Gartner Market Guide DDI 25042014

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Market Guide for DNS, DHCP and IP Address

25 April 2014 ID:G00262756
Analyst(s): Andrew Lerner, Lawrence Orans

Infrastructure and operations personnel can use DNS, DHCP and IP address management solutions to
improve network availability, reduce operational expenditure, and simplify and streamline
administration of critical infrastructure.

This is based on 1,000-plus interactions with clients
regarding networking over the past year.

This is based on interactions with the nine leading

DDI vendors referenced in this document.

Key Findings
DDI consists of DNS, DHCP and IP address management (IPAM) solutions that help organizations
manage their IP addressing, DNS and DHCP services to improve overall availability and reduce
operational expenditure, thus facilitating scalability to support business growth.
There are several different types of vendors that provide DDI, ranging from large IT vendors
(Microsoft, Cisco, Alcatel-Lucent and BT) to midsize DDI-centric vendors (Infoblox and BlueCat),
as well as smaller and/or regionalized players (EfficientIP, Nixu Software and Men & Mice).
When deploying a commercialized DDI solution, organizations with more than 5,000 employees
and/or 25,000 IP addresses in use typically achieve substantial operational expenditure (opex)
Organizations don't often switch vendors due to the criticality of DNS and operational expenditure
associated with vendor migration; therefore, DDI solutions tend to be sticky.
The DDI market is relatively mature, and many DDI vendors provide functionality in adjacent
markets, such as network security and network management.

If instability of DNS/DHCP services or inadequate IP address management is leading to reduced
availability in your environment, invest in DDI solutions.
Deploy DDI solutions to improve availability and reduce opex when 25,000-plus active IP
addresses are in use.
Due to the stickiness of DDI products, use a five- to 10-year time horizon when planning
investments in DDI.
Vendors' deployment and migration approaches should be used as key evaluation criteria when
making DDI investments.
Include DDI as a prerequisite to any large IPv6 deployment or centralized Internet of Things (IoT)

Market Definition
DDI solutions improve overall IT infrastructure availability while reducing operational expenditure.
These solutions specifically address the needs of server, network and other infrastructure and
operations (I&O) personnel responsible for DNS, DHCP services and allocation of IP addresses within
their organizations. I&O administrators use DDI products for the daily management of DNS and DHCP
services, and to provide a structured workflow for basic network operations (for example, adding
printers or servers, allocating IP ranges for new branches, etc.).
Companies adopt DDI solutions when they are looking to step up from using rudimentary tools (i.e.,
spreadsheets) to manage IP addresses, and when they seek improved control and policies for managing
network changes. Gartner estimates that usage of a commercial DDI solution can reduce opex by 50%
or more, which can lead to savings of full-time equivalents (FTEs) in larger organizations (see Note 1).
As a result, Gartner has observed that a majority of organizations with more than 15,000 employees
(or 50,000 IP addresses in use) use a commercial DDI solution.1,4
DDI solutions are typically priced like a networking device, including a one-time initial
hardware/software price and a yearly recurring maintenance fee. Price can vary significantly based on
several factors, including deal size and volume (i.e., number of IP addresses managed), overall
topology/architecture, vendor, and negotiated discount rate. Vendors' list pricing typically ranges from
$1 to $3 per IP address for the initial hardware/software purchase, plus an additional yearly
maintenance fee in the range of 15% to 20% of the original hardware/software price.

Market Direction
I&O organizations typically make investments in DDI to:
Improve existing IP address management capability and processes.
Improve the stability of DNS and/or DHCP infrastructure, in order to increase overall availability
for the applications and users that rely on this infrastructure.
Upgrade or replace a previous DDI solution that is coming to end of life.

Gartner analyzed survey responses from 56

organizations utilizing DDI solutions in their
environment. These organizations were provided as
reference customers by the vendors participating in
this research.

This is based on over 130 client interactions

regarding DDI over the past 15 months.

Y. Gu, "Google Public DNS Now Supports DNSSEC

Validation,"Google Public DNS, 19 March 2013.

