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Case Study Do-254

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Paul S. Miner, Victor A. Carreo, Mahyar Malekpour, and Wilfredo Torres
NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA
{p.s.miner, v.a.carreno, m.r.malekpour, w.torres-pomales}@larc.nasa.gov

DISCLAIMER: This paper was authored by a team from NASA Langley Research Center for the
2000 Digital Avionics Systems Conference (October 2000). It is based on a
research program being funded by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). It
does not represent FAA regulatory material, policy, or guidance.


Paul S. Miner, Victor A. Carreo, Mahyar Malekpour, and Wilfredo Torres

NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA

{p.s.miner, v.a.carreno, m.r.malekpour, w.torres-pomales}@larc.nasa.gov

In a joint project with the FAA, NASA
Langley is developing a hardware design in
accordance with RTCA DO-254: Design Assurance
Guidance for Airborne Electronic Hardware. The
purpose of the case study is to gain understanding
of the new guidance document and generate an
example suitable for use in training.
For the case study, we have selected a core
subsystem of the Scalable Processor-Independent
Design for Electromagnetic Resilience (SPIDER).
SPIDER is a new fault-tolerant architecture under
development at NASA Langley Research Center.

RTCA, Inc. has recently approved DO-254:
Design Assurance Guidance for Airborne
Electronic Hardware [1]. This document is
intended to provide a basis for the certification of
complex electronic hardware devices used in
aircraft. As with all new guidance documents, there
will be a period of uncertainty while developers and
the FAA learn how best to apply the document.
This uncertainty will likely be compounded by the
flexibility DO-254 offers for developing a design
assurance strategy.
To alleviate some of this uncertainty the FAA
initiated this case study to gain some experience
with this new guidance document. This case study
has limited scope; there are insufficient resources to
explore all aspects of DO-254. The focus of the
case study is on logical aspects of design, and is
targeted to early stages of the design process.
There are two goals for the case study. The
primary purpose is to help identify problems in
applying the new document. A secondary purpose

is to provide material suitable for use in training.

The second objective places some constraints on the
project scope. Specifically, the hardware device
should be non-proprietary, non-commercial, and of
limited complexity.
NASA Langley Research Center also has some
objectives for this case study. One goal is to
demonstrate the application of formal methods on a
representative example. Another priority for NASA
is to develop a hardware platform to support inhouse research targeted toward demonstrating
systematic recovery from multiple correlated
transient failures.
With these objectives and restrictions in mind,
the chosen device for the case study is a core
subsystem of a new fault-tolerant architecture under
development at NASA Langley Research Center.
Several factors motivated the choice of a faulttolerant system for this exercise. Hardware
realizations of fault-tolerant protocols are generally
compact designs; this allows for comprehensive
treatment within the time constraints of a training
exercise. Also, the behavior of fault-tolerant
devices is inherently complex; such a device is
clearly within the scope of DO-254. Furthermore,
there is a considerable amount of research literature
addressing the formal analysis of fault-tolerant
protocols; a fault-tolerant system is a good
candidate for a formal methods demonstration.
Finally, any device expected to recover from
transient failures will necessarily need to deal with
a bounded set of permanent failures, as well.
The architecture being explored for this case
study is the Scalable Processor-Independent Design
for Electromagnetic Resilience (SPIDER). In this
architecture, the primary basis for fault-tolerance is
a communication subsystem called the Reliable
Optical Bus (ROBUS). The concept for the
SPIDER architecture builds on previous fault2

tolerant computing research at NASA Langley

Research Center. The main concept was inspired
by a fault-tolerant system designed as part of the
Fly-by-Light/Power-by-Wire (FBL/PBW) program
[2] [3].

Project Overview
The project consists of three sequential phases
beginning in August 1999 and ending in December
2001. The first phase, which began in August 1999
and ended in January 2000, consisted of planning
the hardware development activities. The initial
Plan for Hardware Aspects of Certification was
presented to the FAA in January and was
subsequently revised. The second phase consists of
the development of a detailed design in accordance
with the submitted plan. The detailed design will
include a limited laboratory prototype intended to
illustrate certain characteristics of the architectural
concept. The final phase will culminate in a more
complete prototype implementation; this prototype
will include sufficient features to make a fair
assessment of the proposed design.

