The Big Apple Wasteland

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Post-Apocalyptic Role Playing Game



This pen and paper role-playing game is a transformative, wholly noncommercial work of fiction based on the post-apocalyptic world setting of
Bethesda Softworks Fallout video game series, and as such it contains
some copyrighted material the use of which has not been specifically
authorized by the copyright owners.
This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided
for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17
U.S.C. Section 107, the material in this work is distributed entirely
without profit for the purpose of cultural enrichment and personal
enjoyment to any who are interested.
If you wish to use copyrighted material from this work for purposes of your
own that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the
respective copyright owner.
Bethesda Softworks, LLC additionally retains sole trademark rights to the
Fallout video game series and its descriptive use herein under nominative
fair use is not meant to imply any endorsement or sponsorship by the
trademark owner of the current work.
The views and opinions expressed in this work are those of the author
himself and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions held by
Bethesda Softworks, LLC.
Dedicated to Adam Adamowicz (1968-2012)
Fallout 3 concept art by Adam Adamowicz

You are free to share, copy, and redistribute the material in any medium or
format. You are free to adapt, remix, transform, and build upon the material. You
must give appropriate credit and indicate what changes were made, but not in
any way that suggests the author of this work endorses you or your use. You may
not use the material for commercial purposes.
Contact: Tom Howard - [email protected]

July, 2015

Table of Contents

Big Apple Wasteland:

A Campaign Setting.. 52



Character Creation..

The World of Today.. 53

List of traits/perks

Region & Transit Maps... 55

List of skills

Big Apple Wasteland: Regions...... 58


Game Mechanics


The Pitt....................................


Skill Descriptions......


Erie Wastes..............................


Traits & Perks..


Deathclaw Wilderness................


The Unforgiving Wasteland..


Yao Guai Preserve.....................




The Kills...................................




Albany Wasteland......................




Capital Wasteland...................... 59

Shelter. 16

Keystone Wasteland................... 59

Chems & Addiction. 16

Philly Wasteland........................

First Aid & Medicine.. 20

South Jersey Wasteland.............. 62

Wasteland Campfire Recipes... 20

Central Jersey Wasteland............ 62

Wasteland Workbench Recipes. 21

North Jersey Wasteland.............. 63

Weapon & Armor Repair. 21

Big Apple Wasteland................... 64

Old World Tech 22

Hudson County................ 64

Secrets of the Wastes 23

Staten Island................... 65

Traveling the Wastes. 23

New York Harbor.............. 66

Scavenging and Barter... 27

Brooklyn......................... 66

Post-Apocalyptic Combat. 29

Queens........................... 68

Combat Quick Summary 33

The Bronx....................... 69

Equipment & Items. 35




Weapons and Armor.. 36

Sports Teams of the Big Apple..... 78

Ammunition, Clothing, Food.. 43

Radio Stations of the Big Apple.. 79

Miscellaneous Items.. 43

Big Apple Transit................... 80

Meds, Chems & Alcohol.... 44

Long Island Wasteland..... 82

Chem Effects Table.. 45

The Commonwealth.................... 83

Vehicles & Transport.. 46

Random Encounters........................... 85

Creatures & Inhabitants. 47

Fallout Character Sheet. 88

Karma & Experience

The Lost Vault: An Adventure.... 90


War never changes.
Ancient kingdoms enslaved neighboring tribes and used them to build monuments that would last thousands of
years. Colonial empires sent fleets of warships to control distant seas and conquer new continents. Geo-political
superpowers played a game of nuclear and economic brinksmanship for control of the worlds resources.
But war never changes.
In the 21st century, war was still waged over the resources that could be acquired. All the idealistic efforts of
humanity to prevent another global war would prove futile. The United Nations would be disbanded, and within a few
years, China would invade Alaska, the US would annex Canada, and the European Commonwealth would dissolve into
quarreling, bickering nation-states, bent on controlling the last remaining resources on Earth. In 2077, the storm of world
war had come again. In two brief hours, most of the planet was reduced to cinders.
For the majority of the Big Apples 17 million inhabitants, it would be the end. What many had considered the
greatest city on Earth was quickly turned into a firestorm of molten rubble and ash. A lucky few managed to get into one
of the massive underground vaults constructed in the years prior to the war, and survived in relative safety except for
those assigned to a single vault.
In that final moment of horror, amid the screams and protests of its scheduled residents lined up for entry, the
doors of the Lost Vault never opened, and have remained closed ever since.

Getting Started...

Character Creation
Your first step to survival in the wasteland
is to create a character. Your character is a
representative of you in the game world. You
guide your characters actions and interactions
with others. It is up to you to make the character
that best suits you and suits your style of play.

Points can be traded between stats on a 1 for 1

basis, again, with a minimum of 1 point and a
maximum of 10 points assigned to each stat.
Step 3: Determine Genetics
Next, decide on your characters genetics.
This will influence other parts of the character.
Pure Strain Human
(Vault Dweller & Elite only)
Your character is a pure strain human,
whose genes are free of post-war mutations
caused by the radiation of the wasteland!
You receive 2 free primary stat points.
Wasteland Human

statistics and skills. During the character creation
stage, you will adjust the primary statistics, and
in turn, the statistics will determine your skills. If
you want to see what a particular statistic or skill
does, refer to the skill section of the rules.
To make your character, do the following:
Step 1: Develop a Character Concept
This can be anything from a rough idea for
a background, like The Vault Dweller, to
something more complicated, like a super-soldier
on a specific mission for a secret military
organization. Feel free to be as creative as you
like. What are your characters motivations and
goals, where did they come from, and where are
they trying to go? This step sets the general
storyline for your character, so have fun with it!
Step 2: Determine Stats
This game uses the S.P.E.C.I.A.L.
statistics system of the original video games.
They are Strength, Perception, Endurance,
Charisma, Intelligence, Agility and Luck. For
playable characters, the lowest value is 1, and
the highest value is 10. These will be explained
in more detail later. For now, you will start with
a base score of 5 points in each stat, with 5
extra points that you can assign as you like.

Your character is a human who was born

and raised in the unforgiving wasteland.
You receive +2 resistance to both
chems and rads.
Your character has been transformed by
radiation into a hideous ghoul.
Your healing rate is x2 when irradiated,
+4 chem resistance, 1 Str, Agl, Chr.
Your character is a human who has been
turned into a super mutant.
You have a rad resistance of 10, +1
damage resistance, +2 Str, -2 Agl, Chr.
Your character is an abomination that has
mutated with human-level intelligence!
You have a rad resistance of 10, +2
damage resistance, but 1 to all skills.
Your character is an inorganic robot.
You have poison and rad resistance of
10, +2 damage resistance to start, all
skills start at 0 except tag skills which
are +2, and an unalterable Luck of 5.

Step 4: Determine Background

List of Traits

Your characters background determines

additional traits to build out your character.



Night Person

Chem Reliant


One Hander

Note: While any character can be from a

Vault, Pure Strain Humans can only be from a
Vault or Elite Order.

Chem Tolerant

Good Natured

Sex Appeal

Chem Resistant

Heavy Handed


Fast Metabolism


Small Frame

Vault Dweller

Fast Shot


Trigger Discipline

Raised in a Vault-Tec vault.


Mr. Dead

Tunnel Rat



+1 to Science and Speech.

Elite Order
Raised in an elite military or scientific

List of Perks
Black Widow / Lady

Demolition Expert
Cherchez La Femme /
Confirmed Bachelor

+1 tag skill, +1 to Energy Weapons

Gun Nut


Little Leaguer

Raised in a larger settlement, town or city.


+1 Barter, +1 Repair

Swift Learner
Intense Training

Raised as a scavenger in the Wastes.


+1 Sneak, +1 Lockpick




Raised in a nomadic tribal community.

Bloody Mess

+1 Survival, +1 Melee

Lead Belly

Raised in a raider or slaver gang.
-4 Karma, + Chem Tolerant trait (free)
Created in a pre-War experimental facility!
Choose 2 additional perks to start
Your background is a mystery!
Create your own unique background
and reveal it later in the game.
Step 5: Determine Traits & Perks
You may select one other Trait in addition
to Genetics and Background Traits to start.
A Perk may be selected each new level.

Fortune Finder

Rad Resistance
Size Matters
Strong Back
Impartial Mediation
Animal Friend
Mister Sandman
Life Giver
Robotics Expert
Justified / Cold
Blooded Killer

Light Step
Master Trader
Safe Cracker
One Hit One Kill
Leather Rebel
Glitter Boy / Girl
Old World Gourmet
Techno Wizard
Pawn Star
Big Time
Empire State of Mind

Step 6: Determine Hit Points, Actions Per

Round, and Resistances
Your character also has other statistics on how
many injuries they can take, how many things
they can do in a round, and how resistant they
are to things like poison, radiation, and general
Hit Points
Hit points are determined like this:
Starting HP = (End + Str) x 5
HP per Level = 1D10 + (End stat bonus)
A character with an Endurance of 8 and a
Strength of 5 would have 65 HP to start, and
would roll 1D10 + 3 for the number of added hit
points at each new level.

Actions Per Round

Actions are chosen over the course of a
round of combat, or in VATS once for an
entire round of actions, on various things you
want your character to do. You can only do so
much each round of combat.
The number of actions you can take are
determined like so:
APR = 1 + Agl Bonus (+ any modifiers)
Actions Per Round do not increase per
level like Hit Points, but can be modified by
Chems, Perks, changes to Agility, or injuries.
Example actions include:

Attack (Fire a gun, stab, throw a grenade,

shoot a missile, swing a baseball bat...)

Take Aim / Make a Called Shot

Block with a shield or melee weapon

Reload your weapon

Surrendering or yielding

thi ngs

(Movi ng,

Resistances can be built up with special

perks, implants, or genetics traits.
Radiation: Each time you come into contact with
radiation, make a check against this value to
avoid contamination.
Poison: Each point increases the chance of a
successful saving throw v. poison damage.
Fire: Each point increases the chance
successful saving throw v. fire damage.


Damage: Per armor or special, allows for a single

saving throw against hits. If successful, the
armor takes the damage instead and the armors
condition is reduced by 10% of total.
Chem: Each point increases the chance of a
successful saving throw v. chem addiction and
the associated withdrawal effects.
Electrical: Each point increases chance of a
successful saving throw v. electrical damage.
Step 7: Determine Other Characteristics


Using a chem or stimpack

Drawing or holstering a weapon

Opening inventory/backpack

Take Cover: halves enemys attack value

(maximum of one half)

Use em or Lose em:

APR cannot be saved from round to round.
If any are unused, these are automatically
used defensively, to take cover or dodge.
This reduces the enemys attack value by
half of the unused APR, to a maximum of
half of the characters total APR.
Resistances are the overall chance to
lessen the impact of certain types of effects.
Unless otherwise noted, all are 0 by default
with a maximum of 10 points.
Some resistances may allow you to roll a
saving throw against each successful hit
caused by a given effect. If you roll at or
below the point value, you suffer no ill effect.

Healing Rate:
Number of HP healed per day by resting.
1D10 + (End 1-4: 0, 5-7: 1, 8-9: 2, 10: 3)
Unarmed Damage:
Amount of base unarmed damage.
1 + (Str 1-4: 0, 5-7: 1, 8-9: 2, 10: 3)
Skill Points per Level:
Number of additional skill points per level.
1 + (Int 1-4: 0, 5-7: 1, 8-9: 2, 10: 3)
Carry Weight:
Amount of stuff you can carry.
Normal: 50 + (Str x 10)
Small Frame: 50 + (Str x 5)
Per + 1D10
Base Dice Pool:
(Skill or Stat Value) + Luck bonus
Variable. 10 to +10. Starts at 0.

Step 8: Determine Skills

Special: Desperation attempts.

All characters begin with the same skill

list, but with varying degrees of proficiency.
Starting skill level is determined by the
primary statistic governing the skill.
Starting Skill Level:
Stat 1-4: 0, 5-7: 1, 8-9: 2, 10: 3
Players also receive 10 free skill points
to start to distribute however they wish.
However, the maximum level is 10.
List of Skills & Governing Stats
Barter Charisma
Big Guns Endurance
Energy Weapons Perception
Explosives Perception

If a characters skill level is effectively

zero or negative once the difficulty penalty is
applied, a task can still be attempted. The base
chance of success is a 1, and failure has
catastrophic consequences. This is only possible
if the total number of successes could be met.
Lucky Larry wants to crack a Very Hard safe
in a casino he has infiltrated. His Lockpick skill is
only 3, so he normally would never be able to
attempt this (skill 1 after penalty). His Luck of
10 gives him a +3 dice pool bonus, giving him 6
dice for an attempt. If he can roll a 1 on at least
5 dice, he can crack the safe, but if he fails
there will be terrible things.
Tag Skills

Lockpick Agility

Each player gets to select 3 skills to start

that will be their characters tag skills. These
represent areas of expertise in the characters
education, training or experience.

Medicine Intelligence
Melee Weapons Strength
Pilot Perception
Repair Intelligence

Tagged skills begin with a +1 bonus.

Science Intelligence
Small Guns Agility
Sneak Agility
Speech Charisma
Steal Agility
Survival Endurance
Unarmed Strength

Skills will be explained more later.

Difficulty levels are also aligned with skill
levels. Tasks have a difficulty level, which
invokes a penalty to the value of the skill or
stat being rolled against. Difficulty levels:
Very Easy: 0, Easy: -1, Average:
Hard: -3, Very Hard: -4.


Next, the player must achieve a number

Very Easy: 1 success, Easy: 2 successes,
Average: 3 successes, Hard: 4 successes,
Very Hard: 5 successes.

Characteristics, and Starting Equipment
What is your characters name? The Lone
Wanderer? Tank Girl? Max Rockatansky? What is
their height, weight and age? What kind of
hairstyle do they have?
Finally, work with your game master to
decide on your starting equipment. Remember:
this is the wasteland. A post-apocalyptic setting
means you may be lucky to have only the clothes
on your back, a weapon, some ammo, and a few
stimpacks. Good luck, wanderer!

Game Mechanics...

Difficulty is represented as how hard a

task is to accomplish by levels & thresholds.
In the first sense, a difficulty level defines
how hard a task is by applying a penalty to the
skill or stat value being rolled against:
Very Easy = +/-0
Easy = - 1
Average = -2
Hard = -3
Very Hard = -4

Here we diverge for a bit and talk about

game mechanics. Some readers might say,
This looks familiar I know the D10 System!
Well this is not that D10 system.
The original Fallout games were largely
percentile based, with stats (SPECIAL) that
ranged from 1 to 10. Other game mechanics
were on a 1 to 20 scale, or had less distinct
values. To simplify, Fallout: Big Apple
Wasteland crunches all of this down into a scale
of 1 to 10, or to levels of 5.
We can also express this as Values, Dice,
and Levels & Thresholds.

Second, for the attempt itself, you must roll

a number of successes equal to or exceeding the
difficulty threshold:
Very Easy = 1 success
Easy = 2 successes
Average = 3 successes
Hard = 4 successes
Very Hard = 5 successes
A player may still attempt a desperation roll
even if the skill value becomes zero or negative
once the penalty is applied, but they still need to
be able to meet the difficulty threshold. The base
value they need to roll to succeed is a 1. If the
player fails, terrible things will happen.

Values are the amount of anything you

have points in, like a Stat, Resistance, or Skill Terrible Things
value. The value generally has a range of 1 to
These should be flexibly defined and should
10 (exceptions are Karma, which goes from 10
fit the flow of the game. Is the terrible thing that
Very Evil to +10 Very Good, and Hit Points,
the atomic bomb they were trying to disarm goes
which is instead a running count).
off? Or, more insidiously, does nothing
Values represent a number that you must
happen? What terrible things await our heroic
roll lower than or equal to on a D10 to succeed
characters later???
at a task. So, a skill value of 3 means that you
must roll 1-3 to succeed, and a 4-10 is a
For combat, difficulty works differently.
failure. Penalties and bonuses can also apply,
Difficulty levels are set by the effective range, but
so that someone with a skill of 10 may still fail
only the penalty applies. A slingshot may have
under the right circumstances.
an Average difficulty range of 15 yards, but for a
hunting rifle, that would be Very Easy.
Dice are simple: the number of 10-sided
dice you roll to make a check against a value
For a called shot, the range is still influenced
while attempting to succeed at a task. You may
by the difficulty level, but the difficulty threshold
need a certain number of successes in one set
would need to be passed as well to make the shot
of rolls to succeed, or it may represent better
(number of successes). A called shot across the
odds in other situations. It can also represent
bow of a ship might be a Very Easy task, while a
the total amount of hits done by an attack.
called shot to a bandits gun hand would be Very
A players base dice pool is equal to the
skill or stat, plus dice equal to the characters
Luck bonus:
In combat, the total number of successes
is added to the weapons base damage. This is
Luck: 1-4: 0, 5-7: +1, 8-9: +2, 10: +3
modified by weapon quality, or the ammo used.
Certain Traits and Perks can add to or
See the Combat section later.
subtract from your dice pool, and other players
Traits and Perks may also do the same.

Game Mechanics Cheat Sheet


The skill value penalty to attempt the task.

Percepti on,
Charisma, Intelligence, Agility, and Luck
Stats Values:
All stats begin at 5, with 5 free points to
spend. Points can be exchanged 1 for 1, with
a maximum value of 10 and a minimum of 1.
Stats Bonuses:
Stat 1-4: +/- 0, 5-7: +1, 8-9: +2, 10: +3
Starting Hit Points:
(Strength + Endurance) x 5
Hit Points gained per Level:
1D10 + (Endurance stat bonus)
Healing Rate per day rested:
1D10 + (Endurance stat bonus)
Starting Skill Level:
0 + (Stat bonus)
Skill Points (pool) gained per Level:
1 + (Intelligence stat bonus)
Base Dice Pool:
(Skill or Stat value) + Luck bonus
Perception + 1D10
Actions Per Round:
1 + (Agility stat bonus) +/- modifiers
Unarmed Damage:

Very Easy











Very Hard



Difficulty Threshold:
The number of successes needed.
Very Easy


1 success



2 successes



3 successes



4 successes

Very Hard


5 successes

Desperation attempts:
If the difficulty level penalty is applied and
the result is negative, the task can still be
attempted. The new target skill value for the dice
roll is set to 1. Difficulty threshold remains
unchanged. Failures will cause terrible things.
Tag Skill Bonus:
+1 to 3 tagged skills to start
Combat Successes:
Each success counts as a hit.
Combat Difficulty Level:
Determined by a weapons effective range.
Called Shot Difficulty Threshold:
Cant miss


Point blank range

Very Easy


Center of mass

Normal: 30 + (Str x 10) pounds



Limbs (legs & arms)

Small Frame: 30 + (Str x 5) pounds



Small body parts,

small target at distance



Head shot, antennae,

fast moving target

Very Hard


Bulls eye, trick shots

1 + (Strength stat bonus)

Maximum Carry Weight:

Very Good: 10 to 7, Good: 6 to 3,
Neutral: 2 to 2,
Evil: -3 to 6, Very Evil: -7 to 10.

Difficulty Level:

Skill Descriptions

Repair (Intelligence)

Base sell price % = 50% + (Barter x 5)

The Repair skill determines your ability to

repair weapons, armor and equipment by
breaking down other similar items for parts. It
also includes fixing busted machinery and
inventing or creating special weapons, ammo or

Base buy price % = 150% - (Barter x 5)

Science (Intelligence)

Barter (Charisma)
The Barter skill is mostly used to determine
prices when trading or talking with a merchant.

Big Guns (Endurance)

Big Guns determines your combat skill with
big guns like the flamer, missile launcher, Fat
Man, Gatling laser, minigun.

Sci e n ce
re pr e se n t s
y ou r
ge n e ral
understanding of math, the sciences, psychology,
engineering and technology. It determines your
ability to hack computer terminals.

Energy Weapons (Perception)

Small Guns (Agility)

Energy Weapons determines your combat

skill with smaller, precision energy weapons like
the laser pistol, plasma pistol, laser rifle,
plasma rifle, Gauss rifle, and disintegrator.

Small Guns determines your combat skill

with small arms such as pistols, handguns, submachineguns, shotguns, rifles, light machineguns,
and similar weapons.

Explosives (Perception)

Sneak (Agility)

Explosives determines both your combat

skill with mines and grenades, as well as your
skill at disarming explosive traps.

Sneak represents your ability to hide, avoid

detection and move with stealth, as well as
pickpocket or conceal small items on your person.

Lockpick (Agility)

Speech (Charisma)

Lockpick determines your skill at picking

locks, as well as cracking safes. Bobby pins or
similar picking tools are required.

Speech is your ability to win friends and

influence people with the spoken word. This is
very effective in negotiation, bluffing, lying,
persuading and interrogating other people where
money & trading is not involved.

Medicine (Intelligence)
Medicine determines your skill at healing
wounds and treating crippling injuries. On a
success, a First Aid kit will heal HP up to your
Medicine skill, and a Doctors Bag will heal HP
up to double your Medicine skill or restore a
crippled limb. A stimpack can heal hit points
equal to double your Medicine skill or restore a
crippled limb without a skill roll.
Melee Weapons (Strength)
Melee Weapons determines your combat
skill with swords, knives, lead pipes, baseball
bats, police batons and other melee weapons.
Pilot (Perception)
The Pilot skill applies to figuring out how to
drive, fly, ride or sail any motorized vehicle. This
includes cars, trucks, tanks, motorcycles, boats,
ships, Vertibirds, space ships, and rockets.

Steal (Agility)
Steal governs the art of criminal theft,
pickpocketing and sleight of hand, as well as the
reverse: placing items without being detected.
Survival (Endurance)
Wasteland survival allows your character to
find food, water and shelter, avoid areas of high
radiation, evade unwanted wilderness encounters,
and create items at camp fires.
Unarmed (Strength)
Unarmed is your combat skill is hand to hand
combat, anything from martial arts to fistfights. It
also covers skill with spiked knuckles, brass
knuckles, or Power Fists.


get +1 Agility, but carry weight is less

Traits & Perks


Trigger Discipline: +1 to dice pool for all Called

Shots, but each counts as 2 Actions.

Bruiser: Your Strength is increased by 1 point,

but your Sequence is only 1D10 with no modifier

Tunnel Rat: All primary Stats are +1 in enclosed

spaces or underground, but 1 outdoors

Chem Reliant: You get 1 to all Chem

resistance checks, but are +1 to go cold turkey

Perks #multi perks can be chosen up to 5 times

Chem Tolerant: Negative chem effects are

halved, but chems last half as long
Chem Resistant: You get +1 to
resistance, but Chem effects are halved


Fast Metabolism: +2 Healing Rate, but

radiation exposure adds +1 to rads absorbed
Fast Shot: You gain 1 free shooting Action at
end of round, but gain no bonus from aiming
Finesse: You score a critical hit in combat on a
1 or 2, but damage is reduced by 1 (even to 0)

Level 2
Black Widow / Lady Killer: +1 damage in
combat v. opposite sex
Cherchez La Femme / Confirmed Bachelor:
+1 damage in combat v. same sex
Gun Nut: +1 dice pool for Small Guns, Repair
Little Leaguer: +1 dice pool for Melee Weapons,
Explosives based attacks & checks
Thief: +1 dice pool for Sneak, Lockpick checks
Swift Learner: +10% bonus to earned XP

Gifted: You have natural abilities but few skills:

+1 to all Stats, -1 to all Skills (min. 0) to start

Intense Training: +1 to any Stat #multi

Good Natured: +1 to Medicine, Speech, Barter

& 1 to Big Guns, Small Guns, Unarmed (min. 0)

Comprehension: Some books give +1 skill point

Heavy Handed: x2 damage with Melee

Weapons and Unarmed, but critical hits only
stagger an opponent without increasing damage
Jinxed: Your combat dice pool is lowered by 1
to a minimum of 1, but each combat scene you
may choose another to share the same fate
Kamikaze: +5 Sequence, but armor takes 20%
of total damage to condition on DR success

Level 4

Educated: +1 skill points per level

Entomologist: +50% damage to bugs
Scoundrel: +1 dice pool for Speech, Barter
Level 6
Bloody Mess: +1 overall damage, gory plot filler
Lead Belly: +1 rad resist when drinking water
Toughness: +1 DR permanently #multi

Mr. Dead: Dice pool is +1 for guns, but crippled

limbs require a doctors bag or medical brace

Fortune Finder: x1D10 more caps in containers

+1 to Intelligence and
Perception from dusk until dawn, -1 in daylight

Demolition Expert: +1 dice pool with Explosives

One Hander: +1 to dice pool for one handed

weapons, -1 to dice pool for two handed

Commando: +1 dice pool, 2-handed Small Guns

Gunslinger: +1 dice pool, 1-handed Smalls Guns

Level 8

Sex Appeal: +1 to Speech, Barter for opposite

sex, -1 to Speech, Barter for same sex

Rad Resistance: +1 RR permanently #multi

Skilled: +1 to skills, gain Perks every 2 levels

Size Matters: +1 dice pool with Big Guns

Slackliner: You grew up taking risks exploring

the outdoors. Stats are +1 outdoors, -1 indoors

Strong Back: +50 lbs carry weight

Small Frame: You arent as big as others. You


Scrounger: x1D10 more ammo in containers

Impartial Mediation:
maintain Neutral Karma

+3 Speech, but must

Perks (continued)

Pawn Star: +1 dice pool Barter, junk items sell

for +50% cap value

Level 10

Big Time: Karma no longer effects Reputation

Animal Friend: Hostile animals become friendly

(1 rank) and come to your aid except against
other animals (2 ranks)

Empire State of Mind: +1 to all Stats, +1 to all


Mister Sandman: Instantly kill a sleeping NPC

Pyromaniac: x2 damage with any fire
Level 12
Cannibal: Can eat corpses to restore 1D10 HP,
but will lose 1 Karma if observed
Life Giver: +10 hit points
Robotics Expert: +1 damage to robots, can
shut down robots when sneaking up on them
Sniper: +1 dice pool on called shots with rifles
Level 14
Justified / Cold Blooded Killer: +1 extra die
in combat v. person of opposite Karma
Chemist: Chems last twice as long
Cyborg: +1 dice pool Energy Weapons, +2 rad,
poison & damage resistance
Light Step: Floor traps & mines not triggered
Master Trader: All items 25% less cost
Level 16
Tag!: Free tag skill
Hacker: +1 dice pool when hacking terminals
Safe Cracker: +1 dice pool when picking locks
Survivalist: +1 dice pool Survival
Level 18
One Hit, One Kill: Head shot is automatic kill
Leather Rebel: +1 Damage Resistance, +1 Fire
Resistance when wearing any Leather armor
Glitter Boy / Girl: +1 Damage Resistance, +1
Energy Resistance when wearing Power Armor
Level 20
Old World Gourmet: Snack foods, 1 Hunger
Techno Wizard: Can create special weapons
without schematics at Work Benches

Special Perks
Successfully destroy
deactivate a Protectron Master Bot on the IRT,
BMT, HMR and IND subway lines. +1 dice pool
Melee Weapons, can command up to 1 Subway
Protectron as an additional follower at all times.
Geek Squad: Complete all Tokamak Reactor or
Wardenclyffe quests. Robots become friendly
(either set completed) and come to your aid
except against other robots (both completed).
Winter of Our Discontent: Help either
Lancaster or York baronies defeat the other. May
re-roll any non-combat skill check once.
Hawkeye: Kill 10 or more Abominations in the
Yao Guai Preserve or Deathclaw Wilderness. +1
extra die in combat v. Abominations. Tribal NPCs
will never attack unless provoked.
Bridge and Pummel: Complete Rites of Passage
for 5 major Big Apple gangs. +1 dice pool Melee
Weapons and Unarmed, +1 Damage Resistance.
Mother of Exiles: Complete 10 missions for the
Railroad. +5 Karma, +1 dice pool Pilot, Survival.
Blade Runner: Complete 10 missions for the
Institute. 5 Karma, +1 dice pool Pilot, Survival.
Brotherhood Forever: Join the Brotherhood of
Steel Outcasts. Karma resets to 0, karmic choices
halved. +1 dice pool Energy Weapons, Repair.
Power Armor Training: Allows you to wear and
operate all variants of power armor.
Vertibird Flight Training: Allows you to pilot the
CV-02, A/CV-02 and VB-02 Vertibird.

The Unforgiving Wasteland

The post-apocalyptic wasteland is an
unforgiving place, even for those born and
raised in the most isolated strongholds. Survival
knowledge can be broken down into three
categories: basic needs, intermediate skills, and
advanced wasteland lore.
Basic: Radiation
Radiation is measured in rads, or
radiation absorbed doses, as an in-game unit.
High-levels of radiation existed just after the war
in 2077, but reduced in intensity as radioactive
particles decayed and dust settled. Rads will
build up in the body over time, and are
transmitted in the highest to lowest amounts as
follows: direct contact with fissile material or
environmental exposure.
Radiation exposure has ten levels, and
each failure will increase rads by 1 level:
Level 1-2

=> Trivial Exposure, mild nausea

Level 3-4

=> Minor Rad Sickness, -1 End

Level 5-6

=> Advanced Rad Sickness, -2 End, -1 Agl

Level 7-8

=> Critical Rad Sickness, -3 End, -2 Agl, -1 Str

Level 9-10 => Deadly Rad Sickness, -3 End, -2 Agl, -2 Str

Level 10+

=> Death from Fatal Exposure

Here are some common sources

radiation poisoning in the wasteland:


Food, irradiated (pre-War, farmed, game meat):

Resistance check once per day
Dust storm, strange meat, dirty bottled water:
Resistance check on event
Swimming in outdoor water, drinking from toilet:
Resistance check on event
Contact with radioactive green goo:
Resistance check every minute
Fallout radiation, recent bomb or meltdown:
Resistance check every minute

The frequency of resistance checks is up to the

GM: walking near an old crater and drinking
from a glowing puddle are very different. In
general, radioactivity decreases with time.

Treatment can involve washing the

exposed area and taking pre-war Prussian Blue
pills, or by taking other meds.
Radaway will reduce radiation equal to the
players skill in Medicine with each dose, while
each dose (up to a maximum of 2) of Rad-X will
boost a players rad resistance equal to half the
players Medicine skill.
Rad resistance works the same as any
other resistance check: roll lower than the
number, and you suffer no effects.
Ghouls and radiation: Ghouls also become
irradiated, but suffer no penalties like humans,
and will even gain beneficial healing effects.
However, as their radiation progresses, they have
a risk of becoming a feral ghoul or a glowing one.
At level 5 rads, a ghoul must make a one-time
rad resistance check to avoid becoming an insane
feral. At level 7 rads, a ghoul must make a rad
resistance check 1 x day or become a glowing
one. Ghouls can take Radaway to counter these.
Note on Ghoulification: No one is really
quite sure how ghouls are made. Most people die
from radiation exposure that intense, but others
survive and adapt to the radiation only to have it
profoundly change their DNA and body chemistry.
Some less than ethical scientists have attempted
to recreate the ghoulification process, with little
success; it seems to be quite random.
Optionally, a human player exposed to
10+ rads can make a ghoulification check.
This would require rolling against their Luck as a
Hard check, requiring 4 successes. If the check
succeeds, they do not die, but instead have their
genetics changed forever to Ghoul.
Basic: Water (Optional Survival Rules)
Access to water is very important in the
wasteland, and the effects no less severe than
radiation. For every day without water,
dehydration increases by 1 point. Water can
be irradiated or clean, but must be drinkable.
Once a player reaches 10 Thirst points, they
must make an Average difficulty check against
Endurance to remain functional. If they fail, they
will collapse from exhaustion. Another check is
required to avoid unconsciousness and death.

1-2 Thirst

=> Trivial Dehydration, No Effect

Basic: Shelter (Optional Survival Rules)

3-4 Thirst

=> Minor Dehydration, -1 End

5-6 Thirst

=> Advanced Dehydration, -2 End, -1 Per

7-8 Thirst

=> Critical Dehydration, -3 End, -2 Per, -1 Int

Shelter in the Fallout world is a sum total of

sleep, rest, time for personal hygiene and
relaxation. Fatigue points are reduced by 1 for
every 8 hours you rest. These points accumulate
at a rate of 1 per day. You still need to rest
whether you spend a day of stationary guard duty
or a day of intense combat.

9-10 Thirst => Deadly, -3 End, -2 Per & Agl, -1 Int

10+ Thirst => Fatal Dehydration

Effects are not cumulative. For every 2

bottles of water consumed or equivalent, Thirst
points are reduced by 1. A canteen will reduce
Thirst points by 1 every day, and must be filled
once a day. (Other beverages do not count.)

1-2 Fatigue

=> Trivial Fatigue, No Effect

3-4 Fatigue

=> Minor Fatigue, -1 Agl

5-6 Fatigue

=> Advanced Fatigue, -2 Agl, -1 Int

7-8 Fatigue

=> Critical Fatigue, -3 Agl, -2 Int, -1 End

9-10 Fatigue => Deadly Fatigue, -3 Agl, -2 Int, -2 End

10+ Fatigue => Death, Fatal Sleep Deprivation

There are benefits to rest beyond simply

avoiding the penalties above. Resting a full 8
hours in a bed you own (or have appropriated)
will give you a Well Rested bonus of +10% to all
experience for the next day.
Applying Rads, Hunger, Thirst and Fatigue
The GM should apply Rads when they
happen, but should apply Hunger, Thirst and
Fatigue points at the start of each in-game day.
Basic: Chems & Addiction
Basic: Food (Optional Survival Rules)
Hunger nearly as much of a danger as thirst
in the Wasteland. For every day without food,
hunger increases by 1 point. Once a player
reaches 10 Hunger points, they must make an
Average check against Endurance to remain
mobile and functional. If they fail, they will
succumb to starvation and death within days.
1-2 Hunger

=> Trivial Hunger, No Effect

3-4 Hunger

=> Minor Hunger, -1 Str

5-6 Hunger

=> Advanced Hunger, -2 Str, -1 Chr

7-8 Hunger

=> Critical Hunger, -3 Str, -2 Chr, -1 Per

9-10 Hunger => Deadly Hunger, -3 Str, -2 Chr, -2 Per

10+ Hunger => Death by Starvation

Effects are not cumulative. Hunger points

are reduced by 1 point for every 5-10 food items
(at GMs discretion) or 1 campfire recipe meal
eaten. For instance, a Caravan lunch counts as a
meal, but not a few Little Salty Nuts packets.

Chems are the drugs and alcohol of the

Wasteland, providing both benefits and penalties
to those who use them. There are four main
classes, with different general effects: medicinal,
stimulant, recreational, and alcoholic.
Addictive chems have an added problem:
every time your character uses the chem, roll a
chem resistance check at +3 (+5 for alcohol).
If you fail, your character becomes
addicted, and must continue using the chem or
suffer withdrawal penalties once the chem wears
off. Once addicted, characters can either take
more chems, seek medical attention to break the
addiction, or go cold turkey to recover from
withdrawal, rolling a chem resistance check once
per day of withdrawal following the first day.
Chems have no effect on Inorganic life
forms. Effects are halved for Super Mutants,
Abominations and Ghouls, but any chem dose can
be doubled for full effect.

Medicinal Chems:
All chems in this category have purely medicinal
uses and effects, but are still addictive.
Alien Biogel: A very rare, ingestible goo from an
alien spacecraft. +1D10 HP. 50% chance of one
of the following: -1 INT, -1 PER, -1 AGL, -1 END,
+1 rads per second for 2D10 seconds, -2 rads
per second for 2D10 seconds, +1 HP per second
for 2D10 seconds, +10 AP, +2 STR, +2 AGL.
Adapted Biogel: Refined from Alien Biogel,
and has the same effects, but + 2D10 HP.
radscorpion poison gland. +2 Poison Resistance
for 3 minutes.
Antivenom: Tribal cure, stronger than Antidote.
+5 Poison Resistance for 5 minutes.
Fiery Purgative: Tribal cure. As above, but also
provides 5 Rads, -1 END for 1 minute.
Auto-inject Chems: Same effect as regular
chems, but administered via an injection harness
at a specified trigger or interval. These Med and
Juicer harnesses were part of a pre-War super
soldier program discontinued once the FEV was
developed, but did see limited use in hospitals.
Holds up to 10 different chem doses at a time.
Fixer: Cures all addictions. 1 PER for 2 minutes.
Healing Poultice: Tribal cure. Restores limb
condition. +1 HP, 1 AGL for 1 minute.
Healing Powder: Tribal cure. Heals HP equal to
Medicine skill. 2 PER for 1 minute.
Hydra: Raider cure. Restores all limb condition.
Withdrawal: -3 END.
Hypo: Found during high tech encounters only.
Heals HP equal to 3 x Medicine skill.
Med-X: +2 Damage Resistance for 4 minutes.
Withdrawal: -1 AGL, INT.
Radaway: Reduces rads the Medicine skill value
of player who administers it. Addiction: 10.
Withdrawal: -1 PER, -1 Rad Resistance.
Rad-X: Adds 50% of Medicine skill (rounded up)
as bonus to Rad Resistance, max of 2 doses.
Snakebite Tourniquet: Wasteland cure. Cures
poison, +8 Poison Resistance for 5 minutes.

Stimpack: Heals HP equal to double Medicine

skill. Restores limb condition.
Super Stimpack: Heals HP equal to 4 x Medicine
skill, but -1 STR, -1 AGL for 4 minutes.
Thick Red Paste: Experimental cure. +2 HP per
second for 10 seconds. +10 Max HP for 4 minutes.
Thin Red Paste: Experimental cure. +1 HP per
second for 10 seconds. +5 Max HP for 2 minutes.
Trauma Pack: An intense healing pack of chems
for severe trauma. Heals HP equal to 5 x Medicine
skill, +1 STR, +1 END, +3 Damage Resistance
immediate, for 10 minutes. Then, -2 STR, -2 END,
-2 PER and 3 Damage Resistance for 10 minutes.

Other Medicinal Items:

Blood Pack: A simple plastic IV bag with human
blood or blood plasma. Heals +1 HP.
First Aid Kit: Requires a successful Medicine
check. Heals HP equal to players Medicine skill.
Single use item.
Doctors Bag: Requires a successful Medicine
check. Heals HP equal to double players Medicine
skill or restores limb condition. Single use item.
Medical Brace: Requires a successful Medicine
check. While worn, restores limb condition.
Y/M-9 Med Harness: This mechanical harness
functioned as a pre-cursor to the Y-17 Trauma
Harness, and carried up to 10 auto-inject medical
chems which could be administered to the wearer.
A combat version, the Y/C-13 Juicer Harness,
was armored (DR 3) and carried a payload of up
to 20 combat stimulant and medical chems.

Stimulant Chems:
All chems in this category have primarily stimulant
effects, improving combat or other abilities, and
tend to be addictive more often.
Atomic Cocktail: +3 Energy and Fire Resistance
for 2 minutes. +5 rads. +1 Thirst, -3 Fatigue.
Buffout: Pre-War steroids. +10 Max HP, +3 END,
+2 STR for 4 minutes. Withdrawal: -1 STR, END.

Jet: Inhalant. APR x 2 for 4 minutes. Highly

addictive, -1 CR. Withdrawal: -1 AGL, CHA.
Mentats: Pre-war Med Tek creation. +5 INT, +5
PER. Withdrawal: 3 INT, -2 AGL. Party Time
Mentats will add +2 INT, +2 PER, +5 CHA.
Nuka-Cola: Official soft drink of the postapocalyptic wasteland. 1 Fatigue, +1 Rads, +1
bottle cap. Withdrawal: -1 CHA.
Nuka-Cola Quantum: Follow up to failed Nuke
brand. +2 APR, +2 Rads, -2 Fatigue, +1 bottle
cap. Withdrawal: -1 AGL.
Nuke: Failed off-shoot of famous brand. +2 DR,
+2 Rads, -2 Fatigue, +1 bottle cap. Withdrawal:
-1 STR, -1 END.
Psycho: Pre-war military chem. +25% Damage
for 1 minute. Addictive: -1 to chem resistance
check. Withdrawal: -1 PER, END.
Psycho-D, Slasher: Pre-war military chem.
Combines Med-X with regular Psycho. +25%
Damage, +2 DR, +1 AGL, -1 INT for 1 minute.
Effects will not stack with regular Psycho.
Addictive: -1 to CR check. Withdrawal: -2 INT.

Alcoholic Chems:
Any brewed or distilled alcoholic beverage. All
alcohols share a withdrawal of 1 AGL, -1 CHA
and addiction checks are at +5 instead of +3.
Alcoholic effects are felt for 1 hour per item.
Absinthe: Distilled from wormwood, fennel and
anise. +1 PER, +1 CHA, -1 INT.
Antimatter: Raider concoction brewed with antifreeze, brake fluid, transmission fluid, or any
other fluid they could drain out of a pre-war
vehicle. +1 PER, +1 STR, -1 CHA, +1 Rads.
Beer, Booze, Rot Gut, Scotch, Vodka,
Whiskey, Wine: +1 STR, +1 CHA, -1 INT.
Gamma Gulp Beer: It glows in the dark! +1
PER, +1 CHA, -1 INT, +1 Rads.
Buck Wild, BW 20/20: Bottled by the Burton
Wine Co. of Rochester, NY. Original Blue flavor,
also found in Red, Green, Purple, Yellow, Pink,
and Orange flavors. +1 STR, +1 END, -1 PER.
Moonshine: +2 STR, +2 CHA, -2 INT.
Pruno: Prison hooch. +1 STR, +1 CHA, -1 PER.

Tango: Pre-war military chem used in the Y-13

Juicer Harness. +1 STR, +1 PER, +1 AGL, +10
Max HP, +2 APR for 4 minutes. Withdrawal: -1
CHA, -1 INT, -1 AGL, -1 Chem Resistance.

Roentgen Rum: It glows in the dark! +1 STR,

+1 CHA, -2 PER, +2 Rads.

Tango Red: Pre-war military chem. Variant of

regular Tango, designed for use in the Y-13
Juicer Harness. +1 END, +2 DR for 4 minutes,
+2 Healing Rate for next full day. Withdrawal: 1 END, -1 Healing Rate.

Wasteland Brew: Wasteland homebrew beer,

often with creative ingredients. +1 STR, +1 CHA,
-1 INT. Random: 1-2: +2 Rads, 3-4: +2 HP, 5-6:
-2 Rads, 7-8: -2 HP, 9-10: Double normal effect.

Recreational Chems (optional):

At discretion of the GM, post-apocalyptic
variants of real world chems can be included in
this category for the purpose of gameplay.
Prices will vary with supply and demand.
Cannabis: All variants of cannabis are included
in this category. -1 PER, -1 INT, +1 Hunger &
Thirst, +1 Rads. Withdrawal: -1 INT.
including mushrooms and LSD. +1 PER, -1 AGL,
-1 Speech.
Inhalants: Everything from nitrous to gas
fumes. 1 PER, -1 INT, -1 AGL, -1 END.

Rum & Nuka: Roentgen Rum + Nuka-Cola. +1

STR, -1 PER, +2 Rads, -1 Fatigue, +1 bottle cap.

