Satellite Communication

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Direct Broadcast Satellite


A typical DBS
The idea of using
satellites to provide
direct transmissions
into the home
Broadcast services
include audio,
television, and
Internet services.
Direct broadcast
television, which is
called digital TV.
The home receiver
consists of two units
an outdoor unit and
an indoor unit.

The Home Receiver Outdoor

Unit (ODU)
Commercial brochures refer to
the complete receiver as an
Figure shows the block
schematic for the ODU.

The Home Receiver Outdoor

Unit (ODU)
The downlink signal, covering the frequency range
12.2GHz to 12.7GHz, is focused by the antenna into
the receive horn.
The horn feeds into a polarizer that can be switched to
pass either left-hand circular or right-hand circular
polarized signals.
The low-noise block that follows the polarizer contains
a low-noise amplifier (LNA) and a down converter.
The down converter converts the 12.2GHz to 12.7GHz
band to 950MHz to 1450MHz,
a frequency range better suited to transmission through the
connecting cable to the indoor unit.

The antenna usually works with an offset feed and a

typical antenna structure is shown in the first figure.

The Home Receiver Outdoor

Unit (ODU)
It is important that the antenna have an unobstructed
view of the satellite cluster to which it is aligned.
The size of the antenna is around 46 cm in diameter.
A small antenna is desirable for a number of reasons.
Less intrusive visually
Less subject to wind loading.

In manufacture, it is easier to control surface

irregularities, which can cause a reduction in gain by
scattering the signal energy.
The reduction can be expressed as a function of the root
mean square (rms) deviation of the surface, referred to an
ideal parabolic surface.

The Home Receiver Outdoor

Unit (ODU)
The reduction in gain is given by
= 8.8/
where is the rms tolerance in the same units as
the wavelength, .

For example, at 12 GHz (wavelength 2.5 cm)

and for an rms tolerance of 1 mm, the gain is
reduced by a factor
= (8.8)(0.1)/2.5 = 0.7
This is a reduction of about 1.5 dB.

The Home Receiver Outdoor

Unit (ODU)
The isotropic power gain of the antenna is
proportional to (D/)2,
where D is the diameter of the antenna.

Hence, increasing the diameter will increase the

Many equipment manufacturers provide signalstrength contours showing the size of antenna that is
best for a given region.

Apart from the limitations to size stated earlier, it

should be noted that at any given DBS location
there are clusters of satellites.
The beam width of the antenna must be wide enough
to receive from all satellites in the cluster.

The Home Receiver Outdoor

Unit (ODU)
The 3dB beam width is given as
approximately 70/D.
A 60cm dish at 12GHz would have a 3dB
beam width of
Approximately 70 x 2.5/60 = 2.9, which is
adequate for the cluster.

The Home Receiver Indoor

Unit (IDU)
The transponder frequency bands are down
converted to be in the range 950MHz to
1450MHz, but of course, each transponder
retains its 24-MHz bandwidth.
The block schematic for the IDU is shown in

The Home Receiver Indoor

Unit (IDU)
The IDU must be able to receive any of the 32
transponders, although only 16 of these will be
available for a single polarization.
The tuner selects the desired transponder.

The carrier at the center frequency of the

transponder is QPSK modulated by the bit
stream, which itself may consist of four to eight
TV programs in TDM.
Following the tuner, the carrier is demodulated, the
QPSK modulation being converted to a bit stream.

Error correction is carried out in the decoder

block labeled FEC1.

The Home Receiver Indoor

Unit (IDU)
The demultiplexer following the FEC1 block
separates the individual programs, which are
then stored in buffer memories for further
This further processing would include
conditional access,
viewing history of pay-per-view (PPV) usage, and
connection through a modem to the service

The Home Receiver Indoor

Unit (IDU)
The main factor governing performance of a DBS
system will be the [Eb/N0] of the downlink.
Ground stations that provide the uplink signals to the
satellites in a DBS system are highly complex systems,
utilizing a wide range of receiving, recording, encoding,
and transmission equipment.
Signals will originate from many sources.
Some will be analog TV received from satellite broadcasts.
Others will originate in a studio, others from video cassette
recordings, and some will be brought in on cable or optical
Data signals and audio broadcast material also may be

The Home Receiver Indoor

Unit (IDU)
All these must be converted to a uniform
digital format, compressed, and time division
Necessary service additions which must be part
of the multiplexed stream are the program guide
and conditional access.

FEC is added to the bit stream, which is then

used to QPSK modulate the carrier for a
given transponder.
The whole process is duplicated for each
transponder carrier.

The Home Receiver Indoor

Unit (IDU)
Because of the highly compressed nature of the DBS
There is little redundancy in the information being
transmitted, and
Bit errors affect the signal much more severely than they
would in a non compressed bit stream.
As a result, FEC is a must.

Concatenated coding is used.

The outer code is a Reed-Solomon code that corrects for
block errors, and
The inner code is a convolution code that corrects for
random errors.
The inner decoder utilizes the Viterbi decoding algorithm.

These FEC bits, add overhead to the bit stream.

The Home Receiver Indoor

Unit (IDU)
Typically, for a 240W transponder, the bit
capacity of 40 Mb/s may have a payload of
30Mb/s and coding overheads of 10Mb/s.
The lower-power 120W transponders require
higher coding overheads to make up for the
reduction in power and have a payload of
23Mb/s and coding overheads of 17Mb/s.
The overall code rates are given as 0.5896 for
the 120W transponder and 0.758 for the 240W

The Home Receiver Indoor

Unit (IDU)
The use of turbo codes, and LDPC codes
currently being introduced for high definition TV
will provide a much greater increase in
transponder capacity.
The Digital Video Broadcast S2 standard (DVB-S2)
employs LDPC as the inner code in its FEC
DVB-RCS plans to use turbo codes.

With FEC there is a very rapid transition in BER

for values of [Eb/N0] between 5.5 and 6 dB
For [Eb/N0] values greater than 6 dB, the BER is
negligible, and
For values less than 5.5 dB, the BER is high enough to
render the system useless.

Timothy Pratt, and Charles Bostian, Satellite
Communications, Wiley Publications
Dennis Roddy, Satellite Communications,
Tata Mcgraw Hill Publications

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