DN 32 Connection Archi

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Connections for
Architectural Precast Concrete

Knife Plate
Tie-Down Plate


Connections are a significant design consideration that influences safety, performance, and economy of architectural precast concrete enclosure systems. Many different connection details may be required to accommodate the multitude of sizes and shapes of precast concrete units and varying support conditions.
The purpose of this article is to provide connection design concepts and other considerations to Architects.
While connection design is normally delegated to the precast concrete supplier, design criteria and load
paths must be specified by the Structural Engineer of Record (SER) and the Architect must be aware of the
impact of connections on final detailing.
Whether an architectural precast concrete element is used in a loadbearing or a non-loadbearing application,
various forces must be considered in connection design. In non-loadbearing applications, a cladding panel
must resist its self weight and all other appropriate forces and loads, such as seismic, wind, snow, restraint of
volume changes and effects of support system movement, construction loads, loads from adjacent materials,
and any other specified loads. These loads and forces are transferred by the architectural precast concrete element through connections to supporting structure. If a panel is loadbearing, then in addition to the above,
some connections must also resist and transfer dead and live loads imposed on it by floor and roof elements.
A major advantage of precast concrete construction is rapid installation. To fully realize this benefit and to
maximize economy, field connections should be simple, repetitious, and easy to install. Precast concrete suppliers and erectors have developed preferred connections over the years that suit particular production and/
or installation techniques.
Connections should comply with local building codes and satisfy functional and aesthetic requirements,
such as recessing for flush floors and/or exposed ceilings. General concepts governing the design, performance, and material requirements of connections can be formulated. For the most effective design, along
with efficient connection details, it is recommended that the designer coordinate connection concepts with
a precast concrete manufacturer prior to finalizing the plans.
Terminology: The following describes terms common to the precast concrete industry. A precast concrete
unit is used to generically represent a wall panel, window panel, spandrel, or column cover that is attached
to the main building structure. A connection is the element that is used to make the attachment of the
unit to the structure and will consist of parts embedded in concrete and parts that are field installed, each
of which may be called a connector. The body is the main part of the connection that bridges between a
unit and the structure. Fasteners are connectors such as bolts or welds used to attach the body to other portions of the connection. The seat or haunch is the projecting body of a connection from a precast concrete
unit upon which the weight of the unit is supported. A bracket or outrigger is a concrete or steel element

Page 2 DN-32 Connections for Architectural Precast Concrete

projecting from a column or edge beam that supports the seat or haunch from a precast concrete unit and
transfers load to the structure. Shear plates are field welded connectors that primarily transfer in-plane or
out-of-plane horizontal forces to the structure. Tiebacks are connections that resist out-of-plane forces due
to wind, seismic, and the effect of eccentricity between vertical load and the point of support. Anchors are
parts of a connection that are embedded in concrete, either in the precast concrete unit or main structure, to
transmit forces into the concrete. Anchors typically are headed studs, bolts, or deformed bar anchors. Postinstalled anchors include expansion or adhesive anchors. Embedments are items, usually steel fabrications
with anchors, cast into concrete. Inserts are usually proprietary items cast into concrete provided in many
configurations to serve many different functions. Adjustable inserts are proprietary assemblies that have
internal adjustability.

Design Coordination
A successful project requires close cooperation and coordination between all participants. With current construction complexity, it is essential to have design input by the precast concrete supplier at an early stage. The supplier
will be able to provide suggestions and designs that optimize panel size and joint locations for economy and
In the most common contractual arrangement, final structural design of the precast concrete units and final design and detailing of connections of the units to the structure are performed by a Specialty Structural Engineer
(SSE) either working for or contracted with the precast concrete supplier. It is imperative that design responsibility
be clearly defined in the contract documents.
If the SSE is specified as responsible for the final precast concrete design, the applicable code, design loads, and
performance criteria must be specified by the SER in the construction documents. For best coordination, the SER
should describe intended load paths. This is best communicated by showing conceptual connections and connection points in the construction documents. For steel frame structures, the SER should determine how far in
advance the final connections of the frame and/or floor slabs must be completed prior to precast concrete panel
erection. For cast-in-place concrete structures, the SER should determine minimum concrete strength necessary
prior to erecting precast concrete units.
The SER will have responsibility to design the supporting and bracing structure to adequately resist the connection forces generated in the precast concrete system. This should include both strength and stiffness. The strength
requirement is obvious. In the erection of the precast concrete units, it is assumed that the units can be aligned in
accordance with specified erection tolerances when the units are first set. Hence, adequate stiffness is defined by
structure deformations that allow erection within tolerance. The best example is multiple panels supported by a
beam in a single bay. Sufficient stiffness should be provided so the first panel set does not have to be realigned as
subsequent panels are set.
Gravity supports for precast concrete panels ideally transmit vertical load directly to the building columns. However, it is common to locate gravity connections adjacent to columns due to geometric or detailing constraints.
In this case, vertical load will be applied to the floor or roof deck structure. Two details are possible. If the grav-

DN-32 Connections for Architectural Precast Concrete Page 3

Fig. 1 Typical arrangement of precast concrete panels.

ity connections can be concealed in the interior finish,

load will be applied to the edge of the floor slab or roof
deck. This generally means that the deck must cantilever
some distance over the edge beam. In the precast con(a)
nection design, it is assumed that the deck cantilever has
the strength and stiffness necessary to carry the vertical
load and allow panel installation within specified erection tolerances. If the finish will not conceal the gravity
connection, a penetration in the edge of the deck will
be required and a bracket will have to be provided from
the side of the edge beam to accept the gravity load. In
this case, eccentric load will be applied to the edge beam
and it is assumed that sufficient strength and both flexural and torsional stiffness is provided in the edge beam
to carry the vertical load and allow panel installation
within the specified erection tolerance. Supplemental
framing may be required to accomplish this. The SSE will
(f )
not evaluate the supporting structure to determine the
need for such supplemental framing. This supplemental
framing should be supplied and installed with the supIndividual Panel
porting structure so it is in place at the time of the preFigure 1 Typical arrangement of precast concrete panels.
cast concrete installation. It is generally not feasible to
extend gravity connections to the centerline of the edge
beam since interior finishes will not cover such a detail.
Another important role of the SER is to review the precast concrete erection drawings and design work for compatibility with the original intent of the structural design. This is the final opportunity to verify that the SSE has
properly interpreted the intent of the construction documents.

Connection Fundamentals
The first step in developing an architectural precast concrete project is establishing panel jointing to use economical panel sizes and coordinate with the floor and column locations in the structure. The second step is to develop
the concepts of the connection system so the load points on the structure are coordinated and directions of connection rigidity versus directions of connection flexibility can be set. Beyond these two steps, the work is in the
design and detailing.
Figure 1 shows a few of the many possible panel configurations for a wall. Figure 2 illustrates some common connection arrangements for different panel types. Figure 2(a) represents a typical floor-to-floor wall unit. Figures 2(b)
and (c) show possible connection locations for a narrow unit, such as a column cover, and Fig. 2(d) shows a wide
unit, such as a spandrel. As shown in Fig. 2, panel connections generally consist of two bearing connections and a

Page 4 DN-32 Connections for Architectural Precast Concrete

Fig. 2 Typical cladding panel connector locations.

minimum of four tieback connections. Bearing connections and tieback connections are sometimes combined.
Figure 2(d) also shows optional intermediate tieback connections. The primary purpose of intermediate tiebacks
is to control concrete tensile stresses due to out-of-plane
bending of a panel. These connections may also be used
to resist in-plane seismic forces because the connections
can be rigid in the direction parallel to the length of the
panel without restraining panel shortening due to temperature or shrinkage.

