Enzyme Kinetics

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Bio 126: Energy Flow in Biological Systems


The following article are available on the Bio 126 lab web page. Please read through the
article before coming to lab. You will not understand everything in this article, but you should
read it anyway just do the best you can, and see the help link on the lab web page.
Sakharov, I. Y., Makarova, I. E., and Ermolin, G. A. 1988. Purification and
characterization of intestinal alkaline phosphatase from harp seal. Comparative
Biochemistry and Physiology, B 90B:709-714.

The activity of enzymes is important for the proper functioning of cells. In the context of
energy flow in living organisms, enzymes catalyze most reactions in metabolic pathways. Not
only do enzymes make most reactions possible in an intracellular environment, enzymes allow
for the control and stabilization of these reactions. It is not a stretch to say that without enzymes
life itself would be impossible.
The behavior of enzymes in response to different concentrations of the reaction chemicals
(both substrates and products) comprise the basic characteristics of each type of enzyme. This
behavior, referred to as enzyme kinetics, is responsible for much of the reaction control in
biological systems. In order to learn about enzymes and enzyme behavior, in this lab we will
examine the kinetics of the enzyme alkaline phosphatase.


Alkaline phosphatase is a ubiquitous enzyme that can be isolated from bone, kidney, intestine,
plasma, liver, spleen, plants and microorganisms. It catalyzes the removal of a phosphate that is
attached to an alcohol, resulting in the generation of a free phosphate (Pi) and an alcohol.
Alkaline phosphatase can act on a variety of specific substrates; the generalized reaction is
shown below.






Interestingly, the precise biological function of the enzyme is unknown. Clinical interest in
alkaline phosphatase was inspired by the observation that certain pathological conditions, such
as obstructive jaundice, rickets and other bone disorders were characterized by large increases in
the plasma concentration of the enzyme. It is particularly abundant in tissues that are involved in
the transport of nutrients. The fact that it is localized at the surface of absorptive tissues suggests
a role in the transport of nutrients across the epithelial membrane. If rats are maintained on a

Bio 126 - Week 3 Enzyme Kinetics

high fat diet, there is an increase in the amount of intestinal alkaline phosphatase, indicating a
role in the transport/processing of the fats (Young et al., 1981). Another hypothesized function
for intestinal alkaline phosphatase is protection from bacterial infection, whereby alkaline
phosphatase removes phosphate groups from endotoxin, a lipopolysaccharide (lipidcarbohydrate) molecule that makes up the cell wall of some types of bacteria (Poelstra et al,
1997; Kopojos et al. 2003; Verweij et al. 2004). Endotoxin induces an inflammatory response in
the host that can be fatal (septic shock), but there is no toxic response when the phosphate groups
have been removed from the endotoxin.
In this laboratory, we will be using alkaline phosphatase from bovine (cow) intestine. This
particular alkaline phosphatase has a molecular weight of 138,000 daltons (a dalton is a unit of
mass approximately equal to the mass of a hydrogen atom). It is a dimer (i.e., has two subunits),
so the molecular weight of each monomer is 138,000/2 or 69,000 daltons. The enzyme requires
4 atoms of Zn per dimer for activity. The Zn atoms are said to be cofactors for the enzyme,
meaning that they are necessary for the enzyme to be active. An enzyme with its cofactors is
called a holoenzyme; without the cofactors, it is an apoenzyme.
apoenzyme + cofactors = holoenzyme
Typically, apoenzymes are not active, so when we refer to enzymes, we usually mean


The particular reaction that we are going to examine is the removal of a phosphate from the
molecule p-nitrophenolphosphate. This is not a natural substrate for the enzyme, but it has
properties which make it particularly useful to us. The enzyme will remove the phosphate and
generate free phosphate (Pi) and p-nitrophenol. While the substrate, p-nitrophenolphosphate, is
colorless, the product p-nitrophenol is yellow, so we can follow the reaction progress by
measuring the generation of yellow color.
2 0N




p-Nitrophenol Phosphate

2 0N






Substrates that change color when acted upon by an enzyme are called chromogenic substrates
and these make studying enzymes significantly easier. P-nitrophenol absorbs light at 410 nm, so
we can follow the rate of the reaction by following the increase in absorption at 410 nm by using
a spectrophotometer.


