City of Chicago: Office of The City Clerk Document Tracking Sheet

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City of Chicago

Office of the City Clerk


Document Tracking Sheet

Meeting Date:



Emanuel (Mayor)




Amendment of Municipal Code Titles 3, 4, 7,9,11 and 13

concerning various fines and fees (2016 Revenue
Committee on Finance

Committee(s) Assignment:




October 14, 2015



Ladies and Gentlemen:

At the request of the Budget Director, I transmit herewith the Revenue Ordinance for
Fiscal Year 2016.
Your favorable consideration of this ordinance will be appreciated.
Very truly yours,


WHEREAS, The City of Chicago is a home rule unit of government as defined in Article
VII, Section 6 (a) of the Illinois Constitution; and
WHEREAS, As a home rule unit of government, the City of Chicago may exercise any
power and perform any function pertaining to its goverrmient and affairs; and
WHEREAS, The management of its finances is a matter pertaining to the government
and affairs ofthe City of Chicago; now, therefore,
This ordinance is organized into thirteen Articles, as follows:
Article 1
Personal Property Lease Transaction Tax
Article II
Chicago Liquid Nicotine Product Tax
Article HI
Property Tax Limitation Ordinance
Article IV
Amusement Tax
Article V
Parking Tax
Article VI
Overweight Truck Permit Fees
Article VII
Uninsured Motorist Regulation
Article VIII Building Permit Fees
Article IX
Refuse Collection
Article X
Capital Improvement Tax Levy
Article XI
Taxi Rate and TNP Airport Surcharge
Article XII
Severability and Repealer
Article XIII Effective Date

Article I
Personal Property Lease Transaction Tax
SECTION 1. Chapter 3-32 of the Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby amended by
inserting the language underscored, as follows:
3-32-020 Definitions.
When any of the following words or terms are used in this chapter, whether or not
capitalized and whether or not used in a conjunctive or connective form, they shall have the
meaning or construction ascribed to them in this section:
(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)

"Lease" or "rental" means any transfer of the possession or use of personal
property, but not title or ownership, to a user for consideration, whether or not designated as a
lease, rental, license or by some other term, and includes a "nonpossessory lease".
The term "nonpossessory lease" means a lease or rental wherein use but not possession of
"the personal property is transferred and includes, but is not limited to, leased time on or use of
any and all personal property not otherwise itself rented, such as leased time on or for the use of
addressirig machines, billboards, calculators, computers, computer software, copying equipment
or data processing equipment, whether the time is fully or partially utilized, and specifically
includes a "nonpossessory computer lease".
The term "nonpossessory computer lease" means a nonpossessory lease in which the
customer obtains access to the provider's computer and uses the computer and its software to
input, modify or retrieve data or information, in each case without the intervention (other than de
minimis intervention) of personnel acting on behalf of the provider. The term "nonpossessory
computer lease" includes, but is not limited to, time sharing or time or other use of a computer
with other users. In the case of a nonpossessory computer lease, the location of the terminal or
other device by which a user accesses the computer shall be deemed to be the place of lease or
rental and the place of use of the computer for purposes of the tax imposed by this chapter.
In the case of a nonpossessory computer lease where the user accesses the provider's
computer from a mobile device, the rules set forth in the Illinois Mobile Telecommunications
Sourcing Conformity Act ("Act"), 35 ILCS 638, as amended, may be utilized for the purpose of
determining which customers and charges are subject to the tax imposed by this chapter. If those
rules indicate that the tax applies, it shall be presumed that the tax does apply unless the contrary
is established by books, records or other documentary evidence.
The words "lease" or "rental" shall not be construed to include an agreement which
constitutes a bona fide conditional sale of personal property. The primary consideration in
determining whether an agreement is a conditional sale rather than a lease or rental is whether
the lessee under the agreement both is required to make payments the sum of which is at least
equal to the lessor's cost of the personal property and, under the terms of the agreement, has the
option of taking title to or ownership of the personal property for nominal or no consideration
after all payments required under the agreement have been made.
The words "lease" or "rental" shall not be construed to include an agreement which
grants certain rights to a person, or the person's agent, to install, remove, operate, improve and
maintain, and collect fees from, certain designated parking meters pursuant to a concession
The words "lease" or "rental" shall include a transfer of the use of software within the
meaning of this chapter only if, for purposes of the Illinois Retailers' Occupation Tax and Illinois
Use Tax, the software is not "custom" software and the transfer is an exempt license of software.
(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)

"Lessor" means any person, including the assignee of any lease or rental
agreement, who leases or rents personal property to users or who, directly or indirectly, receives
or collects the consideration for the lease or rental of personal property.
(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)
3-32-030 Tax imposed.
(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)
The rate of the tax shall be nine percent of the lease or rental price, unless
subsection B.l of this section provides for a lower rate. The tax shall be paid by the
lessee at the time of each lease or rental payment, and each tax payment shall be
determined by applying the tax rate to the lease or rental payment.
In the case of the nonpossessory lease of a computer primarily for the purpose of
allowing the customer to use the provider's computer and software to input, modify or
retrieve data or information that is supplied by the customer, the rate of the tax imposed
by this chapter shall be 5.25 percent ofthe lease or rental price.
(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)
3-32-050 Exempt leases, rentals or uses.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, the following leases, rentals
or uses shall be exempt from the tax imposed by this chapter:
(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)
In accordance with the terms of this subsection, and pursuant to
procedures to be established by the comptroller, the nonpossessory lease of a computer, where
the lessor or lessee is a small new business, as the term "small new business" is defined in this
For purposes of this subsection, the term "small new business"
shall mean a business that (i) holds a valid and current business license issued by
the City or another jurisdiction, (ii) during the most recent full calendar year prior
to the annual tax year for which the exemption provided by this subsection is
sought had under $25 million in gross receipts or sales, as the term "gross receipts
or sales" is defined for federal income tax purposes, and (iii) has been in operation
for fewer than 60 months. For the purpose of calculating the $25 million limit,
gross receipts or sales will be combined i f they are received by members of a
single unitary business group. For purposes of this subsection, the term "unitary
business group" is as defined for Illinois income tax purposes. For the purpose of
calculating the 60 month limit, time in operation will be deemed to have begun
during the first calendar month in which the business seeking the exemption first

received any gross receipts or sales. Also for the purpose of calculating the 60
month limit, time in operation will include any earlier time during which any of
the following businesses were in operation (i) another- existing business, if that
business is a member of the same unitary business group as the business seeking
the exemption, (ii) a business that is no longer in operation, but that would be a
member of the same unitary business group as the business seeking the
exemption, i f it were still in operation; (iii) a business whose liabilities would be
liabilifies of the business seeking the exemption, pursuant to Illinois law
concerning successor liability; or (iv) any other business that is reasonably
determined by the Comptroller to be substantially similar or a predecessor to the
one seeking the exemption, based on factors including, but not limited to.
common ownership, management, employees, assets, line of business and

A small new business that is the lessor of a nonpossessory
computer lease shall not be required to collect tax on its charges for such
nonpossessory computer lease.
A small new business that is the lessee of a nonpossessory
computer lease shall not be required to pay tax on its charges for such
nonpossessory computer lease. To document this exemption, the lessor must
obtain from the lessee and retain in its business records a copy of the lessee's lease
tax exemption certificate, in a form to be provided by the Comptroller.
(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)

SECTION 2. With regard to the amendments in Section 1 of the Personal Property

Lease Transaction Tax portion of this ordinance that amends Section 3-32-020(1) of the
Municipal Code, the purpose of said amendment is to eliminate ambiguity and clarify rather than
change the law.

Article II
Chicago Liquid Nicotine Product Tax
SECTION 1. Section 3-4-186 ofthe Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby amended by
adding the language underscored, as follows:
3-4-186 Annual returns.
(Omitted text is not affected by this ordinance)
Hotel Accommodation Tax


Liquid Nicotine Product Tax


Liquor Tax

(Omitted text is not affected by this ordinance)

SECTION 2. Title 3 of the Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby amended by adding a

new chapter 3-47 underscored, as follows:
3-47-010 Title.
This chapter shall be known and cited as the "Chicago Liquid Nicotine Product Tax
Ordinance," and the tax herein imposed shall be known and cited as the "Chicago Liquid
Nicotine Product Tax."
3-47-020 Definitions.
Whenever any of the following words, terms, or phrases are used in this chapter, they
shall have the following meanings:
"Department" means the department offinanceof the City.
"Electronic cigarette" has the meaning ascribed to that term in Section 7-32-010 of this
"Liquid nicotine product" means: (1) any electronic cigarette containing liquid, gel, or
other solution that contains nicotine; and (2) any other container of liquid, gel, or other solution
where the liquid, gel, or other solution (i) contains nicotine and (ii) is intended to be utilized in
an electronic cigarette. The term "liquid nicotine product" does not include any product regulated
by the United States Food and Drug Administration under Chapter V of the Food. Drug, and
Cosmetic Act. 21 U.S.C. $ 301 etseq.
"Product unit" means each individual liquid nicotine product, without regard to whether
the product is sold as a single piece or as multiple pieces within the same package.
"Purchaser" means any person who purchases in a retail sale.
"Retail liquid product nicotine dealer" or "retailer" means any person who engages in the
business of the retail sale of liquid nicotine products in the City.
"Retail sale" means any sale to a person for use or consumption, and not for resale.
"Sale" or "purchase" means any transfer of ownership or title or both, any exchange or
barter, in any manner or by any means whatsoever for a valuable consideration.

"Wholesale liquid nicotine product dealer" or "wholesaler" means any person who
engages in the business of selling or supplying liquid nicotine products to any person for resale
in the City.
3-47-030 Tax imposed.
A tax is hereby imposed on the retail sale of liquid nicotine products in the City. This tax
shall be paid by the purchaser, and nothing in this chapter shall be construed to impose a tax on
the occupation of retail or wholesale liquid nicotine product dealer. The tax shall be imposed at a
rate of $1.25 per product unit, plus an additional $0.25 per fluid milliliter of consumable liquid,
gel, or other solution contained in the product.
3-47-040 Liability for payment.
The ultimate incidence and liability for payment ofthe tax imposed by this chapter is to
be borne by the purchaser of liquid nicotine product. It shall be a violation of this chapter for a
retail liquid nicotine product dealer to fail to include the tax imposed herein in the sale price of
the liquid nicotine product, or to otherwise absorb such tax.
3-47-050 Collection.
Except as otherwise provided herein, the tax imposed herein shall be collected by
each wholesale liquid nicotine product dealer who sells a liquid nicotine product to a retail liquid
nicotine product dealer located in the City. The wholesale liquid nicotine product dealer shall
remit the tax and file returns in accordance with Section 3-47-060 of this chapter.
Any wholesale liquid nicotine product dealer required to remit the tax imposed by
this chapter shall collect the tax from each retail liquid nicotine product dealer in the city to
whom the sa:le of a liquid nicotine product is made, and any such retail liquid nicotine product
dealer shall in turn then collect the tax from the retail purchaser of said liquid nicotine product.
If any retailer receives or otherwise obtains a liquid nicotine product upon which
the tax imposed herein applies and has not been collected by any wholesale liquid nicotine
product dealer, then the retailer shall collect such tax and remit it directly to the department in
accordance with Section 3-47-060 of this chapter.
If a wholesale liquid nicotine product dealer sells a liquid nicotine product to a
purchaser for use or consumption and not for resale, such wholesale liquid nicotine product
dealer shall collect the tax imposed herein from such purchaser and remit it to the department in
the same manner as sales to retail liquid nicotine product dealers.
3-47-060 Tax payments and returns.
All tax payments and remittances shall be made in accordance with either Section
3-4-187 (payment of actual tax liabilities) or Section 3-4-188 (payment of estimated taxes) of
this Code.

