In The Case Study Exams: Writing An Email

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Writing an email

in the Case Study exams

The Operational, Management and Strategic case study exams are all set in a simulated
business context. The aim of these exams is to put you in a real life business situation
and to get you to perform tasks which a management accountant could be expected to
complete in the workplace.

Chartered Institute of
Management Accountants

Chartered Institute of
Management Accountants

Chartered Institute of
Management Accountants

Email is now a very common form of written communication in the business world it is quick,
cost effective and efficient. You may be asked to write an email during your case study exam so
you should be prepared to do so.
Below is some guidance on how to write a business email in the exam:

Be professional

main body of the email

Emails can be seen as being less formal than letters, but in a

business context it is still important to be professional and not
too casual.

If you have a lot of information to write in the email then it is a good

idea to use sub-headings throughout the email to break it into easily
readable chunks.

Pay as much attention to grammar, spelling and punctuation as you

would in any other correspondence. Try to keep your sentences short and
clear and be concise when making a point.

Consider the person who will receive the email if they do not have a
finance or accounting background (perhaps, for example, a colleague who
works in Human Resources or Marketing) they may not understand all
of the accounting terms that you are familiar with so you may need to
explain these briefly and clearly.

Dont use all capitals (IT LOOKS LIKE YOU ARE SHOUTING!) and avoid
any text speak so no LOLs plz (no laughing out loud please!).

Starting the email

Think about who you are sending the email to.
If it is to a colleague in your company at a similar level to you it would
be appropriate to use the first name only for example, Dear Mark.
If the recipient of the email is your Director, or a client, you should be
more formal and write, for example, Dear Mr Harris.
If you are contacting a company and you do not have an individuals
name you could use To Whom It May Concern or Dear Sir/Madam

OPENING TEXT Why are you writing the email?

Think about the purpose of the email and briefly state why you are
writing the email.
Here are some examples:
Thank you for your email of 25 February regarding the costing
schedule, below are my responses to your requests for information.
I am emailing you in reference to our meeting on 4 January when we
discussed the budget, below are my responses to the issues raised.
Once you have stated your reason for writing your email you can move
onto the main text of the email and carry out the required task.

Ending the email

Think of an appropriate way to end the email.
If you have responded to an email and given the recipient some
requested information you could write If you have any questions
please do contact me or Please let me know if you need any further
If you have asked the recipient for some information you could put I look
forward to hearing from you.
There are a number of ways that you can sign off an email using Kind
regards, Best regards or Yours sincerely are all acceptable examples.
Put your name at the end of the email and if you wish to you could also
include your position in the company and company name (remember
this will be the fictitious company name in the exam not your real
company name!).

And finally
Read through your completed email now is the time to edit or
add anything.

Need more guidance?

Have a look at our case study practice exams and answers for some examples of email communication
go to and find out how to access them.
Read our guide on Taking your first case study exam go to
(you will need to log into CIMAconnect to download it)
Download our Study and exam guides for the Operational, Management and Strategic case study exams.
Find the guide that is relevant to your level go to and search for
case study, Study and Exam Guides.
Have a look at our guide on How to write a report in the case study exam (Link to be updated)

Chartered Institute of
Management Accountants
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United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0) 20 8849 2251
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