Over 30 years into the HIV-1 pandemic, the need for a globally effective
HIV-1 vaccine is more compelling than ever. Biomedical interventions
to reduce HIV-1 acquisition, such as population-based antiretroviral
therapy, large-scale circumcision programs, pre- and post-exposure
prophylaxis with tenofovir-based regimens for high-risk individuals,
and the use of antiretroviral drugs to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV-1 have favorably influenced the trajectory of HIV-1 infections in several populations throughout the world (1). However,
microepidemics of HIV-1 persist throughout all affected countries,
and overall population prevalence of HIV-1 remains relatively stable,
including in the United States and Europe (2, 3), and UNAIDS (Joint
United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS) estimates that there were
2.1 million new infections in 2013 (4).
Vaccines are historically the primary public health intervention
for prevention of a wide range of infectious diseases and thus would
provide the most cost-effective, durable, and accepted approach to
reduce HIV-1 infection. However, developing a safe and effective
HIV-1 vaccine has proven to be a considerable scientific challenge
(5, 6). A milestone in the field of HIV-1 vaccine development was
achieved in September 2009 with the report of the RV144 trial, which
evaluated a regimen consisting of a replication-defective canarypox
vector (ALVAC) in combination with a recombinant gp120 protein
(AIDSVAX), administered intramuscularly to more than 16,000 heterosexual men and women at risk of HIV-1 infection in Thailand (7).
This regimen demonstrated a statistically significant, albeit modest,
reduction in HIV-1 acquisitions. Although the first-year vaccine efficacy (VE) approached 60%, efficacy waned over time and overall
VE over the 3.5 years of the trial was 31.2%.
HIV Vaccine Trials Network, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division, Fred Hutchinson
Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA 98109, USA. 2Statistical Center for HIV/AIDS Research
and Prevention, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division, Fred Hutchinson Cancer
Research Center, Seattle, WA 98109, USA. 3Duke Human Vaccine Institute, Duke University
Medical Center, Durham, NC 27710, USA. 4Lausanne University Hospital and Swiss Vaccine
Research Institute, Lausanne 1011, Switzerland. 5National Institute of Allergy and Infectious
Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 20892, USA.
*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]
21 October 2015
and additional insights into how to develop the globally effective
vaccines that are needed to successfully reduce HIV-1 acquisition
Prevalence of response
IgG gp120
CD4 + Env
IgG3 V1V2
IgG V1V2
Pox + Env
Pox + Env
Time (months)
IgG gp120
IgG V1V2 scaffold
IgG3 V1V2 scaffold
CD4 + Env
Fig. 1. Kinetics of vaccine-induced antibody response and vaccine protection in RV144. Schematic representation of selected immune responses to vaccination with RV144 regimen ALVAC (pox) followed by gp120 (protein).
21 October 2015
of the V1V2 loop (residues 163 to 178) were associated with reduced
HIV-1 acquisition [relative risk (RR) = 0.57 for reactive versus nonreactive vaccinees; VE for reactive vaccinees = 43% over the 3.5-year
study]. Because of insertion of a herpes simplex virus glycoprotein D
sequence used for purification of the gp120, the A244 CF01_AE gp120 Env
in RV144 contained an N-terminal deletion of 11 amino acids in the HIV1 sequence that enhanced exposure of these V1V2 epitopes (16).
Vaccinees with the highest binding antibody titers were more
likely to be protected than those with lower titers, with a reasonably
linear association between the peak concentration to the V1V2 scaffold
and VE (Fig. 2A). Follow-up studies using a wide variety of V1V2 antigens including antigens derived from a variety of clade C isolates indicated similar associations between high binding to V1V2 and reduced
HIV-1 acquisition (17). Overall, about 84% of vaccine recipients developed antibodies to the V1V2 loop (14). Those with the highest magnitude exhibited greater protection from infection; those with the highest
titers to the original gp70-V1V2 protein in the upper third have a VE of
60% (12), compared to no protection for those with negative or lowest
third titers (Fig. 2B), a result that was recapitulated for titer responses to
eight other gp70-V1V2 proteins (average VE = 47% for the upper third
of responders) (17). The concentration of IgG to the V1V2 correlates in
RV144 was a median of 1.63 mg/ml, with those in the lower tertile below
0.98 mg/ml and those in the upper tertile, associated with a decrease in
HIV infection, having a titer of at least 2.98 mg/ml (Fig. 2C). Notably, the
V1V2 antibody response rate and magnitude waned over time in temporal association with the waning efficacy.
