S Speed Loc Clamps

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Performance throughTechnology 
Speedloc™ Clamps
The more you connect,the more you save.
Your safety matters.
Offshore, the external environment can expose bothequipment and operators to harsh elements. That's whyminimizing rig time is so important. Unlike a flanged connection, Speedloc quick connectorscan be made up safely in less than 30 minutes - evenwith a large-bore stackup - thus minimizing your time inharsh weather or working under a BOP by nearly 90%. In addition to severe weather and working under asuspended BOP, recordable incidents during installationwere also studied during the development of theSpeedloc. That's how FMC engineers equipment - welook at your real-world needs and deliver the tools for asafer operation.
Offshore rig rates are on the rise and the struggle to control costs is getting moredifficult every day. Since every wellhead connection needs to be made up orbroken out at least three times: nippling up the BOP; nippling down the BOP; andconnecting your next or final component; you need the quickest solution possible.If you're drilling a single well or drilling on a platform, you save an average of 3 hours every time the connection is nippled up or down. The chart belowindicates the time savings of a Speedloc clamp compared to the installation of a conventional flange:You save 9 hours of rig time, no matter what - and with today’s rig rates, Speedloc clamps do more than pay for themselves.
TypeSizePressureMaterialTemperature ClassSL 17 1/165K-20KEE/K-USL 195K-10KEE/K-USL 1115K-15KEE/K-USL 113 5/85K-10KEE/K-USL 118 3/45K-15KEE/K-USL 120 3/43KEE/K-USL 121 1/42KEE/K-USL 27 1/1615K-20KEE/K-USL 2910KEE/K-USL 2113K-15KEE/K-USL 213 5/83K-10KEE/K-USL 220 3/43KEE/K-USL 221 1/42KEE/K-U
Preassembled segments eliminate looseparts and pinch points
Speedloc I
Traveling nut keeps segments aligned tothe hub, providing faster installationThe straight-bore metal seal (SBMS) is aself-energized seal with the capability toconform to well movement due to a highbending momentFace-to-face makeup design exceeds thebending loads of API flanges and otherclamp-type connectionsRetaining & alignment bolt forcesretention of the segment with the hub foreasy installationTraveling nut aligns segments with the hub for quick installationTraveling washer allows the segment tomove with the nut while remaining inposition, eliminating "pinch" points
The two Speedloc designs offered by FMC, the Speedloc I &II, are configured to provide maximum compatibility for BOPs,risers, trees, and wellheads. Awide range of sizes andpressure ratings is available; from 7 1/16" 20K to 21 3/4" 2K.With higher bending loads than conventional flanges andother industry clamps, the durability of Speedloc clamps iscertified through extensive FEAtesting. FEA(Finite ElementAnalysis) predicts the stress levels placed on the clamps intypical working conditions, and when coupled with API 6APR2 (Annex F) qualification, further ensures Speedloc reliability.
Speedloc II
Clamp/hub profile adapts to standardAPI flanges for maximum compatibilitySegments can be attached to either theupper or lower wellhead/riser component
Flange Size(in)WorkingPressure(psi)Single FlangeMakeup (hrs)Single SpeedlocMakeup (hrs)Speedloc TimeSavings PerMakeup (hrs)1115,000 3.40 .33 3.0713 5/810,000 3.30 .33 2.9718 3/410,000 4.56 .42 4.14
Standard API RX/BXgasket maximizesflexibility
www. fmctechnologies.com
FMC Technologies 1777 Gears RoadHouston, TX 77067281 591 4000surface.wellhead@fmcti.comFMC Technologies Singapore Pte Ltd149 Gul CircleSingapore 629605+65 6861 3011surface.wellhead@fmcti.com

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