisite. Only the rare few that
are firmly constituted in the Self (usually from performing this aspect of sadhana
in past lives) dare to skip this stage of spiritual effort. Never-the-less, even those
rare few are seen to undergo this quietening of the mind, mainly through the

Points to Ponder; Talks and messages of Swami Satchidananda, Anandashram
Publications 2000, p. 78-79.
From the Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi 103

supplanting of the diffusive thought processes with the single sound (aksara) of
God’s Name. This fact is evidently brought forth in the diary of Sri Muruganar,
who is revered and known to be one of Sri Ramana’s closest and most advanced
“Though Bhagavan rarely gave out mantras, when he did, he generally
recommended “Siva, Siva’. Muruganar himself was given this mantra by
Bhagavan, as were several other devotees including Annamalai Swami, the
brother of Rangan (who was one of Bhagavan’s childhood friends), and an
unknown harijan.” 110
Perhaps Bhagavan himself declared the reason for this by saying:

“Japa reaching to the source of sound is the best course for those who are not
firm in consciousness which is the source of the ‘I’.” 111
Perhaps we can take the liberty to conjecture that if one can say Bhagavan had
‘motives’, a profound one would have been to guide his disciples through stages of
the bliss of the self, which would act as catalysts to finally return, through
sadhana, to their true home in the Self, God – the further shore.
“The purport of prescribing meditation on the Pranava is this. The
Pranava is Omkara…the advaita-mantra which is the essence of all
mantras…. In order to get at this true significance, one should meditate on the
Pranava. …The fruition of this process is samadhi which yields release
[moksha], which is the state of unsurpassable bliss.” 112

It has been said by both the direct disciples of Sri Ramana Maharshi and the
devout that later followed: “If there is a “twin Spirit” of Bhagavan, an exact
embodiment shrouded within a ‘different’ physical form; that is seen in Sri
Anandamayi Ma.”

If Bhagavan defines “self-surrender” to be the same as “mind-control” in a

practice that reveals the knowledge of the Self, surely Mother Anandamayi guided
Her devotees with a means to achieve the same glorious end. Bhagavan declared
to us: “When there are no thoughts at all, what remains is only the Self. So
surrender will only be to one’s Self.” Sri Anandamayi Ma spoke directly about the
means to annihilate the thoughts of the mind, which results in the direct knowledge

Padamalai, Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi Recorded by Muruganar, Avadhuta
Foundation 2004, p. 224 - 225.
Collected Works of Ramana Maharshi, sixth edition, p. 145
The Collected Works of Ramana Maharshi, sixth edition, p. 25,26
Practical Sadhana 104

of “Who we are” and from “Whence we came”:

“In order to annihilate what is undesirable and harmful (anishta), the
mind has to be steeped in the adoration of the Beloved (Ishta). The notion
that He is far away must be altogether given up. Thou art within and
without, in every vein and artery, in every leaf and blade of grass, in the
world and beyond it. The awakening of the sense of want is to be welcomed;
it opens the way. He is there at every step to make the unfit expert. ‘As the
sense of want and emptiness appearest Thou and no other—Thou art close
by; Lord, I take refuge (saranagati) in Thee, I take refuge in Thee!’

“The Name and the Named are identical; for He Himself appears as
the Name. The sound (Aksara, the pranava Om) is indeed God’s own guise.
When the Name one repeats becomes alive, it is as when a seed is sown the
tree grows out of it. If the Name that appeals most to any particular person is
constantly repeated, one arrives at the realization that all names are His
names, all forms His forms. Furthermore, that He is without name and form
will also by and by come to light.

“Karma accumulated for ages and ages, sins and desires are wiped out
by God’s sacred Name. Just as lighting a lamp illumines a cave that has been
in darkness for centuries, even so the obscurity of numberless births is
annihilated by the power of a divine Name.