s1 = gp70-V1V2 response (log MFI)
gp70.B (Case A2)-V1V2
RV144 uninfected vaccine recipients (n = 205)
gp70.AE (92TH023)-V1V2
RV144 uninfected vaccine recipients (n = 205)
tagsAE (A244)-V1V2
RV144 uninfected vaccine recipients (n = 205)
multiplex assay (BAMA) at week 26. (C) The median, upper, and lower
bounds of antibody concentrations to three of the V1V2 antigens that
were correlated to VE: the left panel shows the cross-clade clade B gp70
levels; the middle panel shows the V1V2 response to the AE isolate in the
ALVAC vector used in RV144; and the right panel shows the V1V2 responses to the AE gp120 used in the protein boost in RV144. mAb, monoclonal antibody.
21 October 2015
Epitope mapping of the antibodies to V1V2 indicated that much of
the immune response was directed at a linear epitope interval including
a lysine residue at amino acid 169 in the Env V2 region. Antibodies
from RV144 vaccinees that bound to the K169 V2 region did not neutralize nor capture hard to neutralize (tier 2) AE viruses but did bind to
Env on tier 2 AE virusinfected CD4 T cells and mediate ADCC. Although antibodies to the C1 region themselves did not correlate with
decreased transmission risk (15), addition of conformational C1-specific
antibodies from RV144-induced memory B cells to A244 CF01_AE
infected CD4 T cells synergized with RV144 V2 antibodies for
enhanced ADCC activity (18). These data give rise to the hypothesis
that one candidate of the protective antiHIV-1 antibody effector
function induced by the RV144 vaccine was a nonbroadly neutralizing
and most likely Fc receptor (FcR)mediated action that included ADCC
activity (see below) (19). Isolation of antibodies that bind to the V2
region around K169 demonstrated that all K169-directed antibodies
from humans (20) and rhesus macaques (21) after the RV144 vaccine
regimen use a l light chain CDR2 (complementarity determining
region 2) glutamic acidaspartic acid (ED) motif to bind to K169. Moreover, this l light chain motif is conserved throughout primate phylogeny, suggesting an evolutionary advantage to this dominant recognition
mode. The response to Env induced by the RV144 vaccine regimen was
remarkably dominant to this light chain motif. It is of interest that V1V2
responses were not substantially elicited by the DNA/Ad5 regimen used
in the HIV Vaccine Trials Networks (HVTNs) HVTN 505 vaccine
trial, although these sequences were present in two of the three Env vaccine constructs (22). The low level of V1V2 scaffold responses in association with a vaccine regimen in which no protection was seen suggests
the potential importance of responses to the V1V2 scaffold in protection against HIV acquisition. Finally, in the secondary analysis, strong
but transient linear V2 IgG responses, especially against V2 in A244
CF01_AE, were associated with a lower risk of HIV-1 infection in
RV144 vaccinees.
21 October 2015
responding vaccinees compared to estimated VE = 43% for the lower
two-thirds of IgA responding vaccinees) (12). Subjects with IgA binding
levels to HIV-1 Env >3000 MFI had a VE of 0%. Why certain serum IgA
antibodies were associated with lack of protection was at first perplexing. Epitope mapping indicated that some of the serum IgA antibodies
seen after vaccination bound to the same conformational C1 region of
gp120 that ADCC antibodies were shown to bind (29, 30). Seventy-five
percent to 90% of RV144 vaccinees exhibited ADCC activity after vaccination. Much of this activity was blocked by C1 regionspecific antibodies to the A244 CF01_AE isolates, suggesting that the IgA antibodies
inhibited functional ADCC activity, providing a direct hypothesis for
the inverse correlation between high serum levels of IgA and increased
HIV-1 acquisition. Moreover, natural IgA antibodies to the C1 region
isolated from RV144 vaccinees also blocked the mediation of ADCC
by RV144 IgG antibodies to the same epitope (30). Additional data
supporting the presence of inhibitory antibodies are that individuals
with low levels of IgA antibodies to Env also had high levels of antibodies to V3 peptides. VE approached 70% among the subgroup of
vaccinees who had low to no serum IgA responses to gp120 and high V3
antibodies (15, 24). High serum IgA responses to HIV-1 gp120 were
also seen with the DNA/Ad5 regimen used in the HVTN 505 vaccine
trial, a regimen that showed no VE in MSM in the United States (22).
