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Faculty of

Department of

Property Library for

the Industrial Formulation
for Water and Steam
FluidTI with LibIF97
TI Nspire CX
TI Nspire CAS
TI Nspire CX CAS

Prof. Hans-Joachim Kretzschmar

Roberto Kochte

Software for the Industrial-Formulation IAPWS-IF97

for Water and Steam

for the TI Nspire CX, TI Nspire CAS and TI Nspire CAS CX Pocket

1. Property Functions for Water and Steam
2. Range of Validity and the FluidTI Program Structure
3. Application of FluidTI
3.1 Installation of FluidTI onto the TI Nspire CAS, the TI Nspire CX and TI Nspire
CAS CX Pocket Calculators
3.2 Example: Calculation of h = f(p,t,x) using FluidTI
3.3 Uninstalling FluidTI
4. Program Documentation
5. References
For further pocket calculator software see the following link:
For steam tables and further property libraries for Excel and Mathcad see the following
Zittau/Goerlitz University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Department of Technical Thermodynamics
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. H.-J. Kretzschmar
Dr.-Ing. I. Stoecker
Tel.: +49-3583-61-1846 or -1881
Fax: +49-3583-61-1846
Email: [email protected]
Home page: www.thermodynamics-zittau.de


1. Property Functions for Water and Steam

The FluidTI program for the TI Nspire CAS Pocket Calculator contains the following functions
for the calculation of thermodynamic properties of water and steam:
ps = f(t)

in FluidTI

Property or
Saturation pressure


ts = f(p)


Saturation temperature

v = f(p,t,x)


Specific volume

h = f(p,t,x)


Specific enthalpy


s = f(p,t,x)


Specific entropy

kJ/(kg K)

t = f(p,h)


Backward function: temperature from

pressure and enthalpy

x = f(p,h)


Backward function: vapor fraction

from pressure and enthalpy


t = f(p,s)


Backward function: temperature from

pressure and entropy

x = f(p,s)


Backward function: vapor fraction

from pressure and entropy


= f(p,t,x)
= f(p,t,x)


Dynamic viscosity

Pa s = kg/(m s)


Thermal conductivity

W/(m K)

cp = f(p,t,x)


Specific isobaric heat capacity

kJ/(kg K)



p in MPa
t in C
x in kg saturated steam / kg wet steam

Range of Validity: IAPWS-IF97 regions 1 and 2, including wet steam


from 0.000611 MPa up to 100 MPa

Temperature: from 0 C up to 800 C

Zittau/Goerlitz University of Applied Sciences, Department of Technical Thermodynamics, Professor H.-J. Kretzschmar, Dr. I. Stcker


Comment on the vapor fraction x and calculations for wet steam

The subprograms automatically deal with the wet steam region. For this purpose the following
specifications for the vapor fraction x are to be regarded:
If the state point to be calculated is located within the single-phase regions (of liquid or
superheated steam) enter either no input value, or -1 for the value of x. In this case, the
backward functions will result in x = -1.
If the state point to be calculated is located within the two-phase region (wet steam), values
between 0 and 1 have to be entered for the value of x (x = 0 for saturated liquid, x = 1 for
saturated vapor). The backward functions result in values for x that range from 0 to 1.
In the case of wet steam it is adequate to put in either the value given for t and p = -1 (or no
input value for p), or the given value for p and t = -1 (or no input value for t), as well as the
value for x that ranges from 0 to1.
If you enter p and t and x when calculating wet steam, the program considers p and t to meet
the vapor-pressure curve. If this does not apply, an error message is displayed for the
selected function to be calculated.
IAPWS-F97 wet steam region:

t = 0 C ... t = 373.946 C
p = 0.000611 MPa ... p = 22.064 MPa

Please note.
If the calculation results in -1, values have been entered outside the range of validity of the
IAPWS-IF97 or they do not define a state point. In this case, an error message is displayed.

