PAREB Broker's Review Manual
PAREB Broker's Review Manual
PAREB Broker's Review Manual
I. Legal Requirements of Property Ownership
II. Code of Ethics & Responsibilities
III. Fundamentals of Property Ownership
IV. Real Estate Brokerage Practice
V. Subdivision Development
VI. Condominium Concepts & other types of Real Estate Holdings
VII. Real Estate Finance & Economics
VIII. Basic Principles of Ecology
IX. Urban& Rural land use
X. Planning, Development & Zoning
XI. Legal Aspects of Sales, Lease & Mortgage
XII. Documentation & Registration
XIII. Real Property Laws & Taxation
XIV. Other related topics
Basic Principles of Real Estate Appraisal
Site Location & Maps Reading
Public land survey
Salient features of Pag-ibig Housing Financing (HDMF)
Fundamentals of Property Ownership
All Lands of the public domain belong to the state*.
"All lands of the public domain, waters, minerals, coal, petroleum, and other mineral oils, all forces of potential
energy, fisheries, forests or timber, wildlife, flora and fauna, and other natural resources are owned by the State.
With the exception of agricultural lands and all other natural resources shall not be alienated. The exploration
development and utilization of natural resources shall be under the full control and supervision of the State. The
State may directly undertake such activities, or it may enter into co-production, joint venture, or productionsharing agreements with Filipino citizens, or corporations or associations at least sixty per centum of whose
capital is owned by such citizens.
x x x" [Sec. 2. Art. XII]
- refers to the totality of the assets owned by a person which includes real estate
and personal properties.
Real State
2. Public Grant
3. Involuntary Grant
4. Inheritance
5. Reclamation
6. Accretion
7. Prescription
By birth
Naturalization Process
Act of Congress
Dual Citizenship
2. Corporations or partnership at least 60% of the capital of which is owned by Filipinos are
entitled to acquire land in the Philippines.
A foreigner may own a house and improvements, which may be constructed on the land owned by a
Filipino [e.g. under lease]
1. As exceptions to the general cases to the rule, alien acquisition of real estate in the Philippines is allowed in the
following cases.
In their entirety, all municipal jurisdictions which, whether designated or not as chartered cities,
provisional capitals, have population density of at least 1,000 persons per square kilometer;
Poblaciones or central districts of municipalities and cities which have a population density of at least
500 persons per square kilometer;
(3) Poblaciones or central districts (not included in 1 and 2 above) regardless of population size
have the following:
(a) A street pattern, i.e., a network of streets in either at parallel or right angle orientation; and
(b) At least six establishments (commercial, manufacturing, recreational and/ or personal
services); and
(c) At least three of the following:
1. A town hall, church or chapel with religious services at least once a month;
2. A public plaza or cemetery;
3. A market place or building where trading activities are carried on at least once a week; and
4. A public building like a school, hospital, puericulture and health center or library.
(d) Barangays having at least 1,000 inhabitants which meet the conditions set forth in the
preceding subparagraph [sub-par. (3)] and in which the occupation of the inhabitants is
predominantly other than farming or fishing.
Rural lands shall refer to land located in a rural area. The rural areas shall refer to all the areas of the Philippines
which do not meet the conditions set forth in the definition of urban areas in the immediately preceding paragraph
(par. 3) of this Section. (Sec. 1. IRR. BP 185)
bb) In case of married couples, one or both of them may avail of the privilege provided that the total area shall
not exceed the maximum limit.
cc) When the transferee already owns urban or rural lands for residential purpose, he shall be entitled to acquire
additional urban or rural land for residential purpose which, when added to those already owned by him shall not
exceed maximum area allowed by law.
BP 185: Mechanics for registration of transfer
No deed of conveyance in favor of a transferee under Batas Pambansa Blg. 185 shall be registered by the Register
of Deeds unless accompanied by a sworn statement showing the;
A transferee under this Act may acquire not more than two (2) lots which should be situated in
different municipalities or cities anywhere in the Philippines: Provided. That the total land area
shall not exceed
SEC.6. Separability Clause - If any section or provision of this Act is held unconstitutional or invalid, any other
or provision not affected thereby shall remain valid and effective.
SEC. 7. Repealing Clause - All laws, decrees, orders, rules and regulations inconsistent with the provisions of this
Act are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.
SEC.8. Effectivity Clause. - This Act shall take effect after fifteen (15) days following its publication in the
Official Gazette or two newspapers of general circulation.
: SEPTEMBER 18, 2003
: SEPTEMBER 2, 2003 (Manila Times and Today)
May a Filipina who contracted marriage with an alien husband after the passage of the Family Code and
has acquired real property in the Philippines through a Deed of Absolute Sale register the same in her own
exclusive name? This is the very issue that this consulta seeks to resolve.
The instant case actually involves two months (2) consultas. These consultas were consolidated
considering they were mistakenly docketed separately, they actually involve the same issues, the same set of
documents sought to be registered, the same property and the same parties.
From the records of case, the facts are as follows:
On April 27, 1999,Nelly Rodriguez, A Filipino citizen, and Estratios N. Varsamos, a Greek national got
married without an ante-nuptial agreement at the Greek Embassy in the country of Abu Dhabi. That, sometime in
July 4, 2002,Nelly Rodriguez-Versamos bought a parcel of land described as Lot No. 3787 of Pls - 1117-D with
an area of 30,355 sq. m. located at Brgy Luzvminda, Puerto Princesa City, covered by OCT No. 568 issued by the
Register of Deeds of Puerto Princesa City. The Deed of Absolute Sale executed by the registered owner, Joseph
Ibanez Genon dated July 4, 2002 in favor herein petitioner, was presented for registration to the Register of Deeds
who however entertained doubts as to its registrability in view of Consulta No. 2738 promulgated on June
30,2000,wherein this Authority ruled against the registration of a sale in favor of a Filipina who is married to a
foreigner on the ground that, under the Family Code, in the absence of an agreed property regime, the spouses are
deemed to have adopted an absolute community property regime. Under this system, which supposedly makes the
foreigner spouse a co-owner of real property acquired by the Filipino spouse, the constitutional fiat prohibiting
aliens from acquiring lands in the Philippines should apply.
Hence, this Consulta.
The seeming complication was brought about by the advent of Article 93 of the Family Code which
pertinently provides that;
Art. 93. Property acquired during the marriage is presumed to belong to the community, unless it is proved that
it one of those excluded therefrom.
From the aforequoted provision of law, it is clear that under the regime of absolute community, all properties
acquired during marriage are presumed to belong to the community. Pescinding from the basic principle. It is
axiomatic, that all properties acquired by either spouse during the existence of that absolute community, shall be
presumed to be co-owned by both spouses, such that a foreigner husband married to a Filipina wife shall be a coowner with respect to that property. That presumption of co-ownership is however merely created by fiction law.
As a matter of fact, Article 90 of the Family Code even provides that: "The provision on co-ownership shall
apply to the absolute community of property between the spouses in all matters not provided in this Chapter".
However, that "[T]he partnership having been created by law, it has no object and it is unsafe to extend it on
pretext of tacit consent."(Gutierrez, 3d Ed., vol. 1,p. 579, cited in Nable Jose,41 Phil. 713) "Which means that
either of the spouses holds merely an inchoate right over the co-owned property, a mere right of expectancy,
because of it will be discovered during the liquidation of the marriage that there is no absolute community
property to be divided, there will be no share for either husband or the wife" (supra). Moreover, as Article 93 of
the family Code further provides, the presumption of co-ownership of properties acquired during the existence of
the absolute community is a rebuttable one, "unless it is proved that it is one of those (properties) excluded there
from." Thus, if a Filipina spouse buys a certain real property in the Philippines under her name she acquired the
same in her personal individual capacity and intends to put the same under her individual name, not under the
legal fiction of the Absolute community. Stated otherwise, her marriage to an alien spouse merely created a legal
presumption of co-ownership which will not in anyway deprive her of her right to acquire real properties in the
Philippines in her own right.
A natural born citizen's right to acquire real property is a basic right enshrined in the constitution. In this
regard, the interplay of four (4) basic constitutional provisions should be enlightening, thus:
Art.XII. Sec.3. Philippine citizenship may be lost or reacquired in the manner provided by law.
Art.XII. Sec.4. Citizens of the Philippines who marry aliens shall retain their citizenship, unless by their act or
omission they are deemed, under the law, to have renounced it.
Art.XII. Sec. 7. Save in cases of hereditary succession, no private lands shall be transferred or conveyed except
to individuals, corporations or associations qualified to acquire or hold lands of the public domain
Art.XII.Sec.8. Notwithstanding the provisions of Sec.7 of this article, a natural-born citizen of the Philippines who
has lost his Philippine citizenship may be transferee of private lands, subject to limitations provided by law.
Certainly in the case at bar, there is no showing that the registrant Filipina spouse is not qualified to own real
property in the Philippines nor it is shown that she possesses any of the disqualification. The fact that she
married a Greek husband does not automatically make her Greek. The Constitution requires a positive act of
renunciation of citizenship, i.e, by naturalization in a foreign state or by taking an oath of allegiance to a foreign
country, before a Filipino citizen may lose his citizenship. None of these conditions are obtaining in the instant
Applying now these constitutional provisions in relation to the provisions in the relation to the Family Code
provision cited above, it goes without saying that if we deny registration of a Deed of Sale of land in favor of the
Filipina spouse by mere reason that it shall ultimately redound to the benefit of the absolute community which as
discussed earlier, is a mere legal fiction of co-ownership. Certainly this is an absurd spectacle. A regime of
absolute community of property has no citizenship. This is not within preview of the constitutional prohibition
against aliens owning lands in the Philippines. We should not be confused that here, it is the Filipina wife who is
buying the land and not the absolute community regime.
It is so fundamental in our jurisdiction that a mere statutory provision of law cannot constrict, delimit or
otherwise expand a basic constitutional principle. To deny the Filipina wife the registration of her Deed of Sale is
a direct affront on her basic constitutional right as it will unnecessarily constrict and unjustly deprive her of her
right to own lands in the Philippines. The Family Code cannot prevail over the constitution in view of the basic
principle in law that the Constitution, being the supreme law of the land, all other laws must be subordinate to it.
In addition, the denial of registration of a Deed of Sale of land in favor of the Filipina spouse married to a
foreigner is a great inequity which evens the Constitution looks upon with disfavor. In this regard, it is apropos to
mention Section 8 &Art.XII of the Constitution, which provides that even natural born Filipino citizen who has
lost his/her citizenship may still acquire lands or be a transferee of private lands in the Philippines, subject to
limitations provided by law. A still valid law - Batas Pambansa Bilang 185- implements the constitutional
provision as it allows a former Filipino citizen who has lost and or renounced his Filipino citizenship, to be a
transferee of private land in the Philippines, subject to certain limitations. Applying the statutory provision in the
case at bar, we will be placing the Filipina registrant who has not lost her citizenship nor renounced her Filipino
citizenship at a rather iniquitous and lesser standing if we deny registration of her title.
The Authority is not unaware in the past, it has accepted practice that before a Filipino a wife married to an
alien husband registers a real property under her name , the Registrar of Deeds, as a matter of pre-requisite,
requires that an "Affidavit of Waiver of Rights" executed by the foreigner spouse must also be presented. This
authority finds that such requirement finds no basis in law as it directly collides with Article 89 of the Family
Code which provides that "no waiver of rights, interests, shares and effects of the absolute community of property
during the marriage can be made except in judicial separation property" or "after the marriage has been dissolved
or annulled". This provision precisely applies to voluntary waiver, the reason being to avoid undue influence
between the spouses, and does not, therefore, affect judicial transfers. Thus, in the light of the foregoing
ratiocination, we opine that the requirement of such "Affidavit of the Waiver of Rights" has become a mere
surplus age as it serves no useful purpose, other than being void.
WHEREFORE, in view hereof, this Authority rules and so holds that the Deed OF Absolute Sale covering
transfer of lot No. 3787, Pls-1117D with an area if 20,355 sq. m. located at Luzvminda, Puerto Princesa City,
covered by OCT No. 568 in favor of Nelly Rodriguez Versamos, is registrable, provided that all requirements for
its registrability are complied with.
Consulta No. 2738 and all other consultas inconsistent with this ruling are deemed to be abandoned and or
Quezon City, Philippines, March 12, 2003
had no means of livelihood. Thereafter, they bought their house and lots but the Register of Deeds refused
registration of the Deed of Absolute Sale on the ground that Jambrich was an alien and could not acquire alienable
lands of the public domain and therefore his name was erased and the titles issued in the name of the Filipina.
In 1986, Jambrich sold his rights and interests in the said property to a Filipino buyer, Borromeo, [the petitioner in
this case] to pay for his debt but when Borromeo sought to register the deed assignment, he discovered that the
titles to the lots had been transferred to the name of the Filipina and that the same had been mortgaged.
The buyer, Borromeo then filed a complaint for recovery of the properties. The Filipina girlfriend claimed that she
bought it with her own funds and that Jambrich being a foreigner, was not entitled to own a land in the
Philippines. The Regional Trial Court rendered a decision in favor of the buyer and declared him to be the owner
of the properties since the facts show that the Filipina had no means of livelihood or funds to have bought the
The Filipina appealed and the decision was reversed by the Court of Appeals stating that the foreigner Jambrich,
could not have acquired land being a foreigner.
The buyer, Borromeo, appealed by way of petition to the Supreme Court which stated the issues;
1. Who purchased the subject properties?
2. What is the effect of registration of the properties in the name of the Filipina?
In upholding the decision of the lower court, the Supreme Court stated:
The evidence presented showed that Jambrich had all the authority to transfer all his rights, interests and
participation in the subject properties by the virtue of the Deed of Assignment to the buyer, Borromeo, as it was
shown that the funds to purchase the properties came from the Jambrich, who was therefore the true buyer of the
property, and
"Further, the fact that the disputed properties were acquired during the couple's cohabitation does not help the
respondent. The rule that co-ownership applies to a man and woman living exclusively with each other as
husband and wife without the benefit of marriage, but otherwise capacitated to marry each other does not apply.
In the instant case, the respondent was still legally married to another when she and Jambrich lived together. In
such adulterous relationship, no co- ownership exists between the parties. It is necessary for each of the partners
to prove his or her actual contribution in the acquisition of property in order to be able to claim any portion of it.
Presumptions of co- ownership and equal contribution do not apply."
As to the registration of the properties in the name of the Filipina, the Supreme Court said,
"It is settled that the registration is not a mode of acquiring ownership. It is only a means of confirming the fact of
its existence with notice to the world at large. Certificates of title are not a source of right. The mere possession of
a title does not make one true owner of the property. This is the situation in the instant case. Respondent did not
contribute a single centavo in the acquisition of the properties. She and her two properties were then fully
supported by Jambrich."
As to the capacity of Jambrich, being an alien, to acquire land, the Supreme Court said,
"xxxx the transfer of land to Jambrich, who is an Austrian, would have been declared invalid if challenged, had
not Jambrich conveyed the properties to petitioner who is a Filipina citizen. xxxxxx
The rationale behind the Court's ruling in the United Church Board for World Ministries, as reiterated in the
subsequent cases, is this - since the ban on aliens is intended to preserve the nation's land for future generations of
Filipinos, that aim is achieved by making lawful the acquisition of real estate by aliens who became Filipino
citizens by naturalization or those transfers made by aliens to Filipino citizens. As the property in dispute is
already in the hands of a qualified person, a Filipino citizen, there would be no more public policy to be protected.
The objective of the constitutional provision to keep our lands in Filipino hands has been achieved."
Sec.2. Declaration of Policy It is hereby declared the policy of the State to encourage foreign investments
consistent with the constitutional mandate to conserve and develop our own patrimony. Towards this end, the
State hereby adopts a flexible and dynamic policy of the granting of long-term lease on private lands to foreign
investors for the establishment of industrial estates, factories, assembly or processing plants, agro-industrial
enterprises, land development for industrial, or commercial use, tourism and other similar priority productive
Sec.3. Definitions For purposes of this act, unless the context indicates otherwise, the term:
(1) "Investing in the Philippines" shall mean making an equity investment in the Philippines through actual
remittance of foreign exchange or transfer of assets, whether in the form of capital goods, patents,
formulas or other technological rights or processes, upon registration with the Securities and Exchange
Commission; and
(2)" Withdrawal of approved investment" shall mean either: (a) the failure to operate the investment project for
any three (3) consecutive years; or (b) outright abandonment of the investment project at any time during the
approved lease period: Provided, that failure to pay lease rental for three (3) consecutive months coupled with the
failure to operate the investment project for the same period shall be deemed as outright abandonment of the
Sec.4. Coverage Any foreign investor investing in the Philippines shall be allowed to lease private lands in
accordance with the laws of the Republic of the Philippines subject to the following conditions:
(1) No lease contract shall be for a period exceeding fifty (50) years, renewable once for a period of not
more than twenty-five (25) years;
(2) The leased area should solely for the purpose of the investment upon the mutual agreement of the parties;
(3) The leased premises shall comprise such area as may reasonably be required for the purpose of the
investment subject however to the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law and the Local Government Code.
The leasehold right acquired under long-term lease contracts entered into pursuant of this Act may be sold,
transferred, or assigned: Povided. That when the buyer, transferee, or assignee is a foreigner or a foreign-owned
enterprise, the conditions and limitations in respect to the used of the leased property as provided for under this
Act shall continue to apply.
Sec.5. Limitations (1) Foreign individuals, corporations, associations, or partnerships not otherwise investing
in the Philippines as defined herein shall continue to be covered by Presidential Decree No. 427 and other existing
laws in lease of lands to foreigners.
(2) Withdrawal of the approved investment in the Philippines within the period of the lease
entered into under this Act, or use of the leased area of the purpose other than that
warrant the ipso facto termination of the lease agreement without the prejudice to the right of the lessor to be
compensated for the damages he may have suffered thereby.
(3) Any lease agreement under this Act which is renewable at the option of the lessee subject to the same
terms and conditions of the original contract shall be interpreted to mean as renewable upon
agreement of the parties.
(4) In addition to the conditions for the renewal of a lease agreement after the period of fifty (50)
years as
provided herein, the foreign lease shall show that it has made social and economic
contributions to the
(5) In the case of tourism projects, lease of private lands by foreign investors qualified herein shall be
limited to projects with an investment of not less than five million (5M) US dollars, seventy
(70% ) of which shall be infused in said project within three years from the assigning of the lease contract, Chan
Robles virtual library.
Sec. 6 Termination of Lease Contract The Secretary of Trade and Industry shall terminate any lease contract
entered into under the provisions of this Act, if the investment project is not initiated within three (3) years from
the signing of the lease contract.
Approved: June 4, 1993
It is not the uncommon that real property is placed under the name of the Filipina wife who married to a foreigner
in as much as a foreigner cannot own land in the Philippines save only in constitutionally recognized exceptions.
In such a case, may the Filipina wife lease out the property without the consent of the foreign husband?
In the Supreme Court case of Matthews vs. Taylor, G.R No. 164584, [June 22, 2009], this issue was raised
wherein the Supreme Court resolved the issue of whether the contract of lease entered into by the Filipina wife
over real property is valid despite the absence of consent of the foreign husband. The facts as stated in the
decision are as follows:
"On June 30, 1988, respondent, Benjamin A. Taylor (Benjamin), a British subject, married Joselyn C. Taylor
(Joselyn), a 17- year old Filipina. On June 9, 1989, while their marriage was subsisiting, Joselyn from Diosa M.
Martin a 1,294 square-meter lot ( Boracay property) situated at Manoc-Manoc, Boracay Island, Malay Aklan, for
and in consideration of P129,000.00. The sale was allegedly financed by Benjamin. Joselyn and Benjamin, also
using the latter's funds, constructed improvements thereon and eventually converted the property to a vacation
and tourist resort known as the Admiral Ben Bow Inn. All required permits and licenses for the operation of the
resort were obtained in the name of Ginna Celestino, Joselyn's sister.
However, Benjamin and Joselyn had a falling out, and Joselyn ran away with Kim Philippsen. On June 8, 1992.
Joselyn executed a special power of Attorney (SPA). In favor of Benjamin, authorizing the latter to maintain, sell,
lease, and sub-lease and otherwise enter into the contract with third parties with respect to their Boracay property.
On July 20, 1992, Joselyn, as lessor and petitioner Philip Matthews as lessee, entered into an Agreement of Lease
(Agreement) involving the Boracay property for a period of 25 years, with an annual rental of P 12,000.00. The
agreement was signed by the parties and executed before a Notary Public. Petitioner thereafter took possession of
the property and renamed the resort as Music Garden Resort.
Claiming that the Agreement was null and void since it was entered into by Joselyn without his (Benjamin's)
consent, Benjamin instituted an action of Declaration of Nullity of Agreement of Lease with Damages against
Joselyn and the petitioner. Benjamin claimed that his funds were used in the acquisition and improvement of the
Boracay property, and coupled with the fact that he was Joselyn's husband, any transaction involving the said
property required his consent."
Was the lease entered into by the Filipina wife without the consent of her foreign husband valid?
To this the Supreme Court said,
"In fine, we are called upon to determine the validity of an Agreement of Lease of a parcel of land entered into by
a Filipino wife without the consent of her British husband. In addressing the matter before us, we are confronted
not only with civil law or conflicts of law issues, but more importantly, with a constitutional question.
It is by undisputed that Joselyn acquired the Boracay property in 1989. Said acquisition was evidenced by a Deed
of Sale with Joselyn as the vendee. The property was also declared for taxation purposes under her name. When
Joselyn leased the property to petitioner, Benjamin sought the nullification of the contract on two grounds; first,
that he was the actual owner of the property since he provided the funds used in purchasing the same; and second,
that Joselyn could not enter into a valid contract involving the subject property without consent. x x x
Citing several decisions on the matter, the Supreme Court reiterated that, 'The rule is clear and inflexible; aliens
are absolutely not allowed to acquire public or private lands in the Philippines, save only in constitutionally
recognized exceptions. There is no rule more settled than this constitutional prohibition, as more aliens attempt to
circumvent the provision by trying to own lands through another. xxxxxx
It therefore ruled as follows;
In the light of the foregoing jurisprudence, we find and so hold that Benjamin has no right to nullify the
Agreement of Lease between Joselyn and petitioner. Benjamin, being an alien, is absolutely prohibited from
acquiring private and public lands in the Philippines. Considering that Joselyn appeared to be the designated
"vendee" in the Deed of Sale of said property, she acquired sole ownership thereto. This is true even if we sustain
Benjamin's claim that he provided the funds for such acquisition. By entering into such contract knowing that it
was illegal, no implied trust was created in his favor; no reimbursement for his expenses can be allowed; and no
declaration can be made that the subject property was part of the conjugal/community property of the spouses. In
any event, he had and has no capacity or personality to question the subsequent lease of the Boracay property by
his wife on the theory that in so doing, he was merely exercising the prerogative of a husband in respect of the
conjugal property. To sustain such a theory would countenance in direct controversion of the constitutional
prohibition. If the property were to be declared conjugal, this would accord the alien husband a substantial interest
and right over the land, as he would then have decisive vote as to its transfer or disposition. This is a right that the
Constitution does not permit him to have.
In fine, the Agreement of Lease entered into between Joselyn and petitioner cannot be nullified on the grounds
advanced by Benjamin. Thus, we uphold its validity."
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -0- - - - - - - - - - - - - BASIC PROPERTY RELATIONS UNDER THE FAMILY CODE
Art. 74: Family Code
Conjugal partnership of gains presupposes that there are properties which are to be considered
conjugal and therefore owned both by the husband and the wife, while there are those properties which
still belong exclusively to each of the spouses over which they exercise exclusive
The following are considered conjugal properties;
Those acquired by onerous title during the marriage at the expense of the common fund,
whether the acquisition be for the partnership, or for only one of the spouses;
Those obtained from the labor, industry, work or profession of either or both of
the spouses;
The fruits, natural, industrial or civil, due or received during the marriage from the
common property, as well as the net fruits from the exclusive property of
The share of either spouse in the hidden treasure which the law awards to the finder or
owner of the property where the treasure is found;
Livestock existing upon the dissolution of the partnership in excess of the number of
each kind brought to the marriage by either spouse; and
Those which are acquired by chance, such as winnings from gambling or betting.
However, losses therefrom shall be borne exclusively by the loser-spouse, (153a,
Property inherited by either husband or wife through the death of a child by a former
marriage, there being brothers and sisters of the full blood of the deceased child;
A portion of the property of either spouse equivalent to the presumptive legitimate of the
children by a former marriage; and
The ownership, administration and usufruct of the community property pertain to the
spouses jointly.
Art. 89. No waiver of rights, shares and effects of the absolute community of property during the
marriage can be made except in the case of judicial separation of property.
When the waiver takes place upon a judicial separation of property, or after the marriage has been
dissolved or annulled, the same shall appear in a public instrument and shall be recorded as
provided in Article 77. The creditors of the spouse who made such waiver may petition the Court to
rescind the waiver to the extent of the amount sufficient to cover the amount of their credits.
Art. 93. Property acquired during the marriage is presumed to belong to the community unless it is
proved that it is one of those excluded therefrom.
Art. 96. The administration and enjoyment of the community property shall belong to both
jointly. In case of disagreement, the husband's decision shall prevail, subject to recourse to the court by the wife
for proper remedy, which must be availed of within five years from the date of the contract implementing such
In the event that one spouse is incapacitated or otherwise unable to participate in the
of the common properties, the other spouse may assume sole powers of administration. These powers do not
include disposition or encumbrance without authority of the
court or the written consent of the other spouse.
In the absence of such authority or consent, the disposition or encumbrance shall be void. However, the
transaction shall be construed as a
continuing offer on the part of the consenting spouse and the third
person, and may be perfected as a binding contract upon the acceptance by the other spouse or authorization by
the Court
before the offer is withdrawn by either or both offerors. (206a)
Art.98. Neither spouse may donate any community property without the consent of the other.
However, either spouse may, without the consent of the other, make moderate donations from the
community property for charity or on occasions of family rejoicing or family distress.
If the spouse before the marriage agree on complete separation of properties, the separation may refer to
both present and future properties or it may be total or partial.
The ownership, administration and usufruct of those properties which are considered separate
to the spouse to whom they belong.
b) when the property relations between the spouses is one of conjugal partnership and the
property involved;
1. was brought into the marriage by either of the spouses [property nomenclature]
husband's exclusive property
wife's exclusive property
- capital
- paraphernal
Art.165.Children conceived and born outside a valid marriage are illegitimate, unless otherwise
provided in this code.
Illegitimate children shall use the surname and shall be under the parental authority of their
and shall be entitled to support in the conformity with this Code.
The legitime of each illegitimate child shall consist of one-half of a legitimate child. Except for
modification, all other provisions in the civil code governing successional rights shall remain
force. [Art. 176]
February 24, 2004
SECTION 1.Article 176 of Executive Order No. 209, otherwise known as the Family Code of the Philippines, is
hereby amended to read as follows:
"Article 176 Illegitimate children shall use the surname and shall be under the parental authority of their
mother, and shall be entitled to support in the conformity with this code. However,
may use the surname of their father if their filiation has been
1. expressly recognized by the father through the record of birth appearing in the civil register, or
2. when an admission in a public document or
3. private handwritten instrument is made by the father.
Provided, the father has the right to institute an action before the regular courts to prove nonfiliation
during his lifetime. The legitime of each illegitimate child shall consist of one-half of the legitime of a legitimate
Approved: February 24, 2004
SEC. 5. Powers and Functions of the Board. - The Board is hereby vested the following powers and
Adopt a national Code of Ethics and Responsibilities to be strictly observed all licensed real
estate service practitioners:
SEC.35. Code of Ethics and Responsibilities for Real Estate Service Practitioners. - The Board shall
adopt and promulgate the Code of Ethics and Responsibilities for real estate service practitioners which shall be
prescribed and issued by the accredited and integrated professional organization of real estate service
practitioners. / Secs. 5f and 35, also of IRR of RESA. /
The Realty Service Practice, a profession, calling or occupation, is dedicated to the promotion,
development including proper zonification and conservation of land and natural resources, including
improvements and rights and interests appurtenant thereto for the benefit and enjoyment of the Filipino people. As
such, those engaged therein are bound by a code of conduct, morals, and values in the performance of their and
obligations towards the obligations towards the government co-practitioners and the people they serve.
It is, therefore, imperative and necessary to adopt this NATIONAL CODE OF ETHICS for REALTY
SERVICE PRACTICE to govern the role of conduct of those who will engage therein.
SECTION1. - The Realty Service Practice is a noble profession, calling or occupation and those engaged
therein shall abide by and comply with all the laws, decrees, orders and rules and regulations enacted or
promulgated by duly constituted government authorities.
SECTION2 - Utmost fidelity, sincerity, respect for colleagues in the profession, and honesty shall be
observed at all times by those in the realty service practice in their relation client, the community and the nation in
SECTION3 - Adequate knowledge, competence and expertise in real estate development and
management; and the upgrading of the standards of practice shall be affected when need arises; all these for, and
in the interest of the social and economic progress of the country.
SECTION4 - The spirit of camaraderie, cooperation and professional relationship by respecting the rights
of the other practitioners shall be promoted, and every organization to which they shall be encouraged to join shall
have such aims and purposes as it will set up, upgrade, and maintain a high level of integrity, honesty and
competence in the profession for the best interest the community and the nation.
SECTION5 - A high level of professional and respect relationship with colleagues in the Realty Service
Practice shall be maintained, and their dealings with each other shall always be fair, honest and just.
SECTION 6 - The Golden Rule which reads; "Treat others as you like them to treat you" shall be
observed in all the dealings and relation of the practitioners with clients, fellow practitioners, the organization to
which they belong and the general public.
(c) He should help, assist and cooperate with the Department of Trade and Industry
and all
government agencies and instrumentalities in the promotion, development, proper
zonification and
conservation of lands and other natural resources; its improvements and rights
and interests therein;
(d) He should not encourage, abet, tolerate or participate in the evasion or illegal
reduction in the payment of all taxes, fees, dues, levies or charges that may be imposed by the
(e) He should not offer or agree to pay to, split or rebate any commission, fee or valuable
consideration, directly or indirectly, with any person who is not a duly licensed practitioner or to
cooperate, assist or endorse any transaction or engagement of his services in
violation of any existing
law, rule or regulation;
He should indicate the license number of the Certificate issued by the
Trade and Industry in his letterhead, dry seal, signboard, billboard, advertisement
announcement in relation to the Realty Service Practice;
Department of
(b) He should ensure the highest and the best use of the land and the equitable distribution
ownership, irrespective of political beliefs, cultural background, sect religion or class;
(c) He should keep himself well informed as to any movement affecting real estate
community, city or province, so that he may be able to contribute to the public thinking on
of taxation, land use, city planning, zonificaton and other programs of the government;
(d) He should cooperate with the government in protecting the public against
deceptive, unfair and
unconscionable acts and practices of some unscrupulous or unlicensed practitioners,
misrepresentation, concealment of relevant information and other related unethical practices;
(e) He ascertain all pertinent facts concerning every property, and avoid error, exaggeration,
misrepresentation, concealment of pertinent facts in dealing with the general public
concerning real
estate transactions;
(h) He should keep a special bank account separate and distinct from his own funds,
moneys received in trust for other persons, such as deposit in escrow, trust funds, clients earnest money
and similar items;
(i) In his advertisements, brochures or announcements, he should present a true picture of
property, its improvements, or rights and interests therein including whatever liens
encumbrances it may have, if any, and should indicate his name, firm name, address and license number
of the Certificate issued by the Department of Trade and Industry. In case of real estate salesman,
should indicate the name, firm name and license number of the broker under
whom he is employed;
(j) He should see to it that all agreement, terms and conditions, financial obligations
commitments in a real estate transaction are in writing, duly signed by all parties concerned,
necessary to be properly authenticated by a Notary Public.
SECTION 3 - Relation to the Client Customer
(a) T he practitioner, in accepting an appointment or Authority to act for and in behalf of a
client or customer, should pledge himself with utmost fidelity and good faith to protect
and promote the interest of his client without in any manner sacrificing the legitimate
interest of the other party in the transaction;
(b) For the sake of justice and fairness to his client who have reposed confidence in him, the
Practitioner should endeavor to be well informed of current legislation, policies and
programs of the government including proposed legislation, which may affect the interest
of his client;
(c) He should not accept any commission, fee or any valuable consideration from any party
in any transaction except from his client unless with the full knowledge and consent of all
the parties in the transaction. He shall not also introduce or work for an overprice from
either the buyer or seller except the usual standard rate of commission on any real estate
(d) He should charge or collect only such fees or commissions as are fair and reasonable in
accordance with usual schedule of commission for Metro Manila and provinces;
(e) He should not advertise any property without authority and in any offering, the price
quoted should be in accordance with the price agreed with the owners as the offering
(f) In the event that more than one formal offer on a specific property is made before the
owner has accepted a proposal, all written offers should be presented to the owner for his
(g) He should endeavor to make his client and customer concludes a fair contract
advantageous to both;
(h) He should assist his customer acquire possession and ownership of the real property
bought in accordance with the terms and conditions agreed upon;
(i) In case he is called upon to act as witness in a court proceeding he should give his
testimonies in the most unbiased, honest, truthful, and professional manner;
(j) As a real estate appraiser, he should not render an
opinion without careful and thorough
analysis and interpretation of all factors affecting the value of the property. His counsel
and advice constitutes a professional service for which he should make a fair and
reasonable charge;
(k) As an agreement, he should not undertake to make an appraisal or render an opinion that
is outside the field of his experience and competence unless he obtains the assistance of
another practitioner familiar with such type of property or unless the facts are fully
disclosed by the client.