Column cover options


(a) Wall Panel

Bearing Connection
Tieback Connection
(d) Spandrel Panel

The connection system should not include more than

two bearing connections for each panel. Precast concrete
for long panels
panels are very rigid and will not allow a reliable distribution of gravity loads to more than two bearing points. The
bearing connections for a given panel should also be lo- Fig. 3 Forces on a panel subjected to wind suction or
Figure 2 Typical cladding panel connector locations.
cated at the same elevation so deflections of supporting seismic and eccentric loading.
frame members do not cause distribution of gravity load
T + T
different than planned.
A panel may be subjected to gravity loads, lateral loads
normal to the plane of the panel, and lateral loads in the
plane of the panel. For vertical load and out-of-plane load,
Fig. 3 illustrates how forces are resolved in gravity and tieback connections to resist the effects of the loads. Note
that the tieback connections get components of force directly from the out-of-plane loads plus stabilize the panel
when the vertical load is eccentric from the point of vertical support.

T, C = Forces to restrain panels due to

eccentric load
T = Force due to wind suction or seismic
R = Reaction
W = Weight
C + T


Figure 3 Forces on a panel subjected to wind suction or seismic and

As will be discussed in more detail later in the article, pan- eccentric loading.
els and structural systems will move due to time dependent changes in the materials, environmental effects, or loads. While connections must have strength and stiffness
in the directions that forces are applied, common connection detailing will allow movements in other directions
to avoid generating large forces if those movements were restrained. Allowance for movement in connections
requires consideration of in-plane movements both horizontally and vertically. Generally, movements out-of-plane
are not considered because forces will have to be resisted in the out-of-plane direction. Movement can be allowed
by sliding, for example bearings sliding on shim stacks or bolts sliding in slotted holes, or by flexing where a ductile
steel element is allowed to bend.
A series of typical connection details with an explanation of the connection function are presented at the
end of this article.

DN-32 Connections for Architectural Precast Concrete Page 5

Connection Hardware and Materials

Hardware in connections will generally consist of an embedment in the precast concrete unit, an embedment in the supporting structure, a connector element to bridge between the precast concrete unit and
the supporting structure, and fastening devices. Anchors into concrete usually consist of reinforcing bars,
deformed bar anchors, and headed stud anchors. These anchors are welded to steel shapes such as plates,
angles, channels, hollow structural sections, or fabricated steel assemblies to make up an embedment to
be cast into concrete. Embedments into the concrete might also include proprietary threaded or weldable
The connector elements that bridge between the precast concrete unit and the supporting structure are
usually flat plates, angles, special steel fabrications, or threaded rods. In welded connections, these elements
may be plain pieces. In bolted connections, slotted or oversize holes are generally provided to accommodate
field tolerances or provide sliding elements to accommodate movements.
Fastening devices in connections primarily consist of welds or bolts. However, post-installed anchors or grout
are occasionally used. Shims are not considered fasteners, but do serve as load transfer devices.
Welded connections are structurally efficient and easily adapted to varying field conditions.. Welded connections can be completed only after final alignment.
Hoisting and setting time is critical for economical erection. Welding that must be executed prior to the release of the unit from hoisting equipment should be minimized.
Welding should be performed in accordance with the erection drawings by personnel that have been certified for the welding procedures specified. The type, size, length and location of welds, and any critical sequences should be clearly defined on the erection drawings. All welding, including tack welds, should be
made in accordance with the applicable provisions of the American Welding Society (AWS).
Welding on galvanized hardware requires proper procedures to avoid contamination of the weld metal. Cold
galvanizing or zinc-rich paint should be applied over welded areas to replace removed galvanizing.
When welding is performed on embedments in concrete, thermal expansion and distortion of the steel may
induce cracking or spalling in the surrounding concrete. The extent of cracking and distortion of the metal
is dependent on the amount of heat generated during welding and the stiffness of the steel element. Using
thicker steel sections can minimize distortion. A minimum of 1/4 in. (6 mm) is recommended for plates. Heat
may be reduced by:
1. Use of low-heat welding rods of small diameter.
2. Use of intermittent, rather than continuous, welds.
3. Use of smaller welds and multiple passes.
Some designers specify use of stainless steel connections in highly corrosive environments to prevent long-

Page 6 DN-32 Connections for Architectural Precast Concrete

term corrosion. Welding of stainless steel produces

more heat than conventional welding. The increased
heat input, plus a higher coefficient of thermal expansion, will create greater cracking potential in the
concrete adjacent to embedments. A good detailing
solution is to keep embedment edges isolated from
adjacent concrete to allow expansion during welding without spalling the concrete. Sealants, sealing
foams, clay, or other materials placed around plate
edges prior to casting concrete can be used to create
this isolation.
Bolted connections often simplify and speed up
erection operations because the connections can resist force immediately upon bolt installation allowing
a crane to be released more quickly. When considered
in the connection detailing, final alignment and adjustment of the panel can be made at a later time.

(a) Two-axis adjustability

during erection. Welding
square plate washer after
alignment limits movement
to one axis

(b) Alternate adjustable insert

Two axis adjustability via
slotted insert and slotted
washer with perpendicular

(c) Off-center hole in square

plate washer takes full
advantage of oversized
hole, yet allows maximum
weld length in spite of
varying dimension to an
obstruction during

Standard bolt sizes used in the industry are 3/4, 1, or

11/4 in. (19, 25, or 32 mm) diameter. High strength
bolts are not commonly used. Coil thread stock or coil
bolts, which have a coarse thread, are also used. The
Figure 4 Slotted or oversized holes.
coarse thread allows quicker installation and is less
prone to damage.

Bolted connections must allow for construction tolerances. Slotted or oversized holes accommodate variation and tolerance. (Fig. 4). When slotted holes are also intended to allow structure movements by bolt sliding, the slots must be long enough to account for tolerances plus the amount of planned movement. Plate
washers with off-center holes allow maximum flexibility without requiring separate size parts (Fig. 4[c]). For
sliding connections, the bolts should be snug, but not so tight to restrict movement within a slot. Low friction washers (Teflon or nylon) may be used to improve movement capability. Roughness at sheared or flamecut edges should be removed. Bolts should be properly secured, with lock washers, liquid thread locker, or
other means to prevent tightening or loosening.
Post-installed anchors, including expansion anchors and adhesive anchors, are often used as connections
at foundations or for corrective measures when cast-in inserts are mislocated or omitted. Design provisions
are provided in ACI 318, Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete, and may be used if post-installed
anchors are qualified in accordance with ACI 355.2 or ACI 355.4. Installation must be in strict conformance
with the manufacturers printed installation instructions.
Expansion anchors are inserted into drilled holes in hardened concrete. Performance of these anchors is
dependent on the quality of field workmanship. Strength is obtained by tightening the bolt or nut, thus

DN-32 Connections for Architectural Precast Concrete Page 7

expanding parts of the anchor, which exert lateral pressure on the concrete. Performance of expansion anchors when subjected to stress reversals, vibrations, or earthquake loading is such that the designer should
carefully consider their use for these load conditions.
Adhesive anchors depend on bond of the adhesive to the anchor and bond of the adhesive to the concrete
for force transfer. The adhesive may exhibit reduced bond strength at temperatures in the 140 to 150F (60
to 66C) range. Such temperatures may be experienced in warm climates, particularly in faade panels with
dark aggregates. Similarly, adhesive anchors may not be allowed in fire-rated connection assemblies.
Grouting or drypacking of connections is not widely used, apart from base plates or loadbearing units. The
difficulty in maintaining exact elevations and the inability to allow movements and still maintain weather
tightness must also be considered. Grouting should be used carefully when installed during temperatures
below or near freezing. Units with joints that are to be drypacked are usually supported with shims or leveling bolts until drypack has achieved adequate strength. Shims used for this purpose should be subsequently
removed to prevent them from permanently carrying the load or to facilitate joint sealant installation. A drypacked joint requires a joint wider than 1 in. (25 mm) for best results.
Grouted dowel/anchor bolt connections depend on their diameter, embedded length, and bond developed. Placement of grout during erection usually slows down the erection process. Any necessary adjustment or movement that is made after initial set of the grout may destroy bond and reduce strength. It may
be better to provide supplemental bolted connections to expedite erection.
Erection drawings should show the required grout strength:
1. Before erection can continue.
2. Before bracing can be removed.
3. At 28 days.

Corrosion Protection of Connections

The need for corrosion protection will depend on the actual conditions connections will be exposed to in
service. Connection hardware generally needs protection if exposed to weather or a corrosive environment.
Protection may be provided by:
1. Paint with shop primer.
2. Coating with zinc-rich paint (98% pure zinc in dried film).
3. Chromate plating.
4. Zinc metallizing or plating.
5. Hot dip galvanizing.

