Class X Test Sa 1 All

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Max Marks: 30



1. Name the instrument used to measure electric current in a circuit.

2. The charge possessed by an electron is 1.6x10-19 coulombs. Find the number
of electrons that will flow per second to constitute a current of 1 ampere.
3. What are permanent magnets and electromagnets ? Give one use of each.
4. Explain the role of fuse in series with any electrical appliance in an electric
circuit ? Why should a fuse with defined rating for an electric circuit not be
replaced by one with a larger rating
5. Name the physical quantity which is (i) same (ii) different in all the bulbs when
three bulbs of [5]
(a) same wattage are connected in series
(b) same wattage are
connected in parallel
(c) different wattage are connected in series
(d) different wattage are
connected in parallel
6. Two devices of rating 44W; 220 V and 11W; 220 V are connected in series. The
combination is connected across a 440 V mains. The fuse of which of the two
devices is likely to burn when switch is on ? Justify your answer.
7. A coil made of insulated copper wire is connected to a galvanometer. What will
happen to the deflection of the galvanometer if this coil is moved towards a
stationary bar magnet and then moved away from it? Give reason for your
answer and name the phenomenon involved.
8. (a) Two circular coils A and B are placed closed to each other. If the current in
the coil A is changed, will some current be induced in coil B? Give reason.
(b) State the rule to determine the direction of a :
(i) magnetic field produced around a straight conductor carrying current.
(ii) force experienced by a current carrying straight conductor placed in a
magnetic field, which is perpendicular to it.
9. (a) A coil of insulated copper wire is connected to a galvanometer. What will
happen if a bar magnet is :
(i) pushed into the coil with its north pole entering first ?
(ii) withdrawn from inside the coil ?
(iii) held stationary inside the coil ?
(b) Name the above phenomenon and mention the name of the scientist who
discovered it. State the law that relates the direction of current in the coil with
the direction of motion of the magnet.

10. (a) With the help of a labelled diagram, explain the distribution of magnetic
field due to
a current through a circular loop.
(b) What is a solenoid ?
(c) Draw the pattern of magnetic field formed around a current carrying
solenoid. Compare this field to that of a bar magnet.
11. An electric heater draws a current of 10A when connected to a 200 V supply.
What current will the heater draw when it is connected to 220 V supply.
12. Insulation cover of which colour is conventionally used for earth wire ? Why is
an earth wire connected to metallic parts of appliances ?
13. A 9 OHM resistance is cut into three equal parts and connected in parallel.
Find the equivalent resistance of the combination.



Max Marks: 25

A. Very short answer questions: (1 mark each) (1x 6= 6marks)

1. A calcium compound which is yellowish white powder is used as a disinfectant and also
in textile industry. Name the compound. Which gas is released when this compound is left
exposed to air ?
2. Which element is common to all acids ?
3. What is common name of water soluble bases ?
4. Write the neutralization reaction between acids and bases in terms of the ions
5. Two solutions A and B have pH values 3.0 and 9.5 respectively. Which of these will turn
litmus solution from blue to red and which will turn phenolphthalein from colourless to
6. Name the raw material used for the production of caustic soda.
B. Short answer questions: (2 marks each) (2x5=10)
1. State the chemical property in each case on which the following uses of baking soda
are based:
a. as an antacid
b. as a constituent of baking powder

2. Take 5 ml of hydrochloric acid in boiling tube or a conical flask. Add few pieces of zinc
granules to it.
a. What do you observe on the surface of zinc granules?
b. Name the gas evolved.
c. What happens when the above gas is passed through soap solution ?
d. What happens when a burning candle is brought near the gas filled bubble ?
3. A housewife found that the cake prepared by her is hard and small in size. Which
ingradient has she forgotten to add that would have made the cake fluffy. Give reason.
4. Crystals of a substance changed their colour on heating in a closed vessel but
regained it after sometime when allowed to cool down. Name one such substance.
Explain the phenomenon involved.
5. How is plaster of paris prepared ? Write the equation of the reaction involved.
C. Short answer questions: (3 marks each)(3x 3= 9)
1. A compound X of sodium forms a white powder. It is a constituent of baking powder
and is used in some antacid prescriptions. When heated, X gives out a gas and steam.
The gas forms a white precipitate with lime water. Write the chemical formula and name
of X and the chemical equation for its decomposition on heating. What is its role in
baking powder and in antacids.
2. What is the role of pH in our daily life ?
3. What happens when:
(a) solid sodium hydrogen carbonate is heated
(b) chlorine gas is passed through dry slaked lime
(C) gypsum is heated to a temperature of 373 K.

Chapter 3. Metal and Non-metals

SCIENCE Class-10 Chapter 3. Metal and Non-metals
Q.1 Write an activity to show that ionic compounds are good conductors of electric current in
their aqueous solution.
Q.2. Why is aluminum extracted from alumina by electrolytic reduction and not by reducing
with carbon?
Q.3 Define the terms:(i) Mineral (ii) Ore and (iii) Gangue
Q.4. Explain how the following metals are obtained from their compounds by the reaction
(i) Metal X , which is low in reactivity series.
(ii) Metal Y, which is middle in reactivity series.
(iii) Metal Z which is high up in the reactivity series.
Q.5 Give reasons:
(i) The surface of some metals acquires a dull appearance when exposed to air for a long
(ii) A salt which does not conduct electricity in the solid state becomes a good conductor in
molten state
Q,6 What would you observe when zinc is added to a solution of iron (II) sulphate? Write
thechemical reaction that takes places.
Q.7.You must have seen tarnished copper vessels being cleaned with lemon or tamarind
juice. Explain why these sour substances are effective in cleaning the vessels.
Q.8. Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction of the following metals with water:
(i) Ca (ii) Zn (iii) Fe
Q.9. What will happen if a :
(i) Strip of zinc is immersed in a solution of copper sulphate.

