User-Defined Data Types

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1 Data representation

3.1.1 User-defined data types

You have already studied a variety of built-in datatypes such as: integers, strings, chars and more.
But often these limited datatypes fail to meet the programmers demand which forces him/her to
build their own datatypes. Just as an integer is restricted to "a whole number from -2,147,483,648
through 2,147,483,647", user-defined datatypes have boundaries places according to the
programmers need.




There are 2 categories of user defined data types:

Enumerated (enum)
Non-composite data types

If you are using lots of constants in your program that are all related to each other, then it is a good
idea to keep them together using a structure called an Enum. For example, you might want to store
the names of each set of cards in a deck.
Heres one way of writing that in code:

We can bring them all together in a nice organized enum:

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3.1 Data representation

3.1.1 User-defined data types

This allows you to set meaningful names to the enum and its members, making it much easier to
remember as well as making the code easier to read.
We may also create separate constants to store the points of a football match

With enums, we could create a datatype called Result and store the points within it, under an easy
to remember name.

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3.1 Data representation

3.1.1 User-defined data types


A pointer is a variable that represents the location of a particular data item within a specified domain
(such as the hard drive, or an array). Within the computers memory, every stored data item occupies
one or more contiguous memory cell/s. The number of memory cells needed to store a data item
depends on the data type of that item.
For example, a single character will typically be stored in 1 byte of memory; an integer usually
requires 4 contiguous bytes, a floating-point number usually requires 4 contiguous bytes, and so

To understand pointers, you must first understand how data is stored in the computers memory
In typical computer architecture of the memory, each byte of the memory has a unique address. Let
us assume the first byte has an address of 201. Then the next address will be 202 and well go on
203,204 and so on
Now when we initialize a variable, the computer allocates some amount of memory corresponding to
this particular variable depending on the data type of the variable.
So for example a as type integer that means the computer allocates 4 bytes of memory, we can
allocate memory from 204 to 207

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3.1 Data representation

3.1.1 User-defined data types

And the computer has an internal structure called a lookup table where it stores data such as the
variable name, its data type, and where it resides in the memory. Now if we declare another variable
for instance, character c. Once again when the machine sees this declaration, it knows that it is a
character variable, so it looks for a free byte and places c over there. In this case stored at 202

Now the main question is, can we know the address of a variable in our program? Yes we can! Using
the concept of pointers.
We can have another variable, type of which is a pointer p. Now this variable p can store the
address of a. p also takes some memory, so lets say that its stored at location address 64 and it
also takes 4 bytes of memory.
Int a;
Int *p; / /is the pointer
p = &a / /assigning address of a to p
Print p
/ /output is 204
Print &a / /output is 204
Print &p / /output is 64

(Coding in C language)

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3.1 Data representation

3.1.1 User-defined data types

There is one more important feature of pointers. If we put as asterisk (*) in front of the pointer when
declaring the variable, then it gives us the value of the variable that it points to. This concept is
known as de-referencing

Int a;
Int *p; / /is the pointer
p = &a / /assigning address of a to p
Print p
/ / 204
Print &a / / 204
Print &p / / 64
Print *p / / 5

(Coding in C language)

p <points to> address

*p <points to> value at address

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3.1 Data representation

3.1.1 User-defined data types

Composite data types:


It is a composite data type that can store data in any particular order, in which each element is
indexed. Sets cannot have data items repeated more than once
Constructing Sets
One way to construct sets is by passing any sequential object to the "set" constructor.

We can also add elements to sets one by one, using the "add" function.

The set function also provides a copy constructor. However, remember that the copy constructor will
copy the set, but not the individual elements.

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3.1 Data representation

3.1.1 User-defined data types

Membership testing
We can check if an object is in the set using the same "in" operator as with sequential data types.

We can also test the membership of entire sets. Given two sets
a subset or a superset of .




, we check if


Removing Items
There is the remove function to remove a specified element from the set

However, removing an item which isnt in the set causes an error.

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3.1 Data representation

3.1.1 User-defined data types

Any element which is in both





will appear in their intersection.


The union is the merger of 2 sets. Any element in





will appear in their union


Set difference
It will return all the elements that are in

but not in

A frozenset is basically the same as a set, except that its members cannot be changed. This means
that they can be used as members in other sets. frozensets have the same functions as normal sets,
except the functions which change the contents (add,remove,update, etc.)

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3.1 Data representation

3.1.1 User-defined data types


A record is a value that contains other values, indexed by names.

Field an element of a record
Records are collections of data items (fields) stored about something. They allow you to combine
several data items (or fields) into one variable. An example at your college they will have a database
of records for each student. This student record would contain fields such as ID, Name, and Date of

This code helps store data about a student in record form, however after entering the data of one
student, the program will terminate. How can we edit this code to allow for multiple records to be

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3.1 Data representation

3.1.1 User-defined data types

One way of doing this is defining more fields to accommodate more data entry.
i.e. 3 fields for each student

It would take an awfully long time to declare them all, as well as writing data in them. So how do we
solve this? Well we need to combine two things weve already learnt so far, the record and the
array. We are going to make an array of student records.
Structure student 'record declaration
Dim id As Integer 'field
Dim name As String 'field
Dim DoB As Date 'field
End Structure
Sub Main()
Dim newStudents(400) As student 'declare an array of
student records, a school with 401 students
for x = 0 to 400 'insert the details for each student
Console.WriteLine("insert the id")
newStudents(x).id = Console.ReadLine()
Console.WriteLine("insert the name")
newStudents(x).name = Console.ReadLine()
Console.WriteLine("insert the Date of Birth")
newStudents(x).DoB = Console.ReadLine()
for x = 0 to 400 'print out each student
Console.WriteLine("new record created: " &
newStudents(x).id & " " & newStudents(x).name & " " &
End Sub
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3.1 Data representation

3.1.1 User-defined data types

This seems to solve our problem, you are free to try it out yourself but decrease the number of
students slightly!

Exercise 1: Declare a record called player to store the following Role Playing Game attributes:
health, name, class (barbarian, wizard, elf), gold, gender

Exercise 2: Create 2 characters, Gandolf and Conan using the player record

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3.1 Data representation

3.1.1 User-defined data types

Class/Object :

In object-oriented programming, a class is a construct that is used as a blueprint (or template) to

create objects of that class. This blueprint describes the state and behavior that the objects of the
class all share. An object of a given class is called an instance of the class. All the instances of a class
have similar properties. For example, you can define a class called Car and create three instances
of the class Car for Polo, Mini and Beetle.

Structures (Records) are very similar to Classes in that they collect data together. However, classes
extend this idea and are made from two different things:
Lets take a look at the following example:

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3.1 Data representation

3.1.1 User-defined data types

You can see that the class is called car and it has:
2 attributes:
4 methods
3 procedures:
1 function:

Remember this is a class and therefore only a template, we need to create it using an object.

These store information about the object. In the example above we store the fuel and maxSpeed. The
attributes are attached to the classes, and if there are several instances (objects) of the classes then
each will store its own version of these variables. The terms private and public are substitutes of
the term dim and belongs to another section in OOP.
Unlike structures, OOP allows you to attach functions and procedures to your code. This means that
not only can you store details about your car (attributes), you can also allow for sub routines such as
drive() and refuel. Which are attached to each class.

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3.1 Data representation

3.1.1 User-defined data types

What is the difference between a class and an object?
A class is a template which cannot be executed
An object is an instance of a class which can be executed
One class can be used to make many objects
What are the main components of a class?
What is the difference between a structure and a class?
Structures do not have any methods

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