SECTION 4- Relations to Fellow Practitioners
(a) He should not solicit a listing which is currently listed exclusively with another broker
unless the listing agreement has expired or revoked by the owner and the owner offers to
list the same to the new broker without soliciting the same;
(b) When he accepts a listing from another broker, the agency of the broker who offers the
listing should be respected until it has expired and the property has come to the attention
of the accepting broker from a different source, or until the owner without solicitation,
offers to list with the accepting broker. Such a listing should not be passed to a third
broker or published in a daily newspaper without the knowledge and consent of the
listing broker;
(c) Signs giving notice of a property for sale, rent, lease or exchange should not be placed on
any property by more than one broker and only if authorized by the owner;
(d) He should not use information obtained by him from a listing broker through offers to
cooperate or received through multiple listing services or other sources authorized by the
listing broker for the purpose for creating a referral prospect to a third broker or for
creating a buyer's prospect, unless such is authorized by the listing broker;
(e) He should cooperate with other brokers on property listed and share the commission on
an agreed basis. Negotiations concerning property listed exclusively with one broker
should be carried with the listing broker, and not the owner, except with the consent of
the listing broker;
(f) He should not solicit or use the services of an employee or salesman of another
practitioner without the knowledge of the employer;
(g) He should not criticize publicly a competitor nor volunteer an opinion of a competitor's
transaction. If his opinion is sought, it should be rendered with professional integrity and
(h) The practitioners should seek no fair advantage over his fellow practitioners. In the event
of a controversy between practitioners belonging to the same organization or association,
such controversy should be submitted for arbitration to such organization or association
whose decision, if accepted by both parties, will be final and binding as far as the
association is concerned.
(j) If the controversy is between practitioners belonging to different organizations or
associations, it should be submitted to an Arbitration Board considering of one member
from each organization or association chosen by each of the parties to the controversy. A
third member should be chosen from either the organizations or association or from the
national organization or association is affiliated.
(k) In case the practitioners in a controversy are not members of any duly recognized
organization or the Arbitration Boards cannot settle the controversy, the Department of
Trade and Industry shall assume jurisdiction over said controversy;
(f) In case a complaint is filed against a practitioner with his organization or association for
unethical or unfair practice, he should voluntarily submit all pertinent facts before an
investigating body that may be informed by his organization or association for evaluation
and resolution.
SECTION 5 -Relation to his Organization Including the National Association to which his Organization
is affiliated
(a) In the interest of society and his own profession, calling or occupation, the practitioner
should abide by the Constitution and By-Laws of his association or organization and the
National Association to which it is affiliated;
(b) Election as officer or member of the governing body of the organization or association
carries with it the moral obligation to serve honorably, unselfishly, diligently and
efficiently. It should not be subject of the election campaign or use of letters or circulars
announcing one's candidacy or appealing for votes for himself or for other nominees or
candidates or other forms of electioneering or any agreement or any act which will
interfere with the free and wise choice of the officers and members of governing body of
the organization;
(c) He should support his organization morally and financially and actively support its plans,
programs and projects for the benefit of all the members of the organization or
(d) Any practitioner should first exhaust all administrative remedies available under existing
laws, rules and regulations before taking any judicial or quasi-judicial action.
Violations of any provision of this Code shall give rise to any sanction that may be imposed by the
organization to which the practitioner belongs as a member, without prejudice, however, to such disciplinary
action that the Department of Trade and Industry may deem expedient thereon when the proper complaint against
the erring practitioner for alleged misconduct is filed with the Department in accordance with existing laws and
regulations. In the case of practitioners who are not members of any organization , any complaint against them
shall be governed by the existing laws, rules and regulations governing controversies.
This code shall take effect immediately.
Done in Makati, Metro Manila, this 29th day of September, 1993
Secretary, Department of Trade and Industry
Pursuant to Section 5, (J), Article II and Section 42, Article V of Republic Act No.9646, "An Act regulating the
Practice of Real Estate Service in the Philippines, Creating for the Purpose a Professional Regulatory Board of
Real Estate Service, Appropriating Funds therefore, and for other Purposes", the Professional Regulation
Commission, herein after referred to as the Commission, hereby adopts, issues and promulgates this resolution
embodying the following Implementing rules and Regulations to carry out, administer, and enforce the provisions
of R.A. NO.9646.
SEECTION 1.Title- These Rules shall be known as "THE IMPLEMENTING RULES AND
REGULATIONS OF REPUBLIC ACT NO.9646, known as the Real Estate Service Act of the Philippines", in
short, the "IRR of R.A. No.9646", or merely the IRR.
SEC.2. Declaration of Policy- The State recognizes the vital role of Real Estate service practitioners in the social,
political economic development and progress of the country by promoting the real estate market, stimulating
economic activity and enhancing government income from real property-based transactions. Hence, it shall
develop and nurture through proper and effective regulation and supervision a corps of technically competent,
responsible and respected professional real estate service practitioners whose standards of practice and service
shall be globally competitive and will promote the growth of the real estate industry.
The IRR shall be interpreted, construed, and carried out in the light of the above Declaration of Policy, which
embodies the legislative intent in enacting R.A. NO. 9646.
SEC.3. Definition of terms - As used in the IRR, the following terms shall be understood to mean as follows:
a. "Appraiser" also known as valuer, refers to a person who conducts, valuation/appraisal;
one who possesses the necessary qualifications, license, ability and experience to execute or direct the
valuation/appraisal of real property.
b. "Assessor" refers to an official in the local government unit, who performs appraisal and assessment of
real properties, including plants, equipment, and machineries, essentially for
taxation purposes. This
definition also includes assistant assessors.
c. "Real Estate" refers to the land and all those items which are attached to the land. It is the physical
d. "Real Estate development project" means the development of land for residential, commercial,
industrial, agricultural, institutional or recreational purposes, or any combination of such including, but
not limited to tourist resorts, reclamation projects, building or housing projects, whether for individual
or condominium ownership, memorial parks and others of similar nature.
e. "Real estate developer" refers to any natural or juridical person engaged in the business of developing real
estate development project for his/her or its own account and offering them for sale or lease.
f. "Real property" includes all the rights, interest and benefits related ti the ownership of real estate.
g. "Real estate service practitioners" shall refer to and consist of the following:
(1) Real estate consultant - a duly registered and licensed natural person who. For a professional
fee, compensation or other valuable consideration, offers or renders professional advice and
judgment on: (i) the acquisition, enhancement, preservation, utilization or disposition of
lands or improvements thereon: and (ii) the conception, planning, management and
development of development of real estate projects.
(2) Real estate appraiser - a duly registered and licensed natural person who, for a professional
fee, compensation or other valuable consideration, performs or renders, or offers to perform
services in estimating and arriving at an opinion of or acts as an expert on real estate values,
such services of which shall be finally rendered by the preparation of the report in acceptable
written form.
(3) Real estate assessor - a duly registered and licensed natural person who works in a local
government unit and performs appraisal and assessment of real properties, including plants,
equipment, and machineries, essentially for taxation purposes.
(4) Real estate broker - a duly registered and licensed natural person who, for a professional fee,
commission or other valuable consideration, acts as an agent of a party in a real estate
transaction to offer, advertise, solicit, list, promote mediate, negotiate or effect the meeting of
minds on the sale, purchase, exchange, mortgage, lease or joint venture, or other similar
transactions on real estate or any interest therein.
(5) Real estate salesperson - a duly accredited natural person who performs service for, and in
behalf of a real estate broker who is registered and licensed by the Professional Regulatory
Board of Real Estate Service for or In expectation of a share in the commission, professional
fee, compensation or other valuable consideration.
h. "Accredited and Integrated Professional Organization (IAPO)" - the national integrated organization of natural
persons duly registered and licensed as Real Estate Service Practitioners that the Board, subject to the approval by
the Commission, shall recognize or accredited as the only AIPO, pursuant to Sec. 34, Art of R.A No.9646
i. "Interim Accredited Professional Organization (IAPO)" - the professional organization accredited by the
Commission only to operate and perform activities or acts prior to and until the recognition or birth of the AIPO
as defined in h. above.
SEC.4 Creation and Composition of the Board - There is hereby created a Professional Regulatory Board of Real
Estate Service, hereinafter referred to as the Board, under the supervision and administrative control of the
Professional Regulation Commission (PRC), hereinafter reffered to as the Commission, composed of a
chairperson and four (4) members who shall appointed by the President of the Philippines from the three (3)
recommendees chosen by the Commission from a list of five (5) nominees per position submitted by the
accredited and integrated professional organization of real estate service practitioners: Provided, That two (2) of
the members of the Board shall represent the government assessors and appraisers, who are both in active
government service.
The first Board shall be organized within six (6) months from the effectivity of R.A No. 9646.
This provision shall be implemented in accordance with the guidelines of Executive Order No. 496,
Series of 1991 on the selection, nomination, recommendation, and appointment of those who will fill up any
vacancy in the Board.
SEC.5 Power and Functions of the Board - The Board is hereby vested the following specific power and
(a) Provide comprehensive policy guidelines for the promotion and development of the real estate industry in
relation to the regulation of the practice of the real estate service profession;
(b) Conduct licensure examinations for the practice of the real estate service profession and prescribe the
appropriate, syllabi of the subject for examination with their tables of specification;
(c) Issue, suspend revoke or reinstate, after due notice and hearing, certificates of registration or professional
identification cards for the practice of real estate service;
(a) Maintain a comprehensive and updated register of licensed real estate service professionals;
(b) Monitor the conditions affecting the practice of real estate service and adopt such measures as may be proper
for the enhancement of the profession and/or the maintenance of high professional, ethical and technical
(c) Adopt a national Code of Ethics and Responsibilities issued by the AIPO to be strictly observed by all licensed
real estate service practitioners;
(d) Hear or investigate any violation of R.A. No. 9646, the IRR and the Code of Ethics and Responsibilities for
real estate service practitioners and issues subpoena duces to secure the appearance of witness and the production
of document in connection therewith;
(e) Safeguard and protect legitimate and licensed real estate service practitioners and, in coordination with the
accredited and integrated professional organization (AIPO) of real estate service practitioners, monitor all forms
of advertisements, announcements, signboards, billboards. Pamphlets, brochures and other similar nature
concerning real estate and, where necessary, exercise its quasi-judicial and administrative powers to finally and
completely eradicate the pernicious practices of unauthorized or unlicensed individuals;
(f) Prescribe, in cooperation with the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) or the concerned state university
or collage, the essential requirement as to the curricula and facilities of schools, colleges or universities seeking
permission to open academic courses or already offering such courses in real estate service, and to see to it that
these requirements, including the employment of qualified faculty members, are properly complied with;
(g) Promulgate, administer and enforce rules and regulations necessary in carrying out the provisions of R.A. No.
(h) Supervise and regulate the registration, licensure and practice of real estate service in the Philippines;
(i) Assess and fix the rate of reasonable regulatory fees;
(k) Adopt an official seal of the Board with the interpretation of its symbols attached to this Resolution and made
part thereof as Annex "A";
(l) Evaluate periodically the status of real estate service education and profession, and recommend and/or
measures to upgrade and maintain its high standard;
(m) Prescribe guidelines and criteria for the Continuing Professional Education (CPE) program for real estate
service practitioners in consultation with the accredited and integrated professional organization of real estate
(n) Screen, issue and monitor to organizations of real estate professional in the conduct of seminar and accredit
such pursuant to the CPE program, as well as the instructors or lecturer therein , for the purpose of upgrading the
quality and knowledge of the profession;
(o) Monitor and supervise the activities of the accredited and integrated professional organization (AIPO) and
other associations of real service practitioners; and
(p) Discharge such other powers, duties and functions as the Commission may deem necessary to carry out the
provisions of R.A. No. 9646.
The policies, resolutions and rules and regulations issued or promulgates by the Board shall be subject to the
review and approval by the Commission. However, the Board's decisions, resolutions or orders which are not
interlocutory, rendered in an administrative case, shall be subject to review by the Commission only on appeal, in
accordance with Republic Act No. 8981 and its Implementing Rules and Regulations.
SEC.6. Qualifications of the Chairpersons and Members of the Board. The Chairperson and the Members of the
Board shall, at the time of their appointment, possess the following qualifications:
(a) citizen and resident of the Philippines;
(b) holder of bachelor's degree related to real estate;
(c) An active licensed practitioner of real estate service for at least ten (10) years prior to his/her
(d) A bona member in good standing of the accredited and integrated professional organization of
real estate service practitioners but not an officer or trustee at the time of his/her appointment;
(e) Neither be a member of the faculty of an institute, school, college or university, nor have any
interest, direct or indirect, in any institution or association where review classes or
lectures in preparation for the licensure examination are being offered or conducted; and
(f) Of good moral character, and must not have been convicted by final judgment by a competent
court of a criminal offence involving moral turpitude.
SEC.7 Term of Office. The chairperson and the members of the Board shall hold office for a term of three (3)
years from the date of their appointment and until their successor/s shall have been appointed: Provided, That the
members of the first appointed Board shall hold office for the following terms: one (1) member as chairperson, to
serve for three (3) years; two (2) members, to serve for two (2) years; and two (2) members, to serve for one (1)
The Chairperson and the Members of the Board may be reappointed for a second term but in no case shall he/she
serve continuously for more than six (6) years. Any vacancy in the Board shall be filled for the unexpired portion
of the members who vacated the position. On the constitution of the first Board, the Chairperson and the Members
of the Board shall automatically be registered and issued Certificates of Registration and Professional
Identification Cards. Each members of the Board shall take the oath to the assumption of duty.
SEC. 8 Compensation and Allowances of the Chairperson and Members of the Board. The chairperson and the
members of the Board shall receive compensation and allowances comparable to the compensation and
allowances received by the chairman and the members of existing professional regulatory boards under the
Commission, as provided for in the General Appropriations Act, the Salary Standardization Law, and the Joint
Circular issued by the Commision and the Department of Budget and Management (DBM).
SEC. 9 Removal of the Chairperson and Members of the Board. The chairperson or any member of the Board
may be suspended or removed by the President of the Philippines, upon the recommendation of the Commission
and after due notice and hearing in a proper administrative investigation to be conducted by the Commission on
the following grounds:
1. Neglect of duly,
2. Abuse of power,
3. Oppression,
4. Incompetence,
5. Unprofessional, unethical conduct,
6. Immoral or dishonorable conduct,
7. Commission or toleration of irregularities in the conduct of examination or tampering of the grades, or
8. For any final judgment or conviction of any criminal offence involving moral turpitude.
The Commission in the conduct of the investigation shall be guided by Sec. 7 (s) of R.A. No. 8981 and its rules
on administrative investigation.
SEC. 10 Supervision of the Board, Custodian of its Records, Secretariat and Support Service. The Board shall be
under the general supervision and administrative control of the Commission. All records of the Board, including
applications for examination, examination papers and results, minutes of deliberations, administrative and other
investigative cases involving real estate service practitioners, shall be kept by the Commission. The Commission
shall designate the secretary of the Board at the office, Secretary, Professional Regulatory Boards and shall
provide the secretariat and other support services to implement the provisions of R.A. No. 9646 subject to the
usual government accounting and auditing rules and regulations
SEC. 11 Annual Report. The Board shall, at the close of each calendar year, submit an annual report to the
Commission, giving a detailed account of its proceedings and accomplishments during the year and
recommending measures to be adopted with the end-in-view of upgrading and improving the conditions affecting
the practice of real estate service in the Philippines.
SEC. 12 Licensure Examination. Every applicant seeking to be registered and licensed as a real estate service
practitioner, except a real estate salesperson, shall undergo an examination to be given by the Board as provided
for in R.A. No. 9646. Examinations for the practice of real estate service in the Philippines shall be given by the
Board in such places and dates as the Commission may designate in the Master Schedules of Board Licensure
Examinations for Professional for the year as issued by the Commission.
Sec. 13 Scope of Examination. The licensure examination for the applicants for real estate brokers, real estate
appraisers and real estate consultants shall cover, but no limited to the following
(a) For real estate consultants:
1. fundamentals of real consulting;
2. Standards and ethics;
3. Consulting tools and techniques, which include project feasibility study and investment measurement
4. Real estate finance and economics;
5. Real estate consulting and investment analyses;
6. Consulting for specific engagement, which includes consulting for commercial, industrial, recreation and
resort and hotel properties, and consulting for government and corporate and financial institutions;
7. Land Management system and real property laws; and
8. any other related subjects as may be determined by the Board;
(b) For real estate appraisers:
To conform to technological and modern developments, the Board may re-cluster, rearrange, modify, add to, or
exclude any of the foregoing subjects and their syllabi with tables of specifications as may be necessary.
SEC. 14 Qualification of Applicants for Examinations. In order to be admitted to the licensure examination for
real estate service, a candidate at the time of filing his/her application, shall establish to the satisfaction of the
Board that he/she possesses the following qualifications:
a) A citizen of the Philippines,
b) A holder of a relevant bachelor's degree from a estate university or college, or other educational
institution duly recognized by the CHED: Provided, That he/she has completed at least one hundred
twenty (120) credit units of real estate subjects and training from accredited service providers, as may be
determined by the Board; Provided, further, that as soon as a course leading to a Bachelor's degree in
Real Estate Service is implemented by the CHED, the Board shall make this course a requirement for
taking the licensure examination,
c) Is of good moral character, and must not have been convicted of any crime involving moral turpitude,
d) An application for the licensure examination for real estate consultants must show proof that he/she has at
least ten (10) years experience as a licensed real estate broker, or an assessor, or as a bank, or institutional
appraiser, or an employed person performing real property valuation, or at least five (5) years experience
as a licensed real estate appraiser.
All applications for examination shall be filed with the Board who shall assess and approve said applicants and
issue to the qualified examines the corresponding permits or notices of admission to take such examination upon
submission of the following documents:
1. Original and photocopy of Birth Certificate or Certificate of Live Birth (NSO) and / or valid Philippine
passport, or any other proof of citizenship,
2. Original and photocopy of transcript of records and / or diploma with scanned picture,
3. Original and photocopy of notarized certification by employer of his/her years of experience or prerequisite Certificate of Registration (COR) and / or Professional Identification Card (PIC) or DTI license
(for real estate consultants),
4. Original and photocopy of NBI clearance,
5. Original and photocopy of duly notarized accredited seminar and / or training certificate,
6. Community tax certificate,
7. Four (4) colored passport size pictures with background and complete nametag and other documents in
accordance with the requirements set by the Commission.
SEC. 15 Rating in the Examination. In order that a candidate may be deemed to have successfully passed the
examination, he/she must have obtained an average of at least seventy-five percent (75%) in all subjects, with no
rating below fifty percent (50%) in any subject. The board may adopt its own internal procedure on the
implementation of this provision.
The reports of ratings may be distributed to the successful examinees during their mass oath taking.
SEC. 16 Release of the Results of Examination. The results of the licensure examination shall be released by the
Board within ten (10) days from the last day of the examination. The results shall be published in a daily major
newspaper of general circulation and PRC website.
SEC. 17 Issuance of the Certificate of Registration and Professional Identification Card. A certificate of
registration shall be issued to examinees who pass the licensure examination for real estate service practice,
subject to payment of fees prescribed by the Commission. The certificate of registration shall bear the signature of
the chairperson of the Commission and the chairperson and the members of the Board, stamped with the official
seal of the Commission, indicating that the person named therein is entitled to practice the profession with all the
benefits and privileges appurtenant thereto. This certificate of registration shall remain in full force and effect
until revoked or suspended in accordance with R.A. No. 9646.
A Professional Identification Card bearing the registration number, date of issuance and expiry date, duly signed
by the chairperson of the Commission, shall likewise be issued to every registrant upon payment of the required
fees. The professional identification card shall be renewed every three (3) years and upon satisfying the
requirements of the Board such as, but not limited to, attendance in the CPE program.
SEC. 18 Refusal to Register. The Board shall not register and issue a certificate of registration to any successful
examinee who has been convicted by a court of competent jurisdiction of any criminal offense involving moral
turpitude or has been found guilty of immoral or dishonorable conduct after investigation by the Board, or has
been found to be psychologically unfit.
SEC. 19 Revocation or Suspension of the Certificate of Registration and the Professional Identification Card or
Cancellation of Special/Temporary Permit. The Board may, after giving proper notice and hearing to the party
concerned, revoke the certificate of registration and the professional identification card, or cancel the
special/temporary permit of a real estate service practitioner, or suspend him/her from the practice of the
profession on any of the following instances hereunder.
(a) Procurement of a certificate of registration and or/ professional identification card, or special/temporary permit
by fraud or deceit;
(b) Allowing an unqualified person to advertise or to practice the profession by using one's certificate of
registration or professional identification card, or special/temporary permit;
(c) Unprofessional or unethical conduct;
(d) Malpractice or violation of any of the provisions of R.A. No. 9646, the IRR, and the Code of Ethics and
Responsibilities for real estate service practitioner; and
(e) Engaging in the practice of the professional during the period of one's suspension.
The rules on administrative investigation issued by the Commission shall govern the hearing or investigation of
the case, subject to the applicable provisions of R.A. No. 8981, R.A. No. 9646, and the Rules of Court; Provided,
That the suspension or revocation of the Certificate of Registration and Professional Identification Card, or the
cancellation of the Temporary/Special Permit of the respondent professional shall not prejudice his/her
prosecution for criminal liabilities and the imposition of the penalties under R.A. No. 8981, R.A. 9646, under the
Revised Penal Code, or any other special law.
SEC. 20 Registration Without Examination. Upon application and payment of the required fees, the following
shall be registered, and shall be issued by the Board and the Commission a certificate of registration and a
professional identification card without taking the prescribed examination:
(a) Those whose, on the date of the effectivity of R.A. No. 9646 or as 30 July 2009, are already licensed as real
estate brokers, real estate appraiser or real estate consultants by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) by
virtue of Ministry Order No. 39, as amended: Provided, that they are in active as real estate brokers, real estate
appraisers, and real estate consultants, and that they have undertaken relevant Continuing Professional Education
(CPE) or Continuing Education Program (CPE) to the satisfaction of the Board: Provided, further, that the
following practitioners shall be allowed to register:
1. Any holder of the a valid DTI license who has earned fifteen (15) Continuing Education Program (CPE)
or CPE credit units;
2. Those who had failed to renew their DTI License prior to 30 July 2009 but who have earned twenty-four
(24) CPE credit units from accredited service providers as per M.O. 39 or CPE credit units from CPE
Council Accredited Provider from 2007 to July 30, 2011;
3. Those who had passed the 2009 & 2008 licensure examinations given by the DTI but who had failed to
obtain their license upon the affectivity of the R.A. No. 9646 and who have earned fifteen (15) CPE or
CPE credit units;
4. Those who had passed the 2007 licensure examinations given by the DTI but who had failed to obtain
their license upon the effectivity of the R.A. No. 9646 and who have earned eighteen (18) CPE or CPE
credit units;
5. Those who had passed the DTI licensure examinations in 2006 and prior years but who had failed to
obtain their license upon the effectivity of R.A. No. 9646 and who have earned one hundred twenty (120)
CPE or CPE credit units;
Provided, finally, that real estate practitioners falling the above-described categories who fail to comply with the
necessary CPE requirements within two (2) years after the efectivity of R.A. No. 9646, on or before 30 July 2011,
shall be required to take the Board licensure examination for real estate service practitioner;
(b) Assessors and appraisers who, on the date of the effectivity of R.A. No. 9646 or as of 30 July 2009, hold
permanent appointments and are performing actual appraisal and assessment functions for the last five (5) years,
have passed the Real Property Assessing Officer (RPAO) examination conducted and administered by the Civil
Service Commission (CSC) in coordination with the Department of Finance (DOF), and have undertaken relevant
CPE to the satisfaction of the Board; and
(c) Assessors and appraisers who, on the date of the effectivity of R.A. No. 9646 or as of 30 July 2009, hold
permanent appointments and have at least ten (10) years actual experience in real property appraisal or assessment
and have completed at least one hundred twenty (120) hours of accredited training on real property appraisal
conducted by national or international appraisal organizations or institutions/entities, duly certified by the
Department of Finance (DOF) or any other pertinent national government agencies or Government Owned and
Controlled Corporations (GOCC) as the case may be, recognized by the Board and relevant CPE credit units to
the satisfaction of the Board.
Those falling under categories (b) and (c) shall register with the Board after they shall have complied with the
requirements for registration as real estate appraisers, and have completed twenty four (24) CPE credit units.
Provided, that those seeking to be licensed to a new credential level shall be required to take the pertinent Board
licensure examination for real estate practitioners.
Those so exempt under the aforementioned categories shall file their applicant within two (2) years from the
effectivity of Republic Act No. 9646 or until 30 July 2011. Provided, that the renewal of the professional
identification card is subject to the provisions of Section 17, Art. III of R.A. No. 9646.
An applicant for registration without examination must submit the following documents:
1. Original and photocopy of Certificate of Live Birth/Birth Certificate (NSO), or valid Philippine
passport, or any other proof of citizenship;
2. Original and photocopy of Certificate of Registration (COR) and / or Professional Identification Card
(PIC) or DTI License;
3. DTI certificate of Rating (for those who passed the examination but failed to obtain their license),
4. Original and photocopy of NBI Clearance,
5. Duly notarized CEP/CPE Certification,
6. Civil Service Commission Certificate, DOF, or any other national government agencies or, GOCC
Certificate (assessors or government appraisers), or any certificate of accredited seminar/training
7. Appointment papers and service to prove appraisal or assessment experience (for assessors of
government appraisers),
8. Four (4) passport size colored photos with complete nametag in white background, original and
photocopy of community tax certificate (CTC) , and surety bond for real estate brokers and private
real estate appraisers.
SEC. 21 Reinstatement, Re-issuance or Replacement of Certificate of Registration, Professional Identification
Card and Special/Temporary Permit. The Board may, after the examination of two (2) years from the date of
revocation of a certificate of registration and/or professional identification card, and upon application and
compliance with the required CPE units, and for the reasons deemed proper and sufficient, reinstate any revoke
certificate of registration and reissue a suspended identification card and in so doing, may, in its discretion,
exempt the applicant from the taking another examination; Provided, that the Board shall issue a resolution
subject to the approval of the Commission in granting a petition for reinstatement to the practice of real estate
service profession. A new certificate of registration, professional identification card or special/temporary permit
may be issued to replace lost, destroy or mutilated ones, subject to the rules as may be promulgated by the Board
and the Commission, upon payment of the required fees therefor.
SEC. 22 Roster of Real Estate Service Practitioner. The Board, in coordination with the AIPO of real estate
service practitioners, shall prepare, update and maintain a roster of real estate service practitioners which shall
contain the names of all registered estate service practitioners, their residence and office address, license
numbers, date of registration or issuance of certificates, and other data which the Board may deem pertinent.
Copies thereof shall be made available to the public upon request.
SEC. 23 Issuance of Special/Temporary Permit. Upon application and payment of the required fees and subject to
the approval of the Commission, the Board may issue special/temporary permit to real estate service practitioners
from foreign countries whose services are urgently needed in the absence or unavailability of local real estate
service practitioners for the propose of promoting or enhancing the practices of the profession in the Philippines.
SEC. 24 Foreign Reciprocity. No foreign real estate service practitioners shall be admitted to the licensure
examination, be given a certificate of registration or a professional identification card, be issued a
Special/Temporary Permit, or be entitled to any of the privileges under R.A. No. 9646 and the IRR unless the
country of which he/she is a citizen of specifically allows Filipino real estate service practitioners to practice
within its territorial limits on the same basis as the citizens of such foreign country; Provided, That the guidelines
therefor issued by the Commission, or by the Board subject to approval by the Commission, shall govern the
provisions of foregoing Sec. 23 and of the herein Sec. 24.
SEC. 25 Oath. All successful examinees qualified for registration, all qualified applicants for registration without
examination and accredited salespersons shall be required to take the oath before any member of the Board or any
officer of the Commission duly authorized by the Commission to administer oaths prior to entering into the
practice of real estate service in the Philippines Provided, That the mass oathtakng of the foregoing may be
initiated and supervised by the Board in coordination with the AIPO.
SEC. 26 Professional Indemnity Insurance/Cash or Surety Bond. All real estate brokers and private real estate
practitioners shall, in addition to the oath referred to in the preceding section, be required to post a professional
indemnity insurance/cash or surety bond, in an amount to be determined by the Board, which in no case shall be
less then Twenty thousand pesos (P20,000.00), without prejudice to the additional requirement of the client. It
will be renewable every three (3) years.
SEC. 27 Acts Constituting the Practice of Real Estate service. Any single act or transaction embrace within the
provisions of Section 3(g), Rule II hereof, as performed by the real estate service practitioners, shall constitute an
act of engaging in the practices of real estate service.
SEC. 28 Exemptions from the Acts Constituting the Practice of Real Estate Service. The provisions of R.A. No.
9646 and the IRR shall not apply to the following:
(a) Any person, natural or juridical, who shall directly perform by himself/herself the acts mentioned in Section
three hereof with reference to his/her or its own property, except real estate developers who are regulated by and
registered with the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board (HLURB) pursuant to law and other
resolutions/regulations such as but nut limited to Presidential Decree (PD) 957, as amended, and Batas Pambansa
Blg. 220 and their Implementing Rules and Regulations;
(b) Any receiver, trustee or assignee in bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings;
(c) Any person acting pursuant to the order of any court of justice
(d) Any person who is a duly constituted attorney-in-fact for purposes of sales, mortgage, lease or exchange, or
other similar contracts or real estate, without requiring any form of compensation or remuneration; and
(e) Public Officers in the performance of their official duties and functions, except government assessors and
SEC. 29 Prohibition Against the Unauthorized Practice of Real Estate Service. No person shall practice or offer
to real estate service in the Philippines or offer himself/herself as real estate service practitioner, or use the title,
word, figure or any sign tending to convey the impression that the one is a real estate service practitioner, or
advertise or indicate in any manner whatsoever that one is qualified to practice the profession, or be appointed as
real property appraiser or assessor in any national government entity or local government unit, unless he/she
satisfactory passed the licensure examination given by the Board, excepts as otherwise provided in R.A. No. 9646
and the IRR is a holder of valid certificate of registration and professional identification card or a valid
special/temporary permit duly issued to him/her by the Board and the Commission; and, in the case of real estate
brokers and private appraisers, they paid the required bond as provided for in R.A. No. 9646.
SEC. 30 Positions in Government Requiring of Registration and Licensed Real Estate Service Practitioners.
Within three (3) years from the effectivity of R.A. No. 9646, all existing and new position in the national and
local governments, whether career, permanent, temporary or contractual, primarily requiring the services of any
real estate service practitioner, shall be filled only by registered and licensed real estate service practitioners. All
incumbent assessors holding permanent appointments shall continue to perform their functions without need for
re-appointment and without diminution of status, rank and salary grade, and shall enjoy security of tenure.
However, they may not be promoted to a higher position until they meet the qualification requirements of that
higher position as herein prescribed. Nothing in R.A. No. 9646 and the IRR shall be construed to reduce any
benefit, interest, or right enjoyed by the incumbents at the time of the enactment of R.A. No. 9646. The
appointing shall exercise his power to appoint the assessor in accordance of R.A. No, 9646 and the IRR only a
vacancy occurs.
SEC. 31 Supervision of real Estate Salespersons. For real estate salespersons, no examination shall be given, but
they shall be accredited by the Board, provided that they have completed at least two (2) years of college and have
undergone training and seminars of at least twelve (12) credit units in real estate brokerage. Those salespersons
who are registered with the DTI/HLURB or other salespersons who are in the active practice for at least three (3)
years, as may be certified by a licensed broker or a real estate developer, prior to the effectivity of R.A. no. 9646
may also be accredited by the Board until 30 July 2011. Provided, that in both cases, such Real Estate
Salespersons must have undergone at least one hundred twenty (120) training hours in real estate brokerage, and
have submitted original NSO certificate, NBI clearance, certificate of education attainment or its equivalent,
notarized certificate of training or seminar and notarized certificate of their supervising licensed brokers, as may
required by the Board. Real estate salesperson shall be the direct supervision and accountability of real estate
broker. As such, they cannot by themselves be signatories to a written agreement involving a real estate
transaction unless the real estate broker who has direct supervision and accountability over them is also a
signatory thereto. No real estate salesperson, either directly, can negotiate, mediator transact any real estate
transaction for and in behalf of a real estate broker without first securing an authorized accreditation as real estate
salesperson for the real estate broker, as prescribed by the Board. A real estate shall be guilty of violating R.A.
No. 9646 or the IRR for employing or utilizing the services of a real estate salesperson when he/she has not
secured the required accreditation form the Board prior to such employment.