All tax returns shall be filed with the department on an annual basis on or before
August 15 of each year, in accordance with Sections 3-4-186 and 3-4-189 of this Code.
3-47-070 Returns and payments required upon implementation ofthe tax and after future
tax rate increases.
The comptroller is authorized to establish by rule the filing date under this
section, which shall be determined based on considerations of administrative efficiency and in no
event be later than 24 days after the effective date of this section. The comptroller shall publish
in one or more newspapers of general circulation in the city and post on the Department of
Finance website a copy of the rule with the filing date a minimum of 10 days before that date
On or before the filing date set in accordance with subsection A of this section,
every retail liquid nicotine product dealer shall file with the department, on a form prescribed by
the comptroller, a tax return reporting the inventory of liquid nicotine products in the retailer's ,'
possession or control for sale in the City on the effective date of this section. The retailer shall
include with the tax return any tax due on the inventory of liquid nicotine products in its control
and possession for sale in the City for which all applicable tax has not been collected. The
retailer shall in turn collect the tax from its retail purchasers.
Every retail liquid nicotine product dealer who possesses liquid nicotine products
for sale in the City purchased prior to the effective date of a Chicago liquid nicotine products tax
increase shall file with the department, on a form prescribed by the comptroller, a tax return
attesting to the quantities of such liquid nicotine products in its possession as ofthe last day prior
to the tax increase and remit to the department the amount of tax due as a result of each rate
increase. The retailer shall in turn collect the tax from its retail purchasers. Each such tax return
and payment due under this subsection shall be filed and received by the department by the 24th
day following the effective date of each tax increase.
Every retail liquid nicotine product dealer required to file a tax return under
subsection B or C of this section who does not file such tax return by its due date, or alternatively
does not provide all required information on such tax return, or fails to remit all required tax due
computed thereon, shall be subject to a penalty of $100.00 per business location required to be
reported on the tax return, in addition to all other penalties and interest that may be due under the
Uniform Revenue Procedures Ordinance, Chapter 3-4 of this Code.
If the comptroller determines that a person subject to the penalty in subsection D
of this section had reasonable cause for paying late, underpaying the applicable tax, or filing a
late or incomplete tax return, then the applicable penalty shall be waived.
The comptroller, or his or her designee, may at any time during the statute of
limitations outlined in Section 3-4-120 of this Code examine the books and records of any person
required to file a tax return under this section, and may issue a tax determination and assessment

to the person per Section 3-4-160 of this Code, if a determination is made that any amount of tax,
penalty, or interest is due.
Every person required to file a tax return under subsection B or C of this section
who files a complete tax return by its due date and makes timely payment of the amount
computed thereon shall be eligible to retain a commission in the amount of one percent ofthe tax
computed due thereon.
3-47-080 Books and records.
Every person required to collect the tax imposed by this chapter shall keep accurate
books and records of its business or activity, including original source documents and books of
entry denoting the transaction that gave rise, or may have given rise, to the tax liability or any
exemption that may be claimed. All such books and records shall be kept in the English language
and, at all times during business hours of the day, shall be subject to and available for inspection
by the department.
3-47-090 Payment of tax required.
The failure of the wholesale or retail liquid nicotine product dealer to collect the tax
herein imposed shall not relieve the purchaser of his duty to pay it. If the wholesale and retail
liquid nicotine product dealer fail to collect the tax, the purchaser shall be required to pay it
directly to the department in the same manner and form as a retail liquid nicotine product dealer.
3-47-100 Authority to appoint collection agents.
In furtherance of administering this chapter, the comptroller shall have the authority to
appoint one or more persons within or without the City as collection agents for the tax herein
imposed. This includes the authority to enter into service agreements with public and private
entities, and to perform any and all acts, including the expenditure of funds subject to
appropriation therefor, as shall be necessary or advisable in connection with such service
agreements, including any renewals thereto.
3-47-110 Exemptions.
This tax shall not apply to the extent it would violate the United States
Constitution or the Constitution of the State of Illinois.
It shall be presumed that all sales of liquid nicotine product from wholesale or
retail liquid nicotine product dealers are subject to tax under this chapter until the contrary is
established. The burden of proving that such is not taxable hereunder shall be upon the person so

3-47-120 Registration.
Every wholesale liquid nicotine product dealer shall register with the department within
30 days after the date of commencing such business.
3-47-130 Supplementary provisions.
Whenever not inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter, or whenever this chapter is
silent, the provisions of the Uniform Revenue Procedures Ordinance. Chapter 3-4 of this Code,
as amended, shall apply and supplement this chapter.
3-47-140 Rules and regulations.
The comptroller is authorized to adopt, promulgate, and enforce rules and regulations
pertaining to the administration and enforcement of this chapter.
3-47-150 Deposit of funds.
All proceeds resulting from the imposition of this tax, including interest and penalties,
shall be deposited in the City's corporate fund.

Article I I I
Property Tax Limitation Ordinance
SECTION 1. Section 3-92-020 of the Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby amended by
inserting the language underscored, as follows:
3-92-020 Definitions.
Whenever used in this chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the following
"Consumer price index" means the consumer price index for all urban consumers
for all items, published by the United States Department of Labor.
"Aggregate levy" means the annual levy of property taxes by the city for all
purposes, with the exception of (i) amounts levied for the specific purposes of special service
areas or pensions and (ii) those specific amounts levied for the years 2002, 2003 and 2005 to
2030, inclusive, for the benefit of the Chicago School Reform Board of Trustees of the Board of
Education of the City of Chicago pursuant to an ordinance adopted by the City Council of the
City on September 10, 1997, and (iii) for the purpose of determining the aggregate levies for the
year 2008 and subsequent years, amounts levied for public library purposes which are separately
stated on tax bills under Section 20-15 of the Property Tax Code 35 ILCS 200/20-15, plus
adjustment for new property.
(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)

Article IV
Amusement Tax
SECTION 1. Section 4-156-020 of the Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby amended
by adding the language underscored, as follows:
4-156-020 Tax imposed.
(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)
It shall be presumed that all amusements are subject to tax under this article until
the contrary is established by books, records or other documentary evidence.
G.I. In the case of amusements that are delivered electronically to mobile devices, as
in the case of video streaming, audio streaming and on-line games, the rules set forth in the
Illinois Mobile Telecommunications Sourcing Conformity Act. 35 ILCS 638. as amended, may
be utilized for the purpose of determining which customers and charges are subject to the tax
imposed by this chapter. If those rules indicate that the tax applies, it shall be presumed that the
tax does apply unless the contrary is established by books, records or other documentary
(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)
SECTION 2. With regard to the amendments in Section 1 of the Amusement Tax
portion of this ordinance, the purpose of said amendment is to eliminate ambiguity and clarify
rather than change the law.

Article V
Parking Tax
SECTION 1. Chapter 4-236 of the Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby amended by
adding the language underscored and by deleting the language struck through, as follows:
4-236-010 Definitions.
For the purpose of this chapter, whenever any of the following words, terms or
definitions are used, they shall have the meaning ascribed to them in this section:
(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)
"Parking l o f or "garage" means any building, structure, premises, enclosure or other
place, whether enclosed or not, except a public way, within the City of Chicago, where four or
more motor vehicles are stored, housed or parked for hire, charge, fee or other valuable

consideration in a condition ready for use, or where rent or compensation is paid to the owner,
manager or lessee of the premises for the housing, storing, sheltering, keeping or maintaining of
such motor vehicles.
(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)
4-236-020 Tax imposed.
(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)
The tax imposed by this chapter shall not apply to: (i) residential off-street
parking of house or apartment tenants or condominiums, wherein an arrangement for such
parking is provided in the house or apartment lease or in a separate writing between the landlord
and tenant, or if in a condominium between the condominium association and the owner,
occupant or guest of a unit, whether the parking charge is payable to the landlord, condominium
association, or to the operator of the parking lot or garage: (ii) parking by hospital employees on
or in a parking lot or garage that is owned or operated by the hospital for which they work; (iii)
parking on or in a parking lot or garage where three or fewer motor vehicles are stored, housed
or parked for hire, charge, fee or other valuable consideration, if the operator ofthe parking lot or
garage does not act as the operator of more than a total of three parking spaces located in the
City of Chicago.
(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)
Hospitals shall be exempt from the collection of any tax from their employees as
provided in this chapter.
(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)

Article VI
Overweight Truck Permit Fees
SECTION 1. Section 9-72-070 ofthe Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby amended by
adding the language underscored, as follows:
9-72-070 Special permits.
The executive director may, upon application in writing and good cause
being shown, issue a special permit authorizing a vehicle or combination of vehicles not in
conformity with the size regulations of this chapter or the wheel and axle load and gross weight
provisions of Section 15-111 of the Illinois Vehicle Code, to be operated upon any street or
highway under the jurisdiction ofthe city. The fees for permits under this section shall be as
provided in Table 9-72-070. All fee payments under this section shall be deposited in an account
to be used only for maintenance, repair and upgrading of streets and highways within the city
designated under Section 9-72-035.


(omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)

The fee for an annual permit issued under subsection (a)(2) shall be as set forth in that
subsection. Beginning June 1, 2016 and every year thereafter, the fees set forth in this section
shall be adjusted upwards, if applicable, by applying to the previous year's fees the rate of inflation, calculated based on the Consumer Price Index - Urban Wage Earners and Clerical
Workers (Chicago All Items) published by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics for the
365-day period ending on the most recent January 1.

Article VII
Uninsured Motorist Regulation
SECTION 1. Chapter 9-80 of the Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby amended by
adding a new Section 9-80-250 underscored, as follows:
9-80-250 Operation of uninsured motor vehicle - penalties.
(a) No person shall operate a motor vehicle unless the motor vehicle is covered by a
liability insurance policy in accordance with Section 7-601 ofthe Illinois Vehicle Code, as
amended. For purposes of this subsection, any person who fails to comply with a request by a
law enforcement officer for display of evidence of insurance, as required under Section 7-602 of
the Illinois Vehicle Code, as amended, shall be deemed to be operating an uninsured motor
(b) Any person convicted of violating subsection 9-80-250(a) shall be subject to afineof
not less than $500.00 nor more than $1.000.00 for the first and second offenses, and to afineof
$1.000.00 for each subsequent offense. However no person charged with violating subsection 980-250(a) shall be convicted if such person produces in court satisfactory evidence that, at the
time of the violation, the motor vehicle was covered by a liability insurance policy in accordance
with Section 7-601 of the Illinois Vehicle Code, as amended; and a person convicted of a first
offense for violating subsection 9-80-250(a) who produces at his or her court appearance
satisfactory evidence that the motor vehicle is covered, as of the date of the court appearance, by
a liability insurance policy in accordance with Section 7-601 of the Illinois Vehicle Code, as
amended, shall pay a fine of $100.00 and receive a disposition of court supervision. The person
must, on the date that the period of court supervision is scheduled to terminate, produce
satisfactory evidence that the vehicle was covered by the required liability insurance policy
during the entire period of court supervision.

