Reaction Paper Julie

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The Tallano Foundation has given notice of the termination of this 50 year lease
following the additional 5 year discretionary period on December 31,2005 but remains
unable to obtain an inventory of this asset even though the CENTRAL BANK( now
Bangko Sentral Pilipinas ) is no longer entitled to HOLD the gold.

Having gained the trust and confidence of Fr Diaz, the Tallano clan made him the
main negotiator and trustee of their gold. Fr Diaz in turn, hired the services of ATTY.
having attained notoriety when he successfully defended himself in the " NALUNDASAN
CASE" in 1939.

The TALLANO clan paid commission to Fr. Diaz and Atty .Marcos in gold, 30%
From the principal of 640, 000 metric tons.A lease agreement was made between the
Tallano clan and the Maharlika government. A total of 640,000 metric tons of gold was
deposited in the newly installed Central Bank of the Maharlika to comply with its
requirement for GOLD RESERVE. Under the terms of the contract , the Central Bank
became the HOLDER of that gold. That LEASE agreement will EXPIRE in the year

Tallano Family owned the Philippines

Do you think our Philippines History needs to dig and be re-written,
once Filipinos do their research and evidences of this claimed that the royal family
Tagean Tallano family bought the Philippines archipelago or Maharlika Islands decades
ago? Watch this video presented by Doc John on his show "Ang Laging Daan ni Doc
Never in the Philippines history subject that the whole Philippines archipelago is owned
and bought by the Tagean Tallano as part of the missing piece history of the nation.
Most Filipinos embedded that Lapu-Lapu is one of our Filipino heroes who fought the

land ownership of native Filipinos against the invasion of Spanish era but never did we
know that he's related to the clan who actually owned the whole Philippines - if this
claim would have been true? He was also responsible for the death of Portuguese
Explorer Ferdinand Magellan. He is now regarded, retroactively, as the first Filipino
hero.He is also known under the names ilapulapu, Si Lapulapu,Salip Pulaka, and Kali
Pulako (alternatively spelled as Cali Pulaco), though the historicity of the names is
If Filipinos would reconsider such claimed of Prince Julian Morden Tallano to resolve the
Philippines squatter problems and other issues of the Spratly Islands, how would it be
possible or wouldn't be great if his rights is to be used for the common good of Filipino
citizens instead of singled out by some politicians power and other alliances that would
have been covering and using fraud documents to claim such titles of their own
What do you think after you have watched the interview of Doc John and Prince Julian
Morden Tallano?

What is Philippines before invaded by the greedy

HOMOBONO A. ADAZA file stated that "MAHARLIKA. Long before the Spaniards came
to Philippines shores, the Philippine archipelago consisting of 7,169 islands with an area
of 1,049,212,962 nautical square miles, including Guam and Hawaii was known as
Maharlika. It was populated by Malays and ruled by the Tagean Tallano clans from the
ninth to the fifteenth century. When the Spaniards started ruling the Philippines
archipelago, they renamed it Hacienda Filipina. Of the many kingdoms in Asia,
Maharlika was one of them under King Luisong Tagean Tallano, the father of Raja LapuLapu and Raja Soliman, the successors of King Marikudo of the Sri Vishayan Empire.
Its principal products at that time were peanuts (mani) exported to Mexico and
European countries and Herbal plants known as Nilad with some medicinal qualities
which were exported to Mainland China. With the passage of time, the Chinese traders
changed the name Maharlika to Maynilad or Maynila. As in olden days, the kings and
their families own their kingdoms and distribute portions to their subjects, especially to
the members of the royal clans. This is exactly what happened to the Philippine
archipelago, it was owned by the Tagean Tallano clans."
A family of MAHARAJAHS AND RAJAHS, TAGEAN, was then ruling the Madjapahit
Empire. They retreated and consolidated their position in a group of 7,169 islands,
known as the MAHARLIKA (now Philippines) away from the oncoming Moslems. Being
a descendant of royal Malayan blood, the Tagean family had its share of power,

authority and riches from the collected taxes during its 900 Year rule in the empire, and
even two millennia earlier when there was commerce with King Solomon of Israel.
The Maharajah and his sons, the rajahs, ruled the Maharlika using their own laws, the
CODE OF KALANTIAW. The Maharlika was a very rich and flourishing country. By the
early sixteenth century, the ruling maharajah, Luisong Tagean, had 720,000 metric tons
of gold that he kept in present dayKota Kinabalu, Sabah or North Borneo. At that time,
Sabah was part of the Maharlika.
The Family Tree of Maharajah Luisong Tagean:
MAHARAJAH LUISONG TAGEAN. He resided in the Lamayan District, now known as
Malacaang. He was married to Margaret Acua Macleod.


