SBI PO Preliminary Model Paper 16

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1. English Language
2. Reasoning
3. Quantitative Aptitude

Number of questions
Total = 100 Qs.

Total marks = 100

Duration of Exam
60 minutes

Test 1 English Language

Q. (1 15): Read the following passage carefully and the questions given below it. Certain words/
phrases are given in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.
Chinas rising power is based on its remarkable economic success. Shanghais overall economy is
currently growing at around 13%per year, thus doubling in size every five or six years. Everywhere there
are start-ups, innovations, and young entrepreneurs hungry for profits. In a series of high level meetings
between Chinese and African officials, the advice that the African leaders received from the Chinese was
sound, and more practical than they typically get from the World Bank. Chinese officials stress the
crucial role of public investments, especially in agriculture and infrastructure, to lay the basis for private
sector-led growth. In a hungry and poor rural economy, as China was in the 1970s and as most of Africa
is today, a key starting point is to raise farm productivity. Farmers need the benefits of fertilizer,
irrigation and high-yield seeds, all of which were a core part of Chinas economical takeoff. Two other
equally critical investments are also needed: roads and electricity, without which there cannot be a
modern economy. Farmers might be able to increase their output, but it wont be able to reach the
cities, and the cities wont be able to provide the countryside with inputs. The government has taken
pains to ensure that the electricity grids and transportation networks reach every village in China. China
is prepared to help Africa in substantial ways in agriculture, roads, power, health and education. And
that is not an empty boast. Chinese leaders are prepared to share new high-yield rice varieties, with
their African counterparts and, all over Africa, China is financing and, constructing basic infrastructure.
This illustrates what is wrong with the World Bank. The World Bank has often forgotten the most basic
lessons of development, preferring to lecture the poor and force them to privatize basic infrastructure,
which is untenable, rather than to help the poor to invest in infrastructure and other crucial sectors. The
Banks failure began in the early 1980s when under the ideological sway of then American President and
British Prime Minister it tried to get Africa and other poor regions to cut back or close down government
investments and services. For 25 years, the bank tried to get governments out of agriculture, leaving
impoverished peasants to fend for themselves. The result hits been a disaster in Africa, with farm
productivity stagnant for decades. The bank also pushed for privatization of national health systems,
water utilities, and road and power networks, and has grossly under financed these critical sectors. This
extreme free-market ideology, also called structural adjustment, went against the practical lessons of
development successes in, China and the rest or Asia. Practical development strategy recognizes that
public investments in agriculture, health, education, and infrastructureare necessary complements
to private investments. The World Bank has instead wrongly seen such vital public investments as an
enemy of private sector development. Whenever the banks ideology failed, it has blamed the poor for
corruption, mismanagement, or lack of initiative. Instead of focusing its attention on helping the poorest

Page 1

countries to improve their infrastructure, there has been a crusade against corruption. The good news is
that African governments are getting the message on how to spur economic growth and are getting
crucial help from China and other partners that are less wedded to extreme free-market ideology than
the World Bank. They have declared their intention to invest in infrastructure, agriculture
modernization, public health and education. It is clear the Bank can regain its relevance only if it
becomes practical once again, by returning its focus to financing public investments in priority sectors. If
that happens, the Bank can still do justice to the bold vision of a world of shared prosperity that
prompted its creation after World War II.

Q. 1. The authors main objective in writing the passage is to

(1) make a case for the closure of the World Bank since it promotes US interests over those of other
(2) illustrate how China can play a more concrete role in Africa.
(3) criticize the World Bank for playing a crucial role in Chinas development but neglecting Africa.
(4) recommend that China adopt the guidelines of the World Bank to sustain growth.
(5) use Chinas success as an example of the changes required in World Bank ideology.

Q. 2. What advice have African leaders received from their Chinese counterparts?
(A) Focus primarily on innovation, start-ups and urban development.
(B) To ensure all citizens benefit from economic development, investment in crucial sectors should come
from the government, not the private sector.
(C) Improve agricultural output through government investment to stimulate economic growth.
(1) None

(2) Only (C)

(3) Only (B)

(4) Both (A) & (B)

(5) None of these

Q. 3. What effect has the World Bank policy had on African nations?
(1) The African government has restricted private sector investment in agriculture.
(2) Africa has focused more on health and education rather than on agriculture.
(3) The agriculture sector in these countries is not as productive as it could be.

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(4) US and Britain have volunteered substantial aid to Africa as Africa has complied with World Bank
(5) None of these

Q. 4. What is the difference in the Chinese and World Bank approach to development?
(1) Unlike the World Bank, China favors the public sector and restricts private sector participation in
crucial sectors.
(2) Contrary to Chinas strategy of dependence on the private sector, the World Bank pressurizes
governments to take the lead in investing in agriculture.
(3) While the World Bank has focused on agriculture, Chinas priority has been rooting out corruption so
that investment in infrastructure is utilized appropriately.
(4) The Chinese government has retained control over essential services like transport while the World
Bank favors private sector involvement.
(5) None of these

Q. 5. What is Chinas view in the development of the transportation and power networks?
(1) Development in these sectors is not as important as investing in agriculture.
(2) Resources need to be diverted from the rural to the urban areas to meet the needs of the growing
population in cities.
(3) The government should be solely responsible for developing these services so all citizens have access
to them.
(4) It is more important to develop and maintain transportation networks and power grids in rural areas.
(5) None of these

Q. 6. Which of the following cannot be said about structural adjustment?

(1) It is the World Banks free market ideology adapted by Asian countries.
(2) Under this strategy public sector investment in priority sectors is discouraged.
(3) As a development strategy it has failed in Africa.