This is based on typical usage and administration of
DNS, DHCP and IPAM at large global organizations,
and has been validated with clients that have
implemented DDI solutions. Assumptions for this
model include:
Rate of change (per month) in the environment:
5% for DNS, 4% for DHCP and 2% for IP
Typical organizations require three to five IP
addresses per user.
Typical organizations utilize three application
environments (development/test, quality
assurance and production) with multiple data
centers and distributed branches.
Manual DNS administration time can be reduced
from two to 10 minutes to half a minute to five
minutes per change.
Manual DHCP administration time can be reduced
from four to 15 minutes to half a minute to five
minutes per change.
Manual IP address management administration
time can be reduced from 15 to 60 minutes to one
to 20 minutes per change.

Delegate DNS and/or DHCP administration from senior to less experienced administrators.
Help support and control a proliferating number of devices, including bring your own device
(BYOD), attaching to corporate networks.
Improve visibility and reporting for devices attached to the network.
Gartner estimates there are approximately 10,000 to 15,000 commercial DDI solutions implemented

globally and that 85%-plus of the 500 largest global enterprises utilize commercial DDI solutions.
There is a moderate degree of market fragmentation, as we estimate that no single vendor accounts for
more than 45% of the worldwide DDI installed base, while four vendors account for roughly 4% to 12%
each.2 In addition, deployed DDI solutions are often difficult to displace as: (1) they are sticky, due to
DNS criticality; and (2) organizations often wrap organizational process and technology around them
(i.e., integration into ticketing systems and workflows). As a result, the planning and costs associated
with migrating existing DNS/DHCP services are extremely important to consider when a new DDI
solution is being proposed.
In the small or midsize business (SMB) market, the need for DDI is dramatically reduced due to the
lack of scale in IP services. In addition, Microsoft's DDI solution (which is provided at no additional cost
with Windows Server 2012 R2) satisfies many SMB DDI needs.

Additional DDI Drivers

There are several additional drivers impacting the DDI market, including automation, DNS Security
Extensions (DNSSEC), IoT, IPv6, software-defined networking (SDN) and adjacent network services.

Advanced Automation to Enable Private Cloud

Several DDI vendors have integrated their solutions with leading hypervisor and cloud management
platforms (CMPs) in the hopes of getting "baked into" private cloud initiatives. These integrations are
aimed at automating the DDI processes (for example, changes to DNS zone files) that result from
spinning up and spinning down virtual servers. Only the most advanced private cloud environments
have implemented this level of automation. Gartner estimates less than a 5% adoption rate for these
advanced automation features among DDI customers.
Bottom Line: Most enterprises are not quite ready to take advantage of the automation capabilities
provided by DDI solutions, because their private cloud implementations don't require automating
changes to DNS services. However, where these changes are required, DDI integration with the
virtualization infrastructure (i.e., hypervisors, CMPs, etc.) is a valuable capability that can further
automate private cloud implementations.

In recent years, the U.S. and other governments have mandated the adoption of DNSSEC, which is
aimed at preventing DNS cache poisoning attacks. Despite these mandates, DNSSEC has a low
adoption rate. Statistics from Google indicate a low volume of DNSSEC transactions (only 7% of clientside queries are DNSSEC-enabled, and about 1% of server-side responses are signed).5
Bottom Line: All the vendors in this research have added features to help enterprises implement
DNSSEC. However, due to its low adoption rate, DNSSEC has not been a driver for DDI adoption.

Internet of Things
Gartner estimates that the IoT will result in over 26 billion units by 2020. IoT initiatives require a
massive number of devices (often millions), and centrally managing IP services at this degree of scale
requires robust DDI solutions. The IoT drives increased interest in and additional need for commercial
DDI solutions (see "The Impact of the Internet of Things on Data Centers"). However, many initial IoT
initiatives will be deployed in a decentralized fashion, leveraging IP services from the local networks
where devices reside which reduces the need for robust DDI.
Bottom Line: Clients undertaking IoT initiatives that require centralized IP services will require DDI,
and Gartner anticipates moderate growth in the DDI market as a result of IoT during the next 18

Worldwide adoption of IPv6 is limited and, by most estimations, global Internet IPv6 traffic is around or
under 3% (but has doubled in the past six to 12 months; based on the percentage of users who access
Google via IPv6). Organizations that are undertaking large IPv6 initiatives will likely require DDI due to:
Difficulty in notating IPv6 addresses versus IPv4
The massive number of IP addresses associated with any v6 implementation (best practices
dictate that each network segment is assigned over 65,000-plus usable IP addresses)
However, most organizations plan to limit initial IPv6 deployments to public-facing Internet networks
only.1 This incremental approach limits the additional requirements for DDI in most organizations.
Bottom Line: All the vendors in this research have added IPv6 functionality, and DDI solutions
simplify IPv6 rollouts. However, Gartner anticipates limited overall DDI market growth due to IPv6
adoption during the next 12 months (see "Create the Right IPv6 Road Map for Your Organization").


