Low Dose Ketamine

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How do you use ketamine in your practice of

emergency medicine?

Low Dose Ketamine...Everything?

Craig Smollin MD
Associate Medical Director,
California Poison Control Center, SF Division
Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine, UCSF

Is there more than anecdotal evidence to

the use of low dose ketamine?

Procedural sedation in children? Adults?

Induction agent for RSI?
Treatment of pain
Control of the agitated patient


History and pharmacology of ketamine

Anesthetic vs. sub-anesthetic doses of ketamine
Clinical scenarios and evidence

taken from Saturday Morning Breakfast



The history of ketamine starts with PCP

1958: Phencyclidine (PCP) introduced into

clinical anesthesia

The history of ketamine starts with PCP




Anesthetic effects attributed to NMDA

receptor antagonism

Hallucinations, confusion, and delirium led

to its discontinued use in humans

Ketamine History

1962: Ketamine synthesized by Stevens
1965: Ketamine trials in humans. Most
promising of 200 different PCP derivatives
1970: Ketamine released for clinical use in


Mechanism of action

NMDA Receptors

Complex pharmacology

Neurotransmitter glutamate
Glutamate released with noxious peripheral stimuli
Activation of NMDA receptors associated:

Non-competative NMDA receptor antagonist

Dissociative Dosing

Neuropathic pain
Reduced opioid sensitivity.

What is low-dose Ketamine?




Time to peak

Duration of


1.0 mg/kg

< 1 min

3-5 min

5-10 min


2-4 mg/kg

2-5 min

20 min

30 min


5 mg/kg

10 min

20 min

1 hour

Poorly defined as

0.1 - 0.6 mg/kg IV

0.5 - 1.0 mg/kg IM (reference below)
0.5 mg/kg IN

70 kg male doses between 7 to 40 mg IV


Clinical Scenario #1

Why even consider?

May provide effective analgesia

Can be given by a number of different routes
Airway responses are protected
Minimal cardiovascular effects
Rapid onset, short duration of action, titratable

A 13 year-old female with no sig

PMH presents to the ED with a
left arm deformity after a
skateboard accident. Exam is
significant for an obvious
deformity above the right elbow.
The patient is neurovascular
intact distal to the injury site.
She is crying and reports 9/10

Ketamine for acute pain - Evidence

Ketamine for acute pain - Evidence
Gurnani A. et al. Analgesia for acute musculoskeletal
trauma: low-dose subcutaneous infusion of ketamine.
Anaesth Intensive Care 1996 Feb; 24(1): 32-6

Prospective cohort study in prehospital setting

27 patients
Rx groups: Morphine vs. Morphine + ketamine
Pain scores lower in morphine/ketamine group
Blood pressure was high in morphine/ketamine group

Conclusion: Morphine + LDK provides adequate

pain relief in patients with bone fractures

40 adults with acute musculoskeletal trauma

SQ ketamine 0.1 mg/kg/hr vs IV Morphine 0.1 mg/kg
Pain relief better with ketamine (VAS)
Patients in ketamine group had less drowsiness and
were easier to mobilize (traction/splinting)
Nausea and vomiting in morphine group high
No pts in ketamine groups required supplemental


Ketamine for acute pain - Evidence

Ketamine for acute pain - Evidence

Gurnani A. et al. Analgesia for acute musculoskeletal
trauma: low-dose subcutaneous infusion of ketamine.
Anaesth Intensive Care 1996 Feb; 24(1): 32-6

Conclusion: Subcutaneous ketamine safe and

effective analgesia in acute musculoskeletal trauma

Ketamine for acute pain - Evidence

65 trauma patient with acute pain

IV morphine injection of 0.1 mg/kg, followed by 3 mg
every 5 hours
Placebo (saline) or ketamine 0.2 mg/kg over 10
Ketamine group required much less morphine
Ketamine group higher incidence of neuropsych side

Intranasal ketamine for pain?

Conclusion: Low dose ketamine reduced morphine

requirements but with higher neuropsych side effects

Case series of 40 patients with

mod to severe pain
IN ketamine 0.5 mg/kg initial bolus
IN ketamine 0.25 mg/kg single
repeat dose prn
Objective pain measurements


Intranasal ketamine for pain?

