A Detailed History of Reavers' Deep

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Detailed History of Reavers' Deep
e By Brett Kruger
e The first section of this article is taken from the book, 'A Pilot's Guide to the Drexilthar
d Subsector',and is most likely copyright by Gamelords and J. Andrew Keith. Sections of the

second part of the article have been extracted from the Integrated Traveller Timeline by Donald
McKinney. Where there are conflicts between canon and non-canon sources I have gone with
canon sources in the first instance and Classic Traveller canon in the second instance. I have
also added in events that are mentioned in other sources, and where no dates were mentioned
I have extrapolated the approximate date. I have of course also added my own events to the
"Little is known of the early history of the
Deep. It is fairly certain that the Ancients
visited several planets in the region as
artefacts found at various sites in the Deep
have indicated this to be the case.
Near the end of the Pax Vilanica, as the
First Imperium began suffering from internal
dissension and civil wars among ambitious
provincial governors, the Saie culture was
first discovered in the Deep. One provincial
governor, seeking possible allies in support of
his planned revolt in the Daibei Sector, sent
explorers out to the uncivilised regions
beyond the frontiers. The Saie were the most
sophisticated race discovered, with a thriving
Tech 7 culture. The governor sent technical
aid to the Saie homeworld to help them
develop interstellar travel. Unfortunately his
plot was uncovered and he was deposed and
executed. The technical mission remained
on the Saie homeworld, cut off from support
and forgotten.
The agressive, militant Saie used their
newly acquired technology to carve out a
small empire in the Caledon, Riftrim, and
Nightrim subsectors. They became rather
thinly spread in the process and when a
major civil war erupted their empire
collapsed, and the culture vanished almost
without a trace. Even the identity of their
home-world and all records of their
appearance were lost, buried amid confused
legends among the peoples they had
It was during the period of the Interstellar
Wars between the Vilani and the young,


vigorous Terran Confederation that humans of

Solomani extraction first settled the Deep.
Settlers seeking to escape the war-torn
worlds near Terra set out on an epic journey
which ultimately ended with the settlement of
Caledon in the Caledon Subsector. Other
Terrans followed later, during the period of the
Second Imperium (also known as the Rule of
Man), exploring parts of the Deep. By and
large, however, the region remained mostly
The Second Imperium did not last long as
the inherited problems of the Vilani regime
could not be overcome by their Terran
successors in time to prevent a complete
collapse. The Long Night ensued, at first a
slow decline of interstellar civilisation which at
last ended in a chaos of petty states and
individual strong men attempting to cling to
power in the absence of unified government
or consistent interstellar communication.
It was during the latter part of the Long Night
that the Reavers first appeared in the Deep.
The Reavers were petty warlords or outright
pirates who parleyed a handful of spaceworthy starships into an opportunity to seize
local power bases and loot backward worlds.
This was common outside the Deep as well
as within, but Reavers' Deep remained a
haven for these freebooters long after the rise
of new interstellar states extinguished their
breed elsewhere.
Eventually the arrival of the Aslan to
spinward and the Third Imperium to trailing,
and the ensuing Aslan border wars fought
within the Deep itself by these two powers,
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an end to the Reavers. Though the name
N put
lingered in romance and fiction it is still
e frequently applied to contemporary
w freebooters operating out of the independent
s worlds of the Deep.
Today the Deep is a divided region,
F established
a neutral zone between the
e Imperium andasthe
Hierate many centuries
e ago. Aslan - and Aslan
states - are
d present on the spinwardclient
and rimward edges

on two worlds, Tsanesi and Glenshiel.

-2265: Zemlya settled by a mutineering Terran
troop carrier.
Circa -2250: Terran explorers first venture into
the Reavers' Deep sector during a lull in the
Interstellar Wars, and discover the Virushi of

of the Deep. The Imperium is to corewardtrailing. Territory belonging to the Solomani

Confederation extends through part of the
Fahinar subsector. But the core of the Deep
is independent, or under the influence of the
two largest political entities in the region, the
Principality of Caledon, and the Carrillian
Assembly. Although influence from the larger
realms encircling the Deep is pervasive, the
Deep has a deeply ingrained tradition of
freedom from outside interference that makes
it an interesting - and often dangerous sector of the frontier."

Circa -2250: Terran refugees opposed to the

Terran absorption of the Vilani Empire settle on
Caledon in what will become the Principality of
Caledon in Reavers' Deep sector, led by
prominent banker Charles Stuart Scott.

