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Spring, 2015- Online Section 02W

Instructor: Dr. Mario Hayek
E-mail: [email protected]
Office phone: (903) 886-5703
Office fax: (903) 886-5702
Office: CBT 305
Office hours: by appointment

Course Description: This class involves the study of administrative processes and policy determination at the
general managerial level which will be taught through assigned readings, applied homework, a business plan, a
strategic audit, and the sharing of ideas and experiences with peers. This course is open to business majors only
and should be taken during semester of graduation unless approved by department head and professor.
Course Objectives:
1. Understand the nature of competition and industries at an advanced level.
2. Understand how external forces such as social, political/legal, economic, and technological, influence
strategic decision-making and firm performance.
3. Understand the sophisticated relationships among the functional areas of an organization (marketing,
human resources, production, finance, and accounting) and how effective strategic planning requires a
concerted effort among all functional areas.
4. Understand strategy research, including extensive use of the internet as a research tool.
5. Be able to systematically apply the strategic management model to the analysis of an ongoing enterprise,
including industry, environmental, and firm assessments; firm, business, and functional strategic
assessments; development and evaluation of strategic alternatives; and strategic implementation and
Global Course: MGT 527, a Texas A&M University-Commerce Global Course, seeks to prepare students for
an interconnected world through a focus on improved global competence. As a part of their respective Strategic
Audits, students will demonstrate knowledge of the interconnectedness of global dynamics as they analyze
organizations, their industries, and their internal and external environments. After grading, students will submit
their Strategic Audits to ePortfolio - ManeSync tab.
Course Text: Hitt, M.A., Ireland, R.D. & Hoskisson, R.E. (2015). Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases:
Competitiveness and Globalization (11th Edition). Cengage Learning: Stamford, CT. ISBN: 9780132153225.
Print: ISBN-10 1285425170, ISBN-13 9781285425177; eText: ISBN-13 9781285801063, ISBN-10
1285801067. Cost: New Price: $127.88; Used Price: $180.
Communication: The main means of communication for this course will be via EmailI check my email
several times per day. If you email me a question that I consider might benefit the rest of the class, I will email
the question with a response to the entire class. I do not use all of the functions available on eCollege. Primarily,
I will be posting slides and other learning aides in Doc Sharing and we will be conducting our discussions
(see below) through the discussion space in eCollege. Also, you will be submitting your homework, business
plan, and strategic audit via the Drop Box in eCollege.
Course Grading:
Discussions (4): 10%
Homework (2): 24%
Cumulative/Comp Exam: 20%
Business Plan: 20%

Strategic Audit: 26%

General Guideline for Assignments: All assignments (homework, business plan, and strategic audit) are to be
done in teams of 3-5 members and handed in via the dropbox in eCollege. You only need to hand-in one
assignment for all the individuals on the teamin other words, each team member does not have to hand-in the
assignment as I will give grades to all those whose names appear on the received document. Peer evaluations
only need to be emailed to me if you feel that a member is performing sub-par work. In other words, I will
follow a management by exception policy for the evaluations; all members shall receive the highest score
UNLESS peers submit an evaluation with sub-par ratings. The same team members need NOT be on all
assignmentsyou may have different team composition for the different assignments. The following formatting
guidelines for all written assignments should be used: typed using 12-point Times New Roman font, double
spaced, one-inch margins all around, page numbering on bottom of page, no header or footer, and student name,
assignment information, and date in upper left-hand corner.
During the course of the semester, I will post discussion questions under discussion in eCollege hoping to
accomplish three objectives: 1) offer you the opportunity to research relevant concepts more in depth by reading
the latest peer-reviewed articles on the topic; 2) stimulate you to reflect on how concepts covered in the text and
in the academic literature are applied in the organizations where you work, and 3) offer you the opportunity to
learn how these concepts are being applied in other organizations (i.e. those of your peers). If you have limited
experience or have not had personal exposure to a particular concept being covered, you are still expected to
contribute to the discussion by asking thought provoking questions to your peers and offering insightful
comments based on the discussion at hand. The key to quality discussions is the value-added insights you offer
to the discussion. Therefore, your grade will be based on: 1) the extent of your literature review; 2) the extent to
which you relate the literature review to your personal experience, and 3) the degree to which you contribute to
the discussion through insightful comments with your peers (i.e. simply stating I think so to is not considered
insightful); make sure to engage with multiple peers. These discussions are designed to simulate face-to-face
classes where graduate students are able to learn from each other. Please keep in mind that I will only consider
your postings that are entered no later than 2 full days after the established date for the discussions on the
syllabus. For example, if the date for the discussion on the syllabus shows for Friday the 7th, you will have until
midnight of Sunday the 9th to post your comments. The purpose of having a two day window is to keep us all on
the same topic during a given timeframe. This will also allow you sufficient time to read the posts by your peers
and engage in a meaningful discussion and sharing of thoughts, ideas and insights. Please keep in mind that
while you should NOT post your comments prior to the established date, you are highly encouraged to work on
your post (i.e., research and articulation of how the research resonates with your experience) over the course of
the week.
Homework assignments
1) This homework involves selecting a firm of your choice (other than the firm for your strategic audit),
and conducting an external environmental and industry analysis for the firm. Specifically, I want you to:
1) offer a brief introduction of the company including the company history, 2) a brief industry overview,
3) an in-depth qualitative AND quantitative analysis (e.g., correlation and regression analysis) of how
environmental variables have impacted the firm in the past, 4) an in-depth qualitative AND quantitative
analysis (e.g., correlation and regression analysis) of how industry forces (Porters five forces) have
impacted the firm, and 5) a literature review of environmental and industry variables and how they
influence organizations. The literature review should be integrated with your analysis; please review the
samples available in Doc Sharing. The objective of this homework is to make you more aware of how
environmental trends and industry forces need to be considered when elaborating strategic plans/audits.
This homework will be graded based on the identification of the relevant variables, the in-depth analysis
of those variables including their trends and their impact on the firm (preferably quantitative), and the
breadth and depth of your literature review on the topic.

