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Meeting: _____________

Class: All Departments

Date: _______________

Main Aims/topic:




Greeting and check

(Dictation) use some ideas for presentation for dictation. Two times. First is
natural speed and read the whole sentence. Second natural speed but read
sentence per sentence. And then let them construct.
(Small Chat) How many classes do you have today? ; How do you feel
today? ; Which class that is so boring? Why! ; And which class that is so
much fun? Why!
I. Enlist all subjects they are taking this semester on the board
II. Ask them to decide one favorite subject only
III. What to talk (presentation)
What is the subject? ; Why do you like the subject? ; What does the teacher
look like? ; What is the teacher like? What did you learn about? ; Explain the
importance of the subject?
IV. Some ideas for presentation
I am studying many subjects in this university, but here I would like to talk
about the subject English.
I like English because the teacher is so brilliant.
My English teachers name is Bathoegana. (find a ridiculous pict of
He is in his forties I think.
He is short, but attractive.
He always wears an elegant shirt.
One day he taught if-conditional lesson.
He used innovative ways to teach English.
He gave so comprehensible explanation that I can understand it well.
So, I began to like English and became my favorite subject
English is very important in everyday life whether we choose to
acknowledge the fact or not.
It has become the lingua franca in many parts of the world as this is the
most commonly spoken language by the non native speakers of English.
Moreover, we can get many good jobs in Multinational Companies if our
English is good.
V. Assessment
0 poor ; 1 fair ; 2 good ; 3 - excellent
Clear introduction (CI)
Clear main idea (CMI)
Supporting points were clear and supported by argument or facts (SP)
Gesture and body language (GBL)
Eye contact (EC)
Volume of speech (VoS)
Fluency (Fl)
Pronunciation (P)
Interest or enthusiasm (Inter)
Visual aids or handout effectively (Vis)
Accuracy (Acc)
Response to the audience (Resp)
VI. (post-act) feedback and notes

Notes for next lesson:

(PSIK & pharmacy) Topic Pain assessment; Prep - pain assessment text by
Marie McCullagh & Ros Wright & true or false worksheet, conversation nurse
and patient (Mrs Miller); scoring rubric for assessment.
(Communication & IR) Topic Building Relationship; Prep relationshipbuilding technique (should be red at home ) and three extracts (Fiona


Class: PSIK or Pharmacy

Date: ___________

Main Aims/topic:


Greeting and check

(Reading comprehension) read the pain assessment text by Marie
McCullagh & Ros Wright, and then answering the following true or false
I. Handout the conversation and got them to read
II. Ask them the difficult words
III. Ask them to make similar conversation between nurse and patient
Example of conversation
Mrs Miller : I seem to be getting a lot more migraines recently.
: Right. So, what happens when you get a migraine?

Mrs Miller


: Well, it usually starts off with me feeling slightly off when I wake up
in the morning. Im very sensitive to strong smells and bright lights.
Then, as the day goes on, the headache develops.
: How would you describe the pain?
Mrs Miller : At first its pretty mild, like a scraping pain over my left eye and I
a pain in my neck also.
: Is that on the left side also?
Mrs Miller : Yes. Its a really tight pain, like my neck is being gripped. After a
while the pain over my left eye gets more and more intense and its
very persistent.
: So, it starts off as a scraping pain over your left eye, extends down
your neck and gets more intense after a while?
Mrs Miller : Yes.
: How long does it last?
Mrs Miller : It usually lasts for about one hour to two hours.
: And how often do you get these pains?
Mrs Miller : Practically every week at the moment.
: They must be really difficult to cope with.
Mrs Miller : Yes, they really get me down.
: When did you start getting them?
Mrs Miller : They started about five years ago, but at first I just got the odd
: Do you have any idea what triggers them?
Mrs Miller : Not really. Ive been keeping a record but I cant pinpoint what sets
them off.
: Well, as you probably know, there are different triggers for migraine:
dietary, environmental and behavioral. In terms of food, the main
culprits are wine, chocolate, cheese as well as coffee, so maybe you
need to look at whether that might be a factor.
Also strong smells and bright lights can trigger the migraine, as you
seem to be experiencing.
Mrs Miller : They definitely can trigger it.
: And you might want to think about any changes in your day-to-day
routine, such as getting less sleep or working more. These can cause
stress, which can also be a factor in bringing it on. Ill give you a
leaflet on techniques to help you relax and also a leaflet on migraine
which tells you which foods to avoid.
Mrs Miller: Thanks. That sounds useful.
IV. Assessment
0 poor ; 1 fair ; 2 good ; 3 - excellent
Fluency (Fl)
Achievement of purpose (AoP)
Imagination & creativity (I&C)
Gesture and body language (GBL)
Eye contact (EC)
Volume of speech (VoS)
Pronunciation (P)
Interest or enthusiasm (Inter)
Accuracy (Acc)
Response to the audience (Resp)
V. (post-act) feedback and notes

Notes for next lesson:

Meeting: _________

Class: Communication & Intl


Date: __________

Main Aims/topic:

Greeting and check
Consolidating relationship-building tech by giving in depth-explanation. Write in
the middle of the board relationship-building tech. Get them to brainstorm what
ideas should follow under the relationship-building tech. the answer should be
finding things in common, showing interest, flattery, generosity, gratitude,
personal touches. Go through the explanations with the class, eliciting examples
of these situations from students own experience. Discuss also what can go
wrong with each technique (e.g. if they are used too much as cynical techniques,
rather than genuine attempts to be nice).
Discussing the three extracts. Try to relate to conversation with the theory of
relationship-building tech
Extract 1
1. How do Hans and Fiona flatter each other? What adjectives do they use?
2. How do they respond to each others flattery? What grammatical structure do they
both use?

