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Fees and Courses

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Certificate IV in Frontline Management is Business

Manager Training that develops managers for todays

complex business environment. High quality managers
are not born they are trained, nurtured, developed
and created. This course is structured towards the need
for managers to perform in the real world, under real
pressure and towards real business objectives.

Mentoring Support

Career Path
Certificate II


Certificate III


Certificate IV




Advanced Diploma



The course is delivered with a

focus on the practical application
of learning. Participants will be
required to undertake a number
of learning activities and projects
relevant to their workplace with
the support of a mentor.
Course Benefits

Development of skills in
problem solving and effective
people management

Understand, involve and

manage other staff in a
productive and supportive
team environment


This course could lead you

to your first management
position or enhance your
management skills.

Improved efficiency through a

more complete understanding
of your job

Ability to achieve and exceed

key performance targets

Focus on the objectives,

priorities and strategies of the
organisationUnderstanding of
personal characteristics and

Enhance opportunities for

career promotion

Nationally recognised

Create and maintain a

workplace dedicated to
continuous improvement

Certificate IV Entry
Candidates considering this
qualification are required
to either have a Certificate
III in Frontline Management
qualification or sufficient work
experience in a supervisory
The following is required prior to

Copy of any relevant



Resume, outlining current

supervisory skills and


Letter from participants

Manager as proof of their
competence and support for
enrolment into the program

Course Outline
To achieve a Certificate IV in
Frontline Management a total
of 10 units must be completed
comprising 4 core and 6 elective
Core Unit Subject Areas


Occupational Health and Safety

Workplace Effectiveness

Elective Units can also be

selected from:

Customer Service

Financial Administration


Implementing continuous

Skills Recognition
Skills Recognition (Recognition
of Prior Learning) recognises the
experience gained through life
experience and the workplace.
We will work with participants to
identify their existing skills and
experience and assess if they are
able to achieve recognition for
units of competency within the
qualification. This also helps to
avoid unnecessary duplication of
training and saves time.

For over 70 years William Angliss Institute has been a learning community
devoted to students with a passion for foods, hospitality and tourism, inspiring
them and nurturing their careers with expert training, education and mentoring.

Call 08 8372 7863 or visit www.angliss.edu.au

RTO No. 3045 | CRICOS Provider No. 01505M

2913-V1 0712


Provide advocacy and conflict resolution services if any grievance arises.

Apply for and account for disability support funding and liaise with external
agencies including New Apprenticeship Centres and Skills Victoria.

Assess the students learning support needs in consultation with each student
(and/or an associate of the student)

Recommend reasonable adjustments to delivery and assessment to appropriate

teaching staff.

Tutor and assist students with understanding tasks, including the planning and
reviewing of assignments, editing and proof reading.

Provide appropriate disability support, e.g. Auslan interpreter, note taker,

participation assistant, special equipment.

Supervise and scribe for tests.

Review reasonable adjustment arrangements as required to allow for changing

needs of students.

Teaching Staff Responsibilities

WAI allows reasonable adjustment for any student with a disability to assist them to meet
their course requirements. Teaching staff will:

Work with learning support staff and follow reasonable adjustment recommendations.
Develop alternative assessment for students and support students through assessment

Reassess students where required.

Liaise with Learning Support staff including referring students to the unit.

Admissions Staff Responsibilities


Ensure that admissions and enrolment procedures do not discriminate against people
with a disability.

Contact the Learning Support unit to assist with enrolment interviews when requested or

Facilities Staff Responsibilities


Respond to requests about adequate physical access and facilities.

Access to physical environment is continually improved.

Support for Students with Special Needs Procedure

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William Angliss Institute Higher Education Scholarship Application

Note to the Applicant
The Student Equity Unit, Student Services, will contact you should further information be required.
t A final decision on your application will not be made until after the closing date.
t All applicants will be notified in writing of the outcome of their application.
t No information regarding the progress of applications can be given to applicants during the selection process.
t Please consult a financial advisor to be advised of any tax implication, including government benefit payments, which may affect you if an award is
made to you. If you are in receipt of a government benefit you are required to notify Centrelink of any award you may receive.
t This scholarship is for local students only.

Ensure you have completed all relevant sections of the application form
Please ensure you have attached all relevant documentation as requested. Anywhere you see a

documentation needs to be provided

Do not attach any original documents

Sign and date the application form in Section G.

Submitting the Application

To be eligible, applications must be submitted no later than 10 March 2014.
Applications should be delivered o r posted to:
Higher Education Administration Coordinator
Information Centre
William Angliss Institute
PO Box 4052
Melbourne VIC 3000

Section G: Applicants Declaration

The information provided by you in this form is for the purpose of assessing your eligibility for a scholarship. William Angliss Institute collects, uses and
destroys information in accordance with our Privacy Policy. The privacy statement can be viewed at www.angliss.edu.au. Enquiries relating to
information included on this form should be directed to the Scholarship Officer on tel. (03) 9606 2111.
I give permission to the Scholarship Officer to access my William Angliss Institute enrolment details and my academic results (for continuing students)
to assess my eligibility for this scholarship.
I declare that to the best of my knowledge the information provided is correct and complete. Giving false or misleading information is a serious offence
under the Commonwealth Criminal Code.
Signature of Applicant:


D D / M M / Y Y Y Y

Office use only

Scholarship application:



Scholarship application successful:

Scholarship application unsuccessful:

Approved by:

2546-V4 1013

Date: D D / M M / Y Y Y Y

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