Page 8 DN-32 Connections for Architectural Precast Concrete

6. Epoxy coating.
7. Stainless steel.
The cost of protection increases in the order of listing. Proper cleaning of hardware prior to protective treatment is important. It should be noted that threaded parts of bolts, nuts, or plates should be electroplated, not
epoxy coated or galvanized, unless they are subsequently rethreaded prior to use or threads are oversized.
Where connections requiring protection are not readily accessible for the application of zinc-rich paint or
metallizing after erection, they should be metallized or galvanized prior to erection and the connections
bolted, where possible. If welding is required as part of the field assembly, the weld slag must be removed
and the weld painted or otherwise repaired to match the parent material. For galvanized items, the galvanizing repair paint should be a minimum of 0.004 in. (0.10 mm) thick, conform to ASTM A780, and be applied in
conformance with the manufacturers recommendations.
Special care should be taken when galvanized assemblies are used. Many parts of connection components
are fabricated using cold-rolled steel or cold working techniques, such as bending of anchor bars. Any form
of cold working reduces the ductility of steel. Operations such as punching holes, notching, shearing, and
sharp bending may lead to strain-age embrittlement of susceptible steels. This is particularly the case with
high-carbon-content steel. The embrittlement may not be evident until after the work has been galvanized.
This occurs because aging is relatively slow at ambient temperatures but is more rapid at the elevated temperature of the galvanizing bath.
The recommendations of the American Hot Dip Galvanizers Association and the practices given in ASTM
A143, Recommended Practice for Safeguarding Against Embrittlement of Hot Dip Galvanized Structural Steel
Products and Procedure for Detecting Embrittlement, and CSA Specification G164, Galvanizing of Irregularly
Shaped Articles, should be followed.

Fire Protection of Connections

Fireproofing of connections may be necessary, depending on building codes and/or insurance requirements.
Connections that can be weakened by fire, and thereby jeopardize the structures stability, should be protected to the same degree as required for the member being connected. For example, when an exposed
steel bracket supports a precast concrete element that is required to have a designated fire rating, the steel
bracket must be protected to the same fire rating. Fireproofing of connections is usually accomplished with
sprayed cementitious or mineral fiber fireproofing, intumescent mastic compounds, or enclosure with gypsum wallboard.
Many connections simply provide stability and are under little or no stress in service. While fire could substantially reduce the strength of such connections, fire protection is not necessary. Connections that have
steel elements encased in concrete, drypacking, or grout after erection usually need no additional protection.

DN-32 Connections for Architectural Precast Concrete Page 9


t = Minimun Thickness for Steel
Subjected to Fire from Both Sides



5 /16

or V
SMF 1 /16 in.



n. V




Concrete or Dry-Pack Mortar

b = Minimun Width of
Concrete Protection

5 6 in.
t = /1







(IM = Intumescent Mastic, SMF = Sprayed Mineral Fiber, VCM = Vermlculite Cementitious Material)
Note: 1 in. = 25.4 mm

Figure 5 Thickness of fire protection materials on steel connection components.

Figure 5(a) shows the thicknesses of various, commonly used, fire-protection materials required for fire endurances up to 4 hours when applied to connections comprised of structural steel shapes. Values shown
are based on a critical steel temperature of 1000F (538C) where strength is reduced to about 65% of that
at normal temperature. The values in Fig. 5(b) are applicable to concrete or drypack mortar encasement of
structural steel shapes used as brackets.
When a rational analysis or design for fireproofing is not performed and concrete is used to fireproof connections in the field, a conservative estimate would suggest that such concrete should have a thickness in inches
corresponding to specified hours of fire rating. Unless the nature of the detail itself supports such concrete,
it should be reinforced with a light wire fabric.

Design Considerations
The primary purpose of a connection is to transfer loads applied to a panel to the supporting structure. Depending on the type of load and the function of the structure, there may also be performance objectives to
be achieved that must be considered in the design and detailing of connections. As applicable, connections
must satisfy criteria including:

Page 10 DN-31 Fire Resistance of Architectural Precast Concrete Envelopes

1. Strength. A connection must have the strength to safely transfer forces to which it will be subjected.
Forces may be generated from the following:

a. Gravity load

b. Wind, seismic, and blast loads.

c. Forces from restraint of material volume change.

d. Forces induced by restrained differential movements between a panel and the supporting structure.

e. Forces required for stability and equilibrium.


Loads from adjacent materials, such as windows, louvers, signs, and other panels.

2. Ductility. This is the ability of a connection to accommodate large, inelastic deformations without failure. If required, ductility is generally achieved by designing connections so steel components yield prior
to failure of concrete.
3. Volume change accommodation. Creep, shrinkage, or temperature strains can induce large stresses
into precast concrete components and their supports if connections are detailed to restrain such deformations. The most common approach to connection detailing is to allow movements to occur through
sliding or steel deformation to minimize or eliminate restraint.
4. Durability. When exposed to weather or used in a corrosive atmosphere, connections should be adequately protected with concrete, paint, galvanizing, or other coatings. Architectural precast is rarely
subjected to severe environments. However, one notable exception is cladding on parking structures
where durability is a consideration.
5. Fire resistance. Connections should be protected to the same fire resistance as the member that is being connected. If required, connection materials can be protected using concrete encasement, intumescent mastic, sprayed mineral fiber, or vermiculite cementitious material.
6. Constructability and economy. The following list reflects some of the items that should be considered
when designing and detailing connections:

a. Use standard connection types.

b. Use standard hardware items and as few different sizes as possible.

c. Avoid reinforcement and hardware congestion.

d. Avoid penetration of forms.

e. Use appropriate clearances.


Use industry production and erection tolerances.

DN-32 Connections for Architectural Precast Concrete Page 11

g. Minimize time for suspending units from hoist or crane.

h. Provide for appropriate field adjustment.


Provide accessibility to complete the connection from the same floor level.


Minimize length and size of field welds.

Wind considerations
Building codes and standards define procedures to determine wind loads on buildings. Wind tunnel tests
may be required for buildings of irregular shape or where the location of the structure results in channeling
effects. Data from such tests must be supplied to the SSE performing the precast concrete design.

Seismic considerations
Seismic forces are generated in a structure as inertial forces due to accelerations from ground motions during an earthquake. Building codes and standards define the procedures for determination of forces and
structure deformations. The two primary effects on connections are forces for strength design and accommodation of building drift in detailing. If exterior wall units are not part of the lateral force-resisting system of
the structure, drift of the structure must be allowed to occur without transfer of forces through the connections to the exterior panel system. Interstory drift, which is the difference in horizontal lateral displacement
between two floors, may be between 1 and 2% of story height. Cladding connections may have to accommodate several inches of movement between floors.

Blast resistance
Blast resistance may be specified for many industrial facilities that may be subject to a possible accidental
explosion or buildings judged to be a potential target for attack. Blast loading is characterized by very high
loads acting over very short periods of timetypically measured in milliseconds. Ductile materials and redundant systems can be used to dissipate energy from a blast.
Precast concrete cladding wall panel connection details may be strengthened versions of conventional connections with a likely significant increase in connection hardware. In most cases, required connection capacities are higher than those required for conventional loads. For a detailed discussion of blast effects, see
DN 14, Blast Considerations.

Cladding/Structure Interaction
The following discussion applies to architectural precast concrete units used only as cladding. Connections
must resist forces and allow movement. Movements due to time dependent material changes and environmental effects have been previously discussed. This section will focus on movements due to lateral loads. A

Page 12 DN-32 Connections for Architectural Precast Concrete

Fig. 6 Rocking Column Cover

structure will sway when subjected to lateral loads. As

it does, there will be differential drift between floors.
The panel arrangement and locations of joints combined with the directions that the connection system
allows movements will influence the size of joints, selection of sealant materials, and interfacing with other
faade elements, in addition to the design and detailing of the connections. The fundamental objective is to
design a system with compatible behavior of connections, joints, sealants, and other faade elements.