Zittau/Goerlitz University of Applied Sciences, Department of Technical Thermodynamics, Professor H.-J. Kretzschmar, Dr. I. Stcker


2. Range of Validity and the FluidTI Program Structure

The International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam (IAPWS) issued the
IAPWS-IF97 Industrial Formulation for Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam in 1997.
This standard must be applied worldwide in final warranty calculations for power plants which
use water and steam as working fluid.
Figure 1 shows the range of validity of the equation set of the Industrial Formulation, fully
"IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for the Thermodynamic Properties
of Water and Steam",
The IAPWS-IF97 range of state includes temperatures from 0 C up to 800 C at pressures
from 0.000611 up to 100 MPa and temperatures up to 2000 C at pressures up to 50 MPa.



pB23 =f(T)


50 MPa



ps (T)


Figure 1:




2273.15 T

Entire IAPWS-IF97 range of validity

Internally, the entire range of validity is subdivided into five calculation regions in which the
appropriate constitutive equations apply (cf. Fig. 1). Those are described in detail in the official
IAPWS [1] release and in the publications by Wagner et al. [2] and [3].
The FluidTI version at hand is valid for the regions 1, 2, and the wet steam region (region 4) up
to a pressure of 16.529164 MPa (cf. Figure1). Their connection to the calculation equations is
established according to the given quantities.

Zittau/Goerlitz University of Applied Sciences, Department of Technical Thermodynamics, Professor H.-J. Kretzschmar, Dr. I. Stcker


3. Application of FluidTI
3.1 Installation of FluidTI onto the TI Nspire Pocket Calculators
In order to run the FluidTI software on your pocket calculator, load the program from your
computer into the calculator, using a special link program and the appropriate link cable.
The link program is available at service partners of Texas Instruments, as well as the link
cable, or can be downloaded from the TI web site:
The following description is valid for the
TI-Nspire CAS Student Software
link program which should have already been installed onto your computer.
(For another link program used for the file transfer see the corresponding users guide or
1. Insert the FluidTI CD into your CD-ROM drive. The CD contains the file listed in the following








2. Connect the TI calculator to the PC using the USB cable.

3. Data Transfer with the TI-Nspire CAS Student Software

Make sure the TI calculator is switched on.
- Start the TI-Nspire CAS Student Software program on your computer.
- The Welcome Screen pops up, which can be closed.
- Click the "Content Explorer" in the Documents Toolbox.
In this toolbox there are now two windows. The upper one displays your Computer and the
other the connected handhelds.
- In the Computer window, you can now search the water.tns file to copy it by rightclicking.
- After you have selected the folder MyLib in the lower window, insert the file by rightclicking and paste.
The last step before the program can be used, is to refresh the libraries. You do this in the
main screen, after you opened My Documents press the menu button and select Refresh

Zittau/Goerlitz University of Applied Sciences, Department of Technical Thermodynamics, Professor H.-J. Kretzschmar, Dr. I. Stcker


3.2 Example: Calculation of h = f(p,t,x) using FluidTI

The specific enthalpy h as a function of pressure p, temperature t and vapor fraction x can be
calculated for the Industrial Formulation IAPWS-IF97 on the TI Nspire.
Please carry out the following steps:
- If the Calculator Page is active, press the catalog-button and choose the library by
clicking the library-symbol and select the water file.
- Now, choose h_ptx_97 and press the <ENTER> key.
- The command line water\h_ptx_97() is displayed. Press <ENTER>.
The selected sub program of FluidTI is displayed:

- The following three menus request the input of parameters:

Zittau/Goerlitz University of Applied Sciences, Department of Technical Thermodynamics, Professor H.-J. Kretzschmar, Dr. I. Stcker


