(Jorge Cardoso) Semantic Web Services Theory

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The document discusses theories, tools and applications of semantic web services including topics like ontologies, semantic web, web services etc.

Some of the main topics covered include ontologies, semantic web, web services, ontology languages, ontology engineering, semantic web services etc.

Some of the ontology development tools mentioned include Protege, OntoEdit, OilEd, pOWL etc.

Semantic Web Services:

Theory, Tools, and Applications

Jorge Cardoso
University of Madeira, Portugal

Information Science Reference

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Semantic Web services : theory, tools and applications / Jorge Cardoso, editor.
p. cm.
Summary: "This book brings together researchers, scientists, and representatives from different communities to study, understand,
and explore the theory, tools, and applications of the semantic Web. It joins the semantic Web, ontologies, knowledge management,
Web services, and Web processes into one fully comprehensive resource, serving as the platform for exchange of both practical
technologies and research"--Provided by publisher.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-1-59904-045-5 (hardcover) -- ISBN 978-1-59904-047-9 (ebook)
1. Semantic Web. 2. Web services. I. Cardoso, Jorge, 1970TK5105.88815.S45 2006
British Cataloguing in Publication Data
A Cataloguing in Publication record for this book is available from the British Library.
All work contributed to this book set is new, previously-unpublished material. The views expressed in this book are those of the authors, but not necessarily of the publisher.

Table of Contents

Detailed Table of Contents ................................................................................................................... v

Foreword . ...........................................................................................................................................viii
Preface..................................................................................................................................................... x
Acknowledgments ............................................................................................................................. xvii

Chapter I
The Syntactic and the Semantic Web/ Jorge Cardoso............................................................................. 1
Chapter II
Logics for the Semantic Web/ Jos de Bruijn.......................................................................................... 24
Chapter III
Ontological Engineering: What are Ontologies and How Can We Build Them?
Oscar Corcho, Mariano Fernndez-Lpez, and Asuncin Gmez-Prez.............................................. 44
Chapter IV
Editing Tools for Ontology Creation/ Ana Lisete Nunes Escrcio and Jorge Cardoso......................... 71
Chapter V
Web Ontology Languages/ Grigoris Antoniou and Martin Doerr........................................................ 96
Chapter VI
Reasoning on the Semantic Web/ Rogier Brussee and Stanislav Pokraev.......................................... 110
Chapter VII
Introduction to Web Services/ Cary Pennington, Jorge Cardoso, John A. Miller,
Richard Scott Patterson, and Ivan Vasquez ........................................................................................ 134
Chapter VIII
Service-Oriented Processes: An Introduction to BPEL/ Chun Ouyang, Wil M.P. van der Aalst,
Marlon Dumas, Arthur H.M. ter Hofstede, and Marcello La Rosa .................................................... 155

Chapter IX
Semantic Web Services/ Rama Akkiraju.............................................................................................. 191
Chapter X
The Process of Semantic Annotation of Web Services/ Christoph Ringelstein,
Thomas Franz, and Steffen Staab ....................................................................................................... 217
Chapter XI
Semantic Web Service Discovery: Methods, Algorithms and Tools/ Vassileios Tsetsos,
Christos Anagnostopoulos, and Stathes Hadjiefthymiades................................................................. 240
Chapter XII
Semantic Web Service Discovery in the WSMO Framework/ Uwe Keller, Rubn Lara,
Holger Lausen, and Dieter Fensel....................................................................................................... 281
Chapter XIII
Semantic Search Engines Based on Data Integration Systems/ Domenico Beneventano
and Sonia Bergamaschi ...................................................................................................................... 317
About the Authors . ........................................................................................................................... 343
Index.................................................................................................................................................... 350

Detailed Table of Contents

Foreword . ...........................................................................................................................................viii
Preface..................................................................................................................................................... x
Acknowledgments ............................................................................................................................. xvii

Chapter I
The Syntactic and the Semantic Web/ Jorge Cardoso............................................................................. 1
This chapter gives an overview of the evolution of the Web. Initially, Web pages were specified syntactically and were intended only for human consumption. New Internet business models, such as B2B
and B2C, require information on the Web to be defined semantically in a way that it can be used by
computers, not only for display purposes, but also for interoperability and integration. To achieve this
new type of Web, called Semantic Web, several technologies are being developed, such as the resource
description framework and the Web Ontology Language.
Chapter II
Logics for the Semantic Web/ Jos de Bruijn.......................................................................................... 24
This chapter introduces several formal logical languages which form the backbone of the Semantic
Web. The basis for all these languages is the classical first-order logic. Some of the languages presented
include description logics, frame logic and RuleML.
Chapter III
Ontological Engineering: What are Ontolgies and How Can We Build Them?
Oscar Corcho, Mariano Fernndez-Lpez, and Asuncin Gmez-Prez.............................................. 44
The term ontological engineering defines the set of activities that concern the ontology development
process, the ontology life cycle, the principles, methods and methodologies for building ontologies, and
the tool suites and languages that support them. In this chapter we provide an overview of ontological
engineering, describing the current trends, issues and problems.

Chapter IV
Editing Tools for Ontology Creation/ Ana Lisete Nunes Escrcio and Jorge Cardoso......................... 71
The activities associated with Ontological Engineering require dedicated tools. One of the first activities
is to find a suitable ontology editor. In this chapter we give an overview of the editing tools we consider
more relevant for ontology construction.
Chapter V
Web Ontology Languages/ Grigoris Antoniou and Martin Doerr........................................................ 96
This chapter gives a general introduction to some of the ontology languages that play an important role
on the Semantic Web. The languages presented include RDFS and OWL.
Chapter VI
Reasoning in the Semantic Web/ Rogier Brussee and Stanislav Pokraev........................................... 110
In this chapter we remember the reader the fundamental of description logic and the OWL ontology
language and explain how reasoning can be achieved on the Semantic Web. A real example using routers
is given to explain how ontologies and reasoning can help in determining the location of resources.
Chapter VII
Introduction to Web Services/ Cary Pennington, Jorge Cardoso, John A. Miller,
Richard Scott Patterson, and Ivan Vasquez ........................................................................................ 134
This chapter reviews the history out of which Web services evolved. We will see that Web services are
the result of the evolution of several distributed systems technologies. One of the concepts introduced
along Web services is service-oriented architecture (SOA). Since SOA is to be used by organizations,
we address important issues such as the specification of policies and security.
Chapter VIII
Service-Oriented Processes: An Introduction to BPEL/ Chun Ouyang,
Wil M.P. van der Aalst, Marlon Dumas, Arthur H.M. ter Hofstede, and Marcello La Rosa .............. 155
The Business Process Execution Language for Web Services (BPEL) is an emerging standard for specifying a business process made of Web services. In this chapter, we review some limitations of BPEL
and discuss solutions to address them. We also consider the possibility of applying formal methods and
Semantic Web technologies to support the development of a next generation of BPEL processes.
Chapter IX
Semantic Web Services/ Rama Akkiraju.............................................................................................. 191
Several researchers have recognized that Web services standards lack of semantics. To address this
limitation, the Semantic Web community has introduced the concept of Semantic Web service. When
the requirements and capabilities of Web services are described using semantics it becomes possible

to carry out a considerable number of automated tasks, such as automatic discovery, composition and
integration of software components.
Chapter X
The Process of Semantic Annotation of Web Services/ Christoph Ringelstein,
Thomas Franz, and Steffen Staab ....................................................................................................... 217
This chapter explains how Web services can be annotated and described with semantics. Semantic descriptions allow Web services to be understood and correctly interpreted by machines. The focus lies in
analyzing the process of semantic annotation, i.e., the process of deriving semantic descriptions from
lower level specifications, implementations and contextual descriptions of Web services.
Chapter XI
Semantic Web Service Discovery: Methods, Algorithms, and Tools/ Vassileios Tsetsos,
Christos Anagnostopoulos, and Stathes Hadjiefthymiades................................................................. 240
This chapter surveys existing approaches to Semantic Web service discovery. Semantic discovery will
probably substitute existing keyword-based solutions in order to overcome several limitations of the
Chapter XII
Semantic Web Service Discovery in the WSMO Framework/ Uwe Keller, Rubn Lara,
Holger Lausen, and Dieter Fensel....................................................................................................... 281
This chapter presents how the Web service modeling ontology (WSMO) can be applied for service
discovery. WSMO is a specification that provides a conceptual framework for semantically describing
Web services and their specific properties. This chapter is closely related to Chapter XI.
Chapter XIII
Semantic Search Engines Based on Data Integration Systems/ Domenico Beneventano
and Sonia Bergamaschi ...................................................................................................................... 317
Syntactic search engines, such as Google and Yahoo!, are common tools for every user of the Internet.
But since the search is based only on the syntax of keywords, the accuracy of the engines is often poor
and inadequate. One solution to improve these engines is to add semantics to the search process. This
chapter presents the concept of semantic search engines which fundamentally augment and improve
traditional Web search engines by using not just words, but concepts and logical relationships.
About the Authors . ........................................................................................................................... 343
Index.................................................................................................................................................... 350


Semantic Web is here to stay! This is not really a marketing campaign logo, but it is a truth that every
year is becoming more and more relevant to the daily life of business world, industry and society.
I do not know how it happened, but the last years, through our activities in the Special Interest Group
on Semantic Web and Information Systems in the Association for Information Systems (http://www.
sigsemis.org), I had the opportunity to contact and collaborate with several key people for the evolution
of the SW as well as many leaders in different domains trying to understand their attitude for Semantic
Web1. I feel many times my background in Informatics and Management Science helps me to go beyond
the traditional exhaustive technical discussions on Semantic Web and to see the Forest. This is full of
fertile grounds, fruits for the people who will put the required tough efforts for the cultivation of the
fields and many more, and of course much more value for the early adopters.
A couple years ago I had an interview with Robert Zmud, professor, and Michael F. Price, chair in
MIS, University of Oklahoma. Given his legendary work in the adoption of technologies in business/organizational contexts, I asked him in a way how can we promote Semantic Web to business world. His
answer influenced all of my Semantic Web activities until then. I am copying here:
As with all adoption situations, this is an information and communication problem. One needs to segment the base of potential adopters (both in the IS community and in the business community) and then
develop communication programs to inform each distinct segment of, first, the existence of the innovation (know-what), then the nature of the innovation (know-how), and finally why this innovation would
be useful to them (know-why). These adopter segments are likely to be very different from each other.
Each will have a different likelihood of adoption and will likely require that a somewhat unique communication strategy be devised and directed toward the segment
So this is why Jorges current edition, as well as planned editions, give an answer to the problem of
many people. Semantic Web is discussed in the triptych know-what, know-how, and know-why and the
editing strategy of the book boosts the excellent quality of well known contributors. It is really amazing
how Jorge made it and so many academics and practitioners collaboratively worked for this edition.
Robert Zmud concluded his answer with one more statement which is worthy to mention.
My advice thus, is to segment the adopter population, identify those communities with the highest potential
for adoption, develop a targeted communication strategy, and then develop the relationships necessary
to deliver the communication strategy. Hope this helps.
This answer really justifies why you are fortunate to read this book. Semantics are evident everywhere
in every aspect of business, life, and society (Sheth, 2005)1. In this sense, Semantic Web Services:
Theory, Tools, and Applications provides a critical step forward in the understanding of the state of
the art of the Semantic Web.


I am convinced that the next years Semantic Web will drive a new era of real world applications.
With its transparent capacity to support every business domain, the milestone of the knowledge society
will be for sure a Semantic Web primer. Within this context, computer science and information systems
experts have to reconsider their role. They must be able to transform business requirements to systems
and solutions that go beyond traditional analysis and design. This is why a lot of effort must be paid to
the introduction of Semantic Web in computer science and information systems curricula. Semantic
Web: Theory, Tools, and Applications can be used as an excellent text book for the relevant themes.
As a concluding remark I would like just to share with you some thoughts. There is always a questioning for the pace of the change, and the current stage in the evolution of the SW. I do believe that
there is no need to make predictions for the future. The only thing we need is strategy and hard work.
Educating people in Semantic Web in computer science departments and in business schools means
making them realize that semantics, logic, reasoning, and trust are just our mankind characteristics that
we must bring to our electronic words. If we do not support them our virtual information world looks
like a giant with glass legs. This is why I like the engineering approach of Jorge in this edition. We must
be able to support the giant with concrete computer engineering in order to make sustainable solutions
for real world problems. The fine grain of strategy and computer science will lead Semantic Web to a
maturity level for unforeseen value diffusion.
My invitation is to be part of this exciting new journey and to keep in mind that the people who
dedicate their lives in the promotion of disciplines for the common wealth from time to time need encouragement and support because their intellectual work is not valued in financial terms. This is why I
want to express my deepest appreciation and respect for Jorge Cardoso as scientist and man, and to wish
him to keep rocking in Semantic Web.
Dear Jorge, you did once again great job. And dear Readers, from all over the world you did the
best choice. Let us open together the Semantic Web to the society. And why not let us put together the
new milestones towards a better world for all through the adoption of leading edge technologies in
humanistic visions.
Miltiadis D. Lytras, University of Patras, Greece


Sheth, A., Ramakrishnan C., & Thomas, C. (2005). Semantics for the Semantic Web: The implicit,
the formal and the powerful. International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems,
Inaugural Issue, 1(1), 1-18.
Lytras, M. (2005). Semantic Web and information systems: An agenda based on discourse with
community leaders. International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems, Inaugural
Issue, 1(1), i-xii.

What is This Book About?
The current World Wide Web is syntactic and the content itself is only readable by humans. The Semantic Web proposes the mark-up of content on the Web using formal ontologies that structure underlying
data for the purpose of comprehensive machine understanding. Currently most Web resources can only
be found and queried by syntactical search engines. One of the goals of the Semantic Web is to enable
reasoning about data entities on different Web pages or Web resources. The Semantic Web is an extension of the current Web in which information is given well-defined meaning, enabling computers and
people to work in co-operation.
Along with the Semantic Web, systems and infrastructures are currently being developed to support
Web services. The main idea is to encapsulate an organizations functionality within an appropriate
interface and advertise it as Web services. While in some cases Web services may be utilized in an
isolated form, it is normal to expect Web services to be integrated as part of Web processes. There is
a growing consensus that Web services alone will not be sufficient to develop valuable Web processes
due the degree of heterogeneity, autonomy, and distribution of the Web. Several researchers agree that
it is essential for Web services to be machine understandable in order to support all the phases of the
lifecycle of Web processes.
It is therefore indispensable to interrelate and associate two of the hottest R&D and technology areas
currently associated with the WebWeb services and the Semantic Web. The study of the application
of semantics to each of the steps in the Semantic Web process lifecycle can help address critical issues
in reuse, integration and scalability.

Why Did I Put a Lot of Effort in Creating This Book?

I started using Semantic Web technologies in 2001 right after Tim Berners-Lee, James Hendler, and Ora
Lassila published their article entitled The Semantic Web in the May issue of Scientific American.
This seminal article described some of the future potential of what was called the Semantic Web, the
impact of computers understanding and interpreting semantic information, and how searches could be
dramatically improved when using semantic metadata. In 2004, I started planning to teach a course on
Semantic Web at the University of Madeira (Portugal). When looking for material and textbooks on the
topic for my students, I realized that there was only a hand full of good books discussing the concepts
associated with the Semantic Web. But none aggregated in one place the theory, the tools, and the applications of the Semantic Web. So, I decided to write this comprehensive and handy book for students,
teachers, and researchers.
The major goal of this book is to bring contributions from researchers, scientists from both industry
and academics, and representatives from different communities together to study, understand, and explore
the theory, tools and applications of the Semantic Web. It brings together computing that deal with the


design and integration, bio-informatics, education, and so forth ontological engineering is defined as the
set of activities that concern the ontology development process, the ontology life cycle, the principles,
methods and methodologies for building ontologies, and the tool suites and languages that support them.
In Chapter III we provide an overview of all these activities, describing the current trends, issues and
problems. More specifically, we cover the following aspects of ontological engineering: (a) Methods
and methodologies for ontology development. We cover both comprehensive methodologies that give
support to a large number of tasks of the ontology development process and methods and techniques
that focus on specific activities of this process, focusing on: ontology learning, ontology alignment and
merge, ontology evolution and versioning, and ontology evaluation; (b) Tools for ontology development. We describe the most relevant ontology development tools, which give support to most of the
ontology development tasks (especially formalization and implementation) and tools that have been
created for specific tasks, such as the ones identified before: learning, alignment and merge, evolution
and versioning and evaluation, and (c) finally, we describe the languages that can be used in the context
of the Semantic Web. This includes W3C recommendations, such as RDF, RDF schema and OWL, and
emerging languages, such as WSML.
Chapter IV gives an overview of editing tools for building ontologies. The construction of an ontology demands the use of specialized software tools. Therefore, we give a synopsis of the tools that we
consider more relevant. The tools we have selected were Protg, OntoEdit, DOE, IsaViz, Ontolingua,
Altova Semantic Works, OilEd, WebODE, pOWL and SWOOP. We started by describing each tool and
identifying which tools supported a methodology or other important features for ontology construction.
It is possible to identify some general distinctive features for each software tool. Protg is used for
domain modeling and for building knowledge-base systems and promotes interoperability. DOE allows
users to build ontologies according to the methodology proposed by Bruno Bachimont. Ontolingua was
built to ease the development of ontologies with a form-based Web interface. Altova SemanticWorks
is a commercial visual editor that has an intuitive visual interface and drag-and-drop functionalities.
OilEds interface was strongly influenced by Stanfords Protg toolkit. This editor does not provide
a full ontology development environment. However, it allows users to build ontologies and to check
ontologies for consistency by using the FaCT reasoner. WebODE is a Web application. This editor supports ontology edition, navigation, documentation, merge, reasoning and other activities involved in the
ontology development process. pOWL is capable of supporting parsing, storing, querying, manipulation, versioning and serialization of RDFS and OWL knowledge bases in a collaborative Web enabled
environment. SWOOP is a Web-based OWL ontology editor and browser. SWOOP contains OWL
validation and offers various OWL presentation syntax views. It has reasoning support and provides a
multiple ontology environment.
The aim of Chapter V is to give a general introduction to some of the ontology languages that play
a prominent role on the Semantic Web. In particular, it will explain the role of ontologies on the Web,
review the current standards of RDFS and OWL, and discuss open issues for further developments. In
the context of the Web, ontologies can be used to formulate a shared understanding of a domain in order
deal with differences in terminology of users, communities, disciplines and languages as it appears in
texts. One of the goals of the Semantic Web initiative is to advance the state of the current Web through
the use of semantics. More specifically, it proposes to use semantic annotations to describe the meaning
of certain parts of Web information and, increasingly, the meaning of message elements employed by
Web services. For example, the Web site of a hotel could be suitably annotated to distinguish between
the hotel name, location, category, number of rooms, available services and so forth Such meta-data
could facilitate the automated processing of the information on the Web site, thus making it accessible
to machines and not primarily to human users, as it is the case today. The current and most prominent
Web standard for semantic annotations is RDF and RDF schema, and its extension OWL.


Semantic Web, ontologies, knowledge management and engineering, Web services, and Web processes. It serves
as the platform for exchange of both practical technologies and far reaching research.

Organization of the Book

This book is divided into 13 chapters and it is organized in a manner that allows a gradual progression of the
main subject toward more advanced topics. The first five chapters cover the logic and engineering approaches
needed to develop ontologies and bring into play semantics. Chapters VII and VIII introduce two technological
areas, Web services and Web processes, which have received a considerable amount of attention and focus from
the Semantic Web community. The remaining chapters, Chapters IX, X, XI, XII, and XIII, describe in detail
how semantics are being used to annotate Web services, discover Web services, and deploy semantic search
Chapter I introduces the concepts of syntactic and Semantic Web. The World Wide Web composed of HTML
documents can be characterized as a syntactic or visual Web since documents are meant only to be displayed
by Web browsers. In the visual Web, machines cannot understand the meaning of the information present in
HTML pages, since they are mainly made up of ASCII codes and images. The visual Web prevents computers
from automating information processing, integration, and interoperability. Currently the Web is undergoing an
evolution and different approaches are being sought for adding semantics to Web pages and resources in general.
Due to the widespread importance of integration and interoperability for intra- and inter-business processes, the
research community has already developed several semantic standards such as the resource description framework (RDF), RDF schema (RDFS) and the Web Ontology Language (OWL). RDF, RDFS and OWL standards
enable the Web to be a global infrastructure for sharing both documents and data, which make searching and
reusing information easier and more reliable as well. RDF is a standard for creating descriptions of information,
especially information available on the World Wide Web. What XML is for syntax, RDF is for semantics. The
latter provides a clear set of rules for providing simple descriptive information. OWL provides a language for
defining structured Web-based ontologies which allows a richer integration and interoperability of data among
communities and domains. Even though the Semantic Web is still in its infancy, there are already applications
and tools that use this conceptual approach to build Semantic Web-based systems. Therefore, in this chapter, we
present the state of the art of the applications that use semantics and ontologies. We describe various applications ranging from the use of Semantic Web services, semantic integration of tourism information sources, and
semantic digital libraries to the development of bioinformatics ontologies.
Chapter II introduces a number of formal logical languages which form the backbone of the Semantic Web.
They are used for the representation of both ontologies and rules. The basis for all languages presented in this
chapter is the classical first-order logic. Description logics is a family of languages which represent subsets of
first-order logic. Expressive description logic languages form the basis for popular ontology languages on the
Semantic Web. Logic programming is based on a subset of first-order logic, namely Horn logic, but uses a slightly
different semantics and can be extended with non-monotonic negation. Many Semantic Web reasoners are based
on logic programming principles and rule languages for the Semantic Web based on logic programming are
an ongoing discussion. Frame logic allows object-oriented style (frame-based) modeling in a logical language.
RuleML is an XML-based syntax consisting of different sub-languages for the exchange of specifications in
different logical languages over the Web.
In computer science, ontologies are defined as formal, explicit specifications of shared conceptualizations.
Their origin in this discipline can be referred back to 1991, in the context of the DARPA knowledge sharing effort.
Since then, considerable progress has been made and ontologies are now considered as a commodity that can be
used for the development of a large number of applications in different fields, such as knowledge management,
natural language processing, e-commerce, intelligent integration information, information retrieval, database


In Chapter VI we describe and explain how reasoning can be carried out in on the Semantic Web.
Reasoning is the process needed for using logic. Efficiently performing this process is a prerequisite
for using logic to present information in a declarative way and to construct models of reality. In this
chapter we describe both what the reasoning over the formal semantics of description logic amounts
to and to, and illustrate how formal reasoning can (and cannot!) be used for understanding real world
semantics given a good formal model of the situation. We first describe how the formal semantics of
description logic can be understood in terms of completing oriented labeled graphs. In other words we
interpret the formal semantics of description logic as rules for inferring implied arrows in a dots and
arrows diagram. We give an essentially complete graphical overview of OWL that may be used as
an introduction to the semantics of this language. We then touch on the algorithmic complexity of this
graph completion problem giving a simple version of the tableau algorithm, and give pointers to existing implementations of OWL reasoners. The second part deals with semantics as the relation between
a formal model and reality. We give an extended example building up a small toy ontology of concepts
useful for describing buildings, their physical layout and physical objects such as wireless routers and
printers in the turtle notation for OWL. We then describe a (imaginary) building with routers in these
terms. We explain how such a model can help in determining the location of resources given an idealized wireless device that is in or out of range of a router. We emphasize how different assumptions on
the way routers and buildings work are formalized and made explicit in the formal semantics of the
logical model. In particular we explain the sharp distinction between knowing some facts and knowing
all facts (open, versus closed world assumption). The example also illustrates the fact that reasoning is
no magical substitute for insufficient data. This section should be helpful when using ontologies and
incomplete real world knowledge in applications.
Chapter VII gives an introduction to Web service technology. Web services are emerging technologies that allow programmatic access to resources on the Internet. Web services provide a means to create
distributed systems which are loosely couple, meaning that the interaction between the client and service
is not dependent on one having any knowledge of the other. This type of interaction between components
is defined formally by the service-oriented architecture (SOA). The backbone of Web services is XML.
Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a platform independent data representation which allows the
flexibility that Web services need to fulfill their promise. Simple object access protocol, or SOAP, is
the XML-based protocol that governs the communication between a service and the client. It provides
a platform and programming language independent way for Web services to exchange messages. Web
Service Description Language (WSDL) is an XML-based language for describing a service. It describes
all the information needed to advertise and invoke a Web service. UDDI is a standard for storing WSDL
files as a registry so that they can be discovered by clients. There are other standards for describing
policy, security, reliability, and transactions of Web services that are described in the chapter. With all
this power and flexibility, Web services are fairly easy to build. Standard software engineering practices
are still valid with this new technology though tool support is making some of the steps trivial. Initially,
we design the service as a UML class diagram. This diagram can then be translated (either by hand or by
tools like Posiden) to a Java interface. This class can become a Web service by adding some annotations
to the Java code that will be used to create the WSDL file for the service. At this point, we need only to
implement the business logic of the service to have a system that is capable of performing the needed
tasks. Next, the service is deployed on an application server, tested for access and logic correctness, and
published to a registry so that it can be discovered by clients.
In Chapter VIII we introduce and provide an overview of the Business Process Execution Language
for Web services (known as BPEL4WS or BPEL for short), an emerging standard for specifying the
behavior of Web services at different levels of details using business process modeling constructs. BPEL


represents a convergence between Web services and business process technology. It defines a model and a grammar for describing the behavior of a business process based on interactions between the process and its partners.
Being supported by vendors such as IBM and Microsoft, BPEL is positioned as the process language of the
Internet. The chapter firstly introduces BPEL by illustrating its key concepts and the usage of its constructs to
define service-oriented processes and to model business protocols between interacting Web services. A BPEL
process is composed of activities that can be combined through structured operators and related through control
links. In addition to the main process flow, BPEL provides event handling, fault handling and compensation
capabilities. In the long-running business processes, BPEL applies correlation mechanism to route messages
to the correct process instance. On the other hand, BPEL is layered on top of several XML specifications such
as WSDL, XML schema and XPath. WSDL message types and XML schema type definitions provide the data
model used in BPEL processes, and XPath provides support for data manipulation. All external resources and
partners are represented as WSDL services. Next, to further illustrate the BPEL constructs introduced above, a
comprehensive working example of a BPEL process is given, which covers the process definition, XML schema
definition, WSDL document definition, and the process execution over a popular BPEL-compliant engine. Since
the BPEL specification defines only the kernel of BPEL, extensions are allowed to be made in separate documentations. The chapter reviews some perceived limitations of BPEL and extensions that have been proposed
by industry vendors to address these limitations. Finally, for an advanced discussion, the chapter considers the
possibility of applying formal methods and Semantic Web technology to support the rigorous development of
service-oriented processes using BPEL.
Web services show promise to address the needs of application integration by providing a standards-based
framework for exchanging information dynamically between applications. Industry efforts to standardize Web
service description, discovery and invocation have led to standards such as WSDL, UDDI, and SOAP respectively. These industry standards, in their current form, are designed to represent information about the interfaces
of services, how they are deployed, and how to invoke them, but are limited in their ability to express the capabilities and requirements of services. This lack of semantic representation capabilities leaves the promise of
automatic integration of applications written to Web services standards unfulfilled. To address this, the Semantic
Web community has introduced Semantic Web services. Semantic Web services are the main topic of Chapter
IX. By encoding the requirements and capabilities of Web services in an unambiguous and machine-interpretable
form semantics make the automatic discovery, composition and integration of software components possible.
This chapter introduces Semantic Web services as a means to achieve this vision. It presents an overview of
Semantic Web services, their representation mechanisms, related work and use cases. Specifically, the chapter
contrasts various Semantic Web service representation mechanisms such as OWL-S, WSMO and WSDL-S and
presents an overview of the research work in the area of Web service discovery, and composition that use these
representation mechanisms.
Web services are software components that are accessible as Web resources in order to be reused by other
Web services or software. Hence, they function as middleware connecting different parties such as companies
or organizations distributed over the Web. In Chapter X, we consider the process of provisioning data about a
Web service to constitute a specification of the Web service. At this point, the question arises how a machine
may attribute machine-understandable meaning to this metadata. Therefore, we argue for the use of ontologies
for giving a formal semantics to Web service annotations, that is, we argue in favor of Semantic Web service
annotations. A Web service ontology defines general concepts such as service or operation as well as relations
that exist between such concepts. The metadata describing a Web service can instantiate concepts of the ontology. This connection supports Web service developers to understand and compare the metadata of different
services described by the same or a similar ontology. Consequently, ontology-based Web service annotation
leverages the use, reuse and verification of Web services. The process of Semantic Web service annotation in
general requires input from multiple sources, that is legacy descriptions, as well as a labor-intensive modeling


effort. Information about a Web service can be gathered for example from the source code of a service
(if annotation is done by a service provider), from the API documentation and description, from the
overall textual documentation of a Web service or from descriptions in WS* standards. Depending on
the structuredness of these sources, semantic annotations may (have to) be provided manually (e.g., if
full text is the input), semi-automatically (e.g. for some WS* descriptions) or fully automatically (e.g.,
if Java interfaces constitute the input). Hence, a semantic description of the signature of a Web service
may be provided by automatic means, while the functionality of Web service operations or pre- and
post-conditions of a Web service operation may only be modeled manually. Benefits of semantic specifications of Web services include a common framework that integrates semantic descriptions of many
relevant Web service properties. It is the purpose of this chapter to explain the conceptual gap between
legacy descriptions and semantic specifications and to indicate how this gap is to be bridged.
Chapter XI deals with methods, algorithms and tools for Semantic Web service discovery. Semantic
Web has revolutionized, among other things, the implementation of Web services lifecycle. The core
phases of this lifecycle, such as service discovery and composition can be performed more effectively
through the exploitation of the semantics that annotate the service descriptions. This chapter focuses on
the phase of discovery due to its central role in every, service-oriented architecture. Hence, it surveys
existing approaches to Semantic Web service (SWS) discovery. Such discovery process is expected to
substitute existing keyword-based solutions (e.g., UDDI) in the near future, in order to overcome their
limitations. First, the architectural components of a SWS discovery ecosystem, along with potential
deployment scenarios, are discussed. Subsequently, a wide range of algorithms and tools that have been
proposed for the realization of SWS discovery are presented. The presentation of the various approaches
aims at outlining the key characteristics of each proposed solution, without delving into technologydependent details (e.g., service description languages). The descriptions of the tools included in this
chapter provide a starting point for further experimentation by the reader. In this respect, a brief tutorial
for a certain tool is provided as an appendix. Finally, key challenges and open issues, not addressed
by current systems, are identified (e.g., evaluation of service retrieval, mediation and interoperability
issues). The ultimate purpose of this chapter is to update the reader on the recent developments in this
area of the distributed systems domain and provide the required background knowledge and stimuli for
further research and experimentation in semantics-based service discovery.
Taking an abstract perspective, Web services can be considered as complex resources on the Web, that
is, resources that might have more complex structure and properties than conventional data that is shared
on the Web. Recently, the Web service modeling ontology (WSMO) has been developed to provide a
conceptual framework for semantically describing Web services and their specific properties in detail.
WSMO represents a promising and rather general framework for Semantic Web service description and is
currently applied in various European projects in the area of Semantic Web services and Grid computing.
In Chapter XII, we discuss how Web service discovery can be achieved within the WSMO Framework.
First, we motivate Semantic Web services and the idea of applying semantics to Web services. We give
a brief high-level overview of the Web service modeling ontology and present the main underlying
principles. We discuss the distinction between two notions that are often intermixed when talking about
Semantic Web services and thus provide a proper conceptual grounding for our framework, namely we
strictly distinguish between services and Web services. Consequently, we distinguish between service
discovery and web service discovery, whereas only the latter is then considered in detail in the chapter.
Since in open environments like the Web, the assumption of homogeneous vocabularies and descriptions
breaks, we briefly consider mediation and discuss its role in service and Web service Discovery. Hereby,
we try to identify requirements on the discovery process and respective semantic descriptions which allow
facing heterogeneity and scalability at the same time. We then present a layered model of successively


more detailed and precise perspectives on Web services and consider Web service descriptions on each
of them. For the two most fine-grained levels, we then discuss how to detect semantic matches between
requested and provided functionalities. Based on our model, we are able to integrate and extend matching
notions that have been known in the area already. First, we consider Web services essentially as concepts
in an ontology, where required inputs and the condition under which a requested service actually can be
delivered is neglected. Then, we move forward to a more detailed level of description, where inputs and
respective preconditions for service delivery are no longer ignored. We show how to adapt and extend
the simpler model and matching notions from before to adequately address richer semantic descriptions
on this level. The various levels of descriptions are meant to support a wide range of scenarios that can
appear in practical applications, requiring different levels of details in the description of Web services
and client requests, as well as different precision and performance.
Chapter XIII focuses on semantic search engines and data integration systems. As the use of the
World Wide Web has become increasingly widespread, the business of commercial search engines
has become a vital and lucrative part of the Web. Search engines are common place tools for virtually
every user of the Internet; and companies, such as Google and Yahoo!, have become household names.
Semantic search engines try to augment and improve traditional Web search engines by using not just
words, but concepts and logical relationships. We believe that data integration systems, domain ontologies and schema based peer-to-peer architectures are good ingredients for developing semantic search
engines with good performance. Data integration is the problem of combining data residing at different
autonomous sources, and providing the user with a unified view of these data; the problem of designing
data integration systems is important in current real world applications, and is characterized by a number
of issues that are interesting from a theoretical point of view. Schema-based peer-to-peer networks are
a new class of peer-to-peer networks, combining approaches from peer-to-peer as well as from the data
integration and Semantic Web research areas. Such networks build upon peers that use metadata (ontologies) to describe their contents and semantic mappings among concepts of different peers ontologies.
In this chapter, we will provide empirical evidence for our hypothesis. More precisely, we will describe
two projects, SEWASIE and WISDOM, which rely on these architectural features and developed key
semantic search functionalities; they both exploit the MOMIS (www.dbgroup.unimo.it/Momis/) data
integration system. The first, SEWASIE (www.sewasie.org), rely on a two-level ontology architecture:
the low level, called the peer level contains a data integration system; the second one, called super-peer
level integrates peers with semantically related content (i.e., related to the same domain). The second,
WISDOM (www.dbgroup.unimo.it/wisdom/), is based on an overlay network of semantic peers: each
peer contains a data integration system. The cardinal idea of the project is to develop a framework that
supports a flexible yet efficient integration of the semantic content.


This book describes the most recent advances in Semantic Web and results of a collaborative effort
towards the development of a comprehensive manuscript that exposes the major issues related to this
new area of research. I wish to express my gratitude to everyone who contributed to making this book a
reality. This project is the accumulation of months of work by many dedicated researchers. Some of the
most well-know researcher in the world have dedicated their precious time to share their experience and
knowledge with you. It would not have been possible for me to produce this work without their help.

Chapter I

The Syntactic and the Semantic Web

Jorge Cardoso
University of Madeira, Portugal

This chapter gives an overview of the evolution of the Web. Initially, Web pages were intended only for
human consumption and were usually displayed on a Web browser. New Internet business models, such
as B2B and B2C, required organizations to search for solutions to enable a deep interoperability and
integration between their systems and applications. One emergent solution was to define the information on the Web using semantics and ontologies in a way that it could be used by computers not only
for display purposes, but also for interoperability and integration. The research community developed
standards to semantically describe Web information such as the resource description framework and
the Web Ontology Language. Ontologies can assist in communication between human beings, achieve
interoperability among software systems, and improve the design and the quality of software systems.
These evolving Semantic Web technologies are already being used to build semantic Web based systems
such as semantic Web services, semantic integration of tourism information sources, and semantic digital
libraries to the development of bioinformatics ontologies.

Motivation for thE sEMantic

The World Wide Web (WWW) was developed
in 1989 at the European Laboratory for Particle
Physics (CERN) in Geneva, Switzerland. It was
Tim Berners-Lee who developed the first prototype of the World Wide Web intended to serve as
an information system for physicists.
By the end of 1990, Tim Berners-Lee had written the first browser to retrieve and view hypertext

documents and wrote the first Web serverthe

software, which stores Web pages on a computer
for others to access. The system was originally
developed to allow information sharing within
internationally dispersed working groups. The
original WWW consisted of documents (i.e., Web
pages) and links between documents.
Browsers and Web server users grew. They
became more and more attractive as an information sharing infrastructure. The Web became
even more interesting as the amount of available

Copyright 2007, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

The Syntactic and the Semantic Web

information of every sort increased. A Web page

can be accessed by a URL (uniform resource
locator) through the hypertext transfer protocol
(HTTP) using a Web browser (e.g., Internet Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla, Safari).
Currently, the World Wide Web is primarily composed of documents written in HTML
(Hyper Text Markup Language), a language that
is useful for visual presentation. HTML is a set
of markup symbols contained in a Web page
intended for display on a Web browser. Most
of the information on the Web is designed only
for human consumption. Humans can read Web
pages and understand them, but their inherent
meaning is not shown in a way that allows their
interpretation by computers.
The information on the Web can be defined in
a way that can be used by computers not only for
display purposes, but also for interoperability and
integration between systems and applications. One
way to enable machine-to-machine exchange and
automated processing is to provide the information in such a way that computers can understand
it. This is precisely the objective of the semantic
Webto make possible the processing of Web
information by computers.

Figure 1. Evolution of the Web

The Semantic Web is not a separate Web but an

extension of the current one, in which information
is given well-defined meaning, better enabling
computers and people to work in cooperation.
(Berners-Lee, Hendler, et al., 2001)
The next generation of the Web will combine
existing Web technologies with knowledge representation formalisms (Grau, 2004).
The Semantic Web was made through incremental changes, by bringing machine-readable
descriptions to the data and documents already
on the Web. Figure 1 illustrates the various developed technologies that made the concept of
the Semantic Web possible. As already stated,
the Web was originally a vast set of static Web
pages linked together. Many organizations still
use static HTML files to deliver their information
on the Web. However, to answer to the inherent
dynamic nature of businesses, organizations are
using dynamic publishing methods which offer
great advantages over Web sites constructed
from static HTML pages. Instead of a Web site
comprising a collection of manually constructed
HTML pages, server-side applications and database access techniques are used to dynamically

The Syntactic and the Semantic Web

create Web pages directly in response to requests

from user browsers. This technique offers the
opportunity to deliver Web content that is highly
customized to the needs of individual users.
Nevertheless, the technologies available to
dynamically create Web pages based on database
information were insufficient for the requirements of organizations looking for application
integration solutions. Businesses required their
heterogeneous systems and applications to communicate in a transactional manner. The Extensible Markup Language (XML, 2005) was one of
most successful solutions developed to provide
business-to-business integration. XML became a
means of transmitting unstructured, semi-structured, and even structured data between systems,
enhancing the integration of applications and
Unfortunately, XML-based solutions for
applications and systems integration were not
sufficient, since the data exchanged lacked an
explicit description of its meaning. The integration
of applications must also include a semantic integration. Semantic integration and interoperability
is concerned with the use of explicit semantic
descriptions to facilitate integration.
Currently the Web is undergoing evolution (as
illustrated in Figure 2) and different approaches
are being sought for solutions to adding semantics
to Web resources. On the left side of Figure 2, a
graph representation of the syntactic Web is given.

Resources are linked together forming the Web.

There is no distinction between resources or the
links that connect resources. To give meaning to
resources and links, new standards and languages
are being investigated and developed. The rules
and descriptive information made available by
these languages allow the type of resources on
the Web and the relationships between resources
to be characterized individually and precisely, as
illustrated on the right side of Figure 2.
Due to the widespread importance of integration and interoperability for intra- and interbusiness processes, the research community has
tackled this problem and developed semantic
standards such as the resource description framework (RDF) (RDF, 2002) and the Web Ontology
Language (OWL) (OWL, 2004). RDF and OWL
standards enable the Web to be a global infrastructure for sharing both documents and data, which
make searching and reusing information easier
and more reliable as well. RDF is a standard for
creating descriptions of information, especially
information available on the World Wide Web.
What XML is for syntax, RDF is for semantics.
The latter provides a clear set of rules for providing simple descriptive information. OWL provides
a language for defining structured Web-based
ontologies which allows a richer integration and
interoperability of data among communities and

Figure 2. Evolution of the Web

The Syntactic and the Semantic Web

thE visual and syntactic WEb

The World Wide Web composed of HTML documents can be characterized as a visual Web since
documents are meant only to be displayed by Web
browsers. In the visual Web, machines cannot
understand the meaning of the information present in HTML pages, since they are mainly made
up of ASCII codes and images. The visual Web
prevents computers from automating information
processing, integration, and interoperability.
With HTML documents, presentational metadata is used to assign information to the content
and affect its presentation. Metadata is data about
data and can be used to describe information about
a resource. A resource can, for example, be a Web
page, a document, an image, or a file. Examples
of metadata that can be associated with a file include its title, subject, author, and size. Metadata
mostly consists of a set of attribute value pairs
that gives information about characteristics of a
document. For example,
title = Semantic Web: Technologies and Applications
subject = Semantic Web
author = Jorge Cardoso
size = 6 Kbytes

In HTML pages, the content is marked-up

with metadata. Specific tags are used to indicate
the beginning and end of each element. For example, to specify that the title of the Web page is
Semantic Web: Technologies and Applications,
the text is marked-up using the tag <Title>. To
inform the Web browser that Motivation for the
Semantic Web is a heading, the text is markedup as a heading element, using level-one <h1>
heading tag such as:
<Title> Semantic Web: Technologies and Applications
<h> Motivation for the Semantic Web </h>

One restriction of HTML is that it is semantically limited. There is a lack of rich vocabulary

of element types capable of capturing the meaning behind every piece of text. For example,
Google search engine reads a significant number
of the worlds Web pages and allows users to
type in keywords to find pages containing those
keywords. There is no meaning associated to the
keywords. Google only carries out simple matches
between the keywords and the words in its database. The metadata of HTML is not considered
when searching for a particular set of keywords.
Even if Google would use HTML metadata to
answer queries, the lack of semantics of HTML
tags would most likely not improve the search.
On the other hand, the Syntactic Web is the
collection of documents in the World Wide Web
that contain data not just meant to be rendered
by Web browsers, but also to be used for data
integration and interoperability purposes. To
be able to understand data, a computer needs
metadata which will be provided by some kind of
markup language. A widespread markup language
is XML. With HTML the set of tags available
to users is predefined and new tags cannot be
added to the language. In contrast, XML is an
extremely versatile markup language allowing
users to be capable of creating new tags to add
syntactic meaning to information.
In order to allow data integration, the meaning of XML document content is determined by
agreements reached between the businesses that
will be exchanging data. Agreements are usually
defined using a standardized document, such
as the document type definition (DTD) (XML,
2005) or the XML schema definition (XSD)
(XMLschema, 2005) that specifies the structure
and data elements of the messages exchanged.
These agreements can then be used by applications to act on the data.
In a typical organization, business data is
stored in many formats and across many systems
and databases throughout the organization and
with partner organizations. To partially solve
integration problems, organizations have been

The Syntactic and the Semantic Web

using solutions such as XML to exchange or

move business data between information systems.
Prior to XML, an organization had to hardcode
modules to retrieve data from data sources and
construct a message to send to other applications. The adoption of XML accelerates the
construction of systems that integrate distributed,
heterogeneous data. The XML language allows
the flexible coding and display of data, by using
metadata to describe the structure of data (e.g.,
DTD or XSD).
The first step necessary to accomplish data
integration using XML technologies consists of
taking the raw data sources (text, spreadsheets,
relational tables, etc) and converting them into
well-formed XML documents. The next step is to
analyze and document its structure by creating a
DTD or XSD for each of the data sources.
One limitation of XML is that it can only
define the syntax of documents. XML data does
not include information which can be used to describe the meaning of the tags used. The following
example illustrates an XML instance.
<name> John Hall </name>
<id> 669-- </id>
<major> Philosophy </major>

In this example, the XML instance indicates

there is a student named John Hall. His <id>
is 669-33-2555, but no information is provided
about the meaning of an <id> or the meaning of
the different fields that compose an <id>. Finally,
the students <major> is Philosophy. No information is provided concerning the relationship of
this <major> with the other majors that are given
at the University John attends.

and structurEd data
Data breaks down into three broad categories
(Figure 3): unstructured, semistructured, and
structured. Highly unstructured data comprises
free-form documents or objects of arbitrary sizes
and types. At the other end of the spectrum, structured data is what is typically found in databases.
Every element of data has an assigned format and

unstructured data
Unstructured data is what we find in text, files,
video, e-mails, reports, PowerPoint presentations,

Figure 3. Unstructured, semistructured, and structured data

unstructured data
John s ID is number,,he


Ph.D. degree. Robert s ID is
Ph.D. degree. Robert s ID is
number , he is  years old
number , he is  years old
degree as David, a Ph.D.
degree as David, a Ph.D.

semi-structured data

structured data
















The Syntactic and the Semantic Web

voice mail, office memos, and images. Data can

be of any type and does not necessarily follow
any format, rules, or sequence. For example, the
data present on HTML Web pages is unstructured
and irregular.
Unstructured data does not readily fit into
structured databases except as binary large objects
(BLOBs-binary large objects). Although unstructured data can have some structurefor example,
e-mails have addressees, subjects, bodies, and so
forth, and HTML Web pages have a set of predefined tagsthe information is not stored in such
a way that it will allow for easy classification, as
the data are entered in electronic form.

semistructured data
Semistructured data lie somewhere in between
unstructured and structured data. Semistructured
data are data that have some structure, but are
not rigidly structured. This type of data includes
unstructured components arranged according to
some predetermined structure. Semistructured
data can be specified in such a way that it can be
queried using general-purpose mechanisms.
Semistructured data are organized into entities. Similar entities are grouped together, but
entities in the same group may not have the same
attributes. The order of attributes is not necessarily
important and not all attributes may be required.
The size and type of same attributes in a group
may differ.
An example of semistructured data is a Curriculum Vitae. One person may have a section of
previous employments, another person may have
a section on research experience, and another
may have a section on teaching experience. We
can also find a CV that contains two or more of
these sections.
A very good example of a semistructured
formalism is XML which is a de facto standard
for describing documents that is becoming the
universal data exchange model on the Web and

is being used for business-to-business transactions. XML supports the development of semistructured documents that contain both metadata
and formatted text. Metadata is specified using
XML tags and defines the structure of documents.
Without metadata, applications would not be able
to understand and parse the content of XML
documents. Compared to HTML, XML provides
explicit data structuring. XML uses DTD or XSD
as schema definitions for the semistructured data
present in XML documents. Figure 3 shows the
(semi) structure of an XML document containing
students records at a university.

structured data
In contrast, structured data are very rigid and
describe objects using strongly typed attributes,
which are organized as records or tuples. All records have the same fields. Data are organized in
entities and similar entities are grouped together
using relations or classes. Entities in the same
group have the same attributes. The descriptions
for all the entities in a schema have the same
defined format, predefined length, and follow
the same order.
Structured data have been very popular since
the early days of computing and many organizations rely on relational databases to maintain very
large structured repositories. Recent systems, such
as CRM (customer relationship management),
ERP (enterprise resource planning), and CMS
(content management systems) use structured
data for their underlying data model.

lEvEls of sEMantics
As we have seen previously, semantics is the
study of the meaning of signs, such as terms or
words. Depending on the approaches, models, or
methods used to add semantics to terms, different degrees of semantics can be achieved. In this
section we identify and describe four represen-

The Syntactic and the Semantic Web

tations that can be used to model and organize

concepts to semantically describe terms, that is,
controlled vocabularies, taxonomies, thesaurus,
and ontologies. These four model representations
are illustrated in Figure 4.

controlled vocabularies
Controlled vocabularies are at the weaker end of
the semantic spectrum. A controlled vocabulary is
a list of terms (e.g., words, phrases, or notations)
that have been enumerated explicitly. All terms
in a controlled vocabulary should have an unambiguous, non-redundant definition. A controlled

vocabulary is the simplest of all metadata methods

and has been extensively used for classification.
For example, Amazon.com has the following
(Table 1) controlled vocabulary which can be
selected by the user to search for products.
Controlled vocabularies limit choices to an
agreed upon unambiguous set of terms. In cataloguing applications, users can be presented with
list of terms from which they can pick the term
to describe an item for cataloguing. The main
objective of a controlling vocabulary is to prevent
users from defining their own terms which can be
ambiguous, meaningless, or misspelled.

Figure 4. Levels of semantics

strong semantics
constraints, rules +

Equivalence, homographic, hierarchical,

and associative relationships
Structure, hierarchy,
parent-child relationships



controlled vocabulary

Weak semantics

Table 1. Controlled vocabulary used by Amazon.com




Popular Music

Camera & Photo

Cell Phones & Service

Music Downloads



Classical Music

Tools & Hardware



Office Products




Everything Else


Sports & Outdoors

Scientific Supplies

Yellow Pages

Outdoor Living

Medical Supplies



Indust. Supplies

Movie Showtimes

Jewelry & Watches




Home Furnishings


Gourmet Food Beta



Musical Instruments

Pet Toys

Video Games

Health/Personal Care

Arts & Hobbies

The Syntactic and the Semantic Web

A taxonomy is a subject-based classification that
arranges the terms in a controlled vocabulary into
a hierarchy without doing anything further. The
first users of taxonomies were biologists in the
classification of organisms. They have employed
this method to classify plants and animals according to a set of natural relationships. A taxonomy
classifies terms in the shape of a hierarchy or
tree. It describes a word by making explicit its
relationship with other words. Figure 5 shows a
taxonomy of merchandise that can be bought for
a home.
The hierarchy of a taxonomy contains parentchild relationships, such as is subclass of or is
superclass of. A user or computer can comprehend
the semantics of a word by analyzing the existing relationship between the word and the words
around it in the hierarchy.

A thesaurus is a networked collection of controlled

vocabulary terms with conceptual relationships
between terms. A thesaurus is an extension of a

Figure 5. Example of a taxonomy

Dinning table
Living room





taxonomy by allowing terms to be arranged in

a hierarchy and also allowing other statements
and relationships to be made about the terms. A
thesaurus can easily be converted into a taxonomy
or controlled vocabulary. Of course, in such conversion, expressiveness and semantics are lost.
Table 2 shows an example1 of a thesaurus listing
for the term academic achievement.
According to the National Information Standards Organization (NISO, 2005), there are four
different types of relationships that are used in a
thesaurus: equivalence, homographic, hierarchical, and associative.


Equivalence: An equivalence relation says

that a term t1 has the same or nearly the same
meaning as a term t2.
Homographic: Two terms, t1 and t2, are
called homographic if term t1 is spelled the
same way as a term t2, but has a different
Hierarchical: This relationship is based on
the degrees or levels of is subclass of and
is superclass of relationships. The former
represents a class or a whole, and the latter
refers to its members or parts.
Associative: This relationship is used to
link terms that are closely related in meaning semantically but not hierarchically. An
example of an associative relationship can
be as simple as is related to as in term t1
is related to term t2.

Coffee table



Ontologies are similar to taxonomies but use

richer semantic relationships among terms and
attributes, as well as strict rules about how to
specify terms and relationships. In computer
science, ontologies have emerged from the area
of artificial intelligence. Ontologies have generally been associated with logical inferencing and
recently have begun to be applied to the semantic


The Syntactic and the Semantic Web

Table 2. Example of a thesaurus listing for the term academic achievement



Used for

Grade point Average

Scholastic Achievement
School Achievement

Narrower than

Academic Overachievement
Academic Underachievement
College Academic Achievement
Mathematics Achievement
Reading Achievement
Science Achievement

Broader than


Related to

Academic Achievement Motivation

Academic Achievement Prediction
Academic Aptitude
Academic Failure
Academic Self Concept
Educational Attainment Level
School Graduation
School Learning
School Transition

An ontology is a shared conceptualization of

the world. Ontologies consist of definitional aspects such as high-level schemas and assertional
aspects such as entities, attributes, interrelationships between entities, domain vocabulary and
factual knowledgeall connected in a semantic
manner (Sheth, 2003). Ontologies provide a common understanding of a particular domain. They
allow the domain to be communicated between
people, organizations, and application systems.
Ontologies provide the specific tools to organize
and provide a useful description of heterogeneous
In addition to the hierarchical relationship
structure of typical taxonomies, ontologies enable
cross-node horizontal relationships between entities, thus enabling easy modeling of real-world
information requirements. Jasper and Uschold
(1999) identify three major uses of ontologies:

To assist in communication between human



To achieve interoperability among software

To improve the design and the quality of
software systems

An ontology is technically a model which

looks very much like an ordinary object model
in object-oriented programming. It consists of
classes, inheritance, and properties (Fensel, 2001).
In many situations, ontologies are thought of as
knowledge representation.

sEMantic WEb architEcturE

The Semantic Web identifies a set of technologies, tools, and standards which form the basic
building blocks of an infrastructure to support the
vision of the Web associated with meaning. The
semantic Web architecture is composed of a series
of standards organized into a certain structure that
is an expression of their interrelationships. This

The Syntactic and the Semantic Web

architecture is often represented using a diagram

first proposed by Tim Berners-Lee (Berners-Lee,
Hendler et al., 2001). Figure 6 illustrates the different parts of the semantic Web architecture. It
starts with the foundation of URIs and Unicode.
On top of that we can find the syntactic interoperability layer in the form of XML, which in turn
underlies RDF and RDF schema (RDFS). Web
ontology languages are built on top of RDF(S).
The three last layers are the logic, proof, and
trust, which have not been significantly explored.
Some of the layers rely on the digital signature
component to ensure security.
In the following sections we will briefly describe these layers. While the notions presented
have been simplified, they provide a reasonable
conceptualization of the various components of
the semantic Web.

uri and unicode

A universal resource identifier (URI) is a formatted string that serves as a means of identifying
abstract or physical resource. A URI can be further
classified as a locator, a name, or both. Uniform
resource locator (URL) refers to the subset of

URI that identifies resources via a representation

of their primary access mechanism. An uniform
resource name (URN) refers to the subset of URI
that is required to remain globally unique and
persistent even when the resource ceases to exist
or becomes unavailable. For example:

The URL http://dme.uma.pt/jcardoso/index.

htm identifies the location from where a Web
page can be retrieved
The URN urn:isbn:3-540-24328-3 identifies
a book using its ISBN

Unicode provides a unique number for every

character, independently of the underlying platform, program, or language. Before the creation
of unicode, there were various different encoding
systems. The diverse encoding made the manipulation of data complex. Any given computer
needed to support many different encodings.
There was always the risk of encoding conflict,
since two encodings could use the same number
for two different characters, or use different
numbers for the same character. Examples of
older and well known encoding systems include

Figure 6. Semantic Web layered architecture (Berners-Lee, Hendler, et al., 2001)


The Syntactic and the Semantic Web

XML is accepted as a standard for data interchange on the Web allowing the structuring of
data on the Web but without communicating the
meaning of the data. It is a language for semistructured data and has been proposed as a solution
for data integration problems, because it allows
a flexible coding and display of data, by using
metadata to describe the structure of data (using
DTD or XSD).
In contrast to HTML, with XML it is possible
to create new markup tags, such as <first_name>,
which carry some semantics. However, from
a computational perspective, a tag like <first_
name> is very similar to the HTML tag <h1>.
While XML is highly helpful for a syntactic
interoperability and integration, it carries as
much semantics as HTML. Nevertheless, XML
solved many problems which have earlier been
impossible to solve using HTML, that is, data
exchange and integration.
A well-formed XML document creates a balanced tree of nested sets of open and closed tags,
each of which can include several attribute-value
pairs. The following structure shows an example
of an XML document identifying a Contact resource. The document includes various metadata
markup tags, such as <first_name>, <last_name>,
and <email>, which provide various details about
a contact.
<Contact contact_id=>
<first_name> Jorge </first_name>
<last_name> Cardoso </last_name>
<organization> University of Madeira </organization>
<email> [email protected] </email>
<phone> + 9 0 6 </phone>

While XML has gained much of the worlds

attention it is important to recognize that XML is
simply a way of standardizing data formats. But
from the point of view of semantic interoperability,
XML has limitations. One significant aspect is that

there is no way to recognize the semantics of a

particular domain because XML aims at document
structure and imposes no common interpretation
of the data (Decker, Melnik et al., 2000). Another
problem is that XML has a weak data model incapable of capturing semantics, relationships, or
constraints. While it is possible to extend XML to
incorporate rich metadata, XML does not allow for
supporting automated interoperability of system
without human involvement. Even though XML
is simply a data-format standard, it is part of the
set of technologies that constitute the foundations
of the semantic Web.

At the top of XML, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has developed the Resource Description Framework (RDF) (RDF, 2002) language to
standardize the definition and use of metadata.
Therefore, XML and RDF each have their merits
as a foundation for the semantic Web, but RDF
provides more suitable mechanisms for developing ontology representation languages like OIL
(Connolly, van Harmelen, et al., 2001).
RDF uses XML and it is at the base of the
semantic Web, so that all the other languages
corresponding to the upper layers are built on
top of it. RDF is a formal data model for machine
understandable metadata used to provide standard
descriptions of Web resources. By providing a
standard way of referring to metadata elements,
specific metadata element names, and actual
metadata content, RDF builds standards for XML
applications so that they can interoperate and
intercommunicate more easily, facilitating data
and system integration and interoperability. At
first glance it may seem that RDF is very similar
to XML, but a closer analysis reveals that they
are conceptually different. If we model the information present in a RDF model using XML,
human readers would probably be able to infer
the underlying semantic structure, but general
purpose applications would not.

The Syntactic and the Semantic Web

RDF is a simple general-purpose metadata

language for representing information in the Web
and provides a model for describing and creating relationships between resources. A resource
can be a thing such as a person, a song, or a Web
page. With RDF it is possible to add predefined
modeling primitives for expressing semantics of
data to a document without making any assumptions about the structure of the document. RDF
defines a resource as any object that is uniquely
identifiable by a Uniform Resource Identifier
(URI). Resources have properties associated to
them. Properties are identified by property-types,
and property-types have corresponding values.
Property-types express the relationships of values
associated with resources. The basic structure of
RDF is very simple and basically uses RDF triples
in the form of subject, predicate, object.

Jorge Cardoso created the Jorge Cardoso Home


Subject: A thing identified by its URL

Predicate: The type of metadata, also identified by a URL (also called the property)
Object: The value of this type of metadata

The first lines of this example use namespaces

to explicitly define the meaning of the notions that
are used. The first namespace xmlns:rdf=http://
refers to the document describing the syntax of
RDF. The second namespace http://dublincore.
org/2003/03/24/dces# refers to the description
of the Dublin Core (DC), a basic ontology about
authors and publications.
The Dublin Core (DC, 2005) is a fifteen element metadata set that was originally developed

The Jorge Cardoso Home Page is a resource.

This resource has a URI of http://dme.uma.pt/
jcardoso/, and it has a property, creator, with
the value Jorge Cardoso.
The graphic representation of Figure 7 is expressed in RDF with the following statements:
<? xml version=.0 ?>
<RDF xmlns = http://w.org/TR/999/PR-rdf-syntax99900#
xmlns:DC = http://dublincore.org/00/0//
<Description about = http://dme.uma.pt/jcardoso/>
<DC:Creator> Jorge Cardoso </DC:Creator>

RDF has a very limited set of syntactic constructs, no other constructs except for triples is
allowed. Every RDF document is equivalent to
an unordered set of triples. The example from
Figure 7 describes the following statement using
a RDF triple:

Figure 7. Graphic representation of a RDF statement

(subject, predicate, object)



Property type

Jorge Cardoso
Property value

The Syntactic and the Semantic Web

to improve resource discovery on the Web. To this

end, the DC elements were primarily intended to
describe Web-based documents. Examples of the
Dublin Core metadata include:

Title: The title of the resource

Subject: Simple keywords or terms taken
from a list of subject headings
Description: A description or abstract
Creator: The person or organization primarily responsible for the intellectual content
of the resource
Publisher: The publisher
Contributor: A secondary contributor to
the intellectual content of the resource

The following example shows a more real and

complete scenario using the DC metadata. It can
be observed that more than one predicate-value
pair can be indicated for a resource. Basically,
it expresses that the resource http://dme.uma.
pt/jcardoso has the title Jorge Cardoso Web
Page, its subject is Home Page, and was created by Jorge Cardoso.
The graphic representation of Figure 8 is
expressed in RDF using the DC namespace with
the following statements:
<? xml version=.0 ?>
<RDF xmlns = http://w.org/TR/999/PR-rdf-syntax99900#
xmlns:DC = http://dublincore.org/00/0//

<Description about = http://dme.uma.pt/jcardoso/ >
<DC:Title> Jorge Cardoso Home Page </DC:
<DC:Creator> Jorge Cardoso </DC:Creator>
<DC:Date> 00-0- </DC:Date>

Very good examples of real world systems that

use RDF are the applications developed under the
Mozilla project (Mozilla, 2005). Mozilla software applications use various different pieces of
structured data, such as bookmarks, file systems,
documents, and sitemaps. The creation, access,
query, and manipulation code for these resources
is completely independent. While the code is
completely independent, there is considerable
overlap in the data model used by all these different structures. Therefore, Mozilla uses RDF
to build a common data model shared by various
applications, such as viewers, editors, and query

rdf schema
The RDF schema (RDFS, 2004) provides a type
system for RDF. The RDFS is technologically
advanced compared to RDF since it provides a
way of building an object model from which the
actual data is referenced and which tells us what
things really mean.

Figure 8. Graphic representation of a RDF statement

Property type


Property value
Jorge Cardoso Web Page

Home Page

Jorge Cardoso

The Syntactic and the Semantic Web

Briefly, the RDF schema (RDFS) allows users

to define resources with classes, properties, and
values. The concept of RDF class is similar to the
concept of class in object-oriented programming
languages such as Java and C++. A class is a structure of similar things and inheritance is allowed.
This allows resources to be defined as instances
of classes, and subclasses of classes. For example,
the RDF schema allows resources to be defined
as instances of one or more classes. In addition,
it allows classes to be organized in a hierarchical
fashion. For example the class First_Line_Manager might be defined as a subclass of Manager
which is a subclass of Staff, meaning that any
resource which is in class Staff is also implicitly
in class First_Line_Manager as well.
An RDFS property can be viewed as an attribute of a class. RDFS properties may inherit
from other properties, and domain and range
constraints can be applied to focus their use. For
example, a domain constraint is used to limit
what class or classes a specific property may have
and a range constraint is used to limit its possible
values. With these extensions, RDFS comes closer
to existing ontology languages. RDFS is used to
declare vocabularies, the sets of semantics property-types defined by a particular community.
As with RDF, the XML namespace mechanism
serves to identify RDFS. The statements in Box
1 illustrate a very simple example of RDFS where
classes and inheritance are used.
The rdfs:Class is similar to the notion of a
class in object-oriented programming languages.
When a schema defines a new class, the resource
representing that class must have an rdf:type
property whose value is the resource rdfs:Class.
Anything described by RDF expressions is called
a resource and is considered to be an instance of
the class rdfs:Resource. Other elements of RDFS
are illustrated in Figure 9 and described below.

rdfs:Datatype is the class of data types and

defines the allowed data types.

Box 1.
<?xml version=.0?>
xmlns:rdf= http://www.w.org/999/0/-rdf-syntax-ns#
xml:base= http://www.hr.com/humanresources#>


<rdf:Description rdf:ID=staff>
rdf:resourc e="ht tp: // w w w.w .org /0 0 0/0/rdfsubclass of


<rdf:Description rdf:ID="manager">
rdf:resourc e="ht tp: // w w w.w .org /0 0 0/0/rdfschema#Class"/>
<rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="#staff"/>

rdfs:Literal is the class of literal values such

as strings and integers.
rdfs:subClassOf is a transitive property that
specifies a subset-superset relation between
rdfs:subPropertyOf is an instance of rdf:
Property used to specify that one property
is a specialization of another.
rdfs:comment is a human-readable description of a resource.
rdfs:label is a human-readable version of a
resource name and it can only be a string
rdfs:seeAlso specifies a resource that might
provide additional information about the
subject resource.
rdfs:isDefinedBy is a subproperty of rdfs:
seeAlso and indicates the resource defining
the subject resource.
rdfs:member is a super-property of all the
container membership properties
rdfs:range indicates the classes that the
values of a property must be members of.

The Syntactic and the Semantic Web

Figure 9. Relationships between the concepts of

RDF schema

rdfs:domain indicates the classes on whose

member a property can be used.
rdfs:Container is a collection of resources.
rdfs:ContainerMemberShipProperty is a
class that is used to state that a resource is
a member of a container.

An ontology is an agreed vocabulary that provides a set of well-founded constructs to build
meaningful higher level knowledge for specifying
the semantics of terminology systems in a well
defined and unambiguous manner. For a particular
domain, an ontology represents a richer language
for providing more complex constraints on the
types of resources and their properties. Compared
to a taxonomy, ontologies enhance the semantics
of terms by providing richer relationships between
the terms of a vocabulary. Ontologies are usually
expressed in a logic-based language, so that detailed and meaningful distinctions can be made
among the classes, properties, and relations.
Ontologies can be used to increase communication either between humans and computers.
The three major uses of ontologies (Jasper &
Uschold, 1999) are:

To assist in communication between humans.

To achieve interoperability and communication among software systems.
To improve the design and the quality of
software systems.

In the previous sections, we have established

that RDF/S was one of the base models and syntax
for the semantic Web. On the top of the RDF/S layer
it is possible to define more powerful languages to
describe semantics. The most prominent markup
language for publishing and sharing data using
ontologies on the Internet is the Web Ontology
Language (OWL, 2004). Web Ontology Language
(OWL) is a vocabulary extension of RDF and is
derived from the DAML+OIL language (DAML,
2001), with the objective of facilitating a better
machine interpretability of Web content than that
supported by XML and RDF. OWL adds a layer
of expressive power to RDF/S, providing powerful mechanisms for defining complex conceptual
structures, and formally describes the semantics
of classes and properties used in Web resources
using, most commonly, a logical formalism known
as description logic (DL, 2005).
Lets analyze some of the limitations of RDF/S
to identify the extensions that are needed:



RDF/S cannot express equivalence between

properties. This is important to be able
to express the equivalence of ontological
concepts developed by separate working
RDF/S does not have the capability of expressing the uniqueness and the cardinality
of properties. In some cases, it may be necessary to express that a particular property
value may have only one value in a particular
class instance.
RDF/S can express the values of a particular
property but cannot express that this is a
closed set. For example, an enumeration for

The Syntactic and the Semantic Web



the values for the gender of a person should

have only two values: male and female.
RDF/S cannot express disjointedness. For
example, the gender of a person can be male
or female. While it is possible in RDF/S
to express that John is a male and Julie a
female, there is no way of saying that John
is not a female and Julie is not a male.
RDF/S cannot express the concept of unions
and intersections of classes. This allows the
creation of new classes that are composed of
other classes. For example, the class staff
might be the union of the classes CEO,
manager, and clerk. The class staff
may also be described as the intersection
of the classes person and organization

Let us see a more detailed example of RDF/S

limitations. Consider the sentence:
There are three people responsible for the Web
resource Jorge Cardoso Home Page created in
23 July 2005: Web designer, editor, and graphic
designer. Each has distinct roles and responsibilities.
Using RDF/S we could try to model this statement in the following way:
<? xml version=.0 ?>
<RDF xmlns = http://w.org/TR/999/PR-rdf-syntax99900#
xmlns:DC = http://dublincore.org/00/0//
xmlns:S = http://hr.org/00/0//hr#>
<Description about = http://dme.uma.pt/jcardoso/ >
<DC:Title> Jorge Cardoso Home Page </DC:Title>
<DC:Creator> Jorge Cardoso </DC:Creator>
<DC:Date> 00-0- </DC:Date>
<rdf:li resource=Web designer/>
<rdf:li resource=Editor/>
<rdf:li resource=Graphic designer/>


In this example we have used the bag container

model. In RDF, the container model is restricted to
three components: bags, sequence, and alternative.
Bags are an unordered list of resources or literals. A sequence is an ordered list of resources or
literals. Finally, alternative is a list of resources or
literals that represent alternatives for the (single)
value of a property.
Using any of the three different relationships
in RDF, we are only able to explain the information about the resources, but we cannot explain
the second part of our statement, that is, Each
has distinct roles and responsibilities.
Using OWL, we can represent the knowledge
associated with the second part of our statement
as shown below.
<owl:distinctMembers rdf:parse Type=Collection>
<admin:Administrator rdf:about=#Web designer/>
<admin:Administrator rdf:about=#Editor/>
<admin:Administrator rdf:about=#Graphic designer/>

The owl:AllDifferent element is a built-in

OWL class, for which the property owl:distinctMembers is defined, which links an instance
of owl:AllDifferent to a list of individuals. The
intended meaning of such a statement is that the
individuals in the list are all different from each
other. This OWL representation can express that
the three administrators (Web designer, Editor,
and Graphic designer) have distinct roles. Such
semantics cannot be expressed using RDF, RDFS,
or XML.

logic, Proof, and trust

The purpose of this layer is to provide similar
features to the ones that can be found in first
order logic (FOL). The idea is to state any logical
principle and allow the computer to reason by
inference using these principles. For example,
a university may decide that if a student has a
GPA higher than 3.8, then he will receive a merit

The Syntactic and the Semantic Web

scholarship. A logic program can use this rule

to make a simple deduction: David has a GPA
of 3.9, therefore he will be a recipient of a merit
Inference engines, also called reasoners, are
software applications that derive new facts or associations from existing information. Inference
and inference rules allow for deriving new data
from data that is already known. Thus, new pieces
of knowledge can be added based on previous
ones. By creating a model of the information
and relationships, we enable reasoners to draw
logical conclusions based on the model. The use
of inference engines in the semantic Web allows
applications to inquire why a particular conclusion
has been reached, that is, semantic applications
can give proof of their conclusions. Proof traces or
explains the steps involved in logical reasoning.
For example, with OWL it is possible to make
inferences based on the associations represented
in the models, which primarily means inferring
transitive relationships. Nowadays, many inference engines are available. For instance:

Jena Reasoner: Jena includes a generic rule

based inference engine together with configured rule sets for RDFS and for OWL. It is
an open source Java framework for writing
semantic Web applications developed by HP
Labs (Jena, 2005).
Jess: Using Jess (Gandon & Sadeh, 2003)
it is possible to build Java software that has
the capacity to reason using knowledge
supplied in the form of declarative rules.
Jess has a small footprint and it is one of
the fastest rule engines available. It was
developed at Carnegie Melon University.
SWI-Prolog Semantic Web Library: Prolog is a natural language for working with
RDF and OWL. The developers of SWIProlog have created a toolkit for creating
and editing RDF and OWL applications, as
well as a reasoning package (Wielemaker,

FaCT++ : This system is a description logic

reasoner, which is a re-implementation of the
FaCT reasoner. It allows reasoning with the
OWL language (FaCT, 2005).

Trust is the top layer of the Semantic Web

architecture. This layer provides authentication
of identity and evidence of the trustworthiness of
data and services. While the other layers of the
semantic Web stack have received a fair amount
of attention, no significant research has been carried out in the context of this layer. The idea is
to allow people to ask questions concerning the
trustworthiness of the information on the Web.
Possible scenarios for the trust layer include the
possibility to make statements such as I trust
all information from http://dme.uma.pt/jcardoso,
but I dont trust anything from http://www.internetsite.com.

aPPlications of thE
sEMantic WEb
Even though the Semantic Web is still in its infancy, there are already applications and tools that
use this conceptual approach to build semantic
Web based systems. The intention of this section
is to present the state of the art of the applications
that use semantics and ontologies. We describe
various applications ranging from the use of
semantic Web services, semantic integration of
tourism information sources, and semantic digital
libraries to the development of bioinformatics

semantic Web services

Web services are modular, self-describing,
self-contained applications that are accessible
over the Internet (Curbera, Nagy, et al., 2001).
Currently, Web services are described using the
Web Services Description Language (Chinnici,
Moreau, et al., 2006), which provide operational

The Syntactic and the Semantic Web

information. Although the Web Services Description Language (WSDL) does not contain semantic
descriptions, it specifies the structure of message
components using XML schema constructs. One
solution to create semantic Web services is by
mapping concepts in a Web service description
(WSDL specification) to ontological concepts
(LSDIS, 2004). The WSDL elements that can be
marked up with metadata are operations, messages, and preconditions and effects, since all
the elements are explicitly declared in a WSDL
description. Approaches and initiatives which
goal is to specify Web Services using semantics
and ontologies include OWL-S (OWL-S, 2004),
SWSI (SWSI, 2004), SWWS (SWWS, 2004),
WSML (WSML, 2004), WSMO (WSMO, 2004),
WSMX (WSMX, 2004), and WSDL-S (Akkiraju,
Farrell, et al., 2006)

semantic tourism information

Dynamic packaging technology helps online
travel customers to build and book vacations. It
can be described as the ability for a customer to
put together elements of a (vacation) trip including
flights, hotels, car rentals, local tours and tickets
to theatre and sporting events. The package that is
created is handled seamlessly as one transaction
and requires only one payment from the consumer,
hiding the pricing of individual components. So
far, the travel industry has concentrated its efforts on developing open specification messages,
based on XML, to ensure that messages can flow
between industry segments as easily as within. For
example, the OpenTravel Alliance (OTA, 2004)
is an organization pioneering the development
and use of specifications that support e-business
among all segments of the travel industry. It has
produced more than 140 XML-based specifications for the travel industry.
The development of open specification messages based on XML, such as OTA schema,
to ensure the interoperability between trading

partners and working groups is not sufficiently

expressive to guarantee an automatic exchange
and processing of information to develop dynamic
applications. A more appropriate solution is to
use technologies from the semantic Web, such
as ontologies, to deploy common language for
tourism-related terminology and a mechanism for
promoting the seamless exchange of information
across all travel industry segments. Ontologies
are the key elements enabling the shift from a
purely syntactic to a semantic interoperability.
An ontology can be defined as the explicit, formal
descriptions of concepts and their relationships
that exist in a certain universe of discourse, together with a shared vocabulary to refer to these
concepts. With respect to an ontology a particular
user group commits to, the semantics of data
provided by the data sources to be integrated can
be made explicit. Ontologies can be applied to the
area of dynamic packaging to explicitly connect
data and information from tourism information
systems to its definition and context in machineprocessable form.

semantic digital libraries

Libraries are a key component of the information infrastructure indispensable for education.
They provide an essential resource for students
and researchers for reference and for research.
Metadata has been used in libraries for centuries.
For example, the two most common general classification systems, which use metadata, are the
Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) system
and the Library of Congress Classification (LCC)
system. The DDC system has 10 major subjects,
each with 10 secondary subjects (DDC, 2005).
The LCC system uses letters instead of numbers
to organize materials into 21 general branches of
knowledge. The 21 subject categories are further
divided into more specific subject areas by adding one or two additional letters and numbers
(LCCS, 2005).

The Syntactic and the Semantic Web

As traditional libraries are increasingly converting to digital libraries, a new set of requirements has emerged. One important feature of
digital libraries is the ability to efficiently browse
electronic catalogues browsed. This requires the
use of common metadata to describe the records of
the catalogue (such as author, title, and publisher)
and common controlled vocabularies to allow
subject identifiers to be assigned to publications.
The use of a common controlled vocabulary,
thesauri, and taxonomy (Smrz, Sinopalnikova
et al., 2003) allows search engines to ensure
that the most relevant items of information are
returned. Semantically annotating the contents
of a digital librarys database goes beyond the
use of a controlled vocabulary, thesauri, or taxonomy. It allows retrieving books records using
meaningful information to the existing full text
and bibliographic descriptions.
Semantic Web technologies, such as RDF
and OWL, can be used as a common interchange
format for catalogue metadata and shared vocabulary, which can be used by all libraries and search
engines (Shum, Motta et al., 2000) across the Web.
This is important since it is not uncommon to
find library systems based on various metadata
formats and built by different persons for their
special purposes. By publishing ontologies, which
can then be accessed by all users across the Web,
library catalogues can use the same vocabularies for cataloguing, marking up items with the
most relevant terms for the domain of interest.
RDF and OWL provide a single and consistent
encoding system so that implementers of digital
library metadata systems will have their task
simplified when interoperating with other digital
library systems.

semantic Grid
The concept of Grid (Foster & Kesselman, 1999)
has been proposed as a fundamental computing
infrastructure to support the vision of e-Science.
The Grid is a service for sharing computer power

and data storage capacity over the Internet and

goes well beyond simple communication providing functionalities that enable the rapid assembly
and disassembly of services into temporary
Recently, the Grid has been evolving towards
the Semantic Grid to yield an intelligent platform
which allows process automation, knowledge
sharing and reuse, and collaboration within a
community (Roure, Jennings, et al., 2001). The
Semantic Grid is about the use of semantic Web
technologies in Grid computing; it is an extension
of the current Grid. The objective is to describe
information, computing resources, and services in
standard ways that can be processed by computers.
Resources and services are represented using the
technologies of the semantic Web, such as RDF.
The use of semantics to locate data has important
implications for integrating computing resources.
It implies a two-step access to resources. In step
one, a search of metadata catalogues is used to
find the resources containing the data or service
required by an application. In the second step, the
data or service is accessed or invoked.

semantic Web search

Swoogle (Swoogle, 2005) is a crawler-based indexing and retrieval system for the semantic Web
built on top of the Google API. It was developed
in the context of a research project of the Ebiquity
research group at the Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Department of the University
of Maryland, USA. In contrast to Google (Google,
2005), Swoogle discovers, analyzes, and indexes
Semantic Web Documents (SWD) written in RDF
and OWL, rather than plain HTML documents.
Documents are indexed using metadata about
classes, properties, and individuals, as well as
the relationships among them. Unlike traditional
search engines, Swoogle aims to take advantage
of the semantic metadata available in semantic
Web documents. Metadata is extracted for each
discovered document and relations (e.g., similari-


The Syntactic and the Semantic Web

ties) among documents are computed. Swoogle

also defines an ontology ranking property for
SWD which is similar to the pageRank (Brin
& Page, 1998) approach from Google and uses
this information to sort search results. Swoogle
provides query interfaces and services to Web
users. It supports software agents, programs via
service interfaces, and researchers working in the
semantic Web area via the Web interface.

semantic bioinformatic systems

The integration of information sources in the life
sciences is one of the most challenging goals of
bioinformatics (Kumar & Smith, 2004). In this
area, the Gene Ontology (GO) is one of the most
significant accomplishments. The objective of GO
is to supply a mechanism to guarantee the consistent descriptions of gene products in different
databases. GO is rapidly acquiring the status of
a de facto standard in the field of gene and gene
product annotations (Kumar & Smith, 2004). The
GO effort includes the development of controlled
vocabularies that describe gene products, establishing associations between the ontologies, the
genes, and the gene products in the databases,
and develop tools to create, maintain, and use
ontologies (see http://www.geneontology.org/).
GO has over 17,000 terms and it is organized in
three hierarchies for molecular functions, cellular
components, and biological processes (Bodenreider, Aubry, et al., 2005).
Another well-known life science ontology is
the microarray gene expression data (MGED)
ontology. MGED provides standard terms in the
form of an ontology organized into classes with
properties for the annotation of microarray experiments (MGED, 2005). These terms provide
an unambiguous description of how experiments
were performed and enable structured queries
of elements of the experiments. The comparison
between different experiments is only feasible if
there is standardization in the terminology for
describing experimental setup, mathematical


post-processing of raw measurements, genes,

tissues, and samples. The adoption of common
standards by the research community for describing data makes it possible to develop systems for
the management, storage, transfer, mining, and
sharing of microarray data (Stoeckert, Causton, et
al., 2002). If data from every microarray experiment carried out by different research groups were
stored with the same structure, in the same type of
database, the manipulation of data would be relatively easy. Unfortunately, in practice, different
research groups have very different requirements
and, therefore, applications need mappings and
translations between the different existing formats
(Stoeckert, Causton, et al., 2002).

Since its creation, the World Wide Web has allowed computers only to understand Web page
layout for display purposes without having access to their intended meaning. The semantic
Web aims to enrich the existing Web with a
layer of machine-understandable metadata to
enable the automatic processing of information
by computer programs. The semantic Web is not
a separate Web but an extension of the current
one, in which information is given well-defined
meaning, better enabling computers and people
to work in cooperation. To make possible the
creation of the semantic Web the W3C (World
Wide Web Consortium) has been actively working
on the definition of open standards, such as the
RDF and OWL, and incentivate their use by both
industry and academia. These standards are also
important for the integration and interoperability
for intra- and inter-business processes that have
become widespread due to the development of
business-to-business and business-to-customer
The Semantic Web does not restrict itself to
the formal semantic description of Web resources
for machine-to-machine exchange and auto-

The Syntactic and the Semantic Web

mated integration and processing. One important

feature of formally describing resources is to
allow computers to reason by inference. Once
resources are described using facts, associations,
and relationships, inference engines, also called
reasoners, can derive new knowledge and draw
logical conclusions from existing information.
The use of inference engines in the semantic
Web allows applications to inquire why a particular logical conclusion has been reached, that
is, semantic applications can give proof of their
conclusions by explaining the steps involved in
logical reasoning.
Even though the semantic Web is still in its
infancy, there are already applications and tools
that use this conceptual approach to build semantic Web based systems, ranging from the use of
semantic Web services, semantic integration of
tourism information sources, and semantic digital
libraries to the development of bioinformatics

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FaCT (2005). FaCT++. Retrieved October 24,
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Fensel, D. (2001). Ontologies: Silver bullet for

knowledge management and electronic commerce. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. Retrieved October
24, 2006, from http://www.cs.vu.nl/~dieter/ftp/
Foster, I., & Kesselman, C. (1999). The grid:
Blueprint for a new computing infrastructure.
San Fransisco: Morgan Kaufmann.
Gandon, F.L., & Sadeh, N.M. (2003). OWL inference engine using XSLT and JESS. Retrieved
October 24, 2006, from http://www-2.cs.cmu.
Google (2005). Google search engine. Retrieved
October 24, 2006, from http://www.google.com
Grau, B.C. (2004). A possible simplification of
the Semantic Web architecture. Paper presented
at WWW 2004, New York.
Horrocks, I., v. Harmelen, F., et al. (2001).
Jasper, R., & Uschold, M. (1999). A framework for
understanding and classifying ontology applications. Paper presented at the IJCAI99 Workshop
on Ontologies and Problem-Solving Methods.
Jena (2005). Jena: A Semantic Web framework for
Java. Retrieved October 24, 2006, from http://jena.

MGED. (2005). Microarray gene expression

data society. Retrieved October 24, 2006, from
Mozilla. (2005). The Mozilla Project. Retrieved
October 24, 2006, from http://www.mozilla.
NISO (2005). Guidelines for the construction, format, and management of Monolingual Thesauri.
National Information Standards Organization.
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OTA. (2004). OpenTravel Alliance.
OWL. (2004). OWL Web ontology language reference, W3C Recommendation, World Wide Web
Consortium. Retrieved October 24, 2006, from
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OWL-S. (2004). OWL-based Web service ontology. Retrieved February 20, 2007 from http://
RDF. (2002). Resource description framework
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RDFS. (2004). RDF vocabulary description
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Kumar, A., & Smith, B. (2004). On controlled

vocabularies in bioinformatics: A case study
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Chapter II

Logics for the Semantic Web

Jos de Bruijn
University of Innsbruck, Austria

This chapter introduces a number of formal logical languages which form the backbone of the Semantic Web. They are used for the representation of both ontologies and rules. The basis for all languages
presented in this chapter is the classical first-order logic. Description logics is a family of languages
which represent subsets of first-order logic. Expressive description logic languages form the basis for
popular ontology languages on the Semantic Web. Logic programming is based on a subset of firstorder logic, namely Horn logic, but uses a slightly different semantics and can be extended with nonmonotonic negation. Many Semantic Web reasoners are based on logic programming principles and
rule languages for the Semantic Web based on logic programming are an ongoing discussion. Frame
Logic allows object-oriented style (frame-based) modeling in a logical language. RuleML is an XMLbased syntax consisting of different sublanguages for the exchange of specifications in different logical
languages over the Web.

An important property of the Semantic Web is
that the information contained in it is specified
using a formal language in order to enable machine-processability and the derivation of new
knowledge from existing knowledge. Logical
languages are such formal languages.
Using logical languages for knowledge representation allows one to derive new knowledge

which is implicit in existing descriptions. Additionally, the use of formal languages allows
one to write unambiguous statements and allows
machines to derived implicit information using
formal rules of deduction associated with the
language. Finally, logical languages have been
extensively studied in the research areas of databases and artificial intelligence. It is for these
reasons that logical languages form the backbone
of the Semantic Web.

Copyright 2007, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Logics for the Semantic Web

Logical languages can be used for the representation of different kinds of knowledge, most
notably ontologies and rules. In this chapter we
describe a number of logical languages which are
being used for the representation of knowledge
on the Semantic Web.
Classical first-order logic (Fitting, 1996) is
the basis for all the languages we survey in this
chapter. Full first-order logic by itself is a very
expressive language. In fact, the language is so
expressive that reasoning with the language is in
general very hard and the most interesting problems are undecidable. The answer to a question
such as Does sentence follow from theory ?
cannot always be found. For these reasons, several
subsets of first-order logic have been investigated
and form the basis for several languages which are
used on the Semantic Web, most notably description logics and logic programming. Nonetheless,
full first-order logic has been proposed as a language for the Semantic Web (Battle, Bernstein,
Boley, Grosof, Gruninger, & Hull, 2005; Horrocks,
Patel-Schneider, Boley, Tabet, Grosof, & Dean,
2004; Patel-Schneider, 2005).
Description logics (Baader, Calvanese, McGuinness, Nardi, & Patel-Schneider, 2003) are a
family of languages which generally represent
strict subsets of first-order logic. Description logics
were originally devised to formalize frame-based
knowledge representation systems. Languages
in this family typically allow the definition of
concepts, concept hierarchies, roles and certain
restrictions on roles. Description logics receive a
lot of attention as a basis for ontology languages
on the Semantic Web; most notably, the W3C
recommendation OWL is based on an expressive
description logic (Horrocks, Patel-Schneider, &
Harmelen, 2003).
Logic programming (Lloyd, 1987) is based on
the Horn logic subset of first-order logic, which
allows one to write rules of the form if A then
B. In order to allow for efficient reasoning, the
semantics of logic programming is built around
Herbrand interpretation, rather than first-order

interpretations. Logic programming is being used

as an implementation platform for the Semantic
Web, but has also been proposed as the basis for
rule and ontology languages on the Semantic Web
(Angele, Boley, Bruijn, Fensel, Hitzler, & Kifer,
2005; Battle et al., 2005).
Frame logic (Kifer, Lausen, & Wu, 1995) is
an extension of first-order logic which allows an
object-oriented (frame-based) style of modeling.
Frame logic does not increase the theoretical expressiveness of first-order logic, but allows a more
convenient style of modeling. F-Logic programming is a subset of Frame Logic which extends
logic programming with frame-based modeling
primitives; in this chapter, we will restrict ourselves to this subset. F-Logic programming has
been proposed as a basis for ontology and rule
languages for the Semantic Web (Kifer, 2005).
In this chapter we describe each of these
languages from the point-of-view of knowledge
representation; that is, we describe which kind of
knowledge can be described using the language.
We also mention certain complexity results
for reasoning with these languages, but do not
describe the reasoning procedures in detail. Additionally, we describe the RuleML XML syntax
for exchange of rules and logical specification in
general over the Web.

first-ordEr loGic
The basic building blocks of first-order logic (FOL)
are constants, function symbols and predicates.
Constants are interpreted as objects in some abstract domain. Function symbols are interpreted
as functions and predicates are interpreted as relations over the domain. The domain may consist
of objects representing such things as numbers,
persons, cars, and so forth. The relations may be
such things as greater-than, marriage, top
speed, and so forth. Constants, predicates and
function symbols are combined with variables and
logical connectives to obtain formulas. We want

Logics for the Semantic Web

to interpret such formulas as assertions. Whether

such an assertion is true of false depends on the
context, that is, on the choice of the domain.
In this section we will first define how formulas
and theories in a first-order language are created
from terms, predicates and a number of logical
connectives. We will then define interpretations of
first-order formulas and theories, and define when
an interpretation is a model of a given formula
or theory. The set of models defines the actual
meaning, or semantics, of a theory. Using the
definition of a model, we define entailment, that
is, the question whether a formula logically follows
from a theory. For a more detailed treatment of
first-order logic, included methods for automated
theorem proving, see (Fitting, 1996).

thermore, b,f(a),g( f(a)) are examples of ground

An atomic formula is either a predicate expression of the form p(t1,...,tn) where p is an n-ary
predicate symbol in L and (t1,...,tn) are terms in L,
one of the propositional constants , T or t1=t2,
where t1,t2 are terms in L. A ground atomic formula
is an atomic formula with no variables.
Example 2 Give the signature S as in the previous example, then the following are atomic
p(a,b),p(x,f(g(y))),q( f(a),b),r(g( f(a))),r(z),a=f(b),

formulas and theories

The signature of a first-order language L, also
referred to as first-order signature, consists of
countable sets C, F, P and V of constant, function,
predicate and variable symbols, respectively.
Each function symbol fF and each predicate
symbol pP has an associated arity n, which is
a non-negative integer.
Definition 1 (Terms) We define the set of terms of
the language L as follows:

every constant cC is a term in L,

every variable xV is a term in L,
if fF is an n-ary function symbol and
(t1,...,tn) are terms in L, then f(t1,...,tn) is a
term in L.

A ground term is a term with no variables.

Example 1 Given the signature S=C,F,P,V with
the constants C={a,b}, function symbols F={f,g},
both with arity 1, predicate symbols P={p,q,r},
where p and q have arity 2 and r has the arity
1, and variables V={x,y,z}, then the following
are examples of terms: x,b,f(a),g( f(a)),g(y). Fur-


Of these,
p(a,b),q( f(a),b),r(g( f(a))),a=f(b),
are ground atomic formulas.
Definition 2 (Formulas) Given the formulas ,
L, we define the set of formulas in L as follows:

every atomic formula is a formula in L,

is a formula in L,
() is a formula in L,
() is a formula in L,
() is a formula in L,
given a variable xV, x.() is a formula in
given a variable xV, x.() is a formula in

A variable occurrence is called free if it does

not occur in the scope of a quantifier (,). A
formula is open if it has free variable occurrences.
A formula is closed if it is not open. A closed
formula is also called a sentence of L.
Example 3 Give the signature as before, then
the following are sentences of L:

Logics for the Semantic Web

(p(a,b)r( f(b)))z.(q(z,f(z))

possible worlds which may be considered. We

now give a formal definition.


Definition 3 (Interpretation) An interpretation

for a language L is a tuple w=U,I, where U is a
nonempty set, called the domain of the interpretation and I is a mapping which assigns:

Example 4 Lets consider the sentences:

The following is an example of an open formula:

All humans are mortal

Socrates is a human

This can be written in first-order logic as

Intuitively, these sentences can be read as:

For all objects it is the case that if they

have the property human, they have the
property mortal.
The object socrates has the property human.

A first-order language L consists of all the

formulas which can be written using its signature
according to Definition 2. A first-order theory
of a first-order language L is a set of formulas
such that L.

interpretations, Models, and

The semantics (or meaning) of a first-order theory
is defined by a set of interpretations. In particular, by all interpretations in which the theory is
true. Thus, in a sense, the meaning of a theory is
constrained by all the interpretations which make
the theory true. It follows that a first-order theory
does not say what is true in a particular world,
or interpretation, but rather limits the number of

an element cIU to every constant symbol

a function f I:UnU to every n-ary function
symbol fF, and
a relation pIUn, to every n-ary predicate
symbol pP.

A variable assignment B is a mapping which

assigns an element xBU to every variable symbol
xV. A variable assignment B is an x-variant of
B if for every variable yV such that yx.
We are now ready to define the interpretation
of terms.
Definition 4 Given interpretation w=U,I, variable assignment B, and a term t of L, we define
tw,B as follows:

for every constant symbol cC, cw,B=cI,

for every variable symbol xV, xw,B=xB,
if t=f(t1,...,t n), tw,B=f I(t1w,B,...,t nw,B).

We can see from Definition 4 that, given an

interpretation and a variable assignment, each
term is interpreted as one object in the domain.
We can now define satisfaction (truth) of firstorder formulas.
Definition 5 (Satisfaction) Let w=U,I be an interpretation for L, B a variable assignment, and
L a formula. We denote satisfaction of in w
( is true in w), given the variable assignment B,
with w |=B . Satisfaction is recursively defined
as follows, with , 1, 2 formulas, p an n-ary
predicate symbol and t1,...,tn terms:

Logics for the Semantic Web

w |=B p(t1,...,t n) iff (t1w,B,...,t nw,B) pI ,

w |=B and w |=B T,
w |=B t1=t2 iff t1w,B=t2w,B,
w |=B iff w |B ,
w |=B 12 iff w |=B 1 and w |=B 2,
w |=B 12 iff w |=B 1 or w |=B 2,
w |=B 12 iff whenever w |=B 1, w |=B
2 ,
w |=B x.() iff for every x-variant B' of B,
w |=B ,
w |=B x.() iff for some x-variant B' of B,
w |=B .

A formula is satisfied by an interpretation

w, or is true in w, written as w |= , if w |=B
for all variable assignments B. We that say w is
a model of if w |= .
If a formula has at least one model, we call the
formula satisfiable; conversely, if a formula has no
models, it is unsatisfiable. We say that a formula
is valid if is true in every interpretation w of
L. An interpretation w is a model of a theory
L if w |= for every formula .
Example 5 Consider the first-order language
L with the constant symbol a, the unary function
symbol f, the binary function symbol g, and the
binary predicate p. Now consider the following
x.(g(a,x) = x)
x.y.(g(x,y) = g(y,x))
x.y.z.(g(x,g(y,z)) = g(g(x,y),z))
Now consider the interpretation w=N,I, with
the domain of the natural numbers N (including
0) and I assigns to a the number 0 (zero), to f
the successor function, that is, for every natural
number x, f I(x) = x+1, and to g the addition operator, that is, for every pair of natural numbers x,y,

gI(x,y)=x+y. Finally, I assigns to the predicate p

the relation (smaller-or-equal).
Now, the first formula is interpreted as
0+x=x, the second formula as x+y=y+x and
the third formula as x+(y+z)=(x+y)+z. The
fourth formula is interpreted as xx (reflexivity of ), the fifth as xx+1 and the sixth as if
xy and yz then xz (transitivity of ). All these
statements are obviously true for the domain of
natural numbers, thus the theory is true in w and
w is a model for this theory.
The theory of the previous example is satisfiable; the interpretation constructed in the
example is a model. It is not valid; one can easily
construct an interpretation which is not a model,
for example, any interpretation which assigns to
p an antireflexive relation.
An example of a valid formula is:
It is easy to verify that in every interpretation
p(x) must either be true or false for every x, and thus
the formula is true in every possible interpretation.
The following formula is unsatisfiable:
It is easy to verify that in every interpretation
p(x) must either be true or false for every x; it
cannot be both. Therefore, p(x)p(x) cannot be
true for any x in any interpretation.
Definition 6 We say that a theory L entails a
formula L, denoted |= , iff for all models
w of , w |= .
We can reformulate this definition of entailment using sets of models. Let Mod() denote
the set of models of some first-order theory ,
then we can reformulate entailment as set inclusion: Mod()Mod() iff |= . In a sense, the
entailing theory is more specific, that is, allows
fewer models, than the entailed theory.

Logics for the Semantic Web

We have characterized a first-order theory

using its set of models Mod(). Another way
of characterizing a first-order theory is using
its set of entailments Ent(). The set of entailments of is the set of all formulas which are
entailed by : Ent() iff |= . Now, the less
specific a theory is, the more models it has, but
the fewer entailments it has. We can observe
that a theory entails a theory , that the set of
entailments of is a superset of the entailments
of : Ent()Ent() iff |= .
Example 6 Given the sentences pq and q, where
p,q are null-ary predicate symbols, then clearly:
pq |= q
because in all models where both p and q are true,
q must be true.
But not the other way around:
q | pq
because there are models of q in which p is not
In the example, pq presents a more constrained view of the world than q, namely both p
and q must be true, whereas q only mandates that
q must be true, but does not say anything about p.
Thus, the set of models of pq, Mod(pq), is a subset of the set of models of q: Mod(pq)Mod(q),
because every model of pq is a model of q. It is
also easy to see that the set of entailments of pq,
Ent(pq), is larger than the set of entailments of
q: Ent(pq)Ent(p). For example, pq entails
pq, whereas q does not.
It turns out that checking entailment in firstorder logic can be reduced to checking satisfiability. In order to check whether some formula
is entailed by some theory :

we can simply add the negation of to and check

whether this combination, () is satisfiable,
that is, has a model. If () is not satisfiable,
then the entailment holds.
Example 7 Consider the entailment question from
the previous example:
pq |= q.
We have concluded earlier that this entailment
must hold, because every model of pq must be
a model of q. Now, lets rewrite this entailment
problem to an unsatisfiability problem, that is, we
want to check whether:
has a model. Clearly, this formula cannot have a
model, because both q and q would have to be
true in this model and this is not possible. Therefore, we can conclude that pq entails q.
We can now try to explain intuitively why
we can use unsatisfiability of () to check
entailment |= . We have seen earlier that
|= if and only if Mod()Mod(). We know
that the sets of models of and are disjoint,
because there can be no model in which both
and are true.
Now, if () would be satisfiable, then
there would be one interpretation in which both
and are true. This means, by disjointness
of Mod() and Mod(()), that has a model
which is not a model of Mod(), which means
that Mod() is not a subset of Mod() and thus
does not entail .
The satisfiability problem for first-order logic
is the problem to decide whether there is a model
for a given first-order theory . In other words:
Does have a model?
It turns out that this question is not so easily
answered and in some cases it is even impossible
to find an answer. This makes the satisfiability
problem for first-order logic undecidable, that


Logics for the Semantic Web

is, the question of satisfiability cannot always be

answered in a finite amount of time. However, it
does turn out that if the answer to the satisfiability
question is yes, the answer can always be found
in a finite amount of time. Therefore, first-order
logic is actually semi-decidable. It is possible to
enumerate all sentences which are entailed by a
first-order theory.

dEscriPtion loGics
Description logics (Baader et al., 2003) (formerly
called Terminological Logics) are a family of
knowledge representation languages, which
revolve mainly around concepts, roles (which
denote relationships between concepts), and role
restrictions. Description logics are actually based
on first-order logic. Therefore, concepts can be
seen as unary predicates, whereas roles can be
seen as binary predicates. Although there are also
Description Logic languages which allow n-ary
roles, we will not discuss these here.
In this section we will illustrate description logics through the relatively simple description logic
Attributive Language with Complement (ALC)
which allows concepts, concept hierarchies,
role restrictions and the boolean combination
of concept descriptions. The currently popular
expressive description logics, such as SHIQ and
SHOIQ, are all extensions of ALC.

the basic description logic ALC

An ALC knowledge base has two parts: the TBox,
with terminological knowledge, which consists of
a number of class definitions, and the ABox, which
consists of assertions about actual individuals.
Concept axioms in the TBox are of the form
CD (meaning the extension of C is a subset of
the extension of D; D is more general than C) or
CD (where CD is interpreted as CD and DC)
with C and D (possibly complex) descriptions.
Descriptions can be built from named concepts


Box 1.