Breaking Addictions:
Breaking an addiction requires seeing a
wasteland doctor who can administer a pre-war
anti-addiction concoction for a price of 50-100
caps, going cold turkey, or taking the Fixer
chem. Taking more of the same chem will
immediately counter-act any negative side
effects, but the character will remain addicted.
To go cold turkey, after at least 1 full day
of withdrawal, a character can make a chem
resistance roll. All chem resistance checks are
taken at +3 (+5 for alcohol) unless noted in chem
description. On a success, the character is able to
break the addiction.


Intermediate: First Aid & Medicine

Intermediate: Wasteland Campfire Recipes

In the Fallout world, the Medicine skill is

more than just an academic understanding of
medical science, it is also a critical survival skill
for the wasteland for locals and wasteland
adventurers both.

Here are some Campfire Recipes your

character can use to create items at Campfires.
All food recipes will grant 1 Hunger, countering a
full days worth of Hunger.

Eating food, while necessary for survival,

will not heal wounds. However, resting will,
equal to your characters healing rate. Damage
taken will negatively impact a characters Hit
Points, but limbs may also become crippled from
a called shot, or from enough damage.
For each critical strike, or for any attack that
causes more than 10% of total HP in damage, on
a 7-10 the damage will also injure a limb. If the
limb is already injured, it becomes crippled
instead. Injured limbs incur no penalty. Crippled
arms will reduce all Agility and Strength based
skills by 1 point per arm. Crippled legs will
reduce movement by 50% for one leg, and by
90% for both legs. A crippled head will cause a
concussion, with -4 Perception. A crippled
torso will cause a penalty of 4 Endurance.
With a First Aid Kit, a character may either
heal HP equal to their Medicine skill, or cause a
crippled limb to become only injured, or an
injured limb to be restored fully, on a successful
Medicine skill roll. Basic first aid requires only a
skill roll, but only heals 1 HP per success with a
difficulty set by the GM and will not heal crippled
or injured limbs.
With a Medical Brace and a successful
Medicine skill roll, a crippled limb is only injured
so long as it is worn. If it is injured/crippled again,
the Medical Brace is destroyed.
With a Doctors Bag and a successful
Medicine skill roll, a character may either heal HP
up to their Medicine skill x2, or fully restore a
crippled or injured limb.
With a Stimpak, a character may heal HP
equal to their Medicine skill x2 or fully restore a
crippled or injured limb, no skill roll required. If a
limb is injured and no called shot was made to
injure a specific limb, roll for location:
1-2: Left Leg, 3-4: Right Leg, 5-7: Torso, 8:
Left Arm, 9: Right Arm, 10: Head.

Healing Powder: Req: Broc flower, Xander Root,

Survival 1. (Chem)
Atomic Cocktail: Req: Mentats, Nuke, Vodka,
Survival 1, Science 3. (Chem)
Turbo: Req: Broc flower, Radscorpion Gland, Jet,
Turpentine, Survival 1, Science 5. (Chem)
Slasher: Req: Fruity Sugar Bombs, Psycho, MedX, Stimpack, Survival 1, Science 5. (Chem)
Black Coffee: Req: Coffee mug, Coffee pot,
Thorny Acorns, Dandelion root, Survival 2. +1
Perception, -1 Fatigue, 2 hours.
Bloatfly McNuggets: Req: Bloatfly meat, flour,
beer, Survival 2. (Food)
Mole Rat, Brahmin, Dog Steak: Req: Mole Rat,
Brahmin or Dog meat, Survival 3. (Food)
Snakebite Tourniquet: Req: Buffalo gourd seed,
surgical tubing, Survival 3. (Chem)
Caravan Lunch: Req: Cram, InstaMash, Pork n
Beans, Lunchbox, Survival 3. (Food)
Wasteland Brew: Req: Empty bottle, purified
water, Sugar Bombs, yeast, (+ other), Survival 4.
Healing Poultice: Req: Broc flower, Cave
fungus, Xander root, Mutfruit, Survival 5. (Chem)
Manhattan Mirelurk Chowder: Req: Mirelurk
meat, Mama Dolces Catsup, Survival 5. (Food)
Thick Red Paste: Req: Flour, Thin Red Paste,
Mutant Cave Fungus, Survival 5. (Chem)
Moonshine: Req: Maize, Mutfruit, yeast, Fission
battery, Survival 6. (Chem)
Mole Rat Stew: Req: Beer, maize, Mole Rat
meat, Pork n Beans, Survival 7. +1 Poison
Resistance/day. (Food)
Fire Ant Fricasee: Req: Cram, Fire Ant meat,
Flour, Survival 7. +1 Fire Resistance/day. (Food)
Brahmin Wellington: Req: Ant egg (2), BlamCo
Mac & Cheese, Brahmin meat, Survival 8. Counts
as 2 Hunger save those leftovers! (Food)

Intermediate: Wasteland Workbench Recipes

Tanned Hide (3), Leather Belt (2), Leather Armor

Workbenches can be found at different

locations scattered across the Wasteland, usually
in abandoned factories, workshops, and repair
depots, but also are frequently owned or shared
in settlements by the community mechanic,
handyman or blacksmith. Workbenches allow one
person at a time to create weapons, armor and
items from scavenged parts and junk.

Reinforced Metal Armor: Req: Repair 8, Scrap

Metal (5), Leather Belt (2), Metal Armor.

Auto-inject Stimpack: Req: Science 7, Sensor

Module, Stimpack.

Shishkebab: Req: Repair 7, Lawn Mower Blade,

Motorcycle Gas Tank, Motorcycle Handbrake, Pilot

Auto-inject Super Stimpack: Req: Science 10,

Sensor Module, Super Stimpack.
Armored Vault Jumpsuit: Req: Repair 8,
Leather Belt (2), Vault Jumpsuit, Sports
Equipment, Scrap Metal, Wonderglue.

Rock-It Launcher: Req: Repair 7, Conductor,

Firehose Nozzle, Leaf Blower, Vacuum Cleaner.
Satchel Charge: Req: Explosives 3, Lead, Gun
Powder, Scrap Electronics, Sensor Module.
Scrap Metal: Req: Repair 2, any junk metal x 4.

Stimpack: Req: Science 7, Broc Flower, Xander

Root, Empty Syringe.
Super Stimpack: Req: Science 9, Leather Belt,
Mutfruit, Nuka-Cola, Stimpack.

Bottlecap Mine: Req: Explosives 7, Bottle Caps

(10), Cherry Bomb (5), Lunchbox, Sensor Module.

Time Bomb: Req: Explosives 5, Duct Tape,

Dynamite, Egg Timer, Scrap Electronics.

Dart Gun: Req: Repair 5, Paint Gun, Toy Car,

Radscorpion Poison Gland, Surgical Tubing.

Weapon Repair Kit: Req: Repair 5, Duct Tape,

Scrap Electronics, Scrap Metal (2), Wonderglue,

Deathclaw Gauntlet: Req: Survival 5, Deathclaw

Hand, Leather Belt, Medical Brace, Wonderglue.
Doctors Bag: Req: Medicine 4, Forceps, Medical
Brace, Scalpel, Surgical Tubing.
EM Railgun: Req: Energy Weapons 8, Conductor,
Fission Battery, Crutch, Steam Gauge Assembly.
Gas Bomb: Req: Explosives 5, Duct Tape, Pilot
Light, Scrap Electronics, Sensor Module.
Leather Belt: Req: Repair 1, any hide.
Molotov Cocktail: Req: Explosives 1, Empty
Bottle, Turpentine, Waste Oil, Duct Tape.
Nuka-grenade: Req: Explosives 6, Tin Can,
Abraxo Cleaner, Nuka-Cola Quantum, Turpentine.
Pipe Bomb: Req: Explosives 3, Lead Pipe, Scrap
Metal, Dynamite, Duct Tape.
Wasteland Armor: Req: Repair 5, Leather Belt
(4), Scrap Metal, Duct Tape, Sports Equipment.
Railway Rifle: Req: Repair 7, Fission Battery,
Pressure Cooker, Crutch, Steam Gauge Assembly.
Recycled Energy Cell: Req: Science 3, Drained
Energy Cells - MF, SE, or EC (4).


Armor: Req: Repair 8,

Intermediate: Weapon & Armor Repair

Weapon and armor repair is fairly simple in
the Wasteland: take one damaged weapon or
armor item, break it down, and use the spare
parts to repair your other damaged items.
Like repairs like. A hunting rifle can be
used to repair a hunting rifle, but cannot be used
to repair leather armor, for instance. For the sake
of gameplay, items should be mostly alike, but
dont get hung up on that. If a player can make a
creative case for how they are going to use the
toaster spring to repair a hunting rifle, let the
player roll v. Repair to MacGyver it!
A workbench does not need to be present
for repairs; repairs can be done anywhere.
Roll to Repair: the number of successes are
the maximum condition points you can get out of
an item. The game master should decide on
difficulty, if the repairs are being done hastily or
under duress, or with a workbench and tools
handy, etc. The lower condition item is always
destroyed in the repair process.

Advanced: Old World Tech

Among many an intrepid Wastelanders
main extracurricular activities is that of scouring
the rubble and ruins for valuable Old World
technology and knowledge. To unlock the full
secrets of this Old World Tech, however, requires
something more.
Power Armor: Power Armor variants, such
as the T-45 and T-51b from the pre-war US Army,
require special training to use. This training is
often only known to secret military or scientific
organizations. This includes the Brotherhood of
Steel, the Institute, the Enclave and others.
Alternately, characters may be able to find and
salvage a VR Training Pod for Power Armor to
earn the Power Armor Training perk.
Players with a high enough Repair or
Science may check against their skill level to add
special modifications to a suit of Power Armor, at
Very Hard difficulty.

area between non-AI Power Armor and full AI

mainframes. This includes EyeBots, Protectotrons,
Protect-O-Bots, Sentry Bots, the Mister Handy,
the Mister Gutsy, Robobrains and Cyberdogs, but
excludes cyborg or advanced cybernetic lifeforms,
such as an Inorganic PC or NPC, or those created
by the Institute.
Players may make a Very Hard skill check
versus Science to hack subroutines on any nonhostile robot system, or to recuperate any
damaged system to full operational functionality.
Genetics: There were great advances in
genetics prior to the great war of 2077, including
the development of the Forced Evolutionary Virus.
Genetic research in the post-apocalypse is much
more muted, but still has applications.
With access to advanced genetic research
facilities, a player may make a Very Hard skill
check against Medicine or Science to develop a
serum that increases a specific SPECIAL trait by
1 point, one time only.
Vault-Tec Engineering: Vault-Tec products
and advanced systems are truly a lost technology.
Although operation of simple devices like Vault
Access Terminals, Pip-Boys or VATS are common
knowledge, only a rare few have unlocked the full
potential of devices such as the GECK.

Most pre-war Mainframe
computers are vastly different than the average
terminal you might find in the wastes, and cannot
be hacked conventionally as they run an entirely
different operating system. These require either a
specific passphrase or a security access key card
(e.g. Red, Blue or Yellow Pass Key). Many pre-war
Mainframes were programmed with Artificial
Intelligences (e.g. ZAX), allowing players to
interact with the mainframe in direct dialogue.
Players may make a Very Hard skill check
versus Science or Speech once connected to a
mainframe with an AI interface. New dialogue
options should become available to players,
including issuing commands or shutdown orders.
Robots: Pre-War robots operate in a middle

Players may make a Very Hard skill check

against their Science skill to attempt to improve
or replicate the design of a single Vault-Tec device
or ability, for example, enabling a player to build
a Pip-Boy from spare parts, or improve VATS.
Rocket Science: In the pre-War period,
companies such as REPCONN Aerospace, Poseidon
Energy and RobCo industries made great
advancements in the area of rocket propulsion.
While REPCONNs manned rockets were stored in
the test facilities of the Mojave and Everglades,
the Big Apple was home to Poseidon Energys ring
of Nike missile batteries and automated Kratos
defensive rocket drones.
Players may make a Very Hard skill check
against Science or Pilot to figure out how to
launch and control such powerful systems.
However, unless plans are made for test subjects,
this could prove to be a one shot test!

Advanced: Secrets of the Wastes

Abominations: The fundamental laws of
natural science in the Fallout world physics,
chemistry, earth science, and biology operate
differently from our own, often closer to that
found in a 1950s sci-fi movie. Radioactive fallout
from the Great War of 2077, combined with some
man-made genetic tinkering, has produced a
number of abominations including centaurs,
deathclaws, night stalkers, spore carriers, spore
plants, yao guai, trogs, and tunnelers. More then
just mutant human or animal, these creatures
have diverged to the point of belonging to a new
and unrecognizable species.
Learning the secrets of abominations may
also allow a player, with the right facilities, time
and effort, and a Very Hard skill check against
Survival or Science, to domesticate a specific
abomination, one creature at a time.
Cannibals: In a savage, apocalyptic time of
food and resource scarcity and the break down of
civilization, it is unsurprising that some humans
may resort to cannibalism. For many human
cannibals, though, it may be less necessity than
insatiable urge, an uncontrollable desire that puts
them in conflict with nearly all other living (edible)
With careful study, a player character (with
or without the cannibal perk) may attempt a Very
Hard skill check versus Survival in order to
unlock other benefits from consuming Blood
Packs, which will now heal HP equal to the
Survival skill and reduce Hunger by 10.
radioactive after-effect, genetic mutations plague
the human populations of the post-apocalyptic
world of Fallout. Sometimes these populations
exist in harmony, and other times, in dire conflict.
Many attempts have been made to correct these
perceived imbalances in genetic variation.
A player character with access to the right
facilities may attempt a Very Hard check against
Science or Medicine to permanently alter the
genetics of a single person, one time, e.g. turning
a Pure Strain Human into a Super-Mutant. The
person in question may or may not be so willing

Tribal Lore: Tribal societies within the

Fallout world are as diverse as they are complex,
often with many taboos, prophecies, oral
traditions, rituals, knowledge, and full languages
of their own. Even a character who was raised in
one tribal group may have no way of
communicating with a group in a different region.
A player who dedicates time and effort to
learn the ways of a tribal group discovered in their
travels may make a Very Hard check against
either Speech or Survival, and if successful, the
player will be accepted by that tribe, given aid
when needed, and may even be taught special
skills and techniques by the tribe.
Wasteland Historical Preservation: Much
history has been lost that has not been so lucky
as to be preserved by the oral traditions of
wandering tribes. The locations of many buried
artifacts remain undiscovered, artifacts that might
serve as hope for a humanity struggling to return
to glory, beacons of freedom or perseverance, or,
simply a curiosity to be sold to the highest bidder.
A player committed to the preservation of
historical artifacts who makes a Very Hard check
against Barter or Pilot after navigating the
wastelands many ruined cities, charting lost
roads, wheedling and trading for valuable
information regarding the location of items will
gain access to the exact known location of any
single historical artifact. Retrieving the artifact
and coming back in one piece is another story.

Traveling the Wastes

Travel through the wasteland is a key part
of post-apocalyptic life, with settlements often
heavily reliant on water caravans and other
merchants. Nomadic tribes also wander the
wasteland, as do raiders and slaver gangs. And of
course, there is the call of adventure!
The apocalypse brought with it not only the
destruction of most vehicles, but most of the
infrastructure of roads, highways, airports,
harbors and railroads as well. Even the vehicles
that exist rarely have the fuel to run. As a result,
nearly all transport is by foot, or by the
ubiquitous mutated, two-headed pack brahmin.

The speed of foot travel and the distance

which can be travelled in a single day is influenced
by a number of factors, as below:

3 mph, Fatigue rate x 1.0


8 mph, Fatigue rate x 4.0


1 mph, Fatigue rate x 1.5

Swimming: 2 mph, Fatigue rate x 2.0


4 mph, Fatigue rate x 1.0,

unless riding the brahmin.

and routes are dependent on how navigable

waterways are, including the effects of radiation.
For example, the Potomac River in the
Capital Wasteland has low enough concentration
of irradiated particles that a boat can travel down
it with no ill effects for the occupants. Not so the
Susquehanna or Ohio Rivers in the Pitt; those are
so irradiated that river travel is impossible except
by inorganic life.

Rough terrain and urban rubble can

significantly decrease speed while increasing
Fatigue, by a factor of up to two, four, or six
times, depending on GM discretion.

Travel by rail is next to unheard of. The war

and the subsequent 200 or so years of rust and
decay have destroyed all rail infrastructure. Only
in certain rare cases where a new government or
organization has rehabilitated limited sections of
track is this possible.

Note on other pack animals: it would

seem like an obvious solution for humans to
resort to established pre-Industrial means of
transportation, using horses, oxen, or even dogs
as a method of transportation. However, when we
consider that the Fallout world has not only
undergone a full-scale atomic holocaust, but
also recovered from the resulting decades-long
nuclear winter that itself only abated up to 120
years before the present date, its not difficult to
imagine what happened.

Still rare, but more common would be travel

by car, truck or motorcycle. These include both
gasoline-powered vehicles and atomic fusion cell
vehicles. Toward the end of the Resource Wars of
the mid-21st century, gasoline prices skyrocketed to $7500 to $8500 per gallon, allowing
only the super rich to drive a gasoline powered
car. Common vehicles include the popular
General Atomics Roadster series motorcycle, or
Chrysalus Motors Corvega and Highwayman
line of fusion-powered cars.

Horses and other large livestock, as well as

perhaps 90% of mammalian species, have been
killed or hunted to extinction. Dogs exist, mostly
as scavengers, and are not useful in much of the
broken wasteland terrain. Only the hardy and
hideously mutated brahmin cattle have survived
as the domestic livestock of current humans,
themselves descendants and survivors of a
cataclysmic population bottleneck.

A player may attempt to repair a vehicle like

this on their own, which may in turn lead to
quests for some very specific spare parts, such as
a fuel cell regulator, fuel cell controller, or a
magnetized plasma compartment. Be creative!

As pack animals, brahmin are most often

spotted in caravans along trade routes between
prospectors may also use brahmin. They are
seldom used as mounts, due to their stubborn,
sometimes contradictory (two headed) nature and
slow movement. They are also often raised as a
food source, not unlike 21st century beef cattle.
Boats and other watercraft are perhaps the
next most common form of post-apocalyptic
transport, being relatively simple to salvage and
maintain. Speed will vary depending on the craft,

The pre-War period was an era of full

analog, big engineering, and the driving machines
of that era were no exception. Pre-War vehicles
like this should fare well in a rough, off-road
driving environment. Only direct and deliberate
attempts to destroy such a vehicle, once repaired,
will succeed. Fusion powered vehicles require
fusion batteries, but may be rigged to run on
expendable micro-fusion cells. Piloting checks
must be made as necessary to control the vehicle.
Road: Very Easy: 15 mph, Easy: 25 mph,
Average: 35 mph, Hard: 45 mph, Very Hard: 55+
mph. Failure means crashing the vehicle.
All-Terrain: Very Easy: 5 mph, Easy: 15
mph, Average: 25 mph, Hard: 35 mph, Very
Hard: 45+ mph. Failure means crashing.

Flying a Vertibird is a very special skill that

requires additional training, in much the same
way that Power Armor does. Only those with the
Vertibird Flight Training perk may fly one of
these machines. For the sake of gameplay,
Piloting rolls for Vertibird flight are only needed
skill check type situations, such as bad weather
take-off, bad weather landing, special maneuvers,
evading fire, or making an attack run, at the
discretion of the game master.
Players with a high enough skill level may
even attempt to salvage an airplane, ultra-light,
or helicopter, or build a wasteland version on their
own. These normally require runways or refueling
facilities, and will require constant skill checks to
remain airborne.
For the truly adventurous, Rocket flight is
the last frontier to be conquered. Often
misguided, usually fatal, rocket flight is still an
option at facilities such as those created by
RepConn and Poseidon Energy, which were
more common in the 21st Century America of the
Fallout world. All Rocket flight checks are made at
Very Hard skill level, and include normal takeoff, course corrections, level flight over distances,
landing and recovery. Even if the player survives,
the rocket is likely to be used up (ran out of fuel,
destroyed) in the process, making Rocket flight a
very fast, mostly deadly one-way trip.
Navigation through the Wasteland is
another crucial part of successful travel. Pre-War
map holotapes are sought after commodities, so
much navigation is dependent on old fashioned
scouting and orienteering with tools such as a sun
dial and compass.
Pip-Boys make life a lot easier, dont they?
This clever Vault-Tec invention comes pre-loaded
with both a large scale regional map and local
map, and can be re-programmed for new regions.
More on the Pip-Boy device itself later.
Wilderness scouting is a simple application of
the Survival skill for the purpose of exploration
and mapping an area. A Very Easy check might
be required to determine True North, while a Very
Hard check might be needed to accurately map
and navigate the radioactive craters and fallen
buildings of a sprawling urban ruin at night.

Urban exploration is something apart from

infrastructure, dead cities, dark places, and
ghosts of industry all present untold dangers. This
kind of exploration really is in a category of its
own, and two kinds of Wastelander excel at it:
Slackliners and Tunnel Rats.
Slackliners and Tunnel Rats are not
affiliated tribes in the Big Apple Wasteland, and
may themselves belong to any kind of tribe or
social structure. Instead, these each represent an
upbringing and way of life so radically different
that they are almost considered their own caste.
Slackliners live, hunt, scavenge and survive
in the heights of the tallest, broken skyscrapers of
the old damned and ruined cities of the Northeast.
They travel from building to building by zip line or
cable, slacklining as they call it, building their
homes in the burned husks of buildings far above
the dangers below. Most Super Mutants are too
large to assault them there, feral ghouls too
erratic and mindless, and most slavers and raiders
are not well enough acquainted with the
environment to attempt raids.
Tunnel Rats follow a different strategy, and
have sought shelter underground in the network
of transport tunnels and sewers beneath Old
World population centers. Their world is cloaked in
darkness, a maze of zig-zagging passageways,
water works, and utility tunnels. While more
exposed to outside attacks or raids by slavers and
Super Mutants alike, their communities are less
susceptible to sudden catastrophe due to building
collapse or encroaching destruction as the tunnels
fared much better than the world above.
As players move through an urban
environment, the game master should take into
consideration the environment in several ways.
bridges, overpasses, power plants and other
public works are all severely damaged, if not
totally destroyed. Anything can happen.
Dead Cities: The parts of cities which did
not suffer direct hits, turning them into boiling
craters, did suffer immensely, with buildings being
sheared from their foundation or tipping like
dominoes against each other.


Dark Places: The deepest and darkest

depths are often the most dangerous. Sewers and
subway systems are more likely to be infested
with pig rats, giant rats, Mirelurks, or feral ghouls
than other places. Caves are likely homes to
Abominations like Deathclaw, Yao Guai, rad
scorpions or others.
Ghosts of Industry: When the bombs fell,
it did not mean that anyone was around to turn
out the lights. Factories, power plants, reactors,
and waste treatment plants may have been
operational for many years before eventually
grinding to a halt from lack of maintenance or
reactor overload. These industrial sites tend to
have much higher, deadlier levels of radiation
than elsewhere. There is even a chance that
factories and power plants may still be functional,
with their former inhabitants still present!

both agree, they can haggle over price by rolling

an Average skill check and comparing
successes. The winning player may adjust the
price by 10% per success.
In some communities, even more complex
local rules govern trades (e.g. Bust a deal, face
the wheel from Mad Max). Generally, trades
will continue until both sides are satisfied with
the trade. There are no refunds.
The Barter skill may also be used in
situations that require a certain knowledge of
hidden economies, such as the black market, or
when dealing with other illicit or specific trades,
such as drugs & guns (rarely banned) or slaves
(often banned or shunned). Making a skill check
would be needed to do so.

Scavenging and the Barter Economy

The first rule of the Fallout barter economy
is that the Post-Apocalyptic currency of choice is
the bottle cap.
Part of the reason is the scarcity there are
a limited number of bottle caps that exist, and no
one bothered to preserve the technology used to
create them. They are readily available, difficult to
counterfeit, simple to use, and make a really
satisfying clink together. No one is sure who first
used them as currency, but the practice quickly
spread throughout the Wasteland.
Bottle caps are a simple currency with no
greater denominations and a fixed supply, used to
count or rate the tradable value of items, and are
therefore considered a commodity of exchange.
All trades are measured in bottle caps, but no
bottle caps need be exchanged during a trade.
The second rule of the barter economy is
that the cost of items is influenced by the
haggling skill of the parties involved in the trade.
For player to NPC merchant trades, it is factored
based on default price and skill:
Base sell price % = 50% + (Barter x 5)
Base buy price % = 150% - (Barter x 5)
For player to player trades, the price is
whatever the players can agree to. Optionally, if

Slavers are similar in many ways to both

raiders and merchants, in that they raid to get
more slaves, which they then must trade. The
Big Apple Wasteland is, unfortunately, prime
hunting ground for organized slavers out of the
Philly Wasteland, who then sell to places like
the Pitt or elsewhere in the Capital Wasteland.
Typically, local and regional slaver guilds are
the norm, even in societies that allow slavery. A
player who wishes to join the slavers guild
must under go an initiation or pay a fee, have
negative karma, and must submit to receiving
the slavers mark, generally a tattoo or brand,
which will reduce the players karma by 4 points
immediately and for as long as the mark exists.
The mark is generally placed on the forehead.
Slavers may or may not use more advanced
tech like explosive proximity collars instead of
chains, but are otherwise just as advanced
technologically as any other raider or settler in
the Wasteland.

Most trading, however, occurs between

settlers and ordinary merchant caravans. Some
caravans sell general goods, like the Crimson
Caravan of the Mojave and NCR, while others
have merchants specializing in only certain types
of goods, such as the caravans of Canterbury
Commons in the Capital Wasteland. Because
larger caravans require more protection, and often
draw more attention, smaller caravans are the
norm. Caravans will tend to follow a single, fixed
route, and consist of a merchant/trader, a hired
guard, and a pack brahmin. Some independent
scavengers also sell their wares, and generally
only consist of a single scavenger and a
companion, such as a robot or domesticated
abomination or dog.
When trading with any NPC, it is important
to note that there are no competing Barter skill
rolls: the Barter skill adjustment reflects the skill
of the player character in adjusting the set price.
No challenge roll is needed and the Barter skill
of the NPC is only optionally taken into account.
Finally, before the players can trade for
bottle caps, they need items worth trading.
Wastelanders mostly have two options: taking
stuff from someone else, either through theft or
after combat, or by scavenging. And while there is
plenty of junk strewn about the Wasteland, the
best items are often found only behind a lock.
Looting the dead bodies of your fallen
adversaries is easy surviving combat is the hard
part. For others, theft is an option. Stealing an
item left in the open, or in someones possession,
requires a successful Stealth check. If an owned
item is in a locked container, in sight of others
(people, robot sentries, dogs, etc.), it will also
require a successful Lockpick check.
Lockpicking in the Fallout world requires an
ordinary screwdriver or something similar as a
tension rod, and bobby pins as the picks. For the
sake of game play, we can assume that the player
always has something they can use as the tension
rod. A failure means a broken pick, and a chance
that any observers might have noticed the
attempt. A lock can be attempted any number of
times before being opened. A failed desperation
attempt may jam or break a lock, rendering it
impossible to pick or open.

Often, electronic locks can be found

protecting certain doors or containers. These will
either require a special key card for access, or will
be connected to a computer terminal, which must
be hacked to gain access.
Computer hacking uses the Science skill to
attempt to exploit a well-known bug in RobCos
Unified Operating System to guess a password.
A player can open the raw binary version of
the system password history file, and then
receives 4 chances to guess the password before
being locked out. They may additionally make a
Hard skill check to attempt to remove up to 3 old
passwords, or to reset their available attempts to
4, one time for each (a failure there will be
counted as a failed attempt). A reboot of the
terminal at any time will reset the connection,
allowing the player to start over with a new list of
Once hacked, a terminal may display any
kind of information, but in the case of locked
containers and doors, will display an option to
unlock the mechanism in question.
However a player collects, barters for, steals,
scavenges, or brutally slaughters people to get
items, be ever mindful of the characters carrying
capacity, measured by their carry weight value.
This value is the extreme to where a character can
be loaded down with gear and loot and still remain
mobile. Anything more than that, and the player
will strain with exertion and collapse in heap.
Quick summary:
Bottle caps are the base currency.
Base sell price % = 50% + (Barter x 5)
Base buy price % = 150% - (Barter x 5)
A Barter skill check is required to open up
trade options in black market or other illicit goods.
Slavers bear a slavers mark, a tattoo or a
brand on their forehead.
Stealing requires a Stealth check.
Lockpicking requires a Lockpick check.
Bobby pins are needed to pick a lock.
Hacking requires a Science check.

Post-Apocalyptic Combat
If our player characters now fully kittedout in whatever armor they salvaged or made,
armed with weapons passed down through the
tribe or bartered from a passing merchant were
truly lucky, they would never have to face the
horrors of combat in a post-apocalyptic setting.
Its difficult enough to survive in an irradiated,
parched Wasteland without being clawed, bashed,
stung, or shot to death, too.
Combat in Fallout: The Big Apple Wasteland
is meant to be fast, fun, descriptive, and simple to
resolve. Combat should work in the interests of
the story, rather than enslave the story to hack &
slash combat. Players who are used to that may
soon find themselves crawling through the wastes
on crippled limbs, their armor shredded, hoping
that the next raider they encounter will have at
least one Stimpak in his possession
Following the same mechanics we discussed
earlier, combat involves Values, Dice, and
Levels & Thresholds. Combat is divided into
scenes and rounds. Overall, the whole combat
encounter or battle can be thought of as the
scene, while action rounds and turns continue
until combat is ended, one way or another. It
follows these main steps:

Combat Scene Steps:

Resolve Sneak Attacks
If the attacker remains hidden, and is not
discovered on a Perception check by the targets,
the targets can take cover or move, but may not
attack, and the attacker continues to gain Stealth
bonuses on attacks.
The check should be at a common sense
difficulty. If a hidden attacker breaks cover to fire
a missile with a long smoke trail, they will get the
sneak attack, but finding them is going to be
Very Easy. On the other hand, if a sniper with a
Sneak of 10 wearing a Chinese Stealth Suit fires
a silenced rifle from a concealed position in
nearby rubble, it will be Very Hard to find them.
A sneak attack is determined the same way

that a normal attack is, except that the sneak

attacker has a special bonus of +3 points to their
attack value as long as they remain undetected.
Determine Sequence
Sequence is a Perception + 1D10 value,
high value goes first, that sets the order players
and NPCs can choose and execute their actions.
Actions occur in this order, with the exception of a
melee block action, which is a defensive action
of opportunity.
Choose Actions
All players and NPCs have a certain number
of actions they can take in any given round,
tracked by the actions per round. This
represents a players agility, movement and
reaction time, and are equal to 1 + Agility stat
bonus +/- modifiers. Each combat scene
continues until resolved (one side loses,
surrenders, runs away or combat ends with a
dramatic scene).
Actions rotate one at a time, character by
character in sequence, allowing for more or less
concurrent actions by everyone. Highest sequence
takes one action, then next highest, etc. Actions
also do not need to be decided in advance, but
round to round.
The exception to the rule is the Vault-Tec
Assisted Targeting System. A player character
with a Pip-Boy model 3000 or higher can
announce that they want to initiate VATS at the
beginning of a combat scene for free, or at
any point during combat as a single action.
They must then program the remaining actions for
the combat round into VATS, and cannot alter
them. VATS will automatically skip actions that
are no longer necessary, like a attacking a dead
opponent. Once all programmed actions are
completed (i.e. at the end of the round), VATS
will prompt the player for the next round of
actions, which can either then be entered, or
VATS can exit.
VATS grants +2 dice pool for attacks
and for called shots. Any attacks that are not a
called shot are assumed to be targeting the torso.
Remember! To benefit from VATS, a character
must have a PipBoy 3000 or higher.

Allowable Actions

must first declare the body part, area, or item

Here is the list of allowable combat actions:









determines the Difficulty of the attack, as if it

Attack (Fire a gun, stab, throw a grenade,

shoot a missile, swing a baseball bat...)

Take Aim / Make a Called Shot

Block with a shield or melee weapon

Reload your weapon

Do something (Move, perform a skill)

Easy, to small body parts (hands, feet, claws,

Using a chem or stimpack

tentacles) is Average, a head shot is Hard, and a

Draw or holster a weapon

bulls eye or trick shot is Very Hard.

Open inventory or backpack

Take Cover: halves enemys attack value

(maximum of one half of unused/total APR)

At point blank range, a called shot cant

miss (e.g. gun to the head). After that, a shot to
a targets center of mass (i.e. torso or chest) is
Very Easy, to a targets limbs (legs and arms) is

A called shot requires the same number of

Attack: Firing a single shot from a gun,

swinging a baseball bat, stabbing with a knife,
throwing a grenade the basic combat action.
Can only specify one target, not multiple targets
or specific body parts on a target.
A burst attack is a burst of shots fired from
a weapon with automatic or semi-automatic fire
enabled. A burst fires 3 shots at once and does x3
damage, but counts as a single attack. Firing fully
automatic from a weapon with it enabled uses all
actions for the round, but is 1 to attack value


successes as a skill check at that difficulty. If it

hits, it deals damage normally. If it misses, it
misses the target completely.

Actions Explained


were a skill check. This only takes 1 action.





successive fully automatic burst attacks, but fires

Melee Block: A melee block is a defensive

action of opportunity. Once an attacker declares a
melee attack on the defender, and the defender
a) has a melee weapon equipped, b) has a free
action in





round, the

defender may attempt to block the attack with a

melee skill roll. Melee blocking may also be
declared at the start of a round, regardless of
sequence (e.g. taking an en garde stance). The
blocking weapon takes 10%




blocked as damage to its condition.

Reloading takes 1 action, but fully reloads
the weapon.

10 shots at once at x10 damage.



Move: This includes closing the distance to


Gatling lasers, machine guns, and flamers follow

the same rules, and are limited based on the








running away. The average person can move 4-5

meters per move action.

weapon. For instance, a missile launcher can only

Performing a skill check can also take an

fire one missile at a time, while a Gatling laser or

action. Same goes for using a chem or stimpak,

flamer can only fire in bursts.

drawing a weapon or holstering one, opening

Take Aim: Taking aim with a weapon means

carefully lining up the sights or scope with the

inventory, surrendering, etc.






target. It costs 1 action all by itself, not including

Targeting System can be declared for free at the

the action needed for the attack. Aimed attacks

start of combat, or by using 1 action in the middle

using iron sights add +1 to attack value, while

of combat.

aiming with a scope adds +3 to the attack value.

This is not the same as a called shot.
Called shots are attacks to a specific body

Take Cover: Characters can take cover by

using an action, and any opponents attacking
them have their attack value halved.

part or item. To make a called shot, the player


Resolving Combat
Combat resolution in Fallout: The Big Apple
Wasteland follows the same trifecta previously
discussed of Value, Dice, and Thresholds.
Players have a raw combat attack value
equal to the combat skill they are using. This can
be modified by a number of things, including
aiming, special weapon mods, range to target, or
if a target is actively taking cover from the attack.
See the end of this section for a full list of
modifiers and summary of rules.
A players dice pool for combat is
determined the same way their normal skill dice
pool is: (Skill Value) + Luck bonus + other
bonuses. Other bonuses or penalties may apply
based on character perks or other circumstances.
Next, follow these steps:
1. Attack: The player makes the attack,
rolling dice equal to their dice pool. Each die roll
value that is lower than the adjusted attack value
counts as a successful hit.
2. Melee Block: The defender may make a
melee block roll: each die roll value lower than
the attackers adjusted attack value (defender
uses the same adjusted value) counts as a
successful block, negating any successful hits.
3. Critical Hits: for each successful hit that
scored a natural die roll of 1, multiply the total
damage starting at double: a single 1 rolled is a
critical hit resulting in x2 damage, two 1s rolled
equals x3 damage, three 1s equals x4 damage,
etc. All critical hits, regardless of damage,
stagger an opponent, resulting in an immediate
loss of 1 APR for their next round of combat and
loss of sequence ranking for the scene.
4. Damage: Each successful hit counts as a
point of damage. This is modified by the weapons
base damage first, and only then by any attack
multipliers. So, a raider making 3 successful hits
with a short burst attack from a 10mm
submachine gun, in good condition, would equal
(3 hits + 5 points base damage per attack) x 3 =
24 damage, and 3 bullets would have been fired.
5. Apply Damage: Against an unarmored
opponent with 0 Damage Resistance, the full

amount of damage would always apply. However,

armor itself has a DR rating or threshold which
gives you a certain degree of protection. Damage
Resistance functions as a saving throw against
attack damage.
First, take the Damage Resistance of the
armor. Then add the players base DR. Roll 1D10
and if the result is lower than the adjusted DR of
the armor, the armor deflects all of the damage,
otherwise, the damage applies to the player. The
armors condition is always reduced by 10% of
the total damage that it deflected as a result.
Armor and weapon condition are tracked on
a scale of 1-10, with a max of 10. The result is
rounded off to the nearest whole number. A
condition of 1.55 will round off to 2, and 0.45 will
round off to 0, destroying the item. The condition
of armor modifies its DR, while the condition of
weapons is a modifier applied to total damage.
Armor & Weapon Condition:


x1.25 rounded off












Weapon condition is reduced by 1 point for

each combat scene that a weapon is used in. If
more than one weapon is used, both weapons
conditions are reduced by 1 point. Armor
condition is only reduced by sustained damage.
It is quite possible to have a Damage
Resistance from armor that is equal to or greater
than 10 at good or excellent condition. This
means that the armor will always deflect full
damage from attacks exactly what good armor
is designed to do but as the condition degrades
over time, it will be less and less effective. To
defeat an opponent with heavy armor, sometimes
you have to defeat the armor first.
Natural Damage Resistance points from
Genetics, Perks, sub-dermal implants or random
wasteland mutations will never degrade. A
character with a natural DR will always have that
Damage Resistance as a base value.

Full stats on all weapons and armor can be

found in the Equipment section later in the rules.

damage for a 10mm Pistol, x2.0 for the single

critical, x1.0 for Good condition = 12 damage.

Special Combat Rule: Explosives & Big Guns

The raider is wearing Worn Raider Armor,

with a DR of only 2. He rolls his Damage
Resistance check and rolls a 2! This is not Lucky
Larrys day All the damage is taken by the
armor, but the total condition of the armor is
reduced by 1 point (12 / 10, rounded down).

Explosives and big guns are a special case in

combat, and have other effects.
All normal hits by big guns or explosives in
combat where the target fails the Damage
Resistance check, the target is staggered, and
loses 2 Action Points for the next combat round.
All critical hits by big guns or explosives in
combat will knock down an opponent (with the
exception of Super-Mutant Behemoths), causing a
loss of all remaining Action Points for that
combat scene. The only action a target is
assumed to make in this time is recovery to an
upright position.
This includes attacks by mines, grenades,
dynamite, mini-guns, missile launchers, and big
gun flame-based weapons (stop, drop, and roll!).
Attacks which only effect certain life forms (i.e.
pulse mine and grenade attacks on inorganics)
will have the same effect.
Sample Combat Round
Now that weve discussed the fundamentals,
lets take a look at a sample combat round.
Poor Lucky Larry has just escaped the ruined
casino, pursued by two raiders, who corner him in
an alley. There are no sneak attacks, so sequence
is determined: Lucky Larry has a sequence of 11.
The drug-addled raiders have a sequence of 7 and
10, so Lucky Larry goes first.
Lucky Larry (Agl 5) draws his Good condition
10mm Pistol (1st action). The raiders draw their
weapons, a Combat Knife and a Submachine Gun.
(1st action). Larry shoots at the faster looking
raider (2nd action). Since it is not a melee attack,
the raider cant block, and since Larry is going
first, the raider hasnt had a chance to take cover.
Lucky Larry has a Small Guns skill of 3, and
a Luck of 10 (+3 bonus dice), giving him a Small
Guns dice pool of 6. The raider is within close
range for the 10mm Pistol, so no penalty applies.
Lucky Larry rolls to strike and rolls a 1, 4, 5, 5, 7
and 8. Only one hit, but its a critical hit and the
raider is staggered. Total damage is 1 + 5 base

Next, it is the raiders turn. The first raider

gasps in amazement that his crappy armor
actually stopped a 10mm bullet, and loses his
current (2nd) action as well as his sequence rank,
dropping to the bottom of the sequence rotation.
The second raider fires a burst from her
Worn 10mm Submachine Gun at Lucky Larry (2nd
action). The raider has a Small Guns skill of 5,
and a dice pool of 6 (+1 Luck). She rolls a 4, 5, 8,
8, 8 and 9 for 2 hits! The total damage is (2 hits +
5 base damage x 3 burst fire) x0.75 for Worn
condition = 16 points of damage (rounded up).
Lucky Larry is wearing an Armored Vault
Suit, with a DR of 3 and an Excellent Condition of
10. Lucky Larry has no other modifiers to his DR
at present, and rolls a 5 in his DR check. His
armor fails to deflect the damage, and Lucky Larry
takes 16 points as wounds.
A new round starts now that everyone is out
of actions. Lucky Larry gets another chance, and
makes a Called Shot (1 action) to the head of the
raider with the 10mm Submachine Gun. To hit, he
must get 4 successes. He manages to roll a 1, 1,
2, 3, 4, and 8, for 4 hits. Success! He also scores
a critical with two 1s, for triple damage. Total
damage is 4 + 5 base damage x3.0 for the
Critical, or 27 damage.
The raider takes 27 points of damage to the
face! This more than her total hit points, and kills
her instantly. Only when the targets total hit
points are exhausted is the target killed or
destroyed. Otherwise, the target area of a called
shot is injured or crippled on a critical strike, even
if it is a vital area like the head, however a good
GM may exercise discretion on this rule.
The second raider regains his composure and
closes the distance (1st action) to Larry, combat
knife out, screaming Im gonna tear you apart!

Combat will continue, round by round, until

resolved. Opponents with more APR will tend to
outlast slower opponents with less APR and get
more chances to strike, just as we might expect a
professional boxer in a ring against a slower, less
agile fighter. Once opponents either submit, flee,
or are killed, combat is resolved.
Any opponent can submit at any time,
surrendering to the mercy of the victor. No dice
roll is needed to do so; the opponent simply needs
to communicate or signal their intent to submit in
some way. Keep in mind that evil opponents (with
negative karma) are not known for their mercy.
Creatures, and most NPC abominations or
inorganics will simply ignore any attempt to
submit, and will continue attacking there is no
point submitting to a Yao Guai.
Once an opponent has signaled their intent
to submit, attacking them will decrease karma by
1 point per each opponent that is attacked.
An opponent may attempt to flee combat at
the beginning of a round. They must spend all of
their actions on movement, running away from
their attacker at top speed. They must then make
a successful Sneak skill check if indoors, or a
successful Survival skill check if outdoors, to
evade pursuit. If the attacker loses them, the
attacker can make a counter check using the same
skill to either find them indoors (Sneak) or track
them outdoors (Survival). Multiple evasion
attempts can be made as long as the attackers
choose to pursue. However, NPC attackers tend to
remain in a given area, and rarely pursue beyond
their active territory.

