Chromosomal Microarray Versus Karyotyping For Prenatal Diagnosis - 2012

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new england

journal of medicine

established in 1812

december 6, 2012

vol. 367 no. 23

Chromosomal Microarray versus Karyotyping

for Prenatal Diagnosis
Ronald J. Wapner, M.D., Christa Lese Martin, Ph.D., Brynn Levy, M.Sc.(Med.), Ph.D., Blake C. Ballif, Ph.D.,
Christine M. Eng, M.D., Julia M. Zachary, Melissa Savage, M.S., Lawrence D. Platt, M.D., Daniel Saltzman, M.D.,
William A. Grobman, M.D., M.B.A., Susan Klugman, M.D., Thomas Scholl, Ph.D., Joe Leigh Simpson, M.D.,
Kimberly McCall, B.S., Vimla S. Aggarwal, M.B., B.S., Brian Bunke, B.S., Odelia Nahum, M.Sc., Ankita Patel, Ph.D.,
Allen N. Lamb, Ph.D., Elizabeth A. Thom, Ph.D., Arthur L. Beaudet, M.D., David H. Ledbetter, Ph.D.,
Lisa G. Shaffer, Ph.D., and Laird Jackson, M.D.

A bs t r ac t

Chromosomal microarray analysis has emerged as a primary diagnostic tool for the
evaluation of developmental delay and structural malformations in children. We
aimed to evaluate the accuracy, efficacy, and incremental yield of chromosomal
microarray analysis as compared with karyotyping for routine prenatal diagnosis.

Samples from women undergoing prenatal diagnosis at 29 centers were sent to a

central karyotyping laboratory. Each sample was split in two; standard karyotyping
was performed on one portion and the other was sent to one of four laboratories for
chromosomal microarray.

We enrolled a total of 4406 women. Indications for prenatal diagnosis were advanced maternal age (46.6%), abnormal result on Downs syndrome screening
(18.8%), structural anomalies on ultrasonography (25.2%), and other indications
(9.4%). In 4340 (98.8%) of the fetal samples, microarray analysis was successful;
87.9% of samples could be used without tissue culture. Microarray analysis of the
4282 nonmosaic samples identified all the aneuploidies and unbalanced rearrangements identified on karyotyping but did not identify balanced translocations and
fetal triploidy. In samples with a normal karyotype, microarray analysis revealed
clinically relevant deletions or duplications in 6.0% with a structural anomaly and
in 1.7% of those whose indications were advanced maternal age or positive screening results.

In the context of prenatal diagnostic testing, chromosomal microarray analysis identified additional, clinically significant cytogenetic information as compared with
karyotyping and was equally efficacious in identifying aneuploidies and unbalanced rearrangements but did not identify balanced translocations and triploidies.
(Funded by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development and others; number, NCT01279733.)

From the Departments of Obstetrics and

Gynecology (R.J.W., M.S.) and Pathology
and Cell Biology (B.L., V.S.A., O.N.), Columbia University Medical Center, Carnegie Hill Imaging for Women (D.S.), and
Montefiore Medical Center/Albert Einstein College of Medicine (S.K.) all in
New York; the Department of Human
Genetics, Emory University School of
Medicine, Atlanta (C.L.M., B.B., D.H.L.);
Signature Genomic Laboratories, Spokane,
WA (B.C.B., A.N.L., L.G.S.); the Department of Molecular and Human Genetics,
Baylor College of Medicine, Houston
(C.M.E., A.P., A.L.B.); George Washington
University Biostatistics Center, Rockville,
MD (J.M.Z., E.A.T.); Center for Fetal
Medicine and Womens Ultrasound, Los
Angeles (L.D.P.); Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, Chicago
(W.A.G.); Integrated Genetics, Westborough, MA (T.S.), and Santa Fe, NM (K.M.);
Florida International University, Miami
(J.L.S.); and Drexel University College of
Medicine, Philadelphia (L.J.). Address reprint requests to Dr. Wapner at Columbia
University Medical Center, Department
of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 622 W.
168th St, PH16-66, New York, NY 10032,
or at [email protected].
N Engl J Med 2012;367:2175-84.
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1203382
Copyright 2012 Massachusetts Medical Society.