(named class)

(universal concept)

(bottom concept)







(existential restriction)


(universal restriction)

(e.g., A) and role restrictions (e.g., R.C denotes

a universal value restriction), connected with
negation (), union () and intersection () (see
Box 1).
Traditionally, descriptions are interpreted as
sets, where the different parts of a description
constrain the set. Take, for example, the description ABR.C. This can be read as all elements which are member of the set A, but not of
the set B (B); additionally, each member must
be related to some member of the set C via the
relation R (R.C).
Descriptions can also be understood as formulas of first-order logic with one free variable.
For example, the description ABR.C corresponds to the formula A(x)B(x)y.(R(x,y)C
(y)). The correspondence between descriptions
and first-order formulas is given in Table 1. In the
table, is a function which takes as parameters
a description and a variable and returns a firstorder formula.
The TBox of a description logic knowledge
base consists of a number of axioms of the forms
CD and CD, where C and D are descriptions. In
the set-based interpretation, CD means that C is
interpreted as a subset of D and CD means that
C and D are interpreted as the same set. We give
the translation to first-order logic in Table 2.
Description logics have been devised to
formally model terminologies. The two major
benefits of the formal modeling of a terminology

Logics for the Semantic Web

Table 1. Correspondence between descriptions

and first-order formulas

First-Order Formula















Table 2. Correspondence between TBox axioms

and first-order formulas

First-Order Formula




x.((C,x)(D,x) ((D,x)(C,x))

are that (1) it is possible to verify the consistency

of the specification and (2) it is possible to automatically infer information which is hidden in the
terminology. We illustrate both in the following
Example 8 Consider the following TBox T:
Person hasChild.PersonhasFather.
Person ManWoman
Parent hasChild.T
Mother WomanParent
Father anParent
T has two alternative definitions of the concept
Person: (1) everyone who has a father which is
a father, has a mother which is a mother and has
only children which are persons (notice that this

does not require a person to have children) and

(2) the union of the sets of all men and women;
note that both definitions must be valid. A parent
is a person who has a child. A mother is a woman
who is also parent and a father is a man who is
also a parent.
The TBox T does not contain any inconsistencies. We can infer some information from T. For
example: Man is subsumed by (is a more specific
concept than) Person: ManPerson.
We can see from T that every Man must be
a Person. Therefore, it would be inconsistent to
state that there is any Man who is not a Person.
We can add the following axiom to T:
A concept in a TBox is inconsistent if it is
impossible for this concept to have any instances,
that is, the concept can only be interpreted as the
empty set. In order to verify this, we translate the
second and the last axiom of T to first-order logic
to obtain the theory (T):
The second formula says that every man is
a person, whereas the third formula says that
every ManNotPerson is a man and not a person.
This would be impossible, because by the second
formula every man is necessarily a person. What
follows is that every model of this theory interprets
ManNotPerson as the empty set.
If we were to add the formula ManNotPerson(a)
to (T), for some constant a, then the theory no
longer has any model and is thus inconsistent.
Besides the concepts and role descriptions,
which comprise the TBox, a Description Logic
Knowledge base typically also contains individuals (instances) and relations between individuals
and, in the case of OWL, equality and inequality

Logics for the Semantic Web

assertions between individuals. These assertions

about individuals comprise the ABox.
The assertions in the ABox are of the form
iC, where i is an individual and A is an atomic
concept, or of the form (i1,i2)R, where i1,i2 are
individuals and R is a (binary) role. Assertions of
the form iA are interpreted as set membership and
assertions of the form (i1,i2)R are interpreted as
tuples in a relation. The translation to first-order
logic can be found in Table 3.
Example 9 The following ABox A is an ABox for
the TBox T of Example 8:
From this ABox A, together with the TBox T,
we can derive a number of facts: mary is a person,
since john is a person, mary is a child of john, and
all children of persons are persons; john is a parent, since he has a child; finally, john is a father,
because he is both a parent and a man.

reasoning in description logics

We are here only concerned with reasoning
with description logic TBoxes; note, however,
that reasoning with ABoxes can generally be
reduced to TBox-reasoning (Baader et al., 2003,

Table 3. Correspondence between ABox assertions and first-order formulas


First-order Formula





Section 2.3). As mentioned above, there are two

main motivations for using description logics: (1)
detecting inconsistencies in descriptions and (2)
deriving implicit information from descriptions.
Both detecting inconsistency and deriving implicit
information require reasoning over the terminology. (1) and (2) can be reduced to the following
reasoning tasks:

Satisfiability: A concept C is satisfiable with

respect to a TBox T if there exists at least
one model of T where the interpretation of
C, CI, is non-empty.
Subsumption: A concept C is subsumed by
a concept D with respect to T iff CIDI for
every model of T. This can also be written
as CD.

Both reasoning tasks can be reduced to reasoning problems in first-order logic. A concept
C is satisfiable with respect to a TBox T if and
only if (T){C(a)} is satisfiable. Essentially, we
translate the TBox to first-order logic and add an
instance a of the concept C and check whether the
resulting theory is consistent, that is, satisfiable.
Notice that we have already applied this technique
in Example 8.
Subsumption can be reduced to entailment
in first-order logic: CD if and only if (T) |=
(CD). Thus, we translate the TBox to a firstorder theory and translate the subsumption axiom
which we want to check for a first-order sentence
and check whether the one entails the other. We
have already seen that entailment in first-order
logic can be reduced to satisfiability checking.
Similarly, subsumption can be reduced to satisfiability, namely, C is subsumed by D with respect
to TBox T if and only if CD is not satisfiable
with respect to T.
Reasoning in most description logics is decidable and there exist optimized algorithms for
reasoning with certain description logics.

Logics for the Semantic Web

loGic ProGraMMinG
Logic programming is based on a subset of firstorder logic, called Horn logic. However, the
semantics of Logic Programming is slightly different from first-order logic. The semantics of logic
programs is based on minimal Herbrand models
(Lloyd, 1987), rather than first-order models.
A logic program consists of rules of the form
if A then B. Intuitively, if A is true, then B must
be true. Logic programming plays two major roles
on the Semantic Web. On the one hand, it is used
to reason with RDF (Klyne & Carroll, 2004),
RDF Schema (Brickley & Guha, 2004) and parts
of OWL (Dean & Schreiber, 2004). On the other
hand, it used is to represent knowledge on the
Semantic Web in the form of rules.
Euler1 and CWM2 are examples of reasoners
for the Semantic Web, based on logic programming. Euler and CWM both work directly with
RDF data and can be used to derive new RDF
data using rules.
Rules can be seen as a knowledge representation paradigm complementary to Description
logics. Description logics are very convenient
for defining classes, class hierarchies, properties and the relationships between them. More
specifically, compared with logic programming,
description logics have the following expressive
power: existential quantification, disjunction and
classical negation. Logic programs, on the other
hand, have the following additional expressive
power: predicates with arbitrary arities, chaining
variables over predicates (there are no restrictions
on the use of variables), and the use of nonmonotonic negation. An often quoted example which
illustrates the expressive power of rules compared
with ontologies is: if x is the brother of a parent
of y, then x is an uncle of y. This example cannot
be expressed using description logics, because the
variables x and y are both used on both sides of
the implication, which is not possible in description logics.

In this section we will first explain the general

syntax of logic programs. After that, we will the
semantics of logic programs, based on minimal
Herbrand models. An important result in the area
of logic programming is the equivalence of both
semantics. We then introduce default negation
in logic programs and show how it differs from
negation in classical first-order logic.

logic Programs
Classical logic programming makes use of the
Horn logic fragment of first-order logic. A Firstorder formula is in the Horn fragment, if it is a
disjunction of literals with at most one positive
literal, in which all variables are universally
() hb1...bn


This formula can be rewritten to the following form:

() hb1...bn


Such a formula is also called a Horn formula.

A Horn formula with one positive literal, and
at least one negative literal is called a rule. The
positive literal h is called the head of the rule. The
conjunction of negative literals is called the body
of the rule. A rule without a body is called a fact
and a rule without a head is called a query. A logic
program consists of a set of horn clauses.
In this section we use a slightly different notation for rules, which diverges from the usual
first-order syntax. A rule is written as follows:
h :- b,...,bn.

A fact is written as:


A query is written as:

Logics for the Semantic Web

?- b,...,bn.

A positive logic program P is a collection of

rules and facts.

Minimal herbrand Model semantics

We will first define the minimal Herbrand model
semantics for positive logic programs P.
Definition 7 (Herbrand universe) The Herbrand
universe HU of P is the set of all ground terms
which can be formed using the constant and function symbols in the signature of P (in case P has
no constants, we add some constant c).
Definition 8 (Herbrand base and Herbrand interpretation) The Herbrand base HB of P is the set of
all ground atomic formulas which can be formed
with the predicate symbols in of P and the terms
in HU, that is, all formulas of the form:

with p an n-ary predicate symbol and t1,...,tn

HU. A Herbrand interpretation of P is a subset
of HB.
Example 10 Consider the logic program P:
p(X) :- q(X).

Examples of Herbrand interpretations are w1

= {p(f(a)), q(b), q(f(b))}, w = {p(a), p(b), q(b)}, and w3 =
{p(a), p(b), q(a), q(b), p(f(a))}.
In this example, the Herbrand universe is
infinite. In fact, as soon as function symbols are
used in the logic program, the Herbrand universe
becomes infinite. An infinite Herbrand universe
means also an infinite Herbrand base.
Note that a Herbrand interpretation wH of
P corresponds to a first-order interpretation
w=U,I where HU is the Herbrand universe,
and I satisfies the following conditions:

cI=c for every constant symbol cC,

(f(t1,...,tn))w = f(t1,...,tn) for every n-ary function symbol fF and ground terms t1,...,tn,
(p(t1,...,tn))w for p(t1,...,tn)w.

The grounding of a logic program P, denoted

Ground(P), is the union of all possible ground
instantiations of P. A ground instantiation of a
logic program is obtained by, for each rule rP,
replacing each variable with a term in the Herbrand Universe HU.
The definition of Herbrand models is as follows:
Definition 9 (Herbrand model) Let P be a positive
logic program. A Herbrand interpretation w of
P is a model of P if for every rule rGround(P)
the following condition holds:

p(X) :- p(f(X)).

This Herbrand universe HU of P consists of

all ground terms which can be constructed out of
the constant and function symbols which occur
in P. Therefore, HU = {a, b, f(a), f(b), f(f(a)), f(f(b)),
f(f(f(a))), f(f(f(b))), ...}.
The Herbrand base of P, HB, consists of all
ground atomic formulas which can be formed
using the predicate symbols of P combined with
the Herbrand universe HU: HB = {p(a), p(b), q(a),

The intersection of all Herbrand models of

P is also a model of P and is called the minimal
Herbrand model. Therefore, each logic program
has a minimal Herbrand model and this model
is unique.

q(b), p(f(a)), q(f(a)), p(f(b)), q(f(b)), p(f(f(a))),...}.

If b,...,bn w then h w

Example 11 Among the three interpretations in

the previous example, w1, w2, w3, only w2 and w3
are Herbrand models of P. Furthermore, w2 is the
minimal model of P.

Logics for the Semantic Web

Definition 10 (Ground entailment) A logic program P entails a ground atomic formula A,

denoted P|=A, if and only if A is included in the
minimal Herbrand model of P.
We say a conjunction of ground formulas
A1...An is entailed by a program P, denoted
P |=A1...An, if and only if each of the ground
formulas in the conjunction is entailed by P: P
|=Ai for 1in.
By this definition of entailment it is only
possible to check whether particular facts follow
from a logic program, but not whether some rule
or formula follows from the program. However,
it turns out that this definition of entailment is
sufficient for the most prominent reasoning task
in logic programming: query answering.
A query q is a rule without a body, that is, a
conjunction of atomic formulas, with a number
of free variables. We write a query as:
?- A,...,An.

A variable substitution is an assignment of

objects in the Herbrand universe to variables. A
variable substitution is written as [x1/a1,...,xn/an] and
applying a variable substitution to a formula yields
a new formula in which variables are replaced
with terms as specified in the substitution.

?- p(Y).

Now, [Y/a] and [Y/b] are answers to this query.

In fact these are the only answers to the query.
This can be easily verified by considering the
minimal Herbrand model of P.

recursion in logic Programs

Interest in the use of logic for databases has given
rise to the field of deductive databases. Datalog
(Ullman, 1988) is the most prominent language
for deductive databases. Datalog can be seen as
an expressive query language for relational databases, based on logic programming. Compared
with the relational query language SQL, Datalog
allows to specify recursive queries3. Datalog can
be seen as a logic programming without the use
of function symbols.
Example 14 Given the following logic program:
uncle(X,Z) :- parent(X,Y), brother(Y,Z).

An answer to a query q for a program P is a

variable substitution [x1/a1,...,xn/an] for all variables
in q such that is entailed by P.

This logic program consists of two parts,

namely (a) the facts that mary is a parent of john
and jack is a brother of mary and (b) the uncle
rule which states that the brother of someones
parent is that persons uncle.
In order to test whether there is recursion in
a logic program, one can build the dependency
graph of the logic program. The dependency
graph is a directed graph where the predicates
in the logic program are represented by nodes in
the graph. There is an arc from some predicate p
to some predicate q if they occur in a rule with
p in the body and q in the head. A logic program
is recursive if and only if there is a cycle in the
dependency graph.

Example 13 Recall the program P from Example

10. Now, consider the query q:

Example 15 Given the following logic program


Example 12 A number of variable substitutions:

(p(x,y)q(x)q(z))[x/f(a),y/a]=p( f(a),a)q( f(
(q( y)r (z, f ( y)))[ y/g (b), z/

Logics for the Semantic Web

parent(X,Y) :- mother(X,Y).
parent(X,Y) :- father(X,Y).
ancestor(X,Y) :- parent(X,Y).
ancestor(X,Z) :- ancestor(X,Y), ancestor(Y,Z).

The ancestor relation is defined as the transitive

closure of the parent relation. From this, we can
already see that the logic program is recursive,
because ancestor depends on itself. We can also
verify this in the dependency graph of P, depicted
in Figure 1.

negation in logic Programs

An often used extension of logic programs is
negation. In this section we explain the basics of
negation in logic programming. As the treatment
is rather involved, the reader may skip this section
on first reading.
A normal logic program P consists of a number
of rules. Each rule is of the form:
h :- b,...,bk,not n,...,not nl.

where h is an atomic formula (as defined in the

previous section), also called the head of the rule,
and b,...,bn,n,...,nl are atomic formulas, also called
atoms, and b,...,bk,not n,...,not nl is called the body
of the rule. b,...,bk are said to occur positively and
n,...,nl are said to occur negatively in the body

Figure 1. Dependency graph of the ancestor program


of the rule; b,...,bk are positive literals and not

are negative literals. A positive rule is
a rule which has no negative literals in the body.
A positive program is a program which consists
only of positive rules. The signature of a logic
program P is the first-order signature where the
constant, function, predicate, and variable symbols are exactly those which occur in P.
The difference with the logic programs we
have discussed above is that normal logic programs allow negation in the body of a rule. Note
that the negation in logic programs, denoted with
not differs from negation in classical first-order
logic, which is denoted with . The negation in
logic programs is also called default negation
because all facts are assumed to be false, unless
we can infer otherwise. The default negation of
some atomic formula , denoted not is true, if
cannot be derived, whereas in first-order logic,
the classical negation of , denoted , is only
true if it can be explicitly derived4.
We can straightforwardly extend the Herbrand
semantics to programs with negation. However,
it turns out that there may be several minimal

n,...,not nl

Definition 11 (Herbrand model) Let P be a normal

logic program. A Herbrand interpretation w of
P is a model of P if for every rule rGround(P),

Logics for the Semantic Web

if all positive body literals b,...,bk are in w

all negative body literals n,...,nl w are not

Example 16 Consider the logic program P:

p(a) :- not p(b).
p(b) :- not p(a).

This program has two minimal models: {p(a)}

and {p(b)}.
The existence of multiple minimal models
increases the complexity of finding a minimal
model. A class of logic programs with negations
which have a single minimal model which can be
straightforwardly computed is the class of stratified logic programs. The predicates in a stratified
program can be divided into a number of strata
such that there is no negative dependency between
predicates in the same stratum. A stratification
has to fulfill two conditions:


if some predicate q is at stratum i and depends positively on some predicate p, then

p must be in a stratum j such that ji, and
if some predicate q is at stratum i and depends negatively on some predicate p, then
p must be in a stratum j such that j<i.

In order to check whether a program is stratifiable, we can check the dependency graph. This
graph is build in a similar way as discussed above,
with the addition that if there is a rule with head
q and with a negative body literal not p, then
there is an arc between p and q and this arc is
marked with not. If there are cycles in the graph
which include a negative arc, then the program
is not stratifiable.
Example 17 Consider the logic program:
p :- q.
q :- not r, p.
r :- q.

This program is not stratifiable; this can be

easily seen by constructing the dependency graph.
Clearly, the second rule requires r to be in a lower
stratum then q, whereas the third rule requires r
to be in a higher (or the same) stratum than q.
Now consider the following logic program:
p :- q.
p :- r.
q :- not r.

This program is stratifiable with the following


stratum 0: {r}
stratum 1: {p,q}
Now consider the following logic program:

p :- q.
q :- not r.
p :- not s.
r :- s.
t :- not q.

This program has the following stratification:

stratum 0: {r,s}
stratum 1: {p,q}
stratum 2: {t}

It is now straightforward to evaluate a stratified

logic program by first computing the predicates in
the lowest stratum and then working up stratumby-stratum until the highest stratum is reached
and the minimal model is computed. It turns out
that each stratified program has a single minimal
Herbrand model which is the intersection of all
Herbrand models of the program.
There are different semantics for logic programs which are not stratifiable. The most popular
ones are the Stable Model Semantics (Gelfond &
Lifschitz, 1988) and the Well-Founded Semantics
(Gelder et al., 1991). These semantics are beyond
the scope of this chapter.

Logics for the Semantic Web

fraME loGic
Frame logic (Kifer et al., 1995) (F-Logic) is an
extension of first-order logic which adds explicit
support for object-oriented modeling. It is possible to explicitly specify methods, as well as
generalization/specialization and instantiation
relationships. The syntax of F-Logic has some
seemingly higher-order features, for example, the
same identifier can be used for both a class and
an instance. However, the semantics of F-Logic
is strictly first-order.
Although F-Logic was originally defined as an
extension to full First-Order Logic, the original
paper (Kifer et al., 1995) already defined a Logic
Programming-style semantics for the subset of
F-Logic based on Horn logic. Intuitively, the
Horn subset is obtained in the usual way with
the addition that, beside predicate symbols with
arguments, F-Logic molecules can also be seen
as atomic formulas. In the remainder, we will
refer to the Horn subset of F-Logic with logic programming semantics as F-Logic programming.
There exist several implementations of F-Logic
programming, most notably (Decker, Erdmann,
Fensel, & Studer, 1999; Yang, Kifer, & Zhao,
2003). Since most attention around F-Logic is
around F-Logic programming, we will restrict
ourselves to the logic programming semantics for
F-Logic and disregard the FOL semantics.

f-logic Programs
To simplify matters, we focus only on a subset of
F-Logic. We do not consider parametrised methods, functional (single-valued) methods and we
consider only non-inheritable methods. We also
do not consider compound molecules.
Formally, an F-Logic theory is a set of formulas
constructed from atomic formulas, as defined for
first-order logic, and so called molecules. Let
be a first-order signature, as defined before and
let T be the set of terms which can be constructed

from the constants, function symbols, and variables in .

Definition 12 (Molecule) A molecule in F-Logic
is one of the following statements:

An is-a assertion of the form C:D where

A subclass-of assertion of the form C::D
where C,DT,
A data molecule of the form C[D - E]
where C,D,ET, or
A signature molecule of the form C[D =
E] where C,D,ET.

An F-Logic molecule is called ground, if it

contains no variables.
An is-a assertion C:D states that C is an instance
of the class D; a subclass assertion C::D states that C
is a subclass of D . Data molecules of the form C[D
- E] have the meaning that the attribute D of the
individual C has the value E . Signature molecules
of the form C[D = E] indicate that the class C has
an attribute D and that all values associated with
this attribute are of type E.
An important concept in F-Logic is object
identity (Khoshafian & Copeland, 1986). Each
object (e.g., class, instance, method) has a unique
object identifier, where an object identifier is in
fact a term. In F-Logic, classes and methods are
interpreted intentionally, which means that class
identifiers and method identifiers are interpreted
by themselves and not directly as sets or as binary
relations, as is the case with concepts and roles in
description logics. Classes and methods are first
interpreted as objects in the domain and these
objects are then related to sets of objects and sets
of binary tuples, respectively.
An F-Logic rule is similar to a logic programming rule as defined in the previous section, with
the distinction that besides atomic formulas,
F-Logic rules also allow molecules in place of
atomic formulas.

Logics for the Semantic Web

Example 18 We will now model the description

logic knowledge base of Example 8 using F-Logic
We first define the attributes of the class
Person . That can be done using a number of
ground facts:
person[child =>> person].
person[father =>> father].
person[mother =>> mother].

We now define Man and Woman as subclasses of

It is not possible to say that every person
is either a man and a woman, because disjunction
is not allowed in the head of rules. We can also
capture the facts that Mother is a subclass of both
Woman and Parent and that Father is a subclass of
both Man and Parent. These subclass assertions
are all facts in F-Logic programming:


Finally, we use a number of rules to capture

the facts that anybody who has a child is a parent
and that every woman who is also a parent is a
mother; similar for father:
X:parent :- X[child ->> Y].
X:mother :- X:woman, X:parent.
X:father :- X:man, X:parent.

As we can see from the example, there are,

on the one hand, several things which can be
expressed in basic description logics, but which
cannot be expressed in F-Logic programming.
Essentially, the two things which could not be
expressed are: (1) every person is either a man or
a woman and (2) every parent has a child. This is
not surprising, since (1) would require disjunction in the head of a rule and (2) would require

existentially quantified variables in the head of a

rule. Both are not allowed in (F-)logic programming. On the other hand, there are certain kinds
of knowledge which can be expressed using (F)logic programming which cannot be expressed
using basic description logics, for example, the
uncle rule of Example .
Note that in F-Logic there is no distinction
between classes and instances. An object identifier
can denote a class, an instance, or an attribute, but
there is no separation in the signature for the
identifiers denoting either. The advantage of such
an overloading object notion is that objects denote
classes, instances and attributes depending on the
syntactic context, which allows certain kinds of
meta-statements. For example, in the example
above, we might define an attribute parent which
is not related to the class parent:
person[parent =>> person].
We will now make a few brief remarks about
the semantics of F-Logic programming. A full
treatment (see Kifer et al., 1995) of the F-Logic
semantics is beyond the scope of this chapter.
In F-Logic programming, molecules are similar to atomic formulas. In fact, is-a and subclass-of
molecules can be seen as binary atomic formulas
and data and signature molecules can be seen as
ternary atomic formulas. F-Logic does mandate
that some additional restrictions hold in the face
of is-a and subclass-of molecules. Namely, the
subclass-of relation is transitive and an instance
of a class is also an instance of all super-classes.
However, F-Logic does not prescribe any dependency between data molecules and signature
molecules. The definition of type-correctness,
that is, what it means for values of attributes to
be correct with respect to the attribute definition,
is up to the user of the language.
An F-program (a collection of F-Logic rules)
is said to be well-typed if all data atoms implied
by the program comply with the signatures implied by the program (Kifer, Lausen, & WuKifer


Logics for the Semantic Web

et al., 1995). The notion of type-correctness is

not built into the logical language, but can be
defined using a logical meta-theory, which can
be typically captured using rules. This has two
main advantages: (1) it is possible to use different
theories for type-correctness for programs in the
same language and (2) it enables checking where
in the program typing errors occur, instead of just
saying that the entire program (or Knowledge
Base) is unsatisfiable.
Frame logic and description logics (DL) both
have constructs for modeling classes, class hierarchies, and attributes. The main difference in the
way classes and attributes are modeled in F-Logic
and DL is that in F-Logic classes and attributes
are modeled intentionally, whereas in DL they are
modeled extensionally. This means that, where in
F-Logic classes and attributes are interpreted as
objects in the domain, which are then associated
to sets of objects and sets of (binary) tuples, in
description logics classes are directly interpreted
as subsets of the domain of interpretation and attributes are directly interpreted as binary relations
over the domain. An advantage of the intentional
interpretation of classes and attributes is that it
is possible to make statements about classes and
properties while staying in a first-order framework, whereas making statements about classes
and attributes in description logics would require
a higher-order logic.

RuleML (Boley, Dean, Grosof, Kifer, Tabet,
& Wagner, 2005; Hirtle, Boley, Grosof, Kifer,
Sintek, & Tabet, 2005) provides an XML-based
exchange syntax for different rule languages, as
well as for first-order logic.
RuleML can be seen as an exchange format
for most of the languages which have been mentioned in this chapter. In order to capture different
logical languages, RuleML defines a number of


so-called sublanguages. A sublanguage is defined

using an XML Schema which comprises a number of modules representing the features which
are present in the sublanguage. Using the XML
Schema modules, a user may compose his/her
own sublanguage. We illustrate a number of
sublanguages which correspond to the languages
we have surveyed in this chapter:

fologeq: First-order logic with equality is

captured using the sublanguage fologeq.
nafhornlog: Logic programming with
default negation is captured using the sublanguage nafhornlog.
nafdatalog: Function-free logic programming (Datalog) with default negation is
captured using the sublanguage nafdatalog.
datalog: Function-free logic programming
(Datalog) without negation is captured using
the sublanguage datalog. http://www.ruleml.

As an illustration of how the schemas for the

sublanguages are composed of modules, we show
part of the schema for the sublanguage nafdatalog
in Figure 2. At the top of the schema we see the
usual XML namespace declarations, as part of
the top-level element xs:schema. This is followed
by documentation for the human reader. After
this we see that the module for the negation is
imported using the xs:include element. Finally, the
original schema datalog.xsd is refined to include
the possibility of adding negation in the body of
rules. For reasons of space we do not show this
Figure 3 shows the simple program from Example 14 in the datalog sublanguage of RuleML.

Logics for the Semantic Web

Logical languages allow one to infer information
which is implicit in descriptions one creates in
these languages. The ability to infer new information from existing information is seen as an
important feature for languages on the Semantic
Web. Therefore, many Semantic Web languages,
described in the other chapters of this book, are
based on formal languages such as the ones we
have seen in this chapter.
As we have seen in this chapter, there are many
differences between these formal languages, but
also in terms of modeling in the language.
We summarize the most important traits of
the surveyed languages:
First-order logic. A very expressive language.
Reasoning with first-order logic (FOL) is in general undecidable.

Figure 2. XML schema for nafdatalog

<?xml version=.0 encoding=UTF-?>
<xs:documentation xml:lang=en>
XML Schema for a Datalog RuleML sublanguage,
including negation as failure (NAF)
File: nafdatalog.xsd
Version: 0.9
Last Modification: 2005-11-09
<!-- nafdatalog includes the naf module -->
<xs:include schemaLocation=modules/naf_module.
<xs:redefine schemaLocation=datalog.xsd>

Description logics (DL) are, in general, based

on a decidable subset of first-order logic. An important property of Description Logic languages
is that they allow, to some extent, frame-based
modelling. The most important reasoning task in
DL is subsumption reasoning, that is, checking
whether one description is more general than

Figure 3. Datalog RuleML example

<?xml version=.0 encoding=UTF-?>
<RuleML xmlns=http://www.ruleml.org/0.9/xsd

Logics for the Semantic Web

Logic programming is based on the Horn logic

subset of FOL, but with extension of default negation in the body. In general reasoning with logic
programs is undecidable, but when restricting
to the datalog subset, that is, disallowing function symbols, reasoning becomes decidable and
for programs under the well-founded semantics
even tractable.
Frame logic. First-order logic does not have
explicit constructs for modeling classes and attributes. Frame logic overcomes this limitation
by introducing a number of constructs for object-oriented modeling which do not increase the
complexity of reasoning in the language.
We have seen that RuleML provides an XMLbased syntax for exchange of these languages
over the Web.
Many of the formal languages described in this
chapter have found their way to language recommendations and proposals for the Semantic Web.
The language proposals SWSL-FOL (Battle et al.,
2005) and SWRL-FOL (Patel-Schneider, 2005)
are based on full FOL. The W3C recommendation OWL (Dean & Schreiber, 2004) is based on
description logics (Horrocks et al., 2003). Finally,
the rule language proposals WRL (Angele et al.,
2005) and SWSL-Rules (Battle et al., 2005) are
based on (F-)Logic programming.

Angele, J., Boley, H., Bruijn, J. de, Fensel, D.,
Hitzler, P., & Kifer, M. (2005). Web rule language
(WRL). W3C Member Submission 09 September
Baader, F., Calvanese, D., McGuinness, D.L.,
Nardi, D., & Patel-Schneider, P.F. (Eds.). (2003).
The description logic handbook. Cambridge
University Press.
Battle, S., Bernstein, A., Boley, H., Grosof, B.,

Gruninger, M., & Hull, R. (2005). Semantic Web

services language (SWSL). W3C Member Submission 09 September 2005.
Boley, H., Dean, M., Grosof, B., Kifer, M., Tabet,
S., & Wagner, G. (2005, April). RuleML position
statement. In Proceedings of the W3C Workshop
on Rule Languages for Interoperability, Washington, DC. Retrieved October 23, 2006, from
Brickley, D., & Guha, R.V. (2004). RDF vocabulary description language 1.0: RDF schema
(Recommendation No. 10 February 2004). W3C.
Retrieved October 23, 2006, from http://www.
Dean, M., & Schreiber, G. (Eds.). (2004). OWL
web ontology language reference (W3C Recommendation 10 February 2004).
Decker, S., Erdmann, M., Fensel, D., & Studer,
R. (1999). Ontobroker: Ontology based access
to distributed and semi-structured information.
R.M. et al. (Ed.), Semantic issues in multimedia
systems. Kluwer Academic.
Fitting, M. (1996). First order logic and automated
theorem proving (2nd ed.). Springer-Verlag.
Gelder, A.V., Ross, K., & Schlipf, J.S. (1991).
The well-founded semantics for general logic
programs. Journal of the ACM, 38(3), 620-650.
Gelfond, M., & Lifschitz, V. (1988). The stable
model semantics for logic programming. In R.A.
Kowalski & K. Bowen (Eds.), Proceedings of
the Fifth International Conference on Logic
Programming (pp. 1070-1080). Cambridge, MA:
The MIT Press.
Gelfond, M., & Lifschitz, V. (1991). Classical negation in logic programs and disjunctive databases.
New Generation Computing, 9(3/4), 365-386.
Hirtle, D., Boley, H., Grosof, B., Kifer, M., Sintek,
M., & Tabet, S. (2005). Schema specification of

Logics for the Semantic Web

RuleML 0.9. Retrieved October 23, 2006, from

Horrocks, I., Patel-Schneider, P.F., Boley, H.,
Tabet, S., Grosof, B., & Dean, M. (2004). SWRL:
A Semantic Web rule language combining OWL
and RuleML (Member Submission 21 May 2004).
W3C. Retrieved October 23, 2006, from http://
Horrocks, I., Patel-Schneider, P.F., & van Harmelen, F. (2003). From SHIQ and RDF to OWL: The
making of a Web ontology language. Journal of
Web Semantics, 1(1), 7-26.

Ullman, J.D. (1988). Principles of database and

knowledge-base systems (Vol. i). Computer Science Press.
Yang, G., Kifer, M., & Zhao, C. (2003). FLORA2: A rule-based knowledge representation and
inference infrastructure for the Semantic Web. In
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Ontologies, Databases and Applications
of Semantics (odbase), Catania, Sicily, Italy.

furthEr rEadinG

Khoshafian, S. & Copeland, G. (1986). Object

identity. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference
on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems,
Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA86) (pp.

First-order logic (Fitting, 1996)

Kifer, M. (2005, July). Rules and ontologies in

f-logic. In Proceedings of Reasoning Web, First
International Summer School, Tutorial Lectures
(pp. 22-34). Msida, Malta.

Frame logic (Kifer, Lausen, & Wu, 1995)

Kifer, M., Lausen, G., & Wu, J. (1995). Logical

foundations of object-oriented and frame-based
languages. JACM, 42(4), 741-843.
Klyne, G., & Carroll, J.J. (2004). Resource
description framework (RDF): Concepts and
abstract syntax (Recommendation No. 10 February 2004). W3C.
Lloyd, J.W. (1987). Foundations of logic programming (2nd ed.). Springer-Verlag.
Patel-Schneider, P.F. (2005). A proposal for a
swrl extension towards first-order logic (W3C
Member Submission 11 April 2005).

Logic programming (Lloyd, 1987)

Description logics (Baader, Calvanese, McGuinness, Nardi, & Patel-Schneider, 2003)

RuleML (Hirtle et al, 2005; Boley et al, 2005)


Note that a recent version of SQL, namely
SQL:99, allows a limited form of recursion
in queries.
Note that there are extensions of logic programming which deal with classical negation
(Gelfond & Lifschitz, 1991), but we will not
discuss these here.

Chapter III

Ontological Engineering:
What are Ontologies and
How Can We Build Them?
Oscar Corcho
University of Manchester, UK
Mariano Fernndez-Lpez
Universidad San Pablo CEU and Universidad Politcnica de Madrid, Spain
Asuncin Gmez-Prez
Universidad Politcnica de Madrid, Spain

Ontologies are formal, explicit specifications of shared conceptualizations. There is much literature on
what they are, how they can be engineered and where they can be used inside applications. All these
literature can be grouped under the term ontological engineering, which is defined as the set of activities that concern the ontology development process, the ontology lifecycle, the principles, methods
and methodologies for building ontologies, and the tool suites and languages that support them. In this
chapter we provide an overview of ontological engineering, describing the current trends, issues and

The origin of ontologies in computer science
can be referred back to 1991, in the context of
the DARPA Knowledge Sharing Effort (Neches,
Fikes, Finin, Gruber, Senator, & Swartout, 1991).
The aim of this project was to devise new ways of
constructing knowledge-based systems, so that

the knowledge bases upon which they are based

did not have to be constructed from scratch, but
by assembling reusable components. This reuse
applies both to static knowledge, which is modeled
by means of ontologies, and dynamic problemsolving knowledge, which is modeled by means
of problem solving methods.

Copyright 2007, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Ontological Engineering

Since then, considerable progress has been

made in this area. Ontologies are now considered
as a commodity that can be used for the development of a large number of applications in different
fields, such as knowledge management, natural
language processing, e-commerce, intelligent
integration information, information retrieval,
database design and integration, bio-informatics,
education, and so forth.
The emergence of the Semantic Web (Berners-Lee, 1999) has caused a growing need for
knowledge reuse, and has strenghtened its potential at the same time. Therefore, ontologies and
problem-solving methods (which in some cases
are considered as the precursors of Semantic
Web Services) are playing an important role in
this context.
As described in the chapter title, we will present the what and how of ontologies, describing
the activities that should be carried out during the
ontology development process, the principles to
be followed in ontology design, and the methods,
methodologies, software tools and languages that
give support to each one of these activities. The
second section defines the word ontology and
explains which are the main components that can
be used to model ontologies. The third section
focuses on methods and methodologies for the
development of ontologies, either used for the
whole ontology development process or only for
specific activities. The fourth section focuses on
ontology tools, which normally give support to
the previous methodological approaches. The
fifth section describes ontology languages that
can be used to implement ontologies. All these
sections are structured in a similar way: first we
give a brief overview of their evolution, then we
describe the current trends, and finally we pay
attention to the open issues and practical aspects.
Finally, conclusions and future lines of work are
presented in the last section.

What is an ontoloGy and

Which arE its coMPonEnts?
There are two different views about the use of the
term ontology, considering whether the person
who uses that term is interested in its philosophical
roots or in its application to computer science.
For philosophers, the term Ontology (normally
typed with uppercase) refers to the the essence of
things through the changes. Greek philosophers,
from Parmenides of Elea to Aristotle, were interested in these aspects. In the 18th century, Kant
worked also on these ideas. More recently, people
working in the area of formal ontologies are also
interested in these philosophical ideas and its application in the context of computer science.
On the other side, ontology engineers in the
context of computer science are more interested
in how ontologies (typed with lowercase) can be
used to represent reusable and sharable pieces of
domain knowledge and how they can be used in applications. In this context, ontologies are reusable
and sharable artifacts that have to be developed
in a machine interpretable language (Gruber,
1993; Studer, Benjamins, & Fensel, 1998). This
point of view is clearly addressed in the definition given by Studer and colleagues (1998): An
ontology is a formal, explicit specification of a
shared conceptualization. We consider that this
definition is one of the most complete ones from
those available in the literature.
Once we have analysed these different definitions of the term ontology, we will focus on the
second use of this term, that is, on what is normally
known as ontological engineering (Gmez-Prez,
Fernndez-Lpez, & Corcho, 2003). First we will
discuss about the components that are used to
create an ontology.
Different knowledge representation formalisms (and corresponding languages) exist for the
fomalisation (and implementation) of ontologies.

Ontological Engineering

Each of them provides different components that

can be used for these tasks. However, they share
the following minimal set of components.1
Classes represent concepts, which are taken
in a broad sense. For instance, in the traveling
domain, concepts are: locations (cities, villages, etc.), lodgings (hotels, camping, etc.) and
means of transport (planes, trains, cars, ferries,
motorbikes and ships). Classes in the ontology
are usually organised in taxonomies through
which inheritance mechanisms can be applied.
We can represent a taxonomy of entertainment
places (theater, cinema, concert, etc.) or travel
packages (economy travel, business travel, etc.).
In the frame-based KR paradigm, metaclasses
can also be defined. Metaclasses are classes
whose instances are classes. They usually allow
for gradations of meaning, since they establish
different layers of classes in the ontology where
they are defined.
Relations represent a type of association between concepts of the domain. They are formally
defined as any subset of a product of n sets, that is:
R C1 x C2 x ... x Cn. Ontologies usually contain
binary relations. The first argument is known as
the domain of the relation, and the second argument is the range. For instance, the binary relation
arrivalPlace has the concept Travel as its domain and
the concept Location as its range. Relations can be
instantiated with knowledge from the domain.
For example, to express that the flight AA7462Feb-08-2002 arrives in Seattle we must write:
(arrivalPlace AA7462-Feb-08-2002 Seattle).

Binary relations are sometimes used to express concept attributes (i.e., slots). Attributes
are usually distinguished from relations because
their range is a datatype, such as string, number,
and so forth, while the range of relations is a
concept. The following code defines the attribute
flightNumber, which is a string. We can also express
relations of higher arity, such as a road connects
two different cities.


According to Gruber (1993), formal axioms

serve to model sentences that are always true.
They are normally used to represent knowledge
that cannot be formally defined by the other
components. In addition, formal axioms are used
to verify the consistency of the ontology itself
or the consistency of the knowledge stored in a
knowledge base. Formal axioms are very useful
to infer new knowledge. An axiom in the traveling
domain would be that it is not possible to travel
from the America to Europe by train.
Instances are used to represent elements or
individuals in an ontology. An example of instance
of the concept AA7462 is the flight AA7462 that
arrives at Seattle on February 8, 2006 and costs
300 (US Dollars, Euros, or any other currency).
Besides formalisms and languages specifically
designed for representing knowledge, ontologies
can be formalised with other approaches coming
from the areas of software engineering, such as the
Unified Modeling Language (UML) (Rumbaugh,
Jacobson, & Booch, 1998) or entity-relationship
(ER) diagrams (Chen, 1976).
In this context, the Object Management Group
(OMG)2 is working on a specification to define the
meta-models of some of the diagram types and
languages used in ontology representation. This
specification is known as ontology description
model (ODM, 2005), and uses a common formal
notation to describe the metamodels. Such metamodels (defined for UML, entity-relationship,
OWL, RDF(S), etc.) can be considered formalisations of knowledge representation ontologies. All
these correspondences are formally described in
the ODM document (ODM, 2005).
The purpose of ODM documents is to allow
software engineers to model ontologies with
familiar notations for them, for example, UML
and ER, and to transform their conceptual models
into formal ontologies represented in ontology

Ontological Engineering

Methods and Methodologies

for the Development of
Several proposals for ontology development have
been reported in the literature. In 1990, Lenat and
Guha published the general steps (Lenat & Guha,
1990) and some interesting points about the Cyc
development. Some years later, in 1995, on the
basis of the experience gathered in developing the
Enterprise Ontology (Uschold & King, 1995) and
the TOVE (TOronto Virtual Enterprise) project
ontology (Grninger & Fox, 1995) (both in the domain of enterprise modeling), the first guidelines
were proposed and later refined in (Uschold, 1996;
Uschold & Grninger, 1996). At the 12th European
Conference for Artificial Intelligence (ECAI96),
Bernaras and colleagues (Bernaras, Laresgoiti, &
Corera, 1996) presented a method used to build an
ontology in the domain of electrical networks as
part of the Esprit KACTUS (Schreiber, Wielinga,
& Jansweijer, 1995) project. The methodology
methontology (Gmez-Prez, Fernndez-Lpez,
& de Vicente, 1996) appeared at the same time and
was extended in later papers (Fernndez-Lpez,
Gmez-Prez, & Juristo, 1997; Fernndez-Lpez,
Gmez-Prez, Pazos, & Pazos, 1999). In 1997, a
new method was proposed for building ontologies based on the SENSUS ontology (Swartout,
Ramesh, Knight, & Russ, 1997). Some years later,
the on-to-knowledge methodology appeared as a
result of the project with the same name (Staab,
Schnurr, Studer, & Sure, 2001). A comparative
and detailed study of these methods and methodologies can be found in (Fernndez-Lpez &
Gmez-Prez, 2002a).
All the previous methods and methodologies
were proposed for building ontologies. However,
many other methods have been proposed for specific tasks of the ontology development process,
such as ontology reengineering (Gmez-Prez &
Rojas, 1999), ontology learning (Aussenac-Gilles,
Bibow, Szulman, 2000a; Kietz, Maedche, &
Volz, 2000), ontology evaluation (Gmez-Prez,
1994, 1996, 2001, 2004; Guarino, 2004; Gua-

rino & Welty, 2002; Kalfoglou & Robertson,

1999a, 1999b; Welty & Guarino, 2001), ontology
evolution (Klein & Fensel, 2001; Klein, Fensel,
Kiryakov, & Ognyanov, 2002; Noy & Klein,
2002; Noy & Musen, 2004a, 2004b; Noy, Kunnatur, Klein, & Musen, 2004; Stojanovic, 2004),
ontology alignment (Benebentano et al., 2000;
Castano, De Antonellis, & De Capitani diVemercati, 2001; Ehring & Staab, 2004; Euzenat,
2004; Madhavan, Bernstein, & Rahm, 2001;
Melnik, Garca-Molina, & Rahm, 2002; Noy
& Musen, 2001; Pan, Ding, Yu, & Peng, 2005;
Shvaiko, Giunchiglia, & Yatskevich, 2004), and
ontology merging (Gangemi, Pisanelli, & Steve,
1999; Steve, Gangemi, & Pisanelli, 1998) (Noy
& Musen, 2000; Stumme & Maedche, 2001),
among others.
In the following subsections we will describe
what we understand by ontology development
process and ontology lifecycle. Then we will
describe the methods and methodologies used for
the whole ontology development process. And finally we will focus on ontology learning, ontology
merging, ontology alignment, ontology evolution
and versioning, and ontology evaluation.

Ontology Development Process and

The ontology development process and the
ontology lifecycle were identified by FernndezLpez and colleagues (1997) in the framework
of methontology. These proposals were based
on the IEEE standard for software development
(IEEE, 1996).
The ontology development process refers to
the activities that have to be performed when
building ontologies. They can be classified in
three categories (Figure 1):
Ontology management activities include
scheduling, control and quality assurance. The
scheduling activity identifies the tasks to be
performed, their arrangement, and the time and


Ontological Engineering

resources needed for their completion. This activity is essential for ontologies that use ontologies
stored in ontology libraries or for ontologies that
require a high level of abstraction and generality.
The control activity guarantees that scheduled
tasks are completed in the manner intended to be
performed. Finally, the quality assurance activity
assures that the quality of each and every product
output (ontology, software and documentation)
is satisfactory.
Ontology development oriented activities
are grouped, as presented in Figure 1, into
predevelopment, development and postdevelopment activities. During the predevelopment, an
environment study identifies the problem to be
solved with the ontology, the applications where
the ontology will be integrated, and so forth. Also
during the predevelopment, the feasibility study
answers questions like: is it possible to build the
ontology?; is it suitable to build the ontology?;
and so forth.
Once in the development, the specification
activity3 states why the ontology is being built,
what its intended uses are and who the end-users
are. The conceptualisation activity structures
the domain knowledge as meaningful models

either from scratch or reusing existing models.

In this last case, related activities like pruning
branches of the existing taxonomies, extending
the coverage of ontologies with the addition of
new concepts in the higher levels of their taxonomies, or specialising branches that require more
granularity. Given that the conceptualisation
activity is implementation-language independent, it allows modeling ontologies according to
the minimal encoding bias design criterion. The
formalisation activity transforms the conceptual
model into a formal or semi-computable model.
The implementation activity builds computable
models in an ontology language.
During the postdevelopment, the maintenance
activity updates and corrects the ontology if
needed. Also during the postdevelopment, the
ontology is (re)used by other ontologies or applications. The evolution activity consists in
managing ontology changes and their effects by
creating and maintaining different variants of
the ontology, taking into account that they can
be used in different ontologies and applications
(Noy et al., 2004).
Finally, ontology support activities include
a series of activities that can be performed dur-

Figure 1. Ontology development process (adapted from Fernndez-Lpez et al., 1997)

Ontological Engineering

ing the development-oriented activities, without

which the ontology could not be built. They include
knowledge acquisition, evaluation, integration,
merging, alignment, documentation, and configuration management. The goal of the knowledge
acquisition activity is to acquire knowledge from
experts of a given domain or through some kind
of (semi)automatic process, which is called ontology learning (Kietz et al., 2000). The evaluation
activity (Gmez-Prez, 1994) makes a technical
judgment of the ontologies, of their associated
software environments, and of the documentation. This judgment is made with respect to a
frame of reference during each stage and between
stages of the ontologys lifecycle. The integration
activity is required when building a new ontology
by reusing other ontologies already available.
Another support activity is merging (Gangemi et
al., 1999; Noy & Musen, 2000; Steve et al., 1998;
Stumme & Maedche, 2001), which consists in
obtaining a new ontology starting from several
ontologies on the same domain. The resulting
ontology is able to unify concepts, terminology,
definitions, constraints, and so forth, from all
the source ontologies. The merge of two or more
ontologies can be carried out either in run-time
or design time. The alignment activity establishes

different kinds of mappings (or links) between the

involved ontologies. Hence this option preserves
the original ontologies and does not merge them.
The documentation activity details, clearly and
exhaustively, each and every one of the completed
stages and products generated. The configuration
management activity records all the versions of the
documentation and of the ontology code to control
the changes. The multilingualism activity consists
in mapping ontologies onto formal descriptions
of linguistic knowledge (Declerck & Uszkoreit,
2003). It has not usually been considered as an
ontology support activity, but has become more
relevant in the context of networked ontologies
available in the Semantic Web.
The ontology development process does not
identify the order in which the activities should
be performed. This is the role of the ontology
lifecycle, which identifies when the activities
should be carried out, that is, it identifies the set of
stages through which the ontology moves during
its life time, describes what activities are to be
performed in each stage and how the stages are
related (relation of precedence, return, etc.).
The initial version of the lifecycle process
model of methontology (see Figure 2) proposes
to start with a scheduling of the activities to be

Figure 2. Ontology lifecycle in methontology


Ontological Engineering

performed. Then, the specification activity begins,

showing why the ontology will be built, which its
possible uses will be, and who its users. When
the specification finishes, the conceptualisation
begins. The objective of the conceptualisation is
to organise and structure the acquired knowledge
in the knowledge acquisition activity, using a
set of representations easy to manipulate for
the experts on the domain. Once the conceptual
model has been built, it has to be formalised and
implemented (although if the conceptual model
is formal enough then it will not be necessary to
go through these two stages but just directly to
the implementation). More details can be found
in Gmez-Prez et al. (2003).
The original ontology lifecycle of methontology has been modified recently to take into account the fact that more ontologies are available
in ontology libraries or spread over the Internet,
so that their reuse by other ontologies and applications has increased. Domain ontologies can
be reused to build others of more granularity and
coverage, or can be merged with others to create
new ones. Using an analogy with an underground

map, it can be noted that there exists a main line

(in the middle of the Figure 3), which proposes
the main development activities already identified in the early versions of methontology. Others
lines start from the main one or finish in it, and
others go in parallel ways and fork in a point.
Thus, interdependence relationships (GmezPrez & Rojas, 1999) arise between the lifecycle
of several ontologies, and actions of evaluation,
pruning and merging can be carried out on such
ontologies. That is, the lifecycles of the different
ontologies intersect, producing different scenarios
with different technological requirements. Corcho and colleagues (2007) describe some of the
most common scenarios that appear in this new

Methods and Methodologies

used for the Whole ontology
development lifecycle
Several methods and methodologies have been
proposed in the literature as a guide for the main
phases of the ontology development lifecycle. The

Figure 3. The ontology development process of networked ontologies


Ontological Engineering

selection of one or another will mainly depend

on the characteristics of the ontology to be developed, including the context where they are being
developed and the experience of the ontology
engineers with the each approach. At the end of
this section we provide a comparison of the approaches according to several factors that can be
considered for ontology development.
The Cyc method (Lenat & Guha, 1990), which
is given this name because it was used for the development of the Cyc knowledge base, is mainly
oriented to support the knowledge acquisition
activity, and is structured in three phases. In all
of them, the objective is to derive common sense
knowledge that is implicit in different sources.
The difference between them is the degree of
automation of the knowledge acquisition process
(from manual to automatic). Once knowledge has
been acquired, it is divided into microtheories (or
contexts), which are bundles of assertions in the
same domain.
The Uschold and Kings method (Uschold &
King, 1995) covers more aspects of the ontology
development lifecycle. It proposes four phases:
(1) to identify the purpose of the ontology, (2) to
build it, integrating other ontologies inside the
current one if necessary, (3) to evaluate it, and
(4) to document it. The authors propose three
strategies for identifying the main concepts in
the ontology: a top-down approach, in which the
most abstract concepts are identified first, and
then, specialised into more specific concepts; a
bottom-up approach, in which the most specific
concepts are identified first and then generalised
into more abstract concepts; and a middle-out
approach, in which the most important concepts
are identified first and then generalised and specialised into other concepts. Depending on the
characteristics of the ontology to be developed,
different strategies will be considered.
Grninger and Fox (1995) propose a methodology that is inspired on the development of
knowledge-based systems using first order logic.
They propose first to identify intuitively the

possible applications where the ontology will be

used, and determine the scope of the ontology
using a set of natural language questions, called
competency questions. These questions and their
answers are used both to extract the main ontology components (expressed in first order logic).
This methodology is very formal and can be
used as a guide to transform informal scenarios
in computable models.
In the method proposed in the KACTUS project
(Bernaras et al., 1996) the ontology is built on the
basis of an application knowledge base (KB), by
means of a process of abstraction (that is, following
a bottom-up strategy). The more applications are
built, the more reusable and sharable the ontology becomes.
The method based on Sensus (Swartout et
al., 1997) aims at promoting the sharability of
knowledge, since it proposes to use the same
base ontology to develop ontologies in particular
domains. It is a top-down approach where the
authors propose to identify a set of seed terms
that are relevant to a particular domain. These
terms are linked manually to a broad-coverage
ontology (in this case, the Sensus ontology, which
contains more than 50,000 concepts). Then, all
the concepts in the path from the seed terms to
the ontology root are included. For those nodes
that have a large number of paths through them,
the entire subtree under the node is sometimes
added, based on the idea that if many of the nodes
in a subtree have been found to be relevant, then,
the other nodes in the subtree are likely to be
relevant as well.
Methontology (Fernndez-Lpez et al., 1999) is
a methodology that can be used to create domain
ontologies that are independent of the application
where they will be used. The ontology development process and lifecycle presented in the previous section are derived from this methodology.
Besides, the methodology proposes specific techniques to carry out each of the activities identified
there. The main phase in the ontology development
process is the conceptualisation phase.

Ontological Engineering

The on-to-knowledge methodology (Staab et

al., 2001) is based on an analysis of usage scenarios. The steps proposed by the methodology
are: kick-off, where ontology requirements are
captured and specified, competency questions
are identified, potentially reusable ontologies are
studied and a first draft version of the ontology is
built; refinement, where a mature and applicationoriented ontology is produced; evaluation, where
the requirements and competency questions are
checked, and the ontology is tested in the application environment; and ontology maintenance.
If we analyse the approaches according to the
part of the ontology development process that they
describe, we can conclude (Fernndez-Lpez &
Gmez-Prez, 2002a):


None of the approaches covers all the processes involved in ontology building. Most of
the methods and methodologies for building
ontologies are focused on the development
activities, specially on the ontology conceptualisation and ontology implementation,
and they do not pay too much attention to
other important aspects related to management, learning, merge, integration, evolution
and evaluation of ontologies. Therefore,
such types of methods should be added to
the methodologies for ontology construction
from scratch (Fernndez-Lpez & GmezPrez, 2002b).
Most of the approaches are focused on development activities, especially on the ontology
implementation, and they do not pay too
much attention to other important aspects
related to the management, evolution and
evaluation of ontologies. This is due to the
fact that the ontological engineering field is
relatively new. However, a low compliance
with the criteria formerly established does
not mean a low quality of the methodology
or method. As de Hoog (1998) states, a not
very specified method can be very useful
for an experienced group.



Most of the approaches present some drawbacks in their use. Some of them have not
been used by external groups and, in some
cases they have been used in a single domain.
Most of the approaches do not have a specific
tool that gives them technology support.
Besides, none of the available tools covers all the activities necessary in ontology

Methods and techniques aimed at

Specific Activities of the ontology
development Process
Now we will provide an overview of some of the
most important methods and techniques that are
proposed to give support to specific activities of
the ontology development process, such as those
for ontology learning (which support the knowledge acquisition activity), ontology alignment
and merge (which support the integration, merge
and alignment activities), ontology evolution and
versioning (which support the maintenance activity), and ontology evaluation.

Methods and techniques for

ontology learning
Ontology learning is defined as the set of methods
and techniques used for building an ontology
from scratch, enriching, or adapting an existing ontology in a semi-automatic fashion using
distributed and heterogeneous knowledge and
information sources, allowing to reduce the time
and effort needed in the ontology development
process. Though the fully automatic acquisition of
knowledge remains far to be reached, the overall
process is considered as semi-automatic, meaning
that the human intervention is necessary in some
parts of the learning process.
Several approaches have appeared during the
last decade for the partial automatisation of the
knowledge acquisition process, applied to differ-

Ontological Engineering

ent types of unstructured, semistructured, and

fully structured data (Maedche & Staab, 2000).
Most of these approaches are based on linguistic
patterns, which are used to extract linguistic relations that reflect ontological relations (taxonomic
and nontaxonomic relations as well as possible
attributes or their values, depending on the patterns type). In the same sense, these patterns are
also used for detecting attribute-value pairs. All
the presented methods require the participation
of an ontologist to evaluate the final ontology
and the accuracy of the learning process. There
are not methods or techniques for evaluating the
accuracy of the learning process either.
Regarding ontology learning methods, some
of the most known ones are due to Maedche and
colleagues (Kietz et al., 2000), Aussenac-Gilles
and colleagues (2000a, 2000b), and Khan and Luo
(2002). Maedche and colleagues method (Kietz et
al., 2000) proposes to learn the ontology using as
a base a core ontology (SENSUS, WordNet, etc.),
which is enriched with the learnt concepts. New
concepts are identified using natural language
analysis techniques over the resources previously
identified by the user. The resulting ontology is
pruned and then focused on a specific domain by
means of several approaches based on statistics.
Finally, relations between concepts are established
applying learning methods.
Aussenac-Gilles and colleagues method
(Aussenac-Gilles et al., 2000a, 2000b) combines
knowledge acquisition tools based on linguistics
with modeling techniques to keep links between
models and texts. After selecting a corpus, the
method proposes to obtain linguistic knowledge
(terms, lexical relations, and groups of synonyms)
at the linguistic level. This linguistic knowledge is
then transformed into a semantic network, which
includes concepts, relations and attributes.
Khan and Luos method (Khan & Luo, 2002)
aims to build a domain ontology from text documents using clustering techniques and WordNet
(Miller, 1995). The user provides a selection of
documents, which are clustered using the SOAT

algorithm (Wu & Hsu, 2002). After building a

hierarchy of clusters, a concept is assigned to each
cluster in the hierarchy using a bottom-up fashion
and a predefined set of topic categories. For this
purpose, a topic tracking algorithm (Joachims,
1998) is used. Then, each topic is associated with
an appropriate concept in WordNet, and other
nodes in the hierarchy are assigned according to
the concepts in the descendent nodes and their
hyperyms in WordNet. Relations between concepts are ignored.

Methods and techniques for

ontology alignment and Merge
Ontologies aim to capture consensual knowledge
of a given domain in a generic and formal way, to
be reused and shared across applications and by
groups of people. From this definition we could
wrongly infer that there is only one ontology for
modeling each domain (or even a single universal
ontology). Though this can be the case in specific
domains, commonly several ontologies model the
same domain knowledge in different ways.
Noy and Musen (2000) defined ontology
alignment and merging as follows: (1) ontology
alignment consists in establishing different kinds
of mappings (or links) between two ontologies,
hence preserving the original ontologies (see
Figure 4); and (2) ontology merging proposes
to generate a unique ontology from the original
ontologies. In this chapter we will assume that a
mapping between ontologies is a set of rewriting rules that associates terms and expressions
defined in a source ontology with terms and
expressions of a target ontology (inspired from
Mitra, Wiederhold, & Kersten, 2000). Table 1
shows the mappings that can be established between the two ontologies of Figure 4. The symbol
:= means is transformed into, and is the
empty word. Therefore, date := means that the
attribute date has no correspondence with terms
of the ontology 2.

Ontological Engineering

Given that a reusable and machine interpretable

database schema can be considered as an ontology (see second section), the galaxy of ontology
alignment methods is huge. Some examples of
these methods are: S-Match (Shvaiko et al., 2004),
QOM (Ehring & Staab, 2004), Pan and colleagues
proposal (2005), Artemis (Benebentano et al.,
2000; Castano et al., 2001), Cupid (Madhavan et
al., 2001), AnchorPrompt (Noy & Musen, 2001),
Similarity Flooding (Melnik et al., 2002), and
so forth.
In the context of the workshop on Evaluation
of Ontology Tools EON2004, an experiment was
performed about the quality of the mappings provided by different methods and tools. This will
be continued in other efforts. To know more on

ontology alignment and merging we recommend

to access to the Ontology Matching Web page.4
With regard to ontology merging methods and
methodologies, one of the most elaborated proposals for ontology merging is ONIONS (Gangemi
et al., 1999; Steve et al., 1998), developed by the
Conceptual Modeling Group of the CNR in Rome,
Italy. With this method we can create a library of
ontologies originated from different sources. The
main underlying ideas of this method are: (1) to
link the ontologies taking into account lexical relations between their terms (polysemy, synonymy,
etc.); and (2) to use generic theories (part-whole or
connectedness theories, for example) as common
upper ontologies of the library ontologies, that is,
to use generic theories as the glue to integrate the
different ontologies.

Table 1. Mappings for the two ontologies of Figure 4

Description of the mapping in natural language

Rewriting rule

The concept travel (in ontology 1) is equivalent to

the concept traveling (in ontology 2).

Travel := Traveling

The concept travel by plane (in ontology 1) is

equivalent to the concept such as it is subclass of
traveling (in ontology 2) and its transport mean is
a plane (in ontology 2).

TravelByPlane := C such as
subclassOf(C, Traveling)
C.hasTransporMean = Plane

The concept such as it is subclass of travel (in

ontology 1) and its transport mean is a bus (in
ontology 2) is equivalent to the concept traveling
by bus (in ontology 2).

C such as
subclassOf(C, Travel)
C.hasTransporMean = Bus
:= TravelingByBus

The attribute origin (in ontology 1) is equivalent to

the attribute origin place (in ontology 2).

Origin := OriginPlace

The attribute destination (in ontology 1) is

equivalent to the attribute destination place (in
ontology 2).

Destination := DestinationPlace

The value New York of attributes origin and

destination (in ontology 2) is equivalent to the
value NY of origin place and destination place
(in ontology 2).

New York := NY

The attribute date (in ontology 1) does not have

correspondence in ontology 2.

Date :=

The attribute price (in ontology 1) is equivalent

to a combination of the attributes price and tax in
ontology 2.

Price := Price * (1 + Tax/100)

The attribute has transport mean (in ontology 1)

is equivalent to the attribute has transport mean
in ontology 2.

HasTransportMean := HasTransportMean

Ontological Engineering

Figure 4. Example of ontology alignment

FCA-Merge (Stumme & Maedche, 2001) was

developed at the Institute AIFB of the University
of Karlsruhe, Germany. This approach is very
different from the other approaches presented in
this section. FCA-Merge takes as input the two
ontologies to be merged and a set of documents
on the domains of the ontologies. The appearances
of instances of the concepts in the different documents guides the merging such concepts.
The PROMPT method (Noy & Musen, 2000)
has been elaborated by the Stanford Medical
Informatics group at Stanford University. The
main assumption of PROMPT is that the ontologies to be merged are formalised with a common
knowledge model based on frames. This method
proposes first to elaborate a list with the candidate
operations to be performed to merge the two
ontologies (e.g., merge two classes, merge two
slots, etc.). Afterwards, a cyclic process starts.
In each cycle the ontologist selects an operation
of the list and executes it.
PromptDiff is a component of Prompt (Noy
& Musen, 2004b) that allows maintaining ontology views or mappings between ontologies.
PromptDiff provides an ontology-comparison API

that other applications can use to determine, for

example, the mapping needs to be updated when
new versions of mapped ontologies appear (Noy
et al., 2004).

Methods and techniques for

ontology Evolution and versioning
Ontologies are often developed by several groups
of people and may evolve over time. Therefore,
they cannot be understood as static entities,
but rather as dynamic ones. As a consequence,
ontology versioning becomes necessary and essential.
Ontology engineers working in parallel on
the same ontology need to maintain and compare
different versions, to examine the changes that
others have performed, and to accept or reject the
changes. Ontology-based application developers
should easily see the changes between ontology
versions, determine which definitions were added
or deleted, and accept or reject the changes. Lets
note that, for ontologies, we must compare the
semantics of the ontologies and not their serialisations, since two ontologies that are exactly

Ontological Engineering

the same conceptually may have very different

text representations when implemented in some
ontology languages.
The most relevant methods (and corresponding
tools) for ontology evolution and versioning are
the change management KAON plug-in (Stojanovic, 2004) and the PromptDiff algorithm (Noy
et al., 2004).
The change management KAON plug-in allows establishing the effects of changes through
evolution strategies (Stojanovic, 2004). A particular evolution strategy allows establishing,
for example, what happens with its subclasses
when a concept C is deleted: if they can be also
deleted, or they can become subclasses of the
superclasses of C.
The PromptDiff algorithm, which is integrated in the PROMPT plug-in of the Protg
tool, compares ontologies producing an initial
set of mappings between two versions of the
same ontology (Noy et al., 2004). For instance,
if a term t1 of the version v1 has the same type
as the term t2 of the version v2 (both of them are
concepts, both of them are properties, etc.) and
t1 has a similar name to t2, it is assumed that the
semantics of t1 and t2 are similar. Therefore, t1
and t2 are mapped as similar terms. This initial
set of mappings is propagated using a fixed-point
algorithm that combines the results of the previous step. Thus, for example, if all the siblings of
the concept c1 of v1 are mapped with siblings of
the concept c2 of v2, c1 and c2 are candidates to
be mapped through a change operation (e.g., the
addition of a new subclass).

Methods and techniques for

ontology Evaluation
Work on ontology content evaluation was started
by Gmez-Prez (1994). A survey on evaluation
methods and tools can be found in (Gmez-Prez
et al., 2003). These evaluation efforts can be examined under the following four perspectives:


From a content perspective, many libraries

exist where ontologies are published and publicly available (SWOOGLE5, Oyster6, DAML7,
Protg8, etc.). No documentation is available
about how ontologies available in libraries or
well-known and large ontologies (e.g., Cyc (Lenat
& Guha 1990), or Sensus (Swartout et al., 1997))
were evaluated. However they have been used to
build many successful applications.
From a methodology perspective, the main
efforts to evaluate ontology content were made
by Gmez-Prez (1996, 2001) in the framework
of methontology, and by Guarino and colleagues
(Welty & Guarino, 2001) with the OntoClean
Gmez-Prez has identified and classified different kinds of errors in taxonomies. Such identification can be used as a checklist for taxonomy
evaluation. Such a list presents a set of possible
errors that can be made by ontology engineers
when modeling taxonomic knowledge in an
ontology under a frame-based approach. They
are classified in: inconsistency, incompleteness,
and redundancy errors. The ontology engineer
should not postpone the evaluation until the
taxonomy is finished; the control mechanisms
should be performed during the construction of
the taxonomy.
OntoClean is a method elaborated by the
Ontology Group of the CNR in Padova (Italy).
Its goal is to remove wrong Subclass-Of relations
in taxonomies according to some philosophical
notions such as rigidity, identity and unity. According to this method, the ontology engineer, first,
assigns some meta-properties to each concept of
the taxonomy (for example, if each instance of the
concept is a whole), then it applies a set of rules
that establish the possible incompatibilities of
values in the taxonomy. Such rules allow pruning
wrong subclass of links if the values assigned to a
concept are incompatible with the values assigned
to its children.
Recently, some researchers have published a
synthesis of their experience in ontology evalua-

Ontological Engineering

tion (Daelemans & Reinberger, 2004; Gmez-Prez, 2004; Guarino, 2004; Noy, 2004). According
to their conclusions, although good ideas have
been provided in this area, there are still important
lacks. Other interesting works are (Guo, Pan, &
Heflin, 2004) and the aforementioned EON2004

ontoloGy tools
Ontology tools appeared in the mid-1990s with
the objective of giving support to the development
of ontologies, either following a specific set of
methods or a methodology or not. Taking into
account the characteristics of their knowledge
models, ontology tools can be classified in the
following two groups:

Tools whose knowledge model maps directly

to an ontology language, hence developed as
ontology editors for that specific language.
This groups includes: the Ontolingua Server
(Farquhar, Fikes, & Rice, 1997), which supports ontology construction with Ontolingua
and KIF; OntoSaurus (Swartout et al., 1997)
with Loom; WebOnto (Domingue, 1998)
with OCML; OilEd (Bechhofer, Horrocks,
Goble, & Stevens, 2001) with OIL first, later
with DAML+OIL, and finally with OWL;
and SWOOP (Kalyanpur, Parsia, & Hendler,
2005) and KAON2 (Hustadt, Motik, & Sattler, 2004) with OWL.
Integrated tool suites whose main characteristic is that they have an extensible
architecture, and whose knowledge model is
usually independent of ontology languages.
These tools provide a core set of ontology
related services and are easily extended with
other modules to provide more functions. In
this group we have included Protg (Noy,
Fergerson, & Musen, 2000), WebODE
(Arprez, Corcho, Fernndez-Lpez, Gmez-Prez, 2003; Corcho, Fernndez-Lpez,

Gmez-Prez, & Vicente, 2002), OntoEdit

(Sure, Erdmann, Angele, Staab, Studer,
& Wenke, 2002), and KAON1 (Maedche,
Motik, Stojanovic, Studer, & Volz, 2003).

tools that Give support to Most of

the activities of the ontology
development Process
In this section we will focus on those tools that
give an integrated support to the ontology development process, and consequently cover most of the
activities needed to develop ontologies. From all
of them we will only describe those that belong
to the new generation of ontology-engineering
environments, in particular, in Protg, WebODE,
OntoEdit and KAON1.9
These tools have been created to integrate
ontology technology in actual information systems. As a matter of fact, they are built as robust
integrated environments or suites that provide
technological support to most of the ontology
lifecycle activities. They have extensible, component-based architectures, where new modules
can easily be added to provide more functionality
to the environment. Besides, the knowledge models underlying these environments are language
Protg (Noy et al., 2000) has been developed
by the Stanford Medical Informatics (SMI) at Stanford University. It is an open source, standalone
application with an extensible architecture. The
core of this environment is the ontology editor, and
it holds a library of plugins that add more functionality to the environment. Currently, plugins
are available for ontology language import/export
(FLogic, Jess, XML, Prolog), ontology language
design (Knublauch, Fergerson, Noy, & Musen,
2004), OKBC access, constraints creation and
execution (PAL), ontology merge (Prompt (Noy
& Musen, 2000)), and so forth.
WebODE (Arprez et al., 2003; Corcho et al.,
2002) has been developed by the Ontological

Ontological Engineering

Engineering Group of the Technical University of

Madrid (UPM). It is also an ontology-engineering suite created with an extensible architecture.
WebODE is not used as a standalone application,
but as a Web server with several frontends. The
core of this environment is the ontology access
service, which is used by all the services and
applications plugged into the server, especially
by the WebODEs Ontology Editor. There are
several services for ontology language import/
export (XML, RDF(S), OWL, CARIN, FLogic,
Jess, Prolog), axiom edition, ontology documentation, ontology evaluation and ontology merge.
WebODEs ontologies are stored in a relational
database. Finally, WebODE covers and gives
support to most of the activities involved in the
ontology development process proposed by methontology, although this does not prevent it from
being used with other methodologies or without
following any methodology.
OntoEdit (Sure et al., 2002) has been developed
by AIFB in Karlsruhe University, and is commercialised by Ontoprise. It is similar to the previous
tools: it is an extensible and flexible environment,
based on a plugin architecture, which provides
functionality to browse and edit ontologies. It
includes plugins that are in charge of inferring
using Ontobroker, of exporting and importing
ontologies in different formats (FLogic, XML,
RDF(S) and OWL), and so forth. Two versions
of OntoEdit are available: OntoEdit Free and
OntoEdit Professional.
The KAON1 tool suite (Maedche et al., 2003)
is an open source extensible ontology engineering environment. The core of this tool suite is
the ontology API, which defines its underlying knowledge model based on an extension of
RDF(S). The OI-modeler is the ontology editor
of the tool suite that provides capabilities for
ontology evolution, ontology mapping, ontology
generation from databases, and so forth.
An interesting aspect of tools is that only
OntoEdit and WebODE give support to ontology

building methodologies (on-to-knowledge and

methontology respectively), though this does not
prevent them from being used with other methodologies or with no methodology at all.
From the KR paradigm point of view, KAON is
based on semantic networks plus frames, and the
rest of tools allow representing knowledge following a hybrid approach based on frames and first
order logic. Expressiveness of the underlying tool
knowledge model is also important. All the tools
allow representing classes, relations, attributes,
and instances. Only KAON1, and Protg provide
flexible modeling components like metaclasses.
Before selecting a tool for developing an ontology,
it is also important to know the inference services
attached to the tool, which includes: constraint
and consistency checking mechanisms, type of
inheritance (single, multiple, monotonic, nonmonotonic), automatic classifications, exception
handling and execution of procedures. KAON1
does not have an inference engine. OntoEdit
uses FLogic (Kifer, Lausen, & Wu, 1995) as its
inference engine, WebODE uses Ciao Prolog
(Hermenegildo, Bueno, Cabeza, Carro, Garca,
Lpez, & Puebla, 2000), and Protg uses an internal PAL engine. Besides, Protg and WebODE
provide ontology evaluation facilities. WebODE
and Protg include a module that performs ontology evaluation according to the OntoClean method
(Guarino & Welty, 2002; Welty & Guarino, 2001).
Finally, Protg (with the OWL plug-in) performs
automatic classifications by means of connecting
to a description logic reasoner.
Another important aspect to take into account
in ontology tools is the software architecture and
tool evolution, which considers which hardware
and software platforms are necessary to use the
tool, its architecture (standalone, client/server,
n-tier application), extensibility, storage of the
ontologies (databases, ASCII files, etc.), failure
tolerance, backup management, stability and tool
versioning policies. From that perspective, all
these tools are based on Java platforms and provides database storage support. Backup manage-

Ontological Engineering

ment functionality is just provided by WebODE,

and extensibility facilities are allowed in KAON,
OntoEdit, Protg and WebODE.
Related to the cooperative and collaborative
construction of ontologies, Protg incorporates
some synchronisation functionalities. In general,
more features are required in existing tools to
ensure a successful collaborative building of

Tools that Give Support to Specific

activities of the ontology
development Process
Here we will only cover tools for ontology learning and ontology merge and alignment, since the
ones for evolution and evaluation are very close
to each of the methods described previously and
consequently there is not much more that can be
described about them.

tools that Give support to ontology

We will describe Camlon (Aussenac-Gilles &
Seguela, 2000), LTG Text Processing Workbench
(Mikheev & Finch, 1997), Promthe (Morin,
1998, 1999), SOAT tool (Wu & Hsu, 2002) and
Text-To-Onto (Maedche & Staab, 2000).
Camlon (Aussenac-Gilles & Seguela, 2000)
assists in learning conceptual relations to enrich
conceptual models. Camlon relies on linguistic
principles for relation identification: lexico-syntactic patterns are good indicators of semantic
relations. Some patterns may be regular enough to
indicate the same kind of relation from one domain
to another. Other patterns are domain specific and
may reveal domain specific relations. This tool
gives technological support to some steps of the
Aussenac-Gilles and colleagues method.
Language Technology Group (LTG) Text
Processing Workbench (Mikheev & Finch, 1997)
is a set of computational tools for uncovering internal structure in natural language texts written

in English. The main idea behind the workbench

is the independence of the text representation
and text analysis. In LTG, ontology learning is
performed in two sequential steps: representation
and analysis. At the representation step, the text
is converted from a sequence of characters to features of interest by means of annotation tools. At
the analysis step, those features are used by tools
of statistics-gathering and inference to find significant correlations in the texts. The workbench
is being used both for lexicographic purposes and
for statistical language modeling.
Promthe (Morin, 1998, 1999) is a machine
learning based tool for extracting and refining
lexical-syntactic patterns related to conceptual
specific relations from technical corpora. It uses
pattern bases, which are enriched with the ones
extracted in the learning. To refine patterns, the
authors propose the Eagle (Guarino, Masolo, &
Vetere, 1999) learning system. This system is
based on the inductive paradigm learning from
examples, which consists in the extraction of intentional descriptions of target concepts from their
extensional descriptions, and previous knowledge
on the given domain. This fact specifies general
information, like the object characteristics and
their relations. The tool extracts intentional
descriptions of concepts from their extensional
descriptions. The learned definitions are later used
in recognition and classification tasks.
SOAT (Wu & Hsu, 2002) allows a semi-automatic domain ontology acquisition from a domain
corpus. The main objective of the tool is to extract relationships from parsed sentences based
on applying phrase-rules to identify keywords
with strong semantic links like hyperonyms or
synonyms. The acquisition process integrates
linguistic, commonsense, and domain knowledge.
The restrictions of SOAT involve that the quality of the corpus must be very high, in the sense
that the sentences must be accurate and enough
to include most of the important relationships to
be extracted.


Ontological Engineering

Text-To-Onto (Maedche & Staab, 2000)

integrates an environment for building domain
ontologies from an initial core ontology. It also
discovers conceptual structures from different
German sources using knowledge acquisition
and machine learning techniques. Text-To-Onto
has implemented some techniques for ontology
learning from free and semistructured text. The
result of the learning process is a domain ontology
that contains domain-specific and domain-independent concepts. Domain-independent concepts
are withdrawn to better adjust the vocabulary of
the domain ontology. The result of this process
is a domain ontology that only contains domain
concepts learnt from the input sources related
before. The ontologist supervises the whole process. This is a cyclic process, in the sense that it
is possible to refine and complete the ontology if
we repeat the process.
An important conclusion that we can obtain
in the revision of ontology learning tools is that
it does not exist a fully automatic tool that carries
out the learning process. Some tools are focused
on helping in the acquisition of lexico-semantic
knowledge, others help to elicit concepts or relations from a pre-processed corpus with the help
of the user, and so forth. A deeper description of
methods and tools can be found in (Gmez-Prez
& Manzano, 2003).

tools that Give support to ontology

alignment and Merge
With regard to ontology alignment tools, we will
describe the QOM toolset, S-Match, Pan and colleagues tool and OLA.
The QOM toolset (Ehring & Staab, 2004) gives
support to the QOM method. It is implemented
in Java using the KAON framework. It has been
basically used to make experiments with the
method and compare it with other methods.
S-Match tool translates and preprocesses the
input ontologies. Then, it orders the transformation


of prefixes, the expansions of abbreviations, and

so forth. Later, using resources like Wordnet, it
generates a first mapping base. Finally, using the
SAT solvers, new mappings are generated.
Pan and colleagues (2005) apply their method
combining the Google search engine and text classifiers (such as Rainbow10 or cbacl11) to calculate
the prior probabilities of the Bayesian network.
Then, the subsequent probability is calculated
using any Bayesian network tool.
OLA12 (Euzenat, 2004) is an API for manipulating alignments between ontologies in OWL.
It allows applying and combining different algorithms, and even adding others new. Currently,
this API has been mainly used with mapping
methods based on lexical similarity measures.
OLA implements a format for expressing alignments in RDF.
With regard to ontology merge tools, we will
describe OGSERVER, Chimaera, the Prompt
plug-in, the FCA-Merge toolset and GLUE.
OBSERVER (Mena, Kashyap, Sheth, & Illarramendi, 1996) merges automatically ontologies
of the same domain to access heterogeneous information sources. However, the merge process is
carried out by an internal module and, therefore,
it is invisible to the user.
Chimaera (McGuinness, Fikes, Rice, &
Wilder, 2000) was built by the Knowledge Systems
Laboratory (KSL) to aid in the process of ontology
merge, and the Prompt plug-in (Noy & Musen,
2000), integrated in Protg, was built by the
Stanford Medical Informatics (SMI). The added
value of the latter was that it provided support to
the ontology merge method Prompt.
Approximately at the same time, the Institute
AIFB of the University of Karlsruhe developed
the FCA-Merge toolset (Stumme & Maedche,
2001) to support the FCA-Merge method.
Finally, in 2002, GLUE (Doan, Madhavan,
Domingos, & Halevy, 2002) was developed at
the University of Washington. GLUE is a system
that semi-automatically finds mappings between
concepts from two different ontologies.

Ontological Engineering

The current ontology merging approaches

have the following lacks: (1) mappings to perform
the merging are usually established by hand; (2)
all the tools need the participation of the user to
obtain the definitive result of the merging process; and (3) no tool allows merging axioms and
rules. The natural evolution of merging tools
should lead to increase the use of knowledge and
to decrease the participation of the people in the
process. This could improve the possibilities of
the merging at run-time.

ontoloGy lanGuaGEs
Ontology languages started to be created at the
beginning of the 1990s, normally as the evolution of existing knowledge representation (KR)
languages. Basically, the KR paradigms underlying such ontology languages were based on
first order logic (e.g., KIF (Genesereth & Fikes,
1992)), on frames combined with first order logic
(e.g., Ontolingua (Farquhar et al., 1997) (Gruber,
1992), OCML (Motta, 1999) and FLogic (Kifer et
al., 1995)), and on description logics (e.g., Loom
(MacGregor, 1991)). In 1997, OKBC (Chaudri et
al., 1998) was created as a unifying frame-based
protocol to access ontologies implemented in different languages (Ontolingua, Loom and CycL,
among others). However it was only used in a
small number of applications.
The boom of the Internet led to the creation
of ontology languages for exploiting the characteristics of the Web. Such languages are usually
called Web-based ontology languages or ontology markup languages. Their syntax is based
on existing markup languages such as HTML
(Raggett, Le Hors, & Jacobs, 1999) and XML
(Bray, Paoli, Sperberg-McQueen, & Maler, 2000),
whose purpose is not ontology development but
data presentation and data exchange respectively.
The most important examples of these markup
languages are: SHOE (Luke & Helfin, 2000), XOL
(Karp, Chaudhri, & Thomere, 1999), RDF (Las-

sila & Swick, 1999), RDF Schema (Brickley &

Guha, 2004), OIL (Horrocks, Fensel, Harmelen,
Decker, Erdmann, & Klein, 2000), DAML+OIL
(Horrocks & van Harmelen, 2001), and OWL
(Dean & Schreiber, 2004). From all of them, the
ones that are being actively supported are now
RDF, RDF Schema and OWL. Finally, in the
context of the work on Semantic Web Services
and more specifically in the context of the WSMO
framework, a new ontology language is being
developed, named WSML.
We will describe the most relevant ontology
mark-up languages, since they are the most useful
for the work on Semantic Web Services.
RDF (Lassila & Swick, 1999) was developed by
the W3C (the World Wide Web Consortium) as a
semantic-network based language to describe Web
resources. Finally, the RDF Schema (Brickley &
Guha, 2004) language was also built by the W3C as
an extension to RDF with frame-based primitives.
The combination of both RDF and RDF Schema
is normally known as RDF(S). RDF(S) only allows the representation of concepts, taxonomies
of concepts and binary relations. Some inference
engines and query languages have been created
for this language.
Ontology Web Language (OWL) was proposed
as a W3C recommendation in February 2004.
OWL is built on top of RDF(S), extending its
expressiveness with more primitives that allow
representing complex expressions to describe
concepts and relations. OWL is divided into
three layers (OWL Lite, OWL DL and OWL
Full), each of them providing different levels of
expressiveness that can be used depending on the
representation and inference needs of an ontology.
OWL is based on the description logic language
SHOIN(D+) and has several inference engines that
can be used for constraint checking of concepts,
properties and instances, and for automatic classification of concepts into hierarchies.
For instance, using OWL we can describe a
flight as a kind of travel where the means of transport used is a plane. If we specify this condition


Ontological Engineering

as necessary and sufficient and then we define a

travel where a light aircraft is used as the means
of transport (and we assume that light aircraft is
a specialisation of a plane) then a reasoner will
be able to derive that this travel is a specialisation
of a flight. Similarly, this same principle can be
used for checking the consistency of the definitions provided in an ontology.
Finally, Web Service Modeling Language
(WSML) (de Bruijn, 2006) is being developed
in the context of the WSMO framework.13 This
language is aimed to be used not only for representing ontologies, but also for representing
Semantic Web Services; hence it contains many
additional features that are not present in the languages aforementioned. Like OWL, it is divided
in several layers. Each of these layers is based on
different KR formalisms: description logic, logic
programming and first order logic.

In the beginning of the 1990s ontology development was similar to an art: ontology developers did
not have clear guidelines on how to build ontologies but only some design criteria to be followed.
Work on principles, methods and methodologies,
together with supporting technology, made ontology development become an engineering. This
migration process was mainly due to the definition of the ontology development process and the
ontology lifecycle, which described the steps to
be performed in order to build ontologies and the
interdependencies among all those steps.
In this chapter we have reviewed existing
ontology principles, methods and methodologies,
tools, and languages. The following is a summary
of the chapter:
Ontology engineers have available methodologies that guide them along the ontology development process. Methontology is the methodology
that provides the most detailed descriptions of the
processes to be performed; On-To-Knowledge


is the one that covers most activities, although

with very short descriptions of processes; and
Grninger and Fox methodology is the most
formal one. All of them consider the reuse of
existing ontologies during the development process, but only methontology has recently adapted
its proposal for a lifecycle to the environment of
networked ontologies. In any case, the development activities are the most detailed in all of them,
mainly the specification, conceptualisation and
implementation. There is still a lack of proposals
for ontology management activities (scheduling,
control and quality assurance), and for some
pre-development (e.g., environment study) and
post-development activities (e.g., (re)use).
Concerning support activities, some interesting contributions have been done in ontology learning, ontology merging and alignment,
ontology evolution, and ontology evaluation.
Nevertheless, important work has to be done in
all of these activities. For example, the time in
which activities like ontology learning or ontology
merging are applied to heavyweight ontologies
is far away.
One of the problems that the ontology engineer
can find when (s)he has to build an ontology is
that (s)he has to use different methods that are
not integrated. For example, ontology learning
methods are not integrated in methodologies
that cover the whole development process (e.g.,
in methontology or On-To-Knowledge). Some
experiences exist in the integration of methods
in methodologies. For example, the OntoClean
method has been integrated in methontology
(Fernndez-Lpez & Gmez-Prez, 2002b).
A similar problem appears in the use of ontology tools, given that there is a lack of integrated
environments for ontology development. Tools
are usually created as isolated modules that solve
one type of problems, but neither are fully integrated nor do they interoperate with other tools
that implement other activities of the ontology

Ontological Engineering

Finally, work on ontology languages has been

in constant evolution since the first languages that
were made available for ontology implementation, most of them based on existing knowledge
representation languages. The existence of heterogeneous networked ontologies has been mainly
considered in the recent language developments
created in the context of the Semantic Web (RDF,
RDF Schema and OWL) and of Semantic Web Services (WSML), with the addition of namespaces
that allow referring to ontology components that
have been defined elsewhere and with the use of
import primitives to include an existing model
in an ontology.

This work has been partially supported by the
IST project Knowledgeweb (FP6-507482) and
by the Spanish project Semantic Services (TIN

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Ontological Engineering

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Component names depend on the formalism. For example, classes are also known
as concepts, entities and sets; relations are
also known as roles and properties; and so
In (28) specification is considered as a predevelopment activity. However, following




more strictly the IEEE standard for software

development, the specification activity was
considered part of the proper development
process. In fact, the result of this activity is
an ontology description (usually in natural
language) that will be transformed into a
conceptual model by the conceptualization
Other tools (Ontolingua Server, OntoSaurus,
WebOnto, etc.) are described in (GmezPrez et al., 2003).

Chapter IV

Editing Tools for Ontology Creation

Ana Lisete Nunes Escrcio
Escola Bsica e Secundria do Carmo, Portugal
Jorge Cardoso
University of Madeira, Portugal

This chapter gives an overview of some editing tools for ontology construction. At the present time,
the development of a project like the one of building an ontology demands the use of a software tool.
Therefore, it is given a synopsis of the tools that the authors consider more relevant. This way, if you are
starting out on an ontology project, the first reaction is to find a suitable ontology editor. Furthermore,
the authors hope that by reading this chapter, it will be possible to choose an editing tool for ontology
construction according to the project goals. The tools have been described following a list of features.
The authors believe that the following features are pertinent: collaborative ontology edition, versioning,
graphical tree view, OWL editor and many others (see Appendix 2).

The World Wide Web is mainly composed of
documents written in HTML (Hypertext Markup
Language). This language is useful for visual
presentation since it is a set of markup symbols
contained in a Web page intended for display on
a Web browser. Humans can read Web pages and
understand them, but their inherent meaning is
not shown in a way that allows their interpretation
by computers. The information on the Web can

be defined in a way that can be used by computers not only for display purposes, but also for
interoperability and integration between systems
and applications (Cardoso, 2005).
The Semantic Web is not a separate Web
but an extension of the current one, in which
information is given a well-defined meaning,
better enabling computers and people to work in
cooperation (Berners-Lee, Hendler, & Lassila,
2001). The Semantic Web was made through
incremental changes by bringing machine read-

Copyright 2007, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Editing Tools for Ontology Creation

able descriptions to the data and documents

already on the Web. In recent times, instead of
a Web site comprising a collection of manually
constructed HTML pages, server-side applications and database access techniques are used to
dynamically create Web pages directly in response
to requests from users browsers. The technologies available to dynamically create Web pages
based on databases information were insufficient
for requirements of organizations looking for application integration solutions. Business required
their heterogeneous systems and applications to
communicate in a transactional manner.
Ontologies can be used to increase communication either between humans and computers.
An ontology is a shared conceptualization of the
world. Ontologies consist of definitional aspects
such as high-level schemas and assertional aspects,
entities, attributes, interrelationships between entities, domain vocabulary and factual knowledge,
all connected in a Semantic manner (Sheth, 2003).
They have generally been associated with logical
inferencing and recently have begun to be applied
to the Semantic Web. Ontologies provide specific
tools to organize and provide a useful description
of heterogeneous content. The three major uses
of ontologies are:

To assist in communication between humans

To achieve interoperability and communication among software systems
To improve the design and the quality of
software systems

The most prominent markup language for

publishing and sharing data using ontologies on
the internet is the Web Ontology Language (OWL,
2004). There are several ontology development
tools for domain modeling, for building knowledge base systems, for ontology visualization,
for project management or other modeling tasks.
Many of the tools are research prototypes that
have been built for a particular project or for an

Institute/University. There has been a significant

growth in the number of ontology technologies
After studying Michael Denys Survey on
Ontology Tools and reading the paper The Hitchhikers Guide to Ontology Editors of Loredana
Laera and Valentina Tamma we decided to do
an updated study of the tools that are available.
Some of the tools described in the Michael Denys
Survey either were no longer available (the project
has finished) or have been improved. There are
also new tools and new languages since there are
new projects that demand so. In composing the
list shown on Table 1, we have selected the tools
that comprise some of the following features: are
robust and ready to be used; free and open source;
provide support to most of the activities involved
in the ontology development process and ontology
practice; support resource description framework
(RDF), resource description framework schema
(RDFS) and Web Ontology Language (OWL);
offer collaborative environment; provide multiple
ontology environment; offer server-based environment with support for consistency checking;
offer easy-to-use functionality for visual creation and editing; offer a query builder; support a
methodology; support editing formal axioms and
rules; support the growth of large scale ontologies;
support versioning; promote interoperability; has
a reasoner; has a graphical view; promotes easy
and fast navigation between concepts; has tutorial
support; and offers Plug-ins.
We have chosen the following tools: Protg;
OntoEdit; differential ontology editor (DOE);
IsaViz; Ontolingua; Altova SemanticWorks 2006;
OilEd; WebODE; pOWL and SWOOP.
Protg is one of the most widely used ontology development tool. It is free and open source.
It is an intuitive editor for ontologies and there
are plug-ins available to carry out some of the
tasks for building an ontology. OntoEdit is an
ontology editor that integrates numerous aspects
of ontology engineering. OntoEdit environment
supports collaborative development of ontologies.

Editing Tools for Ontology Creation

DOE is a simple prototype developed with Java

that allows users to build ontologies according
to the Bruno Bachimont proposed methodology.
IsaViz is a visual environment for browsing and
authoring RDF models as graphs. Ontolingua was
built to ease the development of ontologies with
a form-based Webinterface.
Altova Semantic Works is a commercial visual
Semantic Web editor that offers easy-to-use functionality for visual creation and editing. It can be
downloaded for 30 days free evaluation period.
OilEd is an editor that allows the user to construct
and manipulate DAML+OIL (DAML- DARPA
Agent Markup Language; OIL-Ontology Inference Layer) and OWL ontologies and which uses
a reasoner to classify and check consistency of
ontologies. It is provided free of charge. WebODE
is the Web counterpart for ODE (Ontology Design
Environment). It has support for multiple-users.
This editor gives support to the methodology
Methontology. pOWL is an open source ontology management tool in a collaborative Web
enabled environment. SWOOP is a Web-based
OWL ontology editor and browser. This editor
has default plug-ins for different presentation
syntax for rendering ontologies.
The main purpose of this chapter is to give an
overview of some of the ontology tools available

at the present time. This way, if you are starting

out on an ontology project, the initial step is to
find a suitable ontology editor.

Protg (Noy, Sintek, Decker, Crubezy, Fergerson,
& Musen, 2001) is one of the most widely used
ontology development tool that was developed
at Stanford University. Since Protg is free and
open source, it is supported by a large community of active users. It has been used by experts
in domains such as medicine and manufacturing
for domain modeling and for building knowledgebase systems. Protg provides an intuitive editor
for ontologies and has extensions for ontology
visualization, project management, software
engineering and other modeling tasks.
In early versions, Protg only enabled users
to build and populate frame-based ontologies in
accordance with the open knowledge base connectivity protocol (OKBC). In this model, an
ontology consisted of a set of classes organized in
a subsumption hierarchy, a set of slots associated
to classes to describe their properties and relationships, and a set of instances of those classes.
Protg editor included support for classes and

Figure 1. Protg editor

Editing Tools for Ontology Creation

class hierarchies with multiple inheritance; templates and slots; predefined and arbitrary facets for
slots, which included permitted values, cardinality restrictions, default values, and inverse slots;
metaclasses and metaclass hierarchy.
While the first architecture of Protg was
based on frames, in 2003 it has been extended to
support OWL. This extension has attracted many
users captivated by the Semantic Web vision. The
OWL plug-in extends the Protg platform into
an ontology editor for the OWL enabling users
to build ontologies for the Semantic Web. The
OWL plug-in allows users to load, save, edit and
visualize ontologies in OWL and RDF. It also
provides interfaces for description logic reasoners such as racer.
Protg ontologies can be exported into a
variety of formats including RDF(S), OWL, and
Extended Mark-up Language (XML) schema.
The current Protg version can be used to edit
classes and their characteristics, to access reasoning engines, to edit and execute queries and
rules, to compare ontology versions, to visualize
relationships between concepts, and to acquire
instances using a configurable graphical user
interface. Protg is a tool installed locally in a
computer and does not allow collaborative editing
of ontologies by groups of users.
Protg can be extended by way of a plug-in architecture and a Java-based Application Programming Interface (API) for building knowledge-base
tools and applications. Protg is based on Java
and provides an open-source API to develop
Semantic Web and knowledge-base stand-alone
applications. External Semantic Web applications can use the API to directly access Protg
knowledge bases without running the Protg
application. An OWL API is also available to
provide access to OWL ontologies. Its extensible
architecture makes it suitable as a base platform
for ontology-based research and development
projects. Protg also includes a Programming
Development Kit (PDK), an important resource for
programmers that describe how to work directly

with Protg APIs and illustrates how to program

plug-in extensions for Protg.
Several plug-ins are available. For example,
JSave (http://protege.stanford.edu/plug-ins/jsave/)
is an application plug-in to generate Java class
definition stubs for Protg classes and Protg
Web Browser is a Java-based Web application
that allows users to share Protg ontologies over
the Internet. The WordNet plug-in (http://protege.
html) provides Protg users an interface to
WordNet knowledge base. Users can easily annotate a Protg knowledge base using information from WordNet database. The information in
WordNet can be searched by name and then be
used to annotate ontologies with terms, concept
IDs, synonyms, and relations.
The XML schema (http://faculty.washington.
XMLBackend.html) is a backend plug-in that
transforms a Protg knowledge base into XML.
The plug-in generates an XML schema file describing the Protg knowledge model and an
XML file where the classes and instances are
stored. The UML plug-in (http://protege.stanford.
edu/plug-ins/uml/) is also a backend plug-in
which provides an import and export mechanism
between the Protg knowledge model and the
object-oriented modeling language UML. To
enables the exchange of ontologies and UML class
diagrams, the UML plug-in uses the standard
format for UML diagram exchange, XMI, which
is supported by major CASE tools. The use of the
XMI standard enables users to work with Protg
in combination with Software Engineering tools
and Integrated Development Environments.
The DataGenie (http://faculty.washington.edu/
is an import/export plug-in that allows reading
and creating a knowledge model from relational
databases using JDBC. Users can select a proper
subset of a relational database to be converted into
Protg classes. Typically, during the conversion,
tables become classes and attributes becomes slots.

