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Case report

DOI: 10.5958/2319-5886.2015.00181.2
Open Access



Vaishnavi L , Prasad PVS , Kaviarasan PK


Received: 19 May 2015

Revised: 8th Jul 2015
Accepted: 29th Jul 2015
Author details: 1Junior resident,
Venereology, Leprosy, Rajah Muthiah
Annamalai University, Chidambaram,
Tamil Nadu
Corresponding author: Vaishnavi L,
Venereology, Leprosy, Rajah Muthiah
Annamalai University, Chidambaram,
Tamil Nadu
Email: [email protected]
Keywords: Cutaneous tuberculosis,
Lupus vulgaris, Ear piercing

In India, two-thirds of cutaneous tuberculosis cases are found to be lupus
vulgaris. Lupus vulgaris could be due to primary or secondary infection to
Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Innumerable cases of lupus vulgaris,
secondary to a systemic affliction i.e., arising from an underlying focus of
tuberculosis have been noted. Very few cases of primary lupus vulgaris
have been reported. It may appear as a solitary lesion in the skin at a site
of primary inoculation such as tattooing or ear-piercing. We hereby report
a case of lupus vulgaris in a 21-year-old female following ear-piercing.
Cutaneous examination revealed a soft, erythematous plaque-like growth,
involving the entire posterior aspect of both ear lobules completely
obscuring the site of ear piercing. It also involved the lower one thirds of
anterior aspect of both ear lobules. The overlying skin was smooth with
few indentations. Histopathological examination (Fig.2) revealed focal
hyperplastic changes in epidermis & multiple epithelioid cell granulomas &
a diffuse lymphocytic infiltrate in the entire dermis, extending into the
subcutaneous fat. On the basis of these clinical features &
histopathological examination findings, a diagnosis of lupus vulgaris was
made and she was started on anti-tuberculous treatment. The lesions
started regressing after 2weeks.

Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the most common, rampant
infectious diseases in underdeveloped countries. In
countries like India, while great progress has been
made, TB is still very common; with 2.3 million new
cases diagnosed every year
.The pattern of
cutaneous TB has been changing over the last few
decades. By 1980s the incidence of cutaneous TB in
India had fallen to 0.15% . More recent reports
suggest that cutaneous TB is again becoming more
prevalent with incidence of 0.26% . A current problem
is that atypical and even standard presentations may be
overlooked, through lack of familiarity with the various
patterns that may occur.
Among the cases of cutaneous TB reported in India,
57.69% are found to be that of lupus vulgaris . These
lesions are acquired exogenously or endogenously,
although the former is significantly less common. Lupus
vulgaris can arise at the site of a primary inoculation
such as tattooing, ear piercing or following BCG

discharge from the growth or the site of ear piercing.

She presented to the out-patient department in view of
cosmetic disfigurement.
Cutaneous examination (Fig.1) revealed a soft,
erythematous plaque-like growth, involving the entire
posterior aspect of both ear lobules completely
obscuring the site of ear piercing. It also involved the
lower one thirds of anterior aspect of both ear lobules.
The overlying skin was smooth with few indentations. It
was neither warm nor tender. Systemic examination
was unremarkable. A differential diagnosis of lupus
vulgaris, foreign body granuloma & keloid was

A 21-year-old woman, presented to our out-patient
department, with a history of a fleshy growth in both ear
lobules since 3years. She first noticed the growth, at 2
weeks, following piercing of her ears for attaching
adornments. Interestingly the growth started at the site
of piercing and gradually progressed to involve the
entire posterior aspect of both ear lobules. She did not
complain of pain, itching, bleeding or any form of

Fig 1: showing the soft plaque-like growth in right

and left ear lobules respectively

Vaishnavi et al.,

Int J Med Res Health Sci. 2015;4(4):899-901

Fig 2: Multiple epithelioid cell granulomas and

diffuse lymphocytic infiltrate in dermis (H & E,10x)
Routine laboratory investigations, sputum AFB, chest Xray done did not reveal any abnormal finding. Mantoux
test done was positive measuring 20 x 24mm. AFB
could not be demonstrated from the lesions. Skin
biopsy was done.
Histopathological examination (Fig.2) revealed focal
hyperplastic changes in epidermis & multiple epithelioid
cell granulomas & a diffuse lymphocytic infiltrate in the
entire dermis, extending into the subcutaneous fat.
On the basis of these clinical features &
histopathological examination findings, a diagnosis of
lupus vulgaris was made and she was started on antituberculous treatment. The lesions started regressing
after 2weeks of rifampicin 450mg/day, isoniazid
300mg/day and pyrazinamide 1000mg/day. After two
months of intensive treatment with these drugs, which
were given according to her weight, she showed further
improvement. Treatment was continued for four months
with rifampicin 450mg/day and isoniazid 300mg/day,
after which complete clearance of lesions were seen.
The patient was followed up for one year and there was
no recurrence.

Lupus vulgaris is a chronic, progressive, post primary,

paucibacillary form of cutaneous tuberculosis, occurring
in a person with a moderate or higher degree of
immunity . It originates from an underlying focus of
tuberculosis, typically in a bone, joint or lymph node. It
may arise by either contiguous extension of disease
from underlying affected tissue or by hematogenous or
lymphatic spread. Lupus vulgaris may also arise due to
direct inoculation of mycobacterium tuberculosis into
the skin in a non-sensitized patient. This may result
from minor abrasion, tattooing, ear piercing, minor
surgical procedures or infections. There is a 10% risk of
developing squamous cell carcinoma from a lupus
vulgaris lesion that may be left untreated . This
necessitates the need for knowledge, of the fact that
lupus vulgaris occurs not only as a post-primary lesion,
but also due to primary inoculation of the
As ear piercing practices are most common across the
world, the rarer & treatable complications of this
procedure have to be considered. This case of lupus
vulgaris following ear-piercing, has been highlighted for
its rarity and also to create awareness among
Conflict of interest: Nil


Ear piercing has been a popular practice in India since
time immemorial. The risk of acute complications
following ear-piercing, depends on the experience of
the piercer, on the hygiene-sanitation conditions under
which the procedure takes place and on general
piercing aftercare. Specific complications associated
with piercing the pinna include, hypertrophic /keloid
scarring, chondritis / perichondritis & incrustation. The
most common complication is infection, occurring in 10[3,4]
20% of cases . Microorganisms like staphylococcus
aureus, group A streptococci & pseudomonas species
are usually thought to be the causative organisms of
infections following ear piercing
. Less common
infective organisms associated with piercings are
coagulase negative staphylococci, Lactobacillus ,
mycobacteria. Among the various forms of cutaneous
TB, lupus vulgaris is most common manifestation as is
evidently seen in 75% of the cases .

Vaishnavi et al.,







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Vaishnavi et al.,

Int J Med Res Health Sci. 2015;4(4):899-901

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