Combat and the Story

The most important guideline for combat in
Fallout: Big Apple Wasteland is that combat should
be secondary to the plot. Feel free to pause
combat for dramatic effect if needed, such as to
have the players use their Speech with a fallen
NPC comrade, or to allow players to reveal critical
plot points by interacting with a mainframe AI
using their Science skill. Combat should be
considered paused at such points: dont cheat the
story out of plot developments!


Combat Quick Summary

Combat Steps:
=> Resolve Sneak Attacks
=> Determine Sequence
=> Take actions Actions rotate one at a time
All APR must be spent
=> Resolve Combat Determine Attack Dice, Values
Roll to attack, resolve melee block
Determine damage
Make DR check, if applicable
Determine injuries, if applicable
=> Rotate combat turns by Sequence
=> Reset APR at end
Combat Special Rules:
Critical Hit on die roll of 1
Total Damage x 1 + Number of Critical Hits
Stagger on Critical Hit, Normal Weapons
Stagger on DR check failure, Big Guns
Knock Down on Critical Hit, Big Guns
Roll for injuries on Critical Hit: Limb is
injured or crippled on roll of 7-10.
VATS: Adds 2 Attack Die to combat pool.
Aimed Shot: +1 iron sights, +3 scoped.
Taking cover: Attack value halved for
attackercover applies until defender breaks
cover or is flanked by attacker.
Stagger: Lose current action and drop to
bottom of sequence stack.
Knock Down: All actions lost for round.
To submit, must signal intent to surrender
To flee, spend actions to run away, then
make successful Sneak (indoors) or Survival
(outdoors) skill check, same to pursue/track.


Item Condition

Equipment and Items

All equipment has two values: weight and
a value in caps. Armor also has condition and
damage resistance, while weapons also have
condition and a base damage value, and may
also have ammunition capacity, ammo type, and
effective range. Special items are uniquely
named, highly valued, and have additional bonuses
or effects.
A player character may not carry more items
than their carry weight allows. Items stored in a
vehicle compartment or on a pack animal do not
count toward an individual carry weight, but will
count toward their own storage limits.

Certain items, such as weapons and armor,

have a condition rating assigned to them to
determine the overall wear and tear effect on the
item quality, which has an impact on either
weapon damage or on armor damage resistance.
Worth repeating, condition is rated as follows:
Armor & Weapon Condition:


x1.25 rounded off












No item may be rated higher than 10, and

once an item reaches a condition of 0, it is
destroyed, and cannot be repaired.
Item Repair

Storage Weight Limits

Roadster Motorcycle =

+100 pounds

Companion NPC

+100 pounds

Pack Brahmin

+200 pounds


+300 pounds


+400 pounds


+500 pounds

The above limits represent not only the

space available for storage, but also the ability to
successfully travel once the items are stored.
Overloaded boats will sink, overloaded Vertibirds
wont be able to take off, and overloaded NPCs will
either refuse items (free companions) or collapse
due to exhaustion (enslaved companions) until
their total weight carried is reduced.
Characters exceeding their total carry weight
will not be able to move, attack opponents, or
defend themselves until they get rid of some of
their items. Small gun ammo is not considered to
have weight for the sake of gameplay. But feel
free to add optional hardcore weight rules!

To repair items, you must have the same

item at a lower condition at hand. Then, make a
Repair skill check. The number of successes is
the maximum number of condition points
restored to the item being repaired. The lower
condition item is destroyed in the process.
In all cases, like repairs like. So, a hunting
rifle may be repaired with another, lower
condition hunting rifle, or a suit of leather armor
repaired with another suit of leather armor. Some
discretion should be allowed: you may repair a
reinforced leather armor with a regular leather
armor, or a scoped hunting rifle with a regular
hunting rifle, etc.
The game master may allow a player to
repair an item with another non-similar item if a
compelling explanation is given, but at a specific
difficulty rating. If you want to repair your
hunting rifle with a junk toaster, be creative in
your explanation, and be prepared to make a
Very Hard repair skill check. In the event of
failure, the repairs simply do not work, and
should be abandoned.
Additionally, certain NPCs may offer repair
services, for a price. In all cases, access to a
workbench is not needed; repairs can be made in
any location, even without access to facilities.

Weapons and Armor

Weapons and armor are categorized by
either the weapon skill needed to use them, or by
the relative type of the armor (light, medium, and
heavy armor).
Big Guns => Miniguns, Missile Launchers, Gatling
Lasers, Heavy Machineguns, Artillery, Flamers,
Incinerators, Rocket Launchers, Anti-Aircraft Guns
Small Guns => Automatic Pistols, Revolvers,
Submachine Guns, Automatic and Semi-Automatic
Rifles, Carbines, Lever Action Rifles, Hunting
Rifles, Shotguns, Zip Guns, Light Machineguns,
Sniper Rifles, Anti-Material Rifles, Railway Rifles
Melee => Knives, Clubs, Lead Pipes, Axes,
Sledgehammers, Swords, Gauntlet Weapons,
Shishkebabs, Spears, Staves, Chains, Throwing
Knives/Axes/Stars, Hammers, Medieval Weapons
Unarmed => Unarmed Punches & Kicks, Brass
Knuckles, Spiked Knuckles, Boxing Gloves, Boxing
Tape, Power Fists, Power Boots, Spiked Boots
Energy Weapons => Laser Pistols, Laser Rifles,

Plasma Pistols, Plasma Rifles, Disintegrators, Alien

Blasters, Pulse Pistols, Pulse Rifles, Stun Guns,
Mesmetrons, Shock Batons, Tesla Rifles, Tesla
Cannons, Microwave Weapons, Railguns
Explosives => Frag Grenades, Frag Mines, Pulse
Grenades, Pulse Mines, Plasma Grenades, Plasma
Mines, Dynamite, Fire Bombs, Satchel Charges,
Time Bombs, Bottlecap Mines, C4, Gas Bombs
Light Armor => Tribal Armor, Leather Armor,
Armored Vault Jumpsuit, Raider Armor, Wasteland
Armor, Security Armor, Tactical Vest, Leather
Jacket, Chinese Jumpsuit, Y/C-13 Juicer Harness
Medium Armor => Reinforced Leather Armor,
Recon Armor, Chinese Stealth Suit, Reinforced
Armored Vault Jumpsuit, Headhunter Armor,
Lightweight Metal Armor, Marine Infantry Armor,
Airborne Infantry Armor, Combat Armor, Metal
Armor, Tesla Armor, Reinforced Metal Armor,
Deckard Industries Tactical Armor
Heavy Armor => T-45 Power Armor, T-51 Power
Armor, T-60b Power Armor, Enclave Power Armor,
Brotherhood Power Armor, Brotherhood Outcast
Power Armor, Tribal Power Armor

Armor and Apparel






Vault Armor & Apparel

Armored Vault Jumpsuit


+1 Energy Weapons, +1 Small Guns


Reinf. Armored Vault Jumpsuit


+1 Energy Weapons, +1 Small Guns


Vault Jumpsuit

+1 to two skills, per Vault

Vault Utility Jumpsuit

+1 Lockpick, +1 Repair


Vault Lab Uniform

+1 Science, +1 Medicine

Vault Security Armor



Vault Security Helmet


Wasteland Armor & Apparel

Wasteland * Outfit

+1 to two skills or stats

Roving Trader Outfit

+1 Barter

Merc * Outfit

+1 Melee, +1 Small Guns


Wasteland Armor



Raider * Armor



Raider * Helmet


Armor and Apparel (continued)






Leather Armor & Apparel

Leather Jacket


Gang Member Leather Jacket

+1 to two skills or abilities


Leather Armor



Reinforced Leather Armor



Leatherman Patrol Armor


+1 CHR, +1 Survival


Metal Armor & Apparel

Metal Armor


-1 AGL


Metal Helmet


Motorcycle Helmet

Reinforced Metal Armor


-2 AGL


Reinforced Metal Helmet


Lightweight Metal Armor



Gamma Shield Armor


-1 AGL, +2 Radiation Resistance


Law Enforcement Armor & Apparel

Pre-War Tactical Vest

Critical Hit on 1 or 2


Pre-War Riot Gear


+1 AGL, +1 Small Guns


Pre-War Riot Helmet


Pre-War Riot Shield

Adds to DR on Melee Block


Combat Armor & Apparel

Combat Armor



SpecOps Combat Armor


+1 Small Guns, +1 Explosives


Medic Combat Armor


+1 Medicine


Combat Helmet


Y/M-9 Med Harness

Holds up to 10 auto-inject chems


Y/C-13 Juicer Harness


Holds up to 20 auto-inject chems


Headhunter Armor


+1 Small Guns, +1 Melee, -2 Karma


Deckard Ind. Tactical Armor


+1 Energy Weapons, +1 Big Guns


Recon Armor


+1 Sneak


Recon Armor Helmet

+1 PER


Chinese Jumpsuit

+1 Small Guns


Chinese Stealth Armor


+1 Sneak, Stealth Field: +2 Sneak dice


US Army Stealth Suit


+2 Sneak, Stealth Field: +2 Sneak dice



Armor and Apparel (continued)






Power Armor
T-45d Power Armor


+2 STR, -2 AGL, +1 Rad Resistance


T-45d Power Armor Helmet

+1 Rad Resistance


T-51b Power Armor


+2 STR, -2 AGL, +2 Rad Resistance


T-51b Power Armor Helmet

+1 CHR, +1 Rad Resistance


T-60b Power Armor


+3 STR, -2 AGL, +5 Rad Resistance


T-60b Power Armor Helmet

+1 CHR, +2 Rad Resistance


Outcast Power Armor


+2 STR, -2 AGL, +1 Rad Resistance


Outcast Power Armor Helmet

+1 Rad Resistance


Enclave Power Armor


+1 STR, -1 AGL, +1 Rad Resistance


Enclave Power Armor Helmet

-1 CHR, +1 Rad Resistance


Tesla Power Armor


+1 STR, -1 AGL, +5 Energy Resistance


Tesla Power Armor Helmet

-1 CHR, +1 Rad Resistance


Tribal Armor & Apparel

Tribal Raiding Armor


+1 Melee, +1 Sneak


Tribal Pit Fighter Harness

+1 Melee, +1 Unarmed


Tribal Power Armor


+1 LCK, +1 STR, -1 AGL, +1 Melee


Tribal Power Armor Helmet

+1 PER


Tribal * Spirit Armor


+1 any stat, +1 any skill


Tribal Garb

+1 Survival

Other Armor & Apparel

Radiation Suit

+3 Rad Resistance


Advanced Radiation Suit

+5 Rad Resistance


Environment Suit

+1 Medicine, +3 Rad Resistance


Scientist Lab Outfit

+1 Science

Mechanic Jumpsuit

+1 Repair

Pre-War Business Wear

+1 Speech

Pre-War Formal Wear

+1 CHR

Institute Field Agent Uniform

+1 Energy Weapons, +1 Science


Pre-War Civil Defense Uniform

+1 Small Guns

Pre-War Hat or Baseball Cap

+1 PER

Stormchaser Hat

+1 PER

All normal clothing







Eff. Range (yards) Value

Small Guns (Pistols)

.22 Pistol





.32 Revolver




.357 Magnum Revolver




.44 Magnum Revolver





.45 Auto Pistol


.45 Auto



5.56mm Pistol




9mm Pistol






10mm Pistol





Type 17 Chinese Pistol





Type 33 Chinese Pistol





Small Guns (Submachine Guns)

.45 Auto SMG


.45 Auto




9mm Submachine Gun





10mm Submachine Gun





Type 79 Chinese SMG





Small Guns (Rifles)

.308 Hunting Rifle





.32 Hunting Rifle





Anti-Material Rifle





C98 Assault Carbine





R91 Assault Rifle





Automatic Rifle







BB Gun



Chinese Assault Rifle



Lever Action Rifle




M95 Marksman Carbine



40/110/225/350/500 800

M24 Sniper Rifle




80/160/320/480/800 340

AR20 Service Rifle




50/100/200/300/450 300

Varmint Rifle









Eff. Range (yards) Value

Extended Magazine Mod


Silencer Mod








50/100/200/300/450 500



Weapons (continued)





Eff. Range (yards) Value

Small Guns (Shotguns)

Caravan Shotgun





Combat Shotgun






Double-Barrel Shotgun





Police Stakeout Shotgun





Riot Shotgun






Sawed-Off Shotgun





Single Shotgun





Big Guns
Fat Man



Mini Nuke





Flamer Fuel




Gatling Laser






Heavy Incinerator



Flamer Fuel







Flamer Fuel




Heavy Machinegun




60 (120)


Light Machinegun




50/100/200/300/400 3200





Missile Launcher




EM Rail Gun







Recoilless Rifle









Energy Weapons (Pistols)

Alien Blaster


Alien EC




Laser Pistol









Microwave Emitter





Neural Scrambler




Plasma Pistol






Pulse Blaster

1(20) 2





Sonic Emitter

10(20) 2





Energy Weapons (Rifles)

Alien Disintegrator


Alien EC




Gauss Rifle




80/160/320/480/800 1300

Laser Rifle




50/100/200/300/450 1000

Weapons (continued)





Eff. Range (yards) Value

Energy Weapons (Rifles, continued)

Plasma Rifle






Multiplas Rifle







P94 Plasma Caster







Swifts Pulse Rifle



Tesla Cannon






Tri-Beam Laser Rifle






Entropy Rifle








Bottlecap Mine














Frag Grenade







Frag Mine







Nuka Grenade







Plasma Grenade







Plasma Mine







Pulse Grenade







Pulse Mine







Entropy Grenade

x50** 0.5





Molotov Cocktail

x1(5) 0.5





Melee Weapons (Bladed)

Fire Axe






Chinese Officers Sword





Combat Knife





Trench Knife





Kitchen Knife










Trench Shovel

















* = Pulse weapons cause electromagnetic damage to inorganic robots or power armor only.
** = Entropy weapons harness dark energy to disrupt all electromagnetism in an area of focus.

Weapons (continued)





Eff. Range (m)


Melee Weapons (Blunt)

Baseball Bat





Lead Pipe





Nail Board





Police Baton





Riot Police Baton





Pool Cue





Rolling Pin










Shock Baton







Super Sledge







Tire Iron





Weight & Chain






Brass Knuckles





Deathclaw Gauntlet







Power Fist






Spiked Knuckles





Rock-It Launcher


Junk items



Dart Gun





* = The shock baton does double damage to robots and power armor (EM damage).
** = The dart gun fires poison darts, crippling a limb each shot where a poison resistance check fails.

Weapon Table Details

weapons will do additional damage to robots and

power armor and little damage to others.

Name => The name of the weapon.

Weight => Weight in pounds.

DMG => The base damage for each weapon. This

number is in addition to damage from successful
hits from attack rolls. If the base damage is listed
as a multiplier, the number of hit successes is
applied and the total is the total damage. For a
number in parentheses like with the Molotov
Cocktail and the Shishkebab, this is damage per
second, so: Base Damage # (per N seconds). EM

Ammo => Ammo type.

Capacity => Number of rounds before reload.
Eff. Range => Effective range in yards: very
easy / easy / average / hard / vary hard. (Yards
is used in precision shooting instead of meters
due to easy 100:1 conversion to Minute of Angle.)
Value => Base value in bottle caps.

Ammunition, Clothing, Food

Miscellaneous Items






.22LR, .223, .32, 9mm, 5.56mm

Abraxo cleaner

5mm, 20ga, flamer fuel, BB, ECP

Coffee mug

10mm, .357, .44, 12ga, SEC

Coffee pot

.308, .45, MFC



special rounds (hollow point, FMJ)



.50 MG

Deathclaw hand

Alien EC


Duct tape



Egg timer



Empty syringe



Firehose nozzle


Fission battery




Pre-War outfit, good condition


Lawn mower blade

Pre-War outfit, poor condition


Leaf blower


Faction uniform, good condition




Faction uniform, poor condition


Motorcycle gas tank


Ragged outfit, unexceptional

Motorcycle hand brake


Paint gun





Wasteland fruit

Pilot light

Wasteland game meat

Scrap electronics

Pre-War food

Scrap metal

Irradiated food

Sensor module

Campfire recipe item


Soda bottle (empty)

Campfire recipe full meal


Sports equipment


Pre-War MRE


Steam gauge assembly


Yao Guai meat


Teddy bear

Rare delicacy (req: gourmet buyer)


Tin can

Pre-War soda


Toy car




Pre-War alcohol


Vacuum cleaner


Dirty water




Purified water




Medical Supplies & Chems

Alcohol & Other items

Medical Supplies

Alcoholic Drinks





Blood pack


Broc flower


Doctors bag


Beer, Wine

Empty syringe

Booze, Rot Gut, Vodka, Scotch, Whiskey

First Aid kit


Gamma Gulp Beer


Buck Wild 20/20


Medical brace





Pruno, Wasteland Brew

Surgical tubing

Roentgen Rum


Xander root

Rum & Nuka


Medical Chems



Other Items and Equipment




Antivenom, Fiery Purgative

Rope (30)


Auto-inject Stimpack


Tragic: the Garnering (cards)


Auto-inject Super Stimpack


Zoppo Lighter (genuine)


Healing poultice, Healing powder



Big Book of Science (+1 Science)



Chinese Army: Special Ops Manual (+1 Sneak)



Deans Electronics (+1 Repair)



Duck and Cover! (+1 Explosives)


Garys Anatomy (+1 Medicine)

Snakebite Tourniquet

Grognak the Barbarian (+1 Melee)

Stimpack, Alien Biogel, Fixer


Guns and Bullets (+1 Small Guns)

Super Stimpack


Tales of the Rocket Patrol (+1 Pilot)

Trauma Pack


Lying, Congressional Style (+1 Speech)

Stimulant Chems

Skill Books (all have a base value of 50 caps)

Macho Business Donkey Wrestler (+1 Barter)

Atomic Cocktail, Turbo


Nikola Tesla and You (+1 Energy Weapons)

Psycho, Tango, Buffout, Mentats


Pern & Tullers Big Book of Cheating (+1 Steal)

Psycho-D / Slasher, Tango Red


Pugilism Illustrated (+1 Unarmed)


Tumblers Today (+1 Lockpick)

Nuke, Nuka-Cola Quantum


US Army: 30 Flamethrower Recipes (+1 Big Guns)


Chem Effects Table










+1 PER, +1 CHA, -1 INT

-1 AGL, -1 CHA

Adapted Biogel



+2D10 HP, random effects

Alcohol (generic)


2 - 10

+1 STR, +1 CHA, -1 INT

-1 AGL, -1 CHA

Alien Biogel



+1D10 HP, random effects



+2 Poison Resistance



+1 PER, +1 STR, -1 CHA, +1 Rads

-1 AGL, -1 CHA



+5 Poison Resistance

Black Coffee


-1 Fatigue, +1 PER

Blood Pack


+1 HP




+10 Max HP, +3 END, +2 STR

-1 STR, -1 END

Buck Wild, BW 20/20



+1 STR, +1 END, -1 PER

-1 AGL, -1 CHA

Fiery Purgative


+5 Poison resist, -1 Rads, -1 END




Cures all addictions, -1 PER

Gamma Gulp Beer


+1 PER, +1 CHA, -1 INT, +1 Rads

-1 AGL, -1 CHA

Healing Poultice


Restores limb condition, -1 AGL

Healing Powder


Heals HP equal to Medicine, -2 PER




Restores full limb condition

-3 END




Heals HP equal to Medicine x 3



APR x 2 for four minutes

-1 AGL, -1 END




+2 Damage resistance

-1 AGL, -1 INT




+5 INT, +5 PER

-3 INT, -2 AGL

Mentats (Party Time)



+2 INT, +2 PER, +5 CHA

-3 INT, -2 AGL




+2 STR, +2 CHA, -2 INT

-1 AGL, -1 CHA



-1 Fatigue, +1 Rads, +1 cap

-1 CHA

Nuka-Cola Quantum



-2 Fatigue, +2 APR, Rads, +1 cap

-1 AGL




-2 Fatigue, +2 DR, Rads, +1 cap

-1 STR, -1 END



+1 STR, +1 CHA, -1 PER

-1 AGL, -1 CHA




+25% DMG

-1 PER, -1 END

Psycho-D (Slasher)



+25% DMG, +2 DR, +1 AGL, -1 INT

-2 INT




Reduces Rads equal to Medicine

-1 PER, -1 Rad Resist



Adds half Medicine skill to Rad Resistance

Roentgen Rum



+1 STR, +1 CHA, -2 PER, +2 Rads

-1 AGL, -1 STR

Snakebite Tourniquet


Cures Poison, +8 Poison Resistance




Heals HP equal to 2x Medicine skill

Super Stimpack



Heals HP equal to 4x Medicine, -1 STR, -1 AGL




+1 STR, +1 AGL, +10 max HP, +2 APR

-2 INT, -2 AGL

Tango Red



+1 PER, +1 END, +2 DR, 2x healing rate/day

-2 CHA, -2 END

Thick Red Paste


+2 HP x 10 seconds, +10 max HP

Thin Red Paste


+1 HP x 10 seconds, +5 max HP

Trauma Pack



Heals HP equal to 5x Medicine


Wasteland Brew


+1 STR, +1 CHA, -1 INT, + Random effect

-1 AGL, -1 CHA

Vehicles & Transport


General Atomics released the Roadster motorcycle

series to great success. The Roadster is very
rugged, can go all-terrain, and has a surprising
top speed of 186 mph on perfectly flat terrain.

All nuclear powered vehicles will explode with the

Aircraft, general
force of one or more mini-nukes when destroyed.
The Air Couriers are a small organization of
Wastelanders attempting to rediscover the secrets
of manned flight. This is a very risky proposition,
but a number of pre-War prop aircraft have been
restored, which require long runways. Other
creations include anything from ultralights to
Wasteland gyrocopters. Plans for experimental
personal jetpacks are also rumored to exist.
Chryslus Motors Highwayman
Perhaps the best known of pre-War vehicles
The VB-02 Vertical Take Off and Landing
is the Highwayman. Powered by MicroFusion Cells
aircraft was set to replace military helicopters by
and has a top speed of 94 mph on open terrain.
2085, and was still in prototype phase when the
Chryslus Motors Corvega
war hit in 2077. However, the Enclave set out to
The popular Corvega line of cars came in mass produce several variants, which are in use
by the Brotherhood of Steel, Institute or Enclave
four different models before the War, the original
remnants. Flying one requires the special Vertibird
2-door coupe, the 2-door Atomic V8, the 4-door
sedan, and a 2-door coupe with a bubble top. flight training perk. Holds up to 12 human sized
Almost none of these survived the war in working occupants with a range of 175 miles.
condition and are routinely found as junk clogging
the highways and ruined city streets.
FMC Autos
The Fnord Motor Company did not
compete well during the gas crisis of 2075-2077.
Their gas-powered wrecks make excellent
defensive structures, though, because they do not
explode in an atomic fireball when shot. FMCs
most successful model was the single-occupant
fusion cell powered Fusion Flea Supreme.

General Atomics Roadster

General Atomics was a company whose
advances in fuel cell technology greatly aided
their entry into vehicle manufacturing. Mainly a
supplier of micro-fusion cells to the US military,

Watercraft / Boats
A variety of small watercraft have been
rebuilt, ranging from tugboats to speedboats,
however large shipbuilding facilities do not exist,
and smaller craft are often inadvisable given
highly radioactive waterways.
Slavers and merchants tend toward barges,
tugboats and small cargo ships, often heavily
armored or shielded, but generally in terrible
repair. Raiders might have anything from small
speedboats to old fishing boats, usually light, with
little or no radiation shielding. The Brotherhood of
Steel and the Institute both have a number of
small craft, well-maintained, well-armed and wellshielded from irradiated waters.

Creatures and Inhabitants

Chinese Remnant Ghouls:

All creatures and inhabitants have attributes

related to stats, hit points, behaviors and attacks.
The Experience Point (XP) value listed is given for
killing the creature. Damage is always calculated
at x1.0, and ammo should be considered
unlimited. Item loot is always low condition (1-4).
Attack Value follows the skill in [brackets].

Chinese remnant ghouls are what remains of the

trained commando units sent to infiltrate and
attack the United States from within.
- Chinese Remnant Soldier:
HP: 25,

DR: 0,

Per: 5,

APR: 2,

25 XP

3 Hit Dice: Type 17 Pistol [3], Base DMG: 2

Loot: Chinese Jumpsuit, Type 17 Chinese Pistol,
1D10 10mm ammo + 1 food or junk item.

Feral Ghoul: Your basic mindless,

- Chinese Remnant Officer:

wandering wasteland zombie.

HP: 50,

HP: 25,

DR: 0,

4 Hit Dice: Type 33 Pistol [3], Base DMG: 3

Per: 3,

APR: 2,

25 XP

4 Hit Dice: Unarmed [3],

DR: 0,

Per: 5,

APR: 2,

50 XP

4 Hit Dice: Chinese Sword [4], Base DMG: 6

Base DMG: 4

Loot: Chinese jumpsuit, 1 Type 33 Chinese Pistol,

1D10 9mm ammo, 1 Chinese Officer Sword.

Loot: 1D10 caps, 1 chem or junk.

- Chinese Remnant Commando:

HP: 75,

DR: 0,

Per: 5,

APR: 2,

75 XP

Feral Ghoul Roamer: A wandering, tough ghoul.

5 Hit Dice: Chinese A.R. [4], Base DMG: 6

HP: 50,

5 Hit Dice: .308 Hunting Rifle [5], Base DMG: 13

DR: 0,

Per: 4,

APR: 2,

50 XP

5 Hit Dice: Unarmed [4], Base DMG: 6

Loot: 1D10 caps + 1 chem, junk or 1D10 ammo.

Glowing One: A severely irradiated, aging ghoul.

HP: 110,

DR: 0,

Per: 5,

APR: 2,

110 XP

5 Hit Dice: Unarmed [4], Base DMG: 8

5 Hit Dice: Aura Blast [8], Base DMG: 5, +2 Rads
Blast radius: 3 yards
Loot: 1D10 caps + 1 chem, junk or 1D10 ammo.

Skag Ghoul: Feral ghoul seen near sewers, trash

dumps and landfills, once a human scavenger.
HP: 25,

DR: 0,

Per: 3,

APR: 1,

Feral Ghoul Reaver: Vicious, irradiated ghoul.

HP: 600,

DR: 0,

Per: 7,

APR: 2,

600 XP

8 Hit Dice: Unarmed [6], Base DMG: 40

5 Hit Dice: Caro Mortis [6], Base DMG: x10
+3 Rads, Blast radius: 3 yards
Special: Feral Ghoul Reavers can throw chunks of
irradiated flesh (caro mortis) up to 50 yards,
which explode and cause a burst of radiation.
Loot: 1D10 caps + 1 chem, junk or 1D10 ammo.

25 XP

2 Hit Dice: Unarmed [2], Base DMG: 4

Wasteland Ghoul: A non-feral wasteland ghoul.

Special - Infection: Check v. Poison when injured

or Healing Rate drops to 0 without poison cure.

HP: 25, DR: by armor, Per: 5,

Loot: 1D10 caps, 1D10 junk items.


Loot: Chinese jumpsuit, 1 Chinese Assault Rifle

OR .308 Hunting Rifle (ONLY ONE EQUIPPED),
1D10 5.56 or .308 ammo + 1D10 Frag Mines.

APR: 2,

25 XP

4 Hit Dice: by weapon [4], Base DMG: by weapon

Loot: 2D10 caps, 1 weapon, 1 armor or apparel.

Pure Strain: Typical Pre-War, healthy human.

Headhunter: Member of the feared slaving gang.

HP: 50, DR: by armor, Per: 5, APR: 2, 50 XP

HP: 60,

4 Hit Dice: by weapon [4], Base DMG: by weapon

6 Hit Dice: by weapon [5], Base DMG: by weapon

Loot: 2D10 caps, 1 weapon, 1 Vault jumpsuit or

uniform or armor, 1D10 chems, food or junk.

4 Hit Dice: Frag Grenade [4], Base DMG: x8

Wasteland: Your average blighted Wastelander.

HP: 25,

DR: 0,

Per: 4,

APR: 2,

25 XP

3 Hit Dice: by weapon [3], Base DMG: by weapon

Loot: 1D10 caps, 1 weapon, 1 wasteland outfit,
1D10 chems, food items or junk + 1D10 ammo.

DR: 4,

Per: 5,

APR: 3,

75 XP

Loot: 1 Headhunter Armor, 1 weapon (any rifle,

shotgun, melee weapon or submachine gun),
1D10 grenades, 1D10 human flesh or strange
meat, 1D10 caps, 3D10 chems, 2D10 ammo.

Brotherhood Outcast: An Outcast defender.

HP: 75,

DR: 8,

Per: 5,

APR: 1,

75 XP

6 Hit Dice: by weapon [5], Base DMG: by weapon

3 Hit Dice: by weapon [3], Base DMG: by weapon

Loot: 1 Brotherhood Outcast Power Armor, 1

Brotherhood Outcast Power Helmet, 1 weapon
(energy rifle or big gun), 3D10 ammo, 1D10
grenades, 1D10 stimpacks, 1 Outcast holotag.

Loot: 1D10 caps, 1 weapon, 1 wasteland outfit,

1D10 chems, food items or junk + 1D10 ammo.

Enclave Remnant: An Enclave remnant soldier.

* Slags have a Perception 6 while underground.

HP: 75,

Slag: Humans adapted to life underground.

HP: 40,

DR: 0,

Per: 4,

APR: 2,

50 XP

DR: 9,

Per: 5,

APR: 1,

75 XP

6 Hit Dice: by weapon [5], Base DMG: by weapon

Raider/Slaver: Typical wasteland asshole.
HP: 25, DR: by armor, Per: 5, APR: 2, 25 XP
4 Hit Dice: Melee/Gun [4], Base DMG: by weapon
Loot: 1D10 caps or 1D10 chems, 1 melee weapon
or small gun, 1 raider armor, 1D10 ammo.

Mercenary: A human soldier of fortune.

HP: 50,

DR: 4,

Per: 5,

APR: 2,

75 XP

5 Hit Dice: by weapon [5], Base DMG: by weapon

Loot: 1 Combat Armor, 1 primary weapon
(assault rifle, submachine gun, shotgun, energy
rifle, 2-handed melee weapon or big gun), 1
secondary weapon (handgun, energy pistol or 1handed melee weapon), 1D10 chems, 1d10 food
items, 3D10 caps, and 2D10 ammo.
* Mercenaries from Wolfe Company have 6 Hit
Dice, DR 6, and 60 Hit Points instead, and wear
a signature blood red combat armor and helmet.

Loot: 1 Enclave Power Armor, 1 Enclave Power

Helmet, 1 weapon (energy weapon or big gun),
2D10 ammo, 1D10 grenades, 1D10 chems.

Wasteland Ranger: Includes any Big Apple

Ranger or Williamsport Scout Trooper.
HP: 60,

DR: 4,

Per: 5,

APR: 2,

60 XP

6 Hit Dice: by weapon [5], Base DMG: by weapon

Loot: 1 Reinforced Leather Armor or Leatherman
Patrol Armor, 1 shotgun, assault rifle or hunting
rifle, 2D10 caps, 1D10 stimpacks, 1D10 ammo.

Tribal Warrior/Hunter: Tribal on a warpath.

HP: 60,

DR: 3,

Per: 7,

APR: 2,

60 XP

6 Hit Dice: by weapon [5], Base DMG: by weapon

Loot: 1 Tribal Raiding or Spirit Armor, 1 hunting
rifle, submachine gun or melee weapon, 1D10
tribal chems, 1D10 ammo, 1D10 junk items.



Super Mutant: The youngest and weakest.

(All animal kills have the meat as loot.)

HP: 100, DR: 0, Per: 3, APR: 1, 70 XP

3 Hit Dice: .32 hunting rifle [3], Base DMG: 11

Brahmin: Two-headed moo cows.

3 Hit Dice: nail board [3], Base DMG: 6

HP: 30,

2 Hit Dice: frag grenade [3], Base DMG: x8

2 Hit Dice: Head butt [2], Base DMG: 3

Loot: 1 .32 hunting rifle or nail board, 1 creature

meat, 1D10 grenades, 1D10 ammo.

DR: 0,

HP: 200,

DR: 0,

Per: 4,

APR: 1,

APR: 1,

10 XP

Dog: Wasteland marauder, or mans best friend?

HP: 15,

Super Mutant Brute: Bigger. Tougher. Bruter.

Per: 3,

DR: 0,

Per: 8,

APR: 2,

15 XP

4 Hit Dice: Dog bite [4], Base DMG: 4

140 XP

4 Hit Dice: R91 assault rifle [4], Base DMG: 4

4 Hit Dice: sledgehammer [4], Base DMG: 12
3 Hit Dice: frag grenade [3], Base DMG: x8

Mole Rat: Giant mutated rodent.

HP: 25,

DR: 0,

Per: 3,

APR: 2,

25 XP

3 Hit Dice: Rat bite [3], Base DMG: 3

3 Hit Dice: missile launcher [3], Base DMG: 60

Loot: 1 R91 assault rifle or sledgehammer or
missile launcher, 1D10 grenades, 1D10 ammo.

Super Mutant Master: Super Mutant leaders.

HP: 300,

DR: 0,

Per: 5,

APR: 1,

210 XP

5 Hit Dice: Chinese A.R. [5], Base DMG: 6

4 Hit Dice: Minigun [4], Base DMG: 4
Loot: 1 Chinese assault rifle or minigun, 3D10
5.56mm ammo or 1D10x10 5mm ammo.

Pig Rat: Mole rats enormous cousin.

HP: 60,

DR: 0,

Per: 3,

APR: 2,

60 XP

4 Hit Dice: Rat bite [3], Base DMG: 3

Yao Guai: Hairless, irradiated ghoul bear.

HP: 200,

DR: 0,

Per: 6, APR: 2,

100 XP

5 Hit Dice: Yao Guai claw [4], Base DMG: 7.

Guai Wu: Hairless, irradiated ghoul cougar.

Super Mutant Brawler: Armored fist fighter.

HP: 75,

HP: 250,

5 Hit Dice: Guai Wu claw [4], Base DMG: 5

DR: 3,

Per: 5,

APR: 2,

200 XP

DR: 0,

Per: 8,

APR: 3,

75 XP

5 Hit Dice: brawler knuckles [5], Base DMG: 7

Loot: 1D10 scrap metal, 1 creature meat.

Bloatfly: Post-Apocalyptic stinging fly.

HP: 15,

Super Mutant Behemoth: Smash! Crush! Kill!

HP: 2000,


DR: 0,

Per: 3,

APR: 1,

DR: 0,

Per: 5,

APR: 2,

10 XP

2 Hit Dice: Larva Spit [3], Base DMG: 3

1000 XP

4 Hit Dice: fire hydrant club [3], Base DMG: 50

Radroach: A giant irradiated cockroach.

4 Hit Dice: unarmed [3], Base DMG: 10

HP: 5,

Loot: 5D10 chems, 5D10 caps, 5D10 ammo.

2 Hit Dice: Roach bite [3], Base DMG: 2

DR: 0,

Per: 3,

APR: 1,

5 XP

Animals (continued)

Centaur: A terrible experiment gone wrong!

Giant Worker Ant: A giant ant.

HP: 100,

HP: 30, DR: 0, Per: 3, APR: 1, 30 XP

5 Hit Dice: Flailing limbs [4], Base DMG: 4

3 Hit Dice: ant bite [3], Base DMG: 4

6 Hit Dice: Toxic vomit [5], Base DMG: 6

DR: 0,

Per: 9,

APR: 1,

15 XP

Loot: 1 random chem or junk item.

Giant Soldier Ant: A giant ant soldier.
HP: 50,

DR: 0,

Per: 5,

APR: 1,

40 XP

4 Hit Dice: ant pincer [4], Base DMG: 7

Fire Ant: An ant that shoots fire.

HP: 30/50, DR: 0, Per: 3/5, APR: 1, 35/45 XP
3/4 Hit Dice: ant melee [3/4], Base DMG: 4/7

Giant Ant Queen: Queen of the Ants.

HP: 1000,

DR: 0,

Per: 3,

APR: 1,

5 Hit Dice: fire squirt [4], Base DMG: x2 per sec

400 XP

Fire ants come in worker or soldier varieties.

5 Hit Dice: corrosive ant spit [4], Base DMG: 14

4 Hit Dice: ant pincers [4], Base DMG: 8

* (Note: All lurks have their meat as loot.)

Loot: Queen Ant Pheromones - (+3 CHR, -3 INT,

-3 PER for four minutes).

Mirelurk: Mutated horseshoe crab.

HP: 120,

DR: 4*,

Per: 4,

APR: 2,

60 XP

5 Hit Dice: mirelurk pincers [4], Base DMG: 6

Small Radscorpion: Wasteland radscorpion.
HP: 30,

DR: 2,

Per: 3,

APR: 2,

30 XP

Mirelurks are vulnerable in their face, which has

DR 0, natural carapace has DR 4.

5 Hit Dice: radscorpion claw [4], Base DMG: 4

4 Hit Dice: stinger [4], Base DMG: 5

Mirelurk Hunter: Tough and feisty mirelurk.

Special - weak radscorpion poison: -2 PER for

duration of combat scene on stinger injury.

HP: 210,

Loot: Small radscorpion poison gland.

DR: 5*,

Per: 6,

APR: 2,

100 XP

6 Hit Dice: mirelurk pincers [5], Base DMG: 8

Mirelurk hunters are vulnerable in their face,
which has DR 0, natural carapace has DR 5.

Giant Radscorpion: Big wasteland radscorpion.

HP: 120,

DR: 4,

Per: 6,

APR: 2,

75 XP

Mirelurk King: Weird King of the Mirelurks.

5 Hit Dice: radscorpion claw [4], Base DMG: 8

HP: 375,

5 Hit Dice: stinger [4], Base DMG: 10

5 Hit Dice: claw smack [4], Base DMG: 5

Special strong radscorpion poison: -2 AGL for

duration of combat scene, -1 AGL and Healing
Rate reduced to 0 for 1 full day.

5 Hit Dice: sonic blast [5], Base DMG: 10

Loot: Giant radscorpion poison gland.

Abominations have been evolutionarily impacted
by wasteland radiation in more dramatic ways.

DR: 0,

Per: 7,

APR: 2,

175 XP

Mirelurk Kings have a humanoid appearance.

Tidelurk: A semi-intelligent mutated lobster.

HP: 50,

DR: 3,

Per: 5, APR: 2,

75 XP

5 Hit Dice: tidelurk claw [4], Base DMG: 4.

Tidelurks are semi-intelligent, often non-hostile
humanoids found near colder, coastal waters.

Abominations (continued)

Tanglethorn Creeper: A mutant plant cluster.

Deathclaw Hatchling: Baby deathclaw.


HP: 35,

4 Hit Dice: tendril grab [3], Base DMG: 4

DR: 0,

Per: 3,

APR: 2,

35 XP


DR: 0,

Per: 3,

APR: 1,

50 XP

4 Hit Dice: deathclaw hand [3], Base DMG: 2

Loot: Occasional corpse with 1D10 caps or ammo

Deathclaw Juvenile: Deathclaw Junior.

Toxifern: Poisonous, brightly colored plant.

HP: 120,

HP: 25,

DR: 0,

Per: 5, APR: 2,

120 XP

5 Hit Dice: deathclaw hand [4], Base DMG: 5

Deathclaw: Best defense: run like hell.

HP: 400,

DR: 0,

Per: 8,

APR: 1,

300 XP

8 Hit Dice: deathclaw hand [6], Base DMG: 8

Loot: Deathclaw hand.

HP: 600,

DR: 3,

Per: 8,

APR: 1,

500 XP

10 Hit Dice: deathclaw hand [8], Base DMG: 12

Loot: Deathclaw hand, 1D10 Deathclaw eggs.

Scythewing: Like a tiny deathclaw, but it flies.

HP: 120,

DR: 0,

Per: 6,

APR: 2,

120 XP

5 Hit Dice: scythewing talon [4], Base DMG: 5

Scythewing Matron: A nocturnal flying hunter.

HP: 210,

DR: 0,

Per: 6,

APR: 2,

Per: 3,

APR: 2,

25 XP

4 Hit Dice: poison leaf [3], Base DMG: special

Special: Contact with the leaves inflicts painful
sores that cause 2 Agl and Cha until treated
with fiery purgative, antidote or similar.

Mushroom Cloud: Mutated puffball fungus.

HP: 1,

Deathclaw Matron: Usually protecting her nest.

DR: 0,

DR: 0,

Per: 1,

APR: 1,

5 XP

4 Hit Dice: spore cloud [3], Base DMG: special

8 Hit Dice: exploding cloud [7], Base DMG: 8
Special: A mutated puffball fungus, usually found
in small clusters. Stepping on or damaging one
releases a spore cloud. Anyone exposed to the
spore cloud (a hit) must roll v. Poison Resistance
at +6 or become infected, suffering 1 to End,
Str, Agl and Cha until cured with antivenom or
similar. If untreated for 7-14 days, the infected
being will begin to transform into a Cloud Keeper.
If the spore cloud is ignited with an explosive, fire
or energy weapon, it will explode with a blast
radius of 1 yard, but will also set off explosions
with any other Mushroom Cloud fungi nearby.

250 XP

6 Hit Dice: scythewing talon [5], Base DMG: 8

Cloud Keeper: A symbiotic cloud spore host.

Loot: 1D10 Scythewing eggs.

HP: 25,

DR: 0,

Per: 3,

APR: 2,

25 XP

4 Hit Dice: spore claw [3], Base DMG: 4 + special

Scythewing Devil: A solitary male scythewing.
HP: 320,

DR: 0,

Per: 5,

APR: 2,

350 XP

Special: On a hit, target must roll v. Poison

Resistance at +6 to avoid spore infection.

8 Hit Dice: scythewing talon [6], Base DMG: 10


5 Hit Dice: devil shriek [3], Base DMG: special

Giant Mantis: Giant preying mantis.

Loot: scythewing devil horns.

HP: 35,

Special: The scythewing devil can stun prey with

a targeted sonic attack which staggers on a hit.

5 Hit Dice: mantis claw [4], Base DMG: 6

DR: 0,

Per: 5,

Loot: Giant Mantis Leg.

APR: 2,

35 XP


metal, scrap electronics, Fission battery.

Automated Turret: Machinegun or laser turret.

HP: 30,

DR: 0,

Per: 10,

APR: 2,

30 XP

Oculobot: A mad scientists eye-bot knock off.

3 Hit Dice: 5.56mm gun [4], Base DMG: 6

HP: 30,

DR 0,

Per: 5, APR: 3,

30 XP

4 Hit Dice: ECP laser [5], Base DMG: 8

3 Hit Dice: micro-zapper [3], Base DMG: 3

Automated turrets come in one of two varieties,

either a machinegun turret or gatling laser turret.

Loot: 1D10 SEC ammo, scrap metal.

Robobrain: A meat brain in a robot body.

Protectron: Danger Will Robinson!
HP: 75,

DR: 0,

Per: 4,

APR: 1,

HP: 150,
30 XP

5 Hit Dice: laser zapper [4], Base DMG: 5

Loot: 1D10 SEC, Fission battery, scrap metal.

