Assignment On Operation Process of Jaypee Cement Plant: Sumbitted By: Anmol Garg (A1802014082) Mba-Ib

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Assignment on Operation Process of Jaypee

Cement Plant

Sumbitted By:
Anmol Garg (A1802014082)

Cement Manufacturing process

1-Mining: The cement manufacturing process starts from the mining of
lime stone , which is the main raw material for making cement.
Limestone is excavated from open cast mines after drilling and
blasting and loaded on to the dumpers which transport the material
and unloaded into the hoppers of limestone crusher.

2-Crushing Stacking & Reclaiming of Limestone: The l/s crusher

crush the Limestone to minus 80mm size and discharge the material onto
a belt conveyer which take it to the stacker via the bulk material
analyser. The material is stacked in longitudinal stock piles . Limestone
is extract transversely from the stockpiles by the re-claimers and
conveyed to the Raw Mill hoppers for grinding of raw meal.

3-Raw Meal Drying/Grinding & Homogen-ization: Reclaimed l/s

along with some lat-rite stored in their respective hoppers is fed to the
raw mill for fine grinding. The hot gasses coming from the
clinkerisations section are used in raw mill for drying and transport of
the ground raw meal to the electrostatic precipitator /Bag house, where it
is collected and then stored and homogenized in the concrete silo. Raw
meal extracted from the silo(ne called kiln feed ) is feed to the top of the
pre-heater for pyro-processing.
4- cooling: Hot clinker discharged from the kiln drops on the cooler
and gets cooled.

5-Clinkerisation: Cement clinker is made by pyro processing of kiln

feed in the pre-heater and the rotary kiln. Fine coal is fires as fuel to
provided the necessary heat in the kiln and the pre-calciner located at the
bottom of the 5/6 stage pre-heater. Hot clinker discharged from the kiln
drops on the gate cooler and gets cooled. The cooler discharged the
clinker onto the pan / bucket conveyer and it is transported to the clinker
stockpiles/silo. The clinker is taken from the stockpiles/silo to the ball
mill hoppers for cement grinding.

The major raw material for cement manufacturing is limestone.
Limestone is excavated from open cast mines after drilling and blasting
and loaded onto the dumper which is transported the material and
unloaded into hopper of the limestone crusher.

Equipment Used in mining:

1. Compressor drilling machine.
2. Shovels/Excavators-for lifting material onto dampers.
3. Dumper- for carrying material.
4. Built-dozers.
5. Pay-loaders.
1. Ammonium nitrate(Fuel oil)
2. Nitroglycerine.
3. Ammonium nitrate and slurry explosive.
Steps of Mining:
1. The first step of mining l/s the l/s has been located.
2. Limestone mining is to remove the mines.
3. The third step is to be taken as drilling.
4. After drilling blasting is done.
Drilling and Blasting:

1. The large hole blasting method is not pre-dominated in quarrying

in open pit.
2. The depth of the wholes are more then 12m and 100-150mm dia.

Lime Stone Crusher

Lime stone crusher is the lead role playing equipment in this section.
The raw lime stone is carried out from the mines is introduced to the
lime stone hopper through whole pack dumper of capacity 32 tons. The
feed inside the impact crusher first enters to the crushing chamber with
help of apron feed encounters. The impact bars mounted over the rotor
&revolving with the circum-frencial velocity of 30-40 m/sec. Material
are blown bars and stick on a impact arm. Here materials are initially
install to hold these grinding bars. The squire impact arm is install just
behind the impact path and having 12 liners. When the material get
crushed enough for transportation towards stacker. A bag house is also
installed to control the dust loss and pollution control.

Equipment Used in Crushing:

1. Crusher.
2. Apron conveyer for feeding l/s to crusher.
3. Bag filter for collecting dust.
4. Belt conveyer- for transporting crushed material.
This section is worked with following equipment:
1. Impact crusher.

2. Magnetic separator
3. Limestone stacker& re claimer
4. Bag filter
5. Apron feeder
6. Limestone hopper & late rite hopper

LIME STONE STACKER:A limestone stockpile (closed stock pile) has been proposed at the plant
site with stacker re-claimer. The re-claimer will help in feeding a
homogenized limestone by mixing rich quality LS with low grade
mineral. By installing a re-claimer in the plant, the plant can achieve not
only quality raw material input but also the conservation of natural
resources by utilizing low-grade raw material.
There are two main methods being used for stacking of lime stone in
cement industry. They are..
1. Chevron Method
2. Windrow Method

Raw mill:

Blending Of Raw Meal:

The meal from the mill need storage and blending become different
chemical composition of lime stone in different lot. They may vary the
quality of lime stone.

