Class X Test Sa 1 All
Class X Test Sa 1 All
Class X Test Sa 1 All
Max Marks: 30
10. (a) With the help of a labelled diagram, explain the distribution of magnetic
field due to
a current through a circular loop.
(b) What is a solenoid ?
(c) Draw the pattern of magnetic field formed around a current carrying
solenoid. Compare this field to that of a bar magnet.
11. An electric heater draws a current of 10A when connected to a 200 V supply.
What current will the heater draw when it is connected to 220 V supply.
12. Insulation cover of which colour is conventionally used for earth wire ? Why is
an earth wire connected to metallic parts of appliances ?
13. A 9 OHM resistance is cut into three equal parts and connected in parallel.
Find the equivalent resistance of the combination.
Max Marks: 25
2. Take 5 ml of hydrochloric acid in boiling tube or a conical flask. Add few pieces of zinc
granules to it.
a. What do you observe on the surface of zinc granules?
b. Name the gas evolved.
c. What happens when the above gas is passed through soap solution ?
d. What happens when a burning candle is brought near the gas filled bubble ?
3. A housewife found that the cake prepared by her is hard and small in size. Which
ingradient has she forgotten to add that would have made the cake fluffy. Give reason.
4. Crystals of a substance changed their colour on heating in a closed vessel but
regained it after sometime when allowed to cool down. Name one such substance.
Explain the phenomenon involved.
5. How is plaster of paris prepared ? Write the equation of the reaction involved.
C. Short answer questions: (3 marks each)(3x 3= 9)
1. A compound X of sodium forms a white powder. It is a constituent of baking powder
and is used in some antacid prescriptions. When heated, X gives out a gas and steam.
The gas forms a white precipitate with lime water. Write the chemical formula and name
of X and the chemical equation for its decomposition on heating. What is its role in
baking powder and in antacids.
2. What is the role of pH in our daily life ?
3. What happens when:
(a) solid sodium hydrogen carbonate is heated
(b) chlorine gas is passed through dry slaked lime
(C) gypsum is heated to a temperature of 373 K.
Max Marks: 55
A. Very short answer questions: (1 mark each) (1x 14= 14 marks)
1. What are reactants ?
2. What are products ?
3. What is the term used for symbolic representation of a chemical reaction ?
4. What does the + sign between the reactants indicate ?
5. How is the salt solution in water indicated in a chemical reaction /
6. Aluminium burns in chlorine to form aluminum chloride. Write a balanced equation for
this reaction ?
7. Balance the following equation and add the state symbols :
Zn(s) + 2HCl(aq) ZnCl2 + H2
8. Name the following reaction.
9. Aluminium metal displaces iron from ferric oxide (Fe 2O2) giving aluminium oxide and iron.
Which is more reactive, aluminium or iron ?
7. Corrosion 8.