Rotated position
Seismic reaction

Initial position
Seismic load
Gravity load
Gravity reaction


Connection detailing will determine the response of a

panel to sway of a structure. Figure 6 is presented to illustrate the different ways panels may move that must
be considered for developing a system with compatibility of elements.

Bearing connection
Tie-back connection
Note: All connectors carry out-of-plane loads;
out-of-plane loads to connectors not shown.

In-Plane Translation shown in Fig. 7(a) occurs when the

Figure 6 Rocking column cover.
panel is fixed in-plane to one level. The panel translates
Fig. 7 Modes of panel response to displacement.
laterally with that level, remaining vertical in elevation.
Spandrel panels and wall panels with height less than
width are typically designed to behave this way. When
panels are designed to translate, the horizontal joint
at each level should remain at a constant elevation
around the perimeter of the building.
In-Plane Rotation shown in Fig. 7(b), also known as
rocking, occurs when a panel is fixed in-plane at two
levels of framing. When the structure sways, lateral
connections cause the top of the panel to displace laterally relative to the bottom, resulting in in-plane rotation. This rotation requires bearing connections that
allow lift-off and all vertical load is transferred to one
bearing connection. Panels with height much greater
than width, such as column covers, can be designed
this way to manage connection forces or for compatibility with other elements.



(a) In-plane translation

(b) In-plane rotation



(c) Out-of-plane rotation

(d) Out-of-plane translation
Out-of-Plane Rotation shown in Fig. 7(c) is the out-ofplane tilting of a panel. This motion is common when- Figure 7 Modes of panel response to displacement.
ever a panel is connected to the structure at different
levels of framing. Tieback connections that brace the

DN-32 Connections for Architectural Precast Concrete Page 13

Fig. 8 Story drift.

panel for wind and seismic loads will also cause the
panel to tilt out-of-plane during story drift. Bearing
connections should be detailed to accommodate outof-plane rotation or designed for the effect of the rotation.
Out-of-Plane Translation shown in Fig. 7(d) is common
for spandrel panels attached to a single level of framing, since movement is the same as the supporting
beam to which it is attached.


Spandrel panel
in translated position
Seismic reactions




Spandrel panel

The first, and simplest, illustration of the concept of

(b) Spandrel panels
compatibility is to consider the panel arrangement
Bearing connection
shown in Fig. 1(a) and the connection arrangement
Tie-back connection
Allowed movement direction
shown in Fig. 2(d). As the structure sways due to lateral load in a direction parallel to these spandrels,
Figure 8 Story drift.
each spandrel will translate in-plane an amount equal
to the translation of the floor to which the spandrel is
connected. However, there will be a differential translation between floors, commonly known as the story
drift. Consider a horizontal band of windows now connected rigidly between the spandrels. As shown in Fig.
8, the window frame will rack as the head of the window moves with the upper spandrel and the window sill
moves with the lower spandrel. For compatibility, the window detailing must either accommodate this racking or the head of the window cannot be rigidly connected to the upper spandrel.
Consider this same system but with infill column covers as illustrated in Fig. 1(b) and assume the window
frames are rigidly attached top and bottom and can perform through the racking motion. The next compatibility consideration is where the windows abut the sides of the column covers. For compatibility at those
joints, the column cover should rack a distance similar to the windows. This can be accomplished through
the connection detailing that allows rocking. Using the connection arrangement shown in Fig. 2(a), the
top and bottom tieback connections of the column cover should be rigid in the plane of the panel in the
direction parallel to the length of the spandrels, but flexible vertically. This will force the top of the column
cover to translate an amount similar to the top of the window. The gravity connections must be detailed to
support the vertical weight of the column cover, but the detailing must allow the gravity connections to lift
off the supporting element so the panel can freely rock. Depending on the amount of rocking, each gravity
connection may have to be designed for the entire vertical reaction.
For that same rocking column cover arrangement, consider the joints illustrated in Fig. 6. The spandrels only
translate horizontally. As the column cover rocks, the right side of the upper horizontal joint closes while
the left side of the upper joint and the right side of the lower joint open. The joint size and sealant must be
selected to accommodate the joint opening and the joint size must be selected to prevent contact between
the top of the column cover and the bottom of the spandrel, at least for reasonable lateral load cases.

Page 14 DN-32 Connections for Architectural Precast Concrete

Alternatively, the column cover connections could be

detailed in a different way. Instead of a rocking panel, the column cover could be detailed as a translating panel. The bottom tieback connections would be
rigid both vertically and horizontally in the plane of
the panel and the top tieback connections would be
flexible both vertically and horizontally in the plane of
the panel. Gravity connections would not be detailed
to lift off. In this scenario, the top column cover joint
would experience translation with shear in the sealant
and the vertical joints between the sides of the column cover and the ends of the window frames would
require detailing to allow extension and compression
of the joint.


0.7 d
Out-of-plane rotation

These simple examples illustrate the interaction of

Out-of-plane rotation
connection detailing for movement with connection
design, panel movement, joint movement, sealant deDesign
d = Interstory
mands, and window performance. As panel arrangeDrift
ments get more complicated, these fundamental
interactions must be considered to have overall com- Figure 9 Corner made wider to avoid collision.,
patibility of the elements of the faade.
As joint sizes are selected considering the various types of panel movement, panel contact from joint closing
may dictate some joint sizes. Figure 9 illustrates corner configurations where panel contact may occur, especially if the panels are story height. The panels perpendicular to the direction of building sway will experience
out-of-plane rotation while the panels parallel to the building sway will usually be detailed for in-plane translation. The joints will close at the top of the panels. For regularly occurring lateral loads causing sway, such
as normal wind loads, the joint size should be selected to prevent damage from contact. For extreme events,
such as an earthquake, the consequences of contact across the joint must be considered. Contact will cause
panel damage, which may be acceptable in an extreme event. Contact will cause forces to be generated
that may overload connections. Two options are available. The first is to select a joint size that will be large
enough to preclude contact in even an extreme event. The second is to develop connection details that can
either fully resist the contact forces generated or have ductility sufficient to allow inelastic deformation when
contact forces are generated. The viability of the latter has been demonstrated in a recent shake table test.
The preceding discussion does not apply if the architectural precast concrete units are either used as shear
walls as part of the lateral force-resisting system or if the units are load-bearing. Similar compatibility considerations will be required, but the movements to be considered will be different. Designers are referred to
an extensive treatment of design methods in PCI MNL 123-88, Design and Typical Details of Connections for
Precast and Prestressed Concrete, PCI MNL-138-08, PCI Connections Manual for Precast and Prestressed Concrete
Construction and PCI MNL 120-10, PCI Design Handbook.

DN-32 Connections for Architectural Precast Concrete Page 15

Tolerances and Clearances


A primary goal when installing architectural precast

concrete units is to meet industry standard erection
tolerances. The obvious tolerances are on surface alignment and plumbness. The more subtle tolerances are
on joint uniformity, corner alignment, and alignment of
features such as reveals and stone or brick joints in veneered panels. Precast erection tolerances and building
structure construction tolerances are not necessarily
compatible. Therefore, reasonable clearances must be
detailed into the system to allow the best opportunity
for success.