2) This homework involves selecting a firm of your choice (other than the firm you plan to use for your
strategic audit or used in previous assignments) and creating a SWOT matrix and analysis. Specifically,
I want you to offer: 1) a brief introduction of the company including the company history, 2) brief
industry overview, 3) an external environmental and industry analysis similar to that produced in the
prior assignment, 4) literature review on firm strengths (e.g., competencies, capabilities, patents,
reputation), weaknesses and their impact on firm performance and competitiveness, 5) a SWOT
analysis (not just bullet points), 6) potential strategies that the firm could take to capitalize on
opportunities and strengths while protecting itself from threats and weaknesses. This homework will be
graded based on the level of detail of the SWOT analysis, the breadth and depth of your literature
review, and the depth and logic of your insights regarding strategies the firm should pursue.
Cumulative/Comp Exam
This exam will be given to you during the first couple weeks of the semester and is to be completed
individually. It covers a broad scope of topics and counts as the required Comp exam for graduation. YOU
MUST OBTAIN A PASSING GRADE (I consider a passing grade as 70% or greater) ON THIS EXAM IN
Business Plan
The purpose of this assignment is to offer you the opportunity to analyze your immediate environment and
exercise your creativity and ability to discover and exploit opportunities by using strategic management
concepts. This assignment differs from the strategic audit in that it requires a more detailed knowledge of
specific business characteristics that are typically not available when analyzing the larger firms (i.e. cost of
square foot to rent a commercial property, the cost of importing a specific product, the cost of flyers or an ad in
the local paper). Also, I find that constraining oneself to a new business places a limit on the budget (i.e.
bootstrapping) that can realistically be used to implement a plan. For example, when analyzing a case or
performing a strategic audit on a large company (e.g. Apple), your budget is almost infinitethis is not the case
with new ventures. The plan will be graded based upon creativity, timeliness, specificity, depth and breadth of
analyses, and SUPPORT for your business idea, as well as your team members rating of your contribution.
Please refer to the attached business plan outline for the structure of your business plan.
Strategic Audit
The purpose of this exercise is to analyze a large corporation and its environments and apply strategic
management concepts to find insightful strategic options for this firm. Based on an existing corporation, your
team will prepare a written strategic analysis applying strategic management concepts. This will be a team
project and the firm and industry will be negotiated once the make up of the class is established. The audit will
be graded based upon timeliness, specificity, depth and breadth of analyses, and SUPPORT for your
recommendations, as well as your team members rating of your contribution. Please refer to Strategic Audit of a
Corporation in Appendix 1.A on pages 34-41. You should use this outline as a guide for your project. You may
also want to refer to chapter 12 for additional guidance.
Students with Disabilities: The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal anti-discrimination statute
that provides comprehensive civil rights protection for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this
legislation requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for
reasonable accommodation of their disabilities. If you believe you have a disability requiring an
accommodation, please contact the Office of Student Disability Resources and Services, Texas A&MCommerce, Gee Library, Room 132 Phone (903) 886-5150 or (903) 886-5835 Fax (903) 468-8148
[email protected]
Code of Student Conduct: All students will follow the tenets of common decency and acceptable behavior
conducive to a positive learning environment. See Students Handbook, Rules, and Procedures, Code of Student
Conduct College of Business professors do not tolerate
plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonesty. Instructors are expected to uphold and support student

