Go Ong v. CA 154 Scra 270

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G.R. No.

75884 September 24, 1987

ONG, petitioners,

This is a petition for review on certiorari of the March 21, 1986 Decision * of the
Court of Appeals in AC-G.R. CV No. 02635, "Julita Ong etc. vs. Allied Banking Corp.
et al." affirming, with modification, the January 5, 1984 Decision of the Regional Trial
Court of Quezon City in Civil Case No. Q-35230.
The uncontroverted facts of this case, as found by the Court of Appeals, are as
...: Two (2) parcels of land in Quezon City Identified as Lot No. 12,
Block 407, Psd 37326 with an area of 1960.6 sq. m. and Lot No. 1, Psd
15021, with an area of 3,660.8 sq. m. are covered by Transfer
Certificate of Title No. 188705 in the name of "Alfredo Ong Bio Hong
married to Julita Go Ong "(Exh. D). Alfredo Ong Bio Hong died on
January 18, 1975 and Julita Go Ong was appointed administratrix
of her husband's estate in Civil Case No. 107089. The letters of
administration was registered on TCT No. 188705 on October 23, 1979.
Thereafter, Julita Go Ong sold Lot No. 12 to Lim Che Boon, and
TCT No. 188705 was partially cancelled and TCT No. 262852 was
issued in favor of Lim Che Boon covering Lot No. 12 (Exh. D-4). On June
8, 1981 Julita Go Ong through her attorney-in-fact Jovita K. Yeo
(Exh. 1) mortgaged Lot No. 1 to the Allied Banking Corporation
to secure a loan of P900,000.00 obtained by JK Exports, Inc. The
mortgage was registered on TCT No. 188705 on the same date with the
following notation: "... mortgagee's consent necessary in case of
subsequent alienation or encumbrance of the property other
conditions set forth in Doc. No. 340, Page No. 69, Book No. XIX, of the
Not. Public of Felixberto Abad". On the loan there was due the sum of
P828,000.00 and Allied Banking Corporation tried to collect it from
Julita Go Ong, (Exh. E). Hence, the complaint alleging nullity of the
contract for lack of judicial approval which the bank had
allegedly promised to secure from the court. In response thereto,
the bank averred that it was plaintiff Julita Go Ong who promised to
secure the court's approval, adding that Julita Go Ong informed the
defendant that she was processed the sum of P300,000.00 by the JK
Exports, Inc. which will also take charge of the interest of the loan.

Concluding, the trial court ruled:

Absent (of) any evidence that the property in question is
the capital of the deceased husband brought into the
marriage, said property should be presumed as acquired
during the marriage and, therefore, conjugal property,
After the dissolution of the marriage with the death
of plaintiff's husband, the plaintiff acquired, by law,
her conjugal share, together with the hereditary
rights thereon. (Margate vs. Rabacal, L-14302, April 30,
1963). Consequently, the mortgage constituted on said
notwithstanding the lack of judicial approval, is valid, with
respect to her conjugal share thereon, together with her
hereditary rights.
On appeal by petitioner, respondent Court of Appeals affirmed, with modification,
the appealed decision (Record, pp. 19-22). The dispositive portion of the appellate
court's decision reads:
WHEREFORE, with the modification that the extrajudicial foreclosure
proceedings instituted by defendant against plaintiff shall be held in
abeyance to await the final result of Civil Case No. 107089 of the Court
of First Instance of Manila, 6th Judicial District Branch XXXII, entitled
ONG BIO: JULITA GO ONG, ADMINISTRATRIX". In pursuance with which
the restraining order of the lower court in this case restraining the sale
of the properties levied upon is hereby ordered to continue in full force
and effect coterminous with the final result of Civil Case No. 107089,
the decision appealed from is hereby affirmed. Costs against plaintiffappellant.
On April 8, 1986, petitioner moved for the reconsideration of the said decision (Ibid.,
pp. 24-29), but in a Resolution dated September 11, 1986, respondent court denied
the motion for lack of merit (Ibid., p. 23). Hence, the instant petition (Ibid., pp. 617).
The Second Division of this Court, in a Resolution dated November 19, 1986 (Rollo,
p. 30), without giving due course to the petition, resolved to require private
respondent to comment thereon and it did on February 19, 1987 (Ibid., pp. 37-42).
Thereafter, in a Resolution dated April 6, 1987, the petition was given due course
and the parties were required to file their respective memoranda (Ibid., p. 43).

Petitioner filed her Memorandum on May 13, 1987 (Ibid., pp. 45-56), while private
respondent filed its Memorandum on May 20, 1987 (Ibid., pp. 62-68).
The sole issue in this case is
The instant petition is devoid of merit.
The well-settled rule that the findings of fact of the trial court are entitled to great
respect, carries even more weight when affirmed by the Court of Appeals as in the
case at bar.
In brief, the lower court found: (1) that the property under the administration of
petitioner the wife of the deceased, is a community property and not the
separate property of the latter; (2) that the mortgage was constituted in the wife's
personal capacity and not in her capacity as administratrix; and (3) that the
mortgage affects the wife's share in the community property and her inheritance in
the estate of her husband.
Petitioner, asserting that the mortgage is void for want of judicial approval, quoted

