Denial of Service and Distributed Denial of Service Protection
Denial of Service and Distributed Denial of Service Protection
Denial of Service and Distributed Denial of Service Protection
503162-001 06/05
The degraded service and lost business from a Denial of Service (DoS) attack can lead to
staggering costs both during and after an attack. For an e-commerce site like eBay or, one day of downtime due to a DoS attack can cost in the tens of millions of dollars in
lost revenue. The SQL Slammer worm, a DoS attack that made mission-critical Microsoft SQL
servers inaccessible, cost corporations billions of dollars worldwide. Beyond worms, targeted
DoS attacks are on the rise. According to the 2004 CSI/FBI Computer Crime and Security
Survey, targeted DoS attacks were the most expensive computer threat last year, causing over
$26M in damages for the 250 companies included in the survey,
more than double in any other category. Beyond the immediate “DoS attacks were the
costs, the lasting effects of a successful DoS attack include lost most expensive
computer crime last
customers, loss of faith in the service’s dependability, and damage to
year, more than double
the corporate brand. any other category.”
2004 CSI/FBI Computer
A recent trend in DDoS attacks reveals a new twist in the spiraling Crime and Security
costs to companies and organizations. The evolution of Denial of Survey
Service attacks began with hackers that targeted larger websites for
“Denial of Service (DoS)
the thrill of hacking.1 However, as the opportunities increase, attacks are on the rise.
organized crime has set their sights on companies with more to lose Denial of Service
in their businesses and reputations, such as online banks, lenders, protection is a natural
and service providers. extension for intrusion
prevention systems
because they are in-line
Organized crime syndicates extort money from online companies by and have the ability to
demanding money to keep them from receiving severe DDoS deeply inspect and
attacks. If a company does not meet the demands, the attackers classify traffic, then take
bombard the company’s systems with constant and overwhelming action accordingly.”
Richard Stiennon,
DDoS attacks from thousands of zombies, placing their eCommerce
Gartner Research Vice
businesses into gridlock. President
DoS attacks range from single packet attacks that crash servers to coordinated packet floods
from multiple hosts. In single packet attacks, a carefully crafted packet that exploits a known
operating system or application vulnerability is sent through the network to disable a server
and/or any associated services it performs. The Slammer worm exploited one such
Naftali Bennett, chief executive officer of U.S. Internet security company Cyota, quoted by Robin Arnfield in
“Credit-Card Processor Hit by DDoS Attack” for NewsFactor
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more sophisticated approach, called a Distributed DoS (DDoS) attack, is the tool of choice for
many flood attacks.
In a DDoS attack, an attacker uses multiple machines to assault a target. Some attacks are
simple in design, such as sending a relentless stream of data to flood the network connection
to the server. Other attacks, such as SYN floods, use carefully crafted packets to exhaust
critical server resources in order to prevent legitimate clients from connecting to the server.
As more PCs gain broadband access from homes, the field of potential zombies increases.
Experts estimate that 1/3 of home user PCs on the Internet have been compromised. The
sophistication required and barrier to launching these DDoS attacks has been greatly reduced
through the availability of packaged tools (e.g., Tribe Flood Network and Stacheldracht) that
are freely available on the Internet.
TippingPoint’s Solution
In response to the evolving nature of DoS and DDoS attacks, TippingPoint has developed an
arsenal of protection mechanisms corresponding to the methods attackers employ. The
TippingPoint Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) operates in-line to protect a network and the
hosts connected to it by examining every bit of traffic that passes through it and filtering out
unwanted traffic.
TippingPoint has two primary classes of protection: Standard DoS protection and Advanced
DDoS protection. Standard DoS protection provides a base level of protection against
vulnerabilities, attack tools, and traffic anomalies. Advanced DDoS protection guards against
SYN flood, established connection flood, and connections per second flood attacks.
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dropped. These filters baseline and throttle traffic when it goes beyond a set
• SYN Proxy — An attacker floods a server with malicious connection requests (TCP
SYNs) with spoofed source IP addresses, preventing legitimate clients from accessing
the server.
• Connection Per Second (CPS) Flood — An attacker uses a Zombie army to
repeatedly request resources, such as Web pages, from a server. The resulting load
makes the server sluggish or inaccessible.
• Established Connection Flood — An attacker uses a Zombie army establish a large
number - potentially millions - of malicious TCP connections to a server, preventing it
from accepting new requests from legitimate clients.
