Pre-Class, Case Based, Assignment,: Group No. - 7, Sec-A, Case: GE CASE

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Pre-class, case based, assignment, Group no.

7, Sec-A, Case: GE CASE

Nikhil Thapar (WMP08024), Ashraf Jamal (WMP10061), Kush Malik (WMP10072), Mahesh M (WMP10073), Sandeep Sinha (WMP10084)

Following were the issues and the changes that led to as per the 7-S elements under the leadership of Jack Welch throughout his tenure
--------Jack Welch introduced the New structure by cutting the groups and sectors which basically eliminated communications filters in the
organization. It enabled direct communication between the CEO and the leaders of the 14 businesses. Biggest benefit of this was that they
were able to take quick decisions.
Jack Welch also started a Corporate Executive Council, the CEC. which was run for two days every quarter, where all the leaders of the 14
businesses and the top staff people meet, as part of this meet - new ideas and information were shared in a candid and open environment, and
also discussed programs that have failed. The CEC creates a sense of trust, a sense of personal familiarity and mutual obligation at the top of
the company. CEC was considered as a piece of organizational technology that is very important for our future success.
Jack Welch also realigned the hierarchy structure of the organisation, the new one was like this:
CEO > Corporate Staff > Businesses > Departments

System & Style

----Welch restructured the management style in GE where earlier the organisation use to go from CEO to sectors to group or business which was
changed to CEO to business.
He reduced the hierarchy levels from nine to somewhere about four, to ensure that all business directly reported to him
Under Jack Welch management number of systems and management innovations were implemented some of them were as follows:
1. Work out
2. Best practices
3. Go global
4. Develop leaders
5. Boundary less behaviour
6. Notion of stretch
7. Six sigma

Staffing and Skills

---------------Welch was focused towards making GE a more lean and an agile organization for which instead on hiring more, Jack Welch focused upon
destaffing and downsizing, through which GE eliminated 59290 salaries and 64160 hourly positions in the organisation, further divestiture
eliminated and additional 122700 hours.
Welch also focused upon realigning the skill sets and more importantly the mindset of its employees.
Continuous feedback and a strong review system for appraisal, development and succession planning - Managers throughout
the organisation used these reviews and discussion for improving their skill sets and further coaching and developing their staff.

-------Welch strategy was all about performance and efficiency. Restructuring the entire organisation was a major part of it, where Jack welch ended
all the bureaucratic processes and bought in a culture of openness, confidence, leadership and creative thinking at every level of the

Shared Values
------------Focus, consistency and follow-up was the mantra that Jack Welch followed. His invariable focus on changing when necessary, openness to new
ideas, customer service, quality, simplicity, the empowerment of managers and employees, and the quest for competitive advantage were the
values that he imbibed throughout the organisation

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