integrity and honesty by maintaining conditions that encourage and enforce academic honesty. Conduct that
violates generally accepted standards of academic honesty is "Academic dishonesty." It includes, but is not
limited to, plagiarism (the appropriation or stealing of the ideas or words of another and passing them off
as one's own), cheating on exams or other course assignments, collusion (the unauthorized collaboration
with others in preparing course assignments), and abuse (destruction, defacing, or removal) of resource
material. See 13.99.99.R0.10 Academic Honesty at procedures.asp?RID=97 . In accordance with the
Texas A&M University-Commerce Code of Student Conduct Section 5.b [1, 2, 3], the penalties for students
guilty of academic dishonesty include disciplinary probation, suspension, and expulsion. Also, you will
receive an F for this course. Please be aware that it is YOUR responsibility to ensure that any
document that contains your name follows these guidelines; all group members will receive the same
sanction regardless of who specifically incurred in the infraction.
Course Schedule
Week 1 Friday 23: Read Chapter 1: Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness

Please introduce yourselves to the rest of the class using student lounge
Participate in discussion 1

Week 2 Friday 30: Read Chapter 2: Chapter 2: The External Environment: Opportunities, Threats, Industry
Competition, and Competitor Analysis
Participate in Discussion 2.
Week 3 Friday 6: Read Chapter 3: The Internal Organization: Resources, Capabilities, Core Competencies, and
Competitive Advantages
Participate in Discussion 3
Week 4 Friday 13: Read Chapter 4: Business-Level Strategy
Week 5 Friday 20: Read Chapter 5: Competitive Rivalry and Competitive Dynamics
Due: Homework 1: environmental scanning and industry analysis
Week 6 Friday 27: Read Chapter 6: Corporate-Level Strategy
Week 7 Friday 6: Read Chapter 7: Merger and Acquisition Strategies
Week 8 Friday 13: Read Chapter 8: International Strategy
Due: Homework 2: SWOT matrix and strategic suggestions
Week 9 Friday 20: Due: Cumulative/Comp Exam
Week 10 Friday 27: Read Chapter 9: Cooperative Strategy
Week 11 Friday 3: Due: Business Plan

Week 12 Friday 10: Read Chapter 10: Corporate Governance

Week 13 Friday 17: Read Chapter 11: Organizational Structure and Controls
Participate in Discussion 4.
Week 14 Friday 24: Read Chapter 12: Strategic Leadership & Chapter 13: Strategic Entrepreneurship
Week 15 Friday 1: Work on strategic audit
Week 16 Friday 8 (last day of class): Due: Strategic Audit

MGT 527- STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT-- Assessment Rubrics

Homework 1
Company History & Industry
Overview (10%)
In order to effectively assess the
environment and industry in
which a firm is immersed, it is
important to first have a general
understanding of the firm, its
history, and the industry in
which it competes.

Far Exceeds Standards

Clearly explains the history of
the firm and how it has
changed over time. Also,
explains specific industry
trends over the past few years.

Environmental scanning:
variable identification (20%)
A fist step in the environmental
scanning process is identifying
those variables that have the
greatest impact on your

Environmental scanning:
variable trends (20%)
The second step in an
environmental scan is to
research and understand how the
identified variables have been
changing in the past and are
expected to change in the future.

Environmental scanning:
impact of trends on
organization (20%)
The third step in the
environmental scan is to
understand how the changes in
the identified variables may
impact the organization.

Meets Standards
Somewhat explains the general
history of the firm and how it
has changed over time. Also
broadly explains industry

Fails to Meet Standards

Fails to explain the history of the firm
or how it has changed over time. Also
fails to explain industry trends.




Identifies and evaluates all of

the most critical environmental
variables clearly (five or more)
and with supported rationale
statements as to why each
variable was included.

