Ruby, Pink Sapphire & Padparadscha - Walking The Line - Lotus Gemology
Ruby, Pink Sapphire & Padparadscha - Walking The Line - Lotus Gemology
Ruby, Pink Sapphire & Padparadscha - Walking The Line - Lotus Gemology
Ever notice how gemologists and dealers toss the term padparadscha around like some
kinda berrock. If the gem isnt buff enough to make the centerfold of Gem & Gemology, it is
sniffed at as a lesser being unworthy of the name.
And when it comes to the crimson corundums, despite a decades worth of McCarthyism we
Yanks still cannot sort out the difference between a pinko and a true red.
By this point, I know what youre thinking. Do I really want to continue reading? Straight out
of the gate this man is three sheets into a gale-force Beat ramble.
But follow me here, people. The crux of what Im about to discuss is a desire most human I
admit for a simple word to separate something that has stymied the best minds of my
generation. The question is whether or not a variety name should encompass hue position
alone, or segregate gems of the same hue into different groups based on often poorly
understood tone and saturation ranges factors that often have a direct bearing on quality.
Four corundums of the same hue (red), but showing a variation in saturation
and tone. Most gem dealers would classify stones 3 and 4 as rubies, while
stone 1 would be a pink sapphire. Stone 2 walks the line, a ruby to some,
while a mere pink sapphire to others. This clearly illustrates the problems
created by overly narrow variety definitions. Photos: Wimon Manorotkul
Ours is a strictly visual medium. Unfortunately, when it comes to questions like ruby vs.
pink sapphire, or padparadscha vs. lesser branches of the corundum family tree, we behave
as though we are all graduates of the Braille Academy of the Visual Arts. Too often, we feel
for the dots on the lab cert, rather than looking with our own eyes to see if it is beautiful.
A search of the gemological literature reveals that the term pink sapphire did not appear
until the beginning of the twentieth century. Prior to this, all corundums of a red color (pink
is merely a light red) were referred to as rubies. Typical was the following:
The colour of the ruby varies from the lightest rose-tint to the
deepest carmine. Those too dark or too light are not esteemed.
Harry Emanuel, 1873
Then someone decided that pink was not red. In the late 19th and early 20th century, the
term pink sapphire makes its first appearance:
sent it to a major lab, and was crushed when her fine pink sapphire was labeled a mere
ruby by the rock docs. This is precisely the type of misunderstanding that results when
one relies on the word, as opposed to what is manifest with the eye.
In the case of pink sapphire, our corundum conundrum has resulted from a quirk of
language. In the Queens English, red is dissected into two separate words. To the
layperson, pink is synonymous with rose and refers to pale or light reds, while red
encompasses deeper tones and intensities only. Since ruby is defined as being red,
someone decided that pink must be a sapphire and problems began. However, to the color
scientist, pink is a subvariety of red. Logically, they would fall under the same heading.
A comparison can be made to the Thai language, which features two distinct words for
In English, both of the colors above would be described as blue. But in the
Thai language, blue is subdivided into two categories. That at left would be
see fah (
), while that at right would be see num ngun (
). In English
we subdivide red in an identical fashion, with deeper shades called "red,"
while lighter shades are called "pink." This has created the problem of where
to draw the line between ruby and pink sapphire.
Om mani padme hum Hail the jewel in the heart of the lotus
Buddhist mantra
Today, many narrowly define padparadscha as a Sri Lankan sapphire of delicate pinkish
orange color. But the original use of the term was somewhat different. Padparadscha is
derived from the Sanskrit/Singhalese padma raga (padma = lotus; raga = color), a color akin
to the lotus flower (Nelumbo Nucifera Speciosa). Wojtilla provides the following from a
Sanskrit source under his description of ruby:
Varieties of Ruby
That which spreads its rays like the sun, is glossy, soft to the
touch (komala?), resembling the fire, like molten gold and not
worn off is pamaraya [padmaraga].
Sarma, 1984
Thakkura Pherus Rayanaparikkha A Medieval Prakit text on
Molten gold? That sounds nothing like a lotus color. Even today in Sri Lanka there is no
agreement. Some use the term to describe stones more pink than orange, while others
compare the color as a lotus flower married to a Sri Lankan sunset. Witness the following
from 1855:
Moving to a
Ceylon Observer, June 11, 1855 (from Ferguson, 1888)
more recent
reference from Sri Lanka, we have:
Unfortunately, the results of that attempt almost entirely excluded the stones produced
from Tanzanias Umba Valley, changing the temperature of one dealer holding said goods
from well-beyond the padparadscha to a flame color any gemologist would clearly agree
was pure ruby country.