- Enter the given value for "p in MPa" into the appropriate window. Please consider the
IAPWS-IF97 range of validity:
p = 0.000611 MPa ... 100 MPa.
E.g.: Enter the value 10 and move the cursor to the next input field.
- Enter the value given for "t in C" into the appropriate window. Please consider the IAPWSIF97 range of validity:
t = 0 C ... 800 C.
E.g.: Enter the value 400, and move the cursor to the next input field.
- Now, the value for the vapor fraction x in (kg saturated steam/kg wet steam) is to be entered
into the appropriate window. Consider the following specifications:
If the state point to be calculated is located within the single-phase regions (of liquid or
superheated steam) enter either no input value, or -1 for the value of x. In this case, the
backward functions will result in x = -1.
If the state point to be calculated is located within the two-phase region (wet steam), values
between 0 and 1 have to be entered for the value of x (x = 0 for saturated liquid, x = 1 for
saturated vapor). The backward functions result in values for x that range from 0 to 1.
In the case of wet steam it is adequate to put in either the value given for t and p = -1 (or no
input value for p), or the given value for p and t = -1 (or no input value for t), as well as the
value for x that ranges from 0 to1.
If you enter p and t and x when calculating wet steam, the program considers p and t to
meet the vapor-pressure curve. If this does not apply, an error message is displayed for the
selected function to be calculated.
IAPWS-IF97 wet steam region:

t = 0 C ... t = 373.946 C
p = 0.000611 MPa ... p = 22.064 MPa

Press <ENTER> only, because in the example the state point is located in the singlephase region.
Now the calculation starts.
- After the calculation has been finished the result for h in kJ/kg is displayed:

In the example, the function calculation results in 3097.38 kJ/kg.

- The calculation of h = f(p,t,x) is now complete.

Zittau/Goerlitz University of Applied Sciences, Department of Technical Thermodynamics, Professor H.-J. Kretzschmar, Dr. I. Stcker


The calculated value for h can be saved as a variable and used in other calculations with the
pocket computer.
E.g.: Enter the variable name "h" into the "save as:" window and press <ENTER> twice:

For the variable any name can be chosen, except for those which start with the (Omega)symbol and system variables (cf. TI Handbook).
In general, variables beginning with the -symbol must not be used within the FLUIDTI

Zittau/Goerlitz University of Applied Sciences, Department of Technical Thermodynamics, Professor H.-J. Kretzschmar, Dr. I. Stcker


3.3 Uninstalling FluidTI

Please carry out the following steps:
1. Open the menu My Documents in the main menu.
The following menu will be displayed:

2. Select MyLib and press enter.

3. Press the del button after selecting the water file and confirm the following query.

FluidTI has been removed successfully.

Zittau/Goerlitz University of Applied Sciences, Department of Technical Thermodynamics, Professor H.-J. Kretzschmar, Dr. I. Stcker


4. Program Documentation
Saturation Pressure ps = f(t)
Name in FluidTI: ps_t_97
t - Temperature t in C
ps(t) - Saturation pressure ps in MPa
Range of validity
from tt = 0 C up to tc = 373.946 C
Response on faulty input values
Error message "Out of Range!" for the following input values:
t < 0 C or t > 373.946 C
References: [1], [2], [3]

Zittau/Goerlitz University of Applied Sciences, Department of Technical Thermodynamics, Professor H.-J. Kretzschmar, Dr. I. Stcker


Saturation Temperature ts = f(p)

Name in FluidTI: ts_p_97
p - Pressure of p in MPa
ts(p) - Saturation temperature ts in C
Range of validity
from pt = 0.000611 MPa up to p = 22.064 MPa
Response on faulty input values
Error message "Out of Range!" for the following input values:
p < 0.000611 MPa or p > 22.064 MPa
References: [1], [2], [3]

Zittau/Goerlitz University of Applied Sciences, Department of Technical Thermodynamics, Professor H.-J. Kretzschmar, Dr. I. Stcker


Specific Volume v = f(p,t,x)

