Annotated Bibliography

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Khoa Nguyen
Engl 102
Mrs. Johnson
11 November 2013
Proposal and Thesis
Over the past few decades, with the rapid expansion of industrialized countries, global
demands for energy have been accelerated beyond our wildest expectations. As a matter of
course, scientists from many nations have been seeking alternative energy sources in order to
satisfy the growing thirst of power. Since nuclear energy was introduced as a promising source of
power that can satisfy power demands, many fierce controversies has been sparkled surrounding
the use of nuclear power. Some advocate that nuclear power can provide energy on large scale
without emit excessive amount of greenhouse gasses, contribute largely to the combat with
global warming. Others believe that it is risky and unwise to ignore the lurking danger of nuclear
power. Although it is arguable nuclear power encompasses obvious benefits, nuclear power
should not be considered as the ultimate answer to resolve worlds energy crisis.

Tentative Outline
I. Brief history of nuclear power
A. From 1939 to 1945, most development was focused on the atomic bomb.
B. After 1945, nuclear power was taken advantages for naval propulsion and for making
C. Since 1956, the prime objective has been shifted to the technological evolution of reliable
nuclear power plants.
II. Oppose advantages of nuclear power as claimed by advocators

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A. Nuclear power plants do not emit a large amount of greenhouse gasses, helping reduce
the effect of global warming.
1. Though nuclear reactors do not release greenhouse gasses, the process of mining
uranium does emit greenhouse gasses.
2. The by-products of uranium process are highly radioactive, imposing extremely
harmful effects on animals and surrounding environment.
B. Can create power on a large-scale with cheaper power bills as compared with other forms
of energy
1. The funds which are used for constructing, maintaining plants, storing nuclear wastes,
and retaining and training skilled labors must be added to the real costs.
2. Once all the costs have all been added up, nuclear energy might not be entirely cost
effective than other alternatives.
C. Nuclear power plants are safe
1. The recent incident in Japan weakens the claim.
2. Radioactive wasted created in nuclear reactors can be used to create atomic bomb,
threatening worlds peace.
III. Focusing on renewable sources of energy
A. Renewable energy technologies are clean sources of energy that have a much lower
environmental impact than conventional energy technologies.
B. Renewable energy fuels are vast and inexhaustible
C. It is A More Reliable and Resilient Energy System
Annotated Bibliography

Burgess, Joanna. 10 Pros and Cons of Nuclear Power. Discovery. Discovery Channel, n.d.
Web. 6 May 2013.

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In this article, many features of nuclear power are scrutinized carefully in order to compare its
effectiveness and safety to other sources of energy. This article contains no personal judgment of
the author on nuclear power, making this article purely a informative article that provides an
overview regarding advantages and disadvantages of this nuclear energy. Data extracted from
this article can be used for both argument and counter argument ideas, rendering this paper far
more objective as well as fair.

Cohen, Bernard. Risk of Nuclear Power. Physics Department at Idaho State
University, n.d. Web. 6 May 2013.

The article of Cohen, physics professor at the University of Pittsburg, centers on a distinctive and
indeed, risky characteristic of nuclear fuel that is radioactivity. As explained by the author, the
risks associated with nuclear power arisen from health effect of radiation, which consists of
subatomic particles that can travel at the speed of light, penetrating deep inside human body. As a
result, human biology cells are seriously damaged, triggering fatal diseases such as cancer. This
article is best support for the notion of how hazardous nuclear energy is.

Marshall, Brain, Robert, Lamb. How Nuclear Power Works. Howstuffworks., n.d. Web. 9 November 2013.

Written from an overall perspective, this particular article is a summary of nuclear power. It not
only describes operating principles of nuclear power, but also gives an overview of advantages

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and disadvantages of nuclear power. Famous historical nuclear catastrophes as well as the recent
one that has been happening in Japan are also mentioned in this article to emphasize the
dangerous side of nuclear power. However, this article does not refuse the fact that there are
apparent benefits of nuclear power on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, contributing much in
the battle with global warming.

Physicians for Social Responsibility. Dirty, Dangerous and Expensive: The Truth about Nuclear
Power. PSR Physicians for Social Responsibility, n.d. Web. 23 October 2013.

This article focuses mainly on negative effects of nuclear power, concluding with suggestions to
focus our resources on researching and expanding renewable sources of energy as well as
improving power conservation efficiency. The author considers these suggestions as the ultimate
and safe resolutions to the persistent lack of energy instead of using nuclear energy, which is
dangerous and inefficient. Each disadvantages of nuclear power are supported by evidence and
figures, making this a powerful counter - arguments article.

Strickland,Eliza. Explainer: What Went Wrong in Japan's Nuclear Reactors. IEEE Spectrum, 16 Mar, 2011.Web. 10 May 2013.

Having done much research, the author of this article has created a relatively complete report on
the nuclear energy catastrophe occurred in Japan in 2011, in which result in a releases of
radioactive materials into the atmosphere. Not only summarizes major events of the crisis, the
author also gives an insight analysis of the causes of this catastrophe, helping those who

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concerned understand what happened in this particular nuclear reactors. Although aftermath
stemming from this disaster is mentioned, the author did not express any opinion to oppose as
well as support the use of nuclear power.

World Nuclear Association. Outline History of Nuclear Energy. World

Nuclear Association, June 2010 Web. 10 November 2013.

This is a summary of the discovery and development of nuclear power as of 2010, in which a
major fatal nuclear accident happened in Japan in 2012 is not recorded. This article is merely a
summary without any direct opinion for and against nuclear power. It solely condenses major
events regarding nuclear energy and organizes them along with continuous timeline which makes
it easier to look up information. Despite the lack of information after 2010, this article still
proves to be a useful source for researching on the topic.

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