“The moment that has passed does not return. Time must be used
well. Only when spent in the effort to know ‘Who am I?’ has it been used
well.” 113

Sri Ramana recommended, as did Sri Anandamayi Ma, study of the Ribhu
Gita, a traditional text of Advaita. It simply says:

“The syllable ‘Om’ is the Self.” (Ribhu Gita 10:22)

Excerpts from Sri Anandamayi Ma, Ananda Varta publications.
From the Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi 105

Part 3
"Withdraw within into the Shelter of Oneness
with Me."

Bhagavad Gita 18:66

This third part of the series on 'Saranagati' will attempt to reveal "How to
cultivate surrender". In addition to bringing forth the practical aspects of spiritual
practice (sadhana) taught by Sri Ramana Maharshi, we will seek guidance from
the profound depths of cherished wisdom brought forth by Paramahansa

Many have mistakenly conjectured that the Maharshi was unlike all other
Spiritual Masters, in that he did not have a teaching. The only adequate response to
this contrived falsehood should come from the Maharshi himself. In a documented
lecture given by Sri Ganeshan, the grandson of Chinnaswami (Bhagavan’s brother)
and a living direct disciple of Bhagavan, the following actual account was related.

In the early evening of April 14, 1950 (the very day of Bhagavan’s
Mahasamadhi – the day of physical absorption in Arunachala), all of the disciples
and devotees were assembled around the room where Bhagavan lay virtually
motionless in the final throws of his body’s endurance with terminal cancer.
Though all were in a state of protracted grief, they still sought for a final word of
guidance from Bhagavan. None dared approach, nor were permitted to do so, for
the Maharshi’s body had begun its final struggle for breath. Amongst the tears and
heartbreak of the devoted, the thought arose that if anyone could approach
Bhagavan at this final hour prior to the seeming demise of his body, it would be Sri
Muruganar. They therefore beseeched Sri Muruganar to request Bhagavan to utter
a “final word”, by which they could be guided throughout the years to come. He
did so, and as the Maharshi’s still radiant eyes and beatific smile fell on him,
Bhagavan spoke:

“Take my teaching and put it into practice!”

Practical Sadhana 106

As yogis, those who seek “union” with the Divine, we are given by the
Masters of Yoga a means of yogic practice. In the most traditional sense, Sri
Ramana Maharshi, like all of the Jagat Gurus (world teachers), guides us along the
time-honored means of practice towards the highest attainment.

In Part 2 of this series Bhagavan replies to a devotees (and our) question:

“What is self-surrender?” His answer was “purna” (perfection) in that the
definition is couched in terms of the method of attainment.

“It is the same as mind-control. The ego submits when it recognizes

the higher authority of the Atman. This is the beginning of surrender… 114
“Complete surrender to God means giving up all thoughts and concentrating
the mind on Him. If we can concentrate on Him, other thoughts disappear. If
mano-vak-kaya karmas, i.e., the actions of the mind, speech and body, are
merged with God, all the burdens of our life will be on Him.” 115

Bhagavan went on to quote, as he often did as a means of guidance, from the

Bhagavad Gita. Let us now return to this very “Song of God”, seeking further
clarification regarding the means by which we can cultivate “surrender”.

In Paramahansa Yogananda’s wonderful commentary The Bhagavad Gita -

God talks with Arjuna, we find a deep and mystical revelation that points us
towards the direction by which a beginning foundation of “saranagati / saranam”
can be laid. In further discussion of Gita 18:66 we are shown:

“Mam ekam saranam vraja” to literally mean, "Become (vraja) sheltered

(saranam, 'protected' - from delusion) in oneness (ekam) with Me (mam).

"Always keep your consciousness in My sheltering Presence"; i.e.,

"Remember Me alone… Indicating the practice of yoga; the Sanskrit may
also be rendered "Withdraw (vraja) into the Shelter of oneness with Me."

What needs to be understood and absorbed is the essential "how to", which
Sri Krishna, as such a compassionate Lord, never fails to uncover for us. There is
another secret "for those who have ears and eyes to hear and see" which tells just
“how to”, found in the beginning of verse 66.

