External Factors of Perception: BS Psychology

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External Factors of

BS Psychology

External factors of perception:
Also known as exogenous factors they also influence the perception of a person perception is affected by
the characteristics of perceived object an event or a person. Following are the external factors of


The bigger the size of the perceived stimuli, the higher is the probability that it will be noticed.
Dominance is established by the size and it overrides other things and thereby enhances perceptual
For example; a full page advertisement may induce more attention than a small advertisement in some
corner of the newspaper.

While reading a passage a person comes across a few lines printed in bold letters. He automatically pays
more attention to these lines. Underlined sentences and so the ones in italics are generally more
attentively read.
The principle that the higher the intensity of external stimuli the more likely it will be perceived is not
always valid. If intensity is so important why a whisper by a student in a classroom is effective in getting
attention by a teacher? Here the answer lies in the fact that a whisper often contrasts with the rest of the
noisy environment and so gets noticed. Therefore, the intensity factor has to be considered in the light of
situation i.e. frame of reference.

Repeated external stimuli are more attention gaining than a single one. So states the frequency principle.
Repetition is one of the most frequently used techniques in advertising and is the most common way of
attracting the peoples attention frequency results in making people aware of the stimulus.

The status of perceived person has also get influence on the perception. Higher status people can exert
influence on perception of an employee. The low status people, when introduced to two people of
different ranks we tend to remember the person holding the higher rank than the other one.

Stimuli that contrast with the surrounding environment are more likely to be selected for getting attention.
A contrasting effect can be caused by color or any unusual factor

The fact of motion implies that the individuals attend to changing objects in their field of vision then to
static objects. It is because of this advantage the advertisers involve sign which include moving objects in
their campaign.

Situation has a great influence in peoples perception. A favorable worked environment develops a
positive attitude and a work culture because the perception process is easily channelized and rightly

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