Sears - IsO 9001

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Some of the key takeaways are that ISO 9001 helps companies implement a quality management system to improve efficiency, reduce costs and ensure quality. It also increases use of data and management accountability.

Sears faced challenges in communicating the value of a quality management system for a service and retail setting. It also had to standardize the system across its various repair centers and technicians working in the field.

Sears overcame challenges by rigorously documenting procedures, providing training to staff, and bringing technicians together for training. It also used remote technology and a centralized system to track technicians and assist with quality control.


Group Members Names

Group Number
Sears and Implementation of ISO 9001
In North America, Sears is one of the biggest retailers. Following an eight-year
exertion, the business enlisted its in-home product services and merchandise repair
centers Quality Management System to ISO 9001. The company offers a variety of
home products, clothing, and car items and services by means of more than two
thousand and five hundred Sears-marked and associated stores in Canada and
United States of America, which incorporates around nine hundred and twenty six
full-line and eleven hundred specialty stores in America alone. Sears is the biggest
national supplier of merchandise repair services, and the company repairs more
than fourteen million products on annual basis. Headquarter of the company is
located in Illinois and there are more than 0.2 million employees working in the
United States. In 2015, Sears celebrated its 128th commemoration (Sears 2014
Annual Report).
ISO 9001 is a quality administration standard that exhibits rules proposed to build
business effectiveness and consumer loyalty. The objective of ISO 9001 is to implant
a quality administration framework within a business or organization, expanding
profitability, decreasing superfluous expenses, and guaranteeing quality of
procedures and items (Ong 11).
Executing ISO 9001 is not a simple assignment. The ISO 9001 measures initially
were expected to be counseling in nature and to be utilized for two-party

contractual circumstances and for organizations internal auditing. Instead of a
supplier being examined for compliance to the models by every client, the
enlistment center affirms the organization, and this certification is acknowledged by
the greater part of the suppliers clients. Utilizing ISO 9001 as a premise for a
quality framework can enhance profitability, lessening expenses, and build
consumer loyalty. It additionally have brought about expanded utilization of
information as a business administration instrument, expanded administration
responsibility (Ong 11). As Sears is anxious following an eight year exertion, the
organization registered the quality management system of its repair centers to ISO
9001. The first ISO 9001:1994 just made it essential that the company have a
reported, irrefutable procedure set up to guarantee that it reliably creates what it
says it will. The main objective of ISO 9001 is to concentrate on vocabulary and
ISO 9001 is frequently connected with the assembling business, and one noteworthy
obstacle Sears needed to overcome was imparting the value of a Quality
Management System within a service and retail setting. The organization needed to
persuade its partners that a Quality Management System was more than a
temporary trend and worth their endeavors (Parry 4).
As a major aspect of the service business, Sears confronted another encounter in
executing ISO 9001 across the nation. Manufacturing industry work inside of a fourwall setting where procedures can be measured and controlled. For Sears situation,
the organization has just thirty two repair centers inside of the limits a building;
whatever is left of the set-up is virtual, with mechanics heading to clients homes
to repair machines, merchandizes and appliances. Institutionalizing the Quality

Management System among such a variety of people in the field signified a contest
in addition to a marvelous opportunity (Parry 4).
Sears utilizes remote technology, a centralized steering framework, and PDAs for
tracking and assisting technicians with quality control. The organization has
prospered in executing ISO 9001 in the field by determinedly reporting the
procedures, remaining focused of training and functioning with administration
groups. One key to effective implementation was bringing professionals and
technicians to focal areas for training. Teaching them about the Quality
Management System was indispensable to making the framework work with a huge
number of professionals and technicians across each part of the country. To start
with, the staff saw ISO 9001 as simply one more assignment or more work. Yet, as
Quality Management System instruction exhibited how reliable procedures could
have any kind of effect on the front lines, ISO 9001 turned into a lifestyle as
opposed to extra tasks, as indicated by Sears authorities. Trust the framework
was the fundamental message to all workers (Parry 6).
In addition to provide training to all professionals and technicians, Sears likewise
started a mechanical advancement in 2004 that assisted with quality control among
the different field skilled worker. The organization put resources into a satellite
innovation known as the Sears Smart Toolbox (SST). The SST links professionals and
engineers with Sears quality control management while they are in the field, giving
them a unified database containing their day by day administration plan, bearings
through a worldwide positioning framework and an index of parts. Engineers can
utilize online schematics to recognize issues while at a clients place, disregarding
the need to return and along these lines bringing down transportation and work

costs (Parry 8). In addition to Sears Smart Toolbox, Sears has executed another
procedure (as a major aspect of its Quality Management System) in which
professionals call clients before the arrangement to verify they are home. Before
enlisting to ISO 9001, Sears experts frequently squandered gas, time and exertion
heading to homes just to find that clients had overlooked the appointment. The new
system requires the steering group to confirm the appointment, in this way
lessening the quantity of squandered treks (Parry 8).
In Houston, the district office has enhanced its engineer recall rate in view of the
Quality Management System. The recall rate is the proportion of times engineers
must come back to clients homes within thirty days after the service provided.
Before the Sears Smart Toolbox, the recall rate was twelve percent in Houston. In
2005, the engineers and mechanics in Houston made approximately 0.3 million
service calls. The percentage of recall rate was 9.3. The recall rate dropped to
nearly eight percent in 2005 (Sears 2014 Annual Report).
Sears employees have likewise enhanced effectiveness in the field in light of the
fact that the retailers Quality Management System has served to lessen variability
in the sorts of devices every professional acquires to repair vehicle. ISO 9001
provided Sears a chance to guarantee that all engineers have the proper
instruments to finish their tasks in one day. ISO 9001 has been helpful in serving to
institutionalize the way in which engineers record field observations. This is
essential for taking care of specific sorts of issues, for example, a machine or part
glitch, client misuse or a mischance. To guarantee consistency, engineers utilize an
exceptional toolbox for recording the occasion, including an expendable camera and
institutionalized structures (Sears 2014 Annual Report).

In conclusion, it can be said that ISO 9001 is a global standard intended to assist
businesses with actualizing a Quality Management System. It gives orderly
procedures and techniques to business processes. The standard commands the
accumulation of a quality manual to guarantee reliable utilization of methodology
and periodic framework external and internal audit. In this way, ISO 9001 gives a
system for big companies, for example, Sears to actualize a steady, durable project
across the country and all through a multidimensional business. Sears keeps on
procuring various advantages from its registration of ISO 9001, however the
company chose not to consider this achievement as essentially a cost-saving
technique. Rather, Sears consider ISO 9001 as an essential device that gives the
organization a protected base for sustained developments.
Lessons Learned
The lesson learned from this research is that businesses should not only focus on
increasing their profits but should concentrate on improving the quality of product
or services they provide. This can only be done by incorporating ISO 9001 and other
standards to their business operations.

Works Cited
Ong, Chee Ming. A Model for ISO 9001 Quality Management System Maintenance.
The Quality Management Journal, 22.2 (2015): 11.
Parry, Pam. Sears Delivers a Better QMS. Quality Digest, (2010): 4-9.
Sears Canada Releases 2014 Annual Report Online. Professional Services Close Up, (2015):

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