Shim space
1 min
1 1/2 preferred

May be recessed to clear

within interior finish
1 1/2 min clearance
2 preferred

When establishing the clearances between a structure

and the precast concrete elements, dimensional variations in the structure must be anticipated. Variations in
plumbness will depend on the building height. Sufficient clearance to the structure is required to allow the
exterior elements to be erected plumb for the height of
the building. Overall plan dimensions of a structure will
Note: 1 in. = 25.4 mm
have construction tolerances. The exterior elements can
accommodate these plan dimension tolerances by pro- Figure 10 Dimensions for design of connections methods.,
viding sufficient clearance from the back of the element
to the face of the structure. Additionally, erection tolerance on joint sizes will permit some accommodation of
plan dimension variations. More locally, slab edges will have irregularities that proper clearances can accommodate.
It is also important to anticipate geometric variations in the supporting structure and in hardware location in
the design of connections. Figure 10 shows a rather typical bearing connection used with architectural precast
concrete units. The clearance from back of panel to slab edge is suggested to be 2 in. (50 mm). This would account for slab edge irregularities and panel thickness tolerance for a building up to 15 or 20 stories. Taller buildings may require a larger clearance. Note also the shim space under the bearing angle provided on the panel.
This space accounts for tolerance on the angle placement in the panel, story height variations, and slab surface
variations. By varying the shim stack height during erection, the vertical position of the panel can be adjusted
for joint and feature alignment.
Figure 10 also shows the interaction between panel embedments and field embedments. The angle cast into
the slab edge is the bearing surface for the shims. Recommended tolerances for such an embedment are 1 in.
(25 mm) in all directions (vertical and horizontal) from the specified location, plus a slope deviation of no more
than 1/4 in. (6 mm) in 12 in. (300 mm) for bearing surfaces. From a structural design standpoint for a connection such as this, the SSE will design the connection in the panels accounting for tolerance on the location of

Page 16 DN-32 Connections for Architectural Precast Concrete

the vertical reaction. The SER should also account for worst case tolerance on the vertical reaction location for
slab design.
The detailing of interior finish systems must be coordinated to conceal the panel connection system with reasonable clearances. For example, allowing at least an extra 1/2 in. (13 mm) between back of the drywall and
the theoretical inside edge of connection hardware is recommended. Top connections may be located above
suspended ceilings or covered by a valance. Bearing connections at a floor level may be concealed in column
furring, a full-depth slab blockout as shown in Fig. 10(b), or concealed together with mechanical services. In any
of these cases, clearances must be planned to allow for tolerances.
Oversized plates, slotted inserts, or oversized holes in connection hardware can be used to accommodate plant
and field tolerances. Welds, shims, and leveling bolts are used to obtain connection adjustability at the time of
installation. The adjustability of connections facilitates the alignment of panels and joints.
Detailing of connections must include consideration of access to the connection. Examples are access for welding at a proper angle and clearance for a wrench to tighten a nut or bolt. When fireproofing is used, clearances
should be planned from the face of the fireproofing material. For steel framing members, consideration should
be given to clearances around splice plates, gussets, and projecting bolts. For braced steel frames, clearance to
gusset plates is required, although detailed information on the gusset plate dimensions may only be available
on steel shop drawings.

Supply of Hardware for Connections

The responsibility for supplying field hardware to be placed on or in the structure to receive precast concrete units
depends on the type of structure and varies with local practice. Furnishing and placing of hardware should be clearly
defined in the bid and contract documents. Hardware should be incorporated into the structure within specified PCI
tolerances according to a predetermined and agreed upon schedule to avoid delays or interference with precast
concrete erection and project schedule.
Building frame of structural steel. Responsibility for designing, supplying, and installing miscellaneous steel related to the precast concrete should be clearly addressed in the contract documents and discussed in a prebid meeting.
This steel might include brackets off of column faces or beam sides for bearing connections, floor beams or kickers
to brace edge beams with eccentric load, angle brackets hung from beams for tieback connections, and stiffeners
for localized forces from connections. This steel is most efficiently provided with the steel package and installed in
the fabrication shop. Field installation of such materials can cost three to five times the cost in the shop. This requires
sufficient coordination time to provide proper hardware locations before detailing and fabrication of the steel. It is
recommended that the SER and the SSE work together to most effectively develop information for the steel supplier.
When timing does not permit inclusion of such items in the steel package, the precast concrete supplier can supply
and install the material that is directly related to connection details. However, the SSE will not be investigating the
strength or stiffness of structure to which connections are being made. For example, stiffeners for local forces or stabilizing framing for beams with eccentric load will not be designed, detailed, or supplied with the precast concrete.

DN-32 Connections for Architectural Precast Concrete Page 17

Building frame of cast-in-place concrete. The primary field hardware required with a cast-in-place concrete
frame is embedments for connection attachments to the frame. These embedments are most efficiently designed and detailed by the SSE and supplied to the site by the precast concrete supplier. Layout drawings
are provided so the embedments can be installed in the field as determined by the General Contractor (GC).
Alternatively, field hardware may be supplied by the GC or be a part of the miscellaneous steel subcontract.
While this method of supply may assure better coordination of schedule, it will be more cumbersome if multiple material orders are required.
If anchors or other structural items shown on the precast concrete manufacturers approved drawings cannot be accommodated because of mislocation, unforeseen reinforcing complications, or work of other
trades, the GC should obtain approval for any modifications by both the SER and SSE to ensure the required
structural adequacy of the hardware.
Field-installed, pre-erection hardware consists of miscellaneous loose steel pre-welded or pre-bolted to
the structure prior to beginning panel installation. It is customary for the precast concrete manufacturer to
supply this erection hardware even when not performing actual erection.
Erection hardware is the loose hardware needed in the field for final connection of the precast concrete
units and is normally supplied by the precast concrete supplier.
Accessory hardware includes such items as electrical boxes, conduit, window inserts, fastenings for other
trades, and dovetails for flashing that is planned to be cast into the precast concrete units. Such hardware
should be detailed and supplied to precast concrete supplier by the trade requiring them. The issue most
difficult with accessory hardware is timely delivery of the hardware to meet the casting schedule in the precast concrete plant. Delays in delivery will either result in hardware not being installed or costly delays in

Connection Details
This section shows typical details for some of the more commonly used connections for cladding panels and
loadbearing precast concrete walls, as well as other connections that may be useful in special applications.
The details included are not exhaustive. They should not be considered as standard, but rather, as concepts
on which to build. Detailed design information, such as component sizes, weld and anchorage lengths, joint
sizes, and bearing pad thicknesses is purposely omitted.
There are many possible combinations of anchors, plates, steel shapes, and bolts to form various connection
assemblies. The details and final assemblies selected should be optimized considering design criteria, production and erection methods, tolerances, and economy. Common practice by precast concrete suppliers in
a given area may also influence the final selection of details on a particular project.
It is not the intent to limit the type of anchorage of any connector to the precast concrete to that shown in
the figures. A variety of anchors are shown, which are generally interchangeable and must be integrated
with the reinforcement by the SSE for each individual project.

Page 18 DN-32 Connections for Architectural Precast Concrete

Lateral restraint not provided

Insert must be jigged plumb

Has large tolerance

Allows vertical adjustment without crane

Finish joint with drypack or sealant

Finish joint with drypack or sealant

Shim stack

Bolt head may be welded for tensile or

shear capacity with proper consideration
of weldability of bolt head
Plate may be eliminated, but adjustment
becomes more difficult
May be inverted with insert below.

Figure 11 Direct bearing (DB1).

Figure 12 Direct bearing (DB2).

Reasonable tolerance

Reasonable tolerance

Provides lateral restraint

Provides lateral restraint

Realignment not possible after

connection complete

Realignment not possible after connection


Requires shims until grouting or

drypacking is done

Requires shims until grouting or drypacking

is done

Cold weather may be a problem

with grouting or drypacking

Cold weather may be a problem with

grouting or drypacking

Grout could be injected through

tubes, allowing more time for

Grout could be injected through tubes,

allowing more time for alignment

Void may be formed or field drilled

Upper void could be continuous or


Finish joint with drypack or sealant

Upper void difficult to fill

Finish joint with drypack or sealant

Figure 13 Direct bearing (DB3).

Figure 14 Direct bearing (DB4).

The connection details shown are grouped by category and a brief discussion of each category follows.
Bearing (direct and eccentric) connections (Fig. 11 to 24) are intended to transfer vertical loads to the
supporting structure or foundation. Bearing can be either directly in plane of the panel along bottom edge,
or eccentric using continuous or localized reinforced concrete corbels or haunches, cast-in steel shapes, or
attached panel brackets. Transfer of loads perpendicular to the panel is provided by various tieback arrangements. Bearing connections are usually, but not always, combined with tiebacks. Adjustability in the support system generally necessitates use of shims, leveling bolts, bearing pads, and oversized or slotted holes.
Direct bearing connections are used primarily for panels resting on foundations or rigid supports where
movements are negligible. This includes cases where panels are stacked and self supporting for vertical loads
with tieback connections to the structural frame, floor, or roof to resist loads perpendicular to panel.