Guru Ramana, S.S. Cohen, Sri Ramanashramam 2006, p. 56.
Letters from Sri Ramanashramam, Suri Nagamma, p. 225-227.
From the Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi 107

Sarvadharman parityajya - which common translation renders for us

something that even the most advanced find "too obscure, and thus far beyond
normal comprehension." It is mistakenly shown to mean: "Abandon all Dharmas!"
Actually, correct comprehension of the verb (the action, "how to" word) tyaj is
paramount for finding the actual key to the proper 'door to right understanding'.
Tyaj - means "relinquish all but one!"

So the Lord is actually telling us how to "surrender" to the Sheltering safe

harbor of rest in Him:

Sarvadharman parityajya, Mam ekam saranam vraja - means "Forsaking

by relinquishment all other dharmas (lesser duties), remember Me alone!"

Paramahansa Yogananda reveals for us the true import and thus the method
to begin partial surrender, which is deemed to be the highest achievement of
human spiritual endeavor; the very heraldry of Shraddha (faith) – which the
Maharshi has declared to be the “Cause of self-Realization.”

“A prosaic interpretation of the counsel unequivocally advises the deeply

motivated Arjuna, and all true renunciants, to relinquish [attachment to, not
necessarily the engagement in] all worldly duties entirely in order to be single-
pointedly with God. “O Arjuna, forsake all lesser duties and fulfill the highest
duty; find your lost home, your eternal shelter, in Me! Remember, no duties can be
performed by you without powers borrowed from Me, for I am the Maker and
Sustainer of your life. More important than your engagement with other duties is
your engagement with Me; because at any time I can recall you from this earth,
canceling all your duties and actions. 116

In Sanskrit, the word “dharma”, derived from the root verb dhri, means “to
hold, to put on”, also literally as an imperative act, “to wear!” Here we see the
correlation with the command of Jesus in the Gospels: “Put on the armor of
Rightessness… wear the robe of Salvation!”

“Dharma, therefore, is the cosmic law that runs the mechanism of the
universe; and after accomplishing the primary God-uniting yoga dharma (religious
duties), man should perform secondarily his duties to the cosmic laws of nature.
One should observe rational conduct in all ways! 117

The Bhagavad Gita, God Talks with Arjuna, Sri Paramahansa Yogananda. Yogoda
Satsanga Society of India 2002.
Practical Sadhana 108

The Masters and scriptures of a “Life in the Spirit” confirm; the beginning of
partial surrender essentially engages man in the performance of virtuous dharma.
We should begin our partial surrender by adhering to the upadesha (spiritual
teaching) of Devaraj Narada, who declared in His Bhakti Sutras: “Seek satsanga
and abandon (relinquish) dussanga.” The central point surrounding an
understanding of “surrender” as having the dual role of maintaining an inwardly
God-pointed consciousness with an ongoing movement (a seeking) of satsanga
does not present a contradiction in terms of direction.
Sri Ramana defined the true meaning of “satsanga” to Srimat T.R.
Kanakammal, one of the few remaining direct disciples of the Maharshi. She has
related that Bhagavan declared the Sanskrit word “sat” to mean “Being”, and the
word “sanga” to mean “melt”. Thus to seek satsanga is conscious movement
within by which we melt into Being! Therefore, by implication, the meaning of
dussanga is to melt through conscious external movement into non-Being (devoid
of Godliness). This is brought about by habitually seeking adharmic (non-virtuous)
pleasures that destroy intelligent discrimination. The end result of one such as this
is clearly described by Sri Krishna in Gita 2:63: “Buddhinasat pranasyati – From
destruction of discrimination, one is lost.”