Most dealers and gemologists feel that the Umba stones do not qualify because of their
overly dark tones and strong brown (garnety) component. But what about the spectacular
aurora red-orange stones from Vietnam and Madagascar, colors which, to this Philistines
eye, wee-wee all over any pad ever out of Lanka? Certainly aint no brown in those babies.
Although I have not personally examined the AGTA data, from what I understand in my
discussions with the relevant authorities, the definition excludes oranges of high saturation
and/or dark tone, mainly because Sri Lanka has traditionally never produced such colors. In
other words, when it comes to getting pad papers, think P as in past and pastel.
Four blue sapphires showing a variation in saturation and tone. Unlike with
ruby/pink sapphire, the gem trade places all stones into the same variety, no
matter what the tone/saturation range. Broad variety definitions such as this
actually enhance consumer protection, because they force buyers to use
their eyes, rather than looking for definitions on a gemological report.
Photos: Wimon Manorotkul
Think about it. When was the last time you awoke shaking at night at the thought of
innocents being led down the primrose path of an overly dark blue or worse still a yellow
of poor saturation? We do not have this problem with either blue or yellow sapphires
because the broad nature of the variety definition forces us to do something we dont seem
to like doing use our eyes.
Dear, dear. Were we all promised blindfold judgment when we signed on in this business? I
dont know about you, Martha, but not once did I believe that, after I mixed my blood with
that of my fellow gem cultists, I could retire my eyes.
In this business, some words work, others dont. Words like blue work. Why? Because they
are simple and based on hue position alone, not lightness/saturation. If it is blue, it is
sapphire, and all sleep soundly at night.
Yet other words are the source of endless insomnia. Pink and padparadscha are two for
trouble, largely because people attempt to use them to describe poorly understood color
and quality attributes (lightness/saturation), rather than simply hue position.
Dr. Seuss
The author would like to thank Pala Internationals William Larson for forcing the author to
This article was first published in The GemGuide (2002), July/August, Vol. 21, Issue 4, Part 1,
pp. 48.
Ariyaratna, D.H. (1993) Gems of Shri Lanka. London, self published, 5th edition, 109 pp.
Crowningshield, R. (1983) Padparadscha: Whats in a name? Gems & Gemology, Vol. 19,
pp. 3036.
Emanuel, H. (1873) Diamonds and Precious Stones. New York, G.P. Putnams Sons, 2nd
edition (1st ed., 1865), 266 pp.
Ferguson, A.M. and Ferguson, J. (1888) All About Gold, Gems and Pearls in Ceylon and
Southern India. Colombo, London, A.M. and J. Ferguson, 2nd edition, 428 pp.
Gunaratne, H.S. and Dissanayake, C.B. (1995) Gems and Gem Deposits of Sri Lanka.
Colombo, National Gem and Jewellery Authority of Sri Lanka, 1st ed., 203 pp.
Kornerup, A. and Wanscher, J.H. (1978) Methuen Handbook of Colour. London, Eyre
Methuen Ltd, 3rd edition, 252 pp.
Philalethes, A.M. (1817) A History of Ceylon from the Earliest Period to the Year MDCCXV.
London. The author is believed to have been the Rev. G. Bissett.
Sarma, S.R. (1984) Thakkura Pherus Rayanaparikkha: A Medieval Prakit text on
Gemmology. Aligarh, India, Viveka Publications, 84 pp.
Smith, G.F.H. (1913) Gem-Stones and their Distinctive Characters. London, Methuen &
Co., 2nd edition (1st ed. 1912), 312 pp.
Wojtilla, G.Y. (1973) Indian precious stones in the ancient East and West. Acta Orientalia
Hungaricae, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 211224.
See Also
Hughes, R.W. (2012) The Ownership of Words: An essay on the meaning of
padparadscha. Journal of the Gemmological Association of Hong Kong, Vol. 34, pp. 50
By Richard W. Hughes
Introduction/Name. Padparadscha sapphire is a special variety of gem
corundum, featuring a delicate color that is a mixture of pink and
orange a marriage between ruby and yellow sapphire. The question
of just what qualifies for the princely kiss of "padparadscha" is a
matter of hot debate, even among experts.