Article VIII
Building Permit Fees
SECTION 1. Section 13-32-310 of the Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby amended
by deleting the language stricken through and by inserting the language underscored, as follows:


13-32-310 Permit fees - Computation.

(a) Permits requiring plans - Ccdculation of fee. If building plans or drawings meeting the
requirements of Chapter 13-40 are required under this code in order for a permit to be issued or
for any type of work described in Tables (C) or (D) of this section, the permit fee shall be
calculated using the following formula:


Scope of review/

Area of






(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance.)

Table 13-32-3iO(A)
Construction Factor for NEW CONSTRUCTION
Cost of review per square foot area of work

Construction Classification
Occupancy Classification
Per section

lA-IC (Nan




A l Residential 1 and 2 Family, Private


///-fi, lllC





A2 Townhouse

(Protected and
Non Protected

































A2 Muiti Family, Hotel, Assisted Living

A2 Multi-Familv. Hotel, Assisted Living
Low risemax '15 feet or 4 stories high
\ / l \ A


/ IC

^nni^ n n A

tviiu~i i3Cuvci ' i j i c c i uiiu

n i g l I I IbtS




iiitiii ov/ lOCl


o v ttJCl a l ! u ~ U V C l


B-Hospital, Prison, Nursing Home,






Supervised Environment









C4 /C-2
Theater w/ Stage
















































to ''T

Theater w/o Stage

C-1 / C-2 Community Hails, Nightclub,
Restaurant, Banquet Hall, Libraries,
Museums, Churches

C-3 Schools, Day Care Centers

D Open Air Assembly


E Business
E Business

"^TVO/ . i .

I J U > V ~ I V I D C Ot I \ C D l a U l a J U a * I W V ^ v v U p U M l b


UVCI " T J I C C l l i i g r t



$0 ''8

$0 ''S






















<tn 10




















Cn to












F Mercantile

G-1 Low & Moderate Hazard Industrial

H-1 Low and Moderate Hazard Storage

H-3 Garages

I Hazardous Use Buildings

J Miscellaneous Use




Parking Facility, Gasoline Filling Station,






Police Station, Fire Station, Porches, Decks

Note: Structures of mixed occupancy shall be assessed fees based on the square foot area categorized under each
occupancy. Common areas in mixed occupancy buildings shall be assessed the same as the majority occuparicy.
Areas less than 15% ofthe total building area shall be assessed as part ofthe majority occupancy. Parking
associated with residential building occupancy shall be assessed the same as the residential occupancy if such
parking is used exclusively by the building's non-transient residential occupants and their guests.
Note: Only one construction type shall be used for a building. The higher dollar amount will govern.
Note: Porches, decks, balconies, green roofs or similar constructions shall use the Construction Factor associated
with the building to which it is attached.
Note: See Table 13-32-310(E) regarding additional fees assessed.
Note: "NP" means not permitted.

Table 13-32-310(B)
Cost of review per square foot area of work

Construction Classification




///-fi, IIIC









Al Residential 1 and 2 Family,






Private Garages























Occupancy Classification
Per section 13-56-010

(Protected and
Non Protected

A2 Townhouse

A2 Multi-Familv, Hotel,
Assisted Living
Low risemax '15 feet or 4
stories high



iM r i ^ f >
ITl l u

i l3C

t~\\f(^r A S f o p t ' \ n r i If^^'*^








H ^ s ^ t - c e t and over






B-Hospital, Prison, Nursing





Home, Supervised Environment


























Nightclub, Restaurant, Banquet






Hall, Libraries, Museums,









CQ /to

























CQ Ali









CQ ' I f ,








G-1 Low & Moderate Hazard










H-1 Low and Moderate Hazard





Theater w/ Stage

Theater w/o Stage

C-1 / C-2 Community Halls,

C-3 Schools, Day Care Centers

D Open Air Assembly

E Business
E Business
Low Rise & Restaurants < 100
Mid Rise & High-Riseever
45 feet high

F Mercantile
























Parking Facility, Gasoline





Filling Station, Police Station,








H-3 Garages

1 Hazardous Use Buildings


J Miscellaneous Use

Fire Station, Porches, Decks

Note: Structures of mixed occupancy shall be assessed fees based on the square foot area categorized under each
occupancy. Common areas in mixed occupancy buildings shall be assessed the same as the majority occupancy.
Areas less than 15% of the total building area shall be assessed as part of the majority occupancy. Parking
associated with residential building occupancy shall be assessed as the residential occupancy if such parking is used
exclusively by the building's non-transient residential occupants and their guests.
Note: Only one construction type shall be used for a building. The higher dollar amount will govern.
Note: Porches, decks, balconies, green roofs or similar constructions shall use the Construction Factor associated
with the building to which it is attached.
Note: See Table 13-32-310(F) regarding additional fees assessed.
Note: "NP" means not permitted.
Note: Wrecking permits shall be assessed based on miscellaneous use regardless of actual occupancy.

Table 13-332-310(C)
Scope of Review Factor




lass per





Not applicable
Detached private garages (min. fee $ 3 ^ $500 in addition to
primary residence fees)


Residential construction without sprinklers with a maximum of 4


stories or max 3 dwellina units (min. fee $4-000 $2000)

Residential construction with more than 4 stories; or 4 or more


dwelling units; or with sprinklers installed,; or mixed occupancy

(min. fee of $4500 $3000)


Not applicable


Not applicable


Not applicable



All new construction (min. fee $4400 $2000)


Not applicable

Assembly and


Not applicable

Open Air


Not applicable

Large and Small

C, D



Business and



G, H, I

All new construction (min. fee $4500 $3000)

Not applicable
Free-standing kiosks used for retail or business which require
review by more than one discipline (min. fee $500 $750)
Max. 1 story. No sprinklers (min. fee $1500 $3000)
More than 1 story; or sprinklers installed; or mixed occupancy,
(min. fee $4400 $3000)


Not applicable


Not applicable


Max. 1 story and without sprinklers (min. fee $1000 $2000)

Storage, and
Hazardous Use


More than 1 story; or sprinklers installed; or mixed occupancy

tmin. fee $4400 $3000)
Facilities with the installation of equipment regulated by the




department of health (min. fee $1500 $3000)

Not applicable


(see the "stand


Trailers and tents - Temporary structures (min. fee $4-25 $250)

alone" fees for

specific items)

Max. I story; including, but not limited to parking lots,


transportation shelters, retaining walls (min. fee $125 $250)

Any other structure including, but not limited to:
station houses, utility plants, cell phone towers and equipment, gas
stations, rail stations, etc. (min. fee $1500 $3000)


platforms, kiosks, bridges, structures not listed n flat fees (min. fee
$435 $250)
mixed occupancy (min. fee based on other occupancy
Phased Construction
Caissons only, or slurry wall only, or grade beams only (inin. fee


$500 $600)
Below grade construction (foundation, including below-grade


floors) Cmin. fee $4500 $3000)

All Occupancies


Stmctural and Skin (superstructure), or Core and Shell, or Full

Building as part of phased construction (min. fee $1500 $3000)
Full building with only Foundation as a separate phase, with or
without first tenant buildout (min. fee $1500 $3000)

Note: Correction of violations or work without permits on new construction shall be assessed a Scope of Review
factor of 1.0 (Fines in section 13-32-035 are in addition to these permit fees).
Note: If more than one Scope of Review Factor appears to apply because of the diverse scope of work, the higher
multiplier shall govern for all areas.
Note: Mixed occupancy will always have a factor of 1.0 for the entire building.

Table 13-32-310(D)
Scope of Review Factor



Class 1




( , ,-1



Repair/replacement of porches and decks (no change of

configuration) (min. fee $425 $200 per porch)
Installation/repair/replacement of balconies (min. fee $125
Interior demolition, including the removal of MEP within fire
separations (min. fee $425 $200)
Renovation of existing spaces (any number of dwelling units)

(min. fee $500 $500)

Roof repair/replacement with structural member replacement
(min. fee $500 $500)
Single discipline MEP work without alteration (min. fee
Structural repairs as entire scope of work - 3 or less dwelling


units (min. fee $500 $500)

Alterations for buildings with 3 units or less, no mixed
occupancy (min. fee $500 $500)
Alterations to 1 unit in buildings with 4 or more units (min.
fee $300 $500)
Repair or replacement or renovation of more than one MEP
system without alterations (min. fee $500 $500)
Porch, deck or green roof alterations or installation (min. fee
$425 $200 per porch, deck)
Balcony installation or repairs or alterations or replacement
(min. fee $300)
Structural repairs as entire scope of work - 4 or more dwelling
units fmin. fee $750 $1500)


For anv scope under this multiplier: No expansion of

sprinkler piping. No change to demising walls.
Additions in buildings with 3 dwelling units or less (min. fee
$500 $750)
Alterations to multiple units up to max 29 units in buildings
with 4 or more units (min. fee $125 $250 per unit)

Moving buildings (min. fee $?50 $1500)

For anv scope under this multiplier: No mixed occupancy in
scope. No altering or adding unit demising walls. No
expansion of sprinkler piping. No change in the number of
dwelling units.
Additions to buildings with 4 or more dwelling units (min. fee
$4000 $2000)
Alterations between mixed occupancies (min. fee $1000
Alterations for 30 units or more (min. fee $425 $250 per unit)

Decrease in the number of dwelling units (min. fee $750)
Change Increase in the number of dwelling units (min. fee
$750 $1500)
Project includes expansion of sprinkler piping for any
building (min. fee $750 $1500)
Interior demolition, including the removal of MEP within fire

separations (min. fee $ 4 ^ $300)

Repairs or replacement or renovations (min. fee $300 $500:
min. fee $300 for day care)


Porch, deck, stairs, balconies, or green roof alterations or
installation (min. fee $425 $200 each)
Alterations without expansion of sprinkler piping (min. fee

$740 $1500)


Repair or replacement of single MEP system (min. fee $300

For anv scope under this multiplier: No mixed occupancy.
No alterations or creation of machine rooms.
Alterations with expansion of sprinkler piping, (min. fee
$4500 $3000)
Any work requiring alterations to machine rooms (min. fee
$4000 $2000)

Repair or replacement of more than one MEP system (min.

fee $750 $1500)
Additions (min. fee $4500 $3000)
Any work with mixed occupancy (min. fee $1000 $2000)
Interior demolition, including the removal of MEP within fire
separations (min. fee $125 $300)
Roof repairs/replacement with structural member replacement
(min. fee $500 $500)

Repair or replacement or renovation of single discipline MEP
system, no alteration (min. fee $300 $500)

C, D

Large and

For anv scope under this multiplier: No structural work. No


expansion of sprinkler piping. No mixed occupancy.