"Rubbish. They just don't know where to look

to find the past." Sir Steven Cromwell of the
Royal Caledon University, upon reading the
above entry in an Imperial library.

Circa -2000: Askoapoy discovered by Second

Imperium scouts.

Reavers' Deep timeline.

Circa -300,000: It is assumed the Ancients
settle humans on Drexilthar, Rejhappur and
Ghost, and Droyne on Askoapoy (located
within the Gralyn System) at this time.
Circa -300,000: Several large asteroidal
masses strike Rejhappur during the Ancients'
Final War.
Circa -50,000: The First agricultural
civilisation in Reavers' Deep appears on
Circa -2600: A rebellious provincial Vilani
governor seeking allies bestows jump
technology upon a warlike non-human race in
Reavers' Deep, the Saie. The Saie forge a
small empire of five or six worlds in the
Caledon, Riftrim and Nightrim subsectors.
However, after a time they become involved in
a disastrous civil war that shatters their
society, leaving behind only barbaric survivors

Circa -2249: Germine settled by an offshoot

group from the Caledonian colony.
Circa -2235: Firth settled from Caledon.
-2204 to -1776: Various Terrans settle other
suitable planets within the sector.

-1950: Pendang is colonised by Solomani

-1893: A scientific outpost is established on
Askoapoy by Second Imperium scouts.
Circa -1800: Tashrakaar, a planet only
marginally suitable for human life, is colonised
by Solomani following a misjump and forced
-1800: The colony vessel Germania crashlands on Hoffman.
-1778: Budgetary crisis on Daibei strands the
human outpost on Askoapoy. The last starship
leaves Askoapoy for help.
-1723: The Droyne of Askoapoy help
transplant the human scientists to Gralyn.
Circa -1620: Coventry is established as a
prison planet by the Second Imperium.
Circa -1372: Khtearle settled by a refugee
noble family from the Daibei sector.
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-1320: Use of Coventry for three
N Circa
as a prison planet and a site of
e centuries
numerous cruel and lethal biological
w experiments on unwilling subjects, ends.
The First Aslan Border War begins
F -1118:
e between the Aslan and the Second Imperium.
e Circa -1100: The alliance of Reavers in
d Reavers' Deep sector collapses.
-1100: An Aslan colony ship mis-jumps into
the Zemlya system and crashes.
-1087: Drellesarr colonized by Reaver warlord
Blackjack Duquesne as a refuge for his

Circa -1000: A human warship from the

Reaver state on Drexilthar crashes on
Gaajpadje. The crew's descendants form the
K'tring human minor race.
-988: Traneer settled from Drexilthar, primarily
by Akakhad and K'tring political refugees.
-988 to -970: The Drexiltharans establish their
empire by conquering the other inhabited
worlds of the Drexilthara Main, namely
Tashrakaar, Drellesarr, and Drenslaar.
-962: A series of Reaver attacks from Lishun
sector on shipping near Sylea (Core 2118)
force its ruling classes to stop ignoring the
Reaver problem.

Circa -1030: A Reaver warlord, Grand Admiral

Izanak, flees to Drexilthar. A minor human
race made up of three ethnic groups, the
K'tring, the Akakhad and the High Iltharians
live on the world. He contacts the early
industrial High Iltharian ethnic group and
forces them to repair his ships.

-959: Baron Ricardo Urquhardt gains support

to establish the Justice Fleet, to respond to
Reaver attacks on Sylean shipping by
retaliatory assaults on Reaver worlds.

Circa -1020: Admiral Izanak leaves Drexilthar

after his ships are repaired by High Iltharians,
and vanish into history.

-890: Iltharans from Drexilthar develop the

jump-2 engine. They start roaming through the
neighbouring star systems, claiming them for
their budding empire and "taxing" anyone they
find. With the exception of Drinsaar, a former
Reaver base, the Iltharans do not actively
occupy any other systems aside from
Rintarna, which voluntarily joined them. The
Drexiltharans have the philosophy that "If our
ships can reach it, it's ours".

-1019: The Iltharans use their new knowledge

gleaned from the Reaver warships to
subjugate the people on the Tring and
Akakhad Continents.
-1012: First Iltharan spaceship is launched
from Drexilthar.

-930: Baron Urquhardt's anti-Reaver tactics

force the Reavers to abandon Core sector.