Name in FluidTI: v_ptx_97
p - Pressure p in MPa
t - Temperature t in C
x - Vapor fraction x in (kg saturated steam)/(kg wet steam)
v(p,t,x) - Specific volume v in m3/kg
Range of validity
Liquid region:

p= ps(t)...100 MPa at 0 C...350 C

Steam region:

0.000611 MPa...p=ps(t) at 0 C...350 C

0.000611 MPa...p23(t) = p(s=5.2 kJ/(kg K)) at 350 C... 590 C
0.000611 MPa...100 MPa at 590 C... 800 C

Comment on the vapor fraction x and calculations for wet steam

The subprograms automatically deal with the wet steam region. For this purpose the following
specifications for the vapor fraction x are to be regarded:
- If the state point to be calculated is located within the single-phase region (of liquid or
superheated steam) enter the value x = - 1. Pressure p and temperature t are given.
- When calculating wet steam the value of x to be entered ranges from 0 to 1 (in case of boiling
liquid: x = 0; in case of saturated vapor: x = 1).
In the case of wet steam it is adequate to put in either the value given for t and p = -1, or the
given value for p and t = -1, as well as the value for x which ranges from 0 to 1.
If you enter p and t and x when calculating wet steam, the program considers p and t to meet
the vapor-pressure curve. If this does not apply, the selected function to be calculated results
in -1.
Wet steam region: t = 0 C ... 350 C
p = 0.000611 MPa ... 16.5292 MPa
Response on faulty input values
Error message "Out of Range!" for the following input values:
Single-phase region: the parameters entered are located outside the above mentioned
(x = -1)
range of validity
Wet steam region:
(0 x 1)
at t = -1 and p > 16.5292 MPa or p < 0.000611 MPa or
at p > 16.5292 MPa or p < 0.000611 MPa
and t > 350 C or t < 0 C
at | t-ts(p) | > 0.1 K
References: [1], [2], [3]
Zittau/Goerlitz University of Applied Sciences, Department of Technical Thermodynamics, Professor H.-J. Kretzschmar, Dr. I. Stcker


Specific Enthalpy h = f(p,t,x)

Name in FluidTI: h_ptx_97
p - Pressure p in MPa
t - Temperature t in C
x - Vapor fraction x in (kg saturated steam)/(kg wet steam)
h(p,t,x) - Specific enthalpy h in kJ/kg
Range of validity
Liquid region:
Steam region:

p= ps(t)...100 MPa at 0 C...350 C

0.000611 MPa...p=ps(t) at 0 C...350 C
0.000611 MPa...p23(t) = p(s=5.2 kJ/(kg K)) at 350 C... 590 C
0.000611 MPa...100 MPa at 590 C... 800 C

Comment on the vapor fraction x and calculations for wet steam

The subprograms automatically deal with the wet steam region. For this purpose the following
specifications for the vapor fraction x are to be regarded:
- If the state point to be calculated is located within the single-phase region (of liquid or
superheated steam) enter the value x = - 1. Pressure p and temperature t are given.
- When calculating wet steam the value of x to be entered ranges from 0 to 1 (in case of boiling
liquid: x = 0; in case of saturated vapor: x = 1).
In the case of wet steam it is adequate to put in either the value given for t and p = -1, or the
given value for p and t = -1, as well as the value for x which ranges from 0 to 1.
If you enter p and t and x when calculating wet steam, the program considers p and t to meet
the vapor-pressure curve. If this does not apply, the selected function to be calculated results
in -1.
Wet steam region: t = 0 C ... 350 C
p = 0.000611 MPa ... 16.5292 MPa
Response on faulty input values
Error message "Out of Range!" for the following input values:
Single-phase region: the parameters entered are located outside the above mentioned
(x = -1)
range of validity
Wet steam region:
(0 x 1)

at p = -1 and t > 350 C or t < 0 C or

at t = -1 and p > 16.5292 MPa or p < 0.000611 MPa or
at p > 16.5292 MPa or p < 0.000611 MPa
and t > 350 C or t < 0 C
at | t-ts(p) | > 0.1 K