DR: 0,

Per: 5,

APR: 2,

150 XP

5 Hit Dice: laser zapper [4], Base DMG: 5

4 Hit Dice: flailing arm [3], Base DMG: 2
4 Hit Dice: mesmetron [3], Base DMG: 1
Loot: 1D10 SEC ammo, scrap metal.

Protect-O-Bot: A speedy, 3-wheeled Protectron.

HP: 75,

DR: 0,

Per: 4,

APR: 2,

50 XP

6 Hit Dice: laser zapper [5], Base DMG: 5

Loot: 1D10 SEC, Fission battery, scrap metal.

Cyberdog: A meat brain in a robot fido.

HP: 75, DR: 2, Per: 7, APR: 2, 75 XP
5 Hit Dice: cyberdog bite [4], Base DMG: 8
5 Hit Dice: sonic bark [4], Base DMG: 5[10]

Mr. Handy: Your robot pal whos fun to be with.

HP: 100,

DR: 0,

Per: 5,

APR: 1,

75 XP

Loot: scrap electronics, scrap metal.

Note: Sonic bark inflicts 10 damage to inorganics.

4 Hit Dice: BBQ flamer [4], Base DMG: 5

4 Hit Dice: rotary saw [3], Base DMG: 5
Loot: 1D10 flamer fuel, scrap metal.

Protectron Master Bot: BATA mainframe.

HP: 2000,

DR: 0,

Per: 10,

APR: 2,

2000 XP

8 Hit Dice: electrified grates [8], Base DMG: x10

Mr. Gutsy: Made in the U.S.A.!
HP: 200,

DR: 0,

Per: 6,

APR: 2,

175 XP

8 Hit Dice: plasma blaster [6], Base DMG: 15

6 Hit Dice: flamer [4], Base DMG: 8
Loot: 1D10 flamer fuel, 1D10 SEC ammo, scrap
metal, scrap electronics, Fission battery.

Sentry Bot: The biggest and meanest.

HP: 500,

DR: 2,

Per: 7, APR: 1,

300 XP

6 Hit Dice: minigun [4], Base DMG: 4

6 Hit Dice: missile launcher [4], Base DMG: 60
Loot: 5D10 5mm ammo, 1D10 missiles, scrap

Loot: 1D10 scrap metal, 1D10 scrap electronics,

1D10 sensor modules.
Note: Protectron Master Bots are command and
control mainframes located in computer rooms
deep within a subway lines maintenance yard.
Protected by Laser Turrets, Sentry Bots and
Protectrons, they serve as a hive controller for all
of a subway lines robots. The Master Bots were
designed and installed between 2057 and 2061,
so only the IND and HMR Master Bots were ever
advanced enough to be self-aware; the IRT and
foll ow
subroutines. A failsafe measure allows the Master
Bot to electrify the floor of the room it is in. An
energy resistance save will halve the damage.


Karma and Experience

In the Fallout universe, your characters
actions have two main consequences beyond the
outcome of each individual game challenge:
Karma representing the cosmic impact of ingame choices on your evolving personal code of
morals and ethics, influencing your postapocalyptic
representing improved skills, lessons learned,
abilities toughened up and overall growth.
Bad Karma v. Good Karma
The simple fact is that many people want
nothing to do with someone who has a reputation
for exactly the opposite kind of behavior as
themselves. This is perfectly natural. A hardened
raider doesnt want some goody two-shoes white
knight gunning them down for stealing a beer,
and the average hard-working caravan merchant
is not likely to invite a bloodthirsty cannibal
savage home to meet the family and kids.
Karma starts at 0, and is expressed as a
positive or negative number from +10 to -10:
+10 to +7 Karma

=> Very Good

+6 to +3 Karma

=> Good

+2 to 2 Karma

=> Neutral

-3 to 6 Karma

=> Evil

-7 to 10 Karma

=> Very Evil

Karma changes are immediate, based on the

actions a character makes. Word gets around
Here are some examples:
Helping out a stranger in need: +1 Karma
Righting a wrong: +1 Karma
Defeating an infamous villain: +1 Karma
Avoiding unnecessary violence: +1 Karma
Defending an innocent: +1 Karma
Stealing: -1 Karma
Harming an innocent: -1 Karma
Using unnecessary violence: -1 Karma
Extortion or blackmail: -1 Karma
Killing a foe after they yield: -1 Karma

Reactions will vary. Generally, unless the

character has engaged in open hostilities with the
NPCs in question, they will not attack on sight.
However, penalties will apply to any persuasiontype skill checks based on how far removed the
Karma is from the target.
Karmic difference:
V. Good




V. Evil

V. Good
























V. Evil






For example, Cody the Outlaw has done is

share of bad things, and has a Karma of 5, or
Evil. He tries to persuade Sam the Handyman for
a discount on repairs. Sam is generally honest
and fair, with Good Karma at +5. Codys Speech
skill value is 1 for any interactions they have.
In addition to affecting how NPCs react to
the character, extreme Karma will also lead to
bounties and contracts being put out on the
character. If the character is at Very Good or
Very Evil, the GM may at any time send a group
of Hitmen or Lawmen after the character as a
random encounter. Both groups shoot to kill, with
Lawmen attacking Very Evil characters and
Hitmen going after Very Good characters.
Other NPCs may also offer characters minor
gifts based on their Karma. Heroes and villains
are both respected or reviled subjectively.
Distinct from Karma is the idea of
Reputation that a character has earned among
the different factions of the Wastes. The
reputation only applies to a specific faction, and is
only earned by interactions with that faction or its
trumps karma. However, in
personal interactions such as barter or speech
challenges, the bonuses should be combined.

What events or actions will trigger changes

in reputation are left to the discretion of the GM,
but here are some general guidelines:
Total salvation

=> +5 Reputation

Major quest for

=> +3 Reputation

Minor quest for

=> +1 Reputation

Well-known ally

=> +1 Reputation

Well-known foe

=> -1 Reputation

Minor quest against => -1 Reputation

Major quest against => -3 Reputation
Total betrayal

=> -5 Reputation

Reputation levels also have consequences,

and be tracked on the following levels:
Idolized: +5 Character is beloved by the
faction, babies are named for him/her, people will
gladly defend character with their lives.
Revered: +4 Character is treated as an
honored hero, tales are told of characters
exploits, and people line up to provide aid.
Liked: +3 Character is the salt of the
earth, a trusted friend and ally, and can find a
warm welcome with the faction anywhere.
Accepted: +2 Character is seen as a
part of the community, and people will happily
trade and associate with the character as equals.
Tolerated: +1 Character is allowed free
movement within the faction territory, and their
presence as an outsider is tolerated.
Neutral: +/- 0 Character is just a face
in the crowd, another Wastelander trying to
survive. While not a threat, the character may
find people unwilling to get too close.
Wary: -1 Character is viewed with mild
suspicion, people have heard rumors about the
characters behavior, and arent eager to mingle.
Antipathy: -2 Character is seen as a
troublemaker, a miscreant or pushy crusader.
People have heard or seen the character in
action, and have had their suspicions confirmed.
Shunned: -3 Character has done some
bad things that cause many faction members to
hold a grudge. Bartering is off the table.

Hated: -4 Nobody likes the character,

and will bully, pick fights with, insult, flip-off and
generally disrespect the character at every
available opportunity. Expect retaliation.
Vilified: -5 The character is public
enemy number one to the faction, and armed
faction members will attack on sight, while
weaker faction members will flee in terror!
Players can also earn special Reputation
tags that will follow them through the game.
These are earned at the discretion of the game
master, and affect interactions with NPCs. These
include tags such as Berzerker, Slaver, Gigolo,
Child Killer, Grave Digger or Champion.
Reputation tags, unlike Karma or Reputation
levels, once earned, cannot be adjusted. Feel free
to add your own under special circumstances.
Factions are simply the groups, gangs,
communities, organizations and secret societies
throughout the Wasteland. This could range from
an organized Slavers Guild to the Brotherhood of
Steel, the Institute, or a town such as Junktown.
Factions do not exist for unorganized groups of
raiders, Super Mutants, Abominations, or
Wastelanders. They only represent how a
cohesive community responds to the character.
Experience and Levels
Experience points track the development of
a character along their path through the
Wasteland. These are divided into distinct Levels
that allows us to add new skill points, perks or
other bonuses to the character we have created.
Experience points are tracked cumulatively.
The number of points needed per level beyond
level 2 is, where n = level number:
10 * (n * n + n)(n 1)
A character reaches level 2 at 120 XP, but
level 3 at 240 XP, level 4 at 600 XP, and so on.
At each new level, a character can spend
Skill Points equal to 1 + (Int stat bonus), adds HP
equal to 1 + (End stat bonus), and can select 1
new Perk from those available. There is no limit
to how many levels a character can advance, as
long as they can continue to survive!

Big Apple Wasteland Experience Levels





0 - 119


120 - 239


240 - 599


600 - 1,199


1,200 - 2,099


2,100 - 3,359


bonus than defeating a raider with a flamer. In

this case, 25 XP and 50 XP would be a good
range for each of these raiders.
Experience points should be awarded for
skill successes depending on the difficulty level:
Very Easy


5 XP



10 XP



20 XP

3,360 - 5,039



40 XP


5,040 - 7,199

Very Hard


80 XP


7,200 - 9,899



9,900 - 13,199



13,200 - 17,159


Folk Tale

17,160 - 21,839



21,840 - 27,299


Mean Mother

27,300 - 33,599



33,600 - 40,399



40,800 - 48,959



48,960 - 58,139


Hero / Strider / Villain

58,140 - 69,399


Empire State Exemplar

69,400 - 79,799


Paradigm of Humanity

79,800 - 92,399


Messiah / True Mortal / Devil


Optional Titles
At the GMs discretion, optional titles can be
used for each level, depending on the player
characters karma, reputation, or skill focus. For
example, Urban Refugee v. Wasteland Refugee v.
Tribal Refugee v. Big Apple Refugee; its all up to
the atmosphere of the game and campaign.
Awarding Experience Points
Experience points should be awarded
flexibly, but players should also know what to
expect to get the most out of their adventures. A
good balance is key to avoid powering up too fast
or stagnating at higher levels.
Generally, award experience points for
enemies defeated or killed based on the number
of hit points they had as a baseline, then factor
the difficulty of the battle. A raider might have 25
hit points, but a raider with a knife gets a smaller

This should include any difficulty based called

shots or persuasion rolls, but does not include
resistance checks.
Quests, objectives and missions should
also have experience point awards determined by
the GM. They could range from helping Old Man
Simmons find the locket he forgot in the
outhouse for 50 XP, or saving the village from the
nest of giant molerats that live in the septic tank
under the outhouse for 500 XP.
Quick thinking, creative game play,
just in the nick of time actions,
enthusiastic role playing and inventive
storytelling should also be awarded with
experience point bonuses. A player who describes
in exquisite, action movie slow motion detail how
they plan on evading the Super Mutants to throw
a grenade into the power plant generator behind
them should get an award for making the game
more interesting, and to encourage others to
have fun and do the same.
If a group of players helps to complete a
quest or survive an encounter with a group of
opponents, all experience points earned by
the group should be shared equally.
Exceptions should be made for individual
storytelling, creativity, skill successes and special
individual actions above and beyond the mission.
Items such as weapons, bottle caps,
equipment, vehicles, or scavenged material never
give experience points by themselves. They are
their own reward. The wasteland is filled with one
persons junk, another persons treasure, and the
value of anything depends on whether someone
can use it or not.

Big Apple Wasteland

2068: Vault-Tec official Giles Wolstencroft is

abducted by aliens while inspecting the Vault 76
construction site near Willow Grove AFB.

2070: In Philadelphia, the executive talent

recruitment firm of Belcher, Duchess & Manley
executes a hostile takeover of a rival firm,
Professional Associates, and then literally executes
the rival firms CEO, COO, and four VPs in what
A Brief Timeline of the Pre-War Big Apple
becomes known as the Arbor Day Turkey Shoot.
2043: The struggling New York City MTA transit The resulting trial achieves world wide notoriety.
system is privatized, broken up into its three The first Chryslus Motors fusion-powered cars are
original components the Brooklyn-Manhattan released, including the Corvega and Highwayman.
Transit corporation (BMT), the Interborough Rapid General Atomics quickly follows with its line of
Transit corporation (IRT) and Independent (IND) motorcycles. The vehicles are so successful, they
lines in a landmark ruling by the Eastern drive traditional automotive manufacturers like FMC
Commonwealth Court of Appeals.
out of business within five years.

A Campaign Setting

2052: The United Nations is officially disbanded. 2072: The United States invades Canada.
The United Nations Headquarters building is sold to
2075: Automated Robotic Defense Platform Alpha
toy retail chain Bumbalos as the future site of
a rare joint project of RobCo Industries and
their East Coast superstore.
Poseidon Oil comes online. It is the first, and
2057: Following a federal corruption sting that last, oceanic naval weapons platform.
jails all of Hudson County New Jerseys municipal
and county executives, the City of New York 2076: The United States annexes Canada.
formally annexes Hudson County as its sixth and 2077: The United States launches the Yangtze
final borough. The Port Authority is disbanded and Campaign, an invasion of mainland China, while
reorganized as the private Hudson-Manhattan the bulk of Chinese forces remain pinned down in
Railroad (HMR), consistent with other transit lines. Alaska. In response, China plans an invasion of the
2062: The first Chinese commando units begin
infiltrating the United States, carrying out the
Niagara Sabotage and subverting companies for
use as fronts in money-laundering operations, such
as Mama Dulces processed food.
2063: The first Nike missile batteries in over a
hundred years are brought back online in a
defensive ring surrounding New York City. These
are planned as the first stage of an automated
defense system in the event of total nuclear war.
2065: In June, due to enormous demands for
electricity from a 17+ million population, the
Hunters Point nuclear reactor in New York City
goes supercritical, almost causing a meltdown. The
near meltdown brings into effect power rationing.

Eastern United States, with commando and infantry

units transported secretly by shipping containers to
Port Newark outside of New York City and then by
train to the outskirts of Washington, DC.
In October, US power armor reaches Beijing.
Facing defeat, China launches its nuclear arsenal. A
two hour nuclear exchange reduces most of the
worlds population centers to cinders. Automated
defenses ringing New York City are mostly effective
against the barrage of incoming missiles, sparing
much of the city from direct impacts. However, the
resulting air bursts amplify the effect of airborne
radioactive fallout from other impact sites, creating
a radioactive hurricane over the metropolitan
area. Millions die or slowly become ghouls.

The doors of the Lost Vault do not open as

2066: China invades Alaska, and fighting scheduled, dooming hundreds of wealthy residents
commences along the Anchorage Front Line.
to die in the wilderness of the Delaware Water Gap.
2067: Construction of Vault 42 (in Central Park The Lost Vault has remained closed ever since,
impervious to all attempts to break in.
at Belvidere Castle) ends.


The World of Today

The Big Apple Wasteland in 2302
Twenty-one years have passed since the Courier
was ambushed in the Mohave Wasteland, setting
off the events of Fallout: New Vegas, and twentyfive years have passed since the Lone Wanderer
set off from Vault 101 in the Capital Wasteland to
achieve glory in the events of Fallout 3. The world
has changed significantly, but the Big Apple
Wasteland has still proved too difficult to tame.
The defeat of the Enclave at the hands of the
Capital Wasteland Brotherhood of Steel, along with
the activation of Project Purity, set off a chain of
events similar to the stabilization of northern
California before the emergence of the New
California Republic. The informal alliance between
Rivet City and the Capital Wasteland Brotherhood
for the protection and operation of water caravans
quickly lead to a formal union, and with the
inclusion of Vault 101 and Canterbury Commons,
the Republic of the Potomac was born.

Other factions have not been sitting still. The

Commonwealth in particular became increasingly
aware of the growing power to the south through
its own agents and spies. The Commonwealths
own struggle with dissidents such as the
Underground Railroad has brought it into indirect
conflict a number of times with the anti-slavery
Republic of the Potomac, but at present they focus
on arming and using tribals and mercenary groups
as proxies, while implanting agents within the
ranks of their opponents. One exception are the
malfunctioning androids who were smuggled out by
the Railroad, and recover the lost property.

The outlying areas of the Big Apple Wasteland are

therefore now in a constant state of low-intensity
conflict, with refugees, raiders, slavers, agents and
adventurers traversing the wilderness in small
groups and scouting parties. The Keystone
Wasteland, Albany Wasteland, Jersey Wastes,
and the wilderness north and west of the Big Apple
are all relatively untamed, with only pockets of
Within five years, they had reclaimed the Mall civilization here and there.
and the Capitol Building, driven raiders out of
If the Philly Wasteland is hell on earth, then the
Bethesda, Paradise Falls and Fairfax, and
Big Apple Wasteland is pure pandemonium.
incorporated peaceful communities. This created a
Relatively few have made it into the city ruins
mass exodus of raiders, slavers, former Enclave
itself, due to the radiation still present in the rivers
remnants, Brotherhood Outcasts, and most
and harbors of old New York. Only a few entry
importantly, hundreds or even thousands of
points exist, by narrow tunnel passage ways under
remaining Super Mutants who flocked to the Big
the Hudson, by the precarious, irradiated
Apple Wasteland. Many of the slavers of the
bridgeworks still intact, or by radiation shielded
Capital Wasteland fled north into the Philly and
watercraft. Some have insisted that it might be
Keystone Wastes, to be absorbed by larger gangs.
possible to use a pre-War aircraft or Vertibird to
The Philly Wasteland became even more harsh land in the city ruins, but no one has ever tried it.
and depraved as a result of the influx of new blood
and new slaves. The Harrisburg ruins became a
slaving hub, launching raids northwest into
previously untouched tribal lands. And following the
death of Lord Ashur, The Pitt descended into
chaos and faced a similar exodus.

Even if one were brave or reckless enough to

enter the ruins, they would have to contend with
block by block ruins of wrecked skyscrapers,
gaping craters, and deep holes leading into the
citys underground infrastructure, infested with
vicious irradiated ghouls, abominations, automated
The Brotherhood of Steels Capital Wasteland robot defenders, and some of the best organized
faction remains a military order within the and most violent wasteland gangs operating out of
Republic, but holds back its forces to defend the fortified buildings and pre-War sports stadiums.
Capital Homeland, as it is now referred to within
Two-hundred and twenty-five years after the
the Republic. They have little to no contact with
Great War, the Big Apple Wasteland could be the
other Brotherhood factions now that the Outcasts
last unconquered wasteland left for the taking.
have left the Capital Wasteland.

The Big Apple Wasteland: Region

The Pitt: Post-apocalyptic ruins of Pittsburgh, a
hellish city ruled by depraved slavers and warlords.
Trog Lands: Infested areas filled with the
diseased, mutated, feral humans known as Trogs.

Philadelphia Ruins: Even more depraved than

the Pitt. Home to the high-tech, cannibal mercs
known as Headhunters, and the Slavers Guild.
Picatinny Arsenal: Pre-war army research base
nestled away in the wooded hills of northern NJ.
Ash Lands: The highly irradiated Hudson Valley.

Erie Wastes: A harsh, blasted junkyard of Van Buren, Jubilee: Outpost communities of the
Railroad, dedicated to ending all slavery.
industry, worn down by ice and sand storms.
Deathclaw Wilderness: A forbidding, sprawling Albany Terrorist Prison: Controlled by Chinese
forest of dead trees, stalked by packs of Deathclaw. Remnant ghouls once held prisoner there.
Great Lanta, Empire of Tillie: Major slaver
Yao Guai Preserve: Former natural preserve
strongholds along the old Jersey Shore.
overrun by Yao Guai, and home to fierce tribals.
Naval Weapons Station Earle, Nike Missile
Altoona Works: The largest pre-war industrial
Part of the pre-war Big Apple Automated
railroad machine center in the world.
Defense System guarding New York City.
Vault 77: The sole inhabitants of Vault 77 were
one man (the Puppet Man), and a crate of puppets. The Commonwealth: Includes the Institute,
Diamond City and other outposts. A war-ravaged
Abandoned and considered taboo to local tribals.
technological quagmire of violence and despair.
Letterkenny Army Depot: Sprawling pre-war
Deckard Industries: An arms and armor factory
military base. Automated defenses and feral ghouls.
re-built from a pre-War defense manufacturer.
Billtown: Fortified wilderness town on the
Wardenclyffe: An independent, and peaceful,
irradiated Susquehanna River.
scientific research community near the pre-war
The Kills: A barren wilderness.
Brookhaven National Laboratory.
York, Lancaster: Two feuding post-apocalyptic
baronies with a relatively low tech level.
Harrisburg Ruins: Old state capital,
inhabited by Super Mutants and raider gangs.


Tokamak Reactor: A pre-War research facility

near Old Grad (pre-war Princeton, NJ).
Derelict Poseidon Oil Rig: Home to Enclave
remnants, who fled there from Raven Rock.


1. Unmarked Vault

17. Princeton Plasma Physics Lab

33. Port Newark

49. Bronx Ruins

2. Old Mine

18. All American Telegraph HQ

34. Eastern American Flag Co.

50. Empire State Building

3. Hot Dog Johnnys

19. Dover Ruins

35. Eastern Commonwealth Penitentiary

51. Mt. Vernon Ruins

4. Camp Tecumseh

20. Picatinny Arsenal

36. Z Town

52. Babcock Estate

5. Delaware River Tubing

21. Flooded Magnetite Mining Complex

37. Palisades Ravine

53. Quinnimantic

6. Vault 78

22. Action Park

38. Vault 53

54. Norwalk Ruins

7. NE Philly Ruins

23. Fort Nonsense

39. Skyway Ruins

55. The Sound

8. Faust Elementary

24. Di Yu Trading Company

40. The Cloisters

56. Vault 27

9. Washingtons Crossing

25. FMC Auto Assembly Plant

41. Liberty Island

57. Pig Rat Farms

10. Trenton Ruins

26. Freetown

42. Vault 42 (Belvedere Castle)

58. Vault 56

11. Oxford Mountain

27. US Naval Weapons Station Earle

43. Brooklyn Navy Yard

59. Vault 81

12. Blairsden

28. Empire of Tillie

44. Brooklyn Ruins

13. Hakeswell

29. Boardwalk Ruins

45. The Narrows

14. Lake Hopatcong

30. ARD Platform Alpha

46. Idlewild Airport Ruins

15. Vault 23

31. Sandy Ground

47. Garden City Ruins

16. Old Grad (Princeton)

32. Heyerdahl

48. Rock City

Automated Air Defense

Missile bases ring the Big
Apple ruins (stars), some
functional, others not.
Those shown are offline,
but potentially functional
if brought online.


Big Apple Wasteland: Subway and Transit Map

Official Map of the Big Apple Transit system, 2077

Interboro Rapid Transit [IRT]: Equivalent to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 lines under MTA.
Brooklyn-Manhattan Transit [BMT]: Equivalent to J, L, M N, Q, R lines under MTA.
Hudson-Manhattan Railroad [HMR]: Equivalent to PATH lines, including regional light rail.
Independent Subway System [IND]: Equivalent to A, B, C, D, E, F, G lines under MTA.
Each of the lines in question had their own, unaffiliated robot security systems, with Protectron,
Securitron and Mr. Handy/Mr. Gutsy robot patrols, controlled and managed by a single Protectron
Master-Bot for each line. The Master-Bot locations correspond to the administration headquarters of
each line: 239th Street Yard in the Bronx for IRT, Coney Island in Brooklyn for BMT, Journal Square
in Hudson for HMR, and Flushing Meadows-Corona Park in Queens for IND.

Big Apple Wasteland: Regions

The Pitt (Neighboring Region)
The Pitt is located in irradiated pre-War ruins of
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Following the Scourging
of the Pitt in 2255 by the Brotherhood of Steel, a
former Paladin named Ashur formed a society of
slaves ruled by slave masters, raiders and gang
members. The Lone Wanderer traveled through
here after 2277, and by 2302, The Pitt has been
transformed into an only slightly less terrible
industrial center that relies on semi-free workers
rather than outright slaves. Trogs have been
pushed to the outskirts.
Monroeville remains the last bastion of slavers in
the Pitt in 2302, and a haven for raiders launching
scouting and trading work parties into the wastes.
Trog Lands remain to the northeast, east and
southwest of the Pitt, home now both to Trogs and
outlaw Wildmen who were not integrated into the
new army of the Pitt.

Erie Wastes (Neighboring Region)

Little is known about the Erie Wastes, except for
stories of windswept snowfields in the winter, and
sand storms in the summer, across a blighted,
rusted landscape of desolate urban ruins and
abandoned communities and industrial sites.

Deathclaw Wilderness (Neighboring Region)

Stunted trees and thorn bushes have replaced the
once numerous hardwood trees of this wild area. It
has provided Deathclaws with a perfect location for
breeding and hunting. Eve the toughest of tribals
avoid venturing into this maze of rocky underbrush.
The town of Kane is a rare anomaly, a trading
post located in the heart of the Wilderness. The
town is also home to some intelligent Abominations.

Yao Guai Preserve (Neighboring Region)

Less dangerous than the Deathclaw Wilderness,
the Preserve is home to two main tribes: the Ridge
Runners and the Tioga.

The Ridge Runners are a non-traditional tribe,

composed of outlaws, ex-raiders, runaway slaves,
survivalists and others. Kinship is not a factor, as
all outcasts are accepted for consideration. Their
tribal chief, Ajax, is a former mercenary. They
often supplement their hunting with raiding for
goods, but are hostile to slaving gangs. Their
signature weapons is a modified .32 Hunting Rifle.
The Tioga are a traditional tribe, with bloodlines
running back to the original inhabitants of the
area. They exist in an uneasy truce with the Ridge
Runners, and are more interested in survival and
hunting Yao Guai. Their tribal chief is cautious and
confers with the Tioga Elders before making any
decision. Their signature weapon is a modified
Combat Knife, used for survival and taking the
scalps of enemies.

The Kills (Neighboring Region)

Like the Yao Guai Preserve, this is a vast
dwarf hardwood
undergrowth, rocky outcroppings and cliffs of the
Catskill Mountains. Most town ruins are considered
taboo by the tribals located here. Three tribes
inhabit the area, locked in skirmishes with one
another by 2302.
The Blackthorns live in the northeast and are
most influenced by the Institute and the
Commonwealth to the east. In fact, the Institute
actively use them as a buffer. They are savage,
but well armed, with clubs and energy weapons
given by the Institute. They control the area
bordering Vault 7, Van Buren, the Ash Lands and
Albany Ruins. Frequently found carrying chems.
The Cochecton are a traditional tribe, ruled by
a matriarchal council, and kinship is matrilineal.
They tend to be friendly to outsiders, seeing them
as potential allies, but hostile to the Institutebacked Blackthorns. They control the area to the
south, including Skytop, parts of the Kittatinny
Mountains and up to the Scar.
The Chenango to the northwest prefer to keep
a distance from all other tribes and communities.
They are a traditional, patrilineal tribe, and have
an active primitive religion, with a strong history of
shunning civilization following the Great War.

The Kills (continued)

Vault 7 falls just outside Blackthorn territory, and
was dedicated to experimentation on chemically
augmented humans. A cave-in buried all but the
entrance, and small medical clinic/lab, and several
research terminals with access to the mainframe,
still running beneath the buried section.
Skytop is an Air Courier base with good
relations with local tribals. The Air Couriers can be
found in pockets across the old Eastern
Commonwealth and have resurrected secrets of
manned flight. Many communities rely on Air
Couriers for information, supplies and trade in
addition to Brahmin caravans.

and several smaller member states. It is

headquartered in the Capital building on the Mall.
In those 25 years, Paradise Falls, Bethesda, Fairfax,
Old Olney, Fort Bannister and much of the DC ruins
were reclaimed and civilized by combined effort.
Remaining Super Mutants were driven north en
masse, toward the Philly and Big Apple Wastes.
The Capital Wasteland Brotherhood of Steel
continues to operate as an independent, quasireligious military order that wields significant
influence. The Brotherhood of Steel controls and
defends the only working water purification plant in
the Wasteland, at the Jefferson Memorial.

All armed units of the Republic display the old

American Flag, including Brotherhood of Steel
patrols and units. The irony that they have adopted
Albany Wasteland (Neighboring Region)
the same goals of Colonel Autumns Enclave is lost
Centered on the ruins of old Albany, this area on most Capital officials and supporters. Citizens
tends to function more as outskirt region of the frequently speak of their manifest destiny as the
heirs of what they call the old American Empire.
Commonwealth to the east.
Conflict with other regions seems inevitable.
Polytechnic is an outpost of Institute scientists
The Brotherhood Outcasts left the Capital
combing through the records of the pre-War
Wasteland two decades ago for the Big Apple
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
Wasteland after hearing rumors of an expedition
The Albany Terrorist Prison was established in from the Western Brotherhood of Steel, and now
the 2060s to house captured Chinese saboteurs for control Liberty Island, the Cloisters, and several
the Eastern Commonwealth. After the war, many of other outposts. Often the term Brotherhood of Steel
the inhabitants became ghouls, and now control the is used interchangeably for either faction, as each
prison complex from the inside.
considers itself the legitimate Brotherhood.
Van Buren is a safe haven community for the
Railroad, named after the eighth President of the
United States and located near his birthplace, north
of the lower Hudson Valley Ash Lands.
The Ash Lands south of Albany are the result of
radioactive silt and dust deposited by storms after
the War. Nothing grows, and feral ghouls roam.

Capital Wasteland (Neighboring Region)

Centered on the ruins of Washington DC, it is the
location of most of the Lone Wanderers actions and
events, some 25 years ago, in 2277.
As of 2302, following the defeat of the Enclave,
the area has been re-organized under the Republic
of the Potomac, an alliance of the Brotherhood of
Steel, Rivet City, Megaton / Tenpenny Tower,
Vault 101, Canterbury Commons, Underworld,

Keystone Wasteland (Neighboring Region)

The terrain of the old state of Pennsylvania
ranges from steep mountains and dead forests to
flat plains and derelict farmlands. Ruins and
crumbling infrastructure line the east-west route of
old Highways 80, 78 and 76, while the irradiated
Susquehanna River divides the wasteland.
Altoona Works was the largest pre-War
railroad machine center in the world. As of 2077,
the sprawling complex was only partially active.
The abandoned Vault 77 legendary home to
the Puppet Man is located on a mountaintop
near old Route 80, north of the ruins of State
College, Pennsylvania. The location is taboo and
off-limits to the local Snow Shoe tribals, who have
placed totems nearby warning away any outsiders.

Keystone Wasteland (continued)

Although nearly all major cities in the region
were obliterated in the Great War, the Lock
Haven Crater was the site of a massive strike
that flattened most of the town. The lone radio
tower north of an old hospital complex broadcasts
a distress signal to anyone in short range.
Billtown is small, prosperous and well
defended frontier settlement in the Keystone
Wastes located in the downtown ruins of old
Williamsport. On
the north
side of
Susquehanna, it is also one of the few secure
places to cross the river (over a radiation-shielded
bridge) before the Harrisburg Ruins or Battle
Crossing downstream. It is also home to the
wilderness scouts and lawmen known as the
Leathermen, Black Legs, Billtown Bitches). These
men and women are quite similar to the Desert
Rangers of the Mojave, but are also often the only
source of justice and law small settlements have.
Pocono Skydiving is a small trading post
located at the old Hazleton Municipal Airport, a
favorite refueling station for Air Couriers. The
Scout Troopers have an outpost at a nearby State
Police Barracks from before the war.
North of Hazleton, and running for 40 miles
southwest to northeast is The Scar, a radioactive
hell hole encompassing old Wilkes-Barre and
Scranton, and surrounding towns from Nanticoke
in the southwest to Carbondale in the northeast.
Slavers, raiders, Super Mutants and Ghouls
(including many Glowing Ones) follow over a
dozen separate warlords fighting for control. The
Scar rivals the Pitt in brutality, although the Philly
Wasteland far eclipses both.
Dead City is a ghoul-only car and junk fortress
complex located in the ruins of Allentown. It is a
haven for ghouls, and others will be fired upon.
Vault 78 is located on Haycock Mountain in
Nockamixon State Park near a Flooded Quarry.
The Harrisburg Ruins is slaver turf, and is the
site of a major Slavers Guild outpost and holding
pens for slaves being traded down river by boat.
Downstream at the old Wrights Ferry Bridge is
Battle Crossing, site of ten years of stand offs

between the Lancaster and York Baronies, each 10

miles in either direction. The ruins of Columbia on
the east side of the river are fortified by soldiers of
the Lancaster Barony, and Wrightsville on the west
by soldiers of the York Barony.
Lancaster Barony is ruled by the aging Baron
Henry Mac Adam, who initiated the current round
of fighting after his daughter was found murdered
some ten years ago with York foul play suspected.
It boasts nearly twice the population of York, but
relies on conscript levies from nearby farms, who
go into battle supported by Protectrons and other
robot forces. Armstrong Industries operates a
refurbished RobCo plant here, and has recently
been experimenting with cybernetic enhancements
there at the request of the Baron.
York Barony is smaller in population than
Lancaster, but has more resources at its disposal.
The Baron, Big Fat Daddy Bobby Noor, has been
sending agents to Lancaster for years, but insists
he did not order the murder of Baron Lancasters
daughter. Yorks army is comprised mostly of
mercenaries, raiders, slavers and hired guns.
General Atomics had a major motorcycle factory
here, and raider gangs riding Roadsters through
the streets is not an uncommon site. In addition,
the Baron encourages soldiers to take combatenhancing chems, and has a functioning research
and chem production facility that is considered
vital to the war effort.
Letterkenny Army Depot, located 45 miles
from the Harrisburg Ruins and 65 miles from
Battle Crossing, is a massive, 35 square mile preWar bunker complex. The main Depot in the south
east section of the base has hundreds of US Army
vehicles and weapons from before the war in over
30 storage hangars, including trucks, jeeps,
motorcycles, armored vehicles, a few obsolete
tanks, artillery, power armor, and even a few
Vertibirds with their own helipad. This also
includes barracks, communication facilities, and its
own jail compound.
The Letterkenny Army Depot Bunkers
occupy the bulk of real estate. Hundreds of
individual bunkers used to store munitions during
the war are located here, including the massive
Nike anti-ballistic missiles.

Keystone Wasteland (continued)

The Letterkenny Vault is a military vault dug
into the side of Broad Mountain to the northwest of
the base. It rivals Raven Rock in size and facilities,
and was meant as a command and control center
for the automated defense systems being planned
for the nations cities, but only ever finished for
the Big Apple itself, and then, partially.
The entire Letterkenny Army Depot is
surrounded by reinforced, electrified steel gates
and blast walls, with automated turrets in guard
towers and a perimeter patrolled by Sentry Bots,
Eyebots, Mr. Gutsy robots and Protect-O-Bots.
Inner perimeter patrols are carried out by
Protectrons, Securitrons and Eyebots.
It is impossible to gain access to any part of the
facility without the corresponding access code +
key card: Violet for the main entrance, Indigo for
surface personnel facilities (barracks, mess hall,
infirmary), Blue for storage hangars, Green for
storage bunkers, Yellow for entry level Vault,
Orange for research level Vault, Red for
command level Vault. Each access card level will
also grant access to all facilities beneath its level.

Philly Wasteland
Much has been mentioned about the utterly
depraved depths to which the denizens of the
Philadelphia Ruins have sunk. Here is a brief
overview that only scratches the surface.
King of Prussia Mall on the outskirts of Philly
is home to a group of Dead City exiles who preyed
upon other ghouls. Black-hearted criminals and
bandits who attack any caravan or scavenging
party that comes close.
Vault 76 was a control vault, and opened on
schedule in 2097, 20 years after the War. After the
Vault reactor went critical following a sustained
Super Mutant attack, the remaining Vault Dwellers
fled to nearby Willow Grove Naval Air Station
survivors. Their efforts would be instrumental in
founding the Air Couriers Union in 2268.
Faust Elementary is home to a depraved
religious cult who practice ritualistic vivisection.

The nearby Parx Casino and Racing is

abandoned, but rumors of a hidden cache of preWar money and treasures abound in the
surrounding region. Rumors also say that no
scavenger has ever returned from the Casino.
Northeast Philadelphia Ruins is a crater
filled, pock-marked assortment of burned out
houses, rubble and debris fields, frequently picked
over by passing raiders and Super Mutants.
North Philadelphia Ruins are home to several
gangs, all vying for dominance. Chinese Remnant
ghouls frequent the old Tioga Marine Terminal.
Center City Ruins is a maze of toppled
skyscrapers, barricades and deep pits dug into the
craters left by the bombs dropped over 200 years
ago. The neighborhoods between Logan Square
and Rittenhouse Square are home to the
Headhunters, the most feared and most vilified
gang of degenerates in the Wasteland.
Founded by survivors of the pre-War talent
recruitment agency of Belcher, Duchess & Manley,
the Headhunters cut throat skills enabled them
to create a dystopian society, holding together a
coalition of slavers, raiders, mercenaries, rape
gangs and cannibals. They transformed Eastern
State Penitentiary into a fortress stronghold, and
have taken over 30th Street Station as a raiding
base. Rittenhouse Square is now a massive,
dark pit several hundred feet deep called simply,
Hell, with shacks, hovels, shops and brothels dug
into the walls going down.
City Hall is controlled by Super Mutants, who
can also be found in large numbers throughout
Center City. Franklin Square and Chinatown
are a mix of Chinese Remnant ghouls and Super
Mutants (located at the Roundhouse), while the
Philadelphia History Museum and Liberty Bell
monument remain untouched, accessible only
through a narrow maintenance tunnel.
South Philadelphia Ruins is controlled by the
Slavers Guild. Here slaves break rocks and work
the land under the direction of overseers, or toil in
makeshift workshops loading ammo or making
weapons. Farther south, Poseidon Oil Park
Stadium, the Nuka-Cola Center and RobCo
Field act as massive slave holding pens for slaving
traffic coming up river from other regions.

South Jersey Wasteland

Great Lanta is the largest settlement in South
Jersey, in the ruins of Atlantic City, Ocean City and
Margate City, New Jersey. Its location makes it
incredibly strategic to anyone traveling the waters
of the Eastern seaboard between the Big Apple
Wasteland and Commonwealth to the north, and
the Capital Wasteland to the south.
The city in 2302 is a resort town controlled and
operated by the Slavers Guild, with casinos,
brothels, chem shops and other vices. Nearly all
establishments are staffed by slaves. Armed slaver
guards are everywhere.
It is also the birthplace of Saint Monica, who
was born to ghouls but had no ghoul traits. Her
son, Ehran, was a slave owner himself but freed
his slaves. Their descendants founded the
settlement of Jubilee deep in the pine woods of
South Jersey at pre-War Batsto, now an outpost of
the Railroad, and hostile to all slavers.
Further up the coast, on the site of pre-War
Asbury Park is the Empire of Tillie, founded by a
group of raiders and slavers who left the Slavers
Guild to found their own boardwalk settlement.
Inland about 7 miles from the Empire of Tillie
is Naval Weapons Station Earle, a massive
weapons and munitions depot, on a smaller scale
than Letterkenny Army Depot. This base was
run by the US Navy, and housed conventional,
nuclear, energy and experimental weapons. Like
Letterkenny Army Depot, there are over 300
bunkers, and the premises are patrolled by US
Navy Sentry Bots, Protect-O-Bots, Mr. Gutsy
robots, and Eyebots.
Adjacent to Naval Weapons Station Earle is
HELIOS Five, a solar plant built by Poseidon
Energy. Like HELIOS One in the Mojave, it is
Archimedes IX and Archimedes X. It is
abandoned, but automated defense systems are
active. Research notes also indicate a third
network link, to ARD Platform Alpha.
Continuing west across New Jersey, the
landscape is dotted with suburban ruins and
moldering condominium developments. Freetown
is a Railroad outpost disguised as a trading post.

Farther south, the ruins of Six Flags

Amusement Park cast a bleak silhouette across
the barren, dead fields around it and are visible for
dozens of miles.
Central Jersey Wasteland
The mile wide Trenton Crater is all that
remains of the old state capital, and the
surrounding Trenton Ruins and Empty Factory
are swarming with Super Mutants. A bridge exists
across the irradiated Delaware River with
damaged, 15 foot tall letters hanging from it:
To the north at Washingtons Crossing, a
plaque describes the events of the Revolutionary
War. The irradiated river is fordable at this point. 3
miles up the Delaware from here, a Rock Quarry
is home to a large nest of Deathclaw.
The dormitories of the Princeton University
Graduate College have been converted into a
fortified compound known as Old Grad by a small
community of wasteland scientists, lead by an
ancient ghoul named Hammond who was once a
professor of physics. They need help evicting a
group of mixed Wasteland refugees (ghoul,
human, Super Mutant) from the site of the old
Princeton Plasma Physics Lab and Tokamak
Fusion Test Reactor. The origin and true goal of
these scientists is not known.
A small group of Enclave Remnants have
taken over the ruins of the All American
Telegraph Labs north of the ruins of the town of
Holmdel. Farther east, on Sandy Hook, Fort
Hancock seems abandoned, and all automated
defenses appear to be powered down.
Continuing north, a group of Chinese Remnant
ghouls founded the Di Yu Trading Company in
old New Brunswick, across the dried up Raritan
River from ruins of an FMC Auto Assembly Plant
and a RobCo Assembly Plant.
Vault 23 is located to the west, near the
contaminated Round Valley Reservoir, now
breeding ground to Mirelurks. Further west is the
abandoned Camp Tecumseh Civil Defense
Youth Camp and Delaware River Tubing north
of Marshall Island. All American Telegraph
Headquarters is 9 miles east of Vault 23.

North Jersey Wasteland

To the west and north, dead forests have been
replaced with tangled undergrowth over the
decades, as well as with many mutations such as
Spore Plants, Strangle Weed and Poison Moss.
Oxford Mountain was a top secret radio
numbers station during the War, but has recently
reactivated after being silent for 225 years.
North of Oxford Mountain at the old Tilcon
quarry and headquarters is the newly established
village of Tesla. It is not known where the settlers
came from, but local Wastelanders suspect either
the Capital Wasteland or the Commonwealth, as
they possess high-tech weapons and armor.
On the outskirts of Old Buttzville is the derelict
shack of Hot Dog Johnnys. Nearby lie the
haunted ruins of Blairsden and the strange,
isolated community of Hakeswell where travelers
have been murdered at night by demonic
interlopers, if the rumors are believed. Caravans
avoid this area if at all possible. Lake Hopatcong
is surrounded by various suburban ruins, but
contains the wreck of sunken, crash landed preWar Chinese bomber, with full atomic armaments.
North of Tocks Island and west of Old
Blairstown is an Old Mine with a broadcasting
radio beacon, a crate with 9mm ammo, a Big
Book of Science and a First Aid Kit.
Picatinny Arsenal is a vast pre-War military
complex over 6 miles long, north to south, and 4,5
miles wide, north of the Dover Ruins. Just north
of old Route 80 are the Picatinny Arsenal
South Barracks (permanent structures) and
Picatinny Camp Juneau (temp structures). Up
the main road are the Picatinny Arsenal South
Workshops for small arms, energy weapons and
personal defense (melee weapons).
North of that are the Picatinny Arsenal
Hangars, which were used to house and build
experimental vehicles like Vertibirds, but also
including captured enemy technology.
Picatinny East Workshops focused on artillery
and projectile weapons, such as the Red Glare,
Gauss Rifles or Railguns. These were often tested
in the nearby Abandoned Mining Complex.