-1010: Pendang is attacked by Khalyasyu'


-835: The Loakhtari Clan sponsors creation of

The Eakoi Corporation, a trade company
headquartered on Eakoi.

-1002 - The first Iltharan starship begins insystem jump trials.

-800: The Eakoi Corporation establishes a

base on Danelag.

Circa -1000: The Lshana, a minor non-human

race of Lhshami, achieve a stable civilization
that continues to the present.

-685: Opitan recovers jump technology.

-1000: The High Iltharians, using reverseengineered Reaver technology, have finally
united Drexilthar and begun to launch jumpcapable starships.

-676: A colony ship from the Reaver Kingdom

on Oloma crash-lands on Cuslets.
-645: Aslan led by Leahyakhyen colonies
Roakhoi. Leahyakhyen and his followers, who
had lost their lands in a clan war, had fled the
Hierate looking for new land holdings. Two
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later, after several natural
N generations
including volcanic eruptions,
e disasters
famine, destroy the colony ships
w and technological
The colony ship Bold Endeavor, bound
F -480:
Andrios in the Urlaggash subsector, is
e for
Reavers and misjumps to
e Roakhoi, bywhere
it crash-lands. Although
d initially hostile towards
each other, both the
humans and Aslan of Roakhoi have created
an integrated society with primarily Aslan
cultural values.
-250: The Gralyn System achieves a
sustainable jump industry.
Circa -200: Caledon acquires jump
technology from Sylean traders. Colonies
are established on a number of other worlds,
including Duncinae, Ranald, and Fulton.
Circa -200: Roakhoi is first surveyed by
Aslan explorers.
-200: Concorde settled by Aslan looking for
land holdings.
-180: Stuart settled by colonists from
-102: Jamieson Dundas of Caledon
establishes the Principality of Caledon,
comprising large portions of the Caledon and
Scotian Deep subsectors in Reavers' Deep
-100: War breaks out on Zemlya between the
Human nations and the Aslan populations.
-100: The Loakhtari Clan begins moving into
Eakoi and Ea subsectors in earnest, greatly
assisted by The Eakoi Corporation.
-86: A Drexiltharan base is established on
Ildrathir (later renamed Victory).
-75: Luiwaiwuah and Turin are settled by the
Tlyetrai of Hoa.
-63 to -7: The Asian Cultural Reform. The
reform modified and codified Aslan culture
and sets the future direction of the race.

-54: The Battle of Victory. A small Caledonian

fleet defeats a much larger Drexiltharan fleet.
The system is renamed Victory by the Prince
of Caledon to commemorate the event.
56 to 49: Aslan Cultural Purge. The purge
enforced the new Aslan code on those Aslan
who had not embraced it voluntarily or had left
before the enforcers' arrival. There was a
marked increase of dissident Aslan leaving
the Hierate during the first part of the Purge.
Many of the Aslan migrate to Reavers' Deep.
68: Scotia is declared the personal property of
the Prince of Caledon.
87: The Ayansh'i contacted by Third Imperium
Circa 100: The IISS enters the Reavers' Deep
Sector. Trade increases considerably, as does
Iltharian raiding.
Circa 100: The Drexilthar Empire, controlled
by the Iltharan human minor race of is at its
height at this time.
100: The infant Principality of Caledon turns
back the conquistadors of Drexilthar, but not
before losing Duncinae, Ranald, and Fulton.
102: Caledonian merchants first contact the
Lhshana on Lhshani.
105: Imperial scouts visit Khtearle.
107: Third Imperium scouts survey Reavers'
Deep. Upon contact, the Drexiltharans and the
Imperials clash in several ugly incidents.
110: Orkney first surveyed by Imperial scouts.
126: A Caledonian merchant ship visits
180: The IIS discover the Derfi'gassak during
the second survey of Orkney.
200 to 300: A rise in interstellar activity
increases the number of Drexiltharan attacks
on colonies and shipping. The Drexiltharans
make themselves thoroughly unpopular with
all their neighbours.
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N 202: Concorde joins the Third Imperium.
e 212: The "Peace of Dark Nebula" is
w established between the Aslan and some
s polities in Magyar sector.
F 257: The Principality of Caledon engineers
e revolts on Duncinae, Ranald, and Fulton. This
e results in open war between Drexilthar and
d Caledon.
266: The Imperium enters the CaledonDrexilthar war on Caledon's side.
267: Drinsaar is conquered by the Imperium.
268: Drexilthar is bombed back to pre-stellar
industry levels by elements of the Imperial
White Fleet.
268: The Imperial White Fleet bombards
Drexilthar to suppress its violent natives. The
planet takes centuries to recover.
285: Aslan tribes on Zemlya forced to sign the
Gusinayan Peace Accord.
289: Civil war breaks out on Khtearle.
Circa 295: Los is settled by a break-away
group from Caledon.
Circa 300: Tensions rise again as the Old
Earth Union grows more active in Reavers'
Deep sector. The Aslan clans argue that the
Treaty of Dark Nebula is binding on all human
301: Aktirao clan ship arrives at Khtearle.
309 to 328: The First Civil War within the
Principality of Caledon breaks out. The
governments of Duncinae, Ranald, and
Fulton secede from Caledon and organize
themselves into the Confederacy of Duncinae.
Circa 330: The Virushi, a peaceful minor race
native to Virshash, is contacted by the
Imperium and joins.
335-015: Medel's Mega Mart registered by its
founder Shamus Medel.

