Construction and Maintenance of Underground Railway Tracks To Safety Standard of SANS: 0339

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Construction and maintenance of

underground railway tracks to safety

standard of SANS: 0339


by F.J. Heyns*

To date, the construction and maintenance of underground railway

tracks in the mining industry in South Africa have been done on an
ad hoc basis without proper standards and guidance. The Mine
Health and Safety Inspectorate recently issued a requirement to all
underground mines to compile a Code of Practice (COP) for
Underground Railbound and Transport Equipment.
The paper briefly illustrates the life cycle costing of railway
tracks and the importance of defining and measuring the track
geometry of an underground railway system. The importance of
maintenance on an underground railway track system is illustrated
and typical underground railway track maintenance activities are
Underground railway track construction methods and quality
have a significant effect on ultimate railway track quality. Many of
the underground railway track geometric deficiencies occurring are
built into the track during construction. A construction method
should be adopted to ensure the best track geometry results. A
summary of some of the most important incorrect construction
procedures currently used at some of the mines is listed.

The design, construction and maintenance of
underground railway tracks, to date, in the
mining industry in South Africa have been
carried out on an ad hoc basis without proper
standards and guidance, while existing
standards have generally not been complied
with. Tracks underground are, therefore,
generally in poor condition due to incorrect
design and construction procedures and very
little maintenance planning.
This is mainly due to the fact that the
transportation of freight and/or passengers is
not the mining industrys core business,
compared to, for example, a railroad company.
Spoornet and Metro staff are usually put
through various training workshops and
courses as part of their employment to
appreciate the importance of track design and
maintenance. This is not the case in the
mining environment. The two most important
issues relating to poor underground railway
The Journal of The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy


LIife cycle costing of a railway track

The life cycle of a railway track is grouped into
four major phases:

Planning phase
Design phase
Construction phase
Operational and maintenance phase.

Proper infrastructure maintenance

management is important as the maintenance
of fixed railway infrastructure typically results
in up to 70% of the total cost of the life cycle of
infrastructure assets. This is illustrated by a
hypothetical situation shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1 shows the level of influence
through each phase of decisions on the total
cost of the life of an infrastructure asset. The
horizontal bar chart portion of Figure 1
indicates a typical time frame for the different
phases over the life of the infrastructure asset,
while the upper part shows plots of increasing
cost (dashed line) and decreasing influence
(solid line) over the life of the infrastructure
It can be concluded that expenditures made
during the planning, design and construction
phases are relatively small compared to the
total life cycle cost of the asset. However, the
decisions made during these early phases
(planning, design and construction) have

* Africon (PTY) LTD, Pretoria.

The Southern African Institute of Mining and
Metallurgy, 2006. SA ISSN 0038223X/3.00 +
0.00. This paper was first published at the SAIMM
Conference, Mining Achievements, Records and
Benchmarks, 1315 September 2006..




track conditions are that it is a major

contributor to railbound transport accidents in
the underground mining environment and it
leads to speed restrictions and affects main








Cumulative total cost

Level of influence

Construction and maintenance of underground railway tracks

Figure 1Influence of different phases on the total life cycle cost (adapted from Haas et al.)

Parabolic shapes and straight section

Vertical profile
Longitudinal vertical plane








al pla




Circular sections,
straight sections and
transition curves


l pla



Horizontal plane

Figure 2:Track geometry parameters (after Ref. 1)

comprehensive consequences for expenditures later in the life

of the asset. In the surface railway environment
infrastructure costs typically vary between 20% and 30% of
operating cost, depending on the annual capital investment.

Track geometry
The railway tracks, and more specifically the rails, are used
to guide the train wheels evenly and continuously along a
profile. This track geometry refers to the track profile in
space. The track profile is defined in space by a vertical
profile, horizontal plane, and by a transverse vertical profile
as shown in Figure 2.
Track geometry measurements on surface railroads are
usually made through a self-propelled track geometry track-





recording car. Various railroads have different standards for

the various measurements and the frequency of running
these track-recording cars. The primary purpose of track
geometry measurements on existing track is to do a condition
measurement of the track and to ensure that the safe
geometry tolerances of the track classifications are met.
Hence, workplaces are identified along the track that require
realignment by tamping.
Geometry measurements in the underground mining
environment are currently limited to survey points on the rail
and ad hoc gauge measurements. In SANS 0339:2000
various maximum permissible deviations from the track
design values are listed. Track geometry measurements help
to ensure that the following are achieved:
The Journal of The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy

Construction and maintenance of underground railway tracks

The safe geometry tolerances of the track classifications are met (defined in SANS 0339:2000) and
therefore reduce the risk of derailments
Identify work places for the maintenance crew
Allows for cost-effective maintenance of the track since
areas that do not require geometrical alteration are not
worked in.
Various handheld push devices are also available for
measuring various parameters of track geometry. Of these
the track quality measurement (TQM) is the most sophisticated and advanced (see Figure 3). Handheld push devices
measure unloaded track profile whereas a heavy selfpropelled geometry car measures the loaded profile. The TQM
is ideal for underground geometry measurements since it can
easily be assembled/disassembled underground. The TQM
collects the following parameters every 10 cm along the track
at a rate of 5 km/h:

Distance (km)
Horizontal versine (mm)
Vertical versine (mm)
Gauge (mm)
Twist (mm)
Super elevation (mm)
Longitudinal level (mm).

Due to repeated loading from traffic, the track progressively
moves vertically and laterally from the desired geometry.
This deviation is irregular, and riding quality decreases as
dynamic loads increase. Figure 4 shows two track deterioration trends for a typical problem section of track. The solid
line plot shows the track roughness increase with managed
maintenance input and the dotted line without maintenance
input. The following conclusions can be made about the track
The original as-built functional condition cannot be
regained by typical maintenance input.
The best possible condition that can be obtained at a

given time declines with traffic and maintenance

Time between maintenance cycles decreases with
increased traffic and maintenance cycles.
If the track is allowed to deteriorate without input to
reduce the functional deterioration rate, the weakest
component will determine the life of the track. The full
potential of the various components will not be utilized
because most of the components will start to deteriorate at an
accelerated rate due to bad performance of weak components.
The track will deteriorate to the minimum acceptable
condition and reconstruction of the track will be required at
an early stage. The maintenance intervention levels thus
assist maintainers to prolong the life of the assets and ensure
that optimum levels of safety, availability and performance
are achieved.
Varies maintenance tactics can be applied in maintaining
a track. Some of these include:

Run to failure
Ad hoc maintenance
Schedule component replacement
Preventative maintenance
Condition based maintenance.

The primary purpose of a track maintenance management

system is to help a condition-based maintenance tactic or a
preventative maintenance tactic to be employed. A track
maintenance management system needs to be tailored based
on specific needs. Depending on the length and type/class of
track to be maintained, the maintenance management system
can entail a simple Microsoft Access database with a few
linked queries or can be an involved system linked to the
companys central financial system.
A viewer capable of interrelating and displaying the data
in the database in linear format is an essential element in the
maintenance management system. The viewer acts as an
analysing tool for various maintenance engineering tasks.
Data that can/should be displayed in the viewer includes:
Asset inventory (track layout)
Traffic data

The Journal of The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy





Figure 3Track quality measurements (TQM)


Construction and maintenance of underground railway tracks

Figure 4Hypothetical track deterioration rates with and without maintenance input

Figure 5Example of a database viewer to interrelate data

Track maintenance inputs (such as tamping, drainages

restoration/cleaning, component replacements, etc.)
Track geometry measurements (including exception)
Track inspection records (list of defects for example,
rail, rail joints, sleeper, fasteners, drainage, etc.)
Cost information.
An example of database viewer to interrelate data is
shown in Figure 5.
Typical underground railway track maintenance activities
are listed in Table I.

Construction of new track

Construction methods and the quality have a significant





effect on track quality. Many of the geometric deficiencies

that are built into the track during construction are difficult
to change after construction, for example with tamping. A
construction method should be adopted to ensure the best
track geometry results. Table II summarizes some of the most
important incorrect construction procedures currently used at
some of the mines.

