CBCP Monitor Vol. 19 No. 22
CBCP Monitor Vol. 19 No. 22
CBCP Monitor Vol. 19 No. 22
Synod: A listening
and humble Church
By Roy Lagarde
weeks of discussion,
the Synod of Bishops
ended with a resounding call for renewal in
the Church, looking especially at the necessity
of the Church to listen
and be humble.
Humble, A6
Gather, A6
Marriage doesnt take away
your freedom - quite the opposite, Pope says (A3)
MERCY AND COMPASSION. Pope Francis leads a Mass to mark the conclusion of the Synod on the Family in Saint Peters Basilica at the Vatican on Oct. 25. In his homily, the Pope
continued his call for a more listening Church and urged pastors to walk alongside the faithful, being bearers of Gods mercy and compassion, especially in times of suffering.
NASSA/Caritas Philippines Executive Secretary Fr. Edwin Gariguez during a meeting at the NASSA/Caritas
Philippines - Command Center for Koppu Response. NASSA/CARITAS PHILIPPINES
the ongoing Synod on the family at the Vatican, the Pope again
expressed his admiration for the
Filipino faith.
The Holy Father said I have
Filipinos, A7
Parishes gather
donations for Lando
Brenda Kim Nayoug of South Korea was one of the lay people chosen to give a personal
testimonial at the Synod of Bishops on the Family. NIRVA DELACRUZ / CBCP NEWS
Vatican Briefing
Pope Francis expected to visit Italian diocese of Milan
in May
Milans archbishop, Cardinal Angelo Scola, made an informal announcement Tuesday that Pope Francis will visit
the archdiocese May 7, marking the first papal visit there
since 2012.With joy and emotion we announce that Pope
Francis, accepting our invitation, will be among us in Milan
May 7, Cardinal Scola announced in an Oct. 27 statement, posted to the diocese of Milans website.The Popes
visit, he said, is a delicate sign of affection and esteem for
the Ambrosian Church, for the city of Milan and for all of
Lombardy.Cardinal Scola made the initial announcement
of the papal visit during an Oct. 27 meeting with Lebanese
Maronite Patriarch Bchara Boutros Ra. (CNA)
Pope advises Gypsies to cultivate responsibility, openness
Pope Francis met with Romes Romani, or Gypsies, on
Monday, asking them to take a new direction and embolden their efforts towards a life of inclusion, dignity, and
responsibility.Time has come to uproot secular prejudice,
preconceived ideas and the reciprocal diffidence that are
often at the base of discrimination, racism and xenophobia,
Pope Francis stated Oct. 26.The Pope addressed thousands
of Romani in the Vaticans Paul VI Hall, saying the nomadic
ethnic group should turn the page and begin to build
bridges of peaceful co-habitation with other peoples and
cultures. The Holy Father spoke these words on the 50th
anniversary of Blessed Paul VIs meeting with Romani in a
camp near Rome. (CNA)
Protect our common home, worlds bishops ask climate
change conference
Negotiators of a global agreement on climate change must
take effective action to protect creation, leading bishops
from around the world said.This agreement must put the
common good ahead of national interests. It is essential too
that the negotiations result in an enforceable agreement that
protects our common home and all its inhabitants, said
the bishops Oct. 26 appeal.The bishops appeal addressed
negotiators at the 2015 United Nations Climate Change
Conference, which will take place in Paris in Nov. 30 Dec.
11.The bishops said negotiators must secure an agreement
that is fair, legally binding and truly transformational,
Vatican Radio reports. (CNA)
Marriage doesnt take away your freedom quite the
opposite, Pope says
Pope Francis on Wednesday said that contrary to modern
notions, fidelity in marriage does not rob us of personal
freedom but instead is a fundamental attribute of all human
relationships based on love.Freedom and fidelity are not opposed to each other, the Pope said in his latest catechesis on
the family, delivered during his weekly general audience in St.
Peters Square Oct 21.The strength and beauty of love, including in the context of friendship, come from the fact that the
persons involved are connected without loss of freedom, he
said.Without freedom there is no friendship; without freedom,
there is no love; without freedom, there is no marriage. (CNA)
Vatican calls rumors over Pope Francis health false
and irresponsible
The director of the Holy See press office has denied reports
in the Italian press that Pope Francis is suffering from a
brain tumor, and denounced its dissemination as gravely
irresponsible. The statement by Fr. Federico Lombardi,
S.J., came in response to an Oct 21 report by Italian
agency Quotidiano Nazionale alleging that the Pope had
been diagnosed with a small but curable brain tumor.The
dissemination of totally unfounded news regarding the
Holy Fathers health by an Italian press agency is gravely
irresponsible and unworthy of attention, reads the Oct. 21
statement.Fr. Lombardi also pointed out that Pope Francis
busy schedule has continued without issue. (CNA)
Chaplains must assist military traumatized by war,
pope says
As more members of the armed forces endure both physical
and emotional scars from conflicts raging around the world,
Pope Francis called on military chaplains to tend to their
wounds with the healing balm of the sacraments.At this time,
in which we are living a third world war fought in pieces, you
are called to nourish the spiritual and ethical dimensions of
members of the military and their families, which will help
them to face the difficulties and the often lacerating questions
inherent in this unique service to their homeland and to humanity, the pope said Oct. 27.Military chaplains and some
heads of military dioceses including Archbishop Timothy
P. Broglio of the United States were in Rome for a course
on chaplains and international humanitarian law, which was
sponsored by the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace and
the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue. (CNS)
Pope urges peace in Iraq; prays Christians no longer be
forced to flee
Pope Francis called on the international community to find
a way to bring peace to Iraq and the Middle East and prayed
that Christians there would no longer be forced to flee
their homes.He also urged the Chaldean Catholic bishops
in the region to work tirelessly as builders of unity in all
the provinces of Iraq, fostering dialogue and cooperation
among all those engaged in public life, and contributing to
healing existing divisions while preventing new ones from
arising. The pope met Oct. 26 with bishops who were
in Rome to attend the synod of bishops of the Chaldean
Catholic Church Oct. 24-29. (CNS)
The victory of heaven is won through small efforts, pope says
Like an athlete, Christians must train in sanctity in order
to win the great victory of heaven, Pope Francis said at
early morning Mass.In his homily at Mass Oct. 19 in the
chapel of his residence, the Domus Sanctae Marthae, the
pope reflected on the first reading from St. Pauls Letter
to the Romans in which he calls on Christians to present
their bodies as slaves to righteousness for sanctification.