3. Why do you think they focused on flattering each others companies?

H: Ah, hello. Ms Jackson? Im Hans, Hans Braun.

F: Good to meet you at last, Hans, after all those emails. And please call me
H: OK, welcome to Munich, Fiona. Sorry to keep you waiting, by the way. I
had an
urgent phone call and couldnt get away.
F: No problem. I was just admiring your brochure. Its really impressive. I didnt
know you had so many famous clients! (1 Fiona Flatter)
H: Thanks. Yes, well, weve got a great sales team, and we really go for quality
in a big way here, much more than some of our cheaper competitors.
F: Well, it certainly seems to be an effective strategy, judging by these
H: Thank-you. Yes, theyre very positive, arent they? Weve also heard some great
things about your company. I was looking at your website yesterday,
and I thought
it was really interesting. I loved the Our story section, you
know, the story about
how your founder started the business from nothing.
Fascinating. (1 Hans Flatter)
F: Yes, its amazing, isnt it? Im glad you read that
Extract 2

4. What do you think of Hanss opening question? How else could he start a
conversation to find things in common?

5. How many things in common did they find?

6. What phrases do they use to show interest?

7. What techniques did they use to echo what the other person said?

8. What example of generosity and gratitude is in the conversation?

9. How easy would it be for Hans and Fiona to continue this conversation? Why?



H: So, is this your first time in Munich, Fiona?

F: Well, yes and no. I came with my family when I was about 14, but well,
that was a very long time ago. I dont remember much about it just
museums and football.
H: Football? Are you a fan?
F: Not really. But my dad was I mean he still is, obsessed with it. So he
took us to matches all over Europe.
H: Wow. Thats really interesting! Im also a little obsessed with football, but
I dont drag my kids around to watch matches!
F: No, it wasnt so bad. It meant we got to see lots of interesting places.
How many kids have you got?
H: Three: two girls and a boy. Theyre growing up fast. My eldest daughter is
at university already.
F: Really? You must be very proud. My kids are still very small, so Ive got all
that to look forward to. What does your daughter study?
H: English, would you believe? She wants to study in Bristol next year.
F: Bristol? Thats interesting. My brother studied there. He had a wonderful
time. Its a really nice city. I could ask him if hes got any advice, you
know, where to go, where to avoid.
H: Well, that would be excellent. Id really appreciate that. You know what
its like to be a parent you never stop worrying about your kids.
F: Absolutely. My sons going on karate camp next week, his first time away
from mum and dad, and Im really stressed about it. Hes only nine.
H: Karate camp? Sounds interesting. I used to do a bit of karate myself,
many years ago. Is he good at it?
Extract 3
10. What is the main example of generosity in this conversation?
11. How does Hans add a personal touch?

12. How does Fiona express gratitude? What do you think of the two techniques she

H: So I thought wed start with a tour of our factory, so you get a really good
sense of what we do here and what we need. Id also like to introduce you
to a few of our key people here, if thats OK.
F: Thats great. It all helps me to get a better picture of how we can help
H: Thats what I thought. And then for lunch, Id like to take you to one of
my favorite restaurants a short drive out of the city.
F: Oh that would be lovely, but please dont go to any trouble. Id be
happy with a sandwich!
H: No, I wouldnt dream of it. This project is very important to us, so we
want to treat you well! Its a lovely restaurant, and Ive booked my
favorite table.
So I hope youre hungry!
F: Well, thats very kind of you. In that case, you must let me return the
favor if ever you visit our factory in Edinburgh.
H: OK, that sounds nice. Thank-you.
I. Composing a dialogue in pair
II. Role play (applying relationship-building tech)
III. Assessment (using role play scoring rubric)
(post-act) feedback and note

Notes for next lesson:

Meeting: _________

Class: Communication &


Date: __________

Main Aims/topic:




Greet and check

Cut the conversation between Santana and yoshinaga irregularly
Get them to re-order and discuss Identify the problem and the suggested
solution; Do you think Yoshinaga Takafumi provided good customer
service? In what ways?
I. Composing a dialogue in pair
II. Role play (applying relationship-building tech)
III. Assessment (using role play scoring rubric)
(post-act) feedback and notes

Notes for next lesson:


Class: PSIK or Pharmacy

Date: ___________

Main Aims/topic:


Greeting and check


Notes for next lesson:

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