Picatinny North Workshops dealt with

extremely sensitive, Top Secret weapons projects,
including Sonic Emitter technology, orbital lasers,
and experimental dimensional rift technology.
The Picatinny Arsenal Armory functioned
mostly as a conventional munitions depot, as all of
the high-tech weapons were being developed and
tested elsewhere, not stored in a hangar.
The Picatinny Vertibird Pad was located next
to the Armory, due to the proximity to an active

security detail who could escort dignitaries.

There are hundreds of acres of formerly used or
abandoned space in this massive base, from every
military era since World War 2. Many of these
areas were simply abandoned after a war or
conflict and left to rust. Simple scavenging could
turn up anything from 1945 to 2077.
Sentry Bots, Eyebots and Protectrons continue
to patrol the perimeter of Picatinny Arsenal.
Automated Turrets remain activate at major
entrance points and roadways. The defenses are
passive, and avoiding them is relatively easy.
Tunnels lead from the Abandoned Mining
Complex to the Hibernia Mine 3 miles away.
North, west, and east of Picatinny Arsenal are a
complexes, including the High Ledge Mine,
Panic Mine and Hibernia Mine. A huge rock
crushing plant, PJ Smith Rock Crushing, is
overrun by Rad Scorpions. To the east, the derelict
rides of Action Park rise against the landscape.
Satellite Listening Post HY0B continues to
broadcast a location beacon to the south east of
Action Park, but not nearby SLP HY0A.


North Jersey Wasteland (continued)

South of Picatinny Arsenal along old Route 287
lie the ruins of Morristown. The ruins of town are
filled with abandoned department stores, schools,
apartments and office complexes, picked over by
scavengers and raiders. Soldiers of Wolfe
Company, a mercenary group, have constructed
fortifications northeast of the old Civil Defense
Armory on the site of Fort Nonsense. Further
east along Columbia Turnpike is General Atomics
HQ, and office parks for Wattz Electronics,
Hidarimizu Chemical, and a training facility for
the Big Apple Red Rockets football team.
To the south is the Great Swamp, and the
tribal village of Red Oak. Just south of this,
hidden within the pre-War Watchung Wildlife
Reserve is the entrance to Vault 81, still sealed
and nearly impenetrable. Odd lights are often seen
floating through the surrounding forest at night.
Far to the north and east of Picatinny Arsenal on
the other end of Route 287 is Old Ramapo,
Numbers Station Echo Foxtrot, and RobCo
Enterprise Technologies, an isolated research
compound of RobCo Industries.
The settlement of Z-Town a mixed humanghoul town of scavengers and caravans is
located in the shadow of the Palisades south of the
ruins of Nyack, NY. To the south on the west side
of the Hudson is Vault 53 set within the Palisades.
Constant equipment failures led to the eventual
abandonment of this vault, and little has been left
unscavenged. Its entrance is at the end of a the
narrow Palisades Ravine.
Most of the urban sprawl that existed in preWar New Jersey was leveled in the Great War. The
eastern cities of Bergen, Passaic, Essex and Union
counties were all wiped off the map with little
more than craters, crumbling overpasses and
patches of asphalt remaining.
The ruined Eastern American Flag Company
factory in Paterson survived the war, mostly of
interest to historical preservationists. MedTek
Stadium and Racetrack in East Rutherford also
survived, the latter a major stronghold for Super
Mutants raiding along Route 80 and the New

Jersey Turnpike ruins.

A network of broken and crumbling highways
circles the Newark Ruins, pock marked with
craters and the debris of blasted oil refineries to
the south. To the west and east of the Liberty
Airport Ruins mostly home to junked aircraft
and parts picked over by scavengers are Mama
Dolces Processing Facility north of I-78 to the
west and the Chinese Remnant Container
Complex to the east of I-95/NJ Turnpike. Both
were integral to the secret Chinese invasion of the
United States mainland during the Great War.
Mama Dolces operated as a front for Chinese
agents, and Port Newark acted as a conduit for
troops and equipment brought in via shipping
North of Newark are the Skyway Ruins area,
where I-78, I-95 and Route 1 all intersect. The old
Pulaski Skyway miraculously survived the war and
is now home to base camps for marauding raiders,
cannibal gangs and slackliners. A gang called the
Road Ragers set up a rather chaotic trading post
Singularity. The pre-war Crocker Waste Storage
facility and landfill still holds pre-war artifacts for
the intrepid scavenger, and to the north lies the
swamp community of Meadowland, where tribals
lead a secluded existence hunting mirelurks in the
surrounding wetlands. Big Rig Trucking is a place
of interest south of old Route 9, and the eastern
border is dominated by the massive Hudson
Generating Station south of the Secaucus Train
Station ruins, now controlled by Super Mutants.
Big Apple Wasteland: Hudson County
Annexed in 2057 by New York City, Hudson
County was home to several large neighborhoods
and municipalities with the most ethnically diverse
population in the United States at the time.
However, almost no residential buildings survived
the air bursts at the onslaught of the war.
The pre-War towns of West New York, North
Bergen, Union City and Weehawken were burnt
to a cinder, with little more than concrete blocks
and rubble remaining.
Downtown Hoboken
became a Flooded District, a radioactive
cesspool frequented by Mirelurks and Feral Ghouls,
its transit system submerged.

Hudson County (continued)

The Journal Square and Heights neighborhoods
of Jersey City were gutted by the post-atomic
firestorm of the Great War, but were not
themselves hit directly. Dickinson High School is
the scene of frequent battles between raiders from
the JSQ Transit Hub and Super Mutants from
Evertrust Plaza downtown, due to its strategic
hill top position. Most of the nearby neighborhoods
have been further reduced to rubble in the
fighting. However, a pre-War National Guard
Armory has yet to be fully looted of weapons and
equipment, locked in a bunker. A damaged
Vertibird can be found at the Civil Air Patrol HQ,
and is fixable with the right parts and Repair skill.
The old neighborhood of Greenville and the city
of Bayonne have been almost wholly depopulated,
which the exception of a few feral ghouls. Perhaps
as a result, Lawn Depot on the western edge of
Greenville has never been looted. The Bayonne
Refinery is a haven for Chinese Remnant Ghouls
from Port Newark to the west. CityView Luxury
Townhouses is home to a paranoid cult
descended from the pre-War residents of this selfcontained housing complex, seemingly imprisoned
by the mainframe programmed to protect them.
The nearby Battleship Columbia lies derelict, in
dire need of replacement mainframe parts and
fuel, among other repairs, to be seaworthy again.
Just north on the waterfront, Deathclaws have
nested in the Ocean Disposal waste dump, while
the inhabitants of Port Liberty were not as lucky
as those at CityView Townhouses their
mainframe slaughtered them all after a severe
malfunction. Liberty State Park is now a
bizarrely lush environment, with tangle vines and
spore plants predominating, due to a failed GECK
deployment at Liberty Science Center, now
overrun with mantids and spore carriers. The longforgotten
overlooks the harbor.
Downtown Jersey City is a warzone, rife with
Super Mutants who have encamped at Evertrust
Plaza and the HMRR Grove Street Station, the
only entry point with a clear path along the
Hudson Railroad tunnel to Manhattan. Exchange
Place is now the Shattered Towers District, a

result of skyscrapers toppling and leaning on one

another in the wake of the atomic assault on
neighboring Manhattan. Slackliners and tunnel rats
have created a refuge for themselves here, booby
trapping much of the surrounding infrastructure
and ruins. The Columbia Mall to the north is now
home to numerous feral ghouls, trapped there by
surrounding rubble since the Great War. Rumors of
a ghoul army persist, lead by intelligent ghouls,
with the alleged number ranges from the hundreds
to the thousands; the Columbia Mall is shunned by
Wastelander and Super Mutant alike.
The Holland Tunnel to Manhattan is a flooded
maze of tangled car wreckage and vicious mutated
Moray Eels no one has successfully traversed it
in hundreds of years. To the north, The Lincoln
Tunnel entrance is a better bet, but the tunnel
itself has its share of raiders and Super Mutants
near the entrance, and ghouls and abominations
further inside. The once majestic George
Washington Bridge is now a rusted steel
skeleton: the last remnants of its upper and lower
levels plummeted into the irradiated Hudson River
nearly one hundred years ago. Fort Lee ruins are
home to a few slackliners and nominally friendly
ghoul traders from the south, but travel across the
bridges structure is exceedingly dangerous due to
radiation from the river and structural hazards.
Big Apple Wasteland: Staten Island
Staten Island appears to be almost uninhabited
225 years after the Great War. Few residents
survived, as no Vaults were constructed nearby,
and the bridges that once connected its towns to
the rest of the Big Apple are now too irradiated to
safely cross without exceptional precautions. As a
result, little is known about the island.
Those residents who did survive retreated to
underground grottos and caves in the center of the
island. The slags that live there now are fairly
isolated, but trade with other Wastelanders in the
mixed community of Heyerdahl just south of the
old College of Staten Island. There are rumors
of a huge underground city built by the slags
beneath the landfill, but no reliable accounts exist.
The Underground Railroad has established a
permanent outpost at Sandy Ground on the shore
north of the Outerbridge Crossing.

Big Apple Wasteland: New York Harbor

The islands of New York Harbor were the
location of one of the last battles of the Great War,
as the US Navy fought the infiltrating Chinese
Submarine fleet. As atomic bombs began falling on
the city and defensive Nike missiles streaked from
their launchers to meet the Chinese bombers, a
Type 99 nuclear submarine, the Huang He,
suffered a direct hit in the channel southwest of
Liberty Island. The resulting explosion knocked
the head off the Statue of Liberty and sent it
careening into Lower Manhattan, eventually
coming to a rest in the newly created rubble
formerly the site of Canal Street and Broadway.
At present, the Statue of Liberty and Liberty
Island is a fortified base of the Brotherhood of
Steel Outcasts. The group of about 10 to 15
defenders that is stationed there frequently
engages any watercraft that approach, shooting
first with anti-aircraft cannons and asking
questions later. The statue itself is now headless
and quite damaged. It is not structurally sound
enough for more than one or two people to ascend
to a makeshift observation deck at any given time.
The Outcasts have begun the work of fully
fortifying the statues base, formerly a harbor fort.
Ellis Island to the northeast is primarily
inhabited by feral ghouls. The only thing
noteworthy is a visitors center with a Wall of
Honor inscribed with the names of immigrants who
came to the pre-War United States of America.
The larger Governors Island is uninhabited
except for a contingent of Super Mutants who
rebuilt the Starfort to the north of the island.
Various groups have attempted to assault the fort,
and the landscape is littered with discarded power
armor, weapons and equipment. A derelict ferry
station and air shaft for the Brooklyn Battery
Tunnel are located on the north shore.
The harbors waters vary in radioactivity. The
Narrows between Staten Island and Brooklyn (the
Verrazano Bridge was destroyed) is extremely
radioactive due to the wrecks of Chinese nuclear
submarines. Deeper water is less radioactive and
safe to cross in unshielded vessels, but shallow
water is far higher a risk. The highest levels are
found at former atomic battle sites.

Big Apple Wasteland: Brooklyn

The Borough of Brooklyn became an easy target
for Chinese atomic bombers flying past the shore
defenses of Fort Tilden on Rockaway Point. A
direct ground hit by a massive hydrogen bomb
created the 2.5 mile wide Brooklyn Crater,
Kensington, Flatbush, East Flatbush, Borough
Park, Midwood and Flatlands. Canarsie,
Sheepshead Bay, and Downtown Brooklyn/
Fort Greene suffered a similar fate on a smaller
scale, reduced to craters of their own.

Brooklyn (continued)
Williamsburg and Greenpoint, once havens
for a resurgent pre-War beatnik counter-culture,
are now home to the largest concentration of feral
ghouls in the Big Apple proper. BedfordStuyvesant, Brownsville and Crown Heights
are dominated by raider gangs such as the Dead
Presidents, the M-Liners, and the Broken Angels.
The Brooklyn Navy Yard is now home to both
Chinese remnant ghouls and former US military
ghouls who roam the docks. A tough old trader
calling himself Farragut has retrofitted the US
Navy heavy destroyer Captain Spaulding that has
been locked in dry dock since before the war,
turning into his own personal fortress compound in
the center of the Navy Yard. He is a bit of a
hermit, and does not expect visitors, but will only
shoot hostile parties on sight.

Channel to the Irradiated Canal to the south. It

is festering with Mirelurks and smells like a dead
cat on a wet rug according to most Tunnel Rats.
Following Flatbush Avenue south of Shanktown
will bring you to the Atlantic Avenue Terminal
and the ruined Barkleys Center, a no-mans land
between Shanktown and the Super Mutants that
have taken over Grand Army Plaza and the
Brooklyn Museum of Art. The Super Mutants
have also turned northern Prospect Park into a
fortified zone. Several Super Mutant Behemoths
roam the park freely, and anyone attempting to
enter must do so using stealth, as most entrances
are blocked off to prevent infiltration. The wrecked
shell of Ebbets Field east of Prospect Park
between Bedford Street and Sullivan Place is home
to a group of escaped slaves and refugees from
surrounding areas, living in the dug outs.
To the south, Coney Island is completely
walled off from the rest of the Big Apple ruins, with
fortifications and barricades creating a DMZ
between the Belt Parkway and Emmons Avenue.
The only way in is along the elevated railway
tracks on the F or Q lines of the IND or BMT
subway systems. The Coney Island BMT Transit
Complex is home of the BMTs Protectron MasterBot, protected itself by a small army of
Protectrons, Sentry Bots, Protect-O-Bots and
defensive turrets.

The DUMBO and Fulton Ferry neighborhoods

have been reborn as Shanktown, a slaver
controlled district in the shadow of the Brooklyn
and Manhattan Bridges. Run by the Slavers
Guild, they are open to anyone looking to trade,
including Tunnel Rats, Slackliners, raiders, gang
members, travelers and caravans. Inside its rusted
steel girder and junked car walls is considered
neutral turf, and any aggression is dealt with
severely by the guards and the residents alike.
While not run by any particular ruler, Shanktown
acknowledges a woman know as The Old Lady as
their de facto chieftain and leader.
Beneath the flattened neighborhoods of Carroll
Hook is a massive
underground tunnel connecting the Buttermilk

Coney Islands human areas are ruled by

three allied gangs, including one with a few
Ghouls, Super Mutants, and one intelligent
Mirelurk. All three gangs are said to be descended
from a single gang long ago who fought their way
across the entire Big Apple before settling in Coney
Island. WKRB Voice of Coney broadcasts old
punk music like the Ramones, the Misfits and the
Stooges from its station on eastern Coney Island.
To the east, Jamaica Bay is home to a massive
inhabitants frequently raid outlying areas. Floyd
Bennett Airfield, however, has been fortified by
Enclave Remnants. They are rumored to have
some kind of gene-splicing facility here, and have
managed some success at creating semi-intelligent
Mirelurk Mutant soldiers by injecting modified FEV
into Mirelurk egg clutches in a controlled setting.

Big Apple Wasteland: Queens

The Borough of Queens suffered less direct
hits from the nuclear assault on the Big Apple, but
felt the far greater brunt of fallout from the
bombs, given its windward location from impacts.
Long Island City, home to the Big Allis power
smokestacks, became a beacon of sorts for Super
Mutants, who quickly occupied and fortified the
structure. Surviving residents of the nearby
transformed as ghouls, but under the leadership of
Vencerema, established a strong and defensible
presence there. Although La Vencerema herself
died defending Ravenswood from a Super Mutant
attack not long after, the community itself has
survived and attained a somewhat feared
reputation among Big Apple Wastelanders as a
place not to be trifled with. Few enter
Ravenswood without prior permission. All ghouls
are welcome without question.
Astoria is home to a small community of
wasteland squatters, refugees, and others who
trade between Ravenswood, Shanktown, Rock
City, and east toward Nati Fields. An enterprising
ghoul named Harlow has begun to refurbish the
old Kaufman Studios building and nearby Frank
Sinatra High School, trying to create his own
movie studio. The area is routinely protected by
both Ravenswood and Rock City because of its
usefulness in black market trade routes. Few have
attempted any major attacks as a result, and both
Ravenswood and Rock City patrols are common.
The neighborhoods of Woodside, Maspeth,
Elmhurst, Ridgewood, Glendale, Forest Hills
and Jackson Heights are virtually uninhabited
except for occasional abominations, mutated rats,
and ghouls. The massive city cemeteries of
Woodside and Maspeth are silent except for the
occasionally wandering feral ghoul, but a large
Nuka-Cola Bottling Plant has been relatively
unscathed, and may have working machinery.
Everything south of the Grand Central
Parkway is similarly abandoned and decayed, and
the further south, the greater likelihood of
encountering Mirelurks from Jamaica Bay. A few

adventurers and raiders have set up shop near the

Aqueduct Racetrack, and a lively gambling den
known as ODBs exists there. To the south, the
Idlewild Airport ruins are a graveyard of rusted
airliner wrecks and ruined commercial jets, piled
amid cratered runways and asphalt. However,
Terminal 4 and the Air Traffic Control Tower
have been perfectly preserved as no one has been
able to breach the automated security.
To the north of the Grand Central Parkway is
the only safe eastern trade route toward Vault 27,
Pig Rat Farms, and the scientific community of
Wardenclyffe on Long Island along the old Long
Island Expressway, crowded with bumper to
bumper abandoned car wrecks. Flushing is home
to a thriving and independent community of nonhostile Chinese Remnant Ghouls called New
Chinatown, including survivors of internment
camps for Chinese-American citizens from the war.
To the west, located in Flushing MeadowsCorona Park, is the stronghold of Nati Fields. A
massive fortified encampment of raiders and
slavers at the old Big Apple Royal Giants
baseball stadium (pre-War National Bank Field,
or NatiField), its reach stretches south into
plantations farmed by thousands of slaves in the
ruins of what were once immense parking lots and
parklands. Rocket Park and the Big Apple Hall
of Science are now research facilities, with
Worlds Fair Park at the center. What is little
known to most outsiders is that this is not a raider
empire at all, but an extension of the IND
Protectron Master-Bots complex beneath the
Willets Point train yard! Years ago, raiders made
their way through the automated defense system
using metro passes, and struck a deal with the
mainframe intelligence that resided there. The
IND Master-Bot would provide them with an
army, and they would provide human workers and
slaves to build a small empire. All the same,
distrust runs high between the inorganic and
organic components of this empire.
LaGuardia Airport remains untouched, its
automated defense system still active after 225
years. Sentry Bots, Missile Turrets and Protect-OBots have so far proven too. Few have thought it
worth the effort, as Idlewild Airport to the south
has little in the way of marketable loot.

Big Apple Wasteland: The Bronx

The Bronx was the only borough of the Big
Apple to be connected by land to the rest of the
Empire State, and before the bombs fell, there was
a mass exodus out of the city. Many of the roads
and highways leading north are still crowded with
wrecked trucks and passenger vehicles.
The Triborough Bridge came through the
bombing remarkably unscathed, and is still
passable, cutting through Randalls Island and
Wards Island. A fairly aggressive group of
Slackliners have taken up residence in the
abandoned psychiatric hospital on Randalls
Island, the nearby wastewater treatment plant,
and the Hellsgate Bridge to Queens to the East.
By far the most powerful faction in the area is
Rock City, founded by ex-convicts in the pre-War
NYC Correctional Facility on Rikers Island. Rock
City functions as a quasi-socialist fortified
metropolis: citizens are descended from the
original inmatesanyone who cannot trace their
lineage is merely a resident. They have medical
facilities as advanced as any Vault-Tec vault, but
are dependent on caravans for food and other
supplemented by extensive raiding over the
decades, so Rock City boasts an extensive arsenal.
Rock City is currently ruled by a Central
Committee headed by Chairman
Johnson, with four othersCouncilors Tate, Kels,

Trindad and Mr. Oserving rotating four year

terms. Only citizens may vote. The current council
is focused on internal matters, and tends to avoid
getting mixed up in the politics of the larger
Wasteland. A radiation shielded causeway is
maintained connecting to the Steinway St. section
of Astoria in Queens, and Rock City scouts have
been sighted at the Astoria Heliport ruins.
In the South Bronx, Hunts Point is an
industrial husk, with dozens of abandoned or halfdestroyed industrial sites, including a Nuka-Cola
plant, a distribution hub for BlamCo Foods, and a
now silent nuclear reactor.
To the west, Big Apple Bomber Stadium is
now a heavily fortified encampment controlled by
a raider gang calling themselves the Bombers
after the pre-War baseball team. While not
sophisticated, they have been able to hold the
stadium by making alliances with smaller gangs,
and are the biggest challenge to the supremacy of
the Renegades gang.
Southeast of the cloverleaf where old Route 95
meets old Route 895, in the derelict Bronx River
Houses housing projects, is a gang of mixed
tunnel rats and slackliners called the 174s. North
along the Bronx River Parkway is the settlement of
Gun Hill, along Old Gun Hill Road. This is one of
the few true Wastelander settlements in the Bronx
ruins, and they shoot raiders and jet-heads on
sight. They often trade with Rock City.


The Bronx (continued)

Bronx Park has become a deadly breeding
ground for Scythewings, centered around the
ruined Bronx Zoo. Most travelers avoid this area,
especially the Route 1Bronx River Parkway
cloverleaf intersection. The stench of death hangs
in the air, as Scythewings deposit both waste and
carcasses from the air as a way of marking their
territory. To the northeast, Co-Op City suffered a
direct impact from a massive atomic bomb, but
the detonator malfunctioned, and instead it has
been leaking dangerous radioactive waste ever
since. The area is a haven for vicious abominations
and glowing ghouls.
Not all of the ruins have fallen to gangs of
wasteland raiders, however. The old 42nd
Precinct of the NYPD on 149th Street and 3rd
Avenue in the Bronx is now the fortified
headquarters of a group of lawmen calling
themselves the Big Apple Rangers, their badge
and official colors taken from the pre-War hockey
team. They are on
Gun Hill and Rock
City, wary of nonslaver gangs like the
absolutely at odds with
including Shanktown
and Nati Fields. They
have no policy on the
would shy away from
any hostile encounters with them. Over the years,
they absorbed other groups emulating sports
teams, vigilantes, and pre-War police and rescue
agencies in the pursuit of law and order. An elite
division called the Van Cortlandt Rangers has a
base of operations in Van Cortlandt Park, and
trains for special infiltration, deep cover and covert
operations throughout the Big Apple Wasteland.
Most of the rest of the Bronx is bare asphalt
lots, or the burned out and charred ruins of
buildings and houses, with the occasional

unscathed but long forgotten corner bodega or

lone Pulaski Self-Preservation Shelter. Small
craters pockmark the landscape, but nothing on
the scale of the large craters found in neighboring
boroughs. Caravans heading north tend to stick to
old 95 to the east or the Empire State Thruway to
the west, and avoid the center.
However, far to the north, just south of the
ruins of Old Vernon, beneath the 239th Street
Yard and Maintenance Shop on the IRT lines is
the IRT Protectron Master-Bot. All IRT
Protectrons have been activated in Emergency
Counter-Communist-Insurgency Mode since the
war, and will not approach travelers with normal
ticketing requests. They can only be by-passed
safely with an
Passcard; normal one way metro tickets are not
accepted and will be met with extreme hostility.
Big Apple Wasteland: Manhattan
The heart of the Big Apple faced a brutal atomic
onslaught during the Great War, and yet, thanks in
large part to the automated missile defenses
ringing the city, it was not annihilated. In the
centuries that followed, other forces had their own
impact on the city that never sleeps, and the
face of Manhattan is now scarred from warfare,
time and neglect.
The radioactive waters of New York Harbor
flooded Lower Manhattan, and the new shore
line runs through the rubble of buildings from the
Brooklyn Bridge west to Centre Street, creating a
peninsula from the Old City Hall, flooding back
east up to Mott, Mulberry and Baxter Streets, then
west along Canal Street as far as the Avenue of
the Americas, with everything west of 6th Avenue
and south of West Houston under a waist deep or
more fetid swamp of radioactive decay.
The old museum and archives of One Liberty
Plaza and the former World Trade Center were
once again reduced to nothing, and now lie at the
bottom of a deep and highly radioactive pit of
water, a deathly glow still visible at night
emanating from below the hallowed Ground Zero.
No one has ventured near this area since the Great
War, as the radiation levels are just too high.
Rumors abound of hidden treasure, a fusion
reactor, or even sea monsters residing there.

Manhattan (continued)
The rubble from the vanquished skyscrapers of
downtown New Yorks Financial District has
created an archipelago of concrete and steel
islands within this radioactive mire, and at the
eastern tip of Manhattan south of Wall Street is
the wasteland scavenger settlement called Plank
Village. It gets its name from the network of
wood, sheet steel and plastic planks that connect a
half dozen blocks between Bowling Green and Wall
Street. Makeshift shacks, tents and huts on stilts
are the most anyone has attempted to architect
here, lit by the fires from numerous fires lit in steel
barrels. Although ramshackle, there are many
small docks and shops and business is good.

Dozens of wasteland gangs large and small fight

for turf south of 23rd Street. Old Chinatown is now
known as Little China, home to both wasteland
human and ghoul descendants of the original
immigrant inhabitants, and is a complex maze of
tunnels and zip lines between decaying buildings
and shacks. It is home to at least a dozen different
gangs, but most are aligned with one of three: the
Ghost Dragons east of Bowery and south of the
Manhattan Bridge, the Black Shadows on the
south side of Little China below Pell Street, and the
Smoke Dragons between Canal to the north,
Bowery to the east, Bayard to the south and
Mulberry to the west.

Old City Hall and the surrounding government

buildings and subway stops, like so many across
the Big Apple Wasteland, have been occupied from
some time by a large group of very territorial
Super Mutants. They seem, however, quite content
to fortify their buildings and rarely venture into the
other neighborhoods. They seem almost drawn by
some unconscious directive to seize and hold
government buildings, but once there, rarely
leave. No one is sure why. And no one is asking.

The Loisaiders gang claims all of the old Lower

East Side as their turf, but mostly stays near the
ruined St. Marys Church on Grand and Clinton.
The Dead Boys gang controls most of SoHo and
NoLita, and actively recruits from ghouls, who
make up most of its members and leadership. A
vigilante gang calling itself the Ugly Patrol, or
more simply, the Uglies, controls the area around
Tompkins Square Park, with outposts as far south
as Rivington and Clinton and as far east as Ave C
and 10th St. The Uglies only initiate Wasteland
humans and are very hostile toward ghouls and
other mutants. They are also constantly fighting
against neighboring gangs, especially the Dead
Boys. North of 14th Street, the slackliner
settlement of Stuytown is home to the Acropolis
gang, but is otherwise a small, peaceful farming
and scavenging community. Strange, unearthly
noises are often heard coming from the deserted
plant east of
Stuytown along the East River.

The decapitated Head of the Statue of

Liberty can be found resting at the intersection of
Canal Street and Broadway, leaning to one side. It
was blasted from its body during the Battle of New
York Harbor 225 years prior, and now marks many
Wastelanders point of landfall on Manhattan.

A gang called the Motherfuckers has taken

over Astor Place after being pushed out of
Washington Square Park to the west, fleeing a
Super Mutant assault, and tries to extort
revolutionary taxes from anyone traveling
uptown along Broadway, Lafayette or Bowery.

Unlike Shanktown up the East River, no one in

Plank Village cares about trade permits or rules
of any sort. Double cross someone here though,
and your body gets tossed out with the tide. As a
result, Plank Village is major illicit slaving and
black market trading hub. The Slavers Guild
doesnt feel the competition merits any action, and
Plank Village has the implicit protection of the
Renegades, so trade continues as it always has.

Union Square is controlled by one of the

fiercest of the minor Big Apple gangs, an allfemale gang called the Gotham Girls. They
recruit anyone from former raiders, slavers,
slaves, and even Vault dwellers, but only allow
women in leadership roles. Initiations are brutal.
They are feared for their highly mobile attacks.

Manhattan (continued)
Washington Square Park is avoided by most
gang members and raiders, as it has been recently
fortified by a large group of 30 or so heavily armed
Super Mutants and Centaurs. No one is sure where
they came from or how they got there, but some
speculate they came all the way from Evertrust
Plaza across the Hudson, perhaps through the old
Hudson Manhattan Railroad tunnels, or even
through the flooded Holland Tunnel.
A scouting party of half a dozen Big Apple
Rangers has created a fortified observation post
in the ruins of West 4th Street Station, where
they monitor the Super Mutants in Washington
Square Park and try to gather more information on
where they came from, and why they are here.
The Downtown Crater a gaping, radioactive
sinkhole in the ground spans the area from 8th
Avenue west to the High Line, and 18th Street
south to Gansevoort Street. Beyond that, north to
25th Street, east just past 7th Avenue, and south
to Charles Street, has been blasted clear with little
left of Greenwich Village but a few metal street
signs and the occasionally unearthed foundation.
Astoundingly, the High Line itself survived, and is
the best way to traverse the crater heading north
(if youre willing to fight the crazed raiders and
cannibal gangs that make their home there).
Another one of these is a gang that makes its
home in Madison Square Park north of the
Flatiron Building and MedTek Tower, the only
remaining standing structures in the area. No one
knows what they call themselves, but other gangs
simply refer to them as the Mad Men. Absolutely
feral, they terrorize the Chelsea, Flatiron and Kips
Bay neighborhoods. They are the most psychotic,
cannibalistic and sadistic of all Big Apple gangs,
refusing to talk or negotiate with any outsiders.
They initiate members by kidnapping them as
childrenthe ones they dont roast and eat, that
is. Their bloodthirsty howls, which seems to be
their main form of communication, can be heard
throughout the night. And they often raid far and
wide. Both tunnel rats and slackliners have
particular problems with them. No one is certain if
they are human or notbut even if they were once
technically human, they forfeited that long ago.

The iconic Empire State Building survived the

bombing 225 years ago due to the stoic efforts of
desperate civil defense forces manning antiaircraft missile batteries surrounding it. Inevitably,
nothing could save the city itself, or the soldiers
and civilians who manned the guns defending it.
Although damaged significantly over the centuries,
the building miraculously still stands, although its
original entrances are now buried in rubble piled
as high as the 6th floor setback. Much of the
building is gutted or abandoned and unexplored.
The structure is tightly controlled by The
Renegades, the Big Apples largest gang. While
more correctly described as a federation of gangs,
it was by the leadership of their war chief, Big
Bad, that they united several smaller gangs into a
single force. What his ultimate end game is
remains unknown, but he is a leader who is
respected as both ruthless and enlightened.
Renegade Radio, hosted by a mysterious
woman known only as The DJ, broadcasts from
the 86th Floor of the Empire State Building. The
studio is heavily fortified and only those who
receive permission from Big Bad himself or his
trusted lieutenant, a former Gotham Girls battle
jammer named Warcry, are allowed access to the
main broadcast level. The station plays vintage
punk, disco and funk classics from the 1970s.

Manhattan (continued)
To the west of the Empire State Building, the
Renegades have converted Madison Square
Garden into an enormous gladiatorial area, both
administration of justice through trial by combat.
Penn Station has been gutted, its tunnels largely
blocked off, and re-engineered into a massive
complex of holding cells, prison pens, and
underground pits to contain both the prisoners and
abominations needed for the games above. These
are rumored to hold hundreds of slaves, prisoners,
political opponents, Super Mutants, Abominations,
Inorganics and at least one prized Super Mutant
Behemoth who are armed and trained to fight to
the death for the amusement of spectators.
Despite the barbarity, this system of combat
and entertainment has functioned as a working
society for nearly a decade or more, much like the
bread and circuses of ancient Rome. Some
gladiators have even earned their freedom and a
rank of leadership within the Renegade armies.
The Renegades have converted the train cars in
the West Side Yards into weapons, armor and
ammunition workshops. To the north, they guard
the entrance to the Lincoln Tunnel, managing
passage into their territory. Be warned: if you are
unable to pay the toll, you might find yourself
facing sudden death at the Garden. From Hells
Kitchen up to Lincoln Center, the Renegades
have set up small urban subsistence farms in
empty lots and intersections. They have also set
up guards at the USS Intrepid aircraft carrier, but
are at a loss for how to best exploit it.
If the Empire State Building is the heart of
the Renegades political empire, then the Triangle
in old Times Square is its mercantile center of
gravity. Stretching for several blocks from 42nd to
49th Street along 7th Avenue and Broadway, the
Triangle has merchants of any kind imaginable,
with black market chem shops, slavers, weapon
shops, brothels, bars, restaurants, mechanics, and
even a cybernetic chop shop for those with
nothing to lose but their humanity. Ghouls,
humans and intelligent inorganics mingle freely,
but intelligent Abominations and Super Mutants
will draw unwanted hostile attention.

The merchants arent just above ground, but

have also taken over sections of the N, Q, R and 1,
2, and 3 trains running between 42nd Street and
49th/50th Street. However, occasional Protectron
patrols on these lines still present an issue they
havent been able to fully resolve.
The Triangle sits on the western cusp of the
Midtown Crater, which covers the blasted zone
from 7th Avenue east to the FDR Drive, and from
roughly 35th Street north to 59th Street, with a
massively deep radioactive crater that consumed
everything north of Grand Central Station along
Park Avenue from 5th Avenue east to Lexington
and from 45th Street north to 50th Street. Nothing
remains of Grand Central Station but a scorched
shell. The New York Public Library had half of
its structure blown away from the east, exposing
the interior, although the lions survived. The 4, 5,
and 6 train tunnels were exposed by the crater,
and a derelict subway train hangs out into the
abyss. Far to the east, the edge of the blast radius
ended just shy of the once majestic United
Nations Building, sold to toy retail chain
Bumbalos as the future site of their East Coast
superstore, and now a ruined shell.
Despite their powerful recruitment methods and
respect among other gangs of the Big Apple
Wasteland, the Renegades sphere of influence
only extends as far north on the West Side as
66th Street / Lincoln Center, an abandoned
outpost at Columbus Circle, and the occasional
foray toward the penthouses along Central Park
East. They do not have the headcount to hold any
territory beyond that for any amount of time.
The Upper West Side, once home to the
privileged few of the United States, was emptied in
the exodus before the Great War. A raging battle
now continues between the rival inorganic sentries
patrolling the IRT and IND subway lines. Nonobstructed IRT tunnels run from Columbus Circle
all the way to the 145th Street Station, and the
IND tunnels are clear only as far as 110th Street
Station. The surrounding neighborhoods have been
reduced to rubble. Columbia University and the
Cathedral of St. John the Divine in Morningside
Heights to the north are a frequent battle zone,
with robot reinforcements pouring in from northern
IRT and eastern IND mechanical workshops.

Manhattan (continued)
In the pre-War years, Central Park was a place
where Americans could relax, stroll, have a picnic,
play a game of baseball, or listen to renditions of
patriotic songs during the USO summer concert
series. In the centuries since the war, the park has
been blasted down to the bedrock in many places,
and any vegetation has grown back in more recent
decades typically the tanglethorn and
deadwood trees that are found in other areas of
the Wastelands, and the northern end of the park
has these in abundance. With the exception of the
Croton Reservoir, the ponds and lakes have
dried up without water being pumped in by the
city to sustain them.
South of 65th Street, the park is fairly barren
and pock-marked with craters both old and new
Protectrons, Sentry Bots and Robo-Brains. An
intact crashed Chinese Bomber rests in the
softball fields west of the Carousel, while the
Central Park Zoo ruins might be of sight-seeing
interest. The area from 65th Street to 79th Street
has less craters and more deadwood trees, but can
be just as dangerous. The Bethesda Fountain
survived, and at its top, the Angel of Victory
points her sword toward the sky defiantly. Big
Apple Ranger Outpost Able Baker Charlie
occupies the former Cherry Hill Fountain just west
of the Angel of Victory, fortified with sandbags,
sheet steel and two lightly armored observation
towers. The nearest evacuation point is at the
72nd Street A, B, and C subway lines to the west.
North of there, the Ramble is a knotted clot of
tanglethorn briars, and is home to several large
dens of Guai Wu Guai Wu are similar to the
larger Yao Guai of the Wastes, but Guai Wu are
smaller (about 3-4 long), tree climbing, furtive
cat-like creatures, possibly descended from large
feline predators from city zoos or from the
mountain lions and cougars once found north of
the city. They are highly territorial, and are most
active at dusk and dawn. They are also savage and
stealthy hunters.
The remains of Belvedere Castle north of 79th
Street hide a maintenance tunnel that leads to the
entrance to Vault 42, an unscathed stronghold
beneath Central Park. Cut directly into the

bedrock foundation of Manhattan, Vault 42

survived the atomic holocaust with optimal
performance. The original residents of Vault 42
including a former Mayor of New York City, several
US Representatives and their families, numerous
cultural and literary celebrities, professional
socialites, and the families of elite technology
professionals who vacated their multi-million dollar
penthouses for a future free from the horrors
above. Unfortunately for them, as part of the
Vault experiments no light bulbs of more than
40 watts were supplied.

As a result, the Vault 42 dwellers slowly

became accustomed to the dark, and began
displaying increased photosensitive physical traits.
In two short generations, they had already begun
exhibiting the characteristics of slags, humans
forced underground who have evolved the tapeta
lucida of nocturnal creatures, giving them
eyeshine, increased night vision and decreased or
even painful day vision.
Rather than venturing out into the daylight once
their vault opened, Vault 42 dwellers instead
began digging into the old cisterns, sewers,
subway and maintenance tunnels beneath the city,
burrowing up from below the ground into the
remaining structures above. Most notably, Vault
42 started a project to burrow under both the
ruins of the Metropolitan Museum of Art to the
east and the American Museum of Natural
History to the west, to reclaim artifacts and hoard
them in the derelict underground valve chambers
of old New Yorks water supply system. The Vault
42 dwellers are guided by a prophecy, that all
remnant artifacts of the humanities works of
art, literature, sculpture, cinema, etc. are more
valuable than any technology, a point most
Wastelanders would disagree with. Nevertheless,
Vault 42 has remained sealed and secure for
some time as a result of their isolationism.

Manhattan (continued)
Between 85th Street and 97th Street, the
Croton Reservoir has almost entirely evaporated,
leaving a shallow depression, 30 feet at its
deepest, filled with barrels of radioactive waste
amid a variety of muck and filth, most of which
were deposited immediately after the Great War
when survivors were still making an effort to scrub
the nuclear fallout from the surrounding areas.
Within the dangerous pit, there are still entrances
to the Old Croton Aqueduct, leading for miles
and miles through ancient stone and brick lined
tunnels north to the former New England
Commonwealth. The faction known as the
Railroad may still use these tunnels to help slaves
escape from the present day Commonwealth and
the Institute, but without an experienced guide,
one could quickly become lost or find themselves
in the middle of a highly radioactive dead end.

No one has yet breached the sealed doors of the

Park Avenue Armory, but rumors that it holds
anything from a full regiment of power armor suits
to priceless antique works of art persist. The doors
have been sealed with a complex encryption
algorithm, possibly Vault-Tec in origin.
Super Mutants are more frequent here than
elsewhere, occupying several pre-War consulate
buildings as well as the front steps to the Armory
in Lenox Hill, and have laid siege to a small group
of slackliners and mercs inhabiting the ruins of
Gracie Mansion along the East River near the
90th Street Ferry Terminal. However, instead of
assaulting, they have set up barricades from which
they taunt the hold-outs, shining spotlights on
them, shouting insults, and blasting music 24/7
from a random rotation of the wastelands
stations. The
Super Mutants
behavior is unlike anything else observed thus far.

Beyond 97th Street, the North Meadow is an

empty dirt field dotted with abandoned baseball
and softball fields. Surrounding it to the west, east
and north are groves of deadwood trees.
Brotherhood Outcast patrols are sometimes
spotted near pre-War anti-aircraft batteries near
here. Far to the north end of the park, carved into
a bedrock hillside at what was once the site of
Block House No. 1 is the entrance to Vault 43.
This vault has been uninhabited for centuries. No
one is sure what happened to the original
inhabitants, but legends say that the vault only
admitted 20 men, 10 women, and a lone panther.

The slackliners tend to be found further south,

concentrated at the anchor point of the old
Roosevelt Island Tram Line at 60th and 2nd
Ave. Both the Queensboro and Roosevelt Island
Bridge have been totally destroyed, so zip lining
and winching along the tram line is the only way
on or off of the island. Slackliners also frequent a
dive bar (even for Wasteland standards) called Sin
just south of the Queensboro Bridge entrance
ramp, down 1st Ave below 59th Street near the
edge of the Midtown Crater debris field. Sin is
widely regarded as having the best rotgut and
Wasteland brews in the Big Apple.

Despite its affluence, the Upper West Side of old

New York City was still considered new money
compared to the Upper East Side before 2077.
The Upper East Side today is scene to frequent
skirmishes between the Big Apple Rangers,
raiders, slackliners, and Super Mutants from Big
Allis. The Rangers have pushed down through the
4, 5 and 6 subway lines to capture or salvage
medical supplies and equipment from the
numerous hospital ruins here, somehow passing
unharmed along the closely patrolled IRT subway
lines beneath Lexington Avenue leading all the
way into the Bronx. The have established a small
outpost at the old 19th Police Precinct building
near the Park Avenue Armory. Other than small
outpost, they seem content not to hold any turf.

Roosevelt Island is now the largest slackliner

settlement and safe haven in the Big Apple.
Slackliners not only control access to the island,
they have also restored the facilities of an old
nursing hospital, which now serves as both a
medical facility and the only medical school in the
Wasteland. A religious shrine exists at the south
end, dedicated to the Four Freedoms: Freedom
of Speech, Freedom of Worship, Freedom from
Want, and Freedom from Fear at Four Freedoms
Park. Slackliners in particular regard this as a
religious site, and often make a pilgrimage to the
park at least once a year. Roosevelt Islands
east side is pock-marked with craters and laser
blast marks from the Super Mutants at Big Allis,
who constantly harass the slackliners.