Although conversion is a duty and one must train like an
athlete who is preparing to compete, the pope said that
sanctification does not come from those efforts.The efforts we make, this daily work of serving the Lord with
our soul, with our heart, with our body, with our whole
life only opens the door to the Holy Spirit, the pope said.
It is he who enters into us and saves us! He is the gift in
Jesus Christ! (CNS)
CBCP Monitor
Cardinal Oswald Gracias of Mumbai, India, signs a document at an Oct. 26 Vatican news
conference in which leaders of the worlds regional bishops conferences appealed for
action on climate change. From left behind the cardinal are Auxiliary Bishop Jean Kockerols
of Mechelen-Brussels, Belgium; Cardinal Ruben Salazar Gomez of Bogota, Colombia;
unidentified priest; Archbishop Thomas G. Wenski of Miami; and Archbishop Richard Smith
of Edmonton, Alberta. CNS PHOTO/PAUL HARING
Hsipaw had truly sown seeds of vocations which are now flourishing
throughout the country wherever
the Salesians are serving the Church
in various regions in the service of
youth, Fr. Mang further added.
The seminary has educated 21
priests, two lay brothers and many
other people.
Cardinal Charles Bo, the Archbishop of Yangon, has a history
in the area. He was the apostolic
administrator of the region, then
named apostolic prefect. He was
then appointed as the first bishop
of the Diocese of Lashio in 1990.
Bishop Philip ZaHawng of
Lashio presided over the thanksgiving Mass with Fr. Charles Saw,
the Salesian provincial in Myanmar.
Over 25 priests, religious, seminarians, novices attended the celebrations, which included the liturgy,
traditional cultural processions,
and prayer dances in the events held
Oct. 16-17.
Bishop Philips homily asked the
parish to be united in faith. He
Bishop Philip ZaHawng of Lashio says Mass at a celebration of the 25th anniversary of the
Salesian seminary and parish in Hsipaw. FR. LEO MANG.
CBCP Monitor
Marriage doesnt take away your freedom Synod: Lay group hopes
for updated pastoral
quite the opposite, Pope says
VATICAN, Oct. 21, 2015Pope Francis on
Wednesday said that contrary to modern notions, fidelity in marriage does not rob us of
personal freedom but instead is a fundamental
attribute of all human relationships based on
Freedom and fidelity are not opposed
to each other, the Pope said in his latest
catechesis on the family, delivered during
his weekly general audience in St. Peters
Square Oct 21.
The strength and beauty of love, including
in the context of friendship, come from the
fact that the persons involved are connected
without loss of freedom, he said.
Without freedom there is no friendship;
without freedom, there is no love; without
freedom, there is no marriage.
Pope Francis observed that the sense of
honor in being faithful appears to be undermined in modern times. He attributed this
to the misunderstood right to seek ones own
satisfaction at all costs and in any relationship,
which is exulted as a non-negotiable principle
of freedom.
Rather, he said, Fidelity to promises is
a true masterpiece of humanity! No loving
relationship no friendship, no form of love,
no happiness in the common good arrives
at the height of our desire and hope without
this miracle of the soul.
The Pope also appealed for prayers for the
bishops participating in the Synod on the
Family, which is in its third and final week in
the Vatican.
May the Lord bless their work, conducted
with faithful creativity, with faith that the
Lord is faithful to his promises, he said.
This years Synod on the Family, which runs
from Oct. 4-25, is the second and larger of two
such gatherings to take place in the course of
a year. Like its 2014 precursor, the focus of
the 2015 Synod of Bishops will be the family,
Pope Francis blesses a newly married couple during the Wednesday general audience in Paul VI Audience Hall on
August 5, 2015. CNA
Divorce, migration
The 19th day of the synod resumed on Friday with cardinals,
bishops, and lay leaders from
around the world continuing to
tackle wide range of family-related
challenges in the modern world.
From abortion, divorce, homosexuality, divorce, poverty, migration, among others, he said these
are signs of the times that must be
faced and understood.
So you have to put in current
situation in mind. These are new
things that people are hoping for
guidance on how to deal with
these, said the head of the only
lay organization in Asia recognized
by the Vatican.
Cebu Archbishop Jose Palma and Indian Cardinal Oswald Gracias, along with other Asian bishops visit the Philippine Embassy in
Vatican City on Friday. ROI LAGARDE
End of event kicks off more online evangelization CSMSv4.0 program head
MANILA, Oct. 18, 2015The
event proper may be over, but the
program head of the recently concluded 4th Catholic Social Media
Summit (CSMSv4.) believes the
end is just the start of a new day
for all those who plugged in for
Christ, urging them to take on the
task of winning the online world
for God.
Of course, to the attendees,
this is just the beginningthe real
challenge awaits in your personal
social media accounts! noted
Chrixy Paguirigan, who confessed
to still having what she termed
post-CSMS depression exactly
a week after the event.