Section 7 of Rule 89 of the Rules of Court

and cited several cases

wherein this Court ruled that the regulations provided in the said section are
While petitioner's assertion may have merit insofar as the rest of the estate of her
husband is concerned the same is not true as regards her conjugal share
and her hereditary rights in the estate. The records show that
petitioner willingly and voluntarily mortgaged the property in question
because she was processed by JK Exports, Inc. the sum of P300,000.00 from the
proceeds of the loan; and that at the time she executed the real estate
mortgage, there was no court order authorizing the mortgage, so she took it
upon herself, to secure an order.
Thus, in confirming the findings of the lower court, as supported by law and the
evidence, the Court of Appeals aptly ruled that Section 7 of Rule 89 of the Rules of
Court is not applicable, since the mortgage was constituted in her

personal capacity and not in her capacity as administratrix of the

estate of her husband.
Nevertheless, petitioner, citing the cases of Picardal, et al. vs. Lladas (21 SCRA
1483) and Fernandez, et al. vs. Maravilla (10 SCRA 589), further argues that in the
settlement proceedings of the estate of the deceased spouse, the entire conjugal
partnership property of the marriage is under administration. While such may be in

a sense true, that fact alone is not sufficient to invalidate the whole mortgage,
willingly and voluntarily entered into by the petitioner. An opposite view would
result in an injustice.
Under similar circumstances, this Court applied the provisions of Article 493 of the
Civil Code, where the heirs as co-owners shall each have the full ownership of his
part and the fruits and benefits pertaining thereto, and he may therefore alienate,
assign or mortgage it, and even effect of the alienation or mortgage, with respect to
the co-owners, shall be limited to the portion which may be allotted to him in the
division upon the termination of the co-ownership (Philippine National Bank vs.
Court of Appeals, 98 SCRA 207 [1980]).
Consequently, in the case at bar, the trial court and the Court of Appeals cannot be
faulted in ruling that the questioned mortgage constituted on the

property under administration, by authority of the petitioner, is

valid, notwithstanding the lack of judicial approval, with respect to
her conjugal share and to her hereditary rights. The fact that what had
been mortgaged was in custodia legis is immaterial, insofar as her conjugal
share and hereditary share in the property is concerned for after all,
she was the ABSOLUTE OWNER thereof. This ownership by hers is not
disputed, nor is there any claim that the rights of the government (with reference to
taxes) nor the rights of any heir or anybody else have been prejudiced for impaired.
As stated by Associate Justice (later Chief Justice) Manuel Moran in Jakosalem vs.
Rafols, et al., 73 Phil. 618
The land in question, described in the appealed decision, originally
belonged to Juan Melgar. The latter died and the judicial administration
of his estate was commenced in 1915 and came to a close on
December 2, 1924, only. During the pendency of the said
administration, that is, on July 5, 1917, Susana Melgar, daughter of the
deceased Juan Melgar, sold the land with the right of repurchase to
Pedro Cui, subject to the stipulation that during the period for the
repurchase she would continue in possession of the land as lessee of
the purchase. On December 12, 1920, the partition of the estate left by
the deceased Juan Melgar was made, and the land in question was
adjudicated to Susana Melgar. In 1921, she conveyed, in payment of
professional fees, one-half of the land in favor of the defendantappellee Nicolas Rafols, who entered upon the portion thus conveyed
and has been in possession thereof up to the present. On July 23, 1921,
Pedro Cui brought an action to recover said half of the land from
Nicolas Rafols and the other half from the other defendants, and while
that case was pending, or about August 4, 1925, Pedro Cui donated the
whole land in question to Generosa Teves, the herein plaintiffappellant, after trial, the lower court rendered a decision absolving
Nicolas Rafols as to the one-half of the land conveyed to him by
Susana Melgar, and declaring the plaintiff owner of the other half by

express acknowledgment of the other defendants. The plaintiff

appealed from that part of the judgment which is favorable to Nicolas
The lower court absolved Nicolas Rafols upon the theory that Susana
Melgar could not have sold anything to Pedro Cui because the land was
then in custodia legis, that is, under judicial administration. This is
error. That the land could not ordinary be levied upon while in custodia
legis,does not mean that one of the heirs may not sell the right,
interest or participation which he has or might have in the lands under
administration. The ordinary execution of property in custodia legis is
prohibited in order to avoid interference with the possession by the
court. But the sale made by an heir of his share in an inheritance,
subject to the result of the pending administration, in no wise stands in
the way of such administration.
The reference to judicial approval in Sec. 7, Rule 89 of the Rules of Court

cannot adversely affect the substantive rights of private respondent

to dispose of her Ideal [not inchoate, for the conjugal partnership
ended with her husband's death, and her hereditary rights accrued
from the moment of the death of the decedent (Art. 777, Civil Code)
share in the co-heirship and/or co-ownership formed between her and the other
heirs/co-owners (See Art. 493, Civil Code, supra.). Sec. 7, Art. 89 of the Civil Code
applies in a case where judicial approval has to be sought in connection with, for
instance, the sale or mortgage of property under administration for the payment,
say of a conjugal debt, and even here, the conjugal and hereditary shares of the
wife are excluded from the requisite judicial approval for the reason already
adverted to hereinabove, provided of course no prejudice is caused others,
including the government.
Moreover, petitioner is already estopped from questioning the mortgage. An
estoppel may arise from the making of a promise even though without
consideration, if it was intended that the promise should be relied upon and in fact it
was relied upon, and if a refusal to enforce it would be virtually to sanction the
perpetration of fraud or would result in other injustice (Gonzalo Sy Trading vs.
Central Bank, 70 SCRA 570).
PREMISES CONSIDERED, the instant petition is hereby DENIED and the assailed
decision of the Court of Appeals is hereby AFFIRMED.

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