353: The Imperium grants local autonomy to

the Kolan Hegemony as it expands into the
360: Dr. Charles Abercrombie of the
Principality of Caledon explores Grendal and
surrounding systems and subsequently leads
a colonizing venture to Grendal.
373: The Morris clan passes through
Principality space on their way to colonize
374: Indiscriminate attacks upon Aslan ships
by the Old Earth Union lead to serious naval
378: The Aslan Duel-War begins after Aslan
envoys and Imperial Admiral Suukar agree to
terms for a ritual war in Reavers' Deep and
Daibei sectors. A ceasefire is observed
380 (5372 Aslan): After several battles the
Imperium captured Gavza, and the Imperial
ambassador receives the ritual apology from
the Aslan clans on Ftahalr (Dark Nebula
1208). The "Peace of Ftahalr" is signed and
ratified by all parties.
455: An Uawairlew clan ship arrives at
458: Garim annexed by the Third Imperium.
482: A Hiyulew clan ship arrives at Khtearle.
495: War erupts between Aslan clans on
500: The clan war on Khtearle ends.
517: Growing tensions in the Drexilthar and
Fahlnar subsectors of Reavers' Deep prompt
the Imperium to "sponsor" peace conferences
in the neutral Carrill system.
519: The Carrillian Assembly is formed. The
Articles of Assembly that are signed at the
Carrill conferences federate the formerly
feuding parties into the Assembly, with Carrill
as the capitol.
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Tharrill and its sister world, Anatar, are
N 542:
by the Carrillian Assembly shortly
e colonized
s 563: Caledonian explorers contact the TL 3
(Saie), a non-human race living there
F Yn-tsai
not native to the planet, of Tsanesi and
e but
them under royal protection.
d 578: A Caledonian merchant causes a riot on
Germaine. In response Caledon forces a
trade agreement on Germaine.

578: Winchestur Mollh is born on Sterling.

598: Merchant explorers from the Principality
of Caledon survey Lhshami and contact the
early-TL 9 Lhshana, a non-human race native
to the planet. Formal relationships and trade
agreements are formed with them.
609: Petzina colonized from nearby Woomera.
644: Winchestur Mollh, a wealthy merchant
prince in Reavers' Deep sector, leaves much
of his estate to advance the study of psionics.
A memorial is built on his homeworld of
678: Captain Donald Morrison visits Doom
and discovers a hidden base.
710: Lurammish settled.
727: Gralyn colony ships arrive at Khtearle.
738: Quantum Mining Ventures formed on
Caledon and begins exploiting Iron Angel.
760: The Confederacy of Duncinae
establishes Coventry as an exile world for
political dissidents and criminals.
793: Horacio settled by immigrants from St
800 to 875: Expansion of the Principality of
Caledon's mercantile and trading interests,
era of considerable exploration and
expansion by the Principality in all directions.
810: One of the richest lanthanum strikes in
the history of the Reavers' Deep sector is