Connecting others to Christ
She called on delegates to let
the overwhelming revelations
they learned from CSMSv4.0 push
The seminarians of ICMAS-GST and RST recently gathered at NSPDM for Communio.
the annual inter-seminary meet of the two schools of Theology. The event included a
team-building session where seminarians got to cement year-long friendships and
What marriage is
The oeconomus of the Archdiocese
CBCP Monitor
Pedro C. Quitorio
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Circulation Manager
Fruitful Synod
Catholic Divorce
Candidly Speaking
CBCP Monitor
THE most hotly debated issue at the justconcluded Synod of Bishops is whether to
allow those who are divorced and remarried to
receive Holy Communion. In the Philippines
where divorce is not permitted by law, this may
be a non-issue. Yet there are those who have
separated from their spouses and are now cohabitating with their new partners. So in way,
the issue may also concern them.
There are many bishops who want to hold
on to the canonical restriction which prohibits
communion to the divorced and remarried.
The reason given is that they are living in
sinthey are committing adulteryand cannot receive communion. It would be a scandal
to allow them to do so and completely wrong.
Besides being sacrilegious, it would give a
message to all that divorce and adultery is now
tolerated. Many priests, religious and lay faithful hold on to this canonical restriction which
they consider as dogma and would be upset if
this is changed.
On the other hand, there are those who want
to change the law and allow those whose marriages have failed and who have remarried to
receive the body of Christ in Holy Eucharist.
They believe that God is merciful and the
Church should show this mercy to the divorced
and remarried. This is appropriate especially
during this Holy Year in which mercy is the
theme. Allowing them to receive communion
is an expression of mercy. Even if they are
unworthy they remain recipients of the mercy
of God and the Church.
This debate has nothing to do with changing
any doctrine or dogma. Divorce is still prohibited by the Church and adultery remains a
sin. It is about whether a canonical restriction
should be lifted or not. I hold that this debate
cannot be resolved by framing it in terms of
sin? What about thieves, murderers, the corrupt politicians, or those that destroy the environmentcan they receive holy communion?
Should they be barred from communion? Or is
it only those who have committed adultery
those who are divorced and remarriedare
the only ones considered living in sin and
not allowed to go to communion?
The final question is: is it true that the
divorced and remarried have totally ruptured
their communion with Christ and the Church?
Have they been excommunicated or excluded
from the Church and separated from Christ
that they do not deserve to receive Holy
Communion? If yes, then it signifies that they
have been excluded from Gods grace and condemned to live the rest of their life separated
from God in all eternity. It means that they are
excluded from receiving spiritual nourishment
from Christ and the Church. They should not
even go to Mass at all for going to the Eucharist
without partaking of the body of Christ is like
going to a banquet without partaking of the
food from the table.
The Pharisees and religious leaders of his
time were scandalized by Jesus who ate with
sinners. They called him a glutton and a
drunkard, a friend of sinners. In the banquet
of the Lordthe symbol of Gods kingdom
Jesus welcomes even those who have been
condemned as sinners and considered by the
Pharisees as excluded from the Kingdom and
from Gods saving grace and mercy.
In approaching this issue, one should avoid
the mentality of the self-righteous Pharisees
who were obsessed with the strict and rigid
observance of smallest precepts of the law and
forgot to observe the greater lawof love,
mercy and compassion. Jesus had harsh words
for them. Woe to you.
Duc In Altum
Collection Box
The Sangguniang Laiko ng Pilipinas (Laiko)
held its 19th Biennial Convention at Summit Circle Hotel at Fuente Osmea Circle in
Cebu City with the theme The Eucharist,
the Family and the Parish in the Jubilee Year
of Mercy. Outgoing National President Dr.
Amelita Dayrit-Go presented the Presidents
Report and the Laiko Statutes for approval by
the members. Most Rev. Teodoro Bacani gave
the keynote address while the other resource
persons were Fr. Ely Suico The Parish in the
Jubilee Year of Mercy; Former Chief Justice
Hilario Davide The Eucharist in the Family;
Msgr. Roger Fuentes The Laitys Role and Life
in the New Evangelization; and Fr. Amado
Picardal The Basic Ecclesial Communities.
The Eucharistic celebrants were Most Rev. Jesse
Mercado, Outgoing Chairman of the Episcopal
Commission on the Laity, National Spiritual
Director of Laiko and Bishop of Paraaque
and Most Rev. Dennis Villarojo, Auxiliary
Bishop of Cebu.
Typhoon Lando, with international name
Koppu, wreaked havoc in the provinces of Aurora, Nueva Ecija, Cordillera Region, and other
parts of Northern Luzon. There were landslides
and heavy flooding in those areas. Flood from
the mountains rushed down to the residential
areas which caused the local government to
implement forced evacuation of the residents.
Low lying areas in the neighboring provinces of
Bulacan and Pampanga served as a catch basin
for the flood. We urge the readers to respond
to the call of the Church, Radio Veritas, and
Caritas for donations of foods and basic needs
of the victims of Typhoon Lando.
We greet Fr. Salvador Curutchet, IVE and
Fr. Ildefonso de Guzman, Jr. of the Diocese of
Kalookan a very Happy Birthday.
those affected by war and terrorism even before the Synod began.
While the existence of myriad
of family problems, like incest,
violence, sexual abuse, poverty,
and those mentioned by the
good Bishop of UGCC, cannot
be denied, they have not been
given much attention in the media
and have not been thoroughly
discussed and debated. Why?
My theory is that, these issues
can very well be addressed by
pastoral or practical interventions
without these pastoral approaches
necessarily causing undue harm to
Churchs doctrines. In contrast, if
the Church allows communion
for the divorced and remarried, it
directly infringes on the long-held
doctrinal teaching that those in
the state of sin should not receive
Holy Communion.