Silo: Silos are huge construction of concrete and iron with aeration
units to stone and blend the fine material such as raw material.
.Continuous Fluidize Silo: The raw meal is completely fluidized
by admission of compressed air through the suitable inlets at the bottom
of the silo. The air penetrates the mass of raw meal into the silo and
reduces the inter particle friction forces. A circulatory motion is formed
and thus homogenization is take place.

Operation of Raw Mill:

When the Limestone feed is started with la-trite rollers get down &
the grinding start.The grinded material is sucked up through the
classifier by the help of hot gases .The reject material from the classifier
is sent back to the grinding table by the help of reject group. The
remaining fine material is sent to ESP & ESP reject material to silos. So
total three types of material is falling on grinding table during running:1)-Mill feed
2)-Classifier reject
3)-Mill reject

It is the large storage of Raw mill which comes from the Raw Mill. It is
made of concrete & can store Raw mill for long time.

Purpose:Its main purpose is to homogenize the raw mill. One of

its main purpose is to also store raw mill for long time.

Construction:It mainly a large structure made of concrete. It contains

following devices:1)-Air Compressor
2)-Large Air Ducts
3)-Pneumatic Valves
4)-Exhaust Fans on the top

Purpose:To increase the temperature of rawmill material through
the incoming hot air from kiln & transfer air duct.

Working Principle Of Preheater

As the name explains Pre-heater Tower is place to use for preheating
the raw material. The material which comes from c.f. silo in other words
pre-heater is a device in which heat transfer takes place from hot gases
which comes from kiln due to counter current flow of material and hot
gases. The raw mill is heated about 850 oc before it enter it the kiln preheater with calcined system is most economical and hence the length of
kiln is reduce pre-heater in Unit-1 and five stage in unit-2 with separator
line calciner. These suspension pre-heaters are work in kiln string &
pyro string with pre-calciner string successfully.

The main purpose of the pre-calciner is to let the calcinations process
take place out side the rotary kiln. It causes in sufficient reduction of
thermal load of the kiln burning as approximately 60% of total fuel is
burn in to calciner. This has made possible to increase the production in
the given size to about double compared to a conventional dry process
kiln with suspension pre-heater.
The calciner consists of a vessel lined with heat resistance bricks.
Calciner has three inputs and one output.

Input1. Fuel as Pulverized coal.

2. Preheated material to approx 800oc
3. Hot gases from kiln/coolers at 800oc

OutputHot gases including combustion products and co 2 from the

calcinations process and material in form of dust carried with the hot

Rotary kiln:
Purpose:Kiln is cylindrical rotary equipment rotating on supporting rollers at
about 3.5 RPM. Discharge in its completing calcinations reaction. Firing
is done from kiln outlet with the help of burner pipe.

Construction: Kiln can be divided into :a. Kiln inlet (consist seal, grease pump, lines, cylinders etc)
b. Girth gear(Gear, pinion, spray system)
c. Thrust roller(Hydraulic cylinder, oil line)
d. Supporting roller& tyre (Consist of bearing, chair plate, bolts etc)
e. Kiln outlet seal(S.S shims, crown shell, seal)
f. Burner pipe(consist of air pipe, coal pipe, diesel pipe etc)
Kiln inlet: Kiln

inlet is seated by sealing arrangement. Greasing is

done by pneumatic pump seal. It consist of 10-14 segment so it can be
mounted and disassembled from kiln inside. A conical section forms an
extension of the inlet ring. A brick retaining ring has been mounted at
the end of conical section.

Girth Gear: Kiln is rotating by Gear pinion arrangement. Girth gear

is mounted on kiln with the help of spring plates.

Thrust Roller:

The function of thrust roller is to control axial

moment of kiln in both upward & downward.

Supporting Roller & Tyre:

Supporting roller are for support of

kiln. They are in contact with tyre which are fitted in kiln shell.

Kiln Outlet: There is a sealing arrangement in kiln outlet.

Burner Pipe: It is for firing of fine coal into the kiln. Air is controlled
by damper and fine coal by solid flow meter.

Coal Mill:

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