discovered on Dakaar, and becomes the basis

for the ruthless Dakaar Corporation.
831: Marlheim invades Pendang.
833: The Principality of Caledon establishes a
trade enclave on Dunmarrow.
846: Subsidized by the Principality
government, the Scotian Deep Trading
Company upgrades the starport on
Rejhappur's moon from class D to class C.
The improvements are intended to support the
increased rimward trade with various enclaves
and trade centers on Rhys, Brighton, and
854: Arbuthnot Minerals and Resources Ltd
establishes a mining colony on Linda.
860: Roye regains jump technology and
begins trade with nearby worlds.
860: Sir James Armstrong of Caledon founds a
wilderness retreat, which later becomes a fullfledged colony on Glenshiel.
870: Five hundred colonists, mostly retired
Imperial Naval personnel, settle what is to
become Outpost.
871: Outpost voluntarily petitions to become
an Imperial client state. A loophole in the
Treaty of Ftahalr then allows the Imperium to
establish a naval base there.
872: The Imperium establishes a naval base at
Outpost, five parsecs past the Imperial border,
to protect trade and maintain communications
with the Confederacy of Duncinae.
874: James Dunbar establishes a trading post
for the Scotian Deep Trading Company on
Rejhappur to support the jaihe trade.
883: Dissidents from Purity are exiled to
902: Oloma and Opitan purchase jumpcapable ships from the Principality of Caledon.
903: Prince Janin Kresh of Oloma attempts to
annex Opitan, resulting in nuclear war
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N between the two worlds.
e 904: Ildrissar is settled by the Carrillian
w Assembly.
LSP purchase mining rights to the Ikuna
F 910:
e Belt.
e Circa 910: Datinar is colonised after a major
d platinum-iridium strike.
912: Grampia settled by MacGregor Minerals
from Rob Roy.
916: Vilhelm Industries registered on Gerim.
922: The "Red Plague" strikes Anatar in the
Tharrill system in "one of the most horrible
catastrophes in human history." Within two
years, 90% of the population is wiped out.
925: Daken is settled.
Circa 960: The inhabitants of Traneer begin to
re-industrialize, with little concern for their
planetary ecology.
964: Clasp Publications on Marlheim
publishes "Siyreakhaotoior: Classic Aslan
Legends in Translation."
985: A colony is established at the south pole
of Daken to harvest the coral-like "goldsand".
988: Quantum Mining Ventures purchase a
lease for Claverse from the Principality of

for over a decade.

1002: The Snox nation on Khtearle proposes a
Council of Nations to the other factions on the
1006: All but one Aslan clan joins the Khtearle
Council of Nations.
1010: Sian settled by the Carrillian Assembly.
Circa 1010: The Knight's Legion mercenary
group formed by Sir Melerth Khakhan on
1012: Brandon System Company incorporated
on Collin's World.
1015: The trade war between Brandon System
Company and Banff System Company ends.
1024: The Principality of Caledon Dynastic
Crisis of 1024, a.k.a. the Second Civil War. The
conflict is sparked by Prince Colin dying
without issue. Two rival claimants to the
throne, Admiral Earl Maxwell and Edward,
Lord Campbell, emerge.
1024: At the decisive Battle of Dunbarton, Lord
Campbell's forces are victorious over his rival,
Admiral Earl Maxwell. Lord Campbell is
backed by several of the wealthiest mercantile
corporations within the Principality and
Campbell's victory was largely due to his
superior war chest.

994: Banff System Company incorporated on

Collin's World.

1025: During the Dynastic Crisis of 1024 the

Scotian Deep Trading Company, led by Robert
Armstrong, actively supports the Campbell
faction, and as a result gains considerable
influence at court, as well as a Barony for Lord

998: Two of the three largest mines on

Datinar shut down, causing a planet-wide

1025-004: Prince Edward, formerly Lord

Campbell, ascends the throne of the
Principality of Caledon in Reavers' Deep sector.

1000: Twelve protesters are killed in the

"Birthday Massacre" on Garrison, prompting a
planet-wide rebellion.

1030: Increased volcanic activity causes heavy

pollution of Dran's atmosphere.

991: Germaine breaks its trade agreements

with the Principality of Caledon.

1000: Marine Commandant Greyson holds

supreme power under martial law on Garrison

Circa 1030: Trade with the J'aadje, a minor

race on Gaajpadje, opens with the Principality
of Caledon. The K'tring remnant of the Iltharan
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minor race from Drexilthar is not yet
N human
e found.
w 1030: Prince Edward of Caledon grants
s administration rights on Rejhappur to the
Deep Trading Company, in
F Scotian
of their support during the
e recognition
of 1024.
d 1058: Aslan traders employed by
Tlasayerlaahel re-contact Roakhoi, with its
mixed Aslan and human population.