Editing Tools for Ontology Creation

The Docgen (http://protege-docgen.sourceforge.

net/) is also an import/export plug-in that allow
users to create reports describing Protg knowledge bases or ontologies. Classes, instances and
documentation can be exported to various output
formats such as HTML, Dynamic Hypertext
Markup Language (DHTML), PDF, and XML.
Plug-ins are also available to carry out rulebased programming using the information stored
in a Protg frame-based knowledge base. Two
worth mentioning examples are JessTab (http://
www.ida.liu.se/~her/JessTab/) and Algernon
(http://algernon-j.sourceforge.net/doc/algernonprotege.html). JessTab is a plug-in that provides
a Jess console window where it is possible to
interact with Jess while running Protg. This
plug-in extends Jess with supplementary features
that map Protg knowledge bases to Jess facts.
Users can deploy applications that handle Protg
knowledge bases and react when patterns in the
knowledge base are found. Algernon is a system
implemented in Java that performs forward and
backward inference of frame-based knowledge
bases. Compared to Jess, Algernon operates
directly on Protg knowledge bases rather than
requiring a mapping operation to and from a
separate memory space.
The PROMPT plug-in (Noy & Musen, 2003)
allows to manage multiple ontologies within
Protg, mainly compare versions of the same
ontology, merge ontologies into one, and extract
parts of an ontology.
The OWL-S Editor plug-in (http://owlseditor.semwebcentral.org/) is an easy-to-use editor
which allows loading, creating, managing, and
visualizing OWL-S services. OWL-S (formerly
DAML-S) is emerging as a Web service description language that semantically describes Web
Services using OWL ontologies. OWL-S consists
of three parts expressed with OWL ontologies: the
service profile, the service model, and the service
grounding. The profile is used to describe what
a service does, with advertisement and discovery as its objective. The service model describes

how a service works, to enable invocation,

enactment, composition, monitoring and recovery. Finally, the grounding maps the constructs
of the process model onto detailed specifications
of message formats and protocols. The OWL-S
Editor plug-in provides an excellent overview
of the relations between the different OWL-S
ontologies which are shown in an intuitive way
in the graphic user interface (GUI) and can also
be shown as a graph

OntoEdit (Sure, Angele, & Staab, 2002) was developed by the Knowledge Management Group
of the AIFB Institute at the University of Karlsruhe. It is an ontology engineering environment
which allows creating, browsing, maintaining
and managing ontologies. The environment supports the collaborative development of ontologies
(Sure, Erdmann, Angele, et al., 2002). This is
archived through its client/server architecture
where ontologies are managed in a central server
and various clients can access and modify these
ontologies. Currently, the successor of OntoEdit
is OntoStudio (Figure 2) which is a commercial
product based on IBMs development environment
Eclipse. It can be downloaded for three months
free evaluation period.
OntoEdit was developed having two major
goals in mind. On the one hand, the editor was
designed to be as much as possible independent
and neutral of a concrete representation language.
On the other hand, it was planned to provide a
powerful graphical user interface to represent
concept hierarchies, relations, domains, ranges,
instances and axioms. OntoEdit supports FLogic
(fuzzy logic), RDF schema and OIL. The tool
is multilingual. Each concept or relation name
can be specified in several languages. This is
particularly useful for the collaborative development of ontologies by teams of researchers spread
across several countries and speaking different
languages. From the technical perspective, this

Editing Tools for Ontology Creation

Figure 2. OntoStudio editor

feature is achieved by using unique identifiers so

that each ontological statement remains clearly
defined. The names selected by users work merely
as an external representation.
OntoEdit is built on top of an internal data
representation model. The data model of OntoEdit
is OXML 2.0 which is frame based. OXML is
defined in XML using XML-schema. Besides
concepts, relations and instances, the model can
represent predicates, predicate instances, and
axioms. Predicates are n-ary associations and are
very similar to predicates defined in first order
logic (FOL). Several types of relationships can be
established between concepts, such as symmetric,
reflexive, transitive, antisymmetric, asymmetric,
irreflexive, or intransitive.
The internal representation data model can be
exported to DAML+OIL, F-Logic, RDF(S), and
OXML. Additionally, ontologies can be exported
to relational databases via JDBC. OntoEdit can import external data representation in DAML+OIL,
Excel, F-Logic, RDF(S), and OXML.
OntoSudio can also import and export OWL
files. OntoEdit provides an API for accessing
ontologies in an object-oriented fashion. The
default API implementation stores ontologies in


main-memory, but an additional API exists for

persistent storage.
The inference engine that OntoEdit uses is
OntoBroker (Decker, Erdmann, Fensel, & Studer,
1999). Using this engine, OntoEdit exploits the
strength of F-Logic in that it can represent expressive rules. OntoBroker is the result of several years
of research and it is now a commercial product.
Like Protg, OntoEdit is based on a plug-in architecture. The architecture consists of three layers
(Figure 3): GUI, OntoEdit core and Parser.
Using a plug-in architecture enables users to
extend OntoEdit with specific functionalities.
Since the plug-in interface is open to third parties,
anyone with special requirements can deploy a
component to satisfy specific needs. Several plugins are available. For example, the Sesame plug-in
(Broekstra, Kampman, & Van Harmelen, 2002)
is a generic application for storing and querying
RDF and RDF schema. Sesame allows persistent
storage of RDF data and schema information. It
supplies a useful query engine which supports
RQL, an OQL-style query language.

Editing Tools for Ontology Creation

Figure 3. OntoEdit architecture

DOE is a simple ontology editor and was developed by the INA (Institut National de lAudiovisuel
- France). DOE allows users to build ontologies
according to the methodology proposed by Bruno
Bachimont (Bachimont et al., 2002).
DOE has a classical formal specification process. DOE only allows the specification part of the
process of structuring ontology. DOE is rather a
complement of others editors (DOE, 2006). It is
not intended to be a direct competitor with other
existing environments (like Protg, OilEd, OntoEdit or WebODE), instead it was developed to
coexist with other editors in a complementary way.
This editor offers linguistics-inspired techniques
which attach a lexical definition to the concepts
and relations used, and justify their hierarchies
from a theoretical, human-understandable point of
view (DOE, 2006). Therefore, DOE should be used
in combination with another editor. For instance,
an editor that has advanced formal specification,
for example Protg.
DOE is a simple prototype developed in Java
that supports the three steps of the Bruno Bachimont methodology (Isaac et al., 2002). The Bruno
Bachimont methodology can be described in the

following three steps. In the first step, the user

builds taxonomies of concepts and relations. The
user has to unambiguously justify the position for
each notion in the hierarchy. The user builds a
definition, following four principles which come
from the Differential Semantics theory (Isaac
et al., 2002), that is, (1) Similarity with Parent,
(2) Similarity with Siblings, (3) Difference with
Sibling and (4) Difference with Parent. For each
notion, a meaning and a description has to be
Consequently, the user has to explicit state
why a notion is similar but more specific than its
parent (i.e., Similarity with Parent and Similarity
with Siblings), and why this notion is similar but
different from its siblings (i.e., Difference with
Sibling and Difference with Parent). Hence, every
concept is located in a justified and convinced position. It is possible, for the user, to add synonyms
and an encyclopedic definition in a few languages
for all notions in the Differential Ontology view.
The main goal of this step is to reach a semantic
agreement about the meaning of the labels used
for naming concepts (Isaac et al., 2002).
In the second step, the ontological tree obtained
in the first step allows to disambiguate the notions. Consequently, the meaning is clarified for a

Editing Tools for Ontology Creation

Figure 4. The differential principles bound to the notion addressed in the DOE tool (differential ontology view)

domain-specific application. The notions become

concepts behaving as formal primitives. In the
referential ontology each concept refers to a set
of objects in the domain (its extension) (Isaac et
al., 2002). The taxonomies are considered from
an extensional semantic point of view. The user
can expand them with new entities (defined) or
add constraints onto the domains of the relations.
In this step, the user ought to do consistency
checking in order to look for propagation of the
arity all along the hierarchy- if specified - and
inheritance of domains. As we said before, DOE
main goal is to guide the user during the first
steps of the process of building an ontology. It is
not possible to write axioms in DOE since there
is not an axiom editor.
Finally, on the third step, the ontology can be
translated into a knowledge representation language. The referential concepts are compared with
the possible computational operations available in
the application Knowledge Based Systems (KBS).
As a result, it is possible to use it in an appropriate
ontology-based system or to import it into another
ontology-building tool to specify it further. An
export mechanism was implemented in order to

translate the taxonomies into convenient exchange

languages (for example, OWL). This mechanism
can also be used to complete the third step
DOE allows building a differential ontology
and a referential ontology, corresponding to the
first two steps of the methodology proposed by
Bruno Bachimont. The Differential Ontology
view is divided in two frames. On the left side
there is a tree browser and on the right side there
is an editor. The tree browser shows hierarchically the concepts and the relations (there is a
tab for concepts and a tab for relations too, like
in the Referential Ontology view). The editor has
three tabs: a definition tab, a different principles
tab and an English tab (or other language that
the user wishes to translate the ontology to). If
the definition tab is selected, it will show the
properties of the items illustrated in the tree
browser. The different principles tab is used to
justify the taxonomy of notions that was build. In
other words, the sense of a node is specified by
the gathering of all similarities and differences
attached to the notions found on the way from
the root notion (the more generic) to the node
that is selected on the tree browser (on the left)

Editing Tools for Ontology Creation

Figure 5. The referential ontology view with a concept tree of the traveling ontology

(Isaac et al., 2002). In the referential ontology

view, the tree browser has the same features as
in the Differential Ontology view (there are two
tabs concept tab and relation tab).
While DOE does not have a graph view of the
ontology, it includes a tree view that can show
separately the concepts and the relations between
the concepts. It is possible to view an ontology in
two different ways: a differential ontology view
and referential ontology view.
DOE can import RDFS and (OWL) formats.
It is possible to export to CGXML, DAML+OIL,
OIL (Ontology Inference Language) Plain Text,
RDFS import/export feature is very helpful when
exchanging files between editors, for instance
OilEd, Protg and OntoEdit and vice-versa.
DOE uses XSLT to promote interoperability (Isaac et al., 2003). XSLT is a language for
transforming XML documents into other XML
documents. All the exchange facilities are done
with XSLT transformations. The DOE project
does not have a mailing list available to the users. The installation instructions are very simple.
There are no plug-ins for this editor and no user

manual too.
In DOE Web page (http://opales.ina.fr/public/)
there is a self-contained installer of the complete
product for Windows. The user has to fill out a
form in order to access the download page. The
installation is fast. After downloading the product, the user has to run the Setup-DOE-v1.51.exe
file and follow the instructions. To run DOE in
another platform, it is required to have a Java 2
(TM) Platform, Standard Edition Version 1.3 or
later (recommended v1.4.1).

IsaViz is a visual environment for browsing and
authoring RDF models as graphs. This tool is
offered by W3C Consortium. IsaViz (2006) was
developed by Emmanuel Pietriga. The first version
was developed in collaboration with Xerox Research Centre Europe which also contributed with
XVTM, the ancestor of ZVTM (Zoomable Visual
Transformation Machine) upon which IsaViz is
built. As of October 2004, further developments
are handled by INRIA Futurs project In Situ.
IsaViz also includes software developed by HP


Editing Tools for Ontology Creation

Labs (Jena 2 Semantic Web Toolkit), the Apache

Software Foundation (Xerces Java 2), and makes
use of the GraphViz library developed by AT&T
Research. IsaViz does not follow or include any
methodology for building an ontology.
IsaViz imports RDF/XML and N-Triples, and
exports RDF/XML, N-Triples, portable network
graphics (PNG) and scalable vector graphics
(SVG). Therefore, it is possible to import ontologies to other editors, for instance, Protg or
OilEd. The IsaViz environment is composed of
four main windows: the IsaViz RDF Editor window, the Graph window, the Definition window
and the Attribute window.
The IsaViz RDF Editor window contains the
main menus and a palette of tools. The Graph
window is a ZVTM view in which is displayed
the RDF model represented as a 2D graph. ZVTM
views display an area of an endless space as seen
through a camera. This camera can be moved in
the virtual space and its altitude can be changed,
resulting in a 2.5D Graphical User Interface with
smooth zooming capabilities. IsaViz has a user
friendly interface. IsaViz has three different ways
of viewing a graph. This can be a distinguishing
feature when evaluating this tool with others tools.
There are 3 different ways of viewing a graph:
graph view; radar view and property browser.
IsaViz is also recognized by its zoomable user
interface (ZUI). This interface allows rapid navigation of the graphs used to represent the RDF
models. The Definitions window is composed
of five tabs:

The Attribute window shows the attributes

of a selected item of the graph. All the attributes
shown in this window can be edited.
IsaViz can render RDF graphs using GSS, a
stylesheet language derived from cascade style
sheet (CSS) and scalable vector graphics (SVG)
for styling RDF models represented as node-link
diagrams. Resources and literals are the nodes of
the graph (ellipses and rectangles respectively),
with properties represented as the edges linking
these nodes.
This editor has a user manual and a Web page
with installation instructions. It also has a mailing list and a list of the most common problems.
For that reason, it is really simple to start using
this tool. The user can easily solve the problems
that can emerge during installation or usage, by
using the mailing list of IsaViz.
The current stable version is 2.1 (October
2004) and it is being developed an alpha version
3.0 (December 2005). IsaViz is implemented in
Java and requires a JVM 1.3.x or later to run
(1.4.0 or later is strongly recommended), Jena
1.2 (or later), GraphViz 1.8.x, Xerces 1.4.x, as
well as GraphViz for some features. Installation
instructions are available at the editors Web page
(IsaViz, 2006).






The tab Namespaces is a table containing

namespace definitions (with their optional
prefix bindings).
The tab Property Types is a table containing
property type definitions.
The tab Property Browser is a text browser
in which is exhibit all the properties associated with the currently selected resource.
The tab Stylesheets (since version 2.0) is a
table containing all Graph Stylesheets (GSS)


that should be applied to the model.

The tab Quick Input (since version 2.0)
is a text area used for pasting statements
expressed in RDF/XML, N-Triples or Notation3.

The Ontolingua server was the first ontology

tool created by the Knowledge Systems Laboratory at Stanford University. Ontolingua was
built to ease the development of ontologies with
a form-based Web interface. Initially the main
application inside the Ontolingua Server was an
ontology editor. The Ontology Editor is a tool that
supports distributed, collaborative editing, brows-

Editing Tools for Ontology Creation

Figure 6. IsaViz window view with a node selected

ing and creation of Ontolingua ontologies. Other

systems were included in the environment, such
as Webster, Open Knowledge Base Connectivity
(OKBC) Server and Ontology merge tool. The
Ontolingua Server ontology editor is also known
as the Ontolingua Server frame-editor or even as
the Ontolingua Server.
It is possible to export or import to the following
formats: DAML+OIL, Knowledge Interchange
Format (KIF), Open Knowledge Base Connectivity (OKBC), LOOM, Prolog, Ontolingua, C
Language Integrated Production System (CLIPS).
It is also possible to import Classic Ocelot and
Protg knowledge bases, but it is not possible to
export to these formats.
If an ontology is available in the Ontolingua
Server, there are two ways of using it from an
external application: connecting to the OKBC
Server from a remote client or using the ontology
editor to translate the ontology into an implementation language.
The Ontolingua Server is organized as a set of
ontology related Web applications, which are built
on top of the Ontolingua Knowledge Representation (KR) System. Ontolingua uses an OKBC
model with full KIF axioms. The base language is
Ontolingua. This language consists of the combi-

nation of frames and first order logic, and allows

representing classes. Classes are organized in
taxonomies, relations, functions, formal axioms,
and instances. The ontology editor is divided in
two frames. The frame at the top shows the menu
with the editing options available to users. The
other frame shows the form to create the new class,
where the user must specify the class name, and
optionally the natural language documentation
and superclasses of the concept. After the form
is filled, the user must send its description to the
server to store the definition in Ontolingua.
A session can be accessed at http://www.ksl.
stanford.edu/software/ontolingua/ by any user in
the group that owns the session. The other users
connected to the session will be notified of the
side-effects that are performed. To establish a new
group, the user should use the comment button
to e-mail the group name that the user wishes
to use along with an initial list of members. The
Ontolingua Server ontology editor permits to
manage users and user groups who can share
their ontologies. Users can work in different sessions and with different groups for each session,
and then decide which ontologies can be shared
with the members of each group (Farquhar,
Fickas, & Rice, 1995).These multi-user sessions

Editing Tools for Ontology Creation

Figure 7. Ontolingua editor view

encourage collaborative ontology development.

Nevertheless, since no locking mechanisms for
ontology terms or version management functions
exist in the editor, collaboration may sometimes
be somewhat limited. The user can export an
ontology (or a set of ontologies) as static HTML
files to a local site. It is possible to compare
ontologies. The contents of an ontology can be
compared with any other loaded ontology. Users
often want to split an ontology into a set of more
easily understood, more tightly focused modules.
The server provides direct support for splitting a
large ontology into several smaller ontologies that
may include each other. The Ontolingua Server
allows assembling Ontolingua Ontologies, so that
ontologies can be built in a modular way. Users
can reuse existing ontologies from a modular
structured library. Ontologies can be reused by inclusion, polymorphic refinement, and restriction.
The primary mechanism for supporting ontology
reuse is through the library of ontologies. This
library acts as a central repository for reusable
ontologies (Farquhar et al., 1995 ).
The main difference from other editors is the
fact that users must have some notions of KIF
and of the Ontolingua language in order to fill

in the forms. Hence, if the user does not have

any knowledge of KIF and of the Ontolingua
language, the user will not be able to create an
ontology since there is no help menu to build the
KIF expression of an Ontolingua axiom. The interface is not very user friendly since the buttons
are large and primitive and the drawings inside
the buttons can sometimes be ambiguous.
There is no need for an installation since this
editor has Web access. The user has to be registered
in order to use the system. After being registered
the following services are available: Chimaera,
the Ontology Editor and Webster. Chimaera helps
users to reorganize taxonomies and resolve name
conflicts in a knowledge-base. It is especially
useful when merging KBs, but also useful as an
ontology browser and ontological sketchpad. The
Ontology Editor allows users to browse, create and
edit ontologies using a Web browser. Webster is
an online version of the Webster Dictionary, that
is, a searchable hypertext dictionary.

altova semanticWorks 2006

Altova SemanticWorks 2006 is a commercial visual Semantic Web editor which provides powerful,

Editing Tools for Ontology Creation

Figure 8. Semantic works 2006 view bound to the e-tourism ontology

easy-to-use functionality for a visual creation and

editing of RDF, RDF schema (RDFS), OWL Lite,
OWL DL, and OWL Full documents. This editor
has an intuitive visual interface and drag-and-drop
functionalities. It allows users to visually design
Semantic Web instance documents, vocabularies,
and ontologies. There is no evident orientation or
methodology associated to this tool.
This editor has the ability to manage the following files: N-triples, XML, OWL, RDF and
RDFS. This tool provides powerful features for
working with RDF in RDFS vocabularies and
OWL ontologies. Users are capable of printing
the graphical RDF and OWL representations to
create documentation for Semantic Web implementations. The user can switch from the graphical RDF/OWL view to the text view to see how
documents are being built in RDF/XML, OWL
or N-triples format. The RDF/XML, OWL or Ntriples code is automatically generated based on
the users design. Therefore, users can learn and
try out with the concepts of the Semantic Web
without having to write complicated code.
The graphical display is highly configurable.
The user has the possibility to adjust the width of
the items in the graph, exhibit them with a verti-

cal or horizontal orientation, adjust the distances

between parent and child nodes, and change the
font styles and colors used.
An intelligent right menu and context sensitive
entry helpers give support to change or add details
to the RDF resource according to the user choices.
The entry helpers and menus only offer the choices
permitted based on the RDF specification, so that
users can be certain to create valid documents.
Any conflicts are listed in the error window. The
errors are written as links so that the user can find
and repair them promptly and easily.
A full version of this editor can be installed
using a self-contained installer. It is easy and fast
to install. The user has to request a free evaluation
key, by giving the following information: Name,
Company name and e-mail. Users can test this
editor for a period of 30 days after receiving the
key password by e-mail.

OilEd is a graphical ontology editor developed by
the University of Manchester for description logic
ontologies (Gmes-Prez et al., 2004). The main
purpose of OilEd is to provide a tool for ontolo-

Editing Tools for Ontology Creation

gies or schemas editing, as opposed to knowledge

acquisition, or the construction of large knowledge
base of instances (Laera & Tamma, 2005). OilEds
interface was strongly influenced by Stanfords
Protg toolkit. The initial intention behind OilEd
was to provide a simple editor that demonstrated
the use of, and stimulated interest in, the Ontology
Inference Layer (OIL) language.
The current version of OilEd does not provide
a full ontology development environment. OilEd
is not capable of supporting the growth of largescale ontologies, the migration and integration of
ontologies, versioning, argumentation and many
other activities that are involved in ontology
construction. Rather, it is the Notepad of the
ontology editors, offering enough functionality
to allow users to build ontologies and to demonstrate how the Fast Classification of Terminologies
(FaCT) reasoner checks ontologies for consistency
(Laera & Tamma, 2005). OilEd does not follow
any methodology.
OilEds internal data format is DAML+OIL
(DAML- DARPA Agent Markup Language;
OIL-Ontology Inference Layer). It is possible to
import from DAML+OIL and export ontologies
as RDFS, DAML OWL, RDF/XML and others

Figure 7 shows OilEd Editor. The tabs on the
main window give access to classes, properties,
individuals and axioms. In each tab, a list on the
left sides illustrates all the items. On the right
panel there is the editor. This editor is used to
see or to change the information concerning the
entry selected in the item list on the left. The editor
was reimplementated reasoner interface so that it
was possible to use the DIG (DL Implementation
Group) protocol. OilEd includes a DAML+OIL
checker. Given the location of an ontology the
application checks the syntax of DAML+OIL
ontologies and returns a report of the model.
OilEd is provided free of charge, but the user
has to provide some information before downloading this editor. Registration is a simple process
requiring a valid e-mail address. The user has to
be registered, in order to receive a password to
revisit the main Web page to download patches
and extensions when necessary.
In order to use OWL ontologies, the user must
download the sesame-oil.jar library, place it in the
/lib directory of the users installation and remove
the existing oil.jar. Sesame is a repository for OWL
ontologies. This will add new options to the menus

Figure 9. OilEd ontology editor view bounded with the class anomaly detection

Editing Tools for Ontology Creation

to open and save to Sesame repositories. OilEd

expects that these Sesame repositories contain
OWL files (rather than, say, DAML+OIL). This
only happens since the ontologies are stored in
Sesame repositories
The OilEd user manual is included in the
distribution which is available as an open-source
project under the GPL license. The latest version
of OilEd (version 3.5) can be download at http://
OilEd.man.ac.uk/. Additionally, Angus Roberts
has produced a brief tutorial introduction to OilEd.
The following sample ontologies produced using
OilEd are available:

Knowledge Acquisition: The (KA)2 demo

ontology from the Ontobroker project.
Wines: Deborah McGuinness DAML+OIL
wines ontology.
Diving: An ontology of terms from scuba
Mad Cows: An ontology demonstrating
the use of the reasoner to spot inconsistent

There are several possible packages for installation. OilEd comes packaged with the FaCT
reasoner, although alternative reasoners can be
used. OilEd 3.5.7 (Windows)+reasoner. This
archive contains a FaCT reasoner for Windows.
OilEd 3.5.7 (Linux)+reasoner. This updated version supports export information knowledge base
models to OWL-RDF. This archive also contains
the FaCT reasoner. OilEd 3.5.7 (no reasoner).
This archive does not contain a reasoner. Use
this distribution only if you are not interested in
using a reasoner or wish to use OilEd with an
alternative DIG reasoner.

WebODE has been developed by the Ontological
Engineering Group (OEG) from the Artificial
Intelligence Department of the Computer Science Faculty (FI) from the Technical University

of Madrid (UPM). WebODE is an ontological

engineering workbench that provides various
ontology related services (Laera and Tamma,
2005). It provides support to most of the activities involved in the ontology development process
and ontology practice such as ontology edition,
navigation, documentation, merge, reasoning,
and so forth
The WebODE ontology editor is a Web application. It was build on top of the ontology access
service (ODE API).
The WebODE platform has been built using a
three-tier model (illustrated in Figure 10) which

Presentation Tier;
Middle Tier;
Database Tier.

The first tier (or presentation tier) provides the

user interface. This interface is provided by means
of a Web browser and uses standard Web technologies. The presentation tier was implemented
using HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language),
CSS (cascading style sheets) and XML (Extended
Mark-up Language), because these technologies
permit a simple interoperability between applications. Technologies like JavaScript and Java were
used in order to ease the server of the weight of
user validations. JavaScript provides easy and
quick form validation. Java allows more complex
presentation and logic schemas like graphical
design or formula validation.
The second tier, the middle tier, provides
the business logic. This tier is the result of the
combination of two other subtiers: presentation
subtier and logic subtier. The presentation subtier is in charge of generating the content to be
presented in the users browser. It is also aimed
at handling user requests from the client (such
as form and query handling) and forwards them
to the ODE service as appropriate. Technologies
such as servlets or JSPs (Java Server Pages) were
used for this purpose. The logic subtier provides

Editing Tools for Ontology Creation

Figure 10. Architecture of the WebODE platform

direct access to ontologies. This direct access is

made by means of a well-defined API supplied
through an application server (Minerva Application Server). This server provides access to
services through RMI (Remote Method Invocation) thus making application development and
integration very easy.
The third tier, the database tier, contains the
data. Ontologies in WebODE can be stored in any
relational database. The database is accessed by
means of the JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) standard.
Ontologies in WebODE are conceptualized
with a very expressive knowledge model. This
knowledge model is based on the reference set
of intermediate representations of the Methontology methodology (Laera & Tamma, 2005). The
following ontology components are included in
the WebODEs knowledge model: concepts and
their local attributes (both instance and class attributes), whose type can be any XML schema type;
concept groups, which represent sets of disjoint
concepts; concept taxonomies, and disjoint and
exhaustive class partitions; ad hoc binary relations
between concepts, which may be characterized
by relation properties (symmetry, transitiveness,
etc.); constants; formal axioms, expressed in first
order logic; rules; and instances of concepts and
WebODE contains an ontology editor, an
ontology-based knowledge management system
(ODEKM), an automatic Semantic Web portal


generator (ODESeW), a Web resource annotation

tool (ODEAnnotate), and a Semantic Web service
tool (ODESWS). The ontology editor has three
user interfaces: an HTML form-based editor for
editing all ontology terms except axioms and
rules, a graphical user interface (OntoDesigner)
and a WAB (WebODE Axiom Builder) for editing formal axioms and rules. This editor has the
following ontology building services: documentation service, OKBC-based Prolog Inference
engine, and ODEClean. WebODE has automatic
exportation and importation services from and
into XML. WebODE has translation services to
other languages and systems or to and from diverse ontology specification languages. Therefore,
WebODE presents vast potential capabilities for
Ontology export services allow generating
WebODE ontologies in XML and in several
other ontology languages, such as RDF(S), OIL,
DAML+OIL, OWL, and F-Logic. Ontologies can
be transformed and used with the Protg ontology editor or use the interoperability capabilities
provided by this tool. There are several ways of
using WebODE ontologies inside ontology-based
applications: by its Java API via a local service or
application running on the same computer where
the ontology server is installed, by generating
WebODE ontologies in XML and in several other
ontology languages, by transforming ontologies
into Protg-2000 or into Java.
The Java API avoids accessing directly the

Editing Tools for Ontology Creation

relational database. WebODE ontologies can be

accessed not only from inside the local server but
also remotely with RMI and Web services (GmesPrez et al., 2001). It is possible to generate WebODE ontologies into: RDF(S), OIL, DAML+OIL
and OWL. The WebODE ontologies can be used
inside Protg-2000 ontology editor.
During this process of transforming ontologies into Java, concepts are transformed into Java
beans, attributes into class variables, ad hoc relations into associations between classes. This Java
code can then be used to create other Java applications and uploaded in rule systems like Jess.
WebODE has support for multiple-users. User
groups can be created to collaborate in the edition
of ontologies. Several users can edit the same
ontology without errors by means of synchronization mechanisms. One important advantage of
using this application server is that we can decide
which users or user groups may access each of the
services of the workbench. This editor provides
Web access and therefore, there is no need for
any installation activity (http://kw.dia.fi.upm.

pOWL (Auer, 2005) is a PHP-based open source
ontology management tool. pOWL is capable of
supporting parsing, storing, querying, manipulation, versioning, serving and serialization of RDFS
and OWL knowledge bases in a collaborative Web
enabled environment.
pOWL does not follow any specific methodology for developing ontologies. It supports
heterogeneous data and its formal description.
pOWL tries to follow the W3C Semantic Web
Standards. pOWL can import and export model
data in different serialization formats such as
RDF/XML, and N-Triple.
pOWL is designed to work with ontologies of
arbitrary size. This action is limited by the disk
space. Therefore, only some parts of the ontology
are loaded into main memory. The parts loaded
are the ones required to display the information
requested by the user on the screen. It offers an
RDQL (RDF Data Query language) query builder.
pOWL has a tab that correspond to the RDQL
query builder. This RDQL is an implementation
of an SQL-like query language for RDF. It is
possible to query the knowledge base as well as a

Figure 11. WebODE view bounded to the divider concept

Editing Tools for Ontology Creation

full-text search for literals and resources. pOWL

has an object oriented API. This means that all
functionalities are accessed with a clean application programming interface. Models are stored
in database tables. It is possible to edit and view
models from different points of view.
pOWLs architecture is formed by four tiers:

accessing, browsing, viewing and editing

data models in the pOWL store is the user
interface. This interface is based on PHP
pages. It is possible to have three different
viewpoints of an OWL knowledge base:
triple view, database view and a description
logic axiom view.

pOWL store: pOWL store stores its data

in a relational database. This database is
used to store all the information concerning
ontologies and their history.
to handle RDF, RDFS and OWL there are
three different APIs: RDFAPI, RDFSAPI
and OWLAPI. All classes of RDFSAPI are
extended with methods for handling OWL
predefined properties, description logic
axioms and restrictions, as well as basic
subsumption inference as Lassila and Swick
(1999) stated.
pOWLAPI: The pOWLAPI includes classes
and functions to build Web applications.
These Web applications are built on top of
the APIs already described (Auer, 2005).
The user interface: The API that permits

The RDF statements can be viewed on the

triple view. These statements are written following this principle: subject/predicate/object.
The knowledge base can be checked as if it was
an object-relational database. OWL classes are
represented as tables. The columns of the table
represent the properties and the rows represent the
instances. On the description logic (DL) axiom
view, the DL axioms are detected and represented
using DL. pOWL does not have a graph view but
a tree view is shown on the left side panel (see
Figure 9). It has multi language support and has
versioning control.
pOWL has the following available documentation: user documentation, installation and
administration documentation, developer documentation and application and usage scenarios.
pOWL Website has six public areas: an area for





Figure 12. View of the pOWL ontology editor showing the property elements of the coCondition

Editing Tools for Ontology Creation

bugs, an area for support requests, an area for

feature requests, a public forum, a mailing list
and a CVS (concurrent version system) repository.
All edits of a knowledge base may be logged and
rolled back. This will only depend on time, user
and edit action.
pOWL requires a PHP enabled Web server
and a database backend for storing data models.
pOWL is available under GNU Public license.
The complete source code is also available at

SWOOP is a Web-based OWL ontology editor
and browser. SWOOP contains OWL validation
and offers various OWL presentation syntax
views. It has reasoning support and provides a
multiple ontology environment. Ontologies can be
compared, edited and merged. Different ontologies can be compared against their description
logic-based definitions, associated properties and
instances. SWOOPs interface has hyperlinked
capabilities so that navigation can be simple and
easy. SWOOP does not follow a methodology for
ontology construction.
Users can reuse external ontological data
(Kalyanpur, Parsia, & Hendler, 2005). This is
possible either by purely linking to the external
entity, or importing the entire external ontology.
It is not possible to do partial imports of OWL.
There are several ways to achieve this, such as
a brute-force syntactic scheme to copy/paste
relevant parts (axioms) of the external ontology,
or a more elegant solution that involves partitioning the external ontology while preserving its
semantics and then reusing (importing) only the
specific partition as desired.
It is possible to search concepts across multiple
ontologies. SWOOP makes use of an ontology
search algorithm, that combines keywords with
DL-based in order to find related concepts. This
search is made along all the ontologies stored in
the SWOOP knowledge base.

With SWOOP it is possible to have collaborative annotation using the Annotea plug-in.
This plug-in presents a useful and efficient Web
ontology development. Users may also download
annotated changes for a given ontology. The
plug-in is used by the users to write and share
annotations on any ontological entity. Different
SWOOP users can subscribe to the server. Users
can maintain different version of the same ontology since mechanisms exist to maintain versioning
information using a public server.
SWOOP takes the standard Web browser as
the User Interface paradigm. This Web ontology
browser has a layout that is well known by most
of the users. There is a navigation side bar on the
left (Figure 13). The sidebar contains a multiple
ontology list and a class/property hierarchy of the
ontology. The center pane works like an editor.
There is a range of ontology/entity renders for
presenting the core content.
This editor provides support for ontology
partitioning. OWL ontologies can be automatic
portioned into distinct modules each describing a
separate domain. There is also support for ontology debugging/repair. SWOOP has the ability to
identify the precise axioms that causes errors in
an ontology and there are also natural language
explanation of the error. An automatic generation
of repair plans to resolve all errors are provided.
To better understand the class hierarchy, a CropCircles visualization format was implemented.
SWOOP is based on the conventional ModelView Controller (MVC) paradigm. The SWOOP
Model component stores all ontology-centric
information pertaining to the SWOOP workspace
and defines key parameters used by the SWOOP
UI objects. A SWOOP ModelListener is used to
reflect changes in the UI based on changes in the
SWOOP Model (Kalyanpur et al., 2005). Control
is managed through a plug-in based system. This
system loads new Renders and Reasoners dynamically. Therefore, it is possible to guarantee
modularity of the code, and encourage external


Editing Tools for Ontology Creation

Figure 13. SWOOP view bounded to the e-tourism ontology

developers to contribute to the SWOOP project

SWOOP uses the Wonder Web OWL API.
This API provides programmatic access to data
representing OWL ontologies. This API is used
as the underlying OWL representation model. It
has Ontology Renderers that display statistical
information about the ontology, the annotations,
the DL expressivity and the OWL species level.
There are default plug-ins for different presentation syntax for rendering ontologies. For instance,
there are the following presentations syntax
RDF/XML, OWL and N3. It is easy to install
and has two public mailing lists available: General SWOOP (for users) and Technical SWOOP
(for developers). A SWOOP application can be
downloaded from http://www.mindswap.org/.
After downloading the package, the user has only
to run the runme batch file.
SWOOP is developed as a separate Java application that attempts to provide the look and feel
of a browser-based application. Its architecture
was designed to optimize OWL browsing and to
be extensible via a plug-in architecture.


Software tools are available to achieve most of
the activities of ontology development. Projects
often involve solutions using numerous ontologies
from external sources. Sometimes there is also the
need to use existing and newly developed in-house
ontologies. By this reason it is important that the
editing tools for ontology construction promote
interoperability. As we have stated, Protg is used
for domain modeling and for building knowledgebase systems. Protg provides an intuitive editor
for ontologies and has extensions for ontology
visualization, project management, software engineering and other modeling tasks. It also provides
interfaces for description logic reasoners such as
Racer. Protg ontologies can be exported into a
variety of formats including RDF(S), OWL, and
XML schema. It is a tool installed locally in a
computer and does not allow collaborative editing
of ontologies by groups of users. There are several
plug-ins available for this tool.OntoEdit offers an
ontology engineering environment which allows
creating, browsing, maintaining and managing
ontologies. This editor supports collaborative
development of ontologies. The successor of On-

Editing Tools for Ontology Creation

toEdit is OntoStudio. OntoEdit supports FLogic,

RDF schema and OIL. The tool is multilingual.
The internal representation data model can be
exported to DAML+OIL, F-Logic, RDF(S), and
OXML. The inference engine that OntoEdit uses
is OntoBroker. OntoEdit is based on a plug-in
architecture as Protg.
DOE allows users to build ontologies according to the methodology proposed by Bruno
Bachimont. This editor only permits the specification part of the process of structuring ontology.
It should be used in combination with another
editor. A differential ontology and a referential
ontology can be built. It is possible to import
RDFS and OWL formats and it is possible to
export to CGXML, DAML+OIL, OIL Plain Text,
uses XSLT to promote interoperability.IsaViz is
a visual environment for browsing and authoring
RDF models as graphs. IsaViz has a user friendly
interface and has three different ways of viewing
a graph. IsaViz is also recognized by its ZUI. This
interface allows rapid navigation of the graphs
used to represent the RDF models. IsaViz imports
RDF/XML and N-Triples, and exports RDF/XML,
N-Triples, PNG and SVG.
Ontolingua was built to ease the development
of ontologies with a form-based Web interface. It
is a tool that supports distributed, collaborative
editing, browsing and creation of Ontolingua
ontologies. Ontolingua uses an OKBC model
with full KIF axioms. The base language is
Ontolingua. It is possible to compare ontologies.
Users can reuse existing ontologies from a modular structured library. It is important that users
have some notions of KIF and of the Ontolingua
language. The interface is not very user friendly.
It is possible to export or import to the following formats: DAML+OIL, KIF, OKBC, LOOM,
Prolog, Ontolingua, CLIPS.
Altova SemanticWorks is a commercial visual
editor that has an intuitive visual interface and
drag-and-drop functionalities. Users are capable
of printing the graphical RDF and OWL repre-

sentations to create documentation for Semantic

Web implementations. It is possible to switch from
the graphical RDF/OWL view to the text view to
see how documents are being built in RDF/XML,
OWL or N-triples format. The code is automatically generated based on the users design. This
editor has the ability to manage the following files:
N-triples, XML, OWL, RDF and RDFS.
OilEds interface was strongly influenced by
Stanfords Protg toolkit. This editor does not
provide a full ontology development environment. However, allows users to build ontologies
and to check ontologies for consistency by using
FaCT reasoner. OilEds internal data format
is DAML+OIL. It is possible to import from
DAML+OIL and export ontologies as RDFS,
DAML OWL, RDF/XML and others formats.
WebODE is a Web application. This editor
supports ontology edition, navigation, documentation, merge, reasoning and other activities
involved in the ontology development process.
User groups can be created to collaborate in the
edition of ontologies. WebODE has automatic
exportation and importation services from and
into XML.
pOWL (Auer, 2005) is a PHP-based open
source ontology management tool. pOWL is
capable of supporting parsing, storing, querying,
manipulation, versioning, serving and serialization of RDFS and OWL knowledge bases in a collaborative Web enabled environment. This editor
was designed to work with ontologies of arbitrary
size. pOWL offers an RDQL query builder. pOWL
has versioning control. pOWL supports heterogeneous data and its formal description.
SWOOP is a Web-based OWL ontology editor
and browser. SWOOP contains OWL validation
and offers various OWL presentation syntax
views. It has reasoning support and provides a
multiple ontology environment. Ontologies can be
compared, edited and merged. It is possible to have
collaborative annotation with the Annotea plug-in.
Users can reuse external ontological data.


Editing Tools for Ontology Creation

To sum up, there are commercial ontology

tools (Semantic Works and OntoStudio), there
are ontology tools that demand learning/knowing
a specific language (Ontolingua and OilEd) and
there are ontology tools that are more graphic
(IsaViz and Semantic Works). Other tools are
Web-based application (WebODE, pOWL and
SWOOP) or follow a methodology (DOE and
There are several available ontology tools that
can help to build an ontology. Some tools only
support common edition and browsing functionalities. Other tools provide ontology documentation, ontology import/export for different formats,
graphical view of ontologies, ontology libraries
and attached inference engines.
In this chapter, we compared a selection of
some of the available ontologies tool and environments that can be used for ontology construction,
either from scratch or by reusing other existing
ontologies. As we have shown, there are many
ontology development tools for ontology construction

Auer, S. (2005, May 30). pOWL A Web based
platform for collaborative Semantic Web development. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Scripting
for the Semantic Web, Heraklion, Greece.
Bachimont, B., Isaac, A., & Troncy, R. (2002,
October 1-4). Semantic commitment for designing
ontologies: A proposal. In A. Gomez-Prez & V.R.
Benjamins (Eds.), 13th International conference
on knowledge engineering and knowledge management, (EKAW 2002), Sigenza, Spain. (LNAI
2473, pp. 114-121). Springer-Verlag.
Bechhofer, S., Horrocks, I., Goble, C., & Stevens,
R. (2001). OilEd: A reason-able ontology editor
for the Semantic Web. In Proceedings of KI2001,
Joint German/Austrian Conference on Artificial


Intelligence (Vol. 2174, pp. 396-408)

Berners-Lee, T.J., Hendler, & Lassila, O. (2001,
May). The Semantic Web. Scientific American,
Broekstra, J., Kampman, A., & Van Harmelen, F.
(2002). Sesame: A generic architecture for storing
and querying RDF and RDF schema. In I. Horrocks & J. Hendler, (Eds.), Proceedings of the 1st
Int. Semantic Web Conf. (ISWC 2002), Sardinia,
Italy (LNCS 2342, pp. 54-68). Springer-Verlag.
Cardoso, J. (2005, March) Semantic web processes
and ontologies for the travel industry. AIS SIGSEMIS Bulletin, 2(1), 8.
Cardoso, J., & Sheth, A.P. (2006). The Semantic Web and its applications. In Semantic Web
Services, Processes and Applications (pp. 7-38).
Decker, S., Erdmann, M., Fensel, D., & Studer,
R. (1999). Ontobroker: Ontology-based access to
distributed and semi-structured information. In
R. Meersman et al. (Eds.), Database semantics:
Semantic issues in multimedia systems. In Proceedings of TC2/WG 2.6 8th Working Conference
on Database Semantics (DS-8), Rotorua, New
Zealand, (pp. 351-369). Boston: Kluwer Academic
DOE (2006). The differential ontology editor.
Retrieved October 22, 2006, from http://opales.
Farquhar, A., Fickas, F., & Rice, J. (1995). The
ontolingua server: A tool for collaborative ontology construction (Tech Rep No. KSL 96-26,
1996). Stanford.
Gmez-Prez, A., Fernndez-Lpez, M., & Corcho, O. (2004). Ontological engineering: With
examples from the areas of knowledge management, e-Commerce and the semantic web, 293362, 2004.

Editing Tools for Ontology Creation

Gmez-Prez, A., Fernndez-Lpez, M., Corcho,

O., & Aspirz, J. (2001). WebODE: A scalable
ontological engineering workbench. Paper presented at the First International Conference on
Knowledge Capture (K-CAP 2001), Canada.
IsaViz (2006). IsaViz: A visual authoring tool for
RDF. Retrieved October 22, 2006, from http://
Kalyanpur, A., Parsia, B., & Hendler, J. (2005,
January-March). A tool for working with Web
ontologies. In Proceedings of the International
Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems, 1(1). Retrieved October 22, 2006, from
Laera, L. & Tamma, V. (2005). The hitchhhikers
guide to ontology editors. Retrieved October 22,
2006, from http://ontoweb.aif b.uni-karlsruhe.
Lassila, O. & Swick, R.R. (1999, February). Resource description framework (RDF) model and
syntax specification. Recommendation, W3C.
Retrieved October 22, 2006, from http://www.
Noy, N.F., Sintek, M., Decker, S., Crubezy, M.,
Fergerson, R.W., & Musen, M.A. (2001). Creating
semantic Web contents with protege-2000. IEEE
Intelligent Systems, 16, 60-71.
Noy, N.F. & Musen, M.A. (2003). The PROMPT
suite: Interactive tools for ontology merging and

mapping. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 59(6) 983-1024.

Oldakowski, R. & Bizer, C. (2004). RAP: RDF API
for PHP. Paper presented at the First International
Workshop on Interpreted Languages.
OWL (2004, February 10) OWL Web ontology
language overview, W3C recommendation. Retrieved February 20, 2007 from www.w3.org/
Sheth, A. (2003, July). Semantic metadata for
enterprise information integration. DM Review.
Sure, Y., Angele, J., & Staab, S. (2002, October
28-November 1). OntoEdit: Guiding ontology
development by methodology and inferencing.
In Proceedings of the International Conference
on Ontologies, Databases and Applications of
Semantics ODBASE 2002 (LNCS 2519, pp. 12051222), University of California, Irvine.
Sure, Y., Erdmann, M., Angele, J., Staab, S.,
Studer R., & Wenke, D. (2002, June 9-12). OntoEdit: Collaborative ontology development for
the semantic. In Proceedings of the International
Semantic Web Conference, Sardinia, Italy (LNCS
2342, pp. 221-235). Springer.
Troncy, R. & Isaac, A. (2002, June 9-12). Semantic commitment for designing ontologies: A tool
proposal. Poster Session at the 1st International
Conference on the Semantic Web, ISWC2002,
Sardinia, Italia.

aPPEndiX 1
Table 1. List of some of the representative ontology tools

Product or Project Web Page







Differential Ontology Editor (DOE)



Editing Tools for Ontology Creation

Table 1. continued



Product or Project Web Page

Disciple Learning Agent Shell




Enterprise Semantic Platform (ESP) including

Knowledge Toolkit


GALEN Case Environment (GCE)




Integrated Ontology Development







KAON (including OIModeller)


KBE Knowledge Base Editor (for Zeus

AgentBuilding Toolkit)


LegendBurster Ontology Editor


LinKFactory Workbench


Medius Visual Ontology Modeler










Ontolingua with Chimaera


Ontopia Knowledge Suite






OpenCyc Knowledge Server




PC Pack 4












Taxonomy Builder










Editing Tools for Ontology Creation

aPPEndiX 2
The following table (Table 2) lists the features that we considered more important when deciding which
ontology tool to use: versioning; collaborative ontology edition; graphical class/properties taxonomy;
graphical tree view; support the growth of large scale ontologies; querying; friendly user interface;
consistency check and OWL editor. The feature versioning keeps track of the version evolution that the
ontology suffers. The collaborative ontology edition is a very useful feature since it allows users to edit
ontologies in a collaborative manner. The graphical class/properties taxonomy provides an interesting view of the classes and of the properties of the ontology. This feature permits viewing classes and
properties with graphically. The graphical tree view shows a generic graph view of the ontology. It is
possible to have an overview of the structure of the ontology. If the ontology editor supports the growth
of large scale ontologies, then the user can be sure that it is possible to build an ontology by using only
one editor. The feature concerning querying allows querying the knowledge base. It is important that the
user interface is friendly and similar to others interface. As a result, the user does not need to spend too
much time getting to know the tool. Consistency checking is important in order to look for propagation
of the arity all along the hierarchy and inheritance of domains.
Table 2. Most representative features



Works 2006






ontology edition

Graphical class/
properties taxonomy

Graphical tree view

Support growth of
large scale ontologies


User Interface (multilanguage, intuitive)

Consistency Check


OWL Editor




Chapter V

Web Ontology Languages

Grigoris Antoniou
Martin Doerr

Web ontology languages will be the main carriers of the information that we will want to share
and integrate. The aim of this chapter is to give a general introduction to some of the ontology
languages that play a prominent role on the Semantic Web. In particular, it will explain the
role of ontologies on the Web and in ICT, review the current standards of RDFS and OWL, and
discuss open issues for further developments.
thE rolE of WEb ontoloGiEs
the role of ontologies in ict
The term ontology originates from philosophy. In
that context, it is used as the name of a subfield
of philosophy, namely, the study of the nature of
existence (the literal translation of the Greek word
, the branch of metaphysics concerned
with identifying), in the most general terms, the
kinds of things that actually exist, and how to
describe them. For example, the observation that
the world is made up of specific objects that can
be grouped into abstract classes based on shared
properties is a typical ontological statement.

In the early 1990s, a series of large-scale experiments took place in order to integrate multiple,
heterogeneous databases (Bayardo et al., 1996;
Chawathe, Garcia-Molina, Hammer, Ireland,
Papakonstantinou, Ullman, & Widom, 1994;
Wiederhold, 1992). These experiments revealed
that database integration must ultimately be based
on explicit, formal knowledge representation of
the underlying common meaning of the involved
data structures rather than on formal schema manipulation only. With the work of Thomas Gruber
(1994) and others (Guarino, 1998; Sowa, 2000;
Uschold & Gruninger, 1996) the extraordinary
importance of formal ontology for the design
and operation of information systems was widely

Copyright 2007, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Web Ontology Languages

recognized towards 1998, and scientists started to

see a series of previously disparate fields in this
new light, such as automated Natural Language
translation and semantic networks, conceptual
modeling and subject indexing in information
science. The word formal ontology, with the new
plural ontologies, also became the term for the
product of an ontology engineering process, that
is, the process of identifying a set of concepts
and their relationships that formalize a domain
of interest.
For our purposes, we will use Nicola Guarinos
An ontology is a logical theory accounting for the
intended meaning of a formal vocabulary, that is,
its ontological commitment to a particular conceptualization of the world. The intended models
of a logical language using such a vocabulary are
constrained by its ontological commitment. An
ontology indirectly reflects this commitment (and
the underlying conceptualization) by approximating these intended models. (Guarino, 1998)
Implicit in this definition is the fact that a conceptualization resides in the human mind, and its
precise formal structure is not directly accessible.
On the one side, we have good reasons to believe
(Fauconnier & Turner, 2002; Lakoff, 1987) that
our real mental structure is richer than the logics
we apply in computer science. On the other side,
any formalization has practical value only, if it
is computationally tractable, and practice shows
that even relatively simple reasoning forms can
yield valuable results.
The challenge of designing ontology languages
can therefore be described as a compromise between the expressive power needed to approximate human conceptualization, and the minimal
complexity needed to achieve a practical result in
the target application area. In general, an ontology describes formally a domain of discourse.
In the simplest form, an ontology consists of a
finite list of terms and the relationships between

these terms. The terms denote important concepts

(classes of objects) of the domain. For example,
in a university setting, staff members, students,
courses, lecture theaters, and disciplines are some
important concepts.
The relationships typically include hierarchies
of classes. A hierarchy specifies a class C to be
a subclass of another class C if every object in
C is also included in C. For example, all faculty
are staff members.
Apart from subclass relationships, ontologies
may include information such as

Properties (X teaches Y)
Value restrictions (only faculty members
can teach courses)
Disjointness statements (faculty and general
staff are disjoint)
Specification of logical relationships between objects (every department must
include at least ten faculty members)

the role of ontologies on the Web

In the context of the Web, ontologies can be used
to formulate a shared understanding of a domain
in order deal with differences in terminology of
users, communities, disciplines and languages
as it appears in texts. For instance, car in
English means the same as voiture in French.
Wissenschaft in German implies the meanings
of both science and humanities in English.
Even more, two applications may use the same
term with different meanings: In one context,
school refers to a place in a city, in another to
a social institution, in a third to an artistic style.
Such differences can be overcome by mapping the
particular terminology to a shared ontology or by
defining direct mappings between the ontologies
(Kalfoglou & Schorlemmer, 2003). These cases
demonstrate that ontologies support semantic
Since the Web does not impose any discipline
on content, a predominant application is free text


Web Ontology Languages

search. Ontology mappings allow for relating keywords and thus widening the recall of the search.
In addition, Web searches can exploit generalization/specialization information. If a query fails
to find any relevant documents under a certain
term, it may try to find documents pertaining to
specializations of the term. Otherwise, the search
engine may suggest to the user a more general
query. It is even conceivable for the engine to run
such queries proactively to reduce the reaction
time in case the user adopts a suggestion. Or if
too many answers are retrieved, the search engine
may suggest to the user some specializations. In
this way, differences in terminology between Web
pages and the queries can be overcome.
Also, ontologies are useful for the organization of content and navigation of Web sites in the
manner of library classification systems. Many
Web sites today expose on the left-hand side of
the page the top levels of a concept hierarchy
of terms. The user may click on one of them to
expand the subcategories. Ontologies may better
represent and relate concepts the user is looking
for than traditional library classification.

the role of ontologies on the

semantic Web
The aim of the Semantic Web initiative is to advance the state of the current Web through the
use of semantics. More specifically, it proposes to
use semantic annotations to describe the meaning of certain parts of Web information and,
increasingly, the meaning of message elements
employed by Web Services. For example, the
Web site of a hotel could be suitably annotated
to distinguish between the hotel name, location,
category, number of rooms, available services
and so forth Such meta-data could facilitate the
automated processing of the information on the
Web site, thus making it accessible to machines
and not primarily to human users, as it is the case
today. The current web standard for semantic


annotations is RDF and RDF Schema, and its

extension OWL.
Suitable annotations are useful for improving
the accuracy of Web searches. The search engines
can look for pages in which precise concepts from
an ontology are marked instead of collecting all
pages in which certain, generally ambiguous,
keywords occur.
But the vision of the Semantic Web cannot be
achieved solely by disambiguating and relating
individual concepts. At least equally important is
the integration or transformation of data structure
elements. Besides some platform specific parts,
data structures reflect in a contracted and simplified way how the designer perceives the possible
states of affairs of the respective application
(Guarino, 1998). Ontologies allow for the formal
specification of an application domain that can
be shared by different systems. For instance, one
system may distinguish hotels from guest houses.
Another only refers to accommodation in general.
Location may be given in coordinates, in metric
distances or in walking distances to relevant fix
points. Ontologies allow intelligent systems for
mediating between these different forms to organize information. This ability constitutes a major
prerequisite for the global access to Web services.
A particularly interesting application of ontologies
is the seamless integration of services, information systems and databases containing general
knowledge. For instance, an ontology combining
kinds of geographic units, kinds of tourist services
and their relationships could be used to determine
that Crete is an island in Greece, and therefore
a Greek island and Heraklion a city on Crete. It
would further describe that accommodations are
immobile, and that hotels are kinds of accommodation. Such information would be crucial
to establish a connection between a requester
looking for accommodation on a Greek island,
and a hotel advertisement specifying Heraklion
as the hotel location.

Web Ontology Languages

basics of ontoloGy

be applied. In mathematical terms, we restrict the

domain of the property.

basic ingredients of ontology


Class Hierarchies and Inheritance

How do we describe a particular domain? Let us

consider the domain of courses and lecturers at a
university. First we have to specify the things
we want to talk about. Here we will make a first,
fundamental distinction. On one hand we want
to talk about particular lecturers, such as David
Billington, and particular courses, such as Discrete Mathematics. But we also want to talk about
courses, first year courses, lecturers, professors
and so forth In the first case we talk about individual objects (resources), in the second we talk
about classes which define types of objects. A class
can be thought of as a set of elements. Individual
objects that belong to a class are referred to as
instances of that class.
An important use of classes is to impose restrictions on what can be stated. In programming
languages, typing is used to prevent nonsense
from being written (such as A+1, where A is an
array; we lay down that the arguments of + must
be numbers). Similarly, in knowledge systems we
would like to disallow statements such as:

Discrete mathematics is taught by objectoriented programming.

Room G228 is taught by David Billington.

The first statement is undesired because we

want courses to be taught by lecturers only. This
imposes a restriction on the values of the property
is taught by. In mathematical terms, we restrict
the range of the property.
The second statement is undesired because
only courses can be taught. This imposes a restriction on the objects to which the property can

Once we have classes we would also like to establish relationships between them. For example,
every professor is an academic staff member.
We say that professor is a subclass of academic
staff member, or equivalently, that academic staff
member is a superclass of professor. The subclass
relationship defines a hierarchy of classes. In general, if A is a subclass of B then every instance
of A is also an instance of B.
A hierarchical organization of classes has a
very important practical significance, which we
outline now. Consider the range restriction
Courses must be taught by academic staff
members only.
Suppose Michael Maher was defined as a professor. Then, according to the restriction above, he
is not allowed to teach courses. The reason is that
there is no statement which specifies that Michael
Maher is also an academic staff member. Obviously, this difficulty could be overcome by adding
that statement to our description. However, this
solution adds redundancy to the representation,
with the usual negative effects on maintainability.
Instead we would like Michael Maher to inherit
the ability to teach from the class of academic
staff members.

Property Hierarchies
We saw that hierarchical relationships between
classes can be defined. The same can be done
for properties. For example, is taught by is a
subproperty of involves. If a course c is taught
by an academic staff member a, then c also involves a. The converse is not necessarily true. For
example, a may be the convenor of the course, or
a tutor who marks student homework, but does
not teach c. In general, if P is a subproperty of Q
then Q(x,y) whenever P(x,y).


Web Ontology Languages

Summary: As a consequence of the discussion above, (Web) ontology languages

consist of:

the important concepts (classes) of a

important relationships between these
concepts. These can be hierarchical
(subclass relationships), other predefined relationships contained in the
ontology language, or user defined
further constraints on what can be
expressed (e.g. domain and range
restrictions, cardinality constraints

design issues for ontology

Requirements for Ontology
Ontology languages allow users to write explicit,
formal conceptualizations of domains models.
The main requirements are (Antoniou & van
Harmelen, 2004):

well-defined syntax;
well-defined semantics;
efficient reasoning support;
sufficient expressive power;
convenience of expression.

The importance of a well-defined syntax is

clear and known from the area of programming
languages; it is a necessary condition for machine-processing of information. Web ontology
languages have a syntax based on XML, though
they may also have other kinds of syntaxes.
Of course it is questionable whether the XMLbased syntax is very user-friendly; there are
alternatives better suitable for humans. However
this drawback is not very significant, because ul-


timately users will be developing their ontologies

using authoring tools, or more generally ontology
development tools, instead of writing them directly
in the Web ontology language.
Formal semantics describes precisely the
meaning of knowledge. Precisely here means
that the semantics does not refer to subjective intuitions, nor is it open to different interpretations by
different persons (or machines). The importance of
formal semantics is well-established in the domain
of mathematical logic, among others.

The Role of Reasoning

One use of formal semantics is to allow humans
and systems to reason about the knowledge. For
ontological knowledge we may reason about:

Class Membership: If x is an instance of

a class C, and C is a subclass of D, then we
can infer that x is an instance of D.
Equivalence of classes: If class A is equivalent to class B, and class B equivalent to
class C, then A is equivalent to C, too.
Consistency: Suppose we have declared x
to be an instance of the classes A and B, and
that A and B are disjointed. Then we have
an inconsistency, which points to a possible
error in the ontology.
Classification: If we have declared that
certain property-value pairs are sufficient
condition for membership of a class A, then
if an individual x satisfies such conditions,
we can conclude that x must be an instance
of A.

Semantics is a prerequisite for reasoning

support: Derivations such as the above can be
made mechanically, instead of being made by
hand. Reasoning support is important because
it allows one to:

Check the consistency of the ontology and

the knowledge

Web Ontology Languages

Check for unintended relationships between

Automatically classify instances in classes.

Automated reasoning support allows one to

check many more cases than what can be done
manually. Checks like the above are valuable (a)
for designing large ontologies, where multiple
authors are involved; and (b) for integrating and
sharing ontologies from various sources.
Formal semantics and reasoning support
is usually provided by mapping an ontology
language to a known logical formalism, and by
using automated reasoners that already exist for
those formalisms.

2004; Smith, Welty, & McGuiness, 2004), and

also didactic material such as Antoniou and van
Harmelen (2003, 2004).
Our presentation is structured along the layering of OWL: OWL Lite, OWL DL and OWL
Full. This layering is motivated by different
requirements that different users have for a Web
ontology language:

Trade-Off Between Requirements

In designing an ontology language one should
be aware of the trade-off between expressive
power and efficient reasoning support. Generally
speaking, the richer the language is, the more
the reasoning support becomes, often crossing
the border of noncomputability. Thus we need a
compromise, a language that can be supported
by reasonably efficient reasoners, while being
sufficiently expressive to express large classes
of ontologies and knowledge.

thE kEy sEMantic WEb

ontoloGy lanGuaGEs
We now turn to a discussion of specific ontology
languages that are based on the abstract view from
the previous version: RDF Schema and OWL.
Quite a few other sources already exist that give
general introductions to these languages. Some
parts of the RDF and OWL specifications are
intended as such introductions (such as Manola
& Miller, 2004; McGuiness & van Harmelen,

RDFS is intended for those users primarily

needing a classification hierarchy
OWL Lite adds the possibility to express
(in)equalities and simple constraints on such
OWL DL supports those users who want the
maximum expressiveness while retaining
computational completeness (all conclusions are guaranteed to be computable) and
decidability (all computations will finish in
finite time).
OWL Full is meant for users who want maximum expressiveness, syntactic freedom, and
full compatibility with RDF Schema, with
no computational guarantees.

We use the normative abstract syntax for

OWL as defined in (Patel-Schneider, Horrocks &
van Harmelen, 2002). While this syntax in only
meant for OWL itself, we use the same syntax for
introducing RDFS in order to clarify the relation
between the languages (note that the semantics
of the same constructs in RDFS and OWL can
differ). We will use symbols ci for classes, ei for
instances of classes, pi for properties between
ei and oi for ontologies. Whenever useful, we
will prefix classes and instances with pseudonamespaces to indicate the ontology in which
these symbols occur, for example, o1:e1 and o2:e1
are two different instances, the first occurring in
ontology o1, and the second in ontology o2.
Note that the XML-based syntax is far better
known, but arguably not as readable. In fact, the
XML-syntax is clearly geared towards machine
processing, while the abstract syntax is tailored


Web Ontology Languages

to human reading, thus our choice in this section.

The reader should understand that the characteristics of the ontology languages are independent
of the syntax used.


rdf schema

SubPropertyOf(pi pj)

In RDF, every object (on the Web) is called a

resource and comes along with a unique identifier, called URI. Special kinds of resources are
classes and properties.
The most elementary building block of RDFS
is a class, which defines a group of individuals
that belong together because they share some
characteristics. In the university domain, professors, students, courses, lecture theatres and
so forth would form classes. A class is defined
as follows:

Finally, we may associate domain and range

restrictions with properties:


Individual(ei type(ci))

Just as with classes, properties are organized

in a subsumption hierarchy:

ObjectProperty(p domain(ci) range(cj))

Given a statement
Individual(ei value(p ej))

The domain and range restrictions have the

following effect:

Individual(ej type(cj))

There is the obvious distinction between individual objects and classes which are collections of
objects. The following states that an individual e
belongs to (is an instance of) a class c:
Individual(e type(c)) (e

is of type c).

The second elementary statement of RDFS

is the subsumption relation between classes,
subClassOf, which allows to organize classes in
class hierarchies:
subClassOf(ci cj)
In RDF, instances are related to other instances
through properties:
Individual(ei value(p ej))

In the university domain, properties might be

teaching, studying, age and so forth Properties
are declared as follows:


It is worth noting that there is no negation in

RDFS. As a consequence, domain and range restrictions never lead to some kind of inconsistency.
Instead, they can always be fulfilled by adding
instances to classes.
In summary, the basic building blocks offered
by RDF Schema are:

Classes and their instances

Binary properties between classes
Organisation of classes and properties in
Domain and range restrictions

limitations of the Expressive Power

of rdf schema
RDF and RDFS allow the representation of some
ontological knowledge, but a number of other
features are missing. Here we list a few:

Local Scope of Properties: rdfs:range de-

Web Ontology Languages

fines the range of a property, say eats, for

all classes. Thus in RDF Schema we cannot declare range restrictions that apply to
some classes only. For example, the fathers
of elephants are elephants, while the fathers
of mice are mice.
Disjointness of Classes: Sometimes we wish
to say that classes are disjoint. For example,
male and female are disjoint. But in RDF
Schema we can only state subclass relationships, for example, female is a subclass of
Boolean Combinations of Classes: Sometimes we wish to build new classes by combining other classes using union, intersection
and complement. For example, we may wish
to define the class person to be the disjoint
union of the classes male and female. RDF
Schema does not allow such definitions.
Cardinality Restrictions: Sometimes we
wish to place restrictions on how many distinct values a property may or must take. For
example, we would like to say that a person
has exactly two parents, and that a course is
taught by at least one lecturer. Again such
restrictions are impossible to express in RDF
Special Characteristics of Properties:
Sometimes it is useful to say that a property
is transitive (like greater than), unique
(like has mother), or the inverse of another
property (like eats and is eaten by).

oWl lite
One of the significant limitations of RDF Schema
is the inability to make equality claims between
individuals. Such equality claims are possible in
OWL Lite:
SameIndividual(ei ej)

Besides equality between instances, OWL Lite

also introduces constructions to state equality
between classes and between properties. Although
such equalities could already be expressed in an
indirect way in RDFS through a pair of mutual
Subclassof or SubPropertyOf statements, this can be
done directly in OWL Lite:
EquivalentClasses(ci cj)
EquivalentProperties(pi pj)

Just as importantly as making positive claims

about equality or subsumption relationships, is
stating negative information about inequalities.
A significant limitation of RDFS, but motivated
by a deliberate design decision concerning the
computational and conceptual complexity of the
language, is the inability to state such inequalities. Since OWL does not make the unique name
assumption, two instances ei and ej are not automatically regarded as different. Such an inequality
must be explicitly stated, as:
DifferentIndividuals(ei ej)

WEb ontoloGy lanGuaGE oWl

OWL is a W3C standard. Developed from its predecessors OIL (Fensel, Horrocks, van Harmelen,
McGuinness, & Patel-Schneider, 2001) and
DAML+OIL (Patel-Schneider, Horrocks, & van
Harmelen, 2002), it is at present the standard
ontology language on the Web.

Whereas the above constructions are aimed

at instances and classes, OWL Lite also has constructs specifically aimed at properties. An often
occurring phenomenon is that two a property
can be modeled in two directions. Examples are
ownerOf vs. ownedBy, contains vs. isContainedIn, childOf vs. parentOf. The relationship
between such pairs of properties is established
by stating


Web Ontology Languages

ObjectProperty(pi inverseOf(pj))

In addition, OWL Lite allows to specify characteristics of properties:

ObjectProperty(pi Transitive)
ObjectProperty(pi Symmetric)

Another significant limitation of RDFS is the

inability to state whether a property is optional or
required (in other words: should it have at least
one value or not), and whether it is single- or
multi-valued (in other words: is it allowed to have
more than one value or not). Technically, these
restrictions constitute 0/1-cardinality constraints
on the property. The case where a property is
allowed to have at most one value for a given
instance (i.e., a max-cardinality of 1) has a special
name: FunctionalProperty. The case where the value
of a property uniquely identifies the instance of
which it is a value (i.e. the inverse property has
a max-cardinality of 1) is called InverseFunctionalProperty. These two constructions allow for some
interesting derivations under the OWL semantics:
If an ontology models that any object can only
have a single age:

says that all pi values for members of ci must be

members of cj. This differs from the RDFS range
ObjectProperty(pi range(cj))

which says that all pi-values must be members of

cj, irrespective of whether they are members of ci
or not. This allows us to use the same property
name with different range restrictions depending on the class to which the property is applied.
For example, we can specify that the parents of
cats are cats, while the parents of dogs are dogs.
An RDFS range restriction would not be able to
capture this.
Similarly, although in RDFS we can define
the range of a property, we cannot enforce that
properties actually do have a value: we can state
the authors write books:
ObjectProperty(write domain(author) range(book))

but we cannot enforce in RDFS that every author

must have written at least one book. This is possible in OWL Lite:
Class(author restriction(write someValuesFrom (book)))

(ObjectProperty age Functional)

then different age-values for two instances ei and

ej allow us to infer that
DifferentIndividuals(ei ej)

(if two objects have a different age, they must be

different objects).
Another important feature of OWL Lite is that
it allows it to impose domain and range restrictions, depending on the class to which a property
is applied.
Class(ci restriction(pi allValuesFrom (cj)))


Technically speaking, these are just special

cases of the general cardinality constraints allowed
in OWL DL. The someValuesFrom corresponds to
a min-cardinality constraint with value 1, and the
functional property constraint mentioned above
corresponds to a max-cardinality constraint with
value 1. These can also be stated directly:
Class(author restriction(write minCardinality()))
Class(object restriction(age maxCardinality()))

When a property has a minCardinality and maxCardinality constraints with the same value, these
can be summarised by a single exact Cardinality

Web Ontology Languages

oWl dl
With the step from OWL Lite to OWL DL, we
obtain a number of additional language constructs. It is often useful to say that two classes
are disjoint (which is much stronger than saying
they are merely not equal):
DisjointClasses(ci cj)

OWL DL allows arbitrary Boolean algebraic

expressions on either side of an equality of subsumption relation. For example we can write
SubClassOf(ci unionOf(cj ck))

which says that ci is subsumed by the union of cj

and ck, though it may not be subsumed by either
cj or ck. Similarly we can write
EquivalentClasses(ci intersectionOf(cj ck))

Of course, the unionOf and intersectionOf may be

taken over more than two classes, and may occur
in arbitrary Boolean combinations.
Besides disjunction (union) and conjunction
(intersection), OWL DL completes the Boolean
algebra by providing a construct for negation:
complementOf(ei ej)

In fact, arbitrary class expressions can be used

on either side of subsumption or equivalence
There are cases where it is not possible to define
a class in terms of such algebraic expressions.
This can be either impossible in principle. In such
cases it is sometimes useful to simply enumerate
sets of individuals to define a class. This is done
in OWL DL with the oneOf construct:
EquivalentClasses(cj oneOf(e ... en))

Similar to defining a class by enumeration,

we can define a property to have a specific value
by stating the value:
Class(ci restriction(pj hasValue ek))

The extension from OWL Lite to OWL DL

also lifts the restriction on cardinality constraints
to have only 0/1 values.

oWl full
OWL Lite and OWL DL are based on a strict segmentation of the vocabulary: no term can be both
an instance and a class, or a class and a property,
and so forth A somewhat less strict proposal is
RDFS(FA) (Pan & Horrocks, 2003), which does
allow a class to be an instance of another class,
as long as this is done in a stratified fashion. Full
RDFS is much more liberal still: a class c1 can have
both a type and a subClassOf relation to a class c2,
and a class can even be an instance of itself. In
fact, the class Class is a member of itself. OWL
Full inherits from RDFS this liberal approach.
Schreiber (2002) argues that this is exactly
what is needed in many cases of practical ontology
integration. When integrating two ontologies, opposite commitments have often been made in the
two ontologies on whether something is modeled
as a class or an instance. This is less unlikely than
it may sound: is 747 an instance of the class of
all airplane-types made by Boeing or is 747
a subclass of the class of all airplanes made by
Boeing? And, are particular jet planes instances of
this subclass? Both points of view are defensible.
In OWL Full, it is possible to have equality statements between a class and an instance.
In fact, just as in RDF Schema, OWL Full
allows us even to apply the constructions of the
language to themselves. It is perfectly legal to
(say) apply a max-cardinality constraint of 2 on
the subclass relationship. Of course, building any
efficient reasoning tools that support this very


Web Ontology Languages

liberal self-application of the language is out of

the question.

is to extend OWL in a way that it still adopts open

world assumption, but allows one to declare parts
for which CWA should be adopted.

altErnativEs and EXtEnsions

Unique Names Assumption

Potential Extensions of oWl

Typical database applications assume that individuals with different names are indeed different individuals. OWL follows the usual logical
paradigm where this is not the case. This design
decision is plausible on the WWW. Future extensions may allow one to indicate portions of the
ontology for which the assumption does or does
not hold.

In the following we list some important features

not captured by the current version(s) of OWL.
Future extensions may address some of these

Modules and Imports

The importing facility of OWL is very trivial: It
only allows importing of an entire ontology, not
parts of it. Modules in programming languages
based on information hiding; they state functionality and hide implementation details. It is an
open question how to define appropriate module
mechanism for Web ontology languages.

Many practical knowledge representation systems
allow inherited values to be overridden by more
specific classes in the hierarchy. Thus they treat
inherited values as defaults. No consensus has
been reached on the right formalization for the
nonmonotonic behaviour of default values.

Closed World Assumption

OWL currently adopts the open-world assumption: A statement cannot be assumed true on the
basis of a failure to prove it. On the huge and
only partially knowable WWW, this is a correct
assumption. An alternative approach is the closedworld assumption (CWA), under which a statement is true when its negation cannot be proved.
CWA is tied to the notion of defaults, leading to
nonmonotonic behaviour. One idea championed


Procedural Attachments
A common concept in knowledge representation
is to define the meaning of a term by attaching
a piece of code to be executed for computing the
meaning of the term. Although widely used, this
concept does not lend itself very well to integration in a system with a formal semantics, and it
has not been included in OWL.

rule-based languages
A current trend is to study rule-based languages
for the Semantic Web. These languages have been
thoroughly studied in the knowledge representation community, are generally well understood
and can be implemented efficiently. Moreover,
rules are far better known and used in mainstream
IT, compared to other logical systems; thus they
may be of interest to a broader range of persons,
and may be integrated more easily with other
ICT systems.
One of the simplest kinds of rule systems is
Horn logic. It is interesting to note that description
logics and Horn logic are orthogonal in the sense
that neither of them is a subset of the other. For
example, it is impossible to assert that persons
who study and live in the same city are home

Web Ontology Languages

students in OWL, whereas this can be done

easily using rules:
studies( X ,Y ), lives( X , Z), loc( Y,U), loc(Z ,U)

On the other hand, simple rules in Horn logic

cannot assert information that can be expressed
in OWL. Such cases include:

Existential quantification, for example, that

all persons must have a father.
Disjunction and union, for example, that
persons are men or women.
Negation/complement, for example, that a
person is either a man or a woman.

The first idea for combining OWL with Horn

logic essentially considered the intersection of the
two logics, that is, knowledge that can be expressed
both in OWL and in Horn logic. This led to the
language of Description Logic Programs (Grosof,
Horrocks, Volz, & Decker, 2003). It provides compatibility with the language of OWL, but allows
implementation using rule technology.
More recent work tries to combine OWL and
rules in richer ways. One proposal is SWRL
(Horrocks, Patel-Schneider, Boley, Tabet, Grosof, & Dean, 2004) which enhances OWL with
Datalog rules, at the expense of decidability. It is
still an open research problem to find the balance
between expressive power including some form
of rules, and computational computability and efficiency. The challenge is to identify sublanguages
of SWRL that maintain at least decidability;
(e.g., Horrocks, Patel-Schneider, Bechhofer, &
Tsarkov, 2005; Motik, Sattler & Studer, 2005;
Rosatti, 2005).
Other approaches to combining rules with
ontologies include work on F-Logic (Kifer, 2005)
and answer set programming (Eiter, Lukasiewicz,
Schindlauer, & Tompits, 2004).

The aim of this chapter was to give a general
introduction to some of the ontology languages
that play a prominent role on the Semantic Web.
In particular, it explained the role of ontologies on
the web and in ICT, reviewed the current standards
of RDFS and OWL, and discussed open issues for
further developments. Important open research
questions include:

Finding the right balance between expressive power and efficiency, especially when
combining description logic based with rule
based languages.
Adding nonmonotonic features, such as
closed world assumption, default knowledge
and inconsistency tolerance, to ontology

Antoniou, G. & van Harmelen, F. (2003). Web
ontology language: OWL. In S. Staab & R. Studer
(Eds), Handbook on ontologies in information
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Web Ontology Languages

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A Semantic Web rule language combining OWL


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Computer, 25(3), 38-49.



Chapter VI

Reasoning on the Semantic Web

Rogier Brussee
Telematica Instituut, The Netherlands
Stanislav Pokraev
Telematica Instituut, The Netherlands

We describe reasoning as the process needed for using logic. Efficiently performing this process is a
prerequisite for using logic to present information in a declarative way and to construct models of reality.
In particular we describe description logic and the owl ontology language and explain that in this case
reasoning amounts to graph completion operations that can be performed by a computer program. We
give an extended example, modeling a building with wireless routers and explain how such a model can
help in determining the location of resources. We emphasize how different assumptions on the way routers and buildings work are formalized and made explicit in our logical modeling, and explain the sharp
distinction between knowing some facts and knowing all facts (open vs. closed world assumption). This
should be helpful when using ontologies in applications needing incomplete real world knowledge.

What do WE MEan by
rEasoninG and What is it
Good for?
Any reader of this text is equipped with the most
capable reasoner found on this planet: the human
brain. Thus, it is not surprising that we have
come to take reasoning for granted. That sound
reasoning follows a restricted set of formal rules
is a relatively recent invention. Long after people
learned to grow food, rule empires and measure

land, the Greek philosophers formalized the rules

of logic and set standards for mathematical proof.
They also realized the importance of sound reasoning for rhetoric and decision making. Formal
axiomatic logic is much younger, dating to the
late nineteenth and twentieth century, with applications to computer science going back to the
1930s, predating computers themselves. Historically speaking, we need to define what we actually
mean by reasoning.

Copyright 2007, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Reasoning on the Semantic Web

In this chapter we will take the viewpoint that

reasoning is a tool for formulating concise models
of real world phenomena such as people, mobile phones, transactions, services or databases.
Roughly speaking, we want to model the world in
terms of dots and arrow (subject predicate object)
diagrams, that model how things relate to each
other, and define classes to group things. In
fact, interpreting dots and arrows in a sufficiently
general way using different dots for things and
for classes the latter can be considered a special
case of the former. We want to impose logic rules
that force the existence (or non existence) of implied arrows. In practice, this means that we can
specify model concepts in terms of fewer primitive
properties, that our model can be more accurate
and that we need not specify all the properties
that logically follow from possessing primitive
properties. It also means that we can query a
model in terms of the implied property arrows
in addition to the stated ones. On the downside,
it means that we need a computer program to
compute these implied arrows, at least at query
time, and that we want to control the time it takes
the computer to do this.
This viewpoint naturally fits with an orientation towards ontologies as a consensual
vocabulary for real world phenomena. In its
most restricted form, a vocabulary is merely a
collection of words, and a description of the real
world amounts to naming: associating the word
with something. Such a vocabulary has just points
and no arrows. In a more liberal interpretation of
vocabulary we not only have symbols to name
real world phenomena, but we also have names
for the relations that exist between them such as
groupings, and attribute values. There are many
computer applications where we define attributes and values. Such a model has both points
and arrows, but each arrow must be explicitly
mentioned. Finally the real world relations may
naturally satisfy constraints. These relations are
often used in programs and, if you are lucky, they
are documented. For example, we have abstract

constraints such as the member of a group is a

member of any larger group or concrete ones
such as a database record has exactly one primary key. Such a model is often specified with
only a generating set of arrows, for example, by
only explicitly stating subclass relations. Making use of such implied constraints, and making
them an explicit part of information model has
the advantage that models can often be simpler
and is a primary motivation for using semantic
techniques. Reasoning is computing the implied
relations and constructing the missing arrows.

loGical iMPlications in
dEscriPtion loGic
The reasoning we do here deals with organizing
Classes, Individuals and Properties. The associated logic is called description logic (DL) (Calvanese, McGuinness, Nardi & Patel-Schneider,
2003) which has become popular as the basis
for the Web Ontology Language (OWL) (Dean,
Schreiber, Bechhofer, van Harmelen, Hendler,
Horrocks, et al., 2004) which for our purposes
can be considered as an extension of RDF.1 Difficult papers have been written about the subject
but since we want to draw practical conclusions
we give as mundane a description as possible. A
similarly practical approach is present in the Protg OWL-manual (Horridge, Knublauch, Rector,
Stevens, & Wroe, 2004). A list of further reading
material was collected by Franconi (2002).2

individuals and classes

Individuals represent entities or phenomena in a
domain of interest, for example, John, TopTechCompany or London (Figure 1). Logically an
individual is an assertion of existence for example,
by naming JohnSmith we assert the existence of
John. Two individuals can be equal to each other
but known under a different name for example,
John and JSmith. Existence can already be inter-

Reasoning on the Semantic Web

esting, but usually we want to assert the existence

of individuals with certain properties.
Classes provide an abstraction mechanism
for grouping individuals with similar properties,
for example, Human, Company or all things
that have a red color (Figure 2). A class has an
intentional meaning, that is, it is a membership
criterion or equivalently a unary predicate. For
example, the two special classes Thing and Nothing are defined by the membership condition
always true respectively always false.
The membership criterion point of view allows us to identify a class with a unary predicate.
For some classes this membership criterion is
explicit (like having a red color), but often that
membership criterion is axiomatic, like a club for
which you are a member if and only if you own a
membership card. Every class is also associated
with a set of individuals, called the class extension. For these individuals it is asserted explicitly
that they satisfy the membership criterion, that
is, they are handed out a membership card. In
particular such an assertion claims the existence
of such an individual. Two classes may have the
same class extension, but still be different classes.
For example, we often use classes for which we
know no members at all, but that still have a
different intentional meaning. We denote class
membership like

John Man or as John a Man or as Man (John)

As the notation suggests it is often convenient
to think of a class as a set with some known, but
potentially many more individuals characterized
by some property. Be warned however that this is
technically not 100% correct. See below for the
technically correct interpretation.
A Property is a binary relationship (i.e., a binary predicate) from one class to another or from
a class to a data type. We can assert that two individuals or an individual and a data value are related
through a property for example, worksFor(John,
TopTechCompany) or hasAge(John, 35). Because it
reads more intuitively we often write the property
relationship in infix notation
John worksFor TopTechCompany
We call such a sentence a subject predicate
object triple, or just a triple. We also say that
TopTechCompany is a value of worksFor on John
(a value and not the value because there could
be more than one). The triple can be graphically
represented as two points connected by an arrow
(Figure 3).

Figure 2. Classes with some known members


Figure 1. Some individuals












Reasoning on the Semantic Web

Figure 3. A triple assertion

technical interpretation of classes

and Predicates: Models




A property goes from a domain class to a

range class. If not defined explicitly, a property
can always be thought of as having domain and
range Thing. A useful way to think about the
domain and range is that P is a multi-valued
function defined on its domain with values in its
range. If class A is the domain of a property P,
and class B is the range of P, then every time we
assert a triple x P y we assert in particular that x
A and y B. For example if the class Person
is the domain, and Organisation the range of
property worksFor, we conclude from the existence of the triple above that John Person, and
TopTechCompany Organisation. Note that
this is a conclusion, not an assumption used as a
constraint for applying the property worksFor
on the individual John. However, in practice, this
is how we often use it. For example, tools like the
ontology editor Protg3 or Triple204 effectively
enforce the usage in this way.
Be aware that properties are defined independent of the triples, just like classes are defined
independent of their members. A property (binary
predicate) has an intentional meaning just like a
class (unary predicate). A triple is an assertion
that the (subject, object) pair satisfies the binary
property predicate corresponding to that property. Likewise, the assertion that an individual
is a member of a class is the assertion that the
individual satisfies the unary predicate corresponding to that class. Thus, the set of all triples
with a given property as predicate is completely
analogous to the extension of the class.

The technically correct interpretation of classes

and properties is to study all possible interpretations of the logical formulas in set theory, so
called models. This means that one studies all the
ways that the membership predicate for classes in
the sense of logical formulas can be interpreted
as predicates on a set , that is, as a function
{True, False} or equivalently as a subset of ,
and we study all the ways properties as logical
formulas can be interpreted as a binary predicates
on , that is as a function {True, False}
or equivalently as a subset of . The upshot is,
that if we interpret classes as subsets of things
in some particular context we are cheating a bit,
because we have fixed the set , and it clearly
makes a difference what the things are. We
often have such a context in mind, but we can
only reason about our stated axioms and nothing
more. As far as the logic is concerned, the set
is variable, and the axioms are equations restricting the possibilities. Thinking about classes
as having a few known and potentially many other
individuals with a few known and potentially
many other properties unless stated or proved
otherwise, is an effective way to deal with this
mostly psychological problem, and forces us to
only reason with known(!) properties.

the open vs. closed World

If we state the existence of individuals, properties or classes we do not make a claim that these
individuals, properties or classes are the only
ones that exist or could exist. We merely state
that these are known and have to be given their
place in any concrete realization where we can
interpret individuals as elements, classes as
(sub)sets and properties as binary predicates.
Such an assumption is particularly well suited
for an environment like the Web where we have

Reasoning on the Semantic Web

as the complement of another class, for

example, Vegetarian. In terms of membership criterion this is negation of the original
criterion, for example, not Vegetarian.

to assume incomplete knowledge and cannot assume full control. It also fits with the idea that
different sources contain different pieces of a
more complete description. However, in many
applications the situation is opposite. For example,
if we have a database, then the database records
are all the individuals in the database, and the
columns define all (the values of) its properties.
Moreover, the result of a query is supposed to be
an authorative answer in that the records returned
do, and the others do not satisfy the query. These
different points of view are complementary. A
database often contains incomplete information,
and the answer of a query is merely authorative
for information about whatever people have put
in the database. Conversely, we can state that a
class consists exactly of a number of instances
and no others. It merely points out to us that we
have to be careful about the distinction. We will
later give an example that illustrates the difference later in this chapter.

More on classes

(John Father) (Father Man) (Man

Human) (John Man) (John Human)

Classes can be defined in different ways:

axiomatically, by stating that the class exists,

for example, Human
extensionally, by enumerating all individuals that belong to the class, for example,
{Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg}
intentionally, by defining the membership
criteria of the class, for example, having a
red color.
as the intersection of two or more classes,
for example, Human Male. In terms of
membership criteria this is the conjunction
of the criteria, for example, Human and
as the union of two or more classes, for
example, American Canadian. In terms
of membership criteria this is disjunction
of the criteria, for example, American or

Classes can be organised into a subclass-superclass hierarchy (also known as taxonomy). In

terms of the membership criterion, a class C is a
subclass of a class D if the membership criterion
for C implies the membership criterion for D. For
example, Nothing is a subclass of all classes and
no individual is a member of Nothing. Likewise,
Thing is a superclass of all classes and all individuals are member of Thing.
We usually just assert that one class is a subclass of another. For example, we can define Father
as a subclass of Man and Man as a subclass of
Human. An individual which is a member of a
class, is also a member of all its superclasses. For
example, if John is a Father, then John is also a
Man and a Human:

Two classes are equivalent (i.e., synonyms) if

they are subclasses of each other. Thus a necessary and sufficient condition to belong to a class
is to belong to an equivalent class. For example,
Person can be defined as an equivalent of the
class Human. Then
(Person Human)
(John Person John Human )
Classes can be asserted to be disjoint. This
means that the conjunction (logical and) of the corresponding membership criteria is always false,
so that the classes cannot have common members.
For example, if we define Man and Woman to be
disjoint, no individual can be member of Man and
Woman at the same time. The definition implies in
particularly that the members of the two disjoint
classes are distinct:

Reasoning on the Semantic Web

(John Man) (Mary Woman)

John Mary

Londoner livesIn.London
John Londoner John livesIn London

restrictions as special classes

Another variation is the cardinality restriction

(or more precisely qualified cardinality restriction).
In this case a necessary and sufficient membership
condition is that there is a more precisely defined
number of property values to other individuals or
data values. Some examples are:

A class can also be defined by a restriction on

property values. An existential restriction (from
the existential quantifier , which reads as for
some, there exists, or for at least one) has as
membership criterion that for some give property
P there exists a value instance in some given class
C. For example, the class ParentOfGirl can be
defined as someone that has at least one Child
that is a Girl (Figure 4).
ParentOfGirl hasChild.Girl

Parent 1 hasChild.Human
Note that the existential restriction is the special
case of cardinality restriction at least one.

Thus, a necessary and sufficient condition to

be member of ParentOfGirl is to have at least one
hasChild relation to a member of class Girl

John ParentOfGirl
(y Girl) (John hasChild y)

There are useful variations of the existential

restriction. The simplest is the hasValue () restriction which asserts the existence of a specific
property value. For example, Londoner is someone who livesIn the city London:

Figure 4. ParentOfGirl as defined by a restriction

on the hasChild property





Minimum cardinality restriction ()

Maximum cardinality restriction ()

LowBuilding 3 hasFloor.Floor
Exact cardinality restriction (=)

Human =2 biologicalParents.Human
Negating the existential condition we are
inevitably led to the universal restriction (coming from the universal quantifier , which reads
as for all). The membership criterion for the
universal restriction is that all (possibly zero!)
values from a property P are members of a class
C. For example,
Sober drinks.NonAlcoholicDrink
John Sober
y (John drinks y y NonAlcoholicDrink)


Note that John is Sober if he does not drink

at all! The existential and universal restrictions
can be combined in more complex definitions. For
example, a Vegetarian is someone who eats VegetarianFood and only eats VegetarianFood.


Reasoning on the Semantic Web

Vegetarian eats.VegetarianFood

Figure 5. Triple implied by a subproperty


More on Properties
The only way we will define properties is by
introducing them axiomatically. Like classes,
properties can be more or less specific which
leads to property hierarchies. A property R is a
subproperty of a property P, denoted R P, if
R implies P. It follows that each asserted triple x
R y, implies a triple x P y. For example, if John
has a daughter, then in particular, John has a
child (Figure 5).
(hasDaughter hasChild) (John hasDaughter
Mary) John hasChild Mary
There are other useful ways that one asserted
triple implies other triples if the properties we
consider are special. If R is the inverse of a property P then it is the same predicate but with the
order of subject and object reversed. For example,
(see Figure 6), if isDaughterOf is the inverse of
hasDaughter then
John hasDaughter Mary
Mary isDaughterOf John



Figure 6. Triple implied by an inverse property






Figure 7. Triple implied by a symmetric property




A property is symmetric if it is its own inverse,

that is, x P y y P x
For example, the property bordersWith is
symmetric (Figure 7).
A functional property is a property that is at
most single-valued. Thus if P a functional property
then (x P a) (x P b) a = b. An example of a
functional property is given in Figure 8.
Likewise, for an inverse functional property the inverse property is functional so that
(x P a) (y P a) x = y. Such properties are often
used to identify an individual. In the example
in Figure 9 hasEmail is an inverse functional
property and is used to identify a person.


Figure 8. Triple implied by a functional property






Reasoning on the Semantic Web

A property P is transitive if (x P y) (y P z)
x P z. For example, if hasAncestor is transitive then
(Mary hasAncestor John) (John hasAncestor
Peggy) Mary hasAncestor Peggy
A property P is reflexive on a domain D if
x D x P x. For example, defined on the
integers is reflexive.

Figure 9. Triple implied by an inverse functional






diffErEnt rEasoninG tasks

As we have seen, the formal definitions of classes,
properties and individuals allow inferring new
knowledge from knowledge that is already present.
The basic inferences can be combined, and allow
us to do more complex reasoning. It is useful to
distinguish property-, class- and individual-level
Property-level reasoning means inferring
implied triples from the stated ones. This is a
closure process that constructs the implied (dotted)
triples. For example, for a transitive property we
have to create the transitive closure of the graph
defined by the triples with the transitive property
as predicate.
Class-level reasoning means checking whether
a class B is a subclass of class A. This reasoning
task is called a subsumption check. In other words,
subsumption is checking if the criteria for being
member of class B imply the criteria for being
member of class A. If A and B subsume each other
they are equivalent and in particular have the same
members. Checking class satisfiablity is a special
case of subsumption reasoning. A class C is called
unsatisfiable if C Nothing, hence (since Nothing
C by definition), C is equivalent to Nothing,
and cannot have any members. Conversely, we
can check the subsumption B A by checking
that the class B A is unsatisfiable. If we construct the full subsumption graph of all classes in

Figure 10. Triple implied by a transitive property







an ontology, we construct a class hierarchy. This

reasoning task is called classification.
Individual-level reasoning means checking
if an individual can exist in some model (called
a consistency check) In particular if a class is
unsatisfiable it cannot have a individual as a
member. Thus to check if the class C is satisfiable,
it suffices to check that there is no model with a
member x C.
A related task is to find the classes of which an
individual is a member (called realization). Since
the classes are partially ordered by subsumption
we can in particular find the most specific class(es)
to which an individual belongs which is classification. If we do this for only one class (which is
a membership criterion !) and find all the known
instances that provably belong to the class we say
we retrieve its instances. Instance retrieval is of
great practical importance because it allows a
logical model to be used as a database. People have

Reasoning on the Semantic Web

designed query languages to help formulating the

membership criterion in convenient ways.
In the case study we will see some applications
of the different reasoning tasks.


Define Man Human Male as the intersection of Human and Male.

(a) Suppose that Boy Human, Boy
Male is a subclass of both Human and
Male. Show that

operator can work.

(a) Define Outdoor Indoor as the
complement of Indoor. Suppose that
Animal and Indoor are disjoint. Show
Animal Outdoor

Boy Man


Show that a necessary and sufficient

condition for individuals to be of class
Man is to be Human and Male:

4. Let C be a class and p a property. Show that

x Human and x Male

x Man

Likewise show that

Show that Man and Woman are disjoint classes if and only if

Man Woman Nothing


Define Human Man Woman as the

union of Man and Woman.
(a) Suppose that Man IntelligentBeing and Woman IntelligentBeing.
Show that

Human IntelligentBeing

Show that a necessary and sufficient

condition to be human is to be a Man
or a Woman

(x Man) or (x Woman) x Human


Now redefine Indoor Space, and

Outdoor Indoor Space (i.e. the
complement of Indoor in the class of
Spaces). Assume that Animal is disjoint from Space . Show that Animal is
disjoint from Indoor and Outdoor.

This exercise serves as a mild warning for

the unintuitive way that the complement

(p.C ) p. (C)

(p.C ) p.(C)

Suppose p has domain D, and C1 p.C2.

Show that C1 D.
Suppose the property hasAncestor is transitive. Suppose that we are given a number of
triples with hasAncestor as predicate and
a number of People a1 an as subject and
object. Consider the oriented graph on a1
an. with an arrow (oriented edge) from ai
to aj if there is stated triple ai hasAncestor
aj .Show that the stated and implied triples
span the transitive closure of the graph, that
is the smallest oriented graph containing
the original graph such that if two arrows
lie head to tail, there is an arrow from the
tail of the first to the head of the second.

rEasoninG as a ProcEss
To find the implications of a set of given logical
statements we have to perform a process using

Reasoning on the Semantic Web

an algorithm on a computer. We are thus immediately facing the core computer science problem
of finding algorithms with low complexity in
space and runtime. It is known that first order
logic is in generally undecidable. Description
logics have better decidability properties, and
can be decided in polynomial time and space
(Horrocks, & Patel-Schneider, 1999) and have
some working reasoning implementations (see
the section on reasoners). This seems to be one
of the main reasons why description logic was
chosen as a basis for the semantic Web (Horrocks,
Patel-Schneider, & Harmelen, 2003), although this
choice is certainly not uncontroversial even among
its designers (Harmelen, 2002). One should not
forget that while a provable complexity class is
a good thing, it comes at the cost of expressivity
and conceptual complexity.
Others have argued that description logic (and
even first order logic) is insufficiently expressive
for people to model their business logic, so that
they will end up writing transformation rules in
a language like the semantic Web rule language
(Horrocks, Patel-Schneider, Boley, Tabet, Grosof,
& Dean 2004). Since those have few decidability
properties this defeats some of the purpose of basing on logic in the first place. Also note that very
few computer programs in use are even provably
terminating. There is something to be said to
have a decidable declarative data model, even if
the information model build on top of that data
model undecidable. Rules of the type

clauses or prove that such a model does not exist. As we have seen above, if we can compute a
model we can check satisfiability, and therefore
subsumption. An overview of techniques is given
in (Baader Sattler, 2001). Here we explain only the
simplest version, where we only have individuals,
classes, membership (xC ), property assertions
(x p y), negation () conjunction (), disjunction
() existential restriction (p.C ) and universal
restriction (p.C). Using exercise 4 above (de
Morgans law) we can and will assume that assertion of negated classes only occurs before
named classes.
Let A0 be the original set of membership and
property assertions (called the A-box). We can
consider the A-box quite concretely as an oriented
graph with two types of nodes individuals and
classes, which include those defined as restrictions intersections unions or negations. The graph
has oriented edges labeled with properties if they
link individuals or the symbol if they link an
individual to a class.
Starting from A0, the algorithm now recursively defines a tree of A-boxes with at most
binary branches such that each branch has the
same models in set theory or no model at all,
and at each step the complexity in terms of the
maximal number of conjunctions disjunctions
and restrictions decreases to zero as we go down
the tree.
To be precise the rules of the algorithm are to
apply the following rules in any order

condition(?x, ?y, ?z) consequence(?x, ?y,



are easier to understand for many people, even

though the information model becomes effectively
computational rather than declarative.

The Tableau Algorithm

The tableau algorithm is a method to compute a
model for a finite collection of description logic



If An contains xC1 C2 then let An+1 :=

An with xC1 and xC2 added provided
the membership assertion does not exist
If An contains xC1 C2 then let An+1 := An
with xC1 added and An+1 with xC2 added
provided the membership assertion does not
exist already.
If An contains xp.C let An+1 := An with x
p y and y C for some new node y added


Reasoning on the Semantic Web


provided the triple and the membership assertion do not exist already.
If An contains xp.C and x p y for some
node y then let An+1 := An with y C added
provided the membership assertion does not
exist already.

If the application of each of the rules gives

An+1 = An (or An+1 = An+1 = An ) the algorithm
is terminated. The algorithm always terminates
because the new nodes we introduce in the third
rule has a membership to a class build up with
strictly less quantifiers. It can therefore be applied
only a finite number of times, after that we work
with a fixed number of individuals to which we can
apply rule 1, 2, 4 only a finite number of times.
The end result of the algorithm is that each
leaf A-box of the tree is one of the following
two types.

Either the A-box contains both xC and

xC for some individual x and it does
not have an interpretation (i.e. we have a
contradiction), or
the set of individuals of the A-box (which
we think of as a graph) including those
constructed during the algorithm form a
canonical domain for an interpretation, that
is is a concrete set of things that satisfies
the axioms. The interpretation of a class C
is the subset of individual nodes that have
a membership link xC, the interpretation
of a property p is the subset of pairs of individual nodes (x , y) connected by a link
labeled by p.

The algorithm as presented may need exponential space an time. However refinements can
be made to prune the tree and terminate the algorithm sooner that make the algorithm polynomial
in space and time (Baader Sattler, 2001; Horrocks
& Patel-Schneider, 1999).


Unfortunately polynomial time does not mean
it is easy to make a fast algorithm (Haarslev &
Mller, 2004; Haarslev, Mller & Wessel, 2005;
Horrocks, 2003). Practical reasoners implement
variations and optimalisations of the above tableaux algorithm. An incomplete list of reasoners
are the Fact/Fact++,5 Pellet,6 SWI prolog OWL
library,7 and the racer engine.8 Most support DIG9
(Bechhover, 2003), an interface to communicate
between the reasoner and an application. A more
complete list is maintained by Sattler10 In addition
to dedicated reasoners, triple databases such as
Sesame11 support some form of reasoning especially to satisfy queries that take an OWL (light)
ontology into account (Kiryakov, Ognyanov, &
Manov, 2005).