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(4) With this strategy there has been a lack of adequate investment in critical sectors.
(5) It is an ideology advocated by the World Bank which needs to be modified to facilitate economic

Q. 7. Which of the following is NOT true in the context of the passage?

(A) Chinas involvement in Africa so far has been restricted to advising its leaders.
(B) The World Bank was created by the US and Britain for the sole purpose of furthering their interests.
(C) Chinas economy was once in the same state as many African countries are today.
(1) None

(2) Only (B)

(3) Only (A)

(4) Both (A) & (B)

(5) None of these

Q. 8. What has/have been the outcome/s of Shanghais economy prospering?

(A) The World Bank has changed its development strategy.
(B) Chinas importance globally has been enhanced.
(C) Rural areas are being neglected to promote development of cities.
(1) Only (B) (2) Both (A) & (B) (3) Both (B) & (C) (4) All (A), (B) & (C) (5) None of these

Q. 9. Why is the author optimistic about Africas future?

(1) The World Bank has committed itself to invest huge sums in Africas development.
(2) Africa has decided to adopt a structural adjustment ideology which has benefited many nations.
(3) Africa has committed itself to adopting Chinas strategy for economic growth.
(4) China has urged the World Bank to waive the interest on its loans to Africa.
(5) None of these

Q. 10. What advice has the author given the World Bank?
(1) Support Chinas involvement in developing Africa
(2) Reduce the influence of the US and Britain in its functioning

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(3) Adopt a more practical ideology of structural adjustment

(4) Change its ideology to one encouraging both public and private sector investment in basic
(5) Focus on fighting corruption rather than interfering in the governance of developing countries

Q. (11 13): Choose the word which is most nearly the SAME in meaning as the word printed in bold as
used in the passage.

Q. 11. sway
(1) fluctuate

(2) influence

(3) govern

(4) dependence

(5) unsteady

Q. 12. core
(1) centre

(2) heart

(3) adequate

(4) intermediate

(5) essential

Q. 13. stress
(1) highlight

(2) strain

(3) taxing

(4) tension

(5) emphasis

Q. (14 15): Choose the word which is most OPPOSITE in meaning of the word printed in bold as used in
the passage.

Q. 14. untenable
(1) viable

(2) unsound

(3) consistent

(4) superior

(5) attractive

Q. 15. empty
(1) foil

(2) objective


(4) occupied

(5) intelligent

Page 5

Q. (16 20): Which of the phrases 1), 2), 3) and 4) given below should replace the phrase given in bold
in the following sentences to make the sentence grammatically correct? If the sentence is correct as it is
and there is no correction required, mark 5, ie No correction required as the answer.

Q. 16. The minimum age criterion shall be less to sixty years to allow more senior citizens to avail of the
benefits of the scheme.
(1) should be lowered
(2) should be lower
(3) being lesser
(4) must be lessen
(5) No correction required

Q. 17. The latest study by Nasscom indicates possibly short of five lakh qualified engineers in the IT
(1) the possible shortage off
(2) possibly short by
(3) possibility of shortage
(4) a possible shortage of
(5) No correction required

Q. 18. China has to be prepared to meet many age-related social and financial challenges in the coming
(1) is been preparing
(2) was prepared
(3) have been prepared
(4) has preparations
(5) No correction required

Page 6

Q. 19. It is necessary to ascertain that we can do to attract investment to the manufacturing sector.
(1) how we can do
(2) what we can do
(3) more can be done
(4) that has been done
(5) No correction required

Q. 20. Despite all my efforts I could not prevail him to attend next weeks conference.
(1) was unable to prevail
(2) cannot prevail for
(3) could not prevail on
(4) am not able to prevail with
(5) No correction required

Q. (21 25): In each of the following sentences there are two blank spaces. Below each five pairs of
words have been denoted by numbers 1,2, 3, 4 and 5). Find out which pair of words can be filled up in
the blanks in the sentence in the same sequence to make the sentence meaningfully complete.

Q. 21. The Chairman in his speech stated the ______ in company profits was ____ to team building.
(1) incline, owing (2) rise, liable (3) slump, accountable (4) surge, due (5) plunge, response

Q. 22. The main _____ of Healthcare reforms is ____ medical care to every citizen.
(1) purpose, available
(2) cause, providing
(3) challenge, accessing
(4) assurance, qualified

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(5) focus, extending

Q. 23. Being ____ of how he wanted his career to progress, he began discussing his ______ with senior
(1) convinced, misconduct
(2) unsure, options
(3) unresolved, aspirations
(4) practical, intentions
(5) spontaneous, future

Q. 24. Experts feel that the amendment to the Act will adversely ____ private sector ____ in
infrastructure development.
(1) effect, participation
(2) facilitate, claim
(3) influence, involvement
(4)measure, investment
(5) expedite, stake

Q. 25. His absence at the crucial meeting cannot be ____ as he ____ the country at important
international for a.
(1) helped, represents
(2) condoned, participates
(3) permitted, engages
(4) sanctioned, governs
(5) forgiven, promote

Page 8

Q. (26 30): Rearrange the following six sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E) and (F) in the proper sequence to
form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the questions given below them.
(A) In fact, today, social entrepreneurship is no different from starting a profit-motivated company.
(B) The major challenge they face is employee selection and retention.
(C) For decades social development in India meant charity.
(D) However, the challenges social organizations experience are tougher.
(E) This is because while volunteering for social work is not new, attracting talented people and tapping
their potential at lower costs is difficult.
(F) In recent years, however, economic changes have brought business sense and professionalism to the