Manhattan (continued)
Much of East Harlem, north of 96th Street to
the Harlem River Drive, was used as a
quarantine zone during the New Plague of the
2050s and 2060s, and later for several prison
camps during the internment of suspected Chinese
Communists in 2076-2077. A number of public
housing projects were quarantined, their residents
left to fend for themselves as the New Plague
spread. The plague hospital on 1st Avenue and
120th Street served as a morgue from that time,
and faced bankruptcy and was condemned soon
after, without many of the bodies being properly
disposed of - scavengers steer clear of it.

unscathed by the New Plague and by the nuclear

exchange of the Great War, but was wholly
consumed by the radioactive firestorm that
followed. No original buildings survived, with the
exception of the imposing Adam Clayton Powell
Jr. State Office Building on 125th Street and
Adam C. Powell Boulevard. Survivors cleared much
of the wreckage from the surrounding area and
built a walled settlement they named New Salem
stretching for several blocks around. The main
gate is partially constructed from the salvaged
marquee of the old Apollo Theater. Unlike many
other areas, New Salem is patrolled by a militia
calling themselves the Hellfighters in honor of
the old American Army regiment from Harlem, and
have established a base at the site of the 369th
Regiment Armory on 142nd Street and Harlem
River Drive. The residents are wary of outsiders.
The streets north of New Salem are filled with
burned debris and empty lots, with the occasional
wasteland hermit or subsistence farmer tilling an
empty lot or herding pig rats. However, the closer
one gets to the epicenter of the Uptown Crater,
the more flat and desolate the landscape becomes.
The Uptown Craters inner rim forms the new
embankment of the Hudson River to the west with
the Henry Hudson Parkway running along its spine.
It has completely consumed the old neighborhood
of Washington Heights, and blasted the old
buildings down to the very earth from 181st Street
all the way to 150th Street. Levels of radiation are
also too high to safely traverse this area without
proper protective gear or a large supply of
Radaway. What may be salvageable in this area
lies buried beneath several centuries worth of
fallout, ash and pulverized rubble.

During the Chinese internments, Marcus

Garvey Park was the largest open air prison camp
in the Eastern Commonwealth, with 12 foot tall
steel and razor wire fences, automated turrets,
and security command center constructed on the
Acropolis and Fire Watchtower in the center of the
park. Today, the area is abandoned and avoided,
but there is a small community of a dozen or so
intelligent ghouls located in the ruins of P.S. 79
near the southeast corner of the camp.
The neighborhood of Harlem was relatively

Most caravans heading north are able to travel

the Harlem River Drive toward the Alexander
Hamilton Bridge, which still stands. Only very
experienced slackliners have been able to cross
the skeletal remains of the George Washington
Bridge to the west, but often sell their services as
guides for small merchant companies that dont
require bringing along pack brahmin.
Overlooking the Harlem River and the Uptown
Crater south of the GWB is the old Highbridge
Tower, and the High Bridge itself. It is currently
an observation post of the Brotherhood Outcasts.

Manhattan (continued)
North of the Uptown Crater, the old
Manhattan neighborhoods of Inwood, Fort George
and Hudson Heights have been largely reclaimed
by scrub vegetation in the centuries that have
passed, and are now closer to wilderness than
urban ruins. There is occasional overlap between
Blue and Red Protectrons from the rival A and 1
lines, but skirmishes tend to remain underground.
At the northern edge of Tyron Park, within a
dense forest of deadwood trees, sits The
Cloisters Museum and Gardens. Reconstructed
to resemble several different styles of medieval
European monasteries, the unique building
survived the Great War and is a readily defensible
fortification as well as a museum. As a result, it
was the perfect choice for a base of operations in
the area for an expedition of the Brotherhood
Outcasts, lead by Protector Anne Marie
Morgan, who traveled to the Big Apple Wasteland
from the Capital Wasteland some 20 years ago.
Initially, the Brotherhood Outcasts refused to
recruit new members, preferring to refurbish
Sentry Bots, Protectrons and Robobrains instead,
but this proved unrealistic as their expedition was
reduced by attrition fighting its way through the
Philly Wasteland before reaching the Big Apple.
They first began accepting both Brotherhood of
Steel deserters and Enclave remnants, but later
offered full status to human Wastelanders. Unlike
the Midwestern Brotherhood near Chicago or
Capital Wasteland Brotherhood, they do not seek
to rule over any tribes or settlements. Their main
objective was to link up with a rumored expedition
of the Western Brotherhood of Steel, who were
said to have travelled to the big Apple Wasteland
by airship decades ago. Failing this, they intend to
continue to recover technological data and
equipment before returning West to join up with
the original Brotherhood of Steel.
At the extreme northern tip of Manhattan Island
is the 207th Street IRT Maintenance Yard. The
Protectrons here are cut off from communication
with the IRT Master-Bot and are not activated in
counter-insurgency mode. They are passive, and
will follow standard weapons protocols, shooting
only when valid metro fare is not presented.

Sports Teams of the old Big Apple

Imagine, a perfect, cloudless day. The sun
is warm and welcoming. And on the horizon, they
appear, like knights of yore, armed with bats of
ash and hickory. Their name? The Capital
Congressmen. Their purpose? To make you, dear
America, revel in the joys of sport and sunshine, if
only for an afternoon.
- John





Sports teams played a huge role in pre-War

American society, as much a diversionary pastime
as a unifying display of patriotism. In the Big
Apple Wasteland, little is known about the old
teams other than legends passed down over the
centuries. Common wisdom is that the old teams
were armed groups who fought for dominance in
ceremonial combat, for their own gain or to
uphold the law and other ideals of freedom and
justice in a lawless and unforgiving land. The
stadiums are now more often than not fortified
compounds or gladiatorial arenas controlled by
gangs emulating the once popular teams.

The New York Titans were the closest

rivals to the Bombers, located just across the
Harlem River. Their stadium at the Polo Grounds
was razed in the blast that created the Uptown
Crater, and no known artifacts remain.
Buckaroos or Bucks played at Ebbets Field
near Prospect Park, and last won a World Series in
2055. Also known to fans and rivals alike by many
rhyming and vulgar alternative names.
The nearly always last place New York
Royal Giants played at Nati Field in Queens, but
seemed on their way to win their first ever World
Series which was scheduled for exactly one
week after the bombs fell on October 23, 2077.
The Big Apple was home to two professional
basketball teams, the New York Americans who
played at Madison Square Garden, and the
Brooklyn Dark Knights, who played at Barkley
Center Arena. Basketballs popularity was in
decline in the late 2070s.
If baseball was the sport of the city, then
football was the sport of the suburbs. The Big
Apple Red Rockets played at Med-Tek Stadium
in New Jersey and had dozens of championship
titles to their name. The New York Horsemen
played at the Polo Grounds for several decades
before folding in the early 2060s, after which the
Big Apple Rogues were formed, also playing at
Med-Tek Stadium in New Jersey.

The Big Apple was known for its love of
baseball and had four active teams.
The Big Apple Bombers were the
dominant team of the 21st Century, playing in
their signature black and white pinstripe uniforms
at Big Apple Bomber Stadium in the Bronx.

The Big Apple Rangers played at Madison

Square Garden, and had a long and successful
history. Their colors and equipment have been
resurrected by the current group of lawmen. Less
accomplished were the Long Island Sounders,
who played at the Barkley Center in Brooklyn.
Less popular than other sports of the era,
two soccer teams are still known to have existed:
the New York Nuka-Cola Quantums at NukaCola Arena in Harrison, NJ and the Big Apple FC,
who played at Bomber Stadium.

Radio Stations of the Big Apple Wasteland

There are dozens of small radio towers
scattered throughout the Wastes, but few fully
functioning stations. Most radio beacons are
nothing more than a short range location
transponder broadcasting the call sign, such as
CQ CQ CQ DE VT VT VT K for All stations (x3)
this is Victor Tango (x3) Over in Morse code.
Major stations feature music and often, a DJ
who introduces the songs, talks, and reads the
news or propaganda announcements. Smaller
stations may only have music. Stranger yet are
the so-called numbers stations, which only
broadcast a string of numbers at a given time,
often as a message to covert agents in the field.
Billtown Radio broadcasts to much of the
Keystone Wasteland, Deathclaw Wilderness and
Yao Guai Preserve. The station follows a musiconly format and plays old country songs, including
Dolly Parton, Johnny Cash, Merle Haggard, The
Charlie Daniels Band, Patsy Cline, The Stanley
Brothers and Hank Williams Sr. Its the preferred
station of the Williamsport Scout Troopers.
Jubilee Radio broadcasts across the Big
Apple and Philly Wastelands. The format consists
of a Morse code message containing the standard
beginning, but with what seems to be a coded
message following, rather than a simple call sign.
The stations plays old folk songs of the pre-War
American labor movement, including songs by
Woody Guthrie, Pete Seeger and Harry McClintock.
The station is the de facto voice of the Railroad,
and often plays traditional abolitionist songs such
as John Browns Body and union songs such as
Solidarity Forever. It is often jammed near
outposts controlled by the Institute.
throughout the Big Apple Wasteland, and follows a
simple music and identification format. Music is
sometimes followed by a female voice with a
refined accent saying, Youre listening to WMBR,
Commonwealth Radio, before continuing.
The Voice of Coney is a mixed music and
talk station broadcast from Coney Island to the six
boroughs of the Big Apple Ruins. It mostly consists
of its DJ, Happy Harry Hard-On, talking about

the state of the Wasteland over the song

Everybody Knows by Leonard Cohen. The music
is all late 1970s and early 1980s punk rock,
including the Ramones, Adolescents, Dead
Kennedys, Sex Pistols, Black Flag, Exploited, Cock
Sparrer, the Stooges and the Misfits.
Big Apple Subway Radio is only heard
within subway train cars and stations, where it
continues to be piped in through an unknown
network of speakers and broadcast terminals. All
lines play the same station. The songs are all
elevator-muzack style, including The Girl From
Ipanema, Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head,
Adios, Au Revoir, Aufwiedersehn, Lady of
Spain, and Simon Smith and His Amazing
Dancing Bear - or exactly the style of music
popularized by the pre-War Lawrence Welk Show.
Galaxy News Radio can occasionally be
heard in areas closer to the Republic of the
Potomac, but its format has changed since the
days of Three Dog. They have incorporated many
of the old songs played by the former Enclave
Radio, and replaced their big band music with
older patriotic songs from the early 20th century,
including Over There, K-K-K-Katy, In My
Merry Oldsmobile, and Edith Piafs L'Hymne
l'amour. The news is read by what seems to be a
Protectrons voice, and then, only news that has a
positive spin on the Republic or Brotherhood.
Most well known, however, is Renegade
Radio, broadcast throughout the Wasteland from
the top of the Empire State Building. The station
follows a format closer to the old GNR format, with
music and news reports from its mysterious voice,
The DJ. Few have ever been to the studios located
on the 86th Floor of the Empire State Building. The
music style is disco, funk and old school hip hop,
including Blondie, ABBA, Afrika Bambaataa, The
Specials, Sugarhill Gang, The Sylvers, Ram Jam,
Kurtis Blow, RUN-DMC, and Cheap Trick.
Apart from the major stations, there are also
a series of numbers stations that broadcast a
string of seemingly random numbers, often
preceded by a call sign or brief jingle, such as the
Robin Hood station, which plays a soundbite
from an old computer game. No one is sure who
operates these stations, or for what purpose.

Big Apple Transit: The World Below

The world that awaits below ground is just
as chaotic and filled with strife as the world above.
Before the Great War, the Big Apples transit
system was controlled and managed by four
separate companies: the Hudson-Manhattan
Railroad (HMR), the Independent Subway
System (IND), the Interborough Rapid Transit
corporation (IRT) and the Brooklyn-Manhattan
Transit corporation (BMT). Each had their own
subway lines, their own tickets, and their own
Protectrons and robots patrolling and maintaining
their equipment. In the centuries following the
war, each lines automated systems have continued
to function in emergency mode, to varying
degrees. And because of the artificially intelligent
of each Protectron
mainframe, they have adapted, and in some
cases, expanded. Their role is no longer to service
the citys hundreds of miles of underground track,
but to protect it against Communist insurgents,
vagrants, vandals, un-ticketed passengers, and
rival Protectrons from other lines.
The HMR Protectron Master-Bot lies
buried and offline beneath the rubble of 1 Hudson
Plaza in the Journal Square ruins. Raiders who
have occupied the area are unaware of its
presence, and have not bypassed the doors
leading to the mainframes interface. Nearly all of
this Master-Bots Protectrons have been destroyed,
and are rarely encountered in the HMR tubes.
The HMRs Newark and Harrison stations
are little more than above ground platforms, while
its main Journal Square yards empty train cars
are frequented by raiders. The tunnels from
Journal Square to Grove Street collapsed during
fierce fighting between Super Mutants from
downtown and raiders from Journal Square. From
Street, all tunnels leading toward
Exchange Place are blocked, and the Hudson
Tubes leading to Ground Zero were obliterated.
The tunnels leading north to the Columbia Mall
are open, but fortified by Super Mutants near the
malls underground entrances to keep out ghouls.
Past these fortifications, the tunnels split toward
the Flooded District, and are themselves leaking
and flooded for most of the way until eventually
becoming totally submerged, and to Manhattan via

the Midtown Tubes. The latter tunnels appear to

be clear at least until Christopher Street, but are
often patrolled by hostile Super Mutants. Beyond
Christopher Street, the 9th Street HMR station is
completely booby trapped, and a small community
of tunnel rats have built a refuge in these tunnels,
from 14th Street north to the 33rd Street/
Herald Square station, beneath the shadow of
the Renegades empire. They have an agreement,
keeping the Super Mutants at a distance in return
for guarantees of neutrality and trade.

The transit tunnels beneath New York

Penn Station have been gutted, turned into a
labyrinthine network of holding cells, workshops
and storage areas by the Renegades, who have
eliminated whatever Protectrons once patrolled.
Visitors often wonder aloud at what sadistic,
criminally insane mind could have possibly
conceived of the original architecture for this
warren of malodorous hallways, narrow staircases
and escalators, and cramped compartments.
The A, C, E lines of the IND are clear only as
far as 23rd Street from 34th, the rest collapsed by
the Downtown Crater, and are Renegade turf. The
1, 2 trains of the IRT are inhabited by the same
tunnel rats occupying the HMR tunnels, and have
an unobstructed entrance at 18th Street and are
connected by recent tunnels to the HMR line.
All other lines south of the Midtown Crater
and northeast of the flooded areas of Lower
Manhattan still have Protectrons from each line,
feral ghouls, and a few gang members. The
tunnels were used as shelters during the Great
War, and are often blocked by piles of skeletal
human remains, a macabre reminder of the last
hours of the war.

North of Hells Kitchen and the Triangle, the

transit tunnels are no longer under Renegade
control. As a precaution, the Renegades have
intentionally collapsed all subway tunnels west of
the Midtown Crater at 49/50th Streets, blocking
the IRT, IND and BMT Protectrons from entry.
59th Street / Columbus Circle is the
nearest point of entry, and is heavily contested
between rival IRT and IND bots. From there
north, both sides have maintained tight control of
their respective lines, the IRT north along
Broadway to 145th Street and the IND north
along 8th Avenue to 110th Street. IRT bots also
control the Lenox Tunnels under New Salem, all
the way north to the 239th Street yard, while
the IND bots main supply route runs east along
53rd Street into Queens.
All BMT lines in Queens have been gradually
reduced into isolated pockets by mixed human and
robot demolitions teams sent by the IND MasterBot. As a result, BMT Protectrons in Astoria are
cut off from commands from their Master-Bot, and
the Jamaica Avenue line has ceased to exist. In
addition, the IND Master-Bot has also taken over
the Corona-Flushing Line of the IRT, and has
effectively solidified its territory in Queens.
On the Upper East Side, the 4, 5, 6 lines of
the IRT are only clear between 59th Street and
116th Street, and tend to be used only by Big
Apple Rangers scout patrols, who do their best
not to engage the remaining IRT bots by using
InfiniRide Subway Passcards; the bots provide
useful cover against feral ghouls and other pests.
The underground of old Harlem is controlled
by the IRT Master-Bot, with the Lexington and
7th Avenue lines the only passable tunnels under
the Harlem River northeast to the Bronx.

Only the 2, 4, 5, 6 lines are active in the

Bronx, and all routes are patrolled by IRT
Protectrons based in the 239th Street yards to the
north. All western lines, including the B, D and 1
lines are inactive either caved in, or offline.
Subway tunnels under the East River are
far from certain of being clear at any given
moment. None of them should be considered
permanently blocked, as tunnel rats running
underground caravan routes and Protectron work
teams are constantly clearing blocked passages.
However, all tunnels south of the Brooklyn
Bridge had been abandoned due to flooding. This
has effectively cut off all IRT bots from the IRT
Master-Bot. All tunnels under Roosevelt Island
are controlled by the IND bots. However, the 14th
Street L train tunnels, the Broadway-Williamsburg
tunnels and the Manhattan Bridge tunnels are all
controlled by the BMT Master-Bot.
The massive Brooklyn Crater cut off all
access to F train tunnels between Coney Island
and the rest of the Big Apple, so BMT Protectrons
generally follow routes headed through the B, D,
N, and Q tunnels, while keeping communications
open with J, L, M and R line patrols. Often,
wherever smaller craters interrupt the actual
tunnel lines, or where access is obstructed, BMT
Protectrons will venture into the open to complete
their same circuit of patrols using pre-programmed
coordinates and routes; it is not uncommon to
encounter BMT Protectron and Sentry Bot patrols
above ground in the Brooklyn Ruins as a result.
In general, one may find small or isolated
communities of tunnel rats through out the
Wasteland underground, toward the surface. The
deeper one goes, into the old cisterns, sewers and
aqueduct tunnels, the more likely one is to find
tunnelers, slags, and mirelurk nests. Feral
ghouls can be found throughout the tunnel
system, and in particular, many former subway
stations are literally packed tight with skeletal
human remains from the Great War. Super
mutants are generally only encountered near
government buildings or military installations,
while Protectrons from the various lines may be
found wandering at random. For the Wasteland
explorer, subway tunnels may provide access to
any part of the city, or may lead to certain doom.

Long Island Wasteland

East of the Big Apple city ruins, few survived
the nuclear Armageddon outside of the shelter of
the Vaults, and most communities on Long Island
became irradiated ghost towns, bereft of food,
water and power they relied so heavily on the Big
Apple to provide.
Garden City Ruins are a perfect example
to the Wasteland of the necessity of proper
defenses and precautions being taken. Nearly 100
years after the bombs fell, a group of former
engineers and Vault exiles founded a settlement
on the site of former Garden City, with the lofty
ambition to set up a utopian society where all
peaceful Wastelanders would be welcomed. For a
time, they were successful. Several generations
lived and died in this isolated utopia. Word began
to spread of their peaceful ways. About 25 years
ago, a group of raiders from the West descended
upon the city backed with legions of Protectrons
and Sentry-Bots, killing all who resisted and
hauling anyone else they could find into slavery at
Nati Fields. The survivors attempted to rebuild,
but were wiped out by successive mirelurk attacks
from the south. The ruins stand to this day.
East along the Long Island Expressway, in a
wooded area just west of the ruins of Melville, is
the entrance to Vault 27. The Vault had the
unfortunate predicament of having twice the
sustainable number of residents assigned, or 2000
people. They were, however, provided with ample
Food-O-Tronic protein extractors, which converted
biological matter into an edible protein formula
dispensed in firm, gelatinous bricks. Again sadly,
the most readily available form of protein was
from radroaches. The Vault has yet to open.
Quite a few small settlements dot the
Expressway in the north and Sunrise Highway
to the south. Travel too far south, and you risk
encountering savage mirelurks venture too far
north, and you might be attacked by raiders from
the Commonwealth from across the Sound.
The village of Setauket is known for their
Pig Rat Farms, and the Pig Rats and Mole Rats
raised here are prized both as food sources and as
riding mounts throughout the Wasteland.

Far to the east, near old Rocky Point, lies

the Wasteland research and scientific community
of Wardenclyffe. Located on the spot of Nikola
Teslas legendary laboratory, the scientists of
Wardenclyffe have rediscovered much of his
arcane inventions, and have remained independent
precisely because they use them in self-defense.
The settlement has no walls that can be seen, but
is surrounded by an octagonal perimeter of
massive, defensive Tesla Coils that when active,
will deal lethal amounts of energy damage to
anyone within fifty feet. The main facility is rather
small, dominated by a large tower, but is rumored
to extend for several hundred feet below ground.
The scientists here value knowledge, but may
recruit operatives for certain tasks. Merchant
caravans are welcome, but slavers are frowned
upon. The will engage any raider, Brotherhood of
Steel, Enclave or Institute faction with lethal force
and with no questions asked.
To the south of Wardenclyffe along the
Brookhaven National Laboratory complex. It is
ostensibly controlled by the researchers at
Wardenclyffe, but they do not allow travelers to
set foot there under any circumstances. The area
is sealed off and heavily guarded both by inorganic
sentries and automated Tesla Coils and turrets. It
is home to the pre-War National Synchrotron Light
Source, the Tandem Van de Graaff Cyclotron, and
most notably, the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider.
Farther out, past rotting summer mansions
and resorts in the Hamptons are the ruins of US
Coast Guard Station Shinnecock. Completely
uninhabited, access to the main armory is
restricted by a sealed vault door. Several
salvageable military vessels can be found here.

Long Island Sound: North Coast

Heading north out of the Big Apple Ruins, if
one has survived everything it has to offer, is an
easier task than entering it. The Van Cortlandt
Rangers do their best to guard Route 87 out of
the city, and Gun Hill often sends armed patrols
northeast up Boston Road to Route 95. However,
once past the Mt. Vernon Ruins, travelers are on
their own.
North of the White Plains Ruins is a historical
point of interest, an ancient plaque near the
foundation of destroyed building, purporting to be
the site of George Washingtons HQ during the
Evolutionary War. But not much farther beyond
that is the raider camp of Valhalla, next to the
Kensico Dam and Lake. Valhallans are feared by all
caravan companies as ruthless raiders and thieves,
hi tti ng
travel ers
headi ng
Commonwealth and Ash Lands on Route 87, 684
and even Route 95. Being sent to Valhalla means
an eventual shallow grave or death tied to a tree
stump at the nearby Kensico Cemetery.
The prevailing theory is that the raiders are
descendants of the vault dwellers from nearby
Vault 56, who had all entertainment tapes
removed except for those with movies from one
particularly bad comic actor of the 21st Century
named Schneider Perry. Driven mad by the
relentless monotony of clich shtick, crossdressing self-abasement and poorly timed, corny
one-liners, their ancestors staged a bloody
rebellion and eventually blasted the Vault door
from its hinges and exited into the Wastes to
unleash their barbaric terror. The Vault-Tek
researchers who had predicted failure before Vault
55 were correct. The entrance to Vault 56 can be
found near an empty water tower in the Quarry
Lakes area to the east of the Kensico Dam.

Along the banks of the northern side of the

Long Island Sound, aside from the occasional
Mirelurk (who are far less numerous here than on
the south shore of Long Island), things are far
quieter and more isolated. Most town ruins are
uninhabited save for a few hermits or scavengers,
and the only traffic are caravans heading northeast
on Route 95. The ruins of Stamford are fairly
deserted, with only a handful of raiders.
However, halfway between the Norwalk
ruins and Stamford ruins lies a very peculiar and
seemingly out of place little village called
Quinnimantic, situated at the mouth of the
Quinnimantic Creek on the northern edge of the
Long Island Sound. It seems out of place because
all of its houses, streets, and buildings are wholly
untouched by the centuries, and in particular, by
the nuclear armageddon that destroyed civilization
225 years ago. Travelers have noted the worn
down, almost dark nature of the towns old colonial
architecture, of shadows that seem to never leave,
sunlight that never quite seems to shine during
the day, and the dark and sickly fog that never
dissipates and never lifts. Slick green scum seems
to spread and coat virtually any surface within the
town present for too long. The village boasts a
general store, an inn, a constables office, a
schoolhouse and a church, though, and is entirely
safe from the criminal gangs and raiders who
desperately avoid the area, so caravans frequently
stop over here for the night.
Northwest of Quinnimantic is the Babcock
Estate, an old manor farm and home to the
patriarch of the Babcock family, Ebenezer
Babcock, an ancient and thoroughly disagreeable
man with a shotgun and an itchy trigger finger. His
equally ancient and disagreeable daughters,
Abigail and Hannah, handle all interactions with
travelers at the Quinnimantic Inn and General
Store. Any remotely perceptive traveler will soon
realize that all the inhabitants of Quinnimantic
share the same last name: Babcock.
Those wishing to delve deeper should heed
reports from several terrified ex-raiders and
caravan guards that a secret cult lives in the
caverns beneath the village, performing profane
ritual sacrifice to appease (or summon) powerful
abominations from the waters of the Sound.

The Commonwealth (neighboring region)

The official borders of the Commonwealth
encompass most of the pre-War states of
Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and
southeastern New Hampshire, and the most
powerful force of science and industry within the
Commonwealth is the Institute, located in the
Boston ruins. Practically, the Institutes influence
consists of little more than covert operations and
spies west of Route 91, and infrequent patrols
and caravans within the semi-circle of I-495.
Trade routes to the Commonwealth run
northeast over old Route 95 and old Route 84, or
directly east over old Route 90 from Albany.
Settlements, small farms and trading posts can be
found along these areas. Raider hangouts and
ambushes are also frequent, but normally only
harass well-armed parties. The ruins of New
Haven are home to a festering hive of scum and
villainy typical of raiders, with brothels, gambling
dens and chem houses on every street corner.
North of New Haven are the ruins of Vault
55, which lasted only slightly longer than its
counterpart Vault 56 - Vault 55 was provided
with no entertainment tapes whatsoever. The
vault dwellers appear to have been the victims of a
mass murder-suicide some 80 years ago.

Rumored to exist somewhere within the

Commonwealths domain (or possibly in nearby
compound known as Deckard
Deckard maintains its relative independence by
virtue of its fully functional weapons and armor
manufacturing plant. They supply both the
Institute and private clients, but not without prior
arrangements. Deckard Industries Tactical
Armor is prized by Wasteland mercenaries.
Elsewhere, rumors abound of depraved and
vicious slums, technological marvels, artificial
intelligence and android life-forms, crime ridden
shanty towns populated by the hopeless, massive
fortified compounds and trading hubs, and of the
ruins of the experimental and high-tech Vault
111. But in reality, little is known of the
Commonwealth beyond rumors.
The center of the Commonwealth are the
grounds of the Institute itself within the Boston
ruins. They have attained a higher level of
scientific and technical advancement than any
other Wasteland area, but are plagued by political
corruption, a tyrannical technocracy, and frequent
power struggles that sap their resources, both
human and material. What their designs are for
the larger Big Apple Wasteland is anyones guess.

Random Encounters
Karma-related Encounters

Posse Comitatus
(Karma 3 to 10)

Bounty Hunters
(Karma +3 to +10)

A group of 4-5 Williamsport Scout

Troopers or Big Apple Rangers will
ambush Evil or Very Evil characters.
A group of 4-5 Wolfe Company
mercs or Headhunters will ambush
Good or Very Good characters.

Wilderness Encounters


Slavers & slaves





A group of slavers escorting an

equal number of slaves



A group of slavers are going to

enslave anyone they can find



A group of former slaves is looking

for payback against all slaver scum



A group of escaped slaves is trying

to find the town of Jubilee

Roll on the Raiders table



Roll on the Slavers table





Roll on the Critters table



Roll on the Mercenaries table

Roll on the Wastelanders table

Urban Encounters


Super Mutants

Roll on the Super Mutants table



Roll on the Wastelanders table



Roll on the Critters table



Roll on the Mercenaries table

A group of slavers attempting to

recapture some escaped slaves

Wastelanders & scavengers





For Science!



A merchant with an armed guard

and a pack brahmin, selling things



A group of junkie addicts, crawling

out into the Glow to lick puddles


Joy ride

A Wastelander on a motorcycle joy

ride, with predictable lethal end

Roll on the Raiders table

A group of scavengers selling

mostly Junk, with one rare item
A group of Wastelanders or Tribals
setting off to start their own town
A group of Wastelanders doing
inadvisable science experiments

Super Mutants
Raiders & gangs





A group of cannibals enjoying

some fava beans and a nice chianti


Hanging out

A group of raiders are hanging out,

gambling and doing chems


Initiation Rites

A group of raiders beating another

raider with blunt melee weapons





A small group of Super Mutants is

patrolling the Wasteland



A large group of Super Mutants is

on a destructive rampage

A group of raiders have set up an

ambush with frag mines and traps
A group of raiders are patrolling
their turf against outsiders


A group of Super Mutants with

prisoners in shopping cart cages

The Only Good One The corpse of a Super Mutant and

raiders litters a recent battle site
Tea Time

An intelligent Super Mutant has

set a table for a tea party, for you!

Random Encounters (continued)

Critters and Abominations and Robots

Dog Eat Dog

A pack of vicious dogs on the hunt

Pied Piper

A dead Wastelanders shack is

overrun by pests (radroaches, etc)


Danger Zone

A robot Protectron or Sentry Bot

guards a small piece of land

Mole Rat Mambo A large herd of mole rats comes

galloping toward the characters

Toxic Waste is
Good for You

A pair of Yao Guai/Guai Wu are

playing with a radioactive barrel

The Hunters

A lone Deathclaw, or Mirelurk,

hunts for food to bring to its nest

Communism is

A Mr. Gutsy and his robot friends

hold a pre-War military checkpoint



A flock of Scythewings are sunning

themselves on a radioactive rock

Mercenaries, Enclave and Brotherhood



A Brotherhood Outcast patrol

wanders the Wasteland

Wars of the Roses A group of mercenaries on their

way to fight for one side in a war
The Lost Patrol

Corpses of a Brotherhood of Steel

patrol from 25 years ago

Enclave Remnants An Enclave Remnants detachment

may ignore, barter or fight

The Operator


A Chinese Remnant ghoul sniper

shoots at anyone it sees

Doctor Wu

A traveling doctor in Brotherhood

Robes with a foul mouth

Brotherhood of

An elite Brotherhood of Steel

squad may ignore or fight


Playing with Fire

A young mercenary is playing with

a new and highly dangerous gun


A single mercenary is traveling

with several inorganic companions

Using the Random Encounter Tables

Sometimes a bit of randomness can liven up
a session and provide a fun break from the
planned adventure. Game masters should feel
free to adapt the random tables as they need to
depending on the characters relative level, and
the characters world location (underground v.
above ground, marshy swamp v. barren mountain
side, farmland v. urban ruins). They might also
provide useful hooks for getting the characters
into and out of trouble.
Karma-related encounters are triggered
periodically when a players karma is too extreme.
The more extreme, the more frequent the
encounters. Players should expect a tough fight,
but by no means should it be a certain death.
Players should not be allowed to negotiate their
way out of a karma-related encounter.
anywhere in the Big Apple Wasteland outside of
the six boroughs, or other big city ruins. Urban
encounters can happen anywhere within the six
boroughs, even in sewers, subway tunnels or
collapsed buildings. Generally though, these wont
happen in any inhabited area or settlement that
has guards or residents keeping out interlopers.
In areas that are the territory of a known
gang, tribe, or raider clan, use the dominant local
inhabitants instead of random Wasteland raiders.
The same goes for random Wasteland scavengers
and settlers you are more likely to encounter
tribals in the Yao Guai Preserve than Wasteland
ghoul settlers, and the reverse is true along the
ruins of the NJ Turnpike ruins.
Depending on the overall level of the
characters party, a group of opponents could
mean anywhere from 2x to 3x the number of
characters or more. A low-level lone wanderer
might be able to take on 4-5 radroaches, but
definitely not 4-5 Deathclaw.
Other than that, there are no hard rules for
dealing with random encounters. Mix and match
encounters maybe raiders are fighting a
Deathclaw, or swap out one part of an encounter
for another maybe letting the vigilante mob kill
the person who they think is a slaver is not the
right thing to do. So, have fun!

Random Loot
Wasteland: Wilderness


1-2 Abandoned Vehicle Roll on the Vehicles table


Refuse Pile

1D10 Ammo, Chems, or Junk in a

stinking pile of refuse and bones.


Ruined Building


Recent Kill


Raider Stash

Dead body with Armor, Weapon,

3D10 Ammo, 1D10 Chems or Food


Dead Critter

Roll on the Buildings table

Roll on the Raiders table


Critter Cache

Roll on the Critters table


Survivor Storage

Roll on the Raiders table


Locked Ammo

3D10 Ammo, 1D10 Grenades or

Mines in locked ammo boxes


Super Mutant

1D10 Wasteland captives trapped

alive in shopping cart cages

Masters Depot

1 medium quality heavy weapon +

5D10 ammo in locked crate


Ghouls Den

Wasteland: Urban

Mortal Remains

Roll on the Critters table


Ruined Building

Roll on the Buildings table


Gang Stash

Roll on the Raiders table


Mutant Stockpile

Roll on the Mutants table


Cargo Truck

2D10 items of Junk in unlocked boxes


Nuka-Cola Truck

Military Transport 1D10 x10 Ammo + low quality weapon


Medical Supplies

1D10 Stimpacks or Medical chems


Salvage Title

A salvageable vehicle (with Repair)


Grocery Store

Bags of gory human remains hold

1D10 Ammo, 1D10 Bottle Caps

Raiders and Survivors

Ammo Stash

3D10 assorted Ammo in locked

and unlocked ammo boxes


Chem Stash

3D10 assorted Chems in locked

and unlocked metal boxes


Food Stash

3D10 Food or Booze in locked or

unlocked boxes or coolers

Mixed Stash

1D10 Pre-War Books, 1D10 Skill

Books, 1D10 Assorted Chems

1D10 each of assorted Ammo,

Chems or Food in containers

Hooch Mill

5D10 Pre-War Food, 1D10 Pre-War

Money, 1D10 x 10 Bottle Caps

1D10 Moonshine, Wasteland

Brew, 1D10 other Booze

Arms Locker

Abandoned House 1D10 Junk or Pre-War Food, 1D10

Pre-War money, 1 Weapon Safe
Local Library

Ghoul Picnic



1D10 Junk, 1D10 Chems, 1 low

quality armor in unlocked boxes

Pre-War Collection A Glowing One and its Pre-War

collection of 1D10 high value items

3D10 bottles of Nuka-Cola


A dead critter with body parts

(meat, poison glands, eggs, etc.)


Hardware Store

2D10 Pre-War Money, 1D10 low quality melee weapons or other equipment


Office Building

1D10 Junk, 5D10 Bottle Caps, 1D10 Pre

-War Food, 2D10 Chems or Ammo


1D10 locked Lockers, with Weapon or

Armor each, random quality (1-10)

Wasteland Medic 1D10 Medical Chems, 1D10 Tribal

Cures, 1D10 assorted Junk, 5D10
Bottle Caps, and 1-2 Doctors Bags




The Lost Vault:

A Big Apple Wasteland Adventure
This is a pre-planned adventure for the Big
Apple Wasteland intended for a mix of 4-10
players with characters starting at level 1. The
adventure will take players through a good
chunk of the Big Apple Wasteland, but leaves
enough open for the game master to come up
with new and uncharted ideas for gameplay.
What follows below contains spoilers that
should be limited to the game master.
Sections marked in italics should be read
aloud by the game master to the players.

War. War never changes. In the 21st
century, war was still waged over the resources
that could be acquired. All the idealistic efforts
of humanity to prevent another global war would
prove futile. The United Nations would be
disbanded, and within a few years, China would
invade Alaska, the US would annex Canada, and
the European Commonwealth would dissolve
into quarreling, bickering nation-states, bent on
controlling the last remaining resources on
Earth. In 2077, the storm of world war had
come again. In two brief hours, most of the
planet was reduced to cinders.
For the majority of the Big Apples 17 million
inhabitants, it would be the end. What many had
considered the greatest city on Earth was
quickly turned into a firestorm of molten rubble
and ash. A lucky few managed to get into one of
the massive underground vaults constructed in
the years prior to the war, and survived in
relative safety except for those assigned to a
single vault. In that final moment of horror,
amid the screams and protests of its scheduled
residents lined up for entry, the doors of the
Lost Vault never opened, and have remained
closed ever since.

The smell awakens you -- a miserable,
headache inducing mix of salt water, rotten
eggs, and raw diesel fuel. You hear the sound of
a chugging engine, feel the sloshing, thumping
of waves against the metal ships hull cutting
through rough waters, booming like the sound of
a hollow steel drum pounded on by a rotted
piece of wet meat, with you in the hollow center.
You are in some kind of a cargo ship,
chained by your hands and ankles to a belt
around your waist. A prisoner. You move, but
the belt itself is chained to the bulkhead behind
you. You are not alone. Others are chained to
the same bulkhead to your left or right. You
have all been captured, you remember now,
stripped of your possessions by the raiders now
speeding this ship through the radioactive chop
to some unknown destination in the night.
Beaten and sore, hungry and thirsty, you look
around you.
Your eyes adjust to the darkness, and you
see two figures in the fog of your vision, across
the hold from you and the others. One, a
hulking form, with an enormous head and scarstreaked green skin...a super mutant with a
piece of scrap metal shaped and bolted over the
top right quadrant of its skull, covering its eye.
Its arms are chained behind its back to the
bulkhead. The other, shrunken, diminutive, clad
in dirty robes and hunched over, a ghoul with a
rotted face, but with sharp eyes that appear to
glow in the shadows, and, you realize, silently
appraise you. You struggle to remember how
you got here, and what your captors have taken.
The game master should work with the
players at this point to create characters if they
have not yet been created, and to ask each
player to describe how they came to be captured
by these slavers, and what precious or otherwise
irreplaceable possession or companion the
slavers have taken from them. Escaping, and if
possible recovering these objects, will be the
characters first objective in the adventure. If
optional survival rules are used, the characters
starting Hunger and Thirst are set to 2.

Your reverie is cut short. From a radio above deck,

you hear the once familiar strains of a pre-War patriotic
anthem (Stars and Stripes Forever), and over it, a
robotic Protectron voice states, YOU ARE LISTENING
NOW, SOME MUSIC. The radio then cuts to an
ancient recording with a man singing a song while
stuttering (K-K-K-Katy, by Billy Murray).
A raiders voice shouts over the music,
What the fuck is this shit? Is this GNR?
A second raider answers. Yeah, they fucked
up their whole programming schedule. All they
play now is this shitty ex-Enclave music and
bullshit. Republic of the fucking Potomac...
Republic of Assholes!
The first raider barks, Well change the
fucking station, my ears are bleedin!
OK, OK! The
between stations.




All right now, a low and smokey womans

voice says over the radio, This one goes out to
all you hard hitters out there in the big city,
straight from the top of the Empire State
Building, from me, to you. Youre listening to
Renegade Radio, the one and oooonly voice of
the Big Apple. And on some level, arent we all
Renegades of this Atomic Age? This is Afrika
Bambaataa with a little something for all you
Renegades out there.
The radio squawks with pre-war synthesized
music (Renegades of Funk, by Afrika
Bambaataa), the sound drifting in volume with a
change in the wind.
The players, should they ask, are in the hold
of a cargo ship, at night, somewhere in rough
coastal waters. They are restrained by chains
and locked manacles, but should feel free to
observe their surroundings more and ask any
questions. Before they get too restless, the
game master should start the next section.

They are coming to, the large Super
Mutant says to the ghoul. I was hoping they
werent too damaged.

Yes, the ghoul replies, Lets hope that for

all our sakes they dont require medical
The ghoul begins to speak in a raspy whisper
to the group. Are you listening? Look, there
isnt much time. If you hadnt guessed, we are
on a salvaged pre-war vessel somewhere north
of the Empire of Tillie, by my count some 6
hours now since leaving Great Lanta. The raiders
are taking us, I presume, either to Shanktown
or elsewhere in the Big Apple Ruins
Selling us into slavery, the Super Mutant
The ghoul nods. We appear to share a
common interest, wouldnt you agree? Strange
bedfellows and all that. We had already begun
before you were brought aboard, but your
arrival has been most fortuitous.
I am Eod, the Super Mutant says, And this
is Exeter, referring to the ghoul. The Super
Mutant looks at you with his good left eye, and
sighs. You can fight with us, or stay out of our
way. Whichever you choose, choose now.
The characters may then talk with Eod and
Exeter and ask about their plan to escape, or
decide whether they will collaborate or will not
participate. Eod makes it clear that whether they
choose to fight or not, they will be freed.
They are on a ship which Eod and Exeter
mean to take over and bring to the nearest land.
As Exeter explains, the ship is not seaworthy for characters with a high enough Science, he
explains this is due to leaking sulphur dioxide
batteries near the bilge pump letting off gas,
causing the rotten egg smell.
If the characters ask Eod what he is doing
there, he will reply that he once read a book
about a man who titled at windmills and saved
damsels in distress, and like him he is on a
mighty epic quest, and that he would tell them
more if they had time, perhaps some day.
The pipe that Eods arms are chained to is
loose. He is confident that he can pull it from the
wall, but is not sure whether this will damage
the hull of the ship or not. Once he frees
himself, there may be limited seaworthy time.

Exeter has managed to pick the locks on his own

manacles and is holding them just for show.
They estimate there are 10 raiders manning
the ship, including one, the Jailer, who comes
down frequently to feed them, adjust the chains,
and harass them. He carries a weight and chain,
a lead pipe, and a Type 33 Chinese Pistol, all
medium quality. They want to lure the Jailer
down, since he carries a number of keys which
may be of use, and strike him first, quietly if
possible, brutally if not.
The other raiders are the Pilot, a wiry
pirate of a raider with a goggles helmet and a
machete who steers the ship, the Cook, who
they have seen above deck with a flamer he is
fond of, the Gunner, who wears metal armor
and mans a machine gun at the prow of the
ship, the Doctor, a sadistic raider who likes to
torture captives, the Slaver, who seems to
have been part of a smaller slaving gang and is
covered in tattoos, the Crew, an assortment of
common raider scum, and finally, Bill Tong the
Meat Merchant, or the Captain, who put
together this raiding party - little else is known
of him except for the fact that he wears a worn
suit of headhunter armor and wields a
scoped .44 magnum revolver.
Eod had planned to deal with the Jailer
quickly, then storm the crews cabin, making his
way to the prow to fight the Gunner and lure
enemies away from the Pilots compartment,
which Exeter would attempt to take over and
steer the ship. With the characters help, this
plan would be far easier.
The players are being held in a central cargo
hold below deck, with a main hatch leading to
the deck by a ladder and a door each at the fore
and aft of the hold.
All of the characters' possessions are kept in
a locked closet in a passageway before reaching
the galley fore of the hold. Until they reach that
and unlock the trunk holding their gear, they will
not have access to it, but may use lead pipes or
a nail board that they find. Aft of the hold is a
small passageway heading to the engine room.
There is a companionway from the galley to an
above deck cabin and crew's quarters.

The characters' plan can be worked out now.

Freeing all of the characters at once by picking
the locks will arouse suspicion and the Jailer will
close the top hatch leading to the deck. The
other exit route is through the galley.
The characters chains are locked with Easy
difficulty, but the closet is locked with Average
difficulty. The Jailer's keys open all locks on the
ship, including their chains.
Locations of the other crew members should
be marked on a diagram, with the the Cook in
the galley below deck, the Gunner at the prow,
the Slaver and the Doctor in the crew
compartments, the Crew on deck, and the
Captain at the helm with the Pilot.
After three or more named crew members
are killed or incapacitated, the Captain will
escape on one of two inflatable rafts with
outboard motors on either side of the ship,
usually with either the Pilot, the Doctor, the
Slaver, and/or any of the Crew that remain,
along with at least half of the characters prized
possessions. The rafts can easily hold 10 people
each. The Jailer, the Cook, and the Gunner
will always fight until the end on the ship.
If any of the players have a PipBoy 3000,
this will not have been taken from themthe
raiders are not clever enough to remove one
but any PipBoy 2000 or other hand held PipBoy
device will have been confiscated.