Case Study Resource

Discovery in a Building
In this section we give an example of the use
of OWL and description logic to represent the
constraints in the subject domain model of an
application, and show how reasoning is used to
make use of these constraints. To do this, we
typically define vocabularies grouped in an ontology to have a vocabulary for a particular domain
and a knowledge base of facts to model a more
specific situation. Together, the vocabularies and
the knowledge base describe a formal model
which may or may not be formally consistent.
The more precise we model, the stricter the condition of consistency becomes. In practice, formal
consistency is a very good thing, but it does not
automatically mean the model is correct, that
is, captures reality sufficiently precise according
to the consensus of the people who have to work
with it. Formal inconsistency however, strongly
suggests that there is a misunderstanding, an improper modeling or that the model is pushed over
its domain of applicability. The latter means that

Reasoning on the Semantic Web

the underlying assumptions of the model are not

valid for the case you want to apply it too. Thus
the correctness here is like the correctness in the
sense of the models used in physics or economics,
while consistency is like the mathematical correctness of those physical or economical models.
In practice this means that the designer of the
vocabularies should have examples in mind to test
his abstractions against, and that it is a good idea to
document or specify the underlying assumptions.
Also bear in mind that to illustrate various points
we have made relatively complex constructions.
More often than not, the main modeling problem
is finding the right set of abstractions to describe
the problem at hand.

We now consider a simple scenario. Suppose we
want to create an application that supports users in discovering resources in a building (e.g.,
printers, beamers or coffee machines) and their
own location for example to direct them to the
closest printer.
What we need is a way to represent physical resources, and locations in buildings and
being able to express where these resources are
located. We also need to express that a resource
is reachable from another location in a building.
For this we set up several ontologies with the
proper vocabulary that can be used generically,
and a knowledge base for a particular building.
For example, we could have

An ontology with a vocabulary for physical

entities and spatial temporal extension,
An ontology with a vocabulary for representing spaces in buildings, locating physical
resources in space, accessibility of spaces
and various constraints that reflect the way
spaces in buildings work,
An ontology with a vocabulary for representing the physical resources (at least the ones
we are interested in),

A knowledge base with facts (or claims)

describing the building we are interested
in, the concrete physical resources in the
building and where they are located. In a
realistic scenario such a knowledge base
might well be split up and maintained by
different people.

The first ontology is a (basically trivial)

foundational vocabulary for space and physical
extension of physical entities. It provides names
for the concept of space, and physical entity in the
resource- and building ontology. The vocabulary
for spaces in buildings names corridors, rooms,
stairs, doors and floors and introduces the notion
of accessibility. It allows us to make a schematic
combinatorial description of a building similar
to the schematic map of a subway system. If we
wanted to, we could be more precise: we might
want to introduce vocabulary for saying that
rooms are adjacent on a corridor allowing us to
define more elaborate combinatorial models of
room. One could even introduce vocabulary for
defining the precise shape of the room, or to link
it to particular part of a drawing or a cad-cam
model. However this is not needed for a textbook
example. Given a vocabulary we need to make
a model of a particular building, in this case a
hypothetical and very simple one. Stating facts
about a particular building has a different status
then defining a vocabulary, so we call it, for lack
of a better name, a knowledge base rather than
an ontology. The resource vocabulary introduces
vocabulary to describe physical resources, for
example the class of beamers, printers and wireless access points. If we want to, we can introduce
properties like the brand, serial id, or resolution
for printers and beamers and access range for
access points but we only introduce what we
use for our modest purposes. Finally we need a
knowledge base for resources that exist in our
hypothetical building.
We now make some concrete OWL ontologies.
One would normally use a tool such as Protg12

Reasoning on the Semantic Web

or Triple2013 for such a task, but this not suitable

for a book. Because it is close to the logical notation used in the previous section, much easier to
understand, much shorter than the XML notation and actually useful in practice, we use the
OWL/turtle notation (Beckett, 2004), a subset
of N3 (Berners & Lee, 2000) equivalent to the
XML notation. If convenient we will also use the
logical language in the previous section. We first
introduce four (invented) namespaces
@prefix space:
@prefix building:
@prefix resource:
@prefix our:

We also use the conventional abbreviations of

the system namespaces for the RDF/RDFS/OWL
@prefix rdfs:
@prefix rdf:
@prefix owl:
@prefix owlx:

Note that OWL1.114 will support reflexive


introduce space:Space and space:PhyicalEntity as

classes, defined axiomatically. We do not know
a priori which instances these classes have, although of course, we have an intent with them,
informally suggested by the name.
space:Space a owl:Class.
space:PhysicalEntity a owl:Class.
space:hasExtension a owl:ObjectProperty;
owl:inverseOf space:IsExtensionOf;
rdfs:domain space:PhysicalEntity;
rdfs:range space:Space.

We also want to able to say that a space X is

contained in another space Y. Probably the most
important fact about the contained relation is
that it is a transitive relation: if X is contained in
Y and Y is contained in Z then X is contained in
Z. It is also a reflexive relation: each space X is
contained in itself. Containment is not the only
relation of geometric importance. For example,
two spaces X and Y can meet, which means there is
a space Z contained in both X and Y. In a realistic
foundational geometric ontology it might also be
useful to introduce more special notions such as
distances or (more special still) coordinates, but
we will not need them. We model the notion of
spaces being contained in each other as a transitive, reflexive property space:contains.
space:contains a owl:TransitiveProperty,
owl:inverseOf space:isContainedIn;
rdfs:domain space:Space;
rdfs:range space:Space.
space:sameSpaceAs rdfs:subPropertyOf space:contains,

the space and Physical Entity


space:sameSpaceAs a owl:SymmetricProperty,
rdfs:subPropertyOf owl:sameAs;
rdfs:domain Space;
rdfs:range Space.

Physics has a lot of interesting things to say about

space-time and physical entities, but we are not
trying to tread in Albert Einsteins step here. We

space:Space rdfs:subClassOf [ a owl:Restriction;

owl:onProperty space:sameSpaceAs;
owl:cardinality ].

Reasoning on the Semantic Web

7. Following (Mindswap 2003,15 example 9),
show that
space:sameSpaceAs a owlx:ReflexiveProperty.
space:contains a owlx:ReflexiveProperty.

are redundant, that is the rest of the axioms

force space:contains and space:sameSpaceAs to
be reflexive.

the building ontology

The building ontology is less abstract. To have
something to play with we define concrete spaces
like rooms and corridors contained in a building.
To express being indoor we define the class building:Indoor as an abstract restriction defined by the
condition of being contained in a building.
Indoor isContainedIn.Building
Note (cf. exercise 5) that necessarily Indoor
Space because the domain of space:isContainedIn
is space:Space.
We use the subclass mechanism to ensure that
every room corridor, etc is an indoor space.
building:Building a owl:Class;
rdfs:subClassOf space:Space.
building:Indoor a owl:Restriction;
owl:onProperty space:isContainedIn;
owl:someValueFrom building:Building.
building:Corridor a owl:Class;
rdfs:subClassOf space:Space, building:Indoor.
building:Stair a owl:Class;
rdfs:subClassOf space:Space, building:Indoor.
building:Room a owl:Class;
rdfs:subClassOf space:Space, building:Indoor.
# Something we want to play with
building:PrinterRoom a owl:Class;
rdfs:subClassOf building:Room, building:PrinterInside.

We can give building:PrinterInside a formal

definition that captures the intent: something (in
fact a space) that contains the spatial extension
of a Printer.
In OWL/turtle this becomes
building:PrinterInside a owl:Restriction;
owl:onProperty space:contains;
owl:someValueFrom [a owl:Restriction;
owl:onProperty space:isExtensionOf;
owl:someValueFrom resource:Printer ].

For our purposes it suffices that we can say that
a corridor gives access to rooms and a flight of
stairs, we only express accessibility of rooms
and other indoor spaces. Although not quite true,
we will assume for simplicity that accessibility
is symmetric: if room A is accessible from corridor B, then corridor B is accessible from room
A (lock yourself out and see why this is only an
approximation). Moreover we distinguish two
kinds of accessibility: direct physical accessibility
where, for example, a room is on a corridor, and
logical accessibility where you have to go from
a room to a directly accessible corridor and from
the corridor to the directly accessible stairs and
so forth until you can finally have physical access to another room. Direct accessibility implies
logical accessibility, and logical accessibility is
transitive: if we can get from A to B and from B
to C, we can get from A to C. Note that unlike
logical accessibility, direct accessibility is readily observable for somebody walking through
the building.
building:accessTo a owl:TransitiveProperty,
rdfs:domain building:Indoor;
rdfs:range building:Indoor.

Reasoning on the Semantic Web

building:directAccessTo a owl:SymmetricProperty;
rdfs:subPropertyOf accessTo;
rdfs:domain building:Indoor;
rdfs:range building:Indoor.


which we recall means by definition

that its inverse, resource:isAccessRangeOf, is a
functional property.

the resource ontology

resource:Printer a owl:Class;
rdfs:subClassOf space:PhysicalEntity.

Our resource ontology is simple, because we only

have printers and wireless access points, and we
do not want to say much about them. A wireless access point has an access range (which we
model as a space) where we have a good signal.
In practice we need to be more precise by what
we mean with good, for example, by specifying
the average signal strength, but we just assume
that we are either in or out of the access range.
Given the access point, this range is unique so
resource:hasAccessRange is at most single valued
that is it is a functional property. Conversely,
we assume that the access range can be used to
find the unique wireless access point it belongs
to. In practice this is true because access points
broadcast a unique identifier of themselves (their
SSID) so that, effectively, an access range is not
just a space but a space that comes labeled with
the name of the access point. Therefore we define
resource:hasAccessRange as an owl:InverseFunction-

resource:WirelessAccesPoint a Class;
rdfs:subClassOf space:PhysicalEntity.
resource:AccessRange rdfs:subClassOf space:Space.
resource:hasAccessRange a owl:ObjectProperty,
owl:inverseOf isAccessRangeOf;
rdfs:domain WirelessAccessPoint;
rdfs:range resource:AccessRange.

the knowledge base (open World

We create a straight forward knowledge base
for a hypothetical building containing a printer
and two wireless access points.
We will see later that for some applications
it is useful to strengthen the knowledge base
for reasons that have to do with the difference
between the open and the closed world assumption. Our first version is subject to the open world

Figure 11. Ground plan of the hypothetical building





room room





Reasoning on the Semantic Web

assumption, which here means the following. In

the knowledge base we state the existence of a
building, our:building. This is a building we know
of and will be our domain of discourse. Of course
we do not want to claim that this is the only
building that exists, will ever exist or could exist.
We also state the existence of certain rooms and
corridors. Actually we will make an exhaustive
list of public spaces in our building, but in the
open world version, it is not made explicit that
the list is exhaustive.
our:Corridor a owl:Class;
rdfs:subClassOf building:Corridor.
our:Stair a owl:Class;
rdfs:subClassOf building:Stair.
our:Room a owl:Class;
rdfs:subClassOf building:Room.
our:PublicSpace a owl:Class;
owl:oneOf(our:Corridor our:Stair our:Room).
our:building a building:Building;
our:corridor, our:corridor, our:stair,

Figure 12. Graph for the symmetric directAccessTo property




corridor room


our:prn a resource:Printer;
space:hasExtension our:prnExtension.
our:prnExtension a space:Space;
space:isContainedIn our:room.
our:wlan a resource:WirelessAccessPoint;
resource:hasAccessRange our:accessRange
our:wlan a resource:WirelessAccessPoint;
resource:hasAccessRange our:accessRange.
# We will make this more precise later !
our:accessRange a space:Space;
space:contains our:corridor, our:room, our:room,
our:accessRange a space:Space;
space:contains our:corridor, our:room, our:room.

our:corridor a our:Corridor.

our:room a our:Room;

We also state facts about accessibility. These

are the facts that we know of, or at least bothered
to state. The reader is advised to check with Figure
11. Other accessibilities may also exist, in conformance with the open world assumption:
our:corridor building:directAccessTo
our:room, our:room, our:room, our:stairs,
our:corridor building:directAccessTo

rEasoninG about thE

knoWlEdGE basE and
thE ontoloGiEs
As we have seen, the vocabularies we have defined encode some of the physical properties of
buildings, printers and access points. We are now
in a position to argue about these properties for
our particular building, and we will see that they
reflect reality.



Finally we introduce some equipment and a

few facts about these bits of equipment. Again
these are facts that we know of.

The first question is whether our ontologies and

the knowledge base are consistent with each other.
We have only put one non trivial restriction in our
vocabulary. For example because

Reasoning on the Semantic Web

Indoor isContainedIn.Building
Room Indoor
every room that we define must be contained in a
resource:Building. Indeed for all the defined rooms
corridors and stairs in the Knowledge base there
is a triple asserting that they are contained in our:
building , and our:building is a building:Building.

The properties we have defined allow us to reason about the accessibility of spaces inside the
building. Remember that we have stated accessibility from a physical point of view, in fact by
stating which rooms are accessible from which
corridors. On the other hand consider an application that informs a user of the status of a printer.
We might then want to show the user the printers that are logically accessible from the users
terminal only. The data we have available, allow
us to determine the logical accessibility from a
given room to say our:room. More precisely, we
can find the rooms that are known to contain a
printer and that are known to be accessible from
our:room. If there happens to be another printer
but the system administrator did not make this
knowledge available, then there is nothing we can
do about it. The above is a retrieval task that we
can formulate as follows: find all known instances
?prn, ?prnRoom such that

?prn a resource:Printer.
?prn space:hasExtension ?prnExtension.
?prnRoom a our:Room.
?prnRoom space:contains ?prnExtension.
?prnRoom building:accessTo our:room.

for some (space) ?prnExtension. Let us analyse

the query line by line
Line 1: This line states that the free variable ?prn
is a resource:Printer. There are the following ways
an instance can be implicitly declared a resource:


There is an instance declared a resource:Printer,

There is an instance declared a X , where X is
declared a subclass or an equivalent class of

There is an instance declared a Y, where Y is

declared a subclass or an equivalent class of X
There is a triple with a property that has domain
or range a subclass of resource:Printer
In fact strictly speaking we also have to keep
track of all the subproperties of rdf:type, and rdfs:
subClassOf, but we will not have these here. We
can check these conditions immediately from
the knowledge base. For a reasoner checking the
condition means that we have to walk an oriented
graph of rdfs:subClassOf and owl:equivalentClass
relations, and check all the triples involving a
property with one of those subclasses as domain
or range. Here we are lucky: the class resource:
Printer does not have a subclass and there is no
known property with domain or range resource:
Printer. Thus we only find the explicitly declared
instance our:prn:
our:prn # possibilities after line 

Line 2: This line states that in the dots and arrows

diagram there exists an implicit or explicit space:
hasExtension arrow (predicate) from ?prn (subject),
to a to be determined instance ?prnExtension (object). We find one explicit triple involving space:
hasExtension with our:prn as a subject:
our:prn space:hasExtension our:prnExtension

To also find all the implicit statements we also

have to check:
all statements involving the inverse space:isExtensionOf of space:hasExtension
all statements involving a subproperty P of space:
hasExtension or space:isExtensionOf

Reasoning on the Semantic Web

all statements involving a subproperty R of P

with a possibility for ?prnExtension. Checking

the possibilities we do find a statement:

There are no subproperties of space:hasExtension

and space:isExtensionOf. We already know the possibilities for ?prn. We check that there is no other
statement with space:isExtensionOf as predicate
and our:prn as object. Thus after line 2 the only
possibility is:

our:prnExtension space:isContainedIn our:room.

Thus we conclude after line 4 we have the

(?prn ?prnExtension ?prnRoom)

(our:prn our:prnExtension our:room)

(?prn ?prnExtension )
(our:prn our:prnExtension)

Line3: Arguing just like we did for line 1 we come

to the conclusion that the possibilities are:
(?prn ?prnExtension ?prnRoom )
(our:prn our:prnExtension our:room)
(our:prn our:prnExtension our:room)
(our:prn our:prnExtension our:room)
(our:prn our:prnExtension our:room)

Note that this example is a bit degenerate because the first two entries are always the same.
In general, in listing possibilities we have to take
combinations into account because only certain
combinations may be possible.

Line 5: Finally we have to check in the dots and

arrow diagram the existence of an implicit or
explicit building:accessTo property arrow between
a candidate for ?prnRoom (i.e. our:room) and our:
room. Since the property building:accessTo is declared a transitive property we have to check that
there is a path of building:accessTo property arrows
starting at our:room and ending at our:room. Each
of those arrows in the path can be either explicit
or implicit. Since building:accessTo is symmetric it
is its own inverse so we have to check
The explicit or implicit (recursive) subproperties of

We find a symmetric subproperty


Line 4: Here we demand the existence of an implicit or explicit statement with the property space:
contains with a possibility for ?prnRoom as subject
and a possibility for ?prnExtension as object. Like
in line 2 we also have to take into account:

rectAccessTo with no further subproperties. In our

The inverse property space:isContainedIn of space:

(?prn ?prnExtension ?prnRoom)

(our:prn our:prnExtension our:room)


The (recursive) subproperties of

and space:isContainedIn


The only such subproperty is space:sameSpaceAs. The only triples with sameSpaceAs are
implied triples from a space to itself forced by
reflexiveness, but there is no statement making
a possibility for ?prnroom space:sameSpaceAs

knowledge base (or for us humans in Figure 11 or

Figure 12) we find a path of building:directAccessTo,
hence of building:AccessTo, arrows between our:
room and our:room and we conclude that:

This is the final answer.

What we learn from this example is that satisfying a simple query can involve a considerable
amount of computation. However the cost of that
computation is set off by the possibility of having
a concise, yet precise, formulation of our model. In
particular, while it would be easy in practice for a

Reasoning on the Semantic Web

human to set up a direct accessibility database, it

would be non trivial to fill the database for logical
accessibility. Thus if we would have used say a
relational database with direct accessibility data,
we would need a program to compute logical accessibility to satisfy the same query. Therefore we
would have to pay a computational price as well
(a well written special purpose program may of
course well be more efficient). However the main
benefit is that we have now made the notion of
logical accessibility, which is close to the problem
domain, an explicit part of the information model
and abstracted it from an implementation. This
makes it a lot easier to reuse and maintain for
other purposes.

signal strength and location

Another task is to reason about our possible
whereabouts. Suppose we are carrying a device
that can access wireless LAN. Suppose we know
the device is in the access range from both the
our:wlan and the our:wlan access points (or more
precisely the physical devices corresponding to
these logical entities). What can we say about
our location? The naive approach would be to
formulate the problem as a query, in the same
way as we did before.
?here a space:Space,
?here space:isContainedIn ?AR, ?AR,
our:wlan resource:hasAccessRange ?AR,
our:wlan resource:hasAccessRange ?AR .

However, such formulation assumes that we

have spaces in our database that exactly match
the query. We have a limited number of spaces
(rooms corridors accessranges) in the database,
and a portable device is much smaller than a
room or a corridor. Thus the way we set up or
knowledge base, there is no chance that we find
the exact space taken up by the device. What we
can do is formulate our whereabouts as class of
possibilities and see if we can restrict this class
properly. Our data has a precision of whole rooms.

Thus from the data we have, we can tell at best in

which room we are located. More generally we
may hope to tell that we are located in a subset
of rooms. Instead of formulating a query for the
possible public spaces we could be in, let us this
time formulate the problem in terms of classes that
we temporarily add to the knowledge base, and
that we want to reason about. In fact our knowledge has indeed grown by the use of our device.
Let us suppose in addition to the above that we
know a priori that we are inside a PublicSpace in
the building. What we can now do is formulate
the conditions we have as restrictions.
PossiblePublicSpace PublicSpace
PossibleHere Space isContainedIn.(
isAccessRangeOf.wlan1) isContainedIn
Actually, we can use the knowledge base to
simplify the notation a bit. Since isAccessRangeOf
is an inverse functional property (its inverse
hasAccessRange is a functional property) we
see that
isAccessRangeOf.wlan1 {accessRange1}
So we can reformulate
PossibleHere Space isContainedIn.acessRange1 isContainedIn.acessRange2
In the somewhat unwieldy OWL/turtle we
introduce some names for the conditions corresponding to the restrictions. It then becomes
:PossibleHere a owl:Class;
owl:intersection(:Space :FullyInAccessRange FullyInAccessRange).
:PossiblePublicSpace a owl:Class;
owl:intersectionOf(:PublicSpace :ContainsPossibleHere).

Reasoning on the Semantic Web

:FullyinAccessRange a owl:Restriction;
owl:onProperty space:isContainedIn;
owl:someValue our:accessRange.
:FullyInAccessRange a owl:Restriction;
owl:onProperty space:isContainedIn;
owl:someValue our:accessRange.
:ContainsPossibleHere a owl:Restriction;
owl:onProperty space:contains;
owl:someValueFrom :PossibleHere.

Now we have defined our possible whereabouts

and the possible public spaces.
We finally add one fact (as we know from the
device): the existence of a space
device:here a :Space;
space:isContainedIn our:AccessRange;
space:isContainedIn our:AccessRange.

We can now query for the known possible

public spaces

(?pub ?x)
(our:stairs our:stairs)
(our:room our:room)
(our:room our:room)
(our:room our:room)
(our:room our:prnExtension)
(our:room our:room)
(our:corridor our:corridor)
(our:corridor our:corridor)

Using transitivity and the inverse isContainedIn

of contains we check from the knowledge base
that if ?x is contained in accessRange we are left
(?pub ?x)

(our:stairs our:stairs)
(our:room our:room)
(our:room our:room)
(our:room our:room)
(our:room our:prnExtension)
(our:corridor our:corridor)

?pub a :PossiblePublicSpace.

And if ?x is also contained in accessRange2

this leaves

If we unravel the definition of the restrictions

we see that it means finding the known instances
that are satisfying the following conditions

(?pub ?x)
(our:room our:room)
(our:room our:prnExtension)


?pub a our:PublicSpace;
?pub space:contains ?x.
?x a space:Space;
?x space:isContainedIn our:AccessRange;
?x space:isContainedIn our:AccessRange.

What we really have been doing is change

our original query in a definition! Note that the
facts about here are added to the knowledge base
by the device.
The known public spaces are
( our:stairs our:room our:room
our:room our:room our:corridor

The spaces they contain are themselves (from

reflexivity) and the printer extension for room3

Thus the only known public space that we can

check satisfies our query is our:room.
It is true that we can we can check that our:
room satisfies the query, what is not true is that
our:room is the only logically possible such public
space. In fact, it is not logically impossible that
our:stairs is contained in accessrange2, it is just
unknown. If we look at the ground plan (Figure
11), we see that it is not contained, but, we have
not stated this in the knowledge base, it is also
unknown. In fact, a further glimpse at the ground
plan shows that part of corridor1 and corridor2 are
also contained in accessrange1 and accessrange2.
We also note grey areas that are not mentioned
in the knowledge base. Thus they are not known
to be public spaces or off limits. Finally it is not
known (or at least not asserted) that our device is


Reasoning on the Semantic Web

contained in accessrange1 and accessrange2 and

no other accessranges (this would be especially
important in case the device would be in only
one access range).

a tightened knowledge base

(closed World assumption)
If we want to strengthen our conclusions we must
state stronger facts in our knowledge base, namely
that the public spaces contained in accessRange1
are exactly room2, room3, corridor1. Note that this
extra information would be readily available in
practice by walking around with a wireless device.
Thus we give a characterization as a definition
and as an explicit enumeration:
{room2, room3, corridor1}
Moreover we have noticed that we also need
information about public spaces that overlap with
accessranges. Every space contained in an access
range contains a space contained in the access
range, namely itself (by reflexivity of space:contains), we only need to add the extra spaces. For
example, for access range2:
PublicSpace contains.isContainedIn.
{corridor1, corridor2}
Finally, we want to say which access ranges
a device is in
AccessRangeContainingDevice AccessRange
{accessRange1, accessRange2}


In OWL/turtle this becomes:

our:PublicSpaceFullyInAccessRange a owl:Class;
owl:oneOf(our:room our:room our:corridor).
:SomePartInAccessRange a owl:Restriction;
owl:onProperty space:contains;
owl:someValueFrom :FullyInAccessRange.
# Similar for AccessRange
# Provide an explicit and implicit definition of public
# partly in range
our:PublicSpaceSomePartInAccessRange a owl:
owl:intersectionOf( our:PublicSpace :SomePartInAccessRange);
[a owl:Class; owl:oneOf(corridor)])
our:PublicSpaceSomePartInAccessRange a owl:
owl:intersectionOf( our:PublicSpace :SomePartInAccessRange);
[a owl:Class; owl:oneOf(corridor)]).
our:AccessRange a owl:Class;
rdfs:subClassOf resource:AccessRange;
owl:oneOf(our:accessRange our:accessRange).
device:AccessRangeContainingDevice a owl:Class
[a owl:Restriction;
owl:onProperty space:contains;
owl:someValue device:here ]);
owl:oneOf(our:accessRange our:accessRange)). #fact
from device

stronger results from stronger

With the additional information available we can
pin down the set unknown public space much
better. We claim that:
{room3, corridor1, corridor2}
Indeed as we have seen on the ground plan
this is the correct answer, because in each of
these public spaces there is part where we have
access to both wireless access points..

Reasoning on the Semantic Web

Let us do the formal argument. From the definition of PossiblePublicSpace we see that:
contains . isContainedIn.accessRange1)
with a similar statement for accessRange2. We
conclude that:
We now just enumerate both classes on the
right hand side and take the intersection. We
conclude that:
{room3, corridor1, corridor2}
On the other hand each of our:room, our:corand our:corridor can be classified as an our:



What we learn from this example is the usefulness of stating a formal definition of a class in
terms of the conditions that members must satisfy,
independent of whether we know such individuals
exist, but that it is also useful to have precise information available about a full list of possibilities,
that is what is true and what is not true.

8. Show that given the tightened Knowledge base
if a device is in a PublicSpace and in accessrange1 only, we can conclude that the (extension
of) the device is contained in the stairs, room1
or room2.

Description logic is a knowledge representation
that has well understood algorithms for reasoning with them and existing implementations.
Expressive description logics have been used as
the basis for the OWL Ontology Web Language
that has been accepted as a W3C recommendation.
However the last word on the viability of description logic as a practical tool has not been said.
In particular rule languages such as the SWRL
(Semantic Web Rule Language) have been defined
that are solving some reasonably obvious reasoning problems at the cost of decidability.
A good reason for using a logic language to
represent an information model is to make explicit
various assumptions by explicitly building them
into a formal declarative model rather than as
part of a procedural computer program that uses
data. This sometimes requires some thinking but
often we merely want to define a model with dots
and arrows that is close to what things are, rather
than how one would represent them in a computer.
It is then useful to be able to define classes and
properties from other classes and properties and
more generally define the relationship between
them. However this requires an algorithm to
compute the implications that are implicit in the
logical model. Practical reasoners to determine
these implications vary from extensions to (triple)
databases that efficiently deal with a limited set
of reasoning tasks, to reasoners that can deal
with more complex inferences at the cost of efficiency.
While using reasoners we find the important
distinction between the open and closed world
assumption. This reflects the important distinction between knowing all things with a certain
property, and knowing the existence of things with
a certain property. We gave an extensive example
that emphasized the importance of proper modeling next to proper reasoning and showed how the
difference between the open and closed world
assumption can drastically change the results.

Reasoning on the Semantic Web

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2006, from http://dl-Web.man.ac.uk/dig/2003/02/
Beckett, D. (2004). Turtle - Terse RDF triple
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Berners Lee, T. (2000) Primer: Getting into RDF
& Semantic Web using N3. Retrieved October
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Calvanese, D., McGuinness, D., Nardi, D., & PatelSchneider, P. (2003). The description logic handbook: Theory, implementation and applications.
Cambridge University Press. Retrieved October
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Dean, M., Schreiber, G. (Eds.), Bechhofer, S., van
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(2004). OWL Web Ontology Language Reference, W3C Recommendation 10 February 2004.
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described in OWL/RDF documents: First results. In Proceedings of the Ninth International

Conference on Knowledge Representation and

Reasoning, Whistler, Canada. Retrieved October 18, 2006, from http://www.cs.concordia.
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On the scalability of description logic instance
retrieval. Retrieved October 18, 2006, from
Harmelen, F. (2002, March-April). The complexity
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Horridge, M., Knublauch, H., Rector, A., Stevens,
R., & Wroe, C. (2004, August 27). A practical
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Horrocks, I. (2003). Description Logic reasoning.
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Horrocks, I., & Patel-Schneider, P.F. (1999).
Optimising Description Logic Subsumption.
Journal of Logic and Computation, 9(3), 267-293.
Retrieved October 18, 2006, from http://www.
Horrocks, I., Patel-Schneider, P.F., Boley, H.,
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http://www.swi-prolog.org/packages/semWeb.html see also http://www.semanticWeb.



Chapter VII

Introduction to Web Services

Cary Pennington
University of Georgia, USA
Jorge Cardoso
University of Madeira, Portugal
John A. Miller
University of Georgia, USA
Richard Scott Patterson
University of Georgia, USA
Ivan Vasquez
University of Georgia, USA

This chapter introduces the theory and design principles behind Web Service technology. It explains
the models, specifications, and uses of this technology as a means to allow heterogeneous systems to
work together to achieve a task. Furthermore, the authors hope that this chapter will provide sufficient
background information along with information about current areas of research in the area of Web Services that readers will come away with an understanding of how this technology works and ways that
it could be implemented and used.

As the World-Wide Web (WWW) exploded into
the lives of the public in the 1990s, people suddenly had vast amounts of information placed
at their fingertips. The system was developed to

allow information sharing within internationally

dispersed working groups. The original WWW
consisted of documents (i.e., Web pages) and
links between documents. The initial idea of the
WWW was to develop a universal information
database to publish information that could be ac-

Copyright 2007, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Group is prohibited.

Introduction to Web Services

cessed in a reliable and simple way by consumers.

The information would not only be accessible to
users around the world, but information would
be linked so that it could be easily browsed and
quickly found by users. Organizations soon realized the importance of this technology to manage,
organize, and distribute their internal data and
information to customers and partners.
As organizations started to implement business-to-customer and e-commerce solutions, they
realized that the initial technologies associated
with the WWW were not sufficient to sell products
over the Internet. Additional functionality was
required to guarantee that transactions were conducted in a secure way. To this end, SSL (Secure
Sockets Layer), a protocol defined by Netscape,
was developed for transmitting private documents
via the Internet. Using SSL, organizations were
able to implement a solution to obtain confidential
user information, such as credit card numbers.
With globalization, organizations were progressively undertaking mergers and acquisitions.
This has created organizations with an IT environment composed of disparate legacy systems,
applications, processes, and data sources. In order
to meet increasing customer and business partner
expectations for real-time information, organizations were required to link their heterogeneous,
autonomous and distributed systems to improve
productivity and efficiency. This important
requirement led to the development and deployment of EAI (enterprise application integration)

solutions. EAI platforms were used for integrating incompatible and distributed systems such
as ERP (enterprise resource planning), CRM
(customer relationship management), SCM (supply chain management), databases, data sources,
data warehouses, and other important internal
systems across the corporate enterprise. While
useful, most EAI frameworks required costly
and proprietary protocols and formats, which
presented many technical difficulties when it was
needed to integrate internal systems with external
systems running on partners computers.
The limitations of EAI solutions made most
organizations realize that integrating internal
systems with external systems to business supply
chain members was a key to staying competitive,
since the majority of business processes spanned
across several organizations. Internal and external
systems needed to communicate over networks to
allow businesses to complete a transaction or part
of a transaction. To achieve this level of integration, business-to-business (B2B) solutions were
developed. B2B infrastructures were directed to
help organizations to streamline their processes
so they could carry out business transactions more
efficiently with their business partners (such as
resellers and suppliers). To reach a higher level
of integration, most B2B solutions have relied on
the use of XML as the language to represent data.
XML allows one to model data at any level of
complexity since it is extensible with the addition
of new tags. Data can be published in multiple

Figure 1. The evolution of business usage on the WWW

Introduction to Web Services

formats. In contrast to the proprietary protocols

used by EAI platforms, XML is vendor and platform independent allowing standard commercial
software to process any conforming document.
Many organizations have already seen and
experience the advantages in using XML to represent data for Web-based information exchanges
(such as B2B communications). Nevertheless,
organizations realized that their B2B strategies
have lead the development of architectural solutions that often exhibited a tight-coupling among
interacting software applications which limited
the flexibility and dynamic adaptation of IT systems. As a result and to overcome these limitations, the concept of service-oriented architecture
(SOA) was introduced and defined a method of
designing, developing, deploying and managing
discrete pieces of computer logic (i.e., services)
within the WWW. The SOA goals are to achieve
structuring, loose coupling, and standardization
of business functionality among interacting
software applications. Applications invoke a
series of discrete services in order to perform a
certain task. A service is carried out by a service
provider in response to the request of a service
consumer. The most prominent implementation
of the SOA principle uses XML and Web services
as its technological backbone.
Web services are based on distributed computing technology and provide a standard means
of interoperating between different software
applications across, and within, organizational
boundaries, using XML protocols and formats.
Web Services comply with several WWW standards, such as Web Services Definition Language
(WSDL) and Simple Object Access Protocol
(SOAP). These standards enable interoperability
by using XML-based communications protocols
and service definitions. The use of standard XML
protocols makes Web services platform, language,
and vendor independent, and an ideal candidate
for use in SOA implementations.
This chapter will introduce SOA, Web service
technology and its standards. It begins in the
second section, with a brief history of distributed
computing, which serves as the backdrop for the


development of todays Web service technology.

The guiding principle behind the development of
Web service technology is SOA which is described
in the third section. The fourth section gives an
overview of the role of Web services in the context
of SOA. This section gives a description of todays
standards and technologies for Web services. The
fifth section introduces the second-generation of
Web Services Protocols. It looks in detail at the
threats and standards relevant to the Web Services
Security landscape and examines problems and
solutions in reliability and transactions of Web
Services. Clearly, these areas must be addressed
before Web service technology will be widely
adopted. The sixth section explains how to develop
Web services starting from the initial design and
continuing until deployment and publication. A
summary and conclusions can be found in the
last section of this chapter.

a briEf history of
distributEd coMPutinG
Once networking became widespread across
academia and industry, it became necessary to
share data and resources. In the early years of distributed computing, message passing (e.g., using
for example sockets developed in the early 1980s)
was the prevailing method for communication.
This involved encoding the data into a message
format (i.e., how a structured piece of information
is encoded prior to transmission) and sending the
encoded data over the wire. The socket interface
allowed message passing using send and receive
primitives on transmission control protocol (TCP)
or user datagram protocol (UDP) transport protocols for low-level messaging over Internet protocol
(IP) networks. Applications communicated by
sending and receiving text messages. In most
cases, the messages exchanged conformed to an
application-level protocol defined by programmers. This worked well but was cumbersome in
the fact that the data had to be coded and then
decoded. Using this approach, two programmers
developing a distributed application must have

Introduction to Web Services

knowledge of what the other is doing to the data.

Programmers had to spend a significant amount
of time specifying a messaging protocol and
mapping the various data structures to and from
the common transmission format.
As the development of distributed computing applications increased, new mechanisms
and approaches became necessary to facilitate
the construction of distributed applications. The
first distributed computing technology to gain
widespread use was remote procedure call (RPC).
RPC technology was made popular in the 1980s
by Sun Microsystems. RPC uses the client/server
model and extends the capabilities of traditional
procedure calls across a network. Remote procedure calls are designed to be similar to making
local procedure calls. While in a traditional local
procedure call paradigm the code segments of
an application and the procedure it calls are in
the same address space, in a remote procedure
call the called procedure runs in another process
and address space across the network on another
RPC (Birrell, 1995) proved to be an adequate
solution for the development of two-tier client/
server architectures. As distributed computing
became more widespread, the need to develop, for
example, N-tier applications emerged and RPC
could not provide the flexibility and functionality required.
With such applications, multiple machines may
need to operate simultaneously on the same set of
data. Therefore, the state of that data became of
great concern. Research in the area of distributed
objects allowed overcoming this problem with the
specification of two competing technologies: common object request broker architecture (CORBA)
and distributed common object model (DCOM).
Later, Java remote method invocation (RMI) was
developed and also became a competitor.
The CORBA [4, 5] standard was developed by
the Object Management Group (OMG) starting in
the 1990s and defines an architecture that specifies
interoperability between distributed objects on a
network. With CORBA, distributed objects can
communicate regardless of the operating system

they are running on (for example, Linux, Solaris,

Microsoft Windows, or MacOS). Another primary
feature of CORBA is its interoperability between
various programming languages. Distributed
objects can be written in various languages (such
as Java, C++, C, Ada, etc.). The main component
of CORBA is the ORB (object request broker).
Objects residing in a client make remote requests
using an interface to the ORB running on the local machine. The local ORB sends the request to
the remote ORB, which locates the appropriate
object residing in a server and passes back an
object reference to the requester. An object residing in a client can then make the remote method
invocation of a remote object. When this happens
the ORB marshals the arguments and sends the
invocation over the network to the remote objects
ORB which invokes the method locally and sends
the results back to the client.
DCOM (Brown & Kindel, 1996) is a protocol,
developed by Microsoft, which enables communication between two applications running on
distributed computers in a reliable, secure, and
efficient manner. DCOM is an extension of the
Component Object Model (COM). COM is an
object-based programming model and defines
how components and their clients interact. COM
allows the development of software components
using a variety of languages and platforms to be
easily deployed and integrated. The distributed
COM protocol extends the programming model
introduced by COM to work across the network
by using proxies and stubs. Proxies and stubs
allow remote objects to appear to be in the same
address space as the requesting object. When a
client instantiates a component that resides outside its address space, DCOM creates a proxy to
marshal methods calls and route them across the
network. On the server-side, DCOM creates a
stub, which unmarshals method calls and routes
them to an instance of the component.
Java RMI (Dwoning, 1998) is a package for
writing and executing distributed Java programs
by facilitating object method calls between different Java Virtual Machines (JVM) across a
network. Java RMI hides most of the aspects of the

Introduction to Web Services

distribution and provides a conceptually uniform

way by which local and distributed objects can
be accessed. An RMI application consists of a
server interface, a server implementation, a server
skeleton, a client stub, and a client implementation. The server implementation creates remote
objects that conform to the server interface. These
objects are available for method invocation to
clients. When a client wishes to make a remote
method invocation it invokes a method on the
local stub, which is responsible for carrying out
the method call on the remote object. The stub
acts as a local proxy. A server skeleton exists for
each remote object and is responsible to handle
incoming invocations from clients.
CORBA, DCOM, and Java RMI enjoyed
considerable success, but they present a set of
shortcoming and limitations when used in Web
environments. For example, they tend to create
tightly-coupled distributed systems, some are
vendor and platform specific (e.g., COM/DCOM
only runs on Windows), the distributed systems
developed run on closely administered environment, some use complex and proprietary protocols, and specific message formats and data
representation. With the growth of the Web, the
search soon started for a Web compliant replace-

ment for this technology. In the next sections, we

will see that Web services are currently the most
natural solution to develop distributed systems
in the Web.

As we have seen, in the 1980s distributed computing was introduced. This research led to the
development of distributed objects architectures
through the 1990s. The distributed platforms
developed, such as Java RMI and DCOM, had
several restrictions. For example, RMI was limited
to Java, while DCOM was limited to Microsoft
platforms. Moreover, distributed applications
developed using different platforms were difficult
to integrate. Integration was and is still one of the
major concerns for Chief Information Officers.
Figure 2 gives us a very good indication that application integration tops the priority list of high
ranking business people.
To cope with the restrictions of more traditional
distributed objects architectures, in the early
2000s, the concept of service-oriented architecture (SOA) was introduced (or reintroduced, since

Figure 2. Priority list of CIOs (Channabasavaiah & Tuggle, 2003)

Top strategic softw are platform projects


Manufacturing softw are


Engineering softw are


Building Internet Company


Sys. Mgmt infrastructure


e-procurement Web site


Commerce Server


Marketing apps on Web site


Financial (Accounting)


Intranet Improvements


Database upgrade










Application Integration




% of respondents





Introduction to Web Services

in reality, the concept SOA was defined by Sun

in the late 1990s to describe Jini (Waldo, 1999)).
SOA describes an approach which facilitates the
development and composition of modular services
that can be easily integrated and reused to create
distributed applications. It promises the development of truly flexible and adaptable IT infrastructures. According to the W3C, a Service-Oriented
Architecture is a set of components which can be
invoked, and whose interface descriptions can
be published and discovered. Components are
made available as independent services that are
accessed in a standardized way.
In order for SOA to enjoy greater success than
it predecessors, it should consider the following

Scalable: The past solutions were not designed with the scale of the Web in mind.
SOA should work in a variety of settings,
such as within an organization, between
business partners and across the world.
Loosely-coupled: SOA is an evolution from
tightly coupled systems to loosely coupled
ones. Senders and receivers of a SOA should
be independent of each other; the source can
send the message independently of the target.
Tight coupling is not suitable for SOA since
it leads to monolithic and brittle distributed
applications. Even trivial changes in one
component lead to catastrophic breaks in
function. Small changes in one application
require matching changes in partner applications (Channabasavaiah & Tuggle, 2003).
Interoperability: One party should be able
to communicate with another party regardless of the machine they are running on.
Discovery: One party should be able to
communicate with a second party selected
from a set of competent candidates. Services
need to be dynamically discoverable. This
is accomplished through services such as a
directory of service descriptions.
Abstraction: A SOA abstracts the underlying technology. Developers can concentrate

on building services for business users rather

than connecting systems and applications.
Standards: Interaction protocols must be
standardized to ensure the widest interoperability among unrelated institutions. Contracts should also be standardized. Explicit
contracts define what may be changed in an
application without breaking the interaction.
Furthermore, standards are the basis of
interoperable contract selection and execution.

When comparing SOA with previous approaches we can find the following major differences. Traditional Middleware, such as distributed
object systems, are based on the client-server
paradigm, have heavily asymmetric interaction
model, are biased towards synchronous protocols,
assign public interfaces to network accessible
objects, and support name-oriented object
discovery. On the other hand, service-oriented
Middleware are based on a peer-to-peer paradigm, have symmetric interaction models, mixes
synchronous and asynchronous protocols, assigns
public contracts to network accessible objects,
and supports capability based service discovery
(Cardoso, Curbera, Sheth, 2004).

service oriented architecture and

Web services
Most distributed computing technologies have the
concept of services and are defined by interfaces.
While there are many different possibilities for
developing an SOA (e.g., Web services, Java RMI,
DCOM, and CORBA), Web services is currently
the most desirable solution since it eliminates
many of the interoperability problems between
applications and services. Web services provide
many of the necessary standards that are crucial
for making a distributed system work. It should
be noticed that using Web services does not
necessarily mean that there is an SOA. Also, it is
possible to have a service-oriented architecture
without Web services.


Introduction to Web Services

There are three common actions associated

with a service in SOAdiscovery, request, and
response. Discovery is the process of finding
the service that provides the functionality that
is required. A request provides the input to the
service. The response yields the output from the
service. It follows easily that this architecture must
have three primary actors: requestor, provider,
and registry.
The beginning of this figure (step 1) shows the
process that two participants would become aware
of one another. This is accomplished as the service
provider publishes the Web Service Description
(WSD) and Semantics (Sem.) to a registry after
which the service requestor would discover that
service. In step 2, the semantics and description
are agreed upon so that there will be no misunderstanding about the data that is being exchanged
during this communication. Once the WSD and
semantics are accepted by and loaded into both
the participants (step 3) then they can interact to
carry out the operation that was needed.
A service provider may develop and deploy one
or more Web services. Each service must contain
at least one operation. Operations are also referred

Figure 3. Process of discovery (Booth, 2004)


to as endpoints because they are the part of the

service that actually does the processing.

What are Web services?

Web services are modular, self-describing, selfcontained applications that are accessible over
the Internet (Curbera & Nagy, 2001). They are
the most popular realization of the service-oriented architecture. A Web service is a software
component invokable over the Web via an XML
(XML, 2005) message that follows the SOAP
(SOAP, 2003) standard. The component provides one or more operations for performing
useful actions on behalf of the invoking client.
These operations and the formats of the input
and output messages are described using WSDL
(Christensen & Curbera, 2001). Being based on
these Web standards makes Web services both
implementation language and platform independent. Description of services in a language
neutral manner is vital for the widespread use
of Web services. For general usability, a service
must be described and advertised. WSDL takes

Introduction to Web Services

care of the description by providing a language

to describe a service in enough detail to invoke
any of its operations. Service providers describe
their Web services and advertise them in a universal registry called UDDI (UDDI, 2002). This
enables service requestors to search the registry
and find services, which match their requirements.
UDDI allows for the creation of registries that
are accessible over the Web. A registry contains
content from the WSDL descriptions as well as
additional information such as data about the
provider. Clients may use one or more registries
to discover relevant services.
To describe Web services further, let us look
at an example scenario. A company called Moon
Company is a product distributor. They keep
track of their clients, goods, and orders through a
system that they have in-house. They do not want
to provide unlimited access to this system to their
customers, but they would like their customers to
be able to place orders easier. Using Web services,
the Moon Company can create an interface to their
interior system so that a customer can be looked
up, and once authenticated, order products. With
these services in place, Moon needs only provide
the WSDL definitions of the services to their
clients and the clients will be able to compose
any system on their side to handle ordering in
any way they see fit. Since Moon does not know

what type of system their customers are using,

other remote technologies would be more difficult
to implement.

soa and Web service standards

The use of standard protocols is one of the aspects
that allow SOA to deploy technically compatible
services. Currently, Web service standards are the
preferred solution to develop SOA-based products.
Web services technology has gained a suitable
degree of maturity and is being used to easily
publish business functions to an intranet or the
Internet for remote execution. Business functions
can reside in popular applications such as ERP
(enterprise resource planning), CRM (customer
relationship management), and SCM (supply chain
management) systems.
Some of the standards associated with Web
services are indispensable to developing SOAbased solutions as illustrated in Figure 4.
The most well-known protocols will be presented and discussed in this section, while the
second-generation Web services standards, such
as WS-Security, WS-Coordination, WS-Transaction, and WS-Policy will be discussed in the next

Figure 4. Web Services and list standards (Cardoso, Curbera, & Sheth, 2004)

Introduction to Web Services

Figure 5. The relationship between XML/SOAP/


basic Web service standards

XML, SOAP, WSDL and UDDI (Graham &
Simenov, 2002) are the fundamental elements to
deploy SOA infrastructures based on Web services
(see Figure 5). XML is the standard for data representation; SOAP specifies the transport layer to
send messages between consumers and providers;
WSDL describes Web services; and UDDI is used
to register and lookup for Web services.
XML, the emerging standard for data representation, has been chosen as the language for
describing Web services. XML is accepted as a
standard for data interchange on the Web allowing

the structuring of data on the Web. It is a language

for semi-structured data and has been proposed as
a solution for data integration problems, because
it allows a flexible coding and display of data,
by using metadata to describe the structure of
data (using DTD or XSD). A well-formed XML
document creates a balanced tree of nested sets of
open and closed tags, each of which can include
several attribute-value pairs.
Simple object access protocol (SOAP). This
standard defines the types and formats of XML
messages that may be exchanged between peers
in a decentralized, distributed environment.
One of the main objectives of SOAP is to be
a communication protocol that can be used by
distinct applications developed using different
programming languages, operating systems, and
platforms. Many software vendors are producing
an implementation of SOAP into their systems.
Examples of major vendors include Sun, Microsoft, and IBM. The latest version of the standard
is SOAP 1.2 (http://www.w3.org/TR/soap). SOAP
specification is not completed yet and as it goes
through the W3C standardization process some
minor changes will certainly occur.
The current specification defines a skeleton
that looks like the listing below. The envelope
defines the namespace of the SOAP specification
and the encoding style that was used to create
this message. The Header section is optional and
contains additional information about the mes-

Figure 6. SOAP skeleton listing (SOAP, 2002)

<?xml version=.0?>

Introduction to Web Services

sage. The Body section contains the data that is

being transferred.
Web Service Description Language (WSDL).
WSDL is the major language that provides a
model and an XML format to describe the syntactical information about Web services. It is a
W3C standard XML language for specifying the
interface of a Web service. This standard enables
the separation of the description of the abstract
functionality offered by a service from concrete
details of a service implementation by defining the
interface that Web services provide to requesters.
The definition of the interface (called a port type
in version 1.x and called interface in version 2.0)
gives the signatures for all the operations provided
including operation name, inputs, outputs and
faults. Beyond the interface, information about the
service itself and allowed bindings is included in
WSDL documents. The latest version of the stan-

dard is WSDL 1.1 (http://www.w3.org/TR/wsdl),

although WSDL 2.0 has become a candidate recommendation (http://www.w3.org/TR/wsdl20).
WSDL 1.1 uses XML Schema Definition (XSD)
which provides constructs for creating complex
types (http://www.w3.org/XML/Schema).
The following is brief and incomplete copy of
a WSDL file. Notice how it defines the type of
data to be used, the operations that exist in the
service and the type of inputs and outputs that
those operations require. With this information,
a call to invoke any operation in this service can
be made and carried out successfully.
UDDI (universal description, discovery, and
integration). Currently, the industry standards
available to register and discover Web services are
based on the UDDI specification (UDDI, 2002).
Once a Web service is developed, it has to be advertised to enable discovery. The UDDI registry is

Figure 7. Partial WSDL listing (Semantic Web Services Challenge, 2006)

xmlns:wsdl=http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/ xmlns:wsdlsoap=http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/
wsdl/soap/ xmlns:xsd=http://www.w.org/00/XMLSchema>
<wsdl:message name=SearchCustomerResponseMessage>
<wsdl:part element=impl:SearchCustomerResponse
<wsdl:portType name=SearchCustomer>
<wsdl:operation name=search>
<wsdl:input message=impl:SearchCustomerRequestMessage/>
<wsdl:output message=impl:SearchCustomerResponseMessage/>
<wsdl:binding name=CRMServiceSoapBinding
type=impl: SearchCustomer >
<wsdlsoap:binding style=document
<wsdl:operation name=search>
<wsdlsoap:operation soapAction=search/>
<wsdl:service name=CRMService>
<wsdl:port binding=impl:CRMServiceSoapBinding name=CRMService>

Introduction to Web Services

supposed to open doors for the success of service

oriented computing, leveraging the power of the
Internet. Hence the discovery mechanism supported should be scaled to the magnitude of the
Web by efficiently discovering relevant services
among tens and thousands (or millions according
to industry expectations) of Web services. UDDI
standard defines a SOAP-based Web service for
locating WSDL descriptions of Web services.
This standard defines the information content and
the type of access provided by service registries.
These registries provide the advertisement of the
services that can be invoked by a client. UDDI
can store descriptions about internal Web services
across an organization and public Web services
located in the Internet.

othEr WEb sErvicEs

standards and Protocols:
Besides the core standards discussed in section 4,
there are several other standards needed for Web
services to be used in practice. This section gives
a quick tour of some of these standards.

Web service Policy

In the process of discovering a service, there is
an inherent problem. We might write a query
that yields ten services that match our keyword,
or meet our input and output specifications. Yet,
at this point, we do not know what these services
require of the messages that will be exchanged.
Policy in Web services adds this information to the
description. It allows the provider of the service
to give all the information they see fit about the
service; requirements, capabilities, and quality.
With this information, the best service can be chosen from the discovered services based on much
more complete information than just functional
requirements and keywords. (Verma, Akkiraju,
& Goodwin, 2005).

WS-Policy is a specification of a framework for
defining the requirements and capabilities of a
service. In this since, a policy is nothing more
that a set of assertions that express the capabilities
and requirements of a service. The specification
WS-Policy (http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/library/specification/ws-polfram/) defines
terms that can be used to organize a policy. Once
a provider has a policy defined in XML, then he
must publish that information by referencing it
in the description of the service.

This defines the method for attaching a policy
to a WSDL file so that it can be published to the
UDDI and thus used in deciding on services.
There are several mechanisms defined for accomplishing this task. The simplest method is
to write the policy directly into the WSDL file.
A more complex, and more powerful method is
to construct the policy as a stand alone file that
is referenced in the WSDL file as a URI. These
references can exist at any element of the WSDL.
WS-Policy and WS-PolicyAttachment together
give us hierarchy based on to which element the
policy is attached and direction for merging policies together to create an effective policy for an
element (WS-PolicyAttachment, 2005).
Both WS-Policy and WS-PolicyAttachment
have recently been submitted to W3C for standardization.

Web service security

In this section, we examine some of the concepts,
theories, and practices in securing Web services
at an introductory level. Our aim is for you to become familiar with these as well as the terms used.
Security is a constantly changing arena driven by
the changes in associated technologies.
The World Wide Web, or Web, has in some
way touched the lives of most people living in an

Introduction to Web Services

economically developed country. Unfortunately,

it has not always been in a positive way. This is
because once a computer is connected to the Web;
it becomes part of a system that was not designed
with security and privacy in mind. Computers hold
information, sometimes sensitive information, for
much longer than most users realize. Even during
the simple event of entering information into a
Web browser, information is stored onto disk. This
may take place in a temporary file. Although once
the information is sent to a Web server and the file
is deleted, the information is still present on the
disk; even though the file reference is gone. Many
unsavory characters have learned how to glean
this information off of remote systems through
vulnerabilities of the operating system.
A basic definition of security can be thought
of as keeping unauthorized access minimal.
This is true not only on the Web but also in our
daily lives. We lock our doors when we leave our
houses in an effort to keep unauthorized visitors
out. This definition is simple, but it is clear. A
more complete definition may become too convoluted. Let us consider a definition for privacy,
not making public what may be considered
personal. Not a fancy definition, rather straight
to the point. We all have different ideas of what
is personal to us, and what being made public
means. However, I think we can all agree that
having our Social Security Number and checking
account information sold to the highest bidder is
a violation of our privacy.
Now that security and privacy are defined, let
us consider how this fits into the Web. Suppose
you would like to purchase a book online. Once
you have found the book and placed it in your
Cart it is time to checkout. In order to checkout
you must pass through some security. Typically,
you will be asked for your credit card information and billing address. This is the first security
checkpoint and this information is verified with
your bank; as well as making sure the card has
not been reported stolen. The next checkpoint is
physical possession of the card, which is verified
by a security code on the back of your card. So,
you the consumer trust this Web site to send the

book, or you would not have placed the order,

and the Web site trusts you for payment since it
has verified all your information. Trust is a key
component of security and privacy as we shall see.
As a consumer using sensitive personal information to make a purchase, have you considered
privacy of your information? Somewhere in the
information exchange between you and the Web
site an agreement has been made; whereas, the
Web site has promised not to sell your personal
information. However, how well is it protected?
Your credit card information, billing address,
and security code are now stored in two places,
the Web sites server and on your PC. More than
likely one of those unsavory characters will not
spend the time and effort to get one credit card
number off a PC when with a little more work
they could have access to thousands of entries.
So this brings us back to security. This time that
of the Web site server. As you can see, security
and privacy go hand and hand, with mutual trust
holding them together.
The above scenario is a simple client-server
process, much like those that currently encompasses the Web. However, Web services extend
the client-server model and are distributed as
discussed in earlier sections. Although this combination is what gives Web services such promises
in the SOA, it is also an area of concern for security and privacy. The more doors and windows a
home has, the more opportunities a thief has, the
more vigilant the home owner must be. This can
be applied to Web services as well. Web services
increases the number of access points to data
and ultimately machines. Furthermore, because
the access to data is increased, the sharing of
information is increased. This in itself is opens
the possibility of privacy invasion.
Now that the stage has been set, let us look at
the specific security and privacy considerations.
Web services are a distributed cross-domain environment. Therefore, it is difficult to determine
the identity of the actors; in this case who is the
service requester and who is the service provider.
Message level security and privacy is important
since these invocations may cross un-trusted

Introduction to Web Services

intermediaries. It is necessary for the requester

and provider to have a protocol for discovering
each others policies and negotiating constraints at
run-time, prior to interaction. Privacy rights and
agreements should be explicitly described and
agreed upon. We will look more closely at these
considerations in the following paragraphs.
Message level security involves securing all
aspects of the SOAP message. Encryption plays
a large role in providing integrity of messages
between the requester and the provider while traversing intermediaries. In addition, the requester
and the provider can not always be trusted.
Man-In-The-Middle attack is when an attacker
is able to compromise a SOAP message in transit. An attacker may gain access to confidential
information contained in the message or may
alter the message.
Unauthorized Access attack takes place when
an attacker is able to gain access to a Web service
which they do not have permissions to use. This can
happen through brute-force or by compromising
a SOAP message thereby gaining a username and
token. An attacker may also pose as a legitimate
Web service in order to gain an authentication
mechanism, this is known as Spoofing.
The above threats can be alleviated using
proper authentication and encryption techniques.
However, there are other attacks that can only be
alleviated through good programming habits and
proper verification of parameters.
SQL injection attack is the insertion of malicious SQL statements. This requires preprocessing
of any parameters passed to an operation which
queries a SQL database to alleviate this threat.
Command injection attacks are similar to SQL
injection attacks in that malicious system commands are injected into the SOAP in an effort to
exploit the systems vulnerabilities. This threat can
be alleviated by proper configuration permissions
and preprocessing.
Proper authentication and encryption schemes
can alleviate threats which compromise message
integrity. Point-to-Point schemes which are implemented at the transport layer, such as VPN, SSL,
or IPSec, provide a secure tunnel for data to


flow, however, they can not guarantee the integrity

of the message. End-to-End schemes, which are
implemented at the application layer, can guarantee the confidential integrity of the message
and that the message has not been altered. This
is because the message is encrypted and digitally
signed with a key. End-to-End schemes also offer the granularity necessary for Web services
such that sections of the SOAP message may be
encrypted while other sections are not.

WS-Security Framework
The WS-Security specification provides a framework and vocabulary for requesters and providers
to secure messaging as well as communicate
information regarding security and privacy.
There are other security related specifications
worth mentioning. XML-Encryption specifies
the process of encrypting data and messages.
XML-Signature provides a mechanism for messages integrity and authentication, and signer
authentication. XACML is an XML representation of the Role-Based Access Control standard
(RBAC). XACML will likely play an important
function in Web services authorization. Security
Assertion Markup Language, or SAML, is an
OASIS framework for conveying user authentication and attribute information through XML
assertions. There are many specifications and
standards for Web services security. We would
like to encourage you to investigate these on your
own as an exercise.

Policies for Web services that describe the access
permissions as well as actions which a requester
or provider are required to perform. For example,
a policy may indicate that requesters must have
an active account with the service and that messages be encrypted using a PKI scheme from a
trusted certificate authority. A requester may
also have a policy indicating which encryption
schemes it accepts.

Introduction to Web Services

Before two parties are going to exchange sensitive
information, they must establish a secure communication. This can be done by the exchange
of security credentials. However, one problem
remains, how one party can trust the credentials of
the other. The Web Service Trust Language (WSTrust) was developed to deal with this problem. It
offers extensions to the WS-Security elements to
exchange security tokens and establishing trust
relationships (WS-Trust, 2005).

The Web services protocol stack is designed to be
a series of building blocks. WS-Secure Conversation is one of those blocks. WS-Security provides
message level authentication, but is vulnerable to
some types of attacks. WS-SecureConversation
uses SOAP extensions to define key exchange
and key derivation from security context so that
a secure communication can be ensured (WSSecureConversation, 2005).

Authorization for Web services still remains an
area of research at the time of this publication. The
difficulty of authorization is the inability to dynamically determine authorization for a requester
whom a Web service has just been introduced.
Some authorization frameworks being suggested
include assertion based, role based, context based
and a hybrid approach.
Assertion based authorization uses assertions
about the requester to decided on the level of authorization. In a role based approach, requesters
are given user labels and these labels are associated with roles, which in turn have permissions
assigned to them. Context based authorization
examines the context in which a requester is acting. For instance: proximity to the resource, on
behalf of a partnership, or even the time of day.
Obviously a hybrid approach is some combination
of two or more approaches.

Privacy is in the context of data and can be associated with the requester or the provider. The
requester may be concerned that the information
given to a provider will be propagated to other
entities. Such information could be a credit card
number, address, or phone number. A provider
may be concerned with the proliferation of information which they have sold to a requester.
In this case the provider does not want the requester to resell this information without proper

transaction Processing
The perceived success of composite applications in a service-oriented architecture depends
on the reliability of participants that are often
beyond corporate boundaries. In addition to already frequent errors and glitches in application
code, distributed applications must cope with
external factors such as network connectivity,
unavailability of participants and even mistakes
in service configuration. Web services transaction management enables participating services
to have a greater degree of confidence in that the
actions among them will progress successfully,
and that in the worst case, such transactions can
be cancelled or compensated as necessary.

To date, probably the most comprehensive effort to
define transaction context management resides in
the WS-Coordination (WS-C) (Microsoft, BEA,
IBM,`Web Service Coodination, 2005), WSAtomicTransaction (WS-AT) (Microsoft, BEA,
IBM, `Web Service Atomic Transaction, 2005)
and WS-BusinessActivity (WS-BA) (Microsoft,
BEA, IBM,`Web Service Business Activity,
2005) specifications. WS-C defines a coordination context, which represents an instance of
coordinated effort, allowing participant services
to share a common view. WS-AT targets existing

Introduction to Web Services

transactional systems with short interactions and

full ACID properties. WS-BA, on the other hand,
is intended for applications involved in business
processes of long duration, whose relaxed properties increase concurrency and suit a wider range
of applications.
Neither the Web services architecture nor
any specifications prescribe explicit ways to
implement transactional capabilities, although
it is clear that delivering such features should
minimally impact existing applications. Some
propose approaching the problem of transaction
monitoring and support by means of intermediary (proxy) services (Mikalsen, 2002), while
others by providing a lightweight programming
interface requiring minimal application code
changes (Vasquez, Miller, Verma, & Sheth, 2005).
Whichever the case, protocol-specific messages
should also be embedded in exchanged messages
and propagated though all participants.

WS-Composite Application Framework

Reliability and management are aspects highly
dependent on particular Web service implementations and therefore no specification mandates or
comments on them. However, just like the J2EE
Enterprise JavaBeans (EBJ) technology has made
available container-managed transactions (CMT)
for some time, a way to procure increased Web
service reliability could be through their deployment in managed environments, in which the
hosting application server becomes responsible
for support activities such as event logging and
system recovery. These additional guarantees
could potentially improve many aspects of Web
services reliability, taking part of the burden
away from their creators with regards to security, auditing, reliable messaging, transactional
logging and fault-tolerance, to cite just a few.
Some implementations leading this direction
are already available from enterprise software
companies such as Arjuna Transaction Service
(Arjuna Transaction Service, 2005), IBM Transactional Attitudes (IBM Transactional Attitudes,
2005), and from open source projects like Apache

Kandula (Apache Kandula Project, 2005) and the

academic community (Trainotti, Pistore, Pistore,
et al., 2005; Vasquez et al., 2005).

Communication over a public network such as
the Internet imposes physical limitations to the
reliability of exchanged messages. Even though
failures are inevitable and unpredictable, certain
techniques increase message reliability and traceability even in the worst cases.
At a minimum, senders are interested in determining whether the message has been received
by the partner, that it was received exactly once
and in the correct order. Additionally, it may be
necessary to determine the validity of the received
message: Has the message been altered on its
way to the receiver? Does it conform to standard
formats? Does it agree with the business rules
expected by the receiver?
WS-Reliability and WS-ReliableMessaging
have rules that dictate how and when services
must respond to other services concerning the
receipt of a message and its validity.

Web services eventing (WS-Eventing) is a
specification that defines a list of operations that
should be in a Web service interface to allow for
asynchronous messaging. WS-Eventing is based
on WS-Notification that was submitted to OASIS
for standardization.

Web service notification (WS-Notification) is
a family of specifications that provide several

Standard message exchanges for clients

Standard message exchanges for a notification broker service provider

Introduction to Web Services

Required operations for services that wish

to participate in notifications
An XML model that describes topics.

WS-Notification is a top layer for the following

specifications: WS-BaseNotification, WS-BrokeredNotification, and WS-Topics.
WS-BaseNotification defines the operations
and message exchanges that must take place between the two parties. WS-BrokeredNotification
defines messages and operations required of a
Notification Broker Service and those that wish
to use it. WS-Topics define the topics that are
used to organize the elements in a notification
message. It also defines XML to describe the
metadata associated with different topics.



dEvEloPinG WEb sErvicEs

The starting point of using Web service technology is to create Web services. Although it is
similar to developing other software, there are
some differences in that early focus on interfaces
and tool support is of even greater importance.
One can start by creating a WSDL specification,
or alternatively, by creating, for example, a Java
interface or abstract class. Since tools such as Axis
(Apache Axis Documentation, 2006) or Radiant
(2005) can convert one form to the other, it is a
matter of preference where to start. In this chapter
we will give a guide to developing Web services
starting by designing the Java classes.
We will do this by following fundamental
software engineering techniques to create the
Web services. Start by creating a UML Class
Diagram to define the requirements of the system.
To illustrate the ideas in this section, we will use
an example from the Semantic Web Services
Challenge 2006 (Semantic Web Services Challenge, 2006). The Challenge scenario is to create
a process to create a purchase order. The first step
in this process is to confirm that a given business
is a customer of the fictitious Moon Company.
Our example implements this service. Below are
the eight steps to create this service:


Create a UML Class Diagram: Following

software engineering practices, the initial
step is to create a UML Class Diagram to
define the classes that will be needed for the
service. UML provides a succinct representation of modeling classes. The following is
an example of a UML class diagram for a
service that will take as input the name of a
business and search a database to return the
profile for this business if they are a partner
of the Moon Company.
Generate Java Code: Using a UML tool
such as Poseidon, the UML Class Diagram
can easily converted into a Java class skeleton. It is important to note that while you
are developing objects to be used for Web
services that you must follow the Java bean
programming conventions, for example,
implementing getters and setters for
every member variable. Fortunately, this is
exactly the code that will be generated thanks
to the UML tool based on the diagram that
we have created in step one. For simplicity,
we have generated our Web service as an
abstract class.
Adding in Web Services Annotations: Java
6 includes annotations so that the compiler
will know that the program code is a Web
service. A partial list of available annotations is as follows:

Figure 9 illustrates an example of a Java service which has been annotated. Note that in the
example the @WebService and @WebMethod
are the annotations. The complier will recognize
these tags and create the WSDL document.


Introduction to Web Services

Figure 8. UML class diagram

Figure 9. Annotated Java example

import javax.jws.WebService;
import javax.soap.SOAPinding;
public class SearchCustomer
public SearchCustomerResponce search (SearchCustomerRequest)
//call to backend to verify Customer
if(! verifyCustomer(SearchCustomerRequest))
return err;
EarchCustomerResponce SCR = new SearchCustomerResponce;
SCR. setcustomerID(CustomerInfo.getcustomerID(SearchCustomerRequest)
SCR. setroleCode(CustomerInfor. getcustomerRole(SearchCustomerRequest)
return SCR;


Introduction to Web Services

Refer to the following link to see more information on annotations (https://mustang.dev.




Generate WSDL: The annotations from

the previous step indicate to the Annotation
Processing Tool or the Java compiler that a
WSDL is to be generated at compile-time.
This description of the service is used in
two ways. One, the description acts as an
advertisement when it is published on the
Web. The information gleaned from the
WSDL file is published in UDDI registries
so that queries can be executed to discover
the service that is needed. Second, it provides all the information needed to invoke
this service remotely.
Implement Methods: At this point in development, we want to create an implementation
class that extends our abstract class. The
difference that the developer must deal with
is writing the code to the proper conventions.
Any class that is created must have getters
and setters for all member variables. These
are used during invocation by the SOAP
engine to serialize and deserialize the data
that is in the SOAP messages into Java
objects and back to SOAP.
Deploy Service: Deploying a service is accomplished using a Web application server


and a SOAP engine, like Tomcat and Axis2

respectively. If using Axis2, deploying a
service is as simple as dropping the .aar
files, which are .jar files with a different
extension, into the \WEB-INF\services directory. Directions on deployment in Axis2
can be found on the Web at http://ws.apache.
org/axis2 .
Test Service: A simple Java program can be
sufficient to test a service. In others it may
require a more complex client. Either way
the fundamentals for writing a client are
the End Point Reference, which is a URL
to the service, a call setting the target, and
setting the transport information. All of this
information is put into a call object that exists
in the org.apace.soap package. The setup of
this object is in Figure 10.

This code creates a call to a service named

CMRService with an operation name search.
This operation takes a SearchCustomerType as input, thus you see an instance of this class is created
and added as a parameter to the call object.
Response resp = call.invoke(url, );

This calls the invoke method on the call object

to execute the operation in the service. The results
of the service are put into the Response object and
can be accessed from there.

Figure 10. Partial listing of Web service client

Call call = new Call();
call.setSOAPMappingRegistry(smr); call.setTargetObjectURI(http://..6./moon/services/CRMService);
Vector params = new Vector();
SearchCustomerType sct = new SearchCustomerType();
params.addElement(new Parameter(request, SearchCustomerType.class, sct, null));

Introduction to Web Services


Publish Service: Publishing a service requires the use of UDDI registries. Setting up
a registry varies based on which registry is
chosen. For our example, we used the jUDDI
registry on a Tomcat server. The action of
publishing a service is similar to advertising
a business. After deployment and testing,
the service is open to the world and ready to
accept request, but until it is published, it is
unlikely that anyone will know about your
service. Tools that simplify this process are
Radiant and Lumina (Li, 2005), both from
the METEOR-S tool suite.

executed, and composed into processes to achieve

very complicated tasks.
For some years now, Web services define a set
of standards (such as WSDL, SOAP, and UDDI)
to allow the interoperation and interoperability
of services on the Internet. Recently, security and
transactional stability have become priority areas
of research to make Web services more accepted
in the world of industry. The work done has lead
to the development of a set of new specifications
(such as WS-Security, WS-Policy, WS-Trust, WSPrivacy, WS-Transaction, etc.) that describe how
Web services can establish secure communications, define policies services interactions, and
define rules of trust between services.

The service oriented architecture (SOA) is currently a hot topic. It is an evolution of the
distributed systems technology of the 1990s,
such as DCOM, CORBA, and Java RMI. This
type of architecture requires the existence of
main components and concepts such as services,
service descriptions, service security parameters
and constraints, advertising and discovery, and
service contracts in order to implement distributed
systems. In contrast to the Event-Driven Architecture, in which the services are independent,
the SOA-based approach requires services to be
loosely coupled.
SOA are often associated with Web services
and sometimes, SOA are even confused with
Web services, but, SOA does not specifically
mean Web services. Instead, Web services can
be seen as a specialized SOA implementation that
embodies the core aspects of a service-oriented
approach to architecture. Web service technology
has come a long way toward achieving the goal of
the SOA. With Web services, developers do not
need to know how a remote program works, only
the input that it requires, the output it provides
and how to invoke it for execution. Web services
provide standards and specifications that create
an environment where services can be designed,

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Introduction to Web Services

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Chapter VIII

Service-Oriented Processes:
An Introduction to BPEL

Chun Ouyang
Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Wil M.P. van der Aalst
Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands and Queensland University of Technology,
Marlon Dumas
Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Arthur H.M. ter Hofstede
Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Marcello La Rosa
Queensland University of Technology, Australia

The Business Process Execution Language for Web Services (BPEL) is an emerging standard for specifying
the behaviour of Web services at different levels of details using business process modeling constructs. It
represents a convergence between Web services and business process technology. This chapter introduces
the main concepts and constructs of BPEL and illustrates them by means of a comprehensive example.
In addition, the chapter reviews some perceived limitations of BPEL and discusses proposals to address
these limitations. The chapter also considers the possibility of applying formal methods and Semantic
Web technology to support the rigorous development of service-oriented processes using BPEL.

Copyright 2007, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Service-Oriented Processes

Web services are a standardised technology for
building and integrating distributed software
systems. Web services are an incarnation of a software development paradigm known as serviceoriented architectures (SOAs). Although there is
no broad consensus around the definition of SOAs,
it can be said that SOAs revolve around at least
three major principles: (1) software systems are
functionally decomposed into independently developed and maintained software entities (known
as services); (2) services interact through the
exchange of messages containing meta-data;
and (3) the interactions in which services can
or should engage are explicitly described in the
form of interfaces.
At present, the first generation of Web service
technology has reached a certain level of maturity
and is experiencing increasing levels of adoption,
especially in the context of business applications.
This first generation relies on XML, SOAP and
a number of so-called WS-* specifications for
message exchange (Curbera, Duftler, Khalaf,
Nagy, Mukhi, & Weerawarana, 2002), and on
XML Schema and WSDL for interface description. In the meantime, a second generation of Web
services, based on richer service descriptions is
gestating. Whereas in first-generation Web services, interface descriptions are usually equated
to sets of operations and message types, in the
second generation the description of behavioural
dependencies between service interactions (e.g.,
the order in which messages must be exchanged)
plays a central role.
The Business Process Execution Language for
Web Services (BEA Systems, Microsoft, IBM, &
SAP, 2003), known as BPEL4WS or BPEL for
short, is emerging as a standard for describing
the behaviour of Web services at different levels
of abstraction. BPEL is essentially a layer on top
of WSDL and XML Schema, with WSDL and
XML Schema defining the structural aspects of
service interactions, and BPEL defining the be-


havioural aspects. To capture service behaviour,

BPEL adopts principles from business process
modeling. Indeed, the central idea of BPEL is
to capture the business logic and behavioural
interface of services in terms of process models.
These models may be expressed at different levels
of abstraction, down to the executable level. At the
executable level, BPEL can be used to describe the
entire behaviour of a new Web service that relies
on several other services to deliver its functionality. This practice is known as service composition
(Casati & Shan, 2001). An example of a composite
service is a travel booking system integrating
flight booking, accommodation booking, travel
insurance, and car rental Web services.
In this chapter, we introduce BPEL by illustrating its key concepts and the usage of its constructs
to define service-oriented processes and to model
business protocols between interacting Web services. We also discuss some perceived limitations
of BPEL and extensions that have been proposed
by industry vendors to address these limitations.
Finally, we review some research related to BPEL
and conclude with a note on future directions.

Why bPEl?
BPEL supports the specification of serviceoriented processes, that is, processes in which
each elementary step is either an internal action
performed by a Web service or a communication
action performed by a Web service (sending and/
or receiving a message). They can be executed
to implement a new Web service as a concrete
aggregation of existing services to deliver its
functionality (i.e., composite Web service). For
example, a service-oriented process may specify
that when a Sales Web service receives a
purchase order from the Procurement Web
service of a customer, the Sales service engages
in a number of interactions with the Procurement Web service as well as several other Web

Service-Oriented Processes

services related to invoicing, stock control, and

logistics, in order to fulfil the order.
BPEL draws upon concepts and constructs
from imperative programming languages including: (1) lexically scoped variables; (2) variable
assignment; (3) sequential execution; (4) conditional branching; (5) structured loops; and (6)
exception handling (try-catch blocks). However,
BPEL extends this basic set of constructs with
other constructs related to Web services and
business process management, to address the
following aspects:

Messaging: BPEL provides primitive constructs for message exchange (i.e., send,
receive, send/receive).
Concurrency: To deal with concurrency
between messages sent and received, BPEL
incorporates constructs such as block-structured parallel execution, race conditions,
and event-action rules.
XML typing: To deal with the XML-intensive nature of Web services, BPEL variables
have XML types described in WSDL and
XML Schema. In addition, expressions may
be written in XML-specific languages such
as XPath or XSLT.

BPEL process definitions can be either fully

executable or they can be left underspecified. Executable BPEL process definitions are intended to
be deployed into an execution engine. This deployment results in a new Web service being exposed,
which usually relies upon and coordinates several
other Web services. This is why BPEL is sometimes referred to as a language for Web service
composition. Meanwhile, underspecified BPEL
definitions (called abstract processes) capture
a non-executable set of interactions between a
given (Web) service and several other services.
One possible usage of abstract BPEL processes is
as a means for specifying the order in which the
interactions (or operations) that a given service
supports should occur for the service to deliver its

functionality. Such specification of dependencies

between interactions is usually called a business
protocol. Coming back to the above purchase order
process, one may capture the fact that an interaction request for quote must precede a related
interaction place order. A business protocol
can be used for process monitoring, conformance
checking and analysis of service compatibility.
Importantly, a Web service whose business protocol is described as an abstract BPEL process
does not need to be implemented as an executable
BPEL process: it may very well be implemented
using any other technology (e.g., standard J2EE
or .Net libraries and extensions for Web service
development). Another usage of an abstract process is as a template of a BPEL process that needs
to be refined into an executable implementation.
The use of BPEL abstract processes as business
protocols or as templates is still the subject of
ongoing research as discussed in the Section
BPEL-Related Research Efforts. At present,
commercial BPEL technology is mainly focused
on fully executable BPEL processes.
To further understand the reason for the emergence of BPEL, it is interesting to view it from a
historical perspective. Since 2000 there has been
a growing interest in Web services. This resulted
in a stack of Internet standards (HTTP, XML,
SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI) which needed to be
complemented by a process layer. Several vendors
proposed competing languages, for example, IBM
proposed WSFL (Web Services Flow Language)
(Leymann, 2001) building on FlowMark/MQSeries and Microsoft proposed XLANG (Web
Services for Business Process Design) (Thatte,
2001) building on Biztalk. BPEL emerged as a
compromise between both languages, superseding the corresponding specifications. It combines
accordingly the features of a block-structured
language inherited from XLANG with those for
directed graphs originating from WSFL. The
first version of BPEL (1.0) has been published
in August 2002, and the second version (1.1)
has been released in May 2003 as input for the

Service-Oriented Processes

standardization within OASIS. The appropriate technical committee (OASIS Web Services
Business Process Execution Language TC, 2006)
is working since the time of submission and is in
the process of finalizing the appropriate standard
specification, namely Web Services Business
Process Execution Language (WS-BPEL) version
2.0 (OASIS, 2005).
Currently BPEL is implemented in a variety of
tools (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ BPEL for
a compendium). Systems such as BEA WebLogic,
IBM WebSphere, Microsoft BizTalk, SAP XI and
Oracle BPEL Process Manager support BPEL
to various degrees, thus illustrating the practical relevance of this language. Also, there is a
relatively complete open-source implementation
of BPEL, namely ActiveBPEL.

ovErviEW of bPEl
BPEL defines a model and a grammar for describing the behaviour of a business process based on
interactions between the process and its partners.
A BPEL process is composed of activities that can
be combined through structured operators and
related through so-called control links. In addition
to the main process flow, BPEL provides event
handling, fault handling and compensation (i.e.,
undo) capabilities. In the long-running business
processes, BPEL applies correlation mechanism to
route messages to the correct process instance.
BPEL is layered on top of several XML specifications: WSDL, XML Schema and XPath. WSDL
message types and XML Schema type definitions
provide the data model used in BPEL processes.
XPath provides support for data manipulation. All
external resources and partners are represented
as WSDL services.

Partners and Partner links

Business processes that involve Web services often
interact with different partners. The interaction

with each partner occurs through Web service

interfaces called port types, and the structure of
the relationship at the interface level is identified
by a partner link. A partner link specifies which
port type must be supported by each of the partners it connects, and which port type it offers to
each partner. A partner link is an instance of a
typed connector, known as a partner link type,
which specifies a set of roles and the port type
provided by each role.
Consider a simple purchase order process
which interacts with two partners: the client and
the invoicing service. Each interaction involves
one of the parties (i.e., the process or partner)
exposing the required functionality via a port
type, and the other party making use of that
functionality. Figure 1 briefly depicts this process
and the interactions between the process and each
of its two partners.
For the above process, two partner links are
created, namely purchasing and invoicing.
Figure 2 shows the XML code snippets defining these two partner links and their link types
purchasingPLT and invoicingPLT. The link
type purchasingPLT includes the definition of
a role purchaseService (played by the purchase
order process) referring to port type purchasePT
where a purchase order is received by the process. Similarly, the link type invoicingPLT is
defined featuring two roles: invoiceService
(played by the invoicing service) referring to port
type computerPricePT where the operation of
a request for price calculation is called, and
invoiceRequester (played by the purchase order
process) referring to port type invoiceCallbackPT where the invoice is received by the process.
Following common practice, we define the partner
link types in the WSDL document to which the
BPEL process definition refers. Meanwhile, the
partner links themselves are defined in the BPEL
process definition.

Service-Oriented Processes

Figure 1. A purchase order process interacting with two partners: the client and the invoicing service



request for
price calculation


A BPEL process definition relates a number of
activities. Activities are split into two categories:
basic and structured activities. Basic activities are
also called primitive activities. They correspond
to atomic actions and stand for work being performed within a process. Structured activities
impose behavioural and execution constraints on
a set of activities contained within them. Structured activities can be nested and combined in
arbitrary ways, thus enabling the presentation of
complex structures.
Basic activities. These contain: invoke, invoking an operation on some Web service; receive,
waiting for a message from an external partner;
reply, replying to an external partner; wait, pausing for a certain period of time; assign, copying
data from one place to another; throw, indicating
errors in the execution; compensate, undoing the
effects of already completed activities; exit, terminating the entire service instance; and empty,
doing nothing. Below, we look closer into three
activities: invoke, receive, and reply.
Invoke, receive, and reply activities are three
types of interaction activities defined in BPEL.
Interaction activities must specify the partner
link through which the interaction occurs, the
operation involved, the port type in the partner

Figure 2. Definition of the purchasing and

invoicing partner links and their types

WSDL snippet:

<partnerLinkType name="purchasingPLT">
<role name="purchaseService">
<portType name="purchasePT"/>
<partnerLinkType name="invoicingPLT">
<role name="invoiceService">
<portType name="computePricePT"/>
<role name="invoiceRequester">
<portType name="invoiceCallbackPT"/>
BPEL snippet:
<partnerLink name="purchasing"
<partnerLink name="invoicing"


Service-Oriented Processes

link that is being used, and the input and/or output

variables that will be read from or written to. Note
that variables are used to carry data (see Subsection on Data Handling) and are required only
in executable processes.
For an invoke activity, the operation and port
type that are specified are that of the service being
invoked. Such an operation can be a synchronous
request-response or an asynchronous one-way
operation. An invoke activity blocks to wait for
a response if it is calling a request-response operation, whereas in the case of a one-way operation, invoke can be viewed as a send action. A
synchronous invocation requires both an input
variable and an output variable. An asynchronous
invocation requires only the input variable of the
operation because it does not expect a response
as part of the operation. For example, in the
purchase order process shown in Figure 1, the
process initiates a price calculation service by
sending a purchase order to the invoicing service.
Figure 3 provides the XML definition of this
invoke activity, which calls a one-way operation
A business process provides services to its
partners through receive activities and corresponding reply activities. A receive activity allows the process to block and wait for a matching
message to arrive, while a reply activity is used to
send a response to a request that was previously
accepted via a receive activity. Such responses
are only meaningful for synchronous interactions.
Therefore, a pair of receive and reply activities

Figure 3. An invoke activity for initiating a price

calculation service
<invoke partnerLink="invoicing"


must map to a request-response operation. In such

case, any control flow between these two activities
is effectively the implementation of that operation.
A receive with no corresponding reply must map
to a one-way operation, and the asynchronous
response is always sent by invoking the same
one-way operation on the same partner link.
A receive activity specifies the partner link
it expects to receive from, and the port type and
operation that it expects the partner to invoke.
In addition, it may specify a variable used to receive the message data being expected. A receive
activity also plays a key role in the lifecycle of
a business process. It is always associated with
a specific attribute called createInstance with
a value of yes or no. The default value of
this attribute is no. A receive activity with the
createInstance attribute set to yes must be an
initial activity in a business process, which provides the only way to instantiate the process in
BPEL (see structured activity pick for a variant).
A reply activity shares the same partner link, port
type and operation as the corresponding receive
activity, but may specify a variable that contains
the message data to be sent as the response.
Lets revisit the purchase order process in
Figure 1. A process instance is instantiated upon
receiving a purchase order from the client, and
may be completed by replying to the client with
an invoice listing the price for that purchase
order. Figure 4 provides the XML definition of
the corresponding pair of receive and reply activities over a request-response operation named
sendPurchaseOrder. In the same process, there
is another receive activity referring to a one-way
operation sendInvoice. It is used for receiving
the invoice produced by the invoicing service.
The process defines this activity as the response
to the price calculation request sent by the process
before (see the invoke activity defined in Figure
3). Figure 5 gives the XML definition of this
receive activity.
Before moving onto structured activities, it is
worth mentioning the following two restrictions

Service-Oriented Processes

Figure 4. An initial receive activity for receiving

a purchase order from the client and the corresponding reply activity for replying with an
invoice for the order
<receive partnerLink="purchasing"
<reply partnerLink="purchasing"

Figure 5. A receive activity for receiving an invoice

from the invoicing service
<receive partnerLink="invoicing"

that BPEL applies on the above three interaction


First, BPEL does not allow two receive activities to be active (i.e., ready to consume
messages) at the same time if they have the
same partner link, port type, operation, and
correlation set which is used for routing messages to process instances (see Subsection
on Correlation). If this happens, a built-in
fault named conflictingReceive will be
raised at runtime.
Second, BPEL does not allow a request to
call a request-response operation if an active
receive is found to consume that request, but
a reply has not yet been sent to a previous
request with the same operation, partner
link, and correlation set. If this happens, a
built-in fault named conflictingRequest
will be thrown.

Figure 6. A sequence of activities performed in

the purchase order process in Figure 1
begin sequence
receive PurchaseOrder from client;
invoke PriceCalculation on invoicing service;
receive Invoice from invoicing service;
reply Invoice to client
end sequence

Structured activities. BPEL defines six structured activities: sequence, switch, pick, while, flow,
and scope. The use of these activities and their
combinations enable BPEL to support most of the
workflow patterns described in (Aalst, van der,
Hofstede, ter, Kiepuszewski, & Barros, 2003).
A sequence activity contains one or more activities that are performed sequentially. It starts
once the first activity in the sequence starts, and
completes if the last activity in the sequence completes. For example, Figure 6 defines a sequence
of activities performed within the purchase order
process shown in Figure 1. To improve readability,
this and the following code snippets do not use
XML syntax. Instead, BPEL element names are
written in bold while the level of nestings of elements is captured through indentation.
A switch activity supports conditional routing between activities. It contains an ordered
list of one or more conditional branches called
case branches. The conditions of branches are
evaluated in order. Only the activity of the first
branch whose condition holds true will be taken.
There is also a default branch called otherwise
branch, which follows the list of case branches.
The otherwise branch will be selected if no case
branch is taken. This ensures that there is always
one branch taken in a switch activity. The switch
activity completes when the activity of the selected
branch completes. For example, consider a supply-chain process which interacts with a buyer
and a seller. Assume that the buyer has ordered


Service-Oriented Processes

a volume of 100 items of a certain product. The

process needs to check the stock inventory before
fulfilment. If the result shows more than 100 items
of the product in stock, the process performs the
fulfilment work (which may contain a number of
activities); if the result shows less than 100 items
in stock, a fault is thrown indicating the product is
out of stock; otherwise (i.e., no items are in stock),
another fault is thrown signalling the product is
discontinued. Figure 7 shows how to use a switch
construct to model these activities.
A pick activity captures race conditions based
on timing or external triggers. It has a set of
branches in the form of an event followed by an
activity, and exactly one of the branches is selected
upon the occurrence of the event associated with
it. If more than one of the events occurs, the selection of the activity to perform depends on which
event occurred first. If the events occur almost
simultaneously, there is a race and the choice of
activity to be performed depends on both timing and implementation. There are two types
of events: message events (onMessage) which
occur upon the arrival of an external message,
and alarm events (onAlarm) which occur upon a
system timeout.
Note that onMessage is a receive-like construct and is thereby treated in much the same
manner as a receive activity, for example,, both
are used for process instantiation, share the same
attributes, and should not violate the constraint on
conflictingReceive. A pick activity completes
when one of the branches is triggered by the
occurrence of its associated event and the corresponding activity completes. Figure 8 shows an
example of a typical usage of pick for modeling
the order entry/completion within a supply-chain
process. There are three events: a line item message event whose occurrence will trigger an order
entry action; a completion message event whose
occurrence will trigger an order completion action; and an alarm event which will occur after
a period of 3 days and 10 hours and thus trigger
a timeout action.


Figure 7. A switch activity modeling stock inventory check in a supply-chain process

begin switch
case StockResult >100 : perform fulfillment work
case StockResult > 0 : throw OutOfStock fault
otherwise : throw ItemDiscoutinued fault
end switch

Figure 8. A pick activity modeling order entry/

completion in a supply-chain process
begin pick
onMessage LineItem : add line item to order
onMessage CompletionDetail : perform order
onAlarm for PDT0H : handle timeout for
order completion
end pick

Figure 9. A while activity modeling a loop of the

pick activity defined in Figure 8
While MoreOrderEntriesExpected = true
begin pick
onMessage LineItem : add line item to order
onMessage CompletionDetail :
begin sequence
perform order completion;
MoreOrderEntriesExpected := false
end sequence
onAlarm for PDT0H :
begin sequence
handle timeout for order completion;
MoreOrderEntriesExpected := false
end sequence
end pick

A while activity supports repeated performance of an activity in a structured loop, that is, a
loop with one entry point and one exit point. The
iterative activity is performed until the specified
while condition (a boolean expression) no longer
holds true. For example, the pick activity defined
in Figure 8 can occur in a loop where the seller
is accepting line items for a large order from

Service-Oriented Processes

the buyer. Figure 9 shows how this loop can be

specified using a while activity. The pick activity
nested within while can be repeated until no more
order entries are expected.
A flow activity provides parallel execution and
synchronization of activities. It also supports the
usage of control links for imposing further control
dependencies between the activities nested within
it. Control links are non-structural constructs in
BPEL and will be covered in more detail in the
next subsection. Figure 10 shows an example of
the simple usage of flow construct as equivalent to
a nested concurrency construct. In this example,
a supply-chain process sends questionnaires to
the buyer and seller in parallel, and then blocks to
wait for their responses. After both have replied,
the process continues to next task (e.g., to generate an evaluation report). In Figure 10, the two
invoke activities are enabled to start concurrently
as soon as the flow starts. Assume that both invoke
activities refer to synchronous request-response
operations. The flow is completed after the buyer
and the seller have both responded.
A scope is a special type of structured activity.
It is used for grouping activities into blocks, and
each block is treated as a unit to which the same
event and exception handling can be applied.
A scope has a primary activity (i.e. main activity) that defines its normal behaviour, and can
provide event handlers, fault handlers, and also
a compensation handler. Like other structured
activities, scopes can be nested to arbitrary depth,
and the whole process is implicitly regarded as

the top level scope. The usage of scope will be

discussed in detail further on in Subsections on
Event Handlers, Fault Handling and Compensation.

control links
The sequence, flow, switch, pick, and while
described in the previous subsection provide a
means of expressing structured flow dependencies. In addition to these constructs, BPEL provides another construct known as control links
which, together with the associated notions of
join condition and transition condition, support
the definition of precedence, synchronization and
conditional dependencies on top of those captured
by the structured activities.
A control link denotes a conditional transition
between two activities. A join condition, which is
associated to an activity, is a boolean expression
in terms of the tokens carried by incoming
control links to this activity. Each token, which
represents the status of the corresponding control
link, may take either a positive (true) or a negative
(false) value. For example, a control link between
activities A and B indicates that B cannot start
before A has either completed or has been skipped
(e.g., A is part of an unselected branch of a switch
or pick). Moreover, activity B can only be executed
if its associated join condition evaluates to true,
otherwise B will not run. A transition condition,
which is associated to a control link, is a boolean
expression over the process variables (just like

Figure 10. A flow activity modeling two concurrent questionnaire interactions in a supply-chain process
begin flow
invoke FillQuestionnaire (request-response) operation on the buyer
invoke FillQuestionnaire (request-response) operation on the seller
end flow


Service-Oriented Processes

the conditions in a switch activity). For example,

an activity X propagates a token with a positive
value along an outgoing control link L, if and
only if X was executed (as opposed to being
skipped) and the transition condition associated
to L evaluates to true.
As mentioned above, if an activity has incoming
control links, one of the enabling conditions for
this activity to run is that its associated join
condition evaluates to true. Otherwise, a fault
called join failure occurs. When a join failure
occurs at an activity, it can be handled in two
different ways as determined by the suppressJoinFailure attribute associated with the activity. This
attribute can be set to a value of yes or no.
If yes, it instructs to suppress the join failure.
In this case, the activity will be skipped, and the
tokens carried by all its outgoing links will take
a negative value. The process by which positive
and negative tokens are propagated along control
links, causing activities to be executed or skipped,
is called dead path elimination. Otherwise, if the
suppressJoinFailure is set to no, the join failure is thrown, which triggers the standard fault
handling procedure (see Subsection on Fault

Control links are non-structural constructs

defined in BPEL, and allow the definition of
directed graphs. However, it is important to
mention two link restrictions. First, control links
must not create cyclic graphs. Second, control
links must not cross the boundary of a loop
(i.e., a while activity) as that would lead to an
inconsistent state.
We revisit the example of the stock inventory
check within a supply-chain process. This has been
previously specified by a switch activity shown in
Figure 7. We use control links to replace the switch
construct for the modeling. For completeness, we
add two activities: one is that the process inquires
the stock result from the seller before the inventory
check switch activity, and the other is that the
process informs the seller about the updated stock
result after the switch activity. Using structured
constructs, the above two activities, together with
the previous switch activity for stock inventory
check, can be specified in a sequence construct.
Using control link constructs, we obtain a directed
graph representation shown in Figure 11. Figure
12 sketches the definition of the corresponding
abstract BPEL specification.

Figure 11. A directed graph representing the stock inventory check procedure within a supply-chain
(StockResult >100)


(StockResult = 0)

perform fulfillment






Legend :



Control Link

Service-Oriented Processes

From the above example, it can be observed that

any control link leaving an unexecuted activity
or whose transition condition evaluates to false
will have its link status set to false. As a result,
each control link will propagate either a true or
a false token so that the activities downstream
which have a control dependency on the link do
not end up waiting for ever. This is the mechanism
of dead path elimination that we have mentioned
before. Also note that, as a syntactical restriction

in BPEL, control links must be used within a

flow construct.

Event Handlers
The purpose of event handlers is to specify logic
to deal with events that take place concurrently
while the process is running. An event handler is
an event-action rule associated with a scope, and
is in the form of an event followed by an activity.

Figure 12. Using control links to model the stock inventory check procedure sketched in Figure 11
begin flow (suppressJoinFailure =yes)
begin link declaration
link toFulfillment
link toOutOfStock
link toDiscontinued
link afterFulfillment
link afterOutOfStock
link afterDiscontinued
end link declaration
invoke StockResultQuery (request-response) operation on the seller
source of link toFulfillment with
transitionCondition (StockResult >100)
source of link toOutOfStock with
transitionCondition (StockResult > 0 and StockResult <100)
source of link toDiscontinued with
transitionCondition (StockResult = 0)
activity : performing fulfillment work
joinCondition LinkStatus(toFulfillment)
target of link toFulfillment
source of link afterFulfillment
transitionCondition (true)
throw OutOfStock fault
joinCondition LinkStatus(toOutOfStock)
target of link toOutOfStock
source of link afterOutOfStock
transitionCondition (true)
throw ItemDiscoutinued fault
joinCondition LinkStatus(toDiscontinued)
target of link toDiscontinued
source of link afterDiscontinued
transitionCondition (true)
invoke StockResultUpdate (one-way) operation on the seller
joinCondition LinkStatus(afterFulfillment) or
LinkStatus(afterOutOfStock) or
target of link afterFulfillment
target of link afterOutOfStock
target of link afterDiscontinued
end flow


Service-Oriented Processes

An event handler is enabled when its associated

scope is under execution and may execute concurrently with the main activity of the scope. When
an occurrence of the event associated with an
enabled event handler is registered, the activity
within the handler is executed while the scopes
main activity continues its execution. Also, the
activity within an event handler is invoked concurrently when the corresponding event occurs.
For this reason, control links are not allowed to
cross the boundary of an event handler.
It is important to emphasize that event handlers
are part of the normal behaviour of a scope, unlike
fault and compensation handlers (see Subsections
on Fault Handling and Compensation).
The event handlers associated with a scope are
enabled when that scope commences, and are
disabled when the normal processing of the scope
is complete. Any event handler that has already
started is allowed to finish its execution. An entire
scope is not considered to complete until all event
handlers associated with the scope have finished
their executions.
BPEL allows any type of activity, except the
compensate activity, to handle events. There are
two types of events. One is the message events
(onEvent) triggered by the arrival of an external
message, the other is the alarm events (onAlarm)
triggered by an alarm which goes off after a userspecified time.
Message event handlers. The semantics of
onEvent message events is very similar to receive
activities, except that these message events cannot
create process instances. An event handler is not
enabled prior to the creation of a process instance,
and is capable of processing events only if an
instance has been created. The message that
triggers an event is identified by the partner link
from which the message arrives, the appropriate
port type, operation and optional variable and
correlation set. This message can be part of either
an asynchronous (one-way) or a synchronous
(request-response) operation. In the latter case,
the event handling logic is expected to have a


reply activity, in order to fulfil the requirements

of the operation.
When a message event is triggered, the activity
specified within the corresponding message event
handler is carried out. Message event handlers
remain active as long as the scope to which they
are attached is active. An active message event
handler can be triggered multiple times, even
simultaneously, if the expected message events
occur multiple times. However, it should be noted
that simultaneously active instances of a message
event handler is permitted, while the semantics of
simultaneous onEvent from the same partner, port
type, operation and with the same correlation set
are undefined. The reader may recall that receive
activities have a similar constraint.
Alarm event handlers. An onAlarm event
marks a system timeout. It has two alternative
attributes: for and until, and exactly one of them
must be specified. These two attributes determine
two forms of alarm events. The first specifies
duration within for attribute. In this form, a timer
for calculating the duration is started when the
associated scope is activated. As soon as the
specified duration is reached, the activity in the
corresponding event handler is executed. In the
second form, until attribute details a specific point
in time when the alarm will be fired. As soon as
this specific point in time is reached, the alarm
event is triggered and the corresponding event
handler is executed. It should be noted that, unlike
message events, alarm events can be processed at
most once while the associate scope is active.
Lets revisit the purchase order process shown
in Figure 1. The process may terminate its execution if either a cancel message is received from
the client or the process has been running already
for two days in processing a purchase order from
the client. In the latter case, the process will reply
to the client with a cancel message (instead of
an invoice). The two event handlers defined in
Figure 13 are used to implement the above two
scenarios when the sequence activity defined in
Figure 6 is running.

