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Submitted to
Manju. M
Submitted by
Vinitha. S




A resource is a source or supply from which benefit is produced.

Typically resources are materials, energy services, staff,
knowledge or other asset that are transformed to produce benefit
and in the process may be consumed or made unavailable.
Benefits of resource utilization may include increased wealth ,
meeting needs or wants proper functioning of a system, or
enhanced wellbeing. From a human perspective a natural
resource is anything obtained from the environment to satisfy
human needs and wants. From a broader biological or ecological
perspective a resource satisfies the needs of a living organism.
The concept of resources has applied in diverse
realms,including with respect to economics, biology and
ecology,computer science,management and human resources
and linked to the concepts of completion
,sustainability,conservation and stewardship. In application within
human society,commercial or non commercial factors require
resource allocation through resource management.

Resources have three main characterestics utility limited

availability , and potential for depletion or consumption.
Resources have been variously categorize as biotic versus abiotic,
renewable and potential versus actual , along with more elaborate

A museum is an institute that cares for (conserves) a
collection of artifacts and other objects of scientific , artistic,
cultural, or historical importance and makes them available for
public viewing through exhibits that may be permanent or
temporary. Most large museums are located in major cities
throughout the world and more local ones exist in smaller cities ,
towns and even the country side. Museums have varying aims
,ranging from serving researchers and specialists to serving the
general public. A museum is a place of great interest it is highly
informative and educative
The English Museum comes from the Latin word and is
pluralized as Museums ( or rarely musea). It is originally from
the Ancient Greek mouseion, which denotes a place or temple
dedicated to the muses.
The purpose of modern museums is to collect , preserve
interpret, and display items of cultural , artistic, or scientific
significance for the education of the public. Types of museum vary

from large institutions covering many of the categories below to

very small institutions focusing on a specific subject, location or a
notable person. Categories include : fine arts , applied arts, craft,
archeology , anthropology , and ethnology, biography, history,
cultural history , science, technology, childrens museum, natural
history, botanical and zoological gardens. Within these categories
many museums specialize further , eg. Museums of modern art,
folk art, local history, military history, aviation history, philately,
agriculture or geology.

Another type of museum is an encyclopedic museum.

Commonly refered to as a universal museum ,encyclopedic
museum have collections representative of the world and typically
include art ,science, history, and cultural history. The type and
size of a museum normally houses a core collection of important
selected objects in its field.

Science museum and technology centers or technology
museums revolve around scientific achievements , and marvels
and their history. To explain complicated inventions , a
combination of demonstrations interactive programs and thought
provoking media are used. Some museums may have exhibits on
topics such as computers, aviation, railway museums , physics,
astronomy and the animal kingdom. Science museums
traditionally emphasize cultural heritage through objects of
intrinsic value science museums were institutions of
authoritative , uncontestable, knowledge, places of collecting ,
seeing and knowing, places where anybody might come and
survey the evidence of science. Dinosaurs , extensive
invertebrate and vertebrate collections , plant taxonomies , and
so on these were the orders of the day.

A science museum is a museum devoted primarily to

science. Older science museums tended to concentrate on static
displays of objects related to natural history ,paleontology,
geology, industry and industrial machinery, etc. modern trends in
museology have broadened the range of subject matter and
introduced many interactive exhibits . Many if not most modern
science museums which increasingly refer to themselves as
Science centers or discovery centers also emphasize
technology , and are therefore also technology museums.The
mission statements of science centers and modern museums vary
, but they are united in being place that make science accessible
and encourage the excitement of discovery. They are an integral
and dynamic part of the learning environment.


A zoo ( short for zoological park or zoological garden , and

also called amenagerie) is a facility in which animals are confined
within enclosures,displayed to the public and in which they may
also be bred.
The term zoological garden refers to zoology , the study of
animals , a term deriving from the Greek Zoon (animals)and
logos (study. The abbreviation zoo was first used of the
London zoological gardens , which opened for scientific study in
1828 and to the public in 1847. The number of major animal
collections open to the public around the world now exceeds 1000
around 80 percent of them in cities.
Animals from all over the world are captured and put in zoos.
Take the time and think about where animals come from . Think
about the natural habitat they are taken from . Whether it be a
dolphin from the ocean , or a tiger from a rain forest. Think about
the fear or stress the process of catching an animal , but also
because researchers and experts say that captivity can destroy
the mental state and emotion.
Zoos will never be the best place to put animals for many
reasons. Zoos can never give an animal the experience of being in
the wild. A man made structure will never be able to replicate a
natural habitat. Although putting animals in captivity many save a
certain species , zoos are nothing compared to the wild . Zoos are
not the best option not only because they can destroy an animals
mental and emotional health but also a zoo will never give them a
feeling of being in the wild.

A resource is a resource or supply from which benefits is
produced. Typically resources are materials , energy , services ,
staff , knowledge . A museum is a place where antique objects
related to art , science , history , geography , etc. are placed for
studies . It is a place of great interest . It is highly informative and
A science museum is a museum devoted primarily to science
. Older science museums tended to concentrate on static displays
of objects related to natural history , paleontology , geology ,
industry and industrial machinery.
Animals from all over the world are captured and put in zoos.
A zoo is a facility in which animals are confined within enclosures,
displayed to the public and in which they may also bred.

Hyson , Jeffrey(2000) Jungle of Eden: The Design of
American Zoos in environmental Landscape Architecture.
Kaushik. R(1996) A study of educational objectives in the
design of museum experiences.

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