Identifies and evaluates all of

the most critical environmental
variables (at least four or five)
with rationale statements as to
why each variable was

Identifies and evaluates some

critical environmental variables
(two or three) with some
indication of rationale as to
why each variable was

Identifies an environmental variables

and/or provides no rationale as to
why the variable was included.





Evaluates the previously

identified variable trends in
detail and provides specific
insights as to potential
extensions of the trends of each
variable into the future (3-5

Evaluates the previously

identified variable trends and
provides insights as to potential
extensions of the trends of each
variable into the future (3-5

Evaluates the previously

identified variable trends in
general terms and provides
broad ideas as to potential
extensions of the trends of each
variable into the future.




Articulates and persuasively

defends the potential impact
that the trends of the variables
in the future may impact the

Exceeds Standards
Clearly explains the history of
the firm and how it has
changed over time. Also
broadly explains industry

Articulates and defends the

potential impact that the trends
of the variables in the future
may impact the organization.


Articulates and somewhat

defends the potential impact
that the trends of the variables
in the future may impact the

Provides an extremely weak

evaluation of the variable trends and
offers no insight as to future trends.

Is not able to articulate and/or
persuasively defend the potential
impact that the trends of the variables
in the future may impact the

Industry analysis (20%)

The text identifies six forces
driving industry competition.
Analyze how each of the six
forces influences competition
within the industry of your

Explains in detail how each

force influences industry
competition for the selected

Peer evaluation (10%)

I expect that all members of a
team will put forth relatively the
same amount of effort towards
the homework. In order to
secure equity, I want each
member to rate the other
members on a scale from 1-4
with 4 being the highest score
for exceptional work and

The peer performed

exceptional work, eagerly
collaborated on the homework
and delivered was agreed upon.



Explains in some detail how

each force influences industry
competition for the selected

The peer performed good

work, collaborated on the
homework and delivered what
was agreed upon.

Explains in little detail how

each force influences industry
competition for the selected

Does not explain how each force

influences industry competition for
the selected firm.



The peer performed average

work, on occasion collaborated
on the homework and delivered
less than what was agreed

The peer performed mediocre work,

did not collaborate on the homework
and did not deliver what was agreed

Homework 2
Company History & Industry
Overview (20%)
In order to effectively assess the
environment and industry in
which a firm is immersed, it is
important to first have a general
understanding of the firm, its
history, and the industry in
which it competes.

Far Exceeds Standards

Clearly explains the history of
the firm and how it has
changed over time. Also,
explains specific industry
trends over the past few years.

SWOT analysis (35%)

The first step in creating the
TOWS matrix is to perform an
internal (strengths and
weaknesses) and external
(opportunities and threats)
analysis of the organization

Specifically (and correctly)

identifies strengths,
weaknesses opportunities, and
threats (7-10 for each

Potential strategies (35%)

After identifying SWOT, you
must be able to capitalize on
strengths and opportunities as
well as protect yourself (the
firm) from weaknesses and
Peer evaluation (10%)
I expect that all members of a
team will put forth relatively the
same amount of effort towards
the homework. In order to
secure equity, I want each
member to rate the other
members on a scale from 1-4
with 4 being the highest score
for exceptional work and

Creatively and insightfully

generates SO, WO, ST, and
WT (see pages 182-185 of
text) strategies and
convincingly defends the
suggested strategies.
The peer performed
exceptional work, eagerly
collaborated on the homework
and delivered was agreed

Exceeds Standards
Clearly explains the history of
the firm and how it has
changed over time. Also
broadly explains industry


Meets Standards
Somewhat explains the general
history of the firm and how it
has changed over time. Also
broadly explains industry

Fails to Meet Standards

Fails to explain the history of the firm
or how it has changed over time. Also
fails to explain industry trends.



Vaguely identifies and

correctly distinguishes between
strengths, weaknesses
opportunities, and threats (3-5
for each category).

Not able to (and incorrectly) identify

or distinguish between strengths,
weaknesses opportunities, and threats.

Offers solid SO, WO, ST, and

WT (see pages 182-185 of
text) strategies and defends the
suggested strategies.

Generates SO, WO, ST, and

WT (see pages 182-185 of
text) strategies and somewhat
is able to defend the suggested

Offers weak SO, WO, ST, and WT

(see pages 182-185 of text) strategies
and is not able to defend the suggested

The peer performed good
work, collaborated on the
homework and delivered what
was agreed upon.

The peer performed average
work, on occasion collaborated
on the homework and
delivered less than what was
agreed upon.