Q. 26. Which of the following should be the FIFTH sentence in the paragraph?
(1) A

(2) B

(3) C

(4) D

(5) E

Q. 27. Which of the following should be the SIXTH (LAST) sentence in the paragraph?
(1) B

(2) C

(3) D

(4) E

(5) F

Q. 28. Which of the following should be the SECOND sentence in the paragraph?
(1) B

(2) C

(3) D

(4) E

(5) F

Q. 29. Which of the following should be the FIRST sentence in the paragraph?
(1) A

(2) B

(3) C

(4) D

(5) E

Q. 30. Which of the following should be the THIRD sentence in the paragraph?
(1) A

(2) B

(3) C

(4) D

(5) E


Page 9

Q. 1. (5)

Q. 2. (5)

Q. 3. (3)

Q. 4. (5)

Q. 5. (4)

Q. 6. (1)

Q. 7. (4)

Q. 8. (1)

Q. 9. (3)

Q. 10. (4)

Q. 11. (2) Sway means to persuade somebody to believe something or do something. Its Synonym is
For other options:
fluctuate - to change frequently is size amount, quality.
eg. Temperatures can fluctuate by as much as 10 degrees.

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govern - to legally control a country or its people and be responsible for introduction new laws,
organizing public serives etc.
eg. The country is governed by elected representatives of the people.
dependence - the state of needing the help and support of somebody in order to survive or be
eg. Our relationship was based on mutual dependence.
unsteady - shaking or moving in a way that is not controlled

Q. 12. (5) core here means essential (important)

For other options :centre -middle point or part of something
eg. There is a long table in the centre of the room.
heart- (heart of something)means a part that is in the centre of something.
eg. Taj is situated in the heart of our city. adequate - enough in quantity/quality
eg. There is a lack of adequate funds for disabled students.
intermediate - situated between two places, things, states etc. OR having more than a basic knowledge
of something but not yet advanced.
eg. Liquid crystals are considered to be intermediate between liquid and solid.
eg. This is an intermediate course

Q. 13. (1) stress here means to highlight (is verb) something i.e. to show the importance of
something/somebody especially so that people give it more attention.
For other options :
strain - pressure on somebody/something because they have too much to do or manage or something
very difficult to deal with.
eg. Their marriage is under great strain at the moment.
taxing- needing a great amount of physical or mental effort. Synonym demanding.

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eg. Buying this house shouldnt be too taxing for you.

tension - worry
eg. He takes a lot of tension if finds his work his work pending emphasis - (is a noun) special
importance given to something.
eg. She lays a lot of emphasis on punctuality.

Q. 14. (1) untenable means that cannot be defended against attack or criticism. Its antonym is viable.
viable means that can be done, that will be successful or capable of developing and surviving
eg- If there was delay then the rescue plan would cease to be viable.

Q. 15. (3) empty here means without any meaning or not meaning what is said. Its antonym is
meaningful. meaningful means serious and important.
eg. These statistics are meaningful.

Q. 16. (1) Should is used to show necessity or compulsion or give a suggestion. Age should be lowered to
sixty years here is a suggestion.

Q. 17. (4) Possibly is an adverb that is used to say that something might exist or happen or be true but
you are not certain about it.
eg. This news can be possibly true. Possible is an adjective used with a noun.

Q. 18. (5)

Q. 19. (2) that is used to relate something to another thing stated.

Here sense of interrogation is indicated so what should be used (What can be done to attract
investment ?)

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Q. 20. (3) prevail on is a phrasal verb which means to persuade somebody to do something

Q. 21. (4) Surge means a sudden increase in something. There was an increase in the company profits
due to team building

Q. 22. (5) focus means to show interest in or pay a lot of attention to something and extending means.
expanding or to provide more

Q. 23. (2) Unsure means uncertain/not being confident in something

eg. I am unsure of the success of this project.

Q. 24. (1) effect means result or a change that is caused in something due to an action or something
The act will have an adverse (opposite) effect on the participation of private sector in infrastructure
participation means to take part in something.

Q. 25. (1) cannot be helped means it is not possible to avoid something. (The persons absence can not
be avoided as he represents the country at international for a.)

Q. 26. (2)

Q. 27. (4)

Q. 28. (5)

Q. 29. (3)

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Q. 30. (1) The sequence is CFADBE.

Test 2 Reasoning

Q. (1 5): Study the following arrangement carefully and answer the questions given below:

Q. 1. If all the symbols in the above arrangement are dropped, which of the following will be the
seventeenth from the left end?
(1) 1

(2) F

(3) 9

(4) B

(5) None of these

Q. 2. Which of the following is the eighth to the right of the twentieth from the right end of the above
(1) T

(2) %

(3) 2

(4) 6

(5) None of these

Q. 3. How many such consonants are there in the above arrangement each of which is immediately
preceded by a number but not immediately followed by another consonant?
(1) None

(2) One

(3) Two

(4) Three

(5) More than three

Q. 4. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on their positions in the above
arrangement and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?
(1) R#J

(2) 9BW

(3) PM3

(4) 6VK

(5) 2DU

Q. 5. How many such numbers are there in the above arrangement each of which is immediately
preceded by a consonant and immediately followed by a symbol?
(1) None

(2) One

(3) Two

(4) Three

(5) More than three

Page 14

Q. (6 10): In the following questions, the symbols@, ,%, $ and * are used with the following meaning
as illustrated below:
P @ Q means P is not smaller than Q.
P * Q means P is neither greater than nor equal to Q.
P Q means P is neither greater than nor smaller than Q.
P $ Q means P is not greater than Q.
P % Q means P is neither smaller than nor equal to Q.
Now in each of the following questions assuming the given statements to be true, find which of the
three conclusions I, II and III given below them is/are definitely true and give your answer accordingly.