Market Guide for DNS, DHCP and IP Address Management

Gartner defines SDN as a new approach to designing, building and operating networks that brings a
similar degree of agility to networks as abstraction, virtualization and orchestration brought to server
infrastructure (see "Ending the Confusion About Software-Defined Networking: A Taxonomy"). SDN
provides a potentially new way to deliver peripheral network services including DDI. However, to
date, DDI vendors are not delivering their commercial DDI software via SDN architectures. In addition,
while there has been a large degree of hype around the technology, there has been extremely limited
mainstream adoption of SDN thus far. As of January 2014, Gartner estimated that there are less than
500 production implementations worldwide (see "Mainstream Organizations Should Prepare for SDN

2014 Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights

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The information contained in this publication has been
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Bottom Line: Gartner anticipates that SDN will lead to new deployment approaches for DDI, but will or adequacy of such information and shall have no
liability for errors, omissions or inadequacies in such
not drive increased DDI adoption during the next 18 months.
information. This publication consists of the opinions of
Gartners research organization and should not be
construed as statements of fact. The opinions expressed
herein are subject to change without notice. Although
Adjacent Network Services
Gartner research may include a discussion of related
legal issues, Gartner does not provide legal advice or
Several DDI vendors offer adjacent network services that are either included or tightly integrated with
services and its research should not be construed or used
their core DDI products. Examples of these services include:
as such. Gartner is a public company, and its
shareholders may include firms and funds that have
Limited or "lightweight" network access control (i.e., a captive portal for guest networks)
financial interests in entities covered in Gartner research.
Limited or lightweight network change control management (i.e., a device to switch port tracking) Gartners Board of Directors may include senior
managers of these firms or funds. Gartner research is
Device fingerprinting
produced independently by its research organization
without input or influence from these firms, funds or
DNS firewalling
their managers. For further information on the
independence and integrity of Gartner research, see
These peripheral features are typically basic or lightweight capabilities, versus a dedicated solution.
Guiding Principles on Independence and Objectivity.

However, they can provide a "good enough" solution if there are inadequate funds available for a more
fully featured or enterprise-class product in these areas.
Bottom Line: DDI vendors will continue to promote and release adjacent features, but Gartner
anticipates adoption of these features will remain limited.

Market Analysis
DDI solutions are typically deployed via three general methods: management overlay, integrated
services and managed services.

Management Overlay
DDI overlay-based deployments are meant to complement, not replace, existing DNS and DHCP
services. They are simpler to deploy than bundled solutions, which require the integration and/or
replacement of the existing DNS/DHCP infrastructure. Overlay solutions provide help in two areas:
Adding enterprise management capabilities to DNS and DHCP
Adding IP address management functions
The solutions are modular in nature, so enterprises can choose to deploy only IPAM, only DNS/DHCP
management or an integrated DDI solution. Gartner estimates 10% to 20% of commercial DDI
implementations fall into the management overlay category. Many clients deploy DDI in a phased
approach, starting with the management overlay first (often just IPAM), before moving on to a fullblown bundled implementation.

Bundled Offerings
In a bundled DDI offering, DNS and DHCP services share an integrated database. Bundled solution
vendors provide IPAM via two models as an embedded function or an optional component.
Integrating DNS, DHCP and IPAM functions improves workflow tasks and the manageability of the IP
address space, and reduces the risk of human error in today's largely manual process. Some vendors
have based their solutions on open-source DNS and DHCP, and others have developed their own
services. Gartner estimates that the majority (80%+) of commercial DDI implementations are deployed
as a bundled solution, which are available in the following form factors:
Software-only run on Windows and Unix/Linux systems.
Hardware appliances purpose-built appliances that run DNS/DHCP and IPAM functions. Several
of the appliance solutions are based on open-source DNS/DHCP and have added high-availability
and turnkey enhancements.
Virtual appliances software that runs on top of the leading hypervisors.