Standard and Advanced DoS/DDoS protection work together to stop surgical and brute force
DoS attacks and prevent the recruitment of new zombies.
Method 1 — Vulnerabilities
Attackers can attempt to crash a service or underlying operating system directly through a
network. These attacks disable services by exploiting buffer overflows and other
implementation loopholes that exist in unprotected servers. Vulnerability attacks do not require
extensive resources or bandwidth to perpetrate; attackers only need to know of the existence
of a vulnerability to be able to exploit it and cause extensive damage.
Once an attacker has control of a vulnerable service, application, or operating system, they
abuse the opening to disable systems and ultimately crash an entire network from within.
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delivered to customers every week, or immediately when critical vulnerabilities emerge, and
can be deployed automatically without user interaction for automatic protection.
Viruses can also be used for Zombie recruitment. For instance, the TippingPoint protects
against Zombie attacks
MyDoom virus was designed to convert PCs into Zombies that by detecting and
attacked SCO and Microsoft at a predetermined time programmed blocking the viruses
into the virus. Other viruses install backdoors that allow hackers to used to introduce the
launch coordinated attacks, increasing the distribution of the Zombie agent.
attacks across networks around the globe.
The following figures detail how attackers create and launch these attacks against a network.
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The attacker launches an attack against a server/network using zombie computers. The attack cripples
performance and blocks the network from receiving legitimate traffic.
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The tools used to attack and control systems include:
• Tribe Flood Network (TFN) — Focuses on Smurf, UDP, SYN, and ICMP echo
request floods.
• Tribe Flood Network 2000 (TFN2K) — The updated version of TFN.
• Trinoo — Focuses on UDP floods. Sends UDP packets to random destination ports.
The size is configurable.
• Stacheldraht — Software tool that focuses on TCP, ACK, TCP NULL, HAVOC, DNS
floods, and TCP packet floods with random headers.
DDoS tools are maturing both in terms of covert channel implementation and in DDoS
flooding techniques. New tools utilize arbitrary port numbers or work across IRC. Further,
smarter tools intelligently disguise flooding packets as legitimate service requests and/or
introduce a high degree of randomness. These enhancements make it increasingly difficult
for a port-filtering device to separate attack packets from legitimate traffic.
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In addition to alerting, the TippingPoint IPS can prevent the monitored traffic from exceeding
or consuming more than a preset amount of network bandwidth. For example, if ICMP traffic
exceeds 500% of normal, it can be rate-limited so that it uses no more than 3 Mbps. This
powerful capability controls excessive bandwidth consumption of non-mission critical
applications and ensures bandwidth availability for mission critical traffic. The aggressive
propagation traffic produced by recent worms has resulted in DoS attacks against routers,
firewalls, and other network infrastructure elements. Limiting this traffic to a capped
bandwidth keeps the network running and stifles the attack.
Traffic threshold filters are edge-triggered. These filters fire when the threshold is exceeded
and again when the threshold is no longer being exceeded. These triggers provide
information on the duration of each change in traffic patterns.
The difficulty with SYN attacks is that each request in isolation looks benign. An invalid
request is very difficult to distinguish from a legitimate one.
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Figure 1: SYN Flood Attack
The SYN flood attack using spoofed IPs prevents a valid requester
from accessing a server due to lack of connections.
TippingPoint 100E
The addition of a TippingPoint 100E with Advanced DDoS Protection (including SYN Proxy filters) prevents
the SYN flood attack from consuming all TCP connections on the server.
A valid request can complete a three-way handshake.
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The TippingPoint Solution for SYN Floods
The TippingPoint 100E uses advanced methods to detect and When TippingPoint
detects a DoS attack, it
protect enterprise networks against SYN Flood. The IPS acts as a enacts a series of
proxy, synthesizing and sending the SYN/ACK packet back to the actions and notifications
originator, waiting for the final ACK packet. After the IPS receives according to customized
the ACK packet from the originator, the IPS "replays" the three-step settings. Administrators
sequence to the receiver. can set the system to
block, permit, or
generate notifications for
The full attack and response scenario is as follows. the system, users and
1. The attacker sends a SYN packet to the target. The logs.
TippingPoint 100E intercepts the SYN and determines if the
TippingPoint IPS protects the target. Every filter in the IPS
provides protection
2. If so, the IPS generates SYN-ACK on behalf of the target. against a wide variety of
3. If the IPS receives the final ACK of the 3-way handshake, the attacks. Network
IPS validates the ACK by utilizing advanced algorithms to administrators can
verify that this packet is in response to a SYN-ACK customize the settings
generated by the IPS. If so, the IPS creates a connection for filters, including the
with the target.