Bio 126 - Week 3 Enzyme Kinetics

Alkaline phosphatase activity can be tested by adding a

certain amount of substrate and a certain amount of
enzyme to a buffered aqueous solution. In this series of
lab experiments, a 25 l portion of a substrate solution and
a 25 l portion of enzyme will be added to a tube
containing 3.0 ml of buffer. The absorbance at 410 nm
then will be measured for a short period of time in a
spectrophotometer as a way of determining the amount of
p-nitrophenol formed. When the absorbance is graphed as
a function of time, a plot like that shown Figure 3.1 will
usually be obtained.
Notice that the absorbance increases at a linear rate as
more and more p-nitrophenol is formed. However, the
absorbance may eventually approach a plateau as the
reaction slows down and less product is formed.


| o
Time (minutes)

Figure 3.1. Absorbance of

enzyme product (p-nitrophenol)

The initial linear rate of product formation is called the initial velocity, or vo. It is one of the
most important characteristics of any enzyme-catalyzed reaction. One factor that affects the
initial velocity is the substrate concentration, [S]. You will look at the relationship between vo
and [S] in lab this week.


Let's do a quick preview of enzyme catalysis. As mentioned above, one common kinetic study
of enzymes is to examine how the velocity of the reaction changes when substrate concentration
changes in the presence of a constant enzyme concentration. It is important to measure the
initial velocity, or vo . (Why is it important to measure initial velocity?) If we plot vo vs.
substrate concentration [S], we will see the following curve, called a Michaelis-Menten curve,
shown in Figure 3.2 below.

Figure 3.2. The

Michaelis-Menten curve.
This curve describes the
relationship between an
enzyme (at constant
concentration) and the
concentration of S, the
enzyme's substrate. vo is
the initial rate of
production of enzyme
product. See the text on
the following page for
descriptions of Vmax,
1/2Vmax, and Km




Substrate Concentration


Bio 126 - Week 3 Enzyme Kinetics

As [S] increases, vo eventually becomes independent of [S] (why?). The velocity at which this
occurs is called Vmax, and it is the fastest that the given amount of enzyme can operate. The [S]
that yields 1/2 Vmax is another important kinetic parameter called the Michaelis-Menten constant,
designated Km. Km is important in that it indicates the [S] at which the enzyme is most effective
at altering the rate of the reaction. (Make sure that you understand why this is so.) Enzymes are
tightly regulated to maintain homeostasis, and one handy mechanism for regulation is having
your enzyme activity change based on substrate availability (Is more substrate around? - increase
the rate at which the enzyme works to compensate). In fact, it is frequently found that [S] in vivo
is near the Km for an enzyme. You can think of this as a cell exploiting the Michaelis-Menten
character of an enzyme. Furthermore, Km is important in understanding many other kinetic
parameters of enzyme activity that we will not discuss here due to National Security
Considerations. Km and Vmax are characteristics of a reaction that help characterize the enzyme
in question. (How would Km and Vmax change if you increased the amount of enzyme?)
To determine Km and Vmax, we could determine a set of v0 values at various concentrations of
S, make the graph above and read off the values. As you can imagine, this would not be very
accurate since it is difficult to obtain an accurate value for a number that is approached
asymptotically. The equation that describes the above Michaelis-Menten curve is the following:

v0 =

Vmax [ S ]
[S ] + K m

Michaelis-Menten Equation

This is called the Michaelis-Menten equation. Two algebraically inclined fellows by the
names of Lineweaver and Burke manipulated the Michaelis-Menten equation to yield the

Vmax [ S ]

Lineweaver-Burke Equation

(Hang in there - we are almost done.) If you plot 1/ vo vs. 1/[S], you get the following
Lineweaver-Burke plot or double-reciprocal plot:




Figure 3.3. Lineweaver-Burke plot.


Bio 126 - Week 3 Enzyme Kinetics

The slope of the line is Km / Vmax, the y-intercept is 1/ Vmax and, if we extrapolate the line (i.e.,
set y = 1/v0 = 0), the x-intercept is -1/ Km. The use of the double reciprocal plot yields much
more accurate values for Km and Vmax than an interpretation of the Michaelis-Menten curve. In
this week's lab, we will determine Km and Vmax for the enzyme alkaline phosphatase.


To analyze the data you are collecting today, you will need to calculate initial velocity, v0.
This initial rate of reaction can be expressed simply as a change in absorbance per unit of time:
for p-nitrophenol formation this would be A410/min. This corresponds to the slope on your
absorbance vs. time graph. For example, say the straightest portion of your graph is between 0
minutes and 0.75 minutes, and the absorbance changes from 0 to 0.375 during this time. This
means your slope, v0, is:

v0 =

(0.375 - 0)
(0.75 - 0)

= 0.5/min

(note that absorbance does not have any units).

