Debt Recovery 1
Debt Recovery 1
Debt Recovery 1
Please provide this information and documents within ten (10) days from
the above date, so that I may settle any financial obligation I might
lawfully owe. Your said failure to provide verification of your claim
constitutes your agreement to the following terms: that you are a third
party interloper; you have no legal standing; no first-hand knowledge of
this matter; your claim is fraudulent; any damages I suffer you will be held
culpable; you agree to pay all fee schedules; that any negative remarks
made to a credit reference agency will be removed and that you will no
longer pursue this matter any further.
Should you provide sufficient evidence that I owe your organisation or your
client any outstanding amount and that you can provide proof that they
have assigned you agency, I should be happy to pay any verified claim in
Yours sincerely