DN-32 Connections for Architectural Precast Concrete Page 19

Full strength of bar can be achieved

with proprietary grouted sleeve

For shaped panels: can eliminate dead load overturn if

shims in line with panel center of gravity

Sleeve requires proprietary grout

while drypack does not

Complex forming, especially if location of haunch changes

Small tolerance requires jigging

Forming simplified if a bolt-on steel haunch is used

Requires shims until grouting or

drypacking is done


Joint may be drypacked or grouted at

same time as sleeve

Shim stack

Smooth or corrugated sleeve could

replace proprietary sleeve for lower
Finish joint with drypack or sealant
Sleeve can be in either panel

Figure 15 Direct bearing (DB5).

Preferable if column bearing bracket
shown on contract drawings and
Cost substantially more if
bracket field-installed, which
also requires field layout
Leveling bolt could be used
in lieu of shims

Figure 16 Direct bearing (DB6).

Lateral restraint could be provided
by welding bolt head to seat
with proper consideration
of weldability of bolt heads
Could use threaded insert in
lieu of angle assembly
Anchor beyond

Can be used in pocket farther

up panel away from joint

Figure 17 Direct bearing (DB7).

Figure 18 Direct bearing (DB8).

Coordinate with GC for placement of seat

Coordinate with GC for placement of seat

Could use leveling bolt or shims

Complex haunch reinforcement

Could use thicker angle and delete gusset

Complex forming, especially if

location of haunch changes

Could eliminate projection from panel by

attaching angle with inserts or welding to
flush plate

Haunch could be cast first

and set in form
Haunch could be
intermittent or continuous

Oversize hole or
vertical slot
in angle


Plate washer may require

welding for lateral loads

Figure 19 Eccentric bearing (EB1).

Figure 20 Eccentric bearing (EB2).

Page 20 DN-32 Connections for Architectural Precast Concrete

Keep bearing at center of beam to avoid torsion

Coordinate with GC for placement of seat

Leveling bolt saves time

Could use shims in lieu of leveling bolt

Any structural shape could be used for

projecting bracketif unsymmetrical,
consider torsion

May require blockout in

floor slab

Many types of panel bracket anchorage

could be used

Make shim stack

Different tieback could

be used in lieu of shear plate

Shown with optional shear plate

Figure 21 Eccentric bearing (EB3).

Figure 22 Eccentric bearing (EB4).

Same panel bracket can be used with any column size

Same panel bracket can be used with any column size

Any structural shape could be used for projecting bracket

Thin tube may require reinforcing plate at bearing

Many types of panel

bracket anchorage
could be used


Any of the
shown could be
other structural

Steel section on both sides of column

Figure 23 Eccentric bearing (EB5).

Figure 24 Eccentric bearing (EB6).

Eccentric bearing connections are usually used for cladding panels because they are located in a different
plane than the supporting structure. Eccentric bearing connections cause permanent bending stresses in
the supported panel that must be accommodated. Bending, combined with tension, shear, and torsion, may
have to be resisted by the connection and, in turn, the structure, depending on the type of connection and
load transfer details.
Tieback (welded or bolted) connections (Fig. 25 to 40) are primarily intended to keep a precast concrete
unit in a plumb position and to resist out-of-plane wind and seismic loads. Welded tiebacks may require temporary bracing during alignment. Tiebacks may be designed to take forces in the plane of the panel, but a
primary consideration in the detailing of tiebacks is to allow movements in directions where force resistance
is not required.

DN-32 Connections for Architectural Precast Concrete Page 21

Consider beam deflection

Requires bracing until welded

Stagger anchor studs to minimize

minimize magnification of
force on them due to variation
of shear plate location

Alignment and welding must

be done before upper
panel is erected
Difficult to inspect

Requires bracing until welded

May also serve as

shear plate

May also serve as shear plate

Figure 25 Welded tieback (WTB1).

Figure 26 Welded tieback (WTB2).

Buckling of rod must be considered if

compression load is expected
Requires bracing until welded
Do not over-tighten threaded rod if
movement in slotted insert to be

Consider deflection of support

Slots and bolts allow fast erectionweld after alignment

Plain Rod
with Thread
at One End

Slotted bar may be used to fit

proprietary slotted embedment

Figure 27 Welded tieback (WTB3).

Figure 28 Welded tieback (WTB4).

Consider deflection of support

Coordinate with GC for placement of insert

Slots and bolts allow fast erectionweld after alignment

Adjustment limited by thread length of insert and bolt

Need adequate clearance for welding
Where welding is
required weldable bolt
material must be selected
Could reverse with
plate in structure,
and insert in panel

Oversized Hole

Figure 29 Welded tieback (WTB5).

Figure 30 Welded tieback (WTB6).

Page 22 DN-32 Connections for Architectural Precast Concrete

Anchorage of plate and angle could vary

Oversize hole in angle

Shear plate configuration to be determined by load type

Plate washer could be welded and slotted

to control directional movement

Figure 31 Welded tieback (WTB7).

Figure 32 Welded tieback (WTB8).

High-strength rod is advantageous

Alignment can be completed after release from crane

Rod flexes for in-plane


Slots in embedment and angle to be perpendicular to

each other for three-way adjustment

Bucking of rod must

be considered if
compression load
is expected

Threaded insert can be used if angle has oversize

hole and plate

Oversize hole
primarily for

Figure 33 Bolted tieback (BTB1).

Figure 34 Bolted tieback (BTB2).

Horseshoe shims allow adjustment perpendicular to panel

Coordinate with GC for placement if insert is used

Oversize hole and plate washer allows adjustment parallel

to panel

Edge distance and reinforcing in

floor/foundation must be considered

Do not over-tighten bolt if

movement to be allowed

Angle has slotted holes

Plate washer could be

welded and slotted to
control directional
See Fig. 14

Figure 35 Bolted tieback (BTB3).


Figure 36 Bolted tieback (BTB4).

DN-32 Connections for Architectural Precast Concrete Page 23

Basically an alternate to BTB1 where long rod

cannot be accommodated

Sleeve in concrete column or wall

must be large enough for adjustment

Oversize hole both for tolerance

and movement allowance

Bearing pad need not be

adjacent to tieback rod

Tieback rod receiver could be

many configurations

Special care required to

maintain tolerance

Bearing pad

Figure 37 Bolted tieback (BTB5).

May require bracing until floor is cast

Figure 38 Bolted tieback (BTB6).

Blind connection
Panel face does not need patching Cast-in-place or
masonry wall
Large opening required for access
If angle is field welded,
smaller access hole allowed,
but temporary bracing
Field tolerances critical

Angle with oversized hole

and plate washers

Figure 39 Bolted tieback (BTB7).

Figure 40 Bolted tieback (BTB8).

Shear plates (Fig. 41 to 47) are generally welded and serve primarily to provide restraint for longitudinal inplane panel loads, but will also act as a tieback for out-of-plane loads. Because the most common in-plane force
is due to seismic effects, these plates are sometimes referred to as seismic shear plates. To minimize volume
change restraint forces on longer panels such as spandrels, shear plates may be located near mid-length of the
panel. Shear plates may also be combined with long eccentric bearing connections as shown in Fig. 42 rather
than attempting to resist both vertical and in-plane forces on a bearing bracket.

Page 24 DN-32 Connections for Architectural Precast Concrete

Primarily for in-plane lateral force

Also takes out-of-plane force
Normally one used near center of
panel, with larger panel to beam dimension, so force neednt be restricted by
long panel brackets
Trapezoidal plate may be assumed fixed
at beam and pinned at panel to minimize
panel plate anchorage
Installed after panel fully aligned, so
temporary tieback may be required

Similar to SP1 except

combined on bearing
connector anchor plate
Eliminates need for shear
plate on bearing bracket
Panel plate anchorage
requirement is lower than if
in-plane force were resisted
by bracket

Thin plate allows some vertical


Figure 41 Shear plate (SP1).

Figure 42 Shear plate (SP2).