Service-Oriented Processes

Figure 13. Examples of the message and alarm

event handlers used for terminating the purchase
order process shown in Figure 1
begin scope
onEvent Cancel from client : exit
onAlarm for P2DT :
begin sequence
reply Cancel to client;
end sequence
(* sequence activity defined in Figure 6 *)
end scope

Fault Handling
Fault handling in a business process enables the
process to recover locally from possible anticipated faults that may arise during its execution.
For example, consider a fault caused by insufficient funds in the clients account for payment
during a purchase order process. The fault may be
handled by requesting the information of another
available account from the client, without having
to restart the entire process.
BPEL considers three types of faults. These
are: application faults (or service faults), which
are generated by services invoked by the process,
such as communication failures; process-defined
faults, which are explicitly generated by the
process using the throw activity; and system faults,
which are generated by the process engine, such
as conflictingReceive, conflictingRequest and
join failures introduced before. Note that the first
two types of faults are usually user-defined, while
the last one consists of built-in faults defined in
Fault handlers specify reactions to internal or
external faults that occur during the execution of
a scope, and are defined for a scope using catch
activities. Unlike event handlers, fault handlers

do not execute concurrently with the scopes main

activity. Instead, this main activity is interrupted
before the body of the fault handler is executed.
In more detail, if a fault occurs during the normal
process of a scope, it will be caught by one of the
fault handlers defined for the scope. The scope
switches from the normal processing mode to the
fault handling mode. Note that it is never possible
to run more than one fault handler for the same
scope under any circumstances.
A fault handler is defined either explicitly
or implicitly. An implicit fault handler is also
known as a default fault handler. It is created,
using a catch-all activity, to catch any fault that
is not caught by all explicit fault handlers within
the scope. Therefore, one can assume that each
scope has at least one (default) fault handler. If a
fault handler cannot handle a fault being caught
or another fault occurs during the fault handling,
both faults need to be re-thrown to the (parent)
scope that directly encloses the current scope. A
scope in which a fault has occurred is considered
to have ended abnormally and thus cannot be
compensated, no matter whether or not the fault
can be handled successfully (without being rethrown) by the corresponding fault handler.
Finally, control links may cross the boundary
of fault handlers. However, a control link is
only allowed to leave the boundary of a fault
handler, and the converse is not true. Also, if a
fault occurred within a scope has been handled
successfully, any control link leaving from that
scope will be evaluated normally.
Lets refer back to the stock inventory check
specified in Figure 7. Figure 14 shows two fault
handlers used to catch the two faults that may
occur during the inventory check. If a fault occurs indicating the product is out of stock, the
process invokes the order pending operation on
the buyer. Otherwise, if a fault occurs indicating
the product discontinued, the process invokes the
order rejection operation on the buyer.


Service-Oriented Processes

Figure 14. Examples of the fault handlers for

catching the corresponding faults occurred during
the stock inventory check defined in Figure 7
begin scope
catch OutOfStock fault :
invoke OrderPending operation on the buyer
catch ItemDiscontinued fault :
invoke OrderRejection operation on the buyer
(* switch activity defined in Figure 7 *)
end scope

As part of the exception handling, compensation
refers to application-specific activities that
attempt to undo the already completed actions.
For example, consider a client requests to cancel
the air ticket reservation with a ticket order
process. The process will need to carry out the
following compensation actions, which involve
the cancellation of the reservation with the airline,
and optionally the conduction of fee charges to the
client if there are fees applied for the cancellation
of a reservation.
In BPEL, compensation actions are specified
within a compensation handler. Each scope, except
the top level scope (i.e. process scope), provides
one compensation handler that is defined either
explicitly or implicitly. Similarly to a default fault
handler, an implicit (or default) compensation
handler is created for a scope, if the scope is asked
for compensation but an explicit compensation
handler is missing for that scope. A fault handler
or the compensation handler of a given scope,
may perform a compensate activity to invoke the
compensation of one of the sub-scopes nested
within the given scope. Similarly to the control
link restrictions applied to event handlers, control
links are not allowed to cross the boundary of
compensation handlers.
It is important to mention that whether the
compensation handler of a scope is available for


invocation depends on the current local state of the

scope. For example, it is not possible to conduct
the compensation of a scope that has never been
executed. BPEL uses a term scope snapshot
to refer to the preserved state of a successfully
completed uncompensated scope. In such state, the
data to which the scope has access is snapshotted
for use when the associated compensation handler
is running. Thus, the compensation handler of
a scope is available for invocation only if the
scope has a scope snapshot. Otherwise, invoking
a compensation handler that is unavailable is
equivalent to performing an empty activity. Since
the compensation of already completed activities
is a complex procedure, we decide not to include
an example here and the interested reader may
refer to (BEA Systems, Microsoft, IBM, & SAP,
2003) for more details.

Data Handling
In the previous subsections, we mainly focus
on the control logic of a BPEL process. Careful
readers may already notice that the process data
is necessary for the process logic to make datadriven decisions (e.g., in a switch activity). In the
following, we introduce how data is represented
and manipulated in BPEL.
Messages. Business protocols specified in
BPEL prescribe exchange of messages between
interacting Web services. These messages are
WSDL messages defined in the appropriate WSDL
definitions. Briefly, a message consists of a set
of named parts, and each of these parts is typed
generally using XML Schema. For example, in
Figure 15 below, the orderMsg is shown with three
message parts: an orderNumber of an integer type,
an orderDetails of a string type, and a timeStamp
of a dateTime type. Note that the integer, string
and dateTime are all simple XML Schema types. If
a complex XML Schema type is needed, it needs
to be defined in the corresponding XML Schema
file (see Section on BPEL At Work).

Service-Oriented Processes

Figure 15. Example of a WSDL message definition

Figure 16. Examples of variable definitions in


<message name="orderMsg"/>
<part name="orderNumber"
<part name="orderDetails"
<part name="timeStamp"

<variable name="order"
<variable name="order_backup"
<variable name="number"

Variables. In a BPEL process definition,

variables are used to hold messages exchanged
between the process and its partners as well as
internal data that is private to the process. Variables are typed, using WSDL message types, XML
Schema simple types or XML Schema elements.
Note that if a variable is of WSDL message type,
it also consists of a set of named parts (each of
which as specified in a part attribute). For example, in Figure 16 both order and order_backup
variables are defined as of the orderMsg type
above, and the number variable is defined as of
an integer type.
Each variable is declared within a scope and
is said to belong to that scope. Variables that
belong to the global process scope are called
global variables, while others are called local
variables. BPEL follows the same rules as those
in imperative programming languages with lexical
scoping of variables. A variable is visible in the
scope (e.g., namely Q) to which it belongs and all
scopes that are nested within Q. Thus, a global
variable is visible in the entire process. Also, it
is possible to hide a variable in a scope (Q) by
defining a variable with the same name in one of
the scopes nested in Q.
Expressions. BPEL supports four types of
expressions: (1) boolean-valued expressions for
specifying transition conditions, join conditions,
and conditions in switch or while activities;
(2) deadline-valued expressions for specifying
until attribute of onAlarm or a wait activity; (3)

Figure 17. Examples of expressions used in

... bpws:getLinkStatus('linkL2') ...
... bpws:getVariableData('order','orderNumber')>50
... until="'2006-01-31T18:00'" ...
... for="'P40D'" ...

duration-valued expressions for specifying for

attribute of onAlarm or a wait activity; and (4) general expressions for assignments (see next). BPEL
provides an extensible mechanism for specifying
the language used to define expressions. This language must have facilities such as to query data
from variables, to query the status of control links,
and so forth XPath 1.0 is the default language for
specifying expressions. Another language that can
be used is XSLT. Figure 17 gives four examples
of expressions used in BPEL. The first two are
both boolean-valued expressions: one indicating
the status of a control link, the other indicating
whether the orderNumber of an order message is
greater than a given number (e.g. 50). The third
one is a deadline-valued expression, and the last
one is a duration-based expression.
Assignments. Data can be copied from one
variable to another using the assign activity.
An assign activity may consist of a number of
assignments, each of which being defined by a
copy element with from and to attributes. The
source of the copy (specified by from attribute)

Service-Oriented Processes

and the target (specified by to attribute) must be

type-compatible. BPEL provides a complete set
of possible types of assignments. For example,
within common uses of assignment, the source
of the copy can be a variable, a part of a variable,
an XPath expression, and the target of the copy
can be a variable or a part of a variable. Figure 18
illustrates copying data from one variable (order)
to another (order_backup) as well as copying data
from a variable part (orderNumber part of order)
to a variable of compatible type (number), and
both assignments are defined within one assign

Business processes may in practice occur over
a long period of time, possibly days or months.
In long-running business processes, it is necessary to route messages to the correct process
instance. For example, when a request is issued
from a partner, it is necessary to identify whether
a new business process should be instantiated
or the request should be directed to an existing
process instance. Instead of using the concept of
instance ID as often used in distributed object
system, BPEL reuses the information that can
be identified from the specifically marked parts
in incoming messages, such as order number or
client id, to route messages to existing instances
of a business process. This mechanism is known
as correlation. The concept of correlation set is
then defined by naming specific combinations of
certain parts in the messages within a process.
This set can be used in receive, reply and invoke
activities, the onMessage branch of pick activities,
and the onEvent handlers.
Similarly to variables, each correlation set is
defined within a scope. Global correlation sets
are declared in the process scope, and local correlation sets are declared in the scopes nested
within a process. Correlation sets are only visible
for the scope (Q) in which they are declared and
all scopes nested in Q. Also, correlation set can


Figure 18. Examples of assignments used in

<from variable="order"/>
<to variable="order_backup"/>
<from variable="order"
<to variable="number"/>

only be initiated once during the lifetime of the

scope to which it belongs. How to define and use
correlation sets will be illustrated through the
example in the next section.

bPEl at Work
This section describes the example of a BPEL
process which provides sales service. This process, namely salesBP, interacts with a customer
process (customerBP) by means of asynchronous
messages. The process salesBP enacts the role
of service provider, whilst the customer is the
service requester.

Process description
Figure 19 depicts the behaviour of the process
salesBP. The process is instantiated upon receiving a request for quote (rfQ), which includes the
description and the amount of the goods needed, a
unique identifier of the request (rfQId), and a deadline (tO). Next, the process checks the availability
of the amount of the goods being requested. If not
available, a rejectRfQ is sent back to the customer,
providing the reason of the rejection. Otherwise,
the process prepares a quote with the cost of the
offer and then sends it back to the customer. After

Service-Oriented Processes

Figure 19. Flow diagram of the salesBP process

sending the quote, the process waits for an order

until time-limit tO is reached. If the order is not
received by that time, no more activities will be
performed. Otherwise, if the order is returned
before the deadline tO, it will be processed. After
the order has been processed successfully, the
entire process instance will complete. However,
the processing of the order may be cancelled at
any time upon receiving a cancelOrder message
from the customer, and as a result, the process
will be forced to terminate.

der, rejectRfQ and cancelOrder that are involved

in salesBP (lines 7-26). In particular, messages
order and cancelOrder have the same structure
as message quote (lines 3-5). Besides, each message includes an element named rfQId (lines 9,
17, 23), through whose value a BPEL-compliant
execution engine is able to identify the proper
process instance. In this example, this value, which
is initially set by the requester (i.e., customerBP)
and then propagated to the provider, is supposed
to be unique.

XMl Schema Definition

Wsdl document

Figure 20 shows the XML Schema file saleX.

xsd for the process salesBP. It defines the complex
XML Schema types for messages rfQ, quote, or-

The BPEL process salesBP is layered on top of the

WSDL document sales.wsdl shown in Figure 21.
In particular, the first part of the code concerns

Service-Oriented Processes

the description of the messages exchanged by the

service, and their mapping with the related elements in the salesX.xsd schema (lines 2-16). In the
second part, two port types called providerPT
and requesterPT are defined: the former groups
all the input messages of the salesBP process,
that is, rfQ, order and cancelOrder (lines 17-27),
the latter groups all its output messages, that is,
quote and rejectRfQ (lines 28-35). Each message
is enclosed in a corresponding operation featuring
the same name; each operation is asynchronous
(i.e., one-way operation) since it contains only
one input message.
BPEL requires the port types involved in an
interaction to be included in a partner link type
construct together with their corresponding roles.
Therefore the partner link type salesPLT has
been defined, featuring two roles: provider (played
by salesBP) and requester (played by custom-

erBP), assigned to port types providerPT and

requesterPT, respectively (lines 36-43).

BPEL Process Definition

Figure 22 shows an excerpt from the BPEL code
that defines an executable salesBP process. A
BPEL process basically consists of a header,
regarding the general process definition, and the
process flow, which will be concretely executed
by the BPEL engine.
In the initial part, a partner link named
salesPL is defined (lines 2-5): it refers to the
partner link type salesPLT previously declared
in the WSDL file and is used to allow the process
to interact with its partner (customerBP). salesPL
has two roles: provider, played by the process
itself (line 3), and requester, played by the customer (line 4). A list of variables is also declared,

Figure 20. XML Schema definition - salesX.xsd

0: <schema ...>
0: <element name="rfQ" type="rfQMsgType"/>
0: <element name="quote" type="quoteMsgType"/>
0: <element name="order" type="quoteMsgType"/>
0: <element name="cancelOrder" type="quoteMsgType"/>
06: <element name="rejectRfQ" type="rejectRfQMsgType"/>
0: <complexType name="rfQMsgType">
0: <sequence>
<element name="rfQId" type="string"/>
<element name="description" type="string"/>
<element name="amount" type="integer"/>
<element name="tO" type="dateTime"/>
: </sequence>
: </complexType>
: <complexType name="quoteMsgType">
6: <sequence>
<element name="rfQId" type="string"/>
<element name="cost" type="double"/>
9: </sequence>
0: </complexType>
: <complexType name="rejectRfQMsgType">
: <sequence>
<element name="rfQId" type="string"/>
<element name="reason" type="string"/>
: </sequence>
6: </complexType>
: </schema>

Service-Oriented Processes

which corresponds to the messages handled by

the process (lines 6-13), and a correlation set
called salesCS, where rfQId (set as a value of
the so-called properties attribute) contains the
information for routing messages to the correct
process instance (lines 14-16).
The process flow (lines 17-105) is basically
a sequence of three activities: a receive, a check
on some data and a switch, corresponding to the
main flow depicted in Figure 15. Through the first
activity, receiveRfQ, a new process instance is
created once the initial message rfQ is received
(line 20). This is then copied into variable rfQ
(line 19), and the current instance is tagged with
the value read from the correlation set salesCS
(lines 21-23). The second activity, checkAvailability (not shown in the code for simplicity), sets the
boolean variable goodsAvailable to true if the
amount of the goods being requested is available,
otherwise to false.
Next, the switch activity checks the value of
goodsAvailable to determine whether or not to
continue processing the request for quote. This
corresponds to take one of the two branches in
the switch activity.
If the goods are available, the case branch
(Lines 28-79) will be executed leading to a sequence of four sub-activities, as shown in Figure
15 under the [goods available] branch. The first
activity is the assign prepareQuote (lines 30-39),
through which salesBP can generate the quote
message to be sent to the customer copying into
variable quote the value of rfQId taken out from
variable rfQ and setting the amount of the offer to
120 (in a real scenario, this value can be read from
a proper database). Then the quote is sent by means
of the following invoke activity, sendQuote (lines
40-46), using the same correlation set salesCS
(lines 43-45). Now the process should be able to
receive an order within a given time-limit: if this
happens the order can be processed, otherwise the
process must end. Accordingly, receiveOrder is
realised with a pick activity (lines 47-77) specified to wait for the order to arrive (onMessage

Figure 21. WSDL interface document - sales.


01: <definitions name="sales".../>

0: <message name="rfQMsg">
0: <part name="payload" element="rfQ"/>
0: </message>
0: <message name="orderMsg">
06: <part name="payload" element="order"/>
0: </message>
0: <message name="quoteMsg">
09: <part name="payload" element="quote"/>
0: </message>
: <message name="cancelOrderMsg">
: <part name="payload" element="cancelOrder"/>
: </message>
: <message name="rejectRfQMsg">
: <part name="payload" element="rejectRfQ"/>
6: </message>
: <portType name="providerPT">
: <operation name="rfQ">
<input message="rfQMsg"/>
0: </operation>
: <operation name="order">
<input message="orderMsg"/>
: </operation>
: <operation name="cancelOrder">
<input message="cancelOrderMsg"/>
6: </operation>
: </portType>
: <portType name="requesterPT">
9: <operation name="quote">
<input message="quoteMsg"/>
: </operation>
: <operation name="rejectRfQ">
<input message="rejectRfQMsg"/>
: </operation>
: </portType>
6: <partnerLinkType name="salesPLT">
: <role name="provider">
<portType name="providerPT"/>
9: </role>
0: <role name="requester">
<portType name="requesterPT"/>
: </role>
: </partnerLinkType>
: . . .
45: </definitions>

Service-Oriented Processes

Figure 22. BPEL executable process salesBP.bpel

001: <process name="salesBP"...>
002: <partnerLinks>
003: <partnerLink name="salesPL" myRole="provider"
partnerRole="requester" partnerLinkType="salesPLT"/>
005: </partnerLinks>
006: <variables>
007: <variable name="rfQ" messageType="rfQMsg"/>
008: <variable name="quote" messageType="quoteMsg"/>
009: <variable name="order" messageType="orderMsg"/>
010: <variable name="cancelOrder" messageType="cancelOrderMsg"/>
011: <variable name="rejectRfQ" messageType="rejectRfQMsg"/>
012: <variable name="goodsAvailable" type="boolean"/>
013: </variables>
014: <correlationSets>
015: <correlationSet name="salesCS" properties="rfQId"/>
016: </correlationSets>
017: <sequence>
018: <receive name="receiveRfQ" partnerLink="salesPL"
portType="providerPT" operation="rfQ" variable="rfQ"
<correlation set="salesCS" initiate="yes"/>
024: </receive>
025: ...checkAvailability: set variable "goodsAvailable" to true
or false...
027: <switch>
<case condition="getVariableData('goodsAvailable')">
<assign name="prepareQuote">
<from variable="rfQ" part="payload" query="/rfQ/rfQId"/>
<to variable="quote" part="payload" query="/quote/rfQId"/>
<from expression="120"/>
<to variable="quote" part="payload" query="/quote/cost"/>
<invoke name="sendQuote" partnerLink="salesPL"
portType="requesterPT" operation="quote"
<correlation set="salesCS" initiate="no".../>
<pick name="receiveOrder">
<onMessage partnerLink="salesPL" portType="providerPT"
operation="order" variable="order">
<correlation set="salesCS" initiate="no"/>
continued on following page


Service-Oriented Processes

Figure 22. continued

<scope name="processOrder_s">
<catch faultName="forcedTermination">
<onMessage portType="sales:providerPT"
operation="cancelOrder" variable="cancelOrder"
<correlation set="salesCS" initiate="no"/>
<throw name="forcedTermination"
<assign name="preparerejectrfQ">
<from variable="rfQ" part="payload"
<to variable="rejectRfQ" part="payload"
<from expression="'goods unavailable'"/>
<to variable="rejectRfQ" part="payload"...
<invoke name="sendrejectrfQ" partnerlink="salesPl"
portType="requesterPT" operation="rejectRfQ"
<correlation set="salesCS" initiate="no".../>
0: </switch>
0: </sequence>
06: </process>

Service-Oriented Processes

branchlines 48-72) or for the corresponding

timeout alarm to go off (onAlarm branch lines
73-76). In more detail, if the order arrives before
the timeout expires, it will be processed by the
system; otherwise, the process will terminate doing nothing (specified by an empty activity line
75). Assume that the onMessage branch is taken.
The execution of the activity processOrder may be
interrupted when a cancelOrder message arrives.
For this reason, a scope activity, processOrder_s,
is defined (lines 53-71), featuring a fault handler,
an event handler and having processOrder as its
main activity.
In particular, the event handler (lines 59-69)
captures the receipt of a cancelOrder message
during the processing of the order, and then throws
a forcedTermination fault, which interrupts the
above order processing (lines 66-67). This fault
will be immediately caught by the fault handler
attached to the scope (lines 54-58), and as a result,
the process will be forced terminate. Note that the
exit activity (within the fault handler line 56)
models the explicit termination, since a BPEL
process automatically ends when there is nothing
left to do. The timeout value which triggers the
onAlarm branch is extrapolated from the field tO
of variable rfQ (line 74).
On the other hand, if the goods are unavailable,
the otherwise branch of the switch is executed
incorporating two activities (lines 80-103), as
illustrated in Figure 15 under the [goods unavailable] branch. With the first one, prepareRejectRfQ,
salesBP copies into variable rejectRfQ the value
of rfQId taken out from variable rfQ, and sets
the reason of the rejection with the string goods
unavailable (lines 82-94). The second activity,
sendRejectRfQ allows the process to send the
message rejectRfQ back to the customer, reporting the rejection (lines 95-101).
Now, we take closer look into the correlation
mechanism used in this example. When the rfQ
is sent by an instance of customerBP, the BPEL
run-time system performs the following tasks
step by step. It generates a new instance of the


receiving process salesBP (line 20), reads the

value of rfQId from the input message, initiates
the corresponding correlation set salesCS, and
associates a tag with that value to the newly generated instance (lines 21-23). Next, if the amount
in the request is available (line 28), the quote is
sent back to the customer with the same correlation set as rfQ (lines 40-46), and hence it will be
delivered to the requester process instance that
previously sent the rfQ. When an order is sent
by the customer, since it has the same correlation
set as the quote and rfQ, it will be delivered to
the process instance of salesBP that previously
sent the quote (lines 48-52). Analogously, messages rejectRfQ and cancelOrder are sent to the
correct instances of customerBP (lines 95-101)
and salesBP (lines 60-65, for the corresponding receipt). Therefore in this example, from a
global point of view, customerBP is the initiator
for the correlation set salesCS, whilst salesBP is
the follower.

bPEl Process Execution

We use Oracle BPEL Process Manager platform
10.1.2 (see http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/ias/bpel) to edit and execute the
salesBP process. Figure 23 provides a graphical
view of the BPEL process definition of salesBP
in Oracle JDeveloper, a BPEL editor integrated in
the Oracle platform. In JDeveloper, both the code
and graphical perspectives are available to the
user. After compiling the source files (including
salesBP.bpel, sales.wsdl and salesX.xsd), a
BPEL process can be exposed as a Web Service
deployed in a compliant run-time environment. A
screenshot showing a running instance of salesBP
on top of the Oracle BPEL engine is depicted in
Figure 24. In the running instance, the amount
of the goods being requested by the customer is
available and the process salesBP is waiting for
an order from the customer.
Note that in the salesBP process pictured in
Figures 23 and 24, activity checkAvailability

Service-Oriented Processes

has been implemented by means of a scope

(checkAvailability _s) which encloses the
necessary activities to interact with another
partner link representing an internal Web
Service. This service is responsible to check the
availability of the goods and to send the result
back to salesBP.

bPEl EXtEnsions
The BPEL specification defines only the kernel
of BPEL, which mainly involves the control logic
of BPEL, limited definitions on the data handling
and even less in the communication aspect. Given
the fact that BPEL is already a very complicated
language, a complete BPEL specification covering
full definitions of BPEL will make the specification less maintainable and the corresponding
implementation will become less manageable. For
this reason, the OASIS technical committee on
WS-BPEL decides to keep the scope of the current
specification and allows future extensions to be
made in separate documentations. So far, there
have been three extensions proposed to BPEL.
BPEL-SPE. BPEL currently does not support
the modularization and reuse of fragments of a
business process. This has driven the publication
of a joint proposal of WS-BPEL Extension for SubProcesses, known as BPEL-SPE (Kloppmann,
Koenig, Leymann, Pfau, Rickayzen, Riegen, et
al., 2005 September), by two major companies
involved in Web services standards: IBM and
SAP. BPEL-SPE proposes an extension to BPEL
that allows for the definition of sub-processes
which are fragments of BPEL code that can be
reused within the same or across multiple BPEL
BPEL4People. In practice, many business
process scenarios require human user interactions. For example, it may be desirable to define
which people are eligible to start a certain business
process; a process may be stuck because no one
has been assigned to perform a particular task;

or it is not clear who should perform the task in

hand. BPEL currently does not cover human user
interactions. To fill in this blank, IBM and SAP
have recently proposed an extension to BPEL,
namely BPEL4People (Kloppmann, Koenig,
Leymann, Pfau, Richayzen, Riegen, et al., 2005
July). BPEL4People mainly defines how human
tasks can be implemented in a process. This can
be viewed as to add (human) resource and resource
allocation considerations to BPEL. In parallel,
another tool vendor, Oracle, has implemented
its own extension to BPEL for handling human
tasks into its BPEL engine.
BPELJ. In BPEL, everything is seen as a
service. A BPEL executable process is an implementation of a service that relies on other
services. To express that a given service uses
certain resources, such as a database, a file or a
legacy application, it is necessary to expose the
database system, the file system or the legacy
application as services. Since BPEL needs to be
used in environments where not all resources
are exposed as services, it is sometimes handy
to be able to break the all-service paradigm of
BPEL. Driven by this imperative, an extension
of BPEL allowing for Java code to be inserted at
specific points has been defined, namely BPELJ
(Blow, Goland, Kloppmann, Leymann, Pfau,
Roller, & Rowley, 2004 March). This is similar
to how Java code can be embedded into HTML
code in the context of Java Server Pages (JSPs).
As BPEL gains more adoption both in the .Net and
the Java platforms, one can expect other similar
dialects of BPEL to emerge. Also, as a competing
product to BPELJ, Oracle has implemented its
own Java Snippet for embedding Java program
into a BPEL process.

bPEl-rElatEd rEsEarch
There has been a number of research activities
conducted on BPEL. These include: systemati-

Service-Oriented Processes

Figure 23. Oracle JDeveloper 10.1.2: Graphical view of the BPEL process salesBP

Service-Oriented Processes

Figure 24. OracleBPEL Process Manager Console 10.1.2: Execution flow of a running instance of the
BPEL process salesBP

cal evaluation of BPEL based on the so-called

workflow patterns (van der Aalst, ter Hofstede,
Kiepuszewski, & Barros, 2003), analysis of BPEL
process models, generating BPEL code from a
high-level notations, and choreography conformance checking based on BPEL.

Pattern-based analysis of bPEl

There are 20 control-flow patterns (van der Aalst,
ter Hofstede, Kiepuszewski, & Barros, 2003) and

40 data patterns (Russell, ter Hofstede, Edmond,

& van der Aalst, 2005), and accordingly the
evaluation has been performed from control-flow
perspective (Wohed, van der Aalst, Dumas, & ter
Hofstede, 2003) as well as from data perspective
(Russel, ter Hofstede, Edmond, & van der Aalst,
2005). The results of the pattern-based evaluation
of BPEL show that BPEL is more powerful than
most traditional process languages. The controlflow part of BPEL inherits almost all constructs
of the block-structured language XLANG and


Service-Oriented Processes

the directed graphs of WSFL. Therefore, it is no

surprise that BPEL indeed supports the union of
patterns supported by XLANG and WSFL. In particular, the BPEL pick construct (namely deferred
choice in workflow control-flow patterns) is not
supported in many existing workflow languages.
From the data perspective, BPEL is one of the few
languages that fully support the notion of scope
data elements (one of the workflow data patterns).
It provides support for a scope construct which
allows related activities, variables and exception
handlers to be logically grouped together. The
default binding for data elements in BPEL is at
process instance level and they are visible to all
of the components in a process. In addition to the
above evaluation of BPEL, work that has been
conducted on the pattern-based evaluation of
Oracle BPEL Process Manager (Mulyar, 2005)
also involves the evaluation based on a set of
43 workflow resource patterns (Russell, van der
Aalst, ter Hofstede, & Edmond, 2005).

Generating and analyzing bPEl

Since BPEL is increasingly supported by various
engines, it becomes interesting to link it to other
types of models. In this respect, it is insightful to
consider the following: (1) BPEL more closely resembles a programming language than a modeling
language and (2) BPEL supports the specification
of service-oriented processes at various levels of
details, down to executable specifications, but it
is not designed to support any form of analysis
(e.g., behaviour verification, performance analysis, etc.). In other words, BPEL definitions are
somewhere in-between the higher-level process
models that analysts and designers manipulate
in the early phases of the development lifecycle,
and fully-functional code. Hence, there are two
interesting translations relating to BPEL: (1) a
translation from a higher-level notation to BPEL
and (2) a translation from BPEL to a model for


which established analysis techniques can be

Until now, attention has focused on the second
translation. Several attempts have been made to
capture the behaviour of BPEL in a formal way. A
comparative summary of mappings from BPEL to
formal languages can be found in (van der Aalst,
Dumas, ter Hofstede, Russell, Verbeek, and Wohed, 2005). The result of comparison shows that the
work in Ouyang, van der Aalst, Breutel, Dumas,
ter Hofstede, and Verbeek (2005) presents the first
full formalization of control flow in BPEL that
has led to a translation tool called BPEL2PNML
and a verification tool called WofBPEL. Both
tools are publicly available at http://www.bpm.
fit.qut.edu.au/projects/babel/tools. WofBPEL is
capable of performing useful and non-syntactic
analysis, for example, detection of unreachable
activities and detection of potentially conflictingReceive faults in a BPEL process. With respect
to the verification issues related communication
aspects, the work in Fu, Bultan, and Su (2004)
discusses how to verify the correctness of collection of inter-communicating BPEL processes,
and similarly, the work in (Martens, 2005) shows
how to check the compatibility of two services
with respect to communication.
In industry, various tools and mappings are
being developed to generate BPEL code from a
graphical representation. Tools such as the IBM
WebSphere Choreographer and the Oracle BPEL
Process Manager offer a graphical notation for
BPEL. However, this notation directly reflects
the code and there is no intelligent mapping. This
implies that users have to think in terms of BPEL
constructs (e.g., blocks, syntactical restrictions on
control links, etc.). More interesting is the work
of White (2005) that discusses the mapping of
Business Process Modelling Notations (BPMN)
to BPEL, the work of Mantell (2005) on the
mapping from UML activity diagrams to BPEL,
and the work by Koehler and Hauser (2004) on
removing loops in the context of BPEL. However,
none of these publications provides a mapping of

Service-Oriented Processes

some (graphical) process modeling language onto

BPEL: White (2005) and Mantell (2005) merely
present the problem and discusses some issues
using examples and Koehler and Hauser (2004)
focuses on only one piece of the puzzle. This then
motivated the recent work on develop mappings
from Workflow nets to BPEL (van der Aalst &
Lassen, 2005) and from a core subset of BPMN
to BPEL (Ouyang, van der Aalst, Dumas, & ter
Hofstede, 2006).

choreography conformance
checking based on bPEl
To coordinate a collection of inter-communicating Web services, the concept of choreography
defines collaborations between interacting parties,
that is,, the coordination process of interconnected
Web services that all partners need to agree on.
A choreography specification is used to describe
the desired behaviour of interacting parties.
Language such as BPEL and the Web Services
Choreography Description Language (WS-CDL)
(Kavantzas, Burdett, Ritzinger, Fletcher, & Lafon,
2004 December) can be used to define a desired
choreography specification.
Assuming that there is a running process and
a choreography specification, it is interesting to
check whether each partner (exposed as Web
service) is well behaved. Note that partners have
no control over each others services. Moreover,
partners will not expose the internal structure
and state of their services. This triggers the question of conformance: Do all parties involved
operate as described? The term choreography
conformance checking is then used to refer to
this question. To address the question, one can
assume the existence of both a process model
which describes the desired choreography and
an event log which records the actual observed
behaviour, that is, an actual choreography.
Choreography conformance checking benefits
from the coexistence of event logs and process
models and may be viewed from two angles. First

of all, the model may be assumed to be correct

because it represents the way partners should
work, and the question is whether the events in
the log are consistent with the process model. For
example, the log may contain incorrect event
sequences which are not possible according to
the definition of the model. This may indicate
violations of choreography that all parties
previously agreed upon. Second, the event log
may be assumed to be correct because it is what
really happened. In the latter case the question is
whether the choreography that has been agreed
upon is no longer valid and should be modified.
The work in van der Aalst, Dumas, Ouyang,
Rozinat, and Verbeek (2005) presents an approach for choreography conformance checking
based on BPEL and Petri nets (Murata, 1989).
Based on a process model described in terms of
BPEL abstract processes, a Petri net description
of the intended choreography can be created by
using the translation defined in (Ouyang, van der
Aalst, Dumas, & ter Hofstede, 2006) and implemented in the tool BPEL2PNML. The conformance checking is then performed by comparing
a Petri net and an event log (transformed from
SOAP messages under monitoring). To actually
measure conformance, a tool called Conformance
Checker has been developed in the context of the
ProM framework (see http://www.processmining.
org, which offers a wide range of tools related to
process mining.

bPEl and semantic Web technology

Researchers in the field of Semantic Web have
put forward approaches to enhance BPEL process definitions with additional information in
order to enable automated reasoning for a variety
of purposes. One area in which Semantic Web
technology can add value to service-oriented
processes is that of dynamic binding. The idea of
dynamic binding is that rather than hard-coding
in the BPEL process definition (or in an associated deployment descriptor) the identities and/or

Service-Oriented Processes

locations of the partner services with which the

BPEL process interacts, these partner services
are determined based on information that is only
available at runtime. For example, Verma, Akkiraju, Goodwin, Doshi, and Lee (2004) present
an approach to achieve dynamic binding of Web
services to service-oriented processes described
in BPEL by considering inter-service dependencies and constraints. They present a prototype that
can handle BPEL process definitions extended
with such dependencies and constraints and can
exploit this additional information for runtime
discovery of suitable Web services. The paper
also discusses another area where Semantic Web
technology complements service-oriented process technology: that of semi-automated refinement of process templates described as BPEL
abstract processes (see Introduction section) into
fully executable processes. An example of a tool
that implements such refinement techniques is
presented in (Berardi, Calvanese, De Giacomo,
Hull, & Mecella, 2005).
Mandell and McIlraith (2003) present another
approach to dynamic binding of Web services
to BPEL processes. Their approach is based on
the DAML Web service ontology (DAML-S)
(Ankolekar, Burstein, Hobbs, Lasilla, Martin,
McDermott, McIlraith, Narayanan, Paolucci,
Payne, & Sycara, 2002), the DAML Query Language (DQL) (Fikes, Hayes, & Horrocks, 2002),
and the Java Theorem Prover (JTP) (Frank, 1999)
which implements DQL. Other approaches to
capture Web service semantics include WSDL-S
(Akkiraju, Farrell, Miller, Nagarajan, Schmidt,
Sheth, & Verma, 2005) and OWL-S (Martin et
al., 2005).
While the potential outcomes of these and similar research efforts are appealing, the scalability
of the proposed techniques is still unproven and
the involved tradeoffs restrict their applicability.
Several questions remain open such as: which
languages or approaches to describe service

semantics provide the best tradeoffs between

expressiveness and computational complexity?
or How much can a user trust the decisions made
by an automated Web service discovery engine,
especially at runtime?

In this chapter, we have presented the core concepts of BPEL and the usage of its constructs to
describe executable service-oriented processes.
We have also discussed extensions to BPEL that
have been proposed by tool vendors to address
some of its perceived limitations, as well as
long-term challenges related to the use of BPEL
in the context of rigorous system development
Currently, BPEL is being used primarily as a
language for implementing Web services using
a process-oriented paradigm. In this respect,
BPEL is competing with existing enhancements
to mainstream programming environments such
as WSE and WCF (which enhance the Microsoft
.Net framework with functionality for Web service
development), or Apache Axis and Beehive (which
do the same for the Java platform). Certainly, BPEL
is making inroads in this area, and there is little
doubt that it will occupy at least a niche position in
the space of service implementation approaches.
Several case studies related to the use of BPEL in
system development projects have been reported
in the trade press. These include a report of BPEL
use at the European Space Agency and in an outsourcing project conducted by Policy Systems for
a state health care service (http://tinyurl.com/zrcje
and http://tinyurl.com/krg3o).
However, it must not be forgotten that BPEL can
also be used to describe the behaviour of services
at a more abstract level. Unfortunately, up to now,
tool vendors have given little attention to exploring
the possibilities opened by the description of BPEL
abstract processes. BPEL abstract processes can be
used to represent service behaviour at different

Service-Oriented Processes

levels of details. In particular, they enable the

representation of temporal, casual and exclusion
dependencies between message exchanges. In this
respect, BPEL abstract processes can be viewed
as adding behaviour semantics on top of the
basic structural definitions of service interactions
provided by WSDL interfaces. Two open questions
at the moment are: (1) how to best exploit this
additional behaviour semantics in order to support
the analysis, testing, operation and maintenance
of service-oriented systems; (2) what level of
automated support can be realistically provided
to aid in refinement of abstract BPEL processes
into executable ones. These and the other research
directions reviewed in this chapter are only the tip
of the iceberg of what can be achieved when richer
semantic descriptions of Web services covering
behavioural aspects are available.

Akkiraju, R., Farrell, J., Miller, J., Nagarajan, M.,
Schmidt, M., Sheth, A., & Verma, V. (2005, April).
Web Service Semantics WSDL-S (Technical
note). University of Georgia and IBM. Retrieved
October 18, 2006, from http://lsdis.cs.uga.edu/library/download/WSDL-S-V1.html
Ankolekar, A., Burstein, M., Hobbs, J., Lasilla,
O., Martin, D., McDermott, D., McIlraith, S.,
Narayanan, S., Paolucci, M., Payne, T., & Sycara,
K. (2002). DAML-S: Web service description
for the Semantic Web. In Proceedings of the 1st
International Semantic Web Conference (pp.
BEA Systems, Microsoft, IBM & SAP (2003,
May). Business process execution language for
Web services (BPEL4WS). Retrieved October
18, 2006, from ftp://www6.software.ibm.com/
Berardi, D., Calvanese, D., De Giacomo, G.,
Hull, R., & Mecella, M. (2005). Automatic

composition of transition-based Semantic Web

services with messaging. In Proceedings of the
31st International Conference on Very Large Data
Bases (pp. 613-624).
Blow, M., Goland, Y., Kloppmann, M., Leymann,
F., Pfau, G., Roller, D., & Rowley, M. (2004,
March). BPELJ: BPEL for Java (White paper).
BEA and IBM.
Casati, F., & Shan, M.-C. (2001). Dynamic and
adaptive composition of e-services. Information
Systems, 26(3), 143-162.
Curbera, F., Duftler, M., Khalaf, R., Nagy, W.,
Mukhi, N., & Weerawarana, S. (2002). Unraveling
the Web services Web: An introduction to SOAP,
WSDL, and UDDI. IEEE Internet Computing,
6(2), 86-93.
Fikes, R., Hayes, P., & Horrocks, I. (2002). DAML
Query Language, Abstract Specification. Retrieved October 18, 2006, from http://www.daml.
Frank, G. (1999) A general interface for interaction
of special-purpose reasoners within a modular
reasoning system. In Proceedings of the 1999
AAAI Fall Symposium on Question Answering
Systems (pp. 57-62).
Fu, X., Bultan, T., & Su, J. (2004). Analysis of
interacting BPEL Web services. In Proceedings of
the 13th International Conference on World Wide
Web (pp. 621-630). New York: ACM Press.
Kavantzas, N., Burdett, D., Ritzinger, G., Fletcher,
T., & Lafon, Y. (2004, December). Web services
choreography description language version 1.0
(W3C Working Draft 17). Retrieved October 18,
2006, from http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/WD-wscdl-10-20041217/
Kloppmann, M., Koenig, D., Leymann, F., Pfau,
G., Richayzen, A., Riegen, von, C., Schmidt, P.,
& Trickovic, I. (2005, July). WS-BPEL extension
for people: BPEL4People. A Joint White Paper
by IBM and SAP.

Service-Oriented Processes

Kloppmann, M., Koenig, D., Leymann, F., Pfau,

G., Rickayzen, A., von Riegen, C., Schmidt, P.,
& Trickovic, I. (2005, September). WS-BPEL
extension for sub-processes: BPEL-SPE. A Joint
White Paper by IBM and SAP.
Koehler, J., & Hauser, R. (2004). Untangling
unstructured cyclic flows: A solution based on
continuations. In Proceedings of OTM Confederated International Conferences, CoopIS,
DOA, and ODBASE 2004 (pp. 121-138). Berlin:
Leymann, F. (2001). Web services flow language,
version 1.0. Retrieved October 18, 2006, from
Mandel, D., & McIIraith S. (2003). Adapting
BPEL4WS for the semantic Web: The bottom
up approach to Web service interoperation. In
Proceedings of the 2nd International Semantic
Web Conference (pp. 227-241).
Mantell, K. (2005). From UML to BPEL. Retrieved October, 18, 2006, from http://www.ibm.
Martens, A. (2005). Analyzing Web service
based business processes. In Proceedings of the
8th International Conference on Fundamental
Approaches to Software Engineering (pp. 19-33).
Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
Martin, D., Burstein, M., Hobbs, J., Lassila,
O., McDermott, D., McIIraith, S., Narayanan,
S., Paolucci, M., Parsia, B., Payne, T., Sirin, E.,
Srinivasan, N., & Sycara, K. (2005, November).
OWL-S: Semantic markup for Web services, W3C
Member Submission. Retrieved October 18, 2006,
from http://www.w3.org/Submission/OWL-S
Mulyar, N. (2005). Pattern-based evaluation of
Oracle-BPEL (BPM Center Report BPM-05-24).

Murata, T. (1989). Petri nets: Properties, analysis

and applications. Proceedings of the IEEE, 77(4),
OASIS (2005, December 21). Web Services
Business Process Execution Language version 2.0
(Committee Draft). Retrieved October 18, 2006,
from http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/
OASIS Web Services Business Process Execution
Language TC (2006). Retrieved October 18, 2006,
from http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/
Ouyang, C., van der Aalst, W.M.P., Breutel, S.,
Dumas, M., ter Hofstede, A.H.M., & Verbeek,
H.M.W. (2005). Formal semantics and analysis
of control flow in WS-BPEL (BPM Center Report
BPM-05-15). BPMcenter.org.
Ouyang, C., van der Aalst, W.M.P., Dumas, M., &
ter Hofstede, A.H.M. (2006). Translating BPMN
to BPEL (BPM Center Report BPM-06-02). BPMcenter.org.
Russell, N., ter Hofstede, A.H.M., Edmond, D.,
& van der Aalst, W.M.P. (2005). Workflow data
patterns: Identification, representation and tool
support. In Proceedings of the 24th International
Conference on Conceptual Modeling (pp. 353368). Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
Russell, N., van der Aalst, W.M.P., ter Hofstede,
A.H.M., & Edmond, D. (2005). Workflow resource
patterns: Identification, representation and tool
support. In Proceedings of the 17th International
Conference on Advanced Information Systems
Engineering (pp. 216-232). Berlin: SpringerVerlag.
Thatte, S. (2001). XLANG Web services for
business process design. Retrieved October 18,
2006, from http://www.gotdotnet.com/team/

Service-Oriented Processes

van der Aalst, W.M.P., Dumas, M., Ouyang, C.,

Rozinat, A., & Verbeek, H.M.W. (2005). Choreography conformance checking: An approach
based on BPEL and Petri nets (BPM Center
Report BPM-05-25). BPMcenter.org. To appear
van der Aalst, W.M.P., Dumas, M., ter Hofstede,
A.H.M., Russell, N., Verbeek, H.M.W., & Wohed,
P. (2005). Life after BPEL? In Proceedings of
European Performance Engineering Workshop
and International Workshop on Web Services and
Formal Methods (pp. 35-50). Berlin: SpringerVerlag.
van der Aalst, W.M.P., & Lassen, K.B. (2005).
Translating workflow nets to BPEL (BETA Working Paper Series). Eindhoven, The Netherlands:
Eindhoven University of Technology. To appear
in Information and Software Technology.

patterns. Distributed and Parallel Databases,

14(1), 5-51.
Verma, K., Akkiraju, R., Goodwin, R., Doshi, P.,
& Lee, J. (2004). On accommodating inter-service
dependencies in Web process flow composition.
In Proceedings of the American Association for
Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) 2004 Spring Symposium (pp. 37-43). Stanford, CA: AAAI.
White, S. (2005). Using BPMN to model a BPEL
process. BPTrends, 3(3), 1-18. Retrieved October,
2006, from http://www.bptrends.com/
Wohed, P., van der Aalst, W.M.P., Dumas, M.,
& ter Hofstede, A.H.M. (2003). Analysis of Web
services composition languages: The case of
BPEL4WS. In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Conceptual Modelling (pp.
200-215). Chicago: Springer-Verlag.

van der Aalst, W.M.P., ter Hofstede, A.H.M., Kiepuszewski, B., & Barros, A.P. (2003). Workflow

Service-Oriented Processes

aPPEndiX 1



Describe two different ways supported by BPEL for describing business processes. What are the
differences between them? What are the usages of them?
Describe how BPEL uses WSDL, XML Schema, and XPath.
Define the partner link between a purchase order process and the external shipping service, and
the corresponding partner link type. In this relationship, the purchase order process plays the
role of the service requester, and the shipping service plays the role of the service provider. The
requester role is defined by a single port type called shippingCallbackPT. The provider role is
defined by a single port type called shippingPT.
Consider the following fragments of a BPEL process definition:
<invoke name="inv" partnerLink="pl"
portType="pt" operation="op"
<receive name="rcv" partnerLink="pl"
portType="pt" operation="op"
<receive name="rcv" partnerLink="pl"
portType="pt" operation="op"
<receive name="rcv" partnerLink="pl"
portType="pt" operation="op"


Write down all possible execution sequences of activities in the above definition.
Can we add the following pick activity in parallel to the two existing sequence activities in the
above flow? If yes, write down all possible execution sequences of activities in this updated
process definition, otherwise explain why not.

<onMessage partnerLink="pl" portType="pt"
operation="op" variable="var"/>
<invoke name="inv" partnerLink="pl"
portType="pt" operation="op"/>
<onAlarm for=PDTH>


Service-Oriented Processes

aPPEndiX 1. continuEd




This exercise involves two interacting BPEL processes P1 and P2. P1 consists of a sequence of
activities starting with a receive activity and ends with a reply activity. The pair of receive and reply
defines an interaction with process P2. In P2, there is an invoke activity calls a request-response
operation on P1, which triggers the executions of the above pair of receive and reply activities in
(a) Define an appropriate partner link between P1 and P2 (Assume that P1 plays myRole, and P2
plays partnerRole).
(b) Define the pair of receive and reply activities in P1.
(c) Define the invoke activity in P2.
Describe the difference between switch and pick constructs. Given the four scenarios described
below, which of them can be defined using switch and which of them can be defined using pick?
(a) After a survey is sent to a customer, the process starts to wait for a reply. If the customer
returns the survey in two weeks, the survey is processed; otherwise the result of the survey
is discarded.
(b) Based on the clients credit rating, the clients loan application is either approved or requires
further financial capability analysis.
(c) After an insurance claim is evaluated, based on the findings the insurance service either
starts to organize the payment for the claimed damage, or contacts the customer for further
(d) The escalation service of a call centre may receive a storm alert from a weather service which
triggers a storm alert escalation, or it may receive a long waiting time alert from the queue
management service which triggers a queue alert escalation.
The diagram above sketches a process with five activities A0, A1, A2, A3 and A4. A multi-choice
node splits one incoming control flow into multiple outgoing flows. Based on the conditions associated with these outgoing flows, one or more of them may be chosen. A sync-merge node
synchronises all active incoming control flows into one outgoing flow. Based on the above, sketch
two possible BPEL definitions for this process using sequence, flow and switch constructs. Also,
sketch another BPEL definition of the process using only control link constructs (within a flow).

Service-Oriented Processes

aPPEndiX 1. continuEd


[ x>= ]

[ y<=6 ]



[ x< and y>6 ]



[ . . . ] Condition



The definition below specifies the execution order of the activities within a BPEL process:
begin flow
begin switch
case conditionC: activityA
case conditionC: activityA
end switch
while conditionC
begin sequence
end sequence
end flow



Can we create the following two control links? Justify your answer.
i) a control link leading from activityA1 to activityA3
ii) a control link leading from activityA3 to activityA5
Can we re-define the original process using only control links within the flow activity? If
so, re-write the process definition, otherwise explain why not.
Assume that there exist two control links: one leading from activityA1 to activityA4, the
other from activityA2 to activityA4. Both links have a default transition condition, that
is, a transition condition that always evaluates to true if the source of the link is executed.
Consider the following two scenarios:
i) activityA4 has a join condition that is a disjunction of all incoming links.
ii) activityA4 has a join condition that is a conjunction of all incoming links.
In both scenarios, activityA4 has its suppressJoinFailure attribute set to yes.
Determine whether activityA4 will be performed in each scenario? Justify your

Service-Oriented Processes

aPPEndiX 1. continuEd
answer and provide a possible execution sequence for each scenario.
What could verification do when analysing a syntactically correct BPEL process? Argue
why automated verification of a BPEL specification is useful.
9. Sketch the control logic of a BPEL process for requesting quotes from an a priori known set of
N suppliers. The process is instantiated upon receiving a QuoteServiceRequest from the Client,
and then a QuoteRequest is sent in parallel to each of the N suppliers (Supplier1, Supplier2, ,
SupplierN). Next, the process waits for QuoteResponse from these suppliers. Assume that (a) each
supplier replies with at most one response and (b) only M out of N responses are required (M<=N),
which means that after receiving the responses from M suppliers, the process can continue without
waiting for the responses from the remaining N-M suppliers. To provide the ability to define how
many responses are required, a loop is created that repeats until the required number of responses
are received. The responses are collected in the order in which they are received. For each response
received, the number of responses received (NofResponse) is incremented, and the variable containing the result (Result) so far is updated. Also, to provide the ability to stop collecting responses
after some period of time (e.g., 2 hours), the above loop is contained within a scope activity that
has an alarm event handler. If the alarm is triggered, an exception (TimeOutFault) is thrown to
be caught in the outer scope, thus allowing the process to exit the loop before it finishes. If the
exception is thrown, then all that needs to be done is to incorporate a Timed Out indication to
the Result. Finally, the process completes by sending the Result to the Client.
10. Below is the BPEL code for the definition of a Supplier abstract process. Since it is an abstract
BPEL process, not all elements are fully specified. In particular, you may note that the condition
in each while loop is omitted, which means that the loop may execute for an arbitrary number of

<process name="Supplier">
<partnerLink name="client"
<variable name="inputVariable"
<variable name="outputVariable"
<receive name="order"
partnerLink="client" portType="servicePT"
operation="order" variable="inputVariable"
<invoke name="orderResponse"
<scope name="cancellationScope">


Service-Oriented Processes

aPPEndiX 1. continuEd
<catch faultName="orderChange">
<invoke name="orderChangeResponse"
<invoke name="orderChangeResponse"
<onMessage partnerLink="client"
<throw name="throwFault" faultName="orderChange"/>
<invoke name="orderResponse"


Given the following sequences of executions, indicate which of them are possible and which
of them are not possible based on the above definition. Justify your answer.
receive order;
ii) receive order, send orderResponse;
iii) receive order, send orderResponse, receive change;
iv) receive order, send orderResponse, send orderResponse, receive change, send orderChangeResponse;
v) receive order, send orderResponse, receive change, send orderResponse, send orderChangeResponse.
(b) In the current process definition, the execution sequence receive order, receive change, send
orderChangeResponse is not possible. Indicate what minimal changes need to be made to
the current process definition, so that this execution sequence becomes possible and all the
previous valid execution sequences are preserved.



Chapter IX

Semantic Web Services

Rama Akkiraju
IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, USA

The promise of dynamic selection and automatic integration of software components written to Web
services standards is yet to be realized. This is partially attributable to the lack of semantics in the
current Web service standards. To address this, the Semantic Web community has introduced semantic
Web services. By encoding the requirements and capabilities of Web services in an unambiguous and
machine-interpretable form, semantics make the automatic discovery, composition and integration of
software components possible. This chapter introduces Semantic Web services as a means to achieve
this vision. It presents an overview of Semantic Web services, their representation mechanisms, related
work and use cases.

Web services show promise to address the needs
of application integration by providing a standards-based framework for exchanging information dynamically between applications. Industry
efforts to standardize Web service description,
discovery and invocation have led to standards
such as WSDL (2001), UDDI (2002), and SOAP
(2000) respectively. These industry standards,
in their current form, are designed to represent
information about the interfaces of services, how
they are deployed, and how to invoke them, but
are limited in their ability to express what the

capabilities and requirements of services are.

This lack of semantic representation capabilities
leaves the promise of automatic integration of
applications written to Web services standards
unfulfilled. If all service providers in all industry domains agree upon a standardized format
for representing their services, there would not
be a need for semantics. However, it would be
presumptuous to assume that all applications and
their corresponding services that can be imagined
can be standardized. This leads to disparities in
service specifications by service providers and
requesters for similar services in a given industry.
Therefore, in the absence of standardized inter-

Copyright 2007, Idea Group Inc., distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI is prohibited.

Semantic Web Services

faces for all imaginable services, describing how

the services may integrate alone is not sufficient.
If no semantics are specified, a service requester
may not be able to find a service provider due to
the superficial differences in interface specifications even if it were a suitable match. A first step
toward solving this service location problem is
to rise above these superficial differences in the
representation of interfaces of services and to
identify the semantic similarities between them
(Paolucci, Kawamura, Payne, & Sycara, 2002b).
Adding semantics to represent the requirements
and capabilities of Web services is essential
for achieving automation in service discovery
and execution. This need for semantics in Web
services has led to the convergence of concepts
from Web services and the Semantic Web community. These efforts have resulted in Semantic
Web services.
Semantic Web services are Web services
whose properties, capabilities, interfaces, and
effects are encoded in an unambiguous, and
machine-interpretable form (McIlraith, Son,
& Zeng, 2001a). Grosof (2003) states semantic
Web services includes both the infrastructural
and the application-specific services and that the
term Semantic Web services can be parsed as
{Semantic Web} Services (e.g., for relatively
broad-purpose knowledge translation and inferencing) or as Semantic {Web Services} (e.g.,
knowledge based service descriptions dealing with
discovery, composition, invocation, monitoring,
etc.). Sheth (2003) argues that semantics play an
important role in the complete lifecycle of Web
services. This role of semantics in the lifecycle of
Web services is presented in Figure 1. Broadly,
the activities in the lifecycle of Web services can
be categorized as modeling activities, build-time
activities and deployment and run-time activities.
During modeling activities, the service provider
can explicate the intended semantics by annotating the appropriate parts of the Web service with
concepts from a richer semantic model. Since se-


mantic models provide agreement on the meaning

and intended use of terms, and may provide formal
and informal definitions of the entities, there will
be less ambiguity in the intended semantics of
the provider. These semantic Web services can
then be published in a registry. During discovery,
the service requester can describe the service requirements using terms from the semantic model.
Reasoning techniques can be used to find the semantic similarity between the service description
and the request. In cases where no direct matches
are found, the functionality of multiple services
can be composed. During composition, the functional aspect of the annotations can be used to
aggregate the functionality of multiple services
to create useful service compositions while the
semantics of nonfunctional aspects of services
help determine whether these compositions are
legal and valid. During deployment, semantics can
be used again to find specific service instances to
bind to the service interfaces. During invocation,
semantics can be used to represent data transformations. In case of failure of a service during
run time, semantics come to rescue to enable
automatic service discovery and binding to find
suitable substitutable services. This is shown as the
Runtime adaptation loop in Figure 1. Therefore,
once represented, semantics can be leveraged by
tools to automate service discovery, mediation,
composition, execution and monitoring.
In this chapter, we present an overview of
Semantic Web services. The rest of the chapter is
organized as follows. First, we motivate the need
for semantics in Web services. Next, we present
an overview and a comparison of the mechanisms
for representing Semantic Web services. Third, we
discuss the related work in the area of automatic
Web service discovery and composition. Fourth,
Semantic Web services use cases are discussed
followed by their potential benefits. Finally, we
present our conclusions.

Semantic Web Services

Figure 1. The role of semantics in the lifecycle of Web services

Modeling Activities

Domain Modeling,
Ontology Creation &

Service Annotation

Service Web Services

Modeling & Creation
Web Services

Legacy & Packaged Apps

Service Registry
Build time Activities

Publication & Maintenance



Service Interface Mapping


Service Binding

Runtime Adaptation

Service Invocation
Service Execution Monitoring

MotivatinG thE nEEd for

sEMantics in WEb sErvicEs
Identifying similarity between services is a difficult problem because the terminology used to
describe Web services may not be identical to the
one used in a request. In addition, the structure
and type information present in service descriptions will have to be taken into account. Explicit
semantics can play an important role in resolving
terminology ambiguities. Below we examine the
need for semantics in Web services in the context
of automatic service discovery, composition, invocation and monitoring with a few examples.

service discovery
Automatically discovering services involves finding a service that matches a given set of requirements (functional as well as nonfunctional) from
among a repository (either central or distributed)
of services. A match could be syntactic (based
on type and structure matching) and/or semantic
(based on lexical or other name similarities and
ontology matching). In a business-to-consumer
(B2C) setting, this would mean, finding a service

provider that can offer a service whose capabilities

match the specified requirements, for example,
finding an airline ticket booking Web service given
a source, destination and payment method. On
the other hand, in a business-to-business (B2B)
setting, finding service providers on demand and
invoking their services without formal agreements
is rare. Therefore, a more suitable example would
be in a software or asset reuse setting where
the objective is to reuse as much of the existing
functionality as possible when implementing new
functionality. Service discovery in this context
would mean finding suitable asset/software components that can be reused to implement full or
part of new functionality. Semantics can play an
important role in accomplishing discovery in both
settings. We consider a few scenarios to examine
the semantic issues in matching of services during
discovery process.

syntactically similar and

semantically different services
In the absence of standardization, multiple service
providers could offer similar Web services with
different interfaces. For example, two services that


Semantic Web Services

take a parameter of type xsd:string and return

an xsd:float can perform completely different
functions. One could be a getStockQuote() service
that takes the name of the company (string) as
input and returns stock price (float) and the other
could be an itemAvailabilityCheck() service that
takes an XML document as a string consisting of
many parameters such as partNum, date, quantity
and so forth, and return the quantity (float) that
is available for the requested date and partNum.
Syntactically, that is, by looking at the type of
input and output parameters in this example, the
interfaces seem like a match even if the service
names do not match exactly. So, a syntactic matching engine could still consider this a matchif
not a good one. But clearly, these two services are
meant to perform very different functionality. This
could lead to false positives in matching.

syntactically different and

semantically similar services
Contrary to the previous scenario two syntactically dissimilar services can perform the same
function semantically. For example, two services
both of which provide item availability check interfaces can have syntactically different looking
interfaces. Say, one service by the name itemAvailabilityCheck() could take an ItemInfo input
in string form (containing information about the
partNum, dateOfDelivery, requestedQuantity and
so forth, in XML document represented as string)
and return the available quantity as float while
another service by the name verifyInventoryAvailability() could expose the individual parameters
separately instead of packaging them in an XML
document. Structurally these two services look
different even though they perform same function
of checking the availability of an item. Therefore,
a syntactic matching engine may not consider
these two services as good matches. This leads
to false negatives. A semantic matcher based on
lexical and name similarity may find the services


to be partial match depending on how similar the

terms used in the two services are.

syntactically different and

seemingly semantically different
Adding further complexity to the disparateness in
the previous example, different service providers
may choose different terminology to express same
concepts. What one service provider may refer
to as a itemCode may be referred to by another
as an SKU (Stock Keeping Unit). Sample WSDL
snippets for these two cases are shown below. In
the absence of domain semantics indicating that
SKU is a subClassOf itemCode and that both are
different ways of uniquely identifying an item,
these two terms may be considered as unrelated
terms. This leads to false negatives. These kinds
of superficial differences may stand in the way of
identifying suitable services if domain semantics
are not explicitly specified.
<complexType name=ItemInfo>
<element name=itemCode type=xsd:string/>
<element name=dueDate type=xsd:dateTime />
<element name=qty type=xsd:float />
<message name=request >
<part name=itemInfo_in type=xsd:ItemInfo />
<part name=requesterID_in type=xsd:string />
<message name=response >
<part name=quantity_out type=xsd:float/>
<portType name=ItemAvailabilityCheck>
<operation name=itemCheck >
<input message=tns:request name=request/>
<output message=tns:response
Sample WSDL snippet for item availability service

Semantic Web Services

<message name=request >
<part name=SKU_in type=xsd:string />
<part name=reqAmt_in type=xsd:float />
<part name=reqDate_in type=xsd:string />
<part name=acctId_in type=xsd:string />
<message name=response >
<part name=quantity_out type=xsd:float/>
<portType name=verifyInventoryAvailability>
<operation name=inventoryAvailability >
<input message=tns:request name=request/>
<output message=tns:response

Sample WSDL snippet for inventory verification service

syntactically similar and seemingly

semantically similar
In some scenarios the interfaces of services may
look similar both syntactically and semantically
at a first glance but indeed represent very different things. To illustrate this, we look at two
Web services: (1) getChipQuote() service and (2)
checkChipPrice() service whose WSDL snippets
are shown below. Both services take a parameter
of type xsd:string and return an xsd:float. The
names of the parameters are similar as well. However, it these services perform completely different
functions. One is a getChipQuote() service from
semiconductor domain that takes the specification of the chip as an XML document (string) as
input and returns price (float) and the other is an
checkChipPrice() service from online gambling
domain that takes the type of chip as a string and
returns the bid price (float). If a syntactic matching
is performed on these two services based on the
number of parameters, and their types, they could
incorrectly be considered a match because of type
and structural similarity. If semantic matching
based on lexical and name-similarity is performed

without considering the domain and context of

these two services they could be considered a
match. So overall, these two services could be
misconstrued as very good match. This leads to
false positives. In this example, the real intended
semantics are revealed through domain context.
Formally this domain context can be modeled using automatically inferenceable markup languages
such as OWL (OWL) and WSMO (WSMO).
<message name=request >
<part name=chip_info type=xsd:string />
<message name=response >
<part name=price_out type=xsd:float/>
<portType name=ChipQuote>
<operation name=getChipQuote >
<input message=tns:request name=request/>
<output message=tns:response
Sample WSDL snippet for chipQuote service from
semiconductor domain
<message name=request >
<part name=chip_in type=xsd:string />
<message name=response >
<part name=price_out type=xsd:float/>
<portType name=ChipPrice>
<operation name=checkChipPrice >
<input message=tns:request name=request/>
<output message=tns:response

Sample WSDL snippet for checking chip price

in online gambling domain
Figure 2 summarizes the mishits that might
occur with syntactic matching (structure and
type matching) and even some types of semantic
matching (lexical, name similarity matching).
As we have seen in the four scenarios presented


Semantic Web Services

Figure 2. Pitfalls in syntactic matching and

semantic matching based on lexical and name
similarity matching



Poor Match

False +ves

False +ves

False -ves False -ves

Poor Match

No Match

above there is possibility for falsely identifying

some services as matches when they are not
leading to false positives (as in scenarios (a) and
(d)) and incorrectly identifying some services
as poor or no matches when they could indeed
be good matches leading to false negatives (as
in scenarios (b) and (c)). The vision of Semantic
Web services is to enable better automatic matching of services based on semantic context so that
these types of false positives and negatives can
be minimized as much as possible. In the Representation Mechanisms for Semantic Web Services
section, we present some approaches to capture
semantics of Web services that can help resolve
the semantic differences between terms such as
SKU and itemCode in the above example.
In the Related Work section of the chapter, we
examine various techniques used to perform
automatic service discovery.

service invocation
Service discovery can help identify a suitable
service at a semantic level. For example, it can
help identify an inventory checking service that
fits in within the general parameters specified in
the request. However, in order for the application on the requesters side to invoke the chosen
service automatically, a more detailed level of
matching may be required to identify the actual
interface mappings. For example, a service that


takes a UPC code as input can be matched at

semantic level with a service that can provide
SKU code since both concepts help uniquely
identify items. However, this match may not be
executable because of differences in the syntactic
representation of these two codes (e.g., UPC may
be a 14 digit code while SKU is a 12 digit code).
A conversion service (that can convert a UPC
Code to SKU Code) may be required before the
service invocation can occur. Web service invocation involves creating these interface mappings
from the request service to the chosen service.
Often this may involve deeper semantic analysis
than what was done during service discovery.
For example, in some services, the firstname
and lastname parameters from one service need
to be concatenated to match with the fullname
parameter on another service. These kinds of associations can be derived from a semantic model
and mappings can be generated and stored to
facilitate invocation. Currently, users pour over
the documentation to manually generate these
mappings and then use tools or write code to get
the services ready for invocations. The vision of
semantic Web services for service invocation is
that tools built using semantics can help reduce
this burden on the user.

service composition
Composing existing Web services to deliver new
functionality is a requirement in many business
domains. Service composition extends the notion
of service discovery by enabling automatic composition of services to meet the requirements of a
given a high-level task description. For example, to
fulfill a high level task such as place my purchase
order with a supplier that can supply n number
of parts of type x by a date y, one may require
composing services that can perform digital signing and encryption if the supplier requires the
information to be secure. Figure 3 shows such a
composition. Currently, if such transformations
are required to connect up services, a user must

Semantic Web Services

select these services manually, and specify the

compositions. With semantic markup of services,
on the other hand, the information necessary to
select and compose services is available via the
semantic descriptions of the requirements and
capabilities of services. This enables automatic

service Execution Monitoring

Semantics can play an important role in service
execution monitoring. When services become
unavailable new substitutable services can be
discovered and bound to a task in place of the
failed service. This could make systems built
using Semantic Web services robust.
As illustrated in this section, domain semantics
can play an important role in resolving ambiguities
in the intent of Web services. Significant efforts
have been underway by the semantic Web community to help represent such semantics. In the next
section, we examine some approaches proposed
for capturing semantics in Web services.

rEPrEsEntation MEchanisMs
for sEMantic WEb sErvicEs
Web services can be broadly classified as simple
and complex services. Semantic Web community
defines a simple or atomic Web service as a Web
service where a single Web-accessible computer
program, sensor, or device is invoked by a request
message, performs its task and perhaps produces
a single response to the requester. With atomic
services there is no ongoing interaction between
the user and the service (OWL-S, 2005). A simple
Web service is typically considered stateless. In
contrast a complex or composite service is defined
as one that is composed of multiple more primitive
services, and may require an extended interaction
or conversation between the requester and the set
of services that are being utilized (OWL-S, 2005).
A complex Web service typically involves data
flow from one step to another, possibly carrying
state information. For example, a purchase order
process can contain checking the availability of
an item and then placing the purchase order with
the same supplier with whom item availability has
been verified. This process requires information to

Figure 3. Illustration of Semantic Web service composition




Order Confirmation
Signed & Encrypted
Purchase Order
Order Document
Processor Service

Order Confirmation

Plain Text
Is an InstanceOf

Signing Service



Order Document


Semantic Web Services

be passed from check availability task (represented

as a Web service) to place purchase order task.
Such a collection of related, structured activities
that produce a specific service can be defined as a
Web process or a complex Web service. Defining
semantics for such a complex service could be
complicated. Below we examine the representation mechanisms for both simple Web services
and complex Web services (alternatively referred
to as Web processes).
Semantic Web services representation languages have a significant body of work to draw
upon from the fields of computer science and specifically from artificial intelligence. Description
logics (Baader, Calvaneese, McGuinness, Nardi,
& Patel-Schneider, 2003), frame logics (Kifer,
Lausen, & Wu, 1995) and logic programming
(Baral & Gelfond, 1994) lay the foundations for
formal representations for ontologies. Theory on
Finite State Machine (FSM) (Gill, 1962) and its
variants such as Petri nets (Reisig, 1985) lay the
foundations for distributed interacting systems
upon which Web processes or complex Web
services are modeled. Theories such as process
algebra (Fokkink, 2000), situation calculus
(Levesque, Pirri, & Reiter, 1998) and Pi Calculus
(Sangiorgi & Walker, 2001) that help represent the
state of the universe form the basis for languages
such as PSL from which advanced languages
for representing Semantic Web services such as
FLOWs have emerged.
Below we examine some of the recent efforts
to bring semantics to Web services. Example proposals include initiatives, projects and languages
such as OWL-S (2001), WSMO (2005), WSDL-S
(2005), and SWSA/SWSL (SWSA, 2005; SWSL,
2005). We look at some of them below.

OWL-S defines an upper ontology (please refer
to end notes section of a definition of the term
upper ontology) for describing the properties
and capabilities of Web services in OWL (OWL,


2004). It is intended to enable users and software agents to automatically discover, invoke,
compose, and monitor Web resources offering
services, under specified constraints. It defines
high level constructs such as a service profile: to
represent the interfaces of services including inputs, outputs, preconditions and effects, a service
(process) model to represent the details of inner
working of a service, and a service grounding to
provide information about how to use a service.
Whereas OWL-S profile model views a service
as an atomic process, OWL-S service (process)
model captures the state of a service as a complex
interaction process. While OWL-S profile defines
a model for describing the functional properties
of a service via constructs such as inputs, outputs,
preconditions and effects (sometimes referred to
as IOPEs), OWL-S service model uses workflow
constructs such as sequence, if-then-else, fork,
repeat-until and so forth, to define a composite
processes. OWL-S grounding model defines the
necessary links to Web service industry standard
WSDL to use its invocation model. OWL-S, the
result of a DARPA funded project, is among the
first efforts to define a formal model for Semantic
Web services. This work helped trigger many
research efforts both in the academic and industrial research communities. OWL-S is one of the
submissions to W3C for defining a framework for
semantics in Web services.
The following OWL-S snippets illustrate how
checkInventory() service discussed in the Motivation section can be represented in OWL-S. The
profile, process and grounding models together
with a corresponding ontology define a semantic
Web service.
<profileHierarchy:CheckInv rdf:ID=Profile_CheckInventory_Service>
<profile:hasInput rdf:resource=http://www.daml.org/
<profile:hasInput rdf:resource=http://www.daml.org/
<profile:hasInput rdf:resource=http://www.daml.org/

Semantic Web Services

<profile:hasOutput rdf:resource=http://www.daml.
</profileHierarchy: CheckInv >
OWL-S profile model snippet for CheckInventory()
<process:AtomicProcess rdf:ID=CheckInv>
<process:Input rdf:ID=UPC>
<process:parameterType rdf:resource=http://www.
<process:Input rdf:ID=dueDate>
<process:parameterType rdf:resource=http://www.
<process:Input rdf:ID=numItems>
<process:parameterType rdf:resource=http://www.
OWL-S process model snippet for CheckInventory()
<message name=CheckInv_Input>
<part name=UPC owl-s-wsdl:owl-s-parameter=
<part name=dueDate owl-s-wsdl:owl-s-paramete
<part name=numItems owl-s-wsdl:owl-s-paramete
OWL-S grounding model for CheckInventory() service

A visual representation of CheckInvProcess.

owl is given below in Figure 4. It can be noted,
based on these relationships, that a UPC Code can
be passed in place of EAN Code and that EAN
scanners can parse UPC Code fine since UPC is
a subset of EANCode. This type of information
is very useful in trying to match two service interfaces where one refers to a UPC code while the
other to an EAN Code. If a domain model such
as the one below did not exist, the service interfaces would go unmatched due to the superficial
terminology differences.

Web Service Modeling Ontology (WSMO, 2004),
a European Union funded project, proposes four
main elements: (1) ontologies, which provide the
terminology used by other WSMO elements, (2)
Web service descriptions, which describe the
functional and behavioral aspects of a Web service, (3) goals that represent user desires, and (4)
mediators, which aim at automatically handling
interoperability problems between different
WSMO elements (WSMO, 2004).
Just as OWL-S relies on OWL ontology language for defining its upper ontology, WSMO
framework relies on Web Service Modeling
Language (WSML) (Bruijn, Fensel, Keller,
Kifer, Lausen, Krummenacher, Polleres, &
Predoiu, 2005) for language constructs. Just as
OWL defines multiple flavors namely OWLDL, OWL-Lite, OWL-Full, WSML has variants
such as WSML-Core, WSML-DL, WSML-Rule,
and WSML-Flight. The conceptual difference
between OWL and WSML is primarily in the
formal logic languages that they rely on. While
OWL relies on Description Logics (DL), WSML
is based on different logical formalisms, namely,

Figure 4. A visual representation of a partNumber










Semantic Web Services

Description Logics, First-Order Logic and Logic

Programming, which are useful for the modeling
of semantic Web services.
WSMO shares with OWL-S the vision that
ontologies are essential to support automatic
discovery, composition and interoperation of Web
services. But despite sharing a unifying vision,
OWL-S and WSMO differ greatly in the details
and the approach to achieve these results. Whereas
OWL-S explicitly defines a set of ontologies that
support reasoning about Web services, WSMO
defines a conceptual framework within which
these ontologies will have to be created. Another
difference between OWL-S and WSMO is that
while OWL-S does not make any distinction between types of Web services, WSMO places a lot
of stress in the specification of mediators: mapping
programs that solve the interoperation problems
between Web services. (OWL-S, 2004b)
The following WSML snippet illustrates how
checkInventory() service discussed in the Motivation section can be represented in WSML.

ontology _http://www.example.org/ontologies/exam.
concept Item
dc#description hasValue concept of an Item
hasUPC ofType xsd#string
hasDate ofType xsd:dateTime
hasQty ofType xsd:float

concept AvailabilityResponse
dc#description hasValue concept of an AvailabilityResponse
hasConfirmation ofType xsd:string


webService _http://example.org/CheckInv

sharedVariables ?item
dc#description hasValue The input has to contain
a UPC, due date and qty.
?item memberOf Item.
dc#description hasValue After the item availability
check confirmation is sent
?conf memberOf AvailabilityResponse
[forItem hasValue ?item].


choreography _http://example.org/exChoreograorchestration _http://example.org/exOrchestration

Keeping upward compatibility of WSDL, semantic
support for XML schema and industry adoption
issues in view WSDL-S (2005) proposes an incremental approach to add semantic annotations
to WSDL documents. In WSDL-S, users can
add semantic annotations to WSDL documents
using the extensibility framework defined in
the WSDL specification. The semantic annotations could be references to concepts defined
in an external ontology. WSDL-S as such does
not prescribe any particular ontology language
and is defined to be agnostic to the semantic
representation language. Users can use OWL or
WSMO or any other modeling language of their
choice. WSDL-S work came out of METEOR-S
(2003) project from University of Georgia which
was later significantly revised jointly by IBM and
METEOR-S team. Figure 5 captures the essence
of WSDL-S. It highlights how the domain model

Semantic Web Services

is kept external to a Web service model and how

the associations between WSDL concepts and
their corresponding semantic annotations are
maintained using (URI) references.
The following WSDL 1.1 excerpt shows how
message parts of checkInventoryService() have
been semantically annotated with OWL ontology

Figure 5. WSDL-S: Externalized representation

and association of semantics to WSDL elements
( WSDL-S, 2005)
Domain Model


xmlns:wssem= http://www.myschema.com/schemas/00/wssem
ontologies/ElectronicsDomain.owl >

<message name=CheckInventoryServiceReque

<part name=UPC_in type=xsd:string wssem:

<part name=dueDate_in type=xsd:dateTime wssem:modelReference=ElectronicsOnt#DeliveryDate/>
<part name=numberOfItems_in type=xsd:float
<message name=CheckInventoryServiceRespo
<part name=itemAvailConfNum_out type=xsd:
string wssem:modelReference=ElectronicsOnt#Conf
<portType name=CheckInventoryService>
<operation name=checkInventoryService >
<input message=tns:CheckInventoryServiceRequest name=checkInventoryServiceRequest/>
<output message=tns:CheckInventoryServiceResponse name=checkInventoryServiceResponse/>
Representing CheckInventory Service in WSML


Table 1. Comparative analysis of languages for providing semantics in Web services



Semantic Language


Relation with WSDL

Profile Model

An OWL based upper

ontology for Web services.


Description Logics

Defines connectivity to
WSDL via Grounding
Model but overlaps in
defining inputs, outputs
and operations exist.


Uses extensibility elements in

WSDL to annotate elements
with terms in externalized

Agnostic to ontology
language (can work with
or any other modeling

Agnostic to ontology
language. Therefore,
users are at will to pick
a formalism of their

Specifies annotations
directly in WSDL as
extensibility elements.


A Web Service Modeling

Ontology expressed using


Description Logics,
First-Order Logic and
Logic Programming

Defines connectivity to
WSDL via Grounding
Model but overlaps in
defining inputs, outputs
and operations exist.


Semantic Web Services

Table 1 summarizes the Semantic Web service
representation language submissions to W3C. This
is a modified version of the table given by Sheth
(Sheth, Verma, & Gomadam, 2006).
OWL-S, WSMO and WSDL-S all three have
been submitted to W3C as alternate proposals
to define a framework for semantics in Web
services. While in principle, all three proposals
use similar conceptual underpinnings, the difference is primarily in the scope. As has been
discussed OWL-S proposal presents a framework
for simple (atomic) as well as complex (process)
services. WSMO proposal includes frameworks
for Web service choreography, orchestration in
the scope. WSDL-S, on the other hand, proposes
an approach to add semantics to Web services
specifically aligning itself with industry standard
WSDL while excluding the process specification
models from the scope. In addition, while OWL-S
and WSML services are closely tied with OWL
and WSMO ontology languages respectively,
WSDL-S is agnostic to ontology languages. It
can work with any ontology language because
the annotations are externalized. WSDL-S on the
other hand does not have anything to say about
semantic Web processes as it only deals with adding semantic annotations to simple Web services
represented as WSDLs.
At the time of writing of this chapter, a new
working group has been initiated by W3C organization to help define semantic annotations
for Web services. The working group is called
Semantic Annotations for Web Services
(SAWSDL, http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/sawsdl/).
The charter for the working group (http://www.
w3.org/2005/10/sa-ws-charter) indicates that A
Member Submission, WSDL-S, related to this
work, has been acknowledged by W3C and should
be used as one input to the Working Group.
Apart from these, efforts to create architectures and language requirements for Semantic
Web services were started under the Semantic


Web Services Initiative (SWSI). These include

Semantic Web Services Architecture (SWSA)
(SWSA, 2005) and Semantic Web Services Language Requirements (SWSL, 2005). SWSL puts
forth the following as functional requirements for
any Semantic Web services language: advertising
and matchmaking, negotiation and contracting,
process modeling and process enactment. It
also intends to identify formalisms that can adequately support these functional requirements.
The architecture working group (SWSA, 2005)
intended to develop architectural and protocol
abstractions thereby resulting in the development
of a reference architecture to support Semantic
Web service technologies. Some work was done
toward achieving these objectives. A related effort
by the WSMO community to create a reference
implementation of WSMO led to Web Service
Modeling eXecution environment (WSMX, 2004)
framework. It is an execution environment for
business application integration where semantically enhanced Web services are integrated for
various business applications.

representation Mechanisms for

semantic Web Processes
In this section, we examine the issues involved in
representing the semantics for complex services
or Web processes and the efforts in this space.
As mentioned, OWL-S relies on the expressivity of OWL for representing Semantic Web
services. Although OWL language has considerable expressive power to describe semantic
models of Web services, it has certain limitations
that become more apparent when modeling complex Web services or Web processes. OWL has
rich set of constructs for expressing classes but
the expressiveness of the language has limitations in describing properties. Also, OWL does
not provide for the use of variables, especially
when defining related classes in an ontology.
This restriction poses limitations in relating the
inputs and outputs of composite processes with

Semantic Web Services

those of other processes. In addition, there is

no composition constructor, so, it is impossible
to capture relationship between a composite
property and another (possible composite) property. The standard example here is the obvious
relationship between the composition of the parent and the brother properties with the uncle
property (Horrocks & Schneider, 2004). Other
process modeling languages such as Finite State
Machines, Pi-Calculus, and Petrinets are good
at expressing the aspects of a process but are not
good at expressing things such as conditional effects, and nonfunctional constraints (Gruninger et
al., 2005). To overcome these limitations, SWSL
committee had developed a new more expressive language called FLOWs: A first-order logic
ontology for Web services. FLOWs builds on
the ISO standard (ISO 18629) Process Specification Language (PSL) (PSL, 2003). FLOWs adds
extensions to PSL for expressing control, ordering, occurrence, state and exception constraints.
These constructs make primitive and complex
processes first class objects in FLOWs. With
these extensions, it is relatively easy for a trained
programmer to express the semantics of complex
Web processes. The limitation of FLOWs is that
the syntax is unsuitable for an average programmer. Additional surface languages and tools have

to be developed to make it more accessible to an

average programmer.
The following table summarizes the semantic
languages for representing Web processes that
were submitted to W3C. This is a modified version
of the table given by Sheth (Sheth et al., 2006).

rElatEd Work on sEMantic

WEb sErvicEs
Significant amount of work has been done in the
area of Web service discovery and composition.
Below we examine some of the related work.

service discovery
Many approaches such as information retrieval,
AI, database schema matching, software engineering and so forth. have been applied to accomplish
syntactic and semantic matching of service requirements with capabilities.
One of the earliest works on matchmaking engines put in the context of semantic Web services
is presented by Sycara et al. (1999). An updated
system that uses OWL-S based semantics for
match making is given by Paolucci (2002a). In
addition to utilizing a capability-based semantic

Table 2. Comparative analysis of languages for representing semantics in Web processes



Ontology Language


OWL-S Process

An OWL based upper ontology for

representing Web processes.


Description Logics


A combination of First Order Logic and

rules to represent Web services. Based on
Process Specification Language (PSL).
FLOWs rectifies the problems with OWL-S
process model.


First-Order Logic


The orchestration model in WSMO refers to

complex services with states.


Description Logics, First-Order

Logic and Logic Programming


Semantic Web Services

match, this engine uses various IR-based filters

such as namespace comparison, word frequency
comparison, ontology similarity matching, ontology subsumption matching, and constraint
matching, thereby reducing the number of false
positives. Li and Horrocks (2003) in their work
present a software system for matchmaking based
on DL subsumption reasoning. They use Racer
reasoner (Haarslev & Moller, 2003) to compute
semantic matching between service requirements and service advertisements. These works
introduce the concept of a degree of match in
performing semantic matching using the notions
of exact, plug-in, subsumption, intersection and
disjoint. Much of the rest of the work in semantic
matching of Web services that followed is inspired
by these approaches.
The problem of automatically finding semantic relationships between schemas has also been
addressed by a number of database researchers
lately (Madhavan, Bernstein, & Rahm, 2001;
Melnik, Garcia-Molina, & Rahm, 2002; Popa et
al., 2002). The notion of elemental and structural
level schema matching has been present in the
METEOR-S project (Patil, Oundhakar, Sheth,
& Verma, 2004), where the engine can perform
both element and structure level schema matching for Web services. The element level matching
is based on a combination of Porter Stemmer
(Porter, 1980) for root word selection, WordNet
dictionary (Miller, 1983) for synonyms, abbreviation dictionary to handle acronyms and NGram
algorithm for linguistic similarity of the names of
the two concepts. The schema matching examines
the structural similarity between two concepts.
Both element match score and schema match
score are then used to determine the final match
score. In a related work Syeda-Mahmood et al.
(2005) explore the use of domain-independent
and domain-specific ontologies to find matching
service descriptions. The domain-independent relationships are derived using an English thesaurus
after tokenization and part-of-speech tagging. The
domain-specific ontological similarity is derived


by inferencing the semantic annotations associated with Web service descriptions. Matches due to
the two cues are combined to determine an overall
semantic similarity score. They demonstrate that
by combining multiple cues, we show that better relevancy results can be obtained for service
matches from a large repository, than could be
obtained using any one cue alone.
Recently, clustering and classification techniques from machine learning are being applied
to the problem of Web service matching and
classification at either the whole Web service
level (Hess & Kushmerick, 2003) or at the operation level (Dong, Halevy, Madhavan, Nemes, &
Zhang., 2004). In Hess and Kushmerick (2003),
for example, all terms from portTypes, operations
and messages in a WSDL document are treated
as a bag of words and multidimensional vectors
created from these bag of words are used for Web
service classification. Although this type of classification retrieves matches with higher precision
than full-text indexed search, the overall matches
produced, however, do not guarantee a match of
operations to operations, messages to messages,
and so forth. The paper by Madhavan and colleagues (2001) addresses this aspect by focusing
on matching of operations in Web services. Specifically, it clusters parameters present in inputs
and outputs of operations (i.e., messages) based
on their co-occurrence into parameter concept
clusters. This information is exploited at the
parameter, the inputs and output, and operation
levels to determine similarity of operations in
Web services.

semantic Matching in Web services

There has been a flurry of activity in the area
of business service registries to which semantic
matching has been applied. This work ranges from
assuming centralized public or private business
service registries (such as the one proposed by
the UDDI consortium) to a decentralized notion

Semantic Web Services

of services where each company makes its own

services available on its Web site. Several approaches have been suggested to enable semantic
matching of Web service capabilities in the context
of these registries.
In their follow-up work to DAML-S specification, a precursor to OWL-S, Paolucci et al. (2002b)
tie the semantic representation of Web services
work with Web service directories/registries
such as UDDI. In their approach, they propose
to enhance search in UDDI by intercepting the
search calls to a UDDI registry and performing
semantic matching outside of the UDDI registry. The functionality of UDDI registry itself is
untouched in this approach. While this approach
is a good start, it has an inherent disadvantage.
Every user of UDDI registry has to have the infrastructure developed by Paolucci and colleagues
(2002b), for the semantic matching to take place.
To address this limitation in a follow up work,
Akkiraju, Goodwin, Doshi, and Roeder (2003)
present a design mechanism for a tighter integration of semantic matching with UDDI registry by
directly extending UDDIs inquiry application
programming interface (API) (find_service()) and
its implementation. This approach incorporates
semantic matching directly in UDDI registry by
altering the find_service() API that users of UDDI
registry are familiar with. While this is a workable solution, it proposes embedding matching
capability into UDDI registry implementation.
This makes UDDI matching specific to a particular service description language in their
case, DAML-S. To address this, Colgrave and
colleagues, in their work (Colgrave, Akkiraju, &
Goodwin, 2004), present an approach in which a
UDDI registry can select a matchmaking engine
dynamically based on the service requirements
and find suitable service advertisements whose
capabilities are described in the language that the
requester can understand. In this approach, the
matchmaking engines themselves are advertised
as Web services in the registry.

All of these approaches discussed so far assume

a centralized repository of Web services that offers
search functions. Some work has also been done
to investigate how semantic matching could work
in a decentralized service environment.
Peer-to-peer networks have been investigated
as an alternative to centralized Web services registries such as UDDI. A discussion on Semantic
Web and peer-to-peer issues is presented by works
such as Armugam, Sheth, and Arpinar (2001)
and Schlosser et al. (2002). Verma et al. (2005)
present a scalable peer-to-peer infrastructure of
registries for semantic publication and discovery
of Web services. This work proposes an ontologybased approach to organize registries by enabling
semantic classification of Web services to be
published and the use of peer-to-peer networking
as a scalable infrastructure for registries.
Some work is also done to automatically
suggest annotations for Web services. Hess and
Kushmerick (2003) suggest the use of machine
learning to generate suggestions for annotating
Web services. In a related effort, Patil and colleagues have developed MWSAF, a Web service
annotation framework (Patil et al., 2004). In
their work, they generate recommendations for
automatically annotating WSDL documents. To
accomplish this they match XML schema used
by the WSDL files with ontologies by creating
canonical schema graphs. A survey of semantic
annotations platforms is presented by Reeve and
Han (2005).

service composition
The literature on Web services matching and
composition has focused on two main directions.
One body of work explored the application of AI
planning or logic-based algorithms to achieve
composition while the other investigated the application of information retrieval techniques for
searching and composing of suitable services in
the presence of semantic ambiguity from large


Semantic Web Services

First, we consider work that is done on composing Web services using planning based on
some notion of semantic annotations. A general
survey of planning based approaches for Web
services composition can be found in (Peer, 2005).
SWORD (Ponnekanti & Fox, 2002) was one of the
initial attempts to use planning to compose Web
services. It does not model service capabilities in
an ontology but uses rule chaining to composes
Web services. In McIlraith et al. (2001), a method
is presented to compose Web services by applying
logical inferencing techniques on predefined plan
templates. The service capabilities are annotated
in DAML-S/RDF and then manually translated
into Prolog. Given a goal description, the logic
programming language of Golog (which is implemented over Prolog) is used to instantiate the
appropriate plan for composing the Web services.
In Traverso and Pistore (2004), executable BPELs
are automatically composed from goal specification by casting the planning problem as a model
checking problem on the message specification of
partners. The approach is promising but presently
restricted to logical goals and small number of
partner services. Sirin and colleagues (2003) use
contextual information to find matching services
at each step of service composition. They further
filter the set of matching services by using ontological reasoning on the semantic description of
the services as well as by using user input. Synthy
(Agarwal, Chafle, & Dasgupta, 2005) takes an
end-to-end view of composition of Web services
and combines semantic matching with domain
ontologies with planning.
While these bodies of work use the notion of
domain annotations and semantic reasoning with
planning, none of them use domain-independent
cues such as thesaurus. Moreover, they do not
consider text analysis techniques such as tokenization, abbreviation expansions, and stop word
filtering and so forth. in drawing the semantic
relationships among the terms referenced in Web


services. Shivashanmugam and colleagues (2003)

propose semantic process templates to capture the
semantic requirements of Web process in their
work on MWSCF. The semantic information
about services in the templates can be used to
dynamically discover suitable services and generate executable BPEL documents. Compositions
are enabled via user interactions.
The second body of work looked at composition of Web services using domain independent
cues alone. Syeda-Mahmood (2004) models Web
service composition as bipartite graph and solves
a maximum matching problem while resolving the
semantic ambiguities using domain-independent
ontologies and text analysis approaches. This work
takes its roots in schema matching. However, this
work does not use domain-dependent ontologies
which are crucial to resolving the differences
between domain-specific contextual terms.
Bringing both approaches together, a recent
work by Akkiraju (Akkiraju, Srivastava, Ivan,
Syeda-Mahmood, & Goodwin, 2006) presents a
new technique to combine domain-independent
semantic cues (e.g., thesaurus) with domaindependent ones (represented as domain ontologies) with planning approaches for achieving
composition. In addition, this approach applies
text analysis techniques such as tokenization,
abbreviation expansion and stop word filtering
to do fine granular semantic matching of terms
used in Web services descriptions.
Composing Web services based on nonfunctional properties by modeling the quality of
service properties as constraints in mathematical
programming has also been looked into. Among
some of the works in this space include Zeng (Zeng
et al., 2003) and Agarwal (Agarwal et al., 2004).
Claro and colleagues (Claro, Daniela, Albers,
Patrick, Hao, & Jin-Kao, 2005) present a multiobjective evolutionary algorithm for composing
Web services.

Semantic Web Services

semantic Matching of nonfunctional

Properties of Web services
Much of the discussion so far centered on the
matching of functional properties of Web services represented by their interfaces. Matching
nonfunctional properties (such as security, policy,
privacy, transactional requirements and capabilities) of Web services is just as important in determining a good match. Below we examine some
work that has been done in the area of matching
non-functional properties of Web services that
are typically represented as Web services policies
using languages such as WS-Policy.
Among the matching efforts that are based
on syntax alone include Wohlstadter et al. (2004)
and Mukhi and Plebani (2004). Wohlstadter and
colleagues (2004) extend the grammar of WSPolicy to add qualifying conditions and numerical
predicates, but is still based on syntactical domain
models. Having XML based models limits the
expressivity of the assertions and also limits
the matching to syntactical matching. Yang et
al. (2003) address syntactical heterogeneity of

homogeneous assertions from a mathematical

point of view.
There has also been some work in matching
policies using Semantic Web technologies. Uszok
et al. (2004) have developed the KAOS system
for representing policies using OWL. Kagal and
colleagues (2004a) use a rule based engine for
handling trust and privacy of Web services. In
another paper (Kagal et al., 2004b), the authors
have discussed the interaction of OWL ontologies and SWRL rules as an open problem. Li
and Horrocks (2004) provide an approach for
matching nonfunctional attributes using semantics, but their framework is restricted as they rely
solely on subsumption for the matching and their
expressivity is limited by description logics. In
a follow-on work, Verma et al. (2005b) present
a more flexible approach to match Web service
policies while accounting for the intra and inter
domain relationships by using SWRL (Horrocks
& Schneider, 2004) type of rules.
Table 3 summarizes some characteristics of
semantic Web services in which research has
been conducted.

Table 3. Summary of Semantic Web service discovery and composition approaches



Type of Semantic Web services

Simple, Complex

Properties of Semantic Web services

Functional, Nonfunctional

Sources of semantic information

Domain models (such as ontologies), Domain-independent models (such as dictionaries) and


Service discovery methods

Information retrieval (such as text analysis, vector space, probabilistic models), AI techniques
(such as machine learning, semantic reasoning), Mathematical modeling techniques (such as
linear programming) and combinations

Service composition methods

Information retrieval (such as text analysis, vector space, probabilistic models), AI techniques
(such as machine learning, semantic reasoning, planning), Mathematical modeling techniques
(such as linear programming) and combinations

Service registry approaches

Centralized (such as UDDI), Decentralized/Peer-to-Peer

Service registry types

Public, Private


Semantic Web Services

MakinG a businEss casE for

sEMantic WEb sErvicEs
While the work on standards for representing semantics in Web services is evolving, both the academic and industry communities have recognized
the need to make a business case for articulating
the value of semantics in Web services. Efforts
to define business scenarios that can benefit from
the use of semantic Web services are underway.
Semantic Web service Architecture (SWSA,
2005) had outlined the following areas among the
consumers of Semantic Web services technology:
business-to-business (B2B) enterprise integration
systems, business-to-consumer (B2C) Web-based
commercial and informational systems, scientific
grid computing, ubiquitous computing powered
by wireless devices, and agent-based systems for
control and coordination tasks (SWSA use cases,
2005). Below, we examine a few scenarios where
automatic Web service discovery and composition
powered by semantics could be useful.

use case for service discovery in

b2b Enterprise systems
Automatic discovery of new business applications,
represented as Web services, offered by new service providers has been presented as a standard
scenario in B2B enterprise integration systems.
However, informal studies reveal that in a business
setting dynamically finding new service providers
is not desirable. Typically, businesses prefer to
have well defined agreements and procedures in
place before they can start invoking each others
services. A more credible scenario that is emerging is that of software asset reuse (a software asset could be software code, documentation, best
practices, templates, frameworks and so forth. In
its simplest form, a software asset could be a Web
service wrapper to a legacy application). While
building new business applications or changing the
existing ones, often it is desirable to use as much


of the existing functionality as possible while only

building what is needed incrementally on top of
the existing functionality. In a large enterprise
that is formed via mergers and acquisitions, there
could be many applications that are developed over
time. In such a situation, finding suitable existing
functionality from among a large collection could
be time consuming. Simple category-based and
keyword-based search functions offered by current repository software are insufficient to make
software reuse decisions. Business applications
whose functionality is semantically described
can be found and integrated with more easily
than those without semantic descriptions. This
presents opportunities for Semantic Web services
in integrating enterprise systems. An example
use case for this would be: find me an RFID
checkout service for retail industry that can take
RFID and coupon codes and produce total basket
price and new coupons for next purchase. In this
example, if a company has several services that
it has implemented over time for retail industry
solutions, a particular service that can perform
RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) tag based
checkout is what needs to be retrieved. There may
be other checkout services that are available in
the repository that may not use RFID as input
and these should not be a match. So, in this asset reuse use case, automatic service discovery
involves carefully matching the requirements to
extract only those services that are relevant from
among a large repository of services.

use case for service composition in

b2b Enterprise systems
Automatic service composition in B2B enterprise integration could play an important role.
A commonly occurring situation is that systems
that are built overtime typically use old formats
and standards and often need to be transformed
into the current state-of-the-art format to be
integrated with newer systems. For example,
newer systems may require documents to be

Semantic Web Services

digitally signed and encrypted before they can

be processed. So, transforming a given plain text
document into a secure document requires some
transformation services. This problem can be
framed as a semantic composition problem. For
example, a semantic description such as: given
a digital signing service, encryption service and
a purchase order service from service provider
XYZ that requires purchase orders to be digitally
signed and encrypted, place my plain text purchase
order with service provider XYZ. Also, note a
constraint that documents have to be digitally
signed before they can be encrypted could be
handed off to an automatic semantic composition
system to achieve the required transformation.
In this example, automatic service composition
system would transform my plain text purchase
order into a digitally signed and encrypted document by composing a digital signing service and
an encryption service (note that due to the constraint, this order is important) and then invokes
the service of service provider XYZ.

book Imas Cheapstake trip to the W3C Workshop

on Web Services. (Gruninger et al., 2005)

use case for service discovery in

b2c domain

reduced development costs and


Examples in B2C domain include consumer oriented online shipping services such as travel reservation, book buying, financial service services
and so forth. Examples articulated by semantic
Web community include: Find me an airline
service that enables me to reserve a flight before
providing a credit card number (Gruninger et al.,
2005). Find me a florist that enables me to pay
with PayPal (Gruninger et al., 2005)

Web services provide a foundation for easier system integration by providing a standards-based
approach. Usage of Web services is continuing
to grow with Web services forming the basis of
integration solutions in many industries. However,
integration and process automation projects are
often expensive and time consuming even with
Web services, and may not result in solutions that
are as flexible and reconfigurable as needed to
best react to todays dynamic business environment. Semantic Web services offer the promise
of automating integration tasks. This automation facilitated by semantic Web services could
potentially save development time and reduce
implementation costs. Technologically this seems
credible. However, these claims are yet to be
verified in rigorous benchmarking exercises by
applying the technology on real-world scenarios.

use case for service composition in

b2c domain
Given a workshop registration service, a flight
booking service, a car rental service, a taxi reservation service, a hotel reservation service, Imas
home address and a Imas online schedule, please

Semantics are gaining increasing popularity

and attention in life sciences and health care domains. Realizing this interest, W3C has formed
a new semantic Web life sciences and health care
interest group. More scenarios and working systems are discussed on the Web site of that interest
group (HCLSIG, 2005).
Having looked at some use cases for semantic
Web services, we now discuss their potential

PotEntial bEnEfits of
sEMantic WEb sErvicEs
Below we examine some of the potential benefits
Semantic Web services as applied to business
process integration when the vision of semantic
Web services is realized.