The “melting within” referred to by Bhagavan is a protracted process of

sadhana tapa, a spiritual process of purification. It is not a whimsical imaginative
fantasy of drifting within to a so-called instant blissful awareness of “oneness”
with the Self. Bhagavan’s use of the word “Being” undeniably refers to Jnana
(direct Knowledge of the Self), the Vijnana Vedanta of the Kaivalya Upanishad,
direct experience of full awareness of Divinity within. The process of mind control
(tapas) that induces the melting of impurities is a protracted meditative process of
concentration, often empowered by contemplation (thinking of the Lord) or
invocation through remembrance (japa) of God, which at the final stages
culminates with vichara (reflection, enquiry). In direct reference to this truth,
Bhagavan related how this is achieved:

“Know that the wondrous jnana vichara is only for those who have
attained purity of mind by softening and melting within. Without this
softening and melting away of the mind, brought about by thinking of the
feet of the Lord, the attachment to the “I” that adheres to the body will not
cease to be.” 118

Padamalai, Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi Recorded by Muruganar, Avadhuta
Foundation 2004, p. 186. (Reference to Sri Ramana Jnana Bodham, vol. 7, verse 340).
From the Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi 109

For many, this guidance from the Maharshi inspires determination to forge
ahead with a conviction that the end is glorious, even close. For many more, these
words fall upon us as more “tall talk”, being far beyond comprehension, much less
as a means of guidance with practical application. There is, however, some
consolation afforded to us in the undeniable fact that even if Bhagavan were to
convey his teaching to us face-to-face, as he did to many, there would still be
“mountains to move” through personal effort before we could lay aside our tools of
sadhana. 119

This fact was observed and documented by a disciple of Bhagavan who

remained under his direct guidance for 14 years:

“To beginners as well as advanced sadhakas alike, this mind control appears
to be a formidable feat, yet the Master encourages them to go ahead and practise –
at all events to make a beginning. He constantly dins into us the inspiring notion
that we are already Self- realised and that, if we are not aware of it, the obstruction
to that awareness should be removed by investigation – vichara – which is as
logical as it is simple.

“To hear it direct from him, this “Self-knowledge”, rather the way to Self-
knowledge, is “the easiest thing there is” (Atma Vidya); but, judging from the
questions constantly asked of him, and later of his disciples, there appears to be the
need for much spade work before its central idea takes a firm hold on the seeker.
The Master’s obvious meaning seems to be that, even apart from the psychological
efficacy of the vichara proper, preoccupying the mind with a single theme to the
exclusion of all others, if doggedly practiced, will not fail to produce beneficial
results. It will tend to reduce the oscillations of the thinking processes, and thus
render the mind amenable to concentration on the supremely important work which
is to follow, which by itself is a splendid achievement. Finding the answer to the
query “Who am I?” is not the immediate burden of the practice in the beginning.
Stability and fixity of the restless, mercurial mind is the first aim, and this can be
achieved by constant practice and by frequently pulling oneself back to the subject
of the meditation whenever the mind strays away. When the mind has attained an
appreciable degree of concentration, which means of depth, it will be time to think
of the answer. Some sadhakas are fortunate enough to begin with a mind already
accustomed to concentration, either “naturally”, or by training, or through intense

Sadhana is derived from the Sanskrit root “sadhan”, which means “instruments or tools”.
Sadha-na therefore means the methods by which the tools are employed to achieve the
desired goal.
Practical Sadhana 110

fervor, so that they are able to go straight to the application of the vichara, and thus
make a more or less rapid progress, according to the intensity of their
determination, without much strain. For the Master tells us that mental calmness,
that is, controlled mind, is essential for a successful meditation.” 120

Even knowing this, and even being graced with daily having the cherished
gaze of the Maharshi rest upon you, still one succumbs to human frailty and a heart
that cries out:

Devotee: “Surrender is impossible.”

Maharshi: “Yes. Complete surrender is impossible in the beginning. Partial

surrender is certainly possible for all. In course of time that will lead to
complete surrender. Well, if surrender is impossible, what can be done?
There is no peace of mind. You are helpless to bring it about. It can be done
only by surrender.”

D.: “Partial surrender - well - can it undo destiny?”

M.: “Oh, yes! It can.”

D.: “Is not destiny due to past karma?”

M.: “If one is surrendered to God, God will look to it.”

D.: “This being God’s dispensation, how does God undo it?”

M.: “All are in Him only.”

D.: “How is God to be seen?”