Assembly and

Repair or replacement or renovation of more than one MEP

Open Air

system (min. fee $750 $1500)

Porch, deck, stair or green roof alterations or installation (min.
fee $435 $200 each)

Balcony installation or repairs or alterations (min. fee $300

For anv scope under this multiplier: No structural work. No
expansion of sprinkler piping. No mixed occupancy. No


Alterations to small assembly (min. fee $750 $1500)

School alterations (min. fee $500 $500)
Alterations to small assembly existing restaurants. No

expansion (min. fee $750 $1500)

For anv scope under this multiplier: No structural work. No
expansion of sprinkler piping. No changes to mixed
occupancy separations.
Alterations to large assembly or open air assembly (min. fee
$500 $500)
Alterations to occupancy separations (min. fee $500 $500)
Additions or expansion of assembly area (min. fee $750
Expansion of restaurants or alterations to large assembly


restaurants (min. fee $750 $1500)

Installation of new restaurants (min. fee $4500 $3000)
All strucniral work (min. fee $?50 $1500)
Work in Wrigleyville Rooftop Clubs (min. fee for renovation
$500 $500, min. fee for alterations $?50 $1500, min. fee for
expansion/additions $4400 $3000)
Interior demolition, including the removal of MEP within fire
separations (min. fee $435 $300)
Roof repairs/replacement with structural member replacement
(min. fee $500 $500)

E, F

Business and

Repair or replacement or renovation of single discipline MEP,


no alteration (min. fee$500 $500)

For anv scope under this multiplier: No structural work. No
expansion of sprinkler piping. No mixed occupancy.
Sales centers or model units, or first time buildout of a single

tenant space (except technology centers) (min. fee $500 $750)


Alterations of one tenant space on one fioor including existing

technology centers (min. fee $500 $750)
First time tenant buildout except for technology centers (min.
fee $500 $750)
Renovations or alterations of common spaces on one fioor
(min. fee $500 $750)
Repair or replacement of more than one MEP system without
alteration (min. fee $500 $750)
Porch, deck, stairs, or green roof alterations or installation
(min. fee $425 $200)
Balcony installation or repairs or alterations (min. fee $300
Structural repairs as entire scope of work (min. fee $750)
For any scope under this multiplier: No changes to mixed
occupancy separations. No new or changed tenant demising
walls. No expansion of tenant space.
Alterations to multiple tenant spaces or multiple fioors,
including first time buildouts of multiple tenant spaces (min.
fee $750 $1500)
Alterations to common spaces on multiple floors (min. fee
min. fee $500 $750)
Alterations to existing restaurants or facilities requiring public

health inspections. No expansion of facility (min. fee $500

Alterations or creation of demising walls to separate tenant
spaces (min. fee $750 $1500)
For anv scope under this multiplier: No expansion of
sprinkler piping. No alteration to mixed occupancy


Alterations requiring expansion of sprinkler piping (min. fee


$750 $1500)
New or the expansion of restaurants or facilities requiring
inspections bv public health (min. fee $750 $1500)
First time technology center build-out (min. fee $1000 $2000)
Alterations including changes to mixed occupancy separations
or to fire separations (min. fee $1500 $3000)
All additions (min. fee $750 $ 1500)
Interior demolition, including the removal of MEP within fire
separations (min. fee $435 $250)
Repair/replacement of porches and decks (no change of
configuration) (min. fee $434 $200 per porch)
Roof repairs/replacement with stmctural member replacement
(min. fee $5W $500)
Repair or replacement or renovation of single discipline MEP
svstem, no alteration (min. fee $300 $500)
For anv scope under this multiplier: No structural work. No
expansion of sprinkler piping. No mixed occupancy. No
G, H,I


installation of equipment regulated by the department of

Storage, and


Hazardous Use
Renovation work (min. fee $500 $500)
Repair or replacement of more than one MEP system without
alteration (min. fee $750)
Installation or alteration of a green roof (min. fee $435 $200)

For anv scope under this multiplier: No structural work. No

expansion of sprinkler piping. No mixed occupancy. No
installation of equipment regulated bv the department of
No installation of equipment regulated by the department of


Alterations for max one story without expansion of sprinkler

piping (min. fee $500 $750)

Alterations with structural work (min. fee S750 $1500)

For anv scope under this multiplier: No installation of
equipment regulated by the department of health.
Alterations to buildings over one story (min. fee $750 $1500)
Additions (min. fee $4-000 $2000)


Alterations to the mixed occupancy separations or fire

separations or with expansion of sprinkler piping (min. fee

$4400 $3000)



the department of health (min. fee $1000 $2000)


Not applicable


Not applicable

(See the "stand

alone" fees for

Facilities including the installation of equipment regulated by

Alterations to structures that fall under this category for new


construction (min. fee $125 $250)

specific items)

Alterations to structures that fall under this category and

additions for any "J" occupancy (min. fee $300 $500)
Phased Construction

All Occupancies


Not applicable

Facade work (Fees in addition to other scope of work fees)

All occupancies

Tuckpointing (min. fee $435 $300)

Window walls and curtain wall repair or replacement (min.
fee $300 $500)
Lintel repair - based on contributing area supported by the
lintel (min. fee $435 $250)

Concrete repairs - based on the area of the repairs (min. fee
$500 $500)


Parapet rebuilding - based on the height and length of the

parapet area of work (min. fee $425 $250)
Fascia repair or replacement - based on the height and length

of the fascia within the scope of work (min. fee $434 $250)
Decorative facade elements, such as terra cotta, sheet metal or
modem equivalents - based on the height and length ofthe
area within the scope of work (min. fee $125 $250)


Not applicable


Wrecking (drawings not required) (min. fee $500 $500)


Wrecking of private garage (min. fee $125)

All occupancies


Change of occupancy without an increase in the hazard index

number (min. fee $ 4 ^ $2000)
Change of occupancy with an increase in hazard index
number (min. fee $4500 $3000)

Note: "MEP" means mechanical, electrical and plumbing.

Note: Correction of violations or stop order work or work without permits shall be assessed a Scope of Review
factor of 1.0. (Fines in section 13-32-035 are in addition to these permit fees).
Note: If more than one Scope of Review Factor appears to apply because of the diverse scope of work, the higher
multiplier shall govern for all areas.
(b) Stand-alone permits - Flat fee. Fees for the stand-alone permit types identified in Table 13-32-310(E) shall
be assessed in the amount set forth in Table 13-32-310(E), as follows:
Table 13-32-310(E)

Minor repairs

Repairs/replacement in-kind of minor scopes of work



Zoning fee










For permits addressing administrative issues only,
such as changes of owner or contractors, uncollected
fees, permit time fraine extensions, reprinting permits,
or permit reinstatements. Provided, however, that this

permit fee shall be in addition to any fines or other



fees associated with the administrative request. (See

Section 13-32-110 regarding time limits, Section 1332-120 regarding stop work orders and Section 13-32290 regarding reinstatement fees)
Fences and
enclosures (3)

occupancies, any length, any material (fee per each)

Repair/replacement/recovering of roof without tearoff






without structural work




Rooftop structures - tanks, chimneys, supports installation, alteration or repair





story buildings








Fire escapes erection, alterations, or repairs on

buildings over 80-0


Fire escapes erection, alterations, or repairs on

buildings up to 80-0

c 1 on

Fire escapes erection, alterations, or repairs on max. 4

Fire (2)



Repair/replacement/recovering of roof with tear-off,


ct 00

Installation of all fences and trash enclosures, all


Fire detection systems, voice command systems, fire

command panel system, exit signs, special locking
arrangements, or alarm system review in buildings a



max. of 4 stories for installation or renovation within

existing buildings
Fire detection systems, voice command systems, fire
command panel system, exit signs, or alarm system




review in buildings over 4 stories for installation or

renovation within existing buildings
Repair/replacement of hot water heater or plumbing
fixtures per single dwelling unit or tenant space.
Installation of plumbing fixtures without alteration to



piping in the walls.

Repair/replacement of plumbing piping all
^ ) QQ

occupancies per single dwelling unit or tenant space.

Repair/replacement of plumbing risers within an






existing plumbing chase space, per riser.

Repair/replacement of fiimace(s) or boiler(s) or unit
heater(s) per single dwelling unit or tenant space
(individual equipment), or duct extensions for existing


systems (in addition to the equipment fee)

Repair/replacement of residential air conditioning
condenser (no mixed occupancy), boiler or furnace



per dwelling unit

Repair/replacement in'kind of refrigeration equipment
(includes chiller, cooling tower, and air handling

CO 0 0

no (4)


equipment), boiler or furnace. No change to chiller



room required. No other construction.

Installation of new refrigeration equipment for air
conditioning per dwelling unit or tenant space











(individual equipment)
Installation of new chiller, cooling tower, and air


handling equipment serving more than one dwelling

unit or tenant space. No other construction. No


change to chiller room required.

Installation of new refrigeration equipment to serve
food cooling - not part of other construction. Includes



associated piping.

Installation of electrical service only of less than 400


IPJ u u

.p J V



Installation of electrical service only of 400 amps or

less than 1000 amps



Installation of electrical service of 1000 amps or more



IP J v v /

Change of electrical contractor (On-line application)



Installation of low voltage system (telephone,

security, cable, media are each separate systems) per
floor for multi-family residential or commercial



Installation of low voltage system (telephone,
security, cable, media are each separate systems) per



single family residence or townhouse

Installation of power generators, whether required or



discretionary - per generator (3)


Installation of power generators for residential

buildings with three or less dwelling units (no mixed




f .J

Installation of emergency lighting systems 1, 2 or 3

Installation of electrical systems per 1000 square feet





of parking lot or landscape area


Additional new circuits of 10 circuits or less (per





IP 1 \J\J


Additional new circuits of 11 circuits up to 20 circuits

(per service)




Additional new circuits of 21 circuits up to 40 circuits

(per service)

ip 1



Additional new circuits of 41 circuits up to 80 circuits

(per service)




Additional new circuits of 81 circuits or over (per




Monthly maintenance permits



Repair or replacement of devices on existing electrical

circuits (existing electrical systems) (Additionally
includes poles, wires, conductors, lamp posts,



festoons, decorative lights)


Temporary electrical service



Installation of equipment regulated by the department

of health, per piece of equipment








Elevator, or lift serving less than or equal to 20 floors




Escalator or moving walk (each)


Elevator or lift serving between 21 and 30 floors



IP 1 \Jv

Elevator or lift serving 31 floors or more (each)














moving walks,
lifts - (3)


Movable stage or orchestra floor

CI 00

Platform lift, inclined wheelchair lifts and stairway


Automotive lifts - per unit



Vertical reciprocating conveyors


Material lifts, loading and truck dock lifts,



LP 1 \J\J


Temporary construction towers , personnel, material

movers and skip hoists associated with construction




Major repair work (not routine maintenance) per






Amusement devices, mechanical riding, sliding,

sailing or swinging devices per device - portable, for


each installation (including electrical work)

$500 per


for any number of

devices from 2 to

Amusement devices, mechanical riding, sliding,

7; $1,200 per

sailing or swinging devices (for purposes of this part

event for any

of this table collectively referred to as "devices")

number of

located on property used or intended to be used for

any amusement, as the term "amusement" is defined

devices from 8 to

in Section 4-156-010 of this Code, and provided that

device for any

the owner, lessee or manager of the property is

number of

exempt from obtaining a public place of amusement


14; $300 per

devices over 14;

license pursuant to Section 4-156-300(f) of this Code

or $300 for an
event that installs
no more than one
Amusement devices, mechanical riding, sliding,
sailing or swinging per device -permanent installation





or repair
Antenna, monopoles, and satellite dishes. Installation,
alteration, or repair of cell phone tower equipment


boxes (fee for each), attached antennas (fee for all)