Planning Phase
Any organization applying DO-254 for the
first time must decide how to map its existing
development processes to those of DO-254. Since
our research group did not have any defined
hardware development processes, we were free to
define all aspects of our hardware development
environment. This served as both a blessing and a
curse. We were able to select from a variety of
options. However, some of the choices we made
were necessarily uninformed. It is likely that we
shall need to update our processes as the project
During the planning phase of the project, we
identified the target design artifacts and determined
the various components of our development
environment. In addition to identifying the design
and verification methods, we needed to define the
supporting processes that serve to control the
development and maintenance of the developed
product. These supporting processes include:

Certification Liaison
Process Assurance
Configuration Management

The certification liaison activities consist of

regular interaction with a small team from the FAA.
The initial Plan for Hardware Aspects of
Certification was presented to the FAA in January.
They agreed with the proposed plan, in principle,
but deferred judgement on some of the proposed
verification activities until more detailed
descriptions are developed.
The process assurance activities are primarily
focused on monitoring the development activities to
ensure that they are proceeding in accordance with
the approved plans. For this project, the emphasis
is on ensuring the internal consistency of the set of
controlled data we accumulate throughout the
development effort.
An integral part of developing hardware in
accordance with DO-254 is the management of
design and verification data throughout the life of
the product. Hence, there is a need for an effective
recording and configuration management system.
The purpose of configuration management is
to ensure consistent replication and controlled
modification of artifacts produced during the design
process. There are several interrelated aspects to
configuration management. The primary
requirement is a consistent repository of data. This
repository contains identification of the design
environment, a collection of design artifacts
sufficient for consistent replication, and verification
data that provides sufficient evidence that the
design meets its requirements. Information in this
repository needs to be maintained such that
controlled changes preserve a consistent set of data.
Configuration Management Tools
Configuration management for this project is
supported by two tools, the Concurrent Versions
System (CVS) [4] and GNATS [5]. Both tools are
freely available on the Internet and are distributed
under the GNU public license. Both of these tools
provide access for users from both UNIX and
Windows systems. This is necessary for the
SPIDER project because the development involves
data generated on both UNIX and Windows
platforms. Additionally, both of these tools have
auxiliary programs that provide a web-based

CVS is a revision control system. As such, it

maintains a history of changes to the controlled
project files. Specifically, it records:


5 6 7 10

who makes a change

when it is made
why it is made (if the user provides
meaningful log messages)
what other changes are made at the same



GNATS is a problem reporting system.

Problem reports are submitted via e-mail and are
automatically logged into a database and forwarded
to a responsible party. The problem reports can
later be updated to reflect actions taken to resolve
the problems. The problem report database is
always accessible for review. As the design is
modified in response to problem reports, the CVS
change logs can readily reflect the problem report
number from GNATS.
The GNATS system can also be used to log
other reports generated during the course of a
design. For this project, we are using GNATS to
record all of our process-control actions.
The hardware design life cycle data is being
accumulated following the process data-flow model
depicted in Figure 1. The emphasis is on managing
all data that will serve as a basis for certification.
The data flow depicted in Figure 1 corresponds to
controlled data. The central idea is that data cannot
be controlled unless all the data on which it depends
is also controlled.




2 1

The change history is traceable. CVS does not

implement any change control policies. However, it
can be used in a manner where changes are
restricted. CVS is based on a copy-modify-merge
philosophy for version control. Specifically, each
developer maintains a copy of their part of the
development tree, implements changes on the local
copy, then merges the changes into the central
repository. Specific policies can be implemented to
restrict the authority to commit changes to the
central repository.


Process Control






Design Data


5 6 7 10


System Level Requirements Allocated to Hardware

Feedback to System Development
Process Control Actions
Process Control Requests
Design Development Data

6. Configuration Management Entries

7. Process Assurance Evidence
8. Design Manufacturing Data
9. Hardware Design Manual
10. Unmanaged Design Notes and Artifacts

Figure 1: Documented Hardware Design Life


Design Assurance Strategy

For this project, we are developing the
ROBUS to support any level A aircraft function.
Since the design is being developed to the most
stringent requirements, it is not necessary to justify
the selected design assurance level. If we desired to
develop part of the hardware system to a lower
design assurance level, we would need to justify our
decision using a Functional Failure Path Analysis
(FFPA). A high-level description of performing an
FFPA is presented in Appendix B of DO-254 [1].
A worked example illustrating an FFPA is
presented in [6].
Our primary strategy is to focus on ensuring
correctness at the conceptual design stage and then
preserving the design integrity as we proceed
through detailed design and implementation. Since
the certification basis depends upon the conceptual
design, the conceptual design data will be
maintained under configuration management.
This is not the only strategy allowed by DO254. In fact, DO-254 does not require conceptual
design data to be controlled, if it is not used to

support certification arguments. When a system is

being developed to assurance level A or B, DO-254
requires that the design assurance strategy be
developed using the guidance of Appendix B [1].

