Rms Fault Seal HR

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Better and faster history matching

Better predictions
Truly integrated and easy to use


RMSfaultseal allows geologists and reservoir engineers to quickly

and easily analyse the fault sealing properties and fluid flow
properties across faults in 3D reservoir models. Correct
characterization of fault fluid flow properties can dramatically
improve the quality and speed of the simulation history match
whilst also improving the reservoir model and field development
decisions based upon it.

Powerful Faultseal Analysis


Whilst faults are often included in reservoir models only the impact
of the reservoir juxtaposition and displacement are commonly
included. The fault sealing capacity of these faults due to other
processes such as shale smear and fault gouge is very often only
handled through the use of simple transmissibility multipliers,
entered by the reservoir engineer.

Better and faster history matching.

Better predictions.
Truly integrated and easy to use.
A more realistic reservoir model.

As shown in the figure below this is frequently inadequate and the

engineer is then required to modify these by trial and error to
improve the history match. Through the application of fault seal
analysis techniques, both the quality of the reservoir model and
the history match can be dramatically improved.

Faults can significantly impact fluid flow within the reservoir and
the correct fault fluid flow characterization is often critical to
getting a good history match. Fault transmissibility multipliers are
one of the factors which have historically been applied by reservoir
engineers in an often slow process to get a history match. The
history matching process can be significantly speeded up and
improved on many reservoirs through the use of Roxars fault
seal analysis.
Faults also play an important part in the ultimate recovery and
sweep efficiency within the reservoir. Accurate characterization of
fault properties ensures that the field development plan and well
locations are optimized for recovery and sweep efficiency.

Simple Transmissibility multipliers


Example taken from Svedrup et al. (2003)

Fauls seal analysis derived

transmissibility multipliers


RMSfaultseal is part of the RMS workflow which has been designed

as a truly integrated reservoir interpretation and modeling
solution. No other single application brings this degree of
integration across so much of the reservoir characterization
workflow. Multiple disciplines are not just using shared data but
also sharing a single application.


Choice of fault zone permeability algorithms

Flexible output

RMSfaultseal allows the user to choose the most appropriate fault

zone permeability equation for their field and data.
Manzocchi et al. (1999)
logKFZ = -4SGR 14 log(D) * (1 SGR)5
Sperrevik et al. (2002)
KFZ = a1*exp{-[a2SGR + a3*Zmax + (a4*Zf + a5)(1 - SGR)7]}

The primary output for reservoir simulation is the fault

transmissibility multipliers. Additional information such as
transmissibility, shale gouge ratio and fault zone permeability
can also be generated for QC and analysis.

RMSstream and RMSflowsim

Results from fault seal analysis can be used directly in Roxars
integrated simulation and streamlines solutions, RMSflowsim &
RMSstream. This allows the impact of the results to be
quickly analysed and used directly within the model for
development planning and recovery optimization.

Export to industry simulators

Results can be easily exported to common industry simulators,
ensuring seamless integration into your existing workflows. Final
results from simulation can also be imported for further analysis
and visualization, alongside the original reservoir model.

Key Features

Advanced visualization of fault zone properties.

Shale Gouge Ratio (yellow) and Fault Permeability (blue) vizualized on fault faces

SGR curves from fault properties databases can be used.

SGR curves from fault property databases

As an alternative to the pre-defined equations for fault zone
permeability, information from fault property databases can be
used where available. This offers the opportunity to use directly
measured or analogue data, improving the quality of the results
over standard published relationships.

Uses published algorithms to obtain fault transmissibility

Result can be used directly in the integrated reservoir simulator,
Flowsim, and can also be exported to external simulators.

Advanced visualization
All fault zone properties can be visualized on the faulted cell faces.
These are easily displayed and can be filtered to show only the
faults of interest. The results for all cells and part cells can be
displayed for both hanging wall and footwall cell faces (as shown
in the figure above).

For further information please email [email protected] or go to our

website www.roxar.com for regional contact information.

Accurate grid based calculations


Pillar and stair-stepped faults within the 3D grid are supported,

allowing for the fault properties to be calculated in all types of
faulted reservoir. Fault properties are calculated for all cells and
part cells, ensuring that all the detail is captured. Each fault seal
analysis job can be set up and performed for individual or multiple
faults with the reservoir model.

Manzocchi, T., Walsh, J. J., Nell, P. & Yielding, G. 1999. Fault transmissibility multipliers
for flow simulation models. Petroleum Geoscience 5, 53-63.
Sverdrup E., Helgesen J., & Vold J. 2003. Sealing properties of faults and their influence
on water alternating-gas injection efficiency in the Snorre field, northern North
Sea. AAPG Bulletin, v. 87 (9), pp. 1437-1458.

Roxar ASA, Gamle Forusvei 17, PO Box 112, 4065 Stavanger, Norway Telephone +47 51 81 8800 Fax +47 51 81 8801 www.roxar.com

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