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n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l

he development of array-based molecular cytogenetic techniques has improved

the detection of small genomic deletions
and duplications (called copy-number variants) that
are not routinely seen on karyotyping, the standard
cytogenetic analysis performed. Copy-number variants result in a variation from the expected number of copies of a segment of DNA (i.e., the number
in a normal genome). Copy-number variants can be
either benign or pathogenic, depending on their
location and genetic content. They are identified
with the use of chromosomal microarray analysis
in which a test sample of DNA from the patient is
compared directly or indirectly with a reference
(normal) genome.
Identification of copy-number variants has been
particularly helpful in the evaluation of children
with congenital structural anomalies or altered
neurocognitive development, including those diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders.1-5 Chromosomal microarray analysis identifies a genetic
cause in an additional 12 to 15% of affected children, as compared with the current standard of
karyotyping, leading to recommendations that
microarray analysis become the first-tier test for
such children.6,7
In this issue of the Journal, Reddy and colleagues demonstrate the incremental value of
chromosomal microarray in the analysis of stillborn pregnancies.8 As compared with karyotyping, microarray analysis had a higher likelihood
of obtaining a result and identified an increased
incidence of genomic abnormalities among stillborn infants.
Microarray analysis for prenatal diagnosis has
been evaluated in small studies involving women
whose fetus had a high probability of having
chromosome abnormalities, such as those resulting in structural anomalies.9-13 These studies
have shown the technical feasibility of microarray
analysis. It remains uncertain, however, whether
microarray analysis reliably detects all chromosome abnormalities diagnosed on standard karyotyping, and how often abnormal microarray results
are not detected on karyotyping. We conducted a
large, prospective study of prenatal diagnostic
samples to assess, in blinded fashion, the ability
of microarray analysis to diagnose common chromosome abnormalities and to gauge the extent of
additional information provided by microarray
analysis as compared with standard karyotyping.



m e dic i n e

Me thods
Study Conduct

The study was approved by the institutional review boards of all participating sites. The authors
vouch for the accuracy of the data and the fidelity of the study to the protocol, which is available
with the full text of this article at All
the authors were involved in the design and conduct of the study and made the decision to submit
the manuscript for publication, and all approved
the content of the article. The academic authors
performed the data analysis. Agilent Technologies and Affymetrix donated all microarray kits
and reagents and provided training without reimbursement but were not otherwise involved in
either the conduct of the study or the preparation
of the manuscript. Integrated Genetics received
study funding to cover staff costs for handling
study-specific sample and conventional cytogenetic data but was not involved in any aspect of
the microarray analysis or results or in manuscript preparation. Integrated Genetics approved
the content of the manuscript without changes.
Participant Recruitment and Sample

Women presenting with a singleton gestation to

1 of 29 prenatal diagnostic centers for either chorionic-villus sampling or amniocentesis for indications including advanced maternal age, a positive aneuploidy screening result, and structural
anomalies detected on ultrasonography were offered participation in our study. Those choosing
to participate provided written informed consent
after discussion of the potential advantages and
risks of chromosomal microarray testing, including the possibility of findings of uncertain clinical significance and the identification of genetic
variants in the fetus or a parent that cause adultonset disorders. Chorionic-villus sampling was
performed in the usual fashion. For women undergoing amniocentesis, an additional 10 ml of
amniotic fluid was retrieved.
All samples were submitted to a single cytogenetics laboratory (Integrated Genetics) for karyotype analysis. The laboratory established cultures
required for cytogenetic analysis, from which
karyotype results were obtained and reported to
the referring physician according to standard
clinical practice. A sample of 7 to 10 ml of amni-

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Copyright 2012 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.

Microarr ay vs. K aryotyping for Prenatal Diagnosis

otic fluid, or of at least 2 mg of chorionic-villus

tissue, was deidentified and sent together with
peripheral-blood samples from each parent, to one
of four laboratories (at Baylor College of Medicine, Columbia University, Emory University, or
Signature Genomic Laboratories), where microarray analysis was performed.
Study Outcomes