Selection of Design Assurance Method

Subsection 3 of Appendix B in DO-254
suggests a number of methods that may be
appropriate for a level A design assurance strategy
[1]. The methods enumerated include architectural
mitigation, service history, and three advanced
analysis techniques:

Safety-Specific Analysis
Elemental Analysis
Formal Methods

Architectural mitigation strategies are

employed to constrain potentially adverse effects of
errors in the design. The ROBUS may ultimately
be used as part of an architectural mitigation
scheme, but there is no architectural solution to
mask design errors within the ROBUS. Hence, we
cannot base the design assurance of ROBUS on
architectural mitigation techniques. Also, since
ROBUS is a new design, we cannot appeal to
service history as part of our design assurance
strategy. Therefore, we need to consider the
suggested advanced analysis techniques.
Since we have expertise in the application of
formal methods, that will be the core of our design
assurance strategy. We will focus on formal proof
at the conceptual design level to ensure that the
SPIDER family of fault-tolerant systems is correct.
We will then use conventional design and
verification techniques to ensure that our detailed
design and implementation are correct realizations
of our conceptual design.
Fault Assumptions
There are at least two approaches to reasoning
about faults and failures in a digital system. One is
to postulate possible component failures and then
assess the resulting impact on the system.
Alternatively, one may assume that all faults have
potentially devastating consequences and then
design the system relative to this worst case
assumption. Our approach is closer to the latter, but
we allow some variation into the potential impact of
faults. We will adopt the fault-classification

strategy used in the development of the

Multiprocessor Architecture for Fault-Tolerance
(MAFT) [7]. Faulty nodes are globally classified
based on the locally observable characteristics to
other nodes within the system. The system is
partitioned into Fault Containment Regions (FCRs)
that ensure independence of random physical
failures. The failure status of an FCR is then one of
four mutually exclusive possibilities. An FCR may
Benign Faulty: All good nodes that
observe its behavior know that it is bad
Symmetric Faulty: All good nodes
observe consistent error manifestations,
but do not know that it is bad
Asymmetric Faulty: No assumption is
made about the behavior. The behavior
of an asymmetrically faulty unit has
different manifestations to at least two
distinct good nodes
Several formal verifications have been
performed using this fault classification. We will
be able to adapt some of these proofs to the
conceptual design of the SPIDER. When the
development reaches the stage of a detailed
implementation, we will use this same classification
when conducting the Failure Modes and Effects
Analysis (FMEA).

Reliability Analysis
The system level reliability analysis uses the
Semi-Markov Unreliability Range Evaluator
(SURE) tool developed at NASA Langley Research
Center [8]. Some of the reliability models have
been generated using the Abstract Semi-Markov
Specification Interface to the SURE Tool (ASSIST)
[9]. The developers of these tools and techniques
are available for consultation on this project. In
addition, they are available for expert review of the
generated models.

Additional Considerations
Several of the verification activities employ
formal methods. As part of the conceptual design
activities, the algorithms for providing the faulttolerant services are being formally specified and

verified using PVS [10] (http://pvs.csl.sri.com/).

The models, algorithms, and proofs will be
reviewed by Langley personnel that have expertise
in both formal methods and fault-tolerance. In
addition, some of the detailed design artifacts may
be subjected to formal analysis.
The focus of the verification activities during
the detailed design and implementation stages will
be to preserve the integrity of the verification
performed at the conceptual design level. We
intend to explore elemental analysis and safetyspecific analysis as we proceed, but we do not yet
have sufficient understanding of these techniques.




Figure 2: SPIDER Logical View

Tool Assessment and Qualification

Section 11.4 of DO-254 details the
requirements for tool assessment and qualification.
If the output of a tool is independently checked in
some manner, it is not necessary to qualify the tool.
Given the limited resources of this project, it is not
feasible to undertake a tool qualification exercise.
Therefore, in this design effort, the output of each
tool will be independently checked.

Design Concept
The system concept for this case study is the
SPIDER family of fault-tolerant architectures. One
of the design goals is that the SPIDER will support
various fault-tolerant configurations. This will
enable experimentation with different schemes for
automatic recovery from multiple correlated
transient faults.
The SPIDER architecture is intended to
support a collection of N simplex general purpose
processing elements communicating over a Reliable
Optical Bus (ROBUS). One logical view of the
SPIDER architecture is depicted in Figure 2.

