Due Diligence Report
Due Diligence Report
Due Diligence Report
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Financial Background
The management has taken a new approach in its rural
banking operations. Fresh capital was infused to
strengthen its position in the rural banking industry. The
bank's operations were upgraded to include savings
deposit, time deposit and demand deposit/checking
account. Loan coverage has been expanded to
personal, salary and special loans. The upgrading of its
equipment was given priority to simplify operations and
provide better service. Its stable standing made it
inevitable for the bank to branch out to other
municipalities. its branches in San Jose and Nasugbu, both
in the province of Batangas, started operations in 1997 to
further strengthen the Rural Bank of Calaca, Inc.'s
presence in the countryside development.
Pertinent Documents
1. Financial Report of The Rural Bank of Calaca
- these reports should be obtained from the
Securities and Exchange Commission in order to
ascertain the assets and liabilities of the bank
2. List of all the properties that have been acquired
through Real Estate Mortgage
- the said list should be acquired from the
3. Guaranties, Loans and Credit Agreements
4. Employee Standings of Rural Bank of Calaca
5. Contracts that Rural Bank of Calaca have entered into
6. Management / Organization Chart of Rural Bank of
-since this is a family owned company this should be
ascertained in order to see if there will be posing problems
in case of acquisition.
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