Development of regimens that do not induce inhibitory antibodies provides a potential strategy for improving VE, especially if such alterations
resulted in enhanced induction of functional antibodies that mediate
ADCC or neutralization. One of the impediments to a more detailed
evaluation of ADCC responses and HIV vaccine protection is the lack
of information on the correlation of ADCC assays between nonhuman
primates (NHPs) and humans. Greater attention to such issues may allow the field to pursue the observed connection between ADCC and VE
more completely.
important determinants of the non-neutralizing antibody effector function induced by RV144 vaccination. However, the mechanistic link between such a polymorphism and antibody-mediated immune response
remains undefined.
Recent studies have shown that CD4+ T cell immune responses to
HIV-1 Env independently influenced VE in the RV144 trial (12, 40).
Sixty percent of RV144 recipients who had exhibited CD4+ T cell
responses to Env recognized the V2 peptides, and intracellular cytokine staining confirmed that these responses were mediated by polyfunctional effector memory CD4+ T cells, which produced more than
one cytokine in 58% of the samples, predominantly interleukin-2 (IL-2)
and tumor necrosis factora (TNF-a). The predominant interferon-g
(IFN-g) response (25%) was to the Env V2 region at amino acid positions 145 to 208. The main peptide recognized in the vaccine group
contained the integrin a4b7 binding motif, a region of the Env involved
in the initial encounter of HIV-1 and CD4+ T cells (12). Using more
sophisticated single-cell analyses, vaccinees with CD4+ T cells that secreted IL-2, TNF-a, IFN-g, IL-4, and CD154 to HIV-1 Env peptides
had a reduced rate of infection (RR = 0.58; P = 0.006) versus those who
did not make such a polyfunctional response. Moreover, this response
was an independent correlate of infection after accounting for the primary correlates of IgG binding to V2 and IgA binding to Env (41).
These data indicate the potential importance of initiating a strong helper
T cell response with vaccination, and study of the CD4+ T cellB cell
interaction may provide insights into enhanced immunogenicity.
21 October 2015
With only one vaccine approach demonstrating efficacy against HIV
acquisition, there is at present uncertainty as to whether the abovedescribed correlates will be effective guideposts for a globally effective
HIV vaccine (42). The differences between the immune responses in
RV144 and those seen in HVTN 505 and VAX003, two VE trials with
no observed efficacy against HIV-1 acquisition, provide indirect evidence of the potential importance of the types of non-neutralizing
antibodies important in reducing HIV-1 acquisition. Thus, although
the possibility of a false-positive result always exists in any given study,
the confidence that RV144 demonstrated real efficacy has increased
substantially on the basis of the viral sieve and immune correlate analyses. A series of recent studies in NHP with different vaccine prototypes
such as a replication-deficient Ad26 alone or in combination with
modified vaccinia Ankara (MVA) have shown a correlation between
non-neutralizing antibodies and protection from experimental challenges with both SIV and SHIV (Table 1) (43). Addition of a trimeric
Table 1. Comparison of immune responses that influence VE in RV144 versus past and ongoing HIV vaccine trials.
Immune response identified as a
correlate in RV144
Responses in non-RV144
efficacy trials
Responses in vaccines in
current development
IgG3 to V1V2
Under evaluation.
ADCC activity
Tier 1 neutralizing
High avidity to gp120
Alum, AS01B
21 October 2015
immune response, and functional activities of antibodies induced by
protein immunogenicity can be influenced by adjuvants (50). Hence,
comparative studies of recombinant HIV clade C Env proteins (gp120
and trimeric gp140) adjuvanted with AS01B, MF59, and alum adjuvants
(Table 2) are under way. In addition, more frequent boosting of immune responses by dosing the vaccine regimen more frequently is
under evaluation.