Asbestos removal



See Section 11-4-2170


Canopies or marquee - installation, alteration, or






Construction cranes, hoists and other construction

equipment (per piece)




Private swimming pools



Sandblasting, grinding, or chemically washing any

building, structure, statue or other architectural

See Section 11-4-130

surface (3)




c 1 nn
.p I


Temporary platforms for public assembly




Temporary seating stands


Billboards, signboards, roofsigns, ground signs,

painted wall signs, flat signs or projecting signs - for
erection or alteration, from 0 to 49 square feet, per
















face (3)
Billboards, signboards, roofsigns, ground signs,
painted wall signs, flat signs or projecting signs - for
erection or alteration, from 50 to 99 square feet, per
face (3)
Billboards, signboards, roofsigns, ground signs,
painted wall signs, flat signs or projecting signs - for
erection or alteration, from 100 to 199 square feet, per
face (3)
Billboards, signboards, roofsigns, ground signs,
painted wall signs, flat signs or projecting signs - for
erection or alteration, from 200 to 499 square feet, per
face (3)
Billboards, signboards, roofsigns, ground signs,
painted wall signs, flat signs or projecting signs - for


erection or alteration, 500 sq ft and over, per face (3)

Note: If inore than one discipline is involved in a scope of work that qualifies for flat fees, the total fee will include
the fees for each discipline involved as determined by (his table, the minor repair fee, and the appropriate zoning fee.
Note: If the scope of work includes equipment regulated by the department of health, the total fee will also include
the fees for each discipline involved in the permit process and inspection.
Key to Table:
"(I)" means drawings are required based on the specific project scope and requirements.
"(2)" means fees for sprinkler system and/or standpipe reviews are assessed in Section 15-16-190 and are in
addition to the fees set forth in Section 13-22-310(a).
"(3)" means the fee set forth for the stand alone work described in this category shall be assessed in addition to
the pennit fee generated pursuant to Section 13-32-310(a).
"(4)" means that if drawings are required, the fee will be assessed based on the square footage ofthe area of
"(5)" means that the zoning fee will be required based on the specific equipment and installation location.
"DU" means dwelling units.

SECTION 2. Section 13-32-300 ofthe Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby amended

by deleting the language stricken through and by inserting the language underscored, as follows:
13-32-300 Payment to comptrolIer-When.


Fees Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (2) of this subsection (a),

fees for the issuance of permits required by this chapter shall be payable to the comptroller City
of Chicago when such permits are issued.
Provided, however, that fees Fees for the issuance of permits under
subsection (a) of Section 13-32-310 shall be payable as follows: 50 percent at the tirhe of filing
plans for review, to defray the cost of reviewing the plans, and not refundable; and the remainder
upon issuance ofthe requested permits.- A non-refundable fee of $300 for the issuance of
permits required by this chapter shall be payable to the City of Chicago at the time of filing plans
or drawings for review, to defray the cost of such review. The remainder of the applicable
permit fee shall be payable to the City of Chicago when such permits are issued. Provided,
however, that if the total fee for the issuance of permits under subsection (a) of Section 13-32310 is under $300, the entire permit fee, which shall be non-refundable, shall be payable to the
City of Chicago at the time of filing plans or drawings for review, to defray the cost of such
Except as otherwise provided in section 13-32-301, no building permit
shall be issued by the building commissioner, unless the department of buildings determines that

the following fees have been paid to the department of finance City of Chicago: (1) all applicable
permit fees required under this chapter; (2) all applicable zoning fees; and (3) the open space
impact fee, if applicable.
The building commissioner is authorized to require a deposit, payable to the
comptroller City of Chicago, to schedule any appointment related to the submission of a permit
application. The deposit shall be in a sum sufficient to defray the estimated costs of failing to
attend a scheduled appointment as determined by the building commissioner, but under no
circumstances shall exceed the cost of the permit sought. If the person requesting an
appointment attends the appointment as scheduled, the deposit paid by that person pursuant to
this subsection shall be credited toward the final permit fee. If the person requesting an
appointment fails to attend the appointment as scheduled, (i) the deposit paid by that person
pursuant to this subsection shall be forfeited to the City of Chicago, unless the scheduled
appointment is cancelled 24 hours in advance of the scheduled appointment, excluding
Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays; and (ii) no new appointment shall be scheduled unless
another deposit is paid. The amount of the deposit required by this subsection shall be $150.00
(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)
If, after a pennit application is submitted for a project, the owner of record
identified in such application seeks to make a design change to the plans accompanying such
application and such design change requires plan examiners to reconsider and reanalyze the
project's building systems as if the project was newly submitted, the existing permit application
shall be deemed to be void, and a new permit application for the project, accompanied by
payment of the 50% deposit non-reftindable fee required under subsection (a)(2) of this section,
shall be required for the project identified in such new application. Provided, however, that this
subsection shall not apply to any change to plans required as the result of a code correction
comment made by a plan examiner designated by the department to review such plans for
compliance with the requirements of the Chicago Building Code.
If the project identified in a building permit application is for phased construction
of a full foundation only (i.e. a foundation-only project), one structural design change to such
foundation will be allowed per pennit application without penalty to the applicant. If more than
one structural design change to the foundation is made by the applicant, the permit application
for such project shall be deemed to be void and a new application for such project, accompanied
by payment of the 50% deposit non-refundable fee required under subsection (a')(2) of this
section, shall be required.

Article IX
Refuse Collection
SECTION 1. Chapter 3-12 of the Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby amended by
deleting the language struck through and by adding the language underscored, as follows:


3-12-030 Statement to be rendered Unified statement of charges.

(a) The rates and charges calculated and applied to the billed party shall be added to and
separately recited upon a unified statement of charges for water consumption, and sewer use.
Seh-The unified statement of charges shall be prepared and sent to the billed party in such time
periods as established by the comptroller and shall be subject to section 1 l-12-480(c). All
revenues received in payment of sewer use rates, charges and penalties shall be deposited to the
sewer revenue fund. Whenever any sewer use charges shall remain unpaid after the expiration of
30 days from the date of such statement the water supply for the premises so serviced and
delinquent shall be subject to termination, and the service shall not be resumed until all sewer
bills in anears shall have been paid, including accrued penalties, and all applicable fees set out in
Section 11-12-120 have been paid for termination and resumption of water supply service. The
comptroller shall enforce the provisions of this section; provided that the commissioner of water
management shall be responsible for the termination or resumption of the water supply service.
(b) For purposes of this chapter, "unified statement of charges" has the same definition
ascribed to that term in section 11-12-010.
3-12-050 Senior citizens exempted when.
(a) Persons aged 65 or over, residing in their own residence with separate metered water
service or a separate city water assessment for that residential unit, shall be exempt from
payment of the sewer service charge for their residence. This exemption shall apply regardless of
whether the person is in anears in the payment of any refuse collection, water or sewer charges
for the subject residence.
(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)
3-12-070 Late payment penalty.
(a) A late payment penalty assessed at a monthly rate of one and one-quarter percent shall
be imposed on all sewer usage fees billed under Section 3-12-060 for which payment in full is
not received within 24 calendar days from the date the bill for such charges therefor was sent as
shown by the records of the department offinanceand shall be subject to section 11-I2-480(c).
Where the correctness of a biW rate or charge imposed under this chapter is disputed and where
complaint of such inconectness has been made prior to the time the usual penalty would be
imposed, and where the adjusting of such complaint requires additional time, the penalty may be
held in abeyance up to and including the tenth day succeeding the resending of such bill.
(b) The rates and charges calculated and applied under Section 3-12-060 shall be recited
upon a unified statement of charges for sewer use. Such The unified statement of charges shall
be prepared and sent to the billed party in such time periods as established by the comptroller.
All revenues received in payment of such sewer use rates, charges, and penalties shall be
deposited to the sewer revenue fiind established under Section 3-12-010. Upon notice from the
comptroller to the commissioner of water management that such sewer use charges shall remain
unpaid after the expiration of 30 days from the date of such statement, the sewer service for the
premises so serviced and delinquent shall be subject to termination by the commissioner of water
management, and the service shall not be resumed until all sewer bills in anears shall have been
paid, including accrued penalties, and an amount equal to the actual costs of disconnection and

reconnection shall have been paid for termination and resumption of service. Except as
otherwise provided herein, the comptroller shall enforce the provisions of this section; provided
that the commissioner of water management shall be responsible for termination or resumption
of the sewer service.
(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)
3-12-080 City's authority not limited.
Nothing contained in Secfion 3-12-06074fl or chapter 1 -25 Section 3-12 070 shall be
deemed to limit the authority of the city to negotiate or fix rates, by contract, with other
municipalities for users of the city's system residing in such municipalitiesv
SECTION 2. Chapter 7-28 of the Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby amended by
adding a new section 7-28-235 underscored, by deleting the language struck through and by
adding the language underscored, as follows:
7-28-200 Definitions.
For the purposes of this chapter the following words and terms shall be understood
as having the following meanings:
"Ashes" means all ashes of wood, coal and coke; the residue resulting from the
combustion of any material or substance, soot, cinders, slag or charcoal.
"Dwelling unit" has the meaning ascribed to that term in section 17-17-0248.
"Garbage" means rejected organic matter, household food, cooking grease or kindred
refuse, manure, swill or canion.
(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)
"Living unit" means an apartment used as a single housekeeping unit for one family, or
four rooms used for living, sleeping, cooking and eating, by one or more persons.
(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)
"MuUiple dwelling" means a building that contains 2 or more dwelling units
building or a part of a building, designed, intended, or used as an apartment house, apartment
hotel, tenement house, condominium, cooperative, single room occupancy hotel,- or other use in
which there is more than one dwelling.
(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)
"Single dwelling" means a building that contain no more than one dwelling unit
designed as or intended for, or used as a residence for a single-family, or for a group of persons
other than a single family, when such group does not exceed five in number.
"Unified statement of charges" has the same definition ascribed to that term in section

7-28-220 Duty to provide refuse containers and service.

