User Manual Ws
User Manual Ws
(Version 1.0)
Prepared by
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Table of Content
1.0 Introduction--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3
1.1 Audience
1.2 Purpose of this document
1.3 Conventions
1.4 References
1.5 Definitions/Glossary
1.6 Problem reporting
1.7 User Organization
2.0 Product features--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4
2.1 Minimum System Requirements -------------------------------------------------------------------------6
3.0 General Operating Instructions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6
3.1 User Registration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6
3.2 Institute Profile-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7
3.3 Apply for Grants -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8
3.4 Phase Up-gradation-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10
3.5.Grant Release-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------16
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Users of this software application will be from Universities/Colleges and UGC. The users are expected to
have a basic understanding of using a computer and familiarity with the usage of keyboard and mouse.
This document attempts to describe the operational aspects of the software application with a view to
assist all those who will be using the software. The document provides step-wise instructions for handling
various aspects of the software with visual screens for easy and better understanding. It also describes
the error messages encountered while working with the software with appropriate remedial actions
required to be taken by you.
The document follows the font settings for Chapter Heading, Sub-Headings at various levels and text as
indicated below:
This section gives a glossary of terms used in the rest of the document.
Women Studies
Sanction Order
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Utilization Certificate
Statement of Expenditure
Serving as a vital link between the Union and the State governments and institutions of higher
Advising the Union and the State governments on the measures necessary for improvement of
university education
In order to achieve the objective, number of schemes have been implemented by UGC. One such
scheme is Development of Women Studies in Indian Universities and Colleges
2) Product Features
This application captures the complete life cycle of Development of Women Studies Centres in
Universities & Colleges , starting from proposal submission for financial assistance till submission of
Utilization Certificate by the Institutions. The salient features are
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Institution submit
registered for
Women Studies
Approved By
Upgrade Proposal
Approved By UGC
letter issued by
Released By
Award Letter
issued by UGC to
the Institution
Sanction Letter
issued by UGC
Statement of
Expenditure is
submitted by
Certificate is
submitted by the
Development of Womens Studies in Indian Universities and Colleges
Activity Report
is submitted by
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Internet Connection
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Authorized users will login to application by entering the User ID, Password and Captcha.
3.2)Institute Profie: The institution should update the institute profile and Bank details by clicking on
link i.e Institute Profile on the left panel.
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Next Step : The institution will apply for the women studies scheme for which they want to avail the grant
by clicking on the apply link.
3.3) Apply for Grants : After the registration of the institute , the institution will fill the
Womens studies proposal form shown in the next page.
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After the completion of the proposal form, the institution will generate the pdf of the proposal by clicking
on the link i.e Click here to generate proposal application for Women Studies.
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After the completion of the proposal for phase up-gradation , the institution will
generate the pdf by clicking on the following link given below.
The signed letter of proposal for phase up-gradation is uploaded and submitted.
After the submission of the proposal letter for phase up-gradation by the institution ,SRN will be
generated and communicated through SMS/email.
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In case of Pending User Clarification status the remarks will be visible on respective institution on PUCL
tab, the institution will upload again by clicking below upload Documents link.
In case of Under processing status , the proposal is being processed by concerned sections.
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User may click on the Continue link which will open the partial filled form by the user.
User may click on the Discard link which will open the fresh form.
Next Step: Section officer / Dealing hand will generate the award letter by clicking the below link in case
the institutions proposal form is approved and will be forwarded to the institution.
Section officer / Dealing hand will select the institute for which they want to generate the award letter with
necessary details as shown in the next page.
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Clicking on the above link will generate Award letter for the institution.
The signed letter of award is uploaded and submitted to the institution.
The institution will be able to view the signed letter of award submitted by Section officer / Dealing hand
at their end as shown below.
The case arises when the institution is already receiving grant and the proposal for phase up-gradation is
approved by UGC , the up-gradation letter is forwarded to the institution
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Section officer/ dealing hand will click on the above button and the below form will open to generate the
up-gradation letter.
3.5) Grant Release : Section officer / Dealing hand will click on the Grant Release link .
Grant is released by Section officer / Dealing hand to the institution.
After submission of the above form , the next form is shown below.
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After submission of this form , the below form will open showing the University/College for which the
Section officer / Dealing hand will release the grant.
By clicking on Add New will open a window as shown below showing the phase, type of plan , College
/University , Scheme name and the head Code.
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Grant-in-aid General(31)
Grant-in-aid General(31) : Section / Dealing hand officer will fill this form every year in a whole plan
Grant for creation of capital assets(35) : This form will be filled once in a whole plan.
After submission of this form the below form will show the total grant released for the institution.
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Next Step: Section Officer / Dealing hand can see the list of grant released in the various financial year
by clicking on the view link.
Next Step: Section officer / Dealing hand will generate and upload Sanction Letter.
Click on Generate & Upload Sanction Letter link. The window will open as shown in next page.
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The Section officer / Dealing hand will fill the details to generate the sanction letter.
After filling all the above details, the Section / Dealing hand officer will click on the link i.e.
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The Section officer / Dealing hand will download the signed sanction letter.
3.6) Statement of Expenditure: Section officer / Dealing hand will click on the Statement of
Expenditure link on the left panel.
Next Step:
The institution will fill the Statement of Expenditure and view the same after the signed
statement of expenditure is uploaded.
The Section officer / Dealing hand will view the statement of expenditure after the signed
statement of expenditure is uploaded by the institution.
The institution will select the scheme to fill the statement of expenditure.
After submission ,the form will open as shown in the next page.
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Clicking on Upload link the institution the following form will be shown.
After filling the above S.O.E (Statement of Expenditure) the institution will click on Next. The following
form will open.
The Section officer / Dealing hand will view the Statement of Expenditure after the signed statement of
expenditure is uploaded by the institution by clicking on the Statement of Expenditure link on the left
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After Selecting all the required fields above the Section officer / Dealing hand will submit the form.
After submission the below form will be shown
The Section officer / Dealing hand will be able to see the list of SOE of various institutions of different
financial years by clicking on the view link.
3.7) Utilization Certificate : Utilization certificate is submitted by the institution to the Section officer
/ Dealing hand.
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Utilization Certificate is generated and the signed certificate of utilization is uploaded and submitted to the
Section officer / Dealing hand.
After the submission of Utilization Certificate message of successful submission is displayed as shown
below in the form.
Section officer / Dealing hand will be able to view the list of Utilization Certificate of various institutions at
their end.
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3.8 Next Step: Activity Report is submitted by the institution to the Section officer / Dealing hand .
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The signed report of Activity is uploaded and submitted to the Section officer / Dealing hand.
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