Final Exam Antenna 2005

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The document describes different types of horn antennas and their properties including directivity. It also discusses satellite communication systems and calculations for signal to noise ratios.

H-plane sectoral horn, E-plane sectoral horn, and pyramidal horn

The E-plane sectoral horn has a larger aperture and therefore higher directivity than the H-plane sectoral horn.

D-ITET Antennas and Propagation


Name: ......................................................................

Address: ......................................................................


Antennas and Propagation

Fall 2005
October 13, 2005, 09:00 am – 12:00 noon

Dr. C. Fumeaux, Prof. Dr. R. Vahldieck

This exam consists of 6 problems. The total number of pages is 18,, including
the cover page. You have 3 hours to solve the problems. The maximum
possible number of points is 71.

Please note:
• This is an open book exam.
• Attach this page as the front page of your solution booklet.
• All the calculations should be shown in the solution booklet to justify the solutions.
• Please, do not use pens with red ink.
• Do not forget to write your name on each solution sheet.
• Please, put your student card (LEGI) on the table.
• Possible further references of general interest will be written on the blackboard during
the examination.

Problem Points Initials


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Problem 1 (7 Points)
Given is a WR 90 ( a = 22.86 mm, b = 10.16 mm) waveguide that is operated at f = 11 GHz
in the dominant TE10 mode. The waveguide is used to feed three different types of horn

r1 b1
a a1
a) b) c)

2 Points a) Design an H-plane sectoral horn with the maximum directivity DH = 12.12 dBi.
Determine the aperture dimensions ( a1 , b ) and the horn length ρ2 .

2 Points b) What is the directivity DE of an E-plane sectoral horn with the same horn length
ρ2 = ρ1 and the same length of the longer aperture side b1 = a1 as the antenna in
question a).

1 Point c) Explain shortly (one or two sentences) the difference in directivity between the two
horns from question a) and b).

2 Points d) Determine the directivity DP of a pyramidal horn with the aperture dimensions
a1 and b1 !

H-plane sectoral horn E-plane sectoral horn

140 r1 = 100l
r2 = 100l
Normalized directivity (l/a) DE
Normalized directivity (l/b) DH

100 75l
100 80 50l
80 30l
30l 20l
20l 40 15l
40 15l
20 8l
6l 8l 10l 6l
0 0
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28
Horn aperture a1 (l) Horn aperture b1 (l)

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Solution 1
a) The given directivity is DH = 12.12 dB, or DH = 101.212 = 16.3 respectively. Using the
graph on slide 7.69 with the parameter D = 43.724 gives r 2 = 10l and a1 = 5.5l .
b H

b) The dimension of the E-plane horn is b1 = 5.5l . With the graph on slide 7.62 and
r 1 = 10l this gives D = 33.045 and the gain is DE = 27.7173 or DE = 14.427 dB.
a E

c) The E-plane sectoral horn has a larger aperture as the H-plane horn, and the flare angles
ψe and ψh of both horns are the same. Therefore a larger directivity of the E-plane horn is

pl 2
d) The directivity of a pyramidal horn is given by DP = D D = 141.8485 or
32ab E H
DP = 21.518 dB.

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Problem 2 (15 Points)

Given is a linear array consisting of 21 slots cut in one wall of a WR 90 ( a = 22.86 mm,
b = 10.16 mm) waveguide. The coupling between the slots is negligible. The slots are
equally spaced with a distance of d = 20 mm. The waveguide is operated at f = 10 GHz in
the dominant TE10 mode.

( aπ )
Note: The propagation constant is β10 = k2 − with wave number k = 2π / λ0

(or: the guided wavelength is λg = λ0 1 − ( λ0 / 2a )2 ).


1 Point a) Find the length l of the slots in order that the array is resonant at f = 10 GHz.
Assume as a simplified model, that the slots are very thin and fed in the center.

3 Points b) The direction of the main lobe is not broadside. Explain why! Determine the direction
of the main lobe.

4 Points c) Determine the half-power beamwidth of the array factor for the main lobe.
Note: Use sin x / x = 1/ 2 for x = 1.391 .

3 Points d) Do grating lobes exist? If yes, in which direction(s) do they occur and how can they be

4 Points e) The main lobe should be brought closer to broadside to θ0 = 130 . How can this be
accomplished? Include numerical results.