EOD - 10th level Super Mutant

S: 9 P: 5 E: 9 C: 5 I: 5 A: 5 L: 5
RR: 10, DR: 3, HP: 167, APR: 2, Unarmed
damage: 4, Karma: 4, Background: Elite Order
(+1 tag skill, +1 Energy Weapons), Bruiser,
Intense Training (x4), Educated, Toughness
(x2), Demolition Expert, Bloody Mess
Barter: 1, Big Guns: 5, Energy Weapons: 3,
Explosives: 10, Lockpick: 1, Medicine: 1, Melee
Weapons: 5, Pilot: 1, Repair: 1, Science: 1,
Small Guns: 1, Sneak: 1, Speech: 5, Steal: 1,
Survival: 5, Unarmed: 10
Equipment: Skull Plate Helmet +DR:3 on head,
Brass Knuckles, Frag Grenades (4)

Exeter - 8th level Ghoul


S: 4 P: 6 E: 5 C: 5 I: 9 A: 5 L: 5

In Eods plan, the characters create a

situation that lures the Jailer below deck. If the
characters choose to attempt to pick all of their
own locks before luring the Jailer below deck,
each attempt will require an Easy Sneak roll
and an Easy lockpick roll to succeed. A failed
attempt will alert the Jailer, who will call out a
warning and look through the hatch to
investigate. If two or more characters are visibly
free, he will close the main hatch and sound the
alarm. Otherwise, he will come down on his own
to confront the free character(s), with his weight
and chain equipped. When the Jailer has either
come down or closed the main hatch, Eod will
break free of his restraints, unless the
characters succeeded in lockpicking his chains
on Hard difficulty.

CR: 4, DR: 1, HP: 87, APR: 2, Unarmed

damage: 1, Karma: 0, Background: Vault
Dweller, +1 Science, +1 Speech, Small Frame,
Trai ni ng,
Impartial Mediation
Barter: 5, Big Guns: 1, Energy Weapons: 4,
Explosives: 1, Lockpick: 5, Medicine: 10, Melee
Weapons: 0, Pilot: 4, Repair: 5, Science: 10,
Small Guns: 1, Sneak: 4, Speech: 5, Steal: 2,
Survival: 1, Unarmed: 0
Equipment: Robes DR: 1, Bobby Pins, Laser
Pistol, First Aid Kit (x2), Stimpacks (5)

Bill Tong the Meat Merchant - 8th level

S: 5 P: 7 E: 7 C: 5 I: 5 A: 7 L: 5
HP: 82, APR: 2, Karma: -8, Background: Raider,
-4 Karma, Chem Tolerant, Chem Tolerant, One
Hander, Gun Nut, Little Leaguer, Scoundrel,
Intense Training, Toughness, Gunslinger, Rad
Barter: 8, Big Guns: 3, Energy Weapons: 2,
Explosives: 3, Lockpick: 2, Medicine: 1, Melee
Weapons: 4, Pilot: 4, Repair: 1, Science: 1,
Small Guns: 10, Sneak: 4, Speech: 1, Steal: 3,
Survival: 3, Unarmed: 1
Equipment: Headhunter Armor, worn DR:3, +1
Small Guns, +1 Melee, -2 Karma, Scoped .44
Mag: Dmg 10

Named Crew - 4th level Raiders

HP: 55, DR: 0, Per: 6, 5 Hit Dice: Melee/Gun, 60
XP, APR 2. Karma -6
Raider armor, reinforced, DR:4, weapon by

Unnamed Crew - 1st level Raiders

HP: 35, DR: 0, Per: 5, 3 Hit Dice: Melee/Gun, 25
XP. APR 2. Karma -4

Once Eod breaks free, this triggers a chain

reaction of events. If the Jailer is in the hold,
Eod will break free and strangle the Jailer to
death, in an unarmed sneak attack, dropping his
lifeless body to the floor. But in doing so, Eod
manages to rip a large section of the rusted pipe
out from behind him, causing a rupture which
begins to flood the hold. Any attempt to block
the water will fail, and the radiation level in the
hold will begin to rise. Players must then either
head toward the galley, getting their gear from
the locked closet, or take the Jailers gear and
head above deck through the main hatch.
If the main hatch is closed, they must go
through the galley passageway. Players will get
no more than 2 actions to undertake before
they will need to evacuate the hold (i.e. loot the
Jailer, try to patch the hole, pick a lock, run
down the passageway, close or open a door.) As
the water floods in, each players radiation level
will increase by 1 per action taken in the
water. Climbing onto the main deck through the
cargo hatch or closing the door to the hold from
the galley passageway will both limit the
radioactive water to the hold, but the ship will
begin to list significantly as it starts to sink.
If the characters move toward the galley,
they will encounter the Cook who wields a
flamer and is not afraid to use it. However, he
has very low perception. A Sneaking character

should be able to get past him and attack from

his flank or behind. Leaving the galley will bring
the characters onto the deck through a
companionway near the bow of the ship.

Once on deck, and with or without their
equipment from the locked closet, the players
find themselves on the slippery deck of a prewar platform supply vessel, a 40m long ship
with a high foredeck and a low aft cargo deck
with a low bulwark. The dark night sky is
overcast and raining with a strong wind is
whipping against the ship, which rocks in the
growing wave crests. Eod immediately rushes to
engage the closest enemy crew members
unarmed, and will attack the strongest when he
sees them, while Exeter attempts to make his
way toward the bridge.
Mere moments after coming above deck,
however, bright white floodlights from the
direction of the port beam light up the deck,
causing anyone on deck to roll a Hard check v.
Perception or be blinded momentarily. The
floodlights are from the nearby Statue of Liberty
Brotherhood of Steel
outpost, and are
immediately followed by anti-aircraft cannon fire
that begins pounding gaping holes in the ships
hull with a deafening roar. Players not blinded
can spot two scout ships with outboard motors
leaving the island, headed toward the vessel and
firing with energy weapons (laser) at the ship,
and can also make out the silhouette of the
headless statue herself.
As the ship comes under heavy fire, the
Captain makes good his escape in the starboard
combat rubber raiding raft, along with the
surviving crew minus the Gunner or others to
hold off the characters. Eod and Exeter rush the
bridge, with Exeter taking the helm and Eod
Eod also shouts to the characters to take the
second rubber combat raft and head for land to


As Eod waves, the players should notice that

the letters E.O.D. are tattooed as a stencil
across his upper left chest.
Jumping into Bill Tongs raft is not an option:
by the time a character likely suggests it, Bill
Tong will already be far enough away to make
good his escape. Any character who acts quickly
and tries to jump into Tongs raft will be tossed
over board.
If the characters take his advice, they may
launch their raft to the west in NYC harbor south
of Liberty Island as the larger vessel is piloted to
the northwest, drawing the BoS away from the
players. A stray laser beam has damaged their
raft however, and a successful Piloting roll will
be required to keep the raft afloat. In the
distance, they lose sight of the vessel in the
darkness, only to see a massive explosion some
moments later light up the horizon in a bright
fireball. They then have to choose between
going ashore near what appears to be a
darkened coastal settlement from pre-war times
(Port Liberty) or the rocky coast near a war
monument on a shore covered in strange
vegetation, before their raft sinks.
If the characters refuse and man the ship,
they will come under heavy fire from the BoS
marines heading toward them until Exeter
shouts that the engines have been hit, as Eod
mans the prow machine gun. There is an
explosion, and they are all thrown into the
water, taking 1 radiation and being forced to
make a Hard Strength or Endurance check to
swim to shore - those not making the check may
be dragged to shore by those who did, or they
will wash ashore on the coast of the jungle
taking over Liberty State Park.
[SPOILER] As the vessel explodes, Eod will
grab Exeter and leap over the side with him.
Even players staying on the ship will not witness
this, as they will be thrown overboard on the
opposite side. Players will not know what
became of the two.
That night in the darkness, the BoS patrol
boats travel the coast with spotlights looking for
survivors, and will shoot on sight, presuming
that everyone on the ship was a raider.



The players awaken on the banks of New

York Harbor the next day - if they failed their
pilot roll, in a clearing surrounded by
tanglethorn near 4041'36.70"N 74 4'2.41"W
or if they succeeded, either in a damaged shell
of a waterfront townhouse at Port Liberty or in
an abandoned structure south of Liberty State
Park, depending on their choices.

The depravity of the Philly wasteland is almost

more than I can bear! We saw a gang of raider
cannibals, headhunters, they call them, attacking a
village near old route 95. They were falling on the
men and eating their flesh even as they were
dragging the women and children away with them. I
was not able to save them all. The headhunters had
eyes more dead than any ghoul, and seemed to feel
no pain even as I tore them to pieces in my rage. The
villagers fled from my sight. I do not blame them. I
only hope that they found safety. We moved north,
around the Philly wasteland, avoiding all contact with
living beings, until we reached a great, lazy river.
Crossing a broken bridge, we found a historical
marker, celebrating the victory of a great General of
the past who crossed that river and marched to
victory. I took this as a good sign. From there, we
met an old friend of Exeters in Oldgrad, who looked
over our map. It was a contact of hers, named Bobby
Quan, at the Di Yu Trading company near the ruins of
another great center of learning to the northeast, who
would have more information, and was himself
collecting artifacts related to the Lost Vault.

A small campsite is nearby, and it appears

that cargo from the ship they were on has
washed ashore. Searching the wreckage they
will find 1D10+2 stimpacks, 1D10+2 radaway,
1D10 x 2 food items, and 1D10 bottles of dirty
water. If they had not recovered their personal
items before, searching the shore line will reveal
a water-logged trunk with those inside.
On Average perception rolls, they will also
find other items, including a doctor's bag, a flare
gun, and one MRE per player. In addition to the
items they scavenge, any with a PipBoy 3000 or
greater is able to pick up several radio stations:
Renegade Radio, Jubilee Radio, Commonwealth
Radio and Coney Island radio (weak). While
searching, they will also (automatically) find a
knapsack with Eod's journals in holotape format,
numbered #3, #5, & #6, and a strange map.
The Lost Vault, I do not know why, but I am
drawn to this legend like no other. Once I heard of
this place, it was as if my years of lonely wandering
had found a purpose. I feel as if something
something in my very blood compels me toward this.
Or, maybe it is simply the hope of meaning to life in
this wasteland. The Capital Wasteland has changed,
and its people with it. We can no longer stay.
Underworld is changing, opened now to escaped
slaves, human or ghoul, from the Wastes. It is no
place for us. There, Exeter is another face. I cant
bear the suspicion my kin have earned, and he
dislikes living on handouts. Exeter is melancholy here.
A traveling merchant brought with him this map so
strange, I had to have it, a before times map of the
Big Apple. I knew this is where we needed to go. The
merchant said he retrieved it from a dying man who
claimed to have found the Lost Vault. We leave
tomorrow. Exeter will sell his workshop back to old
Winthrop, and we will head north by the old train

New Salem - we are headed into the Big Apple
Ruins to the settlement of New Salem. That is where
the scholar who bought the artifact was headed,
Bobby Quan told us. He no longer had the device, and
seemed welcome to part with it - bu-xing he called
it. It is a hard journey before us, and we were warned
that traveling through the Shattered Towers district is
too dangerous, that no one has been able to get
through the old tunnels into the Big Apple in many
decades. Instead, we agreed to follow the old
highways north to Z Town, which pleases Exeter. I
sometimes forget that my good friend is not as aloof
among his own people as I am among mine. As we
draw closer, I can feel something pull on me, pulling
harder on me than ever before. I have known others
to go mad from this, but I never thought I would hear
the call in the same way. It is the desire to be whole
again, to be at peace. It is ironic then that my path of
war is the only road I know of to reach this place of
peace. We will go to Z Town, and then enter the
ruined city from the north.

The strange map appears to be a pre-War

map printed on a kind of water resistant paper,
and marked with grease pencils. It is very, very
old, but from all inspection very durable. The
reverse of the map has the name BLICERO
scrawled hastily on it.



In addition to the items they scavenge, any

with a PipBoy 3000 or greater is able to pick up
several radio stations: Renegade Radio, Jubilee
Radio, Commonwealth Radio and Coney Island
radio (weak). Any character with a radio can
also pick up a distress signal coming from the
direction of Port Liberty:

Port Liberty was an Saturn Survival Systems
automated luxury townhouse survival complex.
It is the closest marker on the characters map.
A self-contained luxury townhouse complex, not
unlike the Vaults, it was built by a Vault-Tec
competitor called Saturn Survival Systems. The
budget Saturn Survival Shelters were nothing
more than giant sewer tubes buried and encased
in concrete. But their flagship complexes at the
time of the war were CityView Luxury
Townhouses and Port Liberty, revamped by
2076 and each controlled by a central
mainframe. If they players enter Port Liberty,
they will find hostile turrets, Protectrons, Mr.
Handys and Sentry Bots throughout the
complex that will attack on sight.
The mainframe at Port Liberty is completely
paranoid, and will routinely broadcast messages
declaring that all communists and unregistered
dissidents must report for assignment to
internment facilities. If any player decides to
surrender and take up a patrolling bot on this
offer, however, the bot will initiate a query
shuttles, and, finding none, will recommend
summary execution as an alternative. However,
a Speech or Science roll may be possible to have
the bot escort the players to the mainframe
directly, and they may then extract information
from the mainframe or even shut it down for
good, if access to the mainframe is possible.




failure in its food dispenser subroutines, possibly

as a result of sabotage, and insists that
saboteurs had masqueraded as residents. It
decided to gather all the residents in the
gymnasium and hold them until it could
determine which were the saboteurs. However,
without food dispensers, people began to grow
hungry, eventually attempting to reclaim the
complex by force, at which point they were
exterminated. Fixing or discovering the cause of
the original food dispenser malfunction (a bug in
the code that causes a process fork bomb
when someone orders tea apparently inserted
as a joke from the code comments) will cause
the mainframe to deactivate emergency status.
Entering the contract engagement code
when prompted at the front gate will open the
main gate and spit out a single contractor
passcard from a very damaged dispenser, and
any bots will insist on escorting the players to
the mainframe directly. There are sections which
are not patrolled, and are very damaged. The
northern health and racket club and townhouses
are half demolished but any Tunnel Rat can
discover utility tunnels inhabited by feral ghouls.
The utility tunnels lead under the complex
to several exit points, including to a penthouse
suite half exposed to the air from a damaged
roof. It is located in a large cylindrical tower
once covered with a red conical roof, bordering
the canal and unreachable except from the
tunnel. A faint green light can be seen there,
and a radio is playing Jubilee Radio in the
stillness of the dead complex. The suite is a
Railroad safe house and way point, but is not
inhabited. Players can find beds, a refrigerator
with simple food, a working camp stove, some
basic medical supplies, and some basic ammo
(.32, 9mm or 10mm).
Additionally, very lucky players will find a
crate of PipBoy 3000s within the complex,
originally meant for the slaughtered inhabitants,
in pristine condition - enough for each humanoid
character. Within the mainframes service logs,
there is also a file listing the geo coordinates of
all the Nike missile bases ringing NYC. These
correspond exactly to the starred locations on
the strange map marked with womens names.

Whether or not the players choose to explore
Port Liberty, they have several options - explore
the surrounding areas on their own, head south
to Di Yu Trading Company or north to toward
New Salem via Z-Town, based on the clues in
the holotapes.
[SPOILER] Eod and Exeter survived the
fight to escape the cargo ship, and will continue
north toward Z-Town and New Salem, looking
for the Black Device. Bill Tong the Meat
Merchant, although having escaped in a different
direction, will pursue the characters as he views
them as his rightful property. He may head to
Shanktown for reinforcements if the players
proved especially adept at fighting him.
Otherwise, he will head toward the Flooded
District, and track the characters from there.
Heading north will take the characters
through the Jersey City ruins, the crumbling
ruins and overpasses of Route 78 & 95, the
Flooded District and Super Mutant filled Holland
and Lincoln Tunnels, and finally passing the
George Washington Bridge and Fort Lee area
before moving north along the Palisades to
reach Z-Town, or, taking a bigger risk by
heading over the GWB into Manhattan.
Heading south provides more options. If they
choose to head south through the Bayonne
ruins, they will encounter either a Railroad guide
and escaped slaves, or a Slaver party looking for
the same. Either way, they will hear of Sandy
Ground, and possibly Heyerdahl. Staten Island is
largely empty, and they will not encounter
significant resistance, or rewards. If they decide
to follow the NJ Turnpike, they will encounter a
traveling merchant who will tell them of Big Rig
Trucking caravan stop south of the Pulaski
Skyway ruins.
They would be able to cross the Hackensack
river at the Lincoln Highway Bridge, but if they
follow Route 95 South, they will have to go
dangerously close to the Chinese Ghoul infested
container complex to the east and Liberty
Airport ruins to the west. Further south, Carteret
ruins have a raider compound called Carteruff,
but things should get less dangerous near Route

287 and 95 near the FMC Auto Factory and Di Yu

Trading Company, as small communities and
trading posts dot the routes of caravans.
Ultimately, it depends on whether they want
to go after the bu xing or the Lost Vault itself.
More Eod holotapes can be found on either
journey, the ones in the south earlier than ones
in the north.
(Found near the Linden Refinery)
We left on our journey north, avoiding the pink
skins and the steel skins wherever possible. We
entered the ruins of the city of Hagerstown, a ghost
town now, the slavers had picked it clean. It was
north of here that we found a massive military base
known as Letterkenny Army Depot, patrolled by robot
sentries. We got the better of our curiosity and circled
around it, climbing a ridge and crossing to the north.
There, amid the ruins of a burned out group of cabins
from some pre-war camp ground, we helped a human
caravan fight off a group of raiding tribals. The man in
charge of the caravan was called Wildeye Wilks, and
offered to pay and supply us to accompany him on his
caravan route for as long as we liked, heading east.
We accepted! So rare is it to find humans willing to
talk. We passed through several ruins and
communities, including Carlisle, York and Lancaster,
avoiding slaver controlled Harrisburg to the north. We
travelled with him as far as the Philly Wastelands
edge, but no further: he told us of the dangers there,
and so we parted, and headed east.

(Found near the Linden Refinery)
It was announced a week ago, but word just
arrived to us today: a republic. The pink skins have
declared the Republic of the Potomac over all of the
Capital Wasteland. We all know what this will mean.
Already, humans have begun entering Underworld.
Winthrop and others want to welcome them, as long
as their caps clink, he says. The Brotherhood of
Steels power is growing too, but I fear this new
Republic will be just as bad as the Enclave they
defeated. Already I have heard stories of ghouls and
others being re-located, from freed slaves who said
they were turned back from Canterbury Commons
and sent here, of former raiders who said they were
given the choice of being disarmed and sent to work
on the new farms, or being forced out. I know my kin
are not welcome. It is only a matter of time. I must
prepare to leave my new home behind, again.

(Found near Di Yu Trading Company)
The Capital Wasteland that I remember... is no
more. My comrades in arms... are no more. I
remember very little before that day, when the Blue
Stranger attacked our bunker within the trench works
outside the Capitol Building. Glorious battle! We
fought the pink skins in black armor, but then, this
human fell on us all like the grim reaper of myth. We
were wiped out. I awoke, broken but not dead, and
dragged myself back into the wastes. I did not know
then what was happening, how our world was
changing. After wandering and seeing the wastes
transformed by the water caravans, I went back to
the Mall, and went to Underworld, a last refuge for
the misfits and holdovers, ghouls, humans and
mutants alike. I met Exeter, and we became good
friends, his brain, my heart, his deft fingers, my
steady shoulders. But something pulls on me now, it
visits my dreams a far off place, an empty longing,
somewhere to the north. Could it be home?

(Found near Big Rig Trucking)
Free! We are free again! Exeter has told me not
to be hard on myself. The trap they set for us while
we slept could not be avoided. And, had we not been
captured, our other friends would be enslaved now as
well. A united front! Camaraderie! Ha ha! I was sad to
see them go, but I wish them well. Back on the road,
we are taking the old Turnpike north as far as we can,
then along the palisades toward Z-Town. I do not
think I will be able to cross the Slackliner Bridge into
Manhattan, and Exeter may not survive fighting his
way through the Lincoln Tunnel. But I confess, we
know very little of the North. And now, a strange
thing. I know we need to go to New Salem, but I do
not know why, or for what reason. We heard the radio
signals, a numbers station, near the old airport, and I
knew then. Maybe they are connected? It sounds so
familiar, like distant memories from a childhood I
cannot remember. The voice, the pattern - a formula.
ARRRGGGH! It is like a thorn growing through my
skull and I will have it out! We must get there.

(Found near Ridgefield Park School)
Three Four Nine Fifteen Twenty Twentythree Twenty-four Twenty-five Twenty-nine
Forty-nine Fifty-three Fifty-four Fifty-five Fiftysix Fifty-eight Sixty Sixty-five Seventy-three
Seventy-nine Eighty Eighty-eight Ninety-three
Ninety-nine Must not forget <He repeats them.>

If the players trek south, it will take them

about 10 hours without interruption to get to the
Di Yu Trading Company from their campsite near
Liberty State Park, whether they go by the
Turnpike or via Staten Island. If they head
north, the journey will be longer, about 15
hours, because the players will have to head
through the ruins of Jersey City toward Z-Town.
Moving south, they can go through Bayonne
and Staten Island, avoiding most encounters
except for the slag settlement of Heyerdahl and
the Railroad outpost at Sandy Ground, near the
wrecked ships along Sharrotts Shoreline.
Heyerdahl is a community of 50-75 slags, living
underground and very suspicious of outsiders.
There is a single above ground trading post
frequented by the occasional caravan. Sandy
Ground is a small junk fort defended by exBrotherhood Paladin Hart and a band of armed
escaped slaves, but if attacked, they will
evacuate to the Jersey side of the channel.
Heading north along Route 78 will take them
past Liberty Science Center, where a failed
GECK deployment has turned the entirety of
Liberty State Park into a lush and dangerous
jungle of tanglethorn, spore plants, and glowing
ferns. The area is stalked by Giant Mantids and
Guai Wu. The area of the 78 Overpass is a DMZ
between raiders up the hill to the west and
Super Mutants downtown to the east, with
Dickinson High School being a site of many
battles. Characters can try to head north
through ruined neighborhoods, but will face
increasing numbers of feral ghouls, or they can
head northwest toward old Secaucus Train
Station and take Route 95 north, past the
Ridgefield Park School, east on 80 toward the
George Washington Bridge, and north along
the Palisades Parkway toward Z-Town.
Either way, north or south, they can also
head west through the burned out and flattened
ruins of houses in Greenville, passing by Our
Lady of Sorrows churcha hide out for
Railroad conductors and escaped slavesand
headed for the abandoned Lawn Depot near
old Route 440. They can then head north on 440
and west across the Route 1 & 9 bridge south of
the Skyway Ruins, toward Big Rig Trucking.

Big Rig Trucking is a way point for

caravans heading north toward Z-Town
(i ndependent),
independent), or the Lincoln Tunnel (Renegade
controlled at the moment). It is well defended
by mercenaries hired by the location itself, and
has a medical clinic, a mechanics shop, a
stable, a gun shop, a bank (with secure
storage), several diners and kitchens, a few
bars, a flop house, a brothel, and even a
barbershop, as well as stalls set up by the
caravans themselves. It is neutral ground, but
there is no law to speak of other than armed
guards who keep order and protect caravans. If
they wish, players can even hire on as caravan
guards on their way to either Z-Town or Di Yu
Trading Company from here.
At Di Yu Trading Company, players will
have to succeed in speech checks several times
to get answers from one of the traders there, a
ghoul by the name of Bobby Quan who
specializes in pre-War artifacts. He will tell the
players that he had the bu xing, but it was bad
luck, so he got rid of it, selling it to a merchant
travelling to New Salem. He describes the item
as a Black Device, a flat slab-like object with a
mottled black powdered steel case, inset with 5
rows of individual 3-digit letter and number
tumbler wheels, a few toggle switches, a
keypad, and a mainframe connector socket. He
has an image of it that he scanned with an old
PipBoy 2500 which he will share.

Bobby also says that a large, rather talkative

Super Mutant and a robed ghoul were looking
for the device a few weeks ago. Upon leaving,
he urges the players to abandon their search, or
to destroy it when they find it. He cant say why
for certain, but he is clearly disturbed by his
encounter with the Black Device.

If the players wish to continue their search from

here, they will need to head back north.
If the players headed north from Big Rig
Trucking, they will have to pass under the
Skyway Ruins and take either a left or right
fork following the southbound or northbound
lanes of Route 95. The southbound lanes to the
west go past Crocker Waste Storages
irradiated barrels, through irradiated marshes on
either side, past the tribal stilt village of
Meadowland, and finally, past the MedTek
Stadium complex, now a massive Super Mutant
citadel. Hundreds of captives are taken by Super
Mutants here from all over the Wasteland, and
traffic on Route 95 demands caution. Taking the
northbound lanes will bring them past
Watchers Cliff, an observation post set up by
a long gone survivalist that players may rebuild
and use as a base of operations. Finally, once
the two highways re-converge, players can
follow them north to the Ridgefield Park
School, now raider controlled.
From here, they would take the Route 80
loop east toward the GWB, then north along the
Palisades toward Z-Town, largely uninhabited
wilderness except for the occasional Yao Guai,
Radscorpion, or caravan.
When the players arrive in Z-Town, asking
the local ghouls for information will turn up little
unless an Average difficulty speech roll
succeeds. A ghoul gearhead named Wrench will
confirm that Exeter came through with Eod and
then took the ferry across the river to head
south. He also has a secret, something he says
he has wanted to get back in the air for some
time: an Enclave Vertibird he has stashed
outside of town. He claims to be a former
Vertibird test pilot stationed at Picatinny
Arsenal from before the War, and just wants to
help out his old friend Exeter. If asked, he
explains they worked together on the Vertibird
test flight program for the old US government.
Should the players agree, he will lead them
to the Vertibird but tell them that he needs
some time to get it flight ready. At this point,
Bill Tong the Meat Merchant will attempt to
ambush and capture them with his remaining
crew and several other raiders that he has been

tracking the players with. After the first few

shots are exchanged, Bill Tong will demand they
surrender, calling them his property and saying
that they are only making it worse for
themselves. Players with evil karma may try to
negotiate with him using Barter or Speech with
an Average difficulty, at which point, he will
spare them, with a warning, if they can get Eod
and Exeter to come to the abandoned oil tanker
at the Brooklyn Navy Yard. Otherwise the
players must fight him, holding him off for at
least 3 rounds of combat while Wrench gets the
Vertibird ready. Once ready, the players may
board and man the weapon systems on the
Vertibird as Wrench pilots it. One player, if they
so choose, may sit as co-pilot to Wrench and
help him pilot the craft. He promises to one day
teach them the Vertibird Flight Training perk.
Wrench will be able to fly them all the way
down to New Salem provided the players can
make 2 of 3 successes total on one Science,
one Pilot, and one Repair roll in flight, all on
Easy difficulty. Otherwise, the players will end
up in Van Cortlandt Park on no success or
outside of gang-controlled Bomber Stadium on
1 success. While Van Cortlandt Park has Big
Apple Rangers, it is also crawling with
scythewings, who will attack the downed
Vertibird. Outside of Bomber Stadium, the
Bombers gang will try to take the players
prisoner, and possibly subject them to trial by
combat instead of a life of servitude. The
residents of New Salem will simply greet the
Vertibird in awe. The Vertibird is armed with 3
mini-guns: one in the nose and two door guns.
If successful, Wrench gives the players a radio
beacon which they can call him on if they ever
need air support, and he will do his best to help.


Upon entering New Salem, players will
discover that the Black Device was located in
New Salem, in the machine shop of a local
mechanic, Audie Styles. He sold the device for
500 caps to Eod and Exeter, and it is long gone
by now. The players can check out the local
sights, but unlike many other wasteland
settlements, New Salem seems to be a very

tense place. Two main factions vie for control:

the Providers, a kind of technocracy that
helped to build New Salem and possess the
technical skills necessary to continued survival,
and the Walkers, a group of itinerant preachers
who base their views from shreds of Biblical and
Koranic scripture found among the ruins, such
as Acts 7:6 And God spoke on this wise, that
his seed should sojourn in a strange land; and
that they should bring them into bondage, and
entreat them evil four hundred years. And the
nation to whom they shall be in bondage will I
judge, said God: and after that shall they come
forth, and serve me in this place. The Walkers
derive their name from a chant of theirs, TALK
THE TALK - WALK THE WALK, which they often
use to test the faithful or disrupt opponents.
If the players can make contacts within the
local establishment of one of the two factions
(completing some minor quest is enough to gain
the trust required for this information), they will
learn that Eod and Exeter have headed south
with the Black Device. When they depart, Audie
Styles will run up to them and give them a part
of the documentation he was able to get for the
Black Device that the travelling merchant had:


ACHTUNG: Army Clearing House, Technical Units,
SWANLAKE, INSCOM, 10-20-2077
There is no longer any doubt that the double
agent and mole we have been seeking all of these
years has been right under our noses in the guise of
Capt. D. Blicero, USN, geneticist and experimental
research head of psychic and paranormal activities,
Psychological Intelligence Schemes for Expediting
Surrender (PISCES). He has used his position to
further research into the FEV Strain B pneumonic
dispersal, siphoning funds from other projects in
secret as well as trading with the enemy Communist
Chinese homeland. R. Mexico and I are not certain of
mechanism of delivery but we uncovered components
related to genetic steganography within FEV itself that
may be indicative of a trigger. Mechanism for Control
Vault under our care, threat is mitigated until retrieval
of D. Blicero. T. Slothrop may be compromised.
J. Swanlake, AUTH 9-TARE-PETER-6


At this point, if the players choose to pursue

Eod and Exeter once they leave New Salem,
they must make Survival rolls to maintain the
trail starting at Very Easy, for each area they
pass through. For each new area, the difficulty is
increased one step.
The trail leads south from New Salem to the
edge of Central Park (Very Easy). The trail
continues south along Central Park West until
the American Museum of Natural History
(Easy), and from there, south until Columbus
Circle (Average). Past Columbus Circle, at least
one of the players will also need to pass Sneak
rolls to guide the others past gang and robot
patrols. If they can do so, they can follow the
trail south to the Triangle. Tracking further
than the Triangle will require a Hard threshold
Survival skill roll.
Exploring the American Museum of
Natural History will bring the players afoul of
Vault 42 dwellers, and they may have to talk or
fight their way out of any situation. The Vault 42
dwellers will attempt to use sleeping gas or
other sedatives on the players, and rig them
with explosive neck collars, after which they will
then order them to infiltrate the Cloisters for
the rare Unicorn Tapestry. However, if
challenged and facing opposition, they will
retreat to their tunnels, taking captives if they
can, and sealing Vault-Tec strength doors
behind them. Oddly enough, if spoken to by a
player with high enough factional trust, the
Brotherhood Outcasts will simply give the
players the tapestry, as it holds no technological
value to them whatsoever.
Any contact that the players have with robot
patrols will result in hostile activity unless the
players have the correct subway line pass card
with them. Only one player requires a ticket, but
it is removed from inventory upon scanning,
unless it is an InfiniRide passcard. Renegades
sentries will allow the players to move freely
through checkpoints provided they pay a toll of
1D10 caps per player, or a chosen item from the
group. If the players threaten to resist, the
Renegades may back down (Speech Easy
check), but warn them to head to the Triangle
without starting any fights.

Once within the Triangle, the players notice that

the central market has been the scene of a
massive fight, with damaged and destroyed
stalls. Asking any onlooker or shop clerk will let
the players know that Eod and Exeter were at
the center of a fight within the Triangle, and
have been taken by the Renegades to the Arena
within Madison Square Garden to fight for
their lives. The Black Device, presumably, is
with them. A number of shops are still open, so
if the players want to make any trades before
heading out, this would be the place to do it.
Travel through Renegade territory is fairly
open, but players should be told that the only
law is Big Bads Law: if you start shit, you get
ended, unless you start shit with someone who
was asking for it. The Triangle sits on the
western edge of the Midtown Crater, and
streets leading east end in barricades. The
neighborhoods of Hells Kitchen and C-Town
(Chelsea) are both firmly Renegades turf, and
are free to explore, although not much is there
besides dwellings. K-Town is essentially a
fortified compound around the Empire State
Building that only Renegades gang members
are allowed to enter. Madison Square Garden is
open to all, but the tunnels and holding pens in
Penn Station below are closed to the publicthe
only way to enter there is to sneak in, or to
volunteer to compete in the Arena.
Arena fights happen every night for
qualifying fights, almost always non-lethal, or on
special occasions, to the death. Death matches
are often part of a larger show, with hot rods
and executions taking center stage. Monster
trucks and abominations and another crowd
favorite. Well fought gladiators are often offered
high ranks within the Renegades if they can
complete the initiation, but even an exceptional
showing may rate an audience with Renegade
chief Big Bad himself, and anyone who is able
to procure a steady supply of exciting fights
should be able to win over the pit masters.
Gladiators are allowed as volunteers with
business managers of their own, or as captives
forced to fight. With some careful questions
around the arena, players can find out that Eod
and Exeter are definitely the latter.

For the players, any attempt to rescue Eod

and Exeter or recover the Black Device will fall
into one of two categories with regard to the
players standing within the Renegades: Rise to
Infamy or Rise to Glory.


One choice is to volunteer to fight in the pits
in an attempt to win favor, rise through victory,
and eventually win the honor of a request for
defeating a significant foe. Many fights will need
to be won on this route, including a fight with an
abomination or inorganic, with possible team
fights or special feats as well. The reward will be
to have a request granted by Big Bad, namely
the freedom of chosen fighters and return of
their possessions.


Another choice open to players who have a
more mercantile background is to manage
fighters and organize fights and spectacles that
will bring glory to their participants. This would
work particularly well for players who have a
high barter, medicine, repair, science or speech
skills. Entire fight categories are also allotted to
inorganic fighters and their operators or the
mechanical engineers who maintain them.
Rewards are the spoils requested when a fight is
organized, and successful managers may also
request to draft better fighters of their choice
into their pit crews.


A final choice is to attempt to game the
getting system within the Arena rigging
fights, shifting odds, cooking books to the
point where the players become a small criminal
force behind the economy of the games
themselves. Fighters are not difficult to bribe in
the non-lethal qualifying matches, and others
are easy enough to drug or disqualify with some
subtle moves. Combined with a few calculated
bets, one might shift the outcome of fights. All is
fair, and profitable, in love and war.


Of course, the most direct route would be to
infiltrate and sabotage the games, cutting the
power, picking the locks, stealing the Black
Device and getting out of there before anyone
knew what hit them. Although, the risk of such a
plan could lead to the players being thrown into
the Arena themselves.


Little more than a third of all fighters are
competing in the Arena of their own free will:
mostly mercenaries and juice addicts in chem
harnesses. The rest are prisoners of one kind or
another: inorganics, abominations, slaves,
dissidents, captives, the condemned. With
enough effort, the prisoners could be incited into
open rebellion and the games themselves
upended and overthrown!


For the truly duplicitous, operating in the
Arena gives one a remarkable opportunity to
mingle with the various tribes and gangs that
make up the coalition of gangs under Renegade
feudal oaths. If one was able to turn Renegade
against Renegade, perhaps by turning a loyal
and faithful Lieutenant to the Chief, the gangs
which generally allow the Renegades to rule
could defect, aid the players, or even rebel
themselves, given the right incentive.

Whichever path the players agree or begin to

take, they should be encouraged toward a given
end. Suspicions and jealousy of Renegade rivals
on the rise to glory, the urgency caused by a fair
share of violence on the rise to infamy,
whatever it takes. Players should not get too
comfortable in the Arena. The Renegades still
consider them outsiders, and will treat them as
such. The goal is to free Eod and Exeter, or
recover the Black Device, or both, and escape.
Eod will not leave without the Black Device, and
if it is taken from MSG, he will follow as soon as
he can, violently or not.


If the players chose the Rise to Glory, plenty
of Renegades want a piece of them, including
Big Bads trusted lieutenant, Warcry, and the
players arent going to be leaving town so easily.
If they chose the Rise to Infamy, they are going
to be fighting their way out of the chaos they
have created as Warcry challenges Big Bad.
They might first receive veiled threats, followed
by a few friendly warnings from sympathetic
gang members, but once the players have the
Black Device - and with or without Eod - they
must plot an escape. The Black Device is kept in
a storage locker in the old Penn Station Transit
Police station, just above the train tunnels: it
can be gained legitimately by request or
illegitimately by theft. Several escape routes are
possible from here.
Escaping via the Hudson Tubes will take the
players out into the raider workshops of the
Hudson Yards, where they may head uptown
toward the Lincoln Tunnel which is heavily
guarded by Renegades, or downtown through
the Downtown Crater and eventually to the
Christopher Street HMR station, or westward
through the Hudson train tunnel itself under the
river toward Secaucus Junction, roughly an hour
long trek through darkened, possibly mirelurk or
abomination filled underground train tracks.
Whether by train tracks or by ruined asphalt
roads, stealing vehicles is also an option. If the
players successfully landed with Wrench in New
Salem, he can be called to Hudson Yards for air
support, but will radio the players and tell them
it isnt safe for him to land. Hell try to hold off
the Renegades for as long as possible.
Another option is to escape through the
subway tunnels themselves south into Gotham
Girls gang territory, but, this would require a
heavy fight through opposing gang members
who want a piece of their skin, and would then
mean fighting neighborhood by neighborhood
after that, in typical gang fashion.
Eventually, every gang in the Big Apple is
going to go for the bounty on the players heads.
The stipulation is that they are needed alive.
During the fighting, it is likely that Eod and

Exeter may be separated from the party. Given

the opportunity, Eod will take the Black Device
and head for the nearest tunnel out of the city.
Otherwise, he will aid the players only if they
promise to help him find the Lost Vault.
[SPOILER] One way or another, the
players should be captured, however long
that may take, and brought before Big Bad
himself in the Empire State Building on his
invitation. They will be taken through the gates
of K-Town and into the Empire State Buildings
upper lobby to the elevator to the 86th Floor.
The players are bound and brought through
the doors of the lobby toward the main radio
studio where Big Bad has his offices,
overlooking the ruined city below. Surrounding
him in each corner are hardened laser turrets.
He has the players restraints removed, orders
the guards out of the office, and begins to talk.
I just wanted a few words with the intrepid
trouble makers making me look bad. I want you
to look out there, look out on this city. What is it
that you see? Ruins? Do you know what I see?
An army. An army of the downtrodden, the
scum of the wasteland, the dregs that was left
over when humanity died. The Enclave, the
Brotherhood, the Institute, and now, this socalled Republic they cant compete with the
rats down below. It is a phenomenon which
obeys its own logic. Like a horde of rats, you can
kick them and throw stones at them, but despite
everything they will keep on gnawing at the
roots of the tree. The pimps, the hooligans, the
starving Wastelanders, the gang bangers, the
slavers and the slaves give them an enemy
and they will throw themselves into the struggle
for liberation. They wont become reformed,
quite the contrary, they know they can only take
what is theirs by switchblade and hand grenade.
All the hopeless dregs of humanity, who turn in
circles between suicide and madness, will
recover their balance, and go forward, and
march proudly in the great procession of an
awakened nation. Quite a dream. I thought so
once, but now who knows? Let me show you
something else, a little secret I have kept these
years, a little present left behind.

Big Bad then goes behind his desk and

presses a button, which slides open a false panel
in the wall, revealing a large, floor to ceiling
mainframe terminal interface. He presses
another button, and audio begins coming out of
the speakers nearby: Renegade Radio.
Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you
to The DJ, the Voice of the Big Apple.
As Big Bad explains, he grew up in the Big
Apple ruins, starving, running, scavenging. He
joined a gang, the usual petty shit. One day he
made it his goal to get here, to build something
out of the rubble. The radio station was here all
along, but he learned how to make it broadcast
again, and how to program messages. Soon,
raiders and gang members were flocking to the
radio signal, begging to join his gang, the
Renegades. And the first law he made when he
became the chief was: if you start shit, you get
ended, unless you started shit with someone
who was asking for it.
Well now, I guess I was asking for it. I can
accept that. It showed me that I just have more
work to do. Half of my people want to kill you,
the other half want to be you. Why am I telling
you this? Because I got no beef with you,
despite the trouble you caused. And maybe this
dream wont die with me. You know as well as I
do, you cant go back the way you came, any
more than I can. Theres a zip line youre going
to find in the room just past these doors. Itll
take you down to Washington Square I had
planned on using it myself one day, but looks
like that isnt gonna happen. Fight well, and die
with the enemys heart in your hand.
At this point, the players can ask him
whatever they want. The sound of gunfire
begins to be heard from the lobby, as rebel gang
members try to overthrow Big Bad. If the
players offer to stay, Big Bad will reply, You
think I want your asses here? Get out before I
change my mind and hand you over to the rats.
The doors to his office are blasted open and
a hail of gunfire erupts from outside, followed by
a steady of fire from Big Bads gatling laser
turrets in response. He advances toward the
door with a shotgun fired from the hip.

Once secured, the players find their packs

with their equipment ready to go, and an
incredible 1.2 mile long zip line from the 86th
floor of the Empire State Building down 5th
Avenue to the top of the Washington Arch in
Washington Square Park. The trip is relatively
safe and requires no rolls, but any Super
Mutants in the party will be advised to wait until
the end, and then must roll an Easy check
against their Luck to make sure the zip line does
not break on their descent.
The players will find themselves deposited on
the arch in the northern part of Washington
Square Park, now completely overrun by nearly
30 Super Mutants and Centaurs who have
fortified the parks central fountain and have
built small barricades, car forts and gore bag
storage areas in other areas of the park. There
is a good chance that the Super Mutants will
notice the players and open fire on the arch with
assault rifles, hunting rifles, and at least one
minigun. The arch begins taking damage and it
is clear the players will need to escape.
Players should make Easy to Average
perception rolls in the chaos to spot a Big Apple
Rangers scout to the west, waving them over.
The scout will pop off smoke grenades to cover
their retreat across the western section of the
park. The Big Apple Rangers have an
observation post at West 4th Street station, and
have been monitoring the situation in the park.
The scout was astounded at the sight of the
players coming down the zip line, but doesnt
ask questions about it. If they talk or ask for
directions west, Senior Ranger Bud Castoldi
says they can take the Hudson-Manhattan
Railroad Tunnel from Christopher Street west
under the river, but asks for a favor if they are
headed that way: he wants the players to place
several motion sensors with transmitters within
the Hudson Tunnels so that Rangers can detect
when Super Mutants are travelling the tunnels.
Faction prestige will increase as a result. [If the
players have negative karma by this point,
substituted for Big Apple Rangers].
While this is an obvious route to get out of
the Big Apple ruins, there are alternatives.