Q. 6. Statements: R@V, V$J, J*K

Conclusions: I. K % R II. J @ R III. K % V
(1) Only I is true
(2) Only II is true
(3) Only I and II are true
(4) Only III is true
(5) None of these

Q. 7. Statements: D%H, H@V, V$W

Conclusions: I. H % W II. D % V III. D % W
(1) Only I is true (2) Only II is true (3) Only III is true (4) All are true (5) None of these

Q. 8. Statements: M$ T, T * J, JN
Conclusions: I. N % M II. J % M III. M$N
(1) Only I is true (2) Only II is true (3) Only I and II are true (4) All are true

(5) None of these

Page 15

Q. 9. Statements: N$R, RD, D*K

Conclusions: I. K % R II. D % R III. D @ R
(1) Only either II or III and I are true
(2) Only either II or III is true
(3) Only III is true
(4) All are true
(5) None of these

Q. 10. Statements: FK, K%M, MT

Conclusions: I. T * K

II. F % M

III. T * F

(1) Only I is true

(2) Only II is true
(3) Only I and II are true
(4) Only II and III are true
(5) All are true

Q. (11 15): In each question below is given a group of letters followed by four combinations of digits/
symbols numbered 1, 2, 3 and 4. You have to find out which of the combinations correctly represents
the group of letters based on the digit/symbol code of each letter and the conditions those follow and
mark your answer accordingly. If none of the combinations correctly represents the group of letters
mark answer 5 i.e. None of these'
Letter: M K A D E T R J I W U B F H Q
Digit/Symbol Code: 7 % $ 6 5 8 1 9 2 @ # * 3 4
(i) If the first letter is a consonant and the last letter is a vowel both are to be coded as the code for the
(ii) If the first letter is a vowel and the last letter is a consonant, the codes for the first and the last
letters are to be interchanged.

Page 16

(iii) If the third letter is a vowel it is to be coded as '.

(1) @3 786

(2) @32786

(3) 63273


(5) None of these

(1) @5 %#6

(2) @ 7%#6

(3) 657%#@


(5) None of these

(1) 28 63

(2) 28#63

(3) 38#62

(4) 28#62

(5) None of these

(1) %76*35

(2) 576*35

(3) 576*3%

(2) 481#95

(3) 581#94

(4) %76*3%

(5) None of these

(1) 48 #95

(4) 581#95

(5) None of these

Q. (16 20): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions.
P, Q, R, S, T, V,W and Z are sitting around a circle facing at the centre. R is third to the right of Z, who is
second to the right of P. S is not an immediate neighbor of Z and R. T is third to the left of S. Q is third to
the right of W, who is not an immediate neighbor of S.

Q. 16. Which of the pairs of persons are the immediate neighbors of P?

(1) VQ

(2) VW

(3) VS

(4) SR

(5) None of these

Q. 17. What is Qs position with respect to Z?

Page 17

(A) Fourth to the right (B) Fourth to the left (C) Third to the right
(1) Only (A)

(2) Only (B)

(3) Only (C)

(4) Either (A) or (B)

(5) None of these

Q. 18. Who is second to the right of T?

(1) Z

(2) Q

(3) W

(4) Data inadequate

(5) None of these

Q. 19. In which of the following pairs is the second person not sitting on the immediate left of the first
(1) TR

(2) TW

(3) QR

(4) PS

(5) WZ

Q. 20. Who is on the immediate left of Z?

(1) V

(2) W

(3) P

(4) Data inadequate

(5) None of these

Q. (21 25): In making decisions about important questions, it is desirable to be able to distinguish
between strong arguments and weak arguments. Strong arguments must be both important and
directly related to the question.Weak arguments may not be directly related to the question and may
be of minor importance or may be related to the trivial aspects of the question. Each question below is
followed by arguments .You have to decide which of the arguments is a strong argument and which is
a weak argument.

Q. 21. Should smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol by the actors be completely banned in the movies
in India?
Arguments: I. Yes, this will significantly reduce the trend of smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol
among the youth in India.
II. No, there should be no such ban on the creative pursuits of the filmmaker.
III. No, the films portray the society and hence such scenes should be an integral part of the movie if the
story line demands so.
(1) None is strong
(2) Only I and II are strong

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(3) Only II and III are strong

(4) Only I and III are strong
(5) All are strong

Q. 22. Should sale of vital human organs be made legal in India?

Arguments: I. No, it goes against our culture.
II. No, this will lead to unhealthy practices.
III. Yes, this will helpful to bring an end to the illegal trading of human organs.
(1) None is strong
(2) Only I and II are strong
(3) Only III is strong
(4) Only II and III are strong
(5) All are strong

Q. 23. Should the conscription of citizens for defense services be made compulsory in India?
Arguments: I. Yes, this is the only way to tackle the serious shortage of manpower in defense services.
II. No, instead the compensation package be made comparable to other job sectors to attract people to
join defense services.
III. Yes, many other countries have made this compulsory.
(1) Only I is strong
(2) Only II is strong
(3) Only I and II are strong
(4) Only either I or II is strong
(5) None of these

Page 19

Q. 24. Should the salary and perquisites of public sector undertaking employees be made equivalent to
those in the private sector?
Arguments: I. Yes, this will help the public sector undertakings to attract and retain competent
II. No, public sector undertakings cannot afford to pay salaries to the level of private sector.
III. Yes, otherwise the public sector undertakings will not be able to compete with the private sector
(1) None is strong
(2) Only III is strong
(3) Only I is strong
(4) Only II is strong
(5) Only I and III are strong