The peer performed mediocre work,
did not collaborate on the homework
and did not deliver what was agreed




Specifically (and correctly)

identifies strengths,
weaknesses opportunities, and
threats (4-6 for each category).




Business Plan
Executive Summary (10%)
A compelling new venture
concept should be sold in just
a few summarized pages.
Rarely will an investor read
past the executive summary
unless a clear opportunity is
The Team (5%)
Its better to have an A team
and a B idea than a B team
and an A idea. Explain how
the team members will
contribute to the success of
the new venture.
Market analysis (20%)
The overall analysis should
include an industry analysis,
a detail of the target market, a
SWOT analysis, and an
analysis of the competitors
strategies (marketing Ps).

Marketing Plan (20%)

The marketing plan should
include the mission, vision,
objectives (specific), and the
Manufacturing and
operations plan (10%)
The successful
manufacturing of a product
or offering of a service
requires a detailed analysis of
the product/service being
offered, the infrastructure
required to manufacture the
product or offer the service,
the specific equipment
needed, and a detail of the
production plan or sequence
of the service.

Far Exceeds Standards

Is able to articulate the new
venture opportunity and
present a highly convincing
argument for the success of
the new venture.

Exceeds Standards
Is able to articulate the new
venture opportunity and
present a highly convincing
argument for the success of
the new venture.

Meets Standards
Is able to articulate the new
venture opportunity and
present a highly convincing
argument for the success of
the new venture.

Detail how each members
competencies individually and
collectively enhance the
probability of the new venture

Detail how each members
competencies individually
and collectively enhance the
probability of the new
venture success.

Detailed analysis of the
industry and future trends, the
target market and their profile,
a SWOT analysis, and a
detailed analysis of the main
competitors strategies (the Ps
of the most direct 5-7
Very detailed and extremely
cohesive strategy of product,
price, promotion, and place
(dist. / location).

Detailed analysis of the
industry and future trends,
the target market and their
profile, a SWOT analysis,
and a detailed analysis of the
main competitors strategies
(the Ps of the most direct 5-7
Detailed and cohesive
strategy of product, price,
promotion, and place (dist. /

Very detailed explanation of
the manufacturing process
and/ or the offering of the
service. Specific details of
required infrastructure and
equipment, a list of providers/
suppliers and a specific
explanation of the production
process or sequence of the

Detailed explanation of the
manufacturing process and/
or the offering of the service.
Include details of required
infrastructure and equipment,
a list of providers/ suppliers
and an explanation of the
production process or
sequence of the service.

Roughly explains how
general competencies
individually and/or
collectively enhance the
probability of the new
venture success.
Detailed analysis of the
industry and future trends,
the target market and their
profile, a SWOT analysis,
and a detailed analysis of the
main competitors strategies
(the Ps of the most direct 5-7
Broad and somewhat
integrated strategy of
product, price, promotion,
and place (dist. / location)
Explanation of the
manufacturing process and/
or the offering of the service.
General infrastructure
requirements and equipment,
a list of providers/ suppliers
and a broad explanation of
the production process or
sequence of the service.




Fails to Meet Standards

Is able to articulate the new venture
opportunity and present a highly
convincing argument for the success
of the new venture.

Is not able to explain how each
members competencies individually
and/ or collectively enhance the
probability of the new venture
Weak/ vague analysis of the industry
and future trends, the target market
and their profile, a SWOT analysis,
and a detailed analysis of the main
competitors strategies (the Ps of the
most direct 5-7 competitors).

Vague and non-integrated strategy of
product, price, promotion, and place
(dist. / location).

Vague explanation of the
manufacturing process and/ or the
offering of the service.


Financial Analysis (20%)

In order to financially assess
a venture, it is important to
accurately calculate the initial
investment required, a breakeven point, pro-forma cash
flows, and the return on

Critical Risks (5%)

Every new venture has risks
that may hinder its success or
lead to its demise. Therefore,
it is important to identify
these risks in order to
establish mitigation and
contingency plans.

Peer evaluation (10%)

I expect that all members of a
team will put forth relatively
the same amount of effort
towards the homework. In
order to secure equity, I want
each member to rate the other
members on a scale from 1-4
with 4 being the highest score
for exceptional work and

Detailed, break-down of initial

investments, break-even point,
pro-forma income statement,
balance sheet, and cash flow
(monthly for the first year and
yearly for the first 3 years),
and ROI. Also includes
justifications for capital
structure and expected
dividend payout.
Detail the risks (7-10) that
may cause problems for the
success for the venture and
what you can do to mitigate
those risks as well as establish
contingency plans to be
implemented if need be.