If Eod was separated from the party without

possessing the Black Device, he will rejoin the
characters near West 4th Street station,
along with Exeter, and will be extremely happy
to see them. He will ask about the Black Device,
but will not be overly concerned as long as he is
in the same party as those carrying it. He will
also offer to help with any Super Mutants they
might find in the tunnel: when Eod is with the
party from this point on, he can automatically
convince any normal Super Mutants or Super
Mutant Brutes that the players are either Super
Mutants themselves, or that they belong to him
as pets, or some other concocted story that
allows the party to pass by unchallenged.
Centaurs will respond to Eod as a domesticated
dog might to a human. However, a Super
Mutant Master will require a successful Speech
roll to convince. Super Mutant Behemoths will
attack on principle and cannot be persuaded.
If Eod was separated from the party while
carrying the Black Device, or the Black Device
was lost in the fighting, he will have taken it as
quickly as possible over the river on his own.
The players will then be met by Exeter at West
4th Street station, who will tell them that Eod
has gone off to find the Lost Vault on his own,
and asks them to help him find Eod. Exeter will
provide a one time bonus of +2 dice on all
Sneak rolls past Super Mutants and will detect
any traps along the tunnels leading west.
Alternatively, players can attempt to head
north toward the Lincoln Tunnel and George
Washington Bridge, or they can head south
toward Plank Village. Heading north, they will
find their way blocked either by Renegades or
by a new Renegade splinter faction, the
Heretics. Heading south will bring them to the
flooded section of Lower Manhattan, Little
China, Old City Hall, Ground Zero, and Plank
Village. If they make it there, they will be
confronted by Bill Tong, who will be happy to
see that they have abided by their end of the
bargain to deliver Eod and Exeter to him. He will
consider the deal done, taking Eod and Exeter
and giving them more than enough caps to hire
a ferry to wherever they want to go. Hell even
extend an invitation to come to Shanktown and
join the Slavers Guild, if the players so desire.

The players can always fight him on the spot,

but will likely have to fight against an entire
crew of slavers and raiders as well as any
residents of Plank Village caught in the crossfire.


The entrance to the Hudson River HMR
Tunnel is the old HMR station at Christopher
Street, littered with human skeletal remains and
broken Protectrons. It is obvious that Super
Mutants have been using this as an entry point
to the Big Apple ruins.
Eerily, faint songs emanate from dust
covered speakers, echoes of some long ago
activated PA system throughout the HMR
tunnels. You hear a female voice whisper Tall
and tan and young and lovely, the girl from
Ipanema goes walking and When she passes,
each one she passes goes... ah
During the brief nuclear exchange 225 years
ago, subway tunnels were used as temporary
fallout shelters. Calming music was piped
throughout the transit systems announcement
speakers, including The Girl From Ipanema,
Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head, Adios Au
Revoir Aufwiedersehn, and Simon Smith and His
Amazing Dancing Bear among other songs. The
source of the music has never been found, and
so it continues to haunt the tunnels and
maintenance chambers centuries later.
The players will encounter three separate
and equidistant checkpoints manned by Super
Mutants along the tunnels. With Eod, the first
two checkpoints pass without incident, as he
explains to the first, that the players are Super
Mutants disguised as pink skins, and at the
second, that they are his pets. After the second
checkpoint, they will reach a fork in the tunnels,
with one route leading north toward the
Flooded District and the other leading west
toward the Columbia Mall station. The way to
the Flooded District will require swimming part
of the way through radioactive water and
fighting the Feral Ghouls, Glowing Ones and
Ghoul Reavers in that area. An Endurance check
will also be required to swim out of the tunnel
through the station and to the surface.

The Columbia Mall station is the location of

the third Super Mutant checkpoint, this one
guarded by a Super Mutant Master, a Super
Mutant Brute, and several Super Mutants. The
Super Mutant Master will question Eod
suspiciously but players may make an Average
difficulty Speech check to aid him. At the game
masters discretion, particularly good role
playing on the part of players can be allowed
instead of a straight up dice check. On a failure,
they will have to fight their way through the
checkpoint. Exiting the station will bring them
out in front of the ghoul infested ruins of the
Columbia Mall, where a small outpost of
intelligent ghouls is building an army. The Mall is
completely enclosed by rubble, and inaccessible
except via the station entrance.
The way is clear toward the Grove Street
Station, but upon exiting, the players will find
themselves behind Super Mutant battle lines,
manning sandbag and rubble barricades blocking
off a fortified perimeter around Newark Avenue,
Grove Street, and Christopher Columbus
Boulevard. As the players exit, battle is raging
between raiders attacking the Super Mutants
from the west along Columbus and Newark.
Smoke can be seen coming from the distant
Dickinson High School on a far off hilltop.
Neither Super Mutants nor raiders will pay much
attention to the players if they decide to exit the
area without a fight.
The players should now be able to take some
time out in an old abandoned beer hall nearby to
make camp, recuperate, and plan for the next
phase of the adventure, heading toward the
point marked on the strange map, or for
whatever other steps they choose to take.
Plotting their path west will be a priority. By foot
from their present location, the trip could take
anywhere from 3-5 days, depending on the
terrain. They would need to Barter for supplies
for the trip as well. The closest friendly location
that fits the description is Big Rig Trucking.
Travel to Big Rig Trucking is uneventful.
While getting supplies, the player with the
highest Barter skill should make an Easy skill
check. A success would mean that player learns
of the existence of the Road Ragers at Nuka-

Cola Quantum Arena, in a settlement there

called Singularity, built up around a bar of the
same name. The Road Ragers are a neutral
Wasteland gang who ride the western highway
ruins on old Roadster motorcycles and Chrysalus
Motors hot rods. That would be the fastest way
to get that far west.
If the players have not yet called in a favor
from Wrench the Vertibird pilot in their escape,
they can contact him. It may take a little
convincing, but he would agree to fly down to
Big Rig Trucking, refuel, and take them to where
they need to go. If they have already called in a
favor, he will demand 5,000 caps as a retainer
for his services. He can be Bartered down by
50% on a Hard threshold Barter skill check.

[If the players have successfully called
in Wrench with his Vertibird, skip ahead to
the next section, TWO IF BY AIR.]
Whether they are pursuing Eod, going with
him, or going alone to find the Lost Vault, the
players can now set out westward.
Getting to Nuka-Cola Quantum Arena is
relatively easy, heading north on the Turnpike
and west along Route 280. Dozens of tribal style
tents surround the partially demolished stadium
that now sits like a horseshoe, open south to the
river. At night, the lights can be seen from the
Skyway and Turnpike ruins, gaudy strings of
holiday lights, lanterns and bonfires. The roar of
motorcycle engines and the revving of hot rods
can be heard as the players approach.
The settlement of Singularity is neutral but
amiably chaotic, a free town in all senses of the
word. Ex-raiders, Wastelanders and settlers
alike frequent the small town. The towns main
gang follows a raider by the name of Road
Rage who gives his blessing to the goings-on in
town, but most residents are primarily
interested in drinking and stinking, of which
there is plenty to be had. The town is like a
perpetual tailgate party from centuries before,
with plenty of chems, booze, guns and sex to be
bought and sold to anyone at all.

Upon reaching the outskirts, the players

should notice what look like raiders or slavers
far to the east moving along the railroad tracks.
They are on foot, but are accompanied by a type
of pre-War MRAP style armored military vehicle
with a DR of 10. A player with binoculars can
confirm that it appears to be Bill Tong is in the
turret of the vehicle, whether or not the players
made a deal with him previously.
If the players look for a place to buy
vehicles, they can talk to the Quartermaster.
If they attempt to steal vehicles from an area of
the encampment, they wont get far all of the
vehicles have cut off switches rigged, that must
be disabled by an ordered sequence of toggle
switches or buttons. The Quartermaster will in
either event an offer a deal. If they clear out a
Deathclaw from an automotive workshop to the
north, hell give them the vehicles they need.
The workshop has a metal lathe and some other
equipment of use to the gang. Players will gain
faction prestige from this success. In addition,
the Road Ragers promises to delay the slavers
until the players can get on their way.
Without the vehicles, the players face a long
road ahead, and will have to evade Bill Tong
repeatedly. If, by some means, the players
managed to kill Bill, the game master should
substitute him with one of his underlings.
With the vehicles, the players take off to the
west along the concrete canyons of Route 280,
with the slavers now in hot pursuit on their
armored vehicle and a few motorcycles. The
players should choose from the available
vehicles, including motorcycles, trucks, a school
bus, a Fusion Flea Supreme, a Corvega, or a
Nuka-Cola truck. Super Mutants will require a
truck or a bus of some kind.
When the players hit the Garden State
Parkway overpass in the East Orange ruins, a
group of raiders riding with either the
Renegades or the Heretics, depending on which
choices the players made, and lead by Warcry
herself, ambush them in a mobile assault.
The combined fight will be a chaotic one,
with slavers and raiders both trying to capture
the players. The highway has at least one lane

clear at all times the entire way up Route 280 to

Route 80, and then on Route 80 West.
The game master should make players
resolve frequent Pilot skill checks of varying
difficulty thresholds during the fight and chase.
On a failure, the players vehicle will become
unstable, and players will have to abandon it or
make a roll to recover control. If players are
ejected from a vehicle that crashes, they will
take 1D10 points of damage multiplied by each
10 miles per hour they were going, and must
roll to check for crippled limbs, with a single
crippled limb, torso or head on a roll of 7-10.
If the players have met Wrench, his Vertibird
will appear during the chase, strafing enemy
vehicles, beginning at the junction of Route 287
and Route 80. The highway will come to an
abrupt end in a junk barricade at Old Hope
Road, and the only exit will be to drive up an
embankment and head north on Old Hope Road
toward an abandoned mining quarry. At this
point, Wrenchs Vertibird will attempt to cover
the players if any raiders remain, but will be hit
by two surface to air missiles, and will spin
wildly out of control to crash land in the
abandoned quarry to the northwest.
Wrench can also bring his Vertibird in for a
landing at Big Rig Trucking. He seems incredibly
proud of his accomplishment in getting a
Vertibird airborne again, and has dressed
himself up like an old time aviator, complete
with white scarf, jumpsuit, googles and leather
aviators cap. After a quick replacement of Micro
Fusion Cells into the modified power coupling,
he tells the players that he is ready to take them
to the location on their map.
As they take off, one player should be
designated as co-pilot, and two players as door
gunners. All players should make Perception
rolls to spot events. The first Perception check
would spot Bill Tong and his slaver crew heading
west with an armored vehicle toward Big Rig
Trucking. A second check, upon crossing over
the Garden State Parkway, would detect
Warcrys gang of raiders to the north of Route
280. Other locations can be spotted as well.

Near the Morristown Ruins, however, a

sensor within the cockpit begins flashing red and
signaling an alarm. Wrench will shout out, We
got missiles incoming! He then flicks a toggle
switch several times. Damn, theres no counter
measures. You gotta try and shoot them down,
off our left side.
The players will then have a chance to make
a Hard or Very Hard called shot at one incoming
missile. If they succeed, they destroy the missile
as shrapnel hits the underside of the Vertibird.
The missile is being fired from a fort of some
kind located nearby, labelled Fort Nonsense on
their map. If they fail, the Vertibird begins to
lose altitude as the missile explodes in the air
next to their left engine.
Wrench will then shout that a second missile
is incoming, this time from the right side of the
aircraft. Again, the players will get a chance to
make a Hard or Very Hard called shot. If they
succeed, the missile is shot down, but shrapnel
hits the craft and Wrench says that an oil line is
damaged, and he needs to bring it down for
repairs. If they fail, the missile scores a direct
hit on the right engine, shredding it and sending
the Vertibird into an incontrollable spin.

If the players travelled by land, Exeter and
Eod will be very eager to head to the crash site
to rescue their old friend, up the road to the
north. They may drive there at once. If the
players refuse, Eod will become uncooperative
and will attempt to take the Black Device by
force and head west on his own.
If they travelled by air, Wrench has crash
landed the Vertibird in an abandoned mining
quarry east of Picatinny Arsenal. If they
destroyed the second missile, they safely land,
and Wrench will ask them to scavenge parts
from the base to repair the Vertibird. He will
need surgical tubing, scrap metal, and
Wonderglue or duct tape to fabricate a rotor cuff
housing for the Vertibird. He thinks they should
be found in the mining complex. Eod and Exeter
volunteer to stay behind and guard the Vertibird
while the players search a nearby workshop.

After they gather the parts, returning they

will find the Vertibird destroyed, Wrench dead,
and Exeter badly injured. He will explain that
Eod became increasingly agitated, then enraged,
and took the Black Device as he fled.
If the players failed to destroy the second
missile, the Vertibird falls like a brick from the
sky and smacks into the ground. All players take
2D10 damage, and are knocked unconscious.
They must also roll a die to check for crippled
limbs. On a 7-10, one of their limbs, torso or
head is crippled.
When they awaken, they find that Wrench
lies dead within the wreckage on a dusty ridge
on the western rim of an Abandoned Mining
Complex. Exeter survives, but if Eod is with
them, he has disappeared with the Black Device.
If the players drove to the location, they will
find the Vertibird crashed and in flames with
wreckage everywhere. A giant Radscorpion has
begun to investigate the crashed Vertibird. Eod
will seize the very first opportunity to slip away
and escape with the Black Device.
At the crash site, Exeter will pay his last
respects to his old friend Wrench. Players can
scavenge one of the mini-guns along with 1D10
x 10 5mm ammo, and a single unique skill book
entitled Vertibird Combat Flight Operations.
The skill book can be consumed by a single
player, and will give them the Vertibird Flight
Training perk. The players will also detect a
new radio signal broadcasting a recorded male
voice with a slight German accent:
Three Four Nine Fifteen Twenty Twentythree Twenty-four Twenty-five Twenty-nine
Forty-nine Fifty-three Fifty-four Fifty-five Fiftysix Fifty-eight Sixty Sixty-five Seventy-three
Seventy-nine Eighty Eighty-eight Ninety-three
Ninety-nine Message repeats <static> <repeat>
Exeter will say,
recognizes the voice.





His name was Domenick Blicero. A brilliant

researcher in both genetics and paranormal
psychology. I worked as a subordinate researcher of
his before the war, on a few smaller projects. He was
head of the organization known as PISCES, or
Psychological Intelligence Schemes for Expediting
Surrender or some such.


Wrench was one of our test pilots back then, and

I was a junior researcher on the base. He sighs. My
old friend... THE BASE OF COURSE! Fool, dont you
remember where you are? There! There it is, dont
you see? To the west He points toward a battered
steel security fence. Its there.

The abandoned quarry is directly east of the

ruins of Picatinny Arsenal, a major military
research and development base of the pre-War
US Army. As Exeter explains, many of the US
Armys hardware inventions were created here:
the first railguns, power armor, the first laser
weapons, a giant fighting robot prototype named
Liberty Prime and, importantly, the Vertibird.
The players should now realize that Eod has
vanished, and if they check, so has the Black
Device. Exeter will look concerned and announce
that this is most concerting, but not elaborate.
An Easy difficulty Survival check will show Super
Mutant sized tracks leading west into the
Arsenal perimeter.
Exploring Picatinny Arsenal will mean
engaging or avoiding US Army Sentry Bots, Mr.
Gutsys, and Eyebots that are still on automated
patrols. Only the main entrances are guarded by
hardened laser gatling turrets. Picatinny Arsenal
is divided into 9 different sections.
In addition to the sections described on
Page 63 in the Campaign Setting, the is also a
large radio relay tower, the Picatinny
Broadcast Tower, located on the western ridge
of the complex. A terminal located at the base of
the tower can be hacked with an Average
difficulty, and will reveal a second radio
message that is broadcasting on a different
frequency. The message is being broadcast in
the same voice, repeating:
Dog George King Able Dog Sail
Sail Charlie Mike Able Sail Easy Love
Jig George Nan Mike Charlie Sail Jig
Charlie Sail King Message repeats
The holotape journals of Capt. Domenick
Blicero can be found in the Picatinny North
Workshops area, unconcealed, within Bliceros
former office. Numerous prototype weapons and
equipment can also be salvaged, as well as
1D10 skill books from various workshops.

Bliceros Journals:
How auspicious that I begin my own endeavors in
earnest on the anniversary of our nations greatest
accomplishment, the first deployment of an atom
bomb over the skies of Japan more than a century
ago. The facilities are suitable, and should be patched
into the ABMB Control Network by weeks end. This
past winters hysteria regarding Barnetts projects
have been an unfortunate and childish obstacle, but
luckily enough my parallel research has a greater
degree of redundancy. We must continue to explore
this avenue of research or the Chinese will overwhelm
us by sheer numbers. It took us nearly a decade to
reclaim Alaska as is, and now we have the Canadians
to manage as well. The lack of urgency is palpable.

Forty-seven civilian volunteers have been
assigned to our clinical trials in return for clemency
related to offences during the civil unrest that swept
the country last year. Although not the optimal test
subjects, we can no longer rely on the effectiveness of
animal test subjects given the genetic dissimilarities
and the absence of critical subjective datayou try to
get a 400 pound chimpanzee to use sign language to
gauge its level of aggression and see where that gets
you. Barnetts notes have been incredibly useful... Ill
have to thank Dr. Anderson for them at the next
conference. The volunteers have been placed under
supervision of Dr. Jamf for the remainder of their

First round of tests have results in line with
expectations of efficacy of the FEV, but not of the
conductive vehicle of delivery, in these cases, radon
difluorides and radon hydrates. Airborne delivery is
absolutely essential for the effectiveness of this as an
inoculating asset against any Chinese advance into US
territory. New subjects are currently being assigned
from one of several internment camps near the
Poconos, although language may be an impediment in
the case of Chinese nationals.

Regrettably, our supply of civilian and Chinese
POW test subjects is rapidly being depleted through
attrition. However, we have asked for and been
assigned a number of military volunteers, a mix of 4F
designees and disciplinary cases. All have shown
good results, perhaps due to better indoctrination.
Whatever the case, we will focus on these.

What a wonderfully interesting predicament the
first of the month has brought us! It seems I have
attained a level of notoriety after all, although not
quite yet on the level of Major Barnett. ACHTUNG has
sent one of their agents right to my doorstep, one T.
Slothrop, clumsily appearing in the guise of a
volunteer suffering from PTSD its so utterly
transparent! I have assigned PISCES agent K.
Borgesius to shepherd our little Infant Tyrone through
a series of our own experiments, although I feel that
perhaps he may make a better test subject of a more
elegant and delicate experiment. Along with Katje.
Yes, that would be perfect, a veritable Adam and Eve
of this new world.

Have just refined quite successfully the genetic
algorithm to be applied to the implantable private key
(cover text) for the steganography cipher text. Will
have to follow up with Lazlo Jamf on progress with
subjects K. and T. regarding Pavlovian suggestion.

All is on schedule. Within next two days, will be
able to have K. and T. prepped for insertion of the
polymer solution with the steganographic vector.
Have already set numbers stations to automated
stand by with the suggestion message Dr. Jamf has
worked out.

Slothrop, T. & Borgesius, K., Case: unique,
asymptomatic FEV carrier, genetic steganography
recipient. Erikson, J., EOD EWS (USN), Case: FEV full
primary host. Ruiz, M., PFC (USA), Case: FEV full
primary host. Jacobson, R., CPL (USMC), Case: FEV
failed mutation, to be terminated pending lab work.

It seems that we have some other unwanted
interlopers. The Chinese fools I dealt with for the
weaponized dark matter schematics have apparently
been caught and are being interrogated by Prentices
group. Have noticed more new faces than usual. No
matter. Let them come, let them pry. Nothing that
they do will alter their fate.

FEV-B is complete. Dispersal via radon difluorides
in a fullerene adduct provides perfect stable and nonreactive agent. Tiny Bucky Balls, raining down from
above! Sending out teams at this moment to
distribute and load weaponized stock in missile

defense batteries. Nuclear armageddon is imminent:

the dreams of some impenetrable ballistic missile
shield are as tragic as the are nave. Our only hope of
survival is adaptation. This is our last hope as a
species, as a people, and as a nation.

K. and T. have gone. Tracking them, but with
orders to recover and extract only for the purpose of
safeguarding their DNA. They fled together in the
night, how poetic.

Der Schwarzgert is missing. Damn them.

The men cornered one of Prentices agents, but
he fled into a mine shaft and blew the tunnel taking
them with him. No sign of der Schwarzgert.

Leaving tomorrow. The entire base has already
evacuated. My men found T., have der Schwarzgert.
Appears undamaged from a lay persons perspective,
at least. Perhaps, should posterity require it, my own
actions will be understood as those of a true patriot;
require it, as there will be a time when we will require
great actions in line with the Principle of Maximizing
Risk, when we must do more than simply vow to
endeavor to persevere, and then and only then will
we be as free of the constraints of this earth as a
rocket at the apex of a parabolic arc in flight.

Relinquo ut his enim hie sed vindictam.

Searching the rest of Bliceros office will

additionally uncover a locked (Hard difficulty)
filing cabinet that contains manila folders with
photographs of a sexually explicit and sadistic
nature. Captain Blicero was depraved to the core
of his being, and was seemingly obsessed with
his subjects, T. Slothrop and K. Borgesius.
Additional maps reveal the exact coordinates
of the mine shaft mentioned in his holotapes, as
well as the location of T. Slothrops capture and
of the Control Vault itself.
Throughout the base, players will also find
references to other technologies and prototypes,
and may use the facilities to modify their own
equipment given a high enough Science skill.

The players may now decide how they want

to proceed. The Vertibird pad at the northern
end of the base is guarded by turrets and Sentry
Bots, but has a fully armed and equipped
Vertibird within a hangar, covered by an old tarp
(the ignition keys are hidden in the pilots flip
down windshield sun visor). There are also two
serviceable Humvee style all terrain jeeps near
the same hangar, but all of the other vehicles
are inoperable and unserviceable. They may also
explore the rest of Picatinny Arsenal, and can
get a good haul of weapons from the Armory,
but only on exceptional Lockpick or Science rolls
(Hard or Very Hard).
Exploring the Picatinny North Workshops,
players should find the holding cells where each
test subject was kept, including old uniforms,
personal effects (including a smiling, shirtless
picture of a handsome young sailor in tactical
fatigue pants and the letters E.O.D. tattooed
across his upper left chest.) They also find a
terminal that is still bootable. It contains a single
entry, an electronic mail message in the SENT
folder to the address [email protected]
with the following:
Meet at HDJs. Well bring the sauerkraut.
4050'4.60"N, 75 0'48.06"W
- Rocketman
deliberately evasive, and the genetic Pavlovian
trigger from the numbers station has sent him
on his mission to enter the Lost Vault with the
Black Device, and activate it. He will head north,
away from roads, and follow an old power line
tree cut west toward the Delaware River, just
north of the Old Mine. He will follow Old Mine
Road south before crossing the river at the old
Shawnee Inn before heading directly south
toward the Lost Vault. He is heading on foot, so
players should have time to pursue other leads
without losing him. Regardless of how long it
takes, the players should always arrive at the
Lost Vault precisely after he has just entered
and resealed the Vaults entrance.
The players can explore the wilderness to
the west, including Lake Hopatcong, or pursue
the leads they have by going to the coordinates.

Pursuing the coordinates will bring them south

along old Route 46, to Hot Dog Johnnys.
The old hot dog and burger stand was a
favorite of pre-War motorcycle clubs and others,
and was famous for serving tankards of
buttermilk along with its hot dogs. Old billboards
should still be present along Route 46 leading to
the site. There is a main building with a dining
counter, a large parking area, restrooms, and a
swing set with a sign that says, CHILDREN
Within the restroom, the players will find
skeletal remains with blood encrusted dog tags
for SLOTHROP, TYRONE, and a diary holotape:
Hard to believe, maybe old Teddy was right.
Some things maybe arent meant to be understood.
Jess, Roger, or anyone from ACHTUNG Blicero was
the mole, but hes fooled us and the Chinese. The FEV
-B, the Black Device, the crazy numbers stations - all
him. Hes gone mad, equipped the missiles with the
strain hes concocted to turn everyone in the Big
Apple into his God damned science experiment. Hes
gone to the Control Vault of his with the Device, the
fascist bastard, to Rocket 00000. [Sigh] Im not going
to survive this. The elegance of it, a perfect Poisson
distribution, with me as the key, playing out a
pattern. A living key. Not for long. Some day maybe
my bones will be of more use than I was, for Katje,
for the rest. This world is dying. I can see the death
around me already. Take what you need. Leave me.

Upon leaving the main building, the players

will be confronted with a sizable force of power
armor clad Brotherhood Outcasts, with weapons
raised, but who insist they merely wish to talk to
the players. If the players agree, they will give
instructions to follow them south to their
encampment to speak with their commander.
The players will be lead to the village of
Tesla, a newly built camp in the ruins of an old
Tilcon mining complex. Their commander is
Brotherhood Outcast Defender Rosa Cheng,
who will invite the players to a briefing in
progress in a nearby command tent. An Outcast
scout is delivering a report of several patrols
being ambushed and destroyed by IEDs placed
for them, and other reports of a Super Mutant
with a piece of metal on his head as the culprit.

The Outcasts radio technician has also

reported a previously dormant radio relay
station at nearby Oxford Mountain coming
online the day before, broadcasting both
numbers stations messages in sequence. And
there are currently reports from Outcast
listening posts across the region of heavier than
normal Super Mutant activity, as one report put
it: As if all Super Mutants have suddenly begun
abandoning their positions at sites around the
Big Apple Wasteland and heading for Oxford
Mountain. Rosa Cheng will carefully gauge the
players reactions, but will then ask Scout
Commander Bidrohi to give his report.
The Scout Commander will gravely confirm
that they observed the Super Mutant in question
enter the main doors of the Lost Vault the day
before. They had believed the doors to be
impossible to open, and had not been able to
pursue as the doors remained inoperable after
the Super Mutant had entered.
Rosa Cheng will thank the scout commander,
and will state that all Outcasts not on the senior
expedition council are dismissed. Only Scout
Commander Bidrohi, Scribe Commander Avalon,
and Defender Rumble remain. Rosa Cheng will
then turn to the players and say, And now, you
arrived. And I dont believe in coincidences.
She will ask them, sincerely, to explain just
what is going on and how all of this is all
connected. If the players are interested in
cooperating, she will be very helpful, and offer
any assistance at all in unraveling the events.
Avalon will also be an asset, and will provide two
separate holotapes they found while on patrol,
one from R. Mexico and one from J. Swanlake.
Defender Rumble will offer to train any player
who wants how to use Outcast Power Armor,
and will be able to supply the players as well.
If the players are uncooperative, she will
sound extremely disappointed, but will give
them a warning not to interfere in Brotherhood
of Steel operations, and will then ask them to
leave. Scout Commander Bidrohi will meet them
as they are leaving and beg them to reconsider.
Any further encounters will be hostile, including
if they try to access the Lost Vault on their own.

R. Mexicos holotape was found in an

abandoned and sealed off mine shaft, excavated
by a scout patrol who found a radio transponder.
The beacon was broadcasting a message in
MX 00000 K and contained skeletal remains
dressed in a civilian suit and hat alongside a
9mm pistol, a small lantern, and diary holotape.
Well, thats it then, isnt it Roger old boy. This old
mine shaft now my tomb. If Im lucky. There may be
a way out the other side but there is damned all it will
matter soon if Im right. Slothrop, poor bastard, they
got him before I arrived at Hot Dog Johnnys, lucky I
got away when they spotted me, lucky I remembered
this place on the old maps, lucky lucky Roger. Now I
blew the entrance keeping them out, and poof, all my
lucks run out. Maybe poor old Swanlake will pick up
this radio signal, figure out the control sequence, be
able to override the firing sequence and make sure
the damned missile batteries actually defend the city
instead of turning it into some crackpots personal
army. But shes got to get the device again first. Turn
the dial, reset to zeros, keypad in the code sequence,
patch it in, like hot wiring a car, remember? Give her
a day or two. Keep an ear peeled. Sit tight. [Sound of
pistol slide action] That a boy.

The second diary holotape was among a

cache of technological artifacts a patrol had
managed to recover from a tribal village called
Red Oak during a raid, some 30 miles to the
east in the Great Swamp.
Its over. Everything. The World. The End. What
more can I say? We could see the mushroom clouds
as soon as we left the Control Vault.
I had placed a transponder on Bliceros Vertibird,
and drove like hell to get there. Too late for Tyrone.
When I saw Katje there, I wanted to blow her brains
out, but I stopped. She was crying. She had on some
level truly loved him. I dont blame her for wanting
revenge. They had both been usedtortured,
experimented on, abusedand that was it. We got
Rogers message, Katje got us into the Vault. We
ripped the device out and barely got out with our
lives. I swear I could hear that fucking sadist scream
as we slipped out the emergency exit. Or maybe it
was the screams of all those poor bastards, the Vault
residents, lined up outside the main gate. I almost
wanted to tell them: death out here is a better fate


than a life lived as one of Bliceros sado-masochistic

test subjects.
We had the device. He was locked inside. Good
guys win, right? He couldnt execute his depraved
Final Solution, but it meant those missile batteries
stayed silent, and death came raining down.
The End. For everyone.
So we headed east, to see what was left. We
scavenged medical supplies along the way as the
black rain fell, between the two of us probably the
best trained, best prepared special operatives in all of
this new wasteland. We found a small group of
refugees who had fled into the woods, at a place
called Red Oak Farm near the Great Swamp. I
couldnt go any further. I might be useful here. I
might save even a few people. Katje wouldnt. She
insisted that we keep going east, and went on about a
Vault she knew of from Vault-Tec records Blicero
kept that had never been assigned an Overseer. That
was her plan: go there, become Overseer of her own
Vault. Live out the rest of oblivion that way.
Not me. Ive toyed with other peoples lives
enough. We never found Roger. Convinced hes dead.
That stupid optimism in the face of everything being
completely and totally fucked up? I could really use
that right now. Goodbye Roger. I love you.

[SPOILER] For the diary above, if any player is

a Vault Dweller, they will so happen to be a
direct descendant of the first Vault Overseer,
one Katje Borgesius. If two or more players are
Vault Dwellers, only one will be a descendent.


By this point, it should become readily
apparent that Eod intends to set into play all of
the events of the past, thwarted by Jessica
Swanlake and Katje Borgesius 225 years prior.
Having been created by Blicero from the FEV-B,
Eod is able to control the Lost Vault. And in turn,
the Lost Vault itself and the genetic imperative
to launch the missiles in turn controls him.
The players should suit up and prepare for
battle shoulder to shoulder with the Brotherhood
Outcasts, or, in spite of them as a massive
Super Mutant army is converging 2 miles from
their location, and 12 miles from the Lost Vault.


Getting to the Lost Vault will require racing

north along Route 46 to the river crossing at the
Columbia Bridge, and from there, northwest to
the Vault. If the players have a Vertibird, they
can fly there, but will endure heavy small arms
and missile fire, requiring active counter
measures and an air assault. The Outcasts will
send ground forces northwest, leaving a small
holding force behind to hold off the Super
Mutants coming from Oxford Mountain.
If the players can make it to the doors of the
Lost Vault, opening those doors will require
either Tyrone Slothrops bloody dog tags, or a
player with the same genetic markers as Katje
Borgesius. Regardless of how they left off with
the Outcasts, the Outcasts will still do their best
to hold off the Super Mutant assault on the Lost
Vault as the players disable it.


The players and Brotherhood should meet
fierce resistance on their way to the Lost Vault,
located at
75 9'36.27"W.
Although only 15 miles away, the players should
encounter two major Super Mutant makeshift
barricades already in place and several small
ambushes. Other Super Mutants should be seen
flocking to the area, most coming from the
southwest. If the players tune in to the numbers
stations, they will only hear a shrill ringing tone.
Super Mutants will also attempt to blow up
any bridges leading across the Delaware River.
They will have to fight to secure whichever
bridge they cross. If the players attempt to
attack the Lost Vault from the south, they will
have to overcome heavy Sentry Bot and Super
Mutant resistance to do so, roughly three for
However, a successful Hard Survival or Sneak
roll, or an Easy Perception roll by any Tribal
player, will reveal a hidden path to the north
along the old Appalachian Trail that provides
cover for the players to sneak around any
guards toward the entrance to the Lost Vault.
The Lost Vault sits on a deadwood ridge
overlooking the ruins of Stroudsburg to the
north, the entrance hidden north of an old radio

broadcast building and tower, set into the hill as

a shielded bunker entrance. When the players
arrive, read the following:
You have arrived. Before you stands the Lost
Vault, a brownish red steel and reinforced
concrete bunker, covered in moss and vines, set
into the north face of a deadwood studded ridge.
You can see no Vault door controls anywhere
from the outside, except for a small round port
inset into the steel curtain of the bunker, with
faded red arrows on four sides, pointed inward.
Once there, the Brotherhood Outcasts will
arrive if they were not part of the players
group. Rosa Cheng will tell the players that her
Brotherhood Defenders can hold off the Super
Mutants if they can get inside and disable the
Black Device thats her primary concern at
the moment. The players will need to find a way
to enter through the main gates (either having
discovered that the Vault Dweller is a
descendant of Katje or having recovered Tyrone
Slothrops dog tags, covered in his blood, and
therefore, DNA) by inserting their hand or the
dog tags into the scanner port. The emergency
exit mentioned in the holotapes is overgrown
with tanglethorn, and can only be spotted on a
Very Hard Perception or Survival roll.
You insert (your hand | Slothrops dog tags)
into the port and a red light scans from back to
front and back again. After some whirring
sounds, a small button lights up red, then
changes to green. It reads, ENTER.
The bunkers blast doors open up onto a long
utility tunnel leading to conventional Vault
doors, controlled by a panel. The blast doors can
be locked and sealed behind them, just as Super
Mutants begin assaulting the Brotherhood
Outcasts taking up positions outside. The Vault
door has the Vault-Tec symbol, but no number.
Opening it will reveal a standard Vault entrance
chamber, with a dirty glass partition to the north
and internal Vault doors leading East and West.
Upon entering, red emergency lights on a
revolving fixture will activate, but no sirens or
alarms will sound. There are no inorganic
defenses in the main entrance area.





partition, you see a massive chamber, filled with

banks of computer terminals, mainframe
cabinets, and chairs for computer operators. And
dominating the center of the chamber is an
enormous black and white checkered rocket, at
least 45 feet tall, which appears to be prepping
for launch with fuel lines running toward it. You
see Eod far below, flipping toggle switches on
big terminal monitors along the far wall, dozens
of them, before disappearing from view behind
the rocket itself.
To the East are the Vaults living quarters.
On the 1st Level, players will enter the
Gymnasium, guarded by two Protectrons and
two Mr. Gutsys. Stairs to the East lead to a
corridor to the 2nd Level Enlisted Quarters.
Two more Mr. Gutsys and two Centaur
abominations will defend the rooms of the
Enlisted Quarters, which consist of footlockers,
military fatigues, personal items and bunk beds.
A north exit leads to stairs to the 3rd Level
Officers Quarters, which consist of private
rooms and are defended by a Sentry Bot and
two Protectrons. Players can find a few small
energy cells, a laser pistol, and some stimpacks,
but will also find in one footlocker a blue
passcard with the name E. POINTSMAN
stamped on it. A Small Turret defends the exit of
each of the levels.
To the West are the Vaults utility areas, laid
out in a mirror fashion to the East wing. On the
1st Level is a Repair Workshop, guarded by a
Mr. Gutsy, two Eyebots, and a one-armed
Sentry Bot without missiles. The 2nd Level is a
Mess Hall, and is defended by a Tough Mr.
Gutsy (Mr. Choppy) in a chefs hat and apron
with double the regular hit points, but wielding a
chefs knife, a meat cleaver and a flamethrower,
who also speaks in cooking puns. The 3rd Level
is a Science Lab, and is home to a very irate
Glowing One wearing a white lab coat. The
Glowing One holds a yellow passcard with the
name L. JAMF stamped on it. A Small Turret
defends the exit of each of the levels.
The exits of both levels feed into a main
hallway at the rear of the Vault behind the main
launch chamber. The entry door has three key
slots, blue, yellow and green, and a lever.

The doors to the main launch chamber open

onto a small set of stairs leading up between
two massive banks of computer terminals up to
the main floor. At the center of the chamber is a
silo with an elevator platform that has raised the
rocket to its vertical launching position within
the chamber. Steel scaffolding surrounds and
supports the Rocket, with stairs and ladders
leading to different platforms at launch points.
Eod can be seen at the top of the
scaffolding, and as the players arrive, he
presses a large green button on a handheld
control pad. At that moment, a deafening
through the chamber, and parts of aluminum
beams and debris begin to fall from the ceiling.
Giant gears turn in the walls of the old complex,
and the ceiling itself starts to tear wide open as
reinforced steel launch bay doors nearly 30
feet in diameter slide open revealing the sky
above. Once the launch bay is open, Eod takes
up a position at the top of the scaffolding and
shouts down to the players.
no stopping this now. Everything is already in
play. I know why I was put here, I know what
has happened. I WAS CREATED FOR THIS
MOMENT. All of my life, I have been wandering
this Wasteland, searching for a purpose. This is
my purpose. Look at the monitors behind you
Behind them, two full banks of monitors
display images on 12 screens each. The first
screen shows the Control Vaults launch
chamber, from a camera near the glass partition
now above and opposite the players. The others
display what appear to be other launch sites at
various stages of readiness.

Eod then begins to desperately open a

compartment on the upper section of the
Rocket. The Black Device is nowhere to be seen.
If the players try to engage Eod, he will throw
frag grenades back at them. If they manage to
scale the ladders and metal scaffolding to fight
him, only one player at a time will be able to
engage him in melee, and he will fight back
swinging a large rocket engine component he
found on the scaffolding.
A launch sequence has begun ticking down
as steam and exhaust begin to blast out of the
Rocket, and from the Nike missiles in the
monitors below. To find and disable the Black
Device, a player must not be fighting Eod, and
must be actively looking for it. It can be found
with an Easy Perception roll, connected beneath
the main terminal controls for launch. A player
may try to disable it in one of three ways:
1. Science: the player must make a Hard
difficulty Science check to get to a prompt
allowing them to disable the launch sequence or
trigger a self-destruct command. This will cause
the missiles to retract back into their launchers,
or to detonate immediately on their launch pads.
2. Repair: the player must make a Hard
difficulty Repair check to get inside the
electronics compartment and short out the relay
issuing the sequence pulse to the missile bases.
This will cause the missiles to detonate on their
launch pads immediately.
3. Luck: the player will have to roll a Hard
difficulty Luck check if they decide to simply
yank the Black Device from its socket. If they
succeed, the missiles retract into their launchers
and the sequence ends. If they fail, the launch
sequence continues normally.
Alternately, if the players have guessed that
00000 is the command code, they will be
prompted to enter it on the terminal, and may
then issue commands disabling the launch or
starting a self-destruct sequence.
If Eod sees the players attempting to disable
the launch sequence and is not being attacked
aggressively, he will begin throwing heavy
rocket engine components and tools at the
players near the terminal.



The fight within the launch chamber of the
Lost Vault has several outcomes, described in
more detail below:
The players fail to stop Eod from
launching the missiles. If the players dont
make it to the launch chamber, if Eod is able to
defeat them, or if the players fail to disable the
launch codes, then the following will happen:
Eod will open a compartment on the Rocket,
revealing the skeletal remains of a human in a
black military uniform seated in a capsule. Eod
will throw the capsule to the ground and take its
place in the Rocket as it blasts
off from its launcher. Over the
PA system, players may hear
the song, Someones Rocking
My Dream Boat by the Ink
pl aying
background as programmed
launch music. Players must
u si n g
al l
remaining APR to do so, or
will take 5D10 damage from
launch exhaust.
On monitors behind them,
they will see the rockets of
the Nike Missile batteries
launch toward the Big Apple
ruins from every direction.
The missiles contain warheads
filled with FEV-B that will rain
down on the Wasteland,
killing all Pure Strain Humans
and mutating all Wasteland Humans into Super
Mutants. The Lost Vault is overrun.
sequence, but do not stop Eod from
blasting off in the Rocket. The players have
managed to stop the launch sequence, either by
hacking or damaging the terminal or removing
the Black Device successfully. The Nike missiles
either return to their silos or explode harmlessly
on their launch pads. As soon as this occurs, Eod
will climb into the Rocket, throwing the capsule
out, and blasting off into the stratosphere.
Rosa Cheng will enter the launch chamber

with Brotherhood Outcasts and tell the players

that the remaining Super Mutants have been
scattered when the launch sequence was
broadcasting, and the Super Mutants dispersed
on their own. She offers them honorary status
within the Brotherhood of Steel (Outcasts).
The players stop the launch sequence
and prevent Eod from blasting off in the
Rocket by killing him. If the players disable
the sequence, the only way to prevent Eod from
blasting off in the Rocket is by killing him. His
lifeless body falls from the scaffolding. If Exeter
is with the players, he will go by Eods body,
shaking his head, and not speak.
Players can shut down
the Rocket from controls within
its launch compartment. The
capsule holds the mortal remains
of Domenick Blicero, and a note
that reads: AESTUS AMOREM
Rosa Cheng will enter and
deliver the message that the
Super Mutants have been
defeated and will offer the
players honorary Brotherhood
status, but will be followed by
Brotherhood Outcast scribes and
defenders to secure the site, as
well as the Rocket, for study. At
this point, the players may try to
persuade Rosa Cheng to either
seal and abandon this bunker
(Good karma), grant them the option of salvage
rights to this bunker, letting them use the Vault
as a base of their own once it has been stripped
commanders of any Brotherhood Outcast forces
stationed here for research (Evil karma). She
will agree to this if a Hard difficulty Speech or
Barter check succeeds, with Karma modifiers.
Exeter will leave without asking for any
reward, and will mention traveling to Z-Town.
The Black Device appears non-functional, but
with the right amount of study devoted to it,
perhaps not THE END.


Authors note

I would like to thank my wife, Stefanie, for

putting up with my long hours typing away at
this, and for her own ideas and suggestions that
inspired my creativity.

Before I close this out, I would also like to

thank the people who supported and continue to
support the Fallout PnP project started by J.E
Sawyer and contributed to by Jason Mical,
among others. Many factors influenced my own
work in a very different direction.

Also, my cats, Bear, Squire and Count

Rugen, for being lazy and fluffy and keeping me
company by my computer while I wrote.
Thanks to all of my play testers, who I hope
to continue our adventures with soon: Andrew,
Jessica, Val, Brian, Josh, and Dan. And to my
friend Darren for his insight and in-game voices.
Special thanks to all the creators at
Bethesda Softworks, who continue to put out
great and fun games, and to the memory of
Adam Adamowicz, whose concept art for Fallout
provided immense inspiration for this work.
And a great big thanks to anyone who loves
pen and paper role playing as much as video
games, keeping the medium alive, innovative,
and fun with a sense of community.
Keep having fun.


First and foremost, there was never any

intent on my part to create a for-profit version
of this game. Reading about the Fallout Pen and
Paper d20 experience and subsequent legal
action was enough to make me decide to work
under Fair Use protections by offering this as a
transformative, wholly non-commercial work,
with credit given where credit was due.
Second, as a former old school role-player, I
feel that the game mechanics of a combined d20
and percentile system are just too cumbersome,
and often create a situation where math
supplants storytelling. I have tried to find a
more simplified balance, with ready-to-play
rules that can be mixed and matched as needed.

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