Another approach for improving upon RV144 is to use more immunogenic vector platforms to improve B and T cell priming, especially to Env proteins. Second-generation regimens, including a bivalent
ALVAC (env and gag-pol on separate constructs), NYVAC/DNA constructs, and combinations of replication-incompetent adenoviruses
such as Ad26 in combination with MVA, are in clinical development
(5153). One hope from the ALVAC and Ad26/MVA programs is that
these different vaccine approaches will elicit immune responses that
correlate with each other and with protection, and hence provide a
critical surrogate marker for future vaccine development. The finding that non-neutralizing antibody responses such as binding antibodies to HIV Env, ADCC, and other non-neutralizing functional
antibodies are correlates of protection in these NHP experimental
challenge studies provides some optimism for this approach. Validation
of such a marker would allow the field to do bridging immunogenicity studies as a way of initiating a comprehensive global vaccine
Although these developments occur in defining non-neutralizing
antibody approaches to HIV-1 protection, there is also a concerted international effort toward developing immunogens that will elicit
broader neutralizing antibodies than currently demonstrated by immunization with any of the current vaccine prototypes (54). The lack
of broadly neutralizing antibodies elicited by the RV144-like regimens
is an acknowledged deficiency in the immune profile of these approaches. Enhancing basic and translational scientific programs in attempting to elicit such broadly neutralizing antibodies is an important
component of the research agenda of the HIV vaccine effort. Recent
developments in developing stable HIV-1 Env trimers provide evidence
for progress in this area of research (55, 56). The continued elucidation
of novel targets of binding antiHIV-1 neutralizing antibodies is also
providing new insights on how to develop immunogens that can elicit
such antibodies. This agenda includes the use of passively administered
broadly neutralizing antibodies on a 1 to 3 monthly basis (antibodymediated prevention) to reduce HIV acquisition (57, 58). A test-ofconcept study to demonstrate how effective such antibodies would
be in reducing HIV acquisition, and what level of neutralizing activity
is required to reduce HIV-1 acquisition, is an important milestone for
the development of an effective neutralizing antibodybased vaccine.
In summary, the past 3 years have seen an unprecedented scientific effort that has provided a wealth of new information on the immune responses that are potentially associated with and responsible
for protection from HIV acquisition. New understanding of regions of
the HIV Env heretofore largely ignored (such as the V2 loop) and nonneutralizing antibody responses, as well as the role that CD4 T cells play
in B cell maturation, are important concepts that have emerged from
these studies. These data have provided hypotheses and new benchmarks for the development of new vaccine strategies (59). Whether
increased VE will be achieved by these efforts remains to be determined;
however, this collaborative effort has produced a momentum and series of immune targets that will hopefully lead to an effective global
vaccine effort.
21 October 2015
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21 October 2015
Acknowledgments: We thank A. deCamp, S. Grant, Y. Huang, Y. Huang, and H. Janes for the
statistical analysis for Fig. 2; the HVTN Laboratory led by J. McElrath at Fred Hutchinson Cancer
Research Center; D. Montefiori at Duke University for the neutralizing antibody assays; and
N. Michael who directed the USMHRP RV144 study and its correlates program. We thank A. Ferrara
and M. Miner for help in the preparation of this manuscript. Funding: Research reported in
this publication was supported by the NIAID of the NIH under award nos. UM1AI068618, U01AI
06861405, and UM1AI068635; Duke Center for AIDS Research Immunology Core (AI064518);
and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (OPP1040758, OPP1032144, and OPP1068333). The
content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH.
Submitted 12 June 2015
Accepted 14 August 2015
Published 21 October 2015
Citation: L. Corey, P. B. Gilbert, G. D. Tomaras, B. F. Haynes, G. Pantaleo, A. S. Fauci, Immune
correlates of vaccine protection against HIV-1 acquisition. Sci. Transl. Med. 7, 310rv7 (2015).
21 October 2015