The ROBUS behaves as a time-division

multiple access (TDMA) broadcast bus. For the
ROBUS to provide unhindered access to all good
nodes, it must be protected against any one node
monopolizing its capacity. Furthermore, the
communication model must support several
fundamental services. The essential goal is to
ensure reliable communication between all pairs of
fault-free processing elements in the system. To
ensure this flexibility, the ROBUS design shall
guarantee that all good processing elements observe
an identical sequence of messages. This will enable
the development of several fault-tolerance strategies
combining the simplex nodes. For example, Figure
3 illustrates a possible SPIDER configuration with
three processors in a Triple Modular Redundant
(TMR) configuration, four processors in a dual-dual
configuration and a single simplex processor.

0 4

3 7

2 5


Figure 3: Sample SPIDER Configuration

Key Design Requirements

The primary requirement for the ROBUS is
that it shall ensure that all fault-free attached
processing elements observe identical message
sequences, even if there are a bounded number of

physical component failures within the ROBUS.

This implies that the ROBUS will be a realization
of a special purpose fault-tolerant device. If the
ROBUS can be shown to meet this requirement,
then we have assurance that the failure modes of the
attached processing elements are limited to
symmetric or benign manifestations only. It will be
impossible for an attached node to exhibit
asymmetric behavior.
Schedule Agreement
The first implementation of the SPIDER will
be based upon an assumption of a static,
predetermined communication schedule. This is
similar to the approach taken for ARINC 659 [11]
and the Time-Triggered Architecture [12]. The
communication protocol for the first
implementation of the SPIDER will be based upon
the protocol developed by Malekpour for the
FBL/PBW testbench [3]. This is a statically
scheduled TDMA protocol.
All analysis will be based upon the weaker
assumption that all fault-free nodes agree on the
communication schedule. This will allow future
exploration of dynamic scheduling algorithms for
later instances of the SPIDER architecture.
Interactive Consistency
In a redundant computer system, it is necessary
to ensure that all single-source data items are
consistently replicated among the redundant
computational elements. Otherwise, a single faulty
source may overwhelm the redundancy in the
system. There are several published algorithms for
ensuring interactive consistency; the first fully
general solution is by Pease, Shoshtak, and Lamport
[13]. Interactive consistency requirements are:
Agreement---All non-faulty receivers agree on
the single-source data value received
Validity---If the originator of the data is nonfaulty, then all non-faulty receivers receive the
transmitted value
Protocols achieving interactive consistency are
frequently referred to as Byzantine Agreement
protocols, following the presentation of the problem
in [14]. Byzantine agreement protocols depend on
the assumption that redundant elements fail
independently. Specifically, it is required that the
nodes participating in the protocol are sufficiently
physically and electrically isolated to ensure that a

fault in one node cannot cause a fault in another

node. These isolation regions of the design are
termed Fault-Containment Regions (FCRs). An
FCR may exhibit erroneous behavior. Additional
logic is required to address potential error
propagation. This is only possible if a sufficient
number of FCRs are fault-free. There are several
examples of formally verified interactive
consistency algorithms available. The internal
topology of the ROBUS is sufficiently similar to the
Draper FTP architecture [15] that we were able to
adapt its interactive consistency protocol. In
addition, we were also able to adapt the PVS
verification presented by Lincoln and Rushby [16].
Clock Synchronization
Both interactive consistency and TDMA
scheduling require that the redundant nodes be
synchronized within a known skew. The general
requirements for clock synchronization are:
Precision---There is a small constant d such
that for any two good clocks at real time t:
|C1(t) - C2(t)| < d
Accuracy---All good clocks maintain an
accurate measure of the passage of time
As in the case of interactive consistency, clock
synchronization protocols assume that the
redundant clocks are in separate FCRs and that a
sufficient number of FCRs are fault-free. There are
several clock synchronization protocols discussed
in the research literature. Ramanathan et al provide
a survey of different approaches [17]. We have
adapted a synchronization scheme proposed by
Davies and Wakerly [18] for use in the ROBUS.
There are established techniques for formal
verification of clock synchronization algorithms
[19] [20]. We have modified the approach
presented in [20] for the verification of the SPIDER
synchronization protocol.
The ROBUS shall support distributed
diagnosis in the presence of a bounded number of
FCR failures. The goals of a diagnosis algorithm
are to ensure the following properties:
Correctness---Every FCR diagnosed as faulty
by a good FCR is indeed faulty
Completeness---Every faulty FCR is
eventually diagnosed as faulty

There exist fault scenarios where it is

impossible to identify which FCR is faulty, so in
these cases diagnosis is necessarily incomplete.
However, it is essential to always ensure the
correctness property. The ROBUS will be designed
against a modified completeness property that is
consistent with the fault assumptions of the clock
synchronization and Byzantine agreement
protocols. We will adapt the algorithms and
verification presented in [21].