M.: “Within. If the mind is turned inward God manifests as inner

consciousness.” 121

But alas, to be instructed merely to “turn within”, hardly ever satisfies

an aspirant who is engaged in an active practice of meditation. For they
know from direct experience that what lies “within” can, and usually does,

Guru Ramana, S.S. Cohen, Sri Ramanashramam 2003, p.66-67.
Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi, recorded by Sri Munagala Venkataramiah, Sri
Ramanashramam 2006, Talk 244.
From the Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi 111

contain more concentrated forms of a great danger - a powerful and

destructive enemy. Lord Krishna warns Arjuna of this great foe to the
realization of the Self in the beginning chapters of the Bhagavad Gita:

Arjuna said: “By what is a man impelled to commit evil, Varshneya [an
epithet of Lord Krishna], seemingly against his own will, as if urged thereunto
by force?” The Holy Lord said, “It is desire, it is anger, that’s born of the
rajo-guna: of great craving, and of great sin; know that to be the enemy…The
senses, mind and intellect are said to here be its abode…thus restraining the
self (here the use of ‘atman’ denotes the mind) by the Self, then destroy that
enemy so hard to conquer: desire.” 122

In the closing chapters of the Gita the Lord clearly declares the means
by which we can “put His teaching into practice.” Paramahansa Yogananda
again helps to metaphysically clarify for us this oft-quoted sixty-sixth stanza
of Chapter 18, which although is deemed by the most learned scholars as the
quintessential heart of the entire Gita, is paradoxically the stanza that receives
the most varied and diversified interpretation!

Sri Krishna says: “O Arjuna, be a real renunciant! By the practice of

yoga meditation withdraw (vraja) your mind, intelligence, life force, and heart
from the clutches of the ego. From the physical sensations of sight, hearing,
smell, taste, and touch, and from the objects of sense pleasures! Forsake all
duties toward them! Be a yogi by uniting yourself to My blessed presence
(mam ekam saranam) in your soul. Then I will save you; by nonperformance
of the lesser duties to the senses under the influence of delusion, you will
automatically find yourself free from all sinful troubles. If you remain in
ecstasy with Me, fulfilling all divine duties as directed by Me, forsaking all
ego-instigated duties, you will be liberated.”

“The ordinary man’s mind is usually identified with external

possessions and sense pleasures connected with the surface of the body.
Therefore, physical consciousness is sustained by the mind, intelligence, and
life force operating through the lower (rajasic and tamasic) centers of
awareness. Thus, the searchlights of intelligence, mind, and life energy
continually operate externally, feeding the nervous system and sustaining and
revealing the sense pleasures and physical consciousness.” 123

Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 3, sections of verses 36-43.
The Bhagavad Gita, God Talks with Arjuna, Sri Paramahansa Yogananda.
Yogoda Satsanga Society of India 2002.
Practical Sadhana 112

The yogi who persists in withdrawing awareness within through

meditation (aksara japa, repetition of the sound of the Name of God), or atma
vichara (reflection upon from ‘Whence we came’) effectively reverses the
searchlights of intelligence, mind, and life force inward toward the sheltering
presence of the object of meditation – God! This is a protracted process, for
through it the mercurial mind is first rendered steady, then ultimately still. For
it is in stillness that man approaches the altar of the Spirit!

Sri Ramana Maharshi assented in full agreement with this

understanding of the Gita’s “teaching put into practice”. With his lustrous
gaze, communicating to us the very embodiment of divine stillness, and his
voice emerging from pure consciousness, he declared:

“In the Bhagavad Gita it is said that it is the nature of the mind
to wander. One must bring one’s thoughts to bear on God. By long
practice the mind is controlled and made steady.” 124

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi, recorded by Sri Munagala Venkataramiah, Sri
Ramanashramam 2006, Talk 91.
From the Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi 113

“One  should  not  use  the  name  of  God  mechanically  

and  superficially  without  the  feeling  of  devotion.  
To  use  the  name  of  God  one  must  call  upon  Him  
with  yearning  and  unreservedly  surrender  oneself  to  
Him.  Only  after  such  surrender  is  the  name  of  God  
constantly  with  the  man.”  
(Maharshi’s  Gospel  I)

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