Managed Services
Managed DDI services are available for organizations that want to "hand off" the day-to-day operations
and management of their DNS and DHCP infrastructure. DDI managed service vendors typically deploy
appliances on their customers' premises and then manage DNS and DHCP services remotely. The
managed service model appeals to organizations and midsize businesses that do not have DNS/DHCP
expertise in-house, or simply do not have the resources for managing these critical services. Gartner
does not see a large installed base for these managed DDI services. This deployment model is typically
priced via a single monthly fee for hardware, software, maintenance and managed services.

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Representative Vendors
The vendors listed in this Market Guide do not imply an exhaustive list. This section is intended to
provide more understanding of the market and its offerings.

Founded: 1898
Alcatel-Lucent (ALU) is a large multinational telecommunications company with over $19 billion in total
revenue in FY13. The vendor's VitalQIP DDI product is one of longest-standing on the market, dating
back to the mid-1990s. The VitalQIP product falls under Alcatel-Lucent's Enterprise business unit, which
is in the process of being acquired by China Huaxin (see "Alcatel-Lucent's New Focus Prompts
Enterprise Deal With China Huaxin"). The sale is pending government and regulatory approvals, and
could lead to several possible outcomes for the DDI product, including:
On the positive side, a renewed focus and interest in enterprise DDI, leading to increased
investments in R&D, sales/marketing and support
On the negative side, being sold off or possibly discontinued if investments are targeted elsewhere
Alcatel-Lucent has traditionally targeted very large enterprise and service providers with its DDI
product, and it has been deployed in a number of large-scale environments. VitalQIP customers often
cite overall product flexibility (enabled by a full-featured API) as a key strength.
However, some VitalQIP customers report a lower level of satisfaction versus leading competitors,
including concerns over pricing.3,4 In addition, VitalQIP does not support network switch port
identification, which several of the leading DDI competitors do.
Use Case: Very large enterprise and service providers should consider VitalQIP after vetting the
updated DDI product road map per the China Huaxin acquisition.

Founded: 2001
BT Group (BT) is a global communications service company with over $27 billion in total revenue in
FY13. Diamond IP is the vendor's DDI offering, and it is available as software, an appliance and in a
virtual environment on VMware ESX. Diamond IP is aimed primarily at the enterprise market, and the
vendor sells the product directly and through its value-added reseller (VAR) partners. BTs Global
Services division has developed IPv4/IPv6 migration planning and other service offerings around
Diamond IP. Diamond IP is a very scalable solution, which enables BT to sell it to service providers (as
disclosed by BT, approximately 15% of Diamond IP revenue comes from the service provider market).
Diamond IP addresses all three market categories: overlay, bundled and managed services (through
parent company BT). The overlay solution manages BIND and Microsoft DNS, and can also manage ISC
DHCP and Microsoft DHCP, as well as its own DNS/DHCP services.
Diamond IP's strengths are in features that appeal to large enterprises, including templates for
automating the deployment of remote locations, tiered administration and a reconciliation capability
that can automate the recovery of unused address records. Network discovery and the ability to map
endpoints to network switch ports are included as core IPAM features.
As a multibillion dollar service company, BT does not invest a lot of marketing resources in the Diamond
IP product, which has resulted in weak name recognition and a smaller installed base for Diamond IP
versus leading competitors.
Use Case: Large enterprises should consider Diamond IP, but the focus on large enterprise
requirements makes it a less attractive option for midmarket and smaller organizations.

Founded: 2001
BlueCat is a private company and pure-play DDI vendor based in Toronto, and Gartner estimates it
accounts for roughly 10% of the global DDI installed base. BlueCat supports integrated deployment of
DNS and DHCP services, as well as overlay support for Microsoft DNS/DHCP services via its Address
Manager appliances. BlueCat's products are available via virtual or physical appliance, and can also be
run on existing network infrastructure, including the Citrix NetScaler SDX application delivery platform,
and routers from Cisco and HP.
BlueCat targets larger organizations that require significant scale and flexibility. In addition, it offers a
high degree of customization that allows organizations to tailor user interfaces and self-service portals
for specific requirements. Customers often cite support and customizability as key product
differentiators versus leading competitors. In addition, BlueCat supports captive portals for guest
networks and improved management of mobile devices via fingerprint functionality and partnerships
with leading MDM vendors.
Compared with leading DDI companies, BlueCat does not aggressively target midmarket enterprises
with their solutions. In addition, some customers indicate that the ease of use of certain functions lags
the leading competitors.
Use Case: Large organizations should consider BlueCat, particularly in environments with significant
scale requirements (100,000-plus IP addresses) or that desire significant customization.