Q. 25. Should there be a complete ban on registration of new cars for a few months in the big cities in
Arguments: I. Yes, this will significantly reduce the number of cars on the already overcrowded roads of
the big cities in India.
II. Yes, the existing car owners will be very happy as they will face less traffic snarls in peak hours.
III. No, this is highly discriminatory against those who decide to buy cars now and hence should not be
(1) Only I is strong
(2) Only I and III are strong
(3) Only III is strong
(4) All are strong
(5) None of these

Q. (26 30): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions:

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A word and number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers rearranges
them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement.
Input : world 32 73 verb 26 new desk 19
Step I : 73 world 32 verb 26 new desk 19
Step II : 73 desk world 32 verb 26 new 19
Step III : 73 desk 32 world verb 26 new 19
Step IV : 73 desk 32 new world verb 26 19
Step V : 73 desk 32 new 26 world verb 19
Step VI : 73 desk 32 new 26 verb world 19
Step VII : 73 desk 32 new 26 verb 19 world
and Step VII is the last step of the above input. As per the rules followed in the above steps, find out in
each of the following questions the appropriate step for the given input.

Q. 26. Step II of an input is : 51 brown 22 36 49 cloud sky red. . How many more steps will be required to
complete the rearrangement?
(1) Three

(2) Four

(3) Five

(4) Six

(5) None of these

Q. 27. Step III of an input is: 58 dine 43 18 tower silver mat 24, which of the following will be step VI?
(1) 58 dine 43 mat 24 silver 18 tower
(2) 58 dine 43 mat 24 18 tower silver
(3) 58 dine 43 mat 18 tower silver 24
(4) There will be no such step.
(5) None of these

Q. 28. Input: 85 23 96 case over for 42 win.

How many steps will be required to complete the rearrangement?
(1) Four

(2) Seven

(3) Five

(4) Six

(5) None of these

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Q. 29. Step IV of an input is : 63 car 51 eyes 25 36 store lane. Which of the following is definitely the
(1) eyes car 25 63 36 51 store lane
(2) eyes 25 car 63 51 36 store lane
(3) eyes car 51 63 36 store lane
(4) Cannot be determined
(5) None of these

Q. 30. Input: field eyes 94 32 house rent 49 27

Which of the following steps will be the last but one?
(1) VI

(2) V

(3) VII

(4) VIII

(5) None of these

Q. (31 35): In each question below is given a statement followed by two courses of action numbered I
and II. A course of action is a step or administrative decision to be taken for improvement, follow-up or
further action in regard to the problem, policy, etc. On the basis of the information given in the
statement, you have to assume everything in the statement to be true, then decide which of the
suggested courses of action logically follow(s) for pursuing.
Give answer (1) if only I follows.
Give answer (2) if only II follows.
Give answer (3) if either I or II follows.
Give answer (4) if neither I nor II follows.
Give answer (5) if both I and II follow.

Q. 31. Statement: There has been a spurt of robbery and house-breaking incidents in one locality during
the past fortnight.
Courses of action: I. The local police station personnel should start patrolling the locality at regular

Page 22

II. The residents in the locality should be asked by the police authority not to leave their houses during
the night.

Q. 32. Statement: Money has become more important than the game itself in the case of Indian cricket.
Courses of action: I. Govt. should put a cap on the earnings from different sources of the Indian cricket
II. Govt. should put a cap on the earnings from different sources of Indian cricket players.

Q. 33. Statement: Very large numbers of people from northern part of the city are suffering from waterborne diseases.
Courses of action: I. The municipal authority should advise people living in the area not to use water
supplied through pipeline for drinking purpose.
II. The local hospitals should be put on high alert to tackle the emerging crisis situation.

Q. 34. Statement: The quality of food grains being distributed in some parts of the country through
Public Distribution System is very poor and not fit for human consumption.
Courses of action: I. The entire stock of food grains should immediately be withdrawn from the
distribution system.
II. People should be advised to return the food grains purchased from the system and take their money

Q. 35. Statement: A large number of people gathered on the highway, blocking the traffic movement to
protest the killing of five locals by a speeding vehicle.
Courses of action: I. The police should fire tear gas shells to disperse the crowd.
II. The police authority should calm down the sentiment of the crowd, assuring action against the culprit
and deploy police personnel at the spot.

Q. 1. (3) After removing all the symbol the seventh element from the left end is 9.

Page 23

Q. 2. (1) Right to right = () Right

20 - 8 = 12
T is 12th from the right end.

Q. 3. (2)

Q. 4. (5)

Q. 5. (4) Consonant



R 5 #, J 2 $, N 6

Q. 6. (4) R > V....(i) V < J......(ii); J < K. ...(iii) From

(ii) and (iii), we get K > J > V.....(iv) From
(i) and (iv) R cant be compared with K or J. Hence I and II do not follow. But, from
(iv), K > Y. Hence III follows.

Q. 7. (2) D >H.....(i); H > V....(ii); V < W.......(iii)

From (i) and (ii), V < H < D.....(iv)

Page 24

From (iii) and (iv),We cant compare with H or D.

Hence I and III do not follow. But from (iv), D > V Hence II follows.

Q. 8. (3) M < T.... (i); T < J..... (ii); J = N......(iii)

Combining these, we get M < T < J = N.
Hence N > M . So I (N > M) follows.
But III (M < N) does not follow.
Again, J > M. Hence II follows.

Q. 9. (5) N < R.....(i);

R = D........(ii);
D < K......(iii)
Combining these, we get N < R = D < K.
Hence K > R and I follows.
Again, D = R. Hence II (D > R) or III (D > R)
does not follow. Only I follow.

Q. 10. (5) F = K.......(i); K > M........(ii); M = T......(iii)

Combining these, we get F = K > M = T.
Hence T < K I follows.
Again, F > M II follow.
Also, T < F III follows.