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Solution 2
a) To be resonant, the slot should be around half a wavelength at the operating frequency,
thus l = 0.5 0 ≈ 15 mm.

b) The progressive phase of the elements is corresponding to the phase difference of the
guided wave between two slots in the waveguide: ξ = 2π where the guided wavelength
is λg = λ0 1 − ( λ0 / 2a )2 = 39.707 mm. The direction of the main lobe occurs, where

sin ( 21 Ψ ) = 0 , or 21 Ψ = ±nπ or cos θ n =

nλ0 λ0
− . Thus, with n = 0 (main lobe) this
λ0 λ
gives cos θ0 = − ξ = − 0 = −0.755 or θ0 = 139.026 .
2πd λg

c) The half-power point of the main lobe occurs when AF =

1 ( N2 Ψ ) =
, thus
N 2
⎡ λ
Ψ = ( kd cos θh + ξ ) = 1.391 and θh = cos−1 ⎢ 0 −ξ +
⎣ 2πd N ⎦(
2.782 ⎤
⎥ = 136.336 . )
The half-power beamwidth is found by Θh = 2 θ0 − θh = 5.38 .

d) The first grating lobe occurs at Ψ = ±π (n = 1 ) and thus
λ0 λ λ ⎧⎪ 0.74395
cos θ1 = ( −ξ ± 2π ) = − 0 ± 0 = ⎪⎨ .
2πd λg d ⎪−
⎪⎩ 2.25397
This means there is a grating lobe at θ1 = 41.93 . The grating lobes can be avoided, if the
spacing d between the slots is minimized. The smallest spacing if obviously
d ∗ = l = 15 mm and therefore λg > d is always valid. In order to prevent grating lobes,
the following condition has to be fullfilled:
λ λ
cos θ1 = − 0 ± 0∗ > 1 .
λg d
λ0 ⎧⎪ 17.08 mm
This gives two solutions d ∗ < = ⎪⎨ . The distance between the slots
1 ∓ λ0 / λg ⎪⎪122.37 mm

has to be changed to 15 mm < d ∗ < 17.08 mm in order to suppress grating lobes.

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e) The main lobe should be shifted to θ0∗ = 130 . This can be accomplished by changing the
dimension of the waveguide to fullfill cos θ0* = − 0* :
λ λ0
cos θ0∗ = − 0∗ = − = − 1 − ( λ0 / 2a ∗ )2
λg λ0 1 − ( λ0 / 2a )∗ 2

or = 1 − cos θ0∗ = sin θ0∗ . Therefore the dimension a of the waveguide has to be
2a ∗
changed to a ∗ = = 19.57 mm. As an alternative, the frequency could be changed to
2 sin θ0∗
f ∗ = 8.56 GHz.

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Problem 3 (16 Points)

A small, lossless dipole antenna, with length l and triangular current distribution is fed by a
50Ω transmission line. The antenna’s operation frequency is 150 MHz and the wire radius
is a = 0.5 mm. The input reactance of the antenna can be approximated by
ln ( l 2a ) − 1
X in = −j 120 ⋅ .
tan ( πl λ )

The antenna is matched to the feeding transmission line by means of a series inductor L
and an ideal transformer with turns ratio n = N 1 N 2 = 10 . N 1 and N 2 are the numbers of
turns on the feeding line's and antenna's sides, respectively.

3 Points a) Draw the equivalent circuit of the antenna and the matching network.

3 Points b) Find the length l of the antenna.

2 Points c) Find the value of the series inductor L .

The antenna is placed above a perfect MAGNETIC ground plane at height h , as shown in
the Figure below.


magnetic wall

2 Points d) Sketch the antenna and its image. Indicate the polarity of the image.

3 Points e) Find the total E - and H -fields above the ground plane.

3 Points f) Calculate the minimum height h for which the array factor of the total field is
maximum at q = 60° . In this case, where are the zeros of the field pattern?

Note: The total field can be written as a product of the field of the small antenna and an
array factor.

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Solution 3
The operation frequency is f = 150 MHz, thus λ = 2 m.
The equivalent circuit is given in the figure below:
N1 N2 L


Z0 = 50W


The input impedance of the antenna is
ln (l 2a ) − 1
Z in = Rin + X in = Rin − j 120 ⋅
tan ( πl λ )