Temporary Tie

Convenient at midheight of column covers

Can be used for rocking or
translating unit, depending
on balance of connection system
Use in pairs or weld to column

Shims carry full weight of panel

Shims should be adjacent to shear
plate (angle)
Angle orientation gives high
capacity in all three axes
Cannot be installed until after
alignment, so temporary tieback
may be required
If leveling bolt were recessed into
sill for ease of alignment, patching
might be required

Figure 43 Shear plate (SP3).

Figure 44 Shear plate (SP4).

DN-32 Connections for Architectural Precast Concrete Page 25


Shown at bearing bracket

A few of the variety of shear plates
used at bearing connectors
Shape and location of plate or
angle tailored to suit conditions
and forces to be resisted

(a) and (b) are sections at

horizontal joint. For vertical joint,
modify to eliminate overhead weld.


(c) is section at vertical joint

May be flush or recessed
Shape and location of plates or
angles vary to suit conditions
and forces to be resisted

Can also resist uplift


Figure 46 Shear plate (SP6).

Common at foundations
May be flush or recessed
Shape and location of plates or
angles vary to suit conditions and
forces to be resisted

Figure 45 Shear plate (SP5).

Plan section
of variation

Figure 47 Shear plate (SP7).

Page 26 DN-32 Connections for Architectural Precast Concrete

Not intended for required out-of-plane force resistance,

but can be adapted to serve as tieback, as in Fig. 64
Dimension to face of panel is critical

Not intended for required out-of-plane

force resistance, but can be adapted
to serve as tieback
Shim thin panel if necessary

Good solution when slightly

bowed panels are not accessible
after erection
If panels are accessible after
erection, finger plates can be
field welded and shimmed
if necessary


Figure 48 Panel to panel alignment (PPA1).

Figure 49 Panel to panel alignment (PPA2).

Not intended for required out-of-plane force resistance,

but can be adapted to serve as tieback
Panels must be aligned before welding
Option (a) requires vertical weld, inside narrow joint
Option (b) allows downhand weld, inside narrow joint

Not intended for required out-of-plane force resistance

A few of the variety of alignment connectors
Shape and location of embeds
and weldable loose slugs tailored
to suit conditions

Weld plate options



Figure 50 Panel to panel alignment (PPA3).

Figure 51 Panel to panel alignment (PPA4).

Panel-to-panel alignment connections (Fig. 48 to 51) are used to adjust the relative position between two
adjacent units. They do not usually transfer design loads. Out-of-plane alignment of panels is sometimes necessary, especially if they are very slender and flexible.

DN-32 Connections for Architectural Precast Concrete Page 27

Use where access is limited

Serves as tieback

Exercise caution to prevent weld stain and

cracking from excess heat

Length and diameter of rod may limit capacity

First element of column cover must be aligned
prior to placing second

Plate cast in
joint size is
column cover
3/4 in. (19mm)

Could be used for both halves if located at top

Placement and
coverage of
insert is
difficult in
thin sections
Shown in
with Fig. 53

Bar or plate
to match size
of joint

Threaded rod or coil

rod with nut and washer

Figure 53 Column cover (CC2).

Inserts cast in panel

Serves as tieback
Used only at top for welding access
Could be changed to bolted

Threaded rod or coil

rod with nut and washer
Inserts cast in panel

Figure 52 Column cover (CC1).

Figure 54 Column cover (CC3).

Can be both a loadbearing and tieback connector

Top connector

Lower panel must be aligned and

welded prior to placing upper portion

Align with tieback rods prior to welding angle

Good with limited access

Could modify to insert and
bolt if ample space
Plan View

Plan View

Section View

Figure 55 Column cover (CC4).

Figure 56 Column cover (CC5).

Page 28 DN-32 Connections for Architectural Precast Concrete

Bottom connector

Erection sequence critical

Support unit on shims

Beam must be adequate to prevent excessive rotation

when first element is placed
Place 3rd
Top right connector (alternate) requires
tight tolerance

Joint width sets thickness of vertical plate on knife assembly

Align and weld first unit prior to setting second
Welding of second half difficult in narrow joint
Allows units to rock if bent plate (or angle) legs long enough

Sealant at top left connector

(alternate) is critical
May require combination of
grouting, bolting, and welding

See DB2
See EB1

Preferably, use one type of

alternate top connector

Joint locations optional


Knife assembly

Place 1st
Section A

Figure 57 Column cover (CC6).

Figure 58 Beam cover (BC1).

Column and beam cover connections (Fig. 52 to 58) are used when precast concrete panels serve as covers
over steel or cast-in-place concrete columns and beams. Cover units are generally supported by the structural
column or beam and carry no load other than their own weight, wind, and seismic forces. The weight of a column cover section is normally supported at one level. Tieback connections for lateral load transfer and stability
occur at multiple levels. Connections must have sufficient adjustability to compensate for tolerances of the
structural system. Column cover connections are often difficult to reach, and once made, difficult to adjust. For
thin flat units, when access is available, consideration should be given to providing an intermediate connection
for lateral support and restraint of bowing. Blind connections, made by welding into joints between precast
concrete elements, are sometimes necessary to complete final enclosure.

DN-32 Connections for Architectural Precast Concrete Page 29

Allows alignment after in place

May require separate tiebacks for lateral forces
Access for bolting
may be difficult

Oversized holes with

plate washers and nuts

Soffit hanger connections (Fig. 59) can be made by

modifying many of the tieback connections previously
discussed. If long, flexible hanger elements are used, a
lateral brace may be provided for horizontal stability.
Special conditions (Fig. 60 to 65) are suggested to
help solve unique or difficult situations.

Threaded Rods

Precast Concrete Soffit Panel

Figure 59 Soffit hanger (SH1).

Oversize hole considerations

(a) Bolt subject to bending

(b) Loose plate under angle, welded after

adjustment eliminates bending in bolt

Figure 60 Special conditions (SC1).

Page 30 DN-32 Connections for Architectural Precast Concrete

Concrete Anchors
(a) National Coarse or coil thread loop insert

Special tiebacks

(a) Double pivots allow for extreme drift

(b) National Coarse or coil thread wing nut


(c) National Coarse or coil thread coupling nut

and bolt

(d) National Coarse or coil thread coupling nut,

plate, and studs

(e) Projecting National Coarse or coil bolt

(b) Sleeve eliminates possibility of binding

when oversize hole provides for drift

(f) Flush plate with studs or hand welded

bolt blanks

(g) Bearing lug and/or tension bar supplement

on flush plate with studs or hand-welded
bolt blanks

(c) Small diameter tieback rods desired for flexing

can be prevented from buckling in compression
with loose pipe sleeve

(h) Proprietary threaded embedment

Available with one- or two-way

Figure 62 Special conditions (SC3).

Figure 61 Special conditions (SC2).

DN-32 Connections for Architectural Precast Concrete Page 31

Special shear plates that allow lift-off for rocking

(a) Use in pairs. Allows

movement perpendicular
to panel

Figure 48 can be supplemented to become

a tieback
Lower panel with insert and bolt
must be aligned and welded prior
to placing upper panel
Limited bolt head weld length
could be mitigated by shop
welding a plate to it
Weldable bolt material must
be selected

(b) Use in pairs. Round

bars shop welded to
bearing bracket.

Figure 64 Special conditions (SC5).

Anchor load control shown at bearing bracket.
Upper bolts carry shear
Lower bolts carry tension

(c) Use in pairs. Round

bar shop welded to
bearing bracket.

Figure 63 Special conditions (SC4).

Figure 65 Special conditions (SC6).