(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)
The owner or his agent of every multiple dwelling with five or more living dwelling
units, if not required to have a compactor under section 7-28-225 at the owner's or his agent's
expense shall provide or contract for sufficient commercial ret\tse containers using a minimum
standard of 1/4 cubic yard for each occupied living dwelling unit per week, including container
space for recyclable material. The 1/4 cubic yard requirement can be lowered if the multiple
dwelling can verify a lower waste generation rate over a period of months. The commissioner of
streets and sanitation shall have the authority to promulgate rules and regulations related to the
cubic yard verificafion. If an owner of a multiple dwelling elects to contract for refuse pickup
more than one time per week, the minimum cubic yard standard shall decrease accordingly.
(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)
7-28-225 Duty to provide compactors.
It shall be the duty of the owner or occupant of an occupational unit and the owner of a
multiple dwelling with five or more living dwelling units with a waste generation of 50 cubic
yards per week, excluding recyclable material collected as part of a recycling program, such as
recyclable material collected in accordance with Chapter 11-5, to provide or contract for a refuse
compactor and collection service with a minimum of once per week collection, except that a
compactor shall not be required (i) when there is no suitable location on private property, or (ii)
for multiple dwellings with five or more living dwelling units that are only accessible by use of a
private driveway, or (iii) if the occupational unit or multiple dwelling receives refuse collection
service a minimum of five times per week. If the department of streets and sanitation determines
there is a suitable location on the property, but the owner or his agent does not wish to use the
space for the compactor, a permit for use of the public way shall be required. If the department of
streets and sanitation determines that a compactor may not be placed in the public way, the
compactor must be placed on the suitable location on private property. The commissioner of
streets and sanitation shall have the authority to promulgate rules and regulations regarding the
definition of suitable locafion and regarding the exclusion of commingled recyclables from the
50 cubic yard weekly refuse amount.
7-28-235 City refuse collection-Fee.
(a) The collection of refiise by the city shall be the exclusive method for refuse collection
from the following:
(1) for dwelling units:
(i) a single dwelling;
(ii) a multiple dwelling containing four or fewer dwelling units;
(iii) a townhouse when the refuse container is placed for collection in the
public way in compliance with section 7-28-230; or
(iv) a multiple dwelling that is licensed as a bed-and-breakfast
establishment pursuant to Section 4-6-290 and contains four or less dwelling units unless the
commissioner of streets and sanitation determines that the establishment is producing an

unreasonable amount of refuse for a building of its size, notifies the owner or owner's agent of
such fact in writing, and provides the owner or owner's agent with an opportunity to conect the
problem in a manner prescribed by the commissioner; and
(2) all other premises receiving city refuse collection services as of January 1,
2016; provided that:
(i) after written notification to the owner of such premises, the
commissioner may cease city refiise collection from such premises based
upon available city resources or operational needs; or
(ii) after written notification to the commissioner of
streets and sanitation, an owner of such premises may choose to provide
for refuse collection by a license scavenger in compliance with
applicable provisions of this code.
(b) The owner of any dwelling unit or premises required to have city refuse collection
pursuant to this section shall be responsible for payment of a refuse collection fee of $9.50 per
month per dwelling unit or per premises for those premises subject to subsection (a)(2). The
billing of refuse collection fee and penalties authorized by this section shall be added to and
separately recited upon a unified statement of charges, as that term is defined in section 11-12010. The unified statement of charges shall be prepared and sent to the billed party in such time
periods as established by the comptroller and be subject to section I l-12-480(c).
(c) The refuse collection fee for a person 65 years or older who (i) owns and resides in his
own dwelling unit and (ii) receive a Senior Citizen Assessment Freeze Homestead Exemption for
that dwelling unit pursuant to 35 ILCS 200/15-172 shall be 50% of the refuse collection fee set
forth in subsection (b). The comptroller is authorized-to promulgate rules for the administration
of this subsection, including any requirements for an applicafion in a form and format prescribed
by the comptroller.
(d) A late payment penalty assessed at a monthly rate of one and one-quarter percent
shall be imposed on all refuse collection fee for which payment in fijll is not received within 24
calendar days from the date the unified statement of charges was sent as shovsnn by the records of
the department offinance.Where the conectness of a charge imposed under this section is
disputed and where complaint of such inconectness has been made prior to the time the usual
penalty would be imposed, and where the adjusting ofsuch complaint requires additional time,
the penalty may be held in abeyance up to and including the tenth day succeeding the resending
of such bill.
(e) Whenever anv refuse collection fee remains unpaid after the expiration of 24 days
from the date of the unified statement of charges statement the water supply for the premises
shall be subject to termination by the commissioner of water management, and the service shall
not be resumed until all accrued refuse collection fees and penalties in anears has been paid and
an amount equal to the actual costs of disconnection and reconnection shall have been paid for
termination and resumption of service. The commissioner of water management shall be
responsible for termination or resumption of the sewer service.


(f) (1) Unless otherwise provided by law or rule, a full payment certificate for refuse
collection charges is required in all transfers of real property whether such transfers are subject
to or exempt from the real property transfer tax pursuant to Chapter 3-33 of this Code. In order
to obtain a full payment certificate for refuse collection charges, an application with an
applicafion fee of $50.00 shall be made to the comptroller. Provided, however, if the property is
exempt from the real property transfer tax, the full payment certificate application fee shall not
be charged. If a full payment certificate was required and such certificate was not obtained when
the real property was transfened, both the transferor and the transferee will be jointly and
severally liable for any outstanding refuse collection charges and penalties that have accrued.
(2) Before control of a property subject to the Illinois Condominium Property Act is
transferred from the developer to the board of managers, a certificate of payment for full
payment of refuse collection charges shall be obtained from the comptroller upon application and
payment of an application fee of $50.00. Such certificate of payment shall be obtained within 30
days prior to the election of the first unit owner board of managers. The terms used in this
section shall have the same meanings as those in the Illinois Condominium Property Act.
Subsequent transfers of a unit within a condominium building subject to this section require a
certificate of payment.
Where a townhome or condominium association's assessments include the individual
owner's share of the refuse collection charge, the comptroller may issue a certificate of condo or
tovmhome ovsner payment upon application and payment of an application fee of $50.00.
7-28-240 Refuse removal.
(a) Multiple dwellings. Except for those dwelling units required to have city refuse
collecfion pursuant to section 7-28-235, it It-shall be the duty of the owner, or agent thereof, of
every multiple dwelling containing 5 or more dwelling units to cause all refuse produced therein
to be removed from the buildings at least once each vyeek at such owner's or agent's own cost
and expense. Provided, however, that this subsecfion (a) shall not apply to the following:
(i) any multiple dwelling containing four or fewer living units, or
(ii) any townhouse that is in compliance with Section 7 28 230 unless tho
commissioner of streets and sanitation or the commissioner's designee determines that the
townhouse's placement of the refuse containers constitutos a health or safety hazard, notifies the
owner or owner's agent of such fact in writing, and provides the owner or owner's agent with an
opportunity to conect the hazard in a manner prescribed by the commissioner, or
(iii) any multiple dwelling that is licensed as a bed and-breakfast establishment
pursuant to Section 4 6 290 and contains four or less living units unless the commissioner of
streets and sanitation or the commissioner's designee determines that the establishment is
producing an unreasonable amount of refuse for a building of its size, notifies the owner or
owner's agent of such fact in writing, and provides the owner or owner's agent with an
opportunity to conect the problem in a manner prescribed by tho commissioner.
For purposes of this section only, a change in ownership of a multiple dwelling does not
include a change in the mere form of ownership. A transfer of a multiple dwelling does not
constitute a change in ownership for purposes of this section where tho transfer is either (i) from
one person to the person's wholly owned corporation or limited liability company; (ii) from one

person to a trust in which the person retains tho complete beneficial ownership of the dwelling;
(iii) from a group of persons to a corporafion, limited liability company, trust, partnership, or
other legal entity, in which the group of persons retain the same percentage of ownership in the
transferee legal entity that they held in the dwelling before the transfer to such legal entity; and
(iv) from one entity to a related entity, where the transferor and the transferee are directly or
indirectly owned wholly by the same person. For purposes of this section only, the execution of a
lease of 30 years or longer shall be deemed a change in ownership.
(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)
SECTION 3. Section Chapter 11-12 of the Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby
amended by deleting the language struck through and by adding the language underscored, as
11-12-010 Definitions.
For purposes of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply:
(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)
"Premises" means a lot or a part of a lot, a building or a part of a building, or any other
parcel or tract of land.
"Unified statement of charges" means the statement sent to the billed party showing
amounts due for refuse collection, water and sewer charges assessed or charged under: (i)
chapter 11-12 for water taxes, rates or rents, or charges for installation or disconnecfion of water
service; (ii) chapter 3-12 for sewer service and sewerage usage; and (iii) Article II of chapter 728 for refiise collecfion.
11-12-330 Liability for charges.
The owner of a property, location or address where water or water service is supplied
shall be responsible for payment for any water or water service supplied. A property owner may
request that billing statements be sent in the name of a tenant on the property through the filing
of a form pro\'ided by the department offinance;howe\'er, such billing to a tenant does not
relieve the owner of the subject property from liability for unpaid water and sewer charges.
Upon a determination that any owner did not timely pay his water or sewer charges, the
comptroller may institute collection action with the department of administrative hearings by
forwarding a copy of a notice of violation or a notice of hearing, which has been properly served,
to the department of administrative hearings. The billing statement, nofice of a water service
charge or notice of delinquent payment of a water service charge shall be prima facie evidence
that the owner identified in the statement or notice shall be liable for such charge and any
delinquent payment fee.
11-12-340 Metered service - Billing.
Metered water service shall be billed in such time periods as established by the
comptroller. The rates and charges calculated and applied to the billed party shall be added to
and separately recited upon a unified statement of charges.

11-12-420 Payment of nonmetered charges.

The water rates or charges as herein or hereafter established, except where the water
supply is controlled by meter, shall be billed and paid on a unified statement of charges in
advance in such time periods as established by tho comptroller.
(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)
11 12 170 Cash refunds.
In cases occasioning the necessity of a cash refund it shall be the duty ofthe
commissioner to certify to the cause of such refund, and upon presentation of a voucher order of
refund in original and duplicate endorsed by the commissioner, the refund shall be paid by the
cashier of the department from his petty cash fund. From time to time the cashier shall cause a
voucher to be made to reimburse his petty cash fund for the amount paid out by him therefrom
for such voucher orders of refund, attaching thereto the properly receipted voucher orders of
refund; and thereupon the comptroller shall pay the same, provided the total amount does not
exceed the amount appropriated for such purpose; provided further, that any such
abovementioned refund shall be paid only to tho person who made the payment on account of
which such refund is made, or to the duly authorized agent, upon sunender of tho receipted bill,
cancelled check or other evidence satisfactory to the commissioner, showing payment, or in tho
event of inability to furnish such evidence after diligent search and inquiry, the chief water
assessor may certify to the refund on a duplicate receipt in case the application is accompanied
by an affidavit and bond holding the city free from loss occasioned or caused by or on account of
any refund so allowed.
11-12-480 Delinquent payments.
(a) Whenever any Any water charges shali that remain unpaid after the expiration of 30
days from the date of the bill for such charges statement the water supply for the premises so
serviced and delinquent shall be subject to terminafion, and the service shall not be resumed until
all water bills in anears shall have been paid, including accrued penalties, and all applicable fees
set out in Section 11-I2-120 have been paid for terminafion and resumption of water supply
service. If, however, at any time that the premises are visited for this purpose they shall be found
vacant, so that said cutting off would not be liable to serve the purpose of enforcing collection,
said cutting off shall not be mandatory if, because of the shutoff rod box or the stopcock being
out of repair, such act entails the expenditure of any sum for labor or material disproportionate to
the amount of such delinquent rates.
(b) In any situation where the shutting off of water service is liable to involve the city in
litigation, or where the property involved is in the hands of a court, such shutting off may be
postponed pending advice from the corporation counsel; or if such shutting off would be
productive of public danger, or would create a pestilent situation, or would entail suffering by a
great number of persons who are not liable for the payment of the delinquent bill, or where the
premises involved are the property of the United States, or the State of Illinois or of any of its
political subdivisions, such shutting off may be withheld if in the judgment ofthe commissioner
the withholding of such shutting off best serves the interests of the City of Chicago. In any such
situation where the past due service liability exceeds $10,000.00, the owner of the property may

also be subject to an additional penalty, to be imposed in a separate hearing, in an amount not

less than $50.00 and not more than $500.00 for the delinquency. Each day that a past due service
liability exceeds $10,000.00 shall constitute a separate delinquency. In determining whether to
impose this additional penalty, the hearing officer may consider all reasons for the failure to
make fimely payment. The amount of this additional penalty does not include the delinquent
amount owed for water service and any applicable late payment penalties, nor does it affect any
other remedies of the department pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Code, including the
right to a lien on the subject property.
(c) Whenever a payment is made for charges on a unified statement of charges and such
payment does not cover the full amount ofthe current charges or any unpaid charges from a prior
unified statement of charges, any amount paid shall be allocated, pro-rata, first to those charges,
including any associated penalties, for which any outstanding city debt is payable solely from
charges imposed by this chapter or chapter 3-12 and then to other charges shown on the

Article X
Capital Improvement Tax Levy
SECTION 1. Pursuant to 105 ILCS 5/34-53.5(e), the Chicago City Council hereby
approves, by resolution, the capital improvement tax levy made by the Chicago Board of
Educafion, by resolution # 15-0826-RS4, dated August 26, 2015, a certified copy of which was
duly delivered to the City Clerk.