4. Once both connections are established, TippingPoint Actions for attack
maintains the data and connection, ensuring safe traffic. If responses
the originator of the attack does not complete the 3-way Notification contacts
handshake, no packets are sent to the target and no state is for alert messages
maintained on the TippingPoint IPS. Exceptions for specific
IP addresses
In the case of a SYN flood, respondent is fully protected from the
attack as the TippingPoint 100E scans, detects, and block the SYN flood.
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The TippingPoint Solution for Established Connection Floods
TippingPoint Established Connection Flood filters track the number of connections each
source has made to a protected server. When a source attempts to create more than a
specified number of connections to a protected server, new connections are blocked until the
source closes some connections. For example, TippingPoint can ensure that no single
source can create more than 10 open connections to a server. Thus, a thousand zombies
can create no more than ten thousand connections to a protected server.
TippingPoint computes the average of a ten second window to allow for normal fluctuations of
traffic. A common traffic pattern is a web browser that opens 10 connections to download a
complex page, then sits idle while the user reads. To accommodate this pattern, the filters
scan and detect against the amount of new connections averaged over a ten second period.
For example, if a filter specifies a maximum of 3.5 connections per second, browsers can
open up to 35 connections in a second. However, after making these connections, the
browser is unable to open any new connections for 9 more seconds. As a result, over the 10-
second period, the browser has averaged 3.5 connections permitted per second. Used in
conjunction with Established Connection filters, CPS Flood protection can provide powerful
detection and protection of a network.
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To protect their customers and network systems, the company sought an Intrusion Prevention
System to detect and block attacks without interrupting legitimate traffic. Facing a difficult and
costly problem, eNom sought out a group of vendors of IPS systems powered with Denial of
Service protection. The following list includes the vendors they considered for their company’s
network protection and security:
• TippingPoint
• Radware
• Top Layer
• Netscreen
“In our evaluation of the
eNom evaluated the TippingPoint 100E IPS system with
leading DoS products,
Advanced Denial of Service (DoS) Protection. The enhanced TippingPoint’s
DoS protection coupled with best-of-breed network protection, TippingPoint has
Digital Vaccine updates, and outstanding technical support performed the best and
provided the solution they needed to ensure continued service for has already blocked
several DoS attacks
their customers. The Advanced DoS Protection blocked a variety
targeting our
of DoS and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks including network.”
SYN floods, connection floods, packet floods, and difficult-to- Jim Beaver, VP
detect attacks originating from spoofed and non-spoofed sources. Operations, eNom
Custom ASICs Y 8 Celerons software software Y Y
50Mbps - 5 Gbps 5 Gbps 2Gbps 1Gbps 500M 3Gbps 2Gbps
Switch-like latency Y N N N Y Y
Inline Attack Blocking 1 1 Limited Limited
Bandwidth Management Y N N N Y N
DDoS SYN Flood Protection Y N N Y Y Y
DDoS Connection Rate Limits Y N N N N Y
Filter Method: Signature Y Y Y Y Y N
Filter Method: Protocol Y Y Y Y N Limited
Filter Method: Vulnerability Y Y Y Limited N N
Filter Method: Traffic Anomaly Y Y N N N Limited
VoIP Protection Y N N N N N
1 Rarely deployed inline, usually as IDS
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To obtain full protection for DoS attacks, organizations typically need to purchase multiple
proxy servers, network security devices, intrusion preventions systems, as well as software
packages, updates, and expanded licenses as an organization grows.
TippingPoint provides the answer in a single system. The TippingPoint IPS is an easy,
affordable, and scalable solution, equipped with a broad range of protection mechanisms
including, application anomaly filters, protocol anomaly filters, exploit signature filters,
statistical traffic anomaly filters, threshold rate-shaping filters, and advanced DoS/DDoS
filters for detecting and blocking attacks.
Copyright © 2005 3Com Corporation. 3Com, 3Com logo, TippingPoint Technologies, the TippingPoint logo and Digital Vaccine are
registered trademarks and Exercise Choice is a trademark of 3Com Corporation. All other company and product names may be trademarks
of their respective holders.
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