Break-down of initial
investments, break-even
point, pro-forma income
statement, balance sheet, and
cash flow (monthly for the
first year and yearly for the
first 3 years), and ROI. Also
includes justifications for
capital structure and expected
dividend payout.
Detail the risks (4-7) that
may cause problems for the
success for the venture and
what you can do to mitigate
those risks as well as
establish contingency plans
to be implemented if need be.

Broad categorization of
initial investments, breakeven point, pro-forma income
statement, balance sheet, and
cash flow (for the first 3
years), and ROI.

Very vague expected investments and


Detail the risks (1-3) that
may cause problems for the
success for the venture and
what you can do to mitigate
those risks as well as
establish contingency plans
to be implemented if need be.

Fails to consider the risks that may
cause problems for the success for the





The peer performed

exceptional work, eagerly
collaborated on the business
plan and delivered was agreed

The peer performed good

work, collaborated on the
business plan and delivered
what was agreed upon.

The peer performed average

work, on occasion
collaborated on the business
plan and delivered less than
what was agreed upon.

The peer performed mediocre work,

did not collaborate on the business
plan and did not deliver what was
agreed upon.

Business Plan
Executive Summary
The team: Who are they, experience, the role of each, and percent ownership?
The product/ service: What are you offering (characteristics) and benefits (differentiation)?
The opportunity: Why do you believe there is an existing demand for the product/ service you are offering?
The offer: How much investment is needed, what percent is being offered, how much debt will the firm have, what is the expected ROI?
The Team
Resume: Each member should have an attached resume.
Organizational structure: Who is reporting to whom?
Assignment responsibility matrix: Who will be in charge of what aspect of the business plan implementation?
Market analysis (environmental and internal scanning)
Industry analysis: What are the industry tendencies; is the industry growing or contracting? What is the industry size?
Target market: Who is our product/ service targeted towards? Why would they purchase what we have to offer? Why will they give-up their current
Competition analysis: Who are the competitors? What are their strengths and weaknesses? What are their strategies (their Ps)?
SWOT analysis: Identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Be as honest as possible. Is your strengths list a lot longer than your
weaknesses list?
Marketing Plan
Mission: What is the purpose of your business?
Vision: Where do you see your firm in roughly five years?
Objectives: What specific goals have you established regarding, growth, quality etc.? Are they SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and
Product: What are your product/ service characteristics?

Price: What price will we establish and why? Will we offer discounts or not? Should we group price or charge tag-on an additional charges (ex.
should food or luggage in airlines be included or charged separately)?
Publicity: What strategy will we use? What mediums will we use (TV, radio, newspaper, magazines etc.) as well as the frequency and cost of each?
Location: What location will we choose and why? Did you perform a cost/ benefit analysis?
Distribution: How will we reach the final client? Wholesale, retail, internet?
Manufacturing and operations plan
The product: Does your product have technical specifications? Does it need a patent? Will there be waste? What are the required materials for
manufacturing and who are the potential suppliers? Costs?
Infrastructure/ Facilities: Where will you manufacture and what are the benefits of the location? What technical requirements does the facility need?
Size? Cost?
Equipment: What equipment is needed and what are the technical specifications?
Production plan: Is it useful to have a flow diagram of the entire process from once an order is placed through production and finally reaching the
Financial Analysis
Investment: What will be invested in and how much will be invested? Dont forget that the initial investment should take into account assets,
operational losses and working capital. Keep your eye on details for example permits, deposits (ex. rent), salaries pre-inauguration, transportation etc.
Break-even point: What are the fixed costs, variable costs and sales price? How many units do you need to sell to have a cash flow of $0. Perform a
sensitivity analysis to analyze how the BEP will change under different conditions.
Cash flow: This is the most important financial statement. In order to project a cash flow, you may first need to project the income statements and
balance sheets. What will your monthly cash flow be like during the first year and then yearly for the next two years?
Return on Investment: What ROI do you expect? Is it worth the risk?
Critical Risks
What possibly could happen that could significantly impact the potential success of this business? Can you create a mitigation plan for these risks?
Can you create a contingency plan for these risks?