No salesperson shall be entitled to receive or demand a fee, commission or compensation of any kind from any
person, other than the duly licensed real estate broker who has direct control and supervision over him, for any
service rendered or work done by such salesperson in any real estate transaction. No violation of this provision
shall be a cause for revocation or suspension of the certificate of registration of the real estate broker unless there
was actual knowledge of such violation or the broker retains the benefits, profits or proceeds of a transaction
wrongfully negotiated by the salesperson.
SEC. 32 Corporate Practice of the Real Estate Service.
(a) No partnership or coordination shall engage in the business of real estate service unless it is duly registered
with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), and the persons authorized to act for the partnership or
corporation are all duly registered and licensed real estate brokers, appraisers or consultants, as the case may be.
The partnership or corporation shall regularly submit a list of its real estate service practitioners to the
Commission and to the SEC as part for every twenty (20) accredited salespersons.
(b) Division or departments of partnerships and corporations engage in marketing or selling any real estate
development project in the regular course of business must be headed by full-time registered and licensed real
estate brokers.
(c) Branch offices of real estate brokers, appraisers or consultants must be manned by a duly licensed real estate
broker, appraiser or consultant as the case may be.
In case of resignation or termination from employment of real estate service practitioner, the same shall be
reported by the employer to the Board within a period not to exceed fifteen (15) days from the date of effectivity
of the registration or termination. Subject to the provisions of the Labor Code, a corporation or partnership may
hire the services of registered and licensed real estate brokers, appraisers or consultants on commission basis to
perform real estate service and the latter shall be deemed independent contractors and not employees of such
SEC. 33 Display of License in the Place of Business. Every registered and licensed real estate service practitioner
shall establish and maintain a principal place of business and such other branch offices as may be necessary, and
shall conspicuously display therein the original and/or certified true copies of registration and professional
identification cards of all the real estate service practitioners employed in such office.
SEC. 34 Accreditation and Integration of Real Estate Service Association. All real estate service association shall
be integrated into one (1) national organization, which shall be recognized by board, subject to the approval of the
commission, as the only accredited and integrated professional organization of real estate service practitioners
pursuant to PRC Res. No 2004-178, series of 2004.
A real estate service practitioner duly registered with the board shall automatically become a member of the
accredited and integrated professional organization of real estate service practitioner, and shall receive the
benefits and privileges appurtenant thereto; Provided That the board, subject to approval by the commission, shall
issue a resolution on the membership and payment of the fee therefore as a requirement fro the renewal of the
professional identification card, the automatic membership in the accredited and integrated professional
organization of real state service practitioner shall not be a bar to membership in other association of real estate
service practitioner
SEC. 35 Code of Ethics and Responsibilities for Real Estate Service Practitioner. The board shall adopt and
promulgated the code of ethics and responsibilities for real estate service practitioner which shall be prescribed
and issued by the accredited and integrated professional organization (AIPO) of real estate service practitioner.
SEC. 36 Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Program. The board shall develop, prescribed and
promulgated guidelines on CPE upon consultation with the accredited and integrated professional organization of
real estate service practitioner, affiliated association of real estate service practitioners and other concerned
sectors, and in accordance with such policies as may have been prescribed by the board, subject to the approval of
the commission .the board shall create a CPE council that shall be composed of a chairperson coming board ,a
member from the accredited and integrated professional organization of real estate service practitioner and a
member from the academe.
SEC. 37 Enforcement Assistance to the Board. The board shall be assisted by the commission in carrying out the
provisions of R.A No. 9646 and the IRR and other policies. The lawyers of the commission shall act as
prosecutors against illegal practitioner and other violations of R.A No. 9646 and the IRR. The duly constituted
authorities of the government shall likewise assist the board and commission in enforcing the provisions of R.A
No.9646 and the IRR.
SEC.38. Indication of the certificate of registration, professional identification card/license number, privilege tax
receipt (PTR) number, accredited integrated professional organization (AIPO)number. Real estate service
practitioner shall be required to indicate the certificate of registration, professional identification card, PTR
number and AIPO membership and or receipt issue in connection with the practice of his/her profession.,
SEC. 39 Penal Provisions. Any violation of R.A. 9646, including violations of this IRR, shall be meted the
penalty of a fine of not less than one hundred pesos (P100,000.00) or imprisonment of not less than two (2) years,
or both such fine and imprisonment upon the discretion of the court. In case the violation is committed by an
unlicensed real estate service practitioner, the penalty shall be double the aforesaid fine and imprisonment. In case
the violation is committed, by a partnership, corporation, association or any other juridical person, the partner,
president, director or manager who has committed or consented to or knowingly tolerated such violation shall be
held directly liable and responsible for the acts as principle or as a co-principal with other participants, if any.
SEC. 40 Appropriations. The chairperson of the Professional Regulation Commission shall immediately include
in the Commission's programs the implementation of R.A. No. 9646 and the IRR the funding of which shall be
included in the annual General Appropriations Act and thereafter.
SEC. 41 Transitory Provision. Within ninety (90) days from the effectivity of R.A. No. 9646, the DTI-Bureau of
Trade Regulation and Consumer Protection (BTRCP) shall transfer all pertinent records, documents and other
materials to the Professional Regulatory Board of Real Estate Service.
SEC. 42 Implementing Rules and Regulations. Within six (6) months after the effectivity of R.A. No.9646, the
Commission, together with the Board and the accredited and integrated professional organization of real estate
service practitioners, the Department of Finance, and the CHED, shall prepare the necessary rules and regulations,
including the Codes of Ethics and responsibilities for real estate service practitioners, needed to implement the
provisions of R.A. No. 9646. The Board shall issue and promulgate a resolution for the IRR subject to review and
approval by the Commission.
Nothing in R.A. No. 9646 and the IRR shall be construed or interpreted to effect or prevent the practice of any
other profession legally regulated by any other professional regulatory law.
SEC. 43 Separability Clause. If any clause, sentence, paragraph or part of the IRR shall be declared
unconstitutional or invalid, such judgment shall not affect, invalidate or impair any other part thereof.
SEC. 44 Repealing Clause.
1. Section 3(e) and (ee) of Act No. 2728, as amended by Act No. 3715 and Act No. 3969, Sections 472 and
473 of the Local Government Code of 1991 (Republic Act No. 7160), and pertinent provisions of the
Civil Service Law are hereby modified accordingly.
2. All laws, decrees, executive orders, department or memorandum orders and other administrative
issuances or parts thereof which are inconsistent with the provisions of R.A. No. 9646 and / or the IRR
are hereby modified, superseded or repealed accordingly.
SEC. 45 Effectivity. The IRR shall take effect after fifteen (15) days following its full and complete publication in
the Official Gazette or in a major daily newspaper of general circulation in the Philippines.
Done in the City of Manila this 21st day of July, 2010
Published July 24, 2010 [ Philippines Daily Inquirer and The Philippines Star ]
Title III
SECTION 11. Registration of Dealers, Brokers and Salesmen- No real estate dealer, broker or salesman
shall in the business of selling subdivision lots or condominium units unless he has registered himself with the
Authority in accordance with the provisions of this section.
If the Authority shall find that the applicant is of good repute and has complied with the applicable rules
of the Authority, including the payment of the prescribed fee, he shall register such applicant as a dealer, broker or
salesman upon filing a bond, or other security in lieu thereof, in such sum as may be fixed by the Authority
conditioned upon his faithful compliance with the provisions of this Decree: Provided, that the registration of a
salesman shall cease upon the termination of his employment with a dealer or broker.
Every registration under this section shall expire on the thirty-first day of December of each year Renewal
of registration for the succeeding year shall be granted upon written application thereof made not less than thirty
nor more then sixty days before the first of the ensuing year and upon payment of the prescribed fee, without the
necessary of filing further statement or information, unless specifically required by the Authority. All applications
filed beyond said period shall be treated as original applications.
The names address of all persons registered as dealers, brokers, or salesmen shall be recorded in a
Register of Broker of Brokers, Dealers and Salesmen kept in the Authority which shall be upon to public
SECTION 12. Revocation of Registration as Dealer, Brokers or Salesmen- Registration under the
proceding section may be refused or any registration granted thereunder, revoked by the Authority if, after
reasonable notice and hearing, it shall determine that such applicant or registrant:
1. Has violated any provision of this Decree or any rule or regulation made hereunder, or
2. Has made a material false statement in his application for registration; or
3. Has been guilty of a fraudulent act in connection with any sale of a subdivision lot or condominium units;
4. Has demonstrated his unworthiness to transact the business of dealer, broker, or salesman, as the case
may be.
5. In case of charges against a salesman, notice thereof shall be given the broker or dealer employing such
Pending hearing of the case, the Authority shall have the power to order the suspension of the dealer's,
broker's, of salesman's registration; provided, that such order shall state the cause for the suspension.
The suspension or revocation of the registration of a dealer or broker shall carry with it all the suspension
or revocation of the registrations of all his salesmen.
Done in the City of Manila, this 12th day of July, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and seventysix.
P5,000 for Dealers/Brokers and P1,000 for Salesmen These bonds shall no longer be required if equivalent bonds
or securities have already been posted by applicants for the purpose with other government agencies pursuant to
A dealer, broker or salesman may apply in writing the Board for the cancellation and release of his bond stating
therein his reasons. Inappropriate cases, the Board may require the applicant to cause the publication of a notice
therefore at the latter's expense in a newspaper of general circulation stating, among others, the fact of such
application. The proof of publication shall be submitted to the Board. Any person, having any claim for money or
property against the dealer, broker or salesman in his real estate service or practice, must file his claim with the
Board within 15 days from the date of publication. If the reason for cancellation of the bond is his cession from
further engaging in the business of selling subdivision lots or condominium units, the dealer, broker or salesman
shall surrender his certificate of registration to the Board and his name shall be cancelled from the Register of
Dealers, Brokers and Salesmen.
Section 32. Brokers/Salesman as Witness to Sales
The broker or salesman who negotiated the sale of a subdivision lot or condominium units shall act as one of the
witnesses to the sales document with an indication of his Certificate of Registration number and renewal date. If
the sale was directly made by the owner or dealer, that fact must be so stated in the sales document.
August 20, 2001
Quezon City
SEC. 38 Indication of the certificate of Certificate of Registration, Professional Identification Card/License
Number, Privilege Tax Receipt (PTR) Number, and Accredited Integrated Professional Organization (AIPO)
Number. Real estate service practitioners shall be required to indicate the certificate of registration, professional
identification card, PTR number and AIPO membership and /or receipt number, and the date of issuance and the
duration of validity on the documents he/she signs, uses or issues in connection with the practice of his/her
Section 139. Professional Tax.-
(a) The province may levy an annual professional tax on each person engaged in the exercise or practice of his
professional requiring government examination at such amount and reasonable classification as the sangguniang
panlalawigan may determine but shall in no case exceed Three hundred pesos (P300.00).
(b) Every person legally authorized to practice his profession shall pay the professional tax to the province where
he practice his professional or where he maintain his principle office in case he practice his profession in several
places: Provided, however, That such person who has paid the corresponding professional tax shall be entitled to
practice his profession in any part of the Philippines without being subjected to any other national or local tax,
license, or fee for the practice of such profession.
(c) Any individual or corporation employing a person subject to professional tax shall require payment by the tax
on his profession before employment and annually thereafter.
(d) The professional tax shall be payable annually, on or before the thirty-first (31st) day of January. Any person
first beginning to practice a profession after the month of January must, however, pay the full tax before engaging
therein. A line of profession does not become exempt even if conducted with some other profession for which the
tax has been paid Professionals exclusively employed in the government from the payment of this tax.
(e) Any person subject to the professional tax shall write in deeds, receipts, prescriptions, reports, books of
account, plans and designs, surveys and maps, as the case may be, the number of the official receipt issued to him
Metro Manila
This will authorize you to procure a buyer for the sale of my property under the following terms and conditions:
Location :
Description: Block No.
Lot No.
sq. m. more or less
/sq.m. or P
to expire on
: Documentary stamps to be affixed on the Deed of Sales, real estate taxes up to the time of sale
and capital taxes if any, shall be for the account of the Seller, Registration and transfer fees shall be for the account of the
Commission: Five percent (5%) of the total selling price;
Period of Authority:
days exclusive from date hereof until
, 19
10. Remarks
: That notwithstanding the expiration of this Authority, you shall still be entitle to your commission in case
your buyer (s) whom you previously registered with us buys the above property within sixty (60) days from the expiration of
this authority;
It is also understood that the term of this Authority, all negotiation regarding the sale of the above property shall be coursed
through you.
You are also authorized to accept and/or receive Earnest Money from the buyer, the same shall be divided equally between
Tel. No.:
Juan De La Cruz, REALTOR
PRC Real Estate Brokers License No. 8001
Real Estate Brokerage & Practice
joint venture, or
other similar transactions
on real estate or any interest therein. [Sec.3(g)(4), RA 9646]
D. REAL ESTATE SALESPERSON- A duly accredited natural person who performs service for, and in
behalf of, a real estate broker who is registered and licensed by the Professional Regulatory Board of Real
Estate Service for or in expectation of a share in the commission, professional fee, compensation or other
valuable consideration. [Sec. 3(g)(5) RA 9646]
E. REAL ESTATE DEALER- Any person, natural or juridical, who is engaged in the trade of selling,
buying, or leasing his own real properties or interest therein, using his own funds and with the purpose of
realizing profit.
As to
1. Functions
2. Income
3. License
2. Examinations
3. Bond
4. Operation
Salesmanship/Marketing knowledge
Tact and diplomacy (Negotiation skills)
Familiarity with the location and market where the broker expects to operate or specialize in
To have full knowledge of all facts and circumstances affecting the transaction:
Unless it is an exclusive right to sell contract, the principal has the right to negotiate and close the deal
himself without being under any obligation to pay commission to the broker;
In the case of an open listing, the principal has the right to employ other brokers:
To accept the offer he deems best suited to his needs.
To receive compensation for service rendered;
to be informed of facts concerning the property listed with him;
To be given ample time to complete the negotiations;
To be treated in good faith by the principal.
(a) To duly compensate the broker for his services;
(b) To give the broker a reasonable period of time within which to perform his duties. The principal cannot
revoke with impunity the broker's authority when the broker's negotiations are already approaching
success, so as to deprive the agent of his commission.
(c) To act in good faith;
(d) To reimburse the broker for expenses incurred at the request of the principal and which are beyond the
ordinary expenses of the broker in his regular duties;
(e) To indemnify the broker for any damages he may suffer through no fault of his own in the lawful
performance of the principal's instructions.
(a) To be absolutely loyal to the principal;
(b) To employ skill and care in the performance of his duties. The broker must be the procuring cause of the
(c) To inform the principal of all facts relevant to the transaction;
(d) To account for all the money entrusted to him;
(e) To protect the interest of his principal;
(f) To act within the scope of authority given to him by the principal;
(g) To carry out all the duties he is expected to perform.
C. Liabilities of the parties
1. Principal
Liable for all the acts of his agents which are executed within the scope of his authority. The mismanagement of
the principal's business by the agent does not relieve the principal from liability to third persons in the absence of
any limitation upon the p[principal's liability as may be expressed in the written contract.
Liable for any violation of the law on Agency and non-performance of the duties prescribed in the agency
A. When the Real Estate Broker is entitled to commission1. For a broker to be entitled to commission, he must find a buyer who will actually buy the property on the
terms and conditions imposed and/or accepted by the owner.
2. The broker is entitled to commission if the sale is made to a buyer procured by his sub-agent or
cooperating broker.
3. If the sale made to a buyer has been referred to the broker by the owner, the broker is entitled to
commission for services rendered.
4. Where there is no mention of the commission due to the broker and his service were engaged and
subsequently a sale is made to buyer procured by the broker, the rate of commission may be determined
by established business practice on the premise that the broker is deemed to be in business and expects to
be compensated for service rendered.
5. Where the property sold by the owner directly to a buyer who has earlier been registered in writing by the
broker during the continuance of the agency contract contains a holdover clause.
When Commission is Due
In real estate transactions, commission is due upon the perfection of the contract, that is, when acceptance in
writing is made by the owner/offeree, with or without the formal execution of a deed. The usual conditions which
the broker must show are:
That his service were contracted by the person from whom he seeks payment;
That his effort is the procuring cause of the sale;
That his effort is responsible for bringing about the deal under the terms and conditions of his principal;
That he was able to find a buyer who ready, willing and able;
(e) That the transaction is a completed one, that is, an offer in writing is accepted by the owner/offeree;
(f) That he acted in good faith;
This is a provision in a listing contract which entities the broker to commission even if the sale were closed after
the period of his authority, provided that the buyer was registered by the broker with the seller during the period
of authority.
In the absence of any stipulation to the contrary, the commission is payable in full upon the consummation of the
contract even when the price is to be paid in installment.
In a case where the property is listed by one broker and the same is sold by a cooperating broker, the commission
is shared generally as follows:
50% < ----- > 50%
Listing broker
selling broker
However, the sharing may vary depending also on the agreement between the brokers and the nature of the
transaction. It is always advised that when dealing with co-broker that the sharing agreement be clarified at the
beginning in order to avoid disagreements and conflict in the sharing of commission.
Expectation of period
Death of principal or agent
Withdrawal of agent
Accomplishment of purpose
Dissolution of firm which granted or accept agency
Securing Listings
Procuring Prospects
Presentation and Demonstration
LISTING refers to the authority given by the seller, buyer, lessee, owner, borrower or lender for the broker to
negotiate the sale, purchase, lease, mortgage or exchange of a real estate property for a stipulated period of time,
price and terms, as well as the rate of commission. Listings also refer to the stock in trade or the property which a
broker is authorized to sell.
Name, address and signature of the principal
Name, address and signature of the broker
Description of the property
Description of improvement, if any
Period and conditions of the authority
Price and items
Rate of commission
Hold-over clause, if any
Mortgage, or other encumbrances, if any
Authority to receive earnest money
a) Verbal-although a verbal listing, it is still recommended that a written authority still be obtained by the
b) Written-this is the best form of authority/listing
a) Non-exclusive or open- a listing wherein two or more broker are authorized to negotiate the sale of the
b) Exclusive- a listing wherein only one broker is authorized to negotiate the sale.
1) Exclusive Agency- a listing wherein the exclusive broker will not be entitled to commission if the
owner himself sells the property.
2) Exclusive Right to Sell- one wherein the exclusive broker is entitle to commission even if the
owner himself sells the property
a) SALES AGENCY- an authority given by the owner/seller to the broker for the latter to look for a buyer
and negotiate the sale of property.
b) PURCHASE AGENCY- an authority granted by the buyer to a broker to look for a property for sale and
negotiate the purchase of said property.
c) LEASE AGENCY- an authority given by the owner of an income property for the broker to secure
tenants, or an authority given by the prospective tenants for the broker to look for a space to be rented.
d) EXCHANGE AGENCY- an authority given by the property owner for the broker to look for the
properties which may be exchanged with former's property.
e) MORTGAGE/LOAN AGENCY- an authority given by a borrower for the broker to secure financing, or
an authority given by a financing firm for the broker to procure borrowers.
f) JOINT VEBTURE AGENCY- an authority given by a party for the broker to look fro a joint venture
partner, whether the landowner or the developer
a) NET LISTING- one wherein the compensation of the broker depends on the over price.
b) PERCENTAGE (%) LISTING- one wherein the fee of the broker is stipulated as a percentage of the total
consideration/selling price agreed.
Multiple Listing
This is a cooperative arrangement among real estate brokers whereby properties for sale or wanted by a broker
is circularized to the others and in the event another broker sells the property or gives a listing which is later sold,
the commission is shared between the listing system.
In case the real estate broker would prefer to be involved in project selling (such as subdivisions and
condominium projects), then, basically the listings are obtained through the developer or its marketing outfit and
real estate broker would not really undertake securing of listings as these will be already be made available to the
real estate broker.
PROSPECT- one who has both the willingness and capacity to buy the property.
1. Adjoining owner of the property which is for sale;
2. Nature of the property which may indicate the class of prospect to be approached.
3. The same sources of listing are also sources of prospects (ads, internet, etc.)
It is the process of showing the property and pointing out its physical attributes, features and qualities and other
benefits and advantages as to satisfy the needs of the buyer, including the following:
1. Prepare a checklist of the data and information regarding the property which may be asked by the buyer,
i.e. the location plan, vicinity map, lot plan building plan and others.
2. Emphasize the selling points and positive features of the property.
3. Anticipate possible objections by the buyer and map out possible responses thereto.
4. Provide other useful information and tools to enhance the interest of its buyer on the property being
It is the process of reconciling the opposing views of the transaction- the buyer and the seller- as to price and
terms of the sale.
It is the process when, thru the mediation of the broker, the minds of the parties meet and the buyer offer of price,
terms and other conditions become acceptable to the seller, or vice-versa.
Although the sale is completed, it is always recommended to undertake post closing, activities or report to the
parties. This will provide a more professional service by the broker and could very well lead to future transactions
with the parties or referrals.
a) Post activities
These may involve other minor activities such as assisting the buyer to take possession of the property and in
other matters which may involve obtaining documents or other services.
b) Report
A report would also be recommended which would contain a checklist and copies (or photocopies) of all
documents pertaining to the just concluded transaction properly filed and arranged in a report format to be
submitted to the parties.
Is t he consideration of an option contract
Does not form part of and is distinct from the
purchase price.
Can be in a separate contract called Option
It is an agreement wherein the consideration of a contract, or a portion thereof, is entrusted to a third party known
as escrow agent who is authorized to release payment upon fulfillment or performance of some acts or conditions.
(Third Party)
Instances where escrow may be applicablea) When the property is occupied by squatters/or tenants and the seller assumes the responsibility to eject
b) When the seller requests for time to vacate and to ensure delivery within the agreed period, the balance or
portion of purchase price is put in escrow
c) When title to the property has certain encumbrances or annotations which the seller has undertaken to
d) In general, when there are certain conditions which will still have to be performed by the seller and the
buyer would like to ensure that the conditions are fulfilled before full payment and the seller, on the other
hand, would like to ensure that the payment will be made and is ready and available.
Subdivision Development
The Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council (HUDCC) was created by then President Corazon C.
Aquino by virtue Executive Order No. 90 dated December 1986. The EO, which also abolished the Ministry of
Human Settlements, placed HUDCC under the direct supervision of the Office of the President to serve as the
highest policy making body for housing and coordinate the activities of the government housing agencies to
ensure the accomplishment of the National Shelter Program.
The Home Guaranty Corporation (HGC) is the government-owned-and-controlled-corporation (GOCC) mandated
by law (Republic Act 8763) to promote sustainable home ownership by providing risk coverage or Guarantees
and tax/fiscal incentives to banks and financial institution/investors granting housing development loans/credits,
and home financing.
2. HLURB [Housing Land Use and Regulatory Board]
The Housing Land Use and Regulatory Board (HLURB) is a national government agency tasked as the planning
regulatory and quasi-judicial body for land use development and real estate and housing regulation. These roles
are done via a triad of strategies namely, policy development, planning and regulation.
3. National Housing Authority
A National government agency tasked to provide responsive housing programs primarily to homeless low-income
families with access to social services and economic opportunities with excellence while ensuring corporate
4. National Home Mortgage Finance Corporation
The NHMFC is the major government home mortgage institution. Its main function is to operate a viable
secondary home mortgage market.
The birth of the Home Development Mutual Fund (HDMF), more popularly known as the Pag-IBIG Fund, was an
answer to the need for a national savings program and an affordable shelter financing for the Filipino worker. The
Fund was established on 11 June 1978 by virtue of Presidential Decree No. 1530 primarily to address these two
basic yet equally important needs. Under the said law, there were two agencies that administered the Fund. The
Social Security System handled the funds of private employees, while the government Service Insurance System
handled the savings of government workers.
To provide and maintain adequate housing for the greatest possible number of people.
To undertake housing development, resettlement or other activities that would enhance the provision of
housing to very Filipino.
To harness and promote private participation in housing ventures in terms of capital expenditures, and,
expertise, financing and other facilities for the sustained growth of the housing industry.
Defines open spaces in residential subdivision and amended Sect. 31 of PD 957. Requires subdivision owners to
provide adequate roads, alleys, sidewalks and reserved open spaces for parks or recreational use equivalent to
30% of the total area of the subdivision project; and are non-saleable/non-alienable public lands.
8. Republic Act 6652 'Maceda Law" (1972)
Provides protection to buyers of residential units on installments against scrupulous
(including residential condominium apartments, but excluding industrial lots,
commercial buildings and sales
to tenants).
9. Presidential Decree No. 1517 (1978)
Provides for protection of legitimate tenants and requires clearance for development proposals
transactions in proclaimed Areas for Priority Development (APDs) and Urban Land
(ULRZs). Its important features are under Section 6, defines legitimate tenants as
follows: a) Ten years
residency or more; b) They were the ones who built their homes; c) Legally
occupied the lands by virtue of
contract with landowners continuously for ten years; d) Used the lands for residential purpose only.
10. Republic Act 7160 or the Local Government Code of 1991:
Devolves the following function of HLURB to the local government units:
- Issuance of approval of subdivision plans to local government units (LGUs) subject to
national laws and standards;
-Devolves to the Sangguniang Panlalawigan, subject to national guidelines and standards
the approval of comprehensive land use plans of municipalities.
11. Executive Order No. 71 (1993)
Provides for implementing guidelines and role of HLURB in the devolution of approval of subdivision plans to
the LGUs.
12. Executive Order No. 72 (1993)
a) Provides that HLURB shall review and approve land use plants of provinces, highly urbanized cities, and all of
the independent component cities/municipalities within Metro Manila; b) Devolves the issuance of location
clearance to LGUs.
13. Republic Act 7899 (1995)
Amends Section 4 and 16 of RA 4726 or the "Condominium Act", where HLURB is given the following
authorities: a) Approval of any amendment to or revocation of the enabling or master deed of s condominium
project subject to consent by a simple majority of all registration owners, and where prior notification to all
registered owners is done. b) Approval of the expansion of a condominium corporation or integration of a
condominium project with another project upon the affirmative vote of a simple majority of registered owners.
14. Republic Act 6657 or the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law (June 15, 1988)
Implements a comprehensive agrarian reform with the intention that any conversion of a private agricultural land
to non-agricultural uses should first be cleared before hand by the Department of Agrarian Reform. (Please see
attached notes on this RA 6657 or CARP).
15. Presidential Decree No. 1586 (1970)
Requires all person, partnership or corporation to secure an Environment Compliance Certificate prior to
a) It is an official public document adopted by a local government unit as guide to decision regarding the physical
and socio-economic development of their community. b) It provides for the directions on how the local leaders
and their population would want their community to develop within a given framework of time. c) It sets the
goals, objectives and policy guidelines of the local government unit after defining the strengths and weaknesses,
identifying its opportunities and threats in relation to its environs. In the Philippines, a town plan is synonymous
to comprehensive development plan, city plan, physical framework plan, comprehensive land use plan, or
municipal development plan.
It is the rational and deliberate allocation of land resources to different uses based on the comprehensive and
integrated plan for area. It translates the social-economics, the infrastructure and environment plan into land
It is the division of the community into functional zones on the present and potential uses of properties for the
purpose of regulating the use growth of properties in accordance with the comprehensive development plan of the
It is the enacted legislation which among other a) regulations affecting uses allowed or disallowed in each zone
or district; b) conditions for allowing them; c) procedures for processing a request for a clearance and d) penalties
for violating any of its previsions.
It is written authorization or permit to develop or use or construct in certain areas of any parcel of land based on
approved land used plan or zoning ordinance; in the absence of a zoning ordinance the grant of permit shall be
base on HLURB planning standard and guidelines.
A branch of science concerned with the interrelationship of organism and their environment.
Includes the physical factors of the total surroundings of human being includes the land, water, atmosphere,
climate sound, odor, tastes, the biological factors of animals and plants and the social factors of aesthetics. In
abroad since, it shall include the total environment of man such as economics, social, cultural, politics and historic
The act of authorizing the change of the current use of a piece of agricultural land into non-agricultural use; such
permit is proper only upon issuance of a clearance from the Department of Agrarian Reform.
Refers to land devoted to or suitable to agriculture as defined in RA 6657 and owed by natural or judicial
person/s, or by the government in its proprietary capacity.
Lands devoted to or suitable agriculture as defined in RA 6657 and owed by natural or judicial persons, or by the
government in its proprietary capacity. ( For Nos. 13, 14 & 15 please refer to attached notes on RA 6657 or
Shall mean any person directly engaged as principal in the business of selling; or exchanging real estate whether
on full-time or part-time basis (Section 2 (k), PD 957. A bulk buyer, which is for purposes of this guidelines, is
covered in the definition of a dealer, shall mean any person who acquires a lot or a portion of the subdivision and
who, with or without re-subdividing or introducing housing or other facilities, sell the same, under its previous
license to sell or in a license to sell in his name to the public.
As defined under Section 2(d) of PD 957, a tract or a parcel of land registered under Act No. 496 which is
partitioned primarily for residential purpose into individual lots with or without improvements thereon and
offered to the public for sale, in cash installment terms. It shall include all residential, commercial, industrial and
recreational areas as well as open spaces and other community and public areas in the project.
A person or entity habitually engaged in real estate business is one who, as owner or developer undertakes
development and contraction of subdivision/housing for sale to the general public as his/its regular source of
income; and has submitted and update his/its reportorial requirements to HLURB in accordance with the
government standards, rules and regulations.
Refer to areas that are ecologically, socially, or geologically sensitive as declared by law such as:
Areas declared by law as national parks, watershed reserves, wildlife preserves and sanctuaries;
Areas identified as potential tourist spots;
Areas that are habitats of endangered or threatened species of indigenous Philippine plants and animals;
Areas of unique historic, archeological or scientific interest;
Areas traditionally occupied by indigenous people or cultural communities;
Areas frequently hit by natural calamities (geologic hazards, floods, typhoons and; volcanic activities);
Areas with critical slopes of 18% and above;
Areas classified as prime agricultural lands;
Recharged areas of aquifer;
Water bodies used for domestic supply used to support fisheries and wildlife;
Mangrove areas with critical ecological functions or on people depend for livelihood; or
Coral reefs
BP 220
sells @ P/500,000.00/
house & lot
30% open space is
Open space requirements is computed based on the
mandatory PD 1216
density of the project and not covered by 30% open space
1. Follows the National Building Relaxes the provisions NBC and FC but design should
Code (NBC) and the Fire Code (FC) conform with the minimum design standards by HLURB
and; 2. Follows the minimum in pursuance to the adoption of BP 220; this serves as an
design standards set forth by incentive to developers to engage in housing for the
middle income group and the low income group.
What are the latest price ceilings?
The current price ceiling as set by the Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council (HUDCC) as
per MC No. 5 Series of 2007 Re: Redefinition of Loan Ceiling/Packages are as follows:
Socialized housing=PHP 400,000.00 and below (per HUDCC MC No. 1, Dec. 11, 2008);
Low Cost
-Level 1
=above PHP 300,000.00 to PHP 1,250,000.00 (BP 220 standard);
-Level 2
=above PHP 1,250,000.00 to PHP 2,000,000.00 (PD 957 standard);
Medium cost
=PHP 2,000,000.00 up to PHP 4,000,000.00;
Open Housing
=above PHP 4,000,000.00
3. Commercial Subdivision
4. Industrial Subdivision
5. Industrial Estate
6. Memorial Parks and Cemeteries
2. For commercial, form lots, memorial parks and industrial estates numbers 1.1 to 1.8 above
3. Condominium Projects
3.1 Plans to be approved by HLURB
3.2 Master Deed with Declaration of Restrictions
3.3 Building Permit
3.4 Number 1.1 up to 1.8 above
In case where the project is not yet started or fully developed, the remaining development shall be covered by a
performance bond. All of these projects can only be registered after the required publications and upon findings
that the sale will not be fraudulent, the owner/developer is not ill refute and that they are organizationally and
financially capable to compete the project.
G. EXEMPTED TRANSACTIONS from securing CR/LS Section 7, P.D. 957
a) Sale of a subdivision lot resulting from partition of land among co-owners and heirs;
b) Sale or transfer of subdivision lot by the original purchase thereof and any subsequent sale of the same
c) Sale of subdivision lot or a condominium unit for the account of a mortgage in the ordinary course of
business when necessary to liquidate a bonafide debt.
3. Per Resolution No. R-546 s. 1994: Rules on Bulk buying as an Exempt Transaction
a) Bulk Buying as exempt transaction:
Bulk-buying of lots and subsequent introduction of housing unit without altering the original plan.
b) Bulk Buying as not Exempted from securing CR/LS:
Bulk Buying with construction of housing units resulting in increased density from the original plan approval.
Bulk Buying in the re-subdivision of lots and issuance of new TCTs.
4. On site Community Mortgage Projects
5. NHA controlled projects
6. On-site housing projects of non-governmental and non-profit organizations and foundations engaged in
community development for underprivileged and the homeless sector from the licensing requirements of the
2. Slum Upgrading.
Unit concerned.