References: [1], [2], [3]

Zittau/Goerlitz University of Applied Sciences, Department of Technical Thermodynamics, Professor H.-J. Kretzschmar, Dr. I. Stcker


Specific Entropy s = f(p,t,x)

Name in FluidTI: s_ptx_97
p - Pressure p in MPa
t - Temperature t in C
x - Vapor fraction x in (kg saturated steam)/(kg wet steam)
s(p,t,x) - Specific entropy s in kJ/(kg K)
Range of validity
Liquid region:
Steam region:

p= ps(t)...100 MPa for 0 C...350 C

0.000611 MPa...p=ps(t) for 0 C...350 C
0.000611 MPa...p23(t) = p(s=5.2 kJ/(kg K)) for 350 C... 590 C
0.000611 MPa...100 MPa for 590 C... 800 C

Comment on the vapor fraction x and calculations for wet steam

The subprograms automatically deal with the wet steam region. For this purpose the following
specifications for the vapor fraction x are to be regarded:
- If the state point to be calculated is located within the single-phase region (of liquid or
superheated steam) enter the value x = - 1. Pressure p and temperature t are given.
- When calculating wet steam the value of x to be entered ranges from 0 to 1 (in case of boiling
liquid: x = 0; in case of saturated vapor: x = 1).
In the case of wet steam it is adequate to put in either the value given for t and p = -1, or the
given value for p and t = -1, as well as the value for x which ranges from 0 to 1.
If you enter p and t and x when calculating wet steam, the program considers p and t to meet
the vapor-pressure curve. If this does not apply, the selected function to be calculated results
in -1.
Wet steam region: t = 0 C ... 350 C
p = 0.000611 MPa ... 16.5292 MPa
Response on faulty input values
Error message "Out of Range!" for the following input values:
Single-phase region: the parameters entered are located outside the above mentioned
(x = -1)
range of validity
Wet steam region: at p = -1 and t > 350 C or t < 0 C or
(0 x 1)
at t = -1 and p > 16.5292 MPa or p < 0.000611 MPa or
at p > 16.5292 MPa or p < 0.000611 MPa
and t > 350 C or t < 0 C
at | t-ts(p) | > 0.1 K
References: [1], [2], [3]

Zittau/Goerlitz University of Applied Sciences, Department of Technical Thermodynamics, Professor H.-J. Kretzschmar, Dr. I. Stcker


Backward Function: Temperature t = f(p,h)

Name in FluidTI: t_ph_97
p - Pressure p in MPa
h - Specific enthalpy h in kJ/kg
t(p,h) - Temperature t in C
Range of validity
Liquid region:
Steam region:
Wet steam region:

IAPWS-IF97 region 1 (Figure 1)

IAPWS-IF97 region 2 (Figure 1)
p = 0.000611 ... 16.5292 MPa and h'(p) < h < h"(p)

Comment on the calculations for wet steam

The subprogram automatically calculates the wet steam region. That is, the program checks,
with reference to the given values of p and h, whether the state point to be calculated is located
in the single-phase region (liquid or steam) or the wet steam region. The calculation is carried
out for the appropriate region.
Response on faulty input values
Error message "Out of Range!" for the following input values:
Liquid region:
Steam region:
Wet steam region:

at values of p and h beyond the IAPWS-IF97 region 1 (Figure 1)

at values of p and h beyond the IAPWS-IF97 region 2 (Figure 1)
at values of p > 16.5292 MPa or p < 0.000611 MPa

References: [1], [2], [3]

Zittau/Goerlitz University of Applied Sciences, Department of Technical Thermodynamics, Professor H.-J. Kretzschmar, Dr. I. Stcker


Backward Function: Temperature t = f(p,s)