Q. 11. (5) W H I M T D = @ 3


Condition (iii)

Page 25

Q. 12. (5) W E M K U D = @ 5 7 % # 6

Q. 13. (3) I T B U D H = 3 8 # 6 2
Condition (ii)

Q. 14. (2) K M D F H E = 5 7 6 * 3 5
Condition (i)

Q. 15. (4) Q T R U J E = 5 8 1 # 9 5
Condition (i)

Q. (16 20):

Q. 16. (3)

Q. 17. (4)

Q. 18. (2)

Q. 19. (1)

Q. 20. (1)

Page 26

Q. 21. (3) Argument I is weak because many things or evil is still prevalent in society youth which is not
adopted by such actor whereas youth adopted very long. Whereas (I) and (II) both are strong because if
such type of scene depicts author correct message which he want to convey to public & that is an
integral part of the movie

Q. 22. (1) (I) is weak argument because according to country, time & crisis we adopt several things.
Which is not doubt full in our culture but on the other hand beneficial to our society Similarly II and III is
also weak because may things are adopted by the govt which is helpful to adopted by the govt which is
helpful to many people but are missed by others illegally Secondly, now a days many such things are still
prevalent in our society which is legal by the govt but people still uses illegally.

Q. 23. (5) No argument is strong because unemployment is still prevalent in our society, only increment
in benefits and payment is not attar the peoples in this sector, we do not take analogical arguments.

Q. 24. (3) Only I is strong because many private companies are still adopt that high payment policy to
the employees to attract competent work force. II and III is not strong because we do not challenge the
efficiency of any of sectors.

Q. 25. (3) (I) and (II) argument is weak because number of car is reduced due to non registration of new
car is impossible and after stopping new registration of car it is also not practically possible that the
existing car holder faces less traffic. While argument III is strong because it is indeed a discriminatory
action against those who decide to buy a car now.

Q. 26. (2) Step II : 51 brown 22 36 49 cloud sky red

Step III : 51 brown 49 22 36 cloud sky red
Step IV : 51 brown 49 cloud 22 36 sky red
Step V : 51 brown 49 cloud 36 22 sky red
Step VI : 51 brown 49 cloud 36 red 22 sky
Hence 6 -2 = 4 more steps are required.
Q. 27. (1) Step III : 58 dine 43 18 tower silver mat 24
Step IV : 58 dine 43mat 18 over silver 24

Page 27

Step V : 58 dine 43mat 24 18 tower silver

Step VI : 58 dine 43mat 24 silver 18 tower

Q. 28. (3) Input : 85 23 96 case over for 42 win

Step I : 96 85 23 case over for 42 win
Step II : 96 case 85 23 over for 42 win
Step III : 96 case 85 for 23 over 42 win
Step IV : 96 case 85 for 42 23 over win
Step V : 96 case 85 for 42 over 23 win

Q. 29. (4) We cant move backward.

Q. 30. (5) Input : field eyes 94 32 house rent 49 27

Step I : 94 field eyes 32 house rent 49 27
Step II : 94 eyes field 32 house rent 49 27
Step III : 94 eyes field 49 32 house rent 27
Step IV : 94 eyes field 49 house 32 rent 27
Step III is the last but one of the given input.

Q. 31. (1) I follows because patrolling by the police reduces the robbery case to a great extent and also
reduces fear of the public against robbers. II does not follow because it shows too much fright of citizen
against robber and not reliance upon police.

Q. 32. (4) Both the courses of action are not follow because banned of illegal or legal income is not clear
in question second we have to motivate the player and that is not seek possible with both the courses of

Page 28

Q. 33. (2) Diseases are caused by pipeline water or underground water is not clear and it is not
practically possible. Whereas II is very necessary that we have to alert all the hospitals in the locality
against the decease Therefore only II follows.

Q. 34. (5) Both the courses of action are follow because health is not every thing but without it
everything is nothing so, entire stock of food grains should not only immediately withdrawn but also
people should return the food grain and take his money back immediately.

Q. 35. (2) (I) is not the primary action so it is not follow. (II) is primary action. It is entertain by the govt.
very prudently.

Test 3 Quantitative Aptitude

Q. (1 5): What approximate value should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following
questions? (You are not expected to calculate the exact value.)

Q. 1. 182.225x21.652x33.584 = ?
(1) 132507

(2) 149428

(3) 120426

(4) 106438

(5) 112642

Q. 2. 63.5% of 8924.2 + ?% of 5324.4 = 6827.5862

(1) 36

(2) 22

(3) 17

(4) 31

(5) 9

Q. 3. 1 + 7 + 3 = ?
(1) 21

Q. 4.
(1) 84

(2) 8

(3) 25

(4) 13

(5) 30

(2) 79

(3) 99

(4) 87

(5) 93

Q. 5. 9546324 4584 = ?

Page 29

(1) 2149

(2) 1986

(3) 2083

(4) 2247

(5) 1805

Q. (6 10): Study the table carefully to answer the questions that follow:
Number of people (In thousands) staying in 6 different Cities and the Percentage of Men, Women and
Children in those Cities
CITY Total
Number of


Men Women Children




Q. 6. Which City has the lowest number of children?

(1) R

(2) S

(3) T

(4) Q

(5) None of these

Q. 7. What is the average number of men from all the cities together?
(1) 21450

(2) 23200

(3) 19455

(4) 18620

(5) None of these

Q. 8. What is the respective ratio of number of women from City R to those from City T?
(1) 8401 : 9135 (2) 7325: 8462 (3) 9124:10131 (4) 6487 : 7758 (5) None of these

Q. 9. Total number of people from City U form approximately what percent of the total number of
people from all cities together?
(1) 28