Mortgage: Section 18
Advertisement: Section 19
Time of Completion: Section 20
Alteration of Plan: Section 22
Non-Forfeiture of Payments: Section 23
Issuance of Title: Section 25
Donations of Open Spaces: Section 31, as amended by PD 1216
Organization of Homeowners Association: Section 30
Realty Taxes Payment: Section 26
Other Charges: Section 27
A privilege given to a member of a cooperative, corporation, partnership, or any association and/or the issuance of
a certificate or receipt evidencing or giving the right of participation in, or right to, any land in consideration of
payment of the membership fee or dues, shall be deemed a sale within the meaning of this definition.
c) Buy and Purchase. - The term "buy" and "purchase" shall include any contract to buy, purchase, or otherwise
acquire for a valuable consideration a subdivision lot, including the building and other improvements, if any, in a
subdivision project or a condominium unit in a condominium project.
d) Subdivision Project. - "Subdivision Project" shall mean a tract or a parcel of land registered under Act No. 496
which is partitioned primarily for residential purposes into individual lots with or without improvement thereon,
and offered to the public for sale, in cash or in installment terms. It shall include all residential, commercial,
industrial and recreational areas as well as open spaces and other community and public areas in the project.
e) Subdivision Lot. - "Subdivision Lot" shall mean any of the lots, whether residential, commercial, industrial, or
recreational, in a subdivision project.
f) Complex Subdivision Plan. - "Complex Project" shall mean a subdivision plan of a registered land wherein a
street, passageway or open space is delineated on the plan.
g) Condominium Project. - "Condominium Project" shall mean the entire parcel of real property divided primarily
for residential purpose into condominium units, including all structures thereon.
h) Condominium Project. - "Condominium Unit" shall mean a part of the condominium project intended for any
type of independent be appended thereto.
i) Owner. - "Owner" shall refer to the registration owner of the land subject of a subdivision or a condominium
j) Developer. - "Developer" shall mean the person who develops or improves the subdivision project or
condominium project for and in behalf or the owner thereof.
k) Dealer. - "Dealer" shall mean any person directly engaged as principal in the business of buying, selling or
exchanging real estate whether on a full-time or part-time basis.
l) Broker. - "Broker" shall mean any person who, for commission or other compensation, undertakes to sell or
negotiate the sale of a real estate, belonging to another.
m) Salesman. - "Salesman" shall refer to the person regularly employed by a broker to perform, for and in his
behalf, any or all the functions of a real estate broker.
n) Authority. - "Authority" shall mean the National Housing Authority.
SECTION 3. National Housing Authority. - The National Housing Authority shall have exclusive jurisdiction to
regulate the real estate trade and business in accordance with the provisions of this Decree.
SECTION 4. Registration of Projects. - The registered owner of a parcel of land who wishes to convert the same
onto a subdivision project shall submit plan to the Authority which shall act upon and approve the same, upon
finding that the plan complies with the Subdivision Standards and Regulations enforceable at the time case of a
plan for a condominium project except that, in addition, said Authority shall act upon and approve the plan with
respect to the building or buildings included in the condominium project in accordance with the National Building
Code (R.A No. 6541).
The subdivision plan, as so approved, shall then be submitted to the Director of Lands for approval in accordance
with the procedure prescribed in Section 44 of the Land Registration Act (Act No. 496, as amended by R.A. No.
LONGER BE REQUIRED. The condominium plan, as likewise so approved, shall be submitted to the Register of
Deeds of the province or city in which the property lies and the same shall be acted upon subject to the conditions
and in accordance with the procedure prescribed in Section 4 of the Condominium Act (R.A. No. 4726).
The owner or the real estate dealer interested in the sale of lots or units, respectively, in such subdivision project
or condominium project shall register the project with the Authority filing therewith a sworn registration
statement containing following information:
a) Name of the owner;
b) The location of the owner's principal business office, and if the owner is a non-resident Filipino, the name and
address of his agent or representative in the Philippines authorized to receive notice;
c) The names and address of all the directors and officers of the business firm, if the owners be a corporation,
association, trust, or other entity, and of all the partners, if it be a partnership;
d) The general character of the business actually transacted or to be transacted by the owner; and
e) A statement of the capitalization of the owner, including the authorized and outstanding amounts of capital
stock and the proportion thereof with is paid-up.
The following documents shall be attached to the registration statement:
a) A copy of the subdivision plan or condominium plan as approved in accordance with the first and second
paragraph of this section.
b) A copy of any circular, prospectus, brochure, advertisement, letter, or communication to be used for the public
offering of the subdivision lots or condominium units;
c) In case of a business firm, a balance sheet showing the amount and general character of its assets and liabilities
and a copy of its articles of incorporation or articles of partnership or association, and the case may be, with all
the amendments thereof and existing by-laws or instruments corresponding thereto.
d) A title to the property which is free from all liens encumbrances; Provided, however, that in case any
subdivision lot or condominium unit is mortgage, it is sufficient if the instrument of mortgage contains a
stipulation that the mortgagee shall release the mortgage on any subdivision lot or condominium unit as soon as
the full purchase price of the same paid by the buyer.
The person filing the registration statement shall pay the registration fees prescribed thereof by the Authority.
Thereupon, the Authority shall immediately cause to be published a notice of the filing of the registration
statement at the expense of the applicant-owner or dealer, in two newspapers of general circulation, one published
in English and other in Pilipino, once a week for two consecutive weeks, reciting that a registration statement for
the subdivision lots or condominium units has been filed in the National Housing Authority; that the aforesaid
registration statement, as well as the prepare attached thereto, are open to inspection during business hours by
interested [arties, under such regulations as the Authority may impose, and that copies thereof shall be furnished
to any party upon payment of the proper fees.
The subdivision project or the condominium project shall be deemed registered upon completion of the above
publication requirement. The fact of such registration shall be evidenced by a registration certificate to be issued
to the applicant-owner or dealer.
SECTION 5. License to Sell. - Such owner or dealer to whom has been issued a registration certificate shall not,
however, be authorized to sell any subdivision lot or condominium unit in the registered project unless he shall
have first obtained a license to sell the project within two weeks from the registration of such project.
The authority, upon proper application thereof, shall issue to such owner or dealer of a registered project a license
to sell the project if, after an examination statement filed by said owner or dealer and all the pertinent documents
attached thereto, he is convinced that the owner or dealer is good repute, that his business is financially stable, and
that the proposed sale of the subdivision lots or condominium units to the public would not be fraudulent.
SECTION 6. Performance Bond. - No license to sell subdivision lots or condominium units shall be issued by the
Authority under Section 5 of this Decree unless the owner or dealer shall have file an adequate performance bond
approved by said Authority to guarantee the construction and maintenance of the roads, gutters, drainage,
sewerage, water system, lighting system, and full development of the subdivision laws and rules and regulations.
The performance bond shall be executed in favor of the Republic of the Philippines and shall authorize the
Authority to use the proceeds thereof for the purpose of its undertaking in case of forfeiture as provided in this
SECTION 7. Exempt Transactions. - A license to sell and performance bond shall not be required in any
following transactions:
Sale of a subdivision lot resulting from the partition of land among co-owners and co-heirs.
Sale or transfer of a subdivision lot by the original purchase thereof and any subsequent sale of the same
Sale of a subdivision lot or a condominium unit by or for the account of a mortgage in the ordinary course
of business when necessary to liquidate a bonafade debt.
SECTION 8. Suspension of License to Sell. - Upon verified complaint filed by a buyer of a subdivision lot or a
condominium unit or any interested party, the Authority may, in its discretion, immediately suspend the owner's
or dealer's license to sell pending investigation and hearing of the case as provided in Section 13 hereof.
The Authority may motu propio suspend the license to sell if, in its opinion, any information in the registration
statement filed by the owner or dealer is or has become misleading, incorrect, inadequate or incomplete or the sale
or offering for sale of the subdivision or condominium project may work or tend to work a fraud upon prospective
The suspension order may lifted if, after notice and hearing, the Authority is convinced that the registration
statement is accurate or that any deficiency therein has been corrected or supplemented or that the sale to the
public of the subdivision or condominium project will neither be fraudulent nor result in fraud. It shall also be
lifted upon dismissal of the complaint for lack of legal basis.
Until the final entry of an order of suspension, the suspension of the right to sell project, though binding upon all
persons notified therefor, shall be deemed confidential unless it shall appear that the order of suspension has in the
meantime been violated.
SECTION 9. Revolution of Registration Certificate and License to Sell. - The Authority may, motu propio or
upon verified complaint filed by a buyer of a subdivision lot or condominium unit, revoke the registration of any
subdivision project or condominium project and the license to sell any subdivision lot or condominium unit in
said project by issuing an order to this effect, with his finding in respect thereto, if upon examination into the
affairs of the owner or dealer during hearing as provided for in Section 14 hereof, it shall appear there is
satisfactory evidence that the said owner or dealer:
is insolvent: or
has violated any of the provisions of this Decree or any applicable rule or regulation of the Authority, or
any undertaking of his/its performance bond; or
has been made any misrepresentation in any prospectus, brochure, circular or other literature about the
subdivision project or condominium project that has been distributed to prospective buyers; or
does not conduct his business in accordance with the law or sound business principles.
Where the owner or dealer is a partnership or corporation or an unincorporated association, it shall be sufficient
cause for cancellation of its registration certificate and its license to sell if any member of such partnership or any
officer or director of such corporation or association has been guilty of any act or omission which would be cause
for refusing or revoke the registration of an individual dealer, broker or salesman as provided in Section 11
SECTION 10. Registers of Subdivision Lots and Condominium Units. - A record of subdivision lots and
condominium units shall kept in the Authority wherein shall be entered all orders of the Authority affecting the
condition or status thereof. The registers of subdivision lots and condominium units shall be open to public
inspection subject to such reasonable rules as the Authority may prescribe.
SECTION 11. Registration of Dealers, Brokers and Salesman. - No real estate dealer broker or salesman shall
engage in the business of selling subdivision lots or condominium units unless he has registered himself with
Authority in accordance with the provisions of this section.
If the Authority shall find that the applicant is good repute and has complied with the application rules of the
Authority, including the payment of the prescribed fee, he shall register such applicant a s a dealer, broker or
salesman upon his filing a bond, or other security in lieu thereof, in such sum as may be fixed by the Authority
conditioned upon his compliance with the provisions of this Decree, Provided, that the registration of a salesman
shall case upon the termination of his employment with a dealer broker.
Every registration under section shall expire on the thirty-first day of December of each year. Renewal of
registration for the succeeding year shall be granted upon the written application therefore made not less than
thirty nor more than sixty days before the first day of the ensuing year and upon payment of the prescribed fee,
without the necessity of filing further statements or information, unless specifically required by the Authority. All
applications filed beyond said period shall be treated as original applications.
The names and addresses of all persons registered as dealers, brokers, or salesmen shall be recorded in a Register
or Brokers. Dealers and Salesmen kept in the Authority which shall be open to public inspection.
SECTION 12. Revocation of Registration as Dealer, Brokers or Salesmen. - Registration under the preceding
section may be refused or any registration granted thereunder, revoked by the Authority if, after reasonable notice
and hearing, it shall determine that such application or registrant:
Has violated any provisions of this Decree or any rule or regulation made hereunder; or
Has been guilty of a fraudulent act in connection with any sale of a subdivision lor or condominium unit;
Has demonstrated his unworthiness to transact the business of dealer, broker, or salesman, as the case
may be.
In case of charges against a salesman, notice thereof shall also be given the broker or dealer employing such
Pending hearing of the case, the Authority shall have the power to order the suspension of the dealer's, broker's or
salesman's registration; provided, that such order shall state the cause for the suspension.
The suspension or revocation of the registration of a dealer or broker shall carry with it the suspension or
revocation of the registration; provided that such order shall state the cause for the suspension.
SECTION 13. Hearing. - In the hearing for determining the existence of any ground or grounds for the suspension
and/or revocation of registration certificate and license to sell as provided in Section 8 and 9 hereof, the following
shall be complied with:
Notice. - No such hearing shall proceed unless the respondent is furnished with a copy of the complaint
against him or is writing of the purpose of such hearing.
Venue. - The hearing may be held before the officer or officers designed by the Authority on the date and
place specified in the notice.
Nature of proceedings. - The proceedings shall be non-litigious and summary in nature without regard to
legal technicalities obtaining in courts of law. The Rules of Court shall not apply in said hearing except by
analogy or in a suppletory character and whenever practicable and convenient.
Power incidental to the hearings. - For the purpose of the hearing or other proceeding under this Decree,
the officer or officers designated to hear the complaint shall have the power to administer oath, subpoena
witnesses conduct ocular inspections, take depositions, and require the production of any book, paper,
correspondence, memorandum or other record which are deemed relevant or material to the inquiry.
SECTION14. Contempt. a)
Direct Contempt. - The officer of officers designed by the Authority to hear the complaint may summarily
adjudge in direct contempt any person guilty or misbehavior in the presence of or so near the said hearing officials
as to obstruct or interrupt the proceedings before the same or of refusal to be sworn or to answer as a witness or to
subscribe an affidavit or disposition when lawfully required to do so. The person found guilty of direct contempt
under this section shall be punished by a fine not exceeding Fifty Pesos (P50.00) or imprisonment not exceeding
five (5) days, or both.
Indirect Contempt. - The officer or officers designed to hear the complaint may also adjudge any person
in indirect contempt on grounds and in manner prescribed in Rule 71 of the Revised Rules of Court.
SECTION 15. Decision. - The case shall be decided within thirty (30) days from the time the same is submitted
for decision. The decision may order the revocation of the registration of the subdivision or condominium project,
the suspension, cancellation, or revocation of the license to sell and/or the forfeiture, in whole or in part, of the
performance bond mentioned in Section 6 hereof. In case forfeiture of the bond is ordered, the Decision may
direct the provincial or city engineer to undertake or cause the construction of roads and of other requirements for
the subdivision or condominium as stipulated in the bond, chargeable to the amount forfeited. Such decision shall
be immediately executor and shall become final after the lapse of 15 days from the date of receipt of the Decision.
SECTION 16. Cease and Desist Order. - Whenever it shall appear to the Authority that any person is engaged or
about to engage in any act or practice which constitute or will constitute a violation of provision of this Decree, or
of any rule or regulation thereunder, it may, upon due notice and hearing as provided in Section 13 hereof, issue a
cease and desist order to enjoin such act or practices.
SECTION 17. Registration. - All contracts to sell, deeds of sale and other similar instruments relative to the sale
of conveyance of the subdivision lots and condominium units, whether or not the purchase price is paid in full,
shall be registered by the seller in the Office of the Register of Deeds of the province or city where the property is
Whenever a subdivision plan duly approved in accordance with Section 4 hereof, together with the corresponding
owner's duplicate certificate of title is presented to the Register of Deeds for registration, the Register of Deeds
shall register the same in accordance with the provisions of the Land Registration Act, as amended; Provided,
however, that if there is a street, passageway or required open space delineated on a complex subdivision plan
hereafter approved and as defined in this Decree, the Register of Deeds shall annotate on the new certificate of
title covering the street, passageway of open space, a memorandum lot he effect that except by way of donation in
favor of a city or municipality, no portion of any street, passageway or open space so delineated on the plan shall
be closed or otherwise disposed of by the registered owner without the requisite approval as provided under
Section 22 of this Decree.
SECTION 18. Mortgage. - No mortgage of any unit or lot shall be made by the owner or developer without prior
written approval of the Authority. Such approval shall not be granted unless it is shown that the proceeds of the
mortgage loan shall be used for the development of the condominium or subdivision project and effective
measures have been provided to ensure such utilization. The loan value of each lot or unit covered by the
mortgage shall be determined and the buyer thereof, if any, shall be notified before the release of the loan. The
buyer may, at his option, pay his installment for the lot or unit directly to the mortgagee who shall apply the
payments to the corresponding mortgage indebtedness secured by the particular lot or unit being paid for, with a
view to enabling said buyer to obtain title over the lot or unit promptly after full payment thereof.
SECTION 19. Advertisement. - Advertisement that may be made by the owner or developer through newspaper,
radio, television, leaflets, circulars or any other form about the subdivision or the condominium or its operations
activities must reflect the real facts and must be presented in such manner that will not tend mislead or deceive the
The owner or developer shall be answerable and liable for the facilities, improvements, infrastructures or other
forms of development represented or promised in brochures, advertisements and other sales propaganda
disseminated by the owner or development or his agents and the same shall form part of the sales warranties
enforceable against said owner of developer, jointly and severally. Failure to comply with these warranties shall
also be punishable in accordance with the penalties provided for in this Decree.
SECTION 20. Time of Completion. - Every owner or developer shall construct and provided the facilities,
improvements, infrastructures and other forms of development, including water supply and lighting facilities,
which are offered and indicated in the approval subdivision or condominium plans, brochures, prospectus, printed
matters, letters or in any form of advertisements, within one year from the date of the issuance of the license for
the subdivision or condominium project or such period of time as may be fixed by the Authority.
SECTION 21. Sales Prior to Decree. - In case of subdivision lots or condominium units sold or disposed of prior
to the effectivity of this Decree, it shall be incumbent upon the owner or developer of the subdivision or
condominium project to complete compliance with his or its obligations as provided in the preceding section
within two years from the date of this Decree unless otherwise extended by the Authority or unless an adequate
performance bond is filed in accordance with Section 6 hereof. Failure of the owner of developer to comply with
the obligation under this and the preceding provisions shall constitute a violation punishable under Section 38 and
39 of this Decree.
SECTION 22. Alteration of Plans. - No owner or developer shall change or alter the roads, open spaces,
infrastructures, facilities for public use and/or other form of subdivision developments as contained in the
approved subdivision plan and/or represented in its advertisements, without the permission of the Authority and
the written conformity or consent of the duly organized homeowner's association or in the absence of the latter by
the majority of the lot buyers in the subdivision.
SECTION 23. Non-Forfeiture of Payments. - No installment payment made by a buyer in a subdivision or
condominium project for the lot or unit he contracted to buy shall forfeited in favor of the owner or developer
when the buyer, after due notice to the owner or developer, desists from further payment due to the failure of the
owner or developer to develop the subdivision or condominium project according to the approval plans and within
the time for complying with the same. Such buyer may, at his option, be reimbursed the total amount paid
including amortization interests but including delinquency interests, with interest thereon at the legal rate.
SECTION 24. Failure to pay installments. - The rights of the buyer in the event of his failure to pay the
installments due for reasons other than the failure of the owner or developer to develop the project shall governed
by Republic Act No. 6552.
Where the transaction or contract was entered into prior to the effectivity of Republic Act No. 6552 on August 26,
1972, the defaulting buyer shall be entitled to be corresponding refund based on the installments paid after the
effectivity of the law in the absence of any provision in the contract to the contrary.
SECTION 25. Issuance of Title. - The owner or developer shall deliver the title of the lot or unit to the buyer upon
full payment of the lot or unit. No fee except those required for the registration of the deed of sale in the Registry
of Deeds, shall be collected for the issuance of such title. In the event a mortgage over the lot or unit is
outstanding at the time of the issuance of the title to the buyer, the owner or developer shall redeem the mortgage
or the corresponding portion thereof within six months from such issuance in order that the title over any fully
paid lot or unit may be secured and delivered to the buyer in accordance herewith.
SECTION 26. Realty Tax. - Real estate tax and assessment on a lot or unit shall be paid by the owner or
developer without recourse to the buyer for as long as the title has not passed to the buyer; Provided, however,
that if the buyer has actually taken possession of the occupied the lot or unit; he shall be liable to the owner or
developer for such tax and assessment effective the year following such taking of possession and occupancy.
SECTION 27. Other Charges. - No owner or developer shall levy upon any lot or unit buyer a fee for an alleged
community benefit. Fees to finance services for common comfort, security and sanitation may be collected only
by a properly organized homeowner's association and only with the consent of a majority of the lot or unit buyers
actually residing in the subdivision or condominium project.
SECTION 28. Access to Public Offices in the Subdivision. - No owner or developer shall deny any person free
access to any government office or public establishment located within the subdivision or which may be reached
only by passing through the subdivision.
SECTION 29. Right of Way to Public Road. - The owner or developer of a subdivision without access to any
existing public road or street, must secure a right of way to public road or street and such right of way must be
developed and maintained according to the requirement of the government authorities concerned.
SECTION 30. Organization of Homeowner's Association. - The owner or developer of a subdivision project or
condominium project shall initiate the organization of a homeowner's association among the buyers and residents
of the project for the purpose of promoting and protecting their mutual interest and assist in their community
SECTION 31. Donation of Roads and Open Spaces to Local Government. - The registered owner or developer of
the subdivision or condominium project, upon completion of the development of said project may, at his option,
convey by way of donation the roads and open spaces found within the project to the city or municipality wherein
the projects are located. Upon acceptance of the donation by the city or municipality concerned, no portion of the
area donated shall thereafter be converted to any other purpose or purposes unless after hearing, the proposed
conversion is approved by the Authority.
SECTION 32. Phases of Subdivision. - For purpose of complying with the provisions of this Decree, the owner or
developer may divide the development and sale of the subdivision into phases, each phase to cover not less than
ten (10) hectares. The requirement imposed by the Decree on the subdivision as a whole shall be deemed imposed
by phase.
SECTION 33. Nullity of Waivers. - Any condition, stipulation, or provision in a contract of sale whereby any
person waives compliance with any provisions of this Decree or of any rule or regulation issued thereunder shall
be void.
SECTION 34. Visitorial Powers. - This Authority, through its duly authorized representative may, at any time,
make an examination into the business affairs, administration, and condition of any person, corporation,
partnership, cooperative, or association engaged in the business of selling subdivision lots and condominium
units. For this purpose, the official authorized to do so shall have the authority to examine under oath the
directors, officers, stockholders or members of any corporation, partnership, association, cooperative or other
persons associated or connected or with the business and to issue subpoena or subpoena duces tecum in relation to
any investigation that may arise thereform.
The Authority may also authorize the Provincial City or Municipal Engineer, as the case may be, to conduct an
ocular inspection of the project to determine whether the development of said project conform to standards and
specifications prescribed by the government.
The books, papers, letters, and other documents belonging to the person or entities herein mentioned shall be open
to inspection by the Authority or its duly authorized representative.
SECTION 35. Tke-over-Development. - The Authority may take over or cause the development and completion
of the subdivision or condominium project at the expense of the owner or developer, jointly or severally, in case
where the owner or developer has refused or failed to develop or complete the development of the Project as
provided for in this Decree.
The Authority may, after such take-over, demand, collect and receive from the buyers the installment payments
due on the lots, which shall be utilized for the development of the subdivision.
SECTION 36. Rules and Regulations. - The Authority shall issue the necessary standards, rules and regulations
for the effective implementation of the provisions of this decree. Such standards, rules and regulations shall take
effect immediately after their publication three times a week for two consecutive weeks in any newspaper of
general circulation.
SECTION 37. Deputization of Law Enforcement Agencies. - The Authority may deputize the Philippine
Constabulary or any law enforcement agency in the execution of its final orders rulings or decisions.
SECTION 38. Administrative Fines. - The Authority may prescribe and impose fines not exceeding ten thousand
pesos for violations of the provisions of this Decree or of any rule or regulations thereunder. Fines shall be
payable to the Authority and enforceable through writs or execution in accordance with the provisions of the
Rules of Court.
SECTION 39. Penalties. - Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this Decree and/or any rule or
regulation that may issued pursuant ti this Decree shall, upon conviction of not more than ten (10) years;
provided, that in the case of corporations, partnerships, cooperatives or associations, the President, Manager or
Administrator or the person who has charge of the administration of the business shall be criminally responsible
for any violation of this Decree and/or the rules and regulations promulgated pursuant thereto.
SECTION 40. Liability of Controlling Persons. - Every person who directly or indirectly controls any person
liable under any provision of this Decree or of any rule or regulation issued thereunder shall be liable jointly and
severally with and to the same extent as such controlled person unless the controlling person acted in good faith
and did not directly induce the act or acts constituting the violation or cause of action.
SECTION 41. Other Remedies. - The rights and remedies provided in this Decree shall be in addition to any and
all other rights and remedies that may be available under existing laws.
SECTION 42. Repealing Clause. - All laws, executive orders, rules and regulations, or parts thereof inconsistent
with the provisions of this Decree are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.
SECTION 43. Effictivity. - This Decree shall take upon its approval. [July 12, 1976]
Executive Order No. 419 (1973) created the Tax Force on Human Settlements (TFHS) under the
Development Academy of the Philippines (DAP) Presidential Decree No. 933 (1976) renamed the TFHS
into Human Settlements Commission (HSC).
Presidential Decree No. 1396 (1978) renamed HSC as the Human Settlements Regulatory Commission
(HSRC) and was designated as the regulatory arm of the Ministry of Settlements.
Executive Order No. 648 (1981) reorganized the HSRC and transferred the implementation of P.D. No.
957 (Subdivision and Condominium Buyer's Protective Decree) from NHA to HSRC.
Executive Order No. 90 (1986) renamed the HSRC as the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board
(HLURB) and was designed as the regulatory body for housing and land development under the Housing
and Urban Development Coordinating Council (HUDCC).
Laws that Ensure Rational Land Use and Sustainable Urban and Regional Development
Executive Order No. 72 - Providing for the Preparation and Implementation of the Comprehensive Land
Use Plans of Local Government Units Pursuant to the Local Government Code of 1991 and Other
Pertinent Laws
Memorandum Circular No. 54 - Prescribing the Guidelines of Sec. 20 R.A. 7160, Authorizing
Cities/Municipalities to Reclassify Lands into Non-Agricultural Uses
Executive Order No. 124 - Establishing Priorities and Procedures in Evaluating Areas for Land
Conversion in Regional Agricultural/Industrial Centers, Tourism Development Areas Sites for Socialized
Planning is the key to order and rational land development in any local government unit, i.e. a city or
municipality. A Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) prescribes the developmental pace, directions and
strategies for the optimum use of land resources in a community as well as its role in provincial, regional and
national development. The CLUP is enacted into a zoning ordinance for purposes of enforcement.
Development Role
HLURB has the twin roles of enhancing and reinforcing rational housing and real estate service delivery via triad
of strategies namely; policy, planning, and regulation. Such rules are enunciated and defined in Presidential
Decree (PD), Letters of Instruction (LOI), Republic Acts (RA), Executive Orders (EO), Office of the President
Memorandum Circulars (OP-MC) and Batas Pambansa (BP).
The HLURB pursues activities to attain rational land use as specified in a number of directives.
Extend planning assistance to Local Government Units (LGUs) (LOI No. 729, EO No. 648);
Review and ratify land use plans of Metro Manila cities and municipalities, provinces, highly urbanized
cities and independent component cities (EO No. 72);
Assist LGU's perform the devolved function of processing and approving the subdivision plans via
training and consultation (EO No. 71)
Issue sales and mortgage clearance for the protection of rights of tenants in the urban and land
reform zones and areas for priority development (PD No. 1517)
Update and revise rules guidelines and standards on housing and real estate for:
-Residential subdivisions and condominiums (PD No. 957)
-Economic and socialized project (BP Blg. 220)
Operate as the lead agency for the HUDCC for the Socialized Housing One-stop Processing Centers
(SHOPCs) and issuance of permits, clearances, certifications and license for the implementation of
socialized housing projects (EO No. 184)
Approve any amendment to or revocation of the enabling or master deed of a condominium project
already decided upon by a simple majority of all registered owners (RA No. 7899)
Approve expansion of a condominium corporation or integration of a condominium project with another
upon the affirmative vote of a simple majority of registered owners (RA No. 7899)
Pursuant to the prescription of RA No. 7160 (Local Government Code of 1991) and as detailed under EO No. 71
and EO No. 72, certain HLURB functions were devolved to the LGU's:
The Sangguniang Bayan or Sangguniang Panglungsod shall, subject to national law, process and approve
subdivision plans for residential, commercial, industrial or other development purpose.
The Sangguniang Panlalawigan shall review and approve the comprehensive land use plans of component
cities and municipalities.
Cities and municipalities with CLUPs reviewed and approved in accordance with EO 72 shall issue
location clearance to locally projects.
Condominium Concepts and Other Types of
Real Estate Holdings
Condominium housing was basically born out of the condition of limited land space.
In the Philippines, the concept of condominiums was formally recognized with the passage by Congress
on June 16, 1966 of Republic Act No. 4726 entitle "An Act to Define Condominium, Establishment
Requirements for its Creation, and Govern its Incidence."
Although one normally thinks of condominium in the from of a building, a condominium may take the
form of subdivision, or what may be referred to as the "horizontal condominium" or also referred to as a
"townhouse project" vs. the traditional vertical condominium or condominium building.
Affordability is Enhanced
Facilities and Services
to build
Co-ownership of undivided
Concepts of a family house through exclusive ownership of common
areas and
a unit while holding co-ownership rights in the undivided facilities
common areas and facilities.
Closer neighborhood or
community ties
Equal Sharing
This establishes the birth guidelines of
condominium corporation.
Transfer Certificate
annotated in the corresponding certificate of title of the land, if the latter had been patented or registered under
either Land Registration or Cadastral Acts, an enabling or Master Deed which shall contain, among others, the
a) Description of the land on which the building or buildings and improvements are to be located;
b) Description of the or building, stating the number of stories and basements, the number of units and their
accessories, if any:
c) Description of the common areas and facilities:
d) A statement of the exact nature of the interest acquired or to be acquired by the purchaser in the separate
units and in the common areas of the condominium project. Where title to or the appurtenant interests in
the common areas is to held by a condominium corporation, a statement to this effect shall be include;
e) Statement of the purposes for which the building or buildings and each of the units are intended or
restricted as to use;
f) A certificate of the registered owner of the property, if he is other than those executing the Master Deed,
as well as of all registered holders of any lien or encumbrance on the property, that they consent to the
registration of the deed;
g) The following plans shall be appended to the deed as integral thereof:
1. A survey plan of the included in the project, unless a survey plan of the same property
had previously been filed in said office;
2. A diagrammatic floor plan of the building or buildings each unit, its relative location
and approximate dimensions.
h) Any reasonable restrictions not contrary to law, morals or public policy regarding the right of any
condominium owner to alienate or dispose of his condominium.
The enabling or master deed may be amended or revoke upon registration of an instrument executed by a simple
majority of the registered owners of the property: Provided, That in a condominium project exclusively for either
residential or commercial use, simple majority shall be on a per unit of ownership basis and that in the case of
mixed use, simple majority shall be on a floor area of ownership basis: Provided, further, That prior notifications
to all registered owners are done: and Provided, finally That any amendment or revocation already decided by a
simple majority of all registered owners shall be submitted to the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board and
the city/municipal engineer for approval before it can be registered. Unit registration of a revocation, the
provisions of this Act shall continue to apply to such property. (As amended by R.A. No. 7899, approved Feb. 23,
SECTION 5. Any transfer or conveyance of a unit or an apartment, office or store or other space therein, shall
include the transfer or conveyance of the undivided interest in the common areas or, in a proper case, the
membership or shareholdings in the condominium corporation; Provided, however, That where the common areas
in the condominium project are held by the owners of separate units as co-owners thereof, no condominium unit
therein shall be conveyed or transferred to persons other than Filipino citizens or corporation at least 60% of the
capital stock of which belongs to Filipino citizens, except in case of hereditary succession. Where the common
areas in a condominium project are held by a corporation, no transfer or conveyance of unit shall be valid if the
concomitant transfer of the appurtenant membership or stockholding in the corporation will cause the alien
interest in such corporation to exceed the limits imposed by existing laws.
SECTION 6. Unless otherwise expressly provided in the enabling or mater deed or the declaration of restrictions,
the incidents of a condominium grant are as follows:
a) The boundary of the granted are the interior surface of the perimeter walls, floors, ceilings, windows and
door thereof. The following are not part of the unit: bearing walls columns, floors roofs, foundations and
other common structural elements of the building; lobbies, stairways, hallways, and other areas of
common use; elevator equipment and shafts, central heating, central refrigeration and central airconditioning equipment, reservoirs, tanks, pumps, and other central services and facilities, pipes, ducts,
flues, chutes, conduits, wires and other utility installations, wherever located, except the outlets thereof
when located within the unit;
b) There shall pass with the unit, as an appurtenance thereof, an exclusive easement for the use of the air
space encompassed by the boundaries of the unit as it exist at any particular time and as the unit may
lawfully be altered or reconstructed from time to time. Such easement shall be automatically terminated in
any air space upon destruction of the unit as to render it untenantable.
c) Unless otherwise provided, the common areas are held in common by the holders of units, in equal share
one for each unit;
d) A non-exclusive easement for ingress, egress, and support through the common areas in appurtenant to
each unit and the common areas are subject to such easement;
e) Each condominium owner shall have the exclusive right to paint, repaint, tile, wax, paper or otherwise
refinish and decorate the inner surface of the walls, ceilings, floors, windows and doors bounding his own
f) Each condominium owner shall have the exclusive right ti mortgage, pledge or encumber his
condominium and to have the same appraised independently of the other condominium owner is personal
to him;
g) Each condominium owner has also the absolute right to sell or dispose of his condominium unless the
master deed contains a requirement that the property be first offered to the condominium owners within a
reasonable period of time before the same is offered to outside parties.