Collection Box, A7
(L to R) Tonga Bishop Cardinal Soane Patita Paini Mafi and Bombay Archbishop Oswald
Cardinal Gracias during a press briefing on the Synod on the Family at the Holy See
Press Office, Vatican City, Rome, Oct. 22, 2015 ROY LAGARDE
Commitment, A1
Gather, A1
CBCP Monitor
We really appreciate how dioceses previously affected by Typhoon Yolanda immediately flew here to immediately respond to
the needs of the people in Northern Luzon,
he said.
Gariguez said the staff of the Archdiocese of
Palos Relief and Rehabilitation Unit (Caritas
Palo) volunteered to take part in the rapid
needs assessment in provinces worst-hit by
Lando like Nueva Vizcaya and Cagayan.
The priest added that this is not the first case
of Yolanda survivors helping those affected by
similar natural disasters.
In 2014, Gariguez recalled they were also
among the first to send relief aid to nearby
Samar during the onslaught of Typhoon Ruby.
Rosary inside
In a three-square meter store, he
remembered seeing a man reading
the Bible who sold an MP3 with
the Rosary inside.
Lim wasted no time in asking
his technical guy to put Rosary
prayers into MyPhone. And the
rest is Rosary app history.
But as soon as he finished the
Rosary app, he sensed the need to
also include prayers for exams as
well as for healing.
Despite the success of the mobile application, Lim pointed out
the company would not be where
it is now without the hard work
they have put in, and the many
struggles they have been through
to make a name in the mobile
Writing ones story
That single day when I saw
my parents very hurt because
of the blood, sweat, and tears
when they were building the
brand, I told myself I would
never build another foreign
brand, he said.
Lim went on to challenge
CSMSv4.0 delegates to write their
own stories, and to find their place
in the sun.
You will write your own
stories. All the stories you hear
will never be yours. You will
have to write own stories. You
David Lim, president of Solid Group Inc., the creator of MyPhone. DOMINIC BARRIOS
Humble , A1
CBCP Monitor
Bishops reminder: No
Eucharist without Mary
TACLOBAN City - This was
the emphatic thought that Naval
Biliran Bishop Filomeno Bactol
shared in his homily yesterday
afternoon on the feast day celebration of Our Lady of Fatima in Sto.
Nio Church in this city.
Had Mary not allowed her
body to be used for Jesus (to be
born) there is no basis for (Christ)
to say, This is my body, Bactol
stressed pertaining to the Holy
Eucharist where the Holy Host
is consecrated into the Body of
Mary leads to Jesus
According to him, this more
vividly explains the link between
the devotion to the Blessed Virgin
Mary and Jesus, calling the prayers
and devotion to Mary Cristocentric.
We cannot separate Mary
from Jesus and Jesus from Mary,
he stressed, saying further, All
prayers for Mary end up to Jesus.
The prelate elaborated that the
celebration of the feast day of
Our Lady of Fatima brings people
closer to Jesus just like praying the
Holy Rosary.
It also provides saving power
to Christs believers in times of
Battles won by the rosary
Bactol recounted the stories of
victory attributed to the peoples
devotion to the Virgin Mary, particularly in praying the Holy Rosary.
Theology, A1
Estelita C. Laurel, 78, a catechist from Mary Mirror of Justice
Parish, Comembo, Makati City,
said she believes learning theology
will help her improve her identity
as a Catholic.
For 22-year old catechetical instruction teacher Gabriel M. Plegaria, from Binangonan Catholic
College Elementary Department,
Rizal, the crash course will enable him to deepen not only his
knowledge of doctrines, but more
importantly deepen his faith.
Mellanie A. Barsolaso, 34, a
grade school teacher from Holy
Family Academy, Angeles City,
Pampanga, joined the course as
a way to confirm that what she
imparts to her pupils is correct and
in line with what the Magisterium
The next session of the theology
crash course is on Nov. 22. For
further information, interested
parties may contact (+63) 9273967-776, (+63)939-462-6733,
and/or (+63)906-410-0010.
(Raymond A. Sebastin / CBCP
Filipinos, A1
Caritas, A1
A past alternative Halloween celebration organized by the Holy Name of Jesus Parish
The seminarians of ICMAS-GST and RST recently gathered at NSPDM for Communio, the annual inter-seminary meet
of the two schools of Theology for team-building, pastoral input, and creative performances. KEVIN MENDOZA/IAN DOLLENTAS
Youth, A1
Attitude change
According to Nayoug, the cost of education
in Korea is rising and the work force is highly
competitive leaving many young people jobless
and unable to afford education for themselves
or for their future children.
She notes how an attitude of concern to-
Collection Box, A5
Tagle to speak at
poverty confab
CBCP Monitor
Antonio P. Meloto.
The widow of the DILG Sec. Jesse
Robredo is slated to talk on poverty from
the perspective of a public servant.
Meanwhile, Meloto will share his insights on poverty as a social entrepreneur.
Organized by the Archdiocese of San
Fernando (ASF), through SACOP, in
tandem with UA, Asias first archdiocesan university, Kanawan is scheduled
on Nov.12 at EPHATHA Development
Center, San Fernando City, Pampanga.
Besides serving as the archdioceses
culminating activity for the Year of the
Poor, the event will mark the silver jubilee
of SACOP. (Raymond A. Sebastin /
CBCP News)
Appointed. Pope Francis has
appointed San Fernando Auxiliary
Bishop Pablo Virgilio David as
the new bishop of the Diocese of
Kalookan. The appointment was
officially announced on Oct. 14
at 12:00 noon, Vatican time, 6:00
p.m., Manila time. To date, David
is serving as vice chairman of the
CBCP Permanent Committee on
Cultural Heritage.