(2) 11

(3) 6

(4) 24

(5) 19

Page 30

Q. 10. Number of women from City S form what percent of those from City P? (rounded off to two digits
after decimal)
(1) 87.08

(2) 124.68

(3) 114.84

(4) 92.16

(5) None of these

Q. (11 15): Study the graph carefully to answer the questions that follow:
Percent Profit =


Q. 11. If the percent profit of Company A in the year 2002 was 20, what was its expenditure in that year?
(1) Rs.2,50,000 (2) Rs.2,75,000 (3) Rs.1,75,000 (4) Rs.1,50,000 (5) None of these

Q. 12. If the expenditure of Company C in 2003 was Rs.1.75 lakh, what was its percent profit in that
year? (rounded off to two digits after decimal)
(1) 38.29

(2) 42.86

(3) 53.41

(4) 58.64

(5) None of these

Q. 13. What is the average Income of Company A over the years?

(1) Rs.2,75,000 (2) Rs.30,00,000 (3) Rs.27,50,000 (4) Rs.30,000 (5) None of these

Q. 14. What is the approximate percent increase in Income of Company B in the year 2006 from the
previous year?
(1) 28

(2) 11

(3) 17

(4) 8

(5) 22

Page 31

Q. 15. Percent increase/decrease in Income of Company C was highest for which year?
(1) 2004

(2) 2006

(3) 2003

(4) 2002

(5) None of these

Q. (16 20): In the following number series only one number is wrong. Find out the wrong number.

Q. 16. 7 56 442 3089 18532 92647 370586

(1) 442

(2) 92647

(3) 18532

(4) 3089

(5) None of these

Q. 17. 8000 3200 1280 512 204.8 84.92 32.768

(1) 512

(2) 84.92

(3) 204.8

(4) 1280

(5) None of these

Q. 18. 898 906 933 996 1122 1338 1681

(1) 906

(2) 933

(3) 1122

(4) 1338

(5) None of these

Q. 19. 4 55 576 4209 21280 64083 64204

(1) 4209

(2) 576

(3) 21280

(4) 64204

(5) None of these

Q. 20. 3 6 16 47.5 154.5 558.5 2257

(1) 2257

(2) 47.5

(3) 154.5

(4) 558.5

(5) None of these

Q. (21 25): Study the information carefully and answer the questions that follow:
A school has a total of 1200 students. The ratio of girls to boys in the school is 3 : 2. All the students have
enrolled in hobby classes viz. Singing, Dancing, Martial Arts and Cooking. One twelfth of the boys have
enrolled in only cooking classes. 25 percent of the girls have enrolled in Cooking and Singing classes
together. Number of boys enrolled in only Martial Arts classes is 150 percent of the number of girls
enrolled in the same. Number of students enrolled in only Dancing is 26 percent of the total number of
students. 5 percent of the girls have enrolled in only Martial Arts classes. One-third of the boys enrolled
in only Dancing classes. 35 percent of the girls enrolled in Singing, Dancing and Martial Arts together and

Page 32

the remaining enrolled in only Cooking. 15 percent of the boys enrolled in Cooking and Singing classes
together and the remaining enrolled in Singing, Dancing and Martial Arts classes together.

Q. 21. Number of boys enrolled in Cooking and Singing classes together is what percent of the girls
enrolled in the same?
(1) 48

(2) 36

(3) 20

(4) 25

(5) None of these

Q. 22. What is the total number of students teaming Martial Arts?

(1) 90

(2) 496

(3) 342

(4) 128

(5) None of these

Q. 23. How many girls are enrolled in only Cooking classes?

(1) 280

(2) 252

(3) 154

(4) 100

(5) None of these

Q. 24. How many boys team Singing?

(1) 226

(2) 184

(3) 72

(4) 96

(5) None of these

Q. 25. What is the respective ratio of girls to boys enrolled in only Dancing classes?
(1) 8 : 7

(2) 14:17

(3) 19:20

(4) 12: 7

(5) None of these

Q. 26. 4 men, 5 women and 3 children together can complete a piece of work in 16 days. In how many
days can 10 women alone complete the piece of work if 10 men alone complete the work in 24 days?
(1) 18

(2) 15

(3) 12

(4) Cannot be determined

(5) None of these

Q. 27. What will be the difference between the simple interest and compound interest earned on a sum
of Rs.985/- @ 14 p.c.p.a. at the end of two years?
(1) Rs. 16.408

(2) Rs. 14.214

(3) Rs.19.218

(4) Rs. 17.405

(5) None of these

Page 33

Q. (28 29): Study the information carefully to answer the questions that follow:
A basket contains 3 blue, 2 green and 5 red balls.

Q. 28. If three balls are picked at random, what is the probability that at least one is red?




(5) None of these

Q. 29. If four balls are picked at random, what is the probability that two are green and two are blue?




(5) None of these

Q. 30. In how many different ways can the letters of the word FLEECED be arranged?
(1) 840

(2) 2520

(3) 1680

(4) 49

(5) None of these

Q. (31 35): Study the following graph carefully and answer the questions given below it:
Production of six types of car produced by a manufacture for year 2005 & 2006 (in thousand)

Q. 31. For which type of car was there a highest percent decrease in production from 2005 to 2006?
(1) B

(2) C

(3) E

(4) F

(5) None of these

Page 34

Q. 32. What was the difference in the number of B type cars produced by the manufacturers between
2005 and 2006?
(1) 5,000

(2) 20,000

(3) 10,000

(4) 2,500

(5) None of these

Q. 33. The number of D type cars produced in 2005 was approximately what percent of the number of E
type cars produced in 2006?
(1) 94