Name in FluidTI: t_ps_97
p - Pressure p in MPa
s - Specific entropy s in kJ/(kg K)
t(p,s) - Temperature t in C
Range of validity
Liquid region:
Steam region:
Wet steam region:

IAPWS-IF97 region 1 (Figure 1)

IAPWS-IF97 region 2 (Figure 1)
p = 0.000611 ... 16.5292 MPa

Comment on the calculations for wet steam

The subprogram automatically calculates the wet steam region. That is, the program checks,
with reference to the given values of p and h, whether the state point to be calculated is located
in the single-phase region (liquid or steam) or the wet steam region. The calculation is carried
out for the appropriate region.
Response on faulty input values
Error message "Out of Range!" for the following input values:
Liquid region:
Steam region:
Wet steam region:

at values of p and s beyond the IAPWS-IF97 region 1 (Figure 1)

at values of p and s beyond the IAPWS-IF97 region 2 (Figure 1)
at values of p > 16.5292 MPa or p < 0.000611 MPa

References: [1], [2], [3]

Zittau/Goerlitz University of Applied Sciences, Department of Technical Thermodynamics, Professor H.-J. Kretzschmar, Dr. I. Stcker


Backward Function: Vapor Fraction x = f(p,h)

Name in FluidTI: x_ph_97
p - Pressure p in MPa
h - Specific enthalpy h in kJ/kg
x(p,h) - Vapor fraction x in (kg saturated steam)/(kg wet steam)
Range of validity
Liquid region:
Steam region:
Wet steam region:

IAPWS-IF97 region 1 (Figure 1)

IAPWS-IF97 region 2 (Figure 1)
p = 0.000611 ... 16.5292 MPa and h'(p) < h < h"(p)

Comment on the calculations for wet steam

The subprogram automatically calculates the wet steam region. That is, the program checks,
with reference to the given values of p and h, whether the state point to be calculated is located
in the single-phase region (liquid or steam) or the wet steam region. In case of wet steam the
value of x is calculated. If the state point to be calculated is located in the single-phase region
the vapor fraction result is x = -1.
Response on faulty input values
If the state point to be calculated is located in the single-phase region the result x(p,h) = -1 is
displayed for the following input values:
p > 16.5292 MPa or h < h'(p) or h > h"(p)
Error message "Out of Range!" for the following input values:
p < 0.000611 MPa or p > 100 MPa
References: [1], [2], [3]

Zittau/Goerlitz University of Applied Sciences, Department of Technical Thermodynamics, Professor H.-J. Kretzschmar, Dr. I. Stcker


Backward function: Vapor Fraction x = f(p,s)

Name in FluidTI: x_ps_97
p - Pressure p in MPa
s - Specific entropy s in kJ/(kg K)
x(p,s) - Vapor fraction x in (kg saturated steam)/(kg wet steam)
Range of validity
Liquid region:
Steam region:
Wet steam region:

IAPWS-IF97 region 1 (Figure 1)

IAPWS-IF97 region 2 (Figure 1)
p = 0.000611 ... 16.5292 MPa and s'(p) < s < s"(p)

Comment on the calculations for wet steam

The subprogram automatically calculates the wet steam region. That is, the program checks,
with reference to the given values of p and h, whether the state point to be calculated is located
in the single-phase region (liquid or steam) or the wet steam region. In case of wet steam the
value of x is calculated. If the state point to be calculated is located in the single-phase region
the vapor fraction result is x = -1.
Response on faulty input values
If the state point to be calculated is located in the single-phase region the result x(p,h) = -1
occurs for the following input values:
p > 16.5292 MPa or s < s'(p) or s > s"(p)
Error message "Out of Range!" for the following input values:
p < 0.000611 MPa or p > 100 MPa
References: [1], [2], [3]

Zittau/Goerlitz University of Applied Sciences, Department of Technical Thermodynamics, Professor H.-J. Kretzschmar, Dr. I. Stcker