Died. San Carlos Auxiliary Bishop
Emeritus Salvador Trane Modesto
passed away on Oct. 11 at the
Perpetual Succor Hospital in Cebu
City.He was 85. San Carlos Bishop Gerardo Alminaza presided
over Modestos funeral Mass on
Oct. 19, 10:00 a.m. at the San
Carlos Borromeo Cathedral.
CBCP Monitor
Roy Lagarde
Pope Francis prays with the assembled cardinals and bishops on the 19th day of the Synod on the Family at the Vatican, Oct. 23, 2015.
human life.
It was about listening to and making
heard the voices of the families and the
Churchs pastors, who came to Rome
bearing on their shoulders the burdens
and the hopes, the riches and the challenges of families throughout the world.
It was about showing the vitality
of the Catholic Church, which is not
afraid to stir dulled consciences or to
soil her hands with lively and frank
discussions about the family.
It was about trying to view and interpret realities, todays realities, through
Gods eyes, so as to kindle the flame
of faith and enlighten peoples hearts
in times marked by discouragement,
social, economic and moral crisis, and
growing pessimism.
It was about bearing witness to everyone that, for the Church, the Gospel
continues to be a vital source of eternal
newness, against all those who would
indoctrinate it in dead stones to be
hurled at others.
It was also about laying closed hearts,
which bare the closed hearts which frequently hide even behind the Churchs
teachings or good intentions, in order
to sit in the chair of Moses and judge,
sometimes with superiority and superficiality, difficult cases and wounded
It was about making clear that the
Church is a Church of the poor in spirit
and of sinners seeking forgiveness, not
CBCP Monitor
Vatican City - October 14, 2015. A newly married couple waiting for a blessing from Pope Francis in St. Peters Square during the Wednesday general audience on October 14, 2015.
It would also appear that in some parts of the United States and
elsewhere, wearing rosary beads around the neck has become a
gang-related badge of identification.
it refers primarily to sacred objects for liturgical worship such
as chalices and vestments rather
than to rosaries. At the same
time, the intimation to treat
sacred objects with reverence and
respect can logically be extended
to rosaries, crosses, medals and
similar items.
Also, wearing a sacred object
is not the same as using it in a
This latter point is something
to bear in mind in the case of
wearing a rosary around the
neck. In the first place, while
not unknown, it is not common
Catholic practice.
Second, in relatively recent
times, certain controversial public figures have popularized the
fashion of wearing the rosary
CBCP Monitor
What the Lord is asking of us
is already in some sense present
in the very word synod. Journeying togetherlaity, pastors,
the Bishop of Romeis an easy
concept to put into words, but not
so easy to put into practice.
After stating that the people
of God is comprised of all the
baptized who are called to be a
spiritual house and a holy priesthood,(6) the Second Vatican
Council went on to say that
the whole body of the faithful,
who have an anointing which
comes from the holy one (cf. 1
Jn 2:20,27), cannot err in matters of belief. This characteristic
is shown in the supernatural
sense of the faith (sensus fidei)
of the whole people of God,
when from the bishops to the
last of the faithful it manifests
a universal consensus in matters
of faith and morals.(7) These are
the famous words infalliblein
In the Apostolic Exhortation
Roy Lagarde
Synodality, as a constitutive
element of the Church, offers us
the most appropriate interpretive
framework for understanding
the hierarchical ministry itself.
If we understand, as Saint John
Chrysostom says, that Church
and Synod are synonymous,(19)
inasmuch as the Church is nothing other than the journeying
together of Gods flock along
the paths of history towards the
encounter with Christ the Lord,
then we understand too that,
within the Church, no one can
be raised up higher than others.
On the contrary, in the Church,
it is necessary that each person
lower himself or herself, so as
to serve our brothers and sisters
along the way.
Jesus founded the Church by
setting at her head the Apostolic
College, in which the Apostle Peter is the rock (cf. Mt 16:18), the
one who must confirm his brethren in the faith (cf. Lk 22:32). But
in this Church, as in an inverted
pyramid, the top is located beneath the base. Consequently,
those who exercise authority are
called ministers, because, in
CBCP Monitor
Roy Lagarde
By Robert Z. Cortes
An Inapod
By Bishop Jose C. Sorra
THE publisher of the AN
INAPOD (One Called),
the official publication of the
Legazpi Diocesan Sub-Commission on Vocations, requested
me to share in a nutshell my
personal priestly vocation
story.Who or what made you
decide to be a priest? was the
suggested banner-question
for the article to address. And
offhand my simple answer is:
I wish I had a foreknowledge
of the answer, but I honestly
I was early on in my teens
during the 2 nd World War,
hardly knowing where my
right or left hand was, so to
speak. But from out of the
blue, an elderly grim-looking
woman hurriedly coming
out of the church blurted
out, Hey, boy, look here, you
should be a priest!I shared
this crazy call later with my
boyhood chums who laughingly retorted, She must be the
mentally-disturbed woman who
daily begs alms and seeks shelter
around the parish church?
I suspected, too, she was.
At any rate, overtime I could
sense her crazy-sounding
words seemingly seeping into
my consciousness and apparently hounding me even in
my early teenage years until
one day I found myself with
two of my boyhood peers in
the seminary. But HOW and
WHY in the first place did
I get in there was even then
more a mystery to me!
Anyway, one of our seminary subjects was religion.
And the Holy Bible was one required book to read and own.