Semantic Web Services

Given that semantic Web services are still early

in adoption stage, proving its value may still take
some time.

facilitates the development of

flexible and robust systems
Semantics can help not only in automating development tasks but also in runtime activities.
Runtime environments in business contexts are
dynamic: services that were available a moment
ago may suddenly become unavailable. Process
changes sometimes would have to be executed at
runtime without disrupting the existing environment, new and multiple instances of services may
have to be managed based on load requirements
and so on. Techniques used for service discovery
and interface mapping can be reused at runtime
to dynamically find new or substitutable services.
This makes software systems less brittle, more
robust, flexible and maintainable.

formal Models Promote better

software system Maintenance
The semantic approach put forth by semantic Web
services aids in instituting the discipline of formally documenting the concepts and the domain
during the application integration process. This
disciplined process offers an added intangible
benefit of making it easy to maintain the software
systems as they change hands.

Web services are becoming an important technological component in the application integration
domain. Large enterprises are deploying as many
as several hundred Web services, a situation that
brings into focus the need for tools to discover and
integrate these services with each other and with
the other applications in use. Semantics can play
a crucial role in the development of these tools


as they enable dynamic discovery, composition

and execution of Web services. In fact, multiple
factors are pointing toward the need for a shift in
focus from syntax only to syntax and semantics
based integration solutions. First, ever growing
market pressures for implementing IT projects
at breakneck speeds while designing solutions
that are flexible, reusable, easy to maintain and
update are exerting great strains on the existing
architectures and are necessitating new flexible
and standards-based architectural paradigms.
Second, as the business communitys integration
requirements have evolved from data integration
to application connectivity to business process
management, integration requirements are increasingly demanding better solutions (Figure
6). Finally, pressures to keep IT implementation
costs in check are demanding increased developer
productivity via automation tools. To support these
integration needs, modeling languages are evolving from syntax oriented, human consumption
focus to more semantics and machine interpretability focus (Figure 7). With the emergence of
semantic modeling languages such as Resource
Description Framework (RDF) and Web Ontology
Language (OWL), the required foundations for
semantics-based integration are laid. Semantic
Web services supported by modeling languages
such as OWL, and WSMO are emerging as potential candidates to address this gap. By providing
machine-interpretable and inferenceable meaning
to data, functional and execution aspects of Web
services, semantics can help in automating the
process integration. This confluence of business
needs and technology evolution now make it possible to build better integration solutions powered
by semantic Web services.
On the other hand, it is important to note that
a large segment of developer community views
semantics powered by ontology languages such
as OWL as complex and an area of research not
ready for prime time. Therefore, the onus is on
the semantic Web community to build small
and incremental proof points to demonstrate the

Semantic Web Services

Figure 6. Integration trends are driving the need for semantics



on demand solutions


business Process Management

Workflow collaboration


application connectivity
data integration


time & technology & Maturity

Figure 7. Web standards: From presentation to semantics

Degree of






Modeling Language



value of semantics by applying them to credible,

real-world scenarios by working closely with the
industry and customers. Efforts are already underway to encourage sharing of business scenarios
and real-world experiences via forums such as
academic and industry sponsored conferences,
and challenges and so forth. This flurry of activity is likely to further invigorate research in this

The author would like to thank her collaborators
Richard Goodwin, Tanveer Syeda-Mahmood,


Anca-Andreea Ivan, Biplav Srivastava, Juhnyoung Lee, Prashant Doshi, Kunal Verma, Amit
Sheth, Joel Farrell and John Miller for the stimulating and constructive discussions throughout
her work on Semantic Web services.

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Upper Ontology: An upper ontology is

limited to concepts that are meta, generic,
abstract and philosophical, and therefore
are general enough to address (at a high
level) a broad range of domain areas. Concepts specific to given domains will not be
included; however, it provides a structure
and a set of general concepts upon which
domain ontologies (e.g., medical, financial,
engineering, etc.) could be constructed.
- http://suo.ieee.org/

Chapter X

The Process of Semantic Annotation

of Web Services
Christoph Ringelstein
University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany
Thomas Franz
University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany
Steffen Staab
University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany

Web services are software components that arein generaldistributed over multiple organizations.
They provide functionality without showing implementation details for the purpose of abstracting from
implementation as well as for the purpose of hiding private, that is, organization-internal, processes.
Nevertheless, to use a Web service one must know some of its details, that is, what it does, what it requires,
what it assumes, what it achieves, and to some extent, how it achieves its purpose. The different Web
service standards, frequently summarized as WS*, allow Web services to be specified with descriptions
of such details. In this chapter, we argue that one should go beyond WS* and that it is preferable to
provide semantic descriptions, that is, specifications that can be understood and correctly interpreted
by machines. Thereby, the particular focus of this contribution lies in analyzing the process of semantic annotation, that is, the process of deriving semantic descriptions from lower level specifications,
implementations and contextual descriptions. Hence, the concern of this chapter is really orthogonal
to most other work which equates Web service annotation with Web service specification. We illustrate
here that this is not the case.

Copyright 2007, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

The Process of Semantic Annotation of Web Services

Web services are software components that are
accessible as Web resources in order to be reused
by other Web services or software. Hence, they
function as middleware connecting different parties such as companies or organizations distributed
over the Web. Thereby, a party providing a service
may not be interested in exhibiting their organization-internal processes to the outside world. A
second party consuming such a service may not
be interested in analyzing a given Web service in
order to be able to use it. Therefore, an abstracting
description of a Web service is necessary to allow
for its effective provisioning and use.
The description of a Web service needs to
include some bare technical information in order
that it can be used. This includes:

What it does;
How to invoke the Web service (i.e., the used
communication protocol);
What parameters to provide to the Web
service (i.e., its signature);

To embed it into an organizational process it

must also contain information about

which protocol should be followed when

using the Web service (e.g., register user;
then, book journey!).

A Web service user may have some expectations about a services


properties, concerning, for example, security

means (e.g., always use secure communication for my bank account information!).

This list is by no means complete. One may

require further technical descriptions (e.g., transactions) or legal aspects (e.g., contractual issues).
However, it indicates that two parties that plan to
cooperate via a Web service need specifications

of the service allowing them to share and exploit

technical and nontechnical descriptions.
Such sharing of descriptions is extremely difficult if the means of sharing are not standardized
and descriptions boil down to verbose textual
documents. To simplify use of Web services,
several properties of Web services are described
following standardized XML documents (e.g.,
SOAP, UDDI, WSDL, WS-Security), for further
properties standardization activities for XML
descriptions are underway (e.g., WS-Transaction,
WS-BPEL, WS-Policy) and for yet others there
is a discussion whether standardization should
be initiated.1
Exploitation of Web service descriptions may
occur in various ways. Technical and nontechnical
descriptions may be used (1) to select a service,
(2) to compose it with other Web services, or (3)
to derive relevant properties about a composition
of Web services (e.g., combined cost or validity
for a given specification).
In this chapter, we consider the process of
provisioning data about a Web service to constitute a specification of the Web service. At this
point, the question arises how a machine may
attribute machine-understandable meaning to
this metadata. The XML standards (WS*) listed
above lack the formal semantics to achieve common interpretation and interoperability of Web
service annotations. Therefore, we argue for the
use of ontologies for giving a formal semantics
to Web service annotations, that is, we argue in
favor of semantic Web service annotations. A
Web service ontology defines general concepts
such as service or operation as well as relations
that exist between such concepts. The metadata
describing a Web service can instantiate concepts
of the ontology (Patil, Oundhakar, Sheth, Verman,
& Kunal, 2004). This connection supports Web
service developers to understand and compare the
metadata of different services described by the
same or a similar ontology. Consequently, ontology-based Web service annotation leverages the
use, reuse and verification of Web services.

The Process of Semantic Annotation of Web Services

The process of semantic Web service annotation in general requires input from multiple
sources, that is, legacy descriptions, as well as
a labor-intensive modeling effort. Information
about a Web service can be gathered for example
from the source code of a service (if annotation
is done by a service provider), from the API
documentation and description, from the overall
textual documentation of a Web service or from
descriptions in WS* standards. Depending on
the structuredness of these sources, semantic
annotations may (have to) be provided manually
(e.g., if full text is the input), semi-automatically (e.g. for some WS* descriptions) or fully
automatically (e.g., if Java interfaces constitute
the input). Hence, a semantic description of the
signature of a Web service may be provided by
automatic means, while the functionality of Web
service operations or pre- and postconditions of
a Web service operation may only be modeled
Benefits of semantic specifications of Web
services include a common framework that integrates semantic descriptions of many relevant
Web service properties. In contrast to WS* standards, such a semantic framework allows complex
requirements to be queried for (e.g., Give me
all Web shop services that offer customer care
facilities and use 128-bit encoding of all communication; cf. (Oberle, 2006)). The benefits
harvested from semantic specifications must be
traded off against manual semantic modeling, that
is, manual semantic annotation of Web services.
While the benefits of semantic specifications, that
is, the result of a semantic annotation process, are
explored in many papers there are few papers that
investigate the efforts that have to be carried out
during modeling (cf. some very notable exceptions like Hess & Kushmerick, 2003; Patil et al.,
2004; Sabou, Wroe, Goble, & Struckenschmidt,
2005; Zaremba, Kerrigan, Mocan, & Moran,
2006). It is the purpose of this chapter to explain
the conceptual gap between legacy descriptions

and semantic specifications and to indicate how

this gap is to be bridged.
To clarify this point in even more detail: Merriam-Webster online defines annotation as:
Function: noun
1: a note added by way of comment or explanation
2: the act of annotating
Most proposals about semantic annotation,
such as ones to W3C like (Akkiraju, Farrell,
Miller, Nagarajan, Schmidt, Sheth, & Verma,
2005; Battle, Bernstein, Boley, Grosof, Gruninger,
Hull, Kifer, Martin, McIlraith, McGuinness,
Su, & Tabet, 2005) only consider semantic annotation of Web services according to the first
meaning of annotation, some others use annotation as a synonym to specification and
do not intend to add to anything. The purpose
of this contribution is to investigate the problem
of annotation in the second sense. For ease of
writing and understandability, we never use (semantic) annotation to refer to the first sense here,
but use (semantic) specification or (semantic)
description instead.
In the following, we start with an application
example that functions as a run through example
throughout this chapter. It demonstrates an application use case of building a Web shop. It also
shows how semantic specifications resulting from
semantic annotation may facilitate the development task of building the Web shop by providing
a semantics-based development environment.
In the subsequent section, we analyze the
purpose of Web service specifications in such a
development scenario as well as the legacy sources
of information about a Web service, including
textual descriptions as well as the use of WS*
documents. They help us to show (1) what semantic
specifications we would like to provide and (2)
how to represent them. Eventually, we use this
illustration as input for requirements to support
the semantic annotation process, as this process


The Process of Semantic Annotation of Web Services

needs more and more sophisticated support than

is currently offered by semantic environments.

usE casE
As use case scenario we consider the development
of a Web shop. In order to save time, reduce costs,
and improve maintainability, existing software
should be reused to implement the shop. Web
services are chosen for the implementation as they
meet such requirements, among others, allowing
for easy use of services provided by other companies, for example payment services. The Web
shop should provide a Web based user interface,
but should also be reusable. Hence, the Web shop
will be a complex service composed of several
other complex services. Ideally, the development
process is supported by a Web service development
environment that can be used to organize the Web
services from which the Web shop is built.

Figure 1 shows parts of the Web shop architecture
using other Web services.
The payment service is a central component
of the Web shop. It is not an atomic service but an
aggregation of several specialized services. The
aggregated payment service provides a uniform
Figure 1. Web shop architecture example


interface partly independent of the interfaces

of the underlying services. The specification of
this general service has to merge the properties
and conditions of all its subsidiary Web services
specifications. For instance, a credit card number
is essential for credit card payment, but not for
money order payment. Internally, the payment
service delegates to an appropriate subsidiary
Web service which can be part of the Web shop
(like the Money Order Service in the example),
or which are services offered by other providers
such as the Credit Card Payment Services of
provider A.

development Process
In order to build the Web shop, the developer
proceeds as follows: When he needs a specific
Web service, he queries a Web service registry
by specifying the desired properties of that Web
service. For instance, a query specifying the effect of a successful money transfer has as result
a list of all payment services. A query with the
condition that only credit card payment can be
used will get as response all credit card payment
services. In the ideal case, the query processor
finds a service that matches all requirements, but
in most cases it only finds services that fulfill some
but not all requirements, so the engineer has to
make some adjustments to use them.

The Process of Semantic Annotation of Web Services

For the previously illustrated development

process to work, the registry needs specific information about the services it manages. As an
example of which information it is, we examine
some relevant properties of the Payment Service.
The Payment Service provides three operations.
The first operation MethodSupported takes as
input the kind of payment method and asks the
service if a specific payment method (like credit
card or money order) is supported. The output of
this method is true or false depending on whether
a service for the payment method exists and is
reachable. The second operation ValidityCheck
checks the validity of payment information. The
inputs of the operation are the verifiable details of
the payment (like the existence of accounts, the
validity of credit cards, and so on) and the output
is the validation of the information. The third
one is the Transaction-operation that executes
a specified transaction. For this purpose, it collects all details of the transaction to be executed
and returns a transaction identification number.
Since Web services are stateless, the Transaction-operation needs all information, even if the
ValidityCheck-operation has been called before
with the same information.

the up-and-running Web shop

In Figure 2, the workflow of the payment process
is shown. The workflow starts at the user interface, where the first action is the user interface
calling the MethodSupported-operation of the
payment service using the interface description
specified in the service specification of the payment service. The payment service returns an
answer, which the user interface can interpret,
because the answer format is also described in the
specification. In the next step, the ValidityCheckoperation as specified in its interface description
is called. The payment service itself calls the
matching operation of the specific credit card
payment service and passes response to the user
interface. The payment service can successfully

call the operation, because the input and output

interfaces of the credit card payment service are
also specified. The final call of the user interface
calls the Transaction-operation handing over the
result of the validity check. Because the output of
one operation is required by the second one, the
possible sequences of Web service invocations
are limited. The call of the Transaction-operation
has the same invocation sequence as the call of
the ValidityCheck-operation.

annotatinG WEb sErvicEs

We now analyze different aspects of annotating
Web services by asking four questions relevant
in this context:

Which information sources containing

information relevant to the specification of
Web services exist?
Which descriptions are needed to manage
and reuse Web services?
How should the metadata be represented?
How can the description be exploited?

In the following, we give answers to these

questions and illustrate central aspects by means
of application example.

Purpose of Web service annotation

The goal of the annotation of Web services is to
simplify the management of services in the Web
by partial automation of management tasks like
composition or invocation of Web services. A
challenge in automating Web service management
is that most information about Web services is in
formats only humans understand, for example
documentations. Thus, a machine interpretable
Web service description is needed that fills the
semantic gap between existing information
about Web services and the information needed.
Semantic descriptions are a means to bridge this

The Process of Semantic Annotation of Web Services

Figure 2. Payment workflow

The Process of Semantic Annotation of Web Services

gap in the form of semantic metadata describing

the semantics of an item of information in a machine interpretable format. As mentioned in the
introduction, a Web service description specifies
the properties of a Web service by metadata. A
semantic description does it by semantic metadata
that is ontology-based and connects a Web service
property with the corresponding concept defined
in an ontology.

sources of information
Various information sources of different quality
describing different Web service properties exist.
In the following, we give a list of such sources
and analyze the provided information:

One of the most common information

sources is the documentation of a Web service. The documentation contains selected
information about a Web service. In most
cases, the information given in the documentation is defined in natural language and
thus not formalized and not in a machineunderstandable form. Determining actual
properties of a Web service from such text
becomes difficult or even impossible for a
Source code contains all information about
operations including all inputs and outputs.
The extractable information differs between
programming languages. For instance,
a method signature in Java reveals type
information about input and output parameters. Programming languages with less
restrictive signatures do not contain such
type information. Furthermore, source code
defines programming logic which contains
information about the Web services functionality, the Web services preconditions
that must be fulfilled before the execution
of an operation, and effects of the execution
of an operation of the service.

API descriptions consisting of interface

declarations in source code and explanations in natural language are another common information source. In contrast to the
documentation, API descriptions focus on
particular operations of a Web service and
not on the Web service as a whole. In contrast
to source code, the API description can be
more detailed and often is focused on the relevant methods. In principle the explanations
are as expressive as the documentation and
share the same disadvantages. Furthermore,
API descriptions often contain signatures
copied from the source code.
Comments included in the source code denote another information source that can also
be used to determine information about operations as well as about the functionality of
the whole Web service. Comments, however,
inherit the pros and cons of documentations
and API-descriptions. If the source code is
not accessible, the comments are also not
Software specifications and UML-diagrams
are information sources that provide the
same kinds of information as API descriptions.
Other information sources are contracts like
end user license agreements (EULA). As
they are written in natural language, interpreting them is as problematic as interpreting
documentations or other sources written in
natural language.
Background knowledge is information that
is usually not provided with a Web service.
For instance, background knowledge is
programming knowledge needed to understand technical aspects, knowledge about the
application area (like payment), and about
relevant laws that clarify domain specific
properties. All such background knowledge
could be useful for specifying properties of
Web services.

The Process of Semantic Annotation of Web Services

nonsemantic Web service

In the following subsections we examine the reuse
of nonsemantically described Web services. We
assume, the developer of the Web shop in our
use case scenario wants to integrate a new credit
card payment service. The information sources
the developer has about the new service are the
services documentation and API descriptions.
In the following, we analyze which information
is provided and how it can be used.

Description Example:
Documentation and API-Description
Listing 1 shows a cutout of the documentation
provided for the payment service as used in our
example. The cutout describes the Transactionoperation and refers to the API-description, here
called format description. The description of
the operation is very short and does not contain
very valuable information as it only inaccurately
characterizes input parameters by stating that all
transaction information including the payment
service provider are submitted to the service.
The specification of the output parameter, the
transaction identification number, is more detailed because only one parameter exists and
is mentioned in the description, but the exact
format of it is also missing. While information
about preconditions that must hold before the
operation of a Web service can be executed and

effects of the operations execution are completely

missing in the sample documentation, some of
these can be derived from respective laws and
the contracts, like the fact that specified accounts
must be valid.
A cutout of an API description is depicted in
Listing 2. It gives the names of the parameters
and a detailed description of assigned values. For
instance, the description states that the value of
the payerName-parameter must be a combination
of the payers last name and first name separated
by a comma. The payerAccountID is an optional
parameter that is only needed for credit card payment and must then contain the payers credit card
number. In the case of the money order payment
this parameter can be skipped or must be empty.
Like the documentation, this API-description does
not contain any statements about preconditions
or effects relevant to the Transaction-operation.
So if the Web shop developer does not have that
knowledge himself, he has to gain the needed
information from other sources as listed before.
Using only the documentation and the APIdescription, the Web shop engineer in our example
would have to collect the information about the
interfaces of the Web services operations without
tool support. Furthermore, the developer would
have to make all decisions about which Web
service to use for which task and how to use it,
in advance and by the developer. If the preconditions and effects are not characterized in detail,
the engineer needs domain knowledge to avoid
mistakes and to correctly reuse the service.

Listing 1. Example documentation of a Web service operation2

Transaction requests submit all transaction information to the Payment Service and receive
in return a transaction identification number. The Transaction is executed by a specified
payment service provider.
A list of all needed and optional parameters of transaction requests are listed in the Transaction
Request Format description.

The Process of Semantic Annotation of Web Services

Listing 2. Cutout of an example API-Description

Transaction Request Format
The following list shows all valid name-value pairs that must or can be
used in a transaction request:
The name of the payer. The format is:
LastName, FirstName
If credit card payment is chosen, this must be
payers credit card number. If money order payment is
chosen this parameter must be empty or skipped.

Description Example:
Operation Interface Description
To enable reuse and discovery of Web services,
information about a Web services interface is
needed. The interface is the property of a Web
service which can be described very simply as it
consists of all methods a Web service provides as
an endpoint for machine-to-machine communication, and the messages which those methods accept
and which they return. A method interface can be
described with languages like the Web Services
Description Language (WSDL), which is a XML
based general-purpose language designed for the
description of Web service interfaces (Christensen, Curbera, Meredith, & Weerawarana,
2001). WSDL is a widespread language adopted by
many Web service supporting application servers
which often facilitate the dynamic generation of
WSDL files out of the source code or java class
descriptions. Because WSDL is designed for the
syntactical specification of Web service interfaces,
a WSDL description does not include any semantic
information about the service.
Listing 3 illustrates the use of WSDL to
describe the operation interfaces of a simplified
version of a credit card payment service. The first
lines (lines 2-6) of the description declare used

namespaces, which define the used XML-elements and XML-types, and facilitate readability.
After the namespace specifications, new complex
data types are declared from line 7 to line 23, for
example the validity information type that holds
all needed information for a validity check. WSDL
describes operations of a Web service as network
endpoints (Christensen et al., 2001) that communicate by retrieving and sending messages which
contain the data delivered to or returned from the
operation (lines 24-29). From line 31 to line 35
port types are defined and associated with corresponding operations, which are connected with
the appropriate input and output messages. After
the port types are defined the binding between the
Web services endpoints, their port types, and the
kind of their supported invocation is specified (in
line 38 to line 55). The last part of the listing (from
line 56) describes the Web service and contains
the locations (as URI) where the services operations can be reached. Some further information
can be gained from optional comments, but in
general other information sources are needed to
gain all knowledge needed to automate the reuse
of a Web service described with WSDL.
Using WSDL, an engineer developing the Web
shop gets detailed descriptions of Web services
telling him how to invoke operations on Web

The Process of Semantic Annotation of Web Services

Listing 3. Description of a simplified payment service in WSDL

0 <?xml version=.0?>
02 <definitions name=SimplifiedCreditCardPayment
0 <types>
0 <schema targetNamespace=http://example.org/creditcardpayment.xsd>
09 <element name=ValidityInformation>


<element name=OwnerName type= xsd:string/>

<element name=CreditCardID type=xsd:string/>

<element name=ValidityDate type=tns:Date/>


 <element name=Date>
0 </element>
 <message name=ValidityCheckInput>
 <part name=body type=tns:ValidityInformation/>
6 </message>
 <message name=ValidityCheckOutput>
 <part name=body type=string/>
9 </message>
0 ...
31 <portType name=SimplifiedCreditCardPaymentPortType>
 <operation name=ValidityCheck>
 <input message=tns: ValidityCheckInput/>
 <output message=tns: ValidityCheckOutput/>
6 ...
38 <binding name=SimplifiedCreditCardPaymentBinding
0 <soap:binding style=rpc

 <operation name=ValidityCheck>

<soap:body use=encoded/>
<soap:body use=encoded


continued on following page


The Process of Semantic Annotation of Web Services

Listing 3. continued
56 <service name=SimplifiedCreditCardPaymentService>
 <documentation> This is a ... </documentation>
58 <port name=SimplifiedCreditCardPaymentPort
60 <soap:address location=http://example.org/creditcardpayment/>
6 </port>
6 ...
6 </service>
64 </definitions>

services and which format the returned answers

have. This information is detailed enough to allow
tools to support the engineer adjusting interfaces
to access the Web service, but the engineer still has
to collect information about service functionality,
execution and so on from other sources.

semantics of descriptions

We previously analyzed descriptions of Web

services. In the following, we inspect which kind
of information serves which annotation purpose
in connection with which kind of Web service
semantics. We distinguish between four categories
of semantics:

The first category data semantics includes

the semantics of all inputs and outputs of a
Web service (Patil et al., 2004). For instance,
the specification that the credit card payment
service has a validity date parameter which
has a specific format like month/year.
The category protocol semantics includes
the semantics related to the protocol that
defines dependencies between Web services
and between their operations, for example
the order of execution. In the Web shop example, the protocol defines that the payment
information has to be validated before the
transaction-operation can be called.

The category functional semantics covers

all semantics related to the functionality of
a Web service (Patil et al., 2004). For example, a credit card payment service should
be annotated with metadata that refers to an
agreed terminology of tasks, describing e.
g. that a money transfer takes place.
The last category, nonfunctional semantics,
bundles all semantics of nonfunctional properties of a service. All properties of a Web
service that are not directly related to the Web
services functionality are nonfunctional
properties. For example, the description of
cost parameters, e. g. of the fee that must be
paid to use the credit card payment service
falls under this category. Further examples
are special properties like security, quality
of service, and so on.

The introduced categories of semantics are

used to specify Web services semantically. A
service description specifying all those semantics
for a service is called semantic service specification. The semantic service specification contains
all information needed for the service advertising
and discovery. The combination of data semantics
with the location of the service (specified by an
URI) and semantics of the used middleware protocols is a special subset of the semantic service
specification called semantic grounding specifica-

The Process of Semantic Annotation of Web Services

tion. In other words, the grounding specification

describes how to access a Web service.

semantic Web service description

WSDL has been designed to specify the endpoints
of Web services, but lacks the ability to express
any kind of semantics. Knowledge representation
languages allow to give Web service descriptions
a formal semantics since they enable the definition
of concepts, classes, types, and relations to specify
conceptualizations or ontologies, respectively.
While many such description languages exist
with varying expressivity, we here introduce the
language Flora-2 (Yang, Kifer, Zhao, & Chowdhary, 2005). The purposes of Flora-2 are the
definition of ontologies and the description of
all metadata relevant to Web services discovery
and invocation. Interoperability between Web
service descriptions is achieved if they commit to
the same ontology, that is, express a Web service
by referencing concepts and relations defined in
a particular ontology. Consequently, knowledge
representation languages enable Web service
descriptions including semantics.
There exist many other languages that can be
used to annotate services. Some are specialized
for the annotation of Web services (see related
work section), but for many of these languages
fundamental tools, for example reasoners, are
not or only partially implemented. In the following we use Flora-2 as it is supported by a
fully implemented reasoner3 and is powerful in
expressing schemata. A weakness of Flora-2 is
its capability to depict processes. Asomewhat
inelegant and not very powerfulworkaround
can be achieved by the means of reifications.
The reification is implemented as a class that
enables the manipulation and reasoning about its
attributes values. A term is reified by instantiating
the reification class.

Data and Protocol Semantics

To specify data semantics of a Web service operation, connections between ontology concepts and
the corresponding input and output parameters,
and the parameter types have to be build. The
connections are made by instantiating appropriate
ontology concepts for each parameter and Web
service operation.
Protocol semantics describe the protocol to
follow for accomplishing a specific task by means
of Web services. The protocol defines the order
of operations, including sequences, loops, forks,
joins, and so on. In general the protocol semantics
describe the workflow and the dataflow relevant
for the Web services execution. A protocol may
be specified in different notations that are more or
less intuitive for the developer. In the following,
the protocol semantics are specified with the help
of pre-conditions and postconditions, which are
discussed in the following subsection.

Functional Semantics
The functional semantics describe the functionality of a Web service operation. This can be
expressed with the help of effects. Before the
execution of an operation, certain pre-conditions
have to be fulfilled. For instance, a money transfer
from account A to account B can only take place
if account A is solvent. Preconditions and effects
can be used to express the protocol semantics and
functional semantics of Web services. Before we
continue to examine how information about them
can support the Web service development process
we want to analyze both in more detail.
We distinguish between internal preconditions
which are checked (internally) by the application
logic or ensured by type conditions of the programming language, and external, more general
preconditions which must be fulfilled for a cor-

The Process of Semantic Annotation of Web Services

rect and successful execution of the Web service

and can not be checked within a Web service
implementation. Within the internal conditions,
we further distinguish between implicit and
explicit conditions. Implicit preconditions are
conditions that are a consequence of standards,
types and definitions. In the example of the credit
card payment service, we assume that one of the
parameters passed to the service is the validity
date of the credit card number. An implicit internal
precondition is that the date has to be in a specific
format, for example has to contain a day, a month,
and a year and has to be of a particular type used
in the programming language to represent dates.
Explicit preconditions are conditions that are
specified for a specific operation. In our example,
an explicit internal condition for the validity date
parameter is that the value must denote a date in
the future, which can only be checked programmatically by comparing the current date with the
date represented by the parameter.
As an example of an external precondition,
consider the validity check of a credit card. The
validity of a credit card number may depend on
several external facts that are not available within
our payment Web service, for example the current
balance of the bank account of the card owner.
Thus, evaluation of a credit card number is only
possible for the credit card provider which has
access to the relevant facts that determine the
validity of a credit card number. In order to enable validity checks by third parties, credit card
providers usually offer a Web service that allows
to retrieve the validity of a credit card. As the
determination of validity of a credit card is out
of the scope of our payment Web service since
it is missing the necessary external background
knowledge, the condition that a Web service
must be reachable that is able to check credit card
validity, is an external precondition.
Effects describe the output and the impact of
a Web services execution. While the term postcondition often focuses only on the description
of the conditions regarding return values of the

Web service operations, we prefer the term effect

to emphasize that the impacts of a Web service
execution are also considered. In our example
above, an impact of the execution would be the
real money transfer from the credit card account
to the destination account while the postcondition describes that no money got lost during
the transfer. While it is possible to describe the
money transaction by postconditions only, such
a description would only focus on the fact that
one account is decreased by a specific amount
of money and another account is increased. The
effect of a money transfer, however, can include
more than changing account balances.

Semantic Description Example:

Functional Semantics
Before we exemplify the use of knowledge representation languages for Web service specifications,
we briefly examine the definition of a Web service
ontology that defines the concepts and relations
used by the later specification. Listing 4 shows a
snippet of a simplified service ontology written
in Flora-2 that defines among others the concepts
semanticSpecification, groundingSpecification
and service. The semanticSpecification specifies the semantics related to the preconditions
and effects of an operation. For this purpose the
semanticSpecification-class has two attributes,
precondition and effects, which are inheritable
attributes (*) of the type (=> reification) defined
by the reification class. The paramPos class specifies a type that is defined to connect parameter
names with their position in a sequence of parameters. The groundingSpecification specifies the
reference to the service implementation (serviceImplRef ), the name of the described operation
(operationName), and the sequences of input
and output parameters (inParamSequence and
outParamSequence). The service-class represents
the concept that represents a service, including
the grounding and the nonfunctional properties,
of all operations of a service. For the following


The Process of Semantic Annotation of Web Services

examination we skip nonfunctional properties

since we examine them later.
Based on a general service ontology as described in Listing 4, a domain ontology can be
build that defines domain specific concepts, types
and relations. Listing 5 is a cutout of a domain
ontology defining the types validityInformation
and date as mentioned in the documentation of
the credit card payment service. Besides the two
types, the domain ontology additionally specifies
the isValid relation that has two arguments of the
type validityInformation and date.
The concrete credit card payment service is
described by instantiating (:) concepts and utilizing
relations of the ontologies sketched before. In Listing 6, creditCardPayment is defined as an instance
of the service-class defined in the service ontology
of Listing 4. Furthermore, it shows in detail the
semantic specification part of the description of
the validityCheck-operation. The instance validityCheckSpec of the semanticSpecification-class
is an assigned value (->) of the semantic spec attribute of the creditCardPayment-instance of the
service-class. The specified preconditions, which
are specified by reifications (${}), are that the
ValidityInfo parameter of the operation is of the
type validityInformation, and that ActualDate is

another parameter of the operation which is of

type date. The described effects include that the
output parameter Valid is of the type boolean
and that the relation isValid must be true for the
given ValidityInfo and ActualDate. In addition,
Listing 6 depicts the grounding specification of
the validityCheck-operation (the _# represents an
unnamed instance).
As we have seen, if the description of a service is given in the above mentioned manner, the
engineer reusing the Web service gets detailed
information about the preconditions and parameters of a service.
Given a proper semantic Web service specification and its referenced ontologies, the annotated
Web service can be reused with only a small
amount of extra knowledge. In addition, if the
language used to define the ontology is machineinterpretable, development tools can offer the
developer semi-automatic support for the Web
service integration process. The first kind of
support that can be given is discovery support by
finding a service that matches a given request. A
request can be the result of a planning process or
the description of desired behaviors and properties
specified by the engineer. The request can then be
translated into a query that represents a generic

Listing 4. Definition of service related concepts in an example ontology4

semanticSpecification[precondition *=> reification,
effects *=> reification].
paramPos[pos *=> ordinal,
name *=> string].
groundingSpecification[serviceImplRef *=> string,
operationName *=> string,
inParamSequence *=>> paramPos,
outParamSequence *=>> paramPos].
service[semanticSpec *=> semanticSpecification,
groundingSpec *=> groundingSpecification,
nfProp *=> nonFunctionalProperties].


The Process of Semantic Annotation of Web Services

Listing 5. Definition of classes and relations in a payment domain ontology

validityInformation[ownerName *=> string,
credidCardId *=> string,
validityDate *=> date,
date[day *=> ordinal,
month *=> ordinal,
year *=> ordinal].
isValid(validityInformation, date).

Listing 6. Service specification of a simplified credit card payment service

semanticSpec -> validityCheckSpec:semanticSpecification[
precondition -> ${ValidityInfo:validityInformation, ValidityInfo:parameter,
ActualDate:date, ActualDate:parameter},
effects -> ${Valid:boolean, Valid:parameter,
isValid(ValidityInfo, ActualDate)}],
groundingSpec -> validityCheckGround:groundingSpecification[
serviceImplRef -> http://example.org/creditcardpayment/:string,
operationName -> ValidityCheck:string,
inParamSequence ->> {_#:paramPos[pos -> , name -> ValidityInfo:string],
_#:paramPos[pos -> , name -> ActualDate:string]},
outParamSequence ->> {_#:paramPos[pos -> , name -> Valid:string]}],
nfProp -> validityCheckNFP:nonFunctionalProperties[...],

service specification which specifies the desired

properties stated in the request. The support tool
queries an appropriate registry which returns a
list of matching service specifications. In the case
of a suitably specified Web service, further assistance can be given in the form of semi-automatic
Web service invocation and integration into an
existing workflow.

Nonfunctional Semantics
Many different nonfunctional properties exist.
We provide a short list of common nonfunctional
properties below:

The costs of a Web service are a nonfunctional property that is relevant for the customer who wants to use the service.
Security is a nonfunctional property that is
(like costs) relevant to most Web services.
Security enfolds aspects like communication
and data encryption.
The quality of service property is a bundle
of different properties that all affects the
quality of specific aspects of the service,
its usage and its output. Examples for such
properties are the response time of an operation call and the capacity of the service.
The information about the resource usage
of a Web service can be of importance, if

The Process of Semantic Annotation of Web Services

the Web service needs special resources or

if using the service is billed with respect to
its resource usage.
In order to achieve a correct interpretation
of nonfunctional properties logical descriptions
have to be found. For this purpose different
sources exist, for instance standards and laws. If
a standard defines that an encryption algorithm
has to be used with at least a specific key length,
this information can be interpreted as a property
of a certain security level. Another source for
nonfunctional property specifications are laws
which sometimes also specify a minimum level
of encryption for specific data transfers.

Semantic Description Example:

Non-functional Semantics
To enable the annotation with nonfunctional
properties a concept defining nonfunctional
properties is needed. In Listing 7 a refining of
the nonFunctionalProperties-concept of the
service ontology from Listing 4 is depicted that
extends the concept by two simple nonfunctional
properties, the services name and the name of
the provider.

The insertion of the concept of nonfunctional

properties enables any domain ontology that is
based on the service ontology to define domain
specific nonfunctional properties and types
needed by these. For the payment example in
Listing 8, the cutout of Listing 5 is extended by
the type securityType, which defines different
levels of security. The different levels are defined
as an inheritable instance of an array (->>) that
contains a set of specified values ({, }). In this
example the service engineer can choose between
none and norm_ X. none stands self-explanatory
for no security support and norm_ X for security
as defined in the norm X. In addition, the securityNFProps is defined as a subclass (::) of the
nonFunctionalProperties-concept that includes
In Listing 9, the service description of the
concrete payment service of Listing 6 is refined.
Since the security level should be specified, the
validityCheckNFP is no longer an instance of
the nonFunctionalProperties-concept but of the
securityNFProps-concept. While the property
values of serviceName, and providerName are
set to string, the value of the security property
must be chosen from the pre-defined ones. In the
example, the norm_ X-level is specified.

Listing 7. Expansion to listing 4: Definition of service related concepts in an example ontology

nonFunctionalProperties[serviceName *=> string,
providerName *=> string].

Listing 8. Expansion to Listing 5: Definition of classes and relations in a payment domain ontology
securityType::enumeration[values *->> {none, norm_X}].
securityNFProps::nonFunctionalProperties[security *=> securityType].

The Process of Semantic Annotation of Web Services

Listing 9. Expansion to Listing 6: Service specification of a simplified credit card payment service
nfProp -> validityCheckNFP::securityNFProps[
serviceName -> SimplifiedCreditCardPaymentService:string,
providerName -> Credit Card Service Provider X:string,
security -> validityCheckSType::securityType[
values ->> {norm_X}].

Listing 10. Querying an operation by precondition

precondition-> (${_G:validityInformation}, ${_H:parameter} , _)]].

The annotation with nonfunctional properties

supports the service engineer, even if they are often
not machine-interpretable. For instance, the name
of the provider, especially if extended to complete
address information, can be used to contact the
provider in order to gain more information. The
reference to a particular security specification
allows the engineer to find out about the standards to which a service conforms, and which
standards need to be fulfilled to communicate
with the service.

Semantic Description Example:

Exploiting Semantic Descriptions
As mentioned above, the annotation of a Web
service with a knowledge representation language
enables the discovery of Web services. For instance the Web shop developer of our application
example wants to query a registry for a service
by specifying a subset of desired preconditions.
The preconditions may state that a parameter of
the type validityInformation has to be assigned
at the operations call. Listing 10 shows such a

query, which will return the matching service

instance (in our example this will be at least the
creditCardPaymentService) and the instance of
the semantic specification of the operation (in our
example this will be for the credit card payment
service the validityCheckSpec). The query can
be read in the following way: We want all X that
are instances of the service-class and all Y that
are instances of the semanticSpecification-class
assigned to the semanticSpec-attribute of X. In
addition, the precondition-attribute of Y must
be a reification that contains at least two attribute-type pairs. One of these pairs specifies an
attribute of the type validitiyInformation and the
other one specifies an attribute of the parametertype. The associated attributes (_G and _H) and
additional pairs the reification may contain (, _)
are ignored.

the annotation Process

We explained the representation of Web service
descriptions and how these descriptions can be
exploited, but have not yet outlined the annota-

The Process of Semantic Annotation of Web Services

tion process. Thus, in this section we annotate the

payment service of the application example step
by step while introducing exemplary methods and
tools that support the annotation process. Generally, we assume that descriptions are developed
by the engineer who implements the Web service. In this case the source code is well known
and the background knowledge of the engineer
should be sufficient. Figure 3 depicts the process
of annotation.
The first step is the nonsemantic annotation.
The inputs of this step are gained from the different information sources introduced before
and include the Web services documentation
(see Listing 1), and the interface descriptions
of the Web services operations (see Listing 2).
The outcomes of the nonsemantic annotation
are WSDL files (see Listing 3) and other kinds
of nonsemantically annotated API-descriptions
and documents. The second step is the semantic
annotation, which takes the same inputs as the
first step in combination with relevant ontologies,
such as Web service ontologies (see Listing 4) and
different domain ontologies (see Listing 5). The
outcome of the semantic annotation is a semantic
service specification (see Listings 6 and 8).

Figure 3. The annotation process

Nonsemantic annotation is semi-automatically

supported by different tools. For instance, for
many programming languages tools exist that
support the generation of WSDL. One framework
that supports this is Axis, a SOAP (the Simple
Object Access Protocol is the communication
protocol to access Web services (Mitra, 2003))
engine that provides various tools to develop and
use Web services (Apache, 2005). Axis provides a
tool named Java2WSDL, a translator that generates complete WSDL files out of a Web services
Java code.
The process of semantic annotation consists of
different steps. The first step is the classification
of the Web service. The result of the classification is the assignment of the Web service to its
domain. The service developer classifies services
by decisions based on his background knowledge
or with the help of classification tools, for example
ASSAM (Hess, Johnston, & Kushmerick, 2004).
ASSAM, a semi-automatic Web service classification tool, applies text classification algorithms to
the WSDL description of a Web service to classify
the service into a specific domain, for example
banking. In advance, ASSAM can classify the
functionality of operations and the types of input

The Process of Semantic Annotation of Web Services

and output parameters. After the classification

of the Web services domain the developer has
to select an appropriate domain ontology, or, if
no suitable one exists, define a new one. For the
development of domain ontologies tool support
exists as well: For example, the method described
in (Sabou et al., 2005) supports the service engineer by extracting terms from textual sources
(e.g., documentation) using text processing methods like parts of speech (POS) and dependency
relations (DEP). In a second step, corresponding
concepts and relations are derived and arranged
in a hierarchy. The engineer only has to filter the
proposed concepts and relations and refine the
derived hierarchy.
Once an ontology is selected the engineer has to
connect the metadata describing the Web service
functionalities with ontology concepts. This process can be separated into different subprocesses.
Each subprocess addresses one kind of semantics.
Even if no special order exists for the execution of
the single subprocesses, it makes sense to start annotating the metadata with data semantics. For this
purpose the first step is to specify the operations
interfaces. If a nonsemantic interface description
exists, it can be translated into the knowledge
description language used to notate the semantic
specification. Dependent of the language used for
the nonsemantic description the translation can

be automated to a certain degree. For instance,

WSDL files can semi-automatically be translated,
because of their machine-interpretable form. For
the translation, the used types and the elements
of the operation interfaces have to be mapped
onto ontology concepts. For this task, tools like
ASSAM or the deep annotation mechanism of the
OntoMat-Service-Browser can be used (Agarwal,
2005). Using the OntoMat-Service-Browser, the
engineer can build the connections between ontology concepts and the metadata using the drag and
drop mechanism provided by the graphical user
interface. The result of this step is the semantic
grounding specification and the parts of preconditions and effects that specify input and output
parameters (see highlighted parts of Listing 11).
The next step is the specification of the protocol
and functional semantics. If the data semantics
are specified, parts of the protocol and the functionality are already specified implicitly. The
implicit specification of the protocol results from
the specification of the input parameters. From
this specification we can derive which information has to be gathered before an operation can be
invoked. The implicit specification of the functionality is part of the parameter specifications.
In other words: all parts of the protocol and the
functionality that can be derived from the dataflow can be specified implicitly. The other parts

Listing 11. Data semantics derived from WSDL

semanticSpec -> validityCheckSpec:semanticSpecification[
precondition -> ${ValidityInfo:validityInformation, ValidityInfo:parameter,
ActualDate:date, ActualDate:parameter},
effects -> ${Valid:boolean, Valid:parameter,
isValid(ValidityInfo, ActualDate)}],
groundingSpec -> validityCheckGround:groundingSpecification[
serviceImplRef -> http://example.org/creditcardpayment/:string,
operationName -> ValidityCheck:string,
inParamSequence ->> {_#:paramPos[pos -> , name -> ValidityInfo:string],
_#:paramPos[pos -> , name -> ActualDate:string]},
outParamSequence ->> {_#:paramPos[pos -> , name -> Valid:string]}],

The Process of Semantic Annotation of Web Services

of the semantics require an explicit specification

by means of relations. As input of this process
step information from all sources mentioned in
the section about information sources is imaginable. The explicit specifications of preconditions
and effects are complex and have to be defined
by the service developer manually. The highlighted parts of Listing 12 depict the parts of the
service specification of the example service that
specify the protocol and functional semantics
of the Web service. The dataflow of the validity
check is described by the parameters ValidityInfo, ActualDate and Valid. To fully express the
functionality of the ValidityCheck-operation the
input and output parameters are not sufficient. A
relation that describes the dependency between
the validity information and the actual date is
necessary. For this purpose the isValid-relation
has to be specified.
The last step is the specification of the nonfunctional semantics of the Web service. Some
of the simple nonfunctional properties like the
name of the service can be extracted automatically

from the WSDL file. More complex nonfunctional

properties like the security property are described
by the engineer. For this purpose he also can use
information from all information sources introduced in the Sources of Information section. In
our example, the engineer can choose between two
levels of security defined in the payment domain
ontology (see Listing 8). The highlighted parts
of Listing 13 show the parts of the specification
that specify the nonfunctional semantics of the
ValidityCheck-operation. As result of the semantic
annotation process the engineer gets a semantic
description of the Web service.
A common aspect of the nonsemantic and
semantic annotation processes is the effort of
annotating. A description of a service containing
all relevant properties leverages reuse and enables
better tool support, but also requires much higher
efforts from the engineer. A tradeoff between
modeling efforts and management efforts has to
be achieved (Oberle, 2006), where modeling efforts comprise the annotation and documentation
process, while management efforts denote among

Listing 12. Protocol and functional semantics

semanticSpec -> validityCheckSpec:semanticSpecification[
precondition -> ${ValidityInfo:validityInformation, ValidityInfo:parameter,
ActualDate:date, ActualDate:parameter},
effects -> ${Valid:boolean, Valid:parameter,
isValid(ValidityInfo, ActualDate)}],

Listing 13. Nonfunctional semantics

nfProp -> validityCheckNFP::securityNFProps[
serviceName -> SimplifiedCreditCardPaymentService:string,
providerName -> Credit Card Service Provider X:string,
security -> validityCheckSType::securityType[
values ->> {norm_X}].


The Process of Semantic Annotation of Web Services

others the reuse of the service. To decrease annotation efforts one has to increase the management
efforts and vice versa. A reasonable tradeoff is
usually achieved when the combination of both
is minimal; however, for different scenarios there
are other factors influencing the optimal combination. For instance, a service provider may increase
his modeling efforts to decrease his customers
management efforts to gain an advantage over his
competitors. Thus, everyone annotating a Web
service has to find his own tradeoff depending
on his individual context.

rElatEd Work
In this chapter we have shown how Web services
can be annotated to ease Web service discovery,
reuse, composition, and further Web service
management tasks. The approach followed in
this chapter uses existing resources to fulfill the
task of Web service annotation. The techniques
and methods presented here are independent of
the used languages or tools. In addition, our approach uses one description language to specify
all semantic descriptions. In this section we introduce some other approaches to describe Web
While we have shown what specifications of
Web services are and how they can be achieved,
different approaches exist for developing semantic
descriptions of Web services:

In Zaremba et al. (2006) the authors follow

the same approach regarding the use of one
description language to specify all semantics
and the grounding. They introduce their
own language, the Web Service Modeling
Language (WSML), a description language
they specifically developed for Web service
description. They also introduce the Web
Service Modeling Ontology (WSMO), which
defines all concepts relevant to Web service
descriptions. Their Web Service Execution

Environment (WSMX) combines WSML

and WSMO to support the description of
Web services and the exploitation of Web
service descriptions.
In Akkiraju et al. (2005) the authors describe
WSDL-S, an approach that adds semantics to
the WSDL specification. Like the approach
followed in this chapter, WSDL-S reuses
already existing techniques and languages.
In addition, WSDL-S is upward compatible
to WSDL, because the description is an
extension to existing document elements of
WSDL. The descriptions can refer (by means
of URI) to ontology concepts defined in
external ontologies. These ontologies can be
defined using any description language.
The authors, Battle, Bernstein, Boley, Grosof, Gruninger, Hull, Kifer, Martin, McIlraith, McGuinness, Su, & Tabet (2005), also
use one description language for all descriptions. For this purpose they introduce their
own language, the Semantic Web Service
Language (SWSL). SWSL consists of two
components: a first-order logic language
(SWSL-FOL) and a rule-based language
(SWSL-Rules). By means of SWSL the
Semantic Web Service Ontology (SWSO) is
specified, which defines concepts required
to describe semantics of Web services.
Beside approaches dealing with the Web
service description as a whole, many solutions for subproblems exist. For instance,
many proposals for ontologies defining
concepts related to the description of Web
service properties exist. Such a proposal is
the Web Ontology Language for Services5
(OWL-S) that builds upon the DAML-S
(Sycara, Paolucci, Ankolekar, & Srinivasan,
2003), and uses the Web Ontology Language
(OWL) that is created as a language with the
purpose of ontology definition (McGuinness
& van Harmelen, 2004). OWL-S contains
three interrelated sub-ontologies which
define concepts for the profile, the process

The Process of Semantic Annotation of Web Services

model, and the grounding of a Web service.

With the help of the profile sub-ontology the
functional semantics can be described, the
process sub-ontology expresses the protocol
semantics and the grounding sub-ontology
the data semantics.
Different approaches exist in the field of semiautomatic annotation and reuse support:

For instance, in Patil et al. (2004), the METEOR-S Web Service Annotation Framework (MWSAF) is introduced that provides
algorithms, which semi-automatically match
items in WSDL files to ontology concepts
by means of SchemaGraphs. SchemaGraphs
are devised by the authors as graphs that are
used to represent ontologies independent of
the language the ontology is specified in.
Another example is ODESWS (GmezPrez, Gonzlez-Cabero, & Lama, 2004),
a tool suite that provides tools for semi-automatic annotation, design and composition
of Web services. For this purpose ODESWS
provides miscellaneous ontologies to support semantic specifications.

services are semantically annotated using one

language, for example Flora-2, Web service management can be accomplished over one common
interface. Therefore, Web service development as
well as management efforts are decreased, and
Web service employment is leveraged. Flora-2
presents a running implementation of a description language that is applicable for semantic Web
service description and its exploitations.
Besides partial automation of Web service
management, automating Web service annotation
is an underexplored research area. We conjecture
that many annotation tasks can be automated so
that semi-automatic annotation methods utilize
the possible simplifications of automation and the
power of manual annotation.

This work is conducted with respect to the
Adaptive Services Grid (ASG) project and the
project Knowledge Sharing and Reuse across
Media (X-Media), both funded by the Information Society Technologies (IST) 6th Framework



In this chapter we have shown how the process of

annotation leads to semantic specifications that
leverages Web service use and eases Web service
development. We examined different information
sources, their information content, and potential
exploitations of the content. Different aspects of
Web service development have been addressed on
the basis of an application example that illustrates
the development of a Web shop by composing other
Web services to a new one. Finally, the challenges
of dealing with nonfunctional properties and the
annotation process itself were analyzed.
The introduced techniques enable a semi-automatic reuse and management of Web services.
We illustrated, that under the condition that Web

Agarwal, S., Handschuh, S., & Staab, S. (2005).

Annotation, composition and invocation of semantic Web services. Journal of Web Semantics,

Akkiraju, R., Farrell, J., Miller, J., Nagarajan, M.,

Schmidt, M., Sheth, A., & Verma, K. (2005). Web
service semantics - WSDL-S, W3C Member Submission 7 November 2005. Retrieved October 17,
2006, from http://www.w3.org/Submission/2005/
Apache, Software Foundation (2005). Axis users
guide. Retrieved October 17, 2006, from http://

The Process of Semantic Annotation of Web Services

Battle, S., Bernstein, A., Boley, H., Grosof, B.,

Gruninger, M., Hull, R., Kifer, M., Martin, D.,
McIlraith, S., McGuinness, D., Su, J., & Tabet,
S. (2005). Semantic Web Services Language
(SWSL), W3C Member Submission 9 September
2005. Retrieved October 17, 2006, from http://
Christensen, E., Curbera, F., Meredith, G. &
Weerawarana, S. (2001). Web Services Description Language (WSDL) 1.1, 15 March 2001.
Retrieved October 17, 2006, from http://www.
Gmez-Prez, A., Gonzlez-Cabero, R., & Lama,
M. (2004). A framework for design and composition of Semantic Web services. In Proceedings
of the AAAI Spring Symposium on Semantic Web
Services (pp. 113-120). Stanford, California.
Hess, A., Johnston, E., & Kushmerick, N. (2004).
ASSAM: A tool for semi-automatically annotating semantic Web services. In Proceedings of the
International Semantic Web Conference 2004
(pp. 320-334).
Hess, A., & Kushmerick, N. (2003). Learning to
attach semantic metadata to Web services. Paper presented at the International Semantic Web
Conference 2003.
McGuinness, D.L., & van Harmelen, F. (Ed.).
(2004). OWL Web Ontology Language - Overview, W3C Recommendation 10 February 2004.
Retrieved October 17, 2006, from http://www.
Mitra, N. (Ed.). (2003). SOAP Version 1.2 Part
0: Primer, W3C Recommendation 24 June 2003.
Retrieved October 17, 2006, from http://www.
Oberle, D. (2006). Semantic management of
middleware. New York: Springer.

Patil, A.A., Oundhakar, S.A., Sheth, A.P., &

Verma, K. (2004). METEOR-S Web service annotation framework. In Proceedings of WWW
2004 (pp. 553-562). ACM Press.
Sabou, M., Wroe, C., Goble, C., & Stuckenschmidt, H. (2005). Learning domain ontologies
for semantic Web service descriptions. Journal
of Web Semantics, 3(4).
Sycara, K.P., Paolucci, M., Ankolekar, A., & Srinivasan, N. (2003). Automated discovery, interaction and composition of Semantic Web services.
Journal of Web Semantics, 1(1), 27-46.
Yang, G., Kifer, M., Zhao, C., & Chowdhary, V.
(2005). Flora-2: Users manual. Retrieved October
17, 2006, from http://flora.sourceforge.net/docs/
Zaremba, M., Kerrigan, M., Mocan, A., & Moran, M. (2006). Web services modeling ontology.
In J. Cardoso & A. Sheth (Eds.), Semantic Web
services, processes and applications. Kluwer
Academic Publishers.


Cf. http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/tc_cat.php?cat=ws and http://www.

This example follows the style of a Google
API description. (http://www.google.com/
Download location for the XSB Flora-2
reasoner: http://flora.sourceforge.net/
The Flora-2 examples follow the style of the
ontology defined in the ASG-project, http://
asg-platform.org ASG, Adaptive Services
Grid, is an Integrated Project supported by
the European Union



Chapter XI

Semantic Web Service Discovery:

Methods, Algorithms, and Tools
Vassileios Tsetsos
University of Athens, Greece
Christos Anagnostopoulos
University of Athens, Greece
Stathes Hadjiefthymiades
University of Athens, Greece

This chapter surveys existing approaches to Semantic Web service discovery. Such semantic discovery
will probably substitute existing keyword-based solutions in the near future, in order to overcome the
limitations of the latter. First, the architectural components along with potential deployment scenarios
are discussed. Subsequently, a wide range of algorithms and tools that have been proposed for the realization of Semantic Web service discovery are presented. Moreover, key challenges and open issues, not
addressed by current systems, are identified. The purpose of this chapter is to update the reader on the
current progress in this area of the distributed systems domain and to provide the required background
knowledge and stimuli for further research and experimentation in semantics-based service discovery.

Right after the Web infrastructure had matured
enough, both academia and industry have recognized the necessity of enabling interactions
between processes over the Web. The nature

of the Web itself dictated that such enabling

infrastructure should be loosely-coupled, based
on open interfaces and, mostly, asynchronous
communication. The outcome of the academic
and industrial research in this field was the Web
Services infrastructure, which has been standard-

Copyright 2007, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Semantic Web Service Discovery

ized by W3C (World Wide Web Consortium). Web

Services (WS) can be defined as programmatic
interfaces for applications (i.e., business logic),
available over the WWW infrastructure and
developed with XML technologies.
The lifecycle of WSs includes the following
main steps (see Figure 1):

Advertisement: The process of publishing

the description and endpoints of a WS in a
service registry.
Discovery: The process of locating all WSs
that match the requestors functional requirements.
Selection: The process of selecting the most
suitable WS out of the discovered ones, usually based on application-dependent metrics
(e.g., QoS).
Composition: The process of integrating
selected WSs into a complex process.
Invocation: The process of invoking a single
WS or complex process, by providing it with
all the necessary inputs for its execution.

In practice, service discovery and selection

are not always discrete processes, since the discovery algorithm may also rank the discovered
services according to their relevance to the user
inquiry. Out of all five steps, WS discovery is
regarded the most important one, or, at least, it
has attracted the major attention of the research
community and industry. The main reason is
that one cannot use a service unless she is aware
of its existence or discovers it. Furthermore, the
deviation of the provided service functionality
from the requestors desired functionality heavily
depends on the ability to locate the best available
At this point, we would like to discriminate
the concept Web service discovery from the
more generic concept service discovery. The
first refers only to Web services while the latter
can be applied to other types of services, too (e.g.,
printing services). Although both concepts are
enabled by similar architectures, they use different protocols and technologies, and they apply to
different application domains. Some indicative
service discovery frameworks are Service Lo-

Figure 1. Web services lifecycle

Semantic Web Service Discovery

cation Protocol (SLP), Universal Plug and Play

(UPnP) and Jini (Richard, 2002). However, in
the rest of the book we will use the terms Web
service and service interchangeably.
WS descriptions are usually expressed as
simple key-value pairs, with service requests following the same pattern. Hence, the procedure of
discovering a service involves a keyword-/syntaxbased comparison between the registered service
descriptions and the service request. In practice,
this kind of discovery it does not constitute an
intelligent retrieval method and is a somewhat
nave way of matchmaking.1
With the advent of Semantic Web (SW), new
knowledge representation technologies that enable
advanced reasoning functionality over the available data are at the disposal of application engineers. The representation power of SW is mainly
due to the exploitation of ontologies as its core
modeling method and technology. SW research
has already experienced great progress and many
SW technologies have already been standardized
(e.g., RDF, OWL) or are in the final standardization process (Antoniou, 2004). As expected, SW
had also its effect on WS technologies and theory.
Thus, some service-oriented SW technologies
have also appeared, such as DAML-S, OWL-S,
forth. (Cardoso, 2005). The services developed
with such technologies are called Semantic Web
Services (SWS) (Lara, 2003; MacIlraith, Son, &
Zeng, 2001; Nixon, 2005; Wang, 2004). These
technologies provide means of describing in detail
the service capabilities, execution flows, policies
and other related information. Moreover, these
technologies have given a new boost to service
discovery and service composition research as
new fields for experimentation have emerged.
The added value of semantics in the field of
Web services is the improvement of their representation expressiveness (key-value pairs are no
longer used) and the logic-based matchmaking
that such representation facilitates. These enhancements should be creatively used by Web

engineers so as to improve the effectiveness of

current WS methods. And the better place to start
such method-shift is the service discovery field,
since it is crucial not only for productively using
WS, but is also involved in other lifecycle steps
such as service composition. Until today, many
researchers have proposed service discovery techniques for Semantic Web Services. Some of them
have been implemented in tools, while others still
remain in the pages of scientific articles.
Three factors mainly affect service discovery:
(a) the ability of service providers to describe their
services, (b) the ability of service requestors to
describe their requirements, and (c) the intelligence of the service matchmaking algorithm.
Throughout the chapter, it will become evident that
Semantic Web Services address all these factors,
thus resulting in better discovery quality.
The main focus of the chapter will be on
service discovery algorithms and methods and
not on SWS description languages. Familiarity
with such languages, as well as basic knowledge
of WS and related technologies, is not a prerequisite, although it would help the reader in better
comprehending the chapter. In general, we have
tried to keep the descriptions of the various approaches as technology-agnostic as possible,
in order to emphasize on their conceptual and
algorithmic parts.
Since most approaches to SWS discovery
exploit logic-based (especially Description Logics) matchmaking algorithms, some familiarity
with basic Description Logics formalism and
terminology is necessary. Unfamiliar readers can
refer to Appendix II, which contains a very brief
Description Logics primer.
This chapter aims at summarizing the existing
techniques, algorithms and tools in order to provide a thorough overview of the basic approaches
in the field of SWS discovery. The rest of the chapter is organized as follows. First, we discuss how
service discovery is performed for conventional
WSs. Hence, we describe a reference architecture
and explain the interactions and functionality

Semantic Web Service Discovery

of its main components. The main algorithms

used, as well as common tools and technologies,
are also briefly mentioned. Subsequently, the
limitations and drawbacks of conventional WS
discovery are identified. Next, a survey of modern
SWS discovery architectures and approaches is
presented. The rationale and main characteristics
of each approach are described and demonstrated
with examples, where deemed necessary. Some of
these approaches have been implemented as tools.
The most known of these tools will be also described. The SWS discovery overview is followed
by a discussion on current and future trends and
challenges. The chapter concludes with a tutorial
on a well-established service matchmaking tool,
namely OWL-S/UDDI Matchmaker (Srinivasan,
2004), and a short introduction to Description
Logics, which have been extensively used in
SWS discovery.

WEb sErvicE discovEry

Before delving into the details of the discovery
process for semantic WS, we will describe a reference architecture of conventional WS discovery
systems. Subsequently, we will discuss how this
architecture has been implemented in real world
systems. Concluding the section we will identify

the shortcomings of such systems and, thus, justify

the necessity for the enhancement of the discovery
process through semantics-based methods.

Web service reference architecture

Figure 2 depicts the components of a typical service discovery system. The main components and
actors of this system, along with their interactions,
are described in the following paragraphs.
A service provider is an entity that offers
some services to other entities upon request. Each
implemented service of a provider is called service instance and usually resides in the provider
location. Each provider tries to promote/advertise
its services to potential service users in order to
maximize its profit (in any possible form). This
advertisement is performed by publishing/registering appropriate service advertisements (or
descriptions) in a site accessible and searchable
by third-parties. This place is the service registry,
a public or private directory of service advertisements. The entities that search for services, namely
the service requestors, issue service requests
against this registry. Depending on the application domain, service requestors may be enterprise
systems, human users, mobile agents or any other
systems that adopt the Web services paradigm.
In general, the service requests are structurally

Figure 2. Service discovery reference architecture

Semantic Web Service Discovery

and conceptually similar to the service descriptions. Finally, the service requests are matched
against the service descriptions with the aid of
matching algorithms (implemented in a matching
engine) in order the service requestor to discover
the available services that are most relevant to its
requirements. If the matching algorithm successfully discovers a service description, it provides
the requestor with the service invocation details
for the corresponding service instance.

Service Registry: It is an implementation

of a directory service (i.e., yellow pages).
It indexes service advertisements in several
ways. For example, it may classify them according to their application domain, service
provider, and so forth. It is important to note
that the service registry does not contain the
actual service instances but only the bindings of service descriptions with the actual
service instances.
Matching Algorithm: Tightly coupled
with the service registry is the algorithm
for matching service requests with service
descriptions. This algorithm significantly
affects the overall discovery quality, that
is, how effectively and efficiently will the
service requestor be served.
Service Request: A service request declares the intention of the service requestor
regarding the desired service functionality.
It is a formal or informal description of the
functional and technical capabilities and/or
constraints that should be satisfied by the
discovered service.
Service Advertisement: A service advertisement is analogous to a service request
but from the providers perspective. Hence,
it describes the functionality, invocation
details and execution flow of an offered
service. Depending on the registry type, this
specification may be more or less formal.

Both the service request and advertisement

are specified in service description languages
with certain expressiveness. Such expressiveness highly affects the quality of the discovery
procedure. Moreover, the completeness of the
descriptions is also affecting the matching process. Further discussions on these topics will be
provided in following sections.
Note: Many different approaches have been
proposed regarding the physical architectures of
service discovery. For example, some researchers have deployed UDDI registries in distributed
architectures or implemented similar registries
over Peer-to-Peer networks (Banaei-Kashani,
2004). However, such variations of the reference
architecture affect only the performance efficiency
and scalability of the discovery subsystem and not
its actual quality and accuracy. In general, issues
on physical architectures are out of the scope of
this chapter.

Web service description

Web services are described through the Web
Service Description Language (WSDL), which
is currently in version 2.0 (Chinnici, 2006). Each
WSDL file accompanying a WS contains the
service name and a textual documentation of the
overall service functionality. In addition, it contains a name and a description for each operation
of the service and for each input/output operation
parameter. All textual descriptions are expressed
through natural language sentences.
As already mentioned, the WSDL descriptions
are published/registered in service registries. The
dominant standard for WS registries is the UDDI
protocol (Universal Description, Discovery and
Integration), which has recently reached its version 3.0 (Clment, 2004). The UDDI specifications

the UDDI data model used for describing

businesses and Web services, and

Semantic Web Service Discovery

the UDDI API used for inquiring and publishing UDDI data

The UDDI data model is specified through

XML Schema documents, which consist of four
main elements:

businessEntity: Information about the

service provider (i.e., business). Such information includes the providers name,
description and contact details. Usually,
each entity is described with reference to a
business catalog (taxonomy)
businessService: Information about a Web
service or a group of services. Such information includes the service name, description
and an optional list of bindingTemaplates
bindingTemplate: Information about how
and where to access a specific Web service
tModel (technical Model): Usually a pointer
to external technical specifications and service descriptions. One common type of such
descriptions is WSDL documents. tModels
include also a name and a description

In UDDI architectures, service discovery is

performed either manually (through Web forms or
browsing taxonomies in Web pages) or programmatically (through the UDDI API).

Matching Methods
Standard UDDI registries allow for keywordbased search methods. Specifically, services can
be searched by category, name, location, business, bindings or tModels. Such matching can
be facilitated by the so-called find qualifiers,
which enable case-sensitive/insensitive search
and approximate search through wildcards.
Many researchers have proposed extensions to
this querying mechanism. The most interesting
approaches are based on information retrieval
techniques. Their core idea is to represent the

service descriptions using Information Retrieval

(IR) data models (e.g., document vectors) on which
IR techniques can be applied (e.g., similarity
measures, clustering, latent semantic indexing).
Since a detailed description of such approaches
is out of the scope of the chapter, the reader is
referred to Dong (2004) and Sajjanhar (2004) for
more details.

shortcomings and limitations of

conventional Web services
The aforementioned service discovery approaches
suffer from some shortcomings, primarily caused
by the service description technologies and secondarily by the matching algorithms. These shortcomings, discussed in the following paragraphs,
prevent WS discovery methods from retrieving
the most relevant services.
Informal description of service functionality/
capabilities: The high-level functionality of the
services is described in an unstructured or semistructured format. Most service descriptions are
provided in natural language form. In addition,
inference cannot be performed on UDDI business
and service catalogs. This further hinders the
matching process, if the provider and requestor
do not use common vocabulary. For example, a
service belonging to the NAICS2 category Dating
Services cannot be matched with a user request
for Personal Relationships Services.
Incomplete description of service functionality/capabilities: The level of detail for the service
descriptions is determined by each provider.
Since no predefined and mandatory fields exist,
providers are free to describe their services in
arbitrary detail.
Syntactic relevance vs. intentional relevance:
The pure syntax-based matching of service capabilities cannot give quality results, because a
service request matches an advertisement only
if their keywords match. This prevents what is
known as inexact matching (i.e., the matching

Semantic Web Service Discovery

between two services even if they are described

with different keywords). The real problem with
exact matching methods is that they cannot fully
capture the intentional semantics of services or
service requests. Moreover, phenomena such as
linguistic polysemy (i.e., the property of a word
having many meanings) and ambiguity undermine
the matching performance. Furthermore, keyword-based descriptions cannot describe internal
service structure (e.g., data and execution flows),
which may be of use during service discovery or
Lack of constraint specifications: Apart from
the specification of service capabilities, a provider
should also specify which preconditions or other
constraints should hold for each service in order
to be successfully executed. Such constraints,
although may not significantly affect the initial
discovery phase, should be taken into account
upon invocation of the selected service.
Limited expressiveness of domain classification schemes: Two of the most popular classification schemes used for describing service
functionality in UDDI-based methods are NAICS
and UNSPSC,3 which constitute standard category
vocabularies. Hence, the service classification is
considerably restricted, and not very flexible.
No support for indirect matching: The search
methods of UDDI cannot produce chains (or more
complex graph structures) of services when no
single service matches a request, that is, support
indirect matching. This may be a serious limitation, especially if there are only primitive and very
simple services available in a registry.

sEMantic WEb sErvicE

Semantic service annotations were introduced
in order to automate the whole service lifecycle,
from advertisement to invocation and execution.
Their role in service discovery is very crucial
and affects the architectures, algorithms, tools,


effectiveness of service retrieval and every other

aspect of the discovery process. In the following
paragraphs we survey some of the existing approaches for SWS discovery.

sWs discovery architectures and

In a SWS discovery architecture, the components
of the WS discovery reference architecture (shown
in Figure 2) are maintained, but implemented
differently in order to provide enhanced functionality. In addition, several new components are
introduced, namely Service Annotation Ontologies and Domain Ontologies. In the following
paragraphs, we describe the enhancements of
each component and present several architecture
variations that have been proposed in the SWS
literature in order to support more effective and
intelligent service discovery.

Service Advertisement
Service advertisements are not described
through the WSDL parameters or operation/service names anymore, but according to specific
Service Annotation Ontologies. Such ontologies
define semantic models for describing various
different perspectives of WS (functionality,
execution flow, invocation details). The actual
annotation terms used in the service advertisements are expressed through shared vocabularies,
defined by Domain Ontologies. Hence, service
advertisements are documents that comply to
specific models and refer to description terms
from external terminologies.

Service Annotation Ontologies

Service annotation ontologies can be regarded
as service description models, which aim to explicitly capture the semantics of service functionality,
process structure/workflow and invocation/imple-

Semantic Web Service Discovery

mentation details of WS. Such ontologies define

a set of service capability attributes, with the
most interesting being the IOPE (Inputs, Outputs,
Preconditions and Effects),4 defined as:

Inputs: Specify the information that the

service requires for its execution
Outputs: Specify the information produced
after service execution
Preconditions: Specify all conditions that
must be satisfied in order for the service to
execute successfully
Effects: Specify side-effects of the service
execution, that is, changes in the state of the
world after the service has been executed,
either successfully or unsuccessfully

The values of the IOPE attributes are usually terms (i.e., atomic or complex concepts)
specified in domain ontologies (see subsequent
Several upper (i.e., application-independent)
ontologies have been already proposed for service
description. The first one was DAML-S (MacIlraith & Martin, 2003), based on the DAML+OIL
ontology definition language. However, with the
wide acceptance of the Web Ontology Language
(OWL) family of languages, DAML-S was replaced by OWL-S (Martin, 2005). At the same
time, other academic and industry groups were
working on similar specifications, resulting in
the WSDL-S (Li, 2006), WSMO (Roman, 2005)
and SWSO (SWSL Committee, 2005) ontologies.5
All these specifications, although sharing many
modeling elements, differ in terms of expressiveness, complexity and tool support.
Most service annotation ontologies are divided
in three logical parts, which, according to the
popular OWL-S terminology, are:

Service profile: Service profile is divided

into three main parts: (1) a textual service
description and providers contact infor-

mation (intended for human users), (2) a

functional description of the service, which
contains semantic information related to the
aforementioned IOPE tuple, and (3) a list
of additional parameters used to describe
other features of the service, for example,
relevant to QoS or to the duration of service
execution. Most matching algorithms used
in the discovery and selection of SWS, focus
on the service profile.
Service model: Service model gives a
detailed description of the operation of a
service. Such operation is described in terms
of a process model, which details both the
control and data flow structure required to
execute a service.
Service grounding: Service grounding
specifies the details of how to access the service through messages (e.g., communication
protocol, message formats, addressing). This
part involves linking the service operations
to WSDL descriptions.

Domain Ontologies
The semantic service annotations, as specified by
the Service Annotation Ontologies, are no more
expressed through unstructured text, but rather
refer to concepts in Domain Ontologies. Such
ontologies describe the terminology and term
relationships in specific application domains. For
instance, when describing services about wines,
a Wine Domain Ontology describes the various
kinds of wine, by also defining their special
characteristics. Domain ontologies may be written in various ontology languages (e.g., OWL,
DAML+OIL or RDF(S)). For an overview of such
languages the reader is referred to (Antoniou,
2004; Gomez-Perez, 2004). Such languages, in
general, have different expressive power. However, all of them can at least model hierarchies
of concepts and concept roles (i.e., properties,
attributes or relationships). As discussed in

Semantic Web Service Discovery

subsequent paragraphs, such hierarchies are at

the core of most logic-based service matching

Service Request
Depending on the system implementation, the service request may vary from natural language text
to documents compliant to the service annotation
ontologies. Irrespectively of the adopted format,
a request should contain information relevant to
that specified by the used service annotation ontology (e.g., IOPE values). In general, possibly after
appropriate mediation, the request is transformed
to a document that structurally resembles the service advertisement. The use of the same Domain
Ontologies by both the service requestors and
providers, although not mandatory, significantly
simplifies the matching process by eliminating
the need for mediation layers. However, this is a
rather optimistic scenario, not suitable for open
information environments like the Web.

Service Registry
The traditional WS registries (e.g., UDDI) are
still used by most SWS discovery architectures.
However, besides the traditional WS descriptions
(e.g., tModel entries, WSDL documents), they also
store, or contain references to, semantics information annotating the advertised services. Several
methods have been proposed for linking semantic
service annotations to UDDI registry entries (e.g.,
tModels). Some of these will be briefly discussed
in the following paragraphs.

Matching Algorithm
The semantic matching algorithms are, in
general, more complex and intelligent than
their syntax-based counterparts. They are designed so as to exploit the explicit functionality
semantics of the provided service descriptions and
requests. Many matchmaking algorithms have

been proposed with different characteristics. In

this section we examine in more detail the basic
principles of the most important and influential
SWS matchmaking algorithms.
The aforementioned components can be
deployed in several variations of the reference
architecture shown in Figure 2. What differentiates these architecture variations is, primarily, the
implementation and integration of the semantic
matching engine with the service registry, and,
consequently, the imposed deviation from established discovery standards (e.g., extensions to
UDDI API). We should note, however, that the
service discovery interaction steps remain the
same as for traditional Web services:

Step 1: the service provider advertises services

Step 2: the requestor searches for services
fulfilling its functional requirements
Step 3: the registry/matching engine locates
(and selects) suitable services
Step 4: the best matches are returned to the

We categorize the SWS discovery architectures

to: (1) those exploiting a centralized service registry, and (2) those performing discovery according
to the peer-to-peer paradigm.

centralized discovery architectures

In this architecture category, several possible
deployments of the SWS discovery components
have been proposed. We briefly describe two indicative examples, in order to exemplify potential

Architecture I:
Importing Semantics to UDDI
The authors in (Paolucci, 2002b; Srinivasan,
2004) discussed an extension to the UDDI registry so that they take advantage of the semantic

Semantic Web Service Discovery

service annotations, while using the popular and

standardized UDDI infrastructure. The authors
proposed the idea of semantically extending
UDDI by mapping semantic annotations (e.g.,
DAML-S service profiles) to standard UDDI
entries (e.g., tModels). Such translation of the
semantic service advertisement or request to a
UDDI-compliant representation combines the
popularity and support of the UDDI standard
and the semantically-grounded descriptions of
services. In addition, an external matching engine
is introduced that performs semantic matching on
service capabilities. Specifically, the Semantic
UDDI registry receives service advertisements
and requests with embedded descriptions in
a service annotation ontology. The Translator
component constructs the UDDI tModel entry
for each advertised service. When a semantic

service request arrives, its description is passed

to the matching engine, and the latter performs
the service capability matching, with respect
to the available domain ontologies. Thus, such
architecture (see Figure 3) provides two ways of
service discovery: one using the standard UDDI
keyword-based matching (applied also to the
extended tModel fields and invoked through the
standard UDDI Inquiry API) and one exploiting
service semantics (invoked through a custom API).
A similar approach is also adopted by authors in
(Akkiraju, 2003), which further expand this architecture by specifying an extension to the UDDI
Inquiry API, thus wrapping all requests under a
common interface. In conclusion, Architecture I
represents a tight integration of semantic matching
engines with UDDI registries, but deviates from
the UDDI specification.

Figure 3. Centralized discovery architecture I


Semantic Web Service Discovery

Architecture II:
External Matching Services
A more seamless integration of semantic matching mechanism with UDDI registry can be seen
in Figure 4, where the matching algorithms are
published as WS in the UDDI. Thus, UDDI can
detect and select the most suitable matching
service for each service request, and then invoke
it for the actual semantic matching. Moreover,
the UDDI registry may offer the possibility to
use multiple matchmaking services to fulfill a
given service request. For instance, there may
be matching service providers that offer diverse
semantic matching mechanisms (e.g., implementing different algorithms or supporting different
service annotation ontologies).
In order to support such functionality, UDDI is
extended with two processes. The first determines

Figure 4. Centralized discovery architecture II


whether a request is due for external matching

and not for a literal match based on the tModel
key. Such information is explicitly indicated by
the requestor along with the description format of
the request (e.g., OWL-S). The request description
format is used for filtering out incompatible advertisements. In addition, a compatible matching
service is selected with respect to this format. In
case there are many such services, the selection
should be based on some policy. Subsequently, the
compatible matching service is invoked taking
as inputs the compatible advertisements and the
service request. Finally, the discovered services
are returned to the requestor.
This architecture eliminates the need for installing the matchmaking infrastructure either on
the registry side, or the requestors side. Instead,
it allows independent matching service providers
to offer their matchmaking mechanisms, thus

Semantic Web Service Discovery

allowing for many and flexible WS business

models. Moreover, the limitations of the previous
architecture do not apply in this setting, since
minor UDDI API modification is needed (method
find_tModel()) and no UDDI data structure extension is required. On the other hand, such approach
does not provide the coordination required for
creating ad hoc services through the composition
of existing services. This is due to the fact that
matching service providers use their own semantic
matching algorithm, leading to diverse service
matches. The authors in (Colgrave, 2004) describe
an architecture similar to Architecture II.

Peer-to-Peer service discovery

During the last years, the convergence of WS,
SW and peer-to-peer (P2P) networks has attracted
much attention from the research community
(Maedche, 2003). This can be attributed to the
suitability of P2P architectures for open and
distributed environments like the Web. P2P architectures are scalable and work quite efficiently.
In a P2P service-oriented architecture, each peer
is a service provider, a service requestor or both.
Accordingly, every peer should contain semantic

descriptions of its offered services, links to domain

ontologies, as well as, a P2P discovery component,
where the matching engine resides (see Figure
5). A service requestor queries other peers in its
network (or a specific network domain) in order
to locate the required WS. When it obtains the
semantic service advertisements it performs the
matching process locally.
The lack of a central repository implies more
complexity (in terms of protocol interactions)
in identifying matching services, but, on the
other hand, more reliability and distribution of
the organizational effort. Furthermore, in such
architecture, service advertisements are always
up to date, while a registry could contain stale
information. This is attributed to the fact that the
service advertisements are co-located with service instances, and implementation updates can
instantly trigger advertisement updates. Another
advantage of this approach is the fact that a service requestor is free to use its own matching
algorithm and not bound to the implementation
of a central registry. This way, custom discovery
policies and constraints can be easily embedded in the matching engine. Alternatively, each
service provider can also provide its matching
services. In general, such architectures allow for

Figure 5. P2P SWS discovery architecture

Semantic Web Service Discovery

high flexibility, which can be reflected in a wide

range of business models for WS. In (Langley,
2001; Paolucci, 2003; Verma, 2005), the authors
discuss in more detail such P2P architectures for
discovering SWS.

We can categorize matchmaking approaches,

according to various criteria. One possible classification is the following:

algorithmic approaches to

Most service matchmaking approaches exploit

the service profile of a SWS. This is expected,
since, during discovery, the requestor is more
interested in whether a service can fulfill the posed
requirements than in how it works or how it can be
invoked. Moreover, most approaches exploit the
IOPE attributes, described in the service profile.
This is also intuitively correct, since two services
that have similar IOPE attributes are generally
considered similar.
However, no matter on which elements the
matching algorithm is applied, the most important
problem in matchmaking is that it is unrealistic to
expect advertisements and requests to be in perfect
match. Hence, adopting a hard-decision logic,
would result in ignoring services that partially
match a service request. The problem is becoming worse if we take into account that the service
request may not fully capture the requestors
intention. In that case, one can observe the paradox where a service advertisement that partially
matches the issued service request might perfectly
match the requestors intention. The concept of the
Degree of Match (DoM) has to be introduced
for dealing with these problems. DoM can be
informally defined as a value from an ordered set
of values that expresses how similar two entities
are, with respect to some similarity metric(s). Such
entities may be services, IOPE attributes or specific service operations. A service matchmaking
algorithm calculating the DoM can, thus, be used
for ranking the discovered services according to
their relevance to the issued request.

Direct: A service request is matched against

single service advertisements
Indirect: A service request is matched
against composite services, constructed
from simple or complex workflows of single
service advertisements.

In essence, indirect matchmaking involves

service composition techniques. These may vary
from nave ones that produce simple sequential
service chains to more advanced techniques.
In the context of this chapter, we will only deal
with direct and simple indirect matching methods.
Complex service composition theory and tools
are out of the scope of the chapter.
Moreover, one could also classify matchmaking as: supporting DoM or not, using only service
profile or other service information as well, assessing service similarity through logic-based
reasoning or other techniques. In the following
paragraphs we describe some typical algorithms
that belong to these categories and discuss their
main concepts and differentiating characteristics.
The selection of the discussed approaches has
been based on factors such as practicality and
tool support, novelty, and impact in the related
literature. Only approaches that are directly addressing SWS have been considered. Each approach may not be completely different from the
others in terms of its underlying mechanism, but
has to include some design decisions that affect
the service discovery process. In general, the
approaches are presented in ascending degree of
effectiveness and/or sophistication.
Most approaches are based on service annotation ontologies expressed in Description Logics
(DLs) and, thus, perform DL-based matching.
DLs are knowledge representation languages
with less expressiveness than First Order Logic

Semantic Web Service Discovery

(FOL), but with much more efficient reasoning

algorithms. In Appendix II, a DL primer can be
found, that describes all DL-specific terminology
and knowledge required for the understanding of
some matchmaking algorithms. A more comprehensive reading on DLs is (Baader, 2003).
Before proceeding with the description of the
different approaches, we should note the following assumptions:

The semantic annotations in advertisements

and requests adhere to the same domain
The algorithm descriptions are not bound to
any specific service annotation ontologies
or domain ontology languages. We try to
capture and present in a unified way the
basic ideas of the various approaches.
The notation in Table 1 is used for the description of the matching algorithms.
All matching approaches, unless stated otherwise, perform direct service matching.
The domain ontology used in some of the
examples can be found in Appendix I (Figure

Approach I:
Semantic Capabilities Matching
One of the first, and probably most influential,
works in the field of SWS discovery is that described in (Paolucci, 2002a). The basic idea behind
this approach is that an advertisement matches
a request when all the outputs of the request are
matched by the outputs of the advertisement, and
all the inputs of the advertisement are matched
by the inputs of the request (p. 338). Thus, this
method takes into account only the inputs and outputs of the service profiles during matchmaking.
The degree of match between two outputs or two
inputs depends on the relationship between the
domain ontology concepts associated with those
inputs and outputs. Four degrees of match have
been specified in Paolucci (2002a), as shown in
Table 2 (in decreasing significance order). The
DoM in this table is computed per output. For service inputs, req.o and adv.o should be substituted
by adv.i and req.i, respectively (such inversion is
dictated by the approach). The DoM between a
service advertisement and a service request is the
minimum DoM of all inputs and outputs.

Table 1. Useful notation


The service request

The set of all service advertisements in a service registry


A single advertisement in A


The set of desired service outputs as specified in req


The set of outputs for advertisement adv


The set of inputs given by req


The set of required service inputs for advertisement adv


A single output of the set X.O (X=adv or req)


A single input of the set X.I


A description of the service category of X


Other user-defined parameters of X

Semantic Web Service Discovery

The matching algorithm is outlined in Figure

6. The function degreeOfMatch implements the
rules of Table 2. This algorithm returns an ordered
list of matching service advertisements. How
many of them are really relevant to the request
is decided by the requestor, who should define a
threshold for the minimum acceptable DoM. This
approach is based on a logic-based interpretation
of matching, in particular subsumption matching.
We say that a concept subsumes another if the first
is more general than the latter (i.e., it is higher in
the conceptual hierarchy). The definitions of the
terms equivalent and subsumes in Table 2
are given in Appendix II. Subsumption matching
has gained great popularity in the knowledge discovery community, because items (e.g., concepts,
services) more abstract or more specific than a

given item are regarded relevant to it. However,

the direction of the subsumption relation between
two service attributes implies different meaning
and different consequences for the whole matching
process. Such consequences are listed in Table
3. In addition, the output matching is regarded
more significant than the input matching during
service discovery, since the requestor usually
searches services by their outputs and is ready to
provide any required service input upon the actual
negotiation and invocation of the service.

Approach II:
Multilevel Matching
A variant of the Approach I is presented in (Jaeger,
2004). The key differentiator in this work is the

Table 3. Implications of subsumption relations between service inputs/outputs

Degree of Match

Matching conditions


If req.o is equivalent to adv.o, or

If req.o is a direct subclass of adv.o


If adv.o subsumes req.o


If req.o subsumes adv.o


If there is no subsumption relationship between req.o and adv.o

Table 2. Degrees of match (per output)

Subsumption relation

Meaning/Potential problems

req.i subsumes adv.i

More specific input information might be required for the

proper execution of the service described by adv

adv.i subsumes req.i

The request contains all input information required for the

proper execution of the service described by adv

req.o subsumes adv.o

The output is valid for the requestor, though it may contain

only a fraction of the desired results. The requestor may
need a set or composition of such services in order to fulfill
its requirements

adv.o subsumes req.o

The service may not be able to produce the required

outputs. In extreme cases, the service execution results may
be totally irrelevant to the request. However, we usually
make the assumption that the service provider provides
more specific services, too

Semantic Web Service Discovery

Figure 6. Outline of algorithm I

Main algorithm: match(req, a)
: matchedServices = {}
: for all adv in A do
: if ((DoMI=Imatch(req, adv)) !=FAIL and (DoMO = O match(req,
adv)) !=FAIL)
: adv.DoM=min (DoMI, DoMO)
: matchedServices=matchedServices{adv}
6: return sortByDoM(matchedServices)
function: omatch (req, adv)
: DoM={}
: for all req.o in req.O do
9: for all adv.o in adv.O do
0: DoM=DoM{degreeOfMatch(req.o, adv.o}
: return min(DoM)
function: imatch(req, adv)
: DoM={}
: for all adv.i in adv.I do
: for all req.i in req.I do
: DoM=DoM{degreeOfMatch(adv.i, req.i)}
6: return min(DoM)

fact that the matchmaking process is performed

at many levels, that is, between inputs/outputs,
service categories and other custom service
parameters (e.g., related to QoS issues). Such
approach, reflects the intuition that ideal service
discovery should exploit as much of the available
functional and nonfunctional service information
as possible. In addition, it introduces the concept
of DoM aggregation. As a result, a more finegrained and effective ranking of matched services
can be provided, by assigning different weights to
the different matching stages. The stages of the
system, which for the particular work are four, are
outlined in Figure 7. In this figure, the function
aggregate() can implement any arbitrary aggregation (e.g., weighted sum) of the four DoMs. The
main problem of this approach is that, in general,
it is difficult to find an optimal aggregate function,
since it depends on many factors (e.g., application domain, requestors and providers ability
to describe the exact service functionality). The
Xmatch() functions in this algorithm are similar
to the functions of Algorithm I.

Approach III:
DL Matchmaking with Service Profile
The Approach I, as already discussed, is based
on subsumption matching of service capabilities. Particularly, the various capabilities (i.e.,
inputs and outputs) of service advertisements are
matched against the corresponding request capabilities. The actual degree of match is evaluated
according to the subsumption relations between
the domain ontology concepts that describe these
capabilities. In (Gonzales-Castillo, 2001; Li,
2004) another logic-based approach is presented,
where the matchmaking of services is performed
through a service profile ontology. In this ontology, each service is represented by a complex
DL concept expression, which describes all the
service constraints (inputs, outputs, etc.). For the
Dating Services domain, a part of such ontology
would resemble that shown in Figure 8(a). In fact,
such ontology can be considered as a logic-based
registry for service advertisements.

Semantic Web Service Discovery

Figure 7. Outline of algorithm II

Main algorithm: match(req, adv)
: DoMI=allImatch(req.I, adv.I)
: DoMO=allO match(req.O, adv.O)
: DoMSC=SC match(req.SC, adv.SC)
: DoMP=PAR match(req.par, adv.par)
: if (DoMI == FAIL or DoMO == FAIL or DoMSC == FAIL or DoMP == FAIL)
6: return FAIL
: Else
: return (DoM = aggregate (DoMI, DoMO, DoMSC, DoMP))

Figure 8. A service profile ontology before (a) and after (b) the insertion/classification of the service
request Q

(a) before

(b) after

Once such ontology is defined and contains

all the available service advertisements, service
requests can be expressed through DL concepts
and inserted to it. Then a DL reasoner can be used
in order to classify the request-concept into the
ontology. The final DoM is evaluated according
to a ranking similar to Table 2, with the difference that the various degrees and their conditions
refer to service profile descriptions and not single
service outputs.

roles and concepts referenced in this example are

specified in the domain ontology of Figure 16 in
Appendix I). Moreover, it describes information
about the payment mode of that service, which in
this case is free of charge (service FreeOfCharge).
FreeDatingServiceForMovieFansInCapitalAreas is subsumed by the previous service, since it
involves a more specific personal profile. Similarly, the service request Q describes a service
that is free of charge, and refers to persons located
in Urban Areas, who are interested in Entertainment topics. We add this concept to the ontology
of Figure 8(a) and classify it with a DL reasoner
like Racer (Haarslev, 2003). The inferred concept
hierarchy is shown in Figure 8(b). The concept
Q subsumes the FreeDatingServiceForMovieFansInCapitalAreas concept, since, according to

Example. Figure 9 depicts two service advertisements in DL syntax. Specifically, FreeDatingService is described by its service profile through
the hasServiceProfile role (we assume that this
role and the concept ServiceProfile are specified
in a service annotation ontology, while all other


Semantic Web Service Discovery

Figure 9. The service descriptions of the example in DL syntax

has InterestProfile.(InterestProfilehasInterest.Movies))
QDatingServicehasServiceProfile (ServiceProfilerequiresPaymentFreeOfCharge
hasPersonalProfile (ContactProfilehasLocation.UrbanArea)
hasInterstProfile (InterestProfilehasInterest.Entertainment))

the ontology in Figure 16 (see Appendix I), it is

constructed by concepts more specific than those
involved in the latter concept (i.e., UrbanArea
subsumes CapitalArea). Similarly, Q is subsumed
by FreeDatingService.
By applying the algorithm of Approach I
(properly adapted for service profile matching
instead of output matching), we see that there
is no EXACT match and that the best matching
advertisement is that of FreeDatingService (i.e.,
PLUGIN match). Note also that FreeDatingServiceForMovieFansInCapitalAreas and Q are
associated with the SUBSUMES degree, which
by definition is weaker than PLUGIN.
Another contribution of this approach is the
definition of an additional matching condition.
Specifically, a service request req matches with
advertisements adv that: (1) their service profiles
(described as concepts) are subconcepts of any
direct superconcepts of the reqs service profile,
and (2) the logical intersection of adv and req
is satisfiable. We remind that, an intersection of
concepts, which is also a concept, is regarded
satisfiable in DLs, if there can be some individuals
belonging to this concept. This condition states
that subsumption matching (involving only direct
and indirect super/subconcepts of the req concept)
alone is not sufficient, since candidate matching
concepts may also be found in paths of the terminological hierarchy which do not include the

req concept. This observation forms a basis for

the following approach.

Approach IV:
Similarity Measures and Information
Retrieval Techniques
All the variants of the aforementioned logic-based
approaches have the drawback of exploiting only
the subsumption relations in various ontologies
(domain or service profile) in order to assess
similarity of services, service capabilities, and
so forth. However, this is not sufficient as shown
in the following example.
Example. A requestor of a dating service
searches for services that take as input the concept
{InterestProfile hasInterest.SciFiMovies},
which is a subconcept of InterestProfile, and
return as output the concept ContactProfile (i.e.,
the service finds contact details for persons that
are interested in SciFi movies). In the service
registry there are only two services whose inputs
match (as defined in Approach I) with the concept
Find_Interests_Of_Female_MSN_Use r s : i n p u t = { P e r s o n h a s G e n d e r. M a l e }
output={InterestProfile, ChatID}
Find_ Person_by _Interest: input={InterestProfile}

Semantic Web Service Discovery

If we adopt the Approach I, the DoM between

the request outputs and the first services outputs
is FAIL, because the concepts ContactProfile,
ChatID and InterestProfile are terminologically
disjoint siblings (see Figure 16 in Appendix I).
Hence, only the second service would be discovered. Such system behavior, however, may not
be desirable, since once we have the ChatID of a
person we are able to contact it and retrieve any
other contact details.
A way to overcome such limitations during
service discovery is to use the implicit semantics
of the services, besides the explicit semantics that
are described by the domain ontologies. This can
be achieved by borrowing techniques from other
information processing fields such as Information
Retrieval (IR). The core idea in this approach
is that IR similarity measures could be applied
when logic-based (subsumption) matching fails.
Hence, we modify the range of DoM in Table 2
as follows:


Add a new degree, called SIMIR with lower
significance than LOGICAL-FAIL. This
degree holds true when the inputs/outputs
of the request and the advertisement are

similar with respect to the used IR similarity

Add a new degree, called FAIL, which holds
true when none of the rest degrees applies

A generic algorithm for this approach is shown

in Figure 10. The functions Imatch() and Omatch()
are similar to those described in Figure 6, and the
variable threshold is a numeric value that denotes
the minimum acceptable value of the similarity
measure, in order to achieve a request-advertisement match. Such threshold usually depends on
many factors (e.g., application domain, structure
and characteristics of domain ontology, type of
similarity measure) and is, in general, difficult to
optimally define. A realization of this algorithm
can be found in (Klusch, 2005).
Among the most effective and popular IR
techniques are those assessing similarity by exploiting the linguistic semantics of textual descriptions or using TFIDF (Term Frequency/Inverse
Document Frequency) term weighting schemes
(Cohen, 2003). The objective of such measures is to
evaluate the semantic distance/closeness between
concepts, words or documents. This distance,
which is an abstract concept, is inferred through
measurable characteristics of the compared data,

Figure 10. Outline of algorithm IV

Main algorithm: match(req, adv)
: DoM=logicalMatch(req, adv)
: if sim(req, adv) threshold
return FAIL
: Else
return SIMIR
: Else
: return DoM
function: logicalMatch(req, adv)
9: return min(Omatch(req, adv), Imatch(req, adv))
function sim(req, adv)
0: Any similarity measure

Semantic Web Service Discovery

such as edit distance, term frequency, and so forth.

Among the most popular similarity measures are
those that exploit lexical databases such as WordNet (Richardson, 1994). Such techniques have
also been extensively used in other information
integration tasks, for example, database schema
matching (Rahm, 2001), ontology mapping (Kalfoglou, 2003; Rodriguez, 2003).
The presented approach can be extended in
many ways. One option would be to incorporate
more effective similarity metrics (possibly
identified through experimental evaluations).
However, there always remains the problem of
determining to which extend the (semantically
vague) value of each metric should affect the
final ranking of the discovered services. In fact,
this is a combinatorial optimization problem.
Another extension point would be to define more
degrees of match, corresponding to values of the
similarity metrics. Furthermore, such metrics
could be applied to different service description
elements, such as IOPE attributes, full text of
service description, and so forth. Finally, more
knowledge engineering-based techniques can be
used like those proposed in (Borgida, 2005) for
measuring semantic similarity in DL knowledge

Approach V:
A Graph-Based Approach
In Trastour (2001) a semantic graph matching approach is proposed. A service description (request
or advertisement) is represented as a directed
graph (RDF-graph), whose nodes are instances of
concepts (i.e., individuals) and arcs are properties
(i.e., concept roles) relating such instances. The
root node of each graph is the individual representing the service advertisement/request itself.
The other nodes refer to concepts borrowed from
domain ontologies. Such concepts describe the service functionality (capabilities, constraints, etc.).
An example graph for a dating service is shown in
Figure 11. The actual nodes of the service graph
are those written in lowercase letters and having
outgoing io arcs. The matchmaking between
two graphs, one representing a service request
and another representing a service advertisement,
is performed with the recursive algorithm shown
in Figure 12.
This approach, as described in Figure 12,
exploits standard subsumption matching through
the subsumes operator. However, other
operators could be used as well. For instance,
one could replace the subsumes operator

Figure 11. Graph representing the service S (io:instance-of, dashed line:concept role)


Semantic Web Service Discovery

by a concept similarity measure is-similar.

Thus, the novelty of the approach is not on the
actual matching/comparison method, but on the
fact that we compare two graph structures. In
addition, this approach examines all the properties
of the concepts (i.e., graph arcs) in order to
identify service matches and does not rely only
on specific properties of a service annotation
ontology (e.g., IOPE attributes). An important
drawback of such approach is that it does not
support degrees of match, at least as presented
in Figure 12; two service graphs either match or
not. However, if we adopt such a graph-based
perspective towards matchmaking, established
graph-based algorithms and methods from the
schema-matching domain (Rahm, 2001) can be
reused, after proper adaptation.

Approach VI:
Indirect Graph-Based Matching
As already mentioned, indirect matching refers
to the identification of the service compositions
that are most relevant to the user request. In case
of simple compositions, we can think of them as
graph-like workflows (see Figure 13), which can

be reduced to service chains (i.e., acyclic paths

in the workflow graph) in the simplest cases.
An approach for performing indirect matchmaking is presented in (Giv, 2004). This is a hybrid
approach, which exploits both semantic matching
techniques (e.g., subsumption-based matching
of input/output parameters) and graph searching
algorithms. The main idea behind constructing
simple composite services (i.e., service chains) is
based on the following two guidelines:


The inputs of each service involved in the

composition should match the inputs given
either by the service request or the outputs
of the previous service in the chain.
Each output of the service request should be
matched against an output of the last service
in the chain.