Bearing wall to foundation connections (Fig. 66 to 70) and the direct bearing connections in Fig. 11 to 15
are primarily intended to transfer gravity loads to a panel below or to the foundation, although they usually
must also resist lateral loads. The connections should provide a means of leveling and aligning a panel and
be capable of accepting base shear in any direction.
Slab to bearing wall connections (Fig. 71 to 73) must transmit gravity loads from precast or cast-in-place
concrete floor or roof members to precast concrete bearing walls and laterally brace the bearing walls to the
deck. If the bearing walls also act as shear walls, diaphragm forces will also have to be transferred.
Corbels or ledges may be used to transfer vertical gravity loads. Blockouts in wall panels or spandrels as in
Fig. 71(e), 71(f ), and 72 decrease eccentricity, reducing bending in wall panels or torsion in spandrels. In the
case of a fine textured finish, there may be a light appearing area (the approximate size of the blockout) that
shows on face of panel due to differential drying. This may be quite noticeable, despite the uniformity of the

Page 32 DN-32 Connections for Architectural Precast Concrete

Can be designed for shear and uplift

Insert must be jigged plumb

Could develop moment resistance

by placing a connection on each
side of wall

Allows vertical adjustment without crane

Shim prior to drypack

Bolt head may be welded for tensile or shear capacity with

proper consideration of weldability of bolt head

Finish joint with drypack or sealant

Plate may be eliminated, but adjustment

becomes more difficult
May be inverted with insert below
2 Shim


Figure 67 Bearing wall to foundation (BWF2).

Has shear, uplift, and moment capacity
Plate may be eliminated, but adjustment
Location and alignment of dowels critical
Capacity can be increased with
confinement reinforcing
Dowels projecting from panel create
storing and shipping problems
Requires bracing until grouted
Grouting could be done after
alignment if injection tube used

Figure 66 Bearing wall to foundation (BWF1).

Can be designed for shear, uplift,
and nominal moment capacity
Requires bracing until welded

Slab on Grade

Figure 68 Bearing wall to foundation (BWF3).

Bar could be prestressed or mild steel
Substantial shear, uplift, and moment capacity
Tolerance for placement of bars
and sleeves critical
May require grout tubes
and vents
Preferably grout from bottom
to eliminate voids
Bracing required until
drypacked and grouted

Figure 69 Bearing wall to foundation (BWF4).


Could be inverted with sleeve

and injection tube in panel


Void in foundation at bar

essential for field alignment
2 Shim Stacks/Panel
Foundation void can be formed
with EPS (expanded polystyrene) or
foam pipe insulation

Figure 70 Bearing wall to foundation (BWF5).

DN-32 Connections for Architectural Precast Concrete Page 33

Welding at bottom of tee

or slab is NOT recommended
as excessive restraint results

Coil Insert and Field

Placed Rod

Load is eccentric
to wall panel

Pocket and tee end must be planned so slab can be

swung into place
CANNOT be used at both ends of slab
Consider volume change shortening of slab
Pocket may telegraph through and show on outside of wall

Top connection for

shear can provide
some torsional
restraint of spandrel


If slab at top of wall, as in (b), pockets could be

replaced with continuous dap


Corbel requires
special forming
Could replace
corbel with
inverted EB type

DO NOT drypack pocket so it restricts tee stem




(d) through (g)
could be used either
in topping or
hollow-core joints
Slotted Insert
Variation at joint
Reinforcement or
threaded insert


21/2 in.


Figure 72 Slab to bearing wall (SBW2).

DO NOT use at both ends of slab to prevent excessive restraint
Develops a rigid moment connection
Effect of moment, rotation, and volume
changes in wall and slab must be


Welding must be completed before

placing upper panel
Avoid overhead welding if possible
Could use wall corbel in lieu of
angle seat


Figure 73 Slab to bearing wall (SBW3).


Figure 71 Slab to bearing wall (SBW1).

Page 34 DN-32 Connections for Architectural Precast Concrete

Slab-to-side wall connections (Fig. 74) along the non-bearing sides of floor or roof slabs must laterally
brace the walls to the deck and may be required to transmit diaphragm forces. The connections should either
allow some vertical movement to accommodate camber and deflection changes in the floor components, or
be designed to resist forces induced by restraining the
Can be used to withstand uplift forces
vertical movement.
Wall-to-wall connections (Fig 75) are primarily intended to position and secure the walls, although
with proper design and construction, they are capable
of carrying lateral loads from shear walls or frame action as well. Two locations of wall-to-wall connections
are horizontal joints (usually in combination with floor
construction) and vertical joints. The most practical
connection is one that allows realistic tolerances and
ensures immediate transfer of load between panels.

Connection is hidden and protected

Connection is not developed until tensioning
is completed (bars are anchored)
Temporary bracing is required
Drypack, tensioning, grouting sequence may
limit erection to one story at a time
Grouting requires care to ensure complete filling

Fill Sleeve with Grout

Prior to Setting Bar
in Place
Shim and Grout

Lap Bar Grouted in Sleeve

Allows for slab deflection

Transfers horizontal forces
Use vertically slot and do not over tighten bolt in (a)


Proprietary or fabricated embedment vertically

slotted in (b)

Spiral Duct Sheathing

Threadbar Coupler

Threaded insert in panel


Shim & Drypack

Gasket at Sleeve
Grout Not Shown for Clarity
Spiral Duct Sheathing
Threadbar Coupler
Grout Tube w/nipple
Grout Tube Plug


Anchor Nut Pocket

Anchor Plate w/Vertical
Grout Vent Hole
Shim & Drypack
Grout Not Shown for Clarity

Figure 74 Slab to side wall (SSW1).

Figure 75 Wall to wall (WW1).

DN-32 Connections for Architectural Precast Concrete Page 35

About AIA Learning Units

Please visit www.pci.org/elearning to read the complete article, as well as to take the test to
qualify for 1.0 HSW Learning Unit.
The Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute (PCI) is a Registered Provider with both the American Institute of Architects (AIA) and
the National Council of Examiners for Engineers and Surveyors (NCEES). Continuing education credit is reported to both agencies.
All certificates of completion, for architects and for engineers, will be available from the Registered Continuing Education
Provider (RCEP) web site at www.rcep.net. PCI reports data twice per month so you should see your credits appear (and
your certificate will be ready) within 30 days of our receiving your completed quiz.
If you are new to the Registered Continuing Education Provider system, www.rcep.net will email you a welcome email
when PCI uploads your data. That email will contain your account password. Your login name at www.rcep.net will be your
email address, so you must include it when submitting your completed quiz.

Review the learning objectives below.
Read the AIA Learning Units article. Note: The complete article is avaliable at www.pci.org/elearning
Complete the online test. You will need to answer at least 80% of the questions correctly to receive the 1.0 HSW Learning
Units associated with this educational program.

Learning Objectives:
This article provides an overview of the design concepts for connections of architectural precast concrete enclosure systems. This includes the types of connections and hardware as well as design considerations, such as fireproofing. The article
also addresses who is typically responsibly to supply field hardware.
1. Describe the various connection hardware and materials used for precast concrete enclosures.
2. Explain the considerations necessary to design connections properly.
3. Explain who has responsibility for supply of field hardware to be placed on or in a structure.
4. Define the different categories of connections.
Questions: contact Education Dept. - Alex Morales, (312) 786-0300 Email [email protected]

Page 36 DN-32 Connections for Architectural Precast Concrete

1. Panel arrangement and locations of joints combined with the directions that the connection system allows
movement will influence.
a. Size of joints
b. Selection of sealant materials
c. Interfacing with other faade elements
d. All of the above
2. Final design and detailing of connections of the units to the structural are performed by Structural Engineer
of Record (SER).
a. True
b. False
3. The SER has the responsibility to design the supporting and bracing structure to resist the connection forces
generated in the precast concrete system.
a. True
b. False
4. Panels connection generally consist of four bearing connections and a minimum of four tieback connections.
a. True
b. False
5. Welding that must be executed prior to the release of the unit from hoisting equipment should be maximized.
a. True
b. False

DN-32 Connections for Architectural Precast Concrete Page 37

6. Connection hardware generally needs protection if exposed to weather or a corrosive environment.

a. True
b. False
7. Connections that can be weakened by fire, and thereby jeopardize the structures stability should be protected to the same degree as required for the member being erected.
a. True
b. False
8. Connections must satisfy the following design criteria.
a. Strength
b. Ductility
c. Volume change accommodation
d. Durability
e. Constructability and economy

b and c

g. All of the above

9. The preferred clearance from the back of panel to slab edge is:
a. 1 inch
b. inch
c. 2 inches
d. 2 inches
10. The responsibility for supplying field hardware to be placed on or in the structure to receive precast concrete
units depends on the type of structure and varies with local practice.
a. True
b. False

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