Dynamic Viscosity = f(p,t,x)

Name in FluidTI: eta_ptx_97
p - Pressure p in MPa
t - Temperature t in C
x - Vapor fraction x in (kg saturated steam)/(kg wet steam)
(p,t,x) - Dynamic viscosity in MPa s
Range of validity
Liquid region:
Steam region:

p= ps(t)...100 MPa for 0 C...350 C

0.000611 MPa...p=ps(t) for 0 C...350 C
0.000611 MPa...p23(t) = p(s=5.2 kJ/(kg K)) for 350 C... 590 C
0.000611 MPa...100 MPa for 590 C... 800 C

Comment on the vapor fraction x and calculations for wet steam

The subprograms automatically deal with the wet steam region. For this purpose the following
specifications for the vapor fraction x are to be regarded:
- If the state point to be calculated is located within the single-phase region (of liquid or
superheated steam) enter the value x = - 1. Pressure p and temperature t are given.
- When calculating wet steam the value of x to be entered ranges from 0 to 1 (in case of boiling
liquid: x = 0; in case of saturated vapor: x = 1).
In the case of wet steam it is adequate to put in either the value given for t and p = -1, or the
given value for p and t = -1, as well as the value for x which ranges from 0 to 1.
If you enter p and t and x when calculating wet steam, the program considers p and t to meet
the vapor-pressure curve. If this does not apply, the selected function to be calculated results
in -1.
Saturated liquid and saturated vapor:

t = 0 C ... 350 C
p = 0.000611 MPa ... 16.5292 MPa

Response on faulty input values

Error message "Out of Range!" for the following input values:
Single-phase region: the parameters entered are located outside the above mentioned
(x = -1)
range of validity
Saturated liquid and saturated vapor:
(x = 0 or x = 1)

at p = -1 and t > 350 C or t < 0 C or

at t = -1 and p > 16.5292 MPa or p < 0.000611 MPa or
at p > 16.5292 MPa or p < 0.000611 MPa
and t > 350 C or t < 0 C
at | t-ts(p) | > 0.1 K

References: [5], internal calculation of or v: [1], [2], [3]

Zittau/Goerlitz University of Applied Sciences, Department of Technical Thermodynamics, Professor H.-J. Kretzschmar, Dr. I. Stcker


Thermal Conductivity = f(p,t,x)

Name in FluidTI: lambda_ptx_97
p - Pressure p in MPa
t - Temperature t in C
x - Vapor fraction x in (kg saturated steam)/(kg wet steam)
lam(p,t,x) - Thermal conductivity in W/(m K)
Range of validity
Liquid region:
Steam region:

p= ps(t)...100 MPa for 0 C...350 C

0.000611 MPa...p=ps(t) for 0 C...350 C
0.000611 MPa...p23(t) = p(s=5.2 kJ/(kg K)) for 350 C... 590 C
0.000611 MPa...100 MPa for 590 C... 800 C

Comment on the vapor fraction x and calculations for wet steam

The subprograms automatically deal with the wet steam region. For this purpose the following
specifications for the vapor fraction x are to be regarded:
- If the state point to be calculated is located within the single-phase region (of liquid or
superheated steam) enter the value x = - 1. Pressure p and temperature t are given.
- When calculating wet steam the value of x to be entered ranges from 0 to 1 (in case of boiling
liquid: x = 0; in case of saturated vapor: x = 1).
In the case of wet steam it is adequate to put in either the value given for t and p = -1, or the
given value for p and t = -1, as well as the value for x which ranges from 0 to 1.
If you enter p and t and x when calculating wet steam, the program considers p and t to meet
the vapor-pressure curve. If this does not apply, the selected function to be calculated results
in -1.
Saturated liquid and saturated vapor: t = 0 C ... 350 C
p = 0.000611 MPa ... 16.5292 MPa
Response on faulty input values
Error message "Out of Range!" for the following input values:
Single-phase region: the parameters entered are located outside the above mentioned
(x = -1)
range of validity
Saturated liquid and saturated vapor:
(x = 0 or x = 1)

at p = -1 and t > 350 C or t < 0 C or

at t = -1 and p > 16.5292 MPa or p < 0.000611 MPa or
at p > 16.5292 MPa or p < 0.000611 MPa
and t > 350 C or t < 0 C
at | t-ts(p) | > 0.1 K