SECTION 7. Except as provided in the following section, the common areas shall remain undivided, and there
shall be no judicial partition thereof.
SECTION 8. Where several person own condominium project, an action may be brought by one or more such for
partition thereof by sale of the entire project, as if the owners of the condominium in such project were co-owners
of the entire project in the same proportion as their interests in the common areas; Provided, however, That a
partition shall be made only upon a showing:
a) That three years after damage or destruction to the project which renders a material part thereof, unfit for
its use prior thereto, the project has not been rebuilt or repaired substantially to its state prior to its
damage or destruction; or
b) That damage or destruction to the project has rendered one-half or more of the units therein untenantable
and that condominium owners holding in aggregate more than 30 percent interest in the common areas are
opposed to repair or restoration of the project; or
c) That the project has been in existence in excess of 50 years, that it is obsolete and uneconomical, and that
condominium owners holding in aggregate more than 50 percent interest in the common areas are
opposed to repair or restoration or remodeling or modernizing of the project; or
d) That the project or a material part thereof has been condemned or expropriated and that the project is no
longer viable, or that the condominium owners holding in aggregate more than 70% interest in the
common areas are opposed to the continuation of the condominium regime after expropriation or
condemnation of a material proportion thereof; or
e) That the conditions for such partition by sale set forth in the declaration of restrictions duly registered in
accordance with the terms of this Act, have been met.
SECTION 9. The owner of a project shall, prior to the conveyance of any condominium therein, registered a
declaration of restrictions relating to such project, which restrictions shall constitute a lien upon each
condominium owners in the project, and shall insure to and bind all condominium owners in the projects. Such
liens, unless otherwise provided, may be enforced by any condominium owner in the project or by the
management body of such project. The Register of Deeds shall enter and annotate the declaration of restrictions
upon the certificate of title covering the land included within the project, if the land is patented or registered under
the Land Registration or Cadastral Acts.
The declaration of restrictions shall provide for the management of the project any anyone of the following
management bodies: a condominium corporation, an association of the condominium owners, a board of
governors elected by condominium owners, or a management agent elected by the owners of by the board named
in the declaration. It shall also provide for voting majorities, quorums, notices, meeting date, and other rules
governing such body bodies.
Such declaration of restrictions, among other things, may also provide:
a) As to any management body:
1. For the power thereof, including power to enforce the provisions of the declaration of restrictions;
2. For Maintenance of insurance policies insuring condominium owners against loss by fire, casualty,
liability, workmen's compensation and other insurable risk and for bonding of the members of any
management body;
3. Provisions for maintenance, utility, gardening, and other service benefiting the common areas, for the
operation of the building, and legal, accounting and other professional and technical services;
4. For purchase of materials, supplies and the like needed by the common areas;
5. For payment of taxes and special assessments which would be a lien upon the entire project or common
areas, and discharge of any encumbrance levied against the entire project of the common areas;
6. For reconstruction of any portion or portions of and damage to or destruction of the project;
7. the manner for delegation of its powers;
8. For entry by its officers and agents into any unit when necessary in connection with the maintenance or
construction for which such body is responsible;
9. For a power of attorney to the management body to sell the entire project fot the benefit of all the owner
thereof when partition of the project may be authorized under Section 8 of this Act, which said power
shall be binding upon all of the condominium owners regardless of whether they assume the obligations
of the restrictions or not.
b) The manner and procedure for amending such restrictions, Provided, that the vote of not less than a majority in
interest of the owner obtained.
c) For independent audit of the accounts of the management body;
d) For reasonable assessments to meet authorized expenditures, each condominium unit to be assessed separately
for its share of such expenses in proportion (unless otherwise provided) of its power's fractional interest in any
common areas;
e) For the subordination of the liens securing such assessments to other liens either generally or specifically
f) For conditions, other than those provided for in Sections 8 and 13 of this Act, upon which partition of the
project and dissolution of the condominium may be made. Such right to partition or dissolution may be
conditioned upon failure of the condominium owners to rebuild within a certain period or upon specified
percentage of damage to the building, or upon a decision of an arbitrator, or upon any other reasonable condition.
SECTION 10. Whenever the common areas in acondominium project are held by a condominium corporation,
such corporation shall constitute the management body of the project. The corporate of such a corporation shall be
limited to the holding of the common areas; either in ownership or any other in real property recognized by law,
to the management of the project, and to such other purposes as may be necessary, incident or convenient to the
accomplishment of said purpose. The articles of incorporation or by-laws of the corporation shall not contain any
provision contrary to our inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, the enabling or master deed, or the
declaration of restrictions of the project. Membership in a condominium corporation, regardless of whether it is
stock or non-stock corporation, shall not be transferable separately from the condominium unit which it is an
appurtenance. When a member or a stockholder cease to own a unit in the project in which the condominium
corporation owns or holds the common areas, he shall automatically cease to be a member or stockholder of the
condominium corporation.
SECTION 11. The term of a condominium corporation shall be coterminous with the duration of the
condominium project, the provisions of the Corporations Law to the contrary notwithstanding.
SECTION 12. In case of involuntary dissolution of a condominium corporation for any of the cause provided by
law, the common areas owned or held by the condominium shall, by way of liquidation, be transferred proindiviso and in proportion to their interest in the corporation to the members or stockholders thereof, subject to the
superior rights of the corporation creditors. Such transfer or conveyance shall be deemed to be full liquidation of
the interest of such members or stockholders in the corporation. After such transfer or conveyance, the provisions
of this Act governing undivided co-ownership of, or4 undivided interest in, the common areas in condominium
project shall fully apply.
SECTION 13. Unit enabling or the master deed of the project in which the condominium corporation owns the
common areas is revoked, the corporation shall not be voluntarily dissolved through for dissolution under Rule
104 of the Rules Court except upon a showing:
a) That the years after damage or destruction to the project in which the corporation owns or holds the
common areas, which damage or destruction renders a materials part thereof, unfit for its use prior
thereto, the project has not been rebuilt or repaired substantially to its state prior to its damage or
destruction; or
b) The damage or destruction to the project has rendered one-half or more of the units therein untenantable
and that more than 30 percent of the members of the corporation, if non-stock, or the shareholders
representing more than 30 percent of the capital stock entitle to vote, if a stock corporation, are opposed
to the repair or reconstruction of the project; or
c) That the project has been in existence in excess of 50 years, that it is obsolete and uneconomical, and that
more than 50 percent of the members of the corporation if non-stock, or stockholders representing more
than 50 percent of the capital stock entitle to vote, if a stock corporation, are opposed to the repair or
restoration or remodeling or modernizing of the project; or
d) That the project or material part thereof has been condemned or expropriated and that the project is no
longer viable of that the members holding in aggregate more than 70 percent interest in the corporation if
non-stock, or the stockholders representing more than 70 percent of the capital stock entitle to vote, if a
stock corporation, are opposed to the continuation of the condominium regime after expropriation or
condemnation of a material portion thereof; or
e) That the conditions for such dissolution set forth in the declaration of restrictions of the project in which
the corporation owns or holds the common areas, have been met.
SECTION 14. The condominium may also be dissolved by the affirmative vote of all the stockholders or
members thereof at a general or special meeting duly called for the purpose; Provided, that all the requirements of
Section 62 of the Corporation Law are complied with.
SECTION 15. Unless otherwise provided for in the declaration of restrictions, upon voluntary dissolution of a
condominium corporation in accordance with the provisions of Section 13 and 14 of this Act, the corporation
shall be deemed to hold a power of attorney from all the members or stockholders to sell and dispose of their
separate interests in the project and liquidation of the corporation shall be effected by a sale of the entire project as
if the corporation owned the whole thereof, subject to the rights of the corporation and of individuals
condominium creditors.
SECTION 16. A condominium corporation shall not during its existence, sell, exchange, lease or otherwise
depose of the common areas owned or held by it in the condominium project unless authorized by the affirmative
vote of a simple majority of the registered owners: Provided, that prior notifications to all registered owners: are
done: and Provided, further, that the condominium corporation may expand or integrate the project with another
upon the affirmative vote of a simple majority of the registered owners: Provided, that prior notifications to all
registered owners are done: and Provided, further, that the condominium corporation may expand or integrate the
project with another upon the affirmative vote of a simple majority of the registered owners, subject only to the
final approval of Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board. (As amended by R.A. No. 7899, approved Feb. 23,
SECTION 17. Any provisions of the Corporation Law to the contrary notwithstanding, the by-laws of a
condominium corporation shall provide that a stockholder or member shall not be entitle to demand payment of
his share or interest in those case where such right is granted under the Corporation Law unless he consents to sell
his separate interest in the project to the corporation or to any purchaser of the corporation's choice who shall also
buy from the corporation the dissenting member or stockholder's interest. In case of disagreement as to price, the
procedure set forth in the appropriate provision of the Corporation Law for valuation of shares shall be allowed.
The corporation shall have two years within which to pay for the shares or furnish a purchaser of its choice from
the time of award. All expenses incurred in the liquidation of the interest of the dissenting member or stockholder
shall be borne by him.
SECTION 18. Upon registration of an instrument conveying a condominium, the Register of Deeds shall, upon
payment of the proper fees, enter and annotate the conveyance on the certificate of title covering the land included
within the project and the transferee shall be entitled to the issuance of a "condominium owner's" copy of the
pertinent portion of such certificate of title. Said "condominium owner's" copy need not reproduce the ownership
status or other condominium in the project. A copy of the description of land, a brief description of condominium
conveyed, name and personal circumstances of the condominium owner would be sufficient for purposes of the
"condominium owner's" copy of the certificate of title. No conveyance of condominiums or part thereof,
subsequent to the original conveyance thereof from the owner of the project, shall be registered unless
accompanied by a certificate of the management body of the project that such conveyance is in accordance with
the provisions of the declaration of restrictions such project.
In cases of condominium projects registered under the provisions of the Spanish Mortgage Law or Act 3344, as
amended, the registration of the deed of conveyance of a condominium shall be sufficient if the Register of Deeds
shall keep the original or signed copy thereof, together with the certificate of the management body of the project,
and return a copy of the deed of conveyance to the condominium owner duly acknowledge and sampled by the
Register of Deeds in the same manner as in the case of registration of conveyances of real property under said
SECTION 19. Where the enabling or master deed provides that the land included within a condominium project
are to be owned in common by the condominium owners therein, the Register of Deeds may, at the request of all
the condominium owners and upon surrender of all their "condominium owner's" copies, cancel the certificates of
title of the property and issue a new one in the name of the said condominium owners as pro-indiviso co-owners
SECTION 20. An assessment upon any condominium made in accordance with a duly registered declaration of
restrictions shall be an obligation of the owner thereof at the time the assessment is made. The amount of any such
assessment plus any other charges thereon, such as interest, cost (including attorney's fees) and penalties, as such
may be provided for in the declaration of restrictions, shall be and become a lien upon causes a notice of
assessment to be registered with the Register of Deeds of the city or province where such condominium project is
located. The notice shall state the amount of such assessment and such other charges thereon as may be authorized
by the declaration of restrictions, a description of condominium unit against which same has been assessed, and
the name of the registered owner thereof. Such notice shall be signed by an authorized representative of the
management body or as otherwise provided in the declaration of restrictions. Upon payment of said assessment
and charges of other satisfaction thereof, the management body shall cause to be registered a release of the lien.
Such lien shall be superior to all other liens registered subsequent to the registration of said notice of assessment
except real property tax liens and except that the declaration of restrictions may provide for the subordination
thereof to any other liens and encumbrances.
Such liens may be enforced in the same manner provide for by law for the judicial or extra-judicial
foreclosure of mortgages of real property. Unless otherwise provided for in the declaration of restrictions, the
management body shall have power to bid at foreclosure sale. The condominium owner shall have the same right
of redemption as in case of judicial or extra-judicial foreclosure of mortgages.
SECTION 21. No labor performed or service or material furnished without the consent of or at the request of a
condominium owner of his agent or his contractor or sub contractor, shall be the basis of a lien against
condominium of any other condominium owner, unless such other owner have expressly consented to or
requested the performance of such labor of furnishing of such materials or service. Such express consent shall be
deemed to have been given by the owner of any condominium in the case of emergency repairs of his
condominium unit. Labor performed or services or materials furnished for the common areas, if duly authorized
by the management body provided for in a declarations governing the property, shall be deemed to be performed
or furnished with the express consent of each condominium owner. The owner of any condominium may remove
his condominium from a lien against two of the lien or the fraction of the total sum secured by such lien which is
attributable to his condominium unit.
SECTION 22. Unless otherwise provided for the declaration of restrictions, the management body provided for
herein, may acquire and hold, for the benefit of the condominium owners, tangible personal property and may
dispose of the same by sale or otherwise, and the beneficial interest in such personal property shall be owned by
the condominium owners in the same proportion as their respective interest in the common areas. A transfer of a
condominium shall transfer to the transferee ownership of the transferor's beneficial interest in such personal
SECTION 23. Where, in an action for partition of a condominium corporation on the ground that the project or a
material part thereof has been condemned or expropriated, the court finds that the conditions provided in this Act
or in the declaration of restrictions have not been met, the Court may decree a reorganization of the project
declaring which portion or portions of the project shall continue as a condominium project, the owners thereof,
and the respective rights of the remaining owners and the just compensation, if any, that a condominium owner
may be entitle to due deprivation of his property. Upon receipt of a copy of the decree, the Register of Deeds shall
enter and annotate the same on the pertinent certificate of title.
SECTION 24. Any deed, declaration or plan for a condominium project shall be liberally construed to facilitate
the operation of the project, and its provision shall be presumed to be independent and severable.
SECTION 25. Whenever real property has been divided into condominium, each condominium separately owned
shall be separately assessed, for purpose or real property taxation and other tax purposes, to the owners thereof,
and tax on each such condominium shall constitute a lien solely thereon.
SECTION 26. All Acts or parts of Acts in conflict or inconsistent with this Act are hereby amended insofar as
condominiums and its incidents are concerned.
SECTION 27. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.
Mortgage: Section 18
Advertisements: Section 19
Time of Completion: Section 20
Alteration of Plan: Section 22
Non-Forfeiture or Payments: Section 23
Issuance of Title: Section 25
Donations of Open Spaces: Section 31, as amended by PD 1216
Organization of Homeowners Association: Section 30
Realty Taxes Payment: Section 26
Other Charges: Section 27
Real Estate Finance and Economics
An effect in economics in which an increase in spending produces an increase in national income and
consumption greater than the initial amount spent. For example, if a corporation builds a factory, it will employ
construction workers and their supplies as well as those who work in the factory. Indirectly, the new factory will
stimulate employment in laundries, restaurants, and service industries in the factory's vicinity.
Real estate has been said to be one section with a big multiplier effect on the Philippine economy. It is said that
for every P1 million invested in housing it is translated to P16.6 million of economic housing activity in the
country. [HUDCC]
The housing or real sector provides and sets of a domino effect on other economic activities which can be referred
to the "multiplier effect of real estate", such as, but not limited to the following:
Employment opportunities
In the case where there are more buyers than sellers, then it is considered a seller's market as there are fewer real
properties available vis--vis a higher demand for it. In this case, the movement of prices will tend to go up
because of the higher demand.
In a buyers' market, there are many real properties available or more sellers than there would be a demand from
the buyers and is normally referred to as a "BUYERS MARKET" where the price of real estate has a tendency to
go down in view of the excess in supply vs. the actual demand of the market.
Another element which affects the movement of real estate is the availability financing, both for the production
side or the developers, and the demand side which is the buying market. Real estate financing involves generally
the acquisition of property through loan financing source, which may be sourced from the following:
A very important formula for the computation involving real estate financing is:
MONTHLY AMORTIZATION [MA] = Principal to be Financed x Amortization Factor
Amortization Factor = Factor based on the no. of years payment and interest rate
MA = P x Factor
Ms. Roxas pays a monthly amortization of P54,100.00 for a parcel of land. The amortization factor for 5 years at
21% interest is 0.02705. If Ms. Roxas paid a downpayment of 20% of the contract price, compute the following:
a) Principal Balance = Mo. Amortization
= P54,100.00
= P2,000,000.00
b) Contract Price
= Balance
= P2,000,000.00
= P2,500,000.00
c) Downpayment
= 20% of P2,500,000.00
Amount of downpayment
Monthly amortization
Interest expense for 3 months
Balance after 3 months
Final cost/sqm. after full payment
a) Downpayment = 1,060 sqm. x P1,400.00/sqm. x 50% =
Total Interest
d) P720,367.60
e) Total payments made
P20,071.10 x 60 mos.
Plus Downpayment
Total price/sqm
P1,946,266.10/1,060 sqm.
Basic Principle of Ecology
Ecology (from the Greek: oikos, oikos, "household"; and
, logos, "knowledge') is the scientific study of the
distribution and abundance of life and the interactions between organisms and their environment.
The word "ecology" is often used more loosely in such terms in common parlance as a synonym for the natural
environment or environmentalism.
An Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) is a "process that involves predicting and evaluating the likely impacts
of a project (including cumulative impacts) on the environment during construction, commissioning, operation
and abandonment.
It also includes designing appropriate preventive, mitigating and enhancement measures addressing these
consequences to protect the environment and the community's welfare".
A certificate of Environment Compliance Commitment to which the Proponent conforms to, after DENR-EMB
explains the ECC conditions, by signing the sworn undertaking of full responsibility over implementation of
specified measures which are necessary to comply with existing environmental regulations or to operate within
best environment practices that are not currently by existing laws.
Content of an ECC
An ECC shall contain specific measure and conditions that the project Proponent has to undertake before and
during the operation of a project, and in some cases, during the project's abandonment phase to mitigate identified
environment impacts.
In general, the following are salient features of an ECC:
Conditions conformed with by the Proponent to implement the mitigation measures for potentially
negative impacts and/or enhancement measures for potentially positive impacts as identified in the EIA
Suggestions/recommendations to assist LGUs and other agencies of the government to incorporate the
EIA Results in their decision-making process.
Urban and Rural Land Use
Republic Act No. 7279
Land Banking refers to the acquisition of at values based on existing use in advance of actual need to
promote planned development and socialized housing programs;
Land Swapping refers to the process of land acquisition by exchanging land for another piece of land of
equal value, or for shares of stock in a government or quasi-government corporation whose book value is
of equal value to the land being exchanged, for the purpose of planned and national development and
provision for socialized housing where land values are determined based on land classification, market
value and assessed value taken from existing tax declarations; Provided, That more valuable lands owned
by private persons may exchanged with less valuable lands to carry out the objectives of this Act;
k) Land use plan refers to the rational approach of allocating available land resources as equitably as
possible among competing user groups and for different functions consistent with the development plan
area and the Program under this Act;
On-site development refers to the process of upgrading and rehabilitation of heighted and slum urban
areas with a view of minimizing displacement of dwellers in said areas, and with provisions for basic
services as provided for in Section 21 hereof;
m) Professional squatters refers to individuals or groups who occupy lands without the express consent of
the landowner and who have sufficient income for legitimate housing. The term shall also apply to
persons who have previously been awarded home lots or housing units by the Government but who sold,
leased, or transferred the same to settle illegally in the same place or in another urban area, and non-bona
fide occupants and intruders of lands reserved for socialized housing. The term shall not apply to
individuals or groups who simply rent land and housing from professional squatters or squatting
n) Resettlement areas refers to areas identified by the appropriate national agency or by the local
government unit with respect to areas within its jurisdiction, which shall be used for the relocation of the
underprivileged and homeless citizens;
o) Security of tenure refers to the degree of protection afforded to qualified Program beneficiaries against
infringement or unjust, unreasonable and arbitrary eviction or disposition, by virtue of the right of
ownership, lease agreement, usufruct and other contractual arrangements;
p) Slum improvement and Resettlement Program or SIR refers to the program of the National Housing
Authority of upgrading and improving blighted squatter areas outside of Metro Manila pursuant to
existing statutes and pertinent executive issuances;
q) Small property owners refers to those whose only real property consists of residential lands not
exceeding three hundred square meters (300 sq. m.) in highly urbanized cities and eight hundred square
meters (8000 sq, m,) in other urban cities;
r) Socialized housing refers to housing programs and projects covering houses and lots or home lots only
undertaken by the Government or the private sector for the underprivileged and homeless citizens which
shall include sites and services development, long-term financing, liberalized terms on interest payments,
and such other benefits in accordance with the provisions of this Act;
s) Squatting syndicates refers to groups of persons engaged in the business of squatter housing for profit
or gain;
Underprivileged and homeless citizens refers to the beneficiaries of this Act and to individuals or
families residing in urban and urbanizable areas whose income or combined household income falls
within the poverty threshold as defined by the National Economic and Development Authority and who
do not own housing facilities. This shall include those who live in makeshift dwelling units and do not
enjoy security of tenures;
u) Unregistered or abandoned lands refers to lands in urban and urbanizable areas which are not registered
with the Register of Deeds, or with the city or municipal assessor's office concerned, or which are
uninhabited by the owner and have not been developed or devoted for any useful purposes, or appears
unutilized for a period of three consecutive years immediately prior to the issuance and receipt or
publication of notice of acquisition by the Government as provided under this Act. It does not include
land which has been abandoned by reason of force majeure or any fortuitous event; Provided that prior to
that event, such land was previously used for some useful or economic purpose;
v) Urban areas refers to all cities regardless of their population density and to municipalities with a
population density of at least five hundred (500) persons per square kilometer;
w) Urbanizable areas refers to sites and lands which, considering present characteristics and prevailing
conditions, display marked and great potential of becoming urban areas within the period of five ( 5 )
years; and
x) Zonal Improvement Program or ZIP refers to the program of the National Housing Authority of
upgrading and improving blighted squatter areas within the cities and municipalities of Metro Manila
pursuant to existing statutes and pertinent executive issuances.
Section 4, Coverage.- The program shall cover all Lands in urban and urbanizable areas, including
existing area for priority development, zonal improvement sites, slum improvement and resettlement
sites, and in other areas that maybe identified by the local governments units as suitable for socialized
Section 5, Exemption. - The following land shall be exemption from the coverage of this Act:
a) Those include in the coverage of Republic Act No.6657, otherwise known as the comprehensive
Agrarian Reform law:
b) Those actually used for national defense and security of the Stare;
c) Those used, reserved or otherwise set aside for government offices and installations, whether owned
by the National Government, its agencies and instrumentalities, including government owned or
controlled corporations, or by the local government unit : Provide that the lands herein mentioned , or
portions thereof , which have not been used for the purpose for which they have been reserved or set
aside for the past ten (10) years from the affectivity of this Act, shall be covered by this Act;
d) Those used or set aside for parks, reserved for flora fauna, forest and watersheds, and other areas
necessary to maintain ecological balance or environment protection, as determined and certified to by
the proper government agency :and
e) Those actually and primary used for religious, charitable, o educational purposes, cultural historical
sites, hospital and health center, and cemeteries or memorial parks.
The exemption herein provided shall not apply when the use or purposed of the abovementioned lands has ceased
to exist.
Section 6. Frameworks for Rational Development.- There shall be National Urban Development an Housing
Frame work to be formulated by the Housing and Land Used Regulatory Board under the direction of the Housing
Urban Development Coordinating Council in coordination with all local government units and other concerned
public sector within one (1) year from affectivity of this Act.
The Framework shall refer to the comprehensive plan for urban and urbanizable areas aimed at achieving the
objectives of the Program. In the formulation of the framework, a review and rationalization of existing town and
land use plans, housing programs, and all other projects and activities of government agencies and the private
sector which may substantially affect urban land use patterns, transportation and public utilities, infrastructure,
environment and population movements shall be undertaken with the concurrence of the local government units
Section 7. Inventory of Lands. Within one (1) year from the effectivity of this Act, all city and municipal
governments shall conduct an inventory of all lands and improvements thereon within their respective localities.
The inventory shall include the following:
a. Residential lands;
b. Government-owned lands, whether owned by the National Government or any of its subdivisions,
instrumentalities, or agencies, including government-owned or controlled corporations and their
c. Unregistered or abandoned and idle lands; and
d. Other lands.
In conducting the inventory, the local government units concerned, in coordination with the Housing and Land
Use Regulatory Board and with the assistance of the appropriate government agencies, shall indicate the type of
land use and the degree of land utilization, and other data or information necessary to carry out the purposes of
this Act.
For planning purposes, the Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council shall be furnished by each
local government unit a copy of its inventory which shall be updated every three (3) years.
Section 8. Identification of Sites for Socialized Housing. After the inventory, the local government units, in
coordination with the National Housing Authority, the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board, the National
Mapping Resource Information Authority, and the Land Management Bureau, shall identify lands for socialized
housing and resettlement areas for the immediate and future needs of the underprivileged and homeless in the
urban areas, taking into consideration the degree of availability of basic services and facilities, their accessibility
and proximity to job sites and other economic opportunities, and the actual number of registered beneficiaries.
Government-owned lands under paragraph (b) of the preceding section which have not been used for the purpose
for which they have been reserved or set aside for the past ten (10) years from the effectivity of this Act and
identified as suitable for socialized housing, shall immediately be transferred to the National Housing Authority
subject to the approval of the President of the Philippines or by the local government unit concerned, as the case
may be, for proper disposition in accordance with this Act.
Section 9. Priorities in the Acquisition of Land. Lands for socialized housing shall be acquired in the
following order:
a) Those owned by the Government or any of its subdivisions, instrumentalities, or agencies, including
government-owned or controlled corporations and their subsidiaries;
b) Alienable lands of the public domain;
c) Unregistered or abandoned and idle lands;
d) Those within the declared Areas for Priority Development, Zonal Improvement Program sites, and
Slum Improvement and Resettlement Program sites which have not yet been acquired;
e) Bagong Lipunan Improvement of Sites and Services or BLISS sites which have not yet been
acquired; and
f) Privately-owned lands.
Where on-site development is found more practicable and advantageous to the beneficiaries, the priorities
mentioned in this section shall not apply. The local government units shall give budgetary priority to on-site
development of government lands.
Section 10. Modes of Land Acquisition. The modes of acquiring lands for purposes of this Act shall include,
among others, community mortgage, land swapping, land assembly or consolidation, land banking, donation to
the Government, joint-venture agreement, negotiated purchase, and expropriation: Provided, however, That
expropriation shall be resorted to only when other modes of acquisition have been exhausted. Provided, further,
that where expropriation is resorted to, parcels of land owned by small property owners shall be exempted for
purposes of this Act: Provided, finally, That abandoned property, as herein defined, shall be reverted and
escheated to the State in a proceeding analogous to the procedure laid down in Rule 91 of the Rules of Court.
For the purpose of socialized housing, government-owned and foreclosed properties shall be acquired by the local
government units, or by the National Housing Authority primarily through negotiated purchase: Provided, That
qualified beneficiaries who are actual occupants of the land shall be given the right of first refusal.
Section 11. Expropriation of Idle Lands. All idle lands in urban and urbanizable areas, as defined and identified
in accordance with this Act, shall be expropriated and shall form part of the public domain. These lands shall be
disposed of or utilized by the Government for such purposes that conform with their land use plans.
Expropriation proceedings shall be instituted if, after the lapse of one (1) year following receipt of notice of
acquisition, the owner fails to introduce improvements as defined in Section 3 (f) hereof, except in the case of
force majeure and other fortuitous events. Exempted from this ownership of which is subject of a pending
Section 12. Disposition of Lands for Socialized housing- The National Housing Authority , with respect to lands
belonging to the national Government , and the local government units with respect to other lands within their
respective localities, shall coordinate with each other to formulate and make available various alternative
schemes for thereof the disposition of lands to the beneficiaries of the Program. These schemes shall not be
limited to those involving transfer of ownership in fee simple but shall include lease, with option to purchase,
usufruct or such other variations as the local government units or the National Housing Authority may deem most
expedient in carrying out the purposes of this Act. Consistent with this provision, a scheme for public rental
housing may be adopted.
Section 13. Valuation of Lands for Socialized Housing.- Equitable land valuation guidelines for socialized
housing shall be set by the Department of Finance on the Basis of the market value reflected in the zonal
valuation, or in its absence, on the latest real property tax declaration.
For sites already occupied by qualified program beneficiaries, the Department of Finance shall factor into the
valuation the blighted status of the land as certified by the local government unit or the National Housing
Section 14. Limitations on the Disposition of Lands for Socialized Housing.- No land for socialized housing,
including improvements or rights thereon, shall be sold, alienated, conveyed, encumbered or leased by any
beneficiary of this program except to qualified program beneficiaries as determined by the government agency
Should the beneficiary unlawfully sell, transfer, or otherwise dispose of his lot or any right thereon, the
transaction shall be null and void. He shall also lose his right to the land, forfeit the total amortization paid
thereon, and shall be barred from the benefits under this Act for a period of ten (10) years from the date of
In the event the beneficiary dies before full ownership of the land is vested on him, transfer to his heirs shall take
place only upon their assumption of his outstanding obligations. In case of failure by the heirs to assume such
obligations, the land shall revert to the Government for disposition in accordance with this Act.
Section 15. Policy.- Socialized housing, as defined in Section 3 hereof, shall be the primary strategy in providing
shelter for the underprivileged and homeless. However, if the centurial arrangement in a particular socialized
housing program is in the nature of leasehold or usufruct, the same shall be transitory and the beneficiaries must
be encouraged to become independent from the Program within a given period of time, to be determined by the
implementing agency concerned.
Section 16. Eligibility Criteria for Socialized Housing Program Beneficiaries.- To qualify for the socialized
housing program, a beneficiary:
a) Must be a Filipino citizen;
b) Must be an underprivileged and homeless citizen, as defined in Section 3 of this Act;
c) Must not own any real property whether in the urban or rural areas ; and
d) Must not be a professional squatter or a member of squatting syndicates.
Section 17. Registration of Socialized housing Beneficiaries.- The Housing and Urban development
Coordinating Council , in coordination with the local governments units, shall design a system for the
registration of qualified Program beneficiaries in accordance with the Framework. The local governments
units, within (1) year from the effectivity of his Act, shall identify and register all beneficiaries within their
respective localities.
Section 18. Balanced Housing Development. - The Program shall include a system to be specified in the
Framework plan whereby developers of propose subdivision projects shall be required to develop an area for
socialized housing equivalent to at least twenty percent (20%) of the total subdivision area or total subdivision
project cost, at the option of the developer, within the same city or municipality, whenever feasible, and in
accordance with the standards set by the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board and other existing laws.
The balanced housing development as required may also be complied with by the developers concerned in
any of the following manner:
a). Development of new settlement;
b). Slum upgrading or renewal of areas for priority development either through zonal improvement programs
or slum improvement;
c). Joint-venture projects with either the local governments units or any the housing agencies; or
d). Participation in the community mortgage program.
Section 19. Incentives for the National Housing Authority. -The national housing Authority, being the
primary government agency in charge of providing housing for the underprivileged and homeless, shall be
exempted from the payment of all fees and charges of any kind, whether local or national, such as income
and real taxes. All documents or contacts executed by and of the National Housing Authority shall also be
exempt from the payment of documentary stamp tax and registration fees, including fees required for the
issuance of transfer of titles.
Section 20. Incentives for Private Sector Participating in Socialized housing. - To encourage greater
private sector participation in socialized housing and further reduced the cost of housing units for the benefit
of the underprivileged and homeless, the following incentives shall be extended to the private sector:
a) Reduction and simplification of qualification and accreditation requirements for participating private
b) Creation of one stop offices in the different regions of the country for the processing, approval and
issuance of clearances, permits and licenses: Provided , That clearances, permits and licenses shall be
issued within ninety ( 90) days from the date of submission of all requirements by the participating
private developers;
c) Simplification of financing procedures; and
d) Exemption from the payment of the following:
Project related income taxes;
Capital gains tax on raw use for the project;
Value-added tax for the project concerned;
Transfer tax for both raw and completed projects; and
Donors tax for both lands certified by the local government units to have been donated for
socialized housing purposes.
Provided, that upon application for exemption, a lien on that title of the land shall be annotated y the Register of
deeds: provider, further, that the socialized housing development plan has already been approved by the
appropriate government agencies concerned: Provided, finally, That all the savings acquired by virtue of this
provision shall secure in favor of the beneficiaries subject to the implementing guidelines to be issued by the
Housing and Development Coordinating Council.
Appropriate implementing guidelines shall e prepared by the Department of Finance, in consultation with the
Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council, for the proper implementation of the tax exemption
mentioned in this section within one (1) year after the approval of this Act.
Property owners who voluntarily provide resettlement sites to illegal occupants of their lands shall be entitled to a
tax credit equivalent to the actual non-recoverable expenses incurred in the resettlement, subject to the
implementing guidelines jointly issued by the Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council and the
Department of Finance.
Section 21. Basic Services. - Socialized housing or resettlement areas shall be provided by the local government
unit or the National Housing Authority in cooperation with the developers and concerned agencies with the basic
services and facilities:
a) Potable water;
b) Power and electricity and an adequate power distribution system;
c) Sewerage Facilities and an efficient and adequate solid waste disposal system; and
d) Access to primary roads and transportation facilities.
The provision of other basic services and facilities such as health, education, communication, security, recreation,
relief and welfare shall be planned and be given priority for implementation by the local government unit and
concerned agencies in cooperation with the sector and the beneficiaries themselves.