(ii) Strip of copper is kept immersed in a solution of silver nitrate

Q.10. Explain why: (i) Conc. HNO3 can be stored in aluminium container.
(ii) Aluminium is used for making transmission wires.
(iii) 24 carat gold can not be used for making ornaments.
(iv) Aluminium is used for making cooking utensils.
(v) Metals generally do not form compounds with hydrogen.
Q.11. An element X on reacting with O2 forms X2O.This Oxide dissolves in water and turns
blue litmus paper red. Predict the nature of element whether it is a metal or a non metal.
Q.12 An element E combines with O2 to form an oxide E2O, which is a good conductor of
electricity. Answer the following:
i) How many electrons will be present in the outer most shell of E?
ii) Write the formula of the compound formed when it combines with Chlorine.
Q.13 Name one electrovalent compounds in each case in which ;
(i)One atom combines with one other atom
(ii)One atom combines with two other atoms
(iii)One atom combines with three other atoms
Q.14 Why is ZnO called an amphoteric oxide? Give the support to your answer.
Q.15 Answer :
a. Write the electron dot structure for oxygen and magnesium.
b. Show the formation of Na2O and CaO by the transfer of electrons.
Q.16 Give equation for the following
(a) Iron is heated with steam.
(b) Magnesium reacts with water.
(c) iron reacts with dil.HCl
Q.17 A trivalent metal X is manufactured by the process of electrolysis, It is the most
abundant metal in the earths crust. Identify the metal and state its two uses.
Q.18 Which gas is always produced when a metal reacts with a dilute Write chemical
reaction when iron reacts with dil. H2SO4.
Q.19. What is the activity series of metals? Rearrange the following metals in an increasing
order of reactivity: Aluminum, Zinc, Mercury.
Q.20 What is meant by the term enrichment of ore ? name four Methods generallyused for
enrichment of ores.



Max Marks: 55
A. Very short answer questions: (1 mark each) (1x 14= 14 marks)
1. What are reactants ?
2. What are products ?
3. What is the term used for symbolic representation of a chemical reaction ?
4. What does the + sign between the reactants indicate ?
5. How is the salt solution in water indicated in a chemical reaction /
6. Aluminium burns in chlorine to form aluminum chloride. Write a balanced equation for
this reaction ?
7. Balance the following equation and add the state symbols :
Zn(s) + 2HCl(aq) ZnCl2 + H2
8. Name the following reaction.
9. Aluminium metal displaces iron from ferric oxide (Fe 2O2) giving aluminium oxide and iron.
Which is more reactive, aluminium or iron ?

10. Identify from the following reaction : H2S + Cl2 2HCl + S

a. Component oxidized
b. Oxidizing agent
11. Give one example of a redox reaction which is also a combination reaction.
12. Which atom is reduced on burning an element in air.
13. When SO2 gas is passed through saturated solution of H2S, the following reaction
SO2 + 2H2S 2 H2O + 3S
In this reaction, which substance is oxidized and which one is reduced.
14. In the following reaction between lead sulphide and hydrogen peroxide
PbS(s) + 4H2O(aq) PbSO4(s) + 4H2O(l)
a. Which substance is reduced ?
b. Which substance is oxidized ?
B. Short answer questions: (2 marks each) (2x4=8)
1. Write a chemical equation for each of the following reactions :
a. Zinc metal reacts with aqueous solution of hydrochloric acid to form zinc chloride
solution and hydrogen gas.
b. When solid mercury (II) oxide is heated, liquid mercury and oxygen gas are produced.
2. H2 + O H2O is a balanced chemical equation. It is considered to be incorrect. Why? 3.
Write balance chemical equations to represent the following statements :
a. Carbon (coke) burns in air to form carbon dioxide gas.
b. A piece of sodium metal on putting in water forms caustic soda and hydrogen gas.
3. Write the balanced chemical equations for the following chemical reactions :
a. Aqueous solutions of sulphuric acid and sodium hydroxide react to form aqueous sodium
sulphate and water.
b. Phosphorus burns in chlorine gas to form phosphorus penta chloride.
4. Magnesium is more reactive than copper or iron but iron is more reactive than copper.
a. A solution of magnesium sulphate is put into a copper pot.
b. A solution of copper sulphate is put into a iron pot.
c. A solution of magnesium sulphate is put into a iron pot.
Which of the above pots will get damaged? Why? What is this reaction called?
C. Short answer questions: (3 marks each)(3x 4= 12)
1. What are the three essentials of a chemical equation ?
2. Explain the term reduction with examples.
3.A colourless lead salt, when heated, produces a yellow residue and brown fumes.
a. Name the lead salt.
b. Name the brown fumes.
c. Write a chemical equation of the reaction involved.
4. When a green iron salt is heated strongly, its colour finally changes to black and colour of
burning sulphur is given out.
a. Name the iron salt.
b. Name the type of reaction that takes place during the heating of iron salt.
c. Write a chemical equation for the reaction involved.
D. Balance the following skeleton equation by hit and trial method : (2x6=12)
a. C2H4 + O2 CO2 +H2O
b. C2H2 + O2 CO2 +H2O
c. CH4 + O2 CO2 +H2O
d. Al2(SO4)3 + NaOH Al(OH)3 + Na2SO4
e. Cu2S + O2 Cu2O +S2O
f. AlN + H2O Al(OH)3 + NH3
E Define: (1x9=9)
1. Rancidity

2. Combination reactions 3. Decomposition reactions 4. Double

displacement reaction 5. Displacement reaction 6. Redox reaction

Oxidising agent 9. Reducing agent

7. Corrosion 8.

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