(2) 90

(3) 85

(4) 105

(5) 100

Q. 34. For which type of car was there a highest percent increase in production from 2005 to 2006?
(1) A

(2) B

(3) E

(4) F

(5) None of these

Q. 35. The total production of which of the following types of cars in 2006 was exactly equal to the
production of E type cars in 2005?
(1) B and A

(2) B and E

(3) E and D

(4) F and C

(5) None of these


Q. 1. (1) ? = 182.2 21.633.5

= 131839.92
= 132507 (approx)

Q. 2. (2) 5667 + 53 ? = 6827

53 ? = 1160
? = 21.88
= 22 (approx)

Page 35

Q. 3. (4) ? = 11 + + +
= 11 +
= 12
= 13 (approx)

Q. 4. (5) ? = 93

Q. 5. (3) ? = 2082.53
= 2083 (approx)

Q. 6. (4) No. of children in city P = 48.35

= 12.571 thousand
No. of children in city Q = 3216
= 8.04 thousand
No. of children in city R
= 44.42

= 8.8884 thousand

No. of children in city T

= 65.25

= 1.1205 thousand

No. of children in city U

= 56.80

= 12.496 thousand

So, city Q has minimum number of children.

Q. 7. (2) No. of males in city P

= 48.35

= 18.373

Page 36

No. of males in city Q

= 32.16

= 14.472

No. of males in city R

= 54.20

= 25.474

No. of males in city S

= 44.42

= 15.547

No. of males in city T = 65.25

No. of males in city U = 56 80

= 35.235
= 30.104

Average =
= 23200

Q. 8. (1) Ratio = (54.20 31) : (65.25 28)

= 1680.2 : 1827 = 8401 : 9135

Q. 9. (5) Percent =


= 18.85 = 19% (Approx)

Q. 10. (3) No. of women in City S

= 44.42

= 19.989 thousand

No. of women in city P

= 48.35

= 17.406 thousand

Percent =

100 = 144.84%

Page 37

Q. 11. (1) Exp. = 3,00,000

Q. 12. (2) Percent Profit =

= Rs. 2,50,000

100 = 42.86

Q. 13. (5) Total income of company

A = (2.75 + 3 + 3.5 + 3 + 2.5 + 3.25) lakh
= 18 lakh
Average =

= 3 lakh

= 300000

Q. 14. (3) Percent Increase =


= 17% (Approx)

Q. 15. (4) In company B, line shows highest decrease i.e. from 3 to 2 in 2002 which is highest decrease in
all the given years.

Q. 16. (3) 9 - 7, 8 - 6, 7 - 5, 6 - 4, 5 - 3, 4 - 2

Q. 7. (2) 2.5, 2.5, 2.5, 2.5, 2.5

Q. 18. (5) +23, + 33, + 43, + 53, + 63, + 73

Q. 19. (1) 11 + 11 12, 9 + 9 32, 7 + 7 52,

5+572, 3 + 3 92, 1+1112

Page 38

Q. 20. (4) 1.5 +1.5 1, 2 + 2 2, 2.5 + 2.5 3.....

Q. (21 25): No. of boys = 480

No. of girls = 720
No. of girls enrolled in singing and cooking
classes. = 180
No. of girls enrolled in Martial Art = 36
No. of girls enrolled in Dancing = 152
No. of girls enrolled in singing, dancing and Martial Art = 252
No. of girls enrolled in cooking classes = 100
No. of boys enrolled in cooking classes = 40
No. of boys enrolled in dancing classes = 160
No. of boys in Martial Arts = 54
No. of boys cooking and singing classes = 72
No. of boys enrolled in singing, dancing and Martial Art = 154

Q. 21. (5) Percent =

100 = 50%

Q. 22. (2) No. of students enrolled Martial Arts

= 36 + 252 + 54 + 154 = 496

Q. 23. (4) No. of girls enrolled in only cooking classes = 100

Q. 24. (1) No. of boys enrolled in singing classes = 72 + 154 = 226

Page 39

Q. 25. (3) Ratio = 152 : 160= 19 : 20

Q. 26. (4) Can't be determined.

Q. 27. (5) S.I. = Rs.

= 275.8
C.I = Rs. 985
= Rs. 295.106
Difference = Rs. 295.106 275.8
Rs. 19.306

Q. 28. (3) Total Probability = 10C3

= 120
No ball is red = 5C3

= 10

Probability =

At least one ball is red = 1 =

Q. 29. (2) Total result = 10C4 =

= 210

Probability of two green and two blue

= 2C 2 3C 2

Page 40

Total Probability =

Q. 30. (1) Total no. of ways =

= 840

Q. 31. (3) % decrease in production of B type car


100 = 25%

Percent decreased in production of D type

Car =

100 = 50%

% age decrease in production of E type car


100 = 50%

So, percentage decreased in production of E type car was maximum.

Q. 32. (4) Difference in no. of B type car

= 10,000 - 7,500 = 2,500

Q. 33. (5) Percentage =

100 = 100%

Q. 34. (4) Percent increase in production of C type

Car =

100 = 100%

Percentage increase in production of E type car


100 =

100 = 150%

Page 41

So, percentage increase in production of F type car is 150%

Q. 35. (3) Total production of E type of Car in 2005 = 15000

From the option (I) B and A
Production of B type in 2006 = 12.5 - 5.0 = 7500
Production of A type in 2006 = 5000
B + A = 7.5 + 5 = 12500
(2) Production of B type in 2006 = 7500
Production of E type in 2006 = 10000
B + A = 17500
(3) Production of E type in 2006 = 10000
Production of D type in 2006 = 22.5 - 27.5 = 5000
E + D = 10 + 5 = 15000
E and D type of car's production was exactly equal to E type in 2005

Page 42

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