Article XI
Taxi rate
TNP Airport Surcharge
SECTION 1. Chapter 3-46 of the Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby amended by
deleting the language struck through and by inserting the language underscored, as follows:
3-46-020 Definitions.
When any of the following words or terms are used in this chapter, they shall have the
meaning set forth below:
(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)
"License holder" means any person holding a license issued by the city under
Chapter 9-108, 9-110, 9-112, or 9-114 of this Code, as amended, or any person who has
registered or titled a vehicle with any state or the District of Columbia if the vehicle is used to
provide ground transportation to passengers. For purposes of this chapter, the phrase "person
who has registered or titled a vehicle with any state or the District of Columbia if the vehicle is

used to provide ground transportation to passengers" shall include a transportation network

vehicle owner.

"Navy Pier" has the meaning ascribed to the term in 70 ILCS 210/2.

"McCormick Place" means the complex under the jurisdiction ofthe Metropolitan
Pier and Exposition Authority.
E. 3
"Ride accepted" means any ride where a passenger is either picked up or dropped
off in the city, or both.
"Vehicle" means any vehicle that is self-propelled or horse-drawn and not
operated on rails, but does not include motorized wheelchairs. For the purpose of this chapter,
the term "vehicle" shall also include pedicabs.
(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)
3-46-030 Tax imposed.
(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)
Pursuant to the authority granted by Section 11-42-6 ofthe Illinois Municipal
Code, as amended, 65 ILCS 5/11-42-6, a tax is imposed on all persons engaged in the
occupation of providing ground transportation vehicles for use in the city. The incidence of the
tax and the obligation to pay the tax are on the license holder or on any person who is required to
be, but is not, a license holder.


The rate of the tax shall be in accordance with the following schedule:

For ground transportation vehicles that are taxicabs: taxicabs.

which are licensed or are required to be licensed pursuant
to Chapter 9-112 of this Code, $78.00 $98.00 for each taxicab for each calendar month during
which the taxicab is used in the city to provide ground transportation. This amount shall not be
subject to proration;
which are not required to be licensed pursuant to Chapter 9112 of this Code, $3.00 $3.50 for each taxicab for each day the taxicab is used in the city to
provide ground transportation but in no event more than $78.00 $98.00 per calendar month.
Except as otherwise provided in subsection (b-I), for ground
transportation vehicles, other than taxicabs and pedicabs, with a seating capacity of ten or fewer
passengers, $3.50 for each vehicle for each day the vehicle is used in the city to provide ground
transportation; transportation.


(b-l) For ground transportation vehicles used in the city to provide

transportation network service by transportation network driversi
engaged wilh a Class A transportation network provider,
(a) $5.40 for every ride that includes a pickup or drop-off, or both, at O'Hare International
Airport, Midway International Airport, Navy Pier, or McCormick Place, and (b) in all other
cases, $0.40 $0.20 per vehicle per ride accepted;
engaged with a Class B transportation network provider, (a)
$5.80 for every ride that includes a pickup or drop-off or both, at O'Hare International Airport,
Midway International Airport. Navy Pier, or McCormick Place, and (b) in all other cases, $0.80
per vehicle per ride accepted.
For ground transportation vehicles with a seating capacity of 11 to
24 passengers, $6.00 for each vehicle for each day the vehicle is used in the city to provide
ground transportation; transportation.
For ground transportafion vehicles with a seafing capacity of more
than 24 passengers, $9.00 for each vehicle for each day the vehicle is used in the city to provide
ground transportation.
For pedicabs, $1.00 for each pedicab for each day the pedicab is
used in the city to provide ground transportation.
For purposes of this subsection (B), it shall be presumed (a) that a taxicab
is used in the city during any calendar month in which the taxicab is licensed or required to be
licensed pursuant to Chapter 9-112 of this Code, and (b) that the seating capacity of a ground
transportation vehicle is the seating capacity designated by the vehicle's manufacturer.
To prevent mulfiple taxafion, any person who is licensed, or who is
required to be licensed, to operate a ground transportation vehicle used in another municipality
may claim a credit against the tax imposed by this chapter equal to any similar occupation tax
imposed on the person by the other municipality with respect to such ground transportation
vehicle, but only to the extent of the amount of tax properly due and actually paid to the other
municipality. The credit may not exceed the amount of the tax imposed by this chapter that
otherwise would be due.
This subsection 3-46-030(C) shall not apply in the case of any person who
is Hcensed, or who is required to be licensed, under Chapter 9-108, 9-112, 9-114 or 9-115 of this
(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)
3-46-065 Underserved areas.
There is hereby created the Underserved Areas Joint Task Force, which shall
consist of a designee of the commissioner of business affairs and consurrier protection, a
designee of the commissioner of planning and development, and a designee of the comptroller.

The Joint Task Force shall conduct a study to determine which areas are underserved by ground
transportation vehicles and therefore should be designated by the commissioner of business
affairs and consumer protection as underserved areas for purposes ofthe tax credit available
under this section. The Joint Task Force shall make its initial recommendations for such
designations to the commissioner of business affairs and consumer protection no later than 120
days after the effective date of this ordinance, and shall make additional recommendations from
time to time as service patterns change.
Whenever the commissioner of business affairs and consumer protection
determines that recommendations made to her by the Joint Task Force are conect, she shall
designate the recommended areas as underserved areas and shall place on file with the city clerk
a description of the boundaries of the designated underserved areas. If the commissioner
determines that the recommendations are not correct, she shall return the recommendations to the
Task Force for further study.
(I) Anv transportation network provider may claim a credit against the tax
imposed by this chapter if during a calendar month one or more of the ground transportation
vehicles of its transportation network drivers is used to provide service to or from areas
designated as underserved areas under subsection B. The credit shall be 50 percent ofthe tax
imposed by this chapter on each qualified ride during the month; in other words, $;20 per
qualified ride for Class A transportation network providers, and $.40 per qualified ride for Class
B transportation network providers. For purposes of this subsection, the term "qualified ride"
means a ride that includes a pickup or drop-off in an underserved area. A transportation network
provider may take the credit provided bv this subsection on as much as. but not more than. 15
percent of its total taxable rides during the month. In calculating the maximum monthly tax
credit, a transportation network provider shall aggregate all of the taxable rides of all of its
transportation network drivers during the month for which a credit is sought.
(2) Any license holder not specified in (.C)(l) may claim a credit against the tax
imposed by this chapter if during a calendar month one or more of its ground transportation
vehicles is used to provide service to or from areas designated as underserved areas under
subsection B. The monthly tax credit for anv license holder not specified in (C)(1) shall be
calculated by multiplying the monthly tax otherwise due for that month by a fraction, the
numerator of which shall be the number of taxable trips rides to or from designated underserved
areas during the month, and the denominator of which shall be the total number of taxable trips
rides diirihg the month. The credit authorized by this subsection (C)(2) shall not exceed 0 15
percent of the total tax otherwise due for a month.
Upon audit or investigation of a license holder or transportation network provider,
any credit claimed by the license holder or transportation network provider shall be disallowed
unless the license holder or transportation network provider presents to the department logs or
other contemporaneous source documents showing the date, time and locations of origin and
destination of every taxable trip made during the month in which the credit is claimed. The
credit also shall be disallowed for each month that the license holder or transportation network
provider does not timely file a tax return as required by Section 3-46-040 of this chapter.


It shall be unlawful for any person to present to the department false
documentation to support the credit authorized by this section, and such action shall subject the
person to the sanctions contained in Section 3-4-310 of this Code.
The credit available under (his section shall apply beginning on the first day ofthe
calendar month following the calendar month in which the commissioner of business affairs and
consumer protection designates underserved areas under subsection (B).
SECTION 2. Chapter 9-112 ofthe Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby amended by
deleting the language struck through and by inserting the language underscored, as follows:
9-112-150 License fees and terms.
As of the effective date of this ordinance, the licensing term for licenses
will be from March I of the cunent year to tho last day of February of the subsequent year
Licenses shall be issued for a two-year period.
One year taxicab medallion licensing issuance or renewal fee for
taxicabs that iire not wheelchair accessible is $600.00. The Department will deposit $100.00 of
this licensing fee to a fund created to promote accessibility of taxicabs and transportation
network vehicles, also knov>Ti as the "Accessibility Fund."
One year taxicab medallion licensing issuance or renewal fee for
wheelchair accessible taxicabs is $500.00. The license must be attached to a wheelchair
accessible taxicab vehicle during the entire licensing term.
Effective March 1, 2013, the City will initiate a two year licensing term
for licenses issued pursuant to this chapter. The licensing license term for licenses shall be from
March 1 of the current year to the last day of February two years subsequent to the cunent year.
Two-year licensing License issuance or renewal fee is $1,200.00
$1.000.00 for taxicabs that are not wheelchair accessible. In addition, as part ofthe license
issuance or renewal fee, a licensee shall pay $22.00 per month to the city's accessibility fund for
each taxicab which is not wheelchair-accessible. The licensee may pay the $22.00 per month fee
at the same time as the licensee pays the ground transportation tax imposed in Chapter 3-46 of
this Code. The Department wiU shall deposit $200.00 the $22.00 per month of this licensing fee
to a fund created to promote accessibility of taxicabs and tronsportotion network vehicles, also
loiown as the "Accessibility Fund." the city's accessibility fund.
Two year taxicab medallion licensing License issuance or renewal
fee for vvheelchair accessible taxicabs is $1,000:00. The license must be attached to a wheelchair
accessible taxicab vehicle during the enfire licensing term.
The city will assign the two year licensing term in order to stagger license
renewals by fifty percent of licenses in one year, and the other fifty percent of licenses in the
following year.
All odd numbered licenses expire on the last day of February in odd numbered
years, while all even numbered licenses expire on the last day of February in even numbered
In order to phase in the two year licensing term, on March 1, 2013, the City will
assign a two year term to all odd numbered licenses and will assign a one-year term to all even
numbered licenses. On March 1, 2014,- the City will assign a two year term to all even numbered
licenses. Effective March-I, 2014, the one year licensing term will be terminated.