However, it is more useful to express the rate in terms of the actual amount of p-nitrophenol
formed per unit time; this allows researchers working under different experimental conditions to
compare their results. This may be given as nanomoles per minute (nmol/min) or micromoles
per minute (mol/min). The absorbance value at 410 nm can be converted to an actual
concentration using the Beer-Lambert law described in last week's lab. After a little

c =


Remember that c is the concentration of the absorbing material (p-nitrophenol, in our case), A
is the absorbance measured at 410nm, and l is the length of the light path (1.0 cm for our
spectrophotometers). The extinction coefficient, , for p-nitrophenol at 410 nm is
18.5 mM-1cm-1. Therefore, using this value and the Beer-Lambert equation, you can convert an
absorbance reading into an actual amount of product formed.
Let us work through an example. Suppose that the slope of your line was 0.5/min, as described
0.5 / min
Concentration = c =
(18.5 mM cm ) 1.0 cm

0.027 mM/min

27 M/min

Now things get a little messy. The units, M, are in terms of micromoles per liter, by
definition. That is what the big M means. If we have a concentration of 27 M, that means we
have 27 micromoles per liter, or 27 nanomoles/ml (make sure you understand this conversion).


Bio 126 - Week 3 Enzyme Kinetics

Moreover, our reaction mixture is 3.05 ml, and we want the actual total amount of product
formed in our tube, not a concentration.

27 nmoles/ml x 3.05 ml = 82 nmoles formed in one minute.

This then is how much p-nitrophenol was responsible for the yellow color, and represents how
much p-nitrophenol was generated by the enzyme in one minute.
In summary, youll need to follow three steps to get from your graph of absorbance vs. time to
the amount of product formed per minute:
1. Determine the slope of the straight portion of your curve (units are A410/min).
2. Convert this slope from A410/min to M/min by using the Beer-Lambert equation.
3. Convert this concentration to the total amount of product formed in the cuvette by taking
the total volume into account. Report your result in terms of nmol/min.


This week, you will need to develop your own data tables for recording your results. You
should do this before coming to lab, to help things go smoothly and expediently (it is easy to do
this by creating an Excel spreadsheet with columns and rows for your data). The first section
below (part A) gives you a chance to practice the assay protocol and get some baseline data. An
assay is (generally speaking) a test which tells you something about a substance, in this case the
activity of an enzyme. Part B tells how to estimate Km and Vmax.
A. Time Course of Alkaline Phosphatase Activity

1. Turn on the spectrophotometer. Allow the instrument to warm up for 30 minutes before
you use it.
2. The machine should be in "Absorbance mode" i.e., the display should show some numbers
followed by an "A". If not, press 'A/T/C' to select the absorbance mode. .
3. Press




to set the wavelength to 410 nm.

4. To a cuvette add 3.0 ml of Tris-HCl buffer at pH 8.0. Then add 25 l of the 100 mM stock
solution of p-nitrophenolphosphate. Cover the tube with a piece of Parafilm and invert the
tube several times to mix the solution. Insert the cuvette with the reaction mixture into the
spectrophotometer and blank the machine by pressing the '0 ABS/100%T' button. (What is
the purpose of this step?)
5. Add 25 l of the stock enzyme solution to the tube while simultaneously marking the time
(you might try to bring a watch to lab). Quickly mix the solution by inversion and put the
tube back in the sample compartment of the Spectrophotometer. Note that you start timing
when you add the enzyme solution, NOT when you finish mixing.
6. Beginning at 15 seconds, read the absorbance at 410 nm at 15 second intervals for 2 minutes.
7. Plot absorbance as a function of time on graph paper (available in lab) or on a computer in
the adjoining computer lab. Determine the period over which absorbance increases linearly
with time and calculate the initial velocity as A410/min. You can do this on the graph paper
by choosing two readings in the linear region and calculating the slope (change in absorbance
over change in time, remember?).