Intranasal ketamine for pain?

Conclusion: IN ketamine provides rapid, well-tolerated

and clinically significant analgesia in ED patients

Intranasal ketamine?

Intranasal ketamine for pain?

Prospective, randomized controlled equivalence

Children with isolated musculoskeletal limb injury
Rx groups: IN ketamine (1 mg/kg) vs IN fentanyl
(1.5 ug/kg)
Outcome = median change in pain scores
Awaiting results....


Clinical Scenario #1

A 13 year-old female with no sig PMH

presents to the ED with a left arm
deformity after a skateboard accident.
Exam is significant for an obvious
deformity above the right elbow. The
patient is neurovascular intact distal
to the injury site. She is crying and
reports 9/10 pain.

Clinical Scenario #1

Several small studies suggest

efficacy in this setting

Intranasal route is compelling

May obviate need for close
respiratory monitoring

More studies are needed

Ketamine for acute pain - Evidence

Clinical Scenario #2

A 35 year old male with h/o IV heroin

abuse presents with a left deltoid
abscess. Exam sig for a 10 x 7 cm
left lateral deltoid abscess. He
complains of 10/10 pain and will
barely allow you to touch his arm. He
screams out in pain when the nurse
attempts to place an IV. Home meds
include methadone 120 mg daily. He
is given a total of 4 mg of dilaudid
without improvement in pain. How
would you continue to manage of this

2 year retrospective review of pts receiving ketamine in the

LDK defined as < 0.6 mg/Kg for pain control
35 cases identified
Most common use was abscess
Chronic pain medication use described in 80% of cases
Low dose ketamine improved pain in 54% of cases


Ketamine for acute pain - Evidence

Conclusion: ED physicians used low dose ketamine

primarily in patient with high opiate tolerance

Evidence in opiate tolerant patients?

Randomized, double blind study design

Rx groups: Ketamine 0.1 mg/kg vs Placebo
Both groups received intermittent doses of remifentanyl
during the procedure
Ketamine group required lower doses of opiates and had
improved pain scores.

Evidence in opiate tolerant patients?

Conclusion: Preemptive bolus dose of ketamine has

opiate sparing effects in opioid abusers undergoing
moderate sedation

31 yo male with SCC

Fentanyl PCA

Doctor its a 12!!


After 30 days of admission, placed on ketamine infusion with

marked improvement in pain.


Evidence in opiate tolerant patients?

Clinical Scenario #2
A 35 year old male with h/o IV heroin
abuse presents with a left deltoid abscess.
Exam sig for a 10 x 7 cm left lateral deltoid
abscess. He complains of 10/10 pain and
will barely allow you to touch his arm. He
screams out in pain when the nurse
attempts to place an IV. Home meds
include methadone 120 mg daily. He is
given a total of 4 mg of dilaudid without
improvement in pain. How would you
continue to manage of this patient?

14/17 cases showed improvement in pain

Clinical Scenario #3

Clinical Scenario #2
Several small studies suggest a
particular benefit of LDK in this patient

Likely reduces opiate consumption

Needs to be studies in a controlled
fashion in the emergency department

A 35 year-old male with a

history of alcohol abuse
presents brought in by medics
after he was found down on
the sidewalk with a large
hematoma to his parietal scalp.
Upon arrival in the emergency
department he is agitated,
spitting and attempting to hit
multiple staff members.


Ketamine for agitation?

Ketamine for agitation?

Here using dissociative dosing

5 mg/kg IM

Ketamine and agitation

Case series of psychiatric patients undergoing aeromedical

Initial ketamine dosing range given was 0.5-1 mg/kg.
If two doses required infusion started at initial rate of 1-1.5
mg/kg per hour.
Amount given titrated to achieve a calm, cooperative
patient who could still respond to verbal commands.