Our Spanish priest-teacher in
religion brought up in class a
story-passage from the Book of
Jeremiah which reads:
The word of God came to
me, thus: Before you were born
CBCP Monitor
A Message of the ECY Chairman, especially to youth ministers, in view of upcoming youth
ministry-related activities and events
Immediately after the NYD, until the they all interconnected?
cares for you, and who wishes that these
Of course, 2016 is our very own Year opportunities are truly maximized for
18th of November, we will convene the
youth ministers coordinating and rep- of the Eucharist and the Family, part of the grace that they can give all of us, I
resenting the different Regional Youth our nine-year pilgrimage to the Jubilee speak to you, youth ministers, to my
Coordinating Councils (RYCCs) for of 2021, which we began in 2013 with fellow youth ministers: Let us prepare
the NYCC, or National Youth Coor- the Year of Faith, then 2014, the Year well for these events. Let us study them
dinating Council. We end 2015 with of the Laity, and 2015, the Year of the in the context of our own programs and
the local celebration of the National Poor. Various initiatives are being set up initiatives in our own local churches,
Youth Day (2015) in our own par- by the Commission on Family and Life whether those of our youth commisishes and communities, set every year which I enjoin all of us to take part in. sions or those organized by and with
Next year too, the youth of the world other church ministries.
on December 16, and preceded by
the Youth Ministry
Awareness Week
every December 09
to 15.
We especially
hope that the delegates to the Tuguegarao celebration will continue
to be afire with the
experience, and be
motivated to organize their own
local NYD celebrations in the same
spirit, proclaiming
the same blessed
The first month
of Januar y will
find the universal
Church converging
in Cebu City for
the 51st International Eucharistic
Congress, on January 24 to 31, to be
preceded by the
Theological Symposium on January
20 to 22. A special Bangued Bishop Leopoldo C. Jaucian, Episcopal Commission on Youth chairman
feature of this congress is the IEC will have an appointment with Pope
Let us do our best that our local
Youth Day: a 3-day program designed Francis for the 31st World Youth Day, in churches are represented in these eccleespecially for young people on January Poland, in the homeland of St. John Paul sial activities. Sa dami ng mga gawain,
27 to 29. The Archdiocese of Cebu, II who started the World Youth Day! With sa bigat at halaga ng ating misyon, let us
through its Commission on Youth, has the Holy Father, we will ponder on mercy, help one another to keep our gaze fixed
already extended its invitation to you, within the meaningful context of the Ju- on Christ. Let each moment of these
through your Bishops and diocesan bilee of Mercy, and within our context of engagements become encounters with
youth coordinators (ministry offices)! the Year of the Eucharist and the Family. Christas we fill up registration forms
And those are only until middle of and send them on time, as we travel
This event is especially significant because Christ, youth, and hopearent next year! That is why as a Bishop who with our young people, as we undertake
We d e n o u n c e i n t h e
strongest terms the killings and violence in their
communities, and we join
them and other concerned
agencies in the demand for
a thorough investigation of
the incidents, with appropriate action being taken to
prevent such incidents from
happening again;
We a l s o s u p p o r t t h e
move of human rights
groups to investigate the
validity concerning the
militarization of their communities, as well as their
actions in defense of their
ancestral lands, and their
support and promotion of
the environment in their
We acknowledge with
respect and love their presence and culture as integral
to and an enrichment of
our national identity and
culture as Filipinos;
ings, let them all be rooted in Christ, inspired by His Spirit, reaching fullness in
Christ. I bless you all, with your parents
and families, and your communities,
from my heart. May God bless you all.
Bishop of Bangued
Chair, Episcopal Commission on Youth
October 13, 2015
A press release:
Roy Lagarde
Rural Missionaries
oppose dislocation of
Lumad caused by
expansion of corporate
THE Rural Missionaries of the Philippines (RMP) expressed
its opposition of dislocation of the Lumad people in their
communities caused by land grabbing and expansion of
corporate plantations in Mindanao which was causal to the
holding of the nationwide caravan Manilakbayan 2015.
The group co-convened the Network Resisting Expansion
of Agricultural Plantations in Mindanao (REAP Mindanao
Network) on its launching at the College of Education of
University of the Philippines, Diliman. The network aimed
to create awareness and take actions against the monopoly
control of agro-corporations over hundreds of thousands of
hectares of land in Mindanao.
We join the resistance against expansion of plantations
in Mindanao that displaces our Lumad brothers and sisters,
to protect the dignity of their lives and culture, as well as
the environment, we urge the church sectors, the Catholic
community, to do the same, Sr. Francis Aover, RSM, RMP
national coordinator said during the activity.
RMP said that Mindanao hosts the largest plantations of
rubber, banana and pineapple in the country such as of the
giant fruit companies Del Monte, Sumifru, Dole and their
subsidiaries. Their plantations have displaced and continue to encroach ancestral lands of Lumad communities in
Bukidnon, South Cotabato, Sarangani, Compostela Valley
and Davao provinces. At present, about 1 million hectares
of land are being converted into oil palm estates located
in Sultan Kudarat, North Cotabao, Caraga and Northern
Mindanao region.
The religious group also held the Aquino administration
accountable for this act for corporate greed as control over
the lands is usually through government-led initiatives such as
the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) program, agri-business
venture arrangements (AVAs) and other non-land transfer
schemes that violates the rights of the indigenous people to
ancestral land and culture, as well as the farmers rights to
genuine land reform.
As we have been tasked by God to protect our brothers
and sisters and His bio-diversed creations, we are duty-bound
to oppose this plunderous act that instigates the poverty and
hunger of hundreds of thousands of Lumad, including helpless children, Aover said.
RMP also urged parishioners near UP Diliman campus
to visit the Manilakbayan 2015 camp-out beside Commonwealth avenue and to donate food, mattresses and their
other needs. The Lumad from Mindanao would be at the
university until November 1.