Strategic Audit
Introduction to the Organization (I) History of the Company, Current Status
and impact of globalization 3 points
Identification of Industry &
competitors (II) (2 points)

Exceeds Standards
Includes essential material in this
section. Any additional material is in
an appendix. 3 points
Lists and briefly discusses industry(ies)
in which organization competes & its
competitors 2 points

Analysis of the Industry (III)

Strategic group, Porters 5 Forces,
Industry CSFs, & Successful & Failed
Organizations - 10 points

Analyzes organizations strategic

group(s), critical success factors for
industry, & lists successful & failed
organizations. Discusses Porters 5
Forces & provides an in-depth analysis
for industry & organization-9-10 pts
Demonstrates knowledge of, &
capability to apply, theories and tools
in the analysis of Macro-Environment
(e.g., Political, Economic, Social, and
Technological forces). Also identifies
the threats and opportunities facing the
organization. 9-10 points
Applies financial analysis theories and
tools to determine organizations
current financial position & compares
it with competitors and standards.
Discusses its measurement and control
system & KPIs 9-10 points.

Analysis of Macro-Environment (IV)

Global and local Political, Economic,
Social, and Technological forces
Threats & Opportunities facing the
organization - 10 points

Analysis of Organization Measurement and control system (V) Current financial position - Use financial
analysis tools - Compare with
competitors and standards. List KPIs
(Key Performance Indicators) 10
Analysis of Organization (VI)
Mission, Vision, Core Values, Operating
Guidelines, Core Competencies, Goals 10 pts.
Analysis of Organization (VII)
Current Strategies, Alignment with goals.
Compares with competition. Completes
SWOT analysis and Gap analysis for
organization. Suggest strategies.
Evaluates strategies 20 points
Analysis of Organization (VIII)
Functional Strategies (10 pts)

Demonstrates knowledge and

capability to apply theories and tools in
the analysis of the organization in
terms of its mission, vision, core
values, operating guidelines, and core
competencies 9-10 points.
Demonstrates knowledge of, and
capability to apply, theories & tools in
analysis of organization (current
strategies, alignment of strategies with
goals, competition). Uses SWOT &
Gap analyses. Suggests strategies &
evaluates each of them - 17-20 points.
Marketing, Finance, Operations,
Purchasing, Human Resources,
Information Systems
Strategies and their alignment 9-10

Meets Minimum Standards

Includes essential material in this
section. Any additional material is in
an appendix. 2 or 3 points
Lists and briefly discusses
industry(ies) in which organization
competes & its competitors 2
Meets the basic criteria for this
Outline Item, but fails to demonstrate
knowledge of theories needed to
address some of the requirements. 7
or 8 points
Meets basic criteria for this Outline
Item. Fails to demonstrate knowledge
of, or ability to use, theories & tools
needed to analyze MacroEnvironment. May not identify some
threats and/or opportunities facing the
organization. 7 - 8 points
Meets basic criteria for this Outline
Item. Fails to demonstrate
knowledge of, and/or capability to
apply, financial analysis theories &
tools and/or fails to compare it with
competitors and standards 7-8
Meets the basic criteria for this
Outline Item, but fails to demonstrate
knowledge of, or capability to apply,
theories needed to address some of
the requirements 7-8 points.

Fails to Meet Standards

Essential material not
0 to 1 point
Fails to address industry(ies) in
which organization competes
and/or its competition. 0 to 1
Meets some of the basic
criteria for this Outline Item,
but fails to demonstrate
knowledge of theories needed
to address most of the
requirements. 0 to 6 points
Meets some of the basic
criteria for this Outline Item,
but fails to demonstrate
knowledge of theories needed
to address most of the
requirements 0 6 points.

Meets the basic criteria for this

Outline Item, but fails to demonstrate
knowledge of, or capability to apply,
theories needed to address some of
the requirements
12-16 points.

Meets some of the basic

criteria for this Outline Item,
but fails to demonstrate
knowledge of, or capability to
apply, theories & tools needed
to address most of the
requirements 0 6 points
Meets some of the basic
criteria for this Outline Item,
but fails to demonstrate
knowledge of theories needed
to address most of the
requirements 0 6 points.
Meets some basic criteria for
this Outline Item. Fails to
demonstrate knowledge of
theories needed to address
most of the requirements 0
11 points.

Meets basic criteria. Fails to

demonstrate knowledge of, or ability
to apply, theories needed to address
requirements 6-8 pts.

Fails to demonstrate
knowledge of, & ability to
apply, theories needed for
most requirements - 0-5 pts.