1058: Roakhoi is opened for trade, primarily

tlaospice, by the Tlasayerlaahel trading
corporation operating out of Roaa.
1059: Forces of the Scotian Deep Trading
Company defeat a coalition of steppe nomads
on Rejhappur at the Battle of Simbula,
excluding the nomads from the world's fertile
1070: A blood feud between submarine
families starts on Roye.
1075: The blood feud on Roye ends with the
deaths of fifteen family members. The Council
of Eight is forced to step in and end the feud.
1075: Quantum Mining Ventures loses its
lease on Claverse after several mining
1080: Dakaar Trading enslaves the
Languljigee minor race on Lajanjigal, to begin
mining rare earth elements and radioactives
discovered by one of their survey ships.
1086: Luiwaiwuah conquered by Hoa.
1086: The Cassandra Strike throws the
Dakaar Corporation out of the Cassandra
system (Reavers' Deep 1924) allowing the
miners to become independent.
1087: The Tlyetrai of Hoa attempt to re-claim
Turin but are repelled.
1098: Roakhoi starport upgraded from D to C.
1098: Jericorp Mining founded by Gill Jeric in
the Drexilthar subsector of Reavers' Deep

1098: The Scotian Deep Trading Company
begins work on Nahawaijohm, the first
settlement in the steppes on Rejhappur, but
steppe nomads work to stop the construction.
1098: The Council of Eight on Roye purchases
a Far Trader and begins trade with the
1101: A terrorist attack on a cruise liner
orbiting Griffin marks the start of several years
of conflict on the world.
1102: Jericorp Mining comes to Tashrakaar,
one of a dozen small independent companies
working the valuable mineral flats there.
1103: The Nahawaijohm settlement is finally
completed on Rejhappur, but only after the
Scotian Deep Trading Company brings in a
sizable contingent of mercenaries.
1103: Hal Southerland joins Jericorp Mining as
a mining engineer, working on Tashrakaar.
1104: Scientists establish a research centre in
the Shadowland mountains of Kraan to study
an intact Iltharan base from the edge of their
Drexilthar empire.
1104-253: Quantum Mining Ventures
purchased by Deepstar Capital Ventures.
1105: Stiff economic competition between the
Aslan Tlasaverlaahel merchant corporation
and the Human Caledon Ventures erupts in the
Roakhoi system.
1105: Sir Percival Jameison arrives on
Rejhappur as the new Director-General for the
Scotian Deep Trading Company, determined to
conquer all the unpacified nomadic tribes.
1107: An expedition to scale Anekthor on
Glenshiel meets with disaster, with only two
1107: The safety interlocks for the undersea
colony domes on Sarrad inexplicably fail,
killing all but a few thousand of the planet's
three million inhabitants.
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Ankara is declared a Red Zone by
N 1107:
officials in the Nightrim subsector as
e Imperial
outsiders increase. The
w scout baseagainst
s tensions rise.in the system is put on alert as
F 1108-003: Quantum Mining Ventures
e purchases a 100 year lease of Mull from the
e Imperium and begins to move its
d headquarters from Iron Angel to there. It

1109-301: The "Vision of Beauty", an Imperial

20,000 Dton light cruiser, suffered major
damage after an unexplained explosion while
docked at the Shetland navy shipyards. The
'Vision of Beauty' was in-system for its annual
maintenance cycle and casualties have been
reported as minimal. Imperial authorities are
still investigating the cause of the explosion.

1108: World war starts on Merisun when all

nations takes sides in a rapidly escalating

1109-345: Notorious corsair and criminal

mastermind Jaserlak 'The Finger' Doftermek
was executed today on Petzina for crimes
against the Imperium. In his final statement
before his execution Doftermek proclaimed
that blood would flow as a consequence of his

1108: Director-General Sir Percival Jameison

is confronted by an angry mob on Rejhappur.
His order to the native garrison to disperse
the mob results in his death, and the start of
the Rejhappur Revolt.

1110-11: A diplomat announced today that the

Carrillian Assembly has invited Drenslaar to
join that body, and has sent its navy to 'help' in
the negotiations. Reports from Drenslaar
indicate that all resistance is being quashed.

1108: A revolt on Rejhappur leads to

significant problems for the Scotian Deep
Trading Company.

1110-35: Sternmetal Horizons, LIC announced

today that it was increasing mining operations
on Luushakaan after new deposits of Sillisite
were found. Subsector stocks of Sternmetal
rose 5 percent points on the news.

begins upgrading the starport from class C to

class A to conform with Imperial contracts.