Sr. Francis Anover, rsm
National Coordinator
October 28, 2015
CBCP Monitor
Paolo de Matteis
What kind
of Gratitude
do you have?
Theres a big
you need to
be grateful,
and actually
having every
cell of your
body singing,
Thank You!
Sacred Gratitude
In Sacred Gratitude, youre thankful for life itself.
Youre thankful that youre alive.
Youre thankful that you exist.
Youre thankful that you breathe!
Youre thankful for the adventure of daily life, with all its
ups and downs, highs and lows, and twists and turns.
This kind of gratitude doesnt depend on situations anymore.
And theres a big difference between knowing you need to
be grateful, and actually having every cell of your body singing, Thank You!
This is Sacred Gratitude.
Its one of the sweetest things in the world.
Nothing can touch you. Youre at peace.
When you have Simple Gratitudeand especially Sacred
Gratitudeyou receive so many blessings.
Because when you become grateful, you also become a
Blessing Magnet.
This means that even the
poorest can become rich in
Gods sight by offering their
m o d e s t g i f t s w i t h a p u re
intention. The Lord rejects
Raymond Sebastian
CBCP Monitor
Synod, B1
An Inapod, B4
[1]Cf. Letter of His Holiness Pope Francis
to the Grand Chancellor of the Pontifical
Catholic University of Argentina on the
Centenary of its Faculty of Theology, 3
March 2015.
[2]Cf. Pontifical Biblical Commission,Fede
e cultura alla luce della Bibbia. Atti della
Sessione plenaria 1979 della Pontificia
Commissione Biblica, LDC, Leumann,
COUNCIL,Gaudium et Spes, 44.
[3]Final Relatio(7 December
1985),LOsservatore Romano, 10 December
1985, 7.
[4]In virtue of her pastoral mission, the
Church must remain ever attentive to
historical changes and to the development
of new ways of thinking. Not, of course,
to submit to them, but rather to surmount
obstacles standing in the way of accepting
her counsels and directives (Interview
Nullity, B2
Moral Assessment
CBCP Monitor
Brothers Matias
Lolo Kiko
Bladimer Usi
Technical Assessment
Below average
Above average
Buhay Parokya
DIRECTOR: Joel Lamangan
LEAD CAST: Dennis Trillo, Bela
Bienvenido Santiago
GENRE: Biography
RUNNING TIME: 2 hrs. 55
MTRCB rating: GP
CINEMA rating: V14
LEAD CAST: Kris Aquino, Claudine
Barretto, Kim Chiu, Iza Calzado
GENRE: Romance/Drama
RUNNING TIME: 120 minutes
CINEMA rating: V18
MTRCB rating: R13
The Cross
Deputies. DD Leandro SF
Flores and State Church
Director, George Linda, received the relief goods at St.
James Parish in Paombong,
Hagonoy, Bulacan. Afterwhich, they went to the San
Isidro Labrador Council
6105 in Pulilan where DD
Lauro L. Evangelista, Grand
Knight Arturo C. Reyes, and
Past GK Ronnie Tayao assisted in the distribution of
the goods. And to complete
the outreach in Bulacan, the
officers visited St. John the
Baptist Parish in Calumpit
where its Vice Mayor, DD
Dr. Zacharias Candelaria,
accepted the relief goods to
be given out to the target
K of C officers then went
to certain devastated areas
in Pampanga. DD Noel S.
Lacanilao was the one who
received the aid which will
be allocated to its four barangays namely: Pansilao, Pasig,
Lanang, and Mandasig. Then
last October 28, they set off
to Nueva Ecija and handed
out the relief goods with
the assistance of Area Manager Manuel L. Naldoza to
the distraught brothers and
sisters of San Antonio and
Gabaldon. (KC News)
Baliling, Katrina
Elnar, Jayvee
Justol, Michael
The second new CPA of the foundation is Mr. Michael Justol. Michael, an
alumnus of Mater Dei College at Tubigon,
Bohol, graduated this year brimming with
confidence in passing the next stage of
being an accounting graduate, the CPA
Licensure Examination. Mr. Ismael and
Mrs. Legoria Justol are the proud parents
of Mr. Michael. His passion in solving
mathematical equations was very apparent
in his scholastic performance.
Last but definitely not the least is Mr.
Jayvee S. Elnar who graduated last April
2015 from the Siliman University at Dumaguete City with a Bachelors Degree in
Accountancy. He is the son of Bro. Jaime
and Sis. Elvira Elnar. He was a consistent
honor student in his elementary and high
school days. He was a beneficiary of the
Knights of Columbus Philippines Foundation, Inc. from 2010 to 2014.
As of date, the KC Philippines Foundation, Inc. has successfully provided
assistance to a total of 440 students from
all over the country.
Congratulations to our new batch of
The Luzon Area Conference of the Daughters of Mary Immaculate, International (DMII) was
successfully held at Dagupan, Pangasinan. KCFAPI EVP, MA. THERESA G. CURIA with Sis. Fely
Gallardo and the other 11 officers and members of the Diocese of Malolos, Region IV emerged
as the champion in the Folk Dance Competition. Archbishop Socrates B. Villegas, DD celebrated
the mass together with Rev. Fr. Jerome Cruz, DMIs International Chaplain. THEME: DMII:
Chairmans Message
Curia Settings
Presidents Message
Visiting the Living and Praying for
the Dead
As Luzon North Deputy of the
Knights of Columbus, I have been visiting the different districts in my area
of responsibility for various reasons:
installation of Council officers, GK-FS
orientations, first degree exemplifications, District convention, awarding
ceremonies, Founding anniversaries,
and other special occasions. Oftentimes, I give them updates of what is happening in other places
here and abroad, which would inspire them to work hard for the
Knights of Columbus in their respective districts.