References: [5], internal calculation of or v: [1], [2], [3]

Zittau/Goerlitz University of Applied Sciences, Department of Technical Thermodynamics, Professor H.-J. Kretzschmar, Dr. I. Stcker


Specific Isobaric Heat Capacity cp = f(p,t,x)

Name in FluidTI: cp_ptx_97
p - Pressure p in MPa
t - Temperature t in C
x - Vapor fraction x in (kg saturated steam)/(kg wet steam)
cp(p,t,x) - Specific isobaric heat capacity cp in kJ/kg K
Range of validity
Liquid region:
Steam region:

p= ps(t)...100 MPa at 0 C...350 C

0.000611 MPa...p=ps(t) at 0 C...350 C
0.000611 MPa...p23(t) = p(s=5.2 kJ/(kg K) at 350 C... 590 C
0.000611 MPa...100 MPa at 590 C... 800 C

Comment on the vapor fraction x and calculations for wet steam

The subprograms automatically deal with the wet steam region. For this purpose the following
specifications for the vapor fraction x are to be regarded:
- If the state point to be calculated is located within the single-phase region (of liquid or
superheated steam) enter the value x = - 1. Pressure p and temperature t are given.
- When calculating wet steam the value of x to be entered ranges from 0 to 1 (in case of boiling
liquid: x = 0; in case of saturated vapor: x = 1).
In the case of wet steam it is adequate to put in either the value given for t and p = -1, or the
given value for p and t = -1, as well as the value for x which ranges from 0 to 1.
If you enter p and t and x when calculating wet steam, the program considers p and t to meet
the vapor-pressure curve. If this does not apply, the selected function to be calculated results
in -1.
Saturated liquid and saturated vapor: t = 0 C ... 350 C
p = 0.000611 MPa ... 16.5292 MPa
Response on faulty input values
Error message "Out of Range!" for the following input values:
Single-phase region: the parameters entered are located outside the above mentioned
(x = -1)
range of validity
Saturated liquid and saturated vapor:
(x = 0 or x = 1)

at p = -1 and t > 350 C or t < 0 C or

at t = -1 and p > 16.5292 MPa or p < 0.000611 MPa or
at p > 16.5292 MPa or p < 0.000611 MPa
and t > 350 C or t < 0 C
at | t-ts(p) | > 0.1 K

References: [1], [2], [3]

Zittau/Goerlitz University of Applied Sciences, Department of Technical Thermodynamics, Professor H.-J. Kretzschmar, Dr. I. Stcker


5. References

International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam:

Revised Release on the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for the Thermodynamic
Properties of Water and Steam IAPWS-IF97.
IAPWS Secretariat (2007), Available at: www.iapws.org


Wagner, W.; Kretzschmar, H.-J.:

International Steam Tables.
Springer-Verlag, Berlin (2008)


Kretzschmar, H.-J.:
Mollier h-s Diagram.
Springer-Verlag, Berlin (2013)


International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam:

Revised Release on the IAPS Formulation 1985 for the Thermal Conductivity of Ordinary
Water Substance.
IAPWS Secretariat (1985), Available at: www.iapws.org


International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam:

Revised Release on the IAPS Formulation 1985 for the Viscosity of Ordinary Water
IAPWS Secretariat (1985), Available at: www.iapws.org

Zittau/Goerlitz University of Applied Sciences, Department of Technical Thermodynamics, Professor H.-J. Kretzschmar, Dr. I. Stcker

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