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Zeus is the "Father of Gods and men" who rules the Olympians of Mount
Olympus as a father rules the family according to the ancient
Greek religion. He is the god of sky and thunder in Greek mythology. Zeus
is etymologically cognate with and, under Hellenic influence, became
particularly closely identified with Roman Jupiter.
Zeus is the child of Cronus and Rhea, and the youngest of his siblings.
Cronos became father of the gods by murdering his own father, Uranus.
The dying Uranus gave Cronos the prophesy, You murder me now and
steal my thronebut one of your own sons will dethrone you, for crime
begets crime. So Cronus got scared and to prevent this he started
swallowing all his children. But when Zeus was born, Rhea made a plan
and put clothes around a rock and gave Cronus to swallow and hid Zeus in
a shepherd family. After many years, Rhea brought him back to the court
of gods as the new cupbearer. Cronus obviously couldnt recognise him.
Then Zeus was given a special drink to give to Cronus, and after Cronus
drank it, he vomited out all the sons he had swallowed earlier which
included Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, and Poseidon . All his sons were
alive as Gods cannot be digested. So the sons were obviously angry and
they planned to fight against Cronus. So they first went to Tarturus to get
free the Cyclopes who had been imprisoned by Cronus. Upon being free,
they were full of gratitude that they gave them three excellent weapons.
To Hades, they gave a magical helm which rendered him invisible wore it,
to Poseidon, they gave a trident and To Zeus, they gave thunderbolts. So
after this there was a big fight between Cronus and his sons. In the end
the 3 brothers cornered Cronus. Hades was able to sneak upon him
invisibly and distract him while Poseidon used his trident to paralyse him,
and then Zeus applied the finishing blow by knocking him out with his
thunderbolt. The Olympian gods had won and banished all the Titans to
Tarturus including the Cronus. Then there came a question of which
brother got which reclaim. So they picked lots. Hades got the underworld
(or the world of the dead), Poseidon got the seas and oceans and Zeus got
the skies and the Mt Olympus, making him the supreme ruler of all the
He is married to Hera but, is famous for his many affairs. Once, Zeus and
Hera were quarrelling because Zeus was being unfaithful to her. So, Hera,
plotting against Zeus, drugged his drink, and bound him while he was
sleeping. Zeus could do nothing because he did not have his thunderbolt,
until the Hundred-handed Briareus, came to his rescue and untied the
knots binding him. Once released, Zeus took his thunderbolt and hung
Done By: Lakshay Arora
Class: 10 B

Hera in the sky, binding her with golden chains. She wept and wept until
Zeus could not take it anymore and freed her after she promised to never
rebel again. Zeus also promised to mend his ways.

Done By: Lakshay Arora

Class: 10 B

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