The local Government unit, in coordination with the concerned national agencies, shall ensure that these basic
services are provided at the most cost-efficient rates, and set a mechanism to coordinate operationally the thrusts,
objectives and other government agencies concerned with providing basic services to housing projects.
Section 22. Livelihood Component. - To the extent feasible, socialized housing and resettlement projects shall be
located near areas where employed opportunities are accessible. The government agencies dealing with the
development of livelihood programs and of livelihood loans shall give priority to the beneficiaries of the Program.
Section 23. Participation of Beneficiaries.- The local governments units, in coordination with the Presidential
Commission for the Urban poor and concerned government agencies, shall afford program beneficiaries or their
duly designated representatives an opportunity to be heard and to participate in the decision-making process over
matters involving the protection and protection and promotion of of there legitimate collective interests which
shall include appropriate documentation and feedback mechanisms. They shall also be encouraged to organized
themselves and undertake self-help cooperative housing and other livelihood activities. They shall assist the
Government in preventing the incursions of professional squatters and members of squatting syndicates into their
In instances when the affected beneficiaries have failed to organized themselves or form an alliance within a
reasonable period prior to the implementation of the program or projects affecting them , consultation between
the implementing agency and the affective beneficiaries shall be conducted with the assistance of the Presidential
Commission for the Urban Poor and the concerned non-government organization.
Section 24. Consultation with Private Sector.- Opportunities for adequate consultation shall be accorded to the
private sector involved in socialized housing project pursuant to this Ac
Section 25. Benefits. - In addition to the benefits provided under existing laws and other related insurances to
occupants of areas for priority development, zonal improvement program site, such occupants shall be entitled to
priority in all government projects initiated pursuant to this Act. They shall also be entitled to the following
support services:
a) Land surveys and titling at minimal cost;
b) Liberalized terms on credit facilities and housing loans and one hundred percent (100%) deduction from
every homebuyers gross income tax of all interest payments made on documented loans incurred for the
construction or purchase of the homebuyers house.
c) Exemption from the payment of documentary stamp tax, registration fees, and for the issuance of transfer
certificate of titles;
d) Basic services as provided for in Section 21 of this Act. And
e) Such other benefits that may arise from the implementation of this Act.
Section 26. Urban Renewal and Resettlement. - This shall include the rehabilitation and development of
blighted and slum areas and the resettlement of Program beneficiaries in accordance with the provisions of this
Act. On- Site development shall be implemented whenever possible in order to ensure minimum movement of
occupants of blighted lands and slum areas. The resettlement of the beneficiaries of the program from their
existing places of occupancy shall be undertaken only when on-site development is not feasible and after
compliance with the procedures laid down in Section 28 of this Act.
Section 27. Action Against Professional Squatters and squatting Syndicates. - The Local government units, in
cooperation with the Philippine national Police, the Presidential Commission for the urban Poor (PCUP), and the
PCUP-accredited urban poor organization in the area, shall adopt measures to identify and effectively curtail the
nefarious and illegal activities of professional squatters and squatting syndicates, as herein defined.
Any person or group identified as such shall be summarily evicted and their dwellings or structures demolished,
and shall be disqualified to avail of the benefits of the program. A public official who tolerates or abets the
commission of the abovementioned acts shall be dealt with in accordance with existing laws. For purposes of this
Act, professional squatters or members of squatting syndicates shall be imposed the penalty of six (6) years
imprisonment or a fine of not less than Sixty thousand pesos (P60,000) but not more than One hundred thousand
pesos (P100,000), or both, at the discretion of the court.
Section 28. Eviction and Demolition. - Eviction or Demolition as a practice shall be discouraged.
Eviction or demolition, however, may be allowed under the following situations:
(a) When persons or entities occupy danger areas such as esteros, railroad tracks, garbage dumps, riverbanks,
shorelines, waterways, and other public places such as sidewalks, roads, parks, and playgrounds;
(b) When government infrastructure projects with available funding are about to be implemented; or
(c) When there is a court order for eviction and demolition.
In the execution of eviction or demolition orders involving underprivileged and homeless citizens, the
following shall be mandatory:
1) Notice upon the effected persons or entities at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of eviction or
2) Adequate consultations on the matter of resettlement with the duly designated representatives of the
families to be resettled and the affected communities in the areas where they are to be relocated;
3) Presence of local government officials or their representatives during eviction or demolition;
4) Proper identification of all persons part in the demolition;
5) Execution of eviction or demolition only during regular office hours from Mondays to Fridays and
good weather, unless the affected families consent otherwise;
6) No use of heavy equipment for demolition except for structures that are presents and of concrete
7) Proper uniforms for members of the Philippines National Police who shall occupy the first line of law
enforcement and observe proper disturbance control procedures: and
8) Adequate relocation, whether temporary or permanent: Provided, however, That in cases of eviction
and demolition pursuant to a court order involving underprivileged and homeless citizens, relocation
shall be undertaken by the local government unit concerned and the National Housing Authority with
the assistance of other government agencies within forty-five (45) days from service of notice of final
judgment by the court, after which period the said shall be executed: Provided, further, that should
relocation not be possible within the said period, financial assistance in the amount equivalent to the
prevailing minimum daily wage multiplied by sixty (60) days shall be extended to the affected
families by the government unit concerned.
The Department of the Interior and Local government and Housing an Urban Development Coordinating
Council shall jointly promulgate the necessary rules and regulations to carry out te above provision.
Section 29. Resettlement. - Within two (2) years from the effectivity of this Act, the local government units, in
coordination with the National Housing Authority, shall implement the relocation and resettlement of persons
living in danger areas such as esteros, railroad tracks, garbage dumps, riverbanks, shorelines, waterways, and in
other public places such as sidewalks, roads, parks and playgrounds. The local government unit, in coordination
with the Housing authority, shall provide relocation or resettlement sites with basic services and facilities and
access to employment and livelihood opportunities sufficient to meet the basic needs of the affected families.
Section 30. Prohibition Against New Illegal Structures. - It shall be unlawful for any person to construct any
structure in areas mentioned in the preceding section.
After the effectivity of this Act, the barangay, municipal or city government units shall prevent the
construction of any kind or illegal dwelling units or structures within their respective localities. The head
of any government unit concerned who allows, abets or otherwise tolerates the construction of any
structure in violation of this section shall be liable to administrative sanctions under existing laws and to
penal sanctions provided for in this Act.
Section 31. Definition. - The Community Mortgage (CMP) is a mortgage financing program of the National
Home Mortgage Finance Corporation which legally organized associations of underprivileged and homeless
citizens to purchase and develop a tract of land under the concept of community ownership. The primary objective
of the program is assists resident of blighted or depressed areas to own the lots they occupy, where they choose to
relocate to, eventually improve their neighborhood and homes to the extent of their affordability.
Section 32. Incentives. - To encourage its wider implementation, participants in the CMP shall be granted with
the following privileges or incentives:
a) Government-owned or controlled corporations and local government units , may dispose of their idle
lands suitable for socialized housing under CMP through negotiated salt at prices based on acquisition
cost plus financial carrying cost;
b) Properties sold under the CMP shall be exempted from the capital gains tax; and
c) Beneficiaries under the CMP shall not be evicted nor dispossessed of their lands or improvements
unless they have incurred arrearages in payments of amortizations for three (3) months
Section 33. Organization of Beneficiaries. - Beneficiaries of the Program shall be responsible for their
organization into associations to manage their subdivisions or places of residents, to secure housing loans under
existing Community Mortgage Program and projects beneficial to them. Subject to such rules and regulations to
be promulgated by the National Home Mortgage Finance Corporation, associations organized to this act may
collectively acquire and own lands covered by this program. Where the beneficiaries fail to form an association
by and among themselves, the National home mortgage Finance corporation shall initiate the organization of the
same in coordination with the Presidential Commission for the Urban poor and the local government units
concerned. No person who is not a bona fide resident of the area be a member or officer of such association.
Section 34. Promotion of Indigenous Materials and Technologies. - The local government units, in cooperation
with the national housing Authority, Technology and Livelihood Resource Center, and other concerned agencies,
shall promote the production and use of indigenous, alternatives, and low-cost construction materials and
technologies for socialized housing.
Section 35. Transport System. - The local government units, in coordination with the departments of
transportation and Communications, Budget and management, Trade and Industry, Finance, and Public Works
and Highways, the home Insurance Guaranty Corporation, and other concerned government agencies, shall device
a set of mechanisms include incentives to the private sector so that a viable transport system shall evolve and
develop in the urban areas. It shall also formulate standards designed to attain these objectives:
(a) Smooth flow traffic;
(b) Safe and convenient of travel;
(c) Minimum use of land space;
(d) Minimum damage to the physical environment; and
(e) Adequate and efficient transport service to the people and goods at cost
Section 36. Ecological Balance. - The local government units shall coordinate with the Department of
Environment and Natural Resources in taking measures that will plan and regulate urban activities for the
conservation and protection of vital, unique and sensitive positive ecosystems, scenic landscapes, cultural sites
and other similar resource areas.
To make the implementation of this function more effective participation of the citizenry in environmental
rehabilitation and decision-making process shall be promoted and encouraged. The local government units shall
recommend to the environment and Management Bureau the Immediate closure of factories, mines and transport
companies which are found to be causing massive pollution.
Section 37. Population Movements. - The local governments units shall set up an effective mechanism, together
with the appropriate agencies like the population commission, the National Economic and development Authority
and the National Statistics office, to monitor trends in the movements of population from rural to urban, and urban
to rural areas. They shall identify measures by which such movements can be influenced to achieve balance
between urban capabilities and population, to direct appropriate segments of the population into areas they can
have access to opportunities to improve their lives and to contribute to national growth and recommend proposed
legislation to congress , if necessary.
The population Commission, the national Economic and development authority, and the National Statistics Office
shall provide advanced planning information to national and local government planners on population projections
and the consequent level of services needed in particular urban and urbanizable areas. This service will include
early-warning systems on expected dysfunctions in a particular urban area due to population increases, or age
structure changes.
Section 38. Urban-rural Interdependence. - To minimize rural to urban migration and pursue urban
Decentralization, the local government units shall coordinate with the National Economic and Development
programs that will stimulate economic growth and promote socioeconomic development in the countryside.
Section 39. Role of Local Government Units. - The local government units shall be charged with the
implementation of this Act in their respective localities, in coordination with the Housing and Urban development
Coordinating Council, the housing agencies, the Presidential Commission for Urban poor, the sector and other
non- government organizations.
They shall prepare a comprehensive land use plan for their respective localities in accordance with the provisions
of this Act.
Section 40. Role of Government Housing Agencies. - In addition to their respective existing powers and
functions, and those provided for in this Act, the hereunder mentioned housing agencies shall perform the
(a) The housing and Urban Development coordinating council shall, through the key housing agencies,
provide local government units with necessary support such as:
(1) Formulation of standards and guidelines as well as providing technical support in the
preparation of town and land use plans;
(2) In coordination with the National Economic and development Authority and the National
statistics Office, provide data and information for forward-planning by the local government
units in their areas, particularly on projections as to the population and development trends in
their localities and the corresponding investments programs to provide appropriate types and
levels of infrastructure, utilities, services and land use patterns; and
(3) Assistance in obtaining funds and other resources needed in the urban development and
housing programs in their areas or responsibility.
(b) The National Housing Authority, upon request of local government units , shall provide technical and
other forms of assistance in the implementation of their respective urban development and
(c) housing programs with the objective of augmenting and enhancing local government capabilities in the
provision of housing benefits to their constituents;
(d) The National home Mortgage Finance Corporation shall administer the Community Mortgage Program
under this Act and promulgate rules and regulations necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act; and
(e) The Home Insurance Guarantee Corporation shall design an appropriate guarantee scheme to encourage
financial institutions to go into direct lending for housing.
Section 41. Annual Report. - The Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council and the local
government units shall submit a detailed annual report with respect to the implementation of this Act to the
President and the Congress of the Republic of the Philippines.
Section 42. Funding. - Funds for the urban development and housing program shall come from the following
(a) A minimum of fifty percent (50%) from the annual net income of the Public Estate authority, to be used
by the National Housing Authority to carry out its programs of land acquisition for resettlement purposes
under this Act;
(b) Proceeds from the disposition of ill-gotten wealth, not otherwise previously set aside for any other
purpose, shall be applied to the implementation of this Act and shall be administered by the National
Home Mortgage Finance Corporation;
(c) Loans, grants, bequest and donations, whether from local or foreign sources;
(d) Flotation of bonds, subject to the guidelines to be set by the Monetary Board;
(e) Proceeds from the social housing tax and, subject to the concurrence Code of 1991 and other existing
(f) Proceeds from the sale of disposition of alienable public lands in urban areas; and
(g) Domestic and foreign investment or financing through appropriate arrangements like the build operate
and-transfer scheme.
Section 43. Socialized Housing Tax. Consistent with the constitutional principle that the ownership and
enjoyment of property ear a social function and to raise funds from the Program, all local government units are
hereby authorized to impose an additional one-half percent (0.5%) tax on the assessed value of all lands in urban
areas in excess of Fifty thousand pesos (P50,000).
Section 44. Moratorium on Eviction and Demolition. - There shall be a moratorium on the eviction of all
program beneficiaries and on the demolition of their houses or dwelling units for a period of three (3) years from
the effectivity of this Act: Provided, That the moratorium shall not apply to those persons who have constructed
their structures after the effectivity of this Act and for cases enumerated in Section 28 hereof.
Section 45. Penalty Causes. - Any person who violates any provision of this Act shall e imposed the penalty of
not more than six (6) years of imprisonment or a fine of not less than Five thousand pesos (P5,000) but not more
than One hundred thousand pesos (P100,000), or both, at the discretion of the court: Provided, That, if the
offender is corporation, partnership, association or other juridical entity, the penalty shall be imposed on the
officer or officers of said corporation, partnership, association or juridical entity who caused the violation.
Section 46. Appropriations. - The amount necessary to carry out the purposes of this Act shall be included in the
annual budget of implementing agencies in the General Appropriations Act of the year following its enactment
into law and every year thereafter.
Section 47. Separability Causes. - If for any reason, any provision of this Act is declared invalid or
unconstitutional, the remaining provisions not affected thereby shall continue to be in full force and effct.
Section 48. Repealing Clause. - All laws, decrees, executive orders, proclamations, rules and regulations, and
issuance, or parts thereof which are inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, are hereby repealed or modified
Section 49. Effictivity Clauses. - This Act shall take upon its publication in least two (2) national newspapers of
general circulation.
President of the Senate Speakers of the House of Representatives
This Act which is a consolidation of House Bill No. 34310 and Senate Bill No. 234 was finally passed by the
House of Representative and the Senate on February 3, 1992
Secretary of the Senate Secretary General
Approved March 24, 1992
President of the Philippines
Planning, Development and Zoning
Laws that Ensure Rational Land Use and Sustainable Urban and Regional Development
Executive Order No. 72 - Providing for the Preparation and Implementation of the Comprehensive Land
Use Plans of Local Government Units Pursuant to the Local Government Code of 1991 and Other
Pertinent Laws
Memorandum Circular No. 54 - Prescribing the Guidelines of Sec. 20, R. A. 7160, Authorizing
Cities/Municipalities to Reclassify Lands into Non-Agricultural Uses
Executive Order No. 124 - Establishing Priorities and Procedures in Evaluating Areas for Land
Conversion in Regional Agricultural/Industrial Centers, Tourism Development Areas Sites for Socialized
Planning is the key to orderly and rational land development in any local government unit, i.e. a city or
municipality. A Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) prescribes the developmental pace, directions and
strategies for the optimum use of land resources in a community as well as its role in provincial, regional and
national development. The CLUP is enacted into a zoning ordinance for purposes of enforcement.
Development Role
HLURB has the twin roles of enhancing and reinforcing rational housing and real estate service delivery via a
triad of strategies namely; policy, planning and regulation. Such rules are enunciated and defined in Presidential
Decrees (PD), Letters of Instruction (LOI), Republic Acts (RA), Executive Orders (EO), office of the President
Memorandum Circulars (OP-MC) and Batas Pambansa (BP).
The HLURB pursues activities to attain rational land use as specified in a number of directives.
Review and ratify land use plans of Metro Manila cities and municipalities, provinces, highly urbanized
cities and independent component cities (EO No. 72);
Enforce zoning regulations (EO No. 648);
Update and revise National Urban Development and Housing Framework (RA No. 7279).
A. DEFINITION: A contract is a MEETING OF MINDS between two persons whereby one binds himself, with
respect to the other, to give something or to render some service (Art. 1305, NCC).
1. Consent of the contracting parties;
2. Object certain which is the subject matter of the contract;
3. Cause or consideration of the obligations which is established.
1. Sale - in order that the same may be registered, must be in public instrument (Art. 1403 & 1406, NCC).
2. Lease - if for a period longer than one year and in order that the same may be registered, must be in public
instrument (Art. 2126, NCC)
3. Mortgage - in order that the same may be registered, must be in public instrument (Art. 2126, NCC)
A. DEFINITION: By the Contract of Sale, one of the contracting parties obligates himself to transfer the
ownership of and to deliver a determinate thing, and the other to pay therefore a price certain in money or its
equivalent. (Art. 1456, NCC).
B. KINDS OF SALE (Art. 1458, NCC).
1. Absolute or Unconditional
2. Conditional
1. As a rule, all persons, natural or juridical, who are authorized by the Constitution to own lands (Art. XIV)
and by the New Civil Code to obligate (Art. 1469), may buy or sell real estate.
2. Only Filipino citizens or corporation at least sixty (60%) per centum of the capital of which is owned by
Filipino citizens can acquire land in the Philippines.
3. A Filipina married to a foreigner retains her Philippine citizenship and, thus, also retains the right to
acquire land in the Philippines
4. A Filipino citizen, who acquires citizenship of another country, can retain ownership of land acquired by
him prior to his change of citizenship.
5. The husband and wife cannot sell property to each other, except (Art. 1390), NCC):
a. when a separation of property has been agreed upon in their marriage settlement; or
b. when there has been a judicial separation of the property under Art. 134 of the Family
6. [FIDUCIARY RELATIONSHIP] - Persons who cannot acquire by purchase because of fiduciary
1. GUARDIAN - the property of the person or persons who may be under his guardianship
2. AGENTS - the property whose administration or sale may have been entrusted to them, unless the
consent of the principal has been given
3. EXECUTORS and ADMINISTRATORS - the property of the estate under administration
4. PUBLIC OFFICERS and EMPLOYEES - the property of the State or of any subdivision thereof,
or of any government owned or controlled corporation or institution, the administration of which
has been entrusted to them; this provision shall apply to judges and government experts who, in
any manner whatsoever take part in the sale
administration of justice - the property and rights in litigation or levied upon an execution before
the court within whose jurisdiction or territory they exercise their respective functions
6. ANY OTHERS disqualified by law.
(Art. 1491, NCC)
The persons disqualified to buy referred to in the above are also disqualified to become lessees of the
things mentioned therein. (Art. 1646, NCC)
1. The vendor is bound to transfer the ownership of, and deliver, as well as warrant, the thing which is the
object of the sale (Art. 1495, NCC).
2. Unless a contrary intention appears, the sale carries (Art. 1547, NCC):
an implied warranty on the part of the seller that he has a right to sell the thing at the time when
the ownership is to pass, and that the buyer shall, from that time, have and enjoy the legal and
peaceful possession of the property; and
an implied warranty that the thing shall be free from any hidden faults or defects, or any charge or
encumbrance not declared or unknown to the buyer.
1. The Vendee is bound to accept delivery of the property sold at the time and place stipulated in the
contract; and
2. The Vendee is bound to pay the price of the property sold at the time and place stipulated in the
1539, 1540 and 1542, NCC)
If the sale is for a lump sum, there shall be no increase or decrease of the price, although there be a greater
or lesser area than that stated in the contract.
If the sale be made with a statement of its area at the rate of a certain price per square meter, the
a) If the area is bigger, choose to:
1. accept the area included in the contract and reject the excess; or
2. accept the whole are, but must pay for the excess area at the contract rate.
b) If the area is smaller, choose to:
1. have a proportional reduction of the price; or
2. rescind the contract, provided:
a. that the lack in are be not less than 10% of that in the contract; or
b. that he would not have bought the land had he known of its smaller
3. Should there be neither inscription nor possession, then the buyer in good faith who can present the
oldest title.
a. when the property relations between the spouses is one of absolute separation; or
b. when the property relations between the spouses is one of conjugal partnership and the
property involved:
1. was brought into the marriage by either of the spouses (property nomenclature:
husband's - capital, wife's paraphernal);
2. was acquired by either of the spouses by inheritance; or
3. was acquired with exclusive funds of either of the spouses.
1. Republic Act No. 6552
Realty Installment Buyers Protection Act
Approved: August 26,1972
2. Presidential Decree No. 957
Subdivision and Condominium Buyers Protective Decree
Approved: July 12, 1976
SECTION 4. In case where less than two years of instalments were paid the seller shall give the buyers a
grace period of not less than sixty days from the date the installements become due. If the buyer fails to pay the
instalments due at the expiration of the grace period, the seller may cancel the contract after thirty days from
receipt by the buyer of the notice of cancellation or the demand for rescission of the contract by a notarial act.
SECTION 5. Under Section 3 and 4, the buyer shall have the right to sell his rights or assign the same to
another person or to reinstate the contract by updating the account during the grace period and before actual
cancellation of the contract. The deed of sale or assignment shall be done by notarial act.
SECTION 6. The buyer shall have the right to pay in advance any instalments or the full unpaid balance
of the purchase price any time without interest and to have such full payment of the purchase price annotated in
the certificate of title covering the property.
SECTION 7. Any stipulation in any contract hereafter entered into contrary to the provisions of Section
3,4,5 and 6, shall be null and void.
SECTION 8. If any provisions of the Act is held invalid or unconstitutional no other provision shall be
affected thereby.
SECTION 9. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.
Approved August 26, 1972.
Cash Surrender Value (Refund) = Total Payments x Percentage (%age) Refund
Section 23. Not-Forfeiture of Payments. No instalment payment made by a buyer in a subdivision or
condominium project for the lot or unit he contracted to buy shall be forfeited in favour of the owner or developer
when the buyer, after due notice to the owner or developer, desists from further payment due to the failure of the
owner or developer the subdivision or condominium project ma, at his option, be reimbursed the total amount
paid including amortization interests but excluding delinquency interests, with interest thereon at the legal rate.
Section 24. Failure to pay instalments. The rights of the buyer in the event of this failure to pay the instalments
due for reasons other than the failure of the owner or developer to develop the project shall be governed by
Republic Act No. 6552
Where the transaction or contract was entered into prior to the effectivity of Republic Act No. 6552 on August 26,
1972, the defaulting buyer shall be entitled to the corresponding refund based on the instalments paid after the
effectivity of the law in the absence of ay provision in the contract to the contrary.
1. Unless a lease is recorded, it shall not be binding upon third persons (Art. 1648, NCC).
2. The LESSEE cannot assign the lease without the consent of the LESSOR, unless there is a stipulation
to the contrary (Art. 1649, NCC)
3. Where there is no express prohibition, the lessee may sublet the property leased, in whole or in part,
without prejudice to his responsibility for the performance of the contract toward the lessor (Art.
1650, NCC).
1. To deliver the property which is the object of the contract in such a condition as to render it to fit the
use intended;
2. Ti make on the property during the lease all the necessary repairs in order to keep it suitable for the
use to which it has been devoted, unless there is stipulation to the contrary; an
3. To maintain the lessee in the peaceful and adequate enjoyment of the lease for the entire duration of
the contract.
the lessors account name during the entire duration of the lease agreement. Any and all interest that
shall accrue therein shall be returned to the lessee at the expiration of the lease contract.
In the event, however, that the lessee fails to settle rent, electric, telephone, water or such other utility
bills or destroys any house components and accessories, the deposits and interests therein shall be
forfeited in favour of the latter in the amount commensurate to the pecuniary damage done by the former.
3. Assignment of Lease or Subleasing. Assignment of lease or subleasing of the whole or any
portion of the residential unit, including the acceptance boarders or bedspaces, without the written
consent of the owner/lessor is prohibited.
4. Grounds for Judicial Ejectment. Ejectment shall be allowed of the following grounds:
(a) Assignment of lease or subleasing of residential units in whole or in part, including the
acceptance of boarders or bedspaces, without the written consent of the owner/lessor;
(b) Arears in payments of rent for a total of three (3) months: Provided, That in the case of refusal by
the lessor to accept payment of the rental agreed upon, the lessee may either deposit, by way of
consignation. The amount in court, or with the city or municipal treasurer, as the case may be, or
in a bank in the name of and with notice to the lessor, within one month after refusal of the lessor
to accept payment.
The lessee shall thereafter deposit the rent within ten (10) days of every current month. Failure to
deposit the rentals for three (3) months shall constitute a ground for ejectment.
The lessor, upon authority of the court in case of consignation or upon joint affidavit by him and
the lessee to be submitted to the city or municipal treasurer and to the bank where deposit was
made, shall be allowed to withdrawn the deposits;
(c) Legitimate need of the owner/lessor to repossess his or her own use for the use of any immediate
member of his or her family as a residential unit: Provided, however, That the lease for a definite
period has expired: Provided, further, That the lessor has given the lessee formal notice three (3)
months in advance of the lessors intention to repossess the property and : Provided, finally, That
the owner/lessor is prohibited from leasing the residential unit or allowing its use by a third party
for a period of a least (1) year from the time of repossession;
(d) Need of the lessor to make necessary repairs of the leased premises which is the subject of an
existing order of condemnation by appropriate authorities concerned in order to make said
premises safe and habitable. Provided, That after said repair, the lessee ejected shall have the first
preference to lease the same premises: Provided, however, That the new rental shall be
reasonably commensurate wih the expenses incurred for the repair of the said residential unit and:
Provided, finally, That if the residential unit is condemned or completely demolished, the lease of
the building will no longer be subject to the aforementioned first-preference rule is this
subsection; and
(e) Expiration of the period of the lease contract.
5. Prohibition Against Ejectment by Reason of Sale or Mortgage No lessor or his successor-ininterest shall be entitled to eject the lessee upon the ground that the leased premises have been sold or
mortgaged to a third person regardless of whether the lease or mortgage is registered or not.
6. Rent-to-Own Scheme. At the option of the lessor, he or she may engage the lessee in a written
rent-to-own agreement that will result in the transfer or ownership of the particular dwelling in favour
of the latter. Such an agreement shall be exempt from the coverage of Section 3 of this Act.
7. Coverage of this Act. All residential units in the National Capital Region and other high urbanized
cities the total monthly rent for each of which does not exceed Ten thousand pesos (P10,000.00) and
all residential units in all other areas the total monthly rent for each of which does not exceed Five
thousand pesos (P5,000.00) as of the effectivity date of this Act shall be covered, without prejudice to
existing contracts.
1. When the lease is indicated in the deed of sale;
2. When the lease is registered in the Registry of Property; and/or
3. When the buyer has knowledge of the existence of the lease even if the same is not duly registered in
the Registry of Property.
This Contract of Lease, made and entered into this ______________________by and between:
JOUSE S. PORRENT, of legal age, Filipino, married to_____________________and with
residence at No. 2 Paupahan St., Muntinlupa City, hereinafter referred to as the LESSOR;
-andPA U. PA, of Legal age, Taiwanese, married, with address at 10 th Flr. ABC Towers, Herrera St., Makati
City hereinafter referred to as the LESSEE.
WHEREAS, the LESSOR is the registered and absolute owner of a house and lot, including all
improvements found thereon, located at No. 1 Paupahan St., Ayala Alabang Village, Muntinlupa City and
covered by TCT No.__________of the Registry of Deeds for Muntinlupa, and equipped with two (2) telephone
lines, lighting fixtures, and those provide for in Annex A, hereinafter referred to as the PREMISES;
WHEREAS, the LESSEE, desires to lease the above-mentioned PREMISES, and the LESSOR is
willing to lease the same unto the LESSEE subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter specified;
NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing and mutual covenants hereinafter
contained, the LESSOR has let and these presents do hereby let and lease unto the LESSEE the PREMISES and
the LESSEE hereby accepts the same by way of lease subject to the following terms and conditions:
1. PERIOD The terms of this Contract of Lease shall be for a period of one (1) year commencing from
March______________, to March______________. The LESSEE has the option to renew this Lease
Contract on terms to be mutually agreed upon by the parties and in case the LESSEE desires to renew
this lease, the LESSEE shall notify the LESSOR at least 60 days prior to the expiration of the current
2. RENTAL The parties herein agree that the rental for the period of lease of the PREMISES shall be a
gross monthly rental of ONE HUNDRED THIRTY FIVE THOUSAND PESOS (P135,000.00), Phil.
Currency, inclusive of 5% withholding tax. Value-added tax, if any, shall be for the account of the
On or before the effectivity of this Contract of Lease the LESSEE agrees to pay the LESSOR
the following:
(P1,620,000.00), Phil. Currency representing the advance rentals for the period commencing
March___________, to March___________, inclusive of five percent (5%) withholding tax.
Philippine Currency, representing LESSEEs deposit in case there are unpaid bills for water,
gas, electricity, telephone, association dues, and garbage fees, etc., or damages to the
premises aside from natural wear and tear. Such amount will be refunded to the LESSEE
and in no case later than 90 days after termination of this contract and after LESSEE vacates
the PREMISES. An delay on the return of any amount/s due herein shall be subject to 2%
penalty interest per month.
3. DIPLOMATIC CLAUSE In the event the LESSEE employment in the Philippines is terminated by
reason of transfer to another assignment outside Metro Manila or the Philippines or because of death,
incapacity or similar grounds, during the period of this lease, the LESSESS or his employer or agent shall
give a 60-day notice to the LESSOR of his intention to terminate the contract and vacate the leased
premises. In such the event the LESSOR shall forfeit the amount equivalent to two (2) months rental as
liquidated damages.
In lieu of termination, however, the LESSEE shall have the right to nominate in writing his successor or
any other person to succeed the LESSEE as occupant of the premises, with the written consent of the
LESSOR, which shall not be unreasonably withheld, for the remaining period of this contract, the terms
and conditions of which will remain unchanged except as to the named party occupying the leased
premises. In all cases of termination, the advance rentals, shall, without need of demand, be refunded
back to the LESSEE less the agreed liquidated damages whenever applicable, within SIXTY (60) days
from receipt of written notice by LESSOR and the deposit shall be refunded to the LESSEE as per
clause 2(I)b.
4. WATER, GAS, ETC. All expenses for water, gas, electricity, telephone, association dues, cable T.V.
and garbage fees including garden maintenance and maintenance of the swimming pool and pest control
shall be for the account of the LESSEE.
5. RESIDENTIAL PURPOSE The leased premises shall be used for residential purpose of the LESSEE
or MR. _________________ and his family, including his domestic helps only and for no other purpose
without the written consent of the LESSOR. The PREMISES may not be subleased without the written
consent of the LESSOR.
6. IMPROVEMENTS The LESSEE shall not make any other major structural changes, alterations or
improvements in the leased PREMISES including hammering of nails on the walls for hanging pictures,
etc. Without written consent of the LESSOR. However, any major alterations or improvements made or
introduced by the LESSEE in the leased PREMISES with the written consent of the LESSOR shall,
upon termination of this contract, automatically inure to the benefit of the leased PREMISES and
become the property of the LESSOR without any obligation on the latters part to pay or refund the
values or cost to the LESSEE.
7. SANITATION AND REPAIRS The LESSEE shall keep the PREMISES clean and in sanitary
condition and take good care of the garden and keep it in good condition at all times. Daily cooking is
suggested to be done in the dirty kitchen to maintain the cleanliness and prevent the proliferation of pests
and insects in the main kitchen as well as preserve its good condition.
The LESSE has inspected the leased PREMISES and has found the same to be in good and tenantable
condition. The LESSOR shall be responsible for all major repairs on the premises and on the water,
electrical and sewage installations caused by forced majeure and ordinary wear and tear, except the repair
due to the fault or negligence of the LESSEE, members of his household, guest, or visitors. Minor repairs
on the leased premises under P3,500.00 which are not due to natural disaster, structural defect, nor
attributed to the negligence or fault of the LESSOR shall be for the account of the LESSEE. On the other
hand, maintenance and minor repairs due to force majeure, and inherent defect due to construction and
materials used, shall be for the account of the LESSOR. Minor repairs referred to in this clause are those
not exceeding the amount of THREE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDERE PESOS
ONLY (P3,500.00) per item/occurrence while those exceeding such amount are considered major repairs
in which case the LESSOR shall be liable for the whole cost. Responsibility for both pest controls shall be
It is further provided that all repairs to be undertaken by LESSOR as stipulated in this Contract shall be
attended to immediately and in case shall it be later than seven (7) days from the time LESSEE serves
LESSOR notice of such need for repairs, otherwise, LESSEE shall have the right to have such repairs
done, and costs therein shall be reimbursed by LESSOR to LESSEE upon demand by LESSEE.