The first step is to construct a service graph

according to these guidelines. The elements of
such graph are defined as follows:
ni: a node corresponding to the service description di

Figure 12. Algorithm VI

Main algorithm
: N = root(graph)
: N = root(graph)
: Result = match(n, n)
function match (n1, n2)
: if (n subsumes n or n subsumes n)
matching = truE
for each property p or n do
for each property p of n do
if NOT [(p equivalent-to p or p subproperty-of p or p subproperty-of p) and
match(target(p), target (p))]
matching = falsE
0: return matching
: Else
: return falsE


Semantic Web Service Discovery

(ni, nj): a directed arc originating from ni, created

only when all the inputs of the service nj can be
matched against: a) the outputs of the service ni,
or, b) the data provided by the requestor.
According to this definition, the nodes represent services and the arcs represent data flows.
For example, a service graph for the services of
Table 4 is shown in Figure 13, under the assumption that the Service Request has the inputs A. B,
C, D and the outputs Z, Y.
By definition, two nodes are linked with an arc
if the inputs of the one match with the outputs of
the other. This matching can be performed with
any of the direct matching algorithms presented
earlier in this section that involves Input/Output
matching. Once the graph is in place, we can

Table 4. Example service descriptions

Service Name




A, B


A, B, C

F, N


E, C


K, M


K, D

Z, Y


D, Z


execute typical graph searching algorithms in

order to compute the paths (i.e., service chains)
that provide the requested service functionality.
These paths should start at nodes with zero indegree (S1 and S2 in Figure 13) and end at nodes
with zero out-degree (S5 and S7). According to
the abovementioned guidelines, the set of outputs
of all serviced participating in a path should be a
superset of the requested outputs in order for the
path to be valid. The possible, and valid, paths
in our example service graph are:
Service Chain : S, S, S, S6, S
Service Chain : S, S, S, S
Service Chain : S, S, S6, S
Service Chain : S, S, S

If we impose further restrictions on the discovery process, for example, always prefer the shortest service chains, then a shortest path algorithm
could be used (e.g., Dijkstra). In our example, this
would result in selecting the Service Chain 4. Such
matchmaking method can be further extended and
become more flexible. One extension point is the
introduction of weighted arcs, possibly depending
on the degree of match between the inputs/outputs
of two successive services. Moreover, one could
define arcs as follows, resulting in more refined
service composition:
(ni, nj): a directed arc originating from ni, created
only when there is at least one match between an
input of nj and an output of ni

Figure 13. A service graph for the services in Table 4


Semantic Web Service Discovery

Such definition leads to more complex graph

creation and service composition algorithms, as
well as to more complex composite services, which
are represented by directed graphs and not just by
sequences of nodes (i.e., service chains). The topic
of service composition is very relevant to service
discovery and could be the subject of an entire
book. In the area of SWS, most service annotation
languages and ontologies support the description
of composite services while some algorithms and
tools have already been proposed (McIlraith, 2002;
Narayanan, 2002). Such tools can automatically
orchestrate and compose individual services and
produce service-based workflows that fulfill the
requestors requirements. For a survey of service
composition algorithms the reader is referred to
(Rao, 2004).

Approach VII:
Indirect Backward Chaining Matching
Another, more logic-based, approach for indirect service matching is based on the backward
chaining inference method. Backward chaining
is a goal-driven reasoning procedure (see Figure
14) similar to the way the Prolog language works.
The main idea behind this approach is that, starting from services that match the service request
outputs but not its inputs, we recursively try to link
them with other services until we find a service

with all its inputs matched to the inputs given by

the service request.
Applying this backward chaining algorithm
to the same example would lead to the following
indicative execution description:
Execution step : S=S, G={K}, SC=[S]
Execution step : S=S, G={F}, SC=[S, S]
Execution step : S=S, G={E}, SC=[S, S, S]
Execution step : S=S, G={}, SC=[S, S, S, S]
Execution step : Exit
Discovered Service Chain: SC=[S, S, S, S]

The above algorithm is quite simplistic and

just demonstrates the core idea. Hence, it always
returns one arbitrary service chain. With appropriate extensions it can return all four possible
chains. More information on backward chaining
inference can be found in (Brachman, 2004).
Finally, as the reader may observe, Approach
VII resembles Approach VI. Indeed, Approach
VI can be regarded as a way of implementing
backward chaining. However, we have presented
both approaches in order to provide two different perspectives for the discovery mechanism to
the reader: Approach VI treats such mechanism
as a graph searching algorithm, while Approach
VII treats it as a logic program (i.e., Horn rules)
executed by a resolution procedure. Each perspective represents service data in a different way,
thus, exploiting the representational (and reasoning) power of the respective formalism.

Figure 14. Outline of algorithm VIII

Main algorithm
1: find a service S whose outputs of the service request R
: G = {all inputs of S except those matched by the inputs of R}
: List SC = null
: Insert S to SC
: Repeat infinitely
6: if G==
: return SC
: Else
9: Find a service S with its outputs matching all elements of G
0: G = {all inputs of S except those matched by the inputs of R}
: Insert S to SC


Semantic Web Service Discovery

(i.e., logic- and similarity-based), and hybrid-g (i.e., logic- and graph-based).

In Table 5, we present a synopsis of the previously described matchmaking approaches. The
columns of this table reflect the following characteristics:

Matching Elements: The elements of the

service advertisement and service request,
on which actual matching is performed.
Possible options are service profile (used
to build service profile ontologies), IOPE
(all or a subset of the IOPE attributes),
custom parameters (other functional and
nonfunctional service parameters), service
category (according to some classification scheme, such as NAICS), and textual
descriptions (describing any element of a
service description).
Support for DoM: Indicates whether the
approach enables ranking of the matching
Indirect Matching: Indicates whether the
approach enables simple composition of
service chains
Algorithm Type: The type of matchmaking
algorithm. The possible options are logic
(i.e., subsumption-/logic-based), hybrid-s

other approaches
The approaches described above, are only a portion of the approaches that have been proposed in
the relevant literature. The area of SWS discovery
is still in its initial phase (i.e., no standards have
gained wide adoption yet) and, thus, there is much
experimentation from researchers worldwide.
One of the most important approaches, which is
also pursuing standardization, is WSMO, which
is the cornerstone for WSMO Discovery (Keller,
2004). This involves a quite mature suite of
modeling specifications and tools and has been
developed by the Digital Enterprise Research
Institute (DERI) in the general context of the Web
Services Modeling FrameworkWSMF (Fensel,
2002). This approach focuses on a very flexible
SWS architecture suitable for commercial and
industrial use scenarios. The researchers have
developed a suite of languages, ontologies and
execution environments (WSML, WSMO, and
WSMX, respectively) that can support practical
SWS provision. The discovery in this framework
is supported by the WSMO service annotation
ontology. This approach focuses on a more re-

Table 5. Synopsis of matchmaking approaches


Matching elements

Support for DoM

Indirect matching







IO, service category,

custom parameters





Service profile





Textual descriptions, IOPE




Service profile















Semantic Web Service Discovery

fined logic-based analysis of the matchmaking

procedure, in the sense that the user intention is
also taken into account. This results in a more
detailed scale of degrees of match. In addition,
the WSML language, which is a First-Order
Logic language, enables more expressive service
descriptions. In the present chapter, we do not
describe in detail this approach, since it has been
addressed elsewhere in this book. This approach
shares many concepts with the approach presented
in Grimm (2004).
Another interesting approach is described in
(Benatallah, 2003). The main idea behind this
approach is that we want a matching algorithm
that enables to compute the best combination of
Web services that satisfies as much as possible
the outputs of the query Q and that requires as
less as possible of inputs that are not provided
in Q (p. 243). The authors exploit DL reasoning and advanced graph algorithms in order to
compute such combination. In (Benatallah, 2003)
all the technical and algorithmic details can be
found, along with a comprehensive example. A
main drawback of this approach is that special
extensions to the expressiveness of common
Semantic Web ontology languages (e.g., RDF,
OWL, DAML) are required.
Other approaches like that proposed in Bernstein (2002), give more significance to the structural relevance of services during the discovery
process. Thus, they mainly exploit the service
model in order to assess matching, in combination with domain knowledge (i.e., ontologies). We
remind that a service model contains information
about the various subprocesses (or activities) that
compose a service, the data flows between those
activities, and so forth. Hence, one can increase
the accuracy of the service discovery process.

sWs Matchmaking tools

As expected, the variety in matching algorithms
for SWS discovery is followed by variance in
relevant tools. In this section, we survey some


of the most known tools for SWS discovery and

selection, highlighting their special features and
differences. Note that this is not an exhaustive
list of such tools. Their selection was mainly
based on their maturity and popularity in SWS
research community.
Prior to the tool description, we discuss on the
key features that characterize them:

Service Annotation Ontology: This feature

refers to the upper ontologies used for the
semantic annotation of the services.
Implemented algorithm: This feature refers to the matchmaking algorithm that is
being implemented by the tool (see Table 5).
Through such information, we can deduce
other features of the tool (e.g., if it performs
IO matching, if it ranks the discovered services according to their degree of match).
Domain Ontology Languages: This feature refers to the languages supported by
the tool for expressing domain ontologies,
whose concepts are used as annotations in
the service descriptions. The expressiveness of those ontology languages affects
the discovery procedure. For instance, RDF
does not support the axiom of disjointness
between concept definitions, as OWL-DL
Technical Details: This feature refers to
other technical details.

The tools and their specific features are summarized in Table 6.

OWL-S/UDDI Matchmaker
This is one of the first tools supporting semantic
service matching. It adopts and implements the
matchmaking Approach I, a subsumption-based
matching of OWL-S service requests and advertisements. The tool also allows users to build their
OWL-S descriptions, either advertisements or

Semantic Web Service Discovery

requests. The domain ontologies are described in

the OWL language. This tool is available in two
versions, a Web-based and a standalone version.
The Web-based version is demonstrated in the
tutorial included in Appendix I. The standalone
version, provides a matching engine and a client
API for invoking this engine. All the tools come
in the form of open source software. For the execution of the tool, a UDDI implementation and a
DL reasoner are also required. OWL-S/UDDIM
is written in Java and is available from (OWLS/UDDIM, 2005).

IBM Semantic Tools for Web Services

This tool is developed by the IBM alphaWorks
team and is part of the Emerging Technologies
Toolkit (ETTK). In STWS, if a single service cannot be found to meet the requestors requirements,
its engine uses backward chaining inferences and
other Artificial Intelligence planning algorithms
over service descriptions, in order to find an appropriate composition of services. This semantic
matching and composition of SWS results in a set
of weighted matches that can be further filtered
by the developer. In order to assist in this task,
STWS includes a tool that allows the relationships
between the request and the matched services to be
analyzed and mediation work to begin. The SWS
descriptions adhere to the WSDL-S specification.
Finally, the domain ontologies are expressed
through the OWL notation, which is the de facto
standard in SW ontology representation. The
tool is implemented as a set of Eclipse plug-ins
(Holzner, 2004), and also exploits the WordNet
lexical database (Fellbaum, 1998). STWS is available from (STWS, 2006).

Hybrid OWL-S Web Service

Matchmaker (OWLS-MX)
The hybrid matchmaking tool OWLS-MX
(Klusch, 2005) has been developed in the context

of the project SCALLOPS led by the German

Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, DFKI
Saarbruecken. This tool adopts and implements
the matchmaking Approach IV, that is, performs
service IO-matching by combining logic-based
semantic matching with syntactic token-based
similarity metrics in order to determine the degree
of match. Several different similarity measures
have been already implemented. OWLS-MX
supports OWL-S service descriptions and domain
knowledge described in OWL. The developers
have also formulated a service retrieval test collection for enabling further experimentation with
the tool. The tool is implemented in Java and is
available as open source software from (OWLSMX, 2005).

METEOR-S Web Service Discovery

Infrastructure (MWSDI) and Lumina
The METEOR-S Project, founded by the Large
Scale Distributed Information Systems (LSDIS)
Lab at University of Georgia, attempts to add semantics to the complete Web process lifecycle by
providing constructs for adding semantics to current industry standards. The MWSDI framework
(Verma, 2005) is developed for semi-automatically marking up Web service descriptions with
domain ontologies, publishing and discovering
them in P2P architectures. The WSDL-S service
annotation language is used for service annotation. In addition, in the context of METEOR-S
the Lumina semantic discovery tool (Li, 2006)
has been also developed. This graphical tool is
implemented as Eclipse plug-in and is based on
the METEOR-S discovery API. It supports both
standard UDDI discovery (e.g., based on Business Service or tModel) and semantic discovery
of SWS. In the latter case, the WSDL-S service
descriptions (including IOPE values) are mapped
to UDDI structures through other tools of the
METEOR-S framework. The domain ontologies
are described in the OWL ontology language.


Semantic Web Service Discovery

The tool is open-source and is available from

(MWSDI, 2005).

The TUB OWL-S Matcher (OWLSM)

The OWL-S Matcher, developed by the Technical
University of Berlin (TUB), is a tool that adopts
and implements the matchmaking Approach II
for OWL-S service descriptions. The technical
details of its matchmaking engine are described
in Jaeger (2004). The domain ontologies are expressed through the OWL language. The previous
version of this tool (DAML-S Matcher) used the
DAML-S service ontology, while the domain
ontologies were written in DAML+OIL. The tool
is available from (OWLSM, 2005).

WSMX Discovery Component (WSMX)

The WSMX working group, part of the European
Semantic Systems cluster initiative, has designed
and implemented a reference implementation of
a discovery engine, in the context of the WSMO
reference implementation (i.e., WSMX). The
WSMX Discovery Component performs a hybrid keyword-based and semantic matchmaking
algorithm for matching user requests with WSMO
service advertisements stored in a WSMX service

registry. The domain knowledge can be expressed

in the WSML variants with reasoning support (i.e.,
WSML-DL and WSML-Rule). For the semantic
matchmaking the respective reasoners are used.
The tool is open source software, implemented in
Java and available from (WSMX, 2006). It should
be also noted that efforts towards aligning the
WSMO service annotation ontology with OWLS and WSDL-S have already commenced, and
similar mappings between WSML and the OWL,
XML and RDF languages have been specified.

discussion on oPEn issuEs

discovery Evaluation
In the previous section, numerous approaches for
SWS discovery have been discussed. Such approaches are, more or less, similar to each other.
Moreover, their high-level qualitative comparison
can be intuitively performed. For instance, a
more sophisticated algorithm that fully exploits
a service profile is expected to perform better
than an algorithm that simply exploits IOPE
parameters. Moreover, many researchers have
performed extensive performance evaluation tests
measuring retrieval times and scalability of their

Table 6. Synopsis of SWS discovery tools



Service Annotation

Algorithmic Approach

Domain Ontology Language



Approach I








Approach IV







OWL-S 1.0

Approach II




WSMO Discovery


through mappings)

Semantic Web Service Discovery

tools. However, what is still missing from the

current literature is a quantitative analysis and
comparison of the retrieval effectiveness of the
discussed approaches. To our knowledge, only a
few researchers have contacted such experimental evaluations (Bernstein, 2002; Klusch, 2005;
Stroulia, 2005). There are several reasons for this
situation, with the main being:

Lack of service test sets and SWS testbeds.

Most researchers use minimal service sets
just to implement a proof of concept. Hence,
even if they want to compare their results
with others they cannot because there is
no service set large enough and commonly
adopted. We should, however, mention that
the authors in (Klusch, 2005) recently have
published a service retrieval test collection
of OWL-S advertisements, test queries and
the relevant ontologies, under the name
Lack of established evaluation metrics.
Most evaluation efforts try to apply, possibly adapted, well known IR evaluation
metrics to service discovery evaluation. The
most popular are precision and recall, along
with their combinations, for example, the
F-measure (Buckland, 1994). Such metrics
have been widely used in other fields where
matchmaking is involved, such as schema
matching (Do, 2002). However, unless indepth analysis is performed, one cannot
be sure that they apply in the same way to
service discovery, as well. For example,
the authors in Klusch (2005) state that
for discovery of semantic Web services,
precision may be more important to the
user than recall, since the set of relevant
services is subject to continuous change
in practice. Such analysis should define,
for instance, how can the various service
discovery objectives be expressed through
precision/recall metrics and how do they

relate to the concepts of false positives and

false negatives.

semantic interoperability and

Until now, we have made some assumptions,
mainly for presentation simplicity reasons. A certain assumption is that the service requestors and
service providers use the same domain ontologies
and vocabularies for describing their requests and
advertisements, respectively. Obviously this is a
weak assumption for an open information environment like the Web. In practice, it is expected that
service requestors use local ontologies, different
from those used by service providers. However,
such diversity in service descriptions should be
eliminated in order to successfully apply matchmaking algorithms. This can be achieved through
what is termed a mediation layer, where mediators, potentially implemented as intelligent agents,
appropriately translate the service descriptions in
common formats. Mediation between ontologies
can be performed in several ways. Two common
approaches are:


By directly matching and aligning the concepts of the requestors ontology to those of
the providers ontology, possibly through the
use of similarity measures
By linking the top-level concepts of each
domain ontology to a common standard
upper (i.e., abstract) ontology, like Standard
Upper Ontology (Niles, 2001).

Another reason for mediation is the inherent

difficulty in describing services with knowledge
engineering techniques (e.g., DL ontologies,
rules). Neither SWS providers, nor requestors are
expected to be knowledge engineering experts.
Furthermore, the service annotation, publishing
and discovery tasks should be as easy as possible.
This vision can only be realized through proper


Semantic Web Service Discovery

mediation. The trend for service mediation is gaining attention in academia and industry. Among
the leaders of this effort is the WSMO working
group (Roman, 2005), who introduce mediators
as key business actors in the service discovery
architectures of the previous section. Finally, one
should note that the necessity of mediation is also
dependent upon the adopted architecture. For
example, in a P2P discovery scenario we expect
a wider diversity in domain ontologies than in a
centralized scenario, since service providers are
more inclined to the use of local ontologies.

Maturity and interoperability of tools

Besides semantic level interoperability, successful
and flexible SWS discovery dictates interoperability in tools, too. The term tools refers not only
to discovery tools and frameworks, but also on
service annotation tools, registries and ontology
editors (SemWebCentral, 2006). Although, many
qualitative tools have been developed, migrating
from one to another is still a very demanding task.
This can be mainly attributed to the lack of dominant standards in service description ontologies
and languages. Many developers try to bridge such
gap by developing custom translator plug-ins to
existing tools. This approach, however, does not
scale well and is not adequate for providing a rich
service development and discovery framework
for commercial SWS services.

fuzzy and approximate service

In case the service requestors are human users,
they would expect to interface with the system
through an intuitive and user-friendly way, such
as natural language interfaces. However, such
requests may contain imprecise and vague information, not represented by domain knowledge
terms. Such imprecision could be handled by
approximate discovery techniques. The authors
in Chao (2005) discuss a fuzzy matchmaking


framework, which abstractly represents the

underlying context of WS using fuzzy logic
and semantic Web technologies. Specifically,
such framework exploits fuzzy logic in order to
abstract and express the domain data through
fuzzy terms and rules. Consider, for instance, a
car rental Web service, which manages cars with
rent prices ranging from 85 to 205 Euros per day.
Let us also consider an imprecise service request
including the phrase: find car rental companies
with cheap rental prices. In order to enable such
matchmaking, explicit semantics should be given
to the term cheap, possibly in terms of a range of
prices. The open issues regarding such approaches
are that current logic-based reasoning engines
do not (fully) support reasoning on concrete
domains (e.g., numbers, strings). For example, a
DL reasoner could not infer that a person with
age 15 years old is subsumed by a person with
age between 10 and 30 years old. Furthermore,
the semantic interoperability problem, mentioned
earlier, is also relevant, since it is difficult to
develop shared fuzzy representations of domain
knowledge, yet (e.g., to commonly agree on what
is a cheap car rental company). Such imprecise
matchmaking constitutes a great challenge for
the research community and we anticipate more
efforts towards this direction in the future.

This work was performed in the context of the
PENED Programme, co-funded by the European Union and the Hellenic Ministry of Development, General Secretariat for Research and
Technology (research grant 03ED173).

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Symposium, Stanford, California.
Verma, K., Sivashanmugam, K., Sheth, A., Patil,
A., Oundhakar, S., & Miller, J. (2005). METEOR-S
WSDI: A scalable P2P infrastructure of registries
for semantic publication and discovery of Web
services. Information Technology and Management, 6(1), 17-39.
Wang, H., Huang, J.Z., Qu, Y., & Xie, J. (2004)
Web services: Problems and future directions.
Journal of Web Semantics, 1(3), 309-320.
WSMX. (2006). Web service execution environment. Retrieved October 25, 2006, from http://
Zaremski, A.M. & Wing, J.M. (1997). Specification matching of software components. ACM
Transactions on Software Engineering and
Methodology, 6(4), 335-369.


In the rest of the chapter, the terms matching, discovery and matchmaking will
be used interchangeably.
NAICS: North American Industry Classification System.

Semantic Web Service Discovery

UNSPSC: Universal Standard Products and

Services Classification.
IOPE attributes are not the only way to describe service functionality, although they
are regarded as necessary service description
elements. Depending on the actual Service
Annotation Ontology, other description
elements may be available.

WSDL-S is not actually an ontology but an

extension of the WSDL language.
The term Plug-in match originates from
the software engineering domain (Zaremski,
Not shown in this figure, due to size limitations.

aPPEndiX i. short tutorial on oWl-s/uddi MatchMakEr

In this Appendix we demonstrate how the steps involved in SWS discovery, from creating and semantically annotating WS to retrieving the most relevant ones, can be performed with a popular tool, namely
OWL-S/UDDI Matchmaker. The online version of this tool can be found in (OWL-S/UDDIM, 2005).
Specifically, in this appendix we deal with:

Creating an OWL Ontology describing the context for the offered services, like person profile,
ChatIDs, location, and interests,
Semantically annotating the service advertisements according to the IO parameters of the OWL-S
service profile,
Semantically annotating the requestors service requests describing the preferred IO attributes,
also expressed in OWL-S,
Discovering the most relevant matching SWSs.

Step 1: Creation of the Domain Ontology and the Service Definitions (in OWL)
We introduce an OWL representation of the domain knowledge used by the advertised services. Such
ontology (Ont) consists of concepts and roles among them. Ont defines the concept Person, which is
associated with a Location, a Gender (male or female) and a PersonalProfile. Moreover, the concept
PersonalProfile subsumes the ChatID, the ContactProfile, and the InterestProfile concepts. The first
denotes the specific chat identifier given by Instant Messaging providers, while the other two contain
information related to contact information (e-mail, mobile phone number) and user interests (entertainment, movies, sport), respectively. The complete taxonomy and the basic roles of this ontology are
shown in Figure 16. In practice, one would use a different spatial ontology for the spatial concepts, and
so forth. We have merged all domain concepts into Ont for simplicity reasons.
Let us consider the example service S1 (see Figure 15). Such service takes as inputs the persons
gender, the persons location (any city area) and the persons interests (movies). It returns the persons
ChatID and the persons contact information. Service S2 is expressed similarly (see Figure 15). The

Semantic Web Service Discovery

two service advertisements are those that will be matched against any request description in the OWLS/UDDI Matchmaker.

step 2: semantic annotation of service advertisements (in oWl-s)

Every service provider has not only to describe the service profile, as discussed in Step 1, but also to
annotate its functional parameters (e.g., inputs, outputs) according to the OWL-S specification. Actu-

Figure 15. Service advertisements S1 and S2 (written in DL notation). The concept ServiceProfile and
the roles hasInput, hasOutput and presents are OWL-S terminology.
s1 presents. (ServiceProfile
hasInput.(PersonhasGender. GenderhasLocation.CityArea
hasInterestProfile.(InterestProfilehas Interest.Movies))
has Ouput.(PersonhasChatID.ChatIDhasContactProfile.ContactProfile))
s2 presents.(ServiceProfile
hasOutput. (PersonhasPersonalProfile.PersonalProfile))

Figure 16. The domain ontology Ont

Semantic Web Service Discovery

ally, the service provider has to explicitly define: (1) the corresponding domain ontology, (2) the inputs
and outputs, and (3) other service parameters, using the OWL-S notation. Figure 17 depicts a part of the
advertisement S1 in OWL-S syntax. Note that the hasInput and hasOutput tags refer to Ont concepts.
Figure 19 shows how such specifications can be loaded in the Matchmaker registry. Specifically,
the provider sets a service name and a text description.7 Furthermore, the service provider defines the
two inputs and the two outputs through their corresponding concepts. In the service category field,7
the provider can define one or more service category classes referring to some well-known service
classification schemes, like NAICS and UNSPSC. Once the provider has successfully annotated the
advertisement, she submits it to the OWL-S/UDDI registry, and an advertisement ID is returned. We
repeat Step 2 for service S2.

Figure 17. Advertisement S1 in OWL-S syntax

Service that takes the user gernder and intrerests and location as inputs
and returens the user chat ID and its contact profile
<process:Input rdf:ID=in_>

<process:UnConditionalOutput rdf:ID=out_>

Figure 18. Service requests Q1 and Q2

Q1 presents.(ServiceProfile
Q2 presents.(ServiceProfile

Semantic Web Service Discovery

step 3: semantic annotation of service requests

Consider that a requestor wants to find services that return the ChatIDs of female persons, who are
interested in ClassicMusic, and reside in a CapitalArea. Figure 18 presents this request (query Q1) in
DL notation. We specify this request using the OWL-S/UDDI Web interface, similarly to Step 2.

step 4: ranked Matchmaker results

The response of the semantic OWL-S/UDDI Matchmaker to the Q1 query and the S1, S2 service advertisements include the degree of match (i.e., rank or score) for each matched service. Actually, the
Q1 query inputs are matched against S1 service inputs as follows: Q1 gender type is Female, which is
subsumed by the S1 Gender type. In addition, Q1 location refers to CapitalArea, which is a sub-concept
of the CityArea, defined in S1. The Q1 interest referring to classical music cannot be matched with the
S1 interest referring to movies, since they have been defined as disjoint in Ont. As far as the outputs are
concerned, the first output of Q1, which refers to ChatID, is exactly matched with the S1 first output. On
the other hand, there is another output in Q1, which does not match, with any output of S1. Hence, the
matchmaker returns the score 5 (see Table 7). In the matching between Q1 and S2 service, we observe
that Q1 input parameters are matched better with those of S2. Specifically, Q1 gender type is exactly

Figure 19. The Web interface of OWL-S/UDDI matchmaker


Semantic Web Service Discovery

matched with S2 gender type (both are of type Female). Additionally, Q1 interest type is subsumed by
S2 interest type, something that not applied for S1. Finally, the Q1 location type (CapitalArea) is subconcept of the S2 UrbanArea. Thus, all of the S2 inputs subsume the inputs of Q1. Moreover, Q1 output
type is a ChatID, which is more specific than the S2 output type (PersonalProfile). Hence, the S2 is
selected with the same score as S1, and the Matchmaker returns it with a score of 5.
More interesting is the semantic matching between Q2, as defined in Table 7, with the two service
advertisements. Moreover, Q2 inputs are partially subsumed by the S1 and S2 inputs, but Q2 outputs are
exactly matched with those of S1, something that does not hold for the outputs of S2 (Personal Profile
is super-concept of both Q2 output types). Hence, the Matchmaker assigns a score 7 to S1 and a score
2 to S2.

aPPEndiX ii : a dEscriPtion loGics PriMEr

Description Logics (DLs), also known as terminological logics, describe knowledge in terms of concepts
and (restrictions on) their roles. DLs provide a means of describing structured knowledge in a way that
one can reason about it efficiently (i.e., infer new knowledge). DLs are subsets of the First-Order Logic,
thus, providing decidability and computationally feasible reasoning at the cost of expressiveness. Knowledge bases expressed in DLs are decomposed to two components, the TBox (Terminological base) and
the ABox (Assertional base). The former constitutes the vocabulary of an application domain, that is,
the terminology, while the latter contains real world assertions of individuals (instances) in terms of that
vocabulary. A terminology consists of concepts and roles. Concepts denote sets of asserted individuals.
Roles denote binary relationships between individuals. The key characteristic of DL terminologies is
the inclusion axiom (subsumption relations) between their concepts, which is used for building IS-A
hierarchies (i.e., taxonomies) from concepts. The elementary DL descriptions are atomic concepts and
atomic roles. Complex descriptions can be built inductively from them through concept constructors

Table 7. Synopsis of request/advertisement matches


Input Type

Output Type


In_1: Female
In_2: CapitalArea
In_3: ClassicMusic


In_1: Male
In_2: Sport
In_3: RuralArea


In_1: Gender
In_2: CityArea
In_3: Movies

Out_1: ChatID
Out_2: ContactProfile


In_1: Female
In_2: Music
In_3: UrbanArea

Out_1: PersonalProfile

Out_1: ChatID
Out_1: ChatID
Out_2: ContactProfile

Score out of 10
Q1 with S1: 5
Q1 with S2: 5
Q2 with S1: 7
Q2 with S2: 2

Semantic Web Service Discovery

(see Table 8). Moreover, DLs have terminological axioms, which make statements about how concepts
or roles are related to each other (see Table 9).
The concepts of a terminology may be either primitive (described through necessary conditions,
i.e., inclusion axioms) or defined (described through necessary and sufficient conditions, i.e., equality
Example: The following DL description illustrates the primitive concept of those young males (C)
that are interested in sports and dislike all kinds of movies. Hence, in DL syntax:
C Young Male hasInterest.(Interest Sports) dislikes.(Movies)

Through this description it is implied that if a person is a kind of C, then she is interested in sports
and dislikes all kinds of movies. The inverse does not hold. If, on the other hand, we define C as:
C Young Male hasInterest.(Interest Sports) dislikes.(Movies)

we additionally imply that if a young male person is interested in sports and dislikes all kinds of movies,
then it definitely is a kind of C, which may not be the case in general. Thus, one should be sure that the
defined concepts are well defined, or else she may receive false inferences.
The popularity of DL-based ontologies is based on the fact that DL reasoning engines (a.k.a. reasoners) offer efficient services over the TBox and ABox assertions (i.e., concepts, roles and individuals).

Table 8. Main DL constructors (C, D: concepts - R: role)







Young Male

All individuals that are Young and Male



Young Male

Any individual that is either Young or Male

Value restriction



All individuals that are interested only in


Existential role



All individuals that are interested, at least,

in Sports

Atomic negation


Any individual that is not Male

Table 9. DL axioms (they also apply to roles)


DL syntax





Young Person

An individual of type Young is also of type




Young Teenager

Every Young is also a Teenager and vice





Someone cannot be Teenager and Adult at the

same time

Semantic Web Service Discovery

The most important services are concept satisfiability (i.e., if a concept can be populated with instances
and, thus, the TBox knowledge is consistent), and determination of concept subsumption (i.e., whether a
concept C is more general than a concept D, or, otherwise stated, C subsumes D). Another service that
is provided by a DL reasoner is the decision on whether a set of ABox assertions is consistent, that is,
the instances do not have contradicting implications. Satisfiability and consistency checking are useful to determine whether a knowledge base is meaningful at all. The following example illustrates the
concept of concept satisfiability.
Example: There could never exist a person P who has an interest I which is both Sports and Movies, that is, I (Interest Movies Sports), since the latter two concepts are disjoint. Hence, the TBox
containing a concept P such that:
P Person hasInterest.(Interest Movies Sports)

is considered inconsistent (i.e., the concept P is not satisfiable). Instead, concept P:

P Person hasInterest.(Interest Movies) hasInterest.(Interest Sports)

is satisfiable, since it describes a person interested, at least, one interest in Movies and at least another
interest in Sports.
DL reasoners also perform classification in a TBox. This is the task of placing a new concept expression in the proper position in a hierarchy of concepts. An example of classification is the following:
Example: A young person, who is interested in SciFiMovies (concept C), is subsumed by another young
person, who is interested in Movies (concept D). On the other hand, a young person who is interested in
Sports (concept E) does not subsume C, since Movies (and consequently SciFiMovies) are considered
as disjoint with Sports. Hence, the following TBox statements, could only infer that C D:
C Young hasInterest.(Interest SciFiMovies)
D Young hasInterest.(Interest Movies)
E Young hasInterest.(Interest Sports)
SciFiMovies Movies Interest
Sports Interest
Sports Movies.

The reader is referred to (Baader, 2003) for further information on DL theory and applications.


Semantic Web Service Discovery

aPPEndiX iii: abbrEviations



Application Programming Interface


DARPA Agent Markup Language


Description Logic


Degree of Match


First Order Logic


Inputs, Outputs, Preconditions, Effects


Information Retrieval


Web Ontology Language




Resource Description Framework


Service Location Protocol


Semantic Web


Semantic Web Service


Semantic Web Services Language


Semantic Web Services Ontology


Term Frequency / Inverse Document Frequency


Universal Description, Discovery and Integration


Universal Plug and Play


World Wide Web Consortium


Web Service


Web Service Description Language


Web Service Modeling Language


Web Service Modeling Ontology

Chapter XII

Semantic Web Service Discovery in the

WSMO Framework
Uwe Keller
Leopold-Franzens-Universitt Innsbruck, Austria
Rubn Lara
Grupo Analistas, Tecnologa, Informacin y Finanzas, Spain
Holger Lausen
Leopold-Franzens-Universitt Innsbruck, Austria
Dieter Fensel
Leopold-Franzens-Universitt Innsbruck, Austria

The Web service modeling ontology (WSMO) provides a conceptual framework for semantically describing Web services and their specific properties. In this chapter we discuss how WSMO can be applied for
service discovery. We provide a proper conceptual grounding by strictly distinguishing between service
and Web service discovery and then present different techniques for realizing Web service discovery.
In order to cover the complete range of scenarios that can appear in practical applications, several
approaches to achieve the automation of Web service discovery are presented and discussed. They
require different levels of semantics in the description of Web services and requests, and have different
complexity and precision.

Copyright 2007, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Semantic Web Service Discovery in the WSMO Framework

The Web is a tremendous success story. Starting
as an in-house solution for exchanging scientific
information, it has become, in slightly more than
a decade, a world-wide used media for information dissemination and access. In many respects,
it has become the major means for publishing
and accessing information. Its scalability and the
comfort and speed in disseminating information
have no precedent. However, it is solely a Web
for humans. Computers cannot understand the
provided information and in return do not provide
any support in processing this information. Two
complementary trends are about to transform the
Web, from being for humans only, into a Web
that connects computers to provide support for
human interactions at a much higher level than is
available with current Web technology.

The Semantic Web is about adding machine-processable semantics to data. The

computer can understand the information
and therefore process it on behalf of the human user (cf. Fensel, 2003).
Web services try to employ the Web as a
global infrastructure for distributed computation, for integrating various applications,
and for the automation of business processes
(cf. Alonso, Casati, Kuno, & Machiraju,
2003). The Web will not only be the place
where human readable information is published but the place where global computing
is realized.

The Semantic Web promises to make information understandable to a computer and Web
services promise to provide smooth and painless integration of disparate applications. Web
services offer a new level of automation in eWork
and eCommerce, where fully open and flexible
cooperation can be achieved, on-the-fly, with
low programming costs. However, the current
implementations of Web service technology are

still far from reaching these goals, as integrating

heterogeneous and dynamically changing applications is still a tremendous task.
Eventually, Semantic Web services promise
the combination of Semantic Web with Web
service technology in order to overcome the
limitations of current Web services by adding
explicit semantics to them. The exploitation of
such semantics can enable a fully mechanized Web
for computer interaction, which would become
a new infrastructure on which humans organize
their cooperations and business relationships
(cf. Fensel & Bussler, 2002). OWL-S (The OWL
Services Coalition, 2004) and WSMO (Roman,
Lausen, & Keller, 2005) are the major proposals
for providing semantic annotations on top of a
Web service infrastructure.
An important step for fully open and flexible
e-commerce would be the mechanization of service discovery. As long as human intervention is
required in service discovery the potential costs
of establishing a new eCommerce link may outrange the potential savings and advantages. Open,
flexible, on-the-fly creation of new supply chains
is essentially based on full or nearly full automation of this process. Therefore, it is not surprising
that automatic Web service discovery is a popular
research topic and many papers are published
on it (cf. Akkiraju, Goodwin, Doshi, & Roeder,
2003; Benatallah, Hacid, Rey, & Toumani, 2003;
Gonzlez-Castillo, Trastour, & Bartolini, 2001; Li
& Horrocks, 2003; Paolucci, Kawamura, Payne,
& Sycara, 2002; Sycara, Widoff, Klusch, & Lu,
2002; Verma, Sivashanmugam, Sheth, & Patil,
2004; Zein & Kermarrec, 2004). Still, many of
these papers discuss discovery in the setting of
multi-agent systems or in the setting of description logic based reasoning and none of them really seems to take a look at the actual conceptual
and pragmatic issues that are involved in service
discovery by using Web services.
Therefore, we provide an in-depth analysis of
the major conceptual issues that are involved in
service discovery via Web services:

Semantic Web Service Discovery in the WSMO Framework

First, we strictly distinguish between

service and Web service discovery,

identifying three major steps in service
discovery where only one of them is
about Web service discovery.

Second, we discuss different techniques for

Web service discovery using this as a means
for achieving a better understanding of the
dialectic relationship between discovery
and mediation. In this context, we discuss
the mediation support needed for different
approaches to Web service discovery.
Third, we discuss in detail semantic-based
discovery of Web services. Stepwise we will
enrich the scenario we are able to support.
In this chapter, we focus on the essential
principles underlying semantic-based discovery based on a simple formal model, that
is independent of any particular knowledge
representation language. For a discussion
of an implementation of these principles in
particular logics, we refer to Keller, Lara,
and Polleres (2004).

In conclusion, we provide a conceptual model

for service discovery and different approaches
to one of the steps of such model, Web service
discovery, which can be realized by WSMO and
related efforts.
This chapter is organized as follows: we
first provide some the necessary background on
the Web Service Modeling Ontology (WSMO)
framework and the relevant notions for discovery
therein. Then we identify three major conceptual
phases in service discovery. Next, we discuss in
detail the issues around semantic-based discovery
of Web services. Finally, we give some conclusions about the WSMO discovery framework at
the end of the chapter.

In the following, we briefly overview the Web
service modeling ontology (WSMO) (Roman et
al., 2005) and discuss the notions that are relevant
for discovery. In particular, WSMO distinguishes
the notions of Web service and service in the
context of discovery. Furthermore, we summarize
what WSMO eventually aims at in regard of Web
service discovery.

the Web service Modeling ontology

Taking the Web Service Modeling Framework
(WSMF) as its conceptual basis (Fensel & Bussler,
2002), the WSMO project is an ongoing research
and development initiative1 for defining a capacious framework for Semantic Web services.

Design Principles and Approach

Semantic Web services aim at realizing the vision
of the Semantic Web. Therefore, WSMO is based
on the following design principles that integrate
Web design principles, Semantic Web design principles, as well as design principles for distributed,
service-oriented computing for the Web:

Web Compliance: WSMO inherits the

concept of Internationalized Resource
Identifiers (IRIs) for unique identification of
resources as the essential design principle
of the Web. Moreover, WSMO adopts the
concept of Namespaces for denoting consistent information spaces, and supports
XML as well as other W3C Web technology
Ontology-Based: Ontologies are used as
the data model throughout WSMO, meaning
that all resource descriptions as well as all
data interchanged during service usage are

Semantic Web Service Discovery in the WSMO Framework

based on ontologies. Following the idea of

the Semantic Web, this allows semantically
enhanced information processing as well as
support for semantic interoperability.
Goal-driven Architecture: User requests
are formulated as goals independently of
available Web services. Thereby, the underlying epistemology of WSMO differentiates
between the desires of clients and available
Web services.
Strict Decoupling: Each WSMO resource
is specified independently, without regard
to possible usage or interactions with other
resources. This complies with the open and
distributed nature of the Web.
Centrality of Mediation: Mediation addresses the handling of heterogeneities that
naturally arise in open environments like the
Web. As a complementary design principle
to strict decoupling, WSMO recognizes the
importance of mediation for the successful
deployment of Web services by making
mediation a first class component of the
Description versus Implementation:
WSMO differentiates between the description and the implementation of Web services.
The former denotes the unambiguous description of Web services that is needed for
automated usage of Web services; the latter is
concerned with the internal implementation
of the Web service which is not of interest
for Semantic Web service technologies.

The design principles are reflected in the four

WSMO top level elements shown in Figure 1.
Ontologies provide the formal terminology definitions that are used as the data model throughout
WSMO; goals are formal specifications of objectives that a client aims to achieve by using Web
services, realizing a goal-driven approach that
ontologically decouples requesters and providers;
WSMO Web services are formal descriptions
needed for automated service handling and usage,

whereby the internal implementation of a Web

service is not of interest; finally, mediators are the
top level element for handling heterogeneity.
While referring to the WSMO specification
(Roman et al., 2005) for detailed definitions, the
following explains the WSMO elements with
regard to their purpose and constitutive description elements.

top level Elements

In compliance to the vision of the Semantic Web,
WSMO uses ontologies as the underlying data
model for Semantic Web services. This means
that all resource descriptions and all information
interchanged during collaboration execution is
based on ontologies, thereby providing the basis
for semantically enhanced information processing
and ensuring semantic interoperability between
Semantic Web services.
In accordance to the AI-theory of ontologies (Staab & Studer, 2004), WSMO ontologies
consist of the following elements: concepts describe the entities of a domain that are characterized by attributes; relations describe associations
between concepts, whereby subsumption and
membership relationships define the taxonomic
structure of an ontology. An instance is a concrete individual of a concept, and axioms define
constraints and complex aspects of the domain

Figure 1. WSMO top level elements

Semantic Web Service Discovery in the WSMO Framework

in terms of logical expressions. Regarding

engineering methodologies developed for the
Semantic Web (Fensel, 2003), ontology design
in WSMO demands and supports modularization, that is, small-sized and concise ontologies,
decoupling, that is, distributed and multi-party
ontology development, and ontology mediation
for resolving possibly occurring mismatches
between loosely coupled ontologies for a specific
usage scenario.

Web Services
WSMO defines a description model that encompasses the information needed for automatically
determining the usability of a Web service. As
shown in Figure 2, a WSMO Web service description is comprised of four elements: (1) nonfunctional properties, (2) a capability as the functional
description of the service, summarized as service
interfaces, (3) a choreography that describes the
interface for service consumption by a client (i.e.,
how to interact with the Web service), and (4) an
orchestration that describes how the functionality
of the service is achieved by aggregating other Web
services. These notions describe the functionality
and behavior of a Web service, while its internal
implementation is not of interest.

While the nonfunctional properties contain

descriptions like quality of service, financial information, and versioning information, the functional
service description elements are the capability and
the service interfaces. The former describes the
functionality of a Web services from a black box
perspective for supporting automated functional
discovery, meaning to determine whether a Web
service can be used to satisfy a user request on
basis of its capability. The service interfaces
describe the interaction behavior of the Web
service for consuming, respectively achieving its
functionality: a client that wants to utilize the Web
service needs to comply with its choreography
interface; similar, a Web service that realizes it
functionality by aggregating other Web services
in its orchestrationwhich is a main objective of
Web service technologyneeds to consume these
via their respective choreography interfaces.
As outlined above, WSMO differentiates
two service interfaces that are concerned with
the interaction behavior of the Web service. The
choreography interface describes the behavior of
the Web service for consuming its functionality
in terms of the information interchange expected,
and the orchestration describes how the Web service interacts with other Web services in order to
achieve its functionality.

Figure 2. WSMO Web service description

Semantic Web Service Discovery in the WSMO Framework

In contrast to several existing Web service

technologies that focus on describing the interaction execution in detaillike WSDL, BPEL4WS,
and WS-CDL (see Barros, Dumas, & Oaks, 2005
for an extensive discussion)the aim of WSMO
service interface descriptions is to provide the
foundation for determining automatically whether
the interactions between a Web service, its clients,
and other aggregated Web services that need to
be performed for achieving its functionality.
Therefore, WSMO defines a formal model for
service interface descriptions that supports ontologies as the underlying data model as is based on
the Abstract State Machine (ASM) framework,
a high-level, abstract technique for validating
complex systems or programs and provide a
highly expressive, flexible, and formally sound
means for representing dynamics (Boerger &
Staerk, 2003).
In the remainder of the chapter we will focus
on the functional description contained in the
capability and will not further consider behavioral
aspects due to space limitations.

In order to facilitate automated Web service usage and support ontological separation of user
desires, service usage requests, and Web service
descriptions, goals in WSMO allow specifying
objectives that clientswhich can be humans or
machineswish to achieve.
The general structure of WSMO goal descriptions is similar to Web service descriptions. The
client can specify the functionality expected in
a requested capability. Also, a goal can carry
information on the expected behavior of an
acceptable Web service in so-called requested
interfaces that can define the excepted communication behavior for consuming a Web service
with respect to its choreography interface as well
as restrictions on other Web services aggregated
in the orchestration of an acceptable Web service
(e.g., only Web services are accepted that utilize


a trusted payment facility). It is important to remark that goal descriptions are defined from the
client perspective, thereby decoupled from Web
service descriptions.

Mediation is concerned with handling heterogeneity, that is, resolving possibly occurring
mismatches between resources that ought to be
interoperable. Heterogeneity naturally arises in
open and distributed environments, and thus in
the application areas of Semantic Web services.
Hence, WSMO defines the concept of mediators
as a top level notion.
Mediator-orientated architectures as introduced in (Wiederhold, 1994) specify a mediator
as an entity for establishing interoperability of
resources that are not compatible a priori by
resolving mismatches between them at runtime.
The aspired approach for mediation relies on
declarative description of resources whereupon
mechanisms for resolving mismatches work on a
structural and a semantic level, in order to allow
generic, domain independent mediation facilities as well as reuse of mediators. Concerning
the needs for mediation within Semantic Web
services, WSMO distinguishes three levels of



Data Level Mediation: mediation between

heterogeneous data sources; within ontology-based frameworks like WSMO, this is
mainly concerned with ontology integration.
Protocol Level Mediation: mediation
between heterogeneous communication
protocols; in WSMO, this mainly relates to
choreographies of Web services that ought
to interact.
Process Level Mediation: mediation between heterogeneous business processes;
this is concerned with mismatch handling
on the business logic level of Web services

Semantic Web Service Discovery in the WSMO Framework

(related to the orchestration of Web services).

Web service vs. service

A workable approach to automating service
discovery must precisely define its conceptual
model and the particular assumptions underlying the proposed solution. For this purpose, we
start by providing a common understanding of
what a service is and the levels of abstraction in
its description based on (Preist, 2004), as well as
our assumptions on the elements involved in the
process of locating suitable services for service

What is a Service?
It has been pointed out in Preist (2004) that the
notion of service is semantically overloaded. Several communities have different interpretations
which make it difficult to understand and relate
single approaches and exchange ideas and results.
In order to reach a common understanding of the
problem we address here, we need to precisely
define the term service and, therefore, what kind
of entities we aim at locating in principle.
In this chapter, we use the following interpretation for the term service, as described in the
conceptual architecture for Semantic Web services
presented in Preist (2004): Service as provision
of value in some domain. This definition regards
a service as a provision of value (not necessarily
monetary value) in some given domain, independently of how the supplier and the provider
interact. Examples of services in this sense are
the provision of information about flight tickets or
the booking of a trip with certain characteristics
by a tourism service provider.

logically related services. For instance, a hotel

usually does not only provide the possibility to
book a particular room at a particular date for a
given number of nights, but instead it will offer
the general service of booking rooms. Thus, a
provider will be interested in advertising all the
services it is able to provide, that is, a set AP of
services. Following the terminology from Preist
(2004), we call this collection of services an
abstract service offered by a provider. The smallest unit of advertisement is considered to be an
abstract service.
In order to deliver a service, a service provider P usually needs certain information from
the requester. For instance, a hotel might require
the name of the person booking the room, the
requested room features, and a valid credit card
number as input information in order to book a
room. This input data i1,,in will determine what
concrete service (Preist, 2004) S AP has to be
provided by P.
Finally, Web services are computational entities using standardized interfaces that allow
clients to interact with a provider P to access,
explore and consume concrete services S AP.
A service requester technically needs to interact
with the Web service to get what he actually aims
for: a concrete service or more generally, a set of
concrete services that fulfill the requesters goal,
that is, an abstract service. Hence, we will not
distinguish between Web services and abstract
services of a provider throughout this document
and treat both notions as synonyms. Moreover,
we can observe that a concrete service S AP is
being delivered in the course of or as a result of
a particular execution of the Web service by invocation with specific data i1,,in for the required
input parameters.

Abstract Services and Web Services

Dynamics of Abstract Services

Over Time

Usually, a service provider P does not only provide

one particular service S, but a set of coherent and

In the real-world, we have a further complication

of matters in regard of discovery and Web service

Semantic Web Service Discovery in the WSMO Framework

description: in general, an abstract service AP offered by some provider P does not stay the same,
but changes over time. For instance, a hotel will
not be able to book a room with a single bed on
a specific date if all such rooms in the hotel are
already booked on this date.
Since clients are basically interested in finding
abstract services which actually can solve their
problem at hand (as specified in a WSMO goal),
discovery in general needs to take into account this
dynamics in order to create accurate results. This
basically means, that purely static descriptions of
Web services are not sufficient in the general case.
In applications where highly accurate results are
requested, Web service descriptions will have to
consist of a dynamic component as well.
On a description level there are various options
to achieve the proper representation of dynamically changing abstract services of a provider:
(1) Use a purely static description of the abstract
service and change the description in its entirety
every time the abstract service changes or (2)
use a static description where some parts refer
to a well-defined resource that reflects that currently valid information of the dynamic part (for
instance a database table with all available rooms
of a hotel at a certain point in time). Clearly, the
first approach is not really scalable since constant
changes of a stored abstract service description are
needed, whereas the second approach is a viable
one, as we can see with dynamically generated
Web pages of online stores like Amazon.com that
give an up-to-date perspective on prices of single
books. In the latter case, we simply externalize
the details of the changing aspects of an abstract
service and provide a reference in the remaining
part of the Web service description. Hence, the
abstract service description including the reference does not need to change over time when the
abstract service of the provider changes and Web
service descriptions get more compact.
Nonetheless, the latter approach requires communication with the provider of an abstract service
(in some way, for instance via a Web service that

accesses a certain database table) and thus can

potentially be a costly step in terms of computation time. Hence, there is a clear trade-off between
accuracy of discovery results and efficiency of
the discovery process that has to be considered
for any specific application that leverages Web
service discovery.

Knowledge Representation Languages

in the Framework
Before we explain in more detail the model
of our framework, we want to stress that the
framework, as it is presented in the following
is language-independent in the first place and
stresses the essential aspects of Web services,
matchmaking and Web service discovery on the
basis of a mathematical model. The choice of a
particular knowledge representation language for
the model is in no way essential for the WSMO
Discovery Framework; however, when giving the
examples of Web service descriptions for the various levels of our model in the following, we use a
specific description (or knowledge representation
language) for illustration purposes: the WSML
language2 (de Bruijn, 2005).
In general we want to note the following
observation, since it embodies distinct feature
as well as a clear and essential contribution of
the WSMO working group to the Semantic Web
service community in regard of Semantic Web
service description and discovery: traditionally,3 people in various communities, especially
the Semantic Web community as well as the
Description Logic community had a heavily
language-centered perspective when studying the
semantic description of Web services as well as
matchmaking. Because of this over-emphasized
(and rather narrow) language focus4 the community unfortunately overlooked until recently
the most essential aspect of any proper description framework: A clear understanding of what
the object actually is, that one needs to describe
(i.e., Web service). In a sense, a fundamental

Semantic Web Service Discovery in the WSMO Framework

principles underlying formal logics have been

ignored, namely that a language is tailored towards
the domain its applied in and that the semantics
of a description language usually is defined in
model-theoretic terms. The latter requires that one
needs some proper mathematical model of Web
services and enables a clear understanding of the
matter. Subsequently, matching of Web service
advertisements and requests (and thus service
discovery) can then be considered in a proper
way with respect to this mathematical model in
a completely language independent manner. One
can focus on the essential aspects rather than a
concrete language (which only is of secondary
importance) and get a far better understanding
of the overall matters.
During the work on the WSMO discovery
framework this prevalent misconception has
been understood and properly addressed (see in
particular Lausen, 2005 and Keller et al., 2004):
discovery in the first place is not a matter of
using a specific language, but understanding a
mathematical model and developing matching
based on the model. Later on, one can address
the problem of deriving a suitable formalization
in a concrete language. Eventually, there might
be many different languages that one can use for

this purpose. That is one of the definite strengths

of the WSMO discovery framework. In the following, we use therefore the universal framework of
set theory to describe and discuss Web services
as well as Web service discovery.

Web services at various levels of

The descriptions of Web services as published by
service providers and the goals of service requesters need to be compared to each other during the
discovery process in order to identify matching
Web services and goals. In essence, matching in
the discovery process is about finding common
elements of these descriptions.
In the model that we discussed above, an abstract service A of a provider essentially is a set of
elements that we call services. Services themselves
are abstract entities in this model. Depending on
how detailed we consider these entities, we end up
with a model of Web services on different levels
of abstraction that is depicted in Figure 3.
On the most fine-grained level, we can consider services as concrete state-transitions (s,s)
from a state s to another state s in the world.
The notion of state here refers to an abstract

Figure 3. Web services considered at different levels of abstraction


Semantic Web Service Discovery in the WSMO Framework

object that describes all the relevant properties

of the world at some specific moment in time.5
The states s and s precisely determine, how the
world looks like before and after the service has
been provided. One a more abstract level, we
can ignore the detailed structure of services (i.e.,
the respective states, their interdependency, and
the respective state-transition) and understand
them purely as abstract objects and characterize
their specific properties. The objects themselves
have no longer an elaborate structure. Relevant
information about the single services is captured
by simple properties. In terms of ontologies we
would then consider services (epistemologically)
as instances and abstract services or Web services
as (complex) concepts. Eventually, we can abstract
even more in the description of abstract services
by ignoring the description of the possible elements of the set. On this level, we would simply
use a term or keyword for describing the abstract
service and neglect any information about finegrained structure. Web services on this level are
merely considered as atomic objects without any
explicit structure (i.e., as symbols). Essentially, we
consider keyword-based descriptions here. In the
simplest case, one can use free text (sets of words
or keywords) here to describe the advertised or
requested set of services. In this case, no explicit
machine-processable semantics of the description is available for agents performing matching
between requests and advertisements; natural
language processing techniques can be used to
(heuristically) guess the correct meaning of the
description. Instead of free text, one could use
simple keywords from controlled vocabularies as
well to still have a representation with very shallow
(i.e., non-explicit), but yet machine-processable
semantics. Such a representation is necessarily
based on very strong agreements between service requesters and service providers on how to
describe and model Web services and goals.
To illustrate the different levels of abstractions
in our model, we consider a simple example of a
Web service of the financial domain and see how


it could be described at the single levels. Consider

the following scenario:
ABank is a specialized German bank that offers domestic wire transfers to arbitrary branches
of other Austrian Banks, whereby money can
only be transferred in European currencies, and a
transfer may not exceed 100.000 Euros for private
customers and may not exceed 2.000.000 Euros
for companies. For the successful execution of
the transfer, a (customer-specific) minimum balance of the customers account is required. The
minimum balance is computed as follows: ().
The respective business service is provided as a
Web service.
How can we describe this scenario on the
single levels identified in Figure 3, that is, how
does a description A of the respective Web service
look like?

Syntactic Level
In case of a natural language free text, we could
literally use the scenario description given above,
that is,
A = {ABank is a specialized German bank that
offers international wire transfers to arbitrary branches of Austrian Banks, whereby
money can only be transferred in European
currencies, and a transfer may not exceed
100.000 Euros for private customers and may
not exceed 2.000.000 Euros for companies.
For the successful execution of the transfer,
a (customer-specific) minimum balance of
the customers account is required. The
minimum balance is computed as follows:
or a more condensed description based on a list
of keywords, for example,
A = {Bank Wire Transfer, ABank, in Germany, to
Branch of Austrian Bank, European Currencies only, not more than 100.000 Euros for

Semantic Web Service Discovery in the WSMO Framework

private customers, no more than 2.000.000

Euros for companies, suitable minimum
balance needed}.
Such descriptions are easily processable for
humans (with respective domain knowledge),
however they are hard to deal with for computers:
natural language processing techniques must be
applied to heuristically find out relevant relations
between the single information chunks, for instance that 100.000 refers to an upper limit of
the transfer and not the transferred amount itself,
that this is only applies to the case of private customers but not to companies (where the limit is
significantly higher), that Austrian branch refers
to the target accounts of the wire transfer (and
not the source account) and so forth.
Finally, one could use a term of an agreed upon
shared vocabulary to regain machine-processability, for example, a term from the eClass6 system
that denotes Account Management:
A = { 25 - 15 - 13 - 04 [AJZ69300201]}
However, in the last case, much relevant information about the Web service that one might
want to specify can not be expressed in such
simple representation frameworks as controlled
vocabularies because of the expressivity of the
vocabulary. The quality of the results that are
computed in a discovery process are thus of limited
quality, and strong agreement between service
providers and service requesters are absolutely

Light Semantic Level

Here, the set of (atomic) objects which represent
the Web service under consideration could be
captured by a formula (?t) formally representing
the definition of an unary predicate (and thus a
set of objects in some domain). In particular, the
formula (?t) is based on a suitable ontologies
describing concepts that are relevant in the finan-

cial domain (such as bank transfer, wire transfer,

branch, account, currency, private customer etc.)
or geographic ontologies (defining elements like
Germany, Austria). Hence, as the description A we
could use the following formula (?t) (with free
variable ?t representing the objects under investigation, i.e., transfers with specific properties):
(?t) = (
?t memberOf BankTransfer and
?t memberOf WireTransfer and
exists ?F, ?T,?A,?C(
?t[ fromAcc hasValue ?F,
toAcc hasValue ?T,
amount hasValue ?A,
currency hasValue ?C ]
and ( ?F.owner memberOf PrivateCustomer implies
?A < convertCurrency(00000, ?C, Euro)
and ( ?F.owner memberOf CompanyCustomer implies
?A < convertCurrency(000000, ?C, Euro)
and ?F.bank = ABank
and ?F.branch. locatedIn = Germany
and ?T.branch.locatedIn = Austria
and isEuropeanCurrency(?C)
and ?F.balance >= requiredMinBalance(?F, ?F.owner) )

Because of the use of a simple, yet formal

language and the use of domain ontologies, such
descriptions allow machines to exploit the explicit
representation of semantics without any guessing based on natural language processing and
similar heuristic techniques.
The symbols used to construct such formulas
(such as requiredMinBalance, isEuropeanCurrency, convertCurrency, <) are defined in ontologies representing domain-specific (or even
entitiy-specific) knowledge.
One can observe that on this level, we can not
really represent, what actually happens to the
world (i.e. the actual state-changes that one can
observe when the executing the Web service: what
happens to the balances of accounts ?F and ?T
?) or what the obligations of the requester really
are, in terms of the input that is to be provided.
For instance, the expression specifies that for any
suitable tuple of values (?F,?T,?A,?C), a respective transfer ?t can be delivered by the service,
neglecting the dependency on the input of the
invoker. It is not clear from the description above,


Semantic Web Service Discovery in the WSMO Framework

that ?F.balance in the very last part of (?t) refers

to the balance of account ?F before the execution
of the Web service (i.e., in the pre-state) and not
to the balance of the account afterwards. Such
things can thoroughly be represented within a
state-based framework, such as the one underlying the most-detailed level of Web services in
our model.

Detailed Semantic Level

On this level, we exploit a state-based perspective
on the world and Web services acting therein,
and consequently are really able to distinguish
between properties of the pre-state of the Web
service execution and properties of the respective final state. Furthermore, we can thus clearly
point out the obligations of the requester when
invoking the Web service (in terms of the inputs
that needs to be provided).
To represent our example on this level, one
could use a description A similar to the following pair of formulae -pre (?F, ?T, ?A, ?C) and
-post (?F, ?T, ?A, ?C) where -pre (?F, ?T, ?A,
?C) describes the state of the world as well as the
requirements on the input values before the execution of the Web service, -post (?F, ?T, ?A, ?C)
describes the state of the world after the execution
of the Web service as well as the output, and the
variables (?F, ?T, ?A, ?C) represent the inputs that
must be provided by the user, when invoking the
Web service, namely the account ?F from which
the transfer is initiated, the target account ?T, the
amount ?A to be transferred and the currency ?C
to which the amount refers:
-pre (?F, ?T, ?A, ?C)=
(?F.owner memberOf PrivateCustomer implies
?A < convertCurrency(00000, ?C, Euro)
and ( ?F.owner instanceOf CompanyCustomer implies
?A < convertCurrency(000000, ?C, Euro)
and ?F.bank = ABank
and ?F.branch. locatedIn = Germany
and ?T.branch.locatedIn = Austria
and isEuropeanCurrency(?C)
and ?F.balance >= requiredMinBalance(?F, ?F.owner)


-post (?F, ?T, ?A, ?C)=

exists ?t (
?t memberOf BankTransfer and
?t memberOf WireTransfer and
?t[ fromAcc hasValue ?F,
toAcc hasValue ?T,
amount hasValue ?A,
currency hasValue ?C ]
?F.balance = ?F.balance@pre - convertCurrency(?A,
?C, ?F.currency)
?T.balance = ?T.balance@pre + convertCurrency(?A,
?C, ?T.currency))

In particular, the last part of -post (?F, ?T,

?A, ?C) describes in detail what happens to the
respective account balances after the execution
(?F.balance) in regard of their values before the
execution (?F.balance@pre) and the specifically
provided input (?F, ?T, ?A, ?C).
In contrast to the last example, we will use a
little different and more specific way to model
Web service on this most fine-grained level of
abstraction in the context of this chapter which
is a little closer to the level of light semantic descriptions and eventually allows us to establish a
mathematically well-defined relationship between
the the level of rich semantic descriptions and
the next higher level of abstraction. Eventually,
this enables semantic interoperability between
descriptions on different levels of abstraction (e.g.,
a description on the detailed semantic level and
one at the level of light semantic descriptions). A
deeper and more general discussion of the level
of detailed semantic descriptions can be found
in Lausen (2005).
Each of these levels of abstraction imposes
different descriptions of Web services, ranging
from detailed characterizations of possible statetransition, less detailed descriptions as (complex)
concepts in an ontology to simple unstructured
keywords. Consequently, the achievable accuracy
of result in the discovery process varies significantly, since more or less structure is actually reflected in the descriptions. On the other hand, the
ease of providing the descriptions varies on the

Semantic Web Service Discovery in the WSMO Framework

single levels as well drastically: Whereas simple

keywords are easy to provide, the descriptions of
concepts is still not hard but requires more effort.
The provision of detailed state-based descriptions definitely requires more elaborate skills
of the people creating the formal descriptions.
Eventually, the more fine-grained information the
descriptions reveal, the more complex algorithms
are needed to deal with these descriptions.
Therefore, there is an interesting trade-off
between the possible achievable accuracy and
the ease of creating the descriptions as well as
the potential computational efficiency of the
discovery process.

Goal of the WsMo discovery

During the design of the WSMO discovery
framework the following aspects were desired
goals that we aimed to achieve:

It should be a general framework that supports a wide variety of application scenarios.

Among the supported scenarios should be
applications for which efficiency is far more
important than very accurate results,7 as
well as applications that require highly accurate results of the discovery process, for
instance when aiming at full automation of
processes where suitable Web services need
to be integrated on the fly.
The framework should put specific focus on
pragmatic aspects that allow workable and
scalable solutions for discovery in industrial
and end-user applications.
It should provide an understanding of the
trade-offs between ease of use and simplicity
of description, efficiency of computation and
accuracy of the results and try to balance
these aspects of a discovery framework.
Following the spirit of the WSMO framework in general, it should facilitate interoperation between various communities

and user groups rather than defining

only a specific solution that is suitable
for a particular application scenario.

Scope of the Chapter

For the sake of space we do not consider the WSMO
framework in its entirety in this chapter. In the
following, we focus instead on a specific aspect of
the overall model of Web service and goal descriptions, which can be seen as the most fundamental
aspect of such descriptions, namely, the capability
description of goals and Web services.
In particular, that we do not explore the
behavioral part of descriptions (i.e., the service
interface) as well as the non-functional properties, which clearly are important and interesting
aspects in the context of discovery as well. The
techniques that are need to address these aspects
can be very different to the ones that are used
when considering capabilities. However, the
aspects themselves are orthogonal to each other,
thus, the solutions to the single problems can be
combined in a modular way.

a concEPtual ModEl for

sErvicE discovEry
Approaches to automating discovery of suitable
Web services must precisely analyze what kind of
descriptions can be used for capturing the static
and dynamic aspects of a given Web service,
and how such descriptions can be exploited for
efficiently and accurately locating a requested
service. While a number of proposals are available in our area of interest (e.g., Benatallah et
al., 2003; Gonzlez-Castillo et al., 2001; Li &
Horrocks, 2003; Paolucci et al., 2002; Sycara et
al., 2002), none of them has precisely discussed
these aspects, but they mainly focused on some
specific description languages and frameworks,
partly neglecting overall needs. Therefore, we
will first define a model that takes into account


Semantic Web Service Discovery in the WSMO Framework

pragmatic considerations and defines the border

line between different steps involved in the process
of locating services, namely: goal discovery, goal
refinement, Web service discovery, and service
In this section, we will first briefly introduce
the gist of the matter of heuristic classification.
Then we show how this model is applied in WSMO
to structure the service discovery process as the
underlying conceptual pattern.

heuristic Classification
Clancey (1985) provided a land marking analysis in the area of experts systems. Based on an
analysis of numerous rule-based systems for classification and diagnosis he extracted a pattern of
three inference steps that helped to understand
the various production rules implemented in the
various systems.8 The problem-solving method he
called heuristic classification separates abstraction, matching, and refinement as the three major
activities in any classification and diagnosis task
(see Figure 4).

Abstraction is the process of translating concrete
description of a case into features that can be used
for classifying the case. For example, the name
of a patient can be ignored when making a diagnosis, his precise age may be translated into an
age class, and his precise body temperature may
be translated into the finding low fever. The
process is about extracting classification relevant
features from a concrete case description.

Matching is the process of inferring potential
explanation, diagnoses, or classifications from the
extracted features. It matches the abstracted case
description with abstract categories describing
potential solutions.

Refinement is the process of inferring a final
diagnosis explaining the given findings. This pro-

Figure 4. The three major processes of heuristic classification


Semantic Web Service Discovery in the WSMO Framework

cess may include the acquisition of new features

describing the given case. However, it is now
the potential solution that guides the acquisition
process of these features.
As the latest step indicates, the entire process
can be executed in an iterative fashion. Instead of
acquiring all potential findings an initial set can be
used to derive intermediate potential explanation
that can be further used to guide the next iteration
of the process.

service discovery
Now, what has this to do with Web service or service discovery? We strongly believe that a scalable
and workable service discovery approach should
follow the same pattern (see Figure 5).

Abstracting Goals from User Desires

Users may describe their desires in a very individual and specific way that makes immediate
mapping with service descriptions very complicated. Therefore, each service discovery attempt
requires a process where user expectations are
mapped on more generic goal descriptions.

Notice that this can be hidden by the fact that a

discovery engine allows the user only to select
from predefined goals. However, then it is simply
the user who has to provide this mapping that is,
who has to translate his specific requirements and
expectations into more generic goal descriptions.
This step can be called goal discovery, that is, the
user or the discovery engine has to find a goal that
describes (with different levels of accuracy) his
requirements and desires. In the current literature
on service and Web service discovery this step is
mostly neglected.
An example of such a user desire would be
to buy a train ticket from Innsbruck to Venice,
on December 12, 2004, and leaving Innsbruck
between 15:00 and 17:00. It can be seen that this
is a very concrete and detailed desire, while goals
typically are intended to be generic and reusable,
for example, buy train tickets or buy train tickets
in Europe. Therefore, a mapping from the user
desire to generic goals becomes necessary.
In order to fully understand the difference
between matching and refinement in the service
discovery context we distinguish between services and Web services (cf. Preist, 2004) and, in
consequence, between service and Web service

Figure 5. The three major processes in service discovery


Semantic Web Service Discovery in the WSMO Framework

discovery. Let us take again a traveling scenario

as a means to illustrate the difference. A customer
may want to travel from Innsbruck to Venice and
he is looking for a service that provides this to
him. The service may be provided by an airline or
a train company. This is the service he is looking
for. In order to find (and buy) the service he is accessing a Web service, that is, a software artifact.
This software artifact will not provide him the
service to travel from Innsbruck to Venice (for
this he needs a plane or a train) but it may help
him to find this service. He will find a suitable
Web service based on the semantic annotations
of available Web services.
Actually, Web services are means to find (and
buy) services, that is, they are to a large extent
service discovery engines and a discovery engine
should not try to replace or duplicate this functionality.9 Using the previous traveling example,
when somebody wants to travel from Innsbruck
to Venice on a given date and with some time
constraints, he looks for a Web service which is
offering traveling services, based on the semantic annotations of the Web service, and then he
consults the Web service to check whether this
trip can be done by train or plane, on the given
date, and with the given time constraints. Taking
the analogy with databases as illustration, Web
service discovery is about searching for databases
that may contain instance data we are looking
for, while service discovery is about finding the
proper instance data by querying the discovered
databases. The same analogy can be extended
to consider services that imply some effects in
the real world. Web service discovery is about
searching for Web services that can be used to for
example, buy tickets. service discovery is about
checking whether the ticket sellers offering such
Web services can really provide the concrete
requested ticket.
Unfortunately, most approaches around service
and Web service discovery neglect this distinction
leading to nonpragmatically assumptions and
nonworkable proposals for the discovery process,


for example, Li and Horrocks (2003). Assuming to

find services based on the semantic annotation of
Web services requires complete and correct meta
descriptions of all the services offered by a Web
service for example, a train ticket seller has to
include in the Web service description information
about all the available departures and destinations,
on what dates and at what times, with what price,
and so forth. This would imply that the semantic
annotation and the discovery process duplicate
most of the actual service of the Web service. It
is no longer necessary to execute a Web service
to find a service, rather the semantic annotation
and the related reasoning provide this support.
We do not think that complete and correct
descriptions of all the services offered by a Web
service are a realistic assumption; it would make
Web services no longer necessary (at least for the
discovery process); and we wonder whether logical
reasoning would scale under this conditions where
the execution of an efficient program accessed via
the Web service is simulated by reasoning over
its semantic annotation.
Alternatively one could assume to directly
query the Web service during the Web service
discovery process. However, this may lead to
network and server overload and it makes a very
strong assumption: in addition to data mediation, protocol and process mediation for the Web
service must be in place before the discovery
process even starts. We do not think that this is
a realistic assumption in the general case as we
will further discuss in a later section. In consequence we think it is essential to distinguish
between Web service and service discovery for
coming up with a workable approach that scales
and makes realistic assumptions in a pragmatic

Web Service Discovery

Web service discovery is based on matching
abstracted goal descriptions with semantic annotations of Web services. This discovery process

Semantic Web Service Discovery in the WSMO Framework

can only happen on an ontological level, that

is, it can only rely on conceptual and (widely)
reusable elements. For this, two processes are
required: (a) the concrete user input has to be
generalized to more abstract goal descriptions,
and (b) concrete services and their descriptions
have to be abstracted to the classes of services
a Web service can provide. We believe that this
twofold abstraction is essential for lifting Web
service discovery on an ontological level that
is the prerequisite for a scalable and workable
solution for it. In the following sections, different approaches to Web service discovery will be
discussed in more detail.

Service Discovery
Service discovery is based on the usage of Web
services for discovering actual services. Web
service technology provides automated interfaces
to the information provided by software artifacts
that is needed to find, select, and eventually buy
a real-world service or simply find the piece of
information somebody is looking for. service discovery requires strong mediation and wrapping,
since the specific needs of a choreography of a
Web service have to be met in order to interoperate with it. Notice that automation of service
discovery defines significant higher requirements
on mediation than Web service discovery, as it
also requires protocol and process mediation. In
a sense, the role of Web service discovery can
be compared with the role of an internet search
engine like GooGle,10 and service discovery with
the process of extracting the actual information
from the retrieved Web sites.

relation between discovery and

In a distributed environment, different users and
Web services can use different terminologies,
which leads to the need for mediation in order
to allow heterogeneous parties to communicate.

In this section we analyze the relation between

discovery and mediation, identifying what kind
of mediation is required in different scenarios.

Assumptions on Mediation
One could assume that Web services and goals
are described by the same terminology. Then
no data mediation problem exists during the
discovery process. However, it is unlikely that
a potentially huge number of distributed and
autonomous parties will agree beforehand in a
common terminology.
Alternatively, one could assume that goals
and Web services are described by completely
independent vocabularies. Although this case
might happen in a real setting, discovery would
be impossible to achieve. In consequence, only
an intermediate approach can lead to a scenario
where neither unrealistic assumptions nor complete failure of discovery has to occur. Such an
scenario relies in three main assumptions:

Goals and Web services most likely use different vocabularies, or in other words, we do
not restrict our approach to the case where
both need to use the same vocabulary.
Goals and Web services use controlled
vocabularies or ontologies to describe requested and provided services.

There is some mediation service in place.
Given the previous assumption, we can
optimistically assume that a mapping
has already been established between the
used terminologies, not to facilitate our
specific discovery problem but rather to
support the general information exchange
process between these terminologies.

Under these assumptions, we do not simply

neglect the mapping problem by assuming that
it does not exist and, at the same time, we do not
simply declare discovery as a failure. We rather


Semantic Web Service Discovery in the WSMO Framework

look for the minimal assumed mediation support

that is a pre-requisite for successful discovery.
Notice that this has also been the approach
taken in IBROW (cf. Benjamins, Plaza, Motta,
Fensel, Studer, Wielinga, Schreiber, Zdrahal, &
Decker, 1998), a project in the area of internetbased matchmaking of task descriptions and competence definitions of problem-solving methods.
Both tasks and methods used different ontologies
to describe their requests and services. However,
both description ontologies were grounded in a
common basic ontology that allowed theorem
proving to rewrite the terms until equality could
be proven.

WEb sErvicE discovEry

In this section, we discuss different approaches to
Web service discovery in the WSMO framework
which require different effort in annotation and
description of both goals and services and deliver
discovery results of different accuracy. Each approach addresses a different level of abstraction
in Web service descriptions as discussed in the
Section Conceptual Model for service Discovery.
Our interest in this document is primarily on
semantic-based approaches to Web service discovery. We believe that the different techniques
altogether help to create a workable solution to
the problem of Web service discovery which
addresses practical requirements and is based
on realistic assumptions; our final goal here is
thus ensure that the WSMO framework and a
respective discovery component is adequate for
a wide range of application scenarios with rather
different requirements.

keyword-based discovery
The keyword-based discovery is a basic ingredient
in a complete framework for Semantic Web service
discovery. By performing a keyword-based search
the huge amount of available services can be fil-


tered or ranked rather quickly. The focus of WSMO

Web service discovery is not in keyword-based
discovery but we consider this kind of discovery
a useful technique in a complete Semantic Web
service discovery framework.
In a typical keyword-based scenario a keyword-based query engine is used to discover
Web services. A query, which is basically a list of
keywords, is provided as input to the query engine.
The query engine match the keywords from to
query against the keywords used to describe the
Web service. A query with the same meaning can
be formulated by using a synonyms dictionary, like
WordNet11 (Fellbaum, 1998). The meaning of the
query remains the same but because of the different keywords used, synonyms of previous ones,
more services that possible fulfill user request
are found. Moreover, by using dictionaries like
WordNet as well as natural language processing
techniques an increase of the semantic relevance
of search results (wrt. to the search request) can
principally be achieved (Richardson & Smeaton,
1995); nonetheless, such techniques are inherently
restricted by the ambiguities of natural language
and the lack of semantic understanding of natural
language descriptions by algorithmic systems.
Web service descriptions on this level at
least consist of a dedicated list of keywords for
categorization and indexing. Furthermore, they
additionally could include richer, semantic-based

discovery based on simple

semantic descriptions
Although keyword-based search is a widely used
technique for information retrieval, it does not use
explicit, well-defined semantics. The keywords
used to retrieve relevant information do not have
an explicit formalization and, therefore, do not
allow inferencing to improve the search results.
For these reasons, as a second approach we
consider the use of controlled vocabularies with
explicit, formal semantics. Ontologies, which

Semantic Web Service Discovery in the WSMO Framework

offer a formal, explicit specification of a shared

conceptualization of some problem domain (Gruber, 1993), are excellent and prominent conceptual
means for this purpose. They provide an explicit
and shared terminology, explicate interdependencies between single concepts and thus are
well-suited for the description of Web services
and requester goals. Moreover, Ontologies can
be formalized in logics which enables the use
of inference services for exploiting knowledge
about the problem domain during matchmaking
and discovery.
In this section, we discuss the description of
Web services on the intermediary level of abstraction, where they are understood as sets of (unstructured) elements (that are called services), that is,
as concepts from an ontological perspective. A
capability of an abstract service on this level of
abstraction is a description which does not depend
on dynamic factors, that is, the current state of
the world as well as the requester input needed by
the provider. The capability describes only what
an advertised abstract service A can potentially
deliver but not under which circumstances (that
means preconditions) the single services S A
can be actually provided.
The presentation that we use here provides a
formal yet comprehensive model of the description
of service capabilities and goals. In particular, it is
independent from specific knowledge representation languages such as logics. To achieve this, we
chose a set-based approach for the description of
abstract services and goals. How to ground this
modeling and discovery approach eventually in
some specific logic is demonstrated in (Keller et
al., 2004).

Abstracting from the Basic Formal

On the most detailed level of abstraction, a
(concrete) service S A corresponds to a state
transformation on the state space U: when starting in a specific state w U we end up in a state

w U where the world has changed (some effects are observable) and some output has been
provided to the user. Both effects eff S(w,i1, , in)
and outputs outS(w,i1, , in) can be seen as sets
of objects depending on the initial state w and
the input information i1, , in which has been
provided to the service provider by the service
requester in w. The circumstances under which
a service S can be delivered by the provider are
represented by w and i1, , in. For example, the
description of a concrete service provided by a
European airline could be that a business-class
flight is booked for the male passenger James Joyce
on January 5th, 2005 from Dublin to Innsbruck,
and 420 Euros are charged on a MasterCard with
number #120127933.
If we abstract the description of an abstract
service A from the dependency of the contained
concrete services on the provided inputs i1, , in
and on the particular initial states w dom(A(i1,
, in)), the description will only specify which
objects we can expect from the abstract service as
effects effA and as outputs outA. For example, an
abstract description of a European airline could
state that the airline provides information about
flights within Europe as well as reservations for
these flights, but not what input has to be provided
and how this input will determine the results
of the service provision. In general, we expect
completeness but not necessarily correctness of
the abstract capability: every concrete service
provided by an abstract service should be covered
by the capability (on this intermediate level of
abstraction), but there might be services which
are models of capability but can actually not be
delivered as part of the abstract service A by the
provider (since we abstract from the circumstances
under which a service can be provided). More
formally, we assume:

i1 ,,in wdom ( A ( i1 ,,in ))

eff S ( w, i1 , , in ) eff A



Semantic Web Service Discovery in the WSMO Framework

i1 ,,in wdom ( A ( i1 ,,in ))

outS ( w, i1 , , in ) out A

Abstracting further beyond the unions over sets

for the single initial states w and input values i1,
, in might in particular be helpful for a provider
to simplify the description of abstract capabilities further, since it allows to skip some details
on specific constraints of the delivered objects.
For instance an online book store like amazon.
com could just advertise to sell any book, that is,
use the concept BookSale to (incorrectly, but
completely) specify its provided set of services.
However, the more abstraction is used beyond
these unions (e.g., the airline only specifies to
provide tickets for flights all over the world), the
less accurate the descriptions of what the service
provider is actually able to provide become. Goals
specify the desire of a client that he wants to have
resolved after consuming a service. They describe
the information the client wants to receive as output of the service as well as the effects on the state
of the world that the client intends to achieve by
using the service. This desire can be represented as
sets of elements which are relevant to the client as
the outputs and the effects of a service provision.
According to the WSMO model (Lausen, Roman,
& Keller, 2004), goals refer to the state which is
desired to be reached by service execution.
According to this view, abstract services and
goals are both represented as sets of objects during the Web service discovery step. The single
descriptions of these sets refer to ontologies that
capture general knowledge about the problem
domains under consideration. Hence, the objects
described in some abstract service description and
the objects used in some goal description can or
might be interrelated in some way by ontologies.
Eventually, such interrelation is needed to establish a match between goals and services.
This way, abstract service and goal descriptions become largely decoupled and modelers
have reasonable flexibility when describing Web


services and goals. In particular, they do not have

to know in detail about how the corresponding
matching elements (i.e., services or goals) have
precisely been described to actually ensure that
a match can formally be established between
compatible goals and Web services but instead
they only refer to domain ontologies which are
not specific to a particular goal or a particular
Web service. Ontologies and ontology mediation
provide a reasonable framework for decoupling
of Web service and goal descriptions as well as a
flexible semantic-based matching which are considered as major desiderata for matching engines
in Paolucci et al. (2002).
An important observation12 in our approach is
that the description of a set of objects for representing a goal or a capability can be interpreted in
different ways and, thus, the description by means
of a set is not semantically unique: A modeler
might want to express that either all of the elements that are contained in the set are requested
(goal) or can be delivered (abstract capability), or
that only some of these elements are requested (or
can be delivered). For this reason, a modeler has
to explicitly specify his intention when describing
the set of relevant objects for a goal or abstract
capability. This intention will strongly affect if
we consider two descriptions to match. Therefore,
goals as well as abstract capabilities are pairs D
= (R D,ID) where R D is the set of objects which are
considered as relevant for the description (e.g. a
specific set of flights in the travel scenario) and ID
{,} is the respective (universal or existential)
Example. Consider the following goal and
Web service:

G: I want to know about some flights from

Innsbruck (Austria) to some place in Ireland
(the client does not necessarily care which
W: offers information about all flights for any
place in Europe to any place in Europe.

Semantic Web Service Discovery in the WSMO Framework

Table 1.
Goal / WS

Set R of relevant Objects

Intention of R

{f|f is a flight starting at Innsbruck in Austria and ending at any city c

located in Ireland}

Existential ()

{f|f is a flight starting at city s and ending at city e, s any city in Europe,
e any city in Europe}

Universal ()

For the set-based specification, we refer to an

appropriate set of ontologies for geographical data
and traveling are in place. Hence, we can use the
following definitions for the set of relevant objects
as well as the respective intentions(see Table 1).
For the sake of simplicity, we will consider
in the following only outputs of a service and
do not treat effects explicitly. The separation of
effects and outputs is conceptual and effects can
be dealt with in the very same way. Nonetheless,
it is useful to distinguish both since they are
conceptually different and we believe that it is
beneficial for users to have the ability to apply
different criteria for matching outputs and effects
in a service discovery request. Augmenting the
model discussed here accordingly is a straightforward endeavor.

Semantic Matching
In order to consider a goal G and an abstract service
A to match on a semantic level, the sets RG and R A
describing these elements have to be interrelated;
precisely spoken, we expect that some set-theoretic relationship between RG and R A exists. The
most basic set-theoretic relationships that might
be considered are the following: RG = R A, RG
R A, RG R A, RG R A , RG R A = .
These set-theoretic relationships provide the
basic means for formalizing our intuitive understanding of a match between goals and abstract
services. For this reason, they have been considered to some extent already in the literature, for
instance, in Li and Horrocks (2003) or Paolucci
et al. (2002), in the context of Description Log-

ics-based service matchmaking.

On the other hand, we have to keep in mind
that in our model these sets only capture part of
the semantics of goal and service descriptions
D, namely the relevant objects for the service
requester or service provider. The intentions of
these sets in the semantic descriptions D is not
considered but clearly affects whether a certain
existing set-theoretic relationship between RG
and R A is considered to actually correspond to (or
formalize) our intuitive understanding of a match
in the real-world. Therefore, we have to consider
the intentions of the respective sets as well. Figure
6 gives an overview of the single set-theoretical
relations as well as their interpretation13 as matches
when considering the request and provider intentions. In the table we distinguish several forms
of matches: A match (Match) means that A completely satisfies G, a partial match (ParMatch)
means that A partially satisfies G and additional
abstract services would be required to completely
satisfy the request, a possible match (PossMatch)
means that there might be an actual match given
a more detailed description (at service discovery
time, when actually interacting with the Web
service) of the abstract service, a possible partial
match (PossParMatch) means that there might be
a partial match given more detailed description (at
service discovery time when interacting with the
provider) of the abstract service or a non-match
(NoMatch). Due to space restrictions, we only
briefly discuss some entries from the table. A
detailed discussion can be found in Keller et al.
(2004) (Figure 6).


Semantic Web Service Discovery in the WSMO Framework

Figure 6. Interaction between set-theoretic criteria, intentions and our intuitive understanding of matching
I =

Intention of /

I =

I =

I =

R = R


R = R














R R=

No Match

R R=


R = R


R = R














R R=

No Match

R R=


Table 2.
Goal / WS

Set R of relevant Objects

Intention of R

{f|f is a flight starting at Innsbruck in Austria and ending at any city c

located in Ireland}

Existential ()

{f|f is a flight starting at city s and ending at city e, s any city in Europe,
e any city in Europe}

Universal ()

Match IG = , IA = , RG R A:
The requester wants to get all the objects
specified as relevant (IG = ,), whereas the
provider claims that he is able to deliver all the
objects specified in R A (IA = ). In this case, the
requester needs are fully covered by the abstract
service since all the requested objects RG can be
delivered by the abstract service according to its
abstract capability A.


G: I want to know about all flights from

Innsbruck (Austria) to some place in Ireland
(the client does not necessarily care which

W: offers information about all flights from

any place in Europe to any place in Europe
(see Table 2).

ParMatch IG = , IA = , RG R A :
The requester wants to get all the objects that
he has specified as relevant, whereas the provider
claims that the abstract service is able to deliver
all the objects specified in R A. However, the two
sets of reference objects do only overlap. In this
case, the requester needs cannot be fully satisfied
by the abstract service. At best, the service can
contribute to resolve the desire of the client. Thus,
we consider this case as a partial match.

Semantic Web Service Discovery in the WSMO Framework

Table 3.
Goal / WS

Set R of relevant Objects

Intention of R

{f|f is a flight starting at Innsbruck in Austria and ending at any city c

located in any country of the world}

Existential ()

{f|f is a flight starting at city s and ending at city e, s any city in Europe,
e any city in Europe}

Universal ()

Goal / WS

Set R of relevant Objects

Intention of R

{f|f is a flight starting at Innsbruck in Austria and ending at any city c

located in Ireland}

Universal ()

{f|f is a flight starting at city s and ending at city e, s any city in Europe,
e any city in Europe}

Existential ()

Table 4.

G: I want to know about all flights from

Innsbruck (Austria) to some place in the
world (the client does not necessarily care
which one).
W: offers information about all flights from
any place in Europe to any place in Europe
(see Table 3).

PossMatch IG = , IA = , RG R A:
The requester wants to get all the objects that
he has specified as relevant, whereas the provider
claims he is only able to deliver some of the objects specified in R A. Finally, the set of relevant
objects to the service requester is a subset of the
set of reference objects advertised by the service
provider. In this case, we cannot determine from
the given descriptions whether there is a match
or not, since we dont know which (non-empty)
subset of R A the provider actually can deliver.
However, it might turn out when examining a
more detailed description (or interacting with the
provider at service discovery time) that there is
a match. Such detailed description is considered
during service discovery. Hence, we consider this
as a possible match.


G: I want to know about all flights from

Innsbruck (Austria) to some place in Ireland
(the client does not necessarily care which
W: offers information about some flights
from any place in Europe to any place in
Europe (see Table 4).

PossParMatch IG = , IA = , RG R A :
The requester wants to get all the objects that
he has specified as relevant, whereas the provider
claims that the abstract service is able to deliver
only some of the objects specified in R A. Additionally, the two sets of reference objects do
only overlap (and this is the strongest applicable
set-theoretic relation between RG and R A). In this
case, the requester needs cannot be fully satisfied
by the abstract service, but at best only partially.
However, we cannot determine from the given
descriptions whether there is such a partial match
or not, since we dont know which (non-empty)
subset of R A the provider actually can deliver.
When examining a more detailed description (or


Semantic Web Service Discovery in the WSMO Framework

Table 5.
Goal / WS

Set R of relevant Objects

Intention of R

{f|f is a flight starting at Innsbruck in Austria and ending at any city c

located in any country of the world}

Universal ()

{f|f is a flight starting at city s and ending at city e, s any city in Europe,
e any city in Europe}

Existential ()

Table 6.
Goal / WS

Set R of relevant Objects

Intention of R

{f|f is a flight starting at Innsbruck in Austria and ending at any city c

located in any country of the world}

Existential ()

{f|f is a train connection starting at city s and ending at city e, s any city
in Europe, e any city in Europe}

Universal ()

interacting with the provider at service discovery

time) it might turn out that there is a partial match.
Such detailed description is considered during
service discovery. Hence, we consider this as a
possible partial match.

G: I want to know about all flights from

Innsbruck (Austria) to some place in the
world (the client does not necessarily care
which one).
W: offers information about all flights from
any place in Europe to any place in Europe
(see Table 5).

NoMatch IG = , IA = , RG R A :
The requester wants to get some of the objects
that he has specified as relevant, whereas the
provider claims that the abstract service is able to
deliver all the objects specified in R A. However,
the two sets of reference objects have no common
elements. In this case, the requester needs clearly
cannot be satisfied by the abstract service and we
consider this case as a non-match.



G: I want to know about some flights from

Innsbruck (Austria) to some place in the
world (the client does not necessarily care
which one).
W: offers information about all train connections from any place in Europe to any
place in Europe (see Table 6).

Further Discussion of the Set-Theoretic

As shown in Figure 6, we basically have for each
pair of intentions for a goal and a Web service
several formal criteria that capture actual matches,
partial matches as well as non-matches. The question arises whether this is needed or what we gain
from distinguishing the single notions. In case that
indeed such a distinction is not useful or needed,
we have to find out which of the several candidate
criteria is the right one. In this paragraph we
want to investigate and answer this question.
According to most elementary set theory
the single criteria we considered above are not

Semantic Web Service Discovery in the WSMO Framework

completely separated, but the following interdependencies hold:

For any descriptions RG, RW U:
That means that certain formal set-theoretic
criteria that we consider here are logically stronger
notions than others: if the stronger relationship
holds than the weaker relationship must holds as
well. Using these properties, we can partially order
the set-theoretic criteria: C1 C2 iff C2 is logically
weaker (or equivalent) than C1, that is:
(RG = RW) (RG RW), (RG RW) (RG RW )
This partial order actually represents a lattice structure. Given two particular intentions
for a goal and a service description, let be C1 a
criterion which captures an actual match wrt.
the given intentions and C2 be a logically weaker
criterion (i.e. C1 C2), then C2 denotes a match as
well. Clearly, there is always a weakest criterion
which denotes an actual match (wrt. ), if there is
a criterion which denotes an actual match at all.
But the weakest criterion for an actual match (wrt.
given intentions IG and IW) does not have to be the
only criterion denoting an actual match.
Thus, if C1 C2 and C2 denotes a match, C1
represents more semantic information about the
match than C2, in other words it provides additional
knowledge about the specific kind of relationship
between matching goal and Web service descriptions (besides mere matching in the sense of C2). If
a specific criterion C1 is used during the matching
phase which is not the weakest criterion for an
actual match and a match can be detected, then
additional properties on the kind of interrelation
besides the mere fact that there match.

By requesting the use of a particular criterion

for the matching between goal and Web service
descriptions, a service requester basically could
exploit this property during a discovery process in
order to ensure certain convenient properties from
the discovered Web services. We will investigate
this aspect briefly:

The Intersection-Criterion (RG RW )

reflects no special additional information for the

search request (beyond what is given in the goal
description RG and its corresponding intention IG).
In particular, in case that this criterion denotes
an actual match (wrt. the given intentions) there
is no weaker criterion which denotes a match as
The Subsumes-Criterion (RG RW)
reflects the additional property that only relevant
elements will be delivered. This holds regardless
of the intention which applies to a Web service
description. Thus, if the user insists on getting
only Web services which do not deliver items
that are not of interest for resolving his goal then
he should request explicitly that for matching a
criterion is used which represents an actual match
and is -smaller than the Subsumes-match.

The Plugin-Criterion (RG RW)

on the other hand reflects the additional property

that all relevant elements can be delivered by an
abstract service (in case of universal intention
of a Web service Description) or (in case of an
existential intention a lot weaker) that all elements
that are relevant for the requester are relevant for
the service as well. There might be objects which
are relevant for the Web service description but
not for the service requestor.
If the service request has existential intention then obviously this property is not interesting for the requester, since otherwise he would


Semantic Web Service Discovery in the WSMO Framework

have chosen a universal intention. In the case

of a universal intention of the service request,
this property is automatically guaranteed, since
the weakest criterion for an actual match is the
Hence, it does not make any sense for the
user to use this criterion for detecting matches
if a weaker criterion (wrt. given intentions) applies as well.

Finally, the Identity-Criterion (RG = RW)

precisely combines the Subsumes- and the Plugincriterion and thus specifies that objects the Web
service description refers to and the objects the
requester refers to precisely match; In particular,
it holds (independent of the intention of the Web
service description) that irrelevant objects will not
be delivered by the Web service. For the property
that is represented by the Plugin-Match part, the
same argument as for the Plugin-Match holds.
Hence, the corresponding semantic property is
irrelevant and the Exact-Match basically coincides
(in the context of our discussion in this paragraph)
with the Subsumes match.
To sum up, we have seen that there are cases
where a client could benefit from exploiting the
additional semantics captured by matching criteria
that are stronger (i.e., -smaller) than the weakest
(i.e., -maximal) criterion which represents an
actual match. Hence, it makes sense to not only
allow the use of the weakest (i.e., -maximal)
criterion that actually denotes a match (for the
respective intentions of the goal and the Web
service) to be applied for matching but to allow
the user to manually raise the semantic requirements that are captured by the criterion to apply
and thus to reflect his interest faithfully.
We have seen as well that in our general framework there is only one such additional property
that actually can be considered as useful, namely
the property of a Web service to not deliver objects
that are irrelevant to the user.


In order to ensure that this property is satisfied

when matching, the discovery component has to
apply a -maximal criterion, which is -smaller
than the Subsumes criterion RG RW (that means
either RG RW itself or RG = RW) and represents
an actual match (wrt. the given intentions of the
goal and the Web service).
In case that the requester does not want to
have this specific property reflected in the discovery result, the appropriate criterion to apply
for matching clearly is one which is -maximal
among the criteria that represent an actual match,
since it is the weakest that formalizes our intuition understanding of a real-world match and
thus does not restrict the set of possible matches
Basically the same holds if we want to check
whether a Web service partially matches, possibly matches or possibly partially matches a
given goal: we have to apply the criterion which
is -maximal among the criteria that represent a
partial match.
Finally, for detecting nonmatches we simply
check for matches, partial or possible matches. If
neither criterions is satisfied, we have established
a nonmatch.
Figure 7 represents the result of the discussion
in case that the requester just gives a goal description, whereas Figure 8 describes the situation when
additionally the requester wants to avoid Web
services that might deliver irrelevant objects.

Discovery Scenario
During the discovery process the scenario for
matching between goal and Web service descriptions in general can be considered as follows:
A requester specifies his goal by means of a set
of relevant objects and the respective intention.
Moreover, he might additionally specify that he is
interested in Web services which deliver objects
that are relevant for his goal only (and such raise the
semantic requirement for matches). Furthermore,
the requester can indicate in his request whether

Semantic Web Service Discovery in the WSMO Framework

Figure 7. Which formal criteria should be used for checking different degrees of matching?
Intention of

I =

IW =













No Match

I =

IW =


No Match












No Match


No Match


he is interested in partial matches, in case that no

actual matches can be detected. A similar option
can be used for possible matches.
If the discovery request of the client contains
only a goal description (RG, IG) (without the requirement on returning relevant objects only),
then we check for a match using the respective
criterion for matching under intentions (IG, Iw) from
Figure 7. In case of a detected match, we store
the Web service in a list with actual matches. On
the other hand, if a match has not been detected
and the discovery request indicates that the user
is interested in partial matches, we check for a
partial match using the corresponding criterion
from the same table. If a partial match has been
detected we store the Web service in a list with
partial matches. Similarly, we proceed for possible and possible partial matches. Eventually,
we return the list of actual matches and (if the
request indicates that) the lists of partial, possible
and possible partial matches.
If the discovery request of the client specifies besides (RG, IG) that only Web services are
requested that deliver relevant objects only, then
proceed in the very same way, but apply the criterions with respect to Figure 8 instead.

The discussion shows that during discovery

and matching intentions can be dealt with on a
meta-level (in comparison to the set-theoretic
notions), that is, they do not directly affect single
set-theoretic criterions and the respective checks
themselves, but rather their interpretation as some
sort of match. Hence, we just need an implementation of the different set-theoretic criteria in order
to realize a system for matchmaking.