Summary and conclusions

Underground tracks in South Africa are generally in very
poor condition due to incorrect design and construction
procedures and very little maintenance planning. Poor track
conditions are a major contributor to railbound transport
accidents in the underground mining environment.
The Journal of The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy

Construction and maintenance of underground railway tracks


Table I

Typical underground railway track maintenance activities


Typical procedure

Correct track geometry: general

Measure off-set with a 2 m string and compare to standard

Slew the track straight by using Qwalas
Insert rail jacks and lift track to required elevation
Rearrange the upper portion of the ballast layer to fill voids under the sleeper (if run of mine is smaller size, stones of
about 25 mm can be used to the surface underneath the sleepers to adjust the track geometry and to fill the voids
underneath the sleeper)
Check that all fastenings are correctly installed
Re-measure off-set with a 2 m string and compare to standard

Correct track geometry: curves

An off-set is required on a curved track

Measure off-set with a 2 m string and compare to standard
Jim-craw rail to allowable off-set after loosening the Pandral clips
Remeasure off-sets to check compliance with design standard
Fasten rails to sleepers
If sleepers were disturbed, pack with beater picks
Ensure that all gauge widening plates are correctly installed on the inside of rails to ensure a 6.0 mm gauge widening
through the circular portion of the curve


Check for loose bolts and nuts and fasten

Ensure that fish plates are correctly installednot upside down and all holes matching that of the rails
Check that no dip joints exist to the criteria above
Check for battered joint ends where adjacent rails mismatches (to the criteria above)
Check joint gaps to the criteria above


Clear any obstructions restricting switch blades from functioning properly

Check switch blades for wear, straightness and whether they close properly when activated
Check joint gaps and if any vertical misalignments has occurred at joints
Check crossing nose for wear
Ensure that the tumbler as such functions correctly
Check heel blocks, bolts and nuts and tighten or replace if necessary


Check sleeper spacing against criteria

Check for broken or cracked sleepers and replacing if required


Ensure drains are clean to cope with run-off of water

Repair alignment where necessary
Replace broken drain section if required

Fastening systems

Check missing or loose fastening systems

Replace or tighten if required


Table II

Summary of some incorrect construction procedures

Incorrect procedure

Problem caused

Correct procedure

Proper procedures is not followed

for curves

Will cause an uneven

kink in rail

Rail bending should designed for each curve and

properly and evenly executed

No gauge widening on curves

are used

Tight gauges result

in flange wear

Use proper gauge widening techniques

around curves

Beams or in situ concrete is used

under the rail joint

The dynamic forces on the track

system will increase

Proper ballasting with two sleepers on either

side of the joint

Ballast/run of
mine gradings

No grading specified for the ballast

or run of mine

Track settle unevenly

Proper super-elevation
cannot be achieved
Track will not be level

If ballast is used it should have a nominal size 37 mm

(grading envelope 20 mm to 55 mm)
If run of mine is used the biggest stone should
be smaller than 1/3 of the distance from the
footwall to bottom of sleeper

Ballast/run of

No compaction specified

Proper super-elevation
cannot be achieved
Track will not be level

Compact ballast

No cross slope defined

on formation level

Result will be VERY POOR drainage

Level formation with 1:30 slope towards drain

The side drain is often too high

relative to the track

Access water from the track substructure

will not accumulate in the drain

Design drain on proper level

No or inadequate dewatering system

Result will be VERY POOR drainage

A dewatering system must be installed

with pumps at least every 250 m

Rail bending
Gauge widening
Joint support

mine compaction
cross slope
side drain
dewatering system

The Journal of The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy






Construction and maintenance of underground railway tracks

Currently, very little to no underground geometry
measurements are taken. Track geometry measurements can
be used effectively to measure track underground condition
and to ensure that the safe geometry track tolerances are
met. In addition, track geometry measurements also help
identify workplaces along the track that require realignment
by tamping.
Geometry measurements can be fed into a track
maintenance management system to help a condition-based
maintenance tactic or a preventative maintenance tactic to be
employed. The track maintenance management system can
act as an analysing tool for various railway maintenance
engineering tasks.




1. Guideline for the Compilation of a Mandatory Code of Practice for
Underground Railbound Transport Equipment, August 2003.
2. HEYNS, F.J. Underground Railway Track Geometry Measurements for
Maintaining Track to the Safe Standard Of SANS: 0339. Railway Safety
Africa 2004, Rosebank. 2004.
3. Course NotesIntroduction to Multi Disciplinary Concepts in Railway


Engineering (2005). Presented by various guest lecturers at the University

of Pretoria, Department of Civil Engineering and

The Journal of The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy

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