8. FIRE HAZARD AND OBNOXIOUS SUBSTANCE The LESSEE shall not keep, deposit or store in
the premises any obnoxious substance or inflammable materials or substances that constitute a fire
9. TAXES AND INSURANCE 5% withholding tax, Real Estate taxes, government assessments and fire
insurance shall be for the account of the LESSOR, provided that the LESSEE shall pay the value added
10. THIRD PARTY LIABILITY The LESSEE during its occupancy of the leased premises shall hold the
LESSOR free and harmless from any damage or liability or responsibility to any person or property
arising out of or as a consequence of the use of the PREMISES by the LESSEE, his agents, employee,
domestic helps and guests. When such damage or liability is caused by fortuitous events, or acts of God,
such as typhoon, earthquake, flood, etc. which are beyond the control of the LESSEE, the latter shall not
be liable to the LESSOR.
good tenantable condition and for such purpose the LESSOR reserves the right at reasonable time of the
day and with prior notice, to enter and inspect the PREMISES and to make the necessary repairs thereof.
The LESSEE likewise agrees to cooperate with the LESSOR in keeping the PREMISES in good and
tenantable condition.
12. RULES AND REGULATIONS The LESSEE agrees to abide by the rules and regulations
promulgated by the Ayala Alabang Village Association.
13. SALE, MORTGAGE and TRANSFER In the event of sale, mortgage, or transfer or any other
encumbrance of the PREMISES or existing sale, mortgage, transfer or encumbrance of the same, the
LESSOR warrants that the purchaser, mortgagee or encumbrance shall respect all the terms and
conditions of this lease agreement including the provisions for renewal thereof.
14. RETURN OF THE PREMISES Upon the termination of this contract, the LESSEE shall immediately
vacate the PREMISES and return possession thereof to the LESSOR, upon the latters request, unless
the contract of lease is extended. THIRTY (30) days prior to the return of the PREMISES, the LESSOR
or its representative may show the PREMISES to prospective tenants at reasonable hours of the day and
with prior notice. The PREMISES must be turned over by the LESSEE to the LESSOR in the same
original condition, normal wear and tear expected.
15. Any violation of the terms provided for in this contract on the part of the LESSEE or the LESSOR shall
be sufficient ground for the termination of this contract of lease by the aggrieved party.
16. Any action arising under this contract shall be brought before the proper courts at Muntinlupa City, M.
Manila, the parties hereto waiving any other venue.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands: the LESSOR : at
_______________________ on ____________________; and the LESSEE: at_______________________ on
Before me, a Nortaty Public for and in the above-named jurisdiction, personally appeared:
I.D. NO.
Known to me and to me known to be the same persons who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledge
to me that the same is their free and voluntary act and deed.
This instrument refers to a Contract of Lease and consist of five (5) pages including whereon this acknowledge
page is written, signed on page 5 and on the left hand margin of the other pages by the parties and their
instrumental witnesses.
WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL this ____________________ at ____________________.
Doc. No. ___________
Page No. ___________
Book No. ____________
Series of 2011
4. Only immovables and alienable real rights imposed upon immovables maybe made objects of
contracts of real estate mortgage.
5. The deed of mortgage must be registered in the Registry if Property in order to bind third persons.
6. The foreclosed property must be sold in a public auction, and may not just be appropriated by the
foreclosing creditor, to answer for the principal obligation.
PACTUM COMMISSORIUM void and of no legal effect.
1. Mortgage subjects a real estate property, whoever the possessor of the same maybe, to the fulfilment
of the principal obligation ( Art. 2126, NCC).
2. The owner may alienate the property subject of mortgage, and any stipulation to the contrary shall be
null and void ( Art. 2126, NCC). PACTUM DE NON ALIENDO void and of no legal effect.
3. The mortgage credit may be alienated or assigned to third persons in whole or in part, with the
formalities required by law ( Art. 2128, NCC).
4. The parties cannot stipulate a tipo or offset price at which the property will be sold at the
foreclosure proceedings ( Sec. 3, Rule 68, Rules of Court).
1. Non-payment of principal obligation upon its maturity.
2. Violation of any condition or warranty stipulated in the deed of mortgage.
1. Judicial the mortgage files a petition or complaint in court with competent jurisdiction, in which
petition or complaint he is the plaintiff and the mortgagor, the defendant. He must prove the existence
of the mortgage, the amount thereof, the existence of the principal obligation and the non-payment or
non-fulfilment thereof. If the court is satisfied, it orders the debtor to pay the debt within ninety (90)
days, otherwise, the property will be sold at public auction.
2. Extra-Judicial the creditor or mortgage controls the details of the sale. After the posting and
publication of the notice of sale, the sale itself is conducted under the direction of the sheriff, a judge
of the municipal or metropolitan trial court, or a notary public of the municipality or city where the
property is located.
A transaction through which the mortgagor, or one claiming in his right, by means of a payment or the
performance of a condition, re-acquires or buys back the value of one title which may have passed under
the mortgage (42 C.J. 341).
1. Equity of Redemption the debtor or mortgagor may pay the amount due ordered by the court within
a period of not less than ninety (90) days nor more than hundred twenty (120) days from the entry of
judgment, and that in default of such payment the property shall be sold at public auction to satisfy
the judgment. (Rule 60, 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure).
2. Right of Redemption the mortgagor may redeem the property within the term of one (1) year from
the date of registration of auction sale. (R. A. 3135)
3. Bank Foreclosed Properties of corporations/juridical entities Juridical persons whose property is
being sold pursuant to an extrajudicial foreclosure shall have the right to redeem the property until,
but not after, the registration of the certificate of foreclosure sale with the applicable Register of
Deeds which is no case shall be more than three (3) months after foreclosure, whichever is earlier.
(Sec. 47, General Banking Act of 2000)
Documentation and Registration
A contract is a meeting of minds between two persons whereby one binds himself, with respect to the other, to
give something or to render some service.
(Art. 1305, Civil Code of the Philippines)
Essential Requisites (Elements) of Contracts
(Art. 1318, Civil Code)
There is no contract unless the following requisites concur:
(1) Consent of the Contracting parties;
(2) Object certain which is the subject matter of the contract;
(3) Cause of the obligation which is established
Definition it is the meeting of the minds between the parties on the subject matter and the cause of the
contract, even if neither one has been delivered.
Effect of No Consent
(a) If there is absolutely no consent, there is no contract and may be considered VOID or non-existent
(Example : when it was simply a JOKE between the parties who never intended to be bound by the
(b) If there is consent but is vitiated such as error, fraud, or undue influence, etc., the contract is not
VOID, but is merely VOIDABLE (valid until annulled)
Applicable Law on Consent Art. 1319, Civil Code, provides:
Art. 1319. Consent is manifested by the meeting of the offer and the acceptance upon the thing and the
cause which are to constitute the contract. The offer must be certain and the acceptance absolute. A qualified
acceptance constitutes a counter-offer.
Acceptance made by letter or telegram does not bind the offeror except from the time it came to his
knowledge. The contract, in such a case, is presumed to have been entered into in the place where the offer was
Requisites of Consent
Under Art. 1317 of the Civil Code, it is provided that
a) Art. 1317. No one may contract in the name of another without being authorized by the latter, or unless he
has by law a right to represent him.
b) A contract entered into the name of another by one who has no authority or legal representation, or who
has acted beyond his powers, shall be unenforceable, unless it is ratified, expressly or impliedly, by the
person on whose behalf it has been executed, before it is revoked by the other contracting party.
IF a person wants to contract in the name of another
(a) He must be duly authorized (expressly or impliedly)
(b) Or he must have by law a right to present him (e.g. guardian, administrator)
(c) Or the contract must be subsequently ratified (expressly, impliedly, by word or deed)
AGENT, the following must be followed:
Art. 1874. When a sale of a piece of land or any interest therein is through an agent, the
authority of the latter shall be in writing; otherwise, the sale shall be void.
Option Definition
It is a contract granting a person the privilege to buy or not to buy a certain objects at anytime within the agreed
period at a fixed price.
The contract of option is a separate and distinct contract from the contract which the parties may enter into upon
the consumption of the contract. Therefore, an option must have its own cause or consideration, a cause distinct
from the selling price itself. (But the cause or consideration may be liberality or not in money terms)
General Rule
If the offeror has allowed the offeree a certain period to accept, the offer may be withdrawn at any time before
acceptance (of the thing being offered) by communicating such withdrawal. (Art. 1324, Civil Code)
This is commonly applicable in agreements which are options to buy a particular property. (e.g. Option to buy)
When the option is founded upon a consideration as something paid or promised. (e.g. Option Money)
Other Provisions
Notarial Page
It is putting down in writing the terms and conditions and agreement of the parties to the transaction, in the
appropriate legal form
As to type of instrument
1. Private of Instrument an agreement which is executed by the parties is binding and valid even though
not duly notarized , except in cases prescribed by law
2. Public instrument an agreement which has been notarized is considered a public instrument
1. UNILATERAL Deed of Sale - an agreement where only the SELLER shall execute the deed of absolute
sale and will not be signed by the buyer
2. BILATERAL Deed of Sale an agreement where both SELLER and BUYER
A. PARTIES to the transaction
1. Individual
the full names of the parties is required in the document for the proper
identification of the parties to the agreement
to be able to enter into a contract , parties must be of legal age ,or at least 18
years old and is stated in the document.(if a minor or is incapacitated to
contract ,then the person must be represented by the legal or authorized guardian
it is also required that the status of the parties be indicated, i.e., whether single,
married, the name of the spouse, widow, widower or legally separated.
Importance of this is when the parties are married, the consent of the other
spouse may be required by the transaction.
(d) 4. Citizenship-
The citizenship of the parties must likewise be indicated as the general rule is that
only Filipinos may acquire land, unless authorized by special laws. In case of
Dual Citizenship Law, the party /ies may just indicate their Filipino citizenship.
(e) 5.Residence-
Although not essential as the others, the residence must also be indicated in the
deed or the address of the party to the transaction. This will also serve a useful
purpose in case of notices that will be required to be given to the parties.
In case of juridical persons, such corporation or partnership, the document must contain the following:
a. Capacity to buy land- The corporation or partnership must have the capacity to own land in the
Philippines in case it is transferee(60% capital must be Filipino owned , or as allowed by law)
b. Authority to Buy/ sell- The sale or purchases is duly authorized by a board resolution of the Board of
Directors of the corporation or all or the partners in the partnership
c. Authority to sign- The person who shall be authorized to sign in behalf of the corporation or partnership
must be duly stated. Note: It does not follow that the president of the corporation is automatically duly
authorized to sign in behalf of the corporation and any other person may be duly authorized by the Board
of Directors.
d. Principal Office- The principal office of the corporation or partnership or its address must likewise be
indicated in the instrument.
Document required:
Board Resolution duly approved and signed evidenced by Corporate Secretarys Certificate (duly notarized)
Basis and Requirements under PD 1529
Section 55. Grantees name, nationality, etc., to be stated. Every deed or other voluntary instrument presented for
registration shall contain or have endorsed upon it the full name , nationality , residence and postal address of
the grantee or other person acquiring or claiming an interest under such instrument , and every deed shall also
state whether the grantee is married or unmarried , and if married the name in full of the husband or wife . If
the grantee is a corporation or association , the instrument must contain a recital to show that such corporation
or association is legally qualified to acquire private lands .Any change in the residence or postal address of such
person shall be endorsed by the Register of Deeds on the original copy of the corresponding certificate of title ,
upon receiving a sworn statement of such change .All names and addresses shall also be entered on all
Notices and processed issued in relation to registered land in pursuance of this Decree may be served upon any
person in interest by mailing the same to the addresses given , and shall be binding, whether such person
resides within or without the Philippines , but the court may, in its discretion, require further or other notice to
be given any case, if in its opinion the interest of justice so requires
The object of real estate contract of sale is the property being sold and purchased. It is re required that a definite
description must be indicated to properly identify the object of the contract or agreement .
It is not really necessary to include the whole description in the original / transfer certificate of title so long as the
properly identified though it is better to indicate the certificate of title no. and the corresponding Registry of
Deeds , when it comes to sale of titled properties.
The consideration in the real estate transaction is the purchase price of the price of the property agreed upon
(unless payment is made in another form or there is an exchange of property).
It is required under PD 1529, that the instrument be in the form of a public instrument, or must be duly notarized
to be registered.
Acknowledgement. - acknowledgment refers to
an act in which an individual on a single occasion:
Jurat. - Jurat refers to an act in which an
individual on a single occasion:
This Contract to sell made and executed, by and between:
to________________________________________________with address at 123 Rizal St.,
Manila, Hereinafter referred to as the BUYER;
-andCEEGUE NAH NGA, of legal age, Filipino, married to Okee Sah Kheen, with address at 123 Rizal St.,
Manila, hereinafter referred to as the BUYER.,
WHEREAS , the SELLER is the absolute and registered owner of a parcel of land with improvements
thereon located at No. 123 Rizal St., Manila consisting of an area of SIX HUNDRED SQUARE METES
( 600 SQMS.), more or less, and covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No.123456 of the Registry of
deeds for Manila, more particularly described as follows:
A parcel of land
WHEREAS, there SELLER is willing to sell and the BUYER is willing to buy the abovementioned property.
NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the principal sum of SIX MILLION EIGHT HUNDRED
THOUSAND PESOS (P6,800,000.00), Philippine Currency, the SELLER does hereby sell, transfer and convey
unto the BUYER, his successors and assigns the above described property under the following terms and
The total purchase price of the above described property shall be SIX
THOUSAND PESOS (P6, 800,000.00), Philippine Currency, payable as follows:
In such event, the earnest money in the amount of SIX HUNDRED THOUSAND PESOS (P 600,000.00)
Philippine Currency, shall be forfeited in favor of the SELLER, as liquidated damages. Any other
amount already paid by the BUYER, in excess of the liquidated damages, shall, however, be returned to
the BUYER, without interest.
BEFORE ME, a Notary Public in and for the above jurisdiction, personally appeared:
I.D. NO.
SEAL on ________________________at
Doc: No._____________;
Page No._____________;
Book No._____________;
Series of 2011
This Deed of Absolute Sale executed by and between:
JUAN P. DE LA CRUZ, of legal age, Filipino, married to Maria D. dela Cruz, Filipino, with address at
No. 123 MADRIGAL AVENUE, Muntinlupa city, hereinafter refered to as the VENDOR,
-andJOSE MA. R. TE, of legal age, Filipino, married to HENDE MA. R. TE, Filipino, with address at 888
Mahinhin St., Paranaque City.
WHEREAS, the VENDOR is the absolute and registered owner of a parcel of land with improvements located at
No. 123 Madrigal Avenue, Muntinlupa City, containing an area of SIX HUNDRED SQUARE METERS (600
SQM.) covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. 12345 of the Registry of Deeds for Muntinlupa City and
particularly described as follows:
A parcel of land ( Lot 2, of the cons- sub. Plan Pcs-12-34567, being a portion of the cons. of Lots 1 &
2, Pasig Cadastre, Psc-14, L.R.C. Rec. No. 984), situated in the Brgy. Alabang, Mun. of Muntinlupa, Metro
Manila, Is. Of uzon. x x x x x x x containing an area of SIX HUNDRED (600) SQ. METERS. Xxxxxx.
WHEREAS, the VENDEE has offered to buy and the VENDOR has agreed to sell the above described real
property real property to the VENDEE;
NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the sum of FIFTEEN MILLION PESOS
(P15,000,000.00) Philippine Currency, receipt of which in full is hereby acknowledgement from the VENDEE,
the VENDOR hereby SELLS, TRANSFERS AND CONVEYS in a manner absolute and irrevocable, in favor of
the VENDEE, their heirs, successors and assigns, the above described real property free from all liens and
Capital gains tax and documentary stamp taxes on the sale shall be for the account of the VENDOR.
Transfer tax and registration fees for the transfer of the property in the name of the VENDEE shall be for the
account of the VENDEE. Real estate taxes and association dues up to the execution of this deed of absolute sale
shall be for the account of the VENDOR.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto signed this Deed of Absolute Sale at
_____________________________this __________________________________.
Absence of person
inability to be present
Dont want to be present
physical incapacity
Minimize person / signatories
Future plans/ circumstances
simply busy
(c) If there is absolutely no consent there is no contract and may be considered VOID or non- existent
(EXAMPLE : when it was simply a JOKE between the parties who never intended to be bound by the
(d) If there is consent but is vitiated such as error, fraud, or undue influence, etc., the contract is not
VOID, but is merely VOIDABLE (valid until annulled)
Applicable law on Consent Art.1319,civil code, provides:
Art.1319.Consent is manifested by the meeting of the offer and the acceptance upon the thing and
the cause which are to constitute the contract, The offer must be certain and the acceptance absolute, A
qualified acceptance constitutes a counter- offer.
Acceptance made by letter or telegram does not bind the offeror except from the time it came to
his knowledge. The contract, in such a case, is presumed to have been entered into in the place where the
offer was made.
Under Art. 1317 of the civil code, it is provided that:
Art. 1317. No one may contract in the name of another without being authorized by the latter, or
unless he has by law a right to represent him.
A contract entered into the name of another by one who has no authority or legal representation,
or who has acted beyond his powers, shall be unenforceable, unless it is ratified, expressly or
impliedly, by the person on whose behalf it has executed, before it is revoked by the other
contracting party.
If a person wants to contract in the name of another
(d) He must be duly authorized (expressly or ompliedly)
(e) Or he have by law a right to represent him (e,g, guardian,administrator)
(f) Or the contract must be subsequently ratified ( expressly, impliedly,by words or deed)
AN AGEN, the following must be followed:
Art. 1874.When a sale of piece of land or any interest therein is through an agent, the authority of
the latter shall be in writing otherwise, the sale shall be avoid.
What is controlling are the contents of the power of attorney and not the heading or title of the document. It is best to
look into the contents of the power and limitations in the document to determine whether it will be sufficient for the
authority being delegated to the attorney- in fact.
In general, a special power of attorney is required for the following:
1. Act of strict dominion or ownership ( as compared to acts of mere administration)
2. Gratuituos contracts
3. Contract where personal trust and confidence is of the essence is of the agreement.
Or ,the following:
1) To make such payments as are not usually considered as act of administration.
2) To effect novations which put an end to obligation already in existence at the time agency was constituted
3) To compromise, to submit question to arbitration, to renounce the right to appeal from a judgement, to
waive objections to the venue of an action or to prescription already aquired
4) TO waive any obligation gratuitously
5) To enter into any contract by which the ownership of an immovable is transmitted or acquired either
gratuitously or valuable consideration
6) To make gifts,except customary ones for charity or those made to employess in the business managed by
the agent.
7) To loan or borrow money, unless the letter act be urgent and indispensable for the preservation of the
things which are under administration.
8) To lease any real property to another person for more than one year
9) To bind the principal to render some service without compensation
10) To bind the principal in a contract of partnership
11) to obligate the principal as a guarantor or surety
12) To create or convey real rights over immovable property
13) To accept or repudiate an inheritance
14) To ratify or recognize obligations contracted before the agency
15) Any other act of strict dominion.
In general, the agent may appoint a substitute if the principal has not prohibited him from doing so, as
provided under Art.1892 of the civil code:
Art. 1892. The agent may appoint a substitute if the principal has not prohibited him from doing so; but he
shall be responsible for the act s of the substitute:
1) When he was not given the power to appoint one:
2) When he was given such power, but without designating the person, and the person appointed was
notoriously incompetent or insovent.
All Acts of the substitute appointed against the prohibition of the principal shall be void.
Expiration of period
Death of principal or agent
Withdrawal of agent
Accomplishment of purpose
Dissolution of firm which granted or accepted agency
WE, SPOUSE ________________________a ______________, Both of legal age, Filipino and with address at
_________________________do hereby NAME CONSTITUTE and APPOINT,________________________ of
legal age, with address at __________________________, to be our true and lawful attorney, for us and in our
name, place and stead, to do the following acts and things, to wit:
To MORTAGAGE, SELL, TRANSPER AND CONVEY, under terms and conditions he may deem fit and
proper, the parcel of land including any improvements thereon, located at ___________________________,
covered by transfer
certificate of Title No._____________ of
the Registry of Deeds for
,________________________SQUARE METERS (____________) , more or less, and more particularly
described as follows:
To do any and all acts necessary for the purpose of this authority.
HEREBY GIVING AND GRANTING to our said attorney full powers and authority to do and perform
all and every act requisite or necessary to carry into effect the foregoing authority, as fully to all intents and
purpose as we might or could lawfully do if personally present, with full power of substitution and hereby
satisfying and confirming all that our said attorney or his substitute shall lawfully do or cause to be done by virtue
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, WE have her unto set our hands this ____________________, 2006 at
Known to me and to me known to the same person who executed the foregoing Special power of attorney,
consisting of two (2) pages including this page wherein the acknowledgement is written and acknowledge to me
that the same is their free and voluntary act and deed.
WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL this _______________________ at ______________________ .
Doc. No. _________
page No. _________
Book No. _________
Series of 2010.
This Deed of Absolute sale executed by and between:
JUAN P. LA CRUZ, of legal age, Filipino, married to Maria D. Dela Cruz, Filipino, with address at No.
123 Madrigal Avenue, Muntinlupa City, represented herein by his Attorney-in-Fact, MARIA DELOS
SANTOS, hereinafter referred to as the VENDOR.
- and -
JOSE MA> R> TE> of legal age, Filip[ino ,married to HENDE, MA. R. TE, Filipino, with address at 888
Mahinhin St. Paranaque City, represented herein by his Attorney-in-Fact, MANUEL
hereinafter referred to as the VENDOR,
SEC. 51. Conveyance and other dealings by registered owner. - An owner of registered land may convey,
mortgage, lease, charge or otherwise deal with the same in accordance with existing laws. He may use such forms
of deeds, mortgages, leases or other voluntary instruments as are sufficient in law. But no deed, mortgage, lease
or voluntary instrument, except a will purporting to convey or affect registered land shall take effect as a
conveyance or bind the land, but shall operate only as a contract between the parties and as evidence of authority
to the Register of Deeds to make registration.
The act of registration shall be the operative act to convey or affect the land insofar as third persons are
concerned, and in all cases under this Decree, the registration shall be made in the office of the Register of Deeds
for the province or city where the land lies.
SEC. 52. Constructive notice upon registration. Every conveyance, mortgage, lease, lien, attachment,
order, judgment, instrument or entry affecting registered land shall, if registered, filed or entered in the office of
the Register of Deeds for the province or city where the land to which it relates lies, be constructive notice to all
persons from the time of such registering, filing or entering.
SEC.53. Presentation of owner's duplicate upon entry of new certificate. - No voluntary instrument shall
be registered by the Register of Deeds, unless the owner's duplicate certificate is presented with such instrument,
except in cases expressly for in this Decree or upon order of the court, for cause shown.
The production of the owner's duplicate certificate, whenever any voluntary instrument is presented for
registration, shall be conclusive authority from the registered owner to the Register of Deeds to enter a new
certificate or to make a memorandum of registration in accordance with such instrument, and the new certificate
or memorandum shall be binding upon the registered owner and upon all persons claiming under him, in favor of
every purchaser for value and in good faith.
In all cases of registration procured by fraud, the owner may pursue all his legal and equitable remedies
against the parties to such fraud without prejudice however, to the rights of any innocent holder for value of a
certificate of title. After the entry of the decree of registration to the original petition or application, any
subsequent registration procured by the presentation of a forged duplicate certificate of title or a forged deed or
other instrument, shall be null and void.
SEC. 54. Dealings less than ownership, how registered. No new certificate shall be entered or issue
pursuant to any instrument, which does not divest the ownership or title from the owner or from the transferee of
the registered owners. All interests in registered land less than ownership shall be registered by filing with the
Register of Deeds the instrument which creates or transfers or claims such interests and by a brief memorandum
thereof made by the Register of Deeds upon the certificate of title, and signed by him. A similar memorandum
shall also be made on the owner's duplicate. The cancellation or extinguishment of such interests shall be
registered in the same manner.
SEC. 55. Grantee's name, nationality, etc., to be stated. Every deed or other voluntary instrument
presented for registration shall contain or have endorsed upon it the full name, nationality, residence and postal
address of the grantee or other person acquiring or claiming an interest under such instrument, and every deed
shall also state whether the grantee is married or unmarried, and if married, the name in full of the husband or
wife. If the grantee is a corporation or association, the instrument must contain a recital to show that such
corporation or association is legally qualified to acquire private lands. Any change in the residence or postal
address of such person shall be endorsed by the Register of Deeds on the original copy of the corresponding
certificate of title, upon receiving a sworn statement of such change. All names and addresses shall also be
entered on all certificates.
Notices and processed issued in relation to registered land in pursuance of this Decree may be served
upon any person in interest by mailing the same to the addresses given, and shall be binding, whether such person
resides within or without the Philippines, but the court may, in its discretion, require further or other notice to be
given in any case, if in its opinion the interest of justice so requires.
SEC. 56. Primary Entry Book; fees; certified copies. - Each Register of Deeds shall keep a primary entry
book in which, upon payment of the entry fee, he shall enter, in the order of their reception, all instruments
including copies of writs and processes filed with him relating to registered land. He shall, as a preliminary
process in registration, note in such book the date, hour and minute of reception of all instruments, in the order in
which they were received. They shall be regarded as registered from the time so noted, and the memorandum of
each instrument, when made on the certificate of title to which it refers, shall bear the same date: Provided, that
the national government as well as the provincial and city governments shall be exempt from the payment of such
fees in advance in order to be entitled to entry and registration.
Every deed of other instrument, whether voluntary or involuntary, so filed with the Register of Deeds
shall be numbered and indexed and endorsed with a reference to the proper certificate of title. All records and
papers relative to registered land in the office of the Register of Deeds shall be open to the public in the same
manner as court records, subject to such reasonable regulations as the Register of Deeds, under the direction of
the Commissioner of Land Registration, may prescribe.
All deeds and voluntary instruments shall be presented with their respective copies and shall be attested
and sealed by the Register of Deeds, endorsed with the file number, and copies may be delivered to the person
presenting them.
Certified copies of all instruments filed and registered may also be obtained from the Register of Deeds
upon payment of the prescribed fees.
SEC. 57. Procedure in registration of conveyances. - An owner desiring to convey his registered land in
fee simple shall execute and register a deed of conveyance in a form sufficient in law. The Register of Deeds
shall thereafter make out in the registration book a new certificate of title to the grantee and shall prepare and
deliver to him an owner's duplicate certificate. The Register of Deeds shall note upon the original and duplicate
certificate the date of transfer, the volume and page of the registration book in which the new certificate is
registered and a reference number to the last preceding certificate. The original and the owner's duplicate of the
grantor's certificate shall be stamped "cancelled". The deed of conveyance shall be filed and indorsed with the
number and the place of registration of the certificate of title of the land conveyed.
SEC. 59. Carry over of encumbrances. - If, at the time of any transfer, subsisting encumbrances or
annotations appear in the registration book, they shall be carried over and stated in the new certificate or
certificates; except so far as they may be simultaneously released or discharged.
SEC. 60. Mortgage or lease of registered land. - Mortgage and leases shall be registered in the manner
provided in Section 54 of this Decree. The owner of registered land may mortgage or lease it by executing the
deed in a form sufficient in law. Such deed or mortgage or lease and all instruments which assign, extend,
discharge or otherwise deal with the mortgage or lease shall be registered, and shall take effect upon the title only
from time of registration.
No mortgagee's or lessee's duplicate certificate of title shall hereafter be issued by the Register of Deeds,
and those issued prior to the effectivity of this Decree are hereby deemed cancelled and the holders thereof shall
immediately surrender the same to the Register of Deeds concerned.
SEC. 61. Registration. - Upon presentation for registration of the deed of mortgage or lease together with
the owner's duplicate, the Register of Deeds shall enter upon the original of the certificate of title and also upon
the owner's duplicate certificate a memorandum thereof, the date and time of filing and the file number assigned
to the deed, and shall sign the said memorandum. He shall also note on the deed the date and time of filing and a
reference to the volume and page of the registration book in which it is registered.
SEC. 62. Discharge or cancellation. - A mortgage or lease on registered land may be discharged or
cancelled by means of an instrument executed by the mortgagee or lessee in a form sufficient in law, which shall
be filed with Register of Deeds who shall make the appropriate memorandum upon the certificate of title.
SEC. 64. Power of Attorney. - Any person may, by power of attorney, convey or otherwise deal with
registered land and the same shall be registered with the Register of Deeds of the province or city where the land
lies. Any instrument revoking such power of attorney shall be registered in like manner.
SEC. 69. Attachments. - An attachment, or a copy of any writ, order or process issued by a court of
record, intended to create or preserve any lien, status, right, or attachment upon registered land, shall be filed and
registered in the Registry of Deeds for the province or city in which the land lies, and, in addition to the
particulars required in such papers for registration, shall contain a reference to the number of the certificate of tile
to be affected and the registered owner or owners thereof, and also if the attachment, order, process or lien is not
claimed on all the land in any certificate of title a description sufficiently accurate for identification of the land or
interest intended to be affected. A restraining order, injunction or mandamus issued by the court shall be entered
and registered on the certificate of title affected, free of charge.
SEC. 70. Adverse claim. Whoever claims any part or interest in registered land adverse to the registered
owner, arising subsequent to the date of the original registration, may, if no other provision is made in this Decree
for registering the same, make a statement in writing setting forth fully his alleged right or interest, and how or
under whom acquired, a reference to the number of the certificate of title of the registered owner, the name of the
registered owner, and a description of the land in which the right or interest is claimed.
The statement shall be signed and sworn to, and shall state the adverse claimant's residence, and a place at
which all notices may be served upon him. This statement shall be entitled to registration as an adverse claim for a
period of thirty days from the date of registration. After the lapse of said period, the annotation of the adverse
claim may be cancelled upon filing of a verified petition therefore by the party in interest; Provided, however,
that after cancellation, no second adverse claim based on the same ground shall be registered by the same
Before the lapse of the thirty days aforesaid, any party in interest may file a petition in the Court of First
Instance where the land is situated for the cancellation of the adverse claim and the court shall grant a speedy
hearing upon the question of the validity of such adverse claim, and shall render judgment as may be just and
equitable. If the adverse claim is adjudged to be invalid, the registration thereof shall be ordered cancelled. If, in
any case, the court, after notice and hearing, shall find that the adverse claim thus registered was frivolous, it may
fine the claimant in an amount not less than one thousand pesos nor more than five thousand pesos, in its
discretion. Before the lapse of thirty days, the claimant may withdraw this adverse claim by filing with the
Register of Deeds a sworn petition to that effect.
NOTE: A notice of adverse claim remains valid even after the lapse of the 30 day period
provided by Section 70 of the Property Registration Decree. The cancellation of the adverse
claim is
still necessary to render it ineffective; otherwise the inscription will remain annotated and
shall continue
as lien upon the property. (Sajonas vs. Court of Appeals, 258 SCRA 79)
SEC. 76. Notice of lis pendens. No action to recover possession of real estate, or to quiet a title thereto or
to remove clouds upon the title thereof, or for partition, or other proceedings of any kind in court directly
affecting the title to land or the use or occupation thereof of the buildings thereon, and no judgment, and no
proceeding to vacate or reverse any judgment shall have any effect upon registered land as against persons other
than the parties thereto, unless a memorandum or notice stating the institution thereof, together with a reference to
the number of the certificate of title, and an adequate description of the land affected and the registered owner
thereof shall have been filed and registered.
SEC. 77. Cancellation of lis pendens. - Before final judgment, a notice of lis pendens may be cancelled
upon order of the court, after proper showing that the notice is for the purpose of molesting the adverse party, or
that it is not necessary to protect the rights of the party who caused it to be registered. It may also be cancelled by
the Register of Deeds upon verified petition of the party who caused the registration thereof.
At any time after final judgment in favor of the defendant, or other disposition of the action such as to
terminate finally all rights of the plaintiff in and to the land and/or buildings involved, in any case in which a
memorandum or notice of lis pendens has been registered as provided in the preceding section, the notice of lis
pendens shall be deemed cancelled upon the registration of a certificate of the clerk of court in which the action or
proceeding was pending stating the manner of disposal thereof.
SEC. 86. Extrajudicial settlement of estate. - When a deed of extrajudicial settlement has been duly
registered, the Register of Deeds shall annotate on the proper title the two-year lien mentioned in Section 4 of
Rule 74 of the Rules of Court. Upon the expiration of the two-year period and presentation of a verified petition
by the registered heirs, devisees or legatees or any other party in interest that no claim of any creditor, heir or
other person exist, the Register of Deeds shall cancel the two-year lien noted on the title without the necessity of a
court order. The verified petition shall be entered in the Primary Entry Book and a memorandum thereof made on
the title.
No deed of extrajudicial settlement or affidavit of adjudication shall be registered unless the fact of
extrajudicial settlement of adjudication is published once a week for three consecutive weeks in a newspaper of
general circulation in the province and proof thereof is filed with the Register of Deeds. The proof may consist
of the certification of the publisher, printer, his foreman or principal clerk, or of the editor, business or advertising
manager of the newspaper concerned, or a copy of each week's issue of the newspaper wherein the publication
SEC. 112. Forms in conveyancing. - The Commissioner of Land Registration shall prepare convenient
blank forms as may be necessary to help facilitate the proceedings in land registration and shall take charge of the
printing of land title forms.