Today, padparadscha is narrowly defined by Western gemologists as a
Sri Lankan sapphire of delicate pinkish orange color. But the original
use of the term was somewhat different. Padparadscha is derived
from the Sanskrit/Singhalese padmaraga, a color akin to the lotus
flower (Nelumbo Nucifera 'Speciosa'). Most lotus blossoms are far
more pink than orange, and in ancient times, padmaraga was
described as a subvariety of ruby (cf. the Hindu Garuda Purana).
Today, some define the gem's color as a blend of lotus and sunset.
A further complication is with orange sapphires from Tanzania's Umba
Valley. While they are orange, their color tends to be much darker than
the ideal, with brownish overtones. Thus most traders do not feel they
qualify as true padparadschas.
Color. Unlike other rubies and sapphires, the finest color of
padparadscha is not directly a function of color intensity (saturation).
The most valuable padparadschas display a delicate mixture of pink
and orange.
Lighting. Incandescent lights, whose output is tilted towards the red
end of the spectrum, highlight both the pink and orange in
Clarity. In terms of clarity, padparadscha sapphires tend to be cleaner
than ruby. Buyers should look for stones that are eye-clean, i.e., with
no inclusions visible to the unaided eye. Because of the pastel shades
of most padparadschas, any inclusions will be quite visible. Thus
again, the emphasis is on eye-clean stones. Many padparadschas
display color zoning, with bands of intense orange against a pink
background. This is what provides the mixture.
Cut. In the market, padparadschas are found in a variety of shapes
and cutting styles. Due to the shape Sri Lankan rough, stones are often
cut with overly deep pavilions. Ovals and cushions are the most
common, but rounds are also seen, as are other shapes, such as the
emerald cut. Slight premiums are paid for round stones. Cabochoncut padparadschas are not often seen (this cut is used for star stones,
or those not clean enough to facet). The best cabochons are
reasonably transparent, with nice smooth domes of good symmetry.
Prices. Padparadscha is one of the world's most expensive gems, with
prices similar to those fetched by fine ruby or emerald. But like all gem
materials, low-quality (i.e., non-gem quality) pieces may be available
for a few dollars per carat. Such stones are generally not clean enough
to facet. Prices for padparadschas vary greatly according to size and
quality. At the top end, they may reach as much as US$50,000 per
carat or more.
Stone Sizes. Padparadscha sizes tend to be similar to ruby. Probably
the largest fine stone known is the 100.18-ct. oval in New York's
American Museum of Natural History. But any fine untreated
padparadscha of quality above two carats is a rare stone. Fine
untreated padparadschas above five carats can be considered worldclass pieces.
Phenomena. While star sapphires in other colors are common, star
padparadschas are practically unknown. This is because yellow and
orange sapphires from Sri Lanka generally lack the concentrations of
well-defined silk necessary to produce distinct asterism.
Sources. The original locality for padparadscha is Sri Lanka (Ceylon)
and certain purists believe the term should be restricted only to
stones from Ceylon. However, fine stones have also been found in
Vietnam's Quy Chau district, Tanzania's Tunduru district, and
Madagascar. Stones from these latter three areas are often heattreated and may reach rich "orange-juice" or "papaya" oranges that
are quite beautiful.
Tanzania's Umba Valley also produces orange sapphires and some
dealers argue that these qualify as padparadschas. However, their
color tends to be much darker than the ideal, with brownish
overtones. Thus most traders do not feel they qualify as true
Enhancements. Today, many padparadscha sapphires are heattreated to improve their appearance. The resulting stones are
completely stable in color. In lower qualities, heat-treated stones sell
for roughly the same as untreated stones of the same quality.
However, for finer qualities, untreated stones may fetch a premium
that is sometimes 50% or more when compared with treated stones of
similar quality.
A fraudulent treatment sometimes seen is where a pink sapphire is
irradiated to give it a padparadscha color. The resulting color is
unstable and will fade with prolonged exposure to sunlight. Other
treatments, such as oiling and dying are seen on occasion.
Beginning in late 2001, sapphires of padparadscha colors began
appearing from the ovens of Thai burners. It was later found that
these gems owe their color to a form of outside-in bulk (lattice)
diffusion with beryllium. See this link for more on these stones.
As with all precious stones, it is a good practice to have any major