The proposed modeling approach is based on
set theory and ontologies for capturing domain
knowledge. By abstracting from dynamic aspects
of abstract services, we provide static and general
abstract capability descriptions. All the information necessary for checking a match is already
available when abstract service descriptions are
published, and no interaction with any of the involved parties (requester and provider) is needed
for this discovery step. On the other hand, the
accuracy we can achieve when is limited. Hence,
this discovery step based on such simple descriptions allows an efficient identification of candidate
abstract services, but does not guarantee that a


Semantic Web Service Discovery in the WSMO Framework

Figure 8. Which formal criteria should be used for checking different degrees of matching
when a requester insists on services delivering relevant objects only?
Intention of

I =

I =

IW =

IW =


R = RW








R = RW




No Match


No Match





R = RW







No Match


No Match


matched abstract service will deliver a concrete

service fulfilling the requester goal. Abstraction
can be used as a means to simplify the description of abstract services by the provider. The
overall model is simple, comprehensive and can
be implemented in a logical framework (Keller et
al., 2004). However, the model itself is not based
on a specific logical language. The concept of
intentions in set-based capability and goal descriptions has not been considered in the literature so
far and gives the modeler additional freedom in
modeling. Eventually, the use of a set-based model
for abstract capabilities can enable the use of
Description Logics for classifying and efficiently
discovering abstract services to be considered for
service discovery. This idea is further elaborated
in Lara, Binder, Constantinescu, Fensel, Keller,
Pan, et. al. (2004).

discovery based on detailed

semantic descriptions
Using simple semantic annotations for a service
as it described in the previous section basically
adds machine-processable semantic information


to service descriptions which allows a discovery

mechanism to exploit this semantics during the
discovery process and deliver results with high
precision and recall.
Nonetheless, the kind of semantic information
that can be expressed in that approach is limited
wrt. the details of the service characteristics that
can be captured. Therefore, the precision that can
be achieved by a discovery component is limited as
well, if the user could already state more detailed
information in the discovery request (and wants
to do so). For certain applications and users, in
particular, if you aim at a high-degree of automation in a dynamic service-based software system,
definitely an approach is needed which allows to
model nuances of meaning of the functionality
of Web services and the goal that a client wants
to have resolved.
An elaborate description of the single main
entities which are involved in the discovery process, namely service capabilities and goals, can
be achieved by refining the pure conceptual level
(where services and goals are basically concepts)
as described before. This requires at least a rich
modeling language which allows to talk about

Semantic Web Service Discovery in the WSMO Framework

objects in a world and hence variables, constant

symbols and perhaps function symbols. That
means, on this level we definitely want to use a
First-order language (or possibly some restricted
subset of such a language).
However, this is not enough. At this level of
description we are interested to describe how
outputs and effects created by a service execution
actually depend on the concrete input provided
by the user when invoking a Web service. That
means to consider an abstract service as a relation on an abstract state-space and to capture the
functionality provided by a service in these terms.
Here, we would consider for services input, output,
preconditions, assumptions, postconditions and
effects of an abstract service, whereas for goals
we consider the state of the world that is reached
after the execution of a Web service and hence
postconditions and effects.
In this section we show how to extend the
set-based modeling to capture the actual relation
implemented by the service as well. That means,
we skip the abstraction step that we have decided
to take in the previous section and consider service
executions explicitly. Thus, we increase the level
of detail of our service model.

The Informal Service Model Revisited

According to our discussion in the beginning
of this chapter, a Web service can be seen as
computational object which can be invoked by
a client. At invocation time, the client provides
all the information needed by the Web service to
identify and deliver the concrete service that has
been requested. The resulting execution of the
Web service generates (wrt. a set of input values)
certain information as an output and achieves
certain effects on the state of the world. An output
and an effect can be considered as objects which
can be embedded in some domain ontology.
So far we ignored inputs and their relations to
outputs and effects of the Web service execution
and considered a Web service as delivering a single

set of objects. In fact, when considering actual

executions of a Web service, the sets describing
the outputs and effects of the execution actually
depend on the provided input values. Hence, a
Web service execution can be described by a set of
outputs and a set of effects (for the specific values
for input parameters), whereas a Web service is
seen as a collection of possible executions and
thus should be modeled by a collection of sets of
outputs and effects: one pair of such sets for each
service execution (or concrete values for the input
parameters of the Web service).
When invoking a Web service ws with some
specific input values i1, , in in some state of the
world (pre-state), the execution of the service results in a (different) state of the world (post-state)
where the service delivers a set of elements as its
output (wsout(i1, , in)) as well as a set of effects
(wseff(i1, , in)).
In the WSMO framework the client specifies
his desire as a goal. More precisely, the goal description consists of the specification of a set of
desired information (goalout) as well as a set of
desired effects (goaleff).
As before, matching mainly is based on checking certain set-theoretic relationships between the
sets related to the output (wsout(i1, , in) and goalout)
as well as the sets related to effects (wseff(i1, ,
in) and goaleff). The interpretation of the various
relationships between those sets has already been
discussed. Intentions for goal and Web service
descriptions are independent of the discussion
here, and thus can be dealt with in the very same
way as in our model for simple semantic annotations. Since intentions do not affect the logical
representation of our set-theoretic relationship
and are basically during matching considered on
a metalevel on top of the set-theoretic criteria, we
do not explain them explicitly here again.
Additionally, we can enrich our set of matching notions given in the previous section by an
orthogonal dimension14: We can express that we
can satisfy a particular matching notion wrt. a
single execution of a Web service as well as wrt.


Semantic Web Service Discovery in the WSMO Framework

an arbitrary number of Web service executions.

This results in additional matching notions that
capture additional semantics in a given discovery
We want to illustrate the difference of the two
new option by means of a simple example:
Imagine the following goal a user:
I want to know about all sports events in Tyrol
and a Web service with the following capability
The service delivers all events for a given city in
Austria for today.
Given appropriate domain knowledge about
Austria and events the service can not deliver the
requested information by a single execution of the
Web service, but instead it can actually deliver
all requested information, if it is invoked several
times (i.e., for each city in the region Tyrol).
As the examples shows, there might be situations, where such relaxed notions of matching
actually can be useful for a user. Thus, we will
discuss them here as well.
In the following paragraphs we will show how
to formalize the extended Web service model
and discuss how to extend the matching notions
to cover service executions. For the sake of simplicity, we will only mention one set of objects in
the descriptions of goals and services. Handling
the set of outputs and effects separately can be
achieved in the very same way.

Adapting the Formal Matching Notions

Since we adapted the way we describe Web services, we have to adapt the formal criteria for our
matching criteria as well. In the following we will
show how to adapt the single notions (, , , )
accordingly and give a definition for the case in
which we only consider single executions as well
as the case of considering multiple executions.


This way, in principle we end up with (almost) eight different notions of matching which
potentially could be used by a client to specify
his desire in a service request.

Exact-Match (W 1 G, W + G).

If we consider Exact-match under the assumption that the Web service is executed only once,
we have to formalize the following statement:
there are input values i1, , in such that the sets of
objects RW(i1, , in) that the Web service claims to
deliver15 when being invoked with input values i1,
, in coincides with the set RG of objects which are
relevant for the requester. In this case we write W
1 G to indicate this particular kind of match.
If we instead want to consider multiple executions we use the following condition: For each
object x it holds that x can be delivered by Web
service execution on some input values i1, , in iff
x is relevant for the client. In this case we write W
+ G to indicate this particular kind of match.

Subsumes-Match (W 1 G, W + G).

If we consider Subsumes-match under the assumption that the Web service is executed only
once, we have to formalize the following statement: there are input values i1, , in such that the
sets of objects RW(i1, , in) that the Web service
claims to deliver when being invoked with input
values i1, , in is a subset of the set RG of objects
which are relevant for the requester. In this case
we write W 1 G to indicate this particular kind
of match.
If we instead want to consider multiple executions we would have formalize the following
statement: For each object x in the universe it
holds that if x can be delivered by Web service
execution on some input values i1, , in then x is
relevant for the client. In this case we write W +
G to indicate this particular kind of match.

Plugin-Match (W 1 G, W + G).

Semantic Web Service Discovery in the WSMO Framework

If we consider Plugin-match under the assumption

that the Web service is executed only once, we
have to formalize the following statement: there
are input values i1, , in such that the sets of objects
RW(i1, , in) that the Web service claims to deliver
when being invoked with input values i1, , in is a
superset of the set of objects RG which are relevant
for the requester. In this case we write W 1 G to
indicate this particular kind of match.
If we instead want to consider multiple executions we would have formalize the following
statement: For each object x in the universe it holds
that x can be delivered by Web service execution
on some input values i1, , in if x is relevant for
the client. In this case we write W + G to indicate
this particular kind of match.

Intersection-Match(W 1 G, W + G).

If we consider Intersection-match under the assumption that the Web service is executed only
once, we have to formalize the following statement: there are input values i1, , in such that the
sets of objects RW(i1, , in) that the Web service
claims to deliver when being invoked with input
values i1, , in has a common element with the set
of objects RG which are relevant for the requester.
In this case we write W 1 G to indicate this
particular kind of match.
If we instead want to consider multiple executions we would have formalize the following
statement: There is an object x in the universe
such that x that can be delivered by Web service
execution on some input values i1, , in and x is
relevant for the client. In this case we write W +
G to indicate this particular kind of match.
Obviously, the both criteria 1 and + are
logically equivalent and thus are the very same
criteria. Thus, we do not have to distinguish between the two cases.

Relation of the Extended Model to the

Simple One
To conclude the discussion of the multiple notions
we want to mention the following: The multiple
execution notions actually check a set-theoretic
relationship between the goal and the union of the
sets of delivered objects over all possible (valid)
inputs. Indeed, this can be considered as some
sort of abstraction from concrete executions of a
Web service when checking a match and thus is
very close to what we have discussed previously.
The main difference is there we do not consider
explicit input parameters of a Web service and do
not refer to valid inputs only (i.e. refer explicitly
to a precondition). Hence, we can consider the
matching notions of this type as special cases of
the ones discussed previously.

rElatEd Work
By defining a mathematical model for Web services, goals and the notion of matchmaking we
provide a basis for applications like Semantic Web
service repositories and discovery engines. Work
in this area has previously leveraged a different
(less detailed) formal view on the concept of a Web
service: Web services there have been formally
mostly considered as sets of objects (describing
input, outputs). On a description (language) these
sets allow for a natural representation by means
of concept expressions in Description Logics.
Matching then has been reduced to standard
reasoning tasks in the language (Li & Horrocks,
2003; Paolucci et al., 2002), however the dynamics
associated with a detailed (state-based) perspective on Web services, can not be represented in
such a setting.
Until recently, it seemed to be a common
practice in the Semantic Web Community when
considering semantic descriptions of Web service,
to strictly focus on languages (e.g., Description

Semantic Web Service Discovery in the WSMO Framework

Logics) rather than an adequate (language-independent) mathematical model of the objects of

investigation that underlies such descriptions.
The latter question is conceptually interesting and
compatible with various concrete representation
languages. We consider it as feature and not a
drawback to be able to not make commitments
on the language levels, but to leave this to the
concrete needs of particular implementations.
In the area of software specification, functional
descriptions (i.e., the detailed state based perspective) are a well studied phenomena. Hoare (1969)
introduced the approach describing a component
by its pre- and postconditions. Numerous systems
have been developed since then (Jones, 1990;
Meyer, 1992; Spivey, 1992) that follow the same
line of description. They have commonalities
with the detailed state based perspective of our
framework. However our framework is different
in two dimensions: (1) we do not fix the underlying
language and therefore address the current situation in the Semantic Web with various different
languages used in various formalisms, and (2)
we explicitly take the existence of background
knowledge (represented by some Ontology) and
the notion of side effect in the real world modeled
into account.
Furthermore there exist several formalisms to specify dynamics such as Transaction
Logic (Bonner & Kifer, 1998) or Situation
Calculus (McCarthy, 1963), which also can be
used as a model for specification and discovery, however compared to those rather generic
approaches we take a minimal approach with
respect to the Web service domain, that is, we
only define those aspects in our model that are
essential to our domain and do not make unnecessary assumptions on the formalism used. For
example, Transaction Logics present a minimal
approach in the sense that it allows describing
constraints over any number of states, but does
not have specific means for relevant phenomena
like input bindings. On the other hand, situation
calculi require a certain encoding of states but

requires to keep the history of all intermediate

states that appears to be too prescriptive in order
to serve as a general model.
It is interesting to note, that recently there has
been work in the Description Logic Community
(Baader, Lutz, Milicic, Sattler, & Wolter, 2005a;
Baader, Lutz, Milicic, Sattler, & Wolter, 2005b)
which extends Description Logic with elements
of the Situation Calculi (in a decidable manner)
and can be seen as work that tries to move decidable languages (Description Logics) that typically
can be used for describing Web service on the
intermediate level of abstraction in our model a
closer to the lowest level in this model.

In this chapter we have presented a conceptual
model for service discovery which avoids unrealistic assumptions and is suitable for a wide range
of applications. One of the key features of this
model is the explicit distinction between the notions of Web services and services. Moreover, the
model does not neglect one of the core problems
one has to face in order to make discovery work
in a real-world setting, namely the heterogeneity
of descriptions of requestors and providers and
the required mediation between heterogeneous
representations. As discussed in the conceptual
model for service discovery, the discussed approaches are based on using terminologies, controlled vocabularies or rich descriptions which are
based on ontologies. For each of them, a working
solution to the mediation problem is possible or
not unrealistic.
We have outlined various approaches on
discovery of Web services with different requirements on the description of Web services
and the discovery request itself. Our main focus
has been on semantic-based approaches to Web
service discovery.
For further details, we refer the interested
reader to related documents of the WSMO and

Semantic Web Service Discovery in the WSMO Framework

WSML working groups (cf. http://www.wsmo.

org/TR), in particular the documents (Keller et
al., 2004) and (Lausen, 2005).

The work summarized in this chapter was carried out in the context of the WSMO and WSML
working groups, and various academic projects.
We want to express our special thanks to Michael
Stollberg, Cristina Feier and Dumitru Roman
for contributing to the first section. Numerous
people have been involved in the discussions and
in generating ideas. We especially would like to
thank Axel Polleres (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos,
University of Madrid, Spain) and Michael Kifer
(State University of New York (SUNY) at Stony
Brook, USA) for their continuous critique and
advice. Finally, we would like to thank to all the
members of the WSMO, WSML and WSMX working groups for their input and fruitful discussions
about the work presented in this chapter.
The presented work has been funded by the
European Commission under the projects DIP,
Knowledge Web, InfraWebs, SEKT, SWWS, ASG
and Esperonto; by Science Foundation Ireland
under Grant No. SFI/02/CE1/I131 and the Austrian Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation,
and Technology under the project RW (FIT-IT
contract FFG 809250).

Akkiraju, R., Goodwin, R., Doshi, P., & Roeder,
S. (2003). A method for semantically enhancing
the service discovery capabilities of UDDI. In S.
Kambhampati & C.A. Knoblock (Eds.), Proceedings of the IJCAI-03 Workshop on Information
Integration on the Web (IIWeb 03) (pp. 87-92).
Acapulco, Mexico.

Alonso, G., Casati, F., Kuno, H., & Machiraju, V.

(2003). Web services. Springer.
Baader, F., Lutz, C., Milicic, M., Sattler, U., &
Wolter, F. (2005a). A description logic based
approach to reasoning about Web services. In
Proceedings of the WWW 2005 Workshop on Web
Service Semantics (WSS2005), Chiba City, Japan.
Retrieved February 20, 2007, from http://citeseer.
Baader, F., Lutz, C., Milicic, M., Sattler, U., &
Wolter., F. (2005b). Integrating description logics
and action formalisms: First results. In Proceedings of the 20th National Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (AAAI 05). Retrieved February 20,
2007, from http://sunsite.informatik.rwth-aachen.
Barros, A., Dumas, M., & Oaks, P. (2005). Standards for Web service choreography and orchestration: Status and perspectives. In Proceedings of
the 1st International Workshop on Web Service
Choreography and Orchestration for Business
Process Management at the BPM 2005 (pp. 6174). Nancy, France.
Benatallah, B., Hacid, M.-S., Rey, C., & Toumani,
F. (2003). Request rewriting-based Web service
discovery. In Proceedings of the Semantic Web
- ISWC 2003 (pp. 242-257).
Benjamins, V.R., Plaza, E., Motta, E., Fensel, D.,
Studer, R., Wielinga, B., Schreiber, G., Zdrahal,
Z., & Decker, S. (1998). Ibrow3: An intelligent
brokering service for knowledge-component reuse
on the World-Wide Web. In Proceedings of the
11th Banff Knowledge Acquisition for KnowledgeBased System Workshop (KAW98), Banff, Canada.
Retrieved February 20, 2007, from http://ksi.cpsc.
Boerger, E. & Staerk, R. (2003). Abstract state
machines. A method for high-level system design
and analysis. Springer.

Semantic Web Service Discovery in the WSMO Framework

Bonner, A. & Kifer, M. (1998). A logic for programming database transactions. In J. Chomicki
& G. Saake (Eds.), Logics for databases and information systems (Chapter 5, pp. 17-66). Kluwer
Academic Publishers.
Clancey, W.J. (1985). Heuristic classification.
Artificial Intelligence, 27(3), 289-350.
de Bruijn, J. (2005). The WSML specification.
Working draft, Digital Enterprise Research Insitute (DERI). Retrieved October 25, 2006, from
Fellbaum, C. (Ed.). (1998). WordNet: An electronic
lexical database. MIT Press.
Fensel, D. (2003). Ontologies: Silver bullet for
knowledge management and electronic commerce
(2nd ed.). Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
Fensel, D. & Bussler, C. (2002). The Web service modeling framework (WSMF). Electronic
Commerce Research and Applications, 1(2),
Gonzlez-Castillo, J., Trastour, D., & Bartolini,
C. (2001). Description logics for matchmaking of
services. In Proceedings of the KI-2001 Workshop
on Applications of Description Logics.
Gruber, T.R. (1993). A translation approach to
portable ontology specification. Knowledge Acquisition, 5(2), 199-220.
Hoare, C.A.R. (1969). An axiomatic basis for
computer programming. Communications of the
ACM, 12(10), 576-580.
Jones, C.B. (1990). Systematic software development using VDM. Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Prentice Hall.
Keller, U., Lara, R., & Polleres, A. (2004). WSMO
Web service discovery. Deliverable D5.1, WSMO
Working Group. Retrieved October 25, 2006, from
Lara, R., Binder, W., Constantinescu, I., Fensel, D.,

Keller, U., Pan, J., Pistore, M., Polleres, A., Toma,

I., Traverso, P., & Zaremba, M. (2004). Semantics
for Web service discovery and composition (Tech.
Rep.). Knowledge Web.
Lausen, H. (2005). Functional description of Web
services. Deliverable D28.1, WSMO Working
Group. Retrieved October 25, 2006, from http://
Lausen, H., Roman, D., & Keller, U. (Eds.).
(2004). Web service modeling ontology -standard
(WSMO-Standard), version 1.0. Working draft,
WSMO Working Group. Retrieved October 25,
2006, from http://www.wsmo.org/2004/d2/v1.0/
Li, L. & Horrocks, I. (2003). A software framework
for matchmaking based on semantic web technology. In Proceedings of the 12th International
Conference on the World Wide Web, Budapest,
McCarthy, J. (1963). Situations, actions and causal
laws (Tech. Rep.). Stanford University.
Meyer, B. (1992). Eiffel: The language. Prentice
Hall PTR.
Paolucci, M., Kawamura, T., Payne, T., & Sycara,
K. (2002). Semantic matching of Web services
capabilities. In Proceeding of the First International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2002),
Sardinia, Italy.
Preist, C. (2004). A conceptual architecture for
Semantic Web services. In Proceedings of the
International Semantic Web Conference 2004
(ISWC 2004).
Richardson, R. & Smeaton, A.F. (1995). Using wordNet in a knowledge-based approach to
information retrieval (Tech. Rep. No. CA-0395).
Dublin, Ireland.
Roman, D., Lausen, H., & Keller, U. (2005). Web
service modeling ontology (WSMO). Deliverable
D2, final version v1.2. Retrieved October 25, 2006,
from http://www.wsmo.org/TR/d2/

Semantic Web Service Discovery in the WSMO Framework

Spivey, J. (1992). The Z notation, a reference

manual (2nd ed.). Prentice Hall International.

Staab, S. & Studer, R. (Eds.). (2004). Handbook on

ontologies in information systems (International
Handbooks on Information Systems). Springer.
Sycara, K., Widoff, S., Klusch, M., & Lu, J.
(2002). Larks: Dynamic matchmaking among
heterogeneous software agents in cyberspace. In
Proceedings of Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems (pp. 173203).
The OWL Services Coalition (2004). OWL-S 1.1,
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Verma, K., Sivashanmugam, K., Sheth, A., &
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infrastructure of registries for semantic publication and discovery of Web services. Journal of
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Wiederhold, G. (1994). Mediators in the architecture of the future information systems. Computer,
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Zein, O. & Kermarrec, Y. (2004). An approach for
describing/discovering services and for adapting
them to the needs of users in distributed systems.
In Proceedings of the AAAI Spring Symposium
on Semantic Web Services.


WSMO is a working group of the European

Semantic Systems Initiative, a joint initiative of European research and development
efforts around the Semantic Web and Web
services (http://www.essi-cluster.org). All
specifications and related information are
available at the website of the WSMO working group at http://www.wsmo.org.

WSML (Web Service Modeling Language)

is a formal language that implements the
WSMO ontology in a particular representation language with formal semantics. In
particular, WSML can be used to describe
ontologies and supports various widelyused knowledge representation principles
in a single family of languages: Description
Logic-based, Rule-based, Object-oriented
as well First-order-based Modelling.
Before the appearance of WSMO Working
For instance, the almost religious use of
OWL ontology language (as well as underlying Description Logics) despite any
consideration of adequacy of the language
for the purpose.
For our purposes, it is not really relevant
what a state actually is. It is only relevant,
what kind of information we can attach to
(and read off) a specific state and that it represents the world at some moment in time.
For instance, this could be a interpretation
of a non-logical signature in the context of
some logic. It can be more than this as well.
For instance, see Lausen (2005) for some
eClass is a standardized classification system
for product groups and product properties
that is commonly used in Germany. See
http://www.eclass.de/ for further information.
Following the principle of a good-enough
In Omelayenko and Fensel (2001) we already
used heuristic classification as a model for
improving the translation process between
different XML schema dialects.
Spoken more precisely, Web Services are the
interface to a software artifact that may help
to find and buy services (cf. Preist, 2004),
however, we neglect this distinction here
and try the Web Service interface and the
accessed software artifact identically.

Semantic Web Service Discovery in the WSMO Framework





The WordNet homepage: http://www.cogsci.
Again, this observation has not been made
by the Semantic Web community before,
because of a strict language focus.
Please note, that when assigning the intuitive
notions we assume that the listed set-theoretic properties between RG and R A are the
strongest ones that actually hold between
RG and R A.



This dimension precisely corresponds to the

feature that we added when refining service
model from previous section: we can now
talk about Web service executions instead
of a single abstract Web service concept.
Of course, this depends on the respective
intention used in the Web service description.

Chapter XIII

Semantic Search Engines

Based on Data Integration Systems
Domenico Beneventano
Universit degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy
Sonia Bergamaschi
Universit degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy

As the use of the World Wide Web has become increasingly widespread, the business of commercial
search engines has become a vital and lucrative part of the Web. Search engines are common place
tools for virtually every user of the Internet; and companies, such as Google and Yahoo!, have become
household names. Semantic search engines try to augment and improve traditional Web Search Engines
by using not just words, but concepts and logical relationships. In this chapter a relevant class of semantic search engines, based on a peer-to-peer, data integration mediator-based architecture is described.
The architectural and functional features are presented with respect to two projects, SEWASIE and
WISDOM, involving the authors. The methodology to create a two level ontology and query processing
in the SEWASIE project are fully described.

Commercial search engines are mainly based
upon human-directed search. The human directed
search engine technology utilizes a database of
keyword, concepts, and references. The keyword
searches are used to rank pages, but this simplistic

method often leads to voluminous irrelevant and

spurious results. Google with its 400 million hits
per day, and over 4 billion indexed Web pages, is
undeniably the most popular commercial search
engine used today, but even with Google, there
are problems. For example, how can you find
just the right bit of data that you need out of the

Copyright 2007, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Semantic Search Engines Based on Data Integration Systems

ocean of irrelevant results provided? A well-know

problem is that traditional Web search engines use
keywords that are subject to the two well-known
linguistic phenomena that strongly degrade a
querys precision and recall:

Polysemy (one word might have several

meanings) and
Synonymy (several words or phrases, might
designate the same concept).

Precision and recall are classical information

retrieval evaluation metrics. Precision is the
fraction of a search output that is relevant for a
particular query, that is, is the ratio of the number
of relevant Web pages retrieved to the total number
of irrelevant and relevant Web pages retrieved.
The recall is the ability system to obtain all or
most of the relevant pages, that is, is the ratio of
the number of relevant Web pages retrieved to the
total number of relevant pages in the Web.
As Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies
become more powerful, it is reasonable to ask for
better search capabilities which can truly respond
to detailed requests. This is the intent of semantic-based search engines and agents. A semantic
search engine seeks to find documents that have
similar concepts not just similar words. In order
for the Web to become a semantic network, it
must provide more meaningful meta-data about its
content, through the use of Resource Description
Framework (RDF) (www.w3.org/RDF/) and Web
Ontology Language (OWL) (www.w3.org/2004/
OWL/) tags which will help to form the Web
into a semantic network. In a semantic network,
the meaning of content is better represented and
logical connections are formed between related
Semantic search methods augment and improve traditional search results by using not just
words, but concepts and logical relationships
(Alesso, 2002; Boley, 2002).
Several systems have been built based on the
idea of annotating Web pages with Resource De-

scription Framework (RDF) and Web Ontology

Language (OWL) tags to represent semantics (see
Related Work). However, the limitation of these
systems is that they can only process Web pages
that are already manually annotated with semantic
tags and it seems unfeasible to annotate the enormous amount of Web pages. Furthermore, most
semantic-based search engines suffer performance problems because of the scale of the very
large semantic network. In order for the semantic
search to be effective in finding responsive results,
the network must contain a great deal of relevant
information. At the same time, a large network
creates difficulties in processing the many possible paths to a relevant solution.
The requirements for an intelligent search
engine are given by a special class of users, small
and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) which are
threatened by globalization. One of the keys to
sustainability and success is being able to access
information. This could be a cheaper supplier,
an innovative working method, a new market,
potential clients, partners, sponsors, and so on.
Current Internet search tools are inadequate
because even if they are not difficult to use, the
search results are often of little use with their
pages and pages of hits. Suppose an SME needs
to find out about a topic -a product, a supplier, a
fashion trend, a standard, and so forth. For example, a search is made for fabric dyeing processes
for the purpose of finding out about the disposal
of the dyeing waste material. A query to www.
google.com for fabric dyeing listed 44.600 hits
at the time of writing, which related not only
manufacturers of fabric dyeing equipment, but
also the history of dyeing, the dyeing technology,
and so on. Eventually, a useful contact may be
found, and the search can continue for relevant
laws and standards concerning waste disposal.
But is it law or the interpretation of the law? What
if the laws are of a different country where the
practices and terminologies are different? Thus,
intelligent tools to support the business of SMEs
in the Internet age are necessary.

Semantic Search Engines Based on Data Integration Systems

We believe that data integration systems, domain ontologies and peer-to-peer architectures
are good ingredients for developing Semantic
Search Engines with good performance. In the
following, we will provide empirical evidence for
our hypothesis. More precisely, we will describe
two projects, SEWASIE and WISDOM, which
rely on these architectural features and developed
key semantic search functionalities. They both
exploit the MOMIS (Mediator EnvirOnment for
Multiple Information Sources) data integration
system (Beneventano, Bergamaschi, Guerra, &
Vincini, 2003; Bergamaschi, Castano, Vincini,
& Beneventano, 2001).

data integration systems

Data integration is the problem of combining data
residing at different autonomous sources, and
providing the user with a unified view of these
data. The problem of designing Data Integration
Systems is important in current real world applications, and is characterized by a number of
issues that are interesting from a theoretical point
of view (Lenzerini, 2002).
Integration Systems are usually characterized
by a classical wrapper/mediator architecture
(Wiederhold, 1993) based on a Global Virtual
Schema (Global Virtual View - GVV) and a set
of data sources. The data sources contain the real
data, while the GVV provides a reconciled, integrated, and virtual view of the underlying sources.
Modeling the mappings among sources and the
GVV is a crucial aspect. Two basic approaches
for specifying the mapping in a Data Integration
System have been proposed in the literature: Local-As-View (LAV), and Global-As-View (GAV),
respectively (Halevy, 2001; Ullman, 1997).
The LAV approach is based on the idea that the
content of each source should be characterized in
terms of a view over the GVV. This idea is effective
only whenever the data integration system is based
on a GVV that is stable and well-established in the
organization; this constitutes the main limitation

of the LAV approach; another negative issue is

the complexity of query processing which needs
reasoning techniques. On the other hand, as a
positive aspect, the LAV approach favours the
extensibility of the system: adding a new source
simply means enriching the mapping with a new
assertion, without other changes.
The GAV approach is based on the idea that
the content of each class of the GVV should be
characterized in terms of a view over the sources.
GAV favours the system in carrying out query
processing, because it tells the system how to use
the sources to retrieve data (unfolding). However,
extending the system with a new source is now
more difficult: the new source may indeed have
an impact on the definition of various classes
of the GVV, whose associated views need to be
MOMIS is a Data Integration System which
performs information extraction and integration from both structured and semi-structured
data sources. An object-oriented language, with
an underlying Description Logic, called ODLI3
(Bergamaschi et al., 2001), is introduced for
information extraction. Information integration
is then performed in a semi-automatic way, by
exploiting the knowledge in a Common Thesaurus
(defined by the framework) and ODLI3 descriptions of source schemas with a combination of
clustering techniques and Description Logics.
This integration process gives rise to a virtual
integrated view of the underlying sources for
which mapping rules and integrity constraints
are specified to handle heterogeneity. Given a
set of data sources related to a domain it is thus
possible to synthesize a basic domain ontology
(the GVV). MOMIS is based on a conventional
wrapper/mediator architecture, and provides
methods and open tools for data management
in Internet-based information systems. MOMIS
follows a GAV approach where the GVV and the
mappings among the local sources and the GVV
are defined in a semi-automatic way. We faced
the problem of extending the GVV after the inser-


Semantic Search Engines Based on Data Integration Systems

tion of a new source in a semi-automatic way. In

Beneventano et al. (2003), we proposed a method
to extend a GVV, avoiding starting from scratch
the integration process.

schema based Peer-to-Peer

A new class of P2P networks, so called schema
based P2P networks have emerged recently
(Aberer, Cudr-Mauroux, & Hauswirth, 2003;
Bernstein, Giunchiglia, Kementsietsidis, Mylopoulos, Serafini, & Zaihrayeu, 2002; Halevy,
Ives, Madhavan, Mork, Suciu, & Tatarinov,
2004; Lser, Siberski, Wolpers, & Nejdl, 2003b),
combining approaches from P2P as well as from
the data integration and semantic Web research
areas. Such networks build upon peers that use
metadata (ontologies) to describe their contents
and semantic mappings among concepts of different peers ontologies. In particular, in Peer Data
Management Systems (PDMS) (Halevy et al.,
2004) each node can be a data source, a mediator system, or both; a mediator node performs
the semantic integration of a set of information
sources to derive a global schema of the acquired
As stated in a recent survey (AndroutsellisTheotokis & Spinellis, 2004), the topic of semantic grouping and organization of content and
information within P2P networks has attracted
considerable research attention lately (Castano,
Ferrara, Montanelli, Pagani, & Rossi, 2003; Tempich, Harmelen, Broekstra, Ehrig, Sabou, Haase,
Siebes, & Staab, 2003). In super-peer networks
(Yang & Garcia-Molina, 2003), metadata for a
small group of peers is centralized onto a single
super-peer; a super-peer is a node that acts as a
centralized server to a subset of clients. Clients
submit queries to their super-peer and receive
results from it; moreover, super-peers are also
connected to each other, routing messages over this
overlay network, and submitting and answering
queries on behalf of their clients and themselves.


The semantic overlay clustering approach, based

on partially-centralized (super-peer) networks
(Lser, Naumann, Siberski, Nejdl, & Thaden,
2003a) aims at creating logical layers above the
physical network topology, by matching semantic
information provided by peers to clusters of nodes
based on super-peers.

the sEWasiE and WisdoM Projects

SEWASIE and WISDOM are Semantic Search
Engines which follow a super-peer mediator-based
approach and try to face and solve the problems
of: Ontology creation, semi-automatic annotation
and efficient query processing.
The first, SEWASIE (www.sewasie.org), rely
on a two-level ontology architecture: the low level,
called the peer level contains a mediator-based
data integration system; the second one, called
super-peer level integrates peers with semantically
related content (i.e., related to the same domain).
A novel approach for defining the ontology of
the super-peer and querying the peer network
is introduced. The search engine has been fully
implemented in the SEWASIE project prototype
exploiting agent technology, that is the individual
components of the system are implemented as
agents (Gong, 2001).
The second, WISDOM (www.dbgroup.unimo.
it/wisdom/), is based on an overlay network of semantic peers: each contains a mediator-based data
integration system. The cardinal idea of the project
is to develop a framework that supports a flexible
yet efficient integration of the semantic content.
Key feature is a distributed architecture based
on (1) the P2P paradigm and (2) the adoption of
domain ontologies. By means of these ingredients
the integration of information sources is separated
in two levels: at the lower level a strong integration, which involves the information content of
a bunch of sources to form a semantic peer; an
ontology describes the (integrated) information
offer of a semantic peer. At the upper level, a loose
integration among the information offered by a set

Semantic Search Engines Based on Data Integration Systems

of semantic peers is provided; namely a network

of peers is built by means of semantic mappings
among the ontologies of a set of semantic peer.
When a query is posed against one given semantic
peer, it is suitably propagated towards other peers
among the network of mappings.
The rest of the chapter is organized as follows.
In section The SEWASIE project the architecture of a semantic search engines, SEWASIE, is
described. In the Building the SEWASIE System
Ontology section, a two-level data integration
system and the methodology to build a twolevel ontology are described. In the Querying the
SEWASIE System section, we briefly introduce the
query tool interface and fully describe the query
reformulation techniques for the two-level data
integration system. Moreover, the agent-based
prototype for query processing implemented in the
SEWASIE system is presented. In The Wisdom
Project section, a semantic search engine which
represents an architectural evolution of SEWASIE
is described. A section on related work briefly
synthesizes other research efforts. Conclusions
and an Appendix on the ontology language of
MOMIS, ODLI3, conclude the chapter.

thE sEWasiE ProjEct

SEWASIE (SEmantic Web and AgentS in Integrated Economies) implemented an advanced
search engine that provides intelligent access
to heterogeneous data sources on the Web via
semantic enrichment to provide the basis of structured Web-based communication. The prototype
provides users with a search client that has an
easy-to-use query interface to define semantic
queries. The query is executed by a sophisticated
query engine that takes into account the semantic
mappings between ontologies and data sources,
and extracts the required information from heterogeneous sources. Finally, the result is visualized
in a useful and user-friendly format, which allows
identifying semantically related clusters in the

documents found. From an architectural point of

view, the prototype is based on agent technology,
that is the individual components of the system
are implemented as agents, which are distributed
over the network and communicate with each other
using a standardized agent protocol (FIPA).

sEWasiE architecture
Figure 1 gives an overview of the architecture of
SEWASIE. A user is able to access the system
through a central user interface where the user
is provided with tools for query composition, for
visualizing and monitoring query results, and
for communicating with other business partners
about search results, for example, in electronic
negotiations. SEWASIE Information Nodes
(SINodes) are mediator-based systems, providing
a virtual view of the information sources managed within a SINode. The system may contain
multiple SINodes, each integrating several data
sources of an organization. Within a SINode,
wrappers are used to extract the data and metadata
(local schemas) from the sources. The Ontology
Builder, based on the MOMIS framework, is a
semi-automatic tool which creates a bootstrap
domain ontology by extracting and integrating
the local schemata of the sources into a GVV.
The GVV is annotated w.r.t. a lexical ontology
(Wordnet) (Miller, 1995). The annotated GVV
and the mappings to the data source schemas are
stored in a metadata repository (SINode ontology
in Figure 1) and queries expressed in terms of the
GVV can be processed by the Query Manager of
a SINode.
Brokering agents (BA) integrate several GVVs
from different SINodes into a BA Ontology, that
is of central importance to the SEWASIE system.
On the one hand, the user formulates the queries
using this ontology. On the other hand, it is used
to guide the Query Agents to select the useful
SINodes to solve a query.
The SEWASIE network may have multiple
BAs, each one representing a collection of SINodes

Semantic Search Engines Based on Data Integration Systems

Figure 1. SEWASIE architecture

for a specific domain. Mappings between different

BAs may be established. A Query Agent receives a
query (expressed in terms of a specific BA Ontology) from the user interface, rewrites the query, in
cooperation with the BA, in terms of the GVVs of
the useful SINodes; sends the rewritten subqueries
to the involved SINodes. The result integrates the
answers of the subqueries of the SINodes and is
stored in a result repository, so that it can be used
by the various end-user components.
For example, Monitoring Agents can be used
to store a query result in a permanent repository. The monitoring agent will then execute the
query repeatedly, and compare the new results
with previous results. The user will be notified
if a document that fits his monitoring profile has
changed. Furthermore, the Monitoring Agent can
link multidimensional OLAP reports with ontology-based information by maintaining a mapping
between OLAP models and ontologies. Finally,
the Communication Tool provides the means for

ontology-based negotiations. It uses query results,

the ontologies of the BAs, and specific negotiation
ontologies as the basis for a negotiation about a
business contract.

buildinG thE sEWasiE systEM

We describe a two-level ontology architecture:
the low level, called the peer level integrates data
sources with semantically close content, the upper level, called super-peer level integrates peers
with semantically close content. The architecture
is shown in Figure 2:

A peer (called SINode) contains a mediatorbased data integration system, which integrates heterogeneous data sources into an
ontology composed of: an annotated GVV,

Semantic Search Engines Based on Data Integration Systems

Figure 2. The brokering agent/SINodes architecture

denoted by SINode-GVV, and Mappings to

the data source schemas.
A super-peer (called BA -Brokering Agent)
contains a mediator-based data integration
system, which integrates the GVV of its peers
into an ontology composed of: an annotated
GVV, denoted by BA-GVV, and Mappings to
the GVVs of its SINodes.

The BA/SINodes architecture is realized

with a two-level data integration system. From
an organizational point of view, with a two-level
architecture we have a greater flexibility as we can
integrate both data sources and data integration
systems, already developed in an independent way
(on the basis, for example, of sectorial or regional
objectives). From a theoretical point of view,
our architecture based on two different levels of
mappings (Figure 2) represents a nontraditional
setting in data integration and an interesting case
of mapping composition. In fact, Madhavan and
Halevy (2003) show that, in general, the mapping
from the sources to the BA-GVV is not simply the

composition of m1 and m2; in our case m1 and

m2 are GAV mappings and was proved that the
mapping is indeed the composition of m1 and m2
(see section Query Reformulation).

a two-level integration system

An integration system IS = (GVV, N, M) is constituted by:

A GVV, which is a schema expressed in

ODLI3 (Bergamaschi et al., 2001); a short
description of the ODLI3 language is in APPENDIX I.
A set N of local sources; each local source
has a schema also expressed in ODLI3.
A set M of GAV mapping assertions between
the GVV and N, where each assertion associates to an element g in GVV a query QN over
the schemas of a set of local sources in N.

More precisely, for each global class C of the

GVV we define:

Semantic Search Engines Based on Data Integration Systems

A (possibly empty) set of local classes, denoted by L(C), belonging to the local sources
in N .
A conjunctive query QN over L(C).

Intuitively, the GVV is the intensional representation of the information provided by the
Integration System, whereas the mapping assertions specify how such an intensional representation relates to the local sources managed
by the Integration System. The semantics of an
Integration System, and then of the SEWASIE
system, is defined in Beneventano and Lenzerini
(2005) and Cal, Calvanese, Di Giacomo, and
Lenzerini (2004).
SINodes and the BA are defined as integration systems:

An SINode is an Integration System SINode

= (GVV, N, M) where the local sources N
are data sources.
A BA is an Integration System BA = (GVV,
N, M) where the local sources N are SINodes,
that is, N = { SINodes1, SINodes2, . . . ,

ontology creation with MoMis

The GVV and the mapping assertions (mappings
for short) have to be defined at design time by
the Ontology Designer. This is done by using the
Ontology Builder graphical interface, built upon
the MOMIS framework.
The methodology to build the ontology of a
SINode and of a BA is similar; we describe, first,
the methodology for an SINode and then discuss
the differences for a BA ontology.
The methodology is composed of two steps:

Ontology generation: The system detects

semantic similarities among the involved
source schemas, automatically generates a
GVV and the mappings among the GVV and
the local schemata;


Mapping refinement: The Ontology Designer interactively refines and completes the
automatic integration result; in particular,
the mappings, which have been automatically created by the system can be fine tuned
and the query associated to each global class

an Example in the textile domain

We show our methodology applied on the
integration of five Web sites, three Italians and
two Americans, that describe enterprises and
products in the textile domain. The Comitato
Network Subfornitura Italian Web site (www.
subfor.net) allows the users to query an online
database where detailed information on Italian
enterprises and their products are available. The
second Italian Web site (www.ingromarket.it)
describes products and information about one of
the major center for wholesales. The third Italian
website is www.prontocomune.com.
The American Apparel Producers Network
Web site (www.usawear.org) gives information
about products, goods and services related to the
textile business. Finally, we analyze a Web portal
(www.fibre2fashion.com) where garment, textile,
fashion products are presented.

ontology Generation
The Ontology generation process can be outlined
as follows (see Figure 3):
1. Extraction of Local Source Schemata:
Wrappers acquire schemas of the involved local sources and convert them into ODLI3. Schema
description of structured sources (e.g., relational
database and object-oriented database) can be
directly translated, while the extraction of schemata from semistructured sources need suitable
techniques as described in (Abiteboul, Buneman,
& Suciu, 2000). To perform information extraction

Semantic Search Engines Based on Data Integration Systems

Figure 3. The ontology generation process for an SINode

and integration from HTML pages (see paragraph

Automatic Data and Metadata Extraction in The
WISDOM Project section), research and commercial Web data extraction tools, such as ANDES
(Myllymaki, 2002), Lixto (Baumgartner, Flesca,
& Gottlob, 2001) and RoadRunner (Crescenzi,
Mecca, & Merialdo, 2001), have been experimented and adopted.
2. Local Source Annotation:
Terms denoting schemas elements in data
sources are semantically annotated. The Ontology
Designer can manually choose the appropriate
Wordnet meaning(s) for each term and/or perform
an automatic annotation which associates to each
term the first meaning of Wordnet.
3. Common Thesaurus Generation:
Starting from the annotated local schemata,
MOMIS builds a Common Thesaurus that describes intra and inter-schema knowledge in the

form of: synonyms (SYN), broader terms/narrower terms (BT/NT), meronymy/holonymy

(RT), equivalence (SYNext ) and generalization
(BText) relationships. The Common Thesaurus is
incrementally built by adding schema-derived relationships (automatic extraction of intra schema
relationships from each schema separately), lexicon-derived relationships (inter-schema lexical
relationships derived by the annotated sources
and Wordnet interaction), designer-supplied relationships (specific domain knowledge capture)
and inferred relationships (via Description Logics
equivalence and subsumption computation).
4. GVV Generation:
Starting from the Common Thesaurus and the
local sources schemata, MOMIS generates a GVV
consisting of a set of global classes, plus mappings
to connect the global attributes of each global class
with the local sources attributes. Going into details, the GVV generation is a process where ODLI3
classes describing the same or semantically related

Semantic Search Engines Based on Data Integration Systems

concepts in different sources are identified and

clustered in the same global class. The Ontology
Designer may interactively refine and complete
the proposed integration results; in particular, the
mappings which have been automatically created
by the system can be fine tuned as discussed in
the next section (Mapping Refinement).

4 shows part of the MT of Enterprise that groups

the classes Company of usawear and Company
of fibre2fashion.
The query QN associated to a global class C
is implicitly defined by the Ontology Designer
starting from the MT of C. The Ontology Designer
can extend the MT by adding:

5. GVV Annotation:

The GVV is semi-automatically annotated, that

is each its element is associated to the meanings
extracted from the annotated sources. GVV annotation will be exploited in the BA Ontology building process; moreover, the GVV annotation can
be useful to make the domain ontology available
to external users and applications (Beneventano
et al., 2003).

Mapping Refinement
The system automatically generates a Mapping
Table (MT) for each global class C of a GVV ,
whose columns represent the local classes L(C)
belonging to C and whose rows represent the
global attributes of C. An element MT [GA][LC]
represents the set of local attributes of LC which
are mapped onto the global attribute GA. Figure

Figure 4. Mapping table of enterprise


Data Conversion Functions from local to

global attributes
Join Conditions among pairs of local classes
belonging to C
Resolution Functions for global attributes
to solve data conflicts of local attribute

On the basis of the resulting MT the system

automatically generates a query QN associated
to C, by extending the Full Disjunction operator
(Galindo-Legaria, 1994) that has been recognized
as providing a natural semantics for data merging
queries (Rajaraman & Ullman, 1996).

Data Conversion Functions

The Ontology Designer can define, for each not
null element MT[GA][L], a Data Conversion
Function, denoted by MTF[GA][L], which rep-

Semantic Search Engines Based on Data Integration Systems

resents the mapping of local attributes of L into

the global attribute GA. MTF[GA][L] is a function
that must be executable/supported by the class L
local source. For example, for relational sources,
MTF[GA][L] is an SQL value expression. T(L)
denotes L transformed by the Data Conversion
As an example, in Figure 4, the designer can
MTF[Web][ fibre2fashion.Company]: URL +
where + is the standard SQL operator for string

Join Conditions
Merging data from different sources requires
different instantiations of the same real world
object to be identified; this process is called object
identification (Naumann & Haussler, 2002). The
topic of object identification is currently a very
active research area with significant contributions
both from the artificial intelligence (Tejada, Knoblock, & Minton, 2001) and database communities
(Ananthakrishna, Chaudhuri, & Ganti, 2002;
Chaudhuri, Ganjam, Ganti, & Motwani, 2003).
To identify instances of the same object and
fuse them we introduce Join Conditions among
pairs of local classes belonging to the same global
class. Given two local classes L1 and L2 belonging
to C, a Join Condition between L1 and L2, denoted
with JC(L1,L2), is an expression over L1.Ai and
L2.Aj where Ai (Aj) are global attributes with a
not null mapping in L1 (L2).
As an example, in Figure 4, the designer can
JC(L1, L2) : L1.CompanyName = L2. Name
w h e r e L1= u s a w e a r . C o m p a n y


Resolution Functions
The fusion of data coming from different sources
taking into account the problem of inconsistent
information among sources is a hot research
topic (Bertossi & Chomicki, 2003; Di Giacomo,
Lembo, Lenzerini, & Rosati, 2004; Greco, Greco,
& Zumpano, 2003; Lin & Mendelzon, 1998; Naumann & Haussler, 2002). In MOMIS the approach
proposed in Naumann and Haussler (2002) has
been adopted: a Resolution Function for solving
data conflicts may be defined for each global
attribute mapping onto local attributes coming
from more than one local source.
Homogeneous Attributes : If the designer
knows that there are no data conflicts for a global attribute mapped onto more than one source
(that is, the instances of the same real object in
different local classes have the same value for this
common attribute), he can define this attribute as
an Homogeneous Attribute; this is the default in
MOMIS. Of course, for homogeneous attributes
resolution functions are not necessary. A global
attribute mapped onto only one source is a particular case of an homogeneous attribute.
As an example, in Enterprise we defined all
the global attributes as homogeneous attributes
except for Address where we used a precedence
function: L1.Company.Address has a higher precedence than L2.Company.Address.

Full Disjunction
QN is defined in such a way that it contains a unique
tuple resulting from the merge of all the different
tuples representing the same real world object.
This problem is related to that of computing the
natural outer-join of many relations in a way that
preserves all possible connections among facts
(Rajaraman & Ullman, 1996). Such a computation has been termed as Full Disjunction (FD) by
Galindo Legaria (Galindo-Legaria, 1994).
In our context: given a global class
C composed of L,L, ..., Ln, we consider

Semantic Search Engines Based on Data Integration Systems

FD(T (L),T (L),...,T (Ln)),

computed on the basis of

the Join Conditions.
The problem is how to compute FD. With two
classes, FD corresponds to the full (outer) join:
FD(T (L),T (L)) = T (L) full join T (L) on (JC(L,L)).
With more than 2 local classes, the computation
of FD is performed as follows. We assume that: (1)
each L contains a key, (2) all the join conditions
are on key attributes, and (3) all the join attributes
are mapped into the same set of global attribute,
say K. Then, it can be proved that: (1) K is a key
of C, and (2) FD can be computed by means of
the following expression (called FDExpr):
( T ( L )


j o i n T ( L  ) o n J C ( L , L  ) )
. . .
f u l l
j o i n
T ( L n )
on (JC(L,Ln) OR JC(L,Ln) OR ... OR JC(Ln-


Finally, QN is obtained by applying Resolution

Functions to the attributes resulting from FDExpr:
for a global attribute GA we apply the related
Resolution Function to T (L1).GA, T (L2).GA, .
. . , T (Lk).GA; this query QN is called FDQuery.

the brokering agent ontology

We suppose that the American Web sites have been
integrated into SINode1; the obtained GVV (Figure

5a) contains three global classes. The Italian Web

sites have been integrated into another SINode
(SINode2); the obtained GVV (Figure 5.b) cont
A first version of the BA ontology is bootstrapped using the same techniques applied for
an SINode. The BA-GVV generation process is
performed starting step 3 (extraction and annotation of the local schemata has not to be done (see
Figure 3)): in this case we integrate SINode-GVVs
which are already annotated ODLI3 schemata.
The BA-GVV has to be refined and enriched
as it represents the interface of the BA: relationships with other BAs and other agents (see Figure
1) are built through the BA ontology; also, we
foresee that users interact (i.e., query and browse
information) with the system by means of the BA
ontology. Therefore, a more sophisticated ontology design tool was developed, starting from
the i.com-tool (Franconi & Ng, 2000); the tool
provides the usual feature of ontology editors and,
in addition, it is connected to a reasoner which
enables consistency checks or the deduction of
implicit relationships.
With references to our example, we can assume that the two SINodes of Figure 5 have been
associated to the same BA, as they refer to the
same domain ontology. The following semantic

Figure 5.

(a) SINode1 GVV

(b) SINode2 GVV

Semantic Search Engines Based on Data Integration Systems

Figure 6. The brokering agent ontology

1. BusinessOrganization SYN Manufacturer

2. ProductClassification NT Category
are discovered by the system on the basis of the
meanings stated in the annotated SINode-GVVs.
The obtained BA-GVV contains five global classes:
Enterprise, BusinessOrganization (Manufacturer), Category, ProductClassification and
Goods. Then (see Figure 6) the Ontology Designer
defines an IS-A relationship between Enterprise
and BusinessOrganization and between Category
and ProductClassification.
Finally, the translation of the BA-GVV into
the Semantic Web standards for ontologies such
as OWL, is a straightforward process (see Appendix I).

QuEryinG thE sEWasiE systEM

In this section we briefly describe a query tool
interface that supports the user in formulating a
query; then, we define the query reformulation
process for the two-level data integration system;

finally the agent-based prototype for query processing implemented in the SEWASIE system is
briefly described.

sEWasiE Query interface

The SEWASIE Query Interface assists users in
formulating queries. A query can be composed
interactively by browsing the ontology in a treelike structure and selecting relevant items for
the query (Catarci, Dongilli, Mascio, Franconi,
Santucci, & Tessaris, 2004). The query interface
is intelligent as it contains an online reasoning
functionality, that is, it allows only a combination
of items which is consistent w.r.t. the ontology.
The underpinning technologies and techniques
enabling the query user interface are described
in (Dongilli, Fillottrani, Franconi, & Tessaris,

Query Formulation
Initially the user is presented with a choice of
different query scenarios which provide a mean-


Semantic Search Engines Based on Data Integration Systems

ingful starting point for the query construction.

The interface guides the user in the construction
of a query by means of a diagrammatic interface,
which enables the generation of precise and unambiguous query expressions.
The focus paradigm is central to the interface
user experience: manipulation of the query is
always restricted to a well defined, and visually
delimited, subpart of the whole query (the focus).
The compositional nature of the query language
induces a natural navigation mechanism for moving the focus across the query expression (nodes
of the corresponding tree). A constant feedback
of the focus is provided on the interface by means
of the kind of operations which are allowed. The
system suggests only the operations which are
compatible with the current query expression; that
is, do not cause the query to be unsatisfiable. This
is verified against the formal model (the ontology)
describing the data sources.
The interface, accessible by any HTML
browser, is shown in Figure 7; it is composed
by three functional elements. The first one (top

Figure 7. Query formulation interface


part) shows the tree structure of the query being

composed, and the current focus. The second
one is the query manipulation pane (bottom part)
providing tools to specialise the query. The last
one is a query result pane containing a table representing the result structure. The interface shows
the user the meaning of the formulated query.
This is performed in an automatic way by using
the annotation of the ontology (BA-GVV), which
associates classes and properties with a meaning
expressed in a natural language fashion.
The query tool is built around the concept of
classes and their properties, so we consider conjunctive queries composed by unary (classes) and
binary (attribute and associations) terms.
For example, the following query composed
with the query interface (see Figure 7)
Name, Address and Web address of the Enterprises having a category, a contact person and a
Web address which ends with .com is translated
into the following conjunctive query:
Q = { (X,X,X) | E n t e r p r i s e ( X ) , N a m e ( X , X) ,
Address(X,X), Web(X,X), Like(X,*.com),

Semantic Search Engines Based on Data Integration Systems

C ont ac t Per s on( X , X), Equal To ( X,ye s),


unfolding process of an atom by taking into account the query QN introduced before.


Query Expansion Example

The output of the query expansion process is

an expanded query (called EXPQuery) and its
atoms (called EXPAtoms); EXPQuery is a union
of conjunctive queries on the GVV; an EXPAtom
is a Single Class Query on a Global Class of the
As an example, the query expansion process
for the previous query Q, produces:

Enterprise, BusinessOrganization and Category are classes

Name, Address, Web, ContactPerson and
HasCategory are attributes
Like and EqualTo are standard comparison

Query Reformulation
Query reformulation takes into account the two
different levels of mappings (Figure 2): in Cal et
al. (2004) and Beneventano and Lenzerini (2005),
it is proved that if m1 and m2 are GAV mappings,
the mapping is indeed the composition of m1 and
m2; this implies that query answering can be
carried out in terms of two reformulation steps:
(1) Reformulation w.r.t. the BA Ontology and (2)
Reformulation w.r.t. the SINode Ontology.
These two reformulation steps are similar
and are:

Query Expansion: The query posed in

terms of the GVV is expanded to take into
account the explicit and implicit constraints:
all constraints in the GVV are compiled in
the expansion, so that the expanded query
can be processed by ignoring constraints.
Then, the atoms (i.e., subqueries referring
to a single global class) are extracted from
the expanded query.
Query Unfolding: The atoms in the expanded query are unfolded by taking into
account the mappings M between the GVV
and the local sources in N.



In the following, we show an example of query

expansion (the algorithm for query expansion
is reported in Calvanese, Di Giacomo, Lembo,
Lenzerini, and Rosati (2004) and we discuss the

EXPQuery = Q Q

where Q1 = Q and
Enterprise(X),Name(X,X), Address(X,X ),
C ont ac t Per s on( X , X), Equal To ( X,ye s),
ProductClassification (X5)

that is, Q2 takes into account the constraint ProductClassification IS-A Category.
A set of EXPAtoms:

ExpAtom = { (X,X,X) | Enterprise(X), Name(X,X),

Address(X,X), Web(X,X), Like(X,*.com),Cont
actPerson(X,X), EqualTo(X,yes)}
ExpAtom = { X | BusinessOrganization(X),HasCateg
ory(X,X) }
ExpAtom3 = { X5 | ProductClassification (X5)}

Query Unfolding
The query unfolding process is performed for
each EXPAtom which is a Single Global Query
Q over a global class C of the GVV (for sake of
simplicity, we consider the query in an SQL-like
Q = SELECT <Q_SELECT-list> from C where

Semantic Search Engines Based on Data Integration Systems

where <Q_condition> is a Boolean expression of

positive atomic constraints: (GA op value) or (GA
op GA), with GA and GA attributes of C. Let
L,L, . . . Ln be the local classes related to the C,
that is, which are integrated into C.
Let us consider the SQL version of Expatom1:
N a m e , A d d r e s s , W e b
E n t e r p r i s e
WHERE WEB LIKE *.com and ContactPerson
= yes

The (portion of) the Mapping Table of the class

Enterprise involved in the query is:















the Join Condition is SN1.Enterprise.

Web is an homogeneous attribute
Address is defined by a precedence function.

The query unfolding process is made up of

the following three steps:
Step 1) Generation of Single Local Class
FDAtom = SELECT <SELECT-list> from L where <condition>

the global attributes in <Q_SELECT-list> with

a not null mapping in L,
the global attributes used to express the join
conditions for L,
the global attributes in <Q_condition> with a
not null mapping in L.

The set of global attributes is transformed in

the corresponding set of local attributes on the
basis of the Mapping Table.
The <condition> is computed by performing
an atomic constraint mapping: each atomic
constraint of <condition> is rewritten into one
that is supported by the local source. The atomic
constraint mapping is performed on the basis of
the Data Conversion Functions and Resolution
Functions defined in the Mapping Table. For
example, if the numerical global attribute GA is
mapped onto L1 and L2, and we define AVG as
resolution function, the constraint (GA = value)
cannot be pushed at the local sources, because
AVG has to be calculated at a global level. In
this case, the constraint is mapped as true in
both the local sources. On the other hand, if GA
is an homogeneous attribute the constraint can
be pushed at the local sources. For example, an
atomic constraint (GA op value) is mapped onto
the local class L as follows:
(MTF [GA][L] op value) if MT [GA][L] is not null and the

op operator is supported into L true

The set of FDAtoms for Expatom is:
FDAtom: SELECT Name,Address,Web
FROM SN.Enterprise
WHERE Web LIKE *.com AND ContactPerson = yes

where L is a local class related to C.

FDAtom: SELECT Name,Address,Website

FROM SN.Manufacturer
WHERE Website LIKE *.com

The <SELECT-list> is computed by considering

the union of:

Step 2) Generation of FDQuery which computes the Full Disjunction of the FDAtoms:

Semantic Search Engines Based on Data Integration Systems

In our example:
on (FDATOM.Name=FDATOM.Name)

Step 3) Generation of the final query (application of Resolution Functions):

for Homogeneous Attributes (e.g. Web) we

can take one of the value (either FDATOM.
Web or FDATOM.Website);
for non Homogeneous Attributes (e.g. Address) we apply the associated Resolution
Function (in this case the precedence function).

an agent-based Prototype for Query

We have just implemented in SEWASIE a naive
approach of query processing in an agent-based
prototype (see Figure 8).

The coordination of query processing is performed by the Query Agent, which accepts the
query from the Query Tool Interface, interacts
with a Brokering Agent and its underlying SINode
Agents, and returns the result as a materialized
view in the SEWASIE DB. Playmaker performs the
reformulation of the query w.r.t. the BA ontology.
It has two components: the Expander, which
performs the query expansion, and the Unfolder,
which performs the query unfolding. Once the
execution of the PlayMaker is completed, the
output of the Play Maker computation is sent from
the BA to the QA with a single message.
Query Agent: it performs the following three
Step 1) Execution: for each FDAtom (Parallel

MESSAGES: from QA to an SINode Agent
OUTPUT: a view storing the FDAtom result in the

Figure 8. Query processing functional architecture

Semantic Search Engines Based on Data Integration Systems

Step 2) Fusion: For each EXPAtom (Parallel


INPUT: FDAtoms, FDQuery, Resolution Functions

Execution of FDQuery (Full Disjunction of the
Application of the Resolution Functions on
the result of (a)
OUTPUT: a view storing the EXPAtom result in the

Step 3) Final result:

effective and efficient methods for answering

queries in such a scenario is the challenging task
of the project.
WISDOM represents an architectural evolution w.r.t. SEWASIE as:

INPUT: Output of the Fusion step

Execution of the Expanded Query
OUTPUT: Final Query result view stored in the


At this point, the query agent sends a message

to the query tool interface with the name of the
final query result.
SINode Agent: One of the modules of the
SINode Agent, the SINode query manager,
executes queries on the SINode GVV, with a
query processing similar to the one explained at
the BA level.

data extraction from large Web-sites will

be automatically performed by generating
wrappers (Crescenzi et al., 2001);
a loose integration among the information
offer of a network of semantic peers is provided;
semantic mappings among the ontology of
semantic peers will be discovered;
peer-to-peer query processing will be
performed on the basis of the inter-peer
mappings which are enriched by content
summaries which provide quantitative information;
peer-to-peer query processing takes into account quantitative information to implement
execution strategies able to quickly compute
the best answers to a query.

WisdoM architecture
thE WisdoM ProjEct
The WISDOM (Web intelligent search based
on DOMain ontologies) project aims at studying, developing and experimenting methods and
techniques for searching and querying information sources available on the Web. The main
goal of the project is the definition of a software
framework that allows computer applications to
leverage the huge amount of information contents
offered by Web sources (typically, as Web sites).
In the project it is assumed that the number of
sources of interest might be extremely large, and
that sources are independent and autonomous one
each other. These factors raise significant issues,
in particular because such an information space
implies heterogeneities at different levels of abstraction (format, logical, semantics). Providing

The WISDOM architecture follows a schemabased super-peer network architecture. An overlay

network of semantic peer is built in order to allow
to retrieve information of interest even outside
the semantic peer that received the query. Figure
9 illustrates the main architectural elements that
frame such a network. The overall idea is to associate with every semantic peer an ontology Onti,
which describes the information offered by the
semantic peer itself. A network of semantic peers
is thus built by defining mappings between the
ontologies of a set of semantic peers (we consider
binary mappings).

semantic Peer
A semantic peer contains a data integration system, which integrates heterogeneous data sources

Semantic Search Engines Based on Data Integration Systems

into an ontology composed of an annotated GVV

and Mappings to the data source schemas. In particular, in the context of the WISDOM project the
problem of wrapping large Web sites is faced.

Automatic Data and Metadata

A large number of Web sites contain highly structured regions. These sites represent rich and upto-date information sources, which could be used
to populate WISDOM semantic peers. However,
since they mainly deliver data through intricate
hypertext collections of HTML documents, it is
not easy to access and compute over their data.
To overcome this issue, several researchers
have recently developed techniques to automatically infer Web wrappers (Arasu & Garcia-Molina, 2003; Chang & Lui, 2001; Crescenzi et al.,
2001; Wang & Lochovsky, 2002), that is, programs
that extract data from HTML pages, and transform them into a machine processable format,
typically in XML. The developed techniques are
based on the observation that many Web sites
contain large collections of structurally similar
pages: taking as input a small set of sample pages
exhibiting a common template, it is now possible
to generate as output a wrapper to extract data

from any page sharing the same structure as the

input samples.
These proposals represent an important step
towards the automatic extraction of data from
Web data sources. However, as argued in Arasu
and Garcia-Molina (2003) and Crescenzi et al.
(2001), intriguing issues arise when scaling up
from the single collection of pages to whole sites.
The main problems, which significantly affect the
scalability of the wrapper approach, are how to
identify the structured regions of the target site,
and how to collect the sample pages to feed the
wrapper generation process. Presently, these tasks
are done manually. To overcome this limitation,
techniques to addresses these issues, making it
feasible to automatically extract data from large
data intensive Web sites are investigated in the
Tijerino, Embley, Lonsdale, Ding, and Nagy
(2005) introduces an approach to generating ontologies based on table analysis. Based on conceptual modeling extraction techniques, this approach
attempts to (1) understand a tables structure and
conceptual content; (2) discover the constraints
that hold between concepts extracted from the
table; (3) match the recognized concepts with
ones from a more general specification of related
concepts; and (4) merge the resulting structure
with other similar knowledge representations.

Figure 9. WISDOM semantic peer network

Semantic Peer P
PP Mapping &
Content Summary

M ,
C ,





Semantic Peer P
M ,
C ,









Semantic Search Engines Based on Data Integration Systems

Peer-to-Peer Mapping and Query

To frame a network of semantic peers we adopt
peer-to-peer mappings: a semantic peer-to-peer
mapping, denoted Mi,j, is a relationship between
the ontology Onti of the semantic peer Pi, and the
ontology Ontj of the semantic peer Pj. Intuitively
a mapping Mi,j allows the rewriting of a query
posed against the ontology Onti into a query over
the ontology Ontj. Mappings will be computed
by extending the methodology for p2p semantic
coordination presented in Bouquet, Serafini, and
Zanobini (2005). The main idea is that discovering
mappings across ontologies requires a combination of lexical knowledge, world knowledge and
structural information (how concepts are arranged
in a specific ontology). This information is used in
a methodology called semantic elicitation, which
builds a formal representation of the information
represented by a concept in an ontology (or even
more frequently in light weight ontologies, like
for example taxonomies of classification schemas).
This formal representation is then used to infer
relations with formal objects in other ontologies
by automated reasoning systems (e.g., SAT solvers, description logic reasoners, and so on); the
choice of the system depends on the expressiveness of the representation which is built during
the elicitation phase.
By means of peer-to-peer mappings, a query
received by a given peer can be ideally extended
to every peer for which a mapping is defined.
However, it is not always convenient to propagate a
query to any peer for which a mapping exists. For
example, it can be inefficient to include in the query
processing peers having a limited extension of the
concepts involved by the query. To overcome this
issue, every peer-to-peer mapping has associated
a content summary. Content summaries provides
a profile of a data source by means of quantitative information; peer-to-peer query processing
takes into account such quantitative information
to implement execution strategies able to quickly


compute the best answers to a query. Given a

pair of semantic peers for which it exists a peerto-peer mapping, the content summary associated with such a mapping provides quantitative
information about the extension of the concepts
in the source ontology that can be found through
the mapping in the target semantic peer. A simple
example of the information provided by a content
summary is the cardinality, in the target peer, of
the concepts of the source ontology.
In Bergamaschi, Bouquet, Ciaccia, and Merialdo (2005) more details about wrapping large Web
sites, and optimizing the distribution of queries by
providing content summaries are provided.

browsing the results

Visualizing the results of a WISDOM query
faces a common problem, that is, to guarantee
a satisfactory compromise between expressivity
and domain-independence when visualizing and
navigating RDF-like graphs. Here expressivity is
meant as the capability of delivering an intuitive
representation of knowledge and some tailored
navigation primitives to end-users working in a
given application domain, while domain-independence aims to accomplish a high degree of
reusability. Most existing tools, such as KAON
(Volz, Oberle, Staab, & Motik, 2003) and WebOnto (Domingue, Motta, & Garcia, 1999), favour
domain-independence and represent entities in
a way that is closer to the abstract form used to
formally define them. This is familiar to knowledge engineers but not to domain experts. Indeed,
though domain-specific formalisms have a lower
degree of reusability, they provide graphically
richer constructs allowing for a representation that
is closer to how entities appear in the application
domain. The approach developed in WISDOM
to address this issue is to build a flexible framework in which reusable components realize the
domain-independent tasks in generating a friendly
presentation of a piece of knowledge (Golfarelli,
Proli, & Rizzi, 2006).

Semantic Search Engines Based on Data Integration Systems

rElatEd Work
Several projects have been developed in the area
of Semantic Web and semantic search engines.

semantic search Engines Exploiting

annotation of Web Pages
The SHOE (Simple HTML Ontology Extension)
project, begun in 1995, was one of the first efforts
to explore languages and tools that enable machine
understandable Web pages (Heflin, Hendler,
& Luke, 2003; Hendler & Heflin, 2000). In the
SHOE framework, HTML pages are annotated via
ontologies to support information retrieval based
on semantic information; the annotated pages are
gathered into a knowledge base by a Web-crawler;
the knowledge base can be queried using the
ontology as a schema for query forming.
The major challenge of this project is designing a query tool that can exploit the power of a
Knowledge Base (SHOE uses description logics
as its basic representation formalism) while still
being simple enough for the casual user; when the
query returns very few or no results, it provides
a tool to automatically convert the formal query
into a suitable query string for a Web search
engine to find relevant pages. A major problem
of the SHOE search tool is that it limits search
within one class and it is hard to specify query
conditions on multiple nodes at the same time.
For example, a query such as find people whose
research group is in a specific department cannot be specified.
OntoBroker (Decker, Erdmann, Fensel, &
Studer, 1999) is in many ways similar to SHOE
and allows the annotation of Web pages with ontological metadata. A broker architecture called
Ontobroker with three core elements: a query
interface for formulating queries, an inference
engine used to derive answers, and a webcrawler
used to collect the required knowledge from the
Web has been implemented. It provides a more
expressive framework for ontologies, using

Frame-Logic for the specification of ontologies,

annotation data and queries. OntoBroker includes
a query interface and a hyperbolic viewer, which
implements a visualization techniques to allow a
quick navigation in a large ontology (Decker et
al., 1999) but searching with complicated conditions is limited.

PP Architecture for Semantic Search

Due to the scale of the ever-growing Web, classic
centralized models and algorithms can no longer
meet the requirements of a search system for the
whole Web. Decentralization seems to be an attractive alternative. Consequently Web retrieval
has received growing attention in the area of peerto-peer systems. Decentralization of Web retrieval
methods, in particular of text-based retrieval and
link-based ranking as used in standard Web search
engines have become subject of intensive research.
This allows both to distribute the computational
effort for more scalable solutions and to share
different interpretations of the Web content to
support personalized and context-dependent
search. In Aberer and Wu (2005) a review of
existing studies about the algorithmic feasibility
of realizing peer-to-peer Web search using text
and link-based retrieval methods is presented. A
common framework consisting of architecture for
peer-to-peer information retrieval and a logical
framework for distributed ranking computation
that enables interoperability of peers using different peer-to-peer search methods is described.
ALVIS (Buntine & Taylor, 2004) is an ongoing
research project founded by the European Community under the IST programme. Its goal is the
design, use and interoperability of topic-specific
search engines with the goal of developing an
open-source prototype of a peer-to-peer, semantic-based search engine. Existing search engines
provide poor foundations for semantic-based
Web operations, and are becoming monopolies,
distorting the entire information landscape. Their

Semantic Search Engines Based on Data Integration Systems

approach is not the traditional Semantic Web approach with coded metadata, but rather an engine
that can build on content through semi-automatic

In this chapter we discussed some ingredients
for developing Semantic Search Engines based
on Data Integration Systems and peer-to-peer
With reference to Data Integration Systems,
we refer to the list outlined in the invited tutorial
on Information Integration by Lenzerini (2003)
to point out the topics covered by the chapter.
First of all, the strength of the proposed approach is a solution to the problems of How to
construct the global schema (GVV) and How
to model the mappings between the sources and
the global schema. MOMIS follows a semantic
approach to perform extraction and integration
from both structured and semistructured data
sources. Semantics means semantic annotation
w.r.t. a lexicon ontology and Description Logics
background. MOMIS follows a GAV approach
where the GVV and the mappings among the
local sources and the GVV are defined in a semiautomatic way.
Regarding the problem of Data extraction,
cleaning and reconciliation we adopted some adhoc solutions, such as Data Conversion Functions,
Join Conditions and Resolution Functions. For
more general solutions and a deeper discussion,
the reader may refer to the bibliography given
in the Building the SEWASIE System Ontology
Regarding The querying problem: How to answer queries expressed on the global schema we
overview the major aspects involved in querying
the system, that is, the query building, the query
reformulation and the query evaluation process,
in the context of query reformulation for the two-

level data integration system. For query evaluation

we showed a naive approach, implemented in
an agent-based prototype.
As the proposed architecture is a distributed architecture distributed query processing techniques
can be applied (Kossmann, 2000) for a state of
the art. Moreover, query optimization algorithms
and efficient query execution engines for data
integration systems have been proposed (Ives,
Florescu, Friedman, Levy, & Weld, 1999).
Regarding the problem of (Automatic) source
wrapping, we discussed Extraction of Local
structured Source and we implemented wrappers
for structured sources. In WISDOM, data extraction from large Web-sites will be automatically
performed by generating wrappers (Crescenzi et
al., 2001) will be performed.
Other open problems and issues not covered
by this chapter are: Limitations in accessing the
sources and How to incorporate the notion of
data quality (source reliability, accuracy, etc.).


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Semantic Search Engines Based on Data Integration Systems

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The Object Database Management Group

(ODMG) is a consortium of companies defining standards for object databases (www.

Semantic Search Engines Based on Data Integration Systems

aPPEndiX i: thE odli3 lanGuaGE

ODLI3 is an extension of the object-oriented language ODL (Object Definition Language) (www.
service- ODLI3 architecture.com/database/articles/odmg_3_0.html) which is a specification language
used to define the interfaces to object types that conforms to the ODMG object model is introduced
for information extraction. ODLI3 extends ODL with constructors, rules and relationships useful in
the integration process both to handle the heterogeneity of the sources and to represent the GVV. In
particular, ODLI3 extends ODL with the following relationships that express intra- and inter-schema
knowledge for source schemas:
Intensional relationships. They are terminological relationships defined between classes and attributes, and are specified by considering class/attribute names, called terms:

Synonym of (SYN) relationships are defined between two terms ti and tj that are synonyms;
Broader terms (BT) relationships are defined between two terms ti and tj, where ti has a broader,
more general meaning than tj. BT relationships are not symmetric.
Narrower terms (NT) relationships are the opposite of BT relationships.
Related terms (RT) relationships are defined between two terms ti and tj that are generally used
together in the same context in the considered sources.

An intensional relationship is only a terminological relationship, with no implications on the extension/compatibility of the structure (domain) of the two involved classes (attributes).
Extensional relationships. Intensional relationships SYN, BT (NT) between two class names and
may be strengthened by establishing that they are also extensional relationships:

Ci SYNext Cj: this means that the instances of Ci are the same of Cj;
Ci BText Cj: this means that the instances of Ci are a superset of the instances of Cj;

The standard IS-A relationship Ci IS-A Cj of object-oriented languages implies the extensional
relationship Cj BText Ci .
ODLI3 also extends ODL with the addition of integrity-constraint rules, which declaratively express
if-then rules at both the intra- and inter-source level. ODLI3 descriptions are translated into the Description Logic OLCD - Object Language with Complements allowing Descriptive cycles - (Beneventano,
Bergamaschi, Lodi, and Sartori, 1988), in order to perform inferences that will be useful for semantic
Because the ontology is composed of concepts (represented as global classes in ODLI3) and simple
binary relationships, translating ODLI3 into a Semantic Web standard such as RDF, DAML+OIL, or
OWL is a straightforward process. In fact, from a general perspective, an ODLI3 concept corresponds
to a class of the Semantic Web standards, and ODLI3 attributes are translated into properties. In particular, the IS-A ODLI3 relationships are equivalent to subclass-of in the considered Semantic Web
standards. Analyzing the syntax and semantics of each standard, further specific correspondences
might be established. For example, there is a correlation between ODLI3s simple domain attributes
and the DAML+OIL DataTypeProperty concept. Complex domain attributes further correspond to the
DAML+OIL ObjectProperty concept (www.w3.org/TR/daml+oil-reference).

About the Authors

Jorge Cardoso joined the University of Madeira (Portugal) in 2003. He previously gave lectures at
University of Georgia (USA) and at the Instituto Politcnico de Leiria (Portugal). Dr. Cardoso received
his PhD in computer science from the University of Georgia (2002). In 1999, he worked at the Boeing Company on enterprise application integration. Dr. Cardoso was the co-organizer and co-chair of
the first, second, and third International Workshop on Semantic and Dynamic Web Processes. He has
published over 60 refereed papers in the areas of workflow management systems, Semantic Web, and
related fields. He has also edited three books on Semantic Web and Web services. Prior to joining the
University of Georgia, he worked for two years at CCG, Zentrum fr Graphische Datenverarbeitung,
where he did research on computer supported cooperative work.

Wil M. van der Aalst is a full professor of information systems at the Technische Universiteit
Eindhoven (TU/e) having a position in both the Mathematics and Computer Science Department and
the Technology Management Department. Currently he is also an adjunct professor at Queensland University of Technology (QUT) working within the BPM group. His research interests include workflow
management, process mining, Petri nets, business process management, process modeling, and process
Rama Akkiraju is a senior technical staff member at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center in New
York. She holds a masters degree in computer science and an MBA from New York University, Stern
School of Business. Since joining IBM Research in 1995, she has worked on agent-based decision support systems, electronic market places and business process integration technologies. She is interested
in applying artificial intelligence techniques to solving business problems. Her current focus is on
Semantic Web services and its applications to services science.

Copyright 2007, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

About the Authors

Christos Anagnostopoulos received his BSc (2002) in informatics from the informatics and telecommunications department at the University of Athens, Greece, and his MSc (2004) in the division of
advanced information systems from the same department. He is currently a PhD student in the same
department and member of the Pervasive Computing Research Group. He has been involved as software
designer and developer in several national and European R&D projects (E2R, PoLoS). His research
interests are in the areas of knowledge representation, context awareness, pervasive computing, and
Semantic Web.
Grigoris Antoniou is a professor of computer science at the University of Crete, and head of the
Information Systems Laboratory at FORTH, Greece. Previously he held professorial appointments at
Griffith University, Australia, and the University of Bremen, Germany. His research interests lie in
knowledge representation and reasoning, and their applications to the Semantic Web, e-commerce and
ubiquitous computing. He is author of over 150 technical papers, and co-author of three books, among
them A Semantic Web Primer, MIT Press 2004. In 2006 he was elected ECCAI Fellow by the European
Coordinating Committee for Artificial Intelligence.
Domenico Beneventano, PhD, is an associate professor at the Faculty of Engineering of the University
of Modena e Reggio Emilia (Italy). His research activity has been mainly devoted to the application of
Description Logics reasoning techniques to databases for knowledge representation and query optimization. His current research interests are in the area of intelligent information integration and Semantic Web
and are devoted to the development of techniques for building a common ontology, that is, an integrated
view of the information in the separate sources, and for query processing and optimization.
Sonia Bergamaschi is a full professor at the Information Engineering Department at the University
of Modena and Reggio Emilia (Italy). She leads the database research group (DBGROUP). Her research
activity has been mainly devoted to the application of description logics techniques to databases for
consistency check and query optimization. Her current research efforts are devoted to intelligent information integration and Semantic Web. She has published about 90 international journal and conference
papers and was the coordinator of research projects founded by the European Community and Italian
MURST, CNR, ASI institutions. She has served on the committees of international and national database and AI conferences.
Jos de Bruijn received his masters degree in technical informatics from the Delft, University of
Technology, The Netherlands (2003). Since 2003 he has been employed as a researcher at the Digital
Enterprise Research Institute (DERI), at the University of Innsbruck, Austria. His research interests
include Semantic Web (services, languages), logical languages, logic programming and nonmonotonic
reasoning. He is the author of over 15 peer-reviewed publications in the area of Semantic Web (Services)
languages, including several journal publications. He has been actively involved in European funded
projects COG, SEKT, DIP, and Knowledge Web, and has been the project lead for SEKT at DERI. He
is a member of the WSMO and WSML working groups and of the W3C RIF working group.
Rogier Brussee is a researcher at the Telematica Institute in Enschede The Netherlands since 2000.
He is working on multimedia content management, information extraction, and applications to knowledge
management. He received a PhD in mathematics at Leiden university and subsequently held positions

About the Authors

at the universities of Oxford, Bayreuth, and Bielefeld.

Oscar Corcho is working as a Marie Curie fellow at the Information Management Group of the University of Manchester. His research activities include the semantic grid, the Semantic Web and ontology
engineering. He participates at the EU FP6 IST project OntoGrid (FP6-511513). He has participated in
the HALO project (funded by Vulcan, Inc.), and in the following EU IST projects from FP5 and FP6:
Esperonto (IST-2001-34373), DIP (FP6-507483), HOPS (IST-2002-507967), SWWS (IST-2001-37134),
Knowledge Web (IST-2003-507482), and OntoWeb (IST-2000-25056). He has published the books
Ontological Engineering and A layered declarative approach to ontology translation with knowledge
preservation and over 30 journal and conference/workshop papers.
Martin Doerr has studied mathematics and physics from 1972-1978 and holds a PhD in experimental physics from the University of Karlsruhe, Germany. Since 1990 he has been principle researcher
at FORTH. He is leading the development of systems for knowledge representation and terminology
management. He has actively participated in a series of national and international projects for cultural
information systems. He is chair of the working group of ICOM/CIDOC, which is currently finalizing
ISO/DIS 21127, a standard for the semantic interoperability of digital cultural information. His research
interests are ontology engineering, ontology-driven systems, and terminology management.
Marlon Dumas is senior lecturer at Queensland University of Technology and fellow of the Queensland
Government (Smart State Fellow). He received a PhD (2000) from University of Grenoble (France).
His research interests are in the areas of business process management, application integration and ecommerce technology.
Ana Lisete Nunes Escrcio is a teacher at the Exact Science and Technology Department of Carmos
School in Cmara de Lobos, Madeira. She teaches TIC (Tecnologias de Informao e Comunicao)
and AIB (Aplicaes Informticas B). She graduated in language and knowledge engineering (2002)
at the University of Lisbon, science faculty. She is doing her MS in software engineering at Madeiras
University. Her current research interests include ontology building in general, Semantic Web, ontology
reuse, methodologies for building ontologies and knowledge engineering. She is developing an ontology
for e-tourism following a methodology that she will present on her thesis.
Dieter Fensel was awarded a doctoral degree in economic science from the University of Karlsruhe
(1993) and he received his Habilitation in Applied Computer Science (1998). Throughout his doctoral
and postdoctoral career, he has held positions at the University of Karlsruhe, the University of Amsterdam, and the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. In 2002, he took a chair at the Institute for Computer
Science, Leopold Franzens University of Innsbruck, Austria. In 2003, he became the scientific director of the Digital Enterprise Research Institute (DERI) at the National University of Ireland, Galway,
and in 2006 he became the director of the Digital Enterprise Research Institute (DERI) at the Leopold
Franzens University of Innsbruck, Austria. His current research interests are centered around the
usage of semantics in 21st century computer science. He has published over 200 papers via scientific
books and journals, conferences, and workshop contributions. He has co-organized over 200 academic
workshops and conferences. He is an associate editor of various scientific journals and publications. He
has been an executive member in various international research project such as the IST projects ASG,

About the Authors

Asia-Link Eastweb, COG, DIP, enIRaF, Esperonto, eSwan, h-TechSight, IBROW, InfraWebs, Knowledge Web, Multiple, MUSING, Ontoknowledge, Ontoweb, SALERO, SEEMP, SEKT, SemanticGov,
SUPER, SWAP, SWING, SWWS, SystemOne, TransIT, TripCom, and Wonderweb, the SFI funded
project DERI-Lionas well as the Austrian projects DSSE, Grisino, LBSCult, RW2, SemBiz, Sense,
Semantic Web Fred, SemNetMan, and TSC. He has supervised over 50 master theses and PhDs and is
a recipient of the Carl-Adam-Petri-Award of the faculty of economic sciences from the University of
Karlsruhe (2000).
Mariano Fernndez-Lpez is director of the Software and Knowledge Engineering Department
at the Technical School of Universidad San Pablo CEU, and he belongs to the Ontological Engineering
Group at Universidad Politcnica de Madrid. His current research activities include, among others:
methodologies for ontology development, ontological foundations and ontology mappings.
Thomas Franz is a doctoral student in the Computer Science Department at the University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany. His research interests include knowledge representation, personal information
management, and the Semantic Web. He received his MSc in computer science from the University of
Asuncin Gmez-Prez (BA) is associate professor at the Computer Science School at Universidad
Politcnica de Madrid, Spain. She has been the director of the Ontological Engineering Group since 1995.
The most representative projects she is participating in are: SEEMP (FP6-23747), NeOn (FP6-027595),
OntoGrid (FP&-511513) as project coordinator, Knowledge Web NoE (Fp6-507482) acting as scientific
vice-director, Esperonto (IST-2001-34373), the OntoWeb (IST-2000-25056) thematic network, and also
the MKBEEM (IST-1999-10589) project. She has published more than 25 papers on the above issues.
She is author of one book on ontological engineering and co-author of a book on knowledge engineering. She has been codirector of the summer school on ontological engineering and the Semantic Web
in 2003, 2004, 2005. She is program chair of ESWC05 and was of EKAW02.
Stathes Hadjiefthymiades received his BSc, MSc, PhD degrees (in computer science) from the
University of Athens (UoA), Athens, Greece and a joint engineering-economics MSc from the National
Technical University of Athens. Since 1992, he was with the consulting firm Advanced Services Group.
He has been a member of the Communication Networks Laboratory of the UoA. He has participated in
numerous EU-funded and national projects. He served as visiting assistant professor at the University of
Aegean,in the information and communication systems engineering department. He joined the faculty
of Hellenic Open University (Patras, Greece) as an assistant professor. Since December 2003 he has
belonged to the faculty of the informatics and telecommunications department, UoA, where he is an
assistant professor. His research interests are in the areas of mobile/pervasive computing and networked
multimedia applications. He is the author of over 100 publications in the above areas.
Arthur H.M. ter Hofstede received his PhD in computer science from the University of Nijmegen
in The Netherlands (1993). Currently he works as an associate professor at the School of Information
Systems of the Faculty of Information Technology of Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia. He is co-leader of the BPM group in the faculty. His main research interests are in the


About the Authors

conceptual and formal foundations of workflow. He is committed to the Workflow Patterns Initiative
and the Yet Another Workflow Language (YAWL) Initiative.
Uwe Keller is a researcher in semantic technologies and their applications at the Digital Enterprise
Research Institute (DERI), Leopold Franzens University, Innsbruck, Austria. He joined DERI in 2004.
His current research interests include logics and automated reasoning with specific focus on Semantic
Web applications, semantic description of Web services and the exploitation of such descriptions in applications, knowledge-based applications, formal methods and semantically-enriched service-oriented
architectures. He has been involved in various European and national research projects, such as DIP,
Knowledge Web, ASG, RW2 and SENSE. At DERI, he is responsible for the Semantic Engineering
Support Environment (SEnSE) project. Uwe holds a diploma degree in computer science which he attained at the University of Karlsruhe (TH), Germany. He has been awarded with a scholarship by the
Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes in 1996.
Marcello La Rosa received his MS in computer engineering from Politecnico di Torino, Italy (2005).
His thesis focused on model-based development based on collaborative business processes. As part of
his degree, he also investigated the areas of Service Oriented Design and Web Services standards. He
is currently a PhD candidate within the Business Process Management Group of the faculty of IT, at
the Queensland University of Technology, Australia. His PhD research concerns the tool-based design
and configuration of reference process models, with the aim of facilitating their workflow-based execution.
Rubn Lara is R&D director at Tecnologa, Informacin y Finanzas (TIF). He is an active researcher
in the area of Semantic Web services and service-oriented architectures. Before joining TIF, he has
worked as a researcher in the area of Semantic Web services at the Digital Enterprise Institute (DERI),
where he has also been the managing director of the EU Network of Excellence Knowledge Web. Rubn
obtained his MS in computer science at Universidad Autnoma de Madrid in 2001, and received the
First National Award in computer science by the Spanish Ministry of Culture and Science, as well as
the Special Award in computer science at Universidad Autnoma de Madrid.
Holger Lausen obtained his diploma in computer science at Flensburg University of Applied Science in 2003. His diploma thesis discussed the integration of Semantic Web technologies and document
management systems. Before he joined the Digital Enterprise Research Institute (DERI) as researcher
in April 2003, he carried out various software development projects in Germany and abroad. Within
DERI, he has been project coordinator for the Semantic Web Enabled Web Services (SWWS) project,
a European research project pioneering in the field of Web services and is coordinating the Austrian
funded project Reasoning with Web services (RW2). Continuing his engagement in semantic portal
technologies, he currently is active in the field of ontology and language design for the annotation of
Miltiadis Lytras holds a PhD from the management science and technology department of the Athens
University of Economics and Business (AUEB), Greece. His research focuses on e-learning, knowledge
management and Semantic Web with more than 35 publications in these areas. He is guest co-editing
a special issue in International Journal of Distance Education Technologies with the special theme

About the Authors

Knowledge Management Technologies for E-learning as well as one in IEEE Educational Technology
and Society Journal with the theme Ontologies and the Semantic Web for E-learning.
John A. Miller is a professor of computer science at the University of Georgia. Dr. Miller received
a BS (1980) in applied mathematics from Northwestern University and an MS (1982) and PhD (1986)
in information and computer science from the Georgia Institute of Technology. Dr. Miller is the author
of over 100 technical papers in the areas of database, simulation, bioinformatics and Web services. He
has been active in the organizational structures of research conferences in all these areas. He has served
in positions from track coordinator to publications chair to general chair of the following conferences:
Annual Simulation Symposium (ANSS), Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), Workshop on Research
Issues in Data Engineering (RIDE), NSF Workshop on Workflow and Process Automation in Information Systems, and Conference on Industrial & Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and
Expert Systems (IEA/AIE). He is an associate editor for ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer
Simulation and IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics as well as a guest editor for the
International Journal in Computer Simulation and IEEE Potentials.
Chun Ouyang received her PhD in computer systems engineering from the University of South
Australia (2004). She currently works as a postdoctoral research fellow at the faculty of information
technology in Queensland University of Technology, Australia. Her research interests are in the areas
of business process management, process modeling and analysis, Petri nets, and formal specification
and verification.
Richard Scott Patterson is a masters candidate of computer science at the University of Georgia.
His research interests include Web services, Semantic Web, security, and access control. Patterson
received his BBA in economics form the University of Georgia (1998). Patterson worked for five years
in IT architecture and security consulting before returning to pursue his masters degree.
Cary Pennington has worked in the computer science field for eight years. He received his undergraduate degree in computer science from Furman University (under Dr. Ken Abernethy), where he
focused on software engineering. He is currently completing the masters program in computer science
at the University of Georgia (with Dr. John Miller) focusing on Semantic Web services. His work was
on the automatic deployment time binding of Web services into a composite business process. This
should aid nontechnical personnel in using the advances that are being made by researchers to develop
efficient and accurate processes. He is committed to making the world of information technology easier
to understand and use for the people it will benefit the most. Before continuing his education at UGA,
Cary worked at Ipswitch Inc., a leading internet software company, on the WS-FTP product and IMail
Stanislav Pokraev is member of the scientific staff at Telematica Instituut, the Netherlands since
2001 and PhD candidate in the computer science department of the University of Twente, the Netherlands
since 2003. Previously he was employed as Scientific Researcher at KPN Research, the Netherlands.
Stanislav holds a MSc (Eng) degree from the Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria. His main expertise
is in the area of information modeling and service-oriented business integration.

About the Authors

Christoph Ringelstein is a doctoral student in the Computer Science Department at the University
of Koblenz-Landau. His research interests include Web service annotation, knowledge representation,
ontology engineering, and the Semantic Web. He received his diploma in computer science form the
University of Koblenz-Landau.
Steffen Staab is professor for databases and information systems in the computer science department at the University of Koblenz-Landau and heads the research group on information systems and the
Semantic Web (ISWeb). His research interests range from ontology management and ontology learning
to the application of Semantic Web technologies in areas such as multimedia, personal information
management, peer-to-peer and Web services. In particular, he is interested in combining sound and
diligent ontology engineering with real world concerns and applications. His research activities have
led to over 100 refereed publications and 7 books as well as to the foundation of Ontoprise GmbH, a
company focusing on the exploitation of Semantic Web technology.
Vassileios Tsetsos received his BSc in informatics from the Informatics and Telecommunications
Department at the University of Athens, Greece, in 2003, and his MSc in the division of communication systems and data networks from the same department in 2005. He is currently a PhD student in
the same department and member of the Pervasive Computing Research Group. He has been involved
as software designer and developer in several national and European R&D projects (PoLoS, PASO,
PENED). His research interests are in the areas of mobile and pervasive computing, Semantic Web,
ontological engineering, and Web applications.
Ivan Vasquez is an MSc candidate at the LSDIS Lab (University of Georgia), working under the
direction of Dr. John Miller. He joined the program in Fall 2002, while working at the Information
Technology Outreach Services (ITOS) of the University of Georgia. Given his industry experience
with relational databases and middleware, his research has been focused on conducting transactions on
service oriented computing environments. The product of his research resulted in OpenWS-Transaction, a METEOR-S module that can be easily adopted by existing applications to deliver reliable Web
service transactions.




binary large object (BLOB) 623

browser 1
business-to-business (B2B) 3
Business Process Execution Language for Web Services (BPEL) 155190
example 170190
execution 176
process description 170
WSDL document 171
XML schema definition 171
exercises 186
extensions 177
control link 163
overview 158
activities 159
compensation 167
correlation 170
data handling 168
fault handling 166
research efforts 177190
uses 156

content management system (CMS) 623

controlled vocabulary 723
customer relationship management (CRM) 623

semistructured 523
structured 523
unstructured 523
description logic 111133
classes 111133
Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) 1823
document type definition (DTD) 4
Dublin Core metadata 13

enterprise resource planning (ERP) 623
Extensible Markup Language (XML) 323

first order logic (FOL) 1623

Copyright 2007, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.


Grid 1923

Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) 123
hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) 223

logic 1623, 2443
classical first-order 25
description (DL) 25, 3043, 41
ABox 3043
attributive language with complement (ALC) 3043
reasoning 3243
SHIQ 3043
SHOIQ 3043
TBox 3043, 3243
first-order (FOL) 2543
formal 24
frame (F-Logic) 25, 3843, 42
intentionally 38
object identity 38
program 3843
Horn logic 33
programming 2543, 42
Horn formula 33
minimal Herbrand model 3443
negation 3643
recursion 3543
RuleML 4043
terminological 30

metadata 4
Dublin Core 13
microarray gene expression data (MGED) 2023

ontology 823, 4470
activity 47
alignment 49
configuration management 49
development 52
documentation 49
evaluation 49
integration 49
knowledge acquisition 49
merging 49
scheduling 47
alignment 5370
method 5370

AnchorPrompt 54
Artemis 54
Cupid 54
Pan and colleagues proposal 54
S-Match 54
Similarity Flooding 54
technique 5370
OLA 60
Pan and colleagues 60
QOM toolset 60
S-Match 60
classes 46
concept attributes 46
construction 7195
editing tool 7195
core ontologies 53
Cyc method 51
definition of 45, 96
description model (ODM) 46
development 4770
method 5270
oriented activity 48
technique 5270
tools 5770
KAON1 58
OntoEdit 58
Protg 57
WebODE 57
method 5670
content perspective 56
Gmez-Prez 56
methodology perspective 56
OntoClean 56
evolution and versioning 5570
method 5570
change management KAON plug-in 56
PromptDiff algorithm 56
formal axioms 46
instances 46
knowledge base (KB) 51
language 6170, 96109
alternatives and extensions 106109
basics 99
hierarchies 99
design issues 100
ontology markup language 61
Ontology Web Language 61
OWL 101
RDF Schema 101
Web-based ontology language 61


Web Service Modeling Language (WSML) 62

learning 52
method 53
Aussenac-Gilles and colleagues 53
Khan and Luo's 53
Maedche and colleagues' 53
methods and techniques 5270
tools 5970
Camlon 59
Promthe 59
Text-To-Onto 60
Text Processing Workbench 59
lifecycle 44, 4770
interdependence relationships 50
management activities 47
mapping 53
merge 5370
method 5370
FCA-Merge 55
PromptDiff 55
technique 5370
Chimaera 60
FCA-Merge toolset 60
merging 53
method 4670
KACTUS project 51
Sensus 51
methodology 4670
Grninger and Fox 51
methontology 51
on-to-knowledge 52
evaluation 52
kick-off 52
ontology maintenance 52
refinement 52
relations 46
role of 96
ICT 96
Semantic Web 98
Web 97
support activity 48
alignment 49
configuration management 49
documentation 49
evaluation 49
integration 49
knowledge acquisition 49

merging 49
multilingualism activity 49
tool 5770
Altova SemanticWorks 2006 8295
IsaViz 79
OilEd 8395
OntoEdit 7595
ontolingua 8095
pOWL 8795
Protg 7395
software architecture and tool evolution 58
SWOOP 8995
Uschold and King's method 51
versioning 5570
Web Ontology Language (OWL) 72

resource description framework (RDF) 3, 1123
basic structure 12
schema (RDFS) 1423, 72
RuleML 4243

Web 123
reasoning 110133
case study 120133
discovery peer-to-peer (P2P) architecture 251280
bioinformatic system 2023
digital library 1823
search engines 317342
data integration systems 319342
peer-to-peer (P2P)
schema 320
ontology 322
tourism information system 1823
Web 123
architecture 923
centralized architectures 248280
knowledge base (KB) 125133
ontology 125133
process 118133
tasks 117133
service 1723, 191216


composition 205
discovery 240280, 281316
discovery architectures 248280
discovery open issues 266
matchmaking tools 264
registries 204
levels 623
heuristic classification 294
model 293
service-oriented architecture (SOA) 138154
syntactic Web 123

taxonomy 823
thesaurus relationship types
associative 8
equivalence 8
hierarchical 8
homographic 8

unicode 1023
uniform resource locator (URL) 2, 1023
universal resource identifier (URI) 1023

Web 123
Ontology Language (OWL) 323
Semantic 123
architecture 923
services 1723

server 123
services 1723
syntactic 123
Web service 134154, 217239, 287
abstraction 289
authorization 147154
description technologies 244280
developing 149154
discovery 243280
matching methods 245280
shortcomings and limitations 245280
messaging 148154
nonsemantic description 224239
policy 144154
reference architecture 243280
security 144154
semantic annotation
descriptions 227239
purpose 221
use case 220
architecture 220
development process 220
up-and-running Web shop 221
semantic annotition
process 233239
standards 141154
Web service modeling ontology (WSMO) 281316
basics 283
top level elements 284
Web services
semantic annotation 217239
World Wide Web (WWW) 1

XML Schema 40

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