For purposes of the primary analysis, each microarray result was assessed as being true positive,
true negative, false positive, or false negative
relative to the karyotype finding. Karyotyping was
considered the standard against which the performance of chromosomal microarray in identifying common autosomal and sex-chromosome
aneuploidies was measured. Per protocol, participants for whom mosaicism was determined
by means of karyotyping were excluded from the
primary analysis. Secondary outcomes included
the overall occurrence and classification of copynumber variants identified with the use of chromosomal microarray in the presence of a normal
karyotype, the success (or failure) of microarray
analysis, and the ability of chromosomal microarray to identify uncommon cytogenetic abnormalities seen on karyotyping (e.g., marker chromosomes, rearrangements, or polyploidy).
Microarray Laboratory Procedures

DNA extraction was performed according to local

protocols. We tested the purified DNA for contamination with maternal DNA (with the use of the
Identifiler kit, Applied Biosystems) and excluded
samples with more than 10% contamination.
Microarray assays were performed according
to the manufacturers protocol and training provided by the industry donors of the microarray
kits and reagents (Agilent Technologies and
Affymetrix). The study began in 2007, and the
choice of microarray platform and design reflects the state of technology available at that
time; the choice was not updated during the
course of the study. Two array platforms were
used. One was an Agilent 4-plex array designed
by the investigators. Each array on the fourplex
consisted of 44,000 oligonucleotide probes covering targeted regions of known disease association (each covered by a minimum of 9 probes),
43 pericentromeric and 41 subtelomeric regions,
and a genomic backbone with spacing of ap-

proximately 1 probe per 75 kb.14 (Coverage is

listed in Table S2 in the Supplementary Appendix, available at The second platform
was the Affymetrix Genome-Wide Human SNP
Array 6.0, containing 1.8 million oligonucleotide
probes (approximately 906,600 single-nucleotide
polymorphisms [SNPs] and approximately 946,000
unique sequence probes) on a single slide. Data
were masked by the analysis software to emulate
the same resolution and coverage as the Agilent
platform; thus, review of the SNPs was not performed. All four laboratories used the Agilent
array; three of the four also used the Affymetrix
array. Overall, 71% of the microarray assays were
performed on the Agilent array.
We initially carried out array analysis on DNA
extracted from paired uncultured and cultured
samples for the first 259 participants with chorionic-villus samples and 275 participants with
amniotic-fluid samples. We observed acceptable
yields of interpretable results regardless of culturing and subsequently used uncultured samples whenever available. An independent tissue
culture was retained at Integrated Genetics in
the event that an uncultured sample was unavailable, uncultured array analysis failed, or
metaphase fluorescence in situ hybridization
(FISH) was required for confirmation. All results
in this report are from uncultured samples, unless such samples were unavailable or failed, in
which case the results from the backup culture
are reported.
Confirmation of Array Results

Microarray analysis of DNA from maternal and

paternal blood samples was used to determine
whether copy-number variants detected in the fetal samples were inherited. We confirmed all de
novo array findings seen in samples with a normal karyotype by a second method, preferentially FISH. For rare cases in which metaphase FISH
was not possible because of the size of the variant or was impractical to perform within a clinically relevant time frame, we sought confirmation
using a different array platform or quantitative
polymerase-chain-reaction assay.
Classification and Reporting of Array

Karyotype and array results from each array laboratory were submitted separately to an independent

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n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l