The series inductor cancels the antenna reactance. Thus, the resistance at the antenna’s side
of the transformer is Rin . Since this resistance is matched to Z 0 by the transformer, we have
Z0 ⎛ N 1 ⎞⎟2
= ⎜⎜ = 100 ⇒ Rin = 0.5Ω
Rin ⎝ N 2 ⎠⎟
For the small antenna, the input impedance is equal to its radiation impedance, thus,
Rin = Rr = 20π 2 ( )l 2
⇒ l =
= 10 cm

c) Since,
ln ( l 2a ) − 1
Xin = −j 120 ⋅ = −j ⋅ 2731.5 Ω
tan ( πl λ )

the series inductor needed for cancel reactance is given by

j ωL = −Xin
2731.5 Ω
L = 2.9 µH

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d) The antenna and its image are sketched in the figure below

z q

x magnetic wall

The image is oriented as shown in the figure, because the tangential component of the
magnetic field has to be zero at the perfect magnetic ground plane. This is also given in
lecture notes, pg. 5.20.

e) E-field generated in point P by the original antenna is

kI le − jkR1
E1θ = j η 0 sin θ
while the E-field radiated by the image is
kI le − jkR2 kI le − jkR2
E 2θ = − j η 0 sin ( π − θ ) = − j η 0 sin θ
8πR2 8πR2
where R1 and R2 are distances from the antenna and the image to point P , respectively.
The total field is obtained by adding the E1θ and E 2θ , and using
R1 = R2 = r for amplitude terms
R1 = r − h cos θ ⎫ ⎪

⎬ for phase terms
R 2 = r + h cos θ ⎪ ⎪

The obtained total field above the ground plane
kI le − jkr
EθI = j η 0 sin θ [ 2 j sin ( kh cos θ ) ] (1)
kI le − jkr
H φI = j 0 sin θ [ 2 j sin ( kh cos θ ) ]

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f) The array factor is give by

AF = 2 j sin ( kh cos θ )
It has its maximum when
sin ( kh cos θ ) θ =60° = 1
h = + nλ, n ∈Z
The smallest positive solution is obtained for n = 0 . Thus,
h = = 1m hk = π
The zeros of the field pattern are obtained from
sin θ = 0 ⇒ θ = 0°
sin ( π cos θ ) = 0 ⇒ θ = 0° & θ = 90° & θ = 180°

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Problem 4 (11 Points)

A square patch antenna is designed on 10 mm thick RT Duroid 5880 substrate with
εr = 2.25 . The dimensions of the patch are W = L = 24.5 mm.

3 Points a) What is the effective length of the antenna?

1 Point b) Find the resonant frequency of the dominant TM010 mode.

2 Points c) The fringe factor is defined as the ratio of the resonant frequency and the would-be
resonant frequency if the fringing effects were not taken into account. Calculate the
fringe factor of the patch antenna.

3 Points d) Describe three ways to modify this patch antenna to make it circularly polarized.

2 Points e) Describe the modes excited in a circularly polarized patch antenna, i.e. how many
modes are there and what is their phase difference?

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Solution 4
W = L = 24.5 mm, εr = 2.25 and h = 10 mm.

For W h > 1 , the effective permittivity is given by:
ε + 1 εr − 1 ⎡ h ⎤ −1/ 2
εeff = r + ⎢ 1 + 12 ⎥
2 2 ⎣ W⎦
εeff = 1.8824

∆L , the distance by which each end of the patch is effectively extended because of the
fringing is given by:
∆L ( εeff + 0.3 )(W h + 0.264 )
= 0.412 ⋅
h ( εeff − 0.258 )(W h + 0.8 )
∆L = 4.6 mm

Thus, the effective length of the patch antenna is

Leff = L + 2 ⋅ ∆L
Leff = 33.745 mm

The resonant frequency of the dominant mode is given by
c c
frc = and λ0 =
2Leff εeff f
frc = 3.2378 GHz and λ0 = 92.595 mm

The fringe factor or the length reduction factor is defined by the ratio of the resonant
frequency and the would be resonant frequency if the fringing effects were not taken into
q = rc
fr = = 4.0789 GHz
2L εr
q = 0.7938

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A square patch can be made circularly polarized by:
• Feeding it at two adjacent edges using a 90° hybrid.
• Cutting right- or left-hand thin slots in the center of the patch.
• Trimming the opposite corners of the patch.
A rectangular and near-square patch can be made circularly polarized if:
• The lengths of the patch’s edges are related by L = W 1 + 1Q .
• The patch is single-fed on the diagonal at one of its corners.