(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)

9-112-230 Tiered lease rate structure.
(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)
Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit a lessor of a taxicab from
charging a lessee, in addition to the applicable lease rate provided in this section, additional lease
rates as provided in this subsection. Any additional lease rate charged pursuant to this subsection
shall be included in the lease agreement. Regardless of the number of trips a driver takes during a
lease period, the additional lease rate, if charged, shall not be more than: (i) $2.50 for a 12-hour
daily lease; (ii) $17.50 for a 12-hour weekly lease; $5.00 for a 24-hour daily lease; or $35.00 for
a 24-hour weekly lease. The additional lease rate provided in this subsection is intended for
purposes of payment of the city's ground transportation tax and accessibility fund fee by the
9-112-430 License and other taxicab industry license transfers.
(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)
A nonrefundable transfer administrative fee of $2.500.00 shall be paid by the
transferee at the time of application or transfer of the license by the department. The amount of
the fee shall be determined as follows:
if the transfer occurs less than one year after the transferor had
acquired the license: 25 (twenty five) percent of the purchase price or 25 percent of the average
market value, whichever is higher;
if the transfer occurs one year or more but.less than two years after
the transferor had acquired the license: 10 (ten) percent of the purchase price or 10 percent of the
average market value, whichever is higher; or
if the transfer occurs two or more years after the transferor had
acquired the license, or if the transferor is a natural person and the transferee is the transferor's
spouse or a natural or legally adopted child of tho transferor, or if the transferor is the executor or
administrator of the estate of a deceased licensee or the executor or administrator of a deceased
person w'ho held 100 percent of the stock or other interest in a corporation which w^as the
licensee and the transferee is not a person adjudged to be the heir of the deceased person, or if
the transfer was pursuant to a foreclosure upon a pledged or encumbered license: 5 (five) percent
of the purchase price or 5 percent of the average market value, whichever is higher.
The average market value shall be an amount determined by the
commissioner to be the approximate average purchase price for licenses in arms length
transactions in the previous calendar year [Reservedl.
No transfer administrative fee is assessed if the transferor is a natural
person and the transferee is a corporation in which the transferor holds 100 percent of the stock;
if the transferor is the executor or administrator of the estate of a deceased person who held the
license or held 100 percent of the stock in a corporation which held the license and the transferee
is the heir of the deceased person; or if the transferee is the legal spouse or child of the deceased

transferor and that legal spouse or child is a 50 percent shareholder in the license and the
deceased transferor was a 50 percent shareholder in the license.
(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)
9-112-570 Taxicab wheelchair accessible vehicles and centralized wheelchair accessible
The commissioner is authorized by rule to regulate wheelchair accessible taxicab
vehicles and a centralized dispatch system for wheelchair accessible taxicab vehicles. The
commissioner is authorized to assess the costs of such a central dispatch system upon those
licensees with wheelchair accessible taxicabs.
Any single licensee that owns or controls 20 or more licenses must place
into service wheelchair accessible vehicles as taxicabs on five percent of its taxicab vehicle fleet.
In addition to compliance with subparagraph (b)(1) of this section, any
licensee that owns or controls 10 or more taxicab licenses shall have at least 10 percent of its
taxicabfleetbe wheelchair accessible vehicles by January I , 2018. rtf Effective January 1, 2017.
if a licensee subject to this subsection (b)(2) replaces any taxicab vehicle, the replacement
vehicle, until the licensee complies with the requirement of this subsection (b)(2). shall be a
wheelchair accessible vehicle.
Any licensee that owns or controls 5 or more taxicab licenses shall have a
total of at least 25 percent of its taxicabfleetbe wheelchair accessible vehicles by January I ,
2022. Effective January I , 2020. if a licensee subject to this subsection (b)(3) replaces any
taxicab vehicle, the replacement vehicle, until the licensee complies with the requirement of this
subsection (b)(3), shall be a wheelchair accessible vehicle.
Any licensee that owns or controls 5 or more taxicab licenses shall have a
total of at least 30 percent of its taxicabfleetbe wheelchair accessible vehicles by January I ,
2025. Effective January 1. 2023. if a licensee subject to this subsection (b)(4) replaces any
taxicab vehicle, the replacement vehicle, until the licensee complies with the requirement of this
subsection (b)(4), shall be a wheelchair accessible vehicle.
Any licensee that owns or controls 5 or more taxicab licenses shall have a
total of at least 50 percent of its taxicab fleet be wheelchair accessible vehicles by January I .
2030. Effective January I . 2027. if a licensee subject to this subsection (b)(5) replaces any
taxicab vehicle, the replacement vehicle, until the licensee complies with the requirement of this
subsection (b)(5), shall be a wheelchair accessible vehicle.
If accessibility fund monies are available, in addition to other uses
provided in this Code, they shall be used to reimburse the additional costs associated with
purchasing vehicles to be used as taxicabs that are fully wheelchair accessible as provided in the
definition of the term "accessibility fund".
(3^7) If a licensee replaces a wheelchair accessible taxicab vehicle, the
replacement vehicle shall also be a wheelchair accessible taxicab vehicle.
(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)
9-112-600 Taxicab rates of fare - Revision.
Commencing with the effective date of this Chapter, the The rates of fare
for taxicabs shall be as set forth in this section:

For the first 1/9 mile or fraction thereof

Forty-five cents of this initial mileage rate for the
first ten taxicab fares which a driver transports per day is
hereby designated for payment of workers' compensation


For each additional 1/9 mile or fraction thereof:

$ 0.20 $0.25

For each 36 seconds of time elapsed:

$ 0.20

For the first additional passenger over the age of 12 years

and under the age of 65 years:


For each additional passenger, after the first additional

passenger, over the age of 12 and under the age of 65


For each trip (fee intended for payment of the city's

ground transportation tax by the licensee):


For each trip (fee intended for payment towards the city's
accessibility fund by the licensee):


Vomit clean-up fee:


Except as otherwise provided in this Chapter. It it is unlawful for any person to
demand or collect any fare for taxicab service which is more than the rates established by the
ordinance in this section, or for any passenger to refuse payment of the fare so registered.
(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)
In addition to the revision of rates of fare as provided in Section 9-112-600(g)
hereof, the council may from time to time impose a surcharge on the rates of fare described in
Section 9-112-600(a) hereof, in conformity with the provisions hereinafter set forth.
The city council, through its committee on transportation and public way, shall
hold hearings to determine whether a general ordinance authorizing such a surcharge may be
necessary due to economic conditions affecting all licenses in general. A surcharge authorized
by general ordinance under this section shall be of such duration, not to exceed 60 days, as the
council may impose by such general ordinance.
A higher rate than the rate provided in this Section may be charged for a taxicab
service dispatched through any Internet-enabled application or digital platform for the provision
of preananged ride services by taxicabs, i f


the dispatcher complies with Section 9-114-265; and

- the higher rate is a product of the base rate multiplied by a numeric value.

For purposes of this subsection, "base rate" means a taxi fare calculated pursuant to this
section using a taximeter that complies with this chapter, or any other mechanism that meets
nationally recognized technical and technological standards applicable to fare amount calculation
for providing a prearranged transportation service, as such standards are approved by the city
council by ordinance.
SECTION 3. Section 9-114-264 of the Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby amended
by deleting the language struck through and by inserting the language underscored, as follows:
9-114-265 Fare rates higher than regular rates.
A licensee licensed under this chapter or Chapter 9-115 of this Code may charge
passengers at a higher fare rate than the regular fare rate displayed in the licensee's Internetenabled application or digital platform, and only if such licensee or such licensee's dispatch
complies with all of the following requirements:
A licensee licensed under this chapter or Chapter 9-115 of this Code, or a taxi
dispatcher, only as provided in Section 9-112-600(i) of this Code, may charge passengers at a
higher fare rate than the regular fare rate displayed in the licensee's Internet-enabled application
or digital platform, or, if the dispatched vehicle is a taxicab. at a rate higher rate than the rate
provided in Section 9-112-600, only if such licensee or such licensee's dispatch complies with all
of the following requirements:
(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)
SECTION 4. Chapter 9-115 of the Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby amended by
deleting the language struck through and by inserting the language underscored, as follows:

9-115-140 Transportation network service - Accessibility and accessibility fund.

(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)
In addition to the fees specified in Secfion 9-115-040, as part of the license
issuance or renewal fee, a Class A transportation network provider licensee shall pay $0.10 per
vehicle per ride accepted to the city's accessibility fund for each transportation network vehicle
registered with the licensee which is not a wheelchair-accessible transportation network vehicle.
The licensee may pay the fee provided in this subsection at the same time as the licensee remits
the ground transportation tax the licensee collects pursuant to Chapter 3-46 of this Code. Only
for purposes of subsections 9-115-140(d) and (e). "ride accepted" means any ride where
passengers are either picked up or dropped off in the city, or both.


In addition to the fees specified in Section 9-115-040, as part ofthe license
issuance or renewal fee, a Class B transportation network provider licensee shall pay $100.00 per
vehicle per year $0.20 per vehicle per ride accepted lo the city's accessibility fund for each
transportation network vehicle registered with the licensee which is not a wheelchair-accessible
transportation network vehicle. The licensee may pay the fee provided in this subsection al the
same time as the licensee remits the ground transportation lax the licensee collects pursuant to
Chapter 3-46 of this Code.
(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)
9-115-180 Operating regulations.
(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)
No transportation network driver shall pick up a passenger on any portion of (1)
O'Hare International Airport, Midway International Airport or McCormick Place unless the
commissioner determines, in duly promulgated rules, following consultation wilh the
commissioner of aviation, that such pick ups pickups can be accomplished in a manner that
preserves security, public safety, the orderly flow of traffic and compliance wilh the
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority Airport Departure Tax Ordinance or payment of an
equivalent tax to the city all applicable lax ordinances; and (2) designated taxicab stands or
loading zones.

Article XII
Severability and Repealer
SECTION 1. The provisions of this ordinance are declared to be separate and severable.
The invalidity of any provision of this ordinance, or the invalidity of the application thereof to
any person or circumstance, shall not affect the validity of the remainder of this ordinance, or the
validity of its application to other persons or circumstances.
SECTION 2. All ordinances, resolutions, motions or orders inconsistent with this
ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict.

Article XIII
Effective Date
SECTION 1. Those provisions in Section 1 and Section 2 of Article I pertaining to the
amendments to Section 3-32-020(1) of the Municipal Code shall be effective upon passage and
Those provisions in Section 1 and Section 2 of Article IV pertaining to the Amusement
Tax shall be effective upon passage and publication.

Those provisions in Section 2 of Article VIII amending section 13-12-300 of the

Municipal Code shall be effective upon passage and publication.
Those provisions in Section 1 of Article XI that amends subsection (b-l) in Section 3-46030 ofthe Municipal Code shall lake effect upon passage and publication.
Following passage and publication, the remainder of this ordinance shall lake effect on
January 1, 2016


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