Market Guide for DNS, DHCP and IP Address Management

Founded: 1984
Cisco (CSCO) is one of the largest worldwide IT companies with over $48 billion in total revenue in
FY13. In the DDI space, Cisco has traditionally targeted large global network operators, including
service providers and cable network operators, and provides DNS and DHCP services that can run as
hardware or virtual appliances.
Cisco's Prime Network Registrar DDI offering provides leading DHCP performance at scale and is used in
some the most demanding of DHCP environments (such as residential cable broadband providers).
Cisco provides IPAM capability via an OEM partnership with BT for its BT Diamond IPcontrol software.
However, not owning the IPAM function puts Cisco at a disadvantage with its competitors, which can
react more quickly to market trends. Due to these limitations, and Cisco's lack of marketing focus on
DDI, the solution has limited brand awareness in mainstream enterprises.
Note: In March 2014, Cisco released a new product aimed at mainstream enterprises called Prime IP
Express. Due to the timing of the announcement, Gartner was unable to include IP Express in the scope
of this research.
Use Case: Service providers and organizations that require the highest level of DHCP performance
should consider Cisco.

Founded: 1997
EfficientIP is an emerging privately held, pure-play DDI vendor based in France that has recently
expanded into the North American market. Its SOLIDserver delivers DDI capability via software or
hardware, supporting both overlay and integrated deployment of DNS and DHCP services (DNS support
is provided for Microsoft, BIND, NSD and Unbound).
Customers typically cite the EfficientIP product as being cost-effective, easy to use and
flexible/customizable. In addition to core DDI functionality, EfficientIP supports lightweight network
access control (NAC) and network configuration and change management (NCCM) capabilities. Although
the vendor is aggressively targeting expansion into the North American market, the majority of its
current installed base is located in Europe, and there is limited brand awareness outside that region.
Some EfficientIP customers have cited a need for improved postsales support, particularly around
Use Case: Enterprises in Europe or the U.S. should consider EfficientIP, particularly if lightweight NAC
or NCCM is a priority. Organizations outside these regions should determine whether EfficientIP can
provide appropriate local support.

Founded: 1999
Infoblox (BLOX) is a publicly traded company based in California and is focused primarily on DDI, with
over $225 million in revenue in FY13. The vendor targets midsize and large organizations with its
Infoblox Grid architecture. DDI capability is delivered via hardware or virtual appliance (including
support to run on Cisco Integrated Services Routers (ISR) and Riverbed Steelhead appliances). The
solution supports both overlay and integrated deployment for DNS and DHCP services, including leading
services from Microsoft, BIND, Unbound and F5's Global Traffic Manager.
Infoblox is the DDI market leader in terms of mainstream brand awareness and Gartner estimates that
it represents 45% of the global DDI installed base. Mainstream Gartner clients often cite very good
usability and strong support within Infoblox products. In addition, the vendor's partnership with VMware
allows customers the option to manage Infoblox solutions via the VMware console. In addition to core
DDI functionality, Infoblox provides solid NCCM capability via the NetMRI appliance-based product,
acquired from Netcordia in 2010.
However, some Infoblox customers report frustration with Infoblox licensing costs and proposed
migration plans (particularly when switching DDI vendors). In addition, Infoblox does not allow rootlevel access to its appliances, which a small percentage of DDI customers require.
Use Case: All organizations should consider Infoblox, unless root-level access is a requirement.

