Feasibility Assessment

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Feasibility assessment

What is NP-Complete?
A given problem is said to be NP-Complete, if it can be solved within the determined
polynomial time. The attribute values should completely satisfy the given polynomial
expression. In computational complexity theory, a decision problem is NP-complete when
it is both in NP and NP-hard.
Eg: whether the given algorithm is compatible with the current problem and adjusts itself
as the problem expands in size.
What is NP-Hard?
What steps do we have to take to prove a problem Q is NP-Complete?
Pick a known NP-Complete problem P
Reduce P to Q
Describe a transformation that maps instances of P to instances of Q, s.t. yes for Q =
yes for P
Prove the transformation works
Prove it runs in polynomial time
NP hard and NP Complete for our problem
Certainty Analysis of Algorithm:

The state or degree of ease and completion of an entity, which one intends to implement,
is known as feasibility. Thus, feasibility study involves the complete analysis and
evaluation of the proposed project, to determine whether:
It is technically feasible
it can be manufactured within the estimated cost
it is profitable

In the proposed project, we check whether the deployed algorithms are robust enough to
identify the virtual keys at the touch of nails. It is essential that the interfacing of the
components allow a path for a correct and expected output.
Technical Feasibility
This is considered with specifying equipment and software that will successful satisfy the
user requirement the technical needs of the system may vary considerably but might
The facility to produce outputs in a given time.
Response time under certain conditions.
Ability to process a certain column of transaction at a particular speed.
Our goal is to divide some data D (e.g., the safe combination) into pieces D1, D2,Dn in
such a way that:
1. The Knowledge of any k or more Di pieces makes D easily computable.
undetermined (in the sense that all its possible values are equally likely).
This scheme is called (k,n) threshold scheme. If k=n then all participants are required to
reconstruct the secret original data
The essential idea of Adi Shamir's threshold scheme is that 2 points are sufficient to
define a line, 3 points are sufficient to define a parabola, 4 points to define a cubic curve
and so forth.
K 1
That is, it takes K points to define a polynomial of degree e
(K ,n)

Suppose we want to use a

threshold scheme to share our secret S , without loss of
generality assumed to be an element in a finite field F.
a 0=s
Choose random K-1 coefficients a1,. . . , ak 1 in F, and let
. Build the

polynomial f(x)= a0

a1 X +

a2 X

+ a3 X +.+ ak 1 X
. Let us
i1, ,n

(i ,f (i))

construct any n points out of it, for instance set

to retrieve
. Every
participant is given a point (a pair of input to the polynomial and output). Given any
subset of of k these pairs, we can find the coefficients of the polynomial using
interpolation and the secret is the constant term
Shamir Approach:
We divide our secret into pieces by picking a random degree polynomial
Q(x)= a0
in which

a1 X +

a2 X 2 + a3 X 3

+.+ ak 1 X

a0 =s, s 1 =q(1), s 2 =q(2),, s n =q(n)

=q( x i )= y i )

and represent each share as a point ( x i

The Map Reduce is NP type. Because we can get & verify the solution set.
Hence the problem statement involving it are NP Complete.

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