Bio 126 - Week 3 Enzyme Kinetics

8. Repeat this procedure (including the blanking step, #4!) with the same amount of enzyme at
least two more times to determine the accuracy and reproducibility of the assay method. Be
sure to invert the cuvette the same number of times for each sample you're going to be
making comparisons later which depend on consistency. You can plot all three data sets on
the same axes.
9. Once a good set of values for vo has been obtained, calculate the average initial velocity in
A410/min. Then, using the calculation given on pages 3-5 and 3-6 as a guide, convert the
initial change in absorbance per unit time to an actual rate of product formation in nmol/min.
B. Protocol for the Determination of Km and Vmax Values

1. Blank the spectrophotometer: To a cuvette, add 3 ml of pH 8 buffer and 25 l of the lowest

substrate concentration (5 mM). Cover the tube with a piece of parafilm and mix by
inverting. Blank the spectrophotometer at 410 nm with this solution.
2. Add 25 l of the stock enzyme to the tube while starting a stop watch at the same time.
Quickly mix the tube by inversion and place the tube in the sample compartment of the
3. Read the absorbance at 410 nm at 15 sec intervals for 2 min.
4. Repeat the assay at least once. For this particular experiment, it will help you to have
duplicates at each substrate concentration; if they are very different, conduct the assay a third
5. Then carry out the same procedure with each of the other substrate concentrations (5 mM, 10
mM, 25 mM, 50 mM, and 75 mM). Use the data from part A for the 100mM substrate
concentration. Remember to blank the spectrophotometer with each substrate concentration.
(Why must you do a separate blank at each substrate concentration?)
6. For each substrate concentration, plot absorbance versus time and determine the initial
velocity. (Again, why is it important to determine the initial velocity?). Then calculate the
initial velocity as nmoles of p-nitrophenol generated/minute.
Now you are ready to summarize all those data in just a couple of graphs, which will allow you
to look at patterns in the data and determine Km and Vmax. It is a good idea to work on this
before you leave lab, in case you want to run any additional assays. There are computers
available in the adjoining computer lab; your TA can help you with Excel.
Before graphing, you will need to first convert your [S] values from the initial concentration in
the microfuge tubes to the concentration of substrate in your final reaction volume.
Make a simple hyperbolic plot of the data; that is, make a graph in which vo (in nmol/min) is
plotted as a function of [S]. Your graph should resemble the typical shape of the MichaelisMenten plot on page 3-3. Dont forget to include the rate for the 100 mM substrate
concentration from part A.
Then make a double-reciprocal plot of the data, that is, a graph of 1/vo vs 1/[S]. It should form
a straight line, like the Lineweaver-Burke plot on page 3-4. Fit a line to the points and determine
the Km and Vmax values for this reaction. Remember that the slope of the line is Km / Vmax, and
the y-intercept is 1/ Vmax.


Bio 126 - Week 3 Enzyme Kinetics


Due Date: in lab next week
A. Introduction

B. Contents of Lab Write-up

You will use the data from this week's lab

to write two sections of a scientific journal
article Materials & Methods and Results.
We encourage you to discuss your results
among your group members, but the writeup should be your own individual work.

Your lab report should have two sections

Materials & Methods, and Results. In your
experiment, you are attempting to answer
one main question: "What are the
characteristics of Bovine Alkaline
Phosphatase?" For the Materials and
Methods section, you should report how you
conducted your experiment. In your results
section you should present the information
that is necessary for you (and your reader) to
answer your experimental question. You
should not include raw data i.e., do not
include the Absorbance vs. time graphs.

Articles in scientific journals are the main

method of written communication among
scientists. As such, we feel that it is
important that students in the introductory
biology classes gain skills in writing papers
in the format of a journal article.

C. Report Format

Please refer to the report stylesheet on the

lab web page for information on the format
of the paper.

Literature Cited
Kapojos J., K. Poelstra, T. Borghuis, A. Van den Berg, H. Baelde, P. Klok, and W. Bakker. 2003.
Induction of glomerular alkaline phosphatase after challenge with lipopolysaccharide.
International Journal of Experimental Pahtology 84:135-144
Poelstra, K., W. Bakker, P. Klok, M. Hardonk, and D. Meijer. 1997. A physiologic function for
alkaline phosphatase: Endotoxin detoxification. Laboratory Investigation 76:319-328.
Sakharov, I. Y., Makarova, I. E., and Ermolin, G. A. 1988. Purification and characterization of
intestinal alkaline phosphatase from harp seal. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, B
90B, 709-714.
Verweij W., H. Bentala, A. Huizinga-van der, A. van Loenen-Weemaes, K. Kooi, D. Meijer, and K.
Poelstra. 2004. Protection against an Escherichia coli-induced sepsis by alkaline phosphatase in
mice. Shock 22:174-179
Young, G., S. Friedman, S. Yedlin, and D. Alpers. 1981. Effect of fat feeding on Intestinal alkalinephosphatase activity in tissue and serum. American Journal of Physiology 241:G461-G468


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