Men & Mice

Founded: 1990
Men & Mice is a small privately held company based in Iceland. Its flagship product is a software-based
DDI overlay solution that is designed to manage DNS and/or DHCP services from other vendors. In
2012, it introduced an integrated DNS/DHCP hardware appliance aimed at enterprises and a DNS
caching appliance for the ISP market.
Men & Mice provides overlay support for DNS (BIND, Unbound and Microsoft) and DHCP (Microsoft, ISC
and Cisco routers). The solution scales well and provides consistent administrative controls in

Market Guide for DNS, DHCP and IP Address Management

heterogeneous environments. The vendor's customers cite simplified deployment as a key benefit to its
solution, and the ability to integrate with Microsoft Active Directory eases some operational tasks,
particularly site/subnet management.
Men & Mice is a small company with limited resources, and Gartner feels it will be challenging to serve
two diverse markets enterprises and service providers. Its enterprise focus may suffer if it shifts
resources to support its strategy of selling DNS caching appliances to ISPs. In addition, some customers
have cited a need for improvement of the GUI.
Use Case: Enterprises that prefer an overlay DDI deployment with strong administrative controls
should consider Men & Mice.

Founded: 1975
With over $77 billion in revenue in FY13, Microsoft (MSFT) has long been at the periphery of the DDI
market by bundling DNS and DHCP services within Windows 2000 Server. With the release of Windows
Server 2012, Microsoft added an IPAM application to its DNS and DHCP services. The vendor's DDI
services are provided at no additional cost, and now include support for delegated DNS administration,
DHCP failover and DNSSEC, and are tightly integrated into Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine
Manager (VMM).
Given the zero-cost price, it is not surprising that Microsoft lacks a key feature in its DDI solution.
Currently, the vendor does not provide native support for non-Microsoft DNS/DHCP services, which is
an important requirement in most large enterprises. In addition, it does not offer native overlay
management of non-Microsoft components (for example, BIND or DHCP on Cisco routers).
Use Case: SMBs using only Microsoft DNS/DHCP services should strongly consider Microsoft for DDI,
especially since it is bundled (free of charge) with Windows Server 2012 R2. Larger enterprises with an
all-Microsoft DNS/DHCP infrastructure should also consider the vendor.

Nixu Software
Founded: 1988
Nixu Software is based in Finland and is a subsidiary of Nixu Group, an IT security consultancy. Since
we last published the DDI MarketScope in 2012, the vendor has shifted its strategic focus away from
the SMB market and toward the large enterprise market. It is also targeting cloud services providers
and managed service providers with its IPAM solution, to enable self-service and automated private
cloud capabilities for their customers.
Nixu's DDI components are available only as software appliances, which can be run on the leading
hypervisors. NameSurfer, which includes DNS management and IPAM functionality, supports a broad
multivendor environment. In addition to Nixu's DNS/DHCP servers, it also supports Microsoft
DNS/DHCP, BIND, Unbound, Secure64 DNS, select Nominum products and the open-source Name
Server Daemon. Nixu customers highlight ease of use as a strength for Nixu's solutions.
Nixu has not established a strong direct sales or VAR channel, and name recognition and branding are
weak in the enterprise.
Use Case: Organizations that act as cloud services providers or management service providers should
consider Nixu for its ability to enable self-service portals and automated virtualization functionality.
Potential customers should verify that the vendor can provide adequate support outside of Nordic and
Scandinavian regions.

IPAM-Only Solutions
Some organizations desire only IPAM, without the requirement for DNS and DHCP management and/or
integration. All the vendors listed in this research support this IPAM-only use case. However, there are
several additional commercial and open-source alternatives that provide IPAM-only functionality,
including SolarWinds, ManageEngine, Apteriks and phpIPAM. These vendors and products are not
included in the representative vendor list because they do not provide integrated DNS and DHCP

Market Recommendations
Organizations will benefit from investment in DDI if there are 10,000-plus IP addresses in use, or if
DNS/DHCP instability or inadequate IPAM are pain points. DDI will also provide significant operational
benefits for organizations that are deploying internally managed IoT initiatives, private clouds with
automated DNS or widespread IPv6. In addition, there are now cost-effective DDI options on the
market that serve smaller-scale I&O environments. When looking to invest in DDI, organizations should
include deployment/migration strategy and costs as key criteria in the evaluation, due to the criticality
and stickiness of DDI solutions. Organizations should plan on a five- to 10-year time horizon when
making an investment and competitively bid solutions to keep pricing down.

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