For a patch antenna to be circularly polarized, two orthogonal modes have to be excited in

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Problem 5 (15 Points)

For a satellite link budget calculation, assume the following data:
The uplink/downlink distances are ru = rd = 36 000 km. The uplink/downlink frequencies
are fu = 6 GHz and fd = 4 GHz. The diameters of the earth and satellite antennas are 15 m
and 0.5 m with 60% aperture efficiencies. The earth antenna transmits power of
PTE = 1 kW and the satellite transponder (the amplifier chain of the satellite) gain is
G = 90 dB.
Note: Boltzmann's constant k = 1.38 ⋅ 10−23 J/K

2 Points a) Calculate the up and down free space losses.

3 Points b) Determine the gain of the antennas.

5 Points c) How much power in dBW is received at the earth ground station?

The receiving satellite antenna is looking down at an earth temperature of 300 K and has a
noisy receiver of effective noise temperature of 2 700 K. The receiving earth antenna is
looking up at a sky temperature of 50 K and uses a high-gain LNA amplifier of 80 K (feed
line losses may be ignored). The bandwidth is 30 MHz.

3 Points d) Calculate the system noise temperatures and system noise powers of the satellite and
ground receivers (the connection lines are lossless). Give the values in dBW!

2 Points e) For the calculation in d), give the Signal to Noise Ratio SNR = P / N in dB.

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Solution 5
The uplink and downlink wavelengths are λu = 0.05 m and λd = 0.075 m, corresponding
to 6 and 4 GHz. The up and down free-space gains and losses are:

G fu = (
4πR )
λu 2
; G fd = ( λd 2
4πR )
G fu = −199.13 dB
G fd = −195.61dB

πd 2
Effective area of the dish antenna A = eap

The antenna gains G = eap ( )

πd 2
are calculated to be:
GTE = 57.27 dB, GRS = 27.72 dB
GTS = 24.20 dB, GRE = 53.75 dB

With PTE = 1kW = 30 dB W , the EIRP of the transmitting earth antenna will be:
PEIRP = 30 + 57.27 = 87.27 dB W .
The power received by the satellite will be
PRS = 87.27 − 199.13 + 27.72 = −84.14 dB W .
After boosting this up by the transponder gain of 90 dB , the power transmitted down to
the receiving earth antenna will be: PTS = 90 − 84.14 = 5.86 dB W .

The EIRP of the transmitting satellite antenna will be

( PTSGTS ) dB = 5.86 + 24.20 = 30.06 dB W .
The downlink power received by the earth antenna will be:
PRE = 30.06 − 195.61 + 53.75 = −111.80 dB W

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The system noise temperatures are:
TRS = 300 + 2700 = 3000 K, TRS = 34.77 dBK
TRE = 50 + 80 = 130 K, TRE = 21.14 dBK

The 30 MHz bandwidth is B dB = 10 log10 (30 ⋅ 106) = 74.77 dB Hz .

Using the Boltzmann's constant k in dB, k dB = −228.6 dB , we calculate the receiver
system noise powers in dB, using N = k dB + T dB + B dB :
N RS = −288.6 + 34.77 + 74.77 = −119.06 dBW
N RE = −288.6 + 21.14 + 74.77 = −132.69 dBW

SNR u = PRS − N RS = −84.14 + 119.06 = 34.92 dB
SNRd = PRE − N RE = −111.8 + 132.69 = 20.89 dB

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Problem 6 (7 Points)
Two lossless ( ecd = 1 ) antennas are operating at 10 GHz. Their maximum effective
aperture at this frequency is 2.265 ⋅ 10−3 m2 .


linear LHCP

2 Points a) Find the directivity and gain of the antennas.

2 Points b) The E-field vector of the transmitting antenna T is forming an 45 angle with the
x -axis. The receiving antenna R is left-hand circular polarized (LHCP).
Calculate the polarization loss factor.

These Antennas are now used as repeaters at 10 GHz to relay television signals into a valley.
Two repeaters are separated in distance by 10 km. For an acceptable signal quality the power
received at the repeater must be greater then 10 nW.

3 Points c) Determine the minimum power that should be used for transmitting.

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Solution 6
3 ⋅ 108
λ= = 0.03 m
10 ⋅ 109
Aem = 2.265 ⋅ 10−3 m2
Aem = G

G = D = 31.625; G = 15 dB

2 1
PLF = ρˆt ⋅ ρˆr = = −3 dB

Friis Transmission equation:
= (λ 2
4πR )
GtGr ρˆt ⋅ ρˆr 2

Pr ≥ 10 nW
2 1
ρˆt ⋅ ρˆr = −3 dB =
Gt = Gr = 15 dB
Pt =
2.85 ⋅ 10−11
⇒ Pt ≥ 351 W

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