1109-202: Quantum Mining Ventures

completes the move of its headquarters from
Iron Angel to Mull.
1109-230: A revolt against the Carrillian
Assembly begins on Ildrissar after
Ildrissarians started protesting the
enforcement of new Assembly tariffs on
internal trade. It is reported a contingent of
Assembly Marines opened fire on the
demonstrators causing the death of 314. High
Justice Daldreem used the protest and
subsequent strikes, work stoppages and
withholding of tariffs to mobilise the Assembly
Navy and launch an invasion of Ildrissar. The
situation on Ildrissar is still in flux, with Carrill
controlling the starport and several cities and
the Ildrissarian Patriotic Front controlling the
rest of the planet.
1109-241: The Principality of Caledon opened
Htalrea to human trade today via the
Confederacy of Duncinae. This is seen as a
step forward in free trade by local markets
and a welcome move.

1110-87: In recent months, Luushakaan has

been the object of several tradewar raids by an
unknown but evidently strong assailant.
Evidence has pointed strongly towards
Delgado Trading, LIC, as the culprit, and
Sternmetal has launched two minor retaliatory
attacks against Delgado operations in the
Cassandra Belt as a result.
1110-88: Santiago raiders destroyed by an
Arbuthnot Minerals & Resources Ltd patrol
1110-93: The Dakaar Corporation has begun
negotiations with the government of Sarrad to
construct new colony domes in return for
mineral extraction and processing rights.
Imperial officials were unimpressed with the
news with a local economist claiming the risks
did not justify the returns.
1110-101: The Santiagos government sends a
strike team to take out Linda patrol cruisers.
Interplanetary war between the two worlds
Page 22

News Feed
N ensues.
e 1110-148: Several battalions of the Knight's
w Legion arrived on Outpost today and set up a
s mobile command in the warehouse district
to the Imperial Navy base. Imperial
F next
officials have confirmed that the mercenary
e company has been engaged to support
e Imperial interests in the region but were silent
d on the level of support or who in the Imperial
Navy had issued the mercenary ticket.

1110-222: Admiral Dickson Jazzak,

Commander of the Fleet of St George,
confirmed today that several surplus warships
have been leased to the Shadow Fleet. The
Shadow Fleet is a merchant company that
provides transport logistics for the Knight's
1111-16: The Dakaar Corporation begins
construction of the new colony domes on
Sarrad in return for mineral extraction and
processing rights from the world's
government. At the same time Dakaar
Minerals mining equipment was moved onto a
newly constructed mobile platform on the
southern ocean.
1113-121: Today Caledon Ventures began
establishment of a permanent trading post on
Htalrea's northern continent of Teltrata.
1113-187: Riots are sparked on Mirak when
local citizens attempt to defend the crew of
the free trader MacBeth, registered out of the
Confederacy of Duncinae, from police
1113-268: Trallatrel Corporation begins
construction of an outpost on Htalrea's
southern continent. This is the second
permanent offworld trade settlement on
Htalrea since the Principality of Caledon
opened the world to human trade.
1113-332: Officials of Caledon Ventures and
the Scotian Deep Trading Company
announce their final amalgamation under
Caledon Ventures from Stirling. The president
of Scotian Deep acknowledged that the
amalgamation was the only way the company
could continue to trade.

1113-364: Caledon Ventures officials on

Dunmarrow warn its personnel in the Ea and
Scotian Deep subsectors that action from the
Aslan company Tlasayerlaahel is expected
against their interests.
1114-029: The Grand Duchy of Marlheim
closes its borders to all shipping from the
Confederacy of Duncinae following riots on
Mirak late last year.
1114-038: Roger Vane is elected President of
the Confederacy of Duncinae.
1114-048: Caledon Ventures signs an
agreement with the K'Tring state on Gaajpadje
placing K'Tring and J'aadje disputes in the
hands of company mediators.
1114-058: The Second Treaty of Ftahalr is
signed on Ftahalr (Dark Nebula 1208) by
representatives of "The 29" from the Aslan
Hierate, the Third Imperium and the Solomani
Confederation (under stated duress of course).
This historic second treaty, signed exactly 734
years after the first treaty, confirms the
independence of the worlds in the Reavers'
Deep and Dark Nebula sectors and
guarantees non-interference from the three
major polities bordering these sectors.


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Page 23

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