Deeds, conveyances, encumbrances, discharges, powers of attorney and other voluntary instruments,
whether affecting registered or unregistered land, executed in accordance with law in the form of public
instruments shall be registrable: Provided, that, every such instrument shall be signed by the person or persons
executing the same in the presence of at least two witnesses who likewise sign thereon, and shall be
acknowledged to be the free act and deed of the person or persons executing the same before a notary public or
other public officer authorized by law to take acknowledgment.
Where the instrument so acknowledged consists of two or more pages including the page whereon
acknowledgment is written, each page of the copy which is to be registered in the office of the Register of Deeds,
or if registration is not contemplated, each page of the copy to be kept by the notary public, except the page where
the signatures already appear at the foot of instrument, shall be signed on the left margin thereof by the person or
persons executing the instrument and their witnesses, and all the pages sealed with the notarial seal, and this fact
as well as the number of pages shall be stated in the acknowledgment. Where the instrument acknowledged
relates to a sale, transfer, mortgage or encumbrance of two or more parcels of land, the number thereof shall
likewise be set forth in said acknowledgment.
The process of registration of a sale of land or land with improvements from signing of deed of absolute
sale will be as follows:
Execution of Deed of
Absolute Sale
Contract of Lease
Cancellation of Mortgage
Certificate of Redemption
Memorandum of Agreement
Special Power of Attorney
Estate Settlement
a. Affidavit of Self-Adjudication
b. Deed of Extrajudicial Settlement
c. Sec. 4 Rule 74 of the Rules of Court (heirs, creditors or person unlawfully deprived of
8. Adverse Claim
- 30 day validity - No longer applicable.
- in the case of Sajonas vs. C. A., July 5, 1996, the Supreme Court held in effect that a
notice of adverse claim remains valid even after the lapse of the 30-day period provided
by Sec. 70 of PD 1529. The cancellation is still necessary to render it ineffective;
otherwise the inscription will remain annotated and shall continue as lien upon the
1. Judicial Reconstitution under R. A. No. 26
2. Administrative Reconstitution under LRA Circular No. 13 (July 13, 1990)
a. Only in case of substantial loss or destruction of land titles due to fire, flood or other force
b. Where the number of lost or damaged certificates of title is at least ten percent (10%) of the
total number of titles in the custody of the Register of Deeds, but
c. In no case shall the number of titles lost or damages is less than five hundred (500)
Real Property Laws and Taxation
A TAXATION- Definition
Taxation is the inherent power of the sovereign State to raise money or revenue necessary to finance the functions
and operations of the Government.
P10, 000
Fair market values as determined
by the BIR commissioner
in accordance with Section
6(E) of the Tax Code
Fair market value as determined
by the City or Provincial
P8, 000
P4, 000
6.11 Determine the value of improvements by using the formula shown below:
(a) Total Selling Price/ Consideration per deed of sale,
(land and improvement)
Less: Zonal value of land
Value of improvement
In the BIR Revenue District Office (through the authorized agent bank
Within thirty (30) days from date of notarization of the deed of sale
The sale of tour principal residence may be exempted from capita gains tax, subject to the following conditions:
1. Sale or disposition of principal residence
2. By natural person
3. Proceeds of which is fully utilized in acquiring or constructing a new principal residence within eighteen
(18) calendar months from the date of sale or disposition
4. The historical cost or adjusted basis of the real property sold or disposed shall be carried over to the new
principal residence built or acquired
5. The Commission shall have been duly notified by the taxpayer within thirty (30) days from the date of
sale or disposition
6. The said tax exemption can only be availed of ones every ten (10) years
7. Execution of Escrow Agreement
8. If there is no full utilization of the proceeds of sale or disposition, the portion of the gain presumed to
have been realized from the sale or disposition shall be subject to capital gains tax.
AAB (Bank)
After filing and payment of the capital gains tax, a certificate authorizing registration (CAR)/ TCL (Tax
Clearance) is issued by the BIR Commission or his authorized representative attesting that the transfer and
conveyance of land, buildings/improvements arising from the sea, barter or exchange have been reported and the
taxes due inclusive of the documentary stamps tax, have been fully paid. The CAR will then be submitted with the
corresponding Registry of Deeds.
In case of real property sold, other than capital assets, it will be subject to the following taxes:
(Under RR No. 6-2001, as amended by RR 12-2001 : September 2001)
(J) Gross selling price or total amount of consideration or its equivalent paid to the seller/ owner for
the sale, exchange or transfer of real property classified as ordinary asset - A creditable withholding tax based
on the gross selling price/ total amount of consideration or the fair market value determined in accordance with
Section 6(E) of the Code, whichever is higher, paid to the seller/ owner for the sale, transfer or exchange of real
property, other than capital asset, shall be imposed upon the withholding agent,/ buyer, in accordance with the
following schedule:
A. Where seller/ transfer is exempt from creditable
Withholding tax in accordance with Sec 2.57.5 of
These regulations
Registration with the HLURB or HUDCC shall be sufficient for a seller/ transferor to be considered as
habitually engaged in the real estate business. If the seller/transferor is not registered with the HLURB or
HUDCC, he/it may prove that he/it is engaged in the real estate business by offering other satisfactory evidence
(for example, he/it consummated during the preceding year at least six taxable real estate transactions,
regardless of amount).
Notwithstanding the foregoing, for purposes of these Regulations, banks shall not be considered as
habitually engaged in the real estate business.
Gross selling price shall mean the consideration stated in the sales document or the fair market value
determined in accordance with Section 6(E) of the Code, whichever is higher. In an exchange, the fair market
value of the property received in exchange shall be considered as the consideration.
If the buyer is an individual not engaged in trade or business, the following rules shall
(i) If the sale is a sale of property on the installment plan (i.e., payments in the year of
sale do not exceed twenty five percent (25%) of the selling price), no withholding is required t9 be made
on the periodic installment payments. In such case, the applicable rate of tax based on the gross selling
price or fair market value of the property at the time of the execution of the contract to sell, whichever is
higher, shall be withheld on the last installment or installments immediately prior to such last installment,
if the last installment is not sufficient to cover the tax due, to be paid to the seller until the tax is fully
The term consideration refers to the selling price exclusive of interest. Interest earned as
an incident of installment payment, if any, shall be subject to the ordinary income tax rate.
measured by the difference between the agreed consideration and the amount actually paid by the said
original buyer.
SEC. 4.106-1. VAT on Sale of Goods or Properties. - VAT is imposed on every sale, barter or
exchange, or transactions deemed sale of taxable goods or properties at the rate of twelve percent (12%)
(starting February 1, 2006) of the gross selling price or gross value in money of the goods or properties
sold, bartered, or exchanged, or deemed sold in the Philippines.
Section 3. Sale of Real Properties. - Sec. 4. 106-3 of RR No. 16-2005 is hereby amended to read
as follows:
SEC. 4.106-3.
Sale of Real Properties. - Sale of real properties held primarily for sale to
customers or held for lease in the ordinary course of trade or business of the seller shall be subject to
Sale of residential lot with gross selling price exceeding P1, 500,000.00, residential house and lot or other
residential dwelling with gross selling price exceeding P2, 500,000.00, where the instrument of sale
(whether the instrument is nominated as a deed of absolute sale, deed of conditional sale or otherwise) is
executed on after Nov. 1, 2005, shall be subject to ten present (10%) output VAT, and starting Feb. 1,
2006, to twelve percent (12%) output VAT.
Installment sale of residential house and lot or other residential dwellings with gross selling price
exceeding P1,000,000,00 where the instrument of sale (whether the instrument is nominated as a deed of
conditional sales or otherwise) was executed prior to November 1, 2005, shall be subject to ten percent
(10) output VAT.
Sale of real property on installment means sale of real property by real estate dealer, the initial payments
of which in the year of sale do not exceed twenty-five (25%) of the gross selling price.
In case of installment sale, the seller shall be subject to output VAT on the installment payments received,
including the interests penalties for late payment, actually and / or constructively receive, subject to the
provisions of Sec.4.106-4 hereof. Correspondingly, the buyer of the property can claim the input tax in
the same period as the seller recognized the output tax.
Installment payments, including interests and penalties, actually and/or constructively received starting
February 1, 2006 shall be subject to twelve percent (12%) output VAT.
Sale of real property by a real estate dealer on a deferred payments basis not on the installment plan
means sale of real property, the initial payments of which in the year of sale exceed twenty-five percent
(25%) of the gross selling price.
Initial payments means payment or payments which the seller receives before or upon execution of the
instrument of sale and payments which he expects or is scheduled to receive in cash or property (other
than evidence of indebtedness of the purchaser) during the taxable year when the sale or disposition of the
real property was made. It covers any down payment made and includes all payments actually or
constructively received during the year of sale, the aggregate of which determines the limit set by law.
Initial payments do not include the amount of mortgage on the real property sold except when such
mortgage exceeds the cost or other basis of the property to the seller, in which case the excess shall be
considered part of the initial payments.
Also excluded from the initial payments are notes or other evidence of indebtedness issued by the
purchaser to the seller at the time of the sale.
In the case of the real properties on a deferred-payment basis not on the installment plan, the transaction
shall be treated as cash sale which makes the entire selling price taxable in the month of the sale. Output
tax shall be recognized by the the seller and input tax shall accrue to the buyer at the time of the execution
of the instrument of sale.
Payments subsequent to initial payments shall no longer be subject to output VAT, in the case of sale
on a deferred payments basis.
Pre- Selling of real estate properties by real estate dealers shall no longer be subject to output VAT, in
SECTION 9. VAT on the Sale of Services and Use or Lease of properties- Sec. 4.108-1 of RR No.162005 is hereby amended to read as follows:
SEC.4. 108-1. VAT on the Sale of Services and Use or Lease of properties-Sale or exchange of services,
as well as the use or lease of properties, as defines in Sec. 108 (A) of the Tax Code shall be subject to Vat,
equivalent to twelve percent (12%) of the gross receipts (excluding VAT) starting February 1, 2006.
SECTION 14. VAT- Exempt Transactions. Sec 4.109-1(B) (1) of RR No. 16-2005 is hereby amended
to read as follows:
(p) The following sales of real properties are exempt from VAT, namely:
(1) Sale of real properties not primarily held for sale to customers or held for lease in the ordinary course
of trade or business.
However , even if the real property is not primarily held for sale to customer or held for lease in the
ordinary course of trade or business but the same is used in the trade or business of the seller , the seller
thereof shall be subject to Vat being a transaction incidental to the taxpayers main business.
The term residential units shall refer to apartments and houses & lots used for residential purposes, and
buildings or parts or units thereof used solely as dwelling places (e.g, dormitories , rooms and bed
spaces) except motels, motel rooms, hotels, hotel rooms, lodging houses, inns and pension houses.
The term unit shall mean an apartment unit in the case of apartments, house in the case of residential
houses; per person in the case of dormitories, boarding houses and bed spaces; and per room in case of
room for rent.
(x) Sale or lease of goods or properties or the performance of services other than the transactions
mentioned in the preceding, the gross annual sales and/or receipts do not exceed the amount of One
Million Five Hundred thousand pesos (1,500,000.00). Provided, that not later than January 31, 2009 and
every three (3) years thereafter, the amount of P 1,500,000.00 shall be adjusted to its present value using
the Consumer Price Index. as published by the NSO.
For purposes of the threshold of P1, 500,000.00, the husband and wife shall be considered separate
taxpayers. However, the aggregation rule for each taxpayer shall apply, for instance, if professional, aside
from the practice of his profession, also derives revenue from other lines of business which are otherwise
subject to VAT, the same shall be combined for purposes of determining whether the threshold has been
exceeded. Thus, the VAT-exempt sale shall not be included in determining the threshold.
Section 84. Rates of Estate Tax .There shall be levied, assessed, collected and paid upon the transfer of
the net estate as determined in accordance with Section 85 and 86 of every decedent, whether resident or
nonresident of the Philippines, a tax based on the value of such net estate, as computed in accordance with
the following schedule:
But Not
Of the Excess
P 200,000
P 15,000
And Over
Section 85. Gross Estate.- the value of the gross estate of the decedent shall be determined by including
the value at the time of his death of all property, real or personal, tangible or intangible, whether situated:
Provided, however, that in the case of the a nonresident decedent who at the time of his death was not a
citizen of the Philippines, only that part of the entire gross estate which is situated in the Philippines shall
be included in his taxable estate.
Section 86. Computation of Net Estate- For the purpose of the tax imposed in this Chapter, the value of
the net estate shall be determined:
(A) Deductions allowed to the Estate of Citizen or a Resident-In the case of a citizen or resident
of the Philippines, by deducting from the value of the gross estate(1) Expenses, Losses, Indebtedness, and taxes- Such amounts(a) For actual funeral expenses or in an amount equal to five percent (5%) of the gross
estate, whichever is lower, but in no case to exceed Two hundred thousand pesos (P
(b) For Judicial expenses of the testamentary or intestate proceedings;
(c) For claims against the estate: Provided, That at the time the indebtedness was
incurred the debt instrument was duly notarized and, if the loan was contracted within
three (3) years before the death of the decedent, the administrator or executor shall
submit a statement showing the disposition of the proceeds of the loan.;
(d) For claims of the deceased against insolvent persons where the value of the
decedentss interest therein is included in the value of the gross estate; and
(e) For unpaid mortgage upon, or any indebtedness in respect to, property where the
value of decedents interest therein, undiminished by such mortgage or indebtedness, is
included in the value of the gross estate but not including any income tax upon income
received after the death of the decedent, or property taxes not accrued before his death, or
any estate tax. The deduction herein allowed in the case of claims against the estate,
unpaid mortgages or any indebtedness shall, when founded upon a promised or
agreement, be limited to the extent that they were contracted bona fide and for an
adequate and full consideration in money or moneys worth. There shall be deducted
losses incurred during the settlement of the estate arising fires, storms, shipwreck , or
other casualties, or from robbery, theft or embezzlement, when such losses are not
compensated for by insurance or otherwise , and if at the time of the filing of the return
such losses have not been claimed as a deduction for the income tax return, and provided
that such losses were incurred not later than the last day for the payment of the estate tax
as prescribed in Subsection (A) of Section 91.
(3) Transfers for Public Use- The amount of all the bequests, legacies, devices or
transfers to or for the use of the Government of the Public of the Philippines, or any
political subdivision thereof, for exclusively public purposes.
(4) The Family Home. - An amount equivalent to the current fair market value of the
decedents family home: Provided, however, That if the said current fair market value
exceeds One million pesos (P 1, 000,000.00), the excess shall be subject to estate tax. As
a sine qua non condition for the exemption or deduction, said family home must have
been the decedents family home as certified by the barangay captain of the locality.
(5) Standard Deduction An amount equivalent to One million pesos
(P 1,000,000.00).
(6) Medical Expenses Medical Expenses incurred by by the decedent within (1)
Year prior to his death which shall be duly substantiated with receipts:
Provided, That in no case shall the deductible medical expenses exceed FIVE
(7) Amount Received by Heirs Under Republic Act No. 4917.- Any amount received by
the heirs from the decedent- employee as a consequence of the death of the decedentemployee in accordance with Republic Act No. 4917: Provided , That such amount is
included in the gross estate of the decedent.
(C ) Share in the Conjugal Property.-the net share of the surviving spouse in the
conjugal partnership property as diminished by the obligations property chargeable to
such property shall, for the purpose of this Section, be deducted from the the net estate of
the decedent.
(D) Miscellaneous Provisions.- No Deduction shall be allowed in the case of a
nonresident not a citizen of the Philippines, unless the executor, administrator, or anyone
of the heirs , as the case may be, includes in the return required to be field under Section
90 the value at the time of his death of that part of the gross estate of the nonresident not
situated in the Philippines.
Section 89. Notice of Death to be Field- In all cases of transfers subject to tax, or where, though exempt from tax,
the gross value of the estate exceeds Twenty thousand pesos (P20,000), the executor, administrator or any of any
of the legal heirs, as the case may be, within two (2) months after the decedents death, or within a like period
after qualifying as such executor or administrator, shall give a written thereof to the Commissioner.
Section 90. Estate Tax Return-
(A) Requirements- In all cases of transfers subject to the tax imposed herein, or where , though exempt
from tax, the gross value of the estate exceeds Two hundred thousand pesos ( P200,000), or regardless of
the gross value of the estate, where the said estate consist of registered or registrable property such as real
property, motor vehicle, shares of stock or order similar property for which a clearance from the Bureau
of internal revenue is required as a condition precedent for the transfer of ownership thereof in the name
of the transferee, the executor, or the administrator, or any of the legal heirs, as the case may be, shall file
a return under oath in duplicate, setting forth:
Provided, however, That estate tax returns showing a gross value exceeding Two million pesos
(2,000,000.00) shall be supported with a statement duly certified to by a Certified Public Accountant
containing the following:
(B) Time for filing-For the purpose of determining the tax provided for in Section84 of this Code, the
estate tax return required under the preceding Subsection (A) shall be field within six (6) months from the
decedents death.
(C) Extension of Time- When the Commissioner shall have authority to grant, in meritorious
Cases, a reasonable extension not exceeding thirty (30) days for filing the return.
(D) Place of Filing.- Except in cases where the Commissioner otherwise permits, the return required
under Subsection ( A ) shall be filed with an authorized agent bank , or Revenue District Officer,
Collection Officer, or duly authorized Treasurer of the city or municipality in which the Decedent was
domiciled at the time of his death or if there be no legal residence in the Philippines, with the office of the
Section 91. Payment of Tax.(A) Time of Payment.- The Estate Tax imposed by Section 84 shall be paid at the time the return
is filed by the executor, administrator or the heirs.
(B) Extension of Time. - When the Commissioner finds that the payment on the due date of the estate tax
or of any part thereof would impose undue hardship upon the estate or any of the heirs, he may extend the
time for payment of such tax or any part thereof not to exceed five (5) years, in case the estate is settled
through the the courts, or two (2) years in case the estate is settled extra judicially. In such case, the
amount in respect of which the extension is granted shall be paid on or before the date of the aspiration of
the period of the extension, and the running of the Statute of Limitations for assessment as provided in
Section 203 of this Code shall be suspended for the period of any such extension. Where the taxes are
assessed by reason of negligence, intentional disregard of rules and regulations, or fraud on the part of the
taxpayer, no extension will be granted by the Commissioner.
If an extension is granted, the Commissioner may require the executor, or administrator, or beneficiary, as
the case may be, to furnish a bond in such amount, not exceeding double the amount of the tax and with
such sureties as the Commissioner deems necessary, conditioned upon the payment of the said tax in
accordance with the terms of the extension.
Section 98. Imposition of Tax.(A) There shall be levied , assessed , collected and paid upon the transfer by any person , resident or
nonresident, of the property by gift , a tax , computed as provided in Section 99.
(B) The tax shall apply whether the transfer is in trust or otherwise, whether the gift is direct or indirect,
and whether the property is real or personal, tangible or intangible.
Section 99. Rates of tax Payable by Donor.(A) In General.- The tax for each calendar year shall be computed on the basis of the totalnet gifts made
during the calendar year in accordance with the following schedule:
If the net gift is:
But Not
P 100,000
P100, 000
Of the Excess
P 100,000
(B) Tax Payable by Donor if Donee is a Stranger- When the donee or beneficiary is stranger, the tax payabe by
the donor shall be thirty percent (30%) of the net gifts. For the purpose of this tax, a stranger, is a person who is
not a:
(1) Brother, sister (whether by whole or half-blood), spouse, ancestor and lineal descendant; or
(2) Relative by consanguinity in the collateral line within the fourth degree of relationship.
(C ) Any contribution in cash or in kind to any candidate , political party or coalition of parties for campaign
purposes shall be governed by the Election Code, as amended.
x x x xx x
Section 102. Valuation of Gifts Made in Property.- If the gift is made in property , the fair market value thereof
at the time of the gift shall be considered the amount of the gift. In case of real property, the provisions of Section
88 (B) shall apply to the valuation thereof.
(B) Time and Place of Filing and Payment.- The return of the donor required in this Section shall be filled
within thirty (30) days after the date the gift is made and the tax due thereon shall be paid at the time of filling.
Except in cases where the Commissioner otherwise permits the return shall be filed and the tax paid to an
authorized agent bank , the Revenue District Officer, Revenue Collection Officer or duly authorized Treasurer of
the city or municipality where the donor was domiciled at the time of the transfer
,or if case of gifts made by a nonresident, the return may be filed with the Philippine Embassy or Consulate n the
country where he is domiciled at the time of the transfer , or directly with the Office of the Commissioner.
Appraisal,asses,levy and collection of real property for taxation purpose shall be governed by the foowing
fundamental principles:
1. Real property shall be appraised at its current and fair marked value;
2. Real property shal be classified for assessment purposes on the basis of its acyual use;
3. Real property shall be assessed on the basis of a uniform classification within each LGU;
4. The appraisal,assessment,levy,and collection of real property tax shall not be let to any the private
5. The appraisal and assessment of real property shall be equitable.
1. Fair market value is the highes price in terms of money which a property can command if exposed for sale in
the open market,allowing a reasonable time to find a buyer with knowledge of the use the property is capable or
adopted to.Fair market value has also been defined as the amount which a purchaser,willing but not compelled to
buy, would p[ay an owner of the property, and the latter willing but not compelled to sell, would accept as the
consideration or price thereof.
2.Assessment Level- is a percentage of the fair market value at which the assessed value is set.
3. Tax Rate- is a percentage of the assessed value at which the property tax is i imposed
1. Special Education Fund Tax (SEF)- a special levy of one percent (1%) of the assessed value is imposed on real
property, in addition to the basic real property tax.
2.On Idle Lands A province or city, or a municipality within the Metropolitan Manila Area, may levy and
assessed value and is imposed on:
A.. Agricultural lands, more than one (1) hectare in area,suitable for cultivation,dairying inland
dairying, inland fishery and other agricultural uses one-half (1/2) of which remain
uncultivated or unimproved by the owner or owner thereof.
B. Agricultural lands planted to permanent orpernnial crops with at least fifty (50)
trees to a hectare shall not be considered idle lands, including lands actually used for grazing
C. Lands,other than agricultural more than 1,000 square meters in area,one half (1/2)
of which remain unutilized or unimproved by the owner or owners thereof.
Regardless of land area, residential lots in subdivisions duly approved by proper authorities,
the ownership of which has been transferred to individual owners,who shall be liable for
for the additional tax; provided,however,that individual lots of such subdivisions,
the ownership of which has not been transferred to the buyer shall be considered as part of
subdivision, and shall be subject to the additional tax payable by subdivision owner or
3. The special levy on idle lands does not apply to landowners who are unable to improve,
utilize or cultivate their lands due to any of the following causes;
A. Adverse peace and order condition in the place where the lands is situated;
B. Financial losses of the owner due to fire,flood,typoon,earthquake and other causes of similar nature;
C. Existing court litigation involving the land subject to tax;
D. Unforable physical factors such as rocky nature of yhe ground or uneven topography in the use of
agricultural land which land render the aland unsuitable for cultivation.
4. Special Levy by local Government Units- On lands comprised within its territorial
jurisdiction specially benefited by public works projects or improvements funded by the
Local government unit; provided,the special levy shall not exceed sixty percent (60) of the actual cost of such
project and improvements,including the cost of aquiring land and such other real property,provided, special levy
shall not aply to lands exempt from basic real property tax and the reminder of the landportions of which have
been donated to the local government unit concerned ffor the constraction of such projects.[ Number of annual
installments to pay the special levy, not ess than 5 years or more than 10 years]
FMV over
Not Over
Com/ lnd
Fair Market Value X Assessment Level = Assessed Value
AV x TR = Tax Due
Assessed Value x Tax Rate = Tax Due
OTHER EFFECTIVE DATES Reassesssments whch will take effect at the beginning of the quarter
following the reassessment which shall be made within ninety(90) days date any such causes occurred
due to:
A. A partial or toatal destruction of real property
B. A major change in its actual use
D. Gross illegality of the assessments or
E. Any other abnormal cause
1. March 31
2. June 30
3. September 30
4. December 31
Interest on unpaid Real Property tax- two percent(2%) per month on the unpaid amount or a fraction
thereof but not to exceed thirty-six(36) months
1. Payments first of tax
2. Annotation of paid under protest
3. Protest in writing filed within 30 days from payment of tax to treasurer
4. decision by treasure to be decided within sixty (60) days from receipt
The basic real property tax and other taxe herein shall be collected within five(5) years from the
date they become due. No action for the collection of the tax, whether administrative or judicial,
shall be instituted after the experiation of such period.
In case of fraud or untent to evade tax payment- within ten (10) years from discovery of such fraud or intent to
evade payment
B. CITY Collection
Share of city
Share of barangay
30% to be divided as follows:
Barangay where Property is located
- 50%
Other component barangay in city
- 50% to be divided equally
- 35%
- 30%
- 50%
- 50% to be divided equally
D. Special Levy
(a) The province may impose a tax on sale, donation,barter,or on any other mode of
transferring ownership or title of real property at the rate of not more than fifty percent
(50%) of the one percent (1%) of the total consideration involved in the acquisition of
the property or fair market value in case the monetary consideration involved in the
transfer is not substantial whichever is higher, The sale, transfer or other disposition
of real property pursuant to R.A. No. 6657 shall be exempt from this tax.
(b) For the purpose,the register of Deeds of the province concerned shall, before registering
any deed,require the presentation of the evidence of payment of this tax.The provincial
assessor shall likewise make the same requirements before cancelling an old tax
declaration and issuing a new one in plce thereif, notaries public shall furnish the
Provincial treasure with a copy af any deed transferring ownership or title to any real
property within thirty (30) days from the of notarization.
It shall be the duty of the seller,donor,transferor,executor or administrator to pay the tax herein
imposed within sixty (60) days from the date of the execution of the deed or from the date of the decedents death.
1. Oral report
2. letter Reprt
3. Narrative Report
4. Form Report
1. Sale or purchase
2. Mortgage Loans/ Lending
3. Insurance
4. Tax Assessment
5. Eminent Domain ( condemnation )
6. Property Disputes
7. Inheritance/ partitioning of estate
8. Option- rights to renew/ to buy
9. Urban renewal
10. Corporate Realty- mergers, etc.
11. Foreclosure
12. Other uses
The application of larger and larger amounts of the agents in production wil produce greater and greater net
income( increasing returns) up to to a point ( surplus productivity).
It arise from the law of supply and demand, and affirms that the greater the amount of a commodity offered for
sale in the market, the lower wil be the price paid for it.
Its application is basic to any feasibility syudy or a remodeling or modernization program
Its is the principle of increasing and decreasing return applied to a portion of an improvement.
It arises from profits, profits create competition. excess profit breed ruinous competition.
Highest and best usually conforms to essential and permissible land uses.
zoning regulations and private restrictions affirm the value of conformity.
An over improvement or under reflects lack of conformity between the
property and its environment. conformity is comprised of reasonable degree of social and
economic homogeneity.
Value is the worth of al present and future benefits arising from ownership and use of real property
The valuable is not established by what is told for in the past nor the cost to create it.
Recent sales of comparable properties indicate the attitudes of informed buyers and investors
1. Utility
2. Scarcity
3. Desire
4. Effective Purchasing Power
5. Social ideals and standards
6.Economic Conditions
7. Government controls/ Regulations
8.Environmental conditions
1. Physical deterioration
2. Functional Obsolescene
3. Economic Obsolescene
* Market Data
- Principle of substitution
* Cost Approach
- Reproduction / Subtitution
* Income Approach
- Anticipation
Is primarily based on the principle of substitution which implies that no prudent purchaser will pay more than
what it wil cost him to acquire an equally desirable substitute property.
It is a comparison process which produces an estimate of value of a property by comparing it with similar
properties of the same type and class which have been sold.
Recently or are currently being offered for sae in the same or comparable areas.
The process involved judgmennt concerning similarity with respect to the value factors such as location,time,
construction,age, and condition,layout and equipments. When appraising vacant land alone,common alue factors
are time,location.corner influence,size and shape, and other physical attributes.
likewise based on the principle of substitution,is the summation of cost new existing improvement less accured
depreciation plus the vaue of the and estimated by the market data approach.
Cost new may be reproduction or replacement,depreciation may be straight-ine method, or observed condition
method considering the physical and functional and inadequacies and economic obsolescence,if existing..The cost
per square meter,unit in place, or quantity tae off may be used to estimate the cost new.
Based on the principle of anticipation,is a capitalization process. It generally requires an estimate of the actual or
stabilized gross income less provisions for vacancy and bad debts, operating expenses such as building
insurance,rea estate taxes, repairs and maintenance, and administrative charges.
The erstwhile capitilazation process adapted is the residual technique such as property residual,building residual,
or land residual. In the property residual, the net income before provision for depreciation ( or recapture ) (NIBR)
is capitalized into vaue by adapting an overall rate abstracted from the market.
[Direct Capitalization]
= P 7,000,000 = 7
P 1,000,000
GIM = 7
Problem on GIM
A property has an annual gross income of 1,200,000.00. In his market study, an investor found that a comparable
property within an annual gross income of P 1 Million was recently sold for P6 Million.
On the basis of the gross income multiplier indicated by the comparable property, at how much should he buy the
Gross Income Mutiplier
= P6M
= 6
= P 7,200,000.00
Tie line is in imaginary line which connects a parcel of land (at point) to an established reference point.
2,000 m.
Pace Factor is a value determine by dividing the measured or known length of a line by the mean number of
paces taken to walk or traverse the line.
Length of a Pace
1 Stride
(2 paces or a Double Step)
1 Pace
(Hell to Hell)
1 Pace
(Toe to Toe)
1 Stride
(2 paces or a Double Step)
AZIMN = 1200
AZIM5 = 3000
900 F
Topographic ( TOPO) Map is a map showing all the details that make up the features of the earth.
Contour Lines :
are lines that indicate variation in land elevation, The difference in elevation between
neighboring lines is called the contour Interval.
drawn in the direction that water would take down the slopes.
A Map which shows the general location of the property and its vicinity
Plan showing the boundaries and shape and distances of the property lot
A = 200
Advance plans
Hometead application
Free Patent application
Sales Application, Individual
Sales Application ,Corporation*
Miscellaneous Sales Application ,individual*
Lease Application ,Individual
Lease Appication, Corporation
Miscelllaneous Lease Application , Individual
Miscellaneous Lease Appplication, Corporation
Private Survey
Private Subdivision
Private Conslidation Surey
Private Consolidation-Subdivision Syrvey
HOUSING LOAN AVAILMENT This housing loan Program grants Opportunity to PAG IBIG
Found members to avail of housing loans to finance anny one or a combination of the following:
1. Purchase of a fully developed lot not exceeding 1.000 square meters, which should be within a
a residential area;
2. Purchase of a residential house and Lot; townhouse or condominium unit, inclusive of a parking
slot, which may be:
The loan is not in default within 12 months prior to the date of application
The said has a payment history af at least two (2) years with the original
Purchase of a fully developed lot not exceeding 1,000 square meters and construction
of a residential unit thereon;
Purchase of a residential unit,whether old or new, with home improvement;
Refinancing of an existing mortgage with home improvement;
Re* Refinancing of an existing mortgage, specially a lot loan, with construction
of a residential thereon;
A member, whether new or with existing monthly contributions that are still short
of the 24-month membership requirements, shall be allowed to mae lump sum
payment based on the mandatory monthly membership contribution rates ( both EE and
ER share) to meet the said requirements at the point of loan application.
lump sum payment of membership contributions shall be considered a single contribution
for the applicable month as of the payment date.
For Purposes of satisfying the required two (2) years membership contributions, the
member may not to pay in lump sum any amount short of the said requirements. in
additional, the period corresponding to the TAV applied earlier to an outstanding loan
shall also be considered when counting the total number of monthly contributions,
provided the remaining TAV after offsetting does not fall below the equivalent amount of
two(2) years membership contributions
2. Not more than sixty-five (65) years old at the date of loan application and must be insurable; provided further
that he is not more than seventy(70) years old at loan maturity;
3. Has the legal capacity to acquire and encumber real property;
4. Has passed satisfactory background/ credit and employment/ business checks of the PAG IBIG
5. Has no outstanding PAG IBIG housing loan, either as a principal barroower or co- barrower;
However, should a co-barrower in a tacked loan signifying an intention to avail of a PAG IBIG housing loan for
himself, he shall be allowed to do so provided the tacked loan is updated and the amount proportionate to his loan
entitlement has been fully paid. Hence,the co- barrower shall be released from the original obligation and shall be
allowed to avail of his own PAG-IBIG housing loan, subject to standard evaluation procedures.
6. Had no PAG IBIG housing loan that was foreclosed,cancelled,bought back due to default,or subjected to
dacion en pago, which shall include cases where the borrower is no longer interested to pursue the loan and
surrender the property;
7. Has no outstanding PAG-IBIG Multi-purpose loan in arrears at the time of loan application.A member whose
Multi-pupose loan is in arrears shall be required to pay his arrearages over the counter to update his account.