Analysis organizations improvement

initiatives & standards (IX) 10 points
Conclusion and Future of
Organization (X) 5 points
Peer evaluation (10points)
I expect that all
members of a team
will put forth relatively
the same amount of
effort towards the
homework. In order to
secure equity, I want
each member to rate
the other members on a
scale from 1-4 with 4
being the highest score
for exceptional work
and collaboration.

Scoring Key:

The peer performed exceptional

work, eagerly collaborated on the
business plan and delivered was
agreed upon 10 points

Analyzes current & previous

improvement initiatives & standards &
impact 9-10 pts.
Addresses expected results &
organizations potential for future
success 5 points
The peer performed good work,
collaborated on the business plan and
delivered what was agreed upon 9-10

Far Exceeds Standards = 90 100

Exceeds Standards = 80 89
Meets Standards = 70 - 79
Fails to Meet Standards = < 70

Meets basic criteria for Outline Item.

Fails to address most of the
Fails to address some requirements
Item Requirements 0-5
6-8 points.
Meets basic criteria for Outline Item.
Fails to address most of the Item
Fails to address some requirements
Requirements 0-2 points
3-4 pts.
The peer performed
The peer performed mediocre
average work, on
work, did not collaborate on the
occasion collaborated on
business plan and did not deliver
the business plan and
what was agreed upon. - 0-5 pts.
delivered less than what
was agreed upon 6-8 pts.

Strategic Audit

Introduction to the Organization - History of the Company & Current Status

A. When was the organization founded, why and by whom?
B. Discuss unusual history associated with the organization.
C. Is it privately or publicly held?
D. Other information?


Identification of the Industry and the Competitors -- Industry definition is necessary so that competitors can be identified; macro-environmental forces that affect the
organization and its industry can be assessed, and the organizations relative strengths and weaknesses can be compared to other organizations within the industry.


Analysis of the Industry

A. Strategic Group(s) in which the company exists and competitors in it/them.
B. Intensity of rivalry among existing competitors (Use Porters 5 Forces for B,C,D,E, & F)
C. Threat of new competitors entering the industry
D. Threat of substitute products or services
E. Bargaining power of buyers
F. Bargaining power of suppliers
G. Potential Profitability of the Industry - What organizations have succeeded and failed in the industry and why?
H. What are the Critical Success Factors for the industry?


Analysis of the Macro-Environment

A. What political/legal forces affect the industry?
B. What economic forces affect the industry?
C. What social forces affect the industry?
D. What technological forces affect the industry?
E. What are the threats and opportunities facing the organization?


What is the organizations measurement and control system?

A. Current financial position - Is the organization financially sound?
B. Compare with competitors and standards.
C. Use financial analysis tools.
D. What are the organizations Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)?


Analysis of the Organization (Mission, Vision, Core Values, Operating Guidelines, Core Competencies, Goals)
A. What is the mission of the organization? Has the mission changed over time?
B. What is the vision of the organization? Has the vision changed over time?
C. What are the organizations core values and operating guidelines?
D. What are the organizations core competencies? How are they unique?
E. What are the organizations broad and specific goals?


Analysis of the Organization Organization-Level and Business Unit Strategies

A. What are the current organization-level strategies? Business unit strategies?
B. How are the strategies aligned with the goals?
C. Compare this organizations strategies with those of competitors.
D. Use SWOT analysis and Gap analysis to suggest strategies.
E. Evaluate strategies (advantages & disadvantages of each strategy).
F. Key performance indicators (KPIs)


Analysis of the Organization Functional Strategies

A. Marketing Finance Operations Purchasing Human Resources Information Systems
B. How well are the functional strategies aligned?


Analyze organizations improvement/change initiatives (e.g., Six Sigma, SQM, TQM, Lean Manufacturing, JIT, Process Reengineering, High Performance Work
Teams, Assessment using Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award Criteria, ISO 9000, ISO 14000, Benchmarking, Balanced Scorecard, etc.)
A. Previous & current impact/success of improvement initiatives.
B. Alignment of improvement initiatives and integration into strategic management of the organization.
C. Comparison of improvement initiatives with other organizations within and outside the industry.
Conclusion and Future of Organization
A. Comment about the organizations profile for future competitiveness and success.
B. What does the organization have to do right to succeed (organizations Critical Success Factors)?
C. What are the expected results in terms of short-and long-term profitability and survival?


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