Concluding Remarks
We are currently involved in the conceptual
design phase of a case study exercising the new
RTCA document DO-254: Design Assurance
Guidance for Airborne Electronic Hardware. For
the case study, we have chosen to design a central
subsystem of a new fault-tolerant architecture. For
this design, we have chosen to emphasize early lifecycle development and verification activities. It is
our belief that if we get the conceptual design right,
then it will be easier to assure correctness of the
detailed design and implementation.
The principal focus of our conceptual design
verification activities is formal proof that the faulttolerance protocols are correct. Subsequent design
and verification activities will be focused on
preserving the implementation integrity of the
verified algorithms.

We are grateful to Leanna Rierson and Pete
Saraceni of the FAA for partially funding this effort
under Interagency Agreement DTFA03-96-X90001.

[1] RTCA, 2000, DO-254: Design Assurance
Guidance for Airborne Electronic Hardware,
RTCA, Inc., Washington, DC.
[2] Palumbo, D.L., 1996, Fault-tolerant processing
system, United States Patent 5,533,188.
[3] Malekpour, M., To Appear, Fly-byLight/Power-by-Wire Fault-Tolerant Fiber-Optic
Backplane, NASA Contractor Report, NASA
Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA.

[4] Free Software Foundation, 1998, CVS Concurrent Versions System,

[5] Osier, J. M., and B. Kehoe, 1996, Keeping
Track: Managing Messages with GNATS,
[6] Beland, S.C., and B. BonJour, 2000, Functional
Failure Path Analysis of Airborne Electronic
Hardware, in Proceedings of the 19th Digital
Avionics Systems Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
[7] Kieckhafer, R. M., C. J. Walter, A. M. Finn, and
P. M. Thambidurai, 1988, The MAFT Architecture
for Distributed Fault Tolerance, IEEE Transactions
on Computers, 37 (4), pp. 398-405.
[8] Butler, R. W., and A. L. White, 1988, SURE
Reliability Analysis: Program and Mathematics,
NASA Technical Paper, 2764.
[9] Johnson, S.C., and D. P. Boerschlein, 1995,
ASSIST User Manual, NASA Technical
Memorandum 4592, NASA Langley Research
Center, Hampton, VA.
[10] Owre, S., J. Rushby, N. Shankar, and F. von
Henke, 1995, Formal Verification for FaultTolerant Architectures: Prolegomena to the Design
of PVS, IEEE Transactions on Software
Engineering, 21 (2), pp. 107-125.
[11] ARINC, 1993, ARINC Specification 659:
Backplane Data Bus, Aeronautical Radio, Inc.,
Annapolis, MD.
[12] Kopetz, H., 1997, Real-Time Systems: Design
Principles for Distributed Embedded Applications,
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston.
[13] Pease, M., R. Shostak, and L. Lamport, 1980,
Reaching Agreement in the Presence of Faults,
Journal of the ACM, 27 (2), pp. 228-234.
[14] Lamport, L., R. Shostak, and M. Pease, 1982,
The Byzantine Generals Problem, ACM
Transactions on Programming Languages, 4 (3),
pp. 382-401.
[15] Smith, T.B., 1984, Fault Tolerant Processor
Concepts and Operation, in Fourteenth
International Conference on Fault-Tolerant
Computing, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 158163.

[16] Lincoln, P., and J. Rushby, 1994, Formal

Verification of an Interactive Consistency
Algorithm for the Draper FTP Architecture Under a
Hybrid Fault Model, Proceedings of the Ninth
Annual Conference on Computer Assurance, pp.
[17] Ramanathan, P., K. G. Shin, and R. W. Butler,
1990, Fault-Tolerant Clock Synchronization in
Distributed Systems, IEEE Computer, 23 (10), pp.
[18] Davies, D., and J. F. Wakerly, 1978,
Synchronization and Matching in Redundant
Systems, IEEE Transactions on Computers, C-27
(6), pp. 531-539.
[19] Miner, P.S., 1993, Verification of FaultTolerant Clock Synchronization Systems, NASA
Technical Paper 3349, Hampton, VA.
[20] Schwier, D., and F. von Henke, 1998,
Mechanical Verification of Clock Synchronization
Algorithms, Proceedings 5th International
Symposium on Formal Techniques in Real-Time
and Fault-Tolerant Systems, pp. 262-271.
[21] Walter, C. J., P. Lincoln, and N. Suri, 1997,
Formally Verified On-Line Diagnosis, IEEE
Transactions on Software Engineering, 23 (11), pp.

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