Ketamine and agitation

4/19 patients with tachycardia and hypertension

1/19 vomiting but no intervention required
No cases in which psychiatric symptoms were deemed
to have worsened.
Authors conclude: ketamine sedation valid and safe
strategy for managing the agitation of psychiatric
patients.aeromedical transport



What about ketamine and potential head


Evidence that ketamine elevates ICP is


Clinical Scenario #3

No evidence that ketamine causes harm

in TBI
Ketamines hemodynamic stability may
be of benefit in TBI

Clinical Scenario #3

Intriguing data from case

reports and case series
Higher doses may be required
Concern of administration in
psychiatric patients may be
Need more ED based studies

A 35 year-old male with a

history of alcohol abuse
presents brought in by medics
after he was found down on
the sidewalk with a large
hematoma to his parietal scalp.
Upon arrival in the emergency
department he is agitated,
spitting and attempting to hit
multiple staff members.

Clinical Scenario #4

A 16 year-old female with h/o

severe asthma and prior
intubations presents with acute
onset of SOB and wheezing.
Exam is significant for hypoxia
with O2 sat 90%, tachypnea, and
wheezes with diminished air
movement bilaterally. She is
initially treated with albuterol,
atrovent, and steroids without
significant improvement.



Low dose ketamine in the asthmatic

Low dose ketamine in the asthmatic

Randomized, double blind, placebo controlled study


Conclusion: Low dose ketamine had no

incremental benefit compared with placebo

68 patients enrolled
Rx groups: ketamine (0.2 mg/kg + infusion) vs placebo
Outcome: validated asthma score
Results: No difference between the two groups

Clinical Scenario #4

A 16 year-old female with h/o

severe asthma and prior
intubations presents with acute
onset of SOB and wheezing.
Exam is significant for hypoxia
with O2 sat 90%, tachypnea, and
wheezes with diminished air
movement bilaterally. She is
initially treated with albuterol,
atrovent, and steroids without
significant improvement.

Clinical Scenario #4

No real indication for low dose

ketamine here
Higher doses of ketamine may be
Furthers studies needed



The bottom line...

Thank You

Multiple studies demonstrate LDK effective in the treatment

of acute pain.
LDK appears reduces opiate requirements


LDK may be particularly effective in patient with high opioid

Unclear utility of low dose ketamine in the agitated patient
LDK does not appear to improve outcomes in nonintubated

Johansson P, et. al The effect of combined treatment with morphine sulphate and low-dose
ketamine in a prehospital setting, Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and
Emergency Medicine
Gurnani A. et al. Analgesia for acute musculoskeletal trauma: low-dose subcutaneous
infusion of ketamine. Anaesth Intensive Care 1996 Feb; 24(1): 32-6
Galinski M, et al. Management of severe acute pain in emergency settings: ketamine reduces
morphine consumption. Am J Emerg Med. 2007;25:385-390.
Andolfatto, G et. al, Intranasal Ketamine for Analgesia in the Emergency Department: A
Prospective Observation Series. Academic Emergency Medicine. Oct 2013;20(10) 1050-4
Lester L, Braude DA, Niles C, Crandall CS, et al. Low-dose ketamine for analgesia in the ED:
a retrospective case series. Am J Emerg Med. 2010;28:820-876
Gharaei B, et. al. Opioid-Sparing Effect of Preemptive Bolus Low-Dose Ketamine for
Moderate Sedation in Opioid Abusers Undergoing Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy: A
Randomized Clinical Trial. Anesthesia and Analgesia Jan 2013; 116(1) 75-80
Uprety D, et. al Ketamine infusion for sickle cell pain crisis refractory to opioids: a case report
and review of literature
Roberts J., et al. Intramuscular ketamine for the Rapid Tranquilization of the Uncontrollable,
Violent, and Dangerous Adult Patient. J Trauma. 2001;51:1008-1010
Cong M, et. al. Ketamine sedation for patients with acute agitation and psychiatric illness
requiring aeromedical retrieval Emerg Med J 2012 29:335-337
Allen J, et. al. The Efficacy of Ketamine in Pediatric Emergency Department Patients Who
Present With Acute Severe Asthma. J of Emer Med 2011, 41(5)492-494


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