Fantastic! This is the normal reaction of those who are told one family
has a title on the whole Philippine archipelago. Its not possible, many say.
How was the title secured? Who secured the title? Why only now has the
story surfaced and come to public attention? Why did it take so long for the
owners to stake their claim on their property? Is this not a scam engineered
by smart manipulators? These and many other questions come to mind when
presented with the story. But it is story with full factual support titles,
documents, court decisions, writs of execution, sheriffs return, annotations
at the back of the titles, certifications of government officials and agencies
attesting to the existence of the titles in their files and genuineness of the
said titles. One document may be fabricated, especially because this is
Philippines. But twenty-one (21) volumes of court documents certainly
cannot be manufactured even by the smartest con artist on the face of this
planet. Yet, it is fantastic but it happens to be true. It is as fantastic as mans
journey to the surface of the moon. In 1936, men laughed at Warner Von
Braun for theorizing he could send a rocket to the moon. Everyone was
saying it could only be true on the pages of comic magazines detailing the
interstellar adventures of Flash Gordon and in novels like H.G. Wells War of
the Worlds. But in 1956, Von Braun, with the help of NASA, sent a rocket with
men to the surface of the moon making a trip back to Earth before

unbelieving earthly inhabitants. This is a story that will change the history of
this country rewriting our textbooks, which give primacy to the tale that our
country was discovered by foreigners. This country has been here long
before the foreigners came to shores. The Tagean Tallano clans just
happened to be royal families that ruled the land which we now call the
Philippines. How did it begun?
MAHARLIKA. Long before the Spaniards came to Philippines shores,
the Philippine archipelago consisting of 7,169 islands with an area of
1,049,212,962 nautical square miles, including Guam and Hawaii was known
as Maharlika. It was populated by Malays and ruled by the Tagean Tallano
clans from the ninth to the fifteenth century. When the Spaniards started
ruling the Philippines archipelago, they renamed it Hacienda Filipina. Of the
many kingdoms in Asia, Maharlika was one of them under King Luisong
Tagean Tallano, the father of Raja Lapu-Lapu and Raja Soliman, the
successors of King Marikudo of the Sri Vishayan Empire. Its principal products
at that time were peanuts (mani) exported to Mexico and European countries
and Herbal plants known as Nilad with some medicinal qualities which
were exported to Mainland China. With the passage of time, the Chinese
traders changed the name Maharlika to Maynilad or Maynila. As in olden
days, the kings and their families own their kingdoms and distribute portions
to their subjects, especially to the members of the royal clans. This is exactly
what happened to the Philippine archipelago, it was owned by the Tagean
Tallano clans.
THE SPANIARDS. When the Spaniards came, full control of the islands
remained with the descendants of King Luisong, specifically Raja Lapu-Lapu
and his successors for Visayas and Mindanao and Raja Soliman and his
successors for Luzon. Like conquerors of all kinds, the Spaniards started
grabbing lands and distributed them to favored members of the conquering
group, thereafter named Haciendas. Because of the land grabbing activities
of the Spanish conquistadores, the descendants of King Luisong 1 brought
these questionable activities of the conquering armies of Spain to the
attention of the Spanish Queen leading to the setting aside of many royal
land grants and the issuance of titulo possessorio to become titulo de
compra embracing the whole Philippine archipelago in favor of the Tallano
THE BRITISH. In 1762, the British Royal Armies came to Manila with
the purpose of defeating the abusive Spanish armies. Finally, in 1764 the
British won over the Spaniards. The British Royal Government then issued a

Royal Decree, Protocol 01-4 based on the Laws of the West Indies, amending
the property rights of King Philip of Spain over the Philippines and granting
ownership of the Philippine archipelago to the Tagean Tallano clans. After the
signing of the peace accord between the royal governments of Spain and
Britain, the Queen of Spain recognized the property rights over the Philippine
archipelago based on the Maura Law.
THE TREATY OF PARIS. With the defeat of the Spanish Armada to
the forces of the United States of America in the Battle of Manila Bay, Spain
and America concluded the end of the War by signing the Treaty of Paris
where the Philippines was sold for $20 Million U.S. Dollars. The winning
bidder who paid the said amount in U.S. gold coins was DON ESTEBAN
BENITEZ TALLANO, the predecessor in interest of PRINCE JULIAN MORDEN
TALLANO. By virtue of the said payment, the Oficina de Cabildo recognized
and affirmed Royal Decree 01-4 Protocol and registered as TITULO DE
TORRENS TITLE. With the American administration in the Philippines,
the ownership of the TALLANO CLANS was strengthened further by the
passage of Act No. 496 which gave rise to the Torrens Title. Land registration
proceedings based on the said law were undertaken which affirmed the
ownership and title of the Tallano Clans over the Philippine archipelago on
October 3, 1904 as Original Certificate of Title (OCT) 01-4. Furthermore,
when Cadastral Act No. 2259 of 1913 was passed, again the cadastral court
recognized the ownership and title of the TALLANO CLANS over the whole
Philippine Archipelago, still as OCT 01-4. A Torrens title is indefeasible which
means it cannot be defeated by any claimant who has no title or whose title
is issued later. It is also imprescriptibly which means that it does not
prescribe. Even if a person who has no title or a fake title occupies a land
duly titled for a million years, the titled owner of the land concerned can
drive away any occupant who has no title or a later title over the land.



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