In my most recent trip, we braved the province of Nueva Viscaya even though typhoon signal 3 was already raised there. We
received a go signal from our K of C officers and so we went
for we did not want to disappoint our brother Knights who will
be coming from far places to attend the tri-District Convention
in Bayombong, which is its capital.
True to their commitment, our brother Knights were there.
I delivered my inspirational message highlighting three important matters: love for the gift of life, love for our families, and
evangelization of new and old members. Using the ultrasound
on pregnant women to see for themselves the fetus inside their
wombs, those contemplating an abortion shall decide to keep
their babies. This K of C project saves lives of unwanted babies.
In securing the future of family members through life insurance
with KCFAPI, each Knight can best express their love for their
family members. I encouraged all of them to avail of this beneficial program. Finally, I urged our brother Knights to fulfill their
moral obligation to invite every eligible Catholic gentleman to
the Knights of Columbus. I also reminded them to evangelize
our old members to ensure that they continue to be worthy
models of the K of C cardinal principles namely: charity, unity,
fraternity and patriotism.
Our love for our members does not end in death. Rather, it
extends to their families in life and death, when financial support
is most helpful to those who are left behind. More importantly,
spiritual support to the deceased Knights families is also given in
the form of mass offerings, as well as individual and group prayers
for the dead. During the annual Supreme Council convention,
a memorial mass is offered for our K of C brothers who have
gone ahead of us.
This coming All Souls Day in particular, we pray for our departed brothers. There are many souls in purgatory who have
nobody to pray for them. We are so blessed to be K of C members
because we have our worldwide brotherhood continuously praying for our deceased brothers in the Philippines. In like manner,
we are given the opportunity to also pray for the souls of K of C
members in other countries. Truly, the Knights of Columbus is
universal in love for one another.
The Cross
Michael P. Cabra
My Brothers Keeper
Roberto T. Cruz
The Cross
Supreme Director
KCFAPI Corp. Sec. and
Luzon South Deputy
Visayas Deputy
Mindanao Deputy
Climate, C1
It was much the same when he taught Political Science. The Filipinos had declared
Independence at Malolos in Bulacan, in
1898. They had really defeated the Spanish conquerors. But at the moment of
their victory, the Americans invaded the
Philippines, and took over the revolution
from Spain. The revolution continued
against the Americans. And the Filipinos
lost more men against the Americans than
they had lost against Spain.
The articles, published by the Americans, always insisted that it was a legal
Trinidad, C1
Supreme Convention in
Phoenix, Arizona, USA,
for successfully hosting the
10th Mindanao Convention
in 2008. Having several
achievements under his
b e l t , S K Tr i n i d a d w a s
gifted with several awards
and recognitions from the
Council, Assembly, District,
State and from the Supreme
Aside from his activities in
the Knights of Columbus,
Bro. Trinidad is also serving
his Parish, the St. Francis
of Assisi Parish, being the
Chairman of the Service
Ministr y and the Parish
Social Action Ministry, and
a Lay Minister.
Bro. Trinidad is a Licensed
Professional Mechanical
Engineer. He graduated from
the University of Mindanao
with a Bachelor of Science
Degree in Mechanical
Engineering. His family is
the proprietor of business
establishments in Davao
City, and is the President/
General Manager of GS
MANRES Construction,
His exceptional leadership
skills manifest in other
p ro f e s s i o n a l , c i v i c , a n d
fraternal organizations. Bro.
Trinidad was elected Vice
President for Mindanao in
Ten Point Agenda Of Mindanao Jurisdiction For Columbian Year 2015 -2017
1. Membership Growth
Intensify recruitment of new
2. Membership Retention
And Reactivation Minimize
suspension of councils and
3. New Council
Development Reach out
to far-flung areas.
4. Council Programs And
Activities Buoy up KC
5. Required Forms Timely
and accurate preparation and
6. Jurisdiction Leadership
Enhance, expand &
7. Councils SCA / MDA
Obligation - Improve
financial capability, apply
council incentives.
8. Relationship Of
Councils And Assemblies
Reorientation of members,
remove barriers, strengthen
9. Bring All Third
D e g r e e To T h e Fo u r t h
Degree Conduct regular
Encourage all members
t o a v a i l o f o u r o r d e r s
insurance benefits.
To start your free membership and receive the Guild newsletter, please complete the form below and return to: Father McGivney Office - Philippines, Knights of Columbus Fraternal
Association of the Philippines, Inc. Center, Gen. Luna cor. Sta.
Potenciana Sts., Intramuros, Manila 1004, Philippines
Name: ______________________________________________
Complete Mailing Address: ___________________________
Nazario, C1
The Cross
Francis. It was held at Fr. Michael McGivney Suite of Holy Trinity Memorial
Chapels Building along Dr. A Santos Avenue, Sucat Road, Paranaque City.
Attendees of the Election forum conducted by SK Rene Sarmiento (seated in the middle)
KCFAPI FBG Vice President Gari San Sebastian (leftmost) and FBG
Manager Michael P. Cabra (rightmost) together with the October
FST participants. The Fraternal Benefits Group (FBG) of the Knights
of Columbus Fraternal Association of the Philippines, Inc. (KCFAPI)
held a two-day Fraternal Service Training program last October 20-21
at the Fr. Willmann Building in Intramuros, Manila. The participants
were from Tarlac, Laguna, Cavite, Metro Manila, Bulacan, Quezon and
Nueva Ecija. For more information on the training program, please
contact the KCFAPI-FBG department at telephone number (02) 5272243. (Photo by Kris Jay Rolex Yngco)