m e dic i n e

region implicated in a well-described abnormal

phenotype (Table S2 in the Supplementary Ap6537 Women were screened
pendix). We reported these directly to the participant. Prior to the start of the study, we listed
frequently observed benign copy-number variants
964 Were ineligible
present in our own databases of copy-number
1123 Declined to provide consent
variants detected in the course of postnatal analysis, in peer-reviewed publications, and in curated
4450 Consented to participate in the study
databases of apparently unaffected persons (Table S3 in the Supplementary Appendix). We did
44 Were excluded from study
not further evaluate these benign copy-number
35 Had unacceptable samples for analysis
variants when we observed them in this study,
7 Withdrew before array result was
nor did we report them to the participant. All
2 Were found ineligible after enrollment
other deletions and duplications were categorized
as being of uncertain clinical significance.
4406 Had chorionic-villus or amniotic-fluid
These were then reviewed by the studys clinical
geneticist with the laboratory directors, who determined whether copy-number variants should
8 Had samples not used for array owing to
be classified as likely benign on the basis of
substantial maternal-cell contamination
7 Had culture or karyotype analysis failures
small size, absence of notable gene content, unremarkable family history, and normal result on
4391 Had sample available for microarray
ultrasonography. We submitted all copy-number
variants not judged as likely benign to an independent clinical advisory group composed of
51 Had unsuccessful DNA extraction or
clinical geneticists, cytogeneticists, and a genetic
microarray analysis failures
counselor, who reviewed the clinical findings,
58 Had mosaic karyotype results
literature, available databases, and gene content
and size to determine whether there was suffi4282 Had both karyotype and microarray
results available for primary analysis
cient information on which to base the prediction
of phenotype and, if so, whether the phenotype
was of sufficient clinical relevance to be reportFigure 1. Screening and Enrollment of the Study Participants.
ed. The variants determined not to be of clinical
importance were classified as likely benign and
data coordinating center (George Washington were not reported to the participant. The rest
University Biostatistics Center). A positive micro- were determined to be of potential clinical sigarray result was defined as a copy-number variant nificance and were reported to the participant.
identified within or overlapping a targeted region (a region of the genome associated with a Statistical Analysis
well-defined, clinically relevant phenotype and rep- An original sample size of 4000 women was choresented with dense probe coverage on the array) sen to achieve the desired precision of the estiregardless of size (Table S2 in the Supplementary mate of sensitivity. In 2009, after karyotype reAppendix), a copy-number variant of 1 Mb or sults from the first 755 women showed that 8.3%
greater in size in the pericentromeric or subtelo- of participants had an abnormal karyotype, the
meric regions or in the genomic backbone, or a sample size was increased to 4400. This number
copy-number variant of less than 1 Mb in size in of participants was sufficient to yield an exact
a nontargeted region but including a gene or por- lower 95% confidence interval of at least 99% for
tion of a gene implicated in a known chromo- an observed sensitivity of 100%, assuming that 367
somal syndrome, an autosomal dominant Men- participants would have an abnormal karyotype.
SAS software (SAS Institute) was used for
delian disorder, or an X-linked disorder.
Deletions and duplications identified exclu- analysis. Where proportions were estimated (insively by means of microarray analysis were clas- cluding sensitivity and specificity), we calculated
sified as pathogenic when they encompassed a exact confidence intervals.

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Copyright 2012 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.

Microarr ay vs. K aryotyping for Prenatal Diagnosis

Table 1. Baseline Characteristics and Primary Indication for Prenatal Testing and Characteristics of the 4406 Study Participants with Adequate
Samples for Analysis.*

Indication for Invasive Sampling

Maternal age yr

Anomaly on

Advanced Age

Positive Result on
Downs Syndrome
Screening (N=827)

Other (N=416)

All (N=4406)






Gestational age at procedure wk

Chorionic-villus sampling












114 (10.3)

80 (3.9)

65 (7.9)

27 (6.5)

286 (6.5)

Race or ethnic group no. (%)


164 (14.8)

163 (7.9)

110 (13.3)

46 (11.1)

483 (11.0)


831 (74.9)

1811 (88.2)

652 (78.8)

343 (82.5)

3637 (82.5)

* Plusminus values are means SD. Pregnancies in which the fetus had a nuchal translucency of 3.5 mm or greater or a septated cystic hygroma are included as anomalies on ultrasonography. Nuchal translucencies of less than 3.5 mm were considered a component of Downs
syndrome screening. Other indications for prenatal testing include family history, previous pregnancy with chromosome abnormality, and
elective decision. Of the 4406 study participants, 2275 had chorionic-villus sampling and 2131 had amniocentesis.
Race or ethnic group was self-reported.

R e sult s
We screened 6537 women from October 2008
through July 2011. Of these, 4450 were eligible
and consented to participate in the study; we obtained adequate samples from 4406 (with 2275 undergoing chorionic-villus sampling and 2131 undergoing amniocentesis) (Fig. 1). Characteristics
of the study population, including indications for
prenatal testing, are provided in Table 1.
We obtained an adequate sample for microarray analysis for 4391 (99.7%) of these 4406 participants. Overall, microarray was successful in
98.8% of cases (4340 of 4391). The microarray
analysis was performed on uncultured samples
for 3860 (87.9%) of the 4391 participants. We successfully obtained study results in 3408 (88.3%)
of these 3860 uncultured samples: 1781 (93.2%)
of the 1910 chorionic-villus samples and 1627
(83.4%) of the 1950 amniotic-fluid samples. The
study result was derived from the cultured, rather
than uncultured, sample in the remaining 932
(21.5%) of the 4340 cases of successful microarray.
Fifty-eight samples showed mosaicism on
karyotyping and were excluded from this study.
The remaining 4282 samples were included in the
primary analysis (Table 2). Of these, 317 (7.4%)
common autosomal and 57 (1.3%) sex-chromosome aneuploidies were identified by means of
standard karyotyping. Microarray analysis identi-

fied all of these aneuploidies. Eight of these cases, all from uncultured chorionic-villus samples,
were mosaic on the microarray and could represent mosaicism not detected on karyotyping. None
of these cases had maternal-cell contamination.
All 22 unbalanced rearrangements also were identified by microarray (1 as a mosaic).
As expected, none of the apparently balanced
rearrangements identified on karyotyping were
identified with the use of microarray analysis,
suggesting that these rearrangements were truly
balanced. Of the three marker chromosomes detected on karyotyping, we detected two on microarray. Results obtained on FISH suggested that
the third marker chromosome contained no euchromatin and thus was unlikely to contain genes,
be detected by means of microarray, or have clinical significance. Seventeen triploid samples (0.4%)
were present in our series; none were identified on
microarray; in 15 (88.2%), the test for maternalcell contamination revealed aberrant findings suggestive of triploidy. One other was recorded as
mosaic 47,XXY on microarray. Three of the 17
triploid fetuses had normal ultrasonography images at the time of chorionic-villus sampling.
Microarray analysis revealed clinically significant, segmental aneuploidies not detected on
karyotyping (Table 3, and Table S1 in the Supplementary Appendix). On microarray, 1399 samples
were identified as having copy-number variants;

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n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l


m e dic i n e

Table 2. Results of Karyotype and Microarray Analysis in 4282 Samples with a Nonmosaic Karyotype, According to
Cytogenetic Abnormality.
Detected on


Detected on Microarray*



no. (%)

no. (%)



Any autosomal or sex-chromosome


374 (8.7)

374 (100)


Any common autosomal trisomy

317 (7.4)

317 (100)


Trisomy 21


188 (100)


Trisomy 18


93 (100)


Trisomy 13


Other autosomal trisomy

Any sex-chromosome aneuploidy

36 (100)


4 (0.1)

4 (100)

57 (1.3)

57 (100)




39 (100)


47,XXX; 47,XXY; 47,XYY


18 (100)



Structural rearrangement

65 (1.5)





22 (100)

2 (66.7)


17 (0.4)

* All results are reported from uncultured samples where available, and otherwise from cultured samples.
No euchromatin was identified on fluorescence in situ hybridization in the marker with a normal result on chromosomal microarray.
A total of 15 of the 17 triploidy cases (88.2%) were identified in maternal-cell contamination studies. One other was recorded as mosaic 47,XXY on microarray.

of these, 1234 (88.2%) were classified as common

benign, including 26 in which the fetus was a
carrier (3 were deletions of the steroid sulfatase
[microsomal], isozyme S gene [STS] on chromosome Xp22.31 in females, 22 were deletions of the
juvenile nephronophthisis 1 gene [NPHP1] on
chromosome 2q13, and 1 involved a deletion of
gamma sarcoglycan and sacsin genes [SGCG and
SACS, respectively] on chromosome 13q12.12).
Thirty-five copy-number variants, occurring in 35
of the 3822 fetuses (0.9%), were on the predetermined list of pathogenic copy-number variants.
Of the remaining 130 samples, 36 (27.7%) were
considered likely to be benign by the studys clinical geneticist, and 94 maintained a classification
of uncertain significance and were adjudicated
by the Clinical Advisory Committee. The committee felt that 61 of these 94 (64.9%) had sufficient clinical relevance to be reported to the
participant. Overall, a total of 96 of the 3822 fetal
samples with normal karyotypes (2.5%; 95%

confidence interval [CI], 2.1 to 3.1) had a microdeletion or duplication of clinical significance.
We examined the results from microarray
analysis in subgroups of women with normal
karyotypes (Table 3). In samples from fetuses
with suspected growth or structural anomalies,
45 of the 755 (6.0%; 95% CI, 4.5 to 7.9) had
clinically relevant findings on microarray that were
not found on karyotyping. A total of 34 of the
1966 women without ultrasonography-identified
anomalies who were tested because of advanced
maternal age had a normal karyotype and a
clinically relevant finding on microarray (1.7%;
95% CI, 1.2 to 2.4), as did 12 of the 729 women
who tested positive on Downs syndrome screening (1.6%; 95% CI, 0.9 to 2.9). Recurrent copynumber variants associated with autism and
neurocognitive alterations were relatively prevalent in our study series (Table 1 in the Supplementary Appendix)5; we detected these copynumber variants in 1.3% (51 of 3822) of

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Microarr ay vs. K aryotyping for Prenatal Diagnosis

Table 3. Frequency and Clinical Interpretation of Microdeletions and Duplications on Chromosomal Microarray in the 3822 Samples
with a Normal Karyotype, According to Indication for Prenatal Testing.

Indication for Prenatal Diagnosis



Uncertain Clinical
Significance (N=130)


Likely to Be

Total Known Pathogenic

and Potential for Clinical

for Clinical

no. (%)

no. (%) [95% CI]



1234 (32.3)

35 (0.9)

69 (1.8)

61 (1.6)

96 (2.5) [2.13.1]

Advanced maternal age


628 (31.9)

9 (0.5)

37 (1.9)

25 (1.3)

34 (1.7) [1.22.4]

Positive on Downs syndrome



247 (33.9)

3 (0.4)

13 (1.8)

9 (1.2)

12 (1.6) [0.92.9]

Anomaly on ultrasonography


247 (32.7)

21 (2.8)

16 (2.1)

24 (3.2)

45 (6.0) [4.57.9]



112 (30.1)

2 (0.5)

3 (0.8)

3 (0.8)

5 (1.3) [0.63.1]

* Total includes those predetermined as known to be pathogenic and those classified by the clinical advisory committee as clinically relevant.
CI denotes confidence interval.
Includes 36 samples determined likely to be benign by the study geneticist and 33 determined by the independent clinical advisory committee on the basis of size, gene content, inheritance, the literature, and ultrasonography findings.
Other indications include family history, previous pregnancy with chromosomal abnormalities, and elective decision.

karyotypically normal pregnancies: 3.6% (27 of fore required expert adjudication for clinical rel755) with and 0.8% (24 of 3067) without struc- evance. Since the start of our study 5 years ago,
the literature and databases of array results and
tural anomalies.
associated phenotypes have expanded, providing
additional information with which to predict the
phenotype.1,3,4 The laboratory directors therefore
We have shown that microarray analysis is equiv- reinterpreted their initial categorization on the
alent to standard karyotype analysis for the pre- basis of the current literature. Were data available
natal diagnosis of common aneuploidies. Micro- in 2012 used for the ascertainment, only 56 of
array analysis provided additional clinically the original 94 uncertain results requiring evalurelevant information in 1.7% of pregnancies with ation by the clinical advisory committee would
standard indications for prenatal diagnosis (such remain in that category; 30 are now clearly pathoas advanced maternal age and positive aneuploid genic and 8 are now likely to be benign (Table
screening result) and in 6.0% of cases with an S1 in the Supplementary Appendix). With this
anomaly on ultrasonography. These data indicate additional information, the pathogenicity of only
a benefit to chromosomal microarray analysis as 1.5% of copy-number variants detected on microa standard part of prenatal testing, bearing in array in karyotypically normal samples remains
mind that, as with karyotyping, the detection of uncertain, and this number should continue to
variants of uncertain clinical significance present fall as additional experience is acquired. The ina challenge for counseling and cause anxiety.15
terpretation of uncertain results will continue to
We used an array design that maximized the require a close working relationship among labodetection of well-characterized microdeletions and ratory directors, clinical geneticists, counselors,
duplications but also included oligonucleotides and practitioners.
representing regions distributed throughout the
We chose to obtain results preferentially from
genome to identify additional chromosomal im- uncultured samples so as to avoid the additional
balances. Uncertain findings occurred in 3.4% time needed for, and the artifacts of, cell and tis(130 of 3822) of all karyotypically normal cases sue culture. However, experience with traditional
analyzed with the use of microarray. Of these cytogenetic analysis and confined placental
130 cases, 94 (72.3%) had findings that were not mosaicism in chorionic-villus samples has oceasily dismissed as likely to be benign and there- casionally revealed discrepant results between
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n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l

direct (uncultured) analysis that evaluates predominantly the cytotrophoblast and cultured
samples that typically derive from the mesenchymal core of the villi.16 Microarray analysis of uncultured samples captures the genomic content
of both cell lineages. Although our initial comparison of microarray results from paired cultured and uncultured samples was reassuring,
the limited sample size makes further evaluation
After approximately 12 weeks gestation, most
triploid pregnancies show abnormalities on ultrasonography, which could alert the physician
to request further evaluation by means of karyotyping. Ultrasonographic images obtained earlier than 12 weeks may miss these abnormalities.
Arrays including SNP probes can identify triploidy with the use of genotype data,17 but this
information was not included in our study design.
Our array analysis did not use the genotype data
derived from the SNP probes on the Affymetrix
array because we initiated the study before their
development for clinical use. However, a post hoc
review determined that had the SNP data been
analyzed, the triploid cases would have been detected. We therefore suggest that arrays used for
prenatal testing should contain SNP probes that
can reliably identify triploidy.
Balanced chromosomal translocations and inversions occur in approximately 0.08 to 0.09% of
prenatal diagnostic samples18 and are not detectable with the use of an array because there is no
gain or loss of genetic material. An inherited balanced rearrangement will have no consequences
for the current pregnancy but is relevant to future
reproductive counseling. A de novo, apparently
balanced rearrangement identified by means of
standard karyotyping is associated with a 6.7%
risk of congenital abnormalities,19 many of which
may be caused by a genomic gain or loss at the
breakpoints and may be discoverable with the
use of an array.20 Further investigation is necessary to quantify the residual risk of a balanced
rearrangement when a microarray analysis is normal and to determine when and whether additional genomic analysis is necessary.
One in 60 pregnancies that underwent genetic
testing because of advanced maternal age or
positive aneuploidy screening had a clinically
relevant copy-number variant in our study. However, many of these copy-number variants are
typically smaller microdeletions or microdupli2182


m e dic i n e

cations than those identified with the use of

chromosome banding or FISH and have much
greater variability in their associated phenotypes.5
Copy-number variants associated with substantial
phenotypic variability are listed in Table S1 in the
Supplementary Appendix. When encountered in
the prenatal setting, this increased range of phenotypic features can make genetic counseling
challenging; many of these copy-number variants do not always result in severe impairments.
Because of their smaller size and milder phenotypic effects and the possibility that these copynumber variants exert a phenotypic effect only in
the presence of other genetic variants,21-23 these
copy-number variants may be inherited from a
parent with minimal or no recognizable features. Although data from symptomatic infants
evaluated postnatally gives some guidance for
prenatal counseling, this group almost certainly
represents a biased, more severe, and incomplete
characterization of the phenotype. To address this
bias, we are following the children with copynumber variants ascertained in this prenatal study,
as well as others discovered in utero, to understand the associated phenotypic variability more
comprehensively and to gauge the relative contribution of copy-number variants to the 13 to 14%
of children who receive a diagnosis of developmental delay.24
The comparatively high rate of discovery, with
the use of microarray, of clinically relevant genomic disorders may result in more requests for
invasive prenatal diagnostic testing. At present,
on the basis of the relative balance between the
genetic risk and the risk of procedure-induced
miscarriage, a risk of aneuploidy of 1:270 or
higher is the generally accepted threshold for
offering invasive testing.25 However, the decision
to have an amniocentesis or chorionic-villus sampling is based on many factors, including the
risk that the fetus will have an abnormality, the
risk of pregnancy loss from an invasive procedure,
and the consequences of having an affected child.
Potential parents weigh these potential outcomes in different ways.26-28 If the observed
1.7% (1:60) frequency of clinically relevant microdeletions and microduplications in pregnancies sampled for indications other than fetal
structural anomalies is confirmed by others, offering invasive testing and microarray analysis to
all pregnant women would seem to be appropriate. This is consistent with the recommendations

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Microarr ay vs. K aryotyping for Prenatal Diagnosis

of the American Congress of Obstetricians and

Gynecologists, who suggest that all women, regardless of risk, should be offered the option of
invasive testing.25 Counseling should include a
discussion of the risk of invasive testing, the
frequency and severity of clinically relevant microarray findings, and the more limited identification of common aneuploidies currently achievable with the use of noninvasive screening.29
We are still in the process of gauging the
extent of incremental information that should be
sought in the context of prenatal testing and how
that information should be introduced into care.
Lessons learned from microarray analysis will
be helpful when whole-genome sequencing of the
fetus, perhaps with the use of maternal blood
samples, becomes clinically available30-32 and
should help to ensure the sensible application of
new technology.
Supported by grants from the National Institute of Child Health
and Human Development (R01HD05565101, R01HD055651-03S1,
and RC2HD064525). Agilent Technologies and Affymetrix donated all microarrays and reagents used in the study.
Dr. Aggarwal reports receiving lecture fees from Agilent
Technologies and consulting fees from Affymetrix through her
institution. Drs. Ballif, Lamb, and Shaffer report being employees of and holding stock in PerkinElmer (Signature Genomics).
Dr. Eng reports receiving lecture fees from Genzyme and Shire.
Dr. Jackson reports serving as an expert witness in malpractice
cases regarding genetic concerns. Dr. Klugman reports serving
as an expert witness in a case regarding counseling for a family
with a fetus with a rare genetic disorder. Dr. Ledbetter reports
receiving consulting fees from and holding stock in CombiMatrix and receiving consulting fees from Roche NimbleGen and
Celula. Dr. Levy reports receiving consulting fees from and
holding stock in Natera and receiving consulting fees from RMA

Genetics and Celula and lecture fees and travel support from
Affymetrix and Agilent Technologies. Dr. Scholl reports being
an employee of LabCorp (Integrated Genetics). Dr. Simpson reports receiving consulting fees from Bio Dx, Bayer, and Novartis. No other potential conflict of interest relevant to this article
was reported.
Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with
the full text of this article at
We thank Deborah A. Driscoll, M.D., Sherman Elias, M.D.,
Deborah L. Eunpu, M.S., Kurt Hirschhorn, M.D., Charles Lee,
Ph.D., Eugene Pergament, M.D., and Dorothy Warburton, Ph.D.,
for their work as the Clinical Advisory Committee; Maternal
Fetal Specialists, Atlanta (Daniel Eller, M.D.), Baylor College of
Medicine (Anthony Johnson, D.O.), NJ Perinatal Associates/St.
Barnabas Medical Center (Richard Miller, M.D.), Main Line
Health and Womens Health Care Group of PA (Alan Donnenfeld, M.D.), Phoenix Perinatal Associates (Rodney Edwards,
M.D.), Maternal Fetal Medicine of Central PA (Terry Tressler,
D.O.), Thomas Jefferson University (Stuart Weiner, M.D.), Fetal
Diagnostic Center (Greggory DeVore, M.D.), Virtua Health System (Ronald Librizzi, D.O.), Valley Health System (Andrei Rebarber, M.D.), Christiana Care Health System (Anthony Sciscione,
D.O.), San Francisco Perinatal Associates (James Goldberg,
M.D.), University of Medicine and Dentistry, New JerseyRobert
Wood Johnson (Todd Rosen, M.D.), University of California, Irvine (Deborah Wing, M.D.), Vanderbilt Center for Womens
Health (William Walsh, M.D.), Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia (Mark Johnson, M.D.), Ohio State University Maternal Fetal
Medicine (Richard OShaughnessy, M.D.), St. Vincent Womens
Hospital (Maurice Eggleston, M.D., and James Sumners, M.D.),
Englewood Hospital (Ying Chan, M.D.), University of Utah (Robert Silver, M.D.), and Magella Medical Group (Melissa Bush,
M.D.) for their role as participating recruitment sites; Nicolasa
H. Chavez, Jessica Feinberg, and Andrea M. Murad for their coordinating and recruitment efforts; Lindsay Doherty and Mark
McNellis from the George Washington University Data Coordinating Center; the laboratory technologists including Emily Carron from Columbia University, Vanessa Jump from Emory University, Caron Glotzbach from Signature Genomic Laboratories,
PerkinElmer, and Patricia Hixson at Baylor College of Medicine;
Eliza Sanchez for her work at